#as long as she stays in her warframes
lets-try-some-writing · 5 months
Oooh, okay. How about Halley’s Comet (or some other comet out there) is a baby Titan floating around. And when Earth sees them: Earth: Can we keep them!? Moon: Yes darling! Unicron: No! Why would you- Moon: Earth. Gets. What. She. Wants. Comet Titan: Hello! I like to explore!
Hello yes time for more lore.
Titans ceased to be forged shortly after the fall of the Predacons. No one knows why, but some suspect that the reason is simply because Primus decided there were enough of them. Long lived as they are, Titans are not exactly prolific. But they don't need to be. They serve their purpose until they no longer have the ability. They are, in a sense, a temporary thing to give the rest of Primus's children a safe haven until they can stand on their own pedes.
Halley's Comet broke the long agreed upon understanding that Titans were no longer being forged. She was forged with the last generation of sparklings to emerge from the Well. At the time, she was about the size of a warframe. She grew up alone in the remnants of abandoned cities and starports and saw the ravages of war as she grew larger. The lack of energon made her small. Her systems couldn't support more than a few dozen citizens at most. This upset her a degree, but it instilled in her a desire to seek out somewhere she could serve. She was the size of the Arc, and while not a shabby size at all, she did not match up to even little Pluto. She vaguely sensed that she was too small, but to her young mind, that was alright.
When the Exodus occurred, Halley fled with the rest. There was no use hiding any longer, not when those who would make her a tool were no longer present. She did not know what she was, but she was fine with that. She took to the stars eager to understand herself and explore. What base coding she had told her that there were others like her scattered in the void beyond. As such, she was excited to begin her hunt for her as of yet unknown siblings.
She travelled the stars, pausing only to rest and recover in the orbit of passing stars. She passed by worlds where Titans gave their lives to establish Cybertronian colonies. Some were active and greeted Halley with reverence. Others were long dead. Those ones Halley took time to traverse until she found the shell of her deceased brethren. From the dead she took pieces of their plating to graft into her own. She soon became a living memorial to the glories of times long past. She took pride in her work.
Eventually. she found a Cybertronian starship headed in the direction of Earth. She did not know that at the time, but having explored the surrounding sectors, she decided to tail the ship. She followed from a safe distance and only broke away when she spotted Pluto doing his usual patrol. Their interaction went about as well as expected.
Halley: Oh! Hello brother!
Pluto: Brother? Wait, are you one of us?
Halley: I am not too sure! But you feel like a brother of mine!
Pluto: *Pluto exe is not working* I need to get Mars. Don't go anywhere little Titan.
Mars: *literally just woke up from a nap* WHAT IS IT-!
Halley: Hello! :D
Mars: ...
Mars: I suppose we have a little sister now.
Halley doesn't stay too long. She still likes to travel. But she stops by when she can. She adores Earth, and Earth loves her in turn. Earth may or may not have quietly adopted her, much to Moon's agitation since he doesn't like sharing more attention than necessary. Halley has continually praised Moon for his choice in partners because of her adoration for the green covered world. Moon is warming up to her slowly.
Quietly, he calls her Daughter of my Beloved and Sister of my Spark.
Halley does not know this, but when she needs a place to rest, Moon will gladly offer the dark side of his frame for her to get some much needed recharge.
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The Devil Never Slumbers
I rub at my eyes tiredly as my ship lands inconspicuously near the Necralisk. It’s…so quiet. Quiet as I slink unnoticed through the halls, past the slumbering Entrati. Quiet as I slip into the tunnels that lead to the Sanctum, tunnels walked by many, but nearly deserted now. My footsteps tread lightly on the gilded floor, careful not to wake the fish, who’s mumbling haughtily in his sleep. Nor do I disturb the massive bird, nestled comfortably in his golden cage, nor the Cervulite, curled up near the entrance to the labs, though the tip of his tail twitches slightly before moving to rest atop his muzzle. No, none of them notice my presence. None, except the faithful assistant. We share a glance, exchanging words with merely a look. The exhaustion in his eyes is the very same as that which wraps itself around my bones, the very same heaviness that weighs me down but doesn’t allow me to rest. His gaze shifts to an empty space at his workbench. An invitation. One that I don’t take. Perhaps he and I could bask in our misery together. Perhaps I could even fall asleep if I simply focus on his methodical progress, the ambient scratching of pencil to paper. But, that’s not why I’m here.
And he knows it.
We reach a silent understanding, realization flashing in his weary eyes. One corner of my mouth turns upward in a soft half-smile, and he returns the look, adjusting the edge of his glasses as he does so. I continue my path, feeling the soft sands of the dunes beneath my feet. There’s no need for a Warframe out here. I hadn’t wanted to bring one anyways. I take a deep breath, my lungs filling with the still air, my senses taking in the subtle stimuli, those which I would’ve missed if I were inside that metallic suit. My ears take in the soft singing that I knew I’d hear eventually. As the dunes give way to stone, as the edge of the cliff becomes visible through the fog of the Void, I see her. I don’t say anything to disturb her vigil. I simply lower myself to the rocky ground, a few feet behind her, but enough to the side that I can see what she sees. I can see the Void, the broken, floating pieces of rubble, the glowing, gaping maw that seems poised to devour us all. She knows I’m here, even before she shifts her head slightly—likely the smallest amount she can turn in order to see me—, but her singing doesn’t falter. It can’t, I know that now. Rather, it mustn’t. 
We don’t speak, but I feel an understanding lingering in the air. One beyond words, one that has stood the test of time, of loyalties, of love. A test that has led us here, to the cliff. To the emptiness that stretches beyond its rocky edges. In the past, we had many titles. The future will bring many more. But for now, right here, we’re simply Mother and Daughter. She isn’t the Sentient, the Daughter, the Leader. I’m not the Tenno, the Soldier, the Devil. Not here. Not now. We’re simply two beings, not linked by blood but family nonetheless, solemnly staring across the Void. I allow myself to listen to her song. It’s different now…but no less comforting. The lullaby once used to comfort her children, now being used to tether herself to the present. The weight of my exhaustion gnaws at me, but my eyes don’t drift shut. My gaze remains fixed, staring straight ahead.
I don’t know how long I stay there, though eventually more Tenno begin to filter in, sitting quietly near us. Some stay for only a moment or two. Others remain longer. I find myself almost fascinated by them. As different as we all might be, as unruly, or hotheaded, or impulsive, most of us have one thing in common. Sometimes, we just want our Mother. When the world seems strange—too strange, even for us—, she’s who we turn to. She might be different now—she’s clearly distracted, and more than a little uncomfortable—, but she’s determined. She’s a calming presence, even when her own mind is likely less than serene.
Maybe that’s why I’m here. Maybe that’s why, after tossing and turning and trying and failing to rest, my weary hands keyed in coordinates that I barely read before the Orbiter began its course. Maybe, even if I can’t sleep right now, I can still rest. I can still let my thoughts still as I stare out into the empty fog, listening to her unending song. Tomorrow, I can be the Soldier once more. Tomorrow, I can be the System’s ‘Devil’. But tonight? Tonight, I just want to be a daughter. I want to spend time with her—even if it’s only a moment—, time that’s unimpeded by thoughts of the conflict that looms over us. I just…don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to hear It laughing, amused by the torment It causes.
I take a quiet breath, and my eyelids fall shut. I can still hear the others, though their voices seem like mere background noise. I focus on the song, allowing myself to relax into this odd half-asleep state. Eventually, though it seems far too soon, I open my eyes once more. I slowly rise to my feet, a silent farewell crossing through my mind. I’ll be back. She knows, I’m sure. At least…I hope so. My limbs feel only slightly lighter as I make my way across the dunes. Even still, they should be light enough that I can fight once more.
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feral-lore-creature · 3 months
Jade Shadows review spoilers!
I'm going to do a review on the quest, and it's going to be long. While I, personally, don't believe it's an epic quest you just NEED to experience for yourself, I want others to create their own opinions first.
Okay, bluntly, Jade Shadows struck a bad cord with me. I don't take direct/personal offense to it, as I've never had a loved one die from complications with pregnancy, nor have I had any issues like those myself, but I can at least say it wasn't good.
For my sanity's sake, I'll be putting my thoughts into categories.
Gameplay: It's as generic and predictable as any other set of missions, only with new/uncommon characters talking via transmission. Very average. If you've played Warframe long enough, you know what you're in for.
Music: As per usual, the music itself is fucking stunning. Once again, no surprise there. It's very fitting for the energy of the story as a whole, and is very beautiful. That's the best part. (Aside from little owl Ordis, obviously. 💜)
Story: Okay, this is where my problem REALLY lies. I wasn't expecting much from a filler quest, but look, if I wanted to watch a (fictional) pregnant woman die for the sake of a man's development, I'd watch any subpar action/thriller film streaming right now. It's clear that the writers didn't want to make light of pregnancy, but while sticking to the message of how hard pregnancy is on the body, but still insisting the focus be on Stalker/his missions, they devalue Jade. We never get to know WHO Jade really is, and we probably never will. She has no actual personality presented throughout the quest, has even fewer voice lines, and therefor functions as an incubator/love interest to some guy. (A guy we barely know, in fact.)
It's like she's sidelined, which is ridiculous to me, since SHE'S the NEW Warframe we're getting for gameplay, and SHE'S the focal point/message of the story in the first place. (Or at least she SHOULD be-) Her active suffering has heavier weight than whatever else is happening.
Concluding Thoughts: It was overall very emotional -and it might just be my period hormones talking- so I'd say this quest didn't exactly feel like a slap to the face, even if my wording seems harsh, but the lack of detail/character given to Jade is still upsetting. Again, less insulting, more disheartening and disappointing.
I don't want to think this problem was intentional, as it was likely the lack of dedicated time/resources as a whole that caused this. (DE is dealing with Tennocon, and also working on a big main quest, etc.) I don't believe it was from carelessness, It's just too damn short. It's a reason, but not an excuse.
All in all, this a story that should have stayed on the shelf until DE had the proper time for it.
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feneku · 3 months
Rescue Operation
Warnings: Mentions of blood and violence, a few f bombs
Tags: Slight F!Drifter/Ordis(Ordan), Pan!Ordis, Pan!Drifter, Post-Jade Shadows
~1.2k words
Ordis gets rescued after being kidnapped by Granum. He’s a bit of a damsel in distress here, but he gets to say fuck.
I do take constructive criticism (I will cry, but I’ll take the advice) just NOT if it’s about shipping. I’m not a skilled writer but I tried.
Alarms blared throughout the Corpus ship. Explosions and gunfire could be heard in the distance. The cephalon blinked slowly as he came to consciousness. He looked around what appeared to be a medical bay. A very advanced medical bay by the looks of it. He scowled as the memory of the Corpus assault on their camp came back to him. How they managed to distract his Operator while a lone Sister had infiltrated the Orbiter and… Damn Granum, he just couldn’t leave well enough alone.
“Motherfucker never could take no for an answer.” He growled to himself and wondered how long he’d been unconscious. Another explosion went off somewhere far away. Long enough for the Operator to locate him it seemed. Odd that the Corpus apparently left him alone. Were they too trusting or was the situation outside just that bad?
He pushed himself up from the bed with some effort. His body felt so stiff and awkward. He looked around again taking in the room. Eventually, his eyes settled on a glass cube, cracked, damaged. Dim. He stared. He looked at his hands. Realization hit him like a Grineer Thumper. That had been him. A multitude of emotions and nausea washed over him and he fell back onto the bed. It was all a little too much for him. He laid there for a while head spinning.
Another alarm sounded, shocking him out of his panic. An automated announcement warned that a section of the ship had just been exposed to vacuum. He couldn’t stay here, he needed to move. Move, find her, and get the fuck out of… where-ever this ship was.
He took a deep breath. He could do this, he swung his legs over the side and went to stand. Legs. Right. He’s had those before, he knows how to use them. Surely, it’s like riding a kaithe. Ordis slowly put his weight onto his feet and tried to take a step.
He stumbled and fell to the ground. Fuck.
The door suddenly snapped open and a woman shoved a corpus MedTech, hand covering his mouth and impaled on her sword, through it. She kicked the body off her blade, looked down at him and raised her sword-
He stared at her in amazement and an emotion he couldn’t quite identify, “O-operator?” By stars she looked good splattered with blood. He froze. Something wasn’t right here… he narrowed his eyes at her. “Where is your Warframe?”
Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened in shock, “Ordis! There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you.” She finished off the tech that had been trying to use the momentary distraction to reach for his comm. “Granum’s forces deployed some sort of field that disables them. Modified Sentient tech, I think.” She sheathed her nikana and held out a hand, “Are you hurt? Can you stand?”
He blanched and wondered how much of that blood was hers as opposed to Corpus. He took her hand and let her help him up. “I… I’m uninjured but… I’m not used to having a body again, yet.” He frowned, concerned. She shouldn’t have come for him, the risk of her dying… was an unpleasant thought. Fuck. It made him dizzy thinking about it.
Oblivious to his internal distress, she seemed relieved at hearing he wasn’t injured, “Good. Sorry, but we don’t have much time.” She kept hold of his hand and helped him towards the door. They could address the other aspects of his physical state when they weren’t at risk of getting shot at. She hadn’t missed the jade green glow to his eyes. What has Granum done to you? She wondered if he’d noticed it yet. He stumbled again and she wrapped an arm around him.
“I set off some explosions on the far side of the ship, but they’ll figure out it’s a distraction soon.” The Operator looked at her map display. Thankfully, there was an airlock nearby. She keyed for the liset to dock and checked the hall before exiting. Good. It was empty. She squeezed his hand, whether it was to reassure him or her, she couldn’t tell. He wasn’t exactly steady on his feet, but she could support him.
All those long months she had spent sabotaging and freeing prisoners from Narmer camps paid off. Sneaking through the ship to extraction was almost uneventful in comparison with most of the crew occupied. Dodging cameras and patrols was easy enough even with a recently re-bodied cephalon stumbling along with her. They only had a few incidents where she had had to stealthily dispatch a patrol that had been in their way.
Well, almost uneventful. As they approached their destination the Operator heard a voice barking orders that made her blood run cold. Vala Glarios, she must’ve come down from the bridge to personally handle things. The Operator shoved Ordis into one of the maintenance hallways and motioned for him to be quiet. She could handle a few Corpus troops, but a Sister too? Now wasn’t the time to find out if she could take one on without a frame. She took out a datapad and with a few taps… more explosions rang out through the ship.
Ordis looked at her in surprise. He leaned in and whispered, “Just how many bombs did you plant on this ship?”
She flashed, what some might call, an unhinged grin at him and whispered back, “A few.”
But that had gotten the leader of the Sister’s attention. She was rounding up the crew under her command and running in the direction of the newest explosion intent on catching their intruder. The Operator was once again gripping his hand, like she’d lose him if she didn’t. They made it to the airlock where a countdown had started, the lights were still red, locked. The Operator squeezed Ordis’ hand again in worry and looked back, praying Vala wouldn’t return. Those sixty seconds felt like an eternity. The locks on the door made a deep clack as the lights turned green. They were almost free.
“I’m sorry, but we’re going to have to get real close…” She looked at him with a little bit of embarrassment as she moved them into the airlock proper.
“What do you mean-“ Oh. Oh. He looked down at the smaller woman. “That… That’s not meant to fit two people.”
“I know but we don’t exactly have another option right now.” She desperately avoided eye contact with him as she pushed him towards the liset. They’d have to be quick because the sensors would trigger as soon as he was in.
As he pressed himself into place she mirrored his movements immediately. Hand over hand, face pressed into his chest, she stood on tiptoes to fit. He tried to not think about how fucking close she was to him, closed his eyes, and did his best to make room for her. As soon as he put his head back he felt the sensors click and the capsule began to rotate. It was a tight fit, but it worked.
The Operator shoved open the hatch and they climbed into the cockpit of the liset. She collapsed in front of the navigation console and punched in a destination - Lua. The small ship shuddered as the mag locks disengaged and the liset tipped away from the Corpus Obelisk. There was a small rumble as the main engines engaged… and they were home free.
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zeroaccord · 3 months
Sheratan is not owned by me but is made by @voruna-warframe. regardless, she's still important to anshi's and mira's story by being her partner and the main reason why the events happen in the story.
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Lore info for sheratan:
"For what I have for her, she's stuck in a time loop (I made this based on what I thought what Duviri's spirals were when they announced how Duviri works) and she's aware of all the deaths and whatever else she's been through, I was thinking it could be linked to something about Eternalism. Since her exposure to the void, she has more animalistic features. She has beast-esque hands/forearms due to using her void powers the scars spread kinda like how it does on the Zariman, and the void also spread from whatever injuries she got from the void jump. The horns and pointed ears are also from the void, but I haven't really come up with a reason why yet asides from "lol void shenanigans""
With this in mind, I want to add a little context regarding her character before I talk about the song.
Sheratan's timeloops begin and end with death, so upon her dying it all resets. Sheratan uses this to advantage to find a good timeline where she's happy, the people she loves is happy, and she doesn't have to worry about fighting. The only issue is with this, is how years and years of yearning took that naive hope of happiness and turned it into a desperate obsession just to be with her partners. (think homura from Madoka Magica) She's quick to turn to self-destructive habits the moment a timeline fails for a while before hopping again.
With that being said....
HEAVY TW for mentions of death, obsession, manipulation, substance abuse, and coping with loss. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Info under the cut!
"I clutch my past with a patient gaze To protect mythical stories of lies"
Sheratan keeping to herself to prevent people from knowing what happened to her; she does not want people forming parasocial connections with her as some mythical hero.
"So distressing, Your voice has become so alien" "I want to mute it so badly"
Sheratan being unable to deal with having to slow burn the relationship with her anshi and Mira. They can't remember the last timeline they were in, So she can't act on what she's thinking, unlike past timelines that are further down the line.
"Listening closely for that fleeting sound" "A ghastly nightmare to curse my enemies"
could be Sheratan remembering mira's voice while fighting (aka, her singing or "fleeting sound") or it could be grieving mira, thinking about her voice and her grief is so strong it's 'a ghastly nightmare to curse her enemies'
"Those deceitful words will be devoted somewhere else"
A failed timeline where anshi/mira has left, meaning their words of love would be 'devoted somewhere else'
"No wonder there is no trace, For it has never existed"
Timeline hopping makes things restart to when Sheratan first wakes up from Lua. When she saves anshi and mira, she has to restart her relationship with them. Their time together 'has never existed'
"The night is audience to my tale" "And I long for tranquility in my dreams"
Failed or fresh timeline, Sheratan resorting to self-destructive ways to cope with her losses, causing her to stay out more at night and gamble @ the index or drink. She's dreaming of a timeline where she can finally be free from her curse and be with her family. Ideally, She does not want to fight anyone anymore.
""Today" that kindly chose to visit me," "Please don't go yet"
Sheratan is a. not literally talking about a day, but one of her partners that she was able to get back in that timeline. She's begging for them not to leave her alone. Or b. She's relishing in a timeline where it's the most ideal, She's finally with them and it's been a little bit. Maybe out of the blue, that little nagging feeling of being alone again bites at her.
"Torn away from my future"
Being forced to kill herself/her dying and resetting/etc in a good timeline
"Compromised with the harshened love"
Scared and afraid of her partners leaving her, after her attempts of making them stay only drives them away. She would likely resort to more upsetting ways to make them stay, even if it means hurting them in some way. These timelines most of the time always end in sheratan killing herself out of guilt for that timelines anshi/mira.
"I tremble in awe of immutable time"
What it says on the tin. Even if she can timeline hop via killing herself - she still is afraid of time.
"The dawn precedes the day, Without heed for my sigh"
Her general tiredness of having to loop. She just wants a timeline where her family can be safe without her having to manipulate things.
"Just like a lukewarm juice" "I resist that bland warmth"
She refuses to give up, even if it'd be the most healthy thing she could ever do for herself and for them. She refuses to even think about them without her in the image - so much as shutting down anyone - including her partners that reject to her timeline hopping.
"Before I knew, It became stagnant under the sun"
Sheratan feeling justified in timeline hopping by small things that ultimately don't mean anything. Feeling that stopping now would make her efforts for nothing, even if it's impossible to find a timeline where her family and herself can be happy.
"Vivid scenes fade into distant memories"
Happy memories she's across timelines start to fade until they're all gone.
"I can't muster a smile facing that thrilling night"
(note: a more accurate translation would be "I just can't laugh, I tremble in the night")
She's physically unable to really smile from her face having years and years of damage on it. But what makes her unable to actually smile? The sheer amount of pain in her heart at all times.
(regarding the more accurate translation - the part with "I tremble in the night" would just be about her serious, deep depression about every single thing. Every mistake in every timeline causes her to squirm in her bed.)
"Though I still drag my lethargy behind myself"
Forcing herself to continue despite her pain. She's tired and breaks down at almost everything, forcing herself under a 'I have to do this even if i can't take it anymore' mindset
"The 'today' that granted me mercy, I beg you," "Please don't abandon me"
Same point from the line ""Today" that kindly chose to visit me," "Please don't go yet""
She's talking about a person or an actual frame of time. With it being an actual person, She views their love for her as undeserving in good timelines. She's scared of them leaving her at any point of time, for any reason. She even goes as far as to get on her knees and while crying to beg them not to leave.
With the frame of time / day, She overthinks the amount of good and bad times she has. She thinks when she's having mostly good moments or bland ones as a kindness when she's able to be alone with them. Being able to be around them and love them is a 'kindness' for her pain. The thought of its kindness abandoning her scares her.
"Humming a soft and cunning tone"
Singing the song that mira sings to give herself comfort.
"With an identical look to a cold corpse"
She sucks at masking her pain's effect on her body overtime, neglecting herself to rush and get them home safe.
"I kick away that whole lot of discomfort so hard"
Again, she fails to mask her pain. She doesn't see herself as the same as her partners. Any shown sign that there is something wrong is replaced with a cold, fake reaction.
"'I'm not a handful' I laughed and I laughed mirthlessly"
With some of the same points above, she views her partners on another level. She can't believe them when they say she's not a handful. To her, She hates herself for what she does.
(These parts get kind of repeated. I'll still repeat them. Just refer to the above points)
(Repeated) "Torn away from my future" "Compromised with the hardened love" "I tremble in awe of immutable time"
"Ignoring my lament, the sight of dawn foresees another day"
This is two things
She's forcing herself to continue until she eventually dies and loops again in a doomed timeline. The sight of dawn foresees another day since even if she's killed herself before, she's still afraid of dying. There's still that voice in her head that tells her 'just stop here'
She still presses on looping. She ignores her 'lament' in her grief and forces herself to continue yearning for them even more.
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My absolute favorite things about Warframe’s lore, in no particular order
There’s no aliens, anywhere. It’s all humans.
The grineer? Clones who, due to (unspecified amount of time) reusing the same genetic material have developed clone rot, and are getting weaker each generation of clones.
The Corpus are just Space Amazon with the Prophet of Profit leading the indebted and often indentured masses.
The Infested are a twisted hive mind made of this virus the ancient orokin used to make the Warframe’s, except this strain is uncontrollable and actively seeks to assimilate new flesh
The Sentients, the closest thing to aliens we have, are just really old Orokin robots, and are an inorganic life form, but we’re made by humans to travel to the Tau system to colonize it ahead of the orokin arrival
And the Orokin themselves, an ancient civilization that was at such a pinnacle of technology and civilization that even now, an unnamed period of time later, hundreds of thousands of years later the grineer and corpus still seek to emulate them. They’re a fascinating culture, objectively awful, but fascinating.
The Warframes themselves? Humans infected with a strain of the Helminth virus that mutates them and turns their flesh and bones as hard as steel
And the Tenno, traumatized children, able to bond with, and tame, and control the vicious, violent, and dangerous warframe’s, you know, cuz they have empathy, something entirely foreign to the orokin as a whole
The Tenno got their powers from The Man In The Wall. Which is some kind of magical eldritch entity that resides in this alternate dimension called the Void. The Orokin had sent the Sentients to Tau ahead of the colony ship, through the void (which sterilized them, rendering them unable to procreate, an unforeseen side effect of the Sentients traveling through the void) and when the colony ship started to launch into the void to get to Tau, something went wrong, and the ship fell into the void instead of cruising along the solar rails. And inside the void the ship, and the adults began to change due to the alien nature of the Void. The adults who listened to the song became twisted nightmares, almost like twisted metal angels, stalking the ship and killing anyone they find. The children, huddled together in their classrooms try to hide to stay safe. And then, suddenly you’re looking at a mirror image of yourself, but not quite right, and your hand is outstretched towards you, ready to shake. And then you make a choice to take what this unknown entity is offering and the ship falls out of the void back into real space and the children are forever changed by the deal made with TMITW.
Bright side is, due to our deal we can control the warframe’s, which were made to fight the Sentients, who had come back to the Sol system to fight the orokin for using them as slaves and sterilizing them in the process. And the orokin were losing, badly. They had Necramechs (which have some kind of corpse in them to make transference possible, even their mecha are made of people) but the Sentients were very adaptable. And with the Tenno and Warframe’s working together we won the war for the orokin. Then, at the celebration ceremony, the orokin had Octavia play her anthem, and she killed them all, effectively destroying the entire Orokin civilizations leadership in one fell swoop, eventually leading to the collapse and fracturing of the society as the grineer slave caste and the corpus remnants of the orokin fill in the power vacuum in coming centuries
And the Tenno, thanks to our space mom (which needs like a whole other post) get put into a permanent sleep in the moon and then she hides the moon in the void, so we’ll be safely in another dimension, away from harm, while able to continue piloting our warframe’s, fighting the fight, soldiers of a long forgotten era doing the tiny bit they can to make life harder for the oppressors in the solar system
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silence-of-autumn42 · 11 months
I miss playing Equinox. I love her visually, and her theme is really cool, conceptually. But at this point in the game, there's no value to playing her. Of all the warframes, I'd argue she is most in need of a rework behind Inaros, because she completely lacks a distinct identity. Equinox's theme is duality, but aside from Metamorphosis, none of her abilities really follow that theme. They're fairly disconnected from each other, with each ability being in opposition to itself, rather than forming a cohesive "kit". And her abilities aren't the most visually interesting either, generally just being a bunch of coloured lines and a water texture over the screen.
Not to mention changing forms actively harms her efficacy, because it breaks your channeled abilities, and prevents you from using Rest & Rage the way you were before (most likely as Rest). And even then, there's little reason to use Equinox at all. Her night form can be good for stealth, due to the ability to put enemies to sleep, but stealth in Warframe typically boils down to "how long can I stay invisible?" You can use sleep abilities for focus farming, but Baruuk's Lull is a much better version, and most focus farming is done with a Saryn or Mirage in Sanctuary Onslaught anyway. Equinox's day form is even less useful. The only useful ability she has is Provoke, which provides a minor Ability Strength buff, which is outclassed by Nidus' Parasitic Link. Rage only causes enemies to take slightly more damage, and Maim is not particularly good at nuking, especially when compared to Saryn or Mirage, or even Ember, due to the build up time.
I really, really want to love Equinox again. I used to main her before I got Wisp. But there's nothing I feel like she's particularly good at, no niche for me to use her in that wouldn't be better filled by another warframe.
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theterribletenno · 7 months
Shamir the Wyrm Queen Warframe
Just like Max it was no surprise to me that Shamir was a favorite of the season. Since most of the other frames from this season are rather simple and old-school I am going to try to make Shamir a bit more complex.
Health: 350 (450 at rank 30) Shields: 350 (450 at rank 30) Armor: 250 Energy: 100 (150 at rank 30) Sprint Speed: 0.95
Passive: Every time Living Ground and Nightcrawlers damage an enemy Shamir has a 30% chance to generate one third of a stack of Worm Food and every time Shamir kills an enemy with damage from any ability she is guaranteed to generate one third of a stack of Worm Food. Worm Food stacks fuel or empower Shamir's abilities. Worm Food has a maximum of 100 stacks.
Ability 1: Living Ground, 25 energy. Shamir designates a patch of ground in her sight over unrestricted range with a 12 meter radius to become infested with Golden Maws for 12 seconds, turning the area into a deadly trap as her monstrous pets churn just beneath the surface, waiting to pounce and bite. While an enemy is standing in the area of Living Ground they will be bitten by a golden maw once per second inflicting 150 points each of impact, puncture, and slash damage with 25% status chance and apply one of three effects with each having a 33.3% chance of occurring. If one of the effects cannot be triggered on the target the remaining two will have 50% chance to occur and if two of the effects cannot be triggered on a target then the last one is guaranteed to occur. A. Disarm: The enemy is disarmed, causing them to drop their currently equipped ranged weapon. This effect cannot trigger on enemies without a ranged weapon, enemies that have already been disarmed, or enemies which are otherwise immune to disarming. B. Ragdoll: The enemy is ragdolled for several seconds, rendering them helpless and vulnerable to melee finisher attacks until they are able to upright themselves. This effect cannot trigger on enemies which it has already affected within the last 10 seconds, enemies with overguard, or enemies which are otherwise immune to being ragdolled. C. Bleed: The enemy is guaranteed to recieve a slash status effect from the attack in addition to its normal status chance. Apart from enemies which are immune to slash status procs there are no conditions where this effect is prevented. Holding the ability key for Living Ground will highlight its target area in Shamir's energy color for precise positioning. Up to four instances of Living Ground can be active at once and casting the ability while four instances are already active will replace the oldest one. Living Ground's damage increases by 10 points of each damage type for every stack of Worm Food Shamir currently has.
Ability 2: Leech, costs 1 worm food (or 50 energy). If Shamir does not have at least one stack of Worm Food to spend on Leech it will instead cost 50 energy to activate. Leech summons up a long and slender golden maw to wrap around the enemy closest to Shamir's crosshairs within 30 meters which staggers all enemies within an 8 meter radius and trapping the target in the Leech maw's coils for the next 20 seconds. While coiled, the enemy is completely disabled as it stays held in place by the Golden Maw, becomes invulnerable to incoming damage, and slowly has its vital fluids and energy drained creating an aura with an 8 meter radius; when Shamir or her allies stand within the aura the leech feeds its stolen vitality to them, restoring 25% of their missing health per second, while draining 1% of maximum health per second from the victim. Pressing the ability key while aiming at an enemy coiled by Leech will release the victim early before duration expires. Damage from outside sources inflicted on the victim while it was invulnerable will be dealt in full when it is released, and all status effects it received will resume their effects.
Ability 3: Nightcrawlers, costs 5 worm food. Offering up several pieces of generated Worm Food Shamir summons up one of her three unique elite Golden Maws to join her in battle. If Shamir has none of her special maws currently summoned then each one has a 33.3% chance to be summoned when Nightcrawlers is cast, if she has one summoned the remaining two have a 50% chance to be summoned and if she has two of them active the final maw will be guaranteed to be summoned. Nightcrawlers can only have three maws summoned at once. Each unique elite Golden Maw lasts for 10 seconds or until killed. These maws have health, shields, and armor equal to 2x of Shamir's and their basic attack deals 500 damage of their specified element with a guaranteed status proc. For every stack of Worm Food Shamir currently has the unique elite Golden Maws' attacks deal an additional 20 damage. When one of the maws summoned by Nightcrawlers expires or is killed it bursts, dealing 5x its normal attack damage to all enemies within 8 meters. A. Caustic Maw: Deals pure corrosive damage and prefers to target the enemy with the highest armor value nearby. This maw's acidic saliva dissolves the corpses of enemies it kills, giving them a 60% chance to drop extra loot. B. Noxious Maw: Deals pure gas damage and prefers to target groups of enemies standing close to each other. This maw's normal attacks cleave, dealing partial damage to all enemies within striking distance. C: Virulent Maw: Deals pure viral damage and prefers to target the enemy with the highest max health nearby. This maw is able to perform finisher attacks on enemies that are vulnerable to melee ground finishers, parazon mercy kills, or are currently below 20% of their max health.
Ability 4: The Wyrm Turns, costs 1 worm food per second. Shamir reveals her final form, beautiful shame of the Empire, the corpse eating golden dragon. In her Wyrm form Shamir completely shapeshifts into an orowyrm-like monster that delivers death to all foes in its sight with terrible power and grace. In her Wyrm form Shamir's health, shields, and armor are all multiplied by 3, her movement is altered to resemble that of the orowyrms of Duviri, and she loses access to her normal weaponry in exchange for a pair of exalted weapons: Dragon's Breath and Golden Fangs. -Dragon's Breath is categorized as an exalted primary beam weapon for modding purposes, a flamethrower that fires a wide and long spray of pure heat damage with very high status chance and average crit. Enemies killed by Dragon's Breath will release a fiery explosion, dealing 5% of their max health to all other enemies within 8 meters as pure heat damage with a guaranteed heat status proc. -Golden Fangs is an exalted melee weapon that deals roughly even values of impact, slash, and puncture damage and has extraordinarily high per-hit damage but very slow attack speed and very high critical chance with normal status chance. For every stack of Worm Food Shamir consumes while in her Wyrm form her exalted weapons gain 1% bonus damage up to a maximum of 100%. Kills from Dragon's Breath and Golden Fangs have a 15% chance to generate one third of a stack of Worm Food.
Subsumed ability: Nightcrawlers (Activation cost is changed to 75 energy, synergy with Worm Food is lost.)
Signature Weapon: Blackwater. Shamir's signature weapon, a melee blade-and-whip that appears to be both Orokin in origin and infested in nature, yet another piece of her beautifully ugly and royally shameful existence as undertaker of the empire. Blackwater has high attack speed at the cost of below average per-hit damage, high critical chance and critical multiplier at the cost of low status chance. Blackwater deals mostly slash damage, moderate puncture and viral, and very low impact. As a unique passive effect every time the Blackwater lands a level one yellow critical hit the status chance on the hit is multiplied by 1.5x, 2x for level two orange crits, and 2.5x for all tiers of red crit; levels three and higher. As Shamir's signature weapon when she wields it every time the Blackwater crits it has a 5% chance to increase the critical hit's level by one.
Signature Companion: Conqueror. A special sentinel born through a combination of technocyte and Tenno ingenuity, a lethal companion whose half-infested nature mirrors the Warframes it protects. Conqueror has two unique precepts: Detritivore and Omnivore. Detritivore releases a total of eight viral bolts from the sentinel, each one fired 45 degrees apart and able to seek out and strike an enemy within its own 45 degree 30 meter targeting cone. If no enemy exists within its range the bolt will continue traveling outward from its point of origin searching for an enemy to strike for up to four seconds. Upon striking an enemy each bolt does 150 viral damage with a guaranteed viral status proc and heals Conqueror for 25 points. Healing from this effect can restore health, shields, and overshields. This precept has a 12 second cooldown. Omnivore launches a spherical singularity several meters in diameter which travels slowly in the direction it was fired with infinite punch-through lasting for 8 seconds. All enemies it passes through are dealt 600 magnetic damage with a guaranteed magnetic status proc. As it travels the sphere absorbs enemy attacks that pass through it, adding 10% of the absorbed attack's damage to the sphere's own. This precept has a 30 second cooldown. Conqueror includes the robotic companion weapon the Borer. Borer is a held-beam style weapon that accepts rifle mods and deals pure corrosive damage with very high status chance but very low critical chance. Borer's beam can chain up to 3 nearby enemies within 7 meters from the initial target, with each chain doing 75% of the previous chain's damage. As Shamir's signature companion when she and Conqueror are used in tandem Conqueror's overshield cap is doubled.
Closing Notes: Shamir is named after a legendary worm from the legends of Solomon which could dissolve stone, and in some apocryphal tellings was given to Solomon by Asmodeus. After drafting a few much more simple and old-school warframes I feel that Shamir is a breath of fresh, complicated air. She's no Rube Goldberg warframe but I like the interactions of her kit. Also, yes, Leech is nearly a one-for-one copy of Garuda's Blood Altar and I'm not apologizing. The reason her signature melee weapon is a blade and whip is because of the so-called "unholy trinity" of parasitic worms; roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms; so I gave her a melee weapon with a whip and hook. Her signature sentinel is named after the Conqueror Worm, a poem by Edgar Allen Poe.
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alteredsilicone · 9 months
Hey! I hope you don't mind the ask but I was curious how you came up with the lore for your Operator/Drifter separate from the game's story stuff. Like, how did you decide x did y outside of what the story provides us? A lot of my struggle is deciding what mine did without breaking canon/deviating too much?
Hi, I don't mind this type of ask at all, in fact this gives me an opportunity to ramble. :D Obviously, this will be my own personal approach to the story so feel free to take inspiration or try to change things in your favor.
My solution to the canon problem is this - I have 3 "main" Tenno OCs, and I designated one of them to be the "canon" Tenno so that their lore mirrors the main questline (Second Dream up to The New War), and that is also a philosophy I use for my other Tenno OCs. Basically, I have an idea of a character and what they do and then I apply quests and story lines that would be fit for that particular character.
Artemis is my "main" Tenno, she also doesn't have any strong allegiances (maybe except the Lotus), which in turn makes her more plastic so I can change and adjust her story as fits, while still keeping basics like her personality (she is brash, she is a fighter, she likes to let her emotions take hold of her and rush into situations, guns blazing). She does have a backstory that is unique to her, but all of that happened pre-current timeline so regardless of what DE throws at us her backstory can stay the same (unless we get a flashback type quest of the Orokin era/Old War but I'll cross that bridge if it appears before me).
Eir is the creator of Duviri, but I also allowed myself to bend the canon that there is more than one Drifter and that Duviri may have more islands that we just never saw (and since Conceptual Embodiment is a thing, technically anyone exposed to the Void long enough could dream up world, people, anything really). That way Artemis can be the "main" character who is hunted by Dominus Thrax, whereas Eir is somewhere to the side as a sort of secret protagonist.
This leaves Virgo completely independent of the main plot, so she can be a "gag character" who fits into all sorts of situations. She also has her unique story and background but other OCs take the burden of being part of the "main" story.
I hope this explains. I tried not to get too much into the details of each character, just give an overview of how to develop OCs for a live-service game.
I am also of the opinion that you can just ignore canon or pretend there is a mysterious Tenno doing heroic deeds while your Tenno is doing their own thing - maybe they're pals with the Solaris, maybe they're working at a Grineer junkyard, maybe they JUST woke up and think the Old War is still going. Warframe is very sandbox-y even if some of the quests try to give us a definitive "lore" for us.
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noirrelite · 1 year
So what's the story for sirerras independent movement? :eyes:
:screm: sorry for the late reply! I'm a bit shy sharing when it comes to telling rather than showing, it's still kind of a work in progress and writing isn't really my strong suit ^^' the short version: Sierra's a pre-tenno warframe but got a transference bolt to restrict her movement later on after transference was discovered. Alad V would later find her and broke her transference bolt to succeed in controlling her with the mutalist strain. Operator Tala encountered Sierra, destroyed the collar used to control her and rescued her after realizing that she might not be a "hollow warframe" after all, and she's been able to move of her own accord ever since. long ass version for nerds: Sierra was among the first generations of warframes that were capable of acting of their own before the Tenno came back from the void. After transference was discovered, the Orokin no longer needed/wanted the warframes to act independently anymore, so the older warframes like Sierra and the original Kullervo who were still potentially useful-- either because they managed to stay sane enough or were too valuable to destroy-- (Sierra was a bit of both but did end up losing it eventually from being forced to put down her crazed brothers and sisters) were retrofitted with transference bolts to suppress their movement and placed in cryosleep to be assigned to a Tenno later, while newer ones would have them by default. They never found a compatible operator before Prime variants of her model were developed however, so she ended up staying asleep in cryostasis forgotten for the rest of the Old War. Later on she was forced awake when Alad V found her pod in an abandoned Orokin facility and tried to take control of her with the Mutalist strain, but for his experiment to succeed he first had to break the transference bolt to allow the strain to take control of her body. Sierra was eventually pitted against Tala (in her base Rhino warframe) when Tala finally tracked down Alad's lab on Eris. Tala, being relatively inexperienced in combat, struggled, but Rhino's durability and the infestation's imperfect control over Sierra eventually gave her the advantage during their fight and she broke the control collar placed on Sierra. Tala noticed her hostility evaporate, seemingly accepting her impending death from the injuries she sustained during the fight. Fully convinced Sierra was a Tenno now, Tala asks the Lotus to allow her to rescue Sierra, promising to take full responsibility, and removed what remained of the Mutalist infestation from her with the helminth, recklessly hoping to either find a new Tenno friend and if not, add a new warframe to her barebones arsenal. Hope that answers your question! Here's more headcanons related to independent warframes below the cut (also for nerds)
In my personal AU, there's generally 3 (er, 5?) conditions for a warframe to be able to move independently:
they were originally human, which in my headcanon is most if not all orokin era warframes before the Tenno managed to find a way to create warframes without sacrificing people (albeit at the cost of being less powerful). The extent of how much of their memories and personality were erased by the transformation tends to vary for each individual, but in general the Orokin couldn't completely erase every trace of their original selves.
their movement isn't restricted by a transference bolt (either they don't have one or it's specially-made like umbra's, modified, or broken (It doesn't make sense for Codex Rhino Prime, the Orowyrms, and ravenous maws to have transference bolts, and Excal Umbra got one despite never having a Tenno assigned to him, which leads me to believe transference bolts aren't really needed for transference but are just there to suppress the warframe's movement/will for easier control)
they're conscious (many were in a vegetative state because of cryostasis and/or because of the traumatic experiences they went through, but they can be coaxed back into awareness with enough patience or in extreme cases where they sense that their operator is in danger for example) 3.1. Conscious frames with intact transference bolts can technically still move by their own accord so long as a Tenno is transferenced with them, as long as the Tenno in question is letting them take the wheel or is unconscious. 3.2. In extreme but rare cases, such Warframes, given they have strong enough wills (e.g. Rouge) can latch onto and keep their operator captive in a state similar to reverse transference, feeding on their operator's void energy to allow themselves to move while completely ignoring their will. However, these cases are so rare that they're generally considered a myth made up to scare Tenno to treat their warframes with care, and to consider carefully when adopting an operatorless orokin-era warframe.
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Darius has taken a lot of ppl under his wings since he awoke and considers his ragtag lil clan to all be his family, but he specifically has two who he considers to be His Kids
One is his tenno, Mae. She chose to withdraw from combat when she and Darius realised that that was an option at all, even if one they'd need to fight for to make work, and Darius did everything he could to support her in this while continuing the fight alone
During their combat days she was a very defensive fighter and not at all chatty during missions, but getting to just be a teenager and study the things she wants to (mainly architecture) has allowed her to blossom into someone a lot more easygoing and confident. She lovingly bullies her dad but no one else is allowed to look at him meanly. She likes to paint (the dojo has some of her work up on the walls! Darius is the proudest dad in the world and the entire dojo is now the fridge door for him to hang up his daughter's work) and naturally takes on a leader role amongst the clan's tenno when it comes to various Projects. This was initially granted bc "leader's daughter" but turns out she's genuinely good at it
Darius' other kid and Mae's older sibling is Tekla, an excalibur. The "an" is very on purpose here - excalibur was one of if not the Only frame that the Orokin had attempted to make multiple of before realising that 1) something will always end up different (often drastically so) bc the hosts aren't perfectly the same, and 2) warframes are extremely powerful so might as well get in some extreme variety too
Tekla's backstory is full of Ouch and i will not delve into it on This post, but basically: they never saw combat in the Old War, got severly traumatised while semi-conscious, and will never set foot on a battlefield ever again. Or be controlled via transference. They're no longer in contact with the tenno who had them post-long-sleep
They're meek and don't handle strangers well, but they're very content doing data and supply tracking for the clan. Spreadsheets galore. They were one of the first ppl Darius took under his wing. They'd never admit to seeing Darius as their dad but do claim him to be their hero. Darius on the other hand 100% sees them as his own kid and acts accordingly
Tekla and Mae have something of a "they asked for no pickles" dynamic, with Mae often serving as Tekla's security blanket/emotional support person. If there's strangers in the dojo, Mae will interact with them readily or at the v least Observe from the edge of conversation and report back to Tekla via transference conversation while they stay out of sight a few rooms away
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brandwhorestarscream · 11 months
I'm a bit sad that Arcee is already in Prime because I was thinking a bit about Hindsight and also how much I love Galvatron and Arcee being twins in IDW.
Just imagine what Megatron could have been like with an aunt like that :D
Lmfao that would be the twist of the century. Imagine that.
So like, Galvatron and Arcee likely would've been separated when they were young: their parents were in a secret, illegal relationship, as cross-caste bondings aren't allowed. When they were eventually busted, found to be more than just a master/servant or employer/employee... a lot of really ugly things happened
Their carrier (I always cast the larger of two partners as the carrier for health reasons) is dragged off to the southern side of the planet along with Galvatron, the two of them thrown to the slave market and quickly picked up by some scumbag or other. Whether or not they stay together is up for debate, but there's a chance they were purchased separately.
As for Arcee and their sire? Well 🤭 poor little Cee has to watch her dad wrestled into stasis cuffs and arrested while some mecha wearing a strange symbol picks her up and carries her away against her will. Sparkling Protective Services have seized custody of her on account of her sire being sent to jail. They'll possibly face empurata, possibly imprisonment. Cross breeding is not allowed.
Depending on how decent the sire's side of the family is, little Arcee might end up with family. Adopted by an aunt or uncle. If they're bigoted though, they'd scorn her for being half warframe and shun her from their home, refusing to take her, in which case she'd likely end up in a foster home or orphanage. I don't think she'd spend her entire childhood as a ward of the state, but a decent chunk of it.
I'm imagining she and her brother were really young when this happened. Like, developmentally betweetn 4 and 6, depending on how long their parents were able to hide their relationship. Both poor little sparklings are terrified and confused, ripped from their homes and robbed of their parents and beloved sibling, now all alone in the world. Growing up is incredibly difficult and incredibly lonely--they long to be reunited, but... they’re so little. As time goes on, their memories begin to fade no matter how tightly they try to hold onto them. Recalling their parents voices or each other's faces gets more and more difficult the older they get, and by the time they reach adulthood the traumatic memories of that horrible day have been mostly repressed. They know they were separated from their parents and know they had a twin, but they don't remember a whole lot of details. Their familial sparkbonds have long since gone dormant, and there's no way they could find each other.
Then the war happens, and they make the natural assumption that their family from before is all dead. What are the odds that they survived? Not great, right?
Then (as far as canon goes) Megatron is killed. Cybertron is revived. They can all go home. And eventually Arcee and Galvatron run into each other--and looking into one another's faces for the first time since they were bitties, it brings everything flooding back with startling clarity. The reunion is messy and awkward but they're ultimately relieved to see each other again. But Galvatron is devestated, grieving the very recent death of his beloved only son. Arcee is at first sympathetic and sparkbroken--to think, her brother had a baby! She had a nephew! Or well, she could have had a nephew. She's already lamenting the loss of memories she'll never get to make, of a sweet baby she'll never get to meet and gush to his carrier about how beautiful he is.
Then she just hears her brother murmur, "Oh, my poor, poor little Megatronus..." and her whole reality has to drastically reset XD
Switching gears then, as for Hindsight! Could you imagine? Arcee and Galvatron still being traumatically separated, and only realizing they're related after landing in the third timeline together. It's the first time they really look at each other, and realize. Galvatron is already furious and already hates her for the way she killed his baby in the last timeline, but now? Now he finds out that she's the sister he's been missing since he was so young? It's like an extra slap in the face, the ultimate, miserable betrayal, that the psycopathic sparkling slaughterer that haunted his dreams was his twin. On the other side, Arcee is already grappling with how wrong she was to do that and of course set out to fix it, but knowing that the baby she killed was her nephew and the carrier she wronged was her lost brother, it's just too much to bear
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zydrateacademy · 1 year
My List O' Frames
I'm going down my "Usage" stat, though Warframe's tracking for most used items is... odd, to say the least. My Bolter Prime is still third on my most used weapons despite having not touched it in years. Bolter Prime was just... my first prime, if memory serves and it served well for a while.
The frames are kind of the same, with Ember Prime still locking down my "second", again, despite not having used it for years. As I use them they shift around so they'll be dethroned eventually.
I actually own -most- frames with several exceptions. I won't list them all here, like stuff I never play. Banshee, Nyx, Zephyr, etc. I just wanted to compile a list of frames I actually use and sort of document what kind of "mood" I am in when to play them.
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Saryn's my main girl and has been for a long time, even in her non-prime days. Generally my go-to for most missions with the exception of Spy/Capture/Assassinate. She has a very low sprint speed with no real mobility skills. She can handle pretty much everything else. I've recently rebuilt her into range so I can hit more of the map.
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Ember, as I said I haven't played her in years and don't see a lot of them running around. I wonder if her firestorm just doesn't scale well, but it's usually pretty fun to use.
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Titania is my "let me not waste my teammates time" frame. I bring her notably on Sorties and various steel path missions, specifically stuff like Spy and Capture because there's always some speedster Gauss or Volt just speedrunning the whole map because nobody wants to waste their time burning down bullet sponge enemies. Titania is third on my list not because of kills likely, but from missions completed AS her. She's basically my speedrun frame. Does almost no damage in her pixie form, despite having forma'd her special weapons a couple times and modded them as much as I really can. They're dual pistols that fire fairly slowly which can chunk some enemies but she really exists just so I can keep up with the pros and not take five minutes getting to extraction.
She can also cheese the treasure hunts and several mastery tests.
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Mesa is my "fuck around with lowbies/friends/low level missions" frame. I wish her Peacemaker scaled better because on 70+ missions, they can't seem to handle Eximus shields and domes very well (as they become more and more common). She mostly has to rely on the 3 and whatever primary weapon I'm using at the time. She's as built as I can feasibly get her, so I generally switch to fairly basic automatic/ballistic weapons on her to play into the gunslinger archetype. Sometimes I just want to Call of Duty this shit.
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Mirage, like Mesa, I wish scaled better. I have the explosive item augment on her which makes her great fun to play on defensive missions but it's immensely boring, and just recently bought the augment that increases her clone's damage so I may need to rebuild and forma her more towards that style of play. One or two of her skills are situational depending on if you're in light or shadow and that's a level if micromanagement I don't care for.
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I remember playing a lot of Protea, I tried to build into the Artillery turret in hopes to get it to last longer but even at the highest I can get it, it only stays up for 6 seconds at 201% duration. I think I can do better with mods now but haven't bothered. I like tossing grenades around but she joins some of the others in "play in low level missions" pile.
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Wisp will some day be second to Saryn. As she's both powerful, useful, and is along the same lines of Titania as my "let me not waste my team's time". Health regen and huge speed, I drop her motes down with 300% strength (raw, not counting various procs and perks). I generally play her on some of the hardest missions due to the health mote alone, and her passive to where she's invisible while flying through the air... She only really dies if I'm being stupid and trying to find a corner to cower in when I really should just be bullet jumping across the map with the speed mote. Not as fast to fly through the map as Titania but they both fulfill the same function.
In addition, her 4 remains fairly functional in high-ish level missions, up to 70 or 80. It's one of the most fun 4's to use, and at 300% strength why the fuck not drop it sometime?
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I built Nova to speed up defense missions and to look pretty damn awesome while doing it. I never use her for anything else. If I have no frames to level but I need to level 2-3 weapons, she's my go-to to get that shit over with.
We'll now be getting into two off-categories. One is; "I'd play these more if they were better" territory, with a couple of exceptions (like Hildryn and Garuda). The second is "I wish I really understood what their kit really did".
For a very long time, despite reading abilities over and over again it took me a long time to truly comprehend what a frame's kit actually does.
Take this ability for example;
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This is Mesa's 1. What the fuck does it mean that it "stores damage". What the fuck is a buffer limit. What do you mean "channeled" through the next gunshot. Is that for, a single shot? Is it just an ability for snipers? I have no idea, and many MANY frame abilities are worded like this. For a player who's just getting into the game you could read through entire kits and not fucking understand what's going on. That was my problem for a long time, and I'll explain more on this most as I run into them.
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Octavia is a Category 1. I wish she was better. She's fairly well modded, 3 or 4 forma, baseline energy costs but everything else is in the positives. Yet it seems like my Skyrim-tune thumping rollewheel only does like 300 damage per tick. She's basically along the same lines as Mesa and Protea in the sense that she's great fun to take on under-50 missions. Otherwise most of her damage comes from whatever primary weapon I'm using. At that point, what's the use of the frame itself?
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Ivara is Category 2, "I wish I knew what her kit was for". Her 4 is completely pointless because I have my own better bows I could use in place of it. Her 1 is a cycling of various arrow types. Making my own ziplines is cute but who cares? Her 2 does an Assassin's Creed style arrow control through the air but just equip some aoe primary and that fulfills the job ten times faster. Her 3, an invisibility and extra loot goblin type ability is the only real selling point, so she can be useful in spy missions. So much of what she is can be done with better tools.
She looks GREAT on a design standpoint.
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I've got Mag in some of the sickest drip but she's stuck in another Category 2 of "I don't really understand her kit". Her 4 is like a big aoe crush but my Saryn's 4 essentially does the same thing.
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Hildryn is the first of the exceptions to the two above categories. I want to play her a lot more and she has a purpose. She synergizes well with my brother's Nidus main (who needs energy to fuel his constant growth and damage potential). And at ~3700 shields with the adaptation mod on her (which puts her 'effective' health in the tens of thousands), she's a great go-to tank for when I just don't want to die. The problem is, Wisp also fulfills this task just as well. Wisp has a fraction of the health pool but a constant on demand regenerative ability. Hildryn can strip shields but what if the enemy doesn't have them, or what if they wander out of range of the ability. Various other drawbacks. Wisp is my "alright I won't die at all" frame, but I still understand and enjoy Hildryn's kit and I want to play her more.
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Xaku is another "I wish I understood what the fuck they do despite having read all their abilities multiple times".
Let me save some time here and name a few others that are in the same camp that I won't even bother screenshotting: Gara, Gyre, Equinox, Nyx, Valkyr, Citrine, and Khora.
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Voruna is awesome looking but her kit just feels like Garuda's with extra steps. But honestly I kind of want to play/forma her some more. I'm just not too hot on melee based stuff.
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I am actually surprised to see Garuda on the bottom of the list except I then remembered this is the prime variant. I played her standard form a bit more, whom has long since been eaten by my ship. She's generally my go-to when I actually feel like taking melee seriously, or for a melee based Nightwave. I do not yet know how well she performs on high level content and I haven't even forma'd her yet.
And that's it! I own several others that I never plan to play much. Excal Umbra, Loki, several other male-coded ones. I want Caliban some day. Maybe Revenant.
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titanomarchy · 6 months
I'm going to do my best to recount the lore for Warframe, my favorite videogame of all time. I think I'll do so in chronological order, as best as I can (time gets wonky, especially with the upcoming 1999 update). This might end up as multiple posts depending on how in-depth I ramble and how much Tumblr lets me.
In our far future, there is the Orokin Empire. Humans have expanded to the whole of the solar system. The Orokin - true Orokin - stay in power through a process called Continuity, where they dominate the mind of another person until their identity is erased, and only the possessor remains. The Orokin would never die. Continuity is fueled by Kuva, which itself I believe is refined from Void radiation. Manual labor within the Empire is either done by the locals, or cloned workers called Grineer, but definitely not by Orokin.
It was the Orokin Executor, Albrecht Entrati, who began proper research into the Void. Others viewed it simply as its name - an empty space. In his experiments, Albrecht entered the Void properly and gazed into the starless black. It gazed back. Something in the Void had taken on the appearance of Albrecht, and referred to him as "little bengal", which nobody had called him since he was a child, quite possibly centuries ago. The thing reached out to him, and in his panic Albrecht left the Void as soon as he could. As the gate closed behind him, the Thing left behind massive severed fingers. The process blinded Albrecht and left him insane for a time. He was unsure if it was Albrecht that left the void, or that reflection of himself.
The fingers would serve as the basis for Void travel. Solar Rails and Railjack ships would be able to travel through the Void, using it as a wormhole to speed up travel.
The Orokin were in trouble. The general populace may have known it, might not. But resources in the Sol system were running low from rampant Orokin consumption. They needed a plan B. Drones with the ability to adapt were made, and tasked to build a Solar Rail from Sol to the nearby habitable Tau system. These drones were designed with a flaw - the Void was poison to them. Life continued as the plan proceeded.
Multiple outbreaks of the Technocyte Virus, or Infestation, ravaged the system. A viral nanomachine, Technocyte melds flesh and metal, the process is extremely painful and results in lost sanity.
The Solar Rail to Tau finished. It was time to send the first colony ship, Zariman 10-0. In order to make the jump, several safety features would be disabled. Riots ensued on the ship, but were put down. The agri-biomes were sabotaged, and the Orokin simply cast them off. As may be expected when safeties are disabled, things went horribly wrong.
Paranoia gripped your father's heart, "Something's out there kiddo, watching us." One by one, the adults went insane. Everyone except the children. Parents hunted their children, kids did what they had to to survive. As you check in with the other children, you meet someone who looks just like you. They offer you a deal. You can save them, Kiddo, but you have to mean it. You take the deal. Part of you is now Void, as is the case with all of the other children. You manage to survive until the ship returns to normal reality, near Saturn. It has probably been months in the Void, its hard to tell.
You and the other survivors are called Tenno, derived from the Zariman's serial code. You are also called Demons, and reviled due to your new nature. Executor Ballas wants you executed, and Executor Tuvul would likely agree. But Margulis, Ballas' secret lover, takes you in. Through a form of therapy, she blocks out your pains from the Zariman, but also a part of your powers. She serves as your surrogate mother until her execution for treason. The Tenno are put in cryosleep.
The drones from Tau return, having taken the long way at first. Their adaptation leads to consciousness and sentience. The Sentients realized that the Orokin would ruin the world they built for them in Tau, so war began between the machines and the Orokin. Orokin war-robots turned, being hacked and subverted by the Sentients. The Orokin tried to weaponize the Infested, and it did not work. Next they built Necramechs, machines that were shielded from Sentient influence. But they were slow, clumsy, and unintelligent. Zero-Tech Grineer and Dax soldiers were used, but died quickly. It is a losing battle, until a pair of scientists notice something strange. An infested specimen that had escaped quarantine was murdering other scientists, rampaging through the facility. Until it suddenly stopped at the bay where some Tenno were held.
They called it Transference. A process similar to Continuity, but the possessor still retains their original body. If properly attuned, a Tenno could remotely operate Infested. This lead to the Warframe Initiative, headed by Executor Ballas. A special strain of Infestation was developed, resulting in the super soldier body that would be paired with Operator minds. The tide of the war turned. Guided by the Lotus, who looked suspiciously like Marguilis, the Warframes were essential to victory. A mix of strength, speed, intelligence, and Void. But the Orokin, as befitting the ruling class of an empire, were cruel. Wasteful. Unjust. They bit the hand that saved them. This resulted in the slaughter of the Orokin elite, mass-spread of Technocyte, and a Grineer slave-riot that led to the end of the Empire. With this final act, the Tenno disappeared.
The Grineer rose to dominance in the Sol system. They learned primarily cruelty and hate from their former masters. An army of clones of clones, serving their twin Queens. One by one, planetary systems fell under Grineer dominion. Colonies claimed, used, and absorbed. Slightly more than half of the habitable planetoids would be under their command. Most of the remaining half is controlled by the Corpus, a hyper-capitalist cult that worships money above all else. While the Grineer have significantly less developed tech, they have numbers to make up for their losses. The Infestation has claimed Deimos and Eris.
This brings it up to... right before you start playing. Quite frankly, I don't know if I have the energy to do a part 2 anytime soon.
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sayuricorner · 2 years
Transformers Animated prompt idea: Earth raised bots AU: More Earth Bots profiles
Here’s some other profiles and headcanons of Earth bots from the “Earth raised bots AU”! ^^
Warning: References to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
(UPDATE: New oc added)
-Is the tiniest of the Earth Bots.
-”Birthdate”: 13 september 1988 in japan
-Was took in by a young japanese man in Osaka.
-Has a kansai japanese accent.
-Is a warframe(?) gun.
-Alt mode: browning gun
-He was named browning because of his alt form.
-Was named Browning because of his alt mode.
-Despite his size, Browning is a bot who didn’t let others step on him and know how to voice his opinion.
-Is very resourceful and is capable to put up a fight.
-Since he is so small this make him undetectablesecurity systems making him a very good spy.
-Is a little shit with a heart of gold.
-Call Jadwiga “boss”.
-Hang on most of the time on other Earth Bots’s shoulders to avoid being step on.
-Love mecha, kaiju and sentai animes/TV shows.
-His favorite tv show is Kamen Rider.
-He is a fan of Godzilla movies.
-When Wasp brough to the Earth Bots community and was given political asylium, Browning voluntered himself to become his “emotional pet support”, an idea that Rung liked ‘cause he noticed that Wasp became very uncomfortable and anxious when around bots bigger than him and could badly trigger him so having a very small bot as an emotional support would be very good for Wasp.
-Is protective toward Wasp and help him to calm down when he is badly triggered.
-(Fun fact 1: Browning is originally a decepticon character from the anime “Transformers: super-god masterforce”).
-(Fun fact 2: His “birthdate” in the AU is the airdate of the episode in which hr got introduced “The Autobot Warrior, Sixknight?!”).
-One of the oldest Earth Bots
-Birthdate: 30 March 1930 in japan
-Was found and adopted by a family in Nagasaki.
-Had a japanese accent.
-Was named “Sakura” ‘cause she appeared at the start of the cherry blossom season.
-Is a civilframe motorcycle.
-Alt form: motorcycle
-She and her adopted siblings lost their parents in atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Sakura and her siblings didn’t get caught in the bombing as their parents send them to Yamaguchi days before to extented family for a small vacation, unfortunatly the parents stayed at Nagasaki and end up victims of the bombing.
-Since this tragedy, Sakura looked after her siblings and their families through the years.
-When Sakura met Jadwiga and the other Earth Bots, she was very hesitant at first to go live in the community in Detroit and leave her family behind but her adopted family convinced her to go.
-Is a hard-working femme who’s always ready to help others.
-Had anxiety problems.
-Had PTSD due to the trauma of her adopted parents’s death.
-Had regular therapy sessions with Rung.
-Is one of the scientists of the community.
-Had interest in science since the first times of her existence.
-Like to sudy technologies, science theories and biology.
-Develop technologies and equipement for the Earth Bots.
-Is a cybertronian shuttle who was burried in the ice of the Artic for hundred of years.
-Was found by the Earth Bots during the TFA events and was traited and woke up by Knock Out with Ratchet’s help.
-Was shocked to learn how long he have been buried in the ice and that there’s a conflict on Cybertron.
-Is also extremely worried ‘cause he had a conjunx who was his science partner and Skyfire is very worry about what happen to him while he was trapped in the Artic.
-Don’t want to be involved in the Autobot/Decepticon conflict as he is a scientist and not a soldier and was offered to become member of the Earth Bots who are also neutral in the conflict, an offer that Skyfire accepted.
-Skyfire’s objective: Find out what happened to his conjunx and reuniting with him.
-Act as a mentor toward the Earth Bots scientists.
-Share with the Earth Bots stories about how were Cybertron he had knew before his accident.
-Is a gentle giant.
-One of the youngest of the Earth Bots
-Had appeared in a volcano in Hawaii.
-Was adopted by an hawaiian family.
-Birthdate: 22 April 2008(or fifty years before the TFA canon)
-Was named Pele after the hawaiian godess of volcanos and fire.
-Is considered as one of the baby siblings by the community.
-Is a warframe seeker.
-Her frame had the ability to resist the highest temperature, she can even take a swim into lava if she wanted.
-Alt form: A jet.
-Is a playful femme who’s very curious about things.
-She like to observe things and people to learn how things around her work.
-Is a passionate of hawaiian fire dancing.
->Mulan(OC by StephanieNolmans  on Wattpad):
-One of the oldest Earth Bots.
-"Birthdate": March 01, 1928 in China.
-Was took in by a Shaolin temple.
-She was named after the legendary chinese heroine Hua Mulan.
-Is a civilframe motorcycle.
-Alt form: Motorcycle.
-She became a disciple and was taugh martial arts by the master of the temple along with the other disciples.
-She was one of the first Earth Bots Jadwiga met when the latter decided to travel around the world in hope to find others like her after WWII.
-After she left the temple to go live in the Earth Bots community, she learnt other martial arts.
-Her favorite martial arts are kung fu and karate.
-She love peace and calm, especially when she meditate.
-She's a disciplined femme who like to had a structured and organised life.
-Since she lived in a isolated temple most of her life before becoming a member of the EarthBots community, Mulan had difficulties to socialize and because of that she is rather shy with people/bots she just met, making her a bit of a loner.
-Bumblebee one time told she was like a "Prowl 2.0" as a joke.
-She use as a weapon a shaolin sword she forged herself.
-She's a good fighter and train everyday.
-Thank to her shaolin training, she cultivate the cybertronian equivalent of Ki which make her develop abilities which shock bots from Cybertron as normally no cybertronian motorcycle is able to do the things she could.
-However, she still working on developping her "ki abilities" and on learning to had a perfect control of them.
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@wassupbroseph , @astridkolch
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theterribletenno · 9 months
Raven, the Bomber Jet Warframe
Holy shit how long did it take me to make Raven? A whole year? Feels that way. Well better late than never, once my beloathed Raven is done I can start working on the frames I was really excited for this season! I decided to resolve to make her balancing more glass canon style with a little stealth and lots of speed to mitigate being so fragile.
Health: 180 (280 at rank 30) Shields: 180 (280 at rank 30) Armor: 135 Energy: 200 (300 at rank 30) Sprint Speed: 1.25
Passive: An aerial ace, Raven descends slower and has improved aerodynamics which can be used to control her midair movement with greater ease and agility. Raven also gains 30% chance to evade enemy attacks while airborne which is able to stack with other sources of evasion.
Ability 1: Jetstream, 25/12.5 energy. Raven's jet propulsion system generates a powerful thrust, by expending 25 energy while grounded or 12.5 energy while airborne, to soar toward the aiming reticle at a speed of 30 meters per second for 1 second. While in flight, Raven is surrounded by a cone of pressurized air with a 2 meters radius, which inflicts 750 blast damage with 100% status chance and knockdown to all enemies it contacts.
Ability 2: Silent Running, 50 energy. Raven activates her stealth systems, becoming invisible to enemies for 10 seconds. If Jetstream is used while Silent Running is active the duration timer for Silent Running is paused until Jetstream concludes.
Ability 3: Air Support: 75 energy. Deploys an explosive support pod onto the ground at the point indicated by Raven's crosshairs up to 30 meters away which falls from above. Upon landing the pod deals 750 blast damage with 100% status chance to all enemies within a 15 meter radius, and if the pod lands directly on top of an enemy that enemy will be ragdolled and pinned in place until the pod expires. 2.5 seconds after landing the support pod dispenses a universal ammo pack and a special health orb that restores up to 50 health and increases armor by 100 for the next 10 seconds. 5 seconds after landing the pod self-destructs, dealing damage with the same properties as the initial arrival blast and dropping a second universal ammo pack. Universal ammo packs from Air Support have the same value as 1 regular ammo pickup for all currently equipped weapons.
Ability 4: Carpet Bombing, toggled ability, costs 25 energy to activate, drains 5 energy per second. Immediately upon activation and every time she moves 1 meter in any direction including directly up or down while Carpet Bombing is active Raven will drop two bombs. Each of the two bombs spawns 0.5 meters to either side of Raven and are spawned with her current momentum in the direction she was moving when they were triggered. The bombs explode upon contacting any surface, object, or enemy that is not a player or an allied npc dealing 750 blast damage with 100% status chance in a 5 meter radius. Raven also gains immunity to self-knockdown while Carpet Bombing is active.
Subsumed ability: Air Support.
Signature Weapons Warthog: An auto-spooling primary rifle with high per-hit damage at the cost of slow firing and spin-up speed. Deals roughly even values of impact and puncture with a slightly higher value of slash. High status chance at the cost of below average crit chance. Pressing the alt-fire button will spin-up the weapon without the need of firing, increasing max fire rate and causing it to stay at maximum fire rate for 7.5 seconds after achieving spin-up. Alt-fire effect has an 18 second cooldown. Large magazine at the cost of a slow reload speed. As Raven's signature rifle the Warthog's alt-fire spin-up lasts for 10 seconds while in her hands. Blackbird: A fully automatic version of the Kulstar pistol that fires miniature torpedoes which detonate and fragment into 3 smaller bomblets which spread from the point of impact, also exploding on impact. To compensate for it's full-auto trigger and higher rate of fire the Blackbird's projectiles deal less damage than the Kulstar's. Deals impact damage on contact and blast damage on detonation. Moderate magazine size and reload speed for a full-auto pistol, high ammo reserves for an explosive pistol. High crit chance and critical multiplier at the cost of low status chance. As Raven's signature sidearm the Blackbird's torpedoes have a chance to spawn an additional bomblet when she wields it.
Closing Notes: THE EVIL IS DEFEATED PUBLISHED!! Honestly I spent so long worrying about her abilities and balancing and even spent like a week lamenting over stat changes and then I basically knocked out 90% of Raven in a single night. Is this a symptom of autism? Well anyways I bet exactly five of you will be thrilled to finally see a new Bad Warframe. No idea if I'll be releasing the next one before the end of the year but depending on which one it is I might be very excited to work on them... Monarch is next. Fuck yes.
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