#they did this last year with Halazia
maximura · 9 months
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
does it feel like quite a few comebacks have really dropped the ball styling-wise this year? you've mentioned Taeyong's Shalala with the recycled NCT wardrobe, but i feel like i'm seeing so many jeans and tee shirts on music shows lately and it just looks so lazy. Like I was shocked at how for P1Harmony's Jump for example, it felt like the stylists had made zero effort at all (which is a shame since the song is throwback in nature that we could've gotten a riot of 2012-kpop looks).
yea there kinda has been a drought this year on styling, at least in the first half. it's been oddly consistent in a way though, if that makes sense? i'm looking through my first half styling playlist and it doesnt seem like there's as many cbs as there usually is on there, but there's still around the same number of videos bc the stylings that have been good have HIT with pretty much everything. just scrolling through its like. every halazia stage every rose blossom stage every xg stage every tic tac stage every sweet juice stage etc etc. lots of stuff's been pretty meh all around and therefore doesn't make the initial cut, but there's comparatively few of middling missed opportunity ones. i think the biggest ones there for me are shalala and rover, which i think i did publish that ask about......i think.
it especially feels like a dirth rn i think bc may and some of june were pretty slow for good releases in general, so now that there's more groups in the summer cb swing it feels more obvious that the styling has been pretty bland. also it doesn't help that ateez kicked off the season with an absolute slammer of a hit, both styling and song wise.
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justwritedreams · 3 months
Let me in | Wooyoung
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Photographer!Wooyoung x reader
Genre: angst, fluff Word count: 8394 Warnings: blackmail, toxic relationship, graphic violence, mention of a car accident, an annoying fake fiancé he's really an asshole he kisses the reader without consent twice, jealous and red haired Wooyoung because that's a warning. If you don't feel comfortable please don't read! Author: Maari Note: You have no idea how much I love Wooyoung in the halazia era. I'm watching a lot of forbidden love stuff, this obsession will pass Summary: You were ready to confess your love to Wooyoung, but a complicated and dead-end situation changed your plans. Now you don't know whether to let him in or push him away.
Taglist: @foxinnie8
⪢ Ateez Masterlist
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“Woo, I already said I’ll arrive tomorrow morning.”
“But I miss you.”
Y/N even tried to contain her shy smile but it was in vain, hearing even on the other side of the phone Wooyoung's voice admitting so clearly what she also felt made her feel like she was a teenager.
“You talk as if I’ve been away for a year.”
“That’s what it seemed like to me.” she could clearly see the scene of him pouting. “No one complains about my socks lying around my room or the mess on my desk because of work.”
She took her hotel room card from her pocket as she walked down the hallway.
“I already told you that I don’t know how your mother manages to have you and your mess in her house.”
“Is this an invitation for me to move into your house?”
Maybe it was that whole month away from each other, but he seemed much more seductive over the phone, even with the usual jokes, it seemed like he wanted to find a way to flirt with her.
And well, she wouldn't complain.
She and Wooyoung had gone on a date a while ago, when the poor man was available from his work as a photographer, even though they had known each other for a little over two years it seemed like that day had been different.
And it was, because their first kiss happened in such a special way that Y/N could still feel the texture of his lips tattooed on her own. Soon after, it was her turn to travel for work and since then they haven't had time to talk about their situation. What kind of relationship did they have, even though it was clear that they both liked each other in a way that went beyond friendship.
“Do you think it’s that easy to live with me?” she replied and heard his laugh echo through the line. She was missing him so much. “I’ll want something in return.”
“Um, I know what to give you.” His voice was full of malice and she laughed, embarrassed, feeling her cheeks burn.
"You're impossible!" she said, reaching the bedroom door.
“And you like it anyway.”
She didn't even bother to deny it because it would be a lie, she just didn't want to confess over the phone. She needed to say it looking into his eyes.
“I have to go, I need to pack my bag.” She said and unlocked the door.
“Okay, come back soon. Seriously." he practically begged and she smirked.
"I promise."
The call was disconnected and she entered the room with a silly smile on her face, her stomach churning with anxiety every time she thought or spoke to Wooyoung.
It had been routine for the last month, to compensate for the distance they spoke every day.
Y/N turned on the light in the room and her smile fell when she saw that someone was sitting in the armchair next to the bed, her blood ran cold and she took a step back to leave.
Until she heard the familiar voice.
“Hello, Y/N. Did you miss me, love?”
She strained her eyes and recognized the face that held a pretentious smile.
“Chase.” her voice was barely a whisper.
He smiled widely and she knew it was because she had shown weakness in front of him.
"What are you doing here?" she asked more firmly. “How did you know I was here?”
"What do you think?" His false naivety was starting to irritate her and that answer wasn't what she wanted. “You should start choosing your friends better.”
Y/N felt her jaw drop as her heart ached from the betrayal, it wasn't like she didn't expect it but the disappointment couldn't be contained.
She and Chase went out twice a while ago, he was friends with her best friend and that's how they met. But Y/N didn't feel anything special about the boy, he was handsome, tall, rich and successful, but none of that seemed to matter to Y/N who could only see arrogance in him.
In fact, the only person that haunted her mind during the time she spent with him was Wooyoung. Nobody seemed to be better than him.
After the dates, he seemed more and more interested in her, he sent gifts, flowers, called every day and Y/N found any excuse or pretext to get away, she didn't want to go out with him again, she didn't even want to have a conversation with him because the matters seemed so superficial.
And when she kissed Wooyoung, it was like the entire experience with Chase had been erased.
He became a completely forgettable person.
Of course she politely dumped him and then blocked his number.
But the man, unlike what he had said via message, didn't seem to have given up.
Since he had gone there to the hotel where she was.
She swallowed the urge to cry and went to the door, opening it.
"Get out of my room."
Chase didn't move, he crossed his legs and put his hands together and brought them up to his mouth, resting his elbows on the arms of the chair.
“How is your brother?”
Y/N felt her neck crack so fast she turned to face him. Now instead of feeling her blood run cold, was bubbling with anger.
She knew Chase well enough to understand what he meant.
Y/N's brother was being accused of murder after a car accident, she knew he was innocent but there was no proof of that, not even witnesses. It was just his word about how the alleged victim's car had run a red light, lost control and crashed into him that was in the right of way for the green light. The victim died at the scene and Y/N's brother had been seriously injured, he was still in custody at the hospital as he was recovering but the victim's family sued Y/N's brother the next day.
Y/N's family's life had been turned upside down and that was why she was committed to working overtime, so she could pay the best-known criminal lawyer in the country.
She needed to help her brother.
She didn't respond to Chase, just took a deep breath and stared at the floor, squeezing the door handle tightly.
“I can help, you know.” he started talking. “I can get your brother and his record cleared again.”
She laughed, ironically.
“And what do you want in return?”
She knew he wasn't saying that because he was a good guy. Wooyoung would give her the world without expecting anything in return, but Chase wasn't Wooyoung.
He got up from the chair and Y/N looked at him offended.
“You marry me and in return your brother will be absolved.” he proposed and started walking towards her who didn't say anything. “You know my dad is a federal judge, he can help.”
Anger was written all over Y/N's face, she was breathing heavily now.
“That’s not helping, that’s blackmail.” she spat out the words and he raised his hand to caress her face, she moved away as far as she could.
“You’re so beautiful when you’re mad.”
She rolled her eyes.
“What if I say no?” she lifted her chin, trying to keep herself strong.
He smiled sideways and brought his face closer to hers, she just narrowed her eyes, feeling her nose itch as she breathed in his perfume.
“Then he will be judged guilty even though he did nothing.”
She laughed in disbelief and tried to find some trace of something that could indicate that he wasn't serious but she couldn't find it.
And it was like her mind snapped.
“You know he’s innocent.” It wasn't a question and he didn't even seem surprised by the statement.
“Where do you think the highway footage is?”
Y/N's eyes filled with tears, it was as if the entire weight of the world had rested on her shoulders.
So her brother could be happy and free but she would become unhappy and trapped?
She was about to be the happiest woman in the world because she would be next to the man she loved.
She had nothing to think about, she wouldn't be the reason for an injustice happening to her own family.
“If I accept, will you hand over the footage to the police?” she asked, feeling her throat close up.
Chase nodded, his eyes were shining victoriously and she hated it.
But if it was the only way to save her brother, she would do it. She didn't wanted the process to drag on any longer than it already was.
Y/N let out an ok so low, showing how much she didn't want to accept that offer.
“Pack your bags, my love. You come back with me today.”
“My ticket is already paid, I’m going tomorrow.” was all she managed to say.
“Fair enough, we’ll have our whole lives to be together.”
Chase brought both hands to Y/N's face and pulled her against her will to leave a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room.
The tears that had previously stopped in her eyes ran down her face as she wiped her forehead to remove any trace of Chase's lips on her skin.
Y/N closed the door with a thud and her body gave way, she sat on the floor while crying compulsively feeling as if strong chains were tied around her wrists.
“Y/N, this is the fourth time Wooyoung is calling, you need to answer.”
Y/N's mother spoke as she entered her room, making her sigh.
She had been managing to avoid Wooyoung for two weeks, telling him that she would have to postpone her return from the trip because she still had a lot of work to do, it was a lie of course but he didn't need to know.
She knew he was suspicious, he hadn't really believed it when she texted him the next day saying she wouldn't be back. She had done this because she didn't know what to say to him when she met him.
How would she explain that she was going to marry a guy she didn't even like, after everything they happened between them so far?
Could it seem like she was a coward? Yes and she felt that way, but avoiding Wooyoung even though her heart called for him was the only way out she found.
“I’m gonna call him later, mom.” she replied, not looking into her mother's eyes, distracting herself by putting the watch on her wrist.
“You’ve been avoiding him since you came back.” her mother noted. “That's because of Chase, isn’t it?”
Y/N faltered and almost told her mother everything that was happening if she didn't know her mother would make her act with reason. In other words, would make her give up from that insanity.
“I don’t know how he will react about the wedding.” She shrugged and busy herself with putting her things in her bag.
Probably would react the same way her family did, in shock and confusion. One day she had gone to work and the next she was coming back engaged to a guy they didn't even know?
Everyone knew that Wooyoung was in love with Y/N even before they both knew, and that she reciprocated, so the fact that the groom wasn't Wooyoung was quite confusing.
And the look on Y/N's mother's face said exactly that, even though she hadn't elaborated on the subject any further.
“Don’t hurt him.” her mother asked and her shoulders slumped.
She went to her mother and kissed her cheek, trying to smile slightly.
“I would never do that intentionally.” The mother agreed, she knew her daughter's intention but didn't know the reasons that were making her make that decision. “I have a meeting with the wedding photographer, I think I won’t be back for a while.” She explained.
“Is Chase coming to get you?”
Y/N tried hard not to grimace when she remembered that detail.
“He’s already waiting for me.”
The mother crossed her arms and before turned into an interrogation, Y/N decided to leave the house and came face to face with Chase outside the car.
She twisted her mouth and went straight to the passenger side, he hurried to open the door.
“I thought I was going in.”
Y/N frowned and sat down on the car seat.
He closed the door and went to the driver's side.
“Isn’t it time to meet your parents?”
She huffed and buckled the seatbelt as he started the car.
“Do this on your wedding day.” she replied impatiently, turning her face to look at the window and not him.
The last thing she wanted was to hear his voice the whole way. Every day that passed, every second that she was in his company only made her anger grow.
The only thing she felt for him was contempt.
She didn't know why he was so insistent that she accompany him to the meeting with the photographer, since most things about the wedding were his decisions, but she needed to or else her parents would be even more suspicious since the wedding was in a month.
They arrived at a coffee shop she didn't know, Chase tried to place his palm on her back but Y/N moved away, showing that she didn't wanted any physical contact.
He didn't complain out loud but it was clear that it had bothered him. He led her to a table and she saw a young man sitting with his back with newly dyed red hair. She had the impression that she knew those broad shoulders but blinked a few times trying to get that thought out of her head
She constantly saw him everywhere in the last few days, it was just a projection of her own desires.
“Jung?” Chase caught the boy's attention and he turned to face the couple with a wide smile on his face.
But the same smile on Y/N's face fell away the moment she recognized him.
Wooyoung stood up from the chair with his eyes fixed on Y/N, visibly shocked to see her there, he looked at Chase who extended his hand.
“Chase, right?” he asked still stunned, shaking his hand.
"That's right." she heard amusement in Chase's voice. “This is my fiancée, Y/N.”
The exchange of glances between the two although it took only a few seconds, seemed to last an eternity, he was speechless and she wanted to explain herself but this was neither the place nor the time.
"Nice to meet you." she spoke quickly, extending her hand to him who held it without understanding why she was pretending she didn't know him.
Wooyoung just nodded with a restrained smile.
As soon as they sat down, Y/N right in front of Wooyoung, he tried to maintain the professional pose and completely ignored his heart.
While looking and talking to Chase he even managed to act professionally so he started not looking towards Y/N, since she herself hadn't opened her mouth to say a single word but it was obvious that the weight of her gaze was making Wooyoung's task of ignoring her even more difficult.
He wanted to confront her, hearing the love plans coming from Chase's mouth filled with a boastful tone was irritating him deeply and the fact that she was standing there quiet made it even worse.
But he realized that something wasn't right when Chase announced that the pre-wedding photos, which would take place over the weekend, would be taken in a city park as he pointed out that the fountain there would be a great setting.
Y/N hated public places and the sun. That specific weekend would be one of the hottest of the year and he knew the park, the fountain attracted families who took their children to play with the waterfalls.
It was a great photo spot, that was true, but not for Y/N.
Wooyoung had his left eyebrow raised and his locked teeth highlighted the perfect shape of his jaw even more, Y/N looked at him with shame and deep sadness, at no point did he direct his attention to her even for a second. Of course she understood the reason but that didn't stop the wound in her heart from opening even wider.
It was enough for both of them when, after planning everything for the weekend, Chase got up and pulled Y/N by her hand not so gently, holding both sides of her face preventing her from moving away he placed his lips on hers. Wooyoung clenched his fists, breathing heavily when he saw that Y/N in addition to not reciprocating also tried to move away, her lips in a thin line while her arms stayed at her sides.
Although he was extremely angry about the situation, he wanted to laugh at the man's desperation in trying to mark his territory as if he were a dog, all that was left was to lift his paw and piss on her.
Chase walked away with a wide smile on his face and said goodbye to Wooyoung who returned an ironic smile and for the first time his eyes met Y/N's. Even though he needed an explanation from her, when he noticed that she had a disgusted expression and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, it was enough for him to draw his own conclusions.
Something was very wrong and he was going to find out what it was.
Y/N wanted that day to end as quickly as possible.
She hadn't even started the photo shoot and was already hating every minute of it. First, it was a hot and muggy day, there wasn't a single cloud in the sky and she was already sweating because of it. Secondly she was hating the dress she was wearing, a pre-wedding gift from Chase, the dress was tight in the wrong places and more see-through than she would have liked, she was feeling completely uncomfortable.
Thirdly, because pretending for who knows how many hours that she was terribly in love with her fiance was tiring just imagining it.
But she followed the plan, went to the park feeling her hands cold and her heart beating fast thinking about Wooyoung. She hoped the whole way that he had assigned someone from his team to take the photos, so she could sigh in the corners without anyone knowing that he was the reason.
The last person she imagined meeting in that coffee shop was him, with so many photographers around town how could she have predicted that he would be the one hired. Also she would never imagine him with red hair like that and how handsome he would look. She shouldn't have found his serious expression so attractive but it would be a lie if she said that his new look hadn't messed with her.
Just seeing the red hair from miles away made her legs tremble and it became even more difficult to control her breathing when his eyes met hers. She could see the hurt he felt and it made her shoulders sag.
"Hey." she greeted him shyly.
The tension was so clear that anyone passing by would be able to tell.
"Hey." he replied quietly, looking to the sides. “Your fiancé is not coming?” His voice carried sarcasm and she took a deep breath. 
Yeah, maybe she deserved that.
“He was supposed to be here.” she muttered and diverted her attention to take her phone out of her bag. At the same time as she unlocked the screen the phone rang, a call from Chase. "Where are you?" she answered.
She heard a heavy cough on the other side and frowned.
"At home." his voice didn't sound good at all, not that she really cared.
"You won't come?" she asked in disbelief and that caught Wooyoung's attention.
“I'm sick, my love, I only managed to get out of bed to vomit.”
She shouldn't have but a slight smile appeared on her face. So does that mean she would be free from him all day? Finally her wishes were being granted.
“Then we better reschedule.”
“Do whatever you want, Y/N, my head is exploding.”
Chase hung up the call and she looked at her phone in surprise for a few seconds while her heart jumped with joy, turning to face Wooyoung she saw him with his eyebrow raised and it was very difficult not to sigh.
Even though he was wearing simple black clothes, he could take her breath away like no other could.
“He’s not coming.” she shrugged, sounding much more excited than she should have been.
“He should at least let us know in advance.” he replied, adjusting the strap of his camera bag over his shoulder. “I’m not his employee.” he continued, irritated.
“I know, sorry about that, Woo.”
He shook his head.
“Don’t apologize for his actions, it doesn’t suit you.”
They exchanged a long look, perhaps the longest since the meeting in the cafeteria, trying to look for answers to questions they hadn't yet asked and perhaps already found.
"Why are you doing this?" he questioned, making her swallow hard.
“Photos are a…”
He laughed, humorlessly.
“That’s not what I’m talking about.” he interrupted her and Y/N was silent.
She knew exactly what he was referring to and the only thing she wanted to do was tell him the truth.
“Let’s not talk about it, please.” she begged or else would actually tell him why.
Y/N made to move away but Wooyoung gently grabbed her wrist, not only making her stop in place but also causing a shiver to run through her body.
She looked down at his hand, feeling all the heat from his palm and went up until she met his eyes. Her legs gave way, of course, her heart was racing so fast that even though they were in a public place he could easily hear it.
“You owe me an explanation.” Y/N looked away. He was right, she did but couldn't. “Out of nowhere you have a fiancé?”
“That’s not how it happened.” she said without looking him in the eye.
“Is that why you won’t look me in the eye?” he questioned, she felt his eyes on her and yet she didn't return them, just looked around afraid that someone would see them there.
Realizing what Y/N was doing, he pulled her without hurting to a more distant area, covered by trees and literally empty, he released his grip but stayed close to her staring at her in the same way, deeply as if he could see the answer she was giving in her expressions.
“Woo, please don’t do that.” she begged closing her eyes, she didn't have the strength to keep lying to him.
“Give me one good reason to believe in this engagement.” She opened her eyes and looked at him without the courage to admit it. “You don’t like when he touches you, I saw the disgusted face you made when he kissed you.” her jaw dropped. “And you were happy he wasn't coming, so unless your love language is not showing any affection, which I know isn't true, explain to me why you're going to marry him in a month. ”
Y/N started to sweat even more and reached for the straps of her dress, as if that would somehow alleviate her nervousness and consequently the heat. But she knew it wouldn't until saying what was stuck in her throat.
“Everything we experienced couldn’t have been a lie.” the sad and giving up tone of Wooyoung's voice made Y/N's heartbreak even more.
That's why she approached him, bringing both hands to the sides of his face making him look into her eyes.
"It wasn’t." she replied with conviction. “Believe me, I have never been happier than when I was with you.”
"So, what is happening? Tell me, please." he pleaded.
“He’s blackmailing me.” she spoke at once without breathing or blinking, and it was as if half a ton had been lifted off her shoulders.
She could only feel confidence through his eyes, she wouldn't be able to continue carrying this burden alone.
Y/N sighed before continuing, her eyes filling with tears.
“He has the footage that proves my brother is innocent but he will only hand it over after the wedding.” her voice wavered at the end and Wooyoung looked at her in terror, not believing that someone could do that. “If I didn’t accept it, my brother would be unjustly arrested!”
Unable to say anything, he pulled her into a tight protective hug, Y/N buried her face in his neck and cried as he stroked her back. All the anger he had felt in that coffee shop seemed so small to what Y/N was going through alone, because he knew her so well that he was sure she hadn't told anyone that in order to protect her family. It was too heavy a guilt for her to bear alone.
And he would help her, one way or another.
Y/N rolled her eyes when she saw Chase standing at the door of her house with a cheeky smile on his face, she snorted when he walked in uninvited.
“What do you think you’re doing?” she asked, still holding the door open and saw him sit on the couch as if he were in his own home.
“I came to meet your parents, are they there?” He looked around and she had to take a deep breath to keep from screaming at him.
“They are in the hospital.” she replied with a boring tone.
“Great, you can stay at the door because the photographer is coming here.” he advised, catching her attention as she narrowed her eyes.
"Why?" she questioned, not understanding.
“We have some unfinished business to resolve with him since the pre-wedding has been postponed.” he said in a tone of obviousness and Y/N closed the door slowly, taking a deep breath.
“And why did you call him here?”
She saw the same amused smile on Chase's face that irritated her, he didn't respond immediately, just analyzed her noticing the fear in her eyes.
“Did you want me to take some mr. nobody to our apartment?’
Y/N locked her jaw both in anger and to prevent her from defending Wooyoung right away, it would be obvious to Chase what she felt for Wooyoung and she didn't need any more threats but she also felt there was something beyond that unexpected visit.
And to think that she had spent 3 days away from him and any interaction, she would give anything to have that peace again while he was sick.
Before she could think of how to respond, the doorbell rang and that was the moment her heart skipped a beat. It was the most painful dilemma she could be living in, she wanted so much to see Wooyoung again since after she had confessed what had happened they were keeping daily calls and he was being so understanding with her - it only made her fall in love with him even more - , but she didn't want Chase to use Wooyoung.
Because she knew he was up to something and she didn't know how much she could hide from him.
She answered the door with cold hands and gave Wooyoung a nervous smile, both didn't needed to say anything for him to notice the tension, his eyes swept the house and found Chase sitting as if he were a king. His serious expression mixed with anger appeared and he even tried to give Y/N a polite smile but they couldn't even call it a smile.
She directed Wooyoung to sit in the armchair while she stood, but Chase had other plans.
“I’m sorry about what happened over the weekend, I wasn’t feeling very well.” he took the opportunity to pull Y/N by the hand and make her sit on the couch beside him. He also put his hand on her knee, Wooyoung just watched him in silence, trying not to show how much that attitude was irritating him.
“Don’t worry, it happens more than you think.” he faked a smile. “It must be the wedding anxiety.”
Y/N looked at Wooyoung carefully, he seemed determined not to fall for Chase's trick who, not satisfied, began to squeeze her knee with unnecessary force.
“Maybe that’s what it should be, it’s not every day that we get to marry the woman of our life.” Y/N tried to break Chase's grip by holding onto his fist but it was impossible considering he was much stronger than her.
“Few are lucky enough to have reciprocal love.”
Y/N would have laughed at the exchange of barbs between the two - Wooyoung's hint was explicit - if Chase's fingers weren't hurting her knee, her face contorted into a grimace of pain that was seen by Wooyoung.
He clenched his fists and almost managed to get up and pull Chase away from Y/N.
“Can you give me some water, please?” he asked, trying to get her to move away from him somehow.
"Sure!" her voice came out thinner than usual, Chase released his hand from her knee as soon as she got up from the couch.
At the same moment his phone rang, apologizing he went to another room to answer it while Y/N looked at Wooyoung to follow her to the kitchen, he did so and as soon as they arrived, they were both able to release the breath they had been holding.
"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly and she went to the fridge to get a bottle, nodding. “You won't marry that animal.”
She turned to hold out the water bottle and crossed her arms when he took it.
"I don't have a choice." she whispered.
“I’m not going to let you live with that asshole.” he snapped, angrily spitting out the words. “He hurt you.” he pointed to her leg, Y/N was wearing shorts so the place where Chase had squeezed was visible, it was red, she even tried to cover it with her hands by lowering her head but it was no use. “Not just physically.”
Y/N stood up to look at him, he was so serious that the vein in his neck stood out, rarely had she seen him like that, his red hair matched the fire of hatred he felt.
She couldn't deny it, not when he was right. The pain in her body was very small compared to the pain in her heart and she didn't know what to do, although she agreed with Wooyoung that she shouldn't marry Chase, she didn't see any other way to help her brother.
So she just stood there, silently staring at him. He took advantage and approached her slowly, placing his hands on her shoulders so he could comfort her and also give her strength.
“Don’t push me away.” he begged, making her sigh. “I’ll find a way to help you out of this, but you need to let me in.” she looked away, afraid of the answer she wanted to give. It wouldn't be fair to involve him in that mess. But he didn't give up, he raised his hands to both sides of her face and slowly lifted her, looking deep into her eyes and just whispered. "Please."
How could she deny anything in those eyes?
"Alright." she agreed quietly and he smiled lightly.
That was enough for now.
He started to hug her, he wanted to be able to wrap himself around her to the point of protecting her from anything, but Y/N heard footsteps coming from the room and quickly moved away from Wooyoung, keeping a safe distance so that Chase wouldn't notice what was happening there.
He arrived at the door and Wooyoung pretended to act like he was a stranger.
"Thank you so much." he handed the bottle back to Y/N as if he had actually drunk it and she just nodded. “Well, I'm leaving now. I have other clients to talk to.”
He glanced at Y/N and started walking to leave the kitchen.
“So see you this weekend.” Chase spoke as soon as Wooyoung passed him, making him raise his eyebrow.
He turned to face Chase and it took a lot of strength not to wipe the victorious smile off his face with his own hands, but he just smiled back.
He didn't even know what was coming.
“If you don’t have any other unforeseen circumstances.”
Y/N tried to contain her laughter in vain, receiving Chase's furious look and Wooyoung's complicit look, he left rolling his eyes at Y/N's fiancé leaving the two alone with his heart in his hands.
He couldn't bear to imagine her alone with that idiot but for now it had to be like that, until he found a way to help her.
“Was that funny to you?” Chase asked as soon as he heard the living room door close.
She huffed, leaving the bottle on the sink.
“I have no time for your dramas.” she retorted and followed the same way as Wooyoung.
However, she barely reached the room, as Chase grabbed her arm, forcing her to stop.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice the exchange of looks between you.” he spoke threateningly and she tried not to show how much it affected her.
That's why she decided to pretend she didn't understand.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She tried to pull her arm away but he tightened his grip. “Can you let me go?” she asked, a little more firmly.
“Don’t even try to have your bachelorette party with the photographer. It won’t be worth it anyway.”
Y/N felt her palm itch to slap him but realized she didn't need to, the fact that Chase's ego was hurt because of Wooyoung was enough for her at that moment.
“Said the man who is using blackmail to have a woman who doesn’t love him.” she replied in a sarcastic tone and he forcefully brought her closer. "What are you gonna do?" she smiled wryly. "Hit me?"
She couldn't reveal what she really felt for Wooyoung but she had enough strength to defy him, knowing that she could count on Wooyoung had given her the courage she needed in that situation and for the first time she left him without an answer.
Now more than ever she was committed to finding a way not to get married.
Y/N was already lying in bed, looking at the ceiling reflecting on everything and nothing at the same time, her parents were already sleeping in the other room and the house was completely pitch black, indicating that it was already late at night. } She couldn't sleep, no matter how much she turned in bed, she didn't even need to look at the clock on her phone to know that it was already dawn and she had wasted a lot of time lying there.
The device vibrated next to the bed and she jumped in fright, she almost didn't look at her phone because she wasn't in the mood but her curiosity was greater.
When she unlocked the screen she saw a message from Wooyoung.
'Open the door'
She sat on the bed as soon as she read the message with a frown, replied asking which door and received the answer quickly.
‘From the entrance, I’m here.’
Y/N's jaw dropped and she got out of bed hurriedly, without remembering the thin fabric pajamas she was wearing she left the room trying to be silent, leaving her phone in the room. She went to the living room without turning on the lights and opened the door slowly so as not to make any noise, he was standing there in front of her with a worried expression.
Before she could question why he was there, Wooyoung took a long step and pulled her into an almost desperate hug, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his face in her neck.
Y/N just reciprocated, confused but happy to be able to breathe deeply against the heat of his body, she didn't count how long they stayed there but neither of them separated anytime soon.
"Are you well?" he whispered and his breath against her skin made her shiver.
"Yes, I am."
Now she was much better with him there.
He pulled away and his eyes darted to Y/N's outfit.
“Nice outfit.” he jerked his head towards her pajamas, making her blush.
"Silly." she pushed him lightly and he laughed softly, closing the door behind him. “What are you doing here at this time?”
“I couldn’t sleep, I kept thinking about what that monster was going to do to you.” he admitted and she smirked.
“Modesty aside, I defended myself very well.” she said, proudly and he narrowed his eyes.
"Yeah?" he crossed his arms. "What did you say?"
She shrugged.
"The truth. That he is blackmailing a woman who doesn't even love him, it's the only way he can be with me.”
He smiled proudly and admiringly, barely able to stop his hand from going to the back of her head. Y/N did nothing but look him in the eyes and sigh.
"The only way?"
Her cheeks burned violently at Wooyoung's low and seductive tone, but she liked that feeling, it was reminiscent of their first kiss.
“He’s gonna live with the fact that my heart will never be his.” she was sincere, making him bring their bodies closer together again.
“You say as if your heart already has an owner.” he tried to contain a smile but Y/N saw it too well, moving her hand from his arm to his shoulder making him shiver.
"And has." she replied with conviction, making him raise an eyebrow. "You."
His smile grew at the same time that a sparkle appeared in his eyes, she just returned the smile. Wooyoung then took his other hand to her waist, wrapping his arm around her and took a few steps forward, automatically she walked backwards until she felt the hard surface of the wall and of course her legs faltered.
“We are so corny.” he whispered and she laughed. “We look like two teenagers in love.”
“And aren’t we?”
He laughed softly and in response brought his face closer to Y/N's, stroking her nose with his own, she just closed her eyes while her heart accelerated considerably.
He didn't rush anything even though their already heavy breaths hit each other, they both just needed that stolen moment in hope that it would last forever.
It was Wooyoung who ended the little distance that remained, hot and eager lips met in an intense and quick kiss, their bodies missed the textures of each other's lips. It was as if they had been away from each other's arms for years.
They didn't wanted to wait to lose themselves in that feeling of wet lips molding perfectly, as if they were made for each other.
When the tongues took over the action, Wooyoung's hand went to the back of Y/N's head and increased the speed of the kiss, making her hug him by the shoulders with both arms to be firm or else she would fall.
Air at that moment seemed like such a small detail, they wanted to get lost in that kiss, in each other's tastes.
And that's exactly what they did, until their lungs hurt.
It was Y/N who broke the kiss, not because she really wanted to but because she needed to, she just didn't count that Wooyoung would distribute kisses all over her face and down to her jaw followed by her neck, there would be no way her legs would stay steady anyway.
"What are we doing?" she asked with a wide smile on her face and still with her eyes closed.
“We are loving each other.” he responded against her skin, making goosebumps emerge as he began to give light bites. "So much."
Y/N brought her hands to the back of his neck, caressing while he didn't seem to be satisfied with the wet kisses he was giving on her skin.
“Woo.” she called him and in response he gave a light bite right below her ear, she had to bite her own lower lip to keep from letting out a moan.
That's why she took a hand to his hair and pulled without much force, to make him look at her.
"Don't do that." he said biting his lower lip as well and she got lost in the intense glow of passion in his eyes.
“You know how much I wanted to ask you to stay.” Suddenly her mouth went dry just with his eyes looking at her so closely and she had to wet her lips with her own tongue.
"I know." he smiled lightly and his hand went to her cheek where he caressed it slowly, making her close her eyes momentarily. "I'm leaving."
Although she nodded, the last thing she wanted was for him to leave.
“One more kiss and I’ll be gone.” he asked and she smiled sideways.
He approached for a new kiss, this time with the taste of a painful goodbye but also with the certainty that it wouldn't be the last between them.
Y/N was sure once again that she could spend the whole night in his arms.
“Your father just called.” Y/N's mother stopped at the kitchen door. “It seems that a witness has emerged in your brother’s favor.”
Y/N opened her eyes wide and went to her mother.
"Like how? When?"
“Apparently there was a witness with the guy in the other car, they were in a bar or something, he saw the guy leave the place completely drunk and speeding more than he should have.”
Y/N felt a wave of relief course through her body.
“But why did he only appear now?” she questioned, still a little lost.
“The lawyer said he didn’t know what had happened before, when he found out about the case he went to the police to tell them what he saw that day.”
Y/N's jaw dropped and she blinked several times.
"And now?"
“I’m going to the hospital to tell your brother.” said and she nodded. “Your father will meet me there.”
"Alright, mom. As soon as I get off work, I’ll stop by the hospital.”
The two said goodbye and Y/N went to brush her teeth as soon as her mother left the house, after finishing she picked up her bag on the sofa and went to the door, looking for the key that seemed to be hidden in the middle of her things in the bag.
She was too busy to notice that Chase was at the door just waiting for her to open and when she did, he took her bag and threw it far into the house, making her startle and lift her head to look at him.
Chase entered the house and grabbed her arms, shaking her.
“Do you think you can do this to me?” He asked, completely irritated and she looked at him scared.
"Are you crazy?" she spoke louder, trying to get away from his hands in vain.
“You really are a slut, all I had to do was turn my back and you stabbed me.”
"What are you talking about?"
Chase laughed in disbelief.
“From your little show last night.” she frowned. “Of course you would rub yourself against the photographer at the first opportunity like a slut.”
Y/N was unresponsive for a moment and her silence made Chase shake her harder, angrily.
"Answer me!"
“How did you-” she barely finished the sentence because he interrupted her.
"What do you think? I put a camera in this room.” Y/N looked at him completely offended. “I wanted to make sure your affair with him wasn’t just an illusion in my head.”
She shook her head, unable to believe that this was happening because she knew that he was fully capable of doing something absurd like that.
All the frustrations, fears, insecurities and doubts since Chase had blackmailed her had taken over her but now she had more than hope, she was sure that she would no longer have the weight of her wrongfully convicted brother on her shoulders.
Relief came and with it her voice became firmer and even louder.
"You really wanna know? Yes, I kissed him.” she admitted and with all the strength she had, she freed herself from his grip. “And I plan on kissing Wooyoung for the rest of my life!” he glared at her as she took steps back. “I love him and your blackmail is no longer strong because my brother will be free with or without the footage.” she smiled widely and saw him falter for a few seconds. “I'm not marrying you, Chase, ever. Not even if humanity depends on it. Now get out of my house!”
Her breathing became labored, the screams she gave were of freedom and she felt light. However, Chase didn't look happy at all.
He blinked a few times and then advanced on her, holding her jaw with one hand while with the other he grabbed her waist and made her lean against the wall.
Y/N started to struggle, trying to push him away.
"I will not give up on you." he warned. “I’m gonna have you back.”
“You can't get it back what was never yours.” she replied between her teeth, she was feeling suffocated by his presence and his hand on her face.
“We’ll see.”
He lifted Y/N's face and decided to attack her neck with kisses that made Y/N start punching his chest to make him move away.
"Let me go!" she screamed, feeling disgusted every time his mouth touched her skin and tears began to form. "Stop it.”
“If you’re not going to be mine, you’re not going to be anyone else’s.” he spoke angrily and began to hug her around the waist to stop her from continuing to fight.
"Help! Somebody help."
That was Y/N's last scream before Chase was pushed away from her, he staggered back in confusion while Y/N cried against the wall.
“Get your filthy paws off her.” Wooyoung's voice echoed through the room, the harsh tone betraying how angry he was.
Seeing Y/N being grabbed against her will by that idiot had made him see red the moment he reached his feet at the entrance of the house, he didn't see anything else, he just walked up to the two and threw Chase away.
“Woo.” Her shaky voice made him step in front of her protectively, she grabbed the dark denim vest he was wearing.
“If you touch her one more time, I’ll break your arm.” he warned and Chase laughed wryly.
“I’m not scared of a loser like you.”
“Try it if you’re a man.”
Chase felt provoked and then advanced on Wooyoung who did the same before he could get close to Y/N, she even tried to stop him while still holding his clothes but she couldn't, Wooyoung applied the first blow. A hard punch to Chase's face, enough to make a loud noise and the man staggered to the side as Wooyoung threw another punch at him.
Chase held him by the waist and pushed him against the wall, Wooyoung hit his back but managed to retaliate by kneeing him in the stomach.
“Stop!” Y/N screamed desperately when she saw that neither of them were going to stop. "Stop it!"
When Wooyoung was punched in the face, she ran to the bag thrown on the floor and grabbed her phone in desperation, dialing the emergency number.
It was time for Wooyoung to strike one more time and immobilize him by the neck she had already called the police.
“I should break your neck for daring to blackmail and touch my girl.” he spoke quietly to Chase who was trying to free himself. “But you’re not worth it.”
He released him, kicking him in the back as he sucked in the air he'd lost lying on the floor.
Wooyoung stood up and looked at him with disgust, Y/N ran to him worried.
"Are you ok?" she asked while analyzing his face, he had blood in the corner of his mouth and his hands were red from the punches he had given and even though he was breathing heavily, he was standing as if nothing had happened.
"I am fine." he replied, looking at her with a bit of guilt.
Her neck was red and just from those marks he wanted to keep punching Chase.
"Come here." He pulled her into a hug, without taking his eyes off Chase, he looked really hurt.
And even though he shouldn't have felt this way Wooyoung was proud of himself for leaving him where he belonged.
The floor.
Y/N buried her face in Wooyoung's neck and tried to reduce the adrenaline in her blood by taking deep breaths of his scent to calm down.
In the background, sirens could be heard indicating they were arriving.
That was why Wooyoung pulled Y/N further away from Chase, so they could have a little more privacy while the police arrived.
"Are you ok?" he asked quietly and the answer he got was Y/N nodding.
“I’m glad you didn’t break anything, or else my mom would be mad.” she spoke against his skin and he laughed, at the sensation and her concern at that moment.
“Mad at her son-in-law for defending her daughter?” he asked in a slightly calmer tone.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again.” she asked and pulled away enough to look at him.
He took a deep breath and nodded, in a serious tone he asked “Was it sexy at least?”
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sangyeonsmuse · 2 months
BREAK THE WALLS | Kim Hongjoong
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Full Chapter List
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🀥 Government agent Hongjoong x Rebel Oc
🀥 genre | dystopian society, halazia x geurilla concept , enemies to lovers
🀥 word count | 706
🀥 Summary | An organization by the name of Sector 1 was well known for their work in the underground, theyve been well known for the recruiting of teens and using them to form an army since the year 2034. Collecting strays for their rebellion against those in higher power. Now the year is 2064 and the organization still runs strong they run like a family, with the new technology theyve found ways of keeping alive those that have been scorned in any past battles theyve had against the government.
When the government sends in 7 of their best men to infiltrate the organization. What will they do when their cover is blown and their true intentions are revealed? Will they join the rebellion or will they continue to let the government pull their strings like the little puppets they once were?
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Skylar district October 14th 2064
While others had been out and about either spending their free time away from the Sector 1 or helping find new recruits, Tahani had stayed behind. To the others it was no surprise that the girl once again chose to practice in her free time rather than actually use it. Ever since Tahani had woken up after the organization's last mission it was all the girl ever did. She was no longer the cheery and outgoing Tahani in which they once knew. Even with Jongho who had been like a brother to her she became less enthusiastic.
Sweat dripped down the girl's forehead as she collapsed to the floor taking the time to catch her breath after hours and hours of sparring. Throwing a towel around her neck and sitting up in her place she found her eyes locked on a nearby mirror in the solo sparring room. As her eyes scanned over her black exterior she let a sigh spill past her lips. It bothered her, knowing that she could never live the normal life she would have if she had never followed Mingyu and Juyeon that day. The more she looked at herself in the mirror the more angry she grew at Loren. They had all let him in, treated him like family, they cared for him like he was their own blood and now look at her. She was grateful to still be alive but knowing the cost there were times she questioned whether or not she'd be better off dead. Though her humanity was still intact there were things so humane she knew she would never get to experience in her life again or even for the first time. Having children, the feel of someone's touch on her body, dancing in the rain, she'd never be normal.
Pulling herself up from the ground, Tahani stepped outside after hearing a large group of voices emit from the airlock outside. Once she stepped out her eyes landed on Jongho accompanied by 7 unfamiliar men to which Tahani simply just rolled her eyes. Ever since Loren betrayed their trust Tahani made it a mission to never trust another new recruit, yeah it wasn't okay to treat them all as traitors but one traitor alone cost her her family and a normal life. Though Tahani tried passing by quietly without being noticed it seemed she had caught the eye of one of the new recruits which caused everyone's gaze including Jonghos to shift to her.
"Tahani!" He calls out to her cheerfully to which she simply glares in response.
"What did I say about calling me that?" Was the only thing she said to him which earned a pout from the boy.
"Sorry sorry I forgot, Hira." He says putting emphasis on the name.
Another thing that had changed since Tahani woke up, she now only went by the name given to her by Mingyu and Juyeon. When asked why all she said was Tahani was a figment of the past. Truth be told, the birth given name only reminded her of her family and the life she once had when her body wasn't half machine.
"What is it Jongho? I need to get to the Oasis so Eris can perform a checkup." She sighs
"I was showing the new recruits around the place and Juyeon said to introduce you to them since they'll be training with us." Jongho responds excitedly only earning a shrug from her in response.
She glances at each of them with uninterested eyes before looking back to Jongho.
"I think ill pass." Was all she said before leaving the eight of them standing alone.
Jongho sighs watching her back as she walks through the two large metal doors and disappears into the back corridor.
"Sorry about Hira.. she's not all that great when it comes to meeting new people but i'm sure she'll warm up to you eventually" the seven guys all shrugged before following Jongho as he continued on with their tour, one of the 7 found himself staring in the direction in which the girl had disappeared to.
Later that night in the starhold those same 7 men sat quietly conversing on their next move.
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applejongho · 9 months
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2023 has come to a close so that means it's time for my year in review! i've been a gif maker on tumblr for more than two years now and this account keeps growing and getting so much love. im so grateful for all of my (jong)homies and mutuals that have let me get to this point and have fun along with it. like, i hit 1k and 2k followers in the same year! thats fucking rad!
i giffed a lot more this year than last and i think it's because i was finally able to get ps and vapoursynth near the end of 2022. my confidence soared as a result. not to get mushy, but this year on tumblr has been amazing because of that. :( this was the first full year i felt like a "real" and "competent" gif maker because i finally was using the tools that everyone else was using and i knew how to use them. thats a big thing for me, because for so long i struggled with figuring out how to download vs (and ps) (on mac btw) and i felt jealous that everyone else could do it so "easily." ps and vs are also really unintuitive if you dont know what youre doing so to basically brute force my way to success is something i want to pat myself on the back for. i did this. im insane. and now ive been properly expressing my insanity via gifs for over a year now that ive been so proud of! yippie!!!! as a result of my Trials and Tribulations, ive been thinking about creating tutorials for how to download ps, vs, and how to properly use ps to make gifs for those that dont even know where to begin now that i am a Seasoned user. bc i fucking get it. let me lend a hand.
but anyway.
some highights of this year that are worth mentioning:
i hit 1k followers in january! heres my 1k followers event posts
i hit 2k followers (!!!!!) in november!!!!!! heres my 2k followers event posts (so far)
i dabbled in combining ateez x (usually) alt/metal/rock songs now that i am a Confident and Certified Alternative Lady. here are those gif sets
still insane for jongho. also happy one year to biasing hongjoong. also happy almost three years of being an atiny.
i learned some new coloring tricks. i learned some new sharpening tricks. slayage all around!
below the cut are my most popular and my personal fav posts from each month this year as well as the total number of gif posts made each month!
tagging mutuals to view and to also do their own 2023 year in review (only if u want! absolutely no pressure ❤️): @yunwooz @hwanswerland @miinsang @booskwan @wifehwa
most popular: hongjoong doing a handstand
my favorite: short hair jjongie comp set
total posts made: 39
most popular: guerrilla era hong comp set
my favorite: also guerrilla era hong comp set!
total posts made: 13
most popular: cruella hair hong comp set
my favorite: red hair jjongie
total posts made: 23
most popular: driver yunho
my favorite: gorgeous brown-red long hair jjongie just standing there
total posts made: 31
most popular: barefaced ot8 (top post of the year!)
my favorite: gorgeous brown-red long hair jjongie pt 2
total posts made: 35
most popular: hong says fuck
my favorite: sparkly jjong
total posts made: 37
most popular: bouncy relay dance ot8
my favorite: guerrilla one year anniversary post
total posts made: 32
most popular: thanxx woo
my favorite: hala hala jjong
total posts made: 19
most popular: gorgeous blond hong
my favorite: dune yeo
total posts made: 22
most popular: one day at a time san
my favorite: jjong according to the tags birthday post!
total posts made: 12
most popular: hong according to the tags birthday post!
my favorite: also hong according to the tags birthday post!
total posts made: 10
most popular: hong smirking and giggling
my favorite: halazia yeo comp set
total posts made: 20
i hope that 2024 brings a lot of new opportunities for me. i'll be graduating from uni in this spring and will hopefully obtain a Big Girl Job. thanks for sticking with me, jonghomies. have a happy new year!
-- anne 🍎🐻
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cafemilk-tea · 2 years
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Caratland 2023 ~ Day 3 Highlights
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Evelyn’s Slogan: “Carats are the reason for my everything ❤️”
Intro Vcr: Evelyn peeked through the curtains and came in carrying a milk crate full of spray paint
Intro ment:
The camera panned onto Evelyn as she adjusted her glasses dramatically to the carats screaming, breaking out into a huge smile, “Hello, I’m Seventeen’s elegant main vocalist, Eunji! Unfortunately it’s the last day but we’re spending it together so lets have the most fun today!” She waved around the venue.
“Wah, Eunji-ah introduced herself just like she did during the first world tour concert,” Hoshi gasped into his mic.
“That was such a long time ago,” Seungkwan nodded, “It’s really crazy how the time flies.”
“Our first concert with Evie is one we’ll never forget that’s for sure,” Seungcheol stepped forward out of his spot to smile down towards the end Evelyn was at.
“Eunji-ah cut her hair for caratland!” ~ “She has bangs now!”
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2nd Vcr: When the camera got to her, she winked at the camera with a smirk
SVT Debate Night: Evie was on team Sparrow who can fly everywhere w/ Seungcheol, Dino, Joshua, DK, Vernon, & Woozi
“Sparrows are able to fly to any destination that Carats are located.”
Mingyu’s target being evie: “Evie do you know what sparrows lack? height.”
Evie targeted Mingyu on her next turn: “So Mingyu, you know what sparrows have over eagles? Flight” She whacked the top of his head with her papers playfully causing all of the members to ‘Ooo’ at him with the fans joining it too
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3rd VCR : She was pulling cans of spray paint out of the crate she carried in and sprayed up the wall a few times before joining in and throwing paint with Hoshi and Dino
She was placed on ‘Team T’ as she hadn’t performed the song that doesn’t fit her during Day 1 or Day 2
During each question, Evelyn was holding onto Wonwoo’s hand because they both didn’t want to perform their songs
The song that doesn’t suit Evelyn the most was: Kai - ‘Mmmh’
After Evelyn finished her dance, the crowd burst out into cheers. Her face flushed in embarrassment, covering her face with her hands.
“Eunji-ah, this song fits you too well.” Dokyeom gasped into his mic, others nodding in agreement.
“This is a side of Evelyn we haven’t seen in a while.”
“Go do it down on the thrust-stage too,” Hoshi motioned downstage, “Carats in the back need to see this up close.”
“There was actually another song that Eunji had prepared to do, would carats like to see?” Jeonghan asked around the venue suddenly erupting into cheers.
Evelyn’s 2nd song prepared: Ateez - ‘Halazia’
She followed along with Joshua and was his hype woman along with BSS during his performance for Daechwita
“Wow Joshua is really cool, no wonder we had him end this segment.”
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Going Rangers Skit: Evelyn’s role for the skit was playing the counterpart doctor to Dr. Woo as she was named Dr. Ji
“Dr. Ji, I’m so happy you’re here”
“No time to talk, We’ve got important business to take care of.”
After both sets of rangers went outside and saw their counterparts, Evelyn and Woozi pointed at each other pretending to be shocked and then turned slowly towards the camera with smirks on their faces as the ‘To Be Continued’ appeared on screen
4th VCR: Evelyn walked up to Joshua, Mingyu, and threw her arm around Dino. Mingyu banged on the machine and handed her over a drink as they continued to mingle
Evelyn had blush painted on as ‘17’ just like Bongbongie does on their face
Evelyn’s Grandmother’s message:
“To my granddaughter and my 13 grandsons: Watching you all grow into the artists that you are today has been such a blessing to see. No matter what obstacles stood in your way, mountains you’ve had to climb, struggles you’ve had to face, you managed to pushed through and overcome all of them. I’m very proud of the people that you all have become and the growth you keep experiencing with each other. To many more years of achievements and being together as SEVENTEEN. I love you all so much and thank you all for your hard work. Stay happy and stay healthy. Love always, Grandma Park.”
At her grandmother’s message, Evelyn fell to her knees and her head dropped down as she couldn’t help but cry. Even though they talk almost every day, not being able to see her all the time gets harder and harder.
Mingyu squatted down next to her and wrapped his arms around her as she cried, wiping away her tears when she finally looked up at the LED screen again
Jeonghan came by and patted her on top of the head; Joshua ran and grabbed her tissues
Evelyn’s Ending Ment:
“Carats did you have fun today?” She smiled around the venue as everyone cheered, sitting up on the riser a little more, “Online Carats, you aren’t here physically but did you have fun as well?” She held her mic out towards the camera as the fans cheered lightly to act as the online fans. She cleared her throat quickly before starting again.
“It’s crazy how fast these day have went by and it feels like we just started. I’m sure I speak for everyone up here but it’s an honor to be able to perform for you all,” She stopped to pause as the venue cheered, “Every time that Seventeen and Carats meet, I always get so warm and happy inside because we really are like a giant family. We can lean on each other when we need to and while we can’t always tell you everything, we know you’re always right there for us. The same goes for Carats, even if we aren’t physically there in person, we are always there for you through the music we put out. I really want you to know that. I hope today we were able to take away any struggles you’ve been facing, at least for a little while. Today has definitely been a rollercoaster of emotions, but one thing’s for certain is that it was filled with love.”
The crowd erupted into loud cheers as Evelyn blinked back tears. She had cried once already today and was trying her best to not do it a second time.
“And to my members, I’m so happy to be a member of Seventeen alongside of you. I love creating unforgettable memories with you and Carats. I know I lack in some areas but I will do my best to be someone that you can be proud of! I love you guys.”
“Eunji-ah, you already make us proud,” Seungcheol smiled down at her.
“Evie I love you.”
Evelyn looked over at Mingyu during Wonwoo’s ment, take notice of a single tear traveling down his cheek. She used her knuckle to wipe it away, smiling at him when they made eye contact
She walked up the risers after making sure Mingyu was okay, and sat with Wonwoo and held onto his hand while the rest of the group said their ments
During Us, Again, she blinked back tears and used her sleeve to wipe at the ones that decided to fall anyway; just admiring the fans singing
She had her own satchel for Day 3 filled with little snacks for Carats after Day 1 & 2 she was running to Jeonghan to steal from his snack stash
After he found out the gate was unlocked, Mingyu grabbed Evelyn’s hand and they ran through the crowd together with the security and cameramen chasing after them
A carat gave her a sign with the saying “Evie if you are pretty blow a kiss to the camera” in which she blew a bunch of kisses to the camera zoom in on her
As she walked around, she ended up collecting three bouquets of flowers given to her by Carats
During Aju Nice, Mingyu and Evelyn had a water fight where she almost slipped on the stage
Seungcheol scolded them from the main stage with saying that they didn’t need any more injured members
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1st Act: (Pretty U/My My/Debate/Together)
2nd Act: (SVT Songs That Don’t Fit)
3rd Act pt1: (Vocal Unit Pang!)
3rd Act pt2: (Don Quixote)
4th Act: (Circles/Us,Again/Healing/Fighting/Aju Nice)
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🏷️ @justmochi @ateezjuliet @itzy-eve @cosmicwintr @billboard-singer @kimhyejin3108 @cixrosie @enhacolor @allthings-fandoms @mingis-wrld @jenoslov @alixnsuperstxr
*song links for mmmh/halazia are directed to the inspo*
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starsinkpop · 2 months
KPop Game
Thank you @hy0ung for tagging me. I think we have a few things in common which is lovely 💖 since I’m not following any other kpop blogs besides the one who were already tagged, feel free to join if you’re a follower, i’d love to get to know you guys better too.
1. When did you first get into kpop? 2012
2. Who was your first ultimate bias? jimin
3. Who is your current ultimate bias? wooyoung
4. How did you get into kpop? Youtube recommended me a kpop mashup that was an absolute banger and made me check out the groups in that mix
5. Favourite girl group? everglow, aespa, 2ne1 (they probably don’t count but xg are my current number one, their songs just slap)
6. Favourite boy group? ateez, the boyz, monsta x
7. Who do you stan right now? mainly ateez and the boyz
8. What's your favourite kpop ship? i’m not into ships
9. Give an unpopular opinion about something kpop related? most people go to concerts for interactions and y/n moments only and don’t really care about the music or the artists.
10. Favourite solo artist? taemin, but i prefer krnb soloists, so let’s just add dean as well
11. Own any merch? if so, what? yes, it’s too much to list it here lol
12. If you could date one idol, who would it be and why? wooyoung, we have very similar interests and opinions and he knows how to treat people well. plus we can cook together and he knows how to take care of himself unlike most men lol
13. Last k-pop MV you watched? jimin - who
14. Favourite kpop songs? Take me home, mist, halazia precious and horizon by ateez & shine shine, insanity, russian roulette and scar by tbz (this list could be endless but i’ll stop here)
15. Do you prefer the old generation of kpop, or the new? if by new gen you mean all the kids debuting these past two years i’d definitely say old gen.
16. What is your most favourite kpop song? take me home by ateez
17. Favourite school themed MV? the real by ateez
18. Would you ever debut in a group if you had the chance? nope, but i’d love to work in the industry as a dancer/choreographer or makeup/nail artist
19. What's your favourite photo of your ultimate bias? you’ll see at the end of the post (the whole bias line hehe)
20. Your favourite group leader? hongjoong and chan
21. If you could meet one idol and one idol only, who would it be and why? hongjoong because he’s one of my biggest inspirations
22. Would you date you ultimate bias? yessss
23. If you could see one group live who would it be? ateez, tbz, svt, shinee or 2ne1
24. Can you do any k-pop dances? a few of them, yes.
25. Which idol would you love to go on a date with? san and hongjoong
26. What'd your opinion on non-korean idols? what matters to me is talent, not a nationality or ethnicity. gives the groups a nice spice
27. What idol would you like to be bestfriends with? keeho
28. which groups do you think deserved better? every group which is not part of big4
29. Name an underrated solo artist? not really underrated but i wish more people would love them, dean and sunmi
30. What was the first kpop MV you watched? bigbang - fantastic baby
31. Who is the prettiest female idol in your opinion? karina, momo and sunmi
32. Ever written a fanfiction about your favourite idol? if so, what was it about? yes and i’d like to keep this chapter closed
33. Do you prefer cute or sexy concepts? sexy
34. If you could say one sentence to your ultimate bias, what would it be? thank you for being your amazing self
35. Which MALE group do you think has the strongest visuals? ateez, the boyz, monsta x
36. Which FEMALE group do you think has the strongest visuals? aespa
37. How old were you when you got into kpop? 19 or 20
38. Do you have any friend at your school/work who are also into kpop? nope
39. Do you consider yourself a kpop fan or a kpop STAN? a fan
40. Do you prefer english songs or kpop songs? i like both
41. Who is the most handsome male idol in your opinion? chanhee from tbz
42. Any groups you think deserved a certain award they didn't get? again, almost every group outside big4 lol
43. Any kpop songs/groups you cant stand? txt, nct dream and ive
44. Kpop song that'll never get old? wonder girls - tell me
45. Ever met a kpop idol/group? if so, who and where? not in person outside of a concert, no
46. Are you planning on seeing a group in concert soon? YES (next concert is changkyuuuuun)
47. Any idols that have retired from kpop you wished would come back? nope
48. Favourite song by your favourite solo artists? want by taemin and die 4 you by dean
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absentcaryatid · 9 months
Seonghwa's Shared Passion
An ATEEZ fanfic by AbsentCaryatid
The reader makes a new friend at the mall, one just as interested in LEGO and K-pop as the reader.
2.2K words, Content note: all ages, gender neutral reader, no reader romance, lots of LEGO mentions, Seonghwa gets San as a romantic partner and the reader is very happy for them.
It was the day a life-changing friendship was to be born, but you could not have known that at the time. The lanky man who stood before you bore a staff tag with the name Seonghwa. You had found yourself in his warm presence due to a chance visit to the mall for a quick lunch. With time to spare afterward, you had chosen to stop over at the adjacent LEGO store to see if the 'Dynamite' BTS set was back in stock.
“Still backordered I'm afraid, and no date set for when it might be available again.” As your face fell, the rather stunning clerk nodded sympathetically. “It was a lucky thing I could get mine before the store opened on the day it dropped, a perk of working here, along with the generous staff discount. I'm in the same boat on my Star Wars Razor Crest set though, so I know the production wait can be difficult. Is there anything else I can show you while you are here?”
Picking your jaw up off the floor after recalling the cost of the Mandalorian ship and how much this guy must really like LEGOs, you managed to resume the conversation. “Thank you, no. I devour the online and print catalogs so I'm pretty familiar with all the sets that interest me.” You turned to leave then spun back with a delighted expression. “Actually, I had forgotten I want to work on a new custom build. I like to recreate music video sets from my favorite K-pop groups. Got a little bit behind in ATEEZ releases and I still have to complete last year's final video.”
Seonghwa followed your train of thought with swiftly delivered knowledge on the level of a dedicated fan. “Oh, 'HALAZIA', that one is great.” He even did a little of the hand choreography on the spot. Not particularly smoothly, but Seonghwa was a store employee and not an idol. With a self-effacing little lick of his lips as he seemed to recall what he was supposed to be doing on the clock, he then enthusiastically asked, “You thinking the wet abandoned mall or the stadium for the scene?”
“Eventually I'll build both, but want to start with the stadium because I like the effigy.”
Seonghwa grinned as he made a beeline for the minifigure accessories. “You are going to need this western hat in black then. Wait, forgive me. If you are familiar with recreating scenes for ATEEZ you probably already have the 'HALA HALA' style hat already.”
“I'm not about to raid my 'Say My Name' or 'Answer' builds on display to get those hats so I have been buying them in bulk online every time they show up in a video. Going to need a lot of yellow pennants from the knights range though, and some more drawbridge chains to repurpose.”
With the store otherwise unoccupied, Seonghwa spent the better part of an hour excitedly talking to you as he assisted in finding the best part matches for your planned LEGO build. He impressed you with his knowledge of the full range of specialized parts, an equal to your own expertise from years of play. It felt good to meet a kindred spirit who liked to go beyond the instructions with a hobby of designing free-form creations.
The surprising shared interest in K-pop also had you warming up to the engaging salesperson. You were charmed as Seonghwa felt comfortable enough to disclose his fantasy of being in the popular six-person group ATEEZ. “I like to imagine the idols in a circle dancing to 'HALAZIA' and there I would be in the center right along with them.” The joy left his face. “You probably think I am silly.”
It was the admission that your daydreams ran like that sometimes too which cemented a mutual affection for each other. You became a regular in his store rather than purchasing online, and together would pore over the Pick-a-Brick catalog on his lunch breaks whenever you were nearby. As much as you loved the conversation, you were concerned he needed time off the subject. “Are you sure you are okay with talking LEGO parts over lunch? That means you’re not really getting away from work.”
Touched by your thoughtfulness, Seonghwa beamed and lightly placed a hand on your shoulder. “This is working on a hobby with a friend. We can call each other friends by now, right?” From that day onward you would meet up outside the store for comfortably platonic meals out or visiting each other's homes. Star Wars content and music videos became a typical reason to find yourselves together when not consulting each other on various LEGO projects.
As he again admired the collection of music video dioramas scattered around your apartment, Seonghwa had been the one to suggest sharing photos of the custom builds online. He was convincing and soon you decided to go for it. Immediately popular, the images made the rounds in both LEGO and K-pop circles. Seonghwa was tickled to discover he was credited as a consultant from the 'HALAZIA' model onward, and the next development had him over the moon.
Your latest one-of-a-kind project depicting the 'Bouncy' flaming saloon set got re-tweeted by the ATEEZ account after Yeosang mentioned in a YouTube live that he had seen the impressive photographs. Seonghwa proudly told everyone in sight at work the next day that he had been in charge of procuring all the lights and the little LEGO goat at minifigure Hongjoong's side.
Getting official recognition from KQ and the members themselves felt amazing, but the high was not to last. Seonghwa had some news about rising in his career, and as a dear friend you should have been happy for him.
Holding your hands as he sat across the dining room table at his place, Seonghwa explained the situation. “I'll still be working with LEGOs, but I'm leaving sales work.”
At first you were excited. “With all your building experience, are you going to be a LEGO Certified Professional like you've talked about? Been thinking about doing that myself. It seems like such a cool job getting the budget to dream up massive sculptures for events.”
Seonghwa did that habitual thing licking his lips again, a sign you had learned to recognize as anxiety. “Actually, I have been putting off telling you this, but the job is in LEGO's global headquarters in Denmark. I'm moving to Billund at the end of the month.”
While you tried to be stoic, you were sure he could tell the reaction was mixed as he shared more details of the promotion. This was no mere desk job Seonghwa had qualified for. To become a master builder for the company was an incredible honor and very competitive, but the cost of losing his presence was hard to take.
Wanting to do something special for your friend before he left, you booked Seonghwa a session at the glamour photography studio a few storefronts down from his shop. The few times you had picked him up after work he had often mused about getting one of the K-pop makeover sessions when walking past the studio. Although he played it off as a joke at the time, you had sensed there was a serious longing there.
When you presented him the certificate for the makeover and portrait package he hugged you the longest he ever had. Once pulled back, “Thank you,” was all he could manage, but there were tears of joy in Seonghwa's eyes that said everything.
True friend that he was, Seonghwa convinced you to share the experience because being silly together was far better than alone. So after a significant amount of coaxing on his part, and a promise of dinner out afterward, the two of you agreed anything goes and put your hair and eyebrows in the hands of the artists.
Grinning at each other through the mirrors at the styling stations, you watched Seonghwa transform. He always had been attractive, but in the hands of professionals he looked like a real idol. Gone were the Angry Bird eyebrows he had regularly joked about, now elegantly shaped. Seonghwa's natural hair color had become a white-blond, and between shading and other makeup effects he had become truly stunning.
While you would love to say your transformation had been as dramatic, Seonghwa seemed to be a perfect canvas in a way you did not, but that was okay. It was still a lot of fun, especially together. You were very glad not to have missed this opportunity. It was probably the last day seeing him in person before taking him to the airport within the week.
Hair and makeup got you halfway into character as idols for the day, but trying on various outfits for the photography session completed it. Shared laughter helped reduce your awkwardness when posing, but it was Seonghwa who really took to modeling. He had always seemed poised, but watching him go through a variety of stances and gestures gave you the feeling of watching a pro at work. It was not only you, the photographer herself commented on it in a way that felt genuine and not just part of the service. The resulting portraits alone and as a duo memorialized the fun day.
Far too soon after that Seonghwa was physically gone from your life with his relocation to Denmark. Thanks to technology you could still build together over video calls at least monthly. It took some trial and error but eventually you learned wearing a microphone helped your voices carry over the sound of rustling plastic bricks. As good as the time together was, you were sorely feeling the loss of fully being together in person. Not just his warm hugs, but there was something about Seonghwa's laughter and smiles that were not fully conveyed online.
On one chat you observed a new decoration in his home, hanging behind your friend as he talked. It was a large poster with a mostly familiar image. The six-member team of ATEEZ had surprisingly grown to eight. Seonghwa and another man had been edited into a shot on the 'HALAZIA' stadium set. The spacing was a little wonky after Seonghwa's new neighbor San had used photo editing skills to flip vibrantly red-haired Wooyoung onto the other side of the lineup leaving room to insert the two new fantasy members, but to Seonghwa it was a prized possession. The poster commemorated not just his dreams and time with you getting the K-pop makeover, but also a growing closeness with San who stood alongside him in the revised image.
Meeting San had been such a boon to Seonghwa. The hesitation originally felt over moving to a new country was eased significantly when he had the great fortune to encounter another fellow K-pop and LEGO enthusiast in his apartment building. Even if the Star Wars collection was not San's favorite, no man was perfect. You had listened eagerly to weeks of Seonghwa's developing crush on his neighbor. While some people might have felt replaced, you knew your friendship was as strong as ever, and if anything, it would be great to know yet another person who shared your passions. The way Seonghwa's face lit up every time he spoke of San left you genuinely happy for him.
When Seonghwa hesitated to ask him out, you finally recommended he have San over for dinner as thanks for easing the transition to the new city. Fortunately, San had a similar level of interest and was able to ask Seonghwa out over the course of the successful evening. You cheered as Seonghwa's giddy texts came in afterward, thanking you profusely for helping him along.
It had been over a year since he had left the mall store when Seonghwa suggested you use some of your vacation time to visit Denmark. It took little convincing before you accepted. You missed your best friend, and also there was the matter of wanting to meet the person who had won Seonghwa's heart. The plane ticket would be expensive, but at his partner San's urging the couple decided you had to stay with them while in the country. Going to the LEGOLAND theme park with the lovebirds was a day you would remember forever, but there was one thing even better.
You had thought the LEGO museum would be the trip highlight. Instead, it was getting a tour of the LEGO headquarters where Seonghwa worked. The whimsical environment changed your life. From that point on you changed your career path from LEGO Serious Play facilitator doing corporate training to any role that would lead to your own employment in Denmark. Excited by your plan, Seonghwa had some suggestions for departments best suited to your skills.
It took time, but being reunited with Seonghwa as his newest neighbor after your own move to Denmark was the best feeling ever. Commuting to LEGO headquarters together and working side by side was a dream come true. Things were just as perfect at home. Just as you were not threatened by San's romantic role in Seonghwa's life, kindhearted San was just as warmly understanding of your deep platonic love for his partner. The three of you three of you remained best friends forever, united by shared interests that had brought you and Seonghwa together in the first place.
General Masterlist
Masterlist of Stories with No Reader Romance
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lilacmingi · 6 months
I just re-re-re-read Living with Vampires again and for some reason I thought there were more parts I was missing because I thought there were like 8. I don’t know why
But regardless I just wanted to say I’m still very much in love with your Vampire! Seonghwa and I want one. Yeosang is cute too. 10/10 would romance both of them, but if I had to choose it would be the older one tbh because a bias is a bias and I am ✨obsessed✨
Ot8 is good too though!
I feel like the mental imagery for Vampire Seonghwa is like the new ‘Not Okay’ album red and black outfit because his whole look is on 👏 point 👏 (the long hair does it for me)
I’m curious how you actually picture the visuals of your vampire boys as you write about them, would you show us picture references for a better view? Maybe that might get some ideas flowing! If not, it’s still a fun idea to delve into
I was surprised you haven’t written a werewolf skz fic though, since in the Ateez vampire universe you had them as the wolfgang. Is that something you’re also interested in writing, or do you prefer to stick to writing vampires? No pressure! Just curious and love coming back to read your stuff
It’s nice to hear from you again 💫 anon!! Thank you so much for all the support!! 😭 I’ve worked a little on part 4 but since the last time you checked in I haven’t gotten much done. I do have a Fang Gang group chat chapter from a couple years ago that’s kind of a “bonus” but I haven’t quite figured out how I’m going to post it here, as I can’t find any good fake text apps to make a groupchat. I may just type it out.
I’m actually so excited you asked me this question because I actually DO visualize in my head when I write my vampy boys!! When pt 1 was being written, I was loosely basing them off Black Cat Nero, though I kinda decided to leave it up to the readers which is why there’s not too much detail to how they look besides some of their hair colors. It’s mentioned in part 1 that Hongjoong has dark hair and wears a white Victorian style blouse top with puffy sleeves and a gray and silver vest. These are some of the styles of clothes I imagine (below) the one in the middle specifically makes me think of San because I have a vampire San imagine that I haven’t shared here yet and I clearly pictured him wearing that outfit so that kinda carried over to LW8V lol
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This is going be a long response lol so there’s more below about how I visualize each member
Hongjoong has black hair and, like I mentioned earlier, wears Victorian style clothes—they all do, but I can imagine each of them wearing something more “toned down” every so often, (not Seonghwa lol) but I can picture Joong wearing something like he did for Paradigm!
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Seonghwa obviously wears ruffly blouses and sometimes embellished jackets and tailcoats. At first I imagined his hair like Wonderland era, but now I more so imagine him with his current long black hair (it’s my favorite 🥴)
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Yunho is blonde and I specifically imagine him with his hair styled like it is in the pic below. It fits him well and that’s also what my brain decided to picture so I’ve stuck with it! For clothing, Yunho kinda just wears stuff similar to what’s pictured below
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Yeosang is blonde in the series with his hair from Black Cat Nero and/or Inception era. Though while writing part 3 I started to imagine him with his long black hair instead 😩 some other outfits I think Yeo would wear are like the one I added on the left from Halazia era
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San has black hair and I picture him in a tight fitting gothic style vest and a white dress shirt underneath, though I can also see him wearing more “modern” things like a black silk top and of course I mentioned he was wearing a lace up shirt in part 3 of LW8V during the Medieval Times segment
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Mingi has brown hair. In my mind, it’s usually unstyled and fluffy and I can see him wearing something like from Paradigm; a loose-fitting white shirt (untucked) with a few buttons undone and a loose gothic vest over the top
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Wooyoung has long black hair because I’m attached to it and I have a thing for long hair. I imagine him wearing fitting gothic vests and a white dress shirt with small ruffles along the collar or something. When he goes out I can imagine him wearing black trench coats or something like that
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Jongho has brown hair and, like the others, wears Victorian style clothing and coats, but he also has some more casual(?) tops like this one from Halazia era which I’m still in love with to this day. I wish the stylists would put him in things like this more often because he looks STUNNING and so pretty
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As for your last question, it’s actually crazy you mention that because over the last 3 days or so I’ve been on character.ai messing around with some werewolf AU ideas I had for Chan just seeing if I could flesh out some ideas and I have two REALLY GOOD ones that I’d like to write!! I also have one that’s been sitting in my drafts for a couple years that I haven’t touched because I don’t really know where I’m going with it just yet lol. As for Chan in LW8V you can expect him to make a return with some extra buddies. I have so much planned for them for part 4 😈
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sxcret-garden · 6 months
nr 6 for ateez 😝
6. What song I love my bias the most in.
I'm gonna do all biases because nobody can stop me and I'll start with San because among the three I have the least amount of thoughts for him ksdfjskfjas (sorry... also this is under the cut because..... you'll see kasdjflkdöas)
ok first of all... mist. his voice sounds so soft in the entire song and he's singing this so well??? also in arriba his short line right before the last chorus sounds SOOO good, i really love his voice when he sings with that energy!!! another song that just has to be mentioned here is turbulence, he's so dramatic in the second chorus but i think that's what made me notice his voice especially in this song!! also inception, because of the vocals, but also because of his choreo in the chorus!!!!! (to mention choreo once in the entire post lol)
I'm semi-normal about wooyoung's parts, so I'll do him next aksdjfklsa and i just want to say celebrate. like????? the very first time i heard that song my immediate reaction to his parts was that they need to let him sing like that more often!!!! he sounds SO GOOD there????? and when he gets the right lines you can actually hear that this guy has a lot of power in his voice (idk, i tend to notice this especially in songs where the first time a line appears they give it to jongho and then the second time wooyoung sings it, like the comparison just makes it so clear how much energy woo has in his voice when used right!!) idk i've been dying to say this somewhere and i WILL say it again so!!!!!!! (alsoalso to mention choreo a second time - the lil butt shake in crazy form, like that's so him and so cute and he looks so happy doing it too 🥺)
now for jongho.... the answer is every song ever but i'll try to single some out (brace yourselves because i will not shut up anytime soon) askdfjklas and i'm gonna start with silver light because i'm listening to it right now and like... his adlibs in the end plsssssssss i love them so much!!! and OF COURSE i also have to mention this world because omgggggg he sounds so good in the chorus hhhhh (in general i am absolutely IN LOVE with how they use their voices throughout that album, and his especially - part of why it's my fav album of theirs!!) ok but the song that actually came to mind first for him is also celebrate, because have you heard his adlibs at the end? have you HEARD them????????? this guy is actually insane. i also wanna mention don't stop because he barely gets lines on the lower end and... yeah, ouch aksdljfksjadlk i also feel the need to mention cyberpunk here... but i'm thinking of that one stage they did on music bank especially, because this guy sounds even better live and everytime he does that one high note i ascend to whatever heavens there may or may not be aksdjfklsad and before i shut up i'm gonna remind you all that he was on lee mujin service (i am begging you to watch it if you haven't yet) and i cannot put into words how much i love his cover of don't go today, i'm really not a ballad type of person but holy shit... yeah.. just watch it.... (idk i just get so happy listening to him sing and Do His Thing and go a lil insane with it because he's just THAT good and knowing that he's put so many years of work and practice into building that skill is really admirable to me and also kinda motivates me to work hard on the things i enjoy too so :/ ilovehimokbye)
(also the much needed honorable mention: yeosang in halazia. he's not a bias but used to be so it counts aksdjflksa no but seriously if kq doesn't let him have more lines that are actually in his range i will throw hands.)
send me a number and a group~
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acescavern · 1 year
Prayer for Halatia ( teaser ) Ateez x Reader fic
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navi - m.list
 Halatia, incorporates an appreciation for people, a love of music and the arts, and a high regard for nature, its mysteries and beauties
The streets of Halatia were once bustling with life. Music, dancing, cheerful members of the public and children playing.. A world so full of colour and hope. It slowly dwindled out one by one.. When the king passed and his son became the new ruler things changed drastically. It was if a cloud of muted grey and muffled, eerie silence settled over the world the moment the good king’s heart stopped. 
Prince Maddox wasn’t from this world, he was from the mortal world.He knew not a thing about ruling Halatia. He hated the place, his father having missed out on most of his life to be here. Actually, Prince Maddox had only discovered of it a few years prior, when the King sought out his long lost son. He was a dull and bitter man. Full of hatred, he wanted to punish Halatia for being the reason he didn’t have a father figure. 
And punish he did. The changes happened slowly overtime. Curfews of 8pm, medical treatment  non existent, expectations risen, children must be seen but never heard.. And then the biggest one of all. No music, no colour. Prince Maddox had demanded everything to be a shade of grey. All signs of life and colour stripped from Halatia. 
It was harder once the brainwashing started. Prince Maddox was determined for every citizen to worship the ground he walked.. And now that he ruled over Halatia.. He wasn’t satisfied even then… he wanted more. More worlds to rule and expand. What more of a way to do that then to make his people do it for him. 
The elderly were brainwashed first.. It was easier, their minds already tired from years of activity. Disguised through ‘complimentary check ups.’ The new king had already put a stop to healthcare at this point. The middle aged came second and down the list it went… until it came to the younger population. The teens and young adults. Those were thrown into a facility -  deemed the ideal agility to make up Maddox’s army. Few managed to avoid it. It was like living amongst zombies… and with Maddox’s experiments to make them stronger and more powerful, with the lengths he was going to.. It became true. 
One group is known for vandalizing Maddox’s efforts and wreaking havoc. One group of eight was believed to be myths and legends of the wind. No matter Maddox’s efforts to rid Halatia of them it was feeble. The group nicknamed the Outlaws were unmatched. Surviving off pure instinct and stealth the remaining lucid Halatian’s prayed to their dead king for them to be their saviour. A prayer for Ateez. 
Hello! Ace here. I thought of this concept late last night. I am extremely rusty when it comes to writing so i apologize! This story may eventually have themes of violence, death and so on. It has a quite dark undertone and i am a sucker for angst situations.
Halatia is a world unlike our own, many of the differences i will go into as the story unfolds. I thought of the name from Hala and Halazia - deciding to google it and discover that the meaning fits well for my fic.
the template for the header is by Swiftmila on deviantart!
Please please provide feedback and love during the journey of this. reader will be introduced hopefully in chapter one. I am a new atiny so if i get any member facts wrong - Please do tell me! I hope you look forward to reading as much as i look forward to writing!
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cvpidyunho · 7 months
@highvern tagged me teehee ty bestie this was fun :3
who is your favorite group(s)?
nct 127, ateez, le sserafim, purple kiss, p1harmony, nmixx
when did you discover them?
nct 127: 2018 ateez: 2018 le sserafim: 2022 purple kiss: 2021 p1h: 2022 nmixx: 2022
which member sparked your interest?
nct 127: jaehyun ateez: san le sserafim: kazuha purple kiss: jieun p1h: keeho nmixx: jinsoul
who was your first bias?
nct 127: jungwoo ateez: san le sserafim: kazuha purple kiss: yuki p1h: jiung nmixx: jinsoul
who is your current bias?
nct 127: mark ateez: yunho le sserafim: chaewon purple kiss: yuki p1h: intak nmixx: haewon
why are they your current bias?
nct 127: mark - have you heard that man? 😮‍💨 his flow is insane and he’s a loser which i love. he seems so attainable if that makes sense? like if i could meet him in person i could bag him ateez: yunho - i’ve been in denial about my crush on him and only recently admitted it. he’s so talented yet precious i just want to protect him at all costs le sserafim: chaewon - she’s gonna be my gf what can i say? but really her vocals are amazing and i can’t take my eyes off her when she’s performing. she’s just so cute purple kiss: yuki - she’s so freaking cute and i love cat girls plus how she sounds when she raps is crazy i love it p1h: intak - he shouldn’t be here but i’m obsessed with him lately, his rap flow is also phenomenal (can you tell i like the rappers?) nmixx: haewon - she’s so funny i wish i could be her friend but also the way she can sound so different every cb, her range is insane
who is your bias wrecker?
nct 127: yuta ateez: seonghwa le sserafim: yunjin purple kiss: chaein p1h: intak nmixx: jiwoo
which members are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
nct 127: jungwoo ateez: yeosang le sserafim: sakura purple kiss: dosie p1h: jongseob nmixx: kyujin
what are some of your favorite songs by this group?
nct 127: skyscraper, designer, love me now ateez: hala hala, halazia, say my name le sserafim: sour grapes, blue flame, impurities purple kiss: oh my gosh, joah, cursor p1h: ayaya, bff, i am you nmixx: o.o, dice, dash
have you ever been to one of their concerts?
i saw purple kiss last year! but most kpop groups don’t come to my city so :’)
if you see this and wanna play, feel free to say i tagged you! i’d love to see other people’s answers ᡣ𐭩
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atiny-for-life · 2 years
Ateez's Full Storyline Explained
I realized I never actually added my take on the name "Halazia" so here is the excerpt of the new section I just added to the OG post:
First: the name "Halazia" - it's just a combination of "Hala" from Hala Hala (which can be translated from Sanskrit to 'black mass' or 'time puzzle') and "zia" which refers to the sun -> "Be the light, oh Halazia"
looking it up, you'll find some information about the Pueblo of Zia where a very specific symbol has been used for hundreds of years among the indiginous people to represent the sun that looks like this:
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You'll now also find this symbol on the flag of New Mexico but the actual indiginous people whose ancestors created and passed it down didn't consent to this and now there's a lot of (very justified) debate regarding intellectual property - this part has nothing to do with the Ateez lore, I just thought it was interesting and important to share in case anyone was thinking of getting this symbol tattooed or sth
Addressing the responses to the Halazia post:
Side-note: lmao I just got to the last reply and realized I did them from the bottom up for some reason - I'm so dumb sometimes...
Important parts/new theories are in green!
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I have seen footage of the concerts where they're raising a fake moon inside the concert venues so I definitely do get where you're coming from! It would also give a nice contrast between Halazia/the sun and this orb/the moon but I can't think of a way to fit this into the general storyline.
I don't think the orb is necessarily actually an artificial moon since I wouldn't be able to explain why someone would want to create that. I mean, the only reason the moon affects the oceans is due to its general gravitational pull and water just so happens to be partially made up of Hydrogen which only has one electron and is thus more lightweight than our Carbon rich land masses so the moon's influence on the oceans is just more noticable, yada yada
What I mean by that is that raising a fake moon from within a building would really only put a ball with its own field of gravity up into the sky. Other than that, it wouldn't really help the central government control the masses or anything.
However, I do think maybe the idea is to completely put the city under a giant sunshield and disguise what is actually a giant transmitter for their propaganda-spiel as the moon, thus creating an eternal night for the masses. It would certainly be a big "fuck you" to the revolutionists who took down the previous window coverings to return sunlight to the people. And it would also make it far harder for them to hijack the transmission again.
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I don't think the Black Pirates have died - we know they were working with Ateez last we've seen them, however, it currently only seems to be Ateez who are performing in the streets while the Black Pirates stick to working from inside the underground hideout. But to the population, it should be the same difference since they look identical and perform the same function.
It's also not just Wooyoung who burnt their clothes - the entire group did:
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Because of that, I still think these guys might just feel abandoned, betrayed or disillusioned by the Black Pirates somehow and that this is their way of saying "Fuck you and your movement - we're doing our own thing now."
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Hongjoong specifically said we'll understand the theme of "Thunder" come The World Episode 2 which will be released this year so I guess I'll be waiting for the Diary version of that album before I think about it too hard.
But I mean, we already know how Ateez and the Black Pirates can travel between dimensions. They use the Cromer - an ancient Mayan relic containing very unique energy that's been used for this exact purpose for centuries. In general, scientists already have theories about how time travel could be possible so it's not exactly an unnatural concept - it goes more into the realm of science fiction right now.
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Since Hongjoong also specifically corrected the question from "Lightning" to "Thunder", we can't really draw parallels to Frankenstein as the Monster was specifically brought to life with the electricity of a lightning strike. The book also goes more into the depths of philosophy about what it means to be human, the ethics of science, the dangers of self-gratification and ignorance and such so I don't necessarily think I can reference it for my theorizing - at least not at this point in the story.
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I can see that being the case since we know they're clearly highly aware of the Black Pirates' existence.
Though it could also be Mingi talking to himself since he's no longer being controlled by the chip and finally able to figure out who he himself is.
Either way, the line "Where do I stand among the next and future generations" really strikes a chord, doesn't it? It's a really weighted question.
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There was certainly a hunt going on for the Black Pirates, yes. And I can definitely see the Central Government pulling a Vlad the Impaler to scare off others.
While I still don't think the Black Pirates have died, they did get captured for a while and I could see the government plastering that everywhere to show they can squash any attempts at a rebellion. In which case any newly awakened civilians who found signs of this and saw Ateez would either assume the Black Pirates have escaped, the government had lied about imprisoning them in the first place or they have been replaced by identical lookalikes.
It would really help if we knew more about who this group is since I'm still stuck between "they're regular civilians" and "they're from another dimension" or even "they're some failed attempts at creating Android Guardians".
The main reason why I think they might not be human is these moments in the MV:
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This glow/sheen in Jongho's iris looks like it was added in post-production in two separate shots at different parts of the video so there must be some meaning to it.
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Seonghwa is glitching and I think the reason for that could be any of the following:
he's a hologram in this shot
he's somehow experiencing some Into the Spider-Verse side-effects from traveling between dimensions. However, if that were the case, we'd have seen Ateez deal with the same thing. That is, unless these guys used a different method of travel or have lived in this universe for far longer and side-effects only become noticable later.
this dimension is starting to reject them as there are now three alternate versions of the same eight people moving around in it
the anti-gravity orb can detect dimension-travelers and its purpose is to send them back or otherwise eliminate them
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The orb disappeared as it struck San at the end as if his existence somehow cancelled out the orb's. Though this is very likely to be a creative decision since no one wants to see this human embodiment of sunshine get crushed to death, it could also be that this group of people has some abilities that go beyond a regular human's.
In conclusion: I really hope we get to see more of these guys - be that in the Diary Version of a future album or in another music video.
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shadowetienne · 2 years
Etienne’s Top Fives of 2022: Kpop Edition - Boy Groups
We’re on to Boy Groups as I continue down my list from the roundup post. This has in some ways been the hardest category to narrow down, specifically the order of 2nd-4th and who got the 5th spot (there’s a reason I’ve got 2 honorable mentions).
If a boy group has had subunits or members doing things solo, I consider that part of the group’s body of work for the year as long as they’ve also done some full group stuff. If only a subunit has been active, they’d probably get considered a boy group for the sake of this, and if only solos have been active, then they’d go in with solos.
The list with representative MVs is under the cut!
There were so many boy groups that did at least something that I enjoyed this year, including some that I hadn’t enjoyed anything from up until now. I think that part of the reason decisions this year were hard was that this was just an outstanding year for releases overall. Here’s a list of groups with songs that stood out for me this year in about the order that I heard them that didn’t make the list below: Up10tion (“Crazy About You” / "What If Love"), Onewe (“Universe” / "Montage" / "Still Here"), Drippin (“Villain” / “Zero” / “The One”), AB6IX (“1, 2, 3”), BtoB (“The Song”), Nu’est (“Again” disbandment song), Kingdom (“Ascension”), Ghost9 (“X-ray”), Just B (“Re=Load”), TXT (“Good Boy Gone Bad”), MCND (“W.A.I.1” < first time I’ve liked one of their songs), Vanner ("Rollin"), E’last (“Creature"), Omega X (“Play Dumb” < first song I’ve liked by them), TheBoyz (“Sweet” / “Timeless” / “Whisper”), Golden Child (“Replay”), Epex (“Hymn to Love”), P1harmony (“Doom Du Doom” < first song I’ve liked by them), and CIX (“458”).
Honorable Mention: Stray Kids
“Maniac” https://youtu.be/OvioeS1ZZ7o
If you’d asked me a few months ago, Stray Kids probably would have been making my top 5 hands down. I saw them live and they were amazing! They did a lot that I liked early in the year musically. I... didn’t like Maxident and especially the MV for “Case 143″ at all though (there’s... one song I thought was OK on the album), and it probably impacted their place here. I still love them! They’re among my top groups, but I was reminded that their music is hit and miss for me. It is good going back and listening to “Maniac” and remembering that I do love a lot of their music. I really wish that Maxident hadn’t felt so rushed for me because it definitely dampened my appreciation of their overall body of work for the year. They are incredible live though! And I appreciate that I’ve gained friends both on here and in real life over them.
Biases: Han, Lee Know, Seungmin
Honorable Mention: Ateez
“Halazia” https://youtu.be/SszP3hlQ55Y
Ateez came into this year for me riding the high of “Turbulence” that is probably to date my favorite of their songs, and I had high expectations. Their music so far this year has been interesting, but noting has quite caught me the way some of last years releases did. They were in very tight contention for making it into the 5th place, thus why I have these honorable mentions. I am very interested to see where they take their music and storylines next, and “Halazia” (linked above) was probably my favorite thing that they did this calendar year, it’s definitely an interesting sound and it may honestly grow on me further with more listens.
Biases: Seonghwa, Yeosang
5) Cravity
This has been a killer year for Cravity! I loved “Adrenaline” and enjoyed “Vivid” earlier in the year. They had a song all in English that I liked with “Boogie Woogie” (a rarity for me, often understanding lyrics impedes me ability to enjoy songs that I like auditorily). “Party Rock” (above) was definitely my favorite of their releases this year! It gets stuck in my head, it’s so catchy. I definitely replayed it a ton right after it came out too! Cravity has flirted with being on these lists since debut, but I think that the last time they made it on one was their rookie year (granted, they’ve not been around that long). I think that they’ve finally started to hit their stride, and I’m really hoping for more of them embracing this sound!
Biases: Jungmo, Minhee
4) Oneus
I’ve liked them since debut to some extent, and I’d properly fallen for Oneus as a group with “Luna” last year, but “Same Scent” and the entire Malus album was kind of what tipped them over from a group that I loved to one of my top groups. I had Malus on repeat for weeks. They’ve had a rough go of the past few months (don’t really feel like talking about this, I do have opinions, but it’s not a conversation I’m interested in having at this time), but they’ve had amazing performances since then. And I thought that they couldn’t make “Same Scent” better than it already is, and then they just recently released the traditional version (https://youtu.be/pIVfLX8zW00 warning has flashing lights), and it somehow makes the song even better. I love how they use traditional instrumentation and sound in their songs somewhat regularly!
Biases: Seoho, Leedo, Hwanwoong (I am aware that’s over half the group, no I will not narrow it down)
3) OnlyOneOf
I’m breaking my own pattern a little bit by putting “ズルい女“ (their Japanese MV) as the representative song, but it was my favorite of their full group pieces this year, and I think that it shows their choreo and how they make music, even covers, their own really beautifully. The real thing that put’s OnlyOneOf this high on the list is their body of queer work with the member solos this year in the “be” / “undergrOund idOl” series. “skinz” was important to me conceptually, but it’s one of my least favorite OnlyOneOf songs, and I feel like “ズルい女“ is more interesting to me than “Suit Dance.” I like their songs as a body of work immensely in general though! For the biggest reason that I put them on here, see the “be” series:
Yoojung’s “begin” https://youtu.be/MBx_9nygxaQ
KB’s “be free” https://youtu.be/WkKU-9VnNRU
Junji’s “be mine” https://youtu.be/fzEZeQBvVA0 (close contender for being my favorite)
Rie’s “because” https://youtu.be/6u_nwPzf3pI (my favorite, I love this song so much)
Mill’s “beat” https://youtu.be/H6qN9QFrOJs
Nine’s “beyOnd” is upcoming early in January 2023
They are exquisite storytellers in their MVs, and they have committed to telling compelling queer stories. They have incredible cinematic references throughout their MVs, and I just can’t praise their work enough as a whole! I have made so many posts about their storytelling and queer elements in their work, if you want to see more of my thoughts on them, just go digging through my OnlyOneOf tag.
Biases: Rie, Junji
2) Enhypen
It’s funny to me looking back that Enhypen didn’t make it onto these lists earlier. I was aware of them, and knew that I had some connections to them that made them appealing to me. (The one that I talk about more is that I watched Sunghoon and followed his career as a figure skater, I think that he actually made onto one of my figure skating lists when he was in juniors. There’s another one that’s more important, but that I don’t talk about as publicly.) I love the sound that Enhypen’s been living in recently, but they’ve overall had a sound that I’ve enjoyed from the start. I am very excited to see how they keep developing in the future! While I linked “Blessed-Cursed” above as my representative song for them (I’ve been going back to it consistently since it came out in January, it well deserves the spot), I want to also emphasize how much I loved “One In A Billion” (https://youtu.be/_ATqY9GFRh0) and “I Need the Light” (https://youtu.be/Pfq37N3eA7g) both of which are (at least kind of) OSTs.
Biases: Jay, Sunoo, Jungwon
1) Seventeen
Seventeen have been my favorite boy group since they debuted, and they show no signs of stopping that trend any time soon. I’ve loved their releases this year, among them another solo from Junhui with “Limbo” (https://youtu.be/k0sKWlEhVRk) which was a change from his usual emotional ballad fare, but let him show off his dancing and make an MV that was just incredibly gender. I also have a new favorite Seventeen song, dethroning “Home” in it’s long rein, with “Shadow.” I got to see them live this summer, and Redeim only partially managed to capture me losing my mind over them performing “Shadow” live. Their albums this year have been spectacular, and as always, I cannot wait to see what they decide to do next. I hope that I get to see them live many more times in the future (and if you get the chance to do it, they’re an experience).
Biases: Junhui, Wonwoo, Woozi
I would love to chat about any of the groups on this list! I had such a hard time narrowing this down to 5 this year, and it probably would have been easier to do a top 10. There was so much good music this year!
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sangyeonsmuse · 2 months
BREAK THE WALLS | Kim Hongjoong
Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Full Chapter List
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🀥 Government agent Hongjoong x Rebel Oc
🀥 genre | dystopian society, halazia x geurilla concept , enemies to lovers
🀥 word count | 1.3k
🀥 Summary | An organization by the name of Sector 1 was well known for their work in the underground, theyve been well known for the recruiting of teens and using them to form an army since the year 2034. Collecting strays for their rebellion against those in higher power. Now the year is 2064 and the organization still runs strong they run like a family, with the new technology theyve found ways of keeping alive those that have been scorned in any past battles theyve had against the government.
When the government sends in 7 of their best men to infiltrate the organization. What will they do when their cover is blown and their true intentions are revealed? Will they join the rebellion or will they continue to let the government pull their strings like the little puppets they once were?
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Skylar district April 1st 2064
"Get your ass up now's the time you should be working ten times harder, one more month until evaluations, could absolutely make or break you."
"Tahani we've been going at this for three hours, i think you're starting to forget my body is fully human." Mingi whines as he sprawls out on the floor.
"Well whose fault is it that I'm not and whatd i say about calling me Tahani." Ever since hongjoong had watched the girls memories he made it a mission to only call her Tahani just as Eris did. He thought her name was beautiful despite her not wanting to be called it anymore. Thanks to him the entire group of guys now knew her real name and on occasion would always let it slip out
"Hey that's not fair, I had nothing to do with that ambush. And how come Hongjoong and Eris get to call you Tahani" He complained as he pushed himself up to rest on his palms.
"Song Mingi, why is it that you're always whining about something." Yunho chimes in, earning a glare from the silver haired boy that had yet to get up from the floor.
"I'm not always whining."
"Yes you are." The rest of them, including Tahani, chime in all at once earning a frustrated huff from mingi.
"Ill take it from here, i can't take his whining anymore." Hongjoong stepped into the pit, allowing a tired Mingi to move off to the sidelines just as he wanted. An amused grin curled onto Tahanis lips at Hongjoongs sudden bold action.
"That never goes well for you now does it? What's the score again San 11 to none?" Tahani looks over to San who simply found it amusing that the girl seemed to always bring up his brother's losses. Of course San would usually assist her in the teasing these days but when she did it alone it seemed to spark the best reaction out of hongjoong.
"Alright here we go again." Jongho stood from his seat on the sidelines before stepping between the two, an action he was quite used to by now.
"Its always these two." Leedo shook his head before pulling up a chair and taking a seat beside Yunho.
"You know the rules already, you two have a clean fight. And no weapons this time last time you almost took Woo's eye out." Jongho adds before looking at Tahani
"Oh no that was actually on purpose, he has a bad habit of stealing things from my bathroom." Tahani responds before looking over at said boy
"Hey it's not my fault your shampoo just gives my hair that fluffy and silky feel." At his words all of the guys stare at him in a judging manner before setting their eyes back to the scene in front of them.
"Oh don't act like you guys haven't tried it too. I'm looking at you, Leedo."
"Wait what!? Leedo you've been stealing from my bathroom too?!?"
"Tsk the boys are delusional, alaurians tend to speak nonsense. Anyways, aren't you two gonna fight or something." Tahani scrunches up her nose giving him a look that basically says 'we'll talk about this later." Before moving her attention back to hong joong
"As I was saying, a clean fight!" Jongho said one last time before moving out of the ring. This was hongjoongs chance, all those days of watching her and studying her movements couldn't have been for nothing. He needed to make it 11 to 1. Tahani had hongjoong on the ground in less than 1 minute this time.
"Looks like it'll be 12 to none." Seonghwa shook his head as he watched the fight only to for his mouth to fall open moments later when hongjoong gets the upper hand. The fight was now getting even more interesting. Usually around this time Tahani would have hongjoong pinned to the floor with her leg, arm, or body but Hongjoong now seemed to have an advantage. Within seconds he had the girl on the floor pinned down to the pit with the use of her own dagger.
"He won...OH MY GOD HE WON." Wooyoung laughs in disbelief as he watches Tahani release her clothes from the daggers hold before slipping it back into the holster on her thigh. The rest of them all sat on the sidelines with their mouths hung right open.
"Well played Kim Hongjoong. eleven to none is now eleven to one."
That evening Wooyoung ran the halls like a mad man, announcing to every member of the Sector that hongjoong had won against Tahani.
"Well well well and here I was thinking you forgot about me." Eris says as Tahani makes her entrance into the OASIS after a long day of training.
"How could I ever forget about my beautiful best friend. One of the only people that keep me sane here." Tahani smiles as she pulls her friend into a hug.
"Dont let Jongho hear you say that." Eris responds to which Tahani just laughs.
"Hi Yeosang." Tahani waves and flashes a smile to the boy who had frantically been searching through a pile of papers on his desk.
"Good to see you Hira." He responds simply before gathering all the equipment he and Eris would need for the girls checkup.
"He's been working on something like a mad man for the past two months now. Wont tell what it is, but whatever he's working on seems to have all his focus lately." Tahani eyes the boy curiously before taking her seat up on the scanner as always.
"Alright looks like we've got speed updates here yeosang, she has not surpassed 80 % in strength, her all parts seem to be in good condition so looks like all there is to do is focus on those updates."
"Got it i'll go grab the boosters." And with that Yeosang disappeared from view.
"So Hongjoong hm? I heard he finally won when you two sparred earlier today. Then again with how loud Wooyoung is, I'm sure anyone outside of Skylar district heard about it." Tahani laughs before nodding her head
"Yup, didn't exactly see it coming but i guess lately he has been practicing a lot harder with evaluations being so close. He's progressed a lot." She smiles knowing that all of her, Jongho, and Leedos training with them had finally been paying off.
"You seem pretty fond of him lately, now that youve gotten past everything that happened all those months ago." Eris watched the girl's expression change instantly as she continued to hook the needed chords into the girl's back.
"Girl what the hell are you talking about-"
"Dont even act like you don't know what I mean Tahani, I see the way you talk about him and don't think I miss the way you smile when you two go back in forth in the G units Living quarters." Eris was always the one to call the girl out on her bullshit, it was part of the main reason Tahani had grown so close with her in the first place.
"I don't think of him that way..or at least i dont think. I don't know Eris. I've been here at the Oasis since I was eighteen and I've never really liked anyone here since."
"Since Loren I know Tahani."
"I dont have time for my feelings to get tangled up in this anyways. We're all here for one reason and one reason only to take down the alaurians. That's my priority." Before Eris could speak again Yeosang had finally arrived back with the boosters they needed for her updates. There was a lot more Eris wanted to tell the girl but itd just have to wait.
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weaversoffate · 3 months
sorn's letters to yesphyra
First letter - sent as Sorn and Calli left Maturana
to be decided -> either its joever or we are so back
Dear Yesphyra, 
We won! Can you believe it? I can hardly believe it myself, even with the prize money in my hands. It’s a nice sum… I think. I feel a bit weird about it. Does this count as the first money I’ve earned on my own? Of course, it’s a bit disingenuous to believe it so when Callith was the main reason we succeed, but still, it’s nice to allow myself to think of it as deserved. Even if it’s just ‘kind of’ or ‘if you squint’, as you would say. 
But sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself again. Yes, we won, but the last two battles were particularly tough. As you know, I’m no battle mage. Even now, the idea that I was capable of using my magic to willingly damage something - someone! Many someones! - is a bit baffling. It almost feels like it happened to another person, that I just got to watch as my body moved of its own accord. But I was the one commanding it. That is the weird part. Do I like that I did so? I don’t know. It certainly feels foreign. Sure, it is nice to actually do something - yes, just like you said through the sending stone - and I do see the point and the upsides of being more decisive, yes, yes, but I can’t help but hesitate. It feels like walking down the stairs in the dark not knowing if the next steps are truly there. Does that even make sense? I don’t know. It’s just… Sometimes I feel this bolt of anxiety that nudges me into a state of unreality - surely I’m not doing any of this? Surely I’m still home where I know my place, reading my books and finishing my puzzles? Surely I was not this stupid?
But then the anxiety ebbs away and I’m back… here. I’m not going to say it feels right because you know that nothing ever does, but it feels a bearable amount of wrong. I still want to jump out of my skin, but sometimes I forget that when there is so much to be seen. This was the right choice.
My magic did act up, twice. No one got hurt, thankfully, though I did make a fool of myself. I don’t even like thinking about it so I won’t, but you can picture any of the many embarrassing things I’ve done to myself throughout the years. This one is up there in my most ridiculous moments list. But no harm was done. I’m content enough with that. 
Callith and I will continue to travel together. This will sound a bit ridiculous, but she is looking for the artifact too! And honestly, I’m better off not alone. I’m not sure what I would have done without her around to actually think things through. There is just so much to consider, in every step of the way. It’s overwhelming. I know you are probably frowning up a storm - yes, I should be working harder on making these decisions on my own. Baby steps, maybe? This will be a long journey. We will be leaving Maturana soon. I will (hopefully) have time.
I hope you are well and enjoying your time free of having to watch me do nothing in particular. Thank you for your assistance in the tournament. I know I can be… quite helpless. I’m working to remedy that. Truly, I am. 
I hope we see each other soon.
Best regards,
Second letter - written as the party was leaving Mato Alto, still not sent
Dear Yesphyra,
I hope you are well and things are as uneventful as ever at the manor. I know you must be bored out of your mind trying to cover for my absence. Has Arqwe or the twins turned up for a visit? I wouldn’t think so, but if they did I hope our planned excuses were enough to keep you out of trouble. Either way, know that you have my gratitude now and forever for doing all of this for me. I hope to one day repay you in kind. 
A lot has happened since my last letter. I’m not traveling with Callith only anymore, to begin with. Two more have joined our group: Halazia, a half dragonborn (maybe?) pirate and Ashana, a warlock. Please do not worry too much - I don’t know them well, but I’m confident that they don’t mean to harm me in any way and their assistance has been invaluable so far. I’m quite sure we both overestimated my abilities when I set out on this journey, if I’m being honest. It’s clear to me now that I wouldn’t have gotten very far without help. In fact, I dread to think of losing this small party and much of my attention - and effort - is going into securing my place within it. I believe they are my best chance of finding the artifact. 
And speaking of it, we arrived a few days ago in Mato Alto, a small town in the middle of a frankly strange forest, where we were able to glean a few clues about its whereabouts - rather, about where we hope we might be able to learn more about its location. Have you heard much about Três Pontas? I know it’s across the sea, but you’ve been to so many places, so I figure it’s worth a shot. I’d appreciate any information you might have.
As for Mato Alto itself… things were… well, weird there. I won’t pretend to understand what exactly was going on - it’s enough to say that monster attacks are becoming more common near the town, and that we managed to get involved in a fight with a few of them (please don’t ask me what events led to this situation. You probably wouldn’t approve of any of it). Don’t worry, though - we are all fine. 
We are preparing to leave the town now. The plan is to go through the forest and make our way to Ponte Negra, where hopefully Halazia will be able to get us on a ship to Três Pontas. It’s strange to think I might actually board an actual ship soon. I’m trying not to think too much about it - I can’t quite decide if the idea excites or terrifies me. 
There is much more I’d like to tell you, but this letter is already long enough and I don’t even know if I will be able to actually send it before leaving. Either way, I hope we get to see each other sooner rather than later.
Third letter  - written either on the journey to Gramacho or right after arriving there. 
I’m afraid I might have made a mistake. We are not going to Ponte Negra anymore - or at least not right away, and that is, I admit, mostly my fault. I’m in the company of someone who knows who I am and who my family is - have you heard of a woman by the name of Jullya in Varre-Sai? Probably a noble of elf descent. I can’t quite place her, but her presence makes me uneasy and quite worried about you. One word from her to the wrong person in Varre-Sai and our cover is blown. I’m honestly quite unsure of how to proceed.
But I’m getting ahead of myself and rambling again. Sorry. Let me backtrack a bit: the trip through the magical forest around Mato Alto was short but eventful. Suffice to say, we had to fight our way to what (eventually) turned out to be an equally magical tavern. I’d rather not speak of how we secured our stay there through a letter, but it was a trial of sorts, and one that was unpleasant and might have thrown me a bit off kilter. I’m sure I can still blame it, at least partially, for how unsettled I still feel.
But I did get a magical lyre out of it. I might finally put all that time spent reading about music theory to good use. 
The following day, we ended up mingling with another group of adventurers also staying at the tavern. That’s where this Jullya comes in. She recognized me immediately, apparently. She’s also very much into Ashana, which would be interesting and even amusing under other circumstances. It certainly isn’t now. You see, her party was called to Gramacho to try and solve an ogre problem the city is having. Well, I say her party but I mean our party now, because we are also going to Gramacho to help them solve their ogre problem. 
Our deal with them is simple: we help them and after all is solved in Gramacho they take us to Ponte Negra without the need to go through the much maligned magical forest again. It is a bit of a detour, sure, but I admit I was not eager to face the rest of the forest after spending only one day inside of it. So that isn’t the problem - the problem is Jullya, the fact that many of her companions are spellcasters and that I’m afraid we don’t have this much time to waste. Not anymore.
We will certainly be out of our depth in Gramacho - I’m trying to get myself acquainted with the history of the place, but there is only so much I can learn before we are thrust into its politics at what seems to be a very delicate moment. Whatever help we can provide - if any - will probably not solve the city’s problems in a timely manner. And with another sorcerer, two wizards and a cleric around, I’m not sure how much longer I will be able to hide the source of my powers from the group. They might even know it already. I don’t know. Sometimes I think they do, sometimes I’m sure they don’t. The uncertainty is maddening. 
And then there is Jullya. She seems nice enough but I can’t trust her. Have you heard anything from Mother lately? Yesphyra, I’m afraid this was a mistake. All of it. I’m not sure how Mother will react if she finds out you were covering for me this whole time. Be careful. I will not blame you if you chose to leave. 
The worst thing is, this is mostly my fault. Calli, Halazia and Ashana seemed inclined to spend more time with Jullya and her companions so I made the deal with them. I convinced them that “hiring” us was a good idea. You are familiar with my people-pleasing ways, of course, and I did mention I wanted to secure my place in the party. I just couldn’t help myself. So I don’t have anyone but myself to blame for whatever happens next.
I wish, more than anything, that we could talk again but wasting a sending stone charge for this feels wrong. I put myself in this situation. I need to get out of it on my own.
Be safe, S.
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