#as in i will go in to get myself killed if i have to for the team to get objectives done and idc
thehighladywrites · 18 hours
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✩ summary: different scenarios where you find yourself sitting on them
✩ warnings: nsfw, 18+, mentions of sex, mentions of self-doubt, kissing, begging, gossiping, fluff, smut, crack, fun times and soft Eris😭💗
✩ amara’s note: the original cassian hc was so long that i had to stop myself bc i was thirsting and it turned into a regular oneshot lmaooo😭 anyways enjoy babes!!!!💗💗💗
reblogs are really appreciated! :D
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No matter how angry you and Rhys get or how petty the fight is, you two always end up holding hands, even while yelling at each other.
Sitting in his lap while you two argue about random, non important stuff is a standard
You guys just don’t do the whole “no touching” thing
Today, the argument was over who cooks better, both of you bickering pettily.
“Listen, I love you a lot, but the kitchen isn’t your best friend. It's crazy how you can burn an empty pot.”
“Maybe you’re crazy,” you retort, arms crossed over your chest as you step closer to him, leaning against his desk in his office.
He keeps arguing with you, going back and forth, while pushing his chair back from the desk to make room for you.
“Whatever, Rhys. I don’t even need to cook when I can summon anything. It’s stupid, and you’re being unfair,” you mutter as you put your hands on his shoulders and plop down in his lap, subconsciously warming at the way he holds your waist and places one hand on your back to keep you steady.
He suppresses a smile, scratching the back of his head as he looks up at your pouting self. “You’re absolutely right, sweetheart. I don’t know what I was thinking. Of course, you’re an amazing chef,” he concedes, his tone laced with affection.
“Awww, come with me while I make you something,” you say, flashing him an oblivious smile.
“Oh! Um, you sure we shouldn't order something or..?” he asks nervously, his voice getting higher as he kisses you.
You slip out of his lap and hurry downstairs to plan his meal, assuring him not to worry about ordering anything and to just come down for his favorite meal.
“Dear Gods,” he whispers as he gets up, a mix of worry and fear in his voice.
Eris had been stressed out for a few weeks now. Nothing you said seemed to make a difference.
He was dealing with his father’s death, ruling a new court as the heir, and inheriting the High Lord powers. Your heart ached for him. You wanted to be there for him, giving him hugs and words of encouragement, but you were not on that level yet
Today had been the most stressful day yet, resulting in him shutting down and locking himself up in his bedroom.
“Eris, are you okay? Can I please come in?” you knock gently on the wooden door, voice hushed and gentle.
After a few moments of silence, you hear him shuffling behind the door until he opens it very slightly.
He is shirtless, only in a pair of pants. You manage to catch a glimpse of his tired, amber eyes before he turns around to lie in his bed.
The room looks clinically clean, the only disturbance being Eris’s rugged appearance.
Without saying a word, you walk over to him and give him a hug. It’s a long, warm hug that tells him everything he doesn’t allow himself to hear: you’re there for him.
It takes a few moments for him to hug you back, but when he does, he wraps his arms tightly around your waist, bringing you into his lap.
Only after an hour of silence does he speak
“I feel like i’m stuck. These powers are killing me, the board is fucking annoying, the folk believe i’m wicked and cruel and i have no idea what to do about anything.”
He looks up at you with desperate eyes, “Do you believe I’m truly wicked?”
You shake your head in honesty. “No, honey. I have not met anyone as smart, kindhearted and brave as you. Others do not know you like I do but they should,” you whisper, hands going through his tussled hair. “You’ve been hiding behind your mask for too long, Eris. Let people see the real you.”
The room goes quiet, the only sound being the beating of your hearts.
Slowly his lips meet yours in a new and experimental kiss. He stares up at you with his pupils blown but before you can apologize and get off his lap, he kisses you again and locks his arm around you
“Thank you,” he whispers between heating kisses, “Thank you, beautiful.”
“Hi there sugar, what can I do for you?” Cassian asks sweetly as he flicks your nose with his finger, happy that you ran into his office and immediately plopped down on his lap
“Can you fuck me?” you ask, frustrated with the lack of dick lately.
His eyes widen slightly at your words, then he slowly cracks a handsome smile. “Gods. How inappropriate of you,” he teases, the amusement clear in his voice.
His teasing almost makes you sob. This was totally NOT the time. You almost roll your eyes before realizing he will so not give in if you give him that
“Cassian, i’m begging you. I want, no- need to be fucked. Please, i’m losing hearing in my left ear,” you beg as you get closer and sit in his lap, rubbing your hands all over his chest
He looked incredibly good, almost unfairly so. Cassian’s jaw and chin had grown scruffy in a ruggedly masculine way that made him look older and even more attractive.
A week without seeing him had only heightened your weakness for his body, making you throb.
“Losing hearing? You must be really dying for me, huh? Alright then. I’ll let you ride,” he smirks at you while unbuckling his belt.
He finally fucking let’s you fuck, hitting spots that makes you go fuzzy brained.
You make him promise to never be gone again before going for another ride, satisfied when he breathlessly promises.
There is not a bigger shit-talking couple in Prythian than you two
One look between you two is enough.
Someone’s being annoying? You share an annoyed glance. Someone’s being rude? You share a baffled glance. Something’s juicy’s happening? You share a glance that says you will so talk about it when you get home.
“— and he has the audacity to two-time her? He’s lucky to find even one person willing to date him,” you gossip, lounging in Lucien’s lap, your voice dripping with disbelief.
“You’re not going to believe this, but this isn’t his first time. He did that to Tamlin’s cousin too,” Lucien adds, his tone filled with incredulity.
“No way,” you gasp in disbelief, shaking your head as the gossip sinks in.
“Yeah, apparently this guy fucks around in all courts and cheats on anyone willing to stomach. What a fucking loser, honestly,” Lucien nods in agreement, disdain evident in his voice. “The sick bastard gets off on it.”
“That reminds me, guess what I heard about Rhys in Rita’s yeaterday,” Lucien prompts, leaning in with a sly grin, clearly ready to share some gossip.
“Some males and females were talking about Rhys, saying he's replaced Feyre with a clone,” Lucien whispers, his tone laced with disdain. “And get this— they think her transformation from human to fae is fake and that there is no way she could possibly be the mother of Nyx.”
“A clone? They’ll say anything these days,” you exclaim, raising an eyebrow incredulously.
“That's exactly what I'm saying! They're probably just making shit up out of thin air,” Lucien replies, nodding in agreement.
“I wouldn't put it past them,” you say, shaking your head as you reach for a biscuit, happy to be sitting and gossiping with your love.
Azriel loves when you sit on his lap.
It makes him feel safe and relaxed knowing you're close to him.
It's something he does every day when he comes home - having you in his lap. Sometimes you both sit quietly, other times you talk or fuck or cuddle, depending on how you’re feeling.
Azriel especially likes the fuck part.
He loves the part where you sit on his lap while he works. If you’re good, he’ll bend you over his desk and fuck you. If not, he still fucks you but he does it with no mercy
He makes you sit on his dick and tells you not to move and inch or you will be edged for hours, not being allowed to cum once
Fucking torture is what it is honestly
“Stop moving around so much, i can’t focus.”
“Do you blame me? You’ve buried your dick in me, of course i’m moving. Maybe do something about that.”
He raises his eyebrows at your snarky comment. If it’s something he didn’t need today it was sass.
His day was quite shitty and all he needed was his sweet mate who would kiss away his problems and take his dick perfectly
Azriel smiled slightly as he put his pen down. He would take out his frustrations on you today.
“You want to be fucked? Let’s fuck,” he says in a low tone
In the end, all his papers are scattered, all pens on the floor.
He is relaxed and all smiley while you’re on death’s door💗
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rwrbmovie · 3 days
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Variety: Stephen Fry on Reprising the King in ‘Red, White & Royal Blue 2’ and Why Prince William and Harry Are ‘Very Gay-Friendly’
You played King James in “Red, White & Royal Blue.” I always tell younger people that it still astonishes me that something like this could get made.
It’s wonderful — shout out to [director and co-writer] Matthew López, who’s an extraordinary talent — and indeed that I would ever play Oscar Wilde in a film. That was an extraordinary idea. My little self would say, “No, this is fantasy. Fantasy is dangerous. The hope is what kills.” But part of me wants to fly back through time and just sort of rest on the shoulder of my young unhappy self and say, “It’s going to be all right. Don’t worry.”
When you’re on a set of something like “Red, White & Royal Blue,” do you think, “I am making the most mainstream queer story. As mainstream as queer could get.”
Yeah. We have reason sometimes to doubt the sense of the younger generation in some respects. And there’s that typical old fart behavior of myself. But I’m so impressed by their willingness and openness to play those roles, those two boys [Nicholas Galitzine and Taylor Zakhar Perez]. They were terrific at it. That’s the openness that I really treasure because I can remember when Rupert Graves and James Wilby were in “Maurice.” They were brilliant in the E.M. Forster adaptation, but I can remember how the business looked down on them and said, “But they’re both straight and doing that. That must be so embarrassing for them. How could they. Oh, gosh! How would they prepare for that?”
Will you play the king again in the “Red, White & Royal Blue” sequel?
Matthew’s become a friend and he’s told me he’s doing it. I’m hoping that he hasn’t left me out. We need the king. You’ve got to have the king.
🔗 full interview
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A Changed Future (2) | Yandere Isekai
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Part 1
It’s so irritating for Haruko 
He remembers how he used to try and make noise in the beginning, when the same thing happened to him
But even without your struggling, he’s got more obstacles than he thought
“Tch all these guys getting in our way, maybe I should just kill them.”
“Haru no!”
“Why not, I'm sure you did it when I was trapped.”
“That…that doesn’t make it right!”
“So? Who cares about right when we’re in love? I think it was you who said that.”
Either way with or without your approval he’s figuring out a way to take down his newfound rivals
He kind of hopes they are as ambitious as the friends who recently abandoned him
Too bad they aren’t
In the original story, the crazy thing about the protagonist was that despite their obsessive love for Haruko and general disregard for those who got in the way of that was otherwise really inspiring
Breaking away from their elitist family for their violent morals ironic right
Joining the workforce, easily rising because of their work ethic and intelligence
And all that while beautifully evading a less-than-clean detective trying to pin the blame of random crimes on them
Which of course got them their own male leads attempting to pursue their affections
Always doomed to fall short because of circumstance or the protagonist suavely crushing their hopes to gush about their love
It was a uniquely terrible tragedy for their characters to be written this way
That’s what the random reviewers would say
Which is why you did feel inclined to maybe entertain them a bit more than the original protagonist would have ever done
“Since you are quitting….I hope you’ll let me treat you to dinner. For all your hard work of course.”
“Uh sure but I have to be home by sunset.”
“That’s a shame then we’ll have to—Wait. Did you say you would?”
“Yeah, are you okay?”
“YES! Ahem I mean yes I’m fine! I look forward to a nice evening together!”
Unknowingly furthering the obsession the protagonist was barely keeping at bay
“So mind telling me what you ordered that day at the restaurant?”
“I think it was my favorite dish there called the berry delight but I’m not sure. I think they changed the menu since I was there.”
“Why not confirm it later today? That way you can tell me if you did see the missing classmate of yours.”
“But I don’t remember exactly where I sat–”
“Then we’ll just have to sit in every spot until it rings a bell.”
“I don’t know if that’s–”
“Don’t fret. I’ll be paying but there's no way we’ll get to try every table. We’ll have to come back multiple times.”
“No worries I’m sure you’ll get tired of eating there so we’ll go to some other places to give you a rest. Anywhere you wanted to try?”
You’d be foolish to think you could escape them by agreeing to Haruko’s entrapping of you 
It only takes a day of you not responding to messages that they both eagerly awaiting you at your door
And after the first few times, Haruko shooing them away they begin to get resourceful
“Yeah bud nice try their still out.”
“Hm well say that to my lovely warrant right here.”
“Wait! H-h-hold on! Geez I-i’ll go get them now but they are not going to be happy with you!”
It really doesn’t get better as the guard against the protagonist’s secrets begins to be let down as interested parties slowly make their way in
You don’t have the same ruthlessness or ability to deceive as the protagonist you took over for 
On top of that you never actually read the webtoon so you’ll be left trying to piece together whatever few weak points the protag has
Where if you hadn’t already started to make your pursuers interested all those faults are fuel for their agenda
“It’s so unfortunate that the company can sign off on your absence during this suspicious crime but I don’t mind editing records if you wouldn’t mind spending time with me. That way I can vet your personality myself. Over wine of course!”
It’s overwhelming constantly being pulled in 3 directions 
What’s worse you’re completely oblivious when the latest obstacle in the protag’s perfect life finally makes themselves known
“Hello darling, it took us years to find you but we did it!”
“Don’t look like that come give your Mama a hug!”
Part 3: Coming Soon
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parkerslatte · 1 day
Incompatible | Part Two
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Eris Vanserra x Fem!Archeron!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: none.
Summary: Y/N receives word from the Inner Circle that she is to spend a few months in the Autumn Court. Azriel helps her pack and brings her to the High Lord of Autumn.
A Court of Thorns and Roses Masterlist
Part One | Part Two |
Three days later, Y/N sat in the River House, peacefully enjoying her afternoon. The past three days had given Y/N a sense of peace. Her family and Inner Circle did not crowd her as much as they used to, mostly leaving Y/N alone to her own devices. The only member who graced her presence was Nyx and Y/N couldn’t be happier. The small child napped beside her as she flipped the page of her book, her mind only half paying attention to it. 
The past seventy two hours had been strange for Y/N, she would constantly find her mind drifting to a certain High Lord. His copper hair, his amber eyes, his impeccable clothing. Everything about him caught Y/N’s eye the moment he saw him. But most of all it was his personality. The way his demeanour changed the moment they were alone. The genuine care and concern he had for her made Y/N smile into her book. No matter how the Inner Circle said that Eris was only being kind for his own gain, Y/N knew that his affections were truthful, she felt it.
Three days. He said that in three days time he would find a way to get her out of the house but nothing had happened yet. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking on Y/N’s part. She was only human and Eris was the High Lord of Autumn. Realistically she wouldn’t blame him if he were only playing into her fantasy. But there was still that small glimmer of hope– knowing– that he would show up. 
As Y/N turned the page of her book, the peaceful atmosphere in the room immediately disappeared as Rhys entered the room followed by everyone else. Nyx immediately woke up crying. Rhys and Feyre rushed to his side uttering soft apologies. 
“I can take him to his room,” Azriel offered. 
Rhys nodded and allowed Azriel to pick him up. His shadows swarmed around the small boy in a comforting manner. Azriel swiftly left the room before closing the door behind him. 
“What’s going on?” Y/N asked, eyes darting around the room. 
“A letter came through today from Eris,” Rhys said. 
Y/N perked up. “What did it say?”
“I cannot go into detail but it demands that you spend a few months in the Autumn Court,” Rhys explained.
“Really?” Y/N got to her feet, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice. 
Feyre nodded. “But we came to ask if you really wanted to go.”
Y/N frowned. “Why?”
“While Beron was High Lord, the Autumn Court was not a safe space for most, everything the upper class fae did was for power. It has not been too long since Eris killed his father and took over so I do not know how much it has changed,” Rhys explained. 
“But ultimately it is your choice whether you wish to go,” Cassian piped up. 
Y/N frowned. “Why does it sound like you are all trying to scare me away from going?”
“We’re not doing that,” Rhys said. “We are just warning you about what you may encounter. Life was difficult for fae living in the Autumn Court, for a human, it may prove to be more dangerous.”
“I’m sure that if I were in any danger, Eris would help me,” Y/N said. “And even if he wasn’t there to help me, I am sure I would be able to help myself. Despite what most of you may think, I can handle myself. I did any and all jobs on my farm for six years until you all took me from it.”
No one responded.
“I am going to the Autumn Court,” Y/N said her tone was final. “When do I leave?”
“Azriel will take you after you have packed a bag,” Feyre said. 
Y/N nodded. “I will go and pack my things.”
Before anyone had the chance to respond, Y/N left the room. As soon as the door closed, chatter resumed in the room in hushed whispers. Y/N rolled her eyes before walking down the hall to her room. 
“So you decided to go,” Azriel said, appearing from the shadows. 
“Yes,” Y/N replied without looking at him. 
“And there’s nothing I can do to convince you not to go?” Azriel asked. 
“No,” Y/N said, opening the door to her room. 
Azriel huffed out a laugh. “I wasn’t going to convince you to stay.”
Y/N finally looked at him. “You might be the only one. Everyone was trying to scare me into not going.”
“I know that you are going to shoot me down immediately but just listen to what I am going to say,” Azriel said. 
Y/N sighed. “Go on.”
“They are just trying to protect you,” Azriel said and Y/N groaned. “I know that our methods have been stupid.”
“That’s putting it lightly,” Y/N mumbled, sitting down on her bed. 
“But,” Azriel emphasised, “it was only done to make sure nothing happens to you. Everyone here loves you, Y/N. We just want what’s best for you and if that includes going to the Autumn Court, I will accept it.”
Y/N eyes him carefully. “What is up with you being accepting of this? The last time I checked you hated Eris.”
Azriel chuckled and sat down on the bed next to Y/N. “I don’t hate him. I don’t think I can after all of his explanations for any previous actions after he became High Lord. I only dislike him.”
“Aww,” Y/N teased. “You’re making new friends.”
Azriel glared at her. “He is not my friend but I…trust him more than I did a few years ago.”
“Why?” Y/N asked.
“Since becoming High Lord, Rhys made me send my spies to see how Eris was acting at High Lord. He wanted to know if he would simply double cross us after we helped him kill his father. It is not my place to tell you what I found out but the way he acted was different to how I ever saw him,” Azriel explained.
“How long were you spying on him for?” Y/N asked.
“Not long,” Azriel answered. “A few weeks at most but in those few weeks I noticed him dismissing many members of his court, all of which lived and enforced Beron’s rule. I only spied on him once more after that.”
“When was that?”
“Three days ago, after he left our meeting,” Azriel said. “He took a liking to you and I just wanted to know if it was genuine or not. Rhys didn’t ask me to do it so don’t mention it to him.”
Y/N felt her heart beat faster. “And was it genuine?”
Azriel offered her a tight smile. “It was genuine.”
A smile bloomed across Y/N’s face. “Really?”
Azriel nodded and looked away from Y/N to the bag sat by her bed. 
“Why did you want to know if it was genuine?” Y/N asked.
Azriel shrugged. “You’re my friend, if something was amiss with his affections, I didn’t want him to lead you on.”
Y/N smiled. “Thank you, Az. Honestly, since I’ve been here you have been the only one keeping me sane.”
Azriel smiled though it seemed forced. “No problem.”
Y/N looked away from Azriel and to her bag. “Will you help me pack? I think it would be more fun with a friend here.”
This time when Azriel smiled, it was genuine and he stood to his feet. “Of course.”
It didn’t take long until Y/N’s things were packed into her bag. She didn’t have too many things since her things were spread out across the places she spent time in. The last thing she packed was a small sketch Feyre did of her when the two were eighteen and thirteen. Y/N smiled at it before she closed her bag. 
“I’m ready to go now,” Y/N said, turning to Azriel. 
“Do you want to say goodbye to everyone?” Azriel asked. 
Y/N sighed. “I suppose I should. Shouldn’t I?”
“Even if you don’t want to say goodbye to Rhys, at least say goodbye to Feyre and Nesta,” Azriel suggested. 
Y/N sighed before agreeing. She picked up her bag and together she and Azriel walked through the house.
“I’ll miss you,” Azriel said. 
Y/N looked at him, surprised. “Wow, I’m surprised that the big bad shadowsinger can admit he will miss me.”
Azriel laughed. “Ease up on the alliteration.” 
Y/N chuckled along with him before Azriel cleared his throat. “I am being serious though. I will miss you. With everyone spending time with their own families recently, I’ve been spending a lot of my time with you and you have become a good friend, one of the best actually.”
Y/N stopped in her tracks and turned to Azriel. “Thank you, Az. That means a lot to me. These past few years have been a lot and you have helped keep me from throwing myself down ten thousand steps.”
Azriel smiled, looking away. “I can hear everyone in the foyer.”
Y/N gave his bicep a small squeeze before the two continued to walk. As they entered the foyer, all eyes fell upon Y/N. 
“You packed quickly,” Rhys said.
“Azriel helped,” Y/N answered. “I have just come to say goodbye.”
One by one, Y/N bid everyone a goodbye, spending more time with her sisters, before moving to stand next to Azriel. “I will see you all in a few months.”
Feyre smiled at her and gave her a small wave. “Make sure to write to us. Nyx will be confused about where you have gone.”
Y/N nodded and turned to Azriel. “Let’s go.”
Azriel held out his hand and Y/N took it. Shadows surrounded them and Y/N was encased in darkness. 
The moment the shadows vanished they revealed the beautiful scenery of the Autumn Court and Y/N couldn’t help but let out a gasp. The sun streamed through the trees and cast shadows upon the cobblestone path leading to a small village in the distance. 
“This is the Autumn Court?” Y/N asked Azriel.
“Yes,” Azriel answered. “I will admit it looks more…welcoming.”
“Of course it does,” a new voice spoke up. A voice that sent shivers down Y/N’s spine. 
Y/N turned to the source of the voice and smiled. Eris stood in the centre of the path. He was dressed a lot more casually since the last time she had seen him. The sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up to his elbows, displaying his forearms to the world. He looked even more beautiful than he did when she had seen him three days ago. 
“I have taken up…replacing any negative voices in my court that want to still abide by my fathers rules,” Eris explained. “My court is no longer the place you remember, shadowsinger.”
Y/N dropped Azriel’s hand upon seeing Eris, missing the way Azriel’s face dropped. 
“Eris,” Y/N said, stepping forward. “I must say you look dashing.”
A smirk fell upon Eris’s face. “My dear, you are already starting with flirtations. I was not expecting this so quickly.”
Y/N smiled bright. “I’m full of surprises.”
Eris took one more step forward, his gaze never leaving Y/N’s for a moment. “I bet you are.”
Azriel cleared his throat, interrupting Y/N and Eris. Eris looked at Azriel, a hint of annoyance on his face. “I didn’t realise you were still here, shadowsinger.”
“I want to say goodbye to my friend before you whisk her away,” Azriel said, his voice holding none of the warmth she had gotten used to over the many months of his company.
Y/N turned to Azriel and smiled. “Believe it or not but I will miss you too, Azriel.”
Azriel’s smile was small as Y/N took a step towards him. She leaned up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “I’ll be okay, Az.” 
Azriel circled his arms around her waist. “I know, I just want you to–”
“I swear if you say be safe,” Y/N warned.
“–have fun,” Azriel finished. 
Y/N pulled away from the hug. “That response was better than I thought.”
Azriel dipped his head. “I will see you soon, Y/N.”
Y/N took a step back from him, unconsciously stepping closer to Eris. “See you soon, Az.”
Eris smiled at Y/N before he turned his gaze to Azriel. “You are free to return to your court, shadowsinger.”
With a final parting goodbye, Azriel disappeared into his shadows and he was gone. 
The moment he was gone, Y/N immediately felt relief. A large weight lifted off her shoulders that she did not realise was there. For the first time in years, Y/N did not feel the prying eyes from the Inner Circle upon her. For the first time in years she felt free. 
“Are you okay?” Eris asked, the wind lightly blowing the copper waves out of place. 
Y/N smiled brightly at him. “I think I have never felt this good in a while.”
Eris smiled back at her and offered her his arm. “Well, let us drop your things off at the cottage and I shall show you around my court.”
Y/N linked her arm with his. “I would like that very much.” 
Eris picked up Y/N’s bag and carried it in his other hand. “It is about an hour walk away, if you wish me to winnow us there it is no problem.”
“No, I wish to walk,” Y/N said. “The beauty of this court is incredible.”
“Not as beautiful as the woman standing in front of me,” Eris said, a cheeky grin on his face. 
Y/N laughed. “Well the handsome man on my arm has looked in a mirror, because his beauty outshines everything around him.”
If it were even possible, a faint blush dusted across Eris’s cheeks. “You flatter me, Y/N.”
Y/N smiled. “It’s not flattery if it's true.”
Eris looked at her and smiled. “That’s true.”
Y/N laughed but that laugh slowly faded away. “I’m sorry for calling you a man. I know that is not what you are. A ‘male’ is the correct word, isn’t it?”
The smile faded from Eris’s face. “Y/N you can call me whatever you wish. I am a male, that is true but I am a man in your eyes, just as you call yourself a woman, not a female. You are not fae, I’m not going to force you to use the way the fae speak around me.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked. “After all, I am in the land of the fae, I don’t wish to be disrespectful.”
“Y/N, believe me when I tell you that you are in no way being disrespectful,” Eris replied.
Y/N smiled at him and they continued to walk down the cobblestone path. 
“I hope you don’t mind the dust on the surfaces,” Ers said as he unlocked the door to the cottage. “I changed the bedding and cleaned the best I could. Alas, duties kept me away from making this a perfect welcome for you.” 
“It is already perfect, Eris,” Y/N said, looking at the cottage before her. It was beyond beautiful with flowers growing up the trellis and falling over the doorway. 
The door unlocked and Eris picked Y/N’s bag back up and gestured her to step inside. As Y/N did, her eyes lit up. 
“It reminds me of the cottage on my farm,” Y/N said quietly. 
“We have similar decor taste’s then,” Eris said, closing the door. 
As Y/N looked at Eris and his relaxed form she found herself drifting closer to him. She wanted to touch him, she needed to feel his skin on hers. Despite these feelings, Y/N restrained herself and stepped further into the cottage. Everything was slightly dated and a little mismatched but it was perfect to Y/N. Her own cottage was the same way. 
“I used to come here to escape my father,” Eris said. “Everything in here consists of things I have collected over the many years I have been alive.”
“And how long is that?” Y/N questioned.
Eris placed his hand on his chest in mock offence. “Y/N, are you asking me my age?”
“Yes,” Y/N said. “Honestly I am a little confused by how the fae age. Are you immortal or do you just age very slowly?”
“Technically we are immortal and age slowly but the ageing process sometimes depends on the fae themselves. I have known others my age who look hundreds of years older, to put it in your case, decades older,” Eris explained. “I myself am five-hundred and thirty three.”
“You don’t look a day over five hundred and thirty two,” Y/N teased. “Since I so unkindly asked your age, I myself am twenty-eight, twenty-nine next month.”
“Well that is an excuse for a small celebration,” Eris said. 
“There is no need,” Y/N said. “I haven’t celebrated my birthday in many years.”
Eris hummed. “Well I suppose just this once, Y/N, that I will go against what you say because since you are in my cout, I will make sure you get the best damn celebration I can plan on such short notice.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “There isn’t a chance you will simply forget about it?”
That smirk that Y/N had begun to love was plastered on his face. “Not a chance.”
“Then make sure it is the best damn celebration you have to offer,” Y/N said. 
“I plan on just that,” Eris said.
Over the course of their conversation, Y/N had failed to realise how they had slowly inched closer together. If either she or Eris took only one step forward, their chests would be touching. She could feel the warmth radiating from him and she basked in it. If only he would wrap his arms around her body and pull her close–
Y/N stopped the thoughts swarming through her head. She had never felt this deeply for someone before and she didn’t understand why she was beginning to now. Y/N cleared her throat and took a reluctant step back. 
“If I am going to be here for a few months, I should start by unpacking my things,” Y/N said, picking up her bag. 
Eris seemed to snap out of a daze as he slowly followed Y/N’s movements with his eyes. “Do you wish for any help?”
“I’ll be okay,” Y/N said. “Though is there anything you don’t want me to move or touch? It is your cottage after all.”
“No, do whatever you wish. I am rarely here these days,” Eris said, looking at his beloved cottage. “Though I regret to say that I must return to the Forest House, I still have duties to attend to for the following days. I have left food in the cupboards for you, I will return with more tomorrow.”
“When will you be back?” Y/N questioned. “I only ask because I want to explore a little more and I doubt it is not safe for me to be wandering around without an escort.”
“There are a few things that need my attention for the following days but after that I am all yours for the next few months. All my paperwork will be split between my trusted court officials,” Eris explained. “There are wards surrounding the property up until the wicker fence, so you can go outside if you wish to. I won’t confine you inside for the next couple of days.”
Y/N nodded. “Thank you, Eris. Not just for allowing me my freedom, but for making sure I feel welcome and not like a caged animal.”
“There is no need to thank me,” Eris said. “I hope you enjoy it here.”
“I already am.”
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@talesofadragon @impossibelle @the-sweet-psycho @lilah-asteria @acourtofbatboydreams
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ladylannisterxo · 2 days
I haven't read Fire & Blood. I'll start with that. But, at the end of S1, I was curious and I spoiled myself on some of the details and what I do know is that what played out in the last 10 minutes of this episode is so far removed from how it played out on the page.
It was uncomfortable in the worst possible way. While I was expecting hysteria, bargaining, desperation, I received none of that. I have never seen a mother be so calm during the slaughter of her child. And while I understand that Helaena has never been overtly emotional, it didn't feel like I was watching her character at that moment, it was like it was someone else entirely. You could literally hear the sounds of him being murdered and she didn't even react, she just... left.
And then it ends with, "they killed the boy." "The" boy, not "my" boy. It was the most surreal experience and I can't seem to wrap my mind around this decision to change it up. I usually don't get too up in arms when changes are made from page to screen, but this just feels wrong.
I mean... if this was the premiere, how is the rest of the season going to play out? 😬
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sunnymainecoonx · 2 days
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Unfortunately it ends here but errrrr... yuh guess what happens next :3 (details will be written later) sighs I am fully aware there were more efficient ways to post these but this week literally destroyed me so errrr yeah life's great guys(it'll be better from now on)
Oooookay ranting time!! This is gonna be a lot so..... I'd be surprised if you even read it
Based off of real complaints from multiple people, horror doesn't fit in the mtt. For a few reasons anyways...... I won't go into details on that, but ya I decided to make him worse :3 we're travellin' to cannibal horror😈 instead of eating humans he eats actual monsters tho. Because of the lack of magic and also the monsters desperate needs they're slowly turning into flesh and bone.... something horror can actually eat. Not all monsters r flesh and bones though, like papyrus for example(I killed him off guys I'm so kawaii UwU) but anyways.... by just having something in his mouth, horror's starvation gets the better of him and he goes on the hunt... and is essentially insane. I just think... he'd either eat too much or too little, sometimes accidentally starving himself and sometimes going too crazy and just. Eats too much. Either way it's resulted in a lot of vomiting..... he's kind of self aware but he's just too insane to be bothered, and kind of getting bored he gets creative with his food(prey). Sometimes he may psychologically torture them, he likes the hunting games :3 he may add soemthing to his food to see if it'll get better, and he learns a way to add monster dust to his food..... I also think it'd be silly if he studied anatomy as a part of his.... scientific side. The anatomy of critters and underground animals, so if he decides he cares enough he can actually like. Make meat out of. Yk.
As for the bad Sanses part... horror does have Lv but it's rather low bc he works more with psychological torture and cleaning up. He has fed the others human before but he's the only one that can be considered cannibal, considered he ate actual monsters. Anyways he's rlly unhealthy w food bc. Like I said, he either eats too much or too little. He learns more about cooking with nightmares books(he just got books of everything rlly) and bc of his own situation he tries to get the others to eat healthily. I don't think he'd like- take care of his own eating though... bc thoughts r getting back at him. This results in a lot of starving hismelf(cutely repeats myself a bagillion times) which results in a lot of.. "hunger pangs". Like how he reacted to fried human(Aliza) in the actual horrortale comic. So he's got bad first impressions generally...(trying to eat the others)
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ninyard · 3 days
do you think if aaron and katelyn had kids (twins possibly?) that andrew would make a pact with katelyn not aaron to protect them if anything happened. Been considering it for a while now
I’m imagining what that’d look like and all that comes to mind is if Aaron ever mentioned something in therapy along the lines of not being able to cope if his kids grow up the way he did. They’re talking about the future and Aaron is talking about kids with Bee, and he says something like,
“I really want to have kids. I do. I want to give them what I didn’t have. But I’m afraid that I still don’t know any better, and I’m just going to fuck them up anyway.“
“And what if you did? Or at least, think that you did?” Betsy asks. “What if something happens, or you make a little mistake in raising them, what then?”
And he thinks about it for a minute. He looks at Andrew briefly, he looks at himself. He can’t look at Betsy. Maybe his eyes are glued to the ceiling.
“I couldn’t live with myself,” Aaron answers. “Knowing things could’ve been different and they weren’t.”
I think the deal that Andrew could’ve made with Katelyn, when he finds out that she’s pregnant, would’ve been to always, always, always, prioritise their children over Aaron. It doesn’t make much sense to her - why would Andrew, who has always been so fiercely protective over Aaron, now say to her don’t put him first?
No matter what happens - if Aaron relapses, if he overworks himself, if his nightmares get worse or his past comes back to haunt him, Andrew wants her to promise that she’ll never let the kids suffer for the sake of Aaron. Andrew can always look after him. He can help in anyway he knows how. But what’ll only make things worse is if Aaron starts spiralling, and now his kids start to see him as addict dad, scary dad, angry dad, absent dad. Mommy doesn’t have time to play with us because daddy won’t get out of bed. It’d kill Aaron to become the thing he’s always resented his own biological father for - not being there, not caring about his kids. To hear his kids say I hate you would destroy him.
So Andrew makes her promise to shelter them from that. Aaron will worry and scream and cry don’t you take my fucking kids if she ever takes them away from him while he’s recovering, to her moms house, or somewhere else.
He’ll raise hell so she doesn’t leave with them; but he won’t survive if they stay.
He won’t survive if his kids grow up just waiting for dad to have a bad spell again. Waiting for something to happen. Going to sleep afraid of what mood dad might be in when they wake up. Growing up remembering what it looked like when dad hadn’t showered or shaved in two weeks. What it sounded like when he yelled at mom because he’d been working for three weeks straight. The way his eyes looked when he was high, and they were too young to know what it was.
He’d rather be locked in a bathroom with Andrew outside the door for a month, his kids thinking that daddy’s on a business trip, than expose them to the life he only has because of his fuck up parents.
Maybe that’s a deal Andrew makes with Katelyn. Maybe.
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ladylovesloki · 2 days
The Fated Apple: Part Seven
Pairings: Loki X Reader
Warnings: Language, fluff ☺️☺️
Summary: Back on Asgard. Loki wakes.
A/N: You guys inspired me so much I banged out this part and half of part 8 already. Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm and your kind words. I never thought I was much of a writer but you guys make me think otherwise. Thank you 💚
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
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Loki tries to open his eyes but it is a struggle.
It felt like he was under water, all of the sounds around him are muffled and seem miles away.
“Loki come on..I know you can do it.”
Your voice cuts through all of the muddled sound and he follows it like a guiding light. Finally he is able to open one eye and sees you staring down at him.
“There you are.”, you smile gently.
“Y/n..”, Loki struggles to speak but starts coughing, his lungs still feel the heat from Muspelheim.
You call out for Eir and she hurries over with one of her healers who is holding a goblet of water. They help Loki sit up and you take the goblet from the healer to help him drink yourself.
He’s finally able to open both eyes and he can’t seem to take them off of you.
“How do you feel?”, you ask him.
“Like I was just tortured by a fire demon…how am I here?”
“What’s the last thing you remember?”
He looks up and closes his eyes, “I remember Alarian taunting me..being chained to a slab..the heat..and then…nothing.”
You nod tears filling your eyes, “I’m so sorry. We got there as fast as we could..we were almost too late.”
“We? What do you mean…we?”
“Well…Surtr wanted something that we could not give him without putting everything at risk..so we came up with a plan to save you without giving him the sword.”
“You’re still not explaining the we…”
“We..well..I decided that I wanted to be there to bring you back..”
“But..the antidote..when we left the antidote Eir had was ineffective.”
“It was..so…I…had Idunn bring her apple to Eir and..”
Loki looks at you with heartbreak in his eyes, “no…y/n…you should not have done that for me.”
“What else was I supposed to do?! He was going to kill you and everyone else if we gave in and gave him that sword. So Thor and I came up with a plan to trick Surtr. Frigga created a replica of the sword for us to give to Surtr and we brought the real one with us so that he could feel the swords power..as soon as we handed it over he…”, the tears you were holding back finally fall down your face.
Loki weakly reaches a shaky hand up to wipe them away.
You put your hand over the one he has placed on your cheek, “as soon as he had the sword he swung for you. The sword disintegrated in his hand and Thor killed him with the true one.”
Loki’s eyes widen, “Surtr is dead? Gods..”
You nod, “yea..I thought you were dead.”, more tears fall and land on Loki’s hand that is still on your cheek.
“I can’t believe Thor let you put yourself in danger. You should not have been there.”
“And you shouldn’t have pretended to be a whole other person to get to know me but here we are.”
Loki looks down and removes his hand from your face, “yes. I…I am so sorry y/n. Truly. I did not mean to deceive you..”
“Then why? Why didn’t you just come to me as yourself?”
“Because I saw how comfortable you were speaking with Ana…I didn’t believe you would be so at ease with me if I were in my true form…I wasn’t exactly kind to you before Idunn’s ritual.”
“I wasn’t exactly nice to you either Loki. I wanted to get to know you not Ana..”
“I am so sorry..If I could take it back I would. I would have revealed my true self that first day I was just too…weak. Watching you learn, seeing your smile..I did not believe I would see that side of you if I was myself. But when I took you to see Yddrasil and saw the wonder and openness on your face I knew I had to tell you the truth.”
“Oh you mean it had nothing to do with your mother telling you that you had to tell me the truth?”
Loki looks down again with a shy smile, “she did have some sway in my decision as well but truly I wanted to tell you the moment you saw me as Ana. As I told your sister I…”
“I know..she told me..just..don’t lie to me like that again..ok?”
He nods, “I promise you..but you need to also promise me to never put yourself in such danger again. When I saw you collapse that day I almost went mad.”
“Yea so much so you went to a realm that is literally the least hospitable to your kind.”
“Yes well…”, he takes your hand in his. “I have grown quite fond of you..”
You smile and squeeze his hand, “yea I guess I’m a little fond of you too. I look forward to spending time with you when you’re actually you.”
“It was me..every word I said to you..everything we did together..I promise you none of that was a lie..”
You see Loki’s eyes start to droop, “I believe you. You need to rest. You still have a lot of recuperating to do.”
Loki nods, “yes, breathing is a bit of a task at the moment.”
As if he summoned her, Eir returns with a vial, “here my Prince drink this. It will help with that.”
Loki goes to take the vial but you see how much his hand is shaking so you reach out and take it from Eir. Loki looks to you and smiles, you place a hand on the back of his head and he tilts back slightly so you can help him drink the elixir.
He closes his eyes, enjoying the relief. When he opens them he looks at you and smiles, “thank you.”
You smile back, “you’re welcome. Get some sleep.”
Loki lays back down and closes his eyes, enjoying the feeling of your hand on his. “Will you be here when I wake?”
You nod. Comforted by your answer Loki closes his eyes again and goes to sleep.
A few days pass and Loki is finally allowed to leave the healers wing. He still has some healing to do but Eir said it would be ok for him to do so in the comfort of his own chambers. Which made things a little…awkward for you. It was one thing to be at his bedside in the healers wing but in his rooms? You weren’t sure how to navigate your relationship now since you took Idunn’s apple tonic.
Loki saw your hesitation to stay in his rooms and offered to go back to the healers wing if it meant you would feel more comfortable to be with him, but you couldn’t let him do that. He deserved to be comfortable in his own bed, surrounded by the things that comforted him and if one of those things is you then you would remain by his side.
It was getting late and Loki was starting to fall asleep so you stood from your chair next to his bed to leave, but he grabs your hand before you can move any further.
“Where are you going?”, he asks tiredly.
“Back to my rooms..you need to rest.”
“Stay. Please.”
You think about it for a moment and the sad, tired look in his eyes breaks you. “Ok, I’ll have the maids help me move the settee in here, I can sleep on that.”
“Nonsense. The bed is large enough for both of us. I promise I don’t even have the energy to do anything untoward.”
You take a moment to think about what you want to do but Loki senses your indecisiveness, “forgive me. It was foolish of me to ask. You deserve rest after everything you have been through, I should not have asked this of you.”
You shake your head, “no..it’s ok..I’ll stay.”
“You are certain?”, he asks with hope in his tired eyes.
You nod, “I’m just going to go change and get ready for bed in my rooms. I’ll be right back.”
Loki smiles and nods, you give his hand a final squeeze and leave his room. As soon as you get to your chambers you see Jane waiting for you inside.
“Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.”
You roll your eyes, “ha ha. I’m just here to change for bed and then I’m going back to Loki.”
“Oh? Having a sleep over?”
“He asked me to stay…”, you admit with a smile.
“Uh huh..”
“Nothing..I’m just…happy for you.”
“You’re reading too much into it Jane, he just doesn’t want to be alone right now.”
“Oh please. The man is falling in love with you…and I think you’re falling in love with him too.”
“That’s a leap Jane.”
“Oh come on y/n. You haven’t left his side in days, you’ve been helping him heal, eat and now you’re going to spend the night with him?”
“He just wants some comfort and familiarity..”
“He wants the woman who he is going to spend eternity with to be by his side.”
You look down at the nightgown you picked out from your closet, “it’s all so daunting. How am I supposed to be that for him? How can I measure up to being all of that.”
Jane walks over, takes your nightgown and places it on your bed. She then takes your hands in hers, “You don’t need to do anything but be you y/n. You are what he needs.”
“I should go..he’s probably going to fall asleep thinking I changed my mind.”, you pick up your nightgown and go to your bathing chambers to change and freshen up for bed.
Jane stops you again, “I’m leaving in the morning.”
“What? Why?”
“I have to get back to work y/n. I only stayed this long because of everything that was happening but with Thor and I being over… My work is waiting for me. Selvig is waiting for me. I have to go.”
You bring your sister in for a tight hug, “I understand. I’m going to miss you.”
“I’ll be back, Heimdall promised to show me a few things to help me with my research. I’m hoping I can bring Selvig and Darcy with me next time.”
You smile, “Darcy will shit herself when she gets here.”
“I know I’m gonna have to keep her on a leash.”
You laugh and pull her back into another hug, “Im so sorry Jane. I know that you really loved Thor. I feel like I stole something from you.”
Jane pulls away, “no. I never want you to feel that way. Yes, I love Thor but it wasn’t meant to be. You and Loki are. Don’t let your guilt or whatever you’re feeling stop you from feeling whatever you are starting to feel for Loki. I’m happy for you. And who knows? Maybe I’ll find me another Asgardian hunk and Idunn will give me a pity apple.”
You hug one last time before Jane says goodnight with a promise to see you before she goes back to Earth. You finally change into your night clothes and finish getting ready for bed before you make your way back to Loki’s room. When you get there he is already asleep. You can see that he must be having a bad dream of some sort because his brow is furrowed and his skin is flushed. You walk over to the bed and kneel down on it, gently placing your hand on his forehead.
Loki’s eyes shoot open and he grabs your wrist, “no! No more! Please!”
“Loki..Loki..shh..it’s me..it’s y/n.”
He loosens his grip on your wrist, “y/n? What?…Where?”. He starts looking around frantically, trying to figure out where he is.
“You’re on Asgard. You’re in your chambers. You’re safe.”, you repeat those words over and over until you see he is starting to calm and come back to reality.
“Y/n..Gods..I’m sorry..I must’ve been dreaming..”
You card your fingers through his hair which is soaked with his sweat, you stand from the bed but Loki tightens his grip once more. “I’ll be right back.”
You stand from the bed and go to his bathing chambers to get a wet washcloth. You bring it back to his bed and once again kneel next to him, placing the cool wet cloth on his forehead.
“Mmm..”, he sighs in relief.
“Better?”, you ask.
He nods and smiles, “you came back.”
“Of course. I told you I would didn’t I?”
“You certainly did. I’m sorry, sleep must’ve taken over me not long after you left.”
“Do not apologize, you need your rest. I’m sorry I took so long, Jane was waiting for me in my room when I got there. She’s leaving tomorrow.”
He reaches up and removes the cloth from his forehead, “oh..will you be returning to Earth with her then?”
“Do you want me to?”
Loki looks deeply into your eyes, “I want you to be happy and if that means you returning to your home world I would understand. But no..to answer your question. I do not want you to go. I want to continue to get to know you. To learn what the Norn’s have planned for us. Together.”
You take his hand in yours, “I want that too Loki. I’m not going anywhere.”
He breathes out a sigh of relief, “good.”
You can see he is fighting sleep, “come on, let’s get to sleep. I have to be up to say goodbye to Jane in the morning.”
Loki nods and you lay down next to him, his hand still in yours.
When you wake up you’re not in the same position you were when you fell asleep. Instead of laying next to Loki, you are now laying on his chest. His arm wrapped around you and his nose is buried in your hair. You move slightly to look up to his face and your movement wakes him as well.
He gives you a shy smile, “good morning darling.”
You blush, “morning..”
You feel his fingers lightly grazing your arm, he’s moving them up and down causing goosebumps to break out all over your skin.
“I should get up. Jane will be leaving soon.”
“Yes..we should get up and ready for the day.”
Neither of you move, instead you both stay wrapped in each others arms and continue staring into each others eyes.
You can’t take the suspense anymore and decide to make the first move, you give him a small peck on the corner of his mouth and quickly remove yourself from his arms. You stand up out of bed and start speed walking to his bath chamber, as soon as you close the door you place your hand over your chest to calm your beating heart.
You take a moment to freshen up and when you leave the bathroom Loki is already out of bed waiting for you.
“Hi.”, you say shyly, blushing like an idiot.
“Hi.”, he repeats back with a small smile.
He walks over to you, standing so close you have to look up to see his face. He starts to lean down, his eyes glued to your lips…
“Brother!!!”, Thor swings the door open interrupting whatever Loki was planning on doing.
The both of you separate so quickly you smack your head against the door behind you.
“Thor! You absolute oaf.”, he walks back over to you and places his hand on the back of your head soothing your slight discomfort from the impact.
“My apologies, I did not know you were here my lady.”, Thor apologizes with a goofy smile on his face.
You place your hand on Loki’s chest, silently telling him you were ok. “It’s ok Thor, I was just leaving to find Jane.”
You take two steps away from Loki but then you feel him tug you back to him, “I shall see you soon yes?”
You smile and nod at him, he leans down and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and you feel his magic all over your body. You look down and see that he has changed your nightgown into a beautiful gown and you feel completely refreshed.
You smile, “thank you.”
He nods, “go find your sister, I shall see you soon.”
You leave the brothers to go find Jane.
Loki walks over to Thor and smacks him on the back of the head, “I’m going to dump you on the shittiest realm I can find and leave you there.”
Thor rubs the back of his head and laughs, “oh please, like you won’t have another opportunity to woo your fated love.”
Loki rolls his eyes, “what did you want anyway?”
“Mother wishes to see us.”
“Very well, after you.”, Loki follows his brother out of the room.
You go straight to Jane’s rooms, your heart still beating out of your chest, when you get there you knock on her door.
“Come in!”, you hear her say from the other side of the door.
You walk in, “hey. You about ready to go?”. You see her bags all packed already.
She nods, “as ready as I can be. What should I tell your job when I get back?”
“Shit. I forgot about that..”
Jane laughs, “it’s ok, I’ll just tell them you’re a princess now and they can’t afford you anymore.”
“Ha! That’ll work…I’m gonna miss you.”
“Me too. But if you need me I’m only a call from Heimdall away.”
“I think Frigga wanted to have breakfast with us first before I go. The maids said they’ll bring my bags to the Bifrost when we’re done.”
You nod, take Jane’s hand in yours and make your way to the dining hall. When you get there it is full of people. Like full full. And when you start walking down the aisle to get to the royal table everyone stands and starts to clap.
You look up to the table with a confused look on your face and see Thor, Frigga and Odin smiling and clapping as well. Loki is making his way down the steps to you and Jane with a smile on his face. He holds his hand out to you and you give it without hesitation. Once he has your hand in his he kisses the back it and then holds both of his arms out. One for you and one for Jane. He walks you both up the steps and holds out your chair for you to sit, as soon as you do Odin holds his hands out to the boisterous crowd.
“Asgard. These last few days have been a trying one. First the Lady y/n was poisoned by one of my own councilmen, his fate will be decided on a later date. And then..my son Loki, went to a realm of fire in order to save her and return the coward who ran to it but was captured and tortured. In exchange for Loki, an antidote and the traitor, Surtr wanted a weapon that Asgard had taken from his realm centuries ago. A weapon that would bring nothing but death and destruction to all of Asgard and the rest of the nine. But because of the bravery of Prince Thor, our honored guard and Lady Y/n, we were able to rescue Prince Loki and reclaim the traitor so he can face proper judgment without having to give up such a dangerous weapon. Lady y/n, I truly believe that without you my son would not be here today. Without you and your selfless decision to consume Idunn’s apple, you saved not only Loki but the rest of the nine. We are indebted to you.”
You’re so taken aback by the praise from Odin that you don’t notice you have been squeezing Loki’s hand throughout the entire speech. And when the entire hall started to clap again you couldn’t fight the blush spreading across your face. Loki sees it and leans over to give you a kiss on your cheek which makes the crowd grow louder. You look over to Loki and the smile on his face makes you blush even more which gets a small laugh out of him.
Odin holds out his hands to quiet everyone again, “today we say farewell to Lady Jane in hopes she will return so we can continue our new growing relationship with Midgard.”
With that, Odin takes his seat and everyone else follows suit and starts to eat their meals. You look over to Loki who has not taken his eyes off of you. “After we take your sister to the Bifrost, I would very much like to continue what we started this morning.”
You smile, “we’ll see how you’re feeling. You already look like you can use another nap.”
“I beg your pardon!..”, he jokes with you, knowing damn well how exhausted he was.
You laugh and start filling his plate, he looks to you in shock and you see everyone else looking at you with smiles on their faces. “What? What did I do?”
Loki huffs a small laugh, “nothing darling, it is a great sign of affection when one fills another’s plate here.”
You blush. “Oh..I..didn’t..umm”
He smiles kindly and gives you another kiss on your cheek, “hush.” He then starts to fill your plate, the smile never leaving his face.
The breakfast goes by so quickly, next thing you know you are at the Heimdall’s observatory. You hug Jane so tightly and she hugs you back just as tight. You’re both crying, but Jane is the one to wipe them away from your face, “you act like we’re never going to see each other again.”
“I’m going to miss you so much.”, you sniffle and bring her back into a hug.
She rubs your back, “I’m gonna miss you too. I’ll be back before you know it. Hey, you should want me to take my time, Darcy is going to be with me when I’m here to visit again.”
You laugh, “take care of yourself.”
“You too. Keep your prince out of trouble.”
“Hey!”, Loki protests from the side.
Thor steps up and you remove yourself from Jane, “are you ready?”, he asks her.
She nods, “yup.” She looks back to you, “I’ll see you soon. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Thor takes Jane’s bags along with her hand and they walk through the Bifrost. As soon as Jane is gone you start to really cry but Loki is there as soon as your knees start to buckle.
“Shh. It will be alright…shh.”, he rubs his hand on the back of your head soothingly.
Your tears subside and your look up to his face, “I think I want to lay down for a bit.”
He nods, “I shall escort you to your rooms.”
You shake your head, “no, I want to be with you…please?”
He smiles, “of course.” He creates a portal to his rooms and you can tell that using his magic took him from slightly tired to exhausted.
You take his hand, “come on, lets lay down for a bit.”
He follows you to the bed and to his surprise, you immediately lay your head on his chest. He smiles and wraps his arms around you and presses a light kiss on your forehead. “It’s going to be alright sweet one.”
“I know. I’m just going to miss her, I’ve never been this far away from my sister before.”
“Don’t think of it as her being far away from you. Look forward to all of the wonderful things you will get to tell her when she returns.”
You look up to his face, “oh yeah? And what wonderful things will I be telling her?”
“I don’t know…your adventures here…the people you meet…how much you have captivated me.”
“Have I?”
“Oh yes. Mind. Body. Soul. You have entranced me.”
You look into his eyes to see if you can detect any lie but you see none, only the truth in his words. So you do the only thing you can think of in that moment. You lift your face up and kiss him. It’s quick and soft but it was like something snapped into place and the next thing you know Loki has moved you so you are on your back and he is kissing you deeply on top of you.
It was a kiss you read about it books, it was full of love, lust, happiness. It was everything and you didn’t want it to end.
When Loki pulls away from you to look at your face you look back at him with a wide smile.
“You’re exhausted.”, you giggle.
He releases a huff, “indeed I am but I want to kiss you more than I want rest.”
You reach up, run your fingers through his hair and bring him back down to you for another sweet kiss. “Let’s gets some sleep and then I promise you can kiss me as much as you want when we wake up.”
He smiles down at you and gives you a quick peck on the lips before he rolls over to his back taking you with him. He places your head back on his chest and just like you did to him, he starts to massage his fingers through your hair. The sensation sending you into a deep sleep.
To be continued….
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queenie-avenue · 23 hours
A Rich Man's World.
—> let him spoil you.
⤻ reader is a female (wearing a dress), yandere behaviour, possessive behaviour, thoughts of killing, financial abuse, obsessive behaviour, suggestive themes, age gap, power imbalance (you're an intern, he's the CEO, of course there's bound to be power imbalances)
notes: thank you for being so patient with me while waiting for a new post! classes have been killing me, but I swear ill try and find a good schedule for myself to balance alongside projects and also writing my novel. speaking of which, please follow my tiktok account queenie_avenue
💌 ⤻ archives.
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You had no idea why you were here.
Well, technically you did know, you just weren't sure why Adrian Houde — the CEO of your company — had brought you here. You were an intern, someone meant to go under the wing of some of the other designers under the company. But just a few weeks ago, Adrian had become oddly interested in you and your designs.
He found them innovative and it was like he had fallen for your creative soul, even offering to introduce you to a few investors who might like your designs and want to invest in your future fashion brand, should you want to open it.
Of course, Adrian would prefer it if after you graduated you continued to stay under him at his company as a designer. He'd promote you to head creative lead without shame if you wanted to, but he knew you'd prefer to earn that place out of your own merit.
Still, in a few weeks' time, he would keep his promise and show you off to a few investors.
He almost drooled at the idea but he had to keep his obsession under wraps. He was a gentleman, after all. It was unseemly for him to let a lady know of his true inner thoughts. He eyed you in the mirror with an intense gaze, fingers trailing over the documents he held in his hands, his attention on them abandoned long ago since you tried on the first dress.
He had personally driven you to a boutique belonging to the company just so you could get a dress that would look the best on you.
He had offered to ask some designers to make a custom dress but you had fervently opposed the idea, refusing to be in debt to him financially as well as socially now that he was helping you advance your career.
His eyes raked over this dress you had worn. What was this dress, the sixth one? Yet he never got tired of you standing in front of the mirror, your rear facing him. He recited all the words his grandmother told him in his head, to try and restrain himself from pouncing at you like some kind of wild animal.
"Would you mind giving me a twirl, Miss [y/n]?" He asked, his tone as saccharine as ever, hypnotising you to comply with his demands as you twirled. "Hm," He nodded once you did.
The dress was red, the colour of lust. A colour he didn't like on you. He already looked at you with such lust and he did not need a wicked colour like that to remind him of how he wanted you sprawled over his desk like a feast for him. You haunted his dreams and his nights alone with just his hand, he did not need a colour to remind him of what he wanted from you. Not only that, the way the slit slid up to your upper thigh and how exposed your cleavage was.
"I like the fabric... but the design..." He sighed as he rubbed his temples, placing the papers in his hands down with a satisfying slap. "Give me something not in red, it clashes with her skin tone." He told the worker, his eyes still fixed on your exposed skin as he gripped his thigh, trying to keep his eyes from wandering too far and his mind from going too deep down the dirty rabbit hole.
He could just imagine how everyone would look at you if you wore that dress out. He didn't like that thought, it made him want to wrap you in the finest fabrics and hide you away from everyone, suffocate you within it to ensure no one else could ever have you.
After a while of deliberating and you awkwardly standing there as your boss ogled you like you were a piece of meat, the employee finally returned with a blue dress, the exact colour of Adrian's eyes.
He smirked at that and nodded as she closed the curtains and began to dress you.
After a few excruciating minutes of him fantasising and being jealous of the woman who got to help you dress beneath the curtain, the curtain was pulled open to reveal you in that blue dress. Adrian shot up from his seat immediately. "Thank you for your help." He smiled at the employee as she took a step away, leaving you and Adrian alone as he took a few slow and deliberate steps up to meet you; like you were some sort of wounded animal he was trying not to scare off.
"You look beautiful, mon ange." He smiled as he slowly reached for your hand. "May I?" The older man asked as he leaned in close to you, looking at the reflection of yourself in the mirror.
You nodded your head hesitantly. Honestly, how could you ever say no to your boss after this, especially with how he helped you at every turn?
He held your hand delicately, with the softness of a child holding onto a pet. "You're so beautiful. I have just a matching suit like this. We should wear it together for the event." He smiled as he began to overstep his boundaries, hands slipping down to your waist as he watched you from the mirror.
His mantra to be a gentleman always seem threatened whenever you were close.
"I can't wait to see everyone." See everyone know that you're mine. The earlier dress was too revealing but this one was just nice; not too low-cut but still sensual. The earlier red dress had slits and cleavage for days, which he disliked. Though, he would still buy it. Perhaps you would wear it for him once you accepted his love.
For now, he would relish in the fact that everyone would know you were his the moment you stepped foot into the event in this blue dress he would buy for you.
He didn't care how much it cost him, the money would go back to him anyway. Plus, it was worth it to claim his mark on you.
Adrian's eyes lingered on your neck for a moment.
It was the only way he could lay a stake on you, for now, anyway.
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polyamorouspunk · 2 days
Punk’s Not-So-Aesthetic Guide To Not Killing Yourself
A lot of posts on here talk about all the things to look forward why you shouldn’t kill yourself- all the people who have yet to love you, the next release in your favorite series, the new album by your favorite band, all the places you’ve yet to see… but I know that sometimes those don’t do anything for some people.
Here’s a messy look at wanting to die. Taking away all the “positivity”, all the flowery language, and focuses on the heavy shit. Reasons that aren’t so… polite… as to why you shouldn’t kill yourself.
1. What depends on You?
What depends on you? Do you have children? Younger siblings? Pets? Hell, plants? If you did who is going to take care of them. “My brother would never let me cat starve” “my sister wouldn’t let me plants die” don’t think like that. What depends on you right now that you care for. Convince yourself that if you die no one is going to take care of that, even if it’s not true. This has been an effective strategy for me.
2. Living your best life to spite people is something that can be used more than once; killing yourself to spite someone can only be used once
There are plenty of times I’ve just wanted to hurt someone the way they’ve hurt me by pulling the ultimate guilt-trip: killing myself and blaming it on them. However you can only pull that truck once, and there are many, many people I would have liked to use this on, so unfortunately thriving it is.
3. Who is going to find you?
Someone is going to find your dead body, and that is going to scar them for life. I hate a LOT of people, but I don’t think I hate anyone enough to actually inflict the trauma of them finding my dead body on them. Plus it’s not just who finds the body. It’s hard on EMS workers, and they go through enough anyway. If you do it at home there’s going to have to be a crime scene cleanup crew that comes to your house. I know ya’ll aren’t “well that’s their job so they should deal” people. If you wouldn’t say that about a cashier or a waitress you wouldn’t say that about the crime scene cleanup crew. Crash your car? Random people are going to see that and it might trigger them. I think about driving my car into a tree or a telephone sometimes but then I think about if a stranger sees that and like man I don’t want to ruin some random stranger’s day.
4. If you fail then you get to go on a 72 hour hold, at least in America, and we all know how fun and expensive that is
Idk about ya’ll, but I sure as hell don’t need to invoke more medical debt on myself by failing to kill myself if I fuck up. That, and psych wards have sooooo many horror stories I would like to try my best to avoid them at all costs.
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No, I am not done with Western Energy yet, and I am not sorry
I. Just. Can't. With those parallels.
Just look at that! I am sure bunch of people already pointed that, but Hell knows it makes me think a lot about this shift.
Murder Family
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[Blitzø]: Stolas, this is really a bad time!
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[Stolas]: Mm, when isn't it a bad time, Blitzy?
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Stolas *knows* Blitzø is in danger. There could've been a room for speculation, if it wasn't for the next exchange:
[Blitzø]: What is it?!
[Stolas]: I've been meaning to follow-up on our last little conversation regarding my grimoire.
[Blitzø]: What did you just call me?!
[Stolas]: My book, Blitzy. The book I was given to do my job. That I've allowed you to use to do yours.
[Blitzø]: Shit!
[Stolas]: Anyhoo, I have been thinking... You know I've been permitting you to access the mortal realm less than legally for some time now? But I do need it back to fulfill my duties. I was thinking; what if we worked out some kind of an exchange? Favors for favors... Doesn't that sound...
[Stolas]: ...enticing?
[Blitzø]: You gotta stop using your fancy-ass rich people talk, okay? I am trying to concentrate to not getting FUCKED IN MY A *gunshot*
I will omit the rest, as it won't add much to the point (if you've seen the show, you know the conversation doesn't stop here), but you can draw some conclusions from the dynamic:
Stolas sees Blitzø in projection. Gunshots do not give any chance for the wrong interpretation. He knows imp is getting chased.
Stolas takes his time to get to the point, speaks slowly, as if playing with Blitzø, with his life even, and he enjoys that. He knows Blitzø can't turn him down as imp is on a hook.
Blitzø is clear that he would like to pass on the call for the better time, but Stolas keeps him on the line. Blitzø is clear that Stolas needs to get to the point because he is about to get killed, and Stolas, although does that, is still slow in speech, playful, and demeaning towards him.
Overall, Stolas does not care about Blitzø being safe at the beginning of the series. You can also get from that convo that he crosses boundaries without guilt, and if he was able to jeopardise life of his potential lover, it's not surprise at all that he is demeaning, creepy with overly sexual talks at inappropriate times, and does not take Blitzø's offence as something to care about (I don't think Blitzø was called by his name properly at least once in the 1st season, but I have to check), as shown in later episodes. Stolas is abusing power and knows he will get away with it, because Blitzø has nowhere to go and has to put with it.
Western Energy
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[Blitzø]: It's really not a good time, buddy...
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[Stolas]: I'm sorry it's a bad time yet again, Blitzy, but, um...
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[Stolas]: I seem to have found myself in a bit of a sitch.
You see the parallel, right? Right?!
I'm sorry it's a bad time yet again, Blitzy.
The first time we heard that, he wasn't sorry. He was dismissive.
Mm, when isn't it a bad time, Blitzy?
And the situation... Stolas is literally getting kidnapped, and finds time to ask an apology for calling at wrong time. *Again*.
Let's look at another piece of conversation:
[Moxxie]: That's Striker, sir!
[Blitzø]: Oh, for fuck's sake! Can't you just get away? Aren't you powerful?
[Stolas]: I believe he has me bound with blessed rope, which limits my ability to free myself I'm afraid. So I think you should come save me.
[Blitzø]: Oh, shit, Stolas, I can't today, alright? I'm sorry. I-I'm literally on my way to take Loona in for her very important Hellbies S.H.O.T. It takes years to book an appointment at that place, it took me five to get this one... and she's doing a lot of field work, so you know, she needs it...
[Stolas]: Oh, ha-ha, well, I do agree that is very important... but I-
We know the rest. The phone is taken away by Striker, and the conversation is interruped. We also know that Stolas gets a sudden realisation that he is in danger, which gives a hint that before he didn't recognise the situation quite as serious.
You see the shift that happened?
Stolas apologises for taking Blitzø's time, despite being in imminent danger. He went from total dismissive to total apologetic and even evasive.
Stolas takes into account Blitzø's reasons, and admits their importance.
This time Blitzø is the one who talks more, but he is on point the whole time and generally sounds uneasy, understanding that this time this is, despite being the bad time, very important. As we know, after the conversation he rushes in, before agreeing with Moxxie and Millie for them to go instead.
And why is so?
I find it very interesting that the similar phrase was used in so different contexts. In the comparison, the power dynamic simply has flipped.
Stolas was the one who needed attention, and Blitzø was the one who was asked for help.
The first time around, Stolas needed attention as well, but his matter was so diminutive and Blitzø's problems at the moment were so serious, it was simply disrecpectful, to say the least.
The second time, his request is to literally save his life, and he apologises, puts Blitzø's interest higher than his. He now feels like he is a burden, a nuisance in Blitzø's life, not wanting to disturb him at all. The connection that holds them became so fragile, because Stolas realises he has nothing to offer besides power, and from that sole conversation it becomes clear that he now avoids using it against imp even on the verge of being hurt.
Stolas's attitude shifted from dominant to apologetic, he went from assertive to frightened, and, as Blitzø's importance in his life grew, so grew Stolas, giving us hope for his redemption, but also showing how insecure he really was all the time.
So much for the regal title and eldritch powers, if you can't hold onto a meaningful relationship with the one you care for.
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ladykailitha · 2 days
Icarus Part 12
I've decided that since I have a fair amount of backlog on the three I've been doing WIP Wednesday for, that I'd post some of them to give me time to work on the rom-com AU more.
I recommend going back and re-reading part 11 at least before reading this one to be on the safe side.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
The Fallen boys need a break and Robin and Chrissy meet up with Nancy.
Things were going really well in the studio now that they had Bob Newby as their producer and their studio was closer to home so they could live their normal lives and still be in the studio recording.
It was the happiest the band had been in awhile. Which was why Steve should have seen it coming. The dark cloud on the horizon.
Shane was late.
That wasn’t to say that it was out of the ordinary or whatever, but it was now two hours late and Spence was pissed.
“When I get my hands on his scrawny neck,” he hissed. “I’m going to kill him.”
Simon rolled his eyes. “You’re just upset because it’s means you’ll be late for your date or whatever with Nadia. He’ll be here.”
“That’s not true and you know it, Asmodeus,” Spence bit out. “This is the third time this week and yeah, so what if I have a life outside of this, but that’s not why.”
Just then Shane stumbled in. He looked like absolute shit. His clothes were disheveled, his hair was a mess, and he wore dark sunglasses. Clutched to his chest was a large coffee.
“Fuck...” he mumbled as he shambled over to the sofa. He lowered himself gently onto the thing with a stream of curses. “Sorry I’m late, but my hookup last night turned off my alarm.”
He took a long sip of his coffee and rubbed his temple. He had finished most of the coffee when he realized that no one had said a word since he arrived.
The door opened and Bob and Robin entered the room looking more than a little cross.
Shane flashed them a smile. “Uh oh, it looks like I upset both mom and dad. So I was a little late. It happens.”
“But it shouldn’t be happening,” Spence said with a scowl. “This isn’t the first time. Hell, it’s not even the first time this week.”
Shane frowned, setting his coffee on the floor between his feet. He rubbed his temples as he struggled to think back. “That can’t be right, it’s only Monday, right?”
Everyone shared concerned glances.
“Astraeus,” Steve said slowly, “it’s Thursday.”
Bob crossed his arms in front of his chest. “You were late on Sunday, Monday and today, Astraeus.”
Shane stared up at them in open shock and disbelief. “There’s no way!” He pulled out his phone and looked at the date.
“What’s been going on, man?” Simon asked, concerned for the first time. He hadn’t realized how often it had been and was giving Spence shit for wanting to be with his girlfriend.
Shane shook his head. “I have money for the first time in my life. I mean proper money. My parents always had enough to make sure we got into the things we wanted; sports, drama, music, you name it, but there wasn’t a lot of money to go around after, you know? I had to pay for my college education myself and I just wanted to live a little. Spread the money around, even if I couldn’t tell them what I did for a living, they don’t really care.”
“I can see that,” Robin said. “I think we all breathing easier, regardless of our backgrounds because the money we’re getting has pretty much set us up for life if it all went to shit tomorrow, which I really wouldn’t recommend, by the way.”
Shane let out a huff of breath that wasn’t quite a laugh. “I really didn’t mean to go off like that, I’ll cut back to just the weekends. I promise.”
Robin and Bob shared a glance.
“That’s strike one, Astraeus,” Bob said, “I don’t take slackers lightly. You want me to continue to work for you guys, you’ve got to step it up.”
Shane nodded empathically. “Can we have a day off a week though? It doesn’t have to be on the weekend, but this seven days a week is really hard.”
Robin blinked at him a moment. “You guys have been coming every day?”
The band looked around at each and all gave a collective shrug.
She turned to Bob. “Is that your schedule?”
Bob’s jaw dropped and he shook his head. “I only do that if there’s a rush to get the album out, which I understood there wasn’t. I don’t how we got on working every day, but Astraeus is correct they need a day off.”
“What works best for everyone?”
The band worked out a better schedule that worked for everyone with it ending with Bob giving everyone the rest of the week off, giving them strict instructions to talk to him about those sort of things before it got to this point.
Robin clapped her hands once. “Right, now that we’ve got that settled, we’re still meeting up at Abbadon’s for dinner to discuss my meeting with Nancy. My meeting is at three and dinner is at six, so don’t be late.” She glared at Shane and he raised his hands in surrender.
“See you all then!”
Robin straightened her wig in her rearview mirror and added more lipstick. She wore special contacts that changed her bright blue eyes to a more common brown color. She was dressed in slim fitting white slacks with a bright pink silk blouse and a black leather aviator’s jacket. She hated wearing these clothes, they just weren’t her. At least she didn’t have to wear high heels to this thing. She would have broken an ankle for sure.
But she would sell her soul to the devil if it meant that Steve got to do what he loved. And it wasn’t as though she didn’t love her job either. But Eddie was right, she was on her last frayed nerve and that wouldn’t do her boys any good.
She slid out of her Maserati MC20 and walked up to the restaurant. The Corroded Coffin’s manager, Chrissy Cunningham was going to be there as a mediator.
Robin hadn’t told Steve this, but Chrissy knew who she was. Not the band, she didn’t know that, but she knew that Celeste Baptiste was Robin Buckley. It was just something Robin felt she needed to know before going in there with Nancy. That she personally had a stake in the game, even if it was just as Steve’s best friend.
Chrissy loved the idea of even their manager having an alter ego and it made Robin feel better about her choice to be someone else.
Robin and Chrissy kissed each other’s cheeks in greeting and Robin sat down.
“She’s not here yet?” she asked, looking at her matching watch.
Chrissy shook her head. “She’s running a little behind. One of her clients blew up the internet last night and she’s been having to play hard ball to keep it from destroying their career.”
Robin leaned in close. “Ooh, do you know who it was?”
“That’s for me to know,” Nancy said from above them, “and for you to never find out.”
Robin looked up at her and was struck on how good she looked. It was almost unfair how good she looked.
She was wearing a grey plaid blazer with the sleeves rolled up over a white button shirt and a black pencil skirt. She wore grey boots and matching sunglasses, glasses she took off with a shake of her dark curls.
Robin gulped. Nancy had been intimidating enough in high school, but now she could stare down a raging bull and come away unscathed.
“Hello, ladies,” Nancy said with a smile. “I’m sorry I was late, but I think I managed a god damn miracle and could eat an entire salad bar.”
Nancy sat down and put her phone in her purse.
“Oh are you vegan?” Chrissy asked as the waiter came up with a pitcher of water. Nancy waved him off and ordered a rosé.
“Just vegetarian,” she said with a shake of her head. “I love cheese too much. Plus, I knew a militant vegan and they scare me.”
Robin laughed. “Couldn’t be me, I went full vegan last year and haven’t looked back.”
Nancy and Chrissy both winced, but for different reasons, Nancy for her comment about militant vegans and Chrissy, well...
“I picked this place because it has the best rib eye steak on the planet,” she said with a grimace. “That’s not going to bother either of you if I order that, right?”
Nancy and Robin shared a glance and then shook their heads.
“My best friend loves steak,” Robin said, “It’s his choice to eat it, I just a have a problem with the ethical consumption of meat and other animal products.”
“Most of my clients eat meat,” Nancy agreed. “I’m not about to piss them off because I don’t like the taste.”
Chrissy relaxed and let out a long sigh. “Great!”
She picked up her menu to hide her embarrassment. A few minutes later, their waiter came back and they placed their orders.
Nancy had ordered a pasta with roasted sun dried tomatoes and mushrooms and Robin ordered a simple salad with a vinaigrette.
As they waited for their food, Nancy got down to business. “So as I understand it, the band The Fallen is looking for an agent to help with the legal and PR aspect of their brand, correct?”
Robin nodded, twisting her napkin nervously. Normally as Celeste, she was cooler under pressure but Nancy scared her. Not because of anything she could do to her specifically, but because what she could do to her boys.
Chrissy reached out and laid her hand over Robin’s fidgeting ones. Robin let out a shuddered breath.
“Normally bands like theirs have teams and teams of people doing all the work,” Robin said, “but with the secrecy surrounding their identities the more people that know the easier it is for a leak.”
Nancy nodded. “It’s certainly not the usual thing. But I’ve got a few clients that are strict about their identities and it wouldn’t be a problem, but as I told Chrissy, I would have know everything about them so that I can do my upmost to protect them.”
“Did you sign the NDA?” Robin asked, straightening her spine. This was something she was good at. Protecting her boys and she would do it with the fierceness of a mother bear and her cubs.
Nancy picked up her briefcase and opened it up. She took out a folder and handed it to Robin. Robin looked it over and then nodded.
She stuck it in her purse and pulled out a hard portfolio and slid it across to Nancy. Chrissy squeezed her hand as Nancy read through the documents. Their food arrived in the interim and she set it aside. She steepled her hands and planted her elbows on the table.
“How much of this do you know?” she asked Chrissy.
“Only what I needed to which is who Celeste is,” she replied, “and that both her and Abbadon have a history with you that could be trouble for a lot of people, not just the band.”
Nancy nodded and took a bite of her food before saying anything else. Chrissy and Robin exchanged glances but started eating as well. More for something to do in the intervening silence than because they were actually interested in food at that moment.
After a few moments Nancy blotted her lips with her napkin and set it next to her plate. “This is not what I was expecting when I heard that you had concerns about my professionalism and in all honesty, this is easier to understand then a manager thinking they don’t need the help of an agent when they really do.”
Chrissy and Robin shared a glance.
“Is that something that’s common?” Chrissy asked. Corroded Coffin had already had Nancy as their agent when she became their manager five years ago. They had outgrown their former manager Murray Bauman and was looking for someone younger to manage them so they hired her.
Nancy nodded. “It is.” She turned to Robin. “You’re his best friend, right? The quirky band chick who was always working with him?”
Robin was impressed with her way of asking the question without revealing anything significant about their identity. She brought her finger up to her contact and moved it aside to show the blue underneath before sliding it back into place.
“I’m assuming I’m the last resort?” Nancy asked after taking another bite of food.
Robin and Chrissy shared another glance.
“Not in the way you mean,” Chrissy explained. “I gave her a list of agents that might be able to have them on as clients and we’ve met with a couple of them but decided even before they got to what’s in the folder that they weren’t suitable for their needs.”
“The double lives aspect, I suspect.”
“Both of them wanted to push them into revealing themselves,” Robin said, nodding. “Which was completely off the table.”
Nancy licked her bottom lip and her eyes narrowed. “Is that off the table indefinitely or will we circle back to that sometime in the future?”
Robin rolled her eyes. “There’s no way to predict if they’re going to change their mind five-six years down the line.”
“I’m going to be frank,” she said, “I do not have a problem repping them. Not even Abbadon. But I understand there will be some awkwardness on both sides at first. I will even apologize in person. Because the fact of the matter is, I did hurt him. I strung him along until something better came along and then didn’t even have the decency to break up with him before moving on. I was young and stupid and even worse, I’m not even with that guy anymore. Like with me and Abbadon, we wanted different things.”
“Apologize first,” Chrissy said with a wicked gleam in her eye, “then we’ll see about hiring you for The Fallen.”
Nancy reached out to shake Robin’s hand. “Deal?”
Robin nodded curtly. “Deal.”
They moved onto the more tedious aspects of what they wanted out of Nancy as they finished their meals.
But as Robin was heading back to her car she had a small satisfied smile on her face. Yes, this really was the best option for the band.
Because of canon-Chrissy's unhealthy relationship with food, I wanted her to go hard into eating all things that her mom most likely forbade her from eating growing up. Hence the steak and the wine. Nancy I figured would be at least vegetarian with personality (just the vibes I get from her *shrug*) and Robin would absolutely be vegan. Just not a militant one.
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kedreeva · 18 hours
Hi! I have a small farm but your posts have made me consider adding some peafowl. I've had guineafowl and chickens but god would i love peafowl. I also saw your posts with your hand raised peahen in the house, and I was wondering if she's actually litter trained? I have some bottle babies but have transferred them all out to typical barn/pasture existence, but if I could litter train a peafowl for (partial) indoor existence that would be glorious
As I have said many many times before and will likely say many many times again, you do not want a permanent house peafowl, I promise you. Bug was indoors with me because a) I have over a decade of experience with these birds, b) I did a sex linked breeding so I KNEW that she was a girl from the second she hatched c) I didn't particularly want to hand raise her, but I also wanted sleep and the birds are brooded in the house and she would not stop screaming d) I knew I was going to be home full time basically 24/7 to raise her without having to leave her on her own for long stretches while I was at work and e) I raised her with the full intention of putting her out when she was old enough to hold her own with the big birds- and that's where she currently lives, outside where she belongs.
They cannot be house/litter trained, the most you can do is diaper them, and they're not big enough for that for a few months and wearing one is always a risk- if they catch a toe from a poorly-fitted or poorly-applied diaper, they are strong enough to break their own legs and/or break their necks/wings struggling to get out.
Unlike standard breed chickens and farm waterfowl, peafowl can fly, like Actually Fly, and they can do so from about day 3 of life. You don't want a 10lb bird throwing itself around your house, because they're not passerines, they can't grasp things with their feet so they will just knock everything you love over in an attempt to find flat ground to stand on wherever they want to be. And they WILL throw temper tantrums when they're not getting their way- when you aren't sharing food, when you aren't going to bed at 6pm in the winter, when you aren't performing their daily schedule right, etc. They're just smart enough to be assholes, and big enough that that's a problem.
On top of that, males that are hand raised become exceedingly aggressive at maturity, to the point where many have been put down because they will relentless hunt and attack humans in their territory, and they have nasty spurs on their legs, and the ability to fly and to jump at least 6 feet up and hardly use their wings, which means they CAN jump and spur you in the face- and unlike chickens, they know where your face is, and will go for it. I've seen several folks with injuries from aggressive boys where the person narrowly escaped losing an eye. I, myself, was clawed over one eye once just from a bird that was eluding capture, and I'm well aware how much more badly that could have gone if she'd meant it rather than just trying to get away from being caught. The hens are (usually, although I've seen an exception) not aggressive, but unless you have the ability to socialize a hand raised hen with other birds, they have a hugely difficult time adapting to living in a flock, and I've heard many others refuse to breed with the males of their own kind. If they can't adapt to socializing with other birds, they can stress hugely when left alone or with other birds, and this can make them prone to illness.
The photos are cute, but this is a 110% "please do not attempt this at home" kind of deal. I've been caring for/learning about peafowl and their care in some way for 20 years and breeding them for the last 15 or so and I can say with my whole chest that you don't need any complications when getting into peafowl. There are already a million things that can go wrong just trying to raise a peafowl in a normal way, people kill the babies so often that a) reputable breeders often refuse to sell before 3 months old so they are well started and hardy and b) at least one Large Scale breeder I know of sells multi-pack day old chicks (the "discards" from his experimental pens) for super cheap because he fully expects them to die so he doesn't have to worry about competition on rare color breeding and can still make a buck.
If you want peafowl, and you have the space and the ability to pen one properly, and access to proper food and vet care, and you've done research on care and behavior, then absolutely go for it, they make great farm animals and they're really easy to befriend as subadults and even as adults and some birds are even super chill and will come right up and say hi (like Eris, whom I took home from another breeder because I visited and she just walked up and started inspecting me for treats like a chicken). But they do not make great indoor pets, even partially as adults.
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roseofhybrids · 1 day
I can't recall if I ever went on a ramble about a MD head canon I have (I feel like I have, but maybe I've just thought about it so often that I've convinced myself I've made a post about it. Either way, let us endulge in the fixation)
it's about the worker drones' simultaneous crippling fear of the disassembly drones and general indifference to death.
Here's a cut because this ended up way longer than I thought it would-
Just about every worker drone is terrified of the murder drones (reasonably so, as they can peel one of them open like a mechanical orange) and yet in spite of this, they show a blatant disregard for safety once the sky demons are out of sight.
First two times we see something like this happen is when Khan lets Uzi go outside at night to "look at the door hydraulics" and later when the WDF guard corrects N on the name gin rummy instead of running for his life. Now, maybe Khan was too excited about Uzi showing an interest in doors to think about the potential danger, and maybe worker drones are big dumb dumbs most of the time.
But then you have situations like in the promening and cabin fever where groups of drones will initially show fear before quickly relaxing around the murder machines. They go from shaking in fear after watching one of their classmates being shot to offering friendship and poking one of them in the face in mere minutes.
So, why do they go from terrified to unbothered so fast.
Well, we know the drones on Copper 9 were mostly used for mining, a dangerous job that can have deadly accidents even when human safety standards are in place. So, JCJenson has to program these drones to dig up the ore, carry it to the surface, process it, et cetera. Building and repairing robots costs money, so ideally you'd want to minimize them getting damaged in the most cost-effective way possible. Safety measures decrease production and safety equipment costs money, so what are they to do?
My head canon/theory is that they programmed the drones to avoid situations that will damage themselves. Something to stop them from walking into pits and sticking their heads between moving gears. So if a drone sees another drone get broken by something, they're programmed to avoid the thing that lead to their buddy getting killed. See another drone get crushed by a rock? Avoid loose boulders. See another drone fall into a smelter? Avoid moving along the edge of the catwalk. And so on and so forth.
But you don't want them to be too careful. After all, if you program them with too much anxiety they'll be too scared to work, which will decrease production. So they also programmed them to proceed if they see that there's no immediate danger. Sure, three drones fell into a sinkhole in this area last month, but Steve's standing over there and not falling into the ground, so it must be safe. With this, also comes an explanation for their indifference to death, even when it happens to friends or family. If a drone grieves losing a coworker, then they won't work as well. So once the initial fear of seeing another being breaking passes, they move on and get back to setting off explosions (standing a few extra feet away this time).
Going back to the scenes from The Prommening and Cabin Fever-
The crowd is initially scared of V when she drops in. But when Lizzy explains that they're friends and insists that they "forgive and forget" they go right to clapping and cheering. As soon as the known threat proves to be safe, the fear switches off.
Cabin Fever is an even better example. They've all just watched V shoot another drone. N acts very friendly, but they remain afraid. That is, until Lizzy and Thad move to stand next to the two murder drones. They see the two not die by doing this, and immediately the entire group relaxes and are soon treating N and V as though they're just your run-of-the-mill drone. The worker teens only show fear again when they do something that could threaten them. Such as at the archery range when V points the bow at them.
They show similar behavior around Uzi that episode as well. When ever her presence is brought to their attention, there's visible fear. This makes sense with her past behavior in mind. Railgun exploding in class, taking over classmate's sentience, general violence. She's proven to be a potential danger, and so they're afraid when first seeing her. When she doesn't immediately do anything to harm another drone, they soon calm down to the point that they forget she even exists. She makes herself known when the bus arrives at camp Fear till their attention is drawn to the teacher and then the murder drones She shows up at the archery range and arrow into a flesh beast Fear until she runs away, name then forgotten She rips a drone's head off and pauses for dramatic effect In those few seconds of not killing her, Lizzy switches from afraid to criticizing her
It's like once the "threat" is resolved, their brains determine she isn't worth focusing on to the point of the drones forgetting her name. (In particular, Lizzy is really unbothered by almost getting killed in that episode. Possibly because she's been spending time with V? A sort of desensitization)
After all, if another drone isn't a danger, and they aren't working alongside them (not in the same mining team, not in the same clique) it isn't worth it to have info on them and tosses it to the recycling bin.
We see the solver drones and disassembly drones break this line of behavior. Along with Khan, Thad, and Lizzy to an extent. (Which, in all fairness, could just be main character privileges)
Khan of course shows to still care about Nori's death years after the fact, as well as concern about Uzi leaving at the end of the pilot. I think it's worth noting how the other WDF members in episode 2 react to him prioritizing Uzi over building a door. Calling the idea "cringe" and displaying general annoyance and sickness at the idea. Is it just because it's Khan and Uzi, or do drones just see anyone putting family over work as strange?
Thad isn't afraid of Uzi and doesn't have a negative view of her like the other teenage drones. Has he not witnessed her "shenanigans" or is he just braver and kinder than most drones? He isn't afraid of N in episode 2, but, as he says himself, N helped save his life. He also shows some concern for other drones dying when he mentions the disappearances to Uzi in Heartbeat.
Lizzy has also shown to be braver than most drones. Little fear around Uzi, was able to hang around with V long enough to set up the prom scheme, helped Doll set up said prom scheme despite Doll doing a bunch of murdering, willingness to just walk up to J and trying to punch her. Her being around V and Doll would suggest she doesn't have the same concern about other drones dying the way Thad does. But that could just be her putting up a front. Perhaps we'll get to see a little more in episode 8.
Hope anyone who read through all this found at least some enjoyment in doing so. I thought this would be, like, 3 short paragraphs tops, but now there's a little over 1200 words.
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kangminjissi · 2 days
19. good people - sofia
danielle trailed close behind as hanni rushed out of the building and onto the street. she thought the vietnamese girl would stop, but hanni turned and kept a quick pace as she tried to escape the party. danielle didn’t do anything but follow until hanni made it to an intersection and tried to keep walking.
danielle quickly ran to her and grabbed her shirt to pull her back. “hanni! you’re going to get killed,” she quickly shouted. hanni didn’t acknowledge her and just turned left to continue walking, but her body collapsed as she sobbed.
the taller girl quickly moved hanni to sit on the curb and looked at her, “where were you trying to go?” hanni shrugged and avoided her gaze as she mumbled, “anywhere. anywhere but here.” the taller girl sighed and looked out onto the road to give her time.
after a long stretch of silence filled only by hanni’s tears and the occasional car passing by, hanni finally sniffled. she wiped her hands over her face as she sighed, “you can go back to the party. you practically abandoned your girlfriend.”
danielle laughed softly before shaking her head, “haerin has her friends there. i’m not the only person she knows. i’d rather be here with you anyway.” danielle grabbed hanni’s hand and leaned down to look her in the eyes, “so… are you going to explain that outburst?”
hanni took a deep breath, “it was stupid. seeing them.. it made me feel like i couldn’t breathe. i had to do something because it felt like i was choking and the only thing i could do was separate them.” danielle nodded as she squeezed the other girl’s hand.
“i’m so angry and so heartbroken. i want to cry or scream, but at this point im too defeated to do either.” hanni looked down at her crumpled shirt, “i knew it was bound to happen, you know? the rest of the world isn’t blind. someone was going to realize that yn is perfect, but i didn’t expect some party jock to be that person.” danielle just nodded knowing that no words could soothe hanni.
“i expected some stupid instagram post, maybe yn coming to me gushing about some girl who came in looking for a cat. something to ease me into the thought of her being with someone, but seeing that girl with her hands inside yn’s jacket… i just. i just couldn’t take it.
“i want to laugh at myself honestly. i have no right to be angry with anyone but myself. yn doesn’t owe me anything. im nothing to her, and yet she’s everything to me.”
danielle reached into her bag and handed hanni some tissues before speaking up, “you’re right, you know.” hanni looked up at her with her eyebrows furrowed as the taller girl continued to speak, “yn owes you nothing because you’ve never told her your feelings. she has no clue how you feel about her…
“but to say you mean nothing to her is a lie. you’re her best friend and that means miles more than what that girl from the party means to her. yn found someone she thought was attractive and so she kissed them. that’s normal, is it not?
“you can be upset, but you can’t be upset at her for her choices. one day, i hope you tell her how you feel. i know you truly believe she’ll never reciprocate your feelings and maybe you’re right, but she deserves to know the truth. i doubt you’ll tell her soon, but it’s something she should know when you’re ready to tell her.”
hanni took a shaky breath and tried to steady her voice, “i’m not upset at her.” danielle interjected, “you can’t be mad at that girl either.” hanni sighed, “i know. i’m really truly mad at myself for being a coward.
“dani, do you think she’ll forgive me?” danielle looked at her friend with empathy, “han, yn will always forgive you. she didn’t grab onto that girl because she was taking her side. she grabbed her because she was afraid you would get seriously hurt.
“i’m sure she tried to run after you, but i doubt minji would’ve let her. you need to talk to her when you’re both sober. i don’t know how you’ll explain why you did what you did without telling her the truth, though.” hanni chuckled as she bunched her knees to her chest, “i don’t know either.”
danielle hummed understandably and looked down at her phone, “let’s get up. the taxi is almost here.” hanni looked up at danielle, “huh?” the latter stretched out her hand with a smile, “what? you thought we’d camp out on the sidewalk? we’re going home.”
hanni stood up and stumbled slightly as the taller girl engulfed her in a hug. hanni rested her head on the latter’s shoulder and cried silently, “you’re too good to me. i don’t deserve it.” danielle felt the tears on her shoulder and pulled back to look at hanni, “hush. good people deserve to have good families.”
a/n 😇
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pia-nor481 · 7 hours
You know those gif of Sebastian Vettel driving the car challenges during his Aston Martian days This one and the Ferrari one where he’s backing up it’s so hot watching him doing something so simple 🤭
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Anyways I feel like he would totally be into you giving him head while he drives or fingers you while he’s driving
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[Um yes this is so hot. The amount of times I’ve had to defend myself that men (Sebastian) driving is so hot. Try and tell me that’s not hot, you would be very wrong. I did spent a long time in the depths of tik tok watching edits, I also didn’t realise how cheeky/ flirty he actually was. (I didn’t notice as I was 9 when he started driving for Ferrari, I think.) Originally I was going to go on a tangent about him teaching you how to drive but i quickly remembered I don’t even have a green licence. Anyway]
Sebastian was actually unsure about the idea of road head to start, but now he’s converted, and even expects it!!! But he deserves it so it’s okay.
1. So imagine, you’re on a very long drive probably country to country and Sebastian has been driving for hours, all yawning and maybe pouting a little bit. It’s getting dark and so she decides to rest her hand on the middle of his thigh, testing the waters. “I didn’t realise I was getting special treatment.” He practically giggled out. What he didn’t expect was to hear the the zip of his jeans before she pulled his cock out.
The moment her mouth made contact he let out a harsh sigh, almost a wince. “What are you doing?” Let’s be clear he wasn’t complaining, just the initial shock. After a few bobs of her head, his complaints were replaced with quiet gasps and moans. “Fuck, please. We’re going to get in so…so much trouble.” Sebastian was surprised with how much that turned him on, at times he struggled to keep the car in the right lane. But he just couldn’t help it, her mouth felt too good.
2. This has happened in retaliation to ^ so during a very long and boring drive through Europe, race to race if you will. Sebastian was getting restless, even while driving he wanted to be entertained. This very quickly leads to him toying with the edge of her clothes. Slowly he pushed the clothes to the side and started to rub her clit in small circles, just enough pressure to feel it, not enough to get off. He thinks she deserves to be teased. But maybe after a few red lights, Sebastian decides to let her cum, let her soak the seat of the car
[Faith my beloved, how are you? I’m so sorry this took so long for me to answer my exams have been killing me]
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