#snuck in at the last minute
maximura · 9 months
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surreal-duck · 4 months
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dozens of castle maids shocked and devastated to hear of the royal valet courting a local village girl
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southfarthing · 1 year
unfortunately the truth is i read the silmarillion at a very formative moment of my life and i will make that everyone's problem
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saccharinescorpion · 2 years
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quotidianish · 2 years
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See y’all in 2023 :]
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coolbattlegirl · 1 month
Burnt Toast is Best Eaten Together
Silver nibbled on the corner of the semi-burnt bread, glancing up to look at his father, who sat opposite of him, his usual serene smile still plastered on his face. His father must have noticed his staring because he finally speaks, his voice as soothing as a lullaby. 
“Silver, what’s wrong? Is it not tasty?” His father asked. Silver quickly shook his head, “No, I like it!” Silver said as he took another bite of his bread. It wasn’t exactly a lie; the bread was definitely better than his father’s previous attempts, even if it was a bit charred. It seemed his attempts at getting his father to follow the recipes were finally paying off. 
Silver watched as his father’s smile got almost impossibly wider, seemingly happy with his answer, “Hmm, that’s good! It seems my cooking skills have improved.” His father hummed thoughtfully, “Perhaps I will attempt to make that mushroom soup again…” 
As Silver listened to his father’s musing for tonight’s dinner, his eyes landed on the empty plate that sat in front of his father. Something that Silver had come to realize over the following weeks was that father was strange.
He can’t really remember if father was always this way, his memory has been blurry ever since he recovered from his illness, but memories or not, he didn’t mind his oddness. He loves his father! Which is why he can’t help but worry for his father. It’s just… father doesn’t seem to eat. It didn’t matter whether they sat down to have breakfast, lunch, or dinner, his father never touched any of the food. 
Silver swallowed the last bite of his toast before looking down at the remaining pieces. Surely his father had to be hungry by now? Silver snuck another look at his father’s empty plate before slipping a piece of toast onto it. Looking up, he found his father staring unblinkingly at him, making Silver worry that he might have upset him. “Um… Papa? Are you going to eat?” he asked sheepishly. 
His father blink at the question before smiling once more, “How sweet you are… Ah, but don’t worry, little prince. I’m simply not very hungry right now.” Silver’s face fell slightly at the answer. As usual, his father noticed the change in his attitude.
A clawed hand gently brushed away the hair from Silver’s face, “Are you… upset, little one?” His father asked, his voice sounding surprised if not also curious. Silver pouted, “I want to eat together with Papa…” He whispered quietly.  
After what felt like an eternity, he heard a fond sigh and suddenly, the toast in his hand was gently taken from his grasp, causing Silver to look up in surprise.
With wide hopeful eyes, he watched as his father scrutinized the toast before taking a small bite from it, “Hmm… Not bad.” His father hummed before turning to look at him with a smile, “Well? Aren’t you going to eat together with me?”   
Silver stared at his father, “Papa, does this mean you’ll eat with me from now on?” He asked hopefully. His father smiled, “Well, since it means so much to you, how could I refuse?”
Beaming with joy, Silver wasted no time leaping from his chair and running over to hug his father. With a small laugh, his father picked up the toast and broke it in half, handing one piece of Silver. As they sat together and ate, Silver felt that the toast tasted a bit better than before. 
Humans are such peculiar creatures. Despite all the years he had observed them from afar, he still couldn’t grasp their nature—and perhaps he never will. Personally, he found them to be quite simple minded and silly. 
Lilia let out a small huff as he dried the dishes, a human task he found quite troublesome and time-consuming. Honestly, what was the point of having plates and utensils anyways? Lilia glanced out the kitchen window, spotting the silver-haired boy playing around with a stick. He couldn’t help but let out an amused huff at the sight. 
The child’s antics looked exactly like those soldiers from last night, brandishing their swords around in a futile attempt to subdue him. Lilia set down the drying cloth and began to make his way upstairs, musing about the soldiers. He really did have to get rid of the remaining soldiers soon before the little prince stumbled upon them in the woods. Not that Lilia would let him stray too far. No, he learned from that mistake. Oh, but children are such curious creatures. It truly would be a shame if he stumbled across the gruesome scene. 
While he had been planning to eat the rest of them, Silver had asked him so sweetly for him to eat together during meal time, and he couldn’t quite do that if he was full. With a sigh, he settled on the idea of saving them on a rainy day, allowing him to play along with his little prince’s whims.
Yes, that would simply do. Suddenly, he heard the front door open and the sound of little footsteps excitedly making their way inside and up the stairs. Smiling, Lilia turned around to greet the child before pausing at the sight that greeted him.
He watched as Silver, his beloved little child, emerged from the top of the stairs crawling on all fours. Lilia blinked owlishly at the sight, clearly befuddled by the action. “Hello, Papa!” He beamed as he stood up, brushing the dust off his knees, “Look what I got for you!” Silver thrusted a small bundle of crumpled flowers in his direction, smiling proudly at his father.
“Ah… humans are such silly creatures…”
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Your favorite Kalos starters!!
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Congrats to the winners! They'll be going up against the other starter winners at the end of the polls!
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deltaswapjevil · 21 days
Batman Reboot Au: Joker
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Going through Batman and his rouges and redesigning them
Here's Harley Quinn and the Joker
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scholarhect · 2 years
did you guys hear the story about how pete sent patrick the hold me like a grudge lyrics while he was driving and he read them at a stoplight (he kept saying you shouldn’t do that but it had been red for a really long time, he kept emphasizing you shouldn’t really do that 😭) and he had the whole song written in his head by the time he got out of the car
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katealot · 2 years
using your spotify top 100 playlist, shuffle 10 songs and tag 10 people <3
(tagged by @nunchijeu)
1. SCOOP (feat. Doja Cat) - Lil Nas X
2. The Cult of Dionysus - The Orion Express
3. Grand Romantic Life - Mom Rock
4. A Better Place - clipping.
5. DOLLA SIGN SLIME (feat. Megan Thee Stallion) - Lil Nas X
6. Life By The Sea - Tubbo, CG5
7. SUN GOES DOWN - Lil Nas X
8. Candy - Robbie Williams
9. Water Fountain - Tune-Yards
10. Hey, Runner! - The Arcadian Wild
I’m gonna tag some of my fwends: @corvidey @thats-cool @barbiesratking @decaftidalwave @dumbest-ass @bestpupper @noodyl-blasstal @broccoli-goblin @ambiencowboy @voidfishbitch
Only do it if u want! (Including if i didn’t tag u!! I love seeing people’s music tastes)
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cappucosmico · 4 months
the most devastating shit on earth is that i had a friend in middle school who was like my ride or die. but her only "social media" was Google Fucking Plus. so naturally i have lost her in the wastelands of that shitstorm. but i cannot find her ever again bc she has like The most common name on god's green earth so one facebook search for people with her name in the bronx yields like a million fucking results. so imagine if she's not even in the bronx anymore. 10 million results
#and if by some will from god she's out there wondering about me occasionally too She'd also be shit out of luck#bc my first name is different now. not even close to my birthname. and my last name is a nightmare#i didn't learn how to spell that shit until i was 6 and only so soon bc my mother set aside time to teach me specifically how to spell it#like it was its own school lesson. How to spell my own last name. so i'm not going to imagine someone could ever just Remember That#a decade down the fucking line#but i miss her often. she showed me inuyasha for the first time before rodan even did#we had the most awkward innocent scared quivering animal type lesbianism happening.#i would walk her home even though it meant making my 10 minute walk home into like 45 minutes#she lived in one of the projects and she snuck me in her apartment a few times when her dad wasn't home. that's when we watched inuyasha#one of my ''gifts'' i remember so specifically when we had decided we were dating is. i gave her. a tiny bag of chips.#blinks for a long time at you. i got her A Bag Of Chips.#💀😭 She should've killed me where i stood........#we once kissed because someone said they'd give us 20 dollars for it. We did not get the 20 dollars.#i was mad bc i wanted to split it with her and get snackies at the deli after school together or something. kills my elf#WAAAH i miss her. i miss da bronx too. one day i'm gonna drag rodan downstate to see it all#i want to take him to the bronx zoo and the botanical gardens. but also i just checked and nearly scumpt at the prices#37 DOLLARS..... 💀⁉️ i remember. (said oldly) i remember when it was. SEVEN DOLLARS!!!#whstever fucking happened to wednesdays you get in free. huh#i'm too scared to even look at the gardens now bc Nearly 40 tickets a person. oh My God. vomitworthy#wait oh my god what do thebuses and subway cost now. oh no oh no oh no#okay it's okay. it's a 40 cent difference. idr what a metrocard used to cost so it means nothing that it's a dollar now#but also Why the fuck do the express buses cost SEVEN DOLLARS.... 😭 brother bring that shit back down to five NEOW!!!#it's not even double the standard fare anymore. even if i round up the standard fare That's More Than Double. what#i hate inflation i hate inflation i hate#i'm rambling. walks away fast And my ass
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hearty-an0n · 8 months
toronto gothic. the team you’re watching is wearing blue. they’re blowing a lead. they’re losing after playing one round in the playoffs
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lemon-mint-writes · 1 year
I actually made a proper playlist for this fic, and I just finished putting it in sequential order (as best I can at least). I tried to track both the events and the characters' headspaces with the order of the songs, it actually made me go looking for more to add where I had some missing space. It's funny too because the part of this fic I'm most drawn to is when they fall apart, so chp 5 through chp 7 even, and that's the section of the story with the most songs. There are so many breakup/in between songs on here, and I could probably add more if I wanted to. Ok I've talked too long basically I have 44 songs in order-ish telling the story of this fic and yes most of it is Taylor Swift but is anyone surprised no
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lxvvie · 1 year
Y'all know that whole trend that was going around social media with women calling their significant other by their full name? Yeah, that one. Yet another conversation was had, this time it was about the reactions your favorite babygurls would have if you called them by their full government name because of reasons. Maybe.
Capt. John Price - He's, uh, startled but not enough to drop his cigar this time. Does take a puff of it, though, before addressing you like it's the calm before the storm. Isn't too fazed because he heard it enough from his own mom growing up and he figures he's suave and diplomatic enough to placate you.
Gaz - Pointedly ignores you while giving you side glances here and there which is a major indicator that he's gotten into some shit. Probably. More than likely. Yeah... it was Soap's fault.
Alex Keller - Actually did get into some shit. Does not answer the call of duty.
Soap - You hear 'ah, shit', heavy footsteps, probably a crash, and Soap's peeking his head out from the other room. Has a deer-in-headlights look about him. It was Gaz's fault, goddamnit. He's so adorable. It's enough to make you giggle.
Ghost - You get a grunt. And then it hits him. He stops doing whatever it is he's doing. Fuck, he knows that tone. Simon turns to look at you and he stares into your soul or something like that. What in the hell kind of made-up middle name is that? You spend the better part of a good minute staring each other down before you're all, "I love you ♥️," and Ghost groans and rolls his eyes and goes back to whatever it was he was doing. But not before he grunts out a "Love ya, too." in return.
Alejandro - This is one of the few things that'll actually faze the man. Will damn near break his neck turning to face you to see what's wrong and his eyes will be wide. Oh, the last time he heard his full name called like that was from his beloved grandmother and he'd gotten into some shit then, okay?
Rudy - Ducks his head. Doesn't show his face; he can't bear the sternness of your voice, your gaze. It wasn't him this time, he swears; it remains, though, the way you say his name, an echo in his mind: Ro-DOL-fo. Why'd you have the emphasize THAT part of his name, huh?
König - König.exe stops working. Actually does break something trying to get to you. His eyes are fucking saucers, okay? Oh shit, what did he do this time, Schatz? Are you getting him back after that one time he snuck up on you to surprise you and you dropped dinner? Did you find out about the time he accidentally messed up the laundry and the white clothes came out pink? WHAT DOES HE HAVE TO DO FIX THIS?! Oh, you... just needed him to grab something off the top shelf for you.
Horangi - Also did some shit. Is unapologetic about it. Hits you with a nonchalant, "Yeah?"
Graves - STAYS IN SOME SHIT, OKAY? Saunters in like the smug bastard he is. Smirks and winks at you. "Haven't heard that name in a while, darlin'. What's your fancy?"
Valeria - Pulls a Uno Reverse and calls you by your full government name. Wait―
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jenosbigtoe · 14 days
mdni. nsfw 18+
pairing: best friend!fwb!lee jeno x reader x best friend!jaemin
warnings: 3some, unprotected sex, creampie, cunnilingus, cumeating, masturbation (m), lowkey mxm if you think about it, porn no plot (shitty “plot”)
@jenomov sorry for disappearing.. hope this helps 🤗
it was his idea first—you’re both single and horny and you know him the best out of anyone, besides your other best friend, jaemin. it was only natural he asked you, out of everyone, to relieve his needs while he relieved yours. like scratching each other’s backs, as he put it.
you couldn’t even pretend to hesitate about it. who cares if you’ve been best friends for years? it’s not like some fucking would throw that all down the drain—not when you’ve secretly been wanting to sleep with him and jaemin for years. it was bound to happen at some point. your best friends are hot as fuck—why wouldn’t you jump at the opportunity to fuck at least one of them? a greedy part of you wishes you could have both, but one is enough for now.
it seems that insatiable thirst you have for jeno is equally reciprocated by him—after sleeping together once, you’ve been seeing him at least every other day.
it was convenient enough. you already spent most of your time hanging out with him, jaemin, or both. except instead of playing mario kart or watching shitty sitcoms with him, more often than not he has you folded into acrobatic ways to drill his fat cock into your needy pussy.
and jeno fucks like a pornstar.
smushing your face into the mattress while he pounds you feverishly from behind. placing your legs on his shoulders so he can reach that sweet spot deep inside your pussy with his hot length. spitting on your used cunt and using his tongue to lick and fuck your hole like you’re his last meal on death row. it’s like he finds new ways to fuck you every time you hook up—and every time leaves you hungry for more.
it’s an absolute miracle jaemin hasn’t caught on by now. like really, did you both have to go to the bathroom at the exact same time for 30 minutes? did you both have to contract food poisoning and couldn’t make it to your weekly friday movie night?
it’s not like you even tried to hide it that well. fucking in your room right next to the guest room that both jeno and jaemin were supposed to sleeping in, until jeno snuck out to go see you. the sounds of sex—headboard banging against the wall, skin slapping on skin, breathy moans and low grunts—definitely should’ve alerted jaemin to exactly what you two were doing.
but jaemin still, at the very least, appeared to be none the wiser. it’s like he hasn’t even noticed the way you’ve been rubbing your ass on jeno’s boner all night underneath the thin blankets, when you should’ve been watching whatever corny horror movie that was on the tv. the way jeno is gripping your hips in a way that is more than friendly. jaemin’s back is pressed against the front of your body while jeno cuddles you from behind.
“i’m gotta go take a shower.” you fake a yawn, “i’m getting tired and i’m ready for bed.”
jaemin briefly glances over at you but you couldn’t read his facial expression in the dark. “okay. good night.” he scoots away from your body.
“good night.” you get up from jeno’s grasp and walk away, only to hear him tell jaemin, “i gotta go take a shit, i’ll be right back.” you smirk.
“mmph—fuck!” you curse against jeno’s hand pressed to your mouth.
with one arm gripping your waist and the other hand pressed against your mouth to get you to shut the fuck up, jeno snaps his hips into yours from behind, every movement jolting your entire body forward and sending shock waves down your spine.
“shit, baby, i can never get tired of fucking you,” he chuckles lowly.
his hips drill his cock deep into your dripping cunt, his fat girth stretching you out just like the first time. with every thrust, the tip of his cock drives deeper inside you, leaving you with an insatiable thirst for more, more.
“mmph, ah—“ you struggle to speak against the tight grip he has on your mouth.
he moves his hand from your mouth back to your waist, using all of his strength to press your body against him in a tight bear hug while he fucks you into the mattress. you suck in a huge breath of relief, gasping for air.
“jen, please! i need—“ you can’t finish your sentence as he delivers a particularly rough thrust right against your cervix. “fuck!” you squeal a little too loud.
he smacks your ass in warning. “watch it, princess. don’t want our jaemin to hear you being a cock slut for me, now do we?” his hips never falter their pace, his cock drilling into you with a mind numbing rhythm. “tell me what you want, baby.”
you drop your head. “jen, need— need more.”
he smiles and leans his head to put his lips close to your ear. “that’s my girl.”
if at all possible, his hips seem to be going faster, harder, deeper than before. you almost scream in delight, if it wasn’t for the fact that you knew he would be so mad at you. your pussy clenches around every ridge and every vein on his cock as he drags his length against your walls in an erratic rhythm.
“fuck,” he groans to himself, eyes rolling to the back of his head.
you don’t notice the bedroom door wide open, as jaemin watches the two of you with his arms folded across his chest.
“well fuck, why wasn’t i invited in on the fun in here?” jaemin’s voice ringing through the room has your heart dropping out of your ass as you jump in fright. jeno freezes on the spot, slowly swiveling his head to see his best friend watching menacingly.
jaemin’s eyebrows are furrowed and the veins on his neck bulging.
“no, don’t let me stop what you were doing. obviously you can’t even take your cock out of her even when you have an audience.” jaemin stalks towards the two of you with a predatory look in his eyes. you both can’t even begin to move yourself from the shock of it all. fuck.
you notice the thick bulge in jaemin’s sweatpants, the look of hunger on his face as he licks his lips. you recover from the shock first—when jeno begins to say, “holy sh-“ you begin to move your ass against his cock once more, using your juices to clench and fuck jeno’s cock right in front of your other best friend.
“that’s right, baby. fuck his cock for me,” jaemin’s smirk reminds you of a hungry beast, ready to devour a delicious meal right in front of him.
noises slip from your mouth with abandon, no longer caring who heard because you’ve already been caught. jeno catches on quick—his hips moving to meet yours, slowly speeding up to the animalistic pace he had been fucking you before. you barely even notice jaemin stripping himself bare as he walks to the side of your bed, standing to the side with his red hot cock in his hand standing hard and proud. jaemin spits on his hand and rubs his cock furiously, his face scrunched in concentration as he watches you fuck his best friend like an animal.
with the added audience, jeno seems to lose himself in your pussy faster. he likes it, likes having his and your best friend watch you get fucked. your cunt drips endlessly around his hot length, allowing his cock to slip in and out of your heat with ease. the pace of his hips quickly grow sloppy and you can feel his cock twitch deep inside your cunt with every thrust now—a sign you’ve grown to know all too well.
“shit—baby i’m going to cum,” he groans. you clench harder at his words, nearing your release.
with stuttering hips, he slams his cock balls deep in your hot cunt. his cock twitches violently as he shoots his white hot ropes inside you, talking his head back and moaning loudly. “fuck.”
you moan at the hot feeling of your best friend’s cum painting your walls. slowly, you turn your head back to face your other best friend, who still has his cock in his hands and a satisfied look on his face.
“get off her,” jaemin commands.
jeno can’t even think from the mind blowing orgasm he just had. he rolls off your body and lays flat on the bed beside you, panting to catch his breath.
before you can even move, jaemin climbs on the bed and flips you on your back. he climbs over your body and traps you underneath his, his hand gripping your face and leaving you unable to move.
“look at this little slut right here. fucking our best friend like i wouldn’t ever find out.” he crashes his lips against yours, sucking and biting at your lips like you were made of candy.
“mmph—,” you moan.
jaemin pulls away from your lips, a string of saliva connecting the two of you. “shut up, slut. you wanna act like a slut? you’re gonna get treated like one now.” jaemin crawls down your body and wraps his arms around your legs, forcing them apart. he uses his strength to keep an iron grip on your thighs as he inspects your cunt from below.
“i wonder how many times jeno has used this slutty pussy,” jaemin chuckles dangerously.
you squirm, with futile attempts to move out of jaemin’s crushing grip. you can feel jeno’s hot cum start to drip out of your cunt, despite your attempts to clench it inside.
you don’t notice jeno sitting up again, this time watching the two of you with renewed interest. his cock is hard again, standing erect as he starts stroking it.
jaemin uses his fingers to scoop the cum back into your cunt, causing you to gasp sharply and jerk your body around.
“holy fu-“ before you can finish your statement, you feel jaemin’s hot mouth press against your core, his tongue shoving into your used hole and licking up to flick your clit.
you scream at the sudden feeling, hands tangling and pulling onto jaemin’s dark locks. your legs shake from the attack of pleasure on your sore pussy. jaemin pays no mind—continuing to eat you like you’re his last meal.
before you can even realize it, your orgasm crashes down on your senses like a tsunami, waves of pleasure coursing through your veins as your brain goes blank.
your body tightens up and you toss your head back to moan loudly. jaemin’s tongue continues to attack your clit furiously, licking and sucking your through your intense orgasm. jeno rubs his cock furiously, his second orgasm approaching.
jaemin removes his mouth from your pussy with a loud pop—before he crawls back up to meet your fucked out face. he smashes his lips back against yours, making you taste yourself as he continues his attack on your lips this time. he pushes his tongue against yours to make you open your mouth—before he forces jeno’s cum right into your mouth.
you swallow it all—the taste of yourself mixed with jeno’s cum and jaemin’s mouth lingering in your own.
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“And it’s an emergency?” Bruce asked her, brow furrowing in concern.
Dani tapped her foot. “Yes. I need to leave now.”
Bruce sighed. “I’ll contact our pilot, but I can’t guarantee that he be able to fly you to Illinois last minute.”
Dani smiled weakly, “Thanks Bruce.” She said as she walked out the door, running into Damian.
“Where are you going?” He demanded, Jerry the Turkey trailing behind him.
“There’s a family emergency I need to go to.” Dani explained, ruffling his hair, grinning when he squwaked and hit her hand away.
“When will you return?”
Dani hesitated, smiling fading, before she looked in Damian’s eye and forced a grin.
“That depends. But I’ll be back, you don’t need to worry.”
The study door opened, and Bruce poked his head out, phone in hand. “Dani, the plane will be ready right after dinner at the soonest. Where exactly are you going?”
“Amity Park, Illinois.”
Danielle’s ‘minor family emergency’ was a huge lie.
Damian saw her smile dim and her hands shake as she told him she would be back.
Danielle was in danger, he didn’t need Leauge training to be able to tell.
That dinner, Danielle’s suitcase and bag was right next to her chair as she ate, looking very distracted.
“Woah!” Duke yelped as he tripped over the bag, stabilizing himself on the wall. “What’s the bag for?”
“Sorry, I’m going to Illinois after dinner. Family emergency.” Dani sheepishly, kicked the bag under the table and out of the way, smiling apologetically at Duke.
“Family emergency? But I thought…” Duke trailed off awkwardly. He didn’t need to finish his sentence for everyone to know what he trying to say.
Dani shrugged but didn’t give them an answer.
Duke, Damian’s nd Bruce locked eyes with each other and shared a minuscule nod. They would be investigating in the cave that night.
“Ok, I’m heading out!” Dani said, giving each of them a hug that lasted longer than usual, as if she was leaving for the last time.
Dani’s flight was around 2 hours, and the only sound that was in The luxury cabin was the sound of her foot tapping.
She apologized to the pilot for the last minute notice, but he waved her off with a smile. Dani tipped him a couple hundred anyway.
The airfield was pretty far, so Dani called an ride to pick her up.
While she waited, she checked Danny’s message from this morning.
Prototype: Dani we need you in Amity
Protoype: The GIW are acting funny
“Tt. When is the car arriving?”
Dani froze, whipping her head around to see Damian holding a duffel bag and staring at her with a raised eyebrow.
“Uh-what? Damian?” Dani stammered in surprise, before she got angry. “Damian Thomas Wayne, why and how the hell are you here?”
Damian rolled his eyes. “I snuck on the plane and followed you, of course.”
Dani’s eye twitched and Damian got the feeling that this was a bad idea.
There was a long silence before Dani dragged him to the wall and whispered to him, “Damian, I have a reason for you guys not to come. A good reason. So you need to get a plane back to Gotham before it’s too late.”
Damian shook his head. “The pilots gone. And it is too late to catch another flight.”
Dani groaned, but was interrupted by her phone vibrating in her pocket.
She pulled it out and cursed as she read the message.
Dr.Jazz: Dani the GIW is closing down airports
Dr.Jazz: Nobody can get out or in
Dr.Jazz: are you here yet?
Fenton 2.0: I’m here
Fenton 2.0: with an unexpected guest
Her phone binged again, and she snapped her fingers to get Damian’s attention away from his phone- which he had pulled out when Jazz messaged her.
“Our ride is here.” She said curtly, picking up her bags and walking outside the terminal.
Dash Baxter was leaning against his car, searching the crowd. He caught sight of Dani and Damian, giving the younger girl a nod and the tween a raised eyebrow.
“You guys are lucky you got here when you did. The guys in white just closed everything down.” Dash said as he loaded their luggage into the back of his car.
Dani opened the backseat door and let Damian climb in before sitting down after him.
“What’s going on, Dash? Danny hasn’t been replying to my messages and Jazz is being extremely vague.”
Dash started the car and pulled into the freeway.
“Can’t go into detail. Too many cameras. We’re probably being followed.” Dash looked at Damon through the rewrite mirror. “Whos the tyke?”
“Damian. Damian Wayne.” Damian said as he wrinkled his nose.
“Dash Baxter. How’d you get caught up with the Waynes, Dani?”
“Bruce is fostering me. We just haven’t made an official announcement yet.”
Dash let out a whistle. “Nice. I won’t be able to drop you at the FentonWorks Lab, but Star and Paulina wanted to talk to you out anyway.”
Dash pulled into the park, and helped Dani and Damian with their bags before driving off.
There were GIW agents setting up cameras all around the park, in trees, lamp post, and they were even shoving warrants in the faces of home owners and setting cameras on their property.
Around 2/3 of the town was in the park, watching the GIW and talking in hushed tones. They all turned to stare at Dani and Damian as they walked through.
“Why are they stareing at you?” Damian asked, glaring at a boy his age, who squeaked and sprinted away.
“Because my family is rather well known.” Dani glanced at Damian. “And I have a Wayne with me.”
They turned around to see two girls, one Latina dressed in pink and one blonde with large blue eyes.
“Paulina. Star. How’ve you been?” Dani smiled at them.
Star smiled at her, but it wasn’t real and plastic looking.
“I’m doing great. A little ghosty told me that the Fentons are waiting for you and Damian at the FentonWorks Lab.” Star eyed Damian with a curious eye and peered at Dani through her lashes.
“Don’t you think it’ll be to dangerous for the kid?” Paulina asked, ignoring the way Damian bristled at being called a kid.
Dani’s eye sharperned as she places a hand on Damian’s shoulder. “We have no choice. The GIW closed down the airport. He’ll have to learn how to survive.”
The girls faltered.
“W-what? But my dad is in New York! He..” Paulina stammered, and Star was at her side in a second, comforting her.
Dani and Damian walked away, Danis hand still on his shoulder.
They walked for some time in silence, until Dani stopped them and pointed at a GIW agent.
“Wanna help?” At Damian’s nod she smirked and continued. “Let’s put your training to good use. What do you think they’re doing?”
“You knew?” Damian asked her.
“You guys aren’t the only vigilantes in my family.”
Damian nodded and turned away from her, observing the agents in white.
“They’re setting up cameras. And cold sensors.”
Dani’s lips twisted into a small smile. “The GIW are officially called the Ghost Investigation Ward, but we call them the Guys in White.”
Damian raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t realize there were other ghosts.”
Dani’s eyes flashed green as she grinned.
“Well, Damian, you have a lot to learn. But yes, there are other ghosts.”
Damain nodeded and glanced back toward the Agents.
“Tt. If they investigate ghosts, why are they barricading the town?”
Dani’s face darkened and she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Damian, there’s a lot I don’t know. But I can tell you this:”
She whispered her next few words.
“It’s about to go from bad to worse. Brace yourself.”
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