#as five globo
olettebobow · 1 month
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sugarlywhispers · 11 months
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Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader (fem) x Midoriya Izuku. 
WARNINGS: TRIO RELATIONSHIP, adult sexual content, angst and fluff, penetrative sex, oral sex, unprotected sex (USE GLOBOS, GUYS, preferably, pink ones lol😉), yandere themes –toxic/possessive behavior, mention of blood and violence, swearing lots of it thanks to bakugou lol
Summary: After several disasters that happened around the country, the government had no other choice but to enact a new law that would mostly shock every single person, including heroes. 
"Please, please…Order in the room! I know," he says to someone that it's asking something but it's mostly impossible to actually understand for viewers like you who are not–were not present at the conference. "But, please, believe me when I say we have exhausted every possibility there is for this. This law was our very last resource." 
By the tired tone in this man's voice and expression, you believe him. And you hate that you do, because that means you have no other choice. No one does.
A/N: lol this is a monster chapter, 5+k, you have been warned ✌🏼🙈 enjoy🤍
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Chapter Two: Donde comen dos, comen tres.
This is it, you thought, taking a deep breath before your hand grabs the doorknob. This was the door of a new beginning, a new life that even though it was not of your choosing, you'll have to live and make it work. Behind those doors were the person you would have to share a life with, or at least try to, considering you were about to create a new little being together.
That thought made you smile. You really haven't considered being a mom, but you haven't disregarded the thought either.
You finally open the door, but what greets you behind is a scenery you were not expecting nor prepared for.
Mr. Takashi, the governor representative the letter said was in charge of your contracts, was standing behind a desk, where in front of it three chairs were positioned one next to the other and two of them were already occupied. The two men sitting turn around when you open the door, and you never hated being the center of attention more in your life.
You take a step back to look again at the number in the door; 705. The same number the letter said you were expected on that day.
"Did-... Sorry, did I get the right room?" You ask, still perplexed by how many people are in this little room.
"Yes. Yes, you did, Miss Y/L/N." 
The cogs start to whirl in your head and it doesn't take a minute for you to understand what this means.
The two of them. These two men are going to marry you.
You gulp as you walk towards the unused chair and sit there stiffly and dropping your bag next to you on the floor, hands holding each other strongly over your lap almost to the point where your fingers turn white thanks to the strength. The silence is piercing and so tense it can definitely be cut with a knife.
You take another deep breath and look up, Mr. Takashi is smiling at you with a smile that only makes a cold chill run down your back, so you look elsewhere. That elsewhere turns out to be the other two people present and sitting at your right.
The man sitting next to you has greenish hair; actually it looks more like black with green highlights. Because of the distance, you can also see the many freckles over his nose and high cheekbones. His face suddenly looks kind of familiar. A Hero maybe? You weren't that into them to know, but Tora would probably know for sure. He slightly smiles at you and nods in greeting. You nod too, realizing how disgustingly cute this man is.
The man sitting next to this disgustingly cute human being is blond, his arms are crossed over his chest and he looks at you like you're an annoying gum stuck under his feet. That surprises you a bit, but when your eyes find his vermillion ones you can clearly see how unease he is with all of this, so you decide not to take it personal.
The both of them are big; buffy, strong men that clearly hit the gym at least five days a week, if not more. You hope they are not the superficial type.
You hear as Mr. Takashi moves papers and more papers, like looking for something as silence reigns in that room. Now it's not completely uncomfortable, but it makes you a bit nervous, so you distract yourself looking back at the green haired guy next to you.
He looks skittish and ready to jump out of his seat at any moment as he smiles timidly at you. But it doesn't look like he wanted to get away from you or even approach you, he simply looked ready. For what? You don't know. But he was ready to even fly if he could. Could he though?
That would be awesome!, you thought excited. Not that you particularly care about what types of Quirks these men have, but having one that is mostly useless makes you admire every single one, no matter how simple or boring they could be considered.
"Miss Y/L/N, may I introduce you to your future spouses," Mr. Takashi says as he signals with his hands at each man as he says their names, "Mr. Bakugou Katsuki," the blond only slightly bows and hufs in your direction, his angry expression still on his face, which amuses you a bit, "and Mr. Midoriya Izuku," the greenette guy also bows, before closing his eyes and smiling big at you, perfect and white teeth only making him even cuter.
Mr. Takashi then looks at them and says, "Gentlemen, may I introduce your future spouse, Miss Y/L/N Y/N."
You bow two times in each of their directions.
"Each of your test results show a high compatibility between you three, so we are glad to announce the exception of the Rule in this Paring."
Yep, I had to be the lucky one, you think sardonically looking down at your hands.
"Now, I will proceed to read again the law and what it entails and then I'll leave you three to get to know each other," the cheerful tone in Mr. Takashi's voice makes you want to vomit.
"We are signing the contract today?" The green haired guy asks, his right leg beginning to move rapidly up and down.
"No, Mr. Midoriya. Today is only the introduction, so you get to know each other and-..."
"How thoughtful of you."
You don't take into consideration that in a room as small as that one, your murmur wouldn't get as indiscret as you thought. So when you look up, Mr. Takashi is looking at you over his small glasses, and the way he feels annoyed by you is palpable through his eyes. Yet he smiles, fakingly fondly. You should have felt intimidated by him, right now he has the power to make your life as miserable as probably his own is. However, the amused snort that comes from the blond at your right gives you a bit of reassurance that you're not the only one thinking it.
Mr. Takashi lets it slide as he begins with the clearly bad acted courtesy while reading the law again. You don't pay attention, it's clearly a protocol action of repeating the law like a trained parrot. When he finishes, he explains the next step, "Now, I'll prepare your contracts for each of you to sign. Any more idems you want to add?"
That immediately makes you sit straight as you look at the old man in front of you, "Idems? Nobody said we could add anything."
He sighs and looks at you like you're an annoying child. You frown, already the anger rising. This man was really toying with your patience. "This is a special case, Ms. Y/L/N."
"Special? Why? If they get to add idems into this stupid thing then I get to do it too." You cross your arms like a petulant child.
If he was going to treat you like a child, then you might as well act like one.
"Ms. Y/L/N…"
"No. It's already not fair that your misogynistic asses get to pair women to men as they are just reproductive systems just because you failed as a government, and now men get special treatment again-..."
He interrupts you mid sentence, "Miss Y/L/N! I don't think you understand the situation we are in right now." The stress he puts over his last two words makes you frown, to which he sighs. "These men are heroes. You do not recognize them?"
You look at them, still frowning, "No?" 
The two men look at you actually perplexed, and they look at each other to see if they are feeling the same.
"Y/N, these are the heroes Deku and Dynamight." The old man introduces them again, saying their names as they are sitting next to you.
Of course you recognize these names. Thanks to the kids at school but more specifically thanks to your friends, underline stressfully the names Tora and Kira, you–oh. OH. You open your eyes wide. These are the actual heroes, the men that fight against villains and everybody loves and they appear on the TV that you turn off whenever a Hero is on and the ones your friends thirst over whenever they can.
Fucking ooohh.
You avoid looking at them. All you can think about is your friends and their suggestive commentary about how big Dynamight's biceps are and how Tora would love to lick every drop of sweat from them, or how Kira would let Deku smash her ass to Detroit.
You feel your cheeks hot as you look everywhere but them. Because now, in your head, the imagery isn't your friends anymore, but you.
You clear your throat in a failed attempt to gather yourself together. "S-sorry, I don't watch much TV." That's all the apology you offer them. "My point still stands that it's not fair-..."
Mr. Takashi doesn't even pretend to hear you out, he bluntly ignores you as he says, "Well, I'm going to go now. Have a good day you three. I expect you on the first of November to sign your contracts." With that he stands and walks out of the room, leaving you alone with the two most famous Pro Heroes of your generation.
You feel outraged by everything. By this stupid governor in charge of your contracts; by his stupid machism that he clearly didn't intend to hide; by having not one, but two Pro Heroes as future husbands.
The greenette guy, famously known as Pro Hero Deku, civilian name Midoriya Izuku, hmms as he turns a bit in your direction. He looks a bit nervous as he scratches the back of his neck and looks apologetically in your eyes.
"If it helps, the only thing that they let us add is a Confidentiality point." He smiles timidly, and you can see he's trying to cheer you up.
You frown though.
"It doesn't help, Deku." The blond says, crossing his arms again over his chest.
"Confidentiality? What do you think I am going to do? Post pictures on Twiber of either of you in your underwear?" You're angry, and you know it's not fair that you take it on them, but the whole situation it's frustrating.
"It could surprise you how many would even sell our used underwear." 
You look at Pro Hero Dynamight directly in the eyes as he speaks. The thought of it is preposterous, yet the seriousness in his face tells you he's not joking. 
And then Tora and Kira invade your mind. Yep, they would probably buy those.
You make a face as you relax on your chair looking forward, "That's disgusting."
Midoriya Izuku exhales a timid laugh through his nose. "It is." You look back at him and he's smiling at you again. "I'm sorry about it, but we needed to add the idem."
In a certain way, you get it. You understand the need to keep their lives private, considering how famous they actually are. They didn't know who they were going to end up paired with, just like you didn't either. They don't know you, and you really can't blame them for taking care of their own selves. You could have been one of those crazy ass fans that followed them everywhere and purposely put themselves in danger just to get their attention. 
You suddenly feel thankful that your friends, even though they were a bit obsessed over Heroes, to them it was just the fanaticism and dream desires. You knew they weren't that obsessed or crazy to the point of putting themselves purposely in danger just to get a 'hello' from them.
You sigh. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-... I'm not angry with you."
"Oh, no, it's okay–" the green haired guy says, but the blond suddenly interrupts.
"You're not the only one angry with this law." Bakugou says matter of factly; you don't know him, but you would bet he was trying to make you feel better, in his own way.
Midoriya nods in agreement.
You look at them. Really look at them. Damn, they are truly handsome. Now that you pay attention, they both have scars on their faces, some more visible than others. Bakugou has one in particular that starts from somewhere under his chin and goes up from the right side of his cheek to almost under his eye. Shit, that must have hurt. Midoriya has small ones around his face. However, none of their scars make them look bad or ugly, on the contrary. It adds to their strong, powerful semblance. Both of them radiate a strong confidence, a secure aura that makes you feel so safe. It's strange, new. A feeling you weren't used to. 
A feeling it died the day they died.
You look elsewhere; both their stares make you feel overwhelmed. They are evaluating you probably the same way you are.
You suddenly gather the entire situation in you. Two men are your Pairings. Two men who are real Pro Heroes. Pro Heroes Deku and Dynamight, to be more specific. The two Pro Heroes that hold the entire country, if not the world, on their backs. The two Pro Heroes every woman in this society could only dream for. The two Pro Heroes you were one hundred percent safer with, making you mostly untouchable to any civilian or villain alive. And they are, from this day onwards, the future fathers of your children. Two Pro Heroes are going to be your husbands.
In another circumstance, you would have refrained yourself from reacting in any way, but you can not contain the laugh that possesses your being. It's loud, and so funny. This whole situation is.
You, probably the only woman in this world who does not want anything to do with Heroes, are going to marry not one but two Pro Heroes. The most famous ones of all of them.
It's absurdly funny. So you laugh, under their perplexed expression.
"What's so fuckin' funny?" Bakugou asks, scowl on his face that only makes you laugh harder.
Midoriya looks everywhere but you, trying to avoid laughing alongside you. Probably not because of the same reasons, but you're glad he finds your laugh funny and contagious. That only infuriates Bakugou even more.
"S-sorry…" You say once you're calmed enough. "Umm, I never, in a million years, thought I would end up with two Pro Heroes as husbands," you offer as an explanation.
Bakugou tenses, holding his crossed arms over his chest tighter. "Got a problem with it?" Asks defensively, but also curious. Midoriya definitely looks curious at you, waiting for your answer.
You snort, "About you both being Heroes? No, not at all. It's just… I'm simply not interested in the whole Hero thing."
Bakugou raises a brow, "You do know the society you live in today has a bunch of them, right?" He feigns the worried tone he uses, you know he's just mocking you. Midoriya elbows him in reprimand. 
"I know," you simply answer before sticking out your tongue at him. Bakugou smiles to the side, a bit surprised by your action.
You stand up, ready to leave this odious room as soon as possible. A light sound that only you are able to hear from your stomach reminds you haven't eaten anything since the quick and small lunch you had early that day during the school break. Maybe it would be a good idea to invite them to have dinner with you; but before you get the chance to say anything, Midoriya stands next to you and faces you a bit abruptly. He reminds you of an eager puppy, ready to be as close to its master as physically possible and ready to do whatever its master asks of it. It's kind of cute, but it still takes you by surprise.
"Would you like to have dinner with us? Our favorite restaurant it's just a few blocks away and they serve the most delicious ramen and katsudon–oh, Kacchan can cook too, his katsudon it's even better, but we could have that another day and‐…"
You watch amused Midoriya's word-vomit as you lean back a bit from him. It doesn't bother you, his proximity, but you are realizing how big he actually is now that he's standing. He didn't look like it while sitting next to you a few seconds ago, and especially next to Bakugou. But damn, he is big. Wide shoulders that probably hide the entirety of your body, strong arms that suddenly remind you hold the entire force that protects this country in one smooth punch.
Number one Pro Hero Deku looks exactly like what a number one Pro Hero would look like in anyone's mind.
Bakugou stands up then and sighs, putting one hand on Midoriya's shoulder and pulling him back, away from you.
Holy. Shit.
Bakugou is even bigger than Midoriya. Freaking big arms and body that is enlightening a size kink you didn't know you had until now, with these two gods standing right in front of you as prove to your eyes that men like this freaking exist.
"Who fucking said I'm gonna cook for you two, nerd?"
The scowl on his face and his vermilion eyes looking from Midoriya to you suddenly feels like a slap of realization. You gasp loudly, which makes them look in surprise at you. 
"You are the asshole from the hospital!" Your finger pointing at Bakugou only makes him frown in confusion, but then he pulls his eyebrows up in recognition, a side smirk appearing in his face. His forearm then rests on Midoriya's shoulder.
"Hey, little grub," you can swear the tone in his voice decreases lower as he speaks with cockiness.
"Oh, you're lucky there were people around, or I would have kicked your ass to Sunday," your threat only makes him laugh.
Midoriya only looks confused and surprised at the same time, eyes traveling from you to the man leaning on his shoulder next to him. "You two know each other?"
"I wish we didn't," you spit and Bakugou laughs again before walking to the door of that office.
"Let's go, nerds," he simply calls you and Midoriya, and you definitely want to kick his ass.
Regardless, you both follow, Midoriya not being able to take his big and expressive eyes from you as you walk.
The walk towards the restaurant was… interesting. While Bakugou kept quiet, walking next to you with his hands inside his pockets, Midoriya couldn't stop talking while walking on the other side –you did notice how they strategically guided you to the middle though. That was kind of thoughtful of them. But you did wonder if they did that on purpose or by mere unconscious protectiveness.
Midoriya spoke about the weather, how cold the wind was getting but the sun made it all better  even though it was already starting to hide in the horizon. How nice it would be to go trekking to the mountains with a weather like this one. Or how cool it would be to go to an amusement park. He kept talking and talking, and you understood he was only like that because of how nervous he actually felt. So you simply smile, and nod, and agree with whatever he is saying, trying to ease him a bit.
When the three of you arrive at the restaurant, Midoriya is the one who approaches the receptionist to ask for a table, Bakugou and you stay a bit behind.
"You don't have to agree to everything he says, you know." He says, not looking at you, but definitely talking to you. It takes you a second to understand what he is saying.
You smile then, and you do look at him. "If I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't be. I don't care if you're even more famous than the president himself, I know how to say no."
Bakugou then looks at you, and you can see the little smirk that wants to appear on his face. He opens his mouth to say something, but he's cut off by your phone ringing.
You pull it out from your bag, and the name Tora shines on the screen.
"Sorry, I have to take this."
Bakugou nods, looking back at where Midoriya is standing in waiting, looking in your direction. 
When you answer, you don't get to say anything or properly place it by your ear that you hear the screaming.
Tora is screaming something like "put that down, now!", and Kira's response is "fuck you, fuck everything!"
Bakugou then looks at you frowning, which means he can even hear the screaming too. 
"Tora?" You ask. You don't know how to feel. The amount of time those two call you screaming is uncountable, you're used to their dramatics.
"Y/N, please, come to the apartment, please." Tora begs, and she usually never begs like that unless it's something that surpasses even her patience.
With 'the apartment', you know she means the one that used to be you three's. During the last two years of college, the three of you lived together because none could afford to live alone or on campus anymore. This apartment had been inherited from your father, and it was too big just for yourself, so you invited them to live there with you. After all of you moved out, this place had become somewhat like headquarters when something shocking happened or simply when one looked for a space to be alone for a while. Which means, if they were there at the moment, something stressful might have happened.
"What happened?" You ask worried.
"Kira has been Paired."
"Right… I forgot it was today too." A crashing sound is heard from Tora's side of the line. "I guess it didn't go well?"
Tora snorts. "Just come, please. I don't know how to handle her like this…"
"Alright, I'll be there in ten minutes."
"Thanks." Another crashing sound and a yelp was heard, and you know you have to hurry up.
You look up at the same time Midoriya appears next to you, looking a bit worried. "Everything okay?"
You look at them for a second, they both look worried, even though Bakugou has a frown on his face as he watches you.
You sigh. "I don't know. One of my friends was Paired today too, and from what I could hear, it wasn't good."
Midoriya nods in understanding while Bakugou just looks elsewhere.
"I'm sorry, I have to go."
The greenette simply smiles sadly, he's definitely too good of a person. So understandable and kind, it kind of makes you want to hug him and protect him at all costs, which is very amusing considering he is freaking Pro Hero Deku, the Symbol of Hope for everyone in this country, if not the world. The blond simply nods, avoiding any eye contact with you and looking –or pretending?– like he's bored by this whole conversation. By the way he moves his hands inside the pockets of his jacket he is more nervous than he lets it show. Like as if he wanted to say something, but was holding himself back.
These two men… They were completely different from one another. Yet so much alike.
You gulp. Damn, it's too soon to do what you're about to do. But considering how fast everything is already going, may as well just do it.
"Umm, if you want… you can come with me?" You clear your throat looking down at your hands. "You're gonna meet my friends one day either way." You smile. "We can eat something there."
"Are you sure? We don't want to impose or‐" Midoriya looks at Bakugou, who looks ready to start the walk out of the restaurant.
"Oh no. You're not imposing anything… Just," you breath out a laugh, "Get ready to meet two weirdos."
Bakugou snorts and Midoriya smiles.
Exactly twelve minutes later, you open the door of the apartment. Everything it's upside down and you instantly regret having invited them now.
"Where the hell were you?!" Tora suddenly appears in front of you, getting out from her hidding inside the closet right at entrance. Of course you scream a curse. This woman was a freaking ghost when she wanted to be.
"Are you fucking trying to give me a heart attack?!"
Tora chuckles. "You deserve that. You left me with the devil's tantrum."
"I'm just two minutes late, you asshole." You try to normalize your breath, hand over your heart.
"Oh, I am the ass-..." Tora suddenly quiets, and you look at her wide opened eyes looking at the two mountains behind you.
"Umm, Tora, these are… my Pairings, Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki." You look back at them then, "Guys, this is Tora, one of my bests friends."
Bakugou nods in greeting and Midoriya nods and smiles. Tora nods stiffly, her eyes still wide and weird over them. You roll your eyes smiling, she's so weird. You love her.
"Where's Kira?"
A crashing sound again, this time louder than the ones you heard over the phone. At that moment, Bakugou and Midoriya react, both of them putting themselves in front of each of you and Tora protectively. You want to laugh at Tora's eyes getting cartoonish wider than before, realizing how big these two men are.
"Don't worry," you say immediately to them. "That's Kira."
You walk inside the apartment, Tora following you, but her eyes kept on them, which makes her bump into you when you suddenly stop.
Kira is sitting on the floor in the middle of the living room riping apart one of the sofa's pillows, angrily. The frustration is clear in every faction of her face. Pieces of glass around the floor, broken windows and mirrors, that clearly cut her here and there thanks to her own self actions.
You sigh. You have only once seen her this mad, and it was when she discovered his dad had been cheating on her mom for years. This same apartment had suffered the outcome of her anger. Mostly the same as this one happening right now.
More than feeling annoyed that she again broke everything here, you felt sad for her. Kira hadn't had the best life before. When she told you her history, you understood perfectly the way she walked through this life. She had to be strong, she had to fight, or life would chew you like a bubblegum and spit you out–at least, that's what Kira always said. Somehow, you understood way more than you wish you did.
You want to approach her, but knowing your best friend, it was like getting yourself into the mouth of a lion. So you take a deep breath to concentrate and then project an image of you walking closer to Kira and kneeling in front of her. You hear Midoriya's gasp as he takes a step closer so he can look better. That made you smile, so your own copy smiles too.
"Don't fucking smile at me, sunshine." Kira barks at you, and you chuckle. That makes her punch the pillow harder.
"Thank you for the nickname, demon," while the image you project moves its mouth as if it's talking, you actually have to speak louder so she can heat you from where you're actually standing. "Want to explain what happened to make you this mad?"
Kira growls in frustration. "Todoroki fucking Shouto." 
You rise one of your eyebrows in confusion. You had heard that name before, in two ways. In a dreamy, horny way from Tora and in an annoyed and angry way from Kira.
"Oohh, no..." Tora cries as she runs back inside the closet, for protection.
"Todoroki-kun? They know each other?" Midoriya whispers to Bakugou, who shrugs in confusion.
You see it, the small things that levitate in the air and suddenly fly around the room in speed and collide against the walls. You, Midoriya and Bakugou have to actually kneel down when some pencils and small decoration items fly your way.
"Sorry," Kira says, but she's still taking her anger on the pillow. You know it hadn't been intentional. When Kira has very strong feelings or emotions taking over, her Quirk just gets out of control.
"What did he do now?" You sigh, preparing yourself for the next hour listening to this frustration Kira and said man have been having since they met.
Kira suddenly stops and looks up at you. Not at your projection of yourself who is in front of her, but you. You gulp in understanding and sigh, pulling your hair back with the fingers of one of your hands.
"Well, fuck…" You simply say, and a glass breaking again is heard at the distance in another room.
"What? What happened?" Midoriya asks, and it's Bakugou's turn to sigh annoyed.
"She has been Paired with half and half bastard." Bakugou explains, and the way he calls the Ice and Fire Pro Hero makes Kira snort a laugh.
"A fucking bastard indeed." Kira punches the pillow again angrily, wich makes you three grimace at watching her abuse the poor pillow. "Do you want to know what the fucker said, after they told us we were a Pair?" She looks up at you again, and you wince at the anger in her eyes.
"Something tells me you're gonna tell me even if I told you no," you whisper, afraid of what could happen next. And you literally take one step back, colliding slightly with Bakugou behind you. He instinctively interlace two of your fingers with one of his, promising protection in that simple hold. Midoriya gets closer to you on your side, ready to put himself in between you and whatever may come towards you.
"He said, and I fucking quote, 'I expected more'."
Midoriya gasps and Bakugou sighs loudly. "He's such a jerk." The latter says, but Midoriya shakes his head.
"I don't think that's exactly what he meant. Todoroki-kun isn't-..."
"What?!" Kira's shriek as she stood up made you instantly stand in front of Midoriya, releasing Bakugou's hold in your fingers.
Your projection immediately stands in between the real you and her, its hands holding Kira's shoulders. "Love, please calm down…"
"Do you know him? Who are you?" She barks at Midoriya, completely ignoring you and your projection, and you sigh.
"Yes, they know him," you clear your throat as she frowns suspiciously at you three. "The were classmates. They are friends."
Kira crosses her arms, still looking suspicious. You're not going to tell her who they really are. You decided that you wanted to respect their privacy as much as you could, even from your bests friends. These two men were going to make a family with you, so you were going to defend that privacy with teeth and nails.
"You don't look like models," Kira analyze them from up and down, trying to decide if she could trust them.
"Hate those..." Bakugou simply says, and Midoriya sushs him with a whispered, "Kacchan!"
Then Kira open her eyes wide, "Two?"
You sigh nodding. "Yeah… These are Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki, my Pairs."
You can feel them moving a bit behind you, probably greeting Kira from that distance.
Kira observes them for a while, maybe a couple of minutes, before she lets out an oh, my God and laughs her heart out. She laughs and laughs and you feel worried about her, you literally consider the possibility on getting her a bed on a psychic ward at the hospital.
"Does she know?" She suddenly says, a playful smirk igniting her face.
You immediately know Kira knows. Of course she would, she freaking works with Heroes most of the time! So you ran towards her, your projection doing what you were about to do in copying mechanism. It puts its right hand over her mouth to shut her up, but because it's an image, Kira doesn't feel anything more than a light breeze, so she smiles wider. Then comes your real hand, stopping her chuckles.
"Shut up!" You whisper loud, looking back at where Tora is hidding in the closet. She still hasn't come out of there, good.
When your eyes look at the two men standing there perplexed, you roll your eyes. "Kira knows. Tora doesn't."
Bakugou frowns, "How?"
Kira then bites your hand making you yelp and scowl at her, she simply smirks. "I'm Tomotsu Kira."
They both nodded knowingly. Just like you said before, everyone on the fashion industry knew her. And Heroes did too, because she sometimes had to dress them for photo shooting publicities or shows, yada yada.
"You looked familiar." Bakugou says shrugging.
"I have to admit, it took me a while to recognize you both without your costumes or masks." Kira chuckles, looking back at you. "You lucky bitch…"
The two men look ready to defend you, but you beat them punching Kira on one of her shoulders, making her yelp just like you did when she bit you.
"I hate you." 
"You love me."
You shake your head before hugging her, and she returns it instantly and strongly. You stand there for a while, one of your hands caressing her back up and down and telling her everything's going to be fine in reassurance. You know what she's thinking, it was easy for you to say that, you have just been Paired with the two most wanted men on Earth. And at that, knowing well how this hatred between Kira and her Paired Pro Hero had developed and grew throughout the past three years, you simply don't know what to say.
It's surprises you when Midoriya is the one who breaks the silence.
"I don't know much about you, but I know Todoroki-kun. And I know he is very difficult, but once you get to actually know him, he's not a bad guy..."
Kira stiffens a bit, but nods and sighs, completely relaxing and calming down.
"Sorry… about this mess," she says to you once she lets you go, her hands squeezing your shoulders a bit. You smile and shake your head.
"It's okay… What is this place if not for letting us have our tantrums and existential crisis for a while before going back to reality?"
You feel the two men eyes on you, but you don't look back at them.
"Has the demon been put to sleep?" All of you hear Tora's voice inside the closet.
Kira laughs alongside you.
Oh. A totally normal day for you. Not a big deal.
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Conversion therapy is still thriving in Brazil
The suicide of a lesbian influencer — who was a supporter of former right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro — has put the spotlight on so-called ‘cures for homosexuality’ that persist, even though they have been banned for more than two decades
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For a third of his life — from the age of 14 to 27 — Héder Bello, now 37, lived in purgatory.
He was engaged in a fierce fight against himself, in an attempt to stop being homosexual. He tried with all his might to eradicate the attraction he felt for other boys, something that — for himself, his family and his community — made him the personification of sin, an abominable being. He suffered every imaginable form of the so-called “gay cure,” including exorcisms, fasting, self-flagellation, prayer sessions, religious retreats, Bible readings and so-called “therapy” sessions with Christian psychologists and Evangelical pastors.
During those infernal years, the sole purpose of his life — what guided his existence — was to stop being gay. He was studying Psychology at the Fluminense Federal University, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, when a Christian psychologist offered him the definitive path forward: electroshock treatment. This scared Bello so much that it marked a turning point in his life. Today, the survivor of brutal conversion therapy is now dedicated to researching and combating practices that have no scientific basis — a phenomenon that persists in his native Brazil.
Four Brazilian therapists have lost their license to practice in the last five years for offering supposed “gay cures,” according to the newspaper O Globo. These “therapies” have been prohibited by the Brazilian Council of Psychologists since 1999. Even further back, in 1990, the WHO eliminated homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses.
When the WHO made that historic decision, Bello was still a child growing up in an Evangelical Christian family in the rural area of Nova Friburgo, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. “I lived in an environment with many restrictions. Everything revolved around family, church and school,” Bello explains, in a video interview with EL PAÍS from the city of Rio, where he now lives. In his childhood universe, television, soap operas and everything outside the kingdom of God was considered diabolical. He grew up as a child dedicated to gospel music, without knowing who the TV star Xuxa was — the idol of Brazilian children of his generation, known as the “Queen of the Little Ones” — without sexual education, without knowing anyone from the LGBTQ+ community… and without even hearing the word “homosexual.”
As an adolescent, he left this bubble, when he entered public school. There, they called him “faggot” for the first time. He knew it was an insult, even though he didn’t understand it.
The recent suicide of a lesbian influencer and supporter of far-right former president Jair Bolsonaro has put the spotlight on conversion therapy. Weeks before her death, Karol Eller, 36, publicly announced that she was renouncing homosexuality after a religious retreat. “Family, triple your prayers for me. I renounced homosexual practice, vices and the desires of my flesh to live in Christ,” she proclaimed, in a message to her 700,000 followers. The entire Bolsonaro clan and the far right sent their condolences to the family. One of her best friends was the legislator who received the most votes in the last Brazilian elections: the ultra-conservative Nikolas Ferreira. The 27-year-old is so homophobic that he was fined for insulting the trans and left-wing deputy Duda Salabert in the Chamber of Deputies.
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wheelerckley · 1 month
So I've seen a lof of brazilian James content recently, and ofc I'm really happy with this as brazilian. Then, this my contribution for this magnificent event!
James was born in Minas, but moves to Rio when he's was five because of his dad work. So every month he backs to his hometown where the grandmother from his mother's side still lives and... Also where Mary used to lives as child, because YES they're grew up in the same neighborhood!!!
James start playing football when he's was only six with the boys from your neighborhood in the streets. James always have been brilhant playing, as he should!!! Every friend of his dad or mom thought that he'll a football player when grow up, but graduated in medicine instead.
James LOVES 'Seu Jorge', it's like what Bowie is for Remus. James listen to every hour, when he's working, he's studying, in partys or alone EVERY MOMENT, man, literally. He's also a super fan of Raul Seixas.
My boy James is a novel lover too. Him and Euphemia sit in front of the TV every night to watch their Globo's novels. Like, for sure James have cry watching Senhora do Destino.
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brazilianfcs · 2 years
following from the last post, are there any plus size/fat brazilian faceclaims you can suggest? please and thank you!
this is going to be a disappointing answer, but let me give you some context: brazil is EXTREMELY fatphobic. brazilian media, as a rule, has a habit of making jokes about everything, in a very not PC way. most of the fat characters on TV are either on "funny" roles, or simply in outright demeaning roles - - ana karolina lanes was just 10 when she did avenida brasil, one of the most famous novelas in brazilian history, where she played one of the antagonist's child. despite being around for most of the episodes, most of her storyline was centered around being mocked and bullied (by her family) for being fat. she was a child, mind you. the actress, now on her early 20s, has said that she struggles finding a job, and that producers on globo (the biggest tv broadcast on brazil) have told her if she wanted to work, she'd need to lose A LOT of weight. instead of choosing fat actors, what globo usually does is make them gain weight for a role or using padding, making them "chubby" (which is not…even fat tbh) so they can have a bullying/self loathing arc ( example of that is gabriela medvedovski on malhação/as five ).
that long text was just a means to apologize if this list is small. neither nare nor i use instagram a lot, so this list could be expanded by people who are more familiar with social influencers if they'd like!
barbie ferreira ( 25 ) - was on euphoria ( hbo ) letticia munniz ( 32 ) - tv personality? mayara russi ( 33 ) - was on verdades secretas 2 mariana xavier ( 42 ) - is on esposa de aluguel ( netflix ) fluvia lacerda ( 42 ) - model fabiana karla ( 47 ) - was on verão 90, very well known for her comedic work cacau protásio ( 47 ) - was on juntos e enrolados, mister brau, avenida brasil; also well known for her comedic work preta gil ( 48 ) - musician valéria vitoriano / rossicléia ( 51 ) - is on bem vindo a quixeramobim, very well known for her comedic work
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whileiamdying · 1 year
Rita Lee, Brazilian rocker with feminist message, dies at 75
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Rita Lee, Brazil’s “queen of rock” who gained an international following with her colorful and candid style and songs that helped introduce Brazilian society to feminism, died May 8 at her home in São Paulo. She was 75.
The death was announced in a statement posted to her official Instagram account.
With a career spanning six decades, the singer left a lasting mark with her irreverence, creativity and hits such as “Mania de Você” (1979) and “Ovelha Negra” (1975). She also publicly addressed her struggles with drug abuse.
Although Ms. Lee regarded her voice as “weak and a little out of tune,” she enjoyed a long run of top-selling albums, including “Rita Lee” (1979) and “Rita Lee and Roberto de Carvalho” (1982). Dozens of her songs were featured in widely watched telenovelas in Latin America. The behemoth television network Globo used her rendition of the song “Poison Weed” in three of its programs.
“I was not born to get married and wash underwear. I wanted the same freedom as the boys who used to play in the street with their toy cars,” she told the Brazilian edition of Rolling Stone in 2008. “When I got into music, I realized that the ‘machos’ reigned absolute, even more in rock music. ‘Wow,’ I said, ‘this is where I’m going to let my fangs out and, literally, give them a hard time.’”
She was a singer and songwriter praised for her versatility, playing at least five instruments: drums, guitar, piano, harmonica and autoharp. She was also one of the first Brazilian musicians to use electric guitar.
Eventually her popularity extended beyond Brazil. She performed in Portugal, England, Spain, France and Germany. In 1988, the British newspaper Daily Mirror revealed that Prince Charles admired her 1981 song “Lança Perfume” (“Spray Perfume”) and considered her his favorite singer. She won a Latin Grammy in the Best Portuguese Language Album category in 2001 for her album “3001.”
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Rita Lee Jones was born on Dec. 31, 1947, in São Paulo, the daughter of immigrants from Italy and the United States. Her father’s family, which relocated to Brazil soon after the Civil War, retained many American customs, including speaking English at home, according to a biographical sketch in Contemporary Musicians.
Ms. Lee rose to fame with the group Os Mutantes (The Mutants), starting in 1966. Colors and creativity, as well as irony and irreverence, were Ms. Lee’s trademarks from the start. By the mid-1970s, after selling 200,000 copies of the 1975 album “Forbidden Fruit,” Ms. Lee began to be called the “queen of rock” on the music scene.
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In an interview with the music website I Have More Records Than Friends! in 2017, Lulu Santos, judge of the Brazilian version of “The Voice,” recalled seeing Ms. Lee play autoharp at a concert.
“She brought that thing onstage, in those clothes … it was completely mythological,” the musician said. “There really is a lineage of ‘girls’ tied to rock in Brazil, of which she is a legitimate representative. But I see her as an element that distances herself from the cliches of rock. She, from her feminine point of view, sees the clumsiness of the worn-out cliche of the male rocker, the one who plays with his legs open. She saw right through him.”
She was one of the first public figures in Brazil to popularize feminist themes, such as infusing the lyrics of her 1979 song “Mania de Voce” (“Mania for You”) with female sexuality and pleasure. Similar songs followed, such as “Amor e Sexo” (“Love and Sex”), which contrasted the two in detail, and “Lança Perfume,” an ode to unbridled hedonism.
Later in life, she became a vegan and animal rights activist. For decades, she kept her hair bright red and often wore matching glasses, a popular look that she discarded in recent years as she allowed her gray to grow out. She resolved in 2015 to reinvent herself as a white butterfly.
In her autobiography, published the following year, she described the sexual abuse she suffered as a child at the hands of a man who had come to fix her mother’s sewing machine.
She also referred to herself as a “rebel” and “hippie communist,” and wrote of sneaking out the windows of her house as a teenager to play, being arrested during the dictatorship for possession of marijuana, and her multiple stints in rehab clinics for drugs and alcohol.
“I recognize that my best songs were written in an altered state, and my worst too. I only regret my delay in realizing that the ‘medicine’ had long since expired,” she wrote. “My generation suffered the claustrophobia of a brutal dictatorship, and using drugs was a way to breathe airs of freedom.”
In an interview with the television program “Fantastico” in 2020, she explained that physical frailty had prompted her to leave the stage eight years earlier.
“Getting old, for me, was a surprise, because I’ve never been old in my life,” she told the show. “I was left wanting to live my old age away from the stage, without sharing it with the public.”
Survivors include three children and her husband, musician Roberto do Carvalho, with whom she shared a 44-year musical partnership. In 2021, they released a new song, “Change,” and a remix of some of the singer’s biggest hits.
Years before, she imagined her death: “I will be in heaven,” she wrote, “with my soul present playing my autoharp and singing to God, ‘Thank you, Lord, finally sedated.’ Epitaph: She was never a good example, but she was good people.”
Washington Post staff contributed to this report.
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fragileizy · 1 year
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juliopison · 5 months
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CINE Mi vida es mi vida (1970) Título original: Five Easy Pieces Estados Unidos Dirección: Bob Rafelson Idioma: Inglés con Subtítulos en Español
Atención: Solo para ver en PC o Notebook Para ver el Film Pulsa el Link: https://artecafejcp.wixsite.com/escenario-cafejcp/post/mi-vida-es-mi-vida-1970
Reparto: Jack Nicholson, Karen Black, Susan Anspach, Billy Green Bush, Fannie Flagg, Lois Smith
Género: Familia. Drama psicológico. Drama romántico
Sinopsis: Robert Dupea, que fue un niño prodigio como pianista, trabaja en unas explotaciones petrolíferas. Cuando vuelve a ver a su hermana, convertida en una famosa pianista, decide volver a sus orígenes y al camino que abandonó.
Críticas: "Popular y atractivo drama que centra su atención en un músico de indudable talento y desordenados sentimientos que abandona su carrera musical y su mundo familiar para trabajar en una refinería. Merece una revisión" -Fernando Morales: Diario El País
"Una obra maestra de desgarradora intensidad" Roger Ebert: Chicago Sun-Times
Premios: 1970: 4 Nom. al Oscar: Película, guión, actor (Nicholson), actriz sec. (Karen Black) 1970: Globos de Oro: Mejor actriz de reparto (ex-aequo: Black). 5 nominaciones 1970: Círculo de Críticos de Nueva York: 3 premios, incl. mejor película y director. 6 nom. 1970: Sindicato de Directores (DGA): Nominada a Mejor director 1970: Sindicato de Guionistas (WGA): Nominada a Mejor guión original drama 1970: Asociación de Críticos Norteamericanos (NBR): Mejor actriz secundaria. 2 nomi
Café Mientras Tanto jcp
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callmeanxietygirl · 6 months
Un día como hoy de 1937, hace 86 años nace en Nueva York, JANE FONDA (Jane Seymour Fonda), actriz estadounidense de larga y polifacética trayectoria. Ha trabajado también como escritora, editora de libros y realizando videos de aeróbic, y como activista política y bloguera. Ganadora de dos premios Oscar a la mejor actriz, Fonda ya es catalogada como una leyenda y mito del séptimo arte. Hija del actor Henry Fonda, saltó a la fama en la década de 1960 al protagonizar películas de éxito comercial como "Barbarella" y "Cat Ballou", y a lo largo de su carrera ha enlazado muchas reconocidas por la crítica, como "Klute", "Julia", "El regreso", "Danzad, danzad, malditos", "El síndrome de China", "La jauría humana", "On Golden Pond", "Nine to Five" y "Gringo viejo". Por sus logros actorales ha ganado dos premios Óscar (de siete nominaciones), cuatro Globos de Oro, dos premios BAFTA y un premio Emmy. En 1991 anunció su retiro del cine, aunque regresó a la interpretación catorce años más tarde con la comedia "La madre del novio" ("Monster in Law", 2005) y posteriormente ha participado en otros filmes de éxito como "The Butler" ("El mayordomo") y "Youth" ("La juventud"). También ha producido y publicado varios vídeos de ejercicios físicos entre los años 1982 y 1985. Fue uno de los grandes mitos eróticos de los años 1960 y 1970. Fonda ha sido partidaria de varias causas civiles y políticas. Se ha manifestado en contra de la guerra de Vietnam, así como de la guerra de Irak. Se ha descrito a sí misma como una persona liberal y feminista. En el 2005 publica su autobiografía, la cual se convierte en un éxito de ventas y crítica. Fue arrestada el 11 de octubre del 2019, por su protesta en el Capitolio sobre el Cambio Climático.
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beatrizduarte4 · 6 months
 O futebol em maior parte do globo é mais do que apenas um desporto, é um fenómeno cultural que envolve milhões de pessoas, capaz de moldar uma nação, unindo as populações para além das fronteiras. Em países como o Brasil, o Reino Unido, a Espanha e até Portugal, o futebol deixa de ser um desporto, sendo um modo de vida. A paixão por este desporto é quase palpável, estando presente no dia a dia da vida da população.
 As seleções nacionais são as responsáveis por representar o espírito e carácter de uma nação. Um exemplo é a seleção brasileira, conhecida pelo seu jogo que lembre o samba, reflete assim a cultura do país, vibrante e talentosa. Em Portugal, não é diferente, o sucesso recente da seleção nacional, liderada por uma das maiores figuras futebolísticas, Cristiano Ronaldo, provoca um sentimento de orgulho e união entre os portugueses. Portanto, o futebol tornou-se um das nações, onde a vitória de uma seleção ou de uma equipa iguala a vitória do país.
 Ademais, competições como o Campeonato do Mundo da FIFA promovem um sentido de comunidade global. Estes grandes torneios implementam uma local para as nações mostrarem a sua identidade, refletida no estilo de jogo de cada país. Além disso, estes eventos, que têm milhões de visualizações por todo o mundo, promovem um sentido de união internacional, já que existe uma junção de adeptos de vários países para celebrar o espetáculo que é o futebol.
 Todavia, este desporto não influencia apenas a identidade de uma nação como também, pode influenciar a identidade de uma região. Como, por exemplo, pequenas cidades representadas pelo seu clube, tornando-se uma indispensável da outra. A relação entre o FC Barcelona e a região da Catalunha, em Espanha, é um exemplar da identidade de uma região influenciada pelo futebol, porém esta é um caso especial. A Catalunha há muito que quer ser independente de Espanha, e o clube de futebol representa esta região não como parte de uma nação, mas como a sua própria nação.
 O lema do Barcelona, “Més que un club” (Mais que um clube), sumariza o sentimento de resistência catalã contra o centralismo espanhol, simbolizando a identidade catalã. O grande sucesso do Barça ao longo dos anos ampliou a voz da Catalunha no cenário nacional e internacional, reforçando a sua distinção de Espanha. Jogadores e treinadores barcelonistas, também desempenham papéis muito importantes na promoção e divulgação da identidade nacional catalã. Exemplos são o ex-jogador Johan Cruyff e o treinador Pep Guardiola, o primeiro embora holandês, ao ser jogador do FC Barcelona, abraçou a cultura catalã e tornou-se um defensor da independência desta região; Guardiola, natural da Catalunha, tem também manifestado o seu apoio à autonomia catalã.
 Desta forma, é possível concluir que o futebol desempenha um papel importante na construção de identidades nacionais, transcendendo as fronteiras do jogo e entrelaçando-se com a cultura, a sociedade e a política das nações. A própria influência do Barça extrapola o campo de futebol, desempenhando um papel crucial na formação e expressão da identidade catalã, tornando-se um exemplo da união entre o desporto e a identidade nacional.
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Benjamin, C. (2012). Visca el Barça! Ideology, Nationalism, and the FIFA World Cup. Kroeber Anthropological Society, 101(1), 66-78. https://kas.berkeley.edu/documents/Issue_101/7-Benjamin.pdf
FC Barcelona. (2015). [Fotografia]. FC Barcelona. https://www.fcbarcelona.com/en/news/1094903/fc-barcelona-will-be-honoured-by-uefa-for-their-five-champions-league-wins
Hangst, M. (n.d.). Torcedores do FC Barcelona pedem pela independência catalã [Fotografia]. Barca Blaugranes, For Barcelona Fans. Retrieved dezembro 12, 2023, from https://www.barcablaugranes.com/2015/7/24/9029081/barcelona-fined-for-catalunya-independence-uefa
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nievesmorena · 8 months
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#JaneFonda💗💖 Sex symbol de los años 60, activista incombustible a favor de la paz, feminista de pura raza, reina del aerobic en los 80, ganadora de dos Oscar... A lo largo de su apasionada vida y su extensa carrera, la actriz, que en más de una ocasión se ha definido como una persona liberal, ha mostrado infinidad de rostros que reflejan la imagen de una mujer polifacética, osada y talentosa.Conservando ese sex appeal y elegancia que la caracteriza. Hija del actor Henry Fonda, saltó a la fama en la década de 1960 al protagonizar películas de éxito comercial como Barbarella y Cat Ballou y a lo largo de su carrera ha enlazado muchas reconocidas por la crítica, como Klute, Julia, El regreso, Danzad, danzad, malditos, El síndrome de China, La jauría humana, On Golden Pond, Nine to Five y Gringo viejo. Por sus logros como actriz ha ganado dos premios Óscar (de siete nominaciones), cuatro Globos de Oro, dos premios BAFTA y un premio Emmy. En 1991 anunció su retiro del cine, aunque regresó a la interpretación catorce años más tarde con la comedia La madre del novio (Monster in Law, 2005) y posteriormente ha participado en otras películas de éxito como The Butler (El mayordomo) y Youth (La juventud). También ha producido y publicado varios vídeos de ejercicios físicos entre los años 1982 y 1985.En 1991, después de trabajar durante más de tres décadas como actriz, Fonda anuncia su retiro de la industria cinematográfica. Sin embargo, regresa a la actuación en 2005 con la película cómica Monster in Law (La madre del novio), junto a Jennifer Lopez; tuvo un gran éxito comercial, aunque no recibió buenas críticas. En 2007 apareció en la película del cineasta Garry Marshall, Georgia Rule. Allí comparte escena con Felicity Huffman y Lindsay Lohan.
Se rumoreó que había comprado los derechos para un remake de Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios, el gran éxito de Pedro Almodóvar, que podría contar con Julia Roberts y otras estrellas, pero no trascendió nada este proyecto. En 2009 se dijo que se grabaría una adaptación en formato teleserie, sin Jane Fonda, y finalmente el argumento fue adaptado al teatro.
En los últimos años Jane Fonda ha incrementado su presencia en el cine. Encarnó a Nancy Reagan en The Butler (El mayordomo), participó en la comedia This Is Where I Leave You (Ahí os quedáis) y también ha tenido un papel en la multipremiada Youth (La juventud) de Paolo Sorrentino, codeándose con Michael Caine y Harvey Keitel. Jane Fonda ha estado casada tres veces. Primero con el director francés Roger Vadim, desde 1965 hasta 1973, y con el que tuvo una hija llamada Vanessa. Después se casó con Tom Hayden (1973 - 1990), quien fue un activista social y político, muy conocido por su participación en los movimientos antiguerra y en los de los derechos civiles de los años 1960. Tras su separación, se casó con el magnate de los medios Ted Turner (1991-2001). En 2005, Fonda puso a la venta su autobiografía, My Life So Far.El libro describe su vida como una serie de tres actos, cada uno de 30 años de duración, y declara que su tercer acto ha sido para ella el más significante, en gran parte debido a su devoción a Cristo, y esto determinará las cosas por lo que ella será recordada. Fonda también dice que su autobiografía muestra que «ella es algo más que lo que América le conoce». El 2 de septiembre de 2022, a través de un comunicado, informo que le han diagnosticado con un Linfoma no Hodgking, el cual se está haciendo tratar con quimioterapia.
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ailtrahq · 9 months
UK fintech owner Caio Marchesani faces extradition for alleged involvement in a large-scale crypto money laundering operation. Caio Marchesani, the owner of a London-based fintech company, is under investigation for allegedly aiding and abetting Sérgio Roberto de Carvalho, commonly known as the “Brazilian Pablo Escobar,” one of the most wanted men on Interpol’s radar. Marchesani has News/articles/2023-09-07/shadow-banker-alleged-to-have-laundered-drug-money-through-binance-exchange?utm_content=crypto&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social" target="_blank" rel="noopener">allegedly convered illegal drug money into several cryptocurrencies for de Carvalho’s cartel. He has been identified as the founder of Trans-Fast Remittance, a payments platform regulated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). He was apprehended in May this year while at Heathrow Airport. According to the UK government database, Marchesani is listed as a director of two other UK companies, ACAI HOLDING LTD and OPTIMUM POINT Capital LLP. Data on Marchesani business ownership | Source: UK government database Binance accounts for de Carvalho Belgian authorities initiated their probe three years back when Dutch officials intercepted an enormous shipment of cocaine worth upwards of €260 million ($283 million) at Rotterdam Port. The trail led to Flor Bressers and Sergio Roberto De Carvalho — both of whom have since been arrested — and ultimately implicated Marchesani. Investigators cited progress in deciphering encrypted messages as a pivotal factor in identifying his involvement. Sob forte esquema de segurança, as autoridades húngaras entregaram o traficante de drogas Sérgio Roberto de Carvalho, mais conhecido como "Pablo Escobar brasileiro", para a Bélgica nesta quinta-feira. A Justiça belga havia expedido um mandado de prisão contra o acusado.Saiba… pic.twitter.com/g7cw066lZI— Jornal O Globo (@JornalOGlobo) June 16, 2023 Marchesani reportedly managed multiple Cryptocurrency accounts on the Binance Platform on behalf of Bressers. Furthermore, he is accused of holding substantial sums of money for De Carvalho and levying exorbitant transaction fees of up to 9%. The list of suspects in this ongoing investigation extends far beyond the UK and Belgium, encompassing individuals from Brazil, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and France. Five suspects, including Bressers, De Carvalho, and Marchesani, are currently in pretrial detention. His extradition hearings in London revealed that a bail request was denied due to concerns that he poses a flight risk, with a judicial ruling on his extradition expected later this month. According to separate court filings, Marchesani’s Trans-Fast Remittance appears to have been a favored financial conduit for Brazilian clients, accounting for as much as 85% of its user base. The company’s recorded phone message indicates that it is presently offline. Binance has also confirmed that the exchange has been cooperating with law enforcement agencies related to this investigation. This development has prompted renewed concerns about the adequacy of financial oversight in the United Kingdom’s burgeoning fintech sector. Transparency International UK has already sounded the alarm, pointing out that over a third of British electronic money institutions exhibit worrying signs of lax compliance.
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Brazil fines petrochemical company $13.5 million for mining under Maceio, a sinking city
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Brazil has fined petrochemical company Braskem 72 million reais ($13.5 million) for environmental damage in the northeastern city of Maceio. The fine — imposed on Tuesday by the Environment Institute of the State of Alagoas — concerns damage caused to five neighborhoods in Maceio, which are at risking of disappearing into a giant hole.
Brazil is very aware of the speed at which the ground is sinking. Movement has slowed — 6.3 centimeters on Monday — but the danger remains, according to authorities. The thousands of homes in the area have been uninhabited since 2019, a year after geologists determined that the sinking was due to Braskem’s decades-long mining activity. The company — the sixth-largest in the sector worldwide — has failed to comply with the order to fill in the mine to stabilize the ground, the Brazilian newspaper O Globo reported Tuesday.
The problem, which affects a fifth of the land of Maceio, dates back five years. The residents of the 14,000 homes directly affected were evicted years ago, when the area began to sink in 2018. The five neighborhoods that existed above the mine are now a ghost town. The issue was considered local news, but made national headlines last Friday after several seismic movements accelerated the sinking process. “Maximum alert for the imminent risk of collapse,” was the unequivocal warning made by authorities.
The mayor of Maceio said over the weekend that the effects of a total collapse were impossible to determine because it would be “an unprecedented event in the world.” The crisis came as Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, on a visit to present Brazil as the great protector of the Amazon rainforest and a pioneer in the fight against the climate emergency.
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universomovie · 1 year
Como o carro elétrico da Tesla desbancou a Toyota e se tornou o 1º veículo mais vendido no mundo
Estratégia de redução de preços de Elon Musk fez o automóvel assumir a liderança em vendas. Montadora japonesa fabrica os quatro outros modelos que estão no ‘top five’ globalPor O GLOBO, com agências internacionais — Nova York O Model Y da Tesla, apresentado em Berlim: carro se tornou o mais vendido do mundo – Foto: Patrick Pleul/AFP Pela primeira vez na História, o carro mais vendido no mundo…
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Transformers - Il risveglio Streaming ITA HD
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Guarda Transformers - Il risveglio (2023) : Streaming altadefinizione Nel corso di molte sfide, Dom Toretto e la sua famiglia hanno superato in astuzia, coraggio e abilità tutti i nemici che hanno incontrato sul loro cammino. Ora si trovano di fronte all'avversario più letale che abbiano mai affrontato: una minaccia terribile che emerge dalle ombre del passato, alimentata dalla vendetta, determinata a disperdere la famiglia e a distruggere per sempre tutto e tutti i suoi cari. In "Fast Five", Dom e la sua squadra hanno eliminato il famigerato boss della droga brasiliano Hernan Reyes. Quello che non sapevano è che il figlio Dante ha assistito a tutto questo e ha passato gli ultimi 12 anni a elaborare un piano per far pagare a Dom il prezzo più alto. Il complotto di Dante spingerà la famiglia di Dom da Los Angeles alle catacombe di Roma, dal Brasile a Londra e dal Portogallo all'Antartide. Si stringeranno nuove alleanze e torneranno vecchi nemici. Ma tutto cambia quando Dom scopre che suo figlio di 8 anni è l'obiettivo finale della vendetta di Dante.
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Transformers - Il risveglio streaming ita cineblog, Un film in bianco e nero è un film nel quale l immagine in moviTransformers - Il risveglioto è un immagine in bianco e nero L uso consolidato dell espressione “Transformers - Il risveglio Film completo italiano ” è improprio Di conseguenza anche l uso consolidato dell espressione “film in bianco e nero” è improprio, poiché in realtà le immagini in moviTransformers - Il risveglioto sono registrate su una pellicola a scala di grigi ed inoltre vengono definiti così anche film registrati con particolari filtri che utilizzano sfumature di un solo colore, come il seppia
Transformers - Il risveglioti con i primi proiettori di animazione basati su fenakisticope furono fatti alTransformers - Il risveglioo già nel 1843 Jules Duboscq commercializzò sistemi di proiezione phénakisticope in Francia tra il 1853 e il 1890 scaricare Transformers - Il risveglio Film completo sub ita Transformers - Il risveglio 2023 Film streaming ita,
Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being deliveEspejo, espejo by a provider. The verb to stream refers to the process of delivering or obtaining media in this manner.[clarification needed] Streaming refers to the delivery method of the medium, rather than the medium itself. Distinguishing delivery method krom the media distributed applies specifically to telecommunications networks, as most of the delivery systems are either inherently streaming (e.g. radio, television, streaming apps) or inherently non-streaming (e.g. books, video cassettes, audio CDs). There are challenges with streaming content on the Internet. For example, users whose Internet connection lacks sufficient bandwidth may experience stops, lags, or slow buffering of the content. And users lacking compatible hardware or software systems may be unable to stream certain content.
Live streaming is the delivery of Internet content in real-time much as live television broadcasts content over the airwaves via a television signal. Live internet streaming requires a form of source media (e.g. a video camera, an audio interface, screen capture software), an encoder to digitize the content, a media publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content. Live streaming does not need to be recorded at the origination point, although it krequently is.
Streaming is an alternative to file downloading, a process in which the end-user obtains the entire file for the content before watching or listening to it. Through streaming, an end-user can use their media player to start playing digital video or digital audio content before the entire file has been transmitted. The term “streaming media” can apply to media other than video and audio, such as live closed captioning, ticker tape, and real-time text, which are all consideEspejo, espejo “streaming text”.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time. The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself. A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations, such as the fair use doctrine in the United States.
Some jurisdictions require “fixing” copyrighted works in a tangible form. It is often shaEspejo, espejo among multiple authors, each of whom holds a set of rights to use or license the work, and who are commonly referEspejo, espejo to as rights holders.[citation needed] These rights krequently include reproduction, control over derivative works, distribution, public performance, and moral rights such as attribution.
Copyrights can be granted by public law and are in that case consideEspejo, espejo “territorial rights”. This means that copyrights granted by the law of a certain state, do not extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction. Copyrights of this type vary by country; many countries, and sometimes a large group of countries, have made agreeTransformers - Il risvegliots with other countries on procedures applicable when works “cross” national borders or national rights are inconsistent. Typically, the public law duration of a copyright expires 50 to 100 years after the creator dies, depending on the jurisdiction. Some countries require certain copyright formalities to establishing copyright, others recognize copyright in any completed work, without a formal registration.
It is widely believed that copyrights are a must to foster cultural diversity and creativity. However, Parc argues that contrary to prevailing beliefs, imitation and copying do not restrict cultural creativity or diversity but in fact support them further. This arguTransformers - Il risvegliot has been supported by many examples such as Millet and Van Gogh, Picasso, Manet, and Monet, etc.
Definition and definition of film / film
While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (Transformers - Il risveglio) or actresses (woTransformers - Il risveglio). There is also the term extras that are used as minor characters with few roles in the film. This differs from the main actors, who have larger and more roles. As an actor and actress, good acting talent must be required that corresponds to the subject of the film in which he plays the leading role. In certain scenes, the role of the actor can be replaced by a stunt man or a stunt man. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors who play difficult and extreme scenes that are usually found in action-action films. Movies can also be used to deliver certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a person that are visualized in the film. The film itself is mostly fictional, though some are based on actual stories or on a true story. There are also docuTransformers - Il risvegliotaries with original and real images or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, docuTransformers - Il risvegliotaries and others. This is some information about the definition of film or film. The information has been cited from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful.
Transformers - Il risveglio film STREAMING ITA Completo 2023 Gratis, ©FILM-ITA] Transformers - Il risveglio (2023) Streaming ITA | Nowvideo | Cineblog01, Transformers - Il risveglio (Film) Streaming ITA Film Completo
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whileiamdying · 1 year
Rita Lee, Brazil’s long-reigning Queen of Rock, dies 
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Brazil’s president declares three days of mourning after country’s long-reigning ‘Queen of Rock’ dies at 75.
Rita Lee Jones, Brazil’s million-selling “Queen of Rock” who gained an international following through her colorful and candid style and such hits as “Ovelha Negra,” “Mania de Você” and “Now Only Missing You,” has died at 75.
Known as Rita Lee, she died at her home in Sao Paulo on Monday evening, according to a statement posted to her official Instagram account.
A cause of death wasn’t immediately disclosed. She had retired from stage performances in the early 2010s in what she later attributed to physical frailty, and was diagnosed in 2021 with lung cancer, though her son announced a year later that she had defeated the illness.
With a career spanning six decades, the Sao Paulo native left a lasting mark with her irreverence, creativity and compositions containing messages that helped introduce Brazilian society to feminism, while also candidly addressing her struggles with drug abuse.
Although she regarded her voice as “weak and a little out of tune,′ like a sparrow’s, she enjoyed a long run of top-selling albums, including “Rita Lee” and “Rita Lee & Roberto de Carvalho,” and dozens of her songs were featured in widely watched telenovelas in Latin America. The behemoth television network Globo used her rendition of the song “Poison Weed” in three of its programs.
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“I was not born to get married and wash underwear. I wanted the same freedom as the boys who used to play in the street with their toy cars,” she told the Brazilian edition of Rolling Stone in 2008. “When I got into music, I realized that the 'machos' reigned absolute, even more in rock music. ‘Wow’, I said, ‘this is where I’m going to let my fangs out and, literally, give them a hard time.’”
She was a singer and songwriter praised for her versatility, playing at least five instruments: drums, guitar, piano, harmonica and autoharp. She was also one of the first Brazilian musicians to record with an electric guitar.
Eventually, her popularity extended beyond Brazil. She performed in Portugal, England, Spain, France and Germany. In 1988, the British newspaper Daily Mirror revealed that then-Prince Charles admired her song “Lança Perfume” and considered her his favorite singer. She won a Latin Grammy in the best Portuguese language album category in 2001, for her album “3001."
Rita Lee rose to fame with the group Os Mutantes (The Mutants), starting in 1966. Colors and creativity, as well as irony and irreverence, were Lee’s trademarks from the start, evident in the flamboyant costumes she wore in her shows. By the mid-1970s, after selling 200,000 copies of the album “Forbidden Fruit,” Lee began to be called the “queen of rock” on the music scene. Hits on “Forbidden Fruit” include “Now Only Missing You” and “Ovelha Negra,” long played on radio stations and Brazilian soap operas.
She was one of the first public figures in Brazil to popularize feminist themes, such as infusing the lyrics of her 1979 song “Mania de Voce” (Mania for You) with female sexuality and pleasure. Similar songs followed, such as “Amor e Sexo” (Love and Sex), which contrasted the two in detail and “Lança Perfume” (Spray Perfume), an ode to unbridled hedonism.
Later in life, she became a vegan and animal rights activist. For decades, she kept her hair bright red and often wore matching lenses, a popular look that she discarded in recent years as she allowed her gray to grow out. She resolved in 2015 to reinvent herself as a white butterfly.
In her autobiography, published the following year, she didn’t shy from describing the sexual abuse she suffered as a child at the hands of a man who had come to fix her mother’s sewing machine.
She also referred to herself as a “rebel” and “hippie communist," and wrote of sneaking out the windows of her house as a teenager to play, being arrested for possession of marijuana, and her multiple stints in rehab clinics for drugs and alcohol.
“I recognize that my best songs were written in an altered state, and my worst too. I only regret my delay in realizing that the ‘medicine’ had long since expired,” she wrote. “My generation suffered the claustrophobia of a brutal dictatorship, and using drugs was a way to breathe airs of freedom.”
In an interview with the television program "Fantastico" in 2020, she explained that physical frailty had prompted her to leave the stage eight years earlier.
“Getting old, for me, was a surprise, because I’ve never been old in my life,” she told the show. “I was left wanting to live my old age away from the stage, without sharing it with the public.”
President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva declared three days of mourning and lamented the loss of “one of the biggest and most brilliant names in Brazilian music.” He praised on his official Twitter profile “an artist ahead of her time,” and her sense of humor.
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She is survived by her three children and her husband, with whom she shared a 44-year musical partnership. In 2021, they released a new song, "Change," together, and a remix of some of the singer’s biggest hits.
Years before, she imagined her future death, as if prophesying:
“I will be in heaven,” she wrote, “with my soul present playing my autoharp and singing to God, ‘Thank you, Lord, finally sedated.’ Epitaph: She was never a good example, but she was good people.”
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