#as it stands i get dizzy going up stairs šŸ˜­ and also iā€™ve been noticing more and more episodes that match the svt episodes my mother and
treecakes Ā· 10 months
i remember one time in high school i mentioned to a friend how shin splints were one of the reasons why i stopped running and a girl who was sitting next to us overheard this and turned to her friend and basically said how ā€œevery athlete gets shin splintsā€ and that it wasnā€™t a reason to stop bc theyā€™re ā€œnot that badā€ā€¦ like maam my doctor told me to bc my legs were swollen to the point i couldnā€™t walk well & also thereā€™s several different types of shin splintsā€¦. mine just happened to be really bad and also chronic.
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sickficideas Ā· 11 months
some hcs iā€™ve been thinking of recently ā€¦!
- dazai gets short of breath easily and coughs often due to his attempts at drowning leaving some water in his lungs
- ranpo gets stress induced low grade fevers when he feels that he messed up
- when fukuzawa first took in ranpo, ranpo got sick regularly bc his immune system got rather weak after living on streets
- firm believer that ranpo gets motion sick and thatā€™s part of why he doesnā€™t care to learn how to take the train- heā€™s less likely to get asked to run errands since he needs to someone to with him. but eventually heā€™ll have to take the train and although he manages to figure it out, one of the members has to pick him up bc he feels so weak after emptying his stomach on the train
- kenji wonā€™t eat for prolonged periods of time in case his ability is needed but this results in him getting dizzy and fainting when he gets up quickly
- yosano gets migraines when cleaning the infirmary because the chemicals irritate her
- sometimes when dazai falls asleep at his desk heā€™ll have nightmares and is so stressed out when he wakes up that he throws up
also ty for your blog T_T i love it so much we need more bsd sickfic people !!!!! love your content lots šŸ«”
when i read your fics i always feel inspired to start one myself lolol also sorry this is kinda long
ANON NEVER APOLOGIZE this is such a fantastic list and it's beautifully long i couldn't be more grateful for finding this in my inbox...AND THANK U SO MUCH i am so happy to create content for you guys and YOURE INSPIRING ME WITH THIS BEAUTIFUL LIST!! anon please write a fic you have great ideas!!! Send it to me if you do!!! until then u should totally send over some port mafia headcanons to match this list teeheešŸ˜
- the dazai ones are so...šŸ’” the nightmares were things that he was able to easily brush off at first and he could chalk down the throwing up to just being hungover, but they get worse over time the more time he's away from the mafia, it gets so much harder for him to brush it off and he goes quiet for a while to process it. kunikida will take him over to the couch and encourage him to rest or distract himself and offers to stay with him, even if he's just doing his work real close by šŸ’” and you're so right i like the short of breath bit a lot, he will Die taking the stairs at the agency. begs atsushi to carry him whenever the elevator is out of service
- RANPOOOO....I never considered motion sick ranpo before but it's perfect šŸ˜­ that first time he went with atsushi he was probably like wait okay he doesn't know how to use the train but he gets motion sick too??šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and the bit about him with a weak immune system i can totally imagine he and yosano as teenagers and she's taking care of him and teaching him ways to boost his immune system and take better care of himselfšŸ’” and she's always the first to notice those fevers while they're working and tries to coerce him into her office to chill out for a while šŸ’” she cares him so much
- i love yosano getting migraines she's so migraine sufferer coded...i love atsushi getting nauseous from the antiseptic bc of his very sensitive senses too and this is also fantastic...if he's ever helping her out and it gets too much for either of them she's like okay let's go run some errands and get some fresh air
- KENJI LITTLE BABY šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ they all look after kenji very well i love that anthology where he overworks himself and at the end it says they all look after him better...he always thinks he's gotten used to not eating but if he gets excited and stands up too fast from his desk he'll pass out and scare everybody šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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