#as if there are other mingis in kpop
maximura · 9 months
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spteez · 5 months
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mingi logbook #139
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jaehyum · 5 months
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Ready now for next journey after #Coachella !
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joongsarthart · 2 months
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We did it omg!!
Selling‼️ dm if interested 🫶🏽
Net : @othersideoutlawsnetwork
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kimsohn · 2 years
in each other's arms
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pairing . roommates! mingi x gn reader about . 3k+ words, fluff warnings . i have an unhealthy obsession with writing when i’m sleep-deprived take this as you will. i also don’t write long fics so i’m super sorry in advance. reader has a thing for mingi’s arms (who doesn’t), there is cursing involved, slight mentions of alcohol, reader calls mingi annoying and stupid a couple of times but it’s endearingly, this is not proofread yolo
synopsis . you don’t understand why your roommate is suddenly afraid of the dark, but maybe offering him space to sleep next to you wasn’t the worst idea you’ve ever had. note . wrote this for a secret santa fic and decided to post here as well! i don't really stan ateez but writing this has definitely made me some sort of mingi stan 😭 also this was inspired by this episode of curious george, not crucial to understand the fic but definitely helpful
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You’re not quite sure how your roommate grew so accustomed to watching Curious George episodes every night, but it’s become a, to put simply, very distracting routine.
Returning home from work to find Mingi, part-time barista and your personal full-time teddy bear, watching a TV show wasn’t uncommon. Heck, customer service jobs were so horrible that even you would settle in front of the screen for the remainder of the day. You’d often walk in on a new Netflix series and even indulge in them with him, humming soundtracks while you both made dinner together or fall asleep cuddling to the end credits of each episode.
It was all fine until he found a Curious George playlist on YouTube with all 15 seasons, and being a nonsensically endearing child at heart, he’d made it his personal mission to cycle through all of them. Initially, it was nostalgic for you too, but after one too many times of seeing the stupid monkey and his yellow-adorned caretaker, you’d opt to crash in your banana-less bed after dinner instead.
Nights often end like this one, with you drifting into slumber and the glaring light of the TV screen peeking into your room underneath the door. Neither of you was that bothered by the change in routine anyway; you got more sleep and he got his screen time. Being roommates, understanding each other was key in your relationship, and although things were slightly different, the silent compromise was enough to keep the peace between you.
Or at least, it was enough until you hear three knocks on your bedroom door and a slight knob turn.
“Y/N? Are you awake?”
The whisper takes a while to register in your half-asleep state, and at the realization of his scared tone, you force yourself to shift into a sitting position before responding.
“Mingi? What’s wrong?”
He tiptoes into the room, turning on the light. The bright contrast from your previously dark room makes your eyes close instinctively, your pupils adjusting to Mingi’s blurry figure.
“Promise you won’t think I’m stupid?” he asks, an attentive gaze in his eyes.
The comment makes you laugh as you patted your bed, beckoning him onto the soft surface.
“You’ve been stupid to me, dumbass. Just tell me what’s wrong.”
He shuffles on the pillows, leaning in closer to whisper to you despite no one else being in the house.
“I think there are monsters in my room.”
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“Okay, let me get this straight. You watched a Curious George episode about him seeing shadow monsters in his room, and now you think they’re in your room too?”
You can see the pout on his face intensify as he turns all the lights on while walking to his room. You knew the episode he was talking about, the one where the monkey started envisioning oddly shaped shadows as monsters only to later learn they were just figments of his imagination, but you didn’t think it would affect your roommate that badly.
“No! Don’t turn on the light,” he exclaims as you screw open his doorknob, despite the rest of the house being engulfed in light because of his phobia.
“Why not?” you question, watching the door creak open and stepping into the room, pulling him along with you so he won’t run away.
“Look,” he points at an oddly shaped lump, “you can’t tell me that isn’t some evil slug out to get me.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s just—”
“And over there,” he beckons to a tall, conical structure, “that is literally an evil Christmas tree. I’m 100% sure we’re about to die.”
You sigh as you flick on the lights, your suspicions being confirmed.
“Did you even think to turn on the light? These so-called ‘monsters’ are just your pile of dirty laundry that I’ve been begging you to wash and your coat rack that I still can’t comprehend being in this room and not the doorway.”
“You’re right but,” he moves to turn off the light again, “why do they look so different in the dark? They’re shapeshifting! I’m not insane Y/N, just trust me.”
At this point, you’re too mentally and physically exhausted to even care about his antics. In some other period of time, you would’ve indulged his nightmares, but right now it’s far past your bedtime and the only thing on your mind is a long, relaxing sleep.
“Fine. You can sleep in my room tonight. I don’t have stupid coat racks or dirty laundry in my room for you to be scared of, and we can turn on the little night light I still have from third grade. Got it?”
You pretend not to notice the silent cheer he lets out behind your back as you make the trek back to your part of the building, killing the lights as you go. Mingi keeps an arm on your shoulder, and you notice he keeps his gaze on the wall beside him to avoid any potential shapeshifters in the living room.
After a thorough inspection of your room, Mingi deduces that there are indeed no shadow monsters. By then you’re already half asleep, curling into the right side so his hunk of a body has room.
“You sure this is okay?” he questions, stretching his arms and yawning.
Your tired gaze glazes over the ripples of his lean muscles illuminated by your snowman night light before answering with a nod, and you grumble when he flops on the bed and steals too much of your blanket.
“C’mere,” he voices, making grabby hands, “I miss cuddling with you.”
You make the meanest face possible and flip over to the other side, turning away from his seemingly shocked face.
“Wake me up for cuddles when you stop acting like a baby and grow a pair.”
And as you drift into slumber, despite your warnings you still feel the soft weight of his arm curl around your torso, sending you into the sweetest dreams full of fantastical butterflies.
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The next night, Mingi is knocking at your door again, albeit a couple of hours earlier than yesterday. He doesn’t even have to speak before you’re glaring at him, hands crossed in annoyance.
“I’m not letting you sleep here again. You stole too much of my blanket last time.”
You don’t mention to him that you had the best sleep of your life.
“That’s why I brought a blanket!” he exclaims, holding up his polka-dot fuzzy bedspread, “I also brought some popcorn so we can watch a movie on your shitty computer.”
Screw him for being thoughtful, and screw him for wearing the same brand of tank top that he did yesterday. Were his muscles always this prominent, or was it your nightlight making you see things?
“Shitty computer?” you repeat, threatening to close the door in his face.
“No! No… I think you misheard. I love your classic, old computer.”
His grin intensifies as you let him in, snapping the nightlight on and setting up the movie on your computer that is indeed shitty. The overheating of the device makes you turn away from his knowing smirk, and as the starting scenes flash across the blue light screen, you reach for the popcorn, only for him to move it out of your reach.
“Can we cuddle now at least? I meant it when I said I missed it.”
You don’t say anything in response, keeping your eyes trained on the screen, but your hand does reach over to grab a kernel, giving him the green light to wrap an arm around your shoulder. You know that if you refused, he would bring up the embarrassing fact of how you woke up curled into his arm, and you weren’t really in the mood to fight a blush on your cheeks.
“You know, I don’t understand why you’re still scared of the dark when Curious George clearly overcomes his fear at the end of the episode.”
“He does?”
You turn to look at him, confused.
“Did you not finish the episode?”
“I haven’t touched the show since the beginning of that episode. I’m scarred.”
You still believe that this is some sort of sick prank Mingi has been playing on you because there’s no way a 23-year-old man would be this frightened over a figment of his imagination. However, it means you don’t have to bear the stupid ape’s squeaky voice as you fall asleep, so you take the win.
“You know you can’t keep sleeping in my room like this. Why don’t you just clear your room so you won’t be afraid anymore?”
“I like the organized chaos.”
“Oh yeah? The organized chaos that shapeshifts into your worst nightmares?”
“So they do shapeshift! See Y/N, I’m not crazy.”
He is crazy, but the way his arm feels around your shoulder is enough to make you stay quiet as you shovel popcorn into your mouth and watch the movie blur before your eyes.
You awake to find yourself in the same position, and although your head is awkwardly and painfully resting in the crook of Mingi’s shoulder, you find that you once again have garnered a good night’s sleep.
Although you can only see the side of his face, his frame is so beautiful that you can’t help but melt into a puddle of nothingness. The sunlight peeking in from the gaps of your blinds illuminates his face in rays so perfectly, and you have the urge to brush his orange-stained hair behind his ears to gain a better view.
Mingi has always been breathtakingly beautiful. You met him a couple of years ago in college, bonding over the uncertainty of where your future would take you. Ending up together in this small yet comfortable apartment together was something you hadn’t expected, but something you’re learning not to take for granted. His silly quirks and endearing behavior are like a magnet, and it’s hard to not have feelings for someone whom you’re so domestic with every day, but you both are busy with your own lives and have never had time to properly explore those feelings.
Falling asleep in each other’s arms is the closest form of intimacy you’ve shared with him, and you’ve learned to cherish and be grateful for it.
Knowing that both of you are bound to end up with a crick in your necks if you stay in this position any longer, you slowly shake him awake, pushing away your thoughts as you feel him stir underneath your palm.
“Mingi, wake up. You’re going to kill me with your complaints if you wake up with sore limbs.”
“I like sleeping in your arms,” he grumbles, and it’s a little too obvious how your heart constrains at the words.
“I know, but I promise you’d feel much better if you slept properly on the bed. I’ll reward you with an amazing breakfast, I promise.”
The mention of food has him relaxing in your arms, and you move so that he’s sleeping normally against the pillow. The thoughts of waking up next to him and cooking breakfast for him are all very normal, but they’re so domestic that it has your early-morning mind go haywire at the implications.
You tell your brain to shut up and get off the bed to make breakfast before Mingi cusses you out.
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Mingi appears in your bed the next day, the day after that, and many more days after that. At this point, your room has now become a shared room, and Mingi has become a prominent figure in your sheets. Hell, your pillows have even started to smell like him, and you don’t know whether you find it annoying or endearing.
A smaller part of your brain, one that you choose to push aside, fears that you’ve grown too attached to this routine. Sure, before Mingi’s monkey infatuation you’ve woken up next to each other on an occasional morning, arms sore from accommodating each other on the sofa, but you’ve never continuously spent nights with him in the same space regularly like this. Now that the routine has become more frequent, the atmosphere has gone from friendly to something else, and you don’t particularly know if you want to uncover it yet.
Besides, sleeping in the same bed is normal for roommates… right?
“Y/N, sleeping in the same bed with an attractive bachelor that just so happens to be your roommate is definitely not normal.”
Okay, so San agrees to disagree.
“I’m being serious,” he says, shaking you by the shoulder, “you’re going to end up catching feelings, and it’ll either end up with you heartbroken and apartment-less or you getting a new boyfriend. There is a fifty-fifty chance. Don’t risk it.”
You turn to look at Mingi across the room, dressed up in a silk shirt and slacks. His hair is styled in that annoying not-so-styled-but-still-styled manner, and it makes you want to run your fingers through it. Badly. Seeing him sleeveless in the mornings is bad enough, but seeing him cleaned up at a mutual friend’s birthday party makes you want to go feral.
“You should’ve given me that warning before he started sleeping next to me,” you mumble under your breath, but unfortunately San is perceptive, and nothing escapes his ears.
“Great. I can’t believe you already have feelings for him. You’re done for at this point. What is he even so scared of anyway that has him crying in your arms every night?”
You explain the details with a frown on your face, not wanting to mull over any possible rejection you might get from Mingi.
“Oh,” San starts.
“That changes everything.”
You stare at San with a perplexed gaze, prompting him to elaborate.
“Look, Mingi is stupid, but do you really think he’s that stupid? Come on Y/N, even if he was scared of the dark, he would’ve gotten over it in three days.”
You hit him on the shoulder, causing him to yelp.
“Don’t play with me San,” you berate, watching him clutch the area you just hit, “why else would he be sleeping in my room if he wasn’t scared?”
“The same reason you started having feelings for him! Because you both enjoy waking up next to each other and being together. He likes you Y/N.”
The words drift around in your brain, and you process them for a couple of seconds before glaring at San.
“If he liked me, he would’ve told me.”
“That’s what you think. But do you really know him that well if you couldn’t even figure out the reason he’s been sleeping next to you? What if he’s just scared to tell you?”
San has a point, but you don’t want to admit it. As you watch Mingi beckon you over to try some food on the counter and likely force you to shovel down a disgusting combination of food, you and San share a mutual glance to stop talking about the topic.
However, as you walk over, you can’t help your brain from overanalyzing everything that shouldn’t be. The way he smiles too brightly at you, the way he holds your arm gently as he tugs you over, and the way he keeps you hydrated throughout the night make your head spin. Everything normal suddenly seemed different, and you didn’t know if the change was welcome or not.
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Later that night, when you and Mingi return exhausted to your apartment, your brain feels more tired than ever. You’ve never been much of a thinker, but currently, your head feels worse than a hangover, and you don’t want to mull over anything drastic. Keeping your distance from the guy who supposedly has feelings for you back is harder than it seems, but you’re not in the mood to confront him right now.
However, Mingi has other plans. He sits you by the bed, helping you take off your jacket and accessories and untying your shoes. You realize that he’s picked up on your exhaustion, and you feel extremely guilty for wanting to push him away mere seconds ago. He is so charming at this very moment, and you feel nothing but enamored for the love you’ve received from him tonight and all the time you’ve spent together.
The words are flowing out of your mouth before you can even stop yourself.
“Do you like me?”
He stops mid-shoelace, looking up at you. You realize how awkward and uncomfortable of a position this is for him, but it’s too late to turn back now.
“Did it take you this long to notice?”
You feel like you’re being shoved underwater. The world hazes before your eyes, and the words are muffled as they enter your ears.
He laughs, and the loss of your senses makes you realize how beautiful of a sound it really is.
“You’ve always called me stupid, but I think you’re the one that’s actually stupid here. I’ve liked you for a while now, silly. Why do you think I help you make dinner when I hate cooking?”
‘Oh’ is the only word floating in your head right now.
“So, the Curious George thing was fake?”
“Kind of. I was a little scared the first night, not going to lie, but after finding out how much I missed sleeping next to you, I figured I’d use it to my advantage. I’m honestly surprised you didn’t figure out or kick me out sooner.”
He sees you bury your head in your hands, too shocked to internalize anything right now.
“Hey,” he says, holding your shoulder, “you don’t need to say anything right now. I know it’s probably a lot to take in, and I know you’re probably exhausted after that party. Just sleep on it, okay? We can talk later.”
He finishes untying your laces and gets up to leave, but you pull on his shirt, stopping him in his tracks.
“Don’t go,” you whisper, “I like it when you’re here.”
He smiles so gently, so so gently that you want to stare at him forever.
“Alright, I’ll stay,” he whispers back, despite no one else being in the house, “do you want me to continue sleeping next to you?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out after a pause.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
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wooyoungisbaby · 4 months
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ateez pride icons for pride month! :) feel free to use them without credit, but please don't claim them as you own lol
woosang ace · yungi bi · jonggi genderqueer sanhwa lesbian · woojoong nb · sanhwa pan woohwa pride · yunjoong polyamory · jongsang trans
please reblog that'd be cool :)
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leatherbookmark · 6 months
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(in which the caption is a picture)
bonus (my girlfriend):
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simpjaes · 3 months
good morning to jay only 😔🤘🏻
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pickletrip · 11 months
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The World Ep.Fin: Will (official trailer)
They look like they've been cooking up something nasty and new. How dare they look so fine and sassy in black and white? How rude.
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formulafics · 5 months
hey team! my mental health has been insanely bad as of late and i also rediscovered my love for kpop, hence my inactivity 😻🤞🏻 just wanted to drop in and let you know i’m still lurking though LMFAO
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spteez · 9 months
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i’d die to be the person fixing his shirt :3
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onedumbho3 · 8 months
Who knew making a list of fic recs is so hard and time consuming
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joongsarthart · 1 month
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Finished my mingi biro!!
Selling! Check out my etsy (pinned post) if interested
Nets: @othersideoutlawsnetwork
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grasstainart · 11 months
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princess Mingi is coming along nicely hehe
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ratedfleur · 6 months
nsfw links | kpop idols
kpop idols x male and fem reader genre ౨ৎ explicit
🎀: jiwoong, hao, hanbin, ricky, and gyuvin of zb1, chaewon, yunjin, and kazuha of lsfrm, hanni and minji of nwjns, mina of twice, rosé and lisa of blackpink, karina and ningning of aespa, mingi of ateez, and taeyong of nct.
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[link] - most of the time, jiwoong likes to act a little mean just to hear those sweet whimpers of yours, hand quickly slapping your thigh as you whimper before he leans in and slurps your juices up.
[link] - sometimes, hao’s sweet invitations of joining him in the bathtub leads to something else, always dirtying up the water even further rather than getting all clean.
[link] - you knew that hanbin had a breeding kink but you never knew it was that serious when he started muttering words about impregnating you.
[link] - ricky knew he could show his true colors around you hence why he was never afraid of asking you for things especially in the bedroom, even if it might sound a little embarrassing to ask for especially if it was about helping him cum.
[link] - although you both know that gyuvin is taller than you, he likes to prove his point by comparing how you look beside him, unclothed in front of the mirror.
[link] - whenever hanni’s around, you always try to play the nice card not unless you want a brat trailing behind you asking you to do stuff to her.
[link] - you know how hanni doesn’t like to talk about so you once forced it out of her, leading it to having hanni on your lap, touching her until she’s content.
[link] - getting to fuck minji meant that you needed to pleasure her in places where she wanted to be touched, she always was a talker when it came to telling you to fuck her properly.
[link] - always experimenting with you, you and minji found out what the best positions are that would fit both yours and her needs and that meant riding the latter before switching positions ever so often.
[link] - mina had always been adventurous, even to the extent of touching herself in her car but somehow this all led to you fucking her in her car, letting the woman fuck herself on you with the thrill of people seeing you two.
[link] - cunnilingus was something that mina was always into, always looking forward to having you in between her legs or you in between hers.
[link] - whenever you and rosé fucked, you knew even by her little movements when she was about to cum, especially when her toes start curling as she moans out your name.
[link] - sex with rosé was interesting because all the woman wanted to do was be a good girl for you even if she was slowly getting hurt with the way you pushed her on her knees.
[link] - you knew how desperate lisa became after always having phone sex with her hence why she nearly bent over in an instant, practically begging you to fuck her.
[link] - somehow, you and lisa always find yourselves scissoring each other when you met after a long period of time of not seeing each other.
[link] - karina knew that you’d let her do things her way when she knelt down in front of you, bobbing her head up and down while formulating a plan to execute next.
[link] - karina just wants you to feel good so she touches you and pleasures you in all ways possible, may it be through her fingers or her mouth.
[link] - always acting mean around ningning, she knew exactly which actions to pull to get you to tie her up and fuck her until she starts sobbing for you to fuck her harder.
[link] - sex with ningning meant experimenting with touches, positions, and even words that you both spewed at each other when you get close towards the other, muttering sweet nothings or degrading words.
made by anon
[link] -mingi is so obsessed with your cunt and slips his fingers in any time he gets the chance.
[link] - you come home from work to find taeyong pleasuring himself with your pillow and you decide to help him out.
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