#as if Maegor didn’t kill TWO of his nephews
thecatsaesthetics · 6 months
People really think if Aegon or his brothers hadn’t challenged Rhaenyra for the throne they would have been able to live as a happy family in the Red Keep…
It’s completely naive thinking.
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pterodactylterrace · 5 months
“The Blacks won because it’s Rhaenyra’s bloodline that continues on.”
Ok, first of all, Aegon II made Aegon III his heir. Rhaenyra was dragon chow by then. Rhaenyra wanted the iron throne more than anything else, and she only held power for 6 months before the small folk had enough of her bullshit. Six months. She managed to rule for half a year before she was overthrown, not by a usurper, but by her own people. Clearly, not a good ruler if you can’t even make it a year without getting chased out of your castle.
Second, Rhaenyra’s bloodline managed to fumble the ball two feet from the finish line. It started with Aegon the Unworthy and it ended with the mad king being overthrown just before the long night. Just one more generation was all they needed to last, and they fucked everything up so bad it put the entire world of men at risk. That… that takes skill. You have to actively TRY to fuck up that much.
After the conquest, there was noted to be one “good” king, and that was Jaehaerys. Between conquest and dance, Jaehaerys was noted as being a good, wise king. Aenys managed to have a mob trap his oldest two children in a distant castle right before he died. Then Maegor stepped in. He may have been decent if it weren’t for the brain damage. Most of the things he did before the battle on the hill were either rumors or just not that bad. He was also very against Kinslaying. Imo, one of the worst things he did was punish everyone involved in the Kinslaying in The Eyrie. Seems kind of strange he would dole out such a harsh punishment only to then kill his nephew in a very one sided dragon battle. That was the first thing he did after he woke up, though. Considering he had such a drastic change in personality, we can’t say how his rule would have been otherwise.
After Maegor’s death, Jaehaerys steps in. You know what made him a good, worthy king? Not the fact that he was a male, or could fight, or held the bloodline, or even that he rode the bronze fury. It was because he listened to the council of his queen. Alysanne was the real MVP of his reign. She did more for women’s rights than any other queen. She listened to her people. That is the mark of a good ruler. Walk softly, but carry a big stick. Know when to speak and when to listen.
People who know they have power and control don’t need to constantly remind others. They know. It’s not necessary to maim or murder people for speaking the truth, yet Viserys and Rhaenyra do just that.
When Saera majorly fucked up, they handled it. Not the way Alysanne wanted, by the way. She was sent to apprentice with the Silent Sisters just for sleeping with men while not married. Yet Rhaenyra can have 3 obvious bastards, insult the house with the largest naval force and prove to the entire kingdom that her words mean nothing, and Viserys still declares anyone who calls the strong boys bastards would lose their tongue.
Sorry, what? The Valaryons are one of the richest houses in the realm. They control most of the naval fleet. Maybe don’t make their son a cuckold?
“They had an open marriage!”
NO ONE ELSE KNOWS THAT. To the court and the small folk, Rhaenyra promised to be faithful to Laenor in front of the eyes of the gods, and she very obviously didn’t keep that vow. Why should they trust anything she says as Queen if she can’t even do something as simple as not birthing bastards? That’s what most people don’t realize in the bastard debate.
Whether you can prove it or not, the strong boys don’t look like either of their alleged parents. Like, at all. Even Aegon’s drunk ass could tell shit didn’t add up. Commoners are not going to be any different. They are going to know, and whether they can say it or not, it will still affect how they feel towards her. Can’t keep your marriage vows, why should I believe that you have my best interest at heart?
Because she doesn’t. She is a horrible ruler that lasted less than a year before the small folk rose up and drove her out. She feasted while they starved. It’s that self centered mentality that taints the bloodline and leads to The Unworthy.
Clearly no one learned about not having bastards, and this mofo decided to legitimize them on his death bed. Wasn’t going to be his problem, now was it? He died, someone else has to clean up his mess.
Hmm, not knowing how to clean up your own bastard mess, sounds familiar… oh, like Rhaenyra forcing her father to crawl from his death bed to make sure no one said mean (and true) things about her.
So I’m sorry, what were people saying about her being a good ruler? ‘Cause everywhere I look, I see another reason she should not have ascended the throne.
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nesiacha · 3 months
Another Frustration with the Series (Spoiler Alert for Blood and Fire and House of the Dragon)
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Me after see the episode
Alert spoil
I watched the new episode. Maybe I'm a masochist, but honestly, I didn't like it at all. This is just my personal opinion. I’m probably not going to be thrilled with what I have to say about the Blacks and the Greens.
Let's start with the death of Rhaenys. In the book, she is totally badass from beginning to end. Even more so at her death: I mean, she saw Aegon and Aemond charging at her with their two dragons, including Vhagar. It’s clearly stated that she had a chance against Vhagar (in my opinion, she would have beaten him one-on-one since she has a lot of combat experience—just look at Aemond getting beaten by Daemon and Caraxes. As for Aegon and his dragon, she would have made short work of him). But instead of retreating, knowing it would probably be her end, she decides to engage in battle. She dies a warrior’s death, fitting for her life. Here, she is taken by surprise by Aemond... I mean, the trap was there to catch the two dragonriders from the Green camp from the start, the Blacks fell into it, but from the beginning of the confrontation, it was Rhaenys against Aegon and Aemond at the same time. The series did not respect the book's Rhaenys, who is a thousand times better in my eyes.
Similarly, Aemond could usurp his nephews and seemed in the book not to care about his sister Helaena (just like Aegon). He would have said that the crown suited him better, but he never tried to usurp Aegon (one of the few positive points because frankly, I don't understand the whitewashing of Aemond—GRR Martin deliberately made him resemble Maegor without any strategy, and Maegor was less worse in his usurpation of the throne because Visenya brought him not out of ambition but to fight the militant faith that was rampant everywhere; seriously, Aemond would be the equivalent of Gregor Clegane with a little more intelligence, although very gullible if he possessed a dragon).
The rise of Cole as Hand of the King. I’ve talked about him many times. This guy is Littlefinger if he were less clever and more acclaimed (he is a deliberate contrast to characters like Jaime Lannister and Sandor Clegane, who are more hated in Westeros but more honorable than him). The series overlooks what he did first as Hand of the King. He put all of Rhaenyra's supporters in the dungeons to the sword (he directly told them to choose between submitting to Aegon II or dying—most chose to die). Moreover, the writers make him seem more competent than he is (he is slightly more intelligent than Aemond but not by much). Yes, he practices scorched earth, won a Pyrrhic victory, and tried to rule by terror. But GRR Martin made it clear that an enemy might seem more powerful and oppress the smallfolk, but he can have people stand up to him precisely because of that terror (see the example of Tywin Lannister who is beaten militarily and even when he kills Robb, the fights continue subtly in the book). Here, I feel like the show presents him as competent.
Let’s not talk about Otto Hightower. It's not a question of saying he ruled wisely—I mean, he inherited a stable policy under Jaehaerys (although I don't like that character at all), didn’t care about the Stepstones, and let the Triarchy take it, which is a crucial route for Westeros' trade. Not very brilliant, not to mention that the Greens stole the royal treasury and spread it out in several places, causing the smallfolk to suffer, and Rhaenyra found nothing when she arrived at King's Landing and had to raise taxes.
Alicent Hightower... Honestly, I still don't understand her connection with Cole in the show. Cole only cares about power and not Alicent (in my opinion), and Alicent is Cersei with ambition, knowing that it’s better not to have adulterous relations unlike Cersei. Nevertheless, I don't like book Alicent much for trying to shame a 12-year-old Rhaenyra regarding Cole (when she wonders who will protect Rhaenyra from Cole), while if there was any ambiguous behavior, it was from Cole who is an adult and acted creepily. Honestly, Viserys was a horrible father for tolerating a Cole when any father would have at least kicked him out and let that slide.
Moving on to the Blacks, even though there are characters I really like (like Baela and Rhaena—thank you very much, show, for not showing them well), Jacaerys (who shows that diplomacy is better than force since it’s mainly the Starks who turned the tide), Rhaenys, and even Corlys... Even if the Greens initiated the first thing that can be blamed like the usurpation of the throne by ambition, stealing the royal treasury, and that Aegon II was a horrible king and unleashed dragons on the smallfolk... The Blacks also had things to reproach themselves for, like the murder of Aegon II and Helaena's eldest son in response to the gratuitous murder of Lucerys. Even if the murder (deliberate, sorry show, I don't accept it) of Lucerys was horrible, they also inflicted this death on an innocent in front of their mother’s eyes. Even though Daemon wasn’t a Tytos 2.0, unlike his brother, he was competent in wars or with the Goldcloaks, and he was rightly annoyed with Otto, there was a caprice and cruelty in him (certainly not as much as Aemond or Tywin) that did not fit a consort king (plus his horrible phrase about the heir for a day).
As for Rhaenyra, even though in some aspects she is tragic and I won’t blame her for her mistakes in trusting a creepy Cole as a teenager (in my eyes, she is a victim here, so we don’t blame the victim), there are things that clearly indicate she was destined to be a bad queen from the start. It's not that she had bastard children because Laenor couldn’t have given her children as he was very gay, and she respected that, plus she was forced into this marriage by her father Viserys (and after all, Catherine II had illegitimate children as her husband was apparently incapable of giving her any, and one of them reigned). It could have worked with great political intelligence, but she took it for granted that she was going to be queen (even though I don't understand why the series says she left the castle and settled at Dragonstone when she was more or less forced to leave) when her stepmother Rhaenys was the living example that being accepted as queen would be difficult. At the start, she was ready to handle the Hightowers with care but refused to renounce her rights (and she was right). She tried to use soft power until Aemond deliberately killed Lucerys. But there is no trace of her condemning the murder of the son of Aegon and Helaena . As the tragedies unfolded, she became increasingly paranoid and alienated even her allies. I understand that she had to raise taxes because of the Greens’ theft of the royal treasury, but she lived a lavish lifestyle. Even if Rhaenyra was, in my eyes, lesser compared to Aegon II among the Greens, as Kelsey L. Hayes so well said, the tragedy is that neither side proved worthy of the crown. The main victim was the smallfolk. Incidentally, I didn't understand the propaganda saying that Maegor is Rhaenyra because if that were true, she would have thrown Cole to a dragon, maybe even other Hightowers, and massacred all of King's Landing at the slightest protest (and if Tywin or Maegor were actually in Daemon and Rhaenyra's place from the start, they would have ordered the murder of all the Hightowers to the last, including infants—just look at the murder of Elia Martell and her children to be convinced, as Tywin acted both opportunistically and to take revenge on poor Elia who simply had the "fault" of marrying Rhaegar instead of Cersei).
And frankly, I was happy when Cregan Stark arrived, came to restore order, and scolded both sides. That’s why he is in my top 20 favorite characters.
In short, why this long message? Because none of the tragedy so well done by GRR Martin is conveyed in the show, there is too much whitewashing of some characters, and characters inconsistent with the plot (Mysaria, Alicent, etc.). Unlike the producers of Game of Thrones (who made bad scripts and destroyed or erased very good characters), the writers of House of the Dragon have no excuse as they know the ending. When I learned there was a prequel, I was happy because I thought I would reconnect with the spirit of Game of Thrones before it went off the rails. Huge disappointment. I don't think I will continue watching this series. It's sad but I don't want to make another facepalm by watching this show XD
Once again, just my opinion :)
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sayruq · 2 years
What are your thoughts on the dance of dragons? I don’t mean about the show but the whole situation, characters, etc. Genuinely interested because you always bring up points and things I didn’t consider and I would love to get your insight.
Targ stans have been on a relentless and desperate (and doomed to fail) campaign to place all the blame on Alicent because they don't want Targaryens to be blamed for what happened. The truth is there would always be a succession crisis no matter what. Viserys could have married the type of woman they want Alicent to be - someone who accepts years of grooming, marital rape and neglect with a smile and the Dance would still happen.
Dragons plant no trees.
The truth is the Targaryens didn't bother codifying succession laws because they don't care about the long term, they're not building something that lasts longer than them. It's why their legacy is centuries of bloodshed, one measly road, and a crumbling, decaying city that one of their own will obliterate.
It started with Aegon marrying two women at the same time- Visenya was the one he was betrothed to but he married her sister as well (likely without consulting Visenya). He basically decided that Rhaenys would be the mother of his bloodline instead of Visenya and therefore he had no plans for Maegor. In fact, he outright ignored the kid.
After Aenys' death, Maegor seized power over his nephews and nieces which led to war. This was essentially the first Dance of Dragons. There were even bastard rumours floating around. Maegor like his father married multiple women without any plans for what would happen if he managed to get living children.
You'd think after that war, Jaehaerys the so-called wise king would sit down and make a clear-cut succession law but the only thing that man was interested in is making the lives of his daughters and wife miserable. He took the throne over Rhaena and Aerea, then passed over Rhaenys as heir, he called for a Great Council, got the results he wanted meaning that Rhaenys was passed over again, and STILL didn't codify the succession laws.
What instead happened was that it reinforced over and over to the people of Westeros that the throne could never pass to a woman. In fact, the only role that a Targaryen woman could ever hope for is that of a consort.
When Viserys named Rhaenyra as his heir (when he failed to produce the son he so obviously wanted), he could have made it possible for women to inherit but like his daughter, Viserys believed that Rhaenyra was the exception. Basically a one-time thing that even Rhaenyra herself agreed with based on how she ruled that younger brothers should inherit before older sisters. So the succession was very much not a settled manner when Viserys made the choice to marry Alicent and have 4 children he didn't care for.
Even if Alicent decided to serve Rhaenyra, war would have happened anyway. People would have gravitated to Aegon and his brothers or Daemon or Laenor because the succession laws that exist allow only men to inherit.
Rhaenyra's behavior didn't help her cause at all. I'm OK with her having bastards because she can't help who she married but a little subtly wouldn't kill. Some political acumen wouldn't have killed her - hiding away in Dragonstone (and turning the people there against her), marrying Daemon so soon after their spouses' deaths, practically flaunting her relationship with Harwin, the brothel incidence, hiding away in Dragonstone instead of coming to King's Landing and taking part of the Small Council, not seeking out allies and supporters throughout the Kingdoms because she was hiding in Dragonstone, etc.
Regardless, it's far easier for people to decide that Rhaenyra wasn't fit to be queen due to her actions and reputation because she's a woman. There's a much smaller threshold for tolerance for women. That's why Aegon II is considered King and why Rhaenyra's legacy is a dozen sexist nicknames. She should have been aware of the limitations she faced and worked to overcome them instead of relying on her father's leniency.
Blaming Alicent is the easy way out - she's not a Targaryen, she's a woman, she's kind of a bitch in the books but the real problem is House Targaryen. Self-destructive and incapable of planting roots in Westeros, they brought on their own downfall.
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The White Dragon (29)
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29. The Red Keep
Summary: A horrible lie could change the war
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, injury, burns, dragon fire, death, violence, armies, war and all that comes with it. Might miss some warnings but you know what this is about :) 
SPECIAL WARNINGS... if you read the last chapter, the Crestan part, you might guess what is coming.. either way.. VIOLENCE AND THREATS REGARDING MINORS, THREATS OF SA AGAINST A MINOR, VIOLENCE.
Wordcount: 4.7 k.
Notes: This is an intense one, honestly I thought I had reached 5k, anyways... more notes at the end I don't want to spoil anything...
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When Aemond came back, one week later, he found the Red Keep submerged in madness. 
He found maids and ladies crying, he found soldiers running around in distress, something was really, really wrong. 
He had been away, leading the Baratheon army that was now outside King’s Landing’s gates, he ran upstairs, towards Maegor’s holdfast, ready to march North, or wherever they needed them to go. With Lord Borros’ support 
But as long as he was going upwards… he realized something wrong, really, really wrong, had happened. 
When he reached the superior levels, he could hear her… his mother screaming… he ran the last hallway to the hall, and froze, right there, in the middle of a private chamber, over four beds, were three bodies. Already prepared as a silent sister was finishing the shrouds on the feet of the last body. His breath got caught in his throat.
They were two women, and two children, and his mother’s beaten face could only mean one thing
“No”, he whined, as soon as Alicent saw him, she ran towards him, and he embraced her in his arms
“What is this?”, he asked, he felt like a glass ball was stuck in his throat, “what happened?”
“They came in the night”, she cried, “they…they…”
“Who? who did this?”, he said urgently, and her mother weeped even more
“They said that a nephew for a niece”, she cried, “they… killed the children, Helaena and Aemma, and took Jahaera”
And something inside Aemond just snapped. 
72 hours earlier
Crestan had spent the last two days searching for a way into the Keep, and failing completely at it. He couldn’t just ask around people [hey, do you know a way into the Castle?”, so he scouted all possible entrances all around the castle, but it was useless…
If he didn’t hurry, he was not going to be able to stop it, your child could be in danger.
He didn’t have any money, he didn’t have any time, he was looking for a secret way in into the biggest castle he had ever seen, to look for a Princess he had never seen or even know how she looks like, and probably save yet another child that he had never seen, nor he didn’t even know what he looked like either. 
He was fucked
For all he knows, that kid might be long dead by now.
He was running out of ideas
Until… Nighttime
He was posing as a vagabond, all covered with an old rag he found somewhere and sitting against the Red Keep’s outer wall. from there he could see people coming and going, when suddenly, a girl passed by him, a servant girl, that by now he acknowledged as one of the palace servants because of her clothes.
There weren’t any houses not gates to the castle in that direction so she was definitely coming from the Keep and towards the city, and he smiled
If he knew something for sure, it is that no matter how big the castle, it has always a passageway, nor matter small or big. 
So he waited, patiently, until the girl came back at a very late hour of the night. way past the hour of the owl, so he followed her… right towards the water, and the harbor by the keep. 
There it was… a small passageway right embedded in the stone. Fuck yeah… he haden’t been that way since at daytime merchants and soldier would pass constantly, but at night… it was a different thing entirely. 
Thank the gods he still had his sword… so he made sure to drink water, some wine and have some food in a tavern, before adventuring in the passageways… He didn’t know how long they went, and they are most likely going to be dead ends.
So he entered the guts of the Red Keep, into her insides… oh yeah if he was going to go inside something it has to be a “her”
He walked through the dark hallways… he barely found a torch or two lit up along the way, so through his touch on the stone and his steady feet he walked along the deepest passageways. his right hand at his sword the entire time… 
His breath got caught in his throat when he found a giant skull, the most gigantic thing he had ever witnessed, he had a hard time believing it belonged to what was once a living breathing animal. A dragon, he guessed, you don’t fuck around with the Targaryen. But the candles and everything led him to believe this was a recurrent place visited by some people at the castle… 
He had this
36 hours earlier
He did not have this. 
Through a day and a half he had toured the insides of the Red Keep, he found different rooms, some abandoned, some not, he even found the Royal family’s kitchen, where he waited long enough to steal some food, he was starving… he also found the Servant’s room, where he stole some uniforms in case he needed to blend in, and one for their scape. He also heard through false doors at voices and persons, he even managed to find what he guessed was a very intimate private chamber for audiences (the small council room).
He had been really lucky nobody had seen him
So he took the giant skull as a starting point, and from there he started to reach every door and passageway,and then he came back to start again. Day and a half after he was positive he had visited at least half of all the possible ways to go… So his time, even if he even had any left, was running out. He was also sure that if there had been a prince assassinated he would have heard something…
He had seen people through his visits, he had seen an auburn haired woman, that a servant called “your grace”, so that could be the Queen. He had seen what was probably the King, with a crown on his head, but he was terribly injured, by fire, he gathered.
So now he was going to go through the right side, looking at the skull, he felt he was getting closer and closer
He tried a few doors, to empty rooms, but he noticed they were getting more opulent, so he knew he was going the right way… Alright, a silver haired young princess, younger than nineteen, he guessed seventeen or so… trapped in her room, she should be easier to see. For a moment he considered grabbing a random servant and threatening them to tell them where she might be… but then… he would have to kill them, and he didn’t like that, now, he was close… 
Aemma’s sleep was alluding to her these past nights, she couldn’t sleep no matter how much she tried, so she entertained herself by stoking the fire in her hearth, to keep the only light in the room lightened. Fire comforted her 
That only, he heard a creaking noise, like an old door, being opened. She instantly looked at the door but it was closed, and probably locked, like always, so it wasn’t that, and then, she saw an entire panel on the wall move. Her breath got caught in her throat but she still managed to stand up slowly, as she saw the now discovered hidden door being opened more widely, and then, she gasped when he saw someone trying to enter. 
And then his eyes met 
She screamed for a second before he could shush her, entering quickly, showing her his hands in a manner to prove he meant no harm to her. She grabbed the poker as a weapon, as she took long steps backwards to separate herself from him. She grabbed whatever she could find nearer to her… a book, and threw it at him, he managed to avoid it, and retrieved a little by the door 
“Aemma?”, he asked, still half hidden behind the door
“Who are you?”, she demanded, as she threw now a base at him
“I’m a friend of your mother!”, he said, “I’m here to help!”
“My mother is dead!”, she said, tears now falling down her face
“She might be, I still have my doubts!”, he explained
“What is your name?”, she asked, “What are you doing here?”. Crestan had been looking for this princess for the past five days and still he didn’t find a clue of what he was going to say when he found her
“My name is Crestan Naharis”, he said gently, “Your mother send me, like two fortnights ago, to find you”, she lowered her weapon, blinking rapidly the tears away
“How do I know you are telling the truth?”, she asked
“I was in Dragon Stoned”, he said firmly
“Dragonstone?”, she asked
“Yes, they were all there, your father, your siblings, your aunt, the Queen?, whatever I was there when the war broke out, your mother was so worried about you, I offered myself to come get you, but then she left for a diplomatic mission, told me that at her return she was going to tell how to rescue you… but she never came back”, he told her. And Aemma believed him as a tear fell down her face
“Where are you going to take me?”, she asked then
“Wherever you want”, he said, “Stoned dragon, or Harrenhell”
“Whenever”, he whispered. “But we need to leave, now!”, she nodded rapidly, and jumped from where she stood, and started grabbing things. Without even caring about Crestan being there she put on her riding gear that she had fashioned in a red fabric, instead of black like it was accustomed to.And she gathered a few items too, some clothes of hers, and since she was going to get her dragon, and this was her mother’s old bedroom, she grabbed a map she had made, and a compass, to know where she was heading. 
“I’m ready!”, she said, trusting some guy she had never seen before, but she was done being here, feeling scared, feeling like her own life didn’t belong to herself. 
So following him, she began to travel to a very unknown world to her, the secret passageways
“You're telling me this was here this whole time?”, she whispered
“I’ve been traveling these corridors for three days Princess”, he muttered, “and I haven’t even finished exploring them all yet. And he wanted to kick himself because of how fast and soon they reached the stairs that led to their freedom, from here, they could see the whole city, and the faint lights of a new day on the horizon
“Wait!”, she said, “We can’t leave!”
“What do you mean we can’t leave?”, he cried, “I need to take you to safety”, he said, trying to grab her arm but she took a step back
“How are you going to do that exactly?”. Crestan sighed, he didn’t had a fucking clue, when he was wondering the city he catched a glimpse at the docs, his boat, SHIP, was gone, that white haired bastard abandoned him here, “Right so we take MY dragon there, so technically, who is saving who?”, Crestan was opening his mouth to protest when they heard steps in the hallway, so they hid away
“What do you mean we can’t leave?”, he asked
“We can”, she corrected, “but first we need to take someone out of a cell”
“A cell?”, he asked, “who? certainly not a good man”
“Yes he is!”, she insisted, “she is my mother’s sworn sword we need to get him out”, she insisted. He grabbed her
“Look princess, I haven’t seen any cells, and we need to get out of here, there are some awful men coming, and they are going to”, and then he stopped, she was right, they couldn’t leave, “is your friend good with a sword?”, he asked
“He is good with a sword on each hand, he is a King’s guard, a white cloak”, even in Essos you could hear the legends that were the White cloaks, the finest knights in Westeros, so he nodded
“Let’s break your friend out of his cell”, he confirmed. She nodded, suddenly excited, Crestan gave her the maid dress he had found alongside that thing girls put in their heads, he thought, liked seeing girl’s hair, but whatever….
They got dressed over their clothes and both looked positively ridiculous, but at this hour, nobody was going to notice, or at least they hoped so. They entered the main castle by one of the passageways that was in the inferior levels, and this time, went ten times easier since Aemma knew where she was going. She and Aemond as kids used to go together and toured the entire castle, of course holding hands because she got scared. 
She shook those thoughts out of her mind, once she was out of here,, and made sure her family was alright, she could convince Aemond to switch to her side. 
They kept walking, and they got very lucky, because the keep was still deep in sleep, they managed to avoid some guards, most of them sleeping in the corners, to the cells. She knew they were going to keep him in the upper levels of the cell floors.
“Steffon?”, she whispered. Crestan tried to shush her, but she made him shush instead, “Steffon!”, she said loudly
“Aemma?”, from the very last one of the cells, appeared a hand reaching out. Aemma ran towards it, grabbing an ax from a table in the corner, she didn't stop to think about what they would do with that to the prisoners, but she didn’t care
“Wait Princess!”, called Crestan, but she didn’t heard him, she used the heavy ax and with one swing, she snapped the lock of the cell open
Crestan had to help her though, to open the heavy door
Steffons stumped out of the cell, he was dirty, had grown a beard, and his hair was longer, but he look well
“Steffon!”, she couldn’t help but embrace him, and he embraced her back
“My sweet girl”, he whispered, “what are you doing here?”, when they separated, he noticed the man standing, “Who are you?”, he asked
“Excuse me, I’m the man that saved her and then you”
“He saved me from my rooms, he is taking me to the Dragonpit”
“Nobody said anything about the Dragonpit”, he said urgently, Steffon looked at him
“Vermithor is there, with him we can leave, without him we are grounded”, she muttered
“Alright I’ll take you to the Dragonpit”, he said rapidly, “but first we need to leavethis fucking hallway!”, they heard hurried steps by the hallways, so they ran, Aemma caught Steffon arms to place it around her shoulders, she could tell he was limping
When they were in the safety of the secret passageways, they stopped to catch their breaths. Aemma thought they were lucky for being able to sneak that way, the Red Keep is not what it used to, she guessed half the court and servants were… dismissed because of their alliances, but she couldn't think more about it
“Alright, so what’s your name?”, asked Steffon
“Crestan Naharis, pirate”
“A pirate?/you are a pirate?”, they asked at the same time, Steffon kind of disgusted, but Aemma excited 
“And you are?”, asked Crestan all defiantly
“Steffon Mangold, former white cloak”, he muttered
“So a knight, fallen in disgrace?”, he mocked
“Stop it!”, she begged
“I chose my side”, he said firmly, “Sadly it wasn’t the one that holds this castle”, he said firmly
“Enough! you are not going to start fighting, we are all on this together!”, she whispered, and both men looked at each other, and nodded
“What do we do next?”, Crestan asked
“We get to the dragonpit”, said Aemma, gesticulating catching both of their attentions, “I get to my dragon, we burn some bitches up!”, said Aemma
“We are not burning any bitches”, said Steffon
“Why not?”, asked Crestan.
“Because…”, he stopped talking as they heard something, or someone. They all stopped talking and walked slowly backwards until they were hidden in the darkness
It was two men, one big and bulky, dark haired with a mustache, and the other smaller and thinner, mainly bald but with sickened strands of hair. The three of them stood so still, they didn’t see them, as they walked by
“Are you certain this is the way, Cheese?”
“That way”, he pointed, “pay attention you fuck”, he drawled, and they disappeared trough the dark hallways
When they were certain they left they found each other
“Who the fuck were those?”, asked Steffon
“Yes, about those bad men I told you about, Aemma…”, he whispered. 
Helaena had fallen asleep in her children’s rooms, as she was until late hours of the night reading to her babies. 
And she was roughly awoken.
Blood snatched Jaehaerys from his bed, as Cheese snatched Maelor
“No!”, she screamed, trying to stop them, but Blood pushed her, making her trip and fall against the bed
“Shut up you cunt!”, laughed cheese
“Who are you?”, she cried, “what do you want?”
“A nephew for a niece”, said Cheese, “the one-eyed took the princess, we will take his nephew instead”, Helaena shrieked in terror, grabbing Jahaera who was crying and held her tightly
“They didn’t do anything!” she begged 
“Now, which one of your children would you like to die?”, asked cheeses. Helaena looked at both men, the blood already in their blades suggest they killed the guard who should have been posted at the door, there was no one to save her… 
“Take me instead”, she said
“It has to be one of the boys”, he continued, those wretched looking men, “c’mon mommy, which is it?”, The boys started crying, calling for her
“I can’t!”, she cried, I can’t choose, please”
“You rather choose one, or we are taking them all, Blood here will especially take her…”, Cheeses couldn’t finish his sentence, as he saw in horror how Blood was being impaled from behind by a blade across his chest. He tried to speak, or scream, but only a river of blood came out of his mouth 
He didn’t got to react as an arm caught him by the neck, immobilizing him
“Drop the kid, you sick fuck”, Crestan bitted out in his ear, and he did. Jaehaerys had ran towards his mother, and Maelor got released too
“Helaena, close their eyes!”, warned Aemma from behind, as Crestan sliced Cheese’s neck, and then stabbed him in the heart to prevent him from squirming and scaring the children. 
Blood fell to the ground as a hard bag of rocks, bleeding all around
“I take no pleasure in killing a man on his back”, muttered Steffon, “he certainly deserved a slowed and more painful death”, he whispered
“Don’t sweat it, I won’t tell anyone”, mocked Crestan
“Steffon”, Helaena called, and she ran towards Steffon and hugged him tightly, Steffon hug her back, “Aemma!”, she called, reaching for the girl who was behind her two saviors 
The girls hugged tightly, as Steffon tended to the children, making sure they didn’t see, Crestan covered the two wretched men with a tapestry from the floor so the kids won’t look at them. 
“I’m so glad you were here”, Helaena cried
“Yes, me too, but we have to go”, muttered Crestan, but the girls wouldn’t part
“Yes princess, probably a full set of guards are coming this way!”, said Steffon, cleaning the sword that belonged to the white cloaked killed in the hallway, it was the only weapon he could muster. 
“You have to take me with you!”, Helaena begged
“We can’t steal a Queen!”, Crestan said
“I’m not leaving without her”, said Aemma, grabbing her hand tightly 
“I know all of their battle plans”, she said firmly, and the three of them looked at her, “I will tell you everything I know if you take me to the dragonpit” 
“Let’s go then!” said Steffon, grabbing Jaehaerys, Helaena nodded grabbing the children warmest clothes, and  Crestan grabbed little Maelor who cling to his neck, and little Jahaera also hold onto him
“Let’s go!”
Not the maesters, Mushroom, or I have a clue how they managed to get away with every mess they needed to pull through that night, but with the old gods and the new, they managed to get back to the secret passageways, dress the children, because Helaena already knew where they were going, the only place that made sense really, and then they abandoned the Keep, for the streets of king’s landing 
Gold cloaks saw them pass by, but as they saw Aemma their commander’s daughter, they didn’t even tried to stop them, instead they guarded them towards the pit
The Queen Helaena, Princess Aemma, princes Jaehaerys, Maelors and Jahaera, the former white cloak Steffon Mangold, and the Essosi pirate Crestan Naharis, ran through the streets of King’s landing, that were only minutes away from awakening to a brand new and sunny day 
I must be mad if I’m entering willingly the most dangerous building in the world”, whined Crestan, as they ran up the long stairs leading to the Dragonpit, “I will protect you, sweet Queen”, said Crestan with a nod looking at Helaena, that only nodded with a shy smile. 
“This isn’t so bad”, Crestan muttered, looking at the huge building
“The dragons are down there”, said Aemma, pointing at a ramp leading down
“Oh well, I’ll wait for you here then”, he said with an apologizing look. Aemma looked at Helaena and she looked back at her
Helaena said a few kind words to her children, and then they went down the ramp. 
“Scared, pirate?”, asked Steffon, releasing prince Jaehaerys, dropping him to the floor, the boy stayed put and looked up at the men with a shy smile, his sibling still clinged onto the colrful clothes of the pirate as he had released himself from all the disguises he wore during those long days. 
“You would find, Knight, that I don’t scare so easily, furthermore, I… HOLY SHIT!”, he screamed, as he saw Dreamfyre climbing up the ramp. The children giggled, but they asked to be released from his embrace which he did, the children ran towards their mother, and her huge she-dragon. And behind her, emerged the King of dragons, Vermithor, crawling deadly and silently alongside Aemma
“Of course the sweetest princesses have the most badasses dragons”, he said, looking at both beasts, he had seen caraxes and he was not impressed, not like now, Vemrithor was fucking huge, he wonder how he entered the pit. 
“Alright, so what is the plan?”, asked Steffon
“Helaena told me, plus what I already know… I’ll have go west”, Aemma said, “if the Lannisters reach Highgarden, we are fucked, I need to get the treasury back, and I need to defend Highgarden and win their allegiance, with that ally, we can secure the South
“I really think you should go and see your family”, said Crestan
“There is no time”, she said
“What are you going to do?”, Steffon asked Helaena
“I’ll go to Harrenhal instead”, she said firmly
“You can’t go there”, Crestan said, “that is probably the most dangerous place to be right now, everyone is meeting there”
“That is exactly why I should go”, she said, “black and green will make red”, she muttered
“What?”, whispered Aemma
“I will go there”, she said, “there is someone waiting for me”, she said, smiling reassuringly, “Trust me, you should go East, and I will go to Harrenhal, I will tell your family that you are safe”, Aemma nodded
Aemma believed, with all her heart, even if she wanted to see her family, her heart made of fire told her she needed to go to Highgarden, to stop the Lannister’s plans.
“I will go with you”, muttered Steffon, and Aemma nodded
“I will take you”, Helaena said to Crestan, who still had the two children curled up against him.
“Wait, wait, on that dragon?”, he asked, looking suspiciously at that blue giant beast
“Yes”, she said simply, she grabbed her children and help them climb onto Dreamfyre, she had a huge basket looking second saddle to carry her children with her when she went on her long flies
So the Dragon keepers opened the huge doors, and through them, on the Bronze Fury, flew Aemma, Steffon grabbing onto her and both securely strapped to the saddle, and then Dreamfyre flew behind them. Crestan grabbing onto Helaena so hard she could barely breathe
“Oh fuck what did I got intooooo”, he screamed, when when he made sure he was well strapped tot he saddle and he wasn’t going to fell off, he released Helaena, pushing his hands on the air, “wooohooooo” 
24 hours later
Alicent was praying, luckily or not, she didn't come to see her daughter in the morning, and Otto was first informed of the servants and guards who found two men killed in the princes’ chambers, but no signs of Helaena and the children, and Aemma was also gone. 
“This is our chance, M’lord”, muttered Larys, who has also been called by the Hand, looking at the two men killed. Otto looked at him
“Princess Aemma is also missing, this could be our chance, to finally turn Aemond to the Greens, his heart, his love, is gone, we shall rip him from his chest completely, make him believe they are forever lost, and blame them for it… he will not hesitate in destroying them” 
Otto only smiled
Aegon was missing
How the fuck did you loose a man that could barely walk? that was beyond all of them knowing.. the thing is… that he couldn’t handle the loss of his heirs, so he disappeared with no trace, a murder was discarted, as well as a kidnapping, no, he had left on his own accord, since he himself has dismissed his Royal guards.
And the thing is that everybody was so shocked about Helaena and the children, that nobody seemed to notice or care that he was gone, sad, but true. 
“Aemond, you need to prepare for the inevitable”, Queen Alicent said, grabbing his arm. She found him in the throne room, looking up at the Iron Throne, as one time long ago the princess had found him, and together they discussed how a good king should be.
“The Gods might have put your brother in the earth first, but now, without him, it’s you”, she said gently, “It’s you who will take power”
“Aegon is missing, Helaena and her children are dead, Aemma too, and you want me to worry about who will sit the Iron Throne?”, he asked bitterly 
“It's the will of the Gods”, she said, grabbing his arm, “you were always the better brother, that scholar, that studied and trained and rides the mightiest beast in all of Westeros”, she said, “The gods set a bloody path, but in the end, you will sit the Iron Throne”, 
“What good is the throne if you don’t have anyone that stands by your side?”, he whispered, his heart was broken in a million pieces because of a lie
“What good is it to be King, if you don’t have a Queen?”
“You will have a Queen”, she said, grabbing his arm, but just like Helaena used to do, Aemond shaked her away, for the very first time
“She was my Queen”, he said firmly
“Lord Borros has renewed his interest to make an alliance, I’m sure any of his daughters would be…”
“They aren’t her”, he said, “Every great King had a great Queen by their side. Aegon had Visenya and Rhaenys and he was the greatest King that ever lived… Maegor didn’t have a great Queen and looked at what happened…. Jaehaerys had The Good Queen Alysanne, and together they ruled over 60 years of peace and prosperity… And my father….”, Alicent looked at him unblinking, with a terrified look on her face. He sighed and said nothing
“You want two wives?”
“No!”, he growled, frustrated. 
“You want Aemma, now you can’t have her, so avenge her”, Otto said, arriving, of course he was eavesdropping. Aemond looked at him, “take Harrenhal, ride to battle, win this war”
And he only nodded 
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More notes: DID I GET YOU? did you for a sec think that they died?? SORRY, I love the dramatics…
Long notes... I actually cried writing that scene, I spared them, but the true story is so so horrible, sweet Helaena... turns my legs to jelly
No but Otto is a horrible person, mother f*cker I’m going to enjoy giving him what he deserves! (my scape goat or in this case, the goat they like to feed the dragons with), And Larys??? I imagine he is the Westeros’ Loki (like the mythological one) 
Anyways… YES i’m a firm believer not everybody knows of the secret passageways… Rhaenyra didn’t know until Daemon showed her, and in this he also showed Reader… she was going to teach Crestan, but she never managed to… ANYHOW
Poor Helaena,  nobody pays attentions to her visions so now she has to act on them herself haha
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iheartbookbran · 2 years
yeah ita with everything you said! imo the major difference between a show like breaking bad is that the writers were always fully aware of how horrible walt was, and his actions were never excused or whitewashed by the narrative. whereas on hotd the writers are determined to find every excuse in the book to whitewash the greens and make them look like victims of circumstance. and i completely agree with you that the both-sidesing of the greens and the blacks is incredibly fucking annoying! like i’m sorry but the notion that the greens and the blacks are equally bad is ridiculous! i’m not saying that the blacks are perfect or that they’ve never done anything wrong, but the greens are the ones who START THE WAR IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! like the greens literally START A CIVIL WAR DUE TO MISOGYNY and and we’re supposed to think these two sides are equally in the wrong??? i mean i could go into all of the ways that the team green is worse than team black, but i feel like the fact that the greens initiated this due to their opposition to a woman on the throne is the most crucial thing. the “both sides are equally bad” take is apologism for misogyny and it pisses me off to no end.
Like I get the need to flesh out the greens and not making them as outright villains as they are in the book. I get it. But I also think there’s ways to do that without taking away their bite? I mean in asoiaf the Lannisters are very obviously the villains, they are presented to us from the very beginning as the bad guys but they’re still allowed to be sympathetic and fleshed out and even, dare I say, characters the readers can find themselves rooting for.
And yeah, the Dance is a conflict in which everyone does bad things at the end but the greens still end up coming off as worse because at least the blacks get to have characters on their side who are always portrayed as wholly heroic, like Jace, Baela, Addam, and of course the rest of the squad that includes Good Guy Houses such as the Starks, the Tullys and the Blackwoods—no seriously the biggest indicator we get that the blacks are supposed to be the heroes is the fact that the Blackwoods are supporting them, that’s GRRM’s default Manic Pixie Cool House lmfao.
Even Daemon, who orchestrated what’s arguably the worst thing that happens in the Dance (B&C), is still presented as heroic during his lasts moments, maybe he’s undeserving of that heroism but that’s the direction the story takes.
Funnily enough, f&b as a source is heavily biased against Rhaenyra, and I think that’s a deliberate choice on GRRM’s part because he still manages to make Rhaenyra come off as sympathetic and likable at times, even if she does her fair share of war crimes. She, of course, gets the brunt of the criticism out of all the characters on her side, mainly because she doesn’t behave as a “good woman” ought to lbr. People love to bring up the fact that she’s called Maegor with teats in universe as a gotcha for how terrible she was as a ruler without realizing that A) they’re falling into the same misogynistic propaganda that was used against Rhaenyra to hurt her reputation and B) how fucking disrespectful that is towards Maegor. I mean he didn’t kill and torture his own teenaged nephews, kidnaped and forcibly married several women, almost single-handedly annihilated a religion, and brutally murdered anyone who opposed him, only for y’all to claim Rhaenyra was just as bad as him? She fed one (1) guy to her dragon, ordered the execution of a few people and failed to carry it through, and raised some taxes on KL. Being like Maegor? PLEASE, she doesn’t have the flair nor the commitment to be Maegor.
The point about Rhaenyra is that we simply don’t know how she would be as ruler, without the war and the trauma she underwent and affected every single decision she took as queen. Maybe she wouldn’t have been great at the job, but we can summarize Aegon wouldn’t have been any better. It doesn’t matter because that was never the point, and I’m aware I sound like a broken record but idgaf: the Dance was never a conflict in which both sides were equally in the wrong, even if both sides do terrible things, merely because the circumstances that lead to it were a woman being usurped and betrayed on account of simply being a woman. Rhaenyra may not be a perfect victim to some but that doesn��t mean she isn’t one, she doesn’t need to be an enlightened third wave feminist for us to understand that the patriarchy was weaponized against her in order to undermine her, that she was shamed for her sexual liberation and attacked at every turn and made to feel as if she was the irrational one for not peacefully giving up her power to her shitty little brother.
Honestly it’s self-parody at this point because the Venn diagram between people who claim that slaver lives matter and Dany is a monster for wanting to end the practice while not being nice about it, and the people who try to justify the greens’ every action because Rhaenyra started it all by having sex outside of marriage, is almost a complete circle. And they will bend over backwards to try to poor mew mewify Aegon, who in the show is a child r*pist who enjoys watching kids fight to the death, and say that Rhaenyra is just as bad for having children outside the sanctity of marriage with the blessing of her own gay husband who loves and claims those children as his own anyways. Ok.
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asoiafandotherbooks · 10 months
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: Who Killed King Aenys?
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
King Aenys is dead. His reign was marked first by indecisiveness and then by a series of bad choices. A good man but a horrible king.
Aenys’ funeral was held on Dragonstone, attended by his wife and three youngest children. His two oldest children were unable to attend as they are surrounded by thousands of Poor Fellows at the Crakehall castle.
Queen Alysanne sang a dirge for her husband and his pyre was lit by Quicksilver, Vermithor, and Silverwing.
One notable Targaryen not in attendance was Dowager Queen Visenya. She left Dragonstone within an hour of Aenys’ death.
The world of Ice and Fire notes: “In later days, after Visenya’s death, it was suggested that King Aenys’s sudden demise was Visenya’s doing, and some of her spoke as kinslayer and kingslayer. Did she not prefer Maegor over Aenys in all things? Did she not have the ambition that her son should rule? Why, then, did she tend to her stepson and nephew when she seemed disgusted with him? Visenya was many things but a woman capable of pity never seemed to be one of them. It is a question that cannot be readily dismissed…nor readily answered.”
Did Visenya poison Aenys? I don’t think so. Visenya was a hard woman who could make hard choices but if she chose to eliminate Aenys to make way for Maegor, she would have done it much earlier. Visenya and Maegor followed Aenys’s decrees (for example, the exile) when they didn’t have to. Visenya offered advice but didn’t overrule Aenys when he rejected it. Even though Aenys’s choices ended in disaster. Poison doesn’t seem to be Visenya’s style. Yes, “poison is a woman’s weapon”. Visenya doesn’t need poison, she has Vhagar. None of the moves Visenya makes in the story are underhanded. She is a warrior; she fights with a sword or a dragon or both. Even with Sharra and Ronnel Arryn, she used Vhagar to make the point that resistance is futile.
Visenya did view Aenys as a weakling and a fool, but he was still the last remnant of Rhaenys, her baby sister. Aenys also improved under Visenya’s treatment until his collapse. Why would Visenya treat him if she was poisoning Aenys? To deflect blame? Does Visenya strike you as someone who cares what others think?
Another theory I’ve heard is the Maesters were poisoning Aenys. An intriguing thought. Aenys was deteriorating under the Maesters’ care. The Maesters originate from the Citadel in Oldtown, the same hometown of the High Septon and the Starry Sept. Marwyn the Mage did claim the Maesters “killed the dragons”. Maesters wrote both the World of Ice and Fire and Fire and Blood where they make a point to cast blame on Visenya (under the guise of rumors). 
The third theory is Aenys was a weak man in poor health who died.
I like the Maester theory. The only drawback is if the Maester chose to eliminate Aenys, perhaps assuming a young, inexperienced Aegon would take the crown, shouldn’t they have accounted for Visenya and Maegor? Visenya isn’t young anymore, but she is still Visenya (!) with a master war dragon. Maegor is a hardened badass with an even bigger master war dragon. Did they discount Visenya because she was a woman? Did they not realize she was the backbone of the Targaryen regime from the beginning? Did they expect Maegor to honor the rest of his exile so they felt they had years to prepare for him? How were they planning to prepare for Balerion?
The king is dead, we need a new king!
Up next, the Warrior’s Sons and the Poor Fellows.
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librosamarillos · 2 years
passed down like folk songs
chapter 16: a prayer
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Maegor Targaryen x OC
Also on Ao3
chapter index
Tags: hurt/comfort, friends to lovers, angst, mature themes, targaryen incest, violence, Maegor is a red flag himself, characters are ooc probably, MINORS DNI
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Visenya was getting a headache. Even for her, things were getting overwhelming these days, with her correspondence to lords near the rebel areas to gather arms and support, then her nephew crumbling down as soon as the crown sat upon his head, and now her son was getting out of control. Part of her was glad he was going to war, to take out all his anger in a more productive way to their house, without killing off a former prince of Casterly Rock. She was making her way to Rowan’s chambers to talk about her decision. She did selfishly want her to stay, regardless of Maegor, because then she’d have someone who understood her in her grief and her frustration. 
It was a difficult decision to make, she didn’t blame her for taking a long time to think it all through, she was being realistic. It would be exhausting. It was exhausting for her to be around her own husband with Rhaenys around. It drained her entirely to hold her head up high and keep up appearances, despite everyone knowing the truth. The situation was not the same, but she had been in a position where she had to pretend to be fine, she could understand her. Perhaps even help her. 
Through the years she noticed that when Rowan was upset, she preferred to be alone to calm down. She’d hurt herself, picking at her nails, sometimes to the point where they were red and bloody. It wasn’t often, but she always knew when it happened. Maegor was the exact opposite, his anger was explosive, dangerous and violent. She recalled back to her own youth and her own explosive anger, knowing she somehow passed it onto her son. She wasn’t sure what to do yet, but she could not let him go on like this. 
It was almost funny how quickly the two had become friends as children, seeing as when they had first met, they were awkward around each other. They were both hurting back then, Rowan with the loss of her mother, Maegor with the realisation that he’d never have a father. Somehow they helped each other so much, it hurt her to see them both so miserable. She wondered if Aegon could see how miserable their son was, all because of his decision. Would he even care? When had he ever cared about their boy?
Before she could even knock, Rowan opened the door, surprised to see her standing there, but met her with a smile.
“Your grace! I was just about to come find you!” she was smiling brightly, clearly in a good mood.
“It’s good I came by then. May I come in?” Visenya shook away the thoughts of her husband, as she was hoping for good news.
“Of course! Please, come in.” Rowan opened the door further, heading in after her to pull out a chair for her to sit in.
“No need to be so formal here, I actually prefer when you aren’t.” she sat down, making herself comfortable as the young girl nodded and did the same. “Have you decided?”
At the question, Rowan nodded again, the smile not leaving her face, filling Visenya with hope for the first time in a while.
“I’ll do it. Even if things get difficult, I want to stay by your side. I want to help you.” she said, her expression determined.
Visenya let herself smile a relaxed smile. She felt relieved at her words. Rowan was always there, as much as she could’ve been as a young girl and to hear her make the choice to stand by her, now as a young woman, it brought her a great amount of both relief and joy. 
“I’m glad to hear you say that. I’ll assume your father already knows?” she didn’t need to ask, in truth, as the two were always on the same page.
“Of course, I’d never make a decision that big without him knowing.” Rowan said.
“I didn’t doubt it. I’m happy I’ll have you around.”
“I’m happy to have you around as well. I always miss you when I return home.” she admitted, twirling the ring on her index finger mindlessly. “What will my duties be?”
“Nothing you haven’t done before. You’ll be helping me around, as a scribe, a helper, you’ll understand once you get the hang of things. I have no doubt you’ll do great.” she explained, paying attention to Rowan’s slightly scratched fingers, choosing to not bring it up just yet.
“I’m flattered to hear you have such confidence in me, your grace. I will not let you down.” she smiled brightly once more.
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Ceryse felt excited for the first time in forever, having a girlish smile spread across her face as she held the long awaited letter from her brother, Morgan. She knew her eldest brother would be busy with everything happening, but Morgan always made time to write to her. 
Dearest sister,
I hope this letter finds you well and in good health. Know that we all miss you terribly, especially I, because with whom shall I make fun of Martyn with?
Things are well here. You’ve received father’s letters, I assume, so you know he’s been well. He and Martyn are in full swing preparing Martyn to take over, just so he’s prepared. I think the King’s sudden death made him worry, I cannot blame him for it, but he has gotten quite grim. Our goodsister is doing well too, as well as little Norman is growing into a happy toddler, who misses you so much. He’s looking more and more like Anne every day, which is a good thing, since he did not inherit Martyn’s nose. There’s hope for the little one.
Our uncle’s health has been slowly declining, which may not surprise you, due to his age, but he insists he is alright. I’ve had to drag him out of the Starry Sept to the maesters to help with his cough, but he refuses to admit he is ill. I do think he will be well, but I do also think you should come visit all of us soon. 
Things with me are the same as always. If I keep it up, word has it I will become a commander soon. I do hope you’ll be proud of me once that comes to fruition! I’d hate to repeat myself and state the obvious, but I have missed you dearly, we all have. I would hope once things settle, and should your husband not be too busy, that he would allow you to visit your home and family, who love you so much. 
News of rebellion has reached you all, I am sure, but worry not. I assure you, as I am sure so has father, that we are more than safe in Oldtown. It’s you we worry about, in that slum of a city. Are you well? Healthy? I hope at least you’ve made friends there and aren’t going through it alone. I hope to see you soon, dear sister.
Your favourite brother,
Ceryse’s smile was a saddened one. Morgan’s words made her heart hurt, hearing of her family missing her as she had missed her, how her little nephew was growing healthy, how she missed her goodsister, her brothers, her father, even her uncle, who was the one who was responsible for her being so far away. She worried for Morgan. Should the rebellions become more serious, he would be expected to fight, and the idea of that was enough to make her shake with worry. The idea of anyone in her family being harmed in battle would reduce her to tears.
She could not say the same about her husband, as the idea of him being harmed did not phase her. She had hoped after a year of marriage that she could at least call herself his friend, but that was not their case. She barely knew anything about him that was not common knowledge in court. He still scared her, but he also infuriated her. He barely spoke to her, scowled when he was in her vicinity, yet visited her nightly to perform their duty. She was no lovesick fool, she never expected a love story in her marriage, but she had at least hoped for someone she could hold a conversation with. 
And his little tantrum the other night had solidified that he’d never hold up as the man she’d hoped for. He was a fucking child, angry that things did not happen the way he wanted and took it out on people around him. Did he not think she was angry to be stuck with him? To be stuck with this moody, dangerous man for the rest of her days? She would not be praying for his safe return in the sept, of that she was sure. She knew he would not allow her to visit Oldtown, not when she hadn’t given him what he wanted.
She hated it, but his words did sting her. She was seven and twenty, most women by her age already had two or three children already. So what was wrong with her? Motherhood was something that was expected of her, ever since she could remember, it wasn’t something she was looking forward to, rather something that she feared. How many women had she heard of that died on the childbed, or went through a horrific birth that affected them for the rest of their lives? Perhaps the idea of being safe from such a fate should bring her relief, but a bigger part of her was saddened and eager to have a little one of her own. Her little nephew Norman was such a darling, being around him filled her with such joy. Having her own child would get her annoying husband off her back, but also bring her happiness in this miserable castle. 
Lana would eventually marry, she was of age and absolutely beautiful, and Rowan’s days will be filled with whatever her goodmother forced her to do, before she eventually married as well, meaning both of her friends would be gone, leaving her alone. She hoped the Dowager Queen would keep her friend around, so she’d have her near for longer. Ceryse supposed she should feel jealous that her friend was chosen by the former Queen, but in all honesty, she found her so unpleasant to be around, she did not envy Rowan at all. She was someone who made friends easily and was pleasant to be around, she did not doubt she’d last longer than the previous ladies that got dismissed at the first error. Perhaps Lana could secure a position in court as well, so that all three of them could remain close.
She took a piece of parchment and her quill, to write back to her brother. She wrote of her news, what she knew of the King’s plans, how the city was, how she was spending her days, the newest book she had been reading, but she did not mention her husband. What would she write about him anyway? Yes, he’s still insufferable and I hate to be around him, but the sex is okay because at least she didn’t have to look at him during the act? She couldn’t say such things, not to anyone, he’d have her tongue cut out. She just wrote he’d be leading the battle in the Vale soon and left it at that.  No one but her father and uncle had asked her about potential pregnancies in their letters, but her brothers understood that she’d tell them should she have news, which made her even more grateful that Morgan did not mention it at all, so she did not write of her worries. Her brothers knew her well.
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The days passed by quickly and Rowan was enjoying the routine. She would break her fast with Visenya, then help her arrange and send out letters to lords for their support. She was truly the one in charge instead of the King. Ruling suited her so well, like she was born to command a room. Rowan did not know many women in history that got to claim such a title. She would always accompany her when she met with Aenys, who seemed to remember her a bit from their very brief encounters in their youth. Sometimes, Maegor would be there, and she feared she would forget to breathe, so she only focused on writing down all that the Dowager Queen told her to. 
Visenya was very much still grieving. Rowan wasn’t sure if the former Queen knew that, but it was clear to her. The way she’d linger in certain spots of her chambers and solar, where Rowan would picture she would spend most time with her late husband. The chair he would sit at was always empty, reserved for him alone, certain items she was told not to move at all, so they stayed as he left them, the two books on her nightstand. One she could see was of herbs, something she and the Queen would talk about when she was a girl, to help teach her Valyrian. The other book, she could not make out the title, as only the worn out spine was visible from beneath the other. It must be something personal and sentimental, for as complicated and hurtful as he was, Visenya loved Aegon. But if Rowan was honest with herself, she wanted to throw those books in his face for crushing her all these years. She tried to brighten the rooms up with flowers, by letting the light and fresh air in. It seemed to work, for the most part, but perhaps company was what Visenya needed.
The day of Maegor’s leave was fast approaching and she grew even more nervous than ever. He’d be so far away, in battle, not training or sparring, true battle that could get him truly hurt. Rowan was still angry at what he said to Ceryse, trying to understand why in the world he’d say such a horrible thing. They hadn’t had any time to talk in private, for they were both busy with everything happening around them. She had hoped to see him, at least before he left, because no matter how angry she was, she could never set aside her love for him. She had stayed up late for a few days to carve out a small wooden sword, a pin, a prayer to the Warrior for protection. She just wished to give it to him.
She carried it in her pocket everywhere she went, should the chance present itself. It was stressful and it felt wrong, to wish so badly to be around him in such secrecy, despite them not doing anything ‘wrong’. But it was all wrong. How would she feel if her own husband had done this with someone else? Would she not be crushed completely? She kept telling herself she only wanted to wish her friend well in battle. 
She had just delivered the last batch of the Dowager Queen’s letters to the maester to send with the ravens, and now all that was left was to tidy up the solar. Visenya was meeting with her nephew, surely to scold him on something, so Rowan took her time to walk back. She passed through the training grounds and could hear from a distance, an all too familiar booming voice, yelling at the knights, about their stance and forms. She hesitated for a moment, but she went ahead a bit closer to the balcony, since it was getting a bit dark and it was quite empty. It wouldn’t be too bad to be seen here, would it? Surely most people would be curious about the knights training, right?
She quietly stood by the side of a pole, hiding slightly from view. But that did not stop Maegor’s eyes from finding her right away, as if he was waiting on high alert to spot an intruder. Rowan’s eyes went wide, ashamed that he had seen her so easily, but his eyes did not linger on her for long. He kept commanding knights to attack him with all their strength, then he fought them off like a wild beast. She was worried, as he was not wearing any proper fighting gear to protect him, just a white shirt that was soaked with sweat, clinging onto his torso and arms. She felt like a complete pervert with how hot her face felt, playing nervously with the cuff of her sleeve.
She stood there, frozen on the spot, unable to move, or tear away her eyes from him, with how animalistic his moves were, or the dangerous, hungry look in his eyes. She should leave, she really should. She took a deep breath and turned to leave, wanting to slap herself for even coming here. She all but ran back to Visenya’s solar and to her relief, she was alone. Rowan took a seat and buried her face in her hands in shame. Gods be good, just looking at him like that gave her goosebumps, it made her tingle in a way she was ashamed of. If she were in front of a mirror, she was sure to be red as a tomato. 
She shook her head in absolute shame at the thoughts of him, she couldn’t allow herself to imagine things so… filthy. She busied herself with tidying up the mess that was the solar after a busy day of meetings and work. 
Unaware of how many hours had passed, she did not expect to see him at the door, expecting his mother to be there instead. Maegor stood tall, closing the door behind him, his face wearing a proud smile as he approached her. He had bathed and changed, now smelling of lavender. When Rowan did not return the smile, Maegor frowned.
“Are you mad at me?” he asked, brows furrowed, eyes confused.
“I am.” she remembered how to breathe, meeting his eyes. “How could you say such a thing to Ceryse?” she asked him, her voice soft as always.
At the mention of his wife’s name, Maegor’s frown deepened.
“Why are you upset over her?” he asked her, voice suspicious.
“I’m not upset over her, it’s not her that’s acting so out of turn, it’s you I’m upset over. I never imagined you saying such a thing to anyone, let alone your own wife!” she countered.
“My… wife.” he said, as if he were hesitant to call her that. “You two have really gotten close.” he sounded like he was accusing her of some crime.
“She’s my friend, of course we’re close. I care about her, so of course I’m angry when her husband is being such a jerk to her!” Rowan was getting angrier.
“You think I’m a jerk for expecting what every husband expects of his wife?” he asked her, no, challenged her.
“Not every husband speaks to his wife so cruelly. I’d be crushed if my own husband spoke to me in such a way.” It was low, but he had never angered her so.
Maegor’s words were lost in his throat when he heard her. He opened his mouth to speak, but chose against it, as if not trusting what he was going to say. He was silent for a moment, looking away from her in shame.
“I was… frustrated.” he finally admitted to her in shame.
“And so it’s fine for you to speak to her like that?” she asked him, eyes baring into his handsome face.
“I’ll make it up to her. But you seem more fond of her than you are of me.” Maegor’s voice went from a shamed one, to a suspicious one.
“That feels like an accusation. Should I not care for my friend?” she asked, crossing her arms.
“And am I not your dearest friend?” he asked softly. “Because you are mine.” 
“Of course you are.” that, and so much more. “I care about you the most. Which is why I cannot watch you act in such an unbecoming way. I do not understand why you’re in such a hurry, it’s only been a year. You’re better than this.”
“Forgive me… I cannot bear to leave while you’re angry with me.” he walked closer to her, grabbing hold of both her hands, eyes pleading.
“It’s not me you need to apologise to.” she frowned at how much she craved his touch.
“I’ll apologise, I promise.” he squeezed her hands in assurance.
They stayed silent for a while, relishing in the warmth of getting to hold each other’s hands. She silently studied his hands, large and calloused, the skin rough from all his years training with the sword. Some cuts were fresh, but they were tiny, noticeable only if one stepped so close to look. She couldn’t help it, she traced around them ever so gently, praying that this was the only damage he’d have on him when he returned. Maegor seemed to relish in the attention she was giving him, but that did not stop him from noticing the reddened skin on her fingertips. He said nothing, only softly touching them, his eyes now on her face. She turned upward to meet his gaze and slightly shook her head.
“I… I was just stressed. With the battle coming up, I just… I worry.” she admitted. “Look, I know you think it’s silly, but I’m nervous about you going away. I made you this.” she said softly, reaching in her pocket to reveal to him the small wooden sword pin. “It’s to keep you safe. I know you find things of the faith silly, but-”
He took it from her hands and brought it to his lips for a kiss. He studied it closely, admiration on his face when he noticed the small details she carved into it.
“Thank you. I shall guard it carefully.” he smiled.
“It’s supposed to be worn beneath your armour. It’s like a prayer to the Warrior, to keep you safe, grant you strength and courage to return home safely.” to return to me.
“Will you show me where?” he asked boldly, eyes on hers.
“There’s no specific place, you can pin it wherever it’s most comfortable, as long as it doesn’t bother you, or get in your way.” she suddenly felt shy.
“I’ll wear it wherever you tell me to.” he said, placing the pin in her hands, looking at her expectantly, standing tall for her to place it somewhere.
Rowan looked up at his eyes and they held the softest expression she had ever seen on his harsh features. She just wanted to leap into his arms and beg him to stay safe, to stay alive, but she didn’t. She thought for a moment, and carefully placed the pin over his heart. Before she could move away, he placed his hands over hers, looking at her with such longing. She could swear she could feel her heart in her ears, her face impossibly warm.
“I don’t want you to worry about me. I’ll crush them all and return to you before you know it.”
“Maegor…” she wanted to scold him for speaking this way, as if he didn’t make her heart flutter and tremble.
“Do you not think I can? You’ve seen me train, have I given you reason to doubt me?” he asked, a smile creeping onto his face.
“I- no, but, you cannot know for certain… not with battle…” she trailed.
“You seemed to quite enjoy watching me…” he whispered, knowing very well what he was doing to her. How cruel of him.
“Maegor…” she shook her head and pulled away her hands. “That was inappropriate, I shouldn’t have been there..”
“Inappropriate… yes.” he repeated, but did not believe it.
“I’m sorry-”
“Don’t apologise, I did it on purpose.” he admitted.
“On purpose?” she asked, confused.
“To show you, you have nothing to fear. I’ll be safe. Nobody can touch me. You will not mourn me, Rowan. Plus, I have Balerion with me. Let’s see if those fools can fight him off.” he grinned, assuring her even more.
“Still, please be safe and careful.” she begged.
He smiles.
“Of course.”
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blackbyrenflowers · 3 years
Far from the benign, caring and long-suffering public servant Varys we got from the show, all the Master of Whisperers in the books have been shown to be perfectly suited for their jobs - that is to say, they were all terrible people.
Tyanna of the Tower (42-48 AC): A rumored sorceress and third wife of Maegor the Cruel. She tortured Prince Viserys to death, told Maegor that his wife Alys Harroway had her stillborn child as a result of affairs, leading to her death by torture at Tyanna’s hands and the death of twenty men who were probably innocent. She also confessed to poisoning the rest of Maegor's wives to cause them to miscarriage, but the confession’s pretty suspect given Maegor was notoriously infertile.
Larys Strong (105-131 AC): Also served as the "Royal Confessor", AKA the Royal Torturer. There's a pretty good chance he killed his father and older brother in order to inherit Harrenhall. He happily supported the pretender Trystane Truefyre, then happily handed him over to the Greens when their army showed up outside the red keep, and then happily poisoned Aegon II when the war turned against them. It's hard to say Aegon II didn't deserve it, loathsome person that he was, but it paints a slimy, self-serving picture of the man who’s willing to betray any cause he feels like.
Was there ever a man as devious as the Clubfoot? Oh, he would have made a splendid fool, that one. The words dripped from his lips like honey from a comb, and never did poison taste so sweet. -Mushroom
Mysaria (129-130 AC): Blood and Cheese. Do I need to say more?
Brynden Rivers (Under Daeron II, Aerys I, and probably Maekar I): Ah, Bloodraven. What can I say that hasn’t been said about him? He shot down both of his twelve year old nephews, turned Westeros into a police state where people were afraid to speak their minds, left Dagon Greyjoy to reap and plunder the western coasts, either let another nephew die from neglect in prison or bumped him off, murdered another nephew after granting him safe passage...
I mean, if I absolutely had to choose a master of whisperers from everyone here, he’d probably be my first (but reluctant) choice. I’m reasonably sure that Bloodraven wouldn’t slit my throat in the middle of the night, assuming I’m Daeron II or Aerys I. But you know, he’s still not a good person.
Varys (under Aerys II, Robert I, Joffrey I):
"I must have gold, and another fifty birds." “So many?” The voices were fainter as the light dwindled ahead of her. “The ones you need are hard to find… so young, to know their letters… perhaps older… not die so easy…” “No. The younger are safer… treat them gently…” “…if they kept their tongues…” “…the risk…”
Here’s Varys saying he wants fifty children’s tongues ripped out so they can’t tell his secrets, and not caring about the death rate of the brutal procedure. It really is something when Illyrio is the voice of morality in the conversation. He also knew about the incest, he knew Littlefinger murdered Jon Arryn, and he traded away Daenerys to Khal Drogo in order to create a chaotic invasion that would weaken Westeros further in order for Young Griff/Aegon VI to take the throne.
Qyburn (Current): Brave Companions. Do I need to say more- Wait, really? Okay.
"There are four. Perhaps Your Grace might allow me two of them for mine own purposes. A woman would be especially..."         
"I gave you Senelle," the queen said sharply.                 
"Alas. The poor girl is quite... exhausted."
Cersei did not like to think about that. The girl had come with her unsuspecting, thinking she was along to serve and pour. Even when Qyburn clapped the chain around her wrist, she had not seemed to understand. The memory still made the queen queasy. The cells were bitter cold. Even the torches shivered. And that foul thing screaming in the darkness...
Qyburn’s just as dangerous and vile as Vargo Hoat or Gregor Clegane. Just because he has restraint, just because he says Your Grace and My Lord doesn’t mean he’s not capable of experiments that would make Tywin blush.
Of course, lack of a MoW doesn’t mean you’re automatically great. Baelor I and Aegon IV both didn’t have one, but they were both pretty terrible rulers. Aegon III and Jaehaerys II also didn't have one, but they were rather unexceptional.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the MoW’s we’ve seen are all outcasts within Westerosi society - Tyanna and Mysaria were both foreign courtesans, Larys a cripple, Bloodraven an albino legitimized bastard (and kinslayer three times over to boot), Varys a eunuch and Qyburn a disgraced maester. Even with kings as terrible as Maegor or Aegon II, they need foreigners and cripples to do the dirty work because no one else wants to do it. No one wants to be MoW like they do Hand of the King or Master of Coin or even just the master at arms of the Red Keep - because it’s vile, dirty, and disgusting work.
Which is always why I find it a little odd that people glorify it, for lack of a better word. You see it with people “fancasting” small councils for Daenerys or Stannis or even Robb, speculating on who would be best suited for the position. Being a MoW means you murder, blackmail, and ruthlessly crush anyone who would be a threat to the king, staining your hands with blood so they can keep their hands “clean”. It means placing a huge amount of power with someone who can’t really be effectively supervised- how are you going to tell whether or not your MoW is plotting against you when they’re the one who tells you about all the plots?
Even if they’re someone who’s devoted to you and your cause, that doesn’t stop them from committing a litany of immoral actions - just see Daeron II and Bloodraven. Whether or not you believe the “brother I loved” was Daemon or Daeron, I don’t think anyone can question his loyalty to Daeron and House Targaryen, and he still turned Westeros into an authoritarian state which made people long for the Blackfyres.
So how do you have an effective, loyal, and ethical Master of Whisperers?
You can’t. Get rid of it.
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question from a non-book reader; i've been reading up on a lot of targaryen history since i got the world of ice and fire book. i vaguely understand the blackfyre rebellion and a lot of what i see on tumblr seems to side either with the targaryens or the blackfyres. but it seems to me that neither side was fully in the right since the targaryens overall weren't exactly known for being just rulers. that said, what is your opinion on the blackfyre rebellion? (1/2)
(2/2) did bloodraven genuinely commit tyranny and sins against the gods, or was aegor rivers the one who had the moral high ground in comparison?
I’m not sure if you’re confused because you haven’t read the books, or what, but sorry… no. The Blackfyre Rebellion happened because King Aegon IV Targaryen, Aegon the Unworthy (motto: “wash her and bring her to my bed”), always hated his trueborn son Daeron, considering him weak, hated Daeron’s mother Queen Naerys (and always tried to undermine her, including accusing her of infidelity through a proxy), hated the peace made with Dorne that was sealed with Daeron’s marriage to a Dornish princess (including trying and failing to start a war with Dorne by attacking them unprovoked with wooden “dragons”), decided to give Daeron one last stab in the back by legitimizing all his bastards on his deathbed.
One of those bastards included Daemon Blackfyre, born Daemon Waters, the son of Aegon and his cousin Daena the Defiant.
Aegon had knighted Daemon for valor in a squire’s tourney (age 12), and presented him with the Valyrian steel sword Blackfyre, the hereditary sword of House Targaryen and the Targaryen kings. (Blackfyre had belonged to Aegon the Conqueror, and when Aenys gave the sword to his younger brother Maegor at Aegon’s funeral – because Maegor was a warrior and Aenys was not, wanting them to rule together – it was widely considered to be a sign of Aenys’s weakness and Maegor’s strength.) Aegon IV giving Daemon the sword of kings, acknowledging him as his son, and then legitimizing him two years later, was considered by many to be his attempt to make Daemon his true heir and deny Daeron as falseborn, Naerys’s secret bastard.
Nevertheless, Daeron did not let his father’s duplicity preclude his obligations to his many bastard half-brothers and -sisters; including allowing Daemon to change his last name to Blackfyre, arranging his marriage to Rohanne of Tyrosh as Aegon had negotiated (though Daeron did not allow Daemon to marry his sister Princess Daenerys too), and granting a keep and lands along the Blackwater to the new House Blackfyre. Daemon even took his sigil the Targaryen arms inverted, a black three-headed dragon on red. And Daemon made it known that Aegon had given Daemon the sword because he was a warrior and Daeron was not, though Daeron did have two sons (out of four) who were highly martially talented.
Daeron’s rule soon stablized the excesses of the reign of his corrupt hedonist father; he was seen as just and good-hearted, and he was called “Daeron the Good” by both smallfolk and lords. Nevertheless, as time went on, those who opposed Dorne and its inclusion in Westeros, bound by two marriages to House Targaryen, found their figurehead in the handsome warrior Daemon Blackfyre. They looked at Daeron’s marriage to Mariah Martell, and his heir Baelor Breakspear, who though a warrior, also looked like his mother, with dark hair and dark eyes. They stewed at Princess Daenerys’s marriage to Prince Maron Martell of Dorne (oh noes a smelly brown man manhandling our white princess), and imagined a great love story denied to Daemon. (Though for all Daemon’s passion was supposedly cockblocked by his mean half-brother, he was still getting busy with Rohanne, producing at least 9 children in 12 years; and Daenerys never seemed unhappy in her marriage to Maron, who built the Water Gardens for her.) They got really angry at the Dornish courtiers who came to King’s Landing with Mariah, and supposed special treatment to Dorne. They brought up the rumors of Naerys and Aemon the Dragonknight, claiming that the weak Daeron was not Aegon’s son. We literally have the words of a Blackfyre supporter telling us this:
“Treason… is only a word. When two princes fight for a chair where only one may sit, great lords and common men alike must choose. And when the battle’s done, the victors will be hailed as loyal men and true, whilst those who were defeated will be known forevermore as rebels and traitors. That was my fate.” Egg thought about it for a time. “Yes, my lord. Only…King Daeron was a good man. Why would you choose Daemon?” “Daeron…” Ser Eustace almost slurred the word, and Dunk realized he was half-drunk. “Daeron was spindly and round of shoulder, with a little belly that wobbled when he walked. Daemon stood straight and proud, and his stomach was flat and hard as an oaken shield. And he could fight. With axe or lance or flail, he was as good as any knight I ever saw, but with the sword he was the Warrior himself. When Prince Daemon had Blackfyre in his hand, there was not a man to equal him…not Ulrick Dayne with Dawn, no, nor even the Dragonknight with Dark Sister. “You can know a man by his friends, Egg. Daeron surrounded himself with maesters, septons, and singers. Always there were women whispering in his ear, and his court was full of Dornishmen. How not, when he had taken a Dornishwoman into his bed and sold his own sweet sister to the Prince of Dorne, though it was Daemon that she loved? Daeron bore the same name as the Young Dragon, but when his Dornish wife gave him a son he named the child Baelor, after the feeblest king who ever sat the Iron Throne. “Daemon, though… Daemon was no more pious than a king need be, and all the great knights of the realm gathered to him. It would suit Lord Bloodraven if their names were all forgotten, so he has forbidden us to sing of them, but I remember. Robb Reyne, Gareth the Grey, Ser Aubrey Ambrose, Lord Gormon Peake, Black Byren Flowers, Redtusk, Fireball… Bittersteel! I ask you, has there ever been such a noble company, such a roll of heroes? “Why, lad? You ask me why? Because Daemon was the better man. The old king saw it too. He gave the sword to Daemon. Blackfyre, the sword of Aegon the Conqueror, the blade that every Targaryen king had wielded since the Conquest…he put that sword in Daemon’s hand the day he knighted him, a boy of twelve.” “My father says that was because Daemon was a swordsman, and Daeron never was,” said Egg. “Why give a horse to a man who cannot ride? The sword was not the kingdom, he says.” The old knight’s hand jerked so hard that wine spilled from his silver cup. “Your father is a fool.”
–The Sworn Sword
There is nothing to do with justice here. Nothing to do with ruling justly. There’s only hero-worship, glorification of violence, ableism, anti-intellectualism, misogyny, and Dornish racism. That’s what the followers of Daemon Blackfyre supported. They’re like Trump supporters, wanting to make Westeros great again.
And no bigger supporter of Daemon was his half-brother Aegor Rivers, aka Bittersteel. Aegor, “pissed off all his life”, was particularly mad at the court, because his mother Barba Bracken, Aegon’s mistress, had been sent away in disgrace after it was found that she and her father were talking up making Barba queen when Naerys had a health scare. (It was Daeron and his uncle Aemon, Naerys’s supporters, who made enough of a fuss about the scandal to get Aegon to send her away. Note also that Aegor’s grandfather was later executed along with his daughter Bethany, Aegon’s mistress, after she was caught sleeping with a Kingsguard.) While Aegor also received the legitimization given to all of Aegon’s bastards, he didn’t get all the benefits he felt he should have gotten – unlike his half-brother Brynden Rivers, “Bloodraven”, whose mother Melissa Blackwood (another one of Aegon’s mistresses), had always been popular at court (even with Naerys and Daeron), leading to Bloodraven remaining close with Daeron and his family even after Melissa was dismissed as mistress. Furthermore, Shiera Seastar (another one of Aegon’s Great Bastards), chose Brynden as a lover instead of Aegor, making him even more angry.
So, Aegor got close to Daemon, including getting betrothed to one of his daughters, and frequently urged him to press his claim to the throne, on the grounds of king’s choice, having the sword, being more fit than Daeron Falseborn. Do you see a moral high ground here? I do not. It’s further implied that Brynden was also close to Daemon at the time (see him telling Bran that “a brother I loved” is one of his ghosts), and was able to get away and warn Daeron when the Blackfyre plans went from idle talk to open rebellion. He was no tyrant – he probably didn’t even have an office at court at the time, though he did eventually become Daeron’s spymaster.
But yes, Brynden did kill Daemon and his two eldest sons, sniping them during the last battle of the first Blackfyre Rebellion. For which he was accused of kinslaying, and of using sorcery to get those accurate shots. The accusation of sorcery was probably slander (probably… a weirwood bow and weirwood arrows fletched with raven feathers might have had some mystical qualities), and as for the kinslaying… it was a battle where Daemon would have killed his half-nephews Baelor and Maekar if he’d had a chance, where Aegor fought Brynden one-on-one and took his eye out… and if the Blackfyres had won, do you think they’d just have packed off Daeron and Mariah and Aerys and Rhaegel? No, the falseborn weak Dornish half-breeds would have been executed or hunted down. You think they’d’ve left Daenerys and Maron and their children in peace? Nope, a war with Dorne would have been next on the agenda. Don’t talk to me about kinslaying. (Though whether Brynden considers himself to be gods-cursed could be a different matter.)
Now, after the first Blackfyre Rebellion, when Brynden supported killing all the rebel lords (Daeron elected to take hostages instead), after the death of Daeron’s heir Baelor, after the Great Spring Sickness when Daeron and Baelor’s sons died, leading to Daeron’s second son Aerys becoming king, and appointing Brynden as his Hand and master of whisperers… then you might get into questions of tyranny. (Which I consider a lot more debatable than some.) But it has absolutely nothing to do with why Daemon Blackfyre and his supporters rebelled in the first place. When Aegor Rivers formed the Golden Company, to support the Blackfyre cause in their exile in Tyrosh, did he give a flying fuck about tyranny or justice? No he did not, he just wanted to keep fucking with Bloodraven and put Daemon’s son on the throne of Westeros. (Not the gay son, though! That one, the heir after his older brothers died, Bittersteel ignored and kept his support from.)
The Blackfyre cause was never just. They were never in the right. I oppose them wholeheartedly, and I’m suspicious of anyone who chooses the black dragon over the red. I hope that clears things up for you.
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moonlitgleek · 6 years
I would love to hear your thoughts about Fire and Blood when you finish it! (Or not even when you finish it, just whenever, cuz you're amazing!) 💕
I have the best friends in the world! Love and hugs, lady.
I am halfway through and I intend to go back and reread each chapter once I finish since I keep blowing through pages because I want to know all the things, which is not very good for proper processing. But a few of the things that jumped at me so far:
(spoilers for Fire and Blood volume 1 under the cut)
1. Gyldayn seems more rambly and prone to ponder sexual scandals than Yandel. He spent waaaay too much time talking about that, and while sexuality is at the heart of some conflicts, the way he went on about the story of Coryanne Wylde and the sordid details of how she was “examined” really undermines his position as a historian and makes me overly iffy on him. Also, there are private conversations between Jaehaerys and Alysanne that I’d really like to know his source on.
2. Speaking of authors, what the actual fuck George? You’d think that in a book that goes so into detail about unconfirmed scandals he’d have the room to expand on someone like, idk, Argella Durrandon? He had the chance to make her story a bit better but he not only did he uphold her forceful loss of voice being the last we hear of her, he compounded the matter by also having Marla Sunderland’s tongue removed before she was packed off to the Silent Sisters. Literal stripping of women’s voices for defiance, by their own men no less, when it’s so unnecessary and so singular in its gendered use in the plot infuriates me. There is a lot of overlap between gender and silencing of voice in this (Argella, Marla, Ceryse Hightower, Rhaena Targaryen). UGH.
3. On the topic of women, Torrhen Stark’s daughter not only does not have a name, she is completely unmentioned in Jonos Arryn’s rebellion, nor by her nephew (?) Alaric with either Alysanne or Jaehaerys. Looks a bit peculiar since Alaric obviously brooded on the consequences of Targaryen decision for his family in the case of Jaehaerys and those he sent to the Wall, so is there any particular reason Torrhen’s daughter goes completely unmentioned even when the topic of marriage was raised and southern matches brought up, George?
4. Aegon, Visenya and Rhaenys are outright referred to as the three heads of the dragon. It’s no longer symbolic or understood but an explicit connection. That’s way too obvious for me to buy that Rhaegar’s Aegon and Rhaenys don’t point straight to a recreation of the Conquest Trio.
5. The war of escalating atrocities between Dorne and the Targaryens is terrible but I feel like there is a conscious effort to make the Targaryens seem better somewhat? The mention of them trying to negotiate at this point before actually utilizing dragonflame is weird because it is not consistent with anything in the Conquest. I don’t know what to do with that part.
6. The First Dornish War makes Daeron I’s folly in the conquest more obvious. Dornish terrain is as much an element to conquer as Dornish people and it costs a lot to manage it. Keeping conquered Dornish ground is bloody hard even with dragons. Daeron even leaves a Tyrell in charge just like Aegon.
7. Is it just me or does the Targaryen succession look weird in early days? Jaehaerys is referred to as the rightful heir by all rights then a few pages later it’s nope, Aerea is then suddenly we’re talking about Rhaena’s claim even though every reference to Targaryen succession before that points to a male-preference primogeniture. Alysanne takes issue with Jaehaerys treating Aemon as his heir over Daenerys even though Jaehaerys’ accession is tarnished based on that principle. There is a distinct vibe of seeing the son of Rhaenys the Queen Who Never Was as the expected heir of Aemon rather than Rhaenys herself (though this could partly because Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys wanted to put forward a potential male heir to offset Baelon being seen as the natural successor - since when was Baelon seen as the natural successor though? That apparently wasn’t only Jaehaerys’ sentiment so was that a popular view while Aemon lived or a reaction to Baelon avenging Aemon? Was Aemon aware and that’s why he made a comment to Rhaenys about liking a grandson, or was that regular era preference of male heirs?). Main takeaway though is that Jaehaerys passing over Rhaenys had nothing with extant competing claims but was about regarding Baelon as a natural successor for his gender, age and prowess. Jaehaerys pretty much didn’t even consider Rhaenys. Headdesk. You’re killing me, man.
8. I feel like the characters of Rhaena Targaryen and Alyssa Velaryon are being walked back. The point where apparently Septon Barth comments that Alyssa undoubtedly wanted to do the right thing but didn’t know what that was flies in the face of her previously established actions. I don’t like how she was taken down from an active and conscious political player, to a confused and almost secondary player next to Rogar (much preferred him when he was Robar, both the name and the person) till their final tiff, to  a womb and another casualty of childbirth with the emphasis being on her children. Rhaena may have called out the latter but the whole thing feels like a punishment for Alyssa for first opposing Jaehaerys and Alysanne then opposing Rogar. As for Rhaena, she swings between political sacrifice for the greater good to treating Jaehaerys and Alysanne with contempt for it. Resentment is perfectly normal and understandable but Rhaena surpasses that. She is purposely cast in an unfavorable light and her sexuality is strongly used to frame it.
9. There is a bit of exoneration after the fact to Jaehaerys sentencing most of Maegor’s Kingsguard to the Wall on contradicting arguments. I get his point about oathbreaking but punishing those who deserted Maegor because they didn’t uphold their vows to protect hum while also punishing those who didn’t desert him for defending and enabling a murderous usurper is extremely contradictory. That the two knights who deserted Maegor then deserted the Night’s Watch and a caused a conflict that claimed the life of Walton Stark neatly brushes this quandary off because it demonstrates that Jaehaerys was right.
10. I love how Septon Barth and Alysanne often work as a team in pushing Jaehaerys towards one policy or another. On more than one occasion, one of them makes the argument and the other comes with the definitive final strike. I love the women’s court and Alysanne’s Laws though I think there is a certain vagueness in the way Jaehaerys codified inheritance in the Widow’s Law. I’m still midway through Viserys I’s tenure though so I don’t know if this will be raised in any sort of legal argument for the Dance but it’s a non-issue so far.
11. I hate how Daella Targaryen was written. I hate how we keep adding names to the “death by childbirth” list. I hate how the child brides keep getting ignored. This is too conspicuous in the case of Daella and her daughter Aemma Arryn. Queen Alysanne held herself and especially Jaehaerys to blame for Daella’s death because she felt that, at 16-17, they wed her too early and that contributed to her death in childbed. But it’s treated like a non-issue that Aemma married Viserys at 11 and was bedded at 13.
12. I’m indescribably charmed by how Baelon the Brave got his epithet by booping a dragon on the nose. Also, the relationship between Aemon and Baelon, and Baelon and Alyssa. Too bad we can’t have nice things.
13. I already lost my shit over this in DMs with you but still, Aerea Targaryen! Aerea Targaryen! Oh my god. I was equally horrified and fascinated. A speculated trip to Valyria that resulted in the princess’ body being inhabited by “worms with faces” or “snakes with hands” made of fire and heat that cooked her body from the inside. This surpasses Valyria being a thin place or geophysically unstable. This means there is a Lovecraftian horror capable of using human bodies (and non-human bodies, Balerion was wounded as well but dragons are fire made flesh so that probably protected him) as vessels to… spread? Take over? Turn people into dragonic/fire abominations? Also, also, is that take over possible for anyone or is whatever is dormant in Targaryen DNA that tends to emerge with the use of magic in the form of babies with dragon-like qualities (though it appeared in non-magical cases) makes them more susceptible?
COMPARE TO THE OTHERS. A Lovecraftian horror made of ice and another made of fire. Blood magic probably behind the creation (calling?) of both. We still don’t know how the Others came to be and there has been legitimate rebuttals to the show’s version of their creations BUT I think what could be taken from the show is the suggestion that this is blood magic gone wrong.Both take over human bodies though differently (is this linked to living bodies being warm and dead ones growing cold? Is that why the fire-based monstrosity manifests in living creatures while the Others trades in dead bodies? The things beneath Aerea’s skin burst out either when they felt the cold of the ice bath the maesters put her in or when she suffered cardiac arrest and died. Either way it’s connected to cold)  The cosmic balance between ice and fire has deeper roots….. now I’m really curious as to the nature of the magic of the Wall that keeps ice and fire firmly separated.
14. We are slowly building a succession history for the Starks: Torrhen Stark -> son (?) Brandon -> son Walton -> brother Alaric -> grandson Edric -> Ellard of undetermined relation. That’s how as far as I got in the book but that’s too far from the Benjen Stark that starts the Stark family tree in TWOIAF. Cregan Stark was already Lord of Winterfell by 129 so that’s a period of 28 years between that and the Great Council that also fits the aforementioned Benjen and his son Rickon, Cregan’s father and grandfather.
15. I’m so not a fan of the art in this book. It ranges from blatantly inaccurate (Aemond and Luke during the Dance, SIGH), to exaggerated (Elinor Costayne is weird in that art with Maegor. Also, did she wait to react till she climbed the entire Iron Throne? And Jaehaerys was cool and measured in his response to Maegor’s supporters after landing in the Red Keep. WHY does he look like he is yelling in the art?) to weird (Which of the Black Brides is dressed like a septa and why? Why does Jaehaerys look like all of 8 at his coronation when he was actually 14?). Perhaps that’s a bit nitpicky but I’m not impressed tbh.
16. GRRM overdid it with Jaehaerys’ reign imo. There is writing conflict because peace and prosperity is dull to write, and there is cramming every possible conflict under the sun in the story. Was there anything missing? I count family drama, political intrigues, succession questions, plague, policy changes, financial crisis, winter, and mini-rebellions. He reigned for a long time so I get it but at one point it was one conflict after another that I’m having trouble reconciling what I read with previous descriptions of Jaehaerys’ reign.
17. There is a lot to talk about with Jaehaerys and Alysanne but I want to get the timeline straight and give it some more thought. But I will say that as delighted as I am with all the women in Alysanne’s story and with Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s relationship reflected in policy, it’s monumentally disappointing to read about his relationship with his daughters. There was an underlining gentleness in how he treated his mother Alyssa and Rhaena that was sorely missing with some of his daughters. I came out of this part feeling really off and unsettled. And sad. So very sad. WTF, Jaehaerys. Just WTF.
That’s my preliminary thoughts on the first half of the book. It’s mostly feelings with a side of unsubstantiated and unresearched spiraling. Politics, worldbuilding and themes tend to appear on later reads.
(Edit: part two is here)
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beyondthecosmicvoid · 3 years
Kings with bad reps
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King Maegor I, otherwise known as Maegor “The Cruel” was born around 42 AC. He was one of the bloodiest Kings of the Targaryen Dynasty and renowned for his many marriages.
“The histories tell us he enjoyed war and battle, but it is clear that it was violence he most craved –violence and death and absolute mastery over all he deemed his. What demon possessed him none could say. Even today, some give thanks that his tyranny was a short one, for who knows how many noble houses might have vanished forever simply to state his desire?”*
Maegor was one of the sons of Aegon “the Conqueror” by his eldest sister Visenya. After his half-brother and cousin, Aenys died, his mother mounted her dragon and flew east to Pentos to where her son to inform him that his exile was over and he was now the King of the Seven Kingdoms. He was crowned with his father’s Valyrian steel crown instead of his brother’s glamorous one. It was a way of making a point that in spite of his earlier troubles he was his father’s true heir and as such, he would rule with an iron fist.
But it can also be fairer to say that he was mother’s son as well. Visenya was just as brutal and cruel, if not more than her brother and late husband. And their relationship had always been an uneasy one. It was whispered that for every night Aegon spent with Visenya, he spent ten with his younger and favorite sister-wife, Rhaenys.
To ensure his survival, he killed his nephew’s maester with his father’s sword Blackfyre after he brought up the laws of inheritance which made his nephew the rightful heir. Next came his mother’s declaration of war against anyone who dared to oppose his rule. Obviously not many did except for his nephew who remained fearless and challenged him in the battlefield one year later. Unfortunately for him though, Aegon lost his life, leaving behind his wife and their two daughters.
But Maegon’s reign would not last much longer. Besides usurping his nephew’s throne, he had also brought a lot of woes to the Church of the Seven when he attempted to subdue the Faith Militant. When they refused to submit, Maegor responded by killing every one of them. Eventually his nobles rallied behind his son Prince Jaeherys and with no mother to protect him (she had died two years after his accession), he found himself surrounded at all corners.
When they came for him, they found him on the Iron Throne, dead, in a pool of his own blood. Some speculate that the master builder killed him, others that the prince’s spies managed to find a way to get inside and stabbed him, others that he killed himself to avoid the shame of being arrested.
Whom does he remind you of?
It is true that Martin fantasy world has its basis on our medieval history, but with the Targaryen Dynasty we find striking similarities with one dynasty in particular and that is the Plantagenet one.
John I of England otherwise known as John “Lackland” was the youngest son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. As with Visenya, the Duchess of Aquitaine was a formidable woman who was also reputed to have been very treacherous and beautiful in her prime, and the jealous type who lost her wits after she found about her husband’s latest affairs with Rosamund Clifford and their third son’s betrothed, Prince Alix of France. Some accused her of poisoning Rosamund. And given the life she lived, it is easy to see why so many people would believe these rumors, however the real Eleanor was very different from the Eleanor of her enemies or fiction. After she felt betrayed, she and her sons dubbed the “eaglets” began a conspiracy to overthrow their father and take over the country. This failed and Henry II locked her up in the Tower of Sarum. She was occasionally let out for important occasions, and she came to be in the center stage of English politics once he died and their third son, Richard became King. Richard’s reign lasted only ten years and he was succeeded by his younger brother John.
Because John was so unpopular, some started looking towards his nephew, Prince Arthur who was named after the mythical King and legendary English hero, King Arthur, as his replacement. King Philip II of France backed him up and the two began plotting to overthrow John, in the same manner John’s older brothers had plotted decades earlier to overthrow his father.
Eleanor chose to remain by her son’s side instead of her grandson –whose father had been John’s older brother. Although the two never engaged in battle, John did manage to capture him and Arthur died while in prison (some believed he was murdered).
John I didn’t kill himself but like his fantastical counterpart, he had turn everyone from the Church and elite against him and after he died, he was succeeded by his young son, Henry III. Instead of being crowned at Westminster Abbey, he was crowned at Gloucester Cathedral on October 28th 1216, at only nine years old. It was a hard struggle but his ministers managed to expel Prince Louis’ French forces and regain the country for their little king.
*World of Ice and Fire by Antonsson, Garcia and Martin.
Also read Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings by Amy Kelly, Eleanor of Aquitaine by Alison Weir, The Plantagenets: Kings and Queens who made England by Dan Jones, The Plantagenet Chronicles by Derek Wilson.
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wendynerdwrites · 7 years
The Royal Apartments
Because I felt like it.
“Not everything is finished yet, of course. The queen--- I mean, Queen Daenerys---” Lady Marya blushes. Sansa tears her eyes from the curtains--- silver-blue satin dotted with snowflake lace appliques --- to the apple-cheeked older woman.
“---It’s alright, you know,” Sansa says gently, “The wedding is still weeks away. Her Grace is and was still ‘the queen’ until then.”
Jon frowns slightly when she says this, but doesn’t argue. How can he? Daenerys can still be felt throughout King’s Landing, and not just because the court and city still has a week left in its year-long mourning period.
These chambers are a perfect example. Last time Sansa had been in these rooms, it was all shining crimson, glittering gold, russet walls, and ruby-studded finery. The wealth and the daughter of Casterly Rock. Not so now.
The late ruler had been an unquenchably active and adventurous sort --- the personality that had made her a hero, conqueror, and dragon rider. A woman with such a lust for action rose enough eyebrows on a normal day, but things changed entirely when she finally fell pregnant. During her prior, unsuccessful pregnancies, she’d kept riding both horses and dragons. But after nearly a decade of stillbirths and miscarriages, she’d finally adhered to the wishes of the maesters and midwives, kept off the saddle and to the castle, even going into a confinement of sorts.
By all accounts, it drove Daenerys nearly mad with boredom, and she complained of feeling like a prisoner. To distract herself and, possibly, to keep herself convinced of her power by altering the “prison” around her, she moved her confinement to Dragonstone and undertook a massive remodeling and renovation of the Red Keep. Admittedly, the palace was in need of alterations and repairs, but Daenerys was practically rebuilding the royal seat.
Half of the palace’s walls are still lined with bars and scaffolding, and at the time of her death, half were actually torn down. Jon described it as “Harrenhal, dyed scarlet” in his first letter home. Maegor’s Holdfast hadn’t been spared, certainly. The only chamber of the palace that wasn’t touched was the throne room (but then, it had been renovated to replace the Lannister and Baratheon sigils with the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen years prior anyways).
All of it certainly included these rooms: the ones that had been occupied by royal consorts since Good Queen Alysanne. One of the quirks of Daenerys’s massive remodeling was ordering that every door be painted bright scarlet with black, white, or gold frames for every outer side, and that all the interior walls be painted and/or paneled with any color but red to make the doors stand out. The Red Keep, everyone joked, became a lot less red.
Prince Aegon, Daenerys’s dragonseed consort, had asked that his rooms be paneled with pure, white alabaster with gold moldings. Even the queen had bristled at such extravagance, and only relented after months of argument. When she died in childbirth, only half the proper amount of alabaster had arrived from the suppliers, and both Jon and Lord Tyrion were quick to both cancel the rest of the orders for the Prince Consort’s apartments and “persuade” him to “retire” to his “Cousin” Princess Arianne’s estate of the Water Gardens with a generous pension.
When Jon took the throne, though, nearly the whole Red Keep, including most of the royal apartments, were uninhabitable and renovations had to continue. He had traveled south intending to fulfill the quick obligation of witnessing the birth of and swearing the proper oaths to the infant who would replace him as heir to the Iron Throne and found himself chained not only to the fate of monarchy, but the massive reconstruction of the royal seat his aunt had begun.
Sansa suspects that one of the reasons Jon insisted on such a long mourning period for his predecessor was to have an excuse to keep the royal court as frugal as possible while he reconstructed most of the Red Keep.
Not that Sansa exactly resents Daenerys for her architectural mania. She’s spent the last decade as Rickon’s regent, tasked with, among other things, rebuilding and restoring her ancestral home in the wake of the wars and winter. Despite the difficulty of the undertaking, Sansa herself had discovered the appeal of such work and developed a genuine passion for it. While she never became a member of the cult of the Mother of Dragons, she is sympathetic to Daenerys’s interest here. It also doesn’t hurt that Sansa herself possesses so many bad memories of this place as it was before. A literal change of scenery makes the transition easier.
Though Jon had canceled all annual festivals and banquets in King’s Landing for a year and insisted his courtier keep modest staff and dine on simple, modest meals, there was one thing he didn’t take a miser’s approach to: the care and comfort of his queen-to-be.
His aunt, though reasonable in many ways, always viewed both her nephew and his relations (the progeny of the very people who put Robert the Usurper on her father’s throne) as threats. She’d managed to neutralize her “other nephew”, “Aegon”, by marrying him, but Jon refused to become her second consort. Though she was willing to let him settle with his Stark cousins under the guise of serving as Rickon’s co-regent with Sansa, she downright refused to grant Jon and Sansa permission to wed. Or, rather, she refused to let them marry until after she’d replaced Jon with a child of her own.
Possessing absolutely no interest in the Iron Throne, both Jon and Sansa anticipated the birth of Daenerys’s first child nearly as much as the queen herself. The two fell passionately in love during the first year of the War of the Dawn. A prince or princess would give them the chance to finally, at long last, start the lives and family they’d yearned for since they were children. So when Jon departed for the South during Daenerys’s seventh month, it was with utter delight over the promises of a cozy domestic future in their childhood home.
The thing about Sansa’s lover is that he doesn’t take anything for granted anymore. Despite limitless, lofty opportunities to marry well, she’s never once considered forsaking Jon for them. Jon told her over the years that she was not bound to him, and, as the years got longer, even encouraged her to give up and pursue the life she deserved. At various points since she left King’s Landing, Sansa’s had chances to become the Lady of the Vale, Lady of Highgarden, Lady of Casterly Rock, Lady of the Stormlands, a princess of Dorne, Lady of Hightower, Horn Hill, Harrenhal, Seagard, Greywater Watch, Rosby, Lannisport, Darry, Starfall, and Driftmark. Even high-ranking merchant princes and lords from the Free Cities sent proposals. She preferred to wait for Jon.
“Any life with you, married or not, is more appealing than loftiest match in the world,” she told him.
Ironically, though, Jon becoming the loftiest match in the world was the thing that nearly caused her to reconsider (if only for half a second). If there was one thing she did not want, it was everything she’d dreamed of when she was eleven. She does not want a crown, does not want to be here, does not want to operate within the court that killed her father.
Sansa may never have loved Daenerys Targaryen, but when word came that the queen had died, she’d crumpled to the floor in tears. Her dreams died with the Mother of Dragons.
Of course, she made herself alter her dreams almost immediately. And though she was still determined to remain at Winterfell as Rickon’s regent until he reached his sixteenth Name Day, one of her first actions was to write to Jon assuring him of her continued devotion.
Jon hasn’t taken that lightly. And indeed, as his reign progressed, he seemed to become even more enamoured of her. During their separation, their letters were lengthy and passionate, and he made no secret of how much he relied on both her advice and the prospect of their eventual marriage.
He also insisted to Sansa that she could and would have every luxury and comfort her heart might desire. “I insist on only one thing as both your king and future husband,” he’d written, “And that is that you go a single moment unpampered for the rest of your life. Whatever you want, you are not to hesitate to ask for. No jewel is too large, no silk is too fine, that you cannot have it.”
It amused them both, though Jon turned out to be surprisingly sincere about this. One of his first acts as king was declaring that he’d wed Sansa Stark in a year’s time, and he sent a raven to every Keep in Westeros so everyone knew. A few weeks following Daenerys’s death, a line of carts carrying fine furs, fabric, and lemons arrived at Winterfell’s gates. Two months later, a group of jewelers and goldsmiths arrived with a cart containing assort precious stones and metals to craft her a suite of jewelry customized to her preferences.
When Sansa asked for copies of Daenerys’s plans for the Red Keep, Jon didn’t hesitate to send her the blueprints and grant her request to help oversee the rest of the renovations. Since, she’s corresponded with every person involved with remodeling the Red Keep and guided it all.
Sansa’s made many, more prudent, less costly changes to her predecessor’s plans, but she’s done her best to preserve some things from the Dragon Queen’s work. The lemon tree orchard outside the royal apartments, for instance, and all the red doors.
Half of Aegon’s alabaster had arrived when Daenerys passed, and was bought and paid for (and, as the suppliers had happily reminded the royal household, was non-refundable). Sansa cancelled the other half, but decided to use the panels they had. The lower half of the walls of her new apartments are paneled with burnished walnut while the upper half bears the alabaster paneling. Instead of gold moldings, however, she’s settled for more wood ornately carved and accented with silver paint, and had a few tapestries and paintings from the royal collection and home hung.
The furniture is walnut as well, richly carved, but no precious metal moldings. The draperies --- the inlaid cushions, the curtains, the tablecloths, and the pillows --- are fine linen, mostly ivory, some grey. Some of the pillow covers she embroidered herself, with direwolves, snowflakes, and interlocking initials of J and S in silver, white, icy blue, and dove-grey.
The copper-colored walls, plush scarlet samites, and gold-plated, jewel-studded furniture and ornaments are gone. The ruby-eyed lions that seemed to roar at her from every corner, cup, candlestick, and armrest, have been banished.
Despite all the changes she’s ordered, though, she still sees the rooms that once belonged to Cersei Lannister. This is still the solar the maids brought her too after her first flowering. That’s still the archway the queen had leaned against as she scoffed at Sansa’s dreams of magic. This is still the floor Sansa had stared at as she was ushered in, wrapped in that borrowed robe, half expecting to find Joffrey waiting for her to force his son into her. These are still the same high ceilings that caused Cersei’s cruel laughter to echo.
If the Dragon Queen hadn’t acquired such an obsession with changing the palace, there would probably be far more reminders, though.
Jon watches her anxiously. When Sansa asked to be given the responsibility of guiding the remodeling of the palace, his only condition had been that the first thing she tackled was designing her ideal living quarters. But, granted, only so much could be communicated through letters, sketches, and sample selections.
He doesn’t want her to simply tell him whatever she thinks he wants to hear. Jon knows how to tell the difference between that and sincere approval. He will only be satisfied with the latter. Sansa looks into his eyes and her heart aches. He appears both anxious and exhausted.
As far as he’s come, she thinks, part of him is still that bastard boy eager to prove himself. These rooms mean far more to him than they do to her. Jon knows she’d happily live in a hut made of twigs and mud with him --- that in some ways, she’d prefer that to this. She doesn’t want to be queen. She doesn’t want to be back. And she doesn’t have to be. This is a sacrifice for both of them, one she is under no obligation to make.
Jon has to be king, and if he has to be king, he wants to make sure his lady love is provided every comfort and delight to ease the difficulty of returning to her former prison. He wants to give her everything her disapproving mother could have wanted for her. He wants to make this her home, because if it’s hers, it can be his. He’s been waiting over a year for her smiles.
True smiles, not polite ones.
So Sansa crosses the solar and inspects things as her staff files into unpack her luggage. She evaluates the carvings of the wood, the plushness of the pillows and the sofa. She takes the curtains in hand to look at the details of the lace snowflakes against the icy satin. She runs her hand along the new mantle and across the surface of the dining table.
As she expected, everything is perfect, gorgeous, intricate, sturdy, lovely. Literally beyond complaint or doubt. But a verdict based on faith would not satisfy Jon. Sansa pauses at a window to view the deck and the lemon tree orchard (the one Daenerys wanted so badly) beyond. Her heart flutters. Reluctantly, she turns away to enter the bedchamber.
The bed is so beautiful she might swear it is enchanted. The curtains are belted to the four posters with silver chord and the silk of the canopy is so fine that it appears almost liquid. The headboard is painted with a scene of the Winterfell godswood. Sansa cannot resist running her hand along the white satin bedspread, embroidered with silver direwolves running along the edge and, at the center of the cloth, silver thread forming an S wrapped about a J.
The dressing table, end tables, and bureau are weirwood, with stained glass scarlet leaves framing the mirror and forming the handles of the drawers and doors. A marble washstand sits in a corner, accented with silver. The door to the balcony has a knob that looks like a weirwood leaf. In a fair corner, there is a platform with an immense marble tub. When Sansa sees this, she looks at Jon in surprise. She hadn’t ordered such a thing. He blushes.
“Daenerys and Aegon were already having it built. By the time I got here, it would have cost more to remove than to complete. I thought it would be a nice surprise.”
There’s a dressing chamber as well, with an immense, three-way looking glass, a tailoring platform, special shelves and cases built into the walls, and hooks and racks for gowns and shoes. Certain cabinets are padlocked, clearly intended for jewelry. When her maids see it all, they squeal with delight, thrilled at using it all in their duties, and begin opening every unlocked door and cabinet.
Overcome, Sansa interrupts them. “Lara, Melia, Morgan, Lady Marya… I hope you don’t mind, but would you focus on assembling things in the other chambers for now? I’d like to speak to the king alone.”
The other women all exchange knowing glances and file out. Sansa goes to shut the door behind them, then leans back against it, trying to regain her breath.
She looks up at him. “Please, by the Old Gods and New, tell me that most of this was either already here or Daenerys’s fault.”
Jon holds a hand to his heart. “I swear it. Nearly everything in this room was either put in by Maegor, or came from Daenerys’s rooms. Some of the shelves here were literally torn from the walls of my rooms and re-installed here. And the tub… it’s modeled on the baths in the eastern manses that Daenerys used to stay in. The mirror has been here since Good Queen Alysanne. The bed, dressing table, and washstand were brought in from the Maidenvault and repainted and molded. The upholstery, drapes, and linens are all new, of course. And the mattress. But I promise that we kept to the budget you dictated. It’s not half as expensive as it looks. You don’t have to hate either of us. The new armoury cost five times as much.”
“Jon, if I find out you’re lying---”
“---Ask Tyrion to show you the ledgers if you want!”
She smiles, relieved. Tyrion would know better than to show her false ones, even if Jon ordered it. Her former husband has been terrified of her ever since he learned about what happened to Littlefinger.
Not even her future husband is as frightened of Sansa as her former one.
She answers him by throwing herself into his arms and peppering his face and neck with kisses. “It looks like a literal enchanted fairy-world!”
He laughs, wrapping his arms about her, lifting her and twirling her around. “Well, you look like an enchanted fairy.”
Sansa snorts. “Stop it. I’m still in my travel-clothes! I’m all sweaty and dusty!”
“Sweaty, dusty, and still beautiful beyond words. I’ve seen you in old, patched-up wool,” he reminds her, “With your hair matted about your scalp and your skin reddened by the cold and wind, skinny as a rail, lips chapped and dark circles about your eyes---”
“---Don’t remind me!” She shudders at the thought of the war years. Even she lacked the time or energy to maintain a ladylike appearance back then.
“---And I still couldn’t look away, you were so beautiful. And you’ve only grown lovelier with each passing day. When I first saw you come through the city gates today I nearly fell off of my saddle.” He runs his fingers through her hair and groans. “I’ve been waiting to do that for over a year. Along with a thousand other things. Like this…”
His mouth seizes hers. Their lips part and their tongues dance together. He tastes even better than she remembers. He’d kissed her when they greeted each other, but it had been a chaste thing, appropriate viewing for the crowds that surrounded them. This, though, is decidedly not. Deliciously not.
For a short while, within the walls of Maegor’s Holdfast, Jon does what a thousand beautiful rooms cannot do and brings her home again.
They only part when their lungs demand it. Sansa rests her cheek upon his shoulder, inhaling his scent as she regains her breath. “My Love…”
“What, Sweetling?” He gasps.
“As wonderful as my new bed is, I don’t think I can stand to sleep in it alone.”
She feels his posture shift and he pushes her back gently so their eyes meet, his gaze searching.
“But we’re not…”
In all these years, they still haven’t taken this step. But Sansa’s done. She’s sick of waiting. She spent countless lonely nights in this place. No more. Gently, she cups his cheek. “At this point, it’s just a matter of a few words and a big, stupid party mostly attended by strangers. It was one thing when we were waiting for your aunt, and a mistake could result in a rain of dragon fire. It was one thing when we had to keep Rickon safe and so much was still uncertain. But now nearly everything has been decided for us and we can’t go back. You’re king. And maybe I’m not quite queen yet----”
His grip on her shoulder tightens. “You are as far as I’m concerned!”
She grins. “Then what is stopping us. You’ve literally made our bed. So let’s lie in it. Besides, according to the plans you sent me…”
Sansa pulls away and makes her way to one of the bigger closets. She opens it, runs her hand along the back wall, smiles when she feels the latch, and turns to Jon as the hidden door swings open. “Leads right to the King’s study. Jaehaerys and Alysanne liked their privacy. I kept that in mind when I designed your rooms, too.”
Jon groans again. “Seven fucking HELLS I’ve missed you!”
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