#as much as i love drawing tango; grian is actually the one i draw for comfort a lot. the wings and feathers. the talons and funny shape.
wasyago · 4 months
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a guy and his emotional support snail (unleashed and untrained, causing a scene. don't have a license for it. kicked out of the store)
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
Grian’s unsurprised, when he heads back into Decked Out, to find Tango in the waiting room. He’s lying on the marble floor, one hand pressed against the moss, staring up at the fake sun shining down. In here, away from the much dimmer, bluer light of the citadel, he looks pale. Far too gaunt and skinny. His eyes seem a little sunken-in.
He’s smiling, though. There’s wonder in those sunken eyes. He keeps on looking around with something so fragile in his expression. Grian doesn’t really want to interrupt, but…
“You know you’re not supposed to stare at it, right?”
“Oh! Uh, Grian!” Tango says.
“‘Course, we made it so it wasn’t actually the bright bit. Can look at the sun all you want from here.”
“Yeah,” agrees Tango. “I sure can.”
“Touch grass,” Grian continues.
“I mean, technically it’s moss,” Tango says, drawing his hand away almost self-consciously. Grian swears in his head. Stupid. He wasn’t trying to…
“There were a lot of us hanging out,” Grian says. “It’s a nice room, isn’t it? All fun and cheerful.”
“Yeah. Yeah, it sure is,” Tango says. “Hey, Grian—”
“Nope. Not with me. Not gonna bother you about it. Just—you made something really cool, Tango. Plus, it was nice to see you. Haven’t seen you not in a hole in the ground for a while, you know? This isn’t quite the same thing, but since we’ll all be waiting in here for a while anyway…”
Slowly, Tango puts his hand back on the moss “Don’t worry. I’m happy,” Tango says. “I’m really, really happy. Hey, tomorrow, do you think just as many…”
“Tango, don’t be stupid. There might even be more of us.”
Tango sighs. It’s like some tension Grian can’t even name has left him. It should be nice, but there’s also something almost unsettling about it. The amount of contentment on Tango’s face—well, then again, Grian would be that kind of happy too, if he’d finished something that took over a year, and then it worked and everyone loved it.
“Yeah. That’s good. This is all really good. Yeah, I’m happy with this.”
But there’s something about how he’s showing it.
“Eat some more food while you’re up here. Scar’s been worried about you, and for some ungodly reason he’s been making it my problem. Do you hear me? Do you know how annoying it is when Scar makes something your problem?”
“Trust me, I know. Who else do you think he keeps bothering?”
“Fair enough. And don’t break our queue system! We worked really hard! I think Etho would kill you.”
Tango laughs. There are tears in his eyes, Grian realizes.
“I’m just—it’s so bright in here. And you all were laughing so much. And loved it so much. I’m so… happy. I’m so happy.”
Grian softens. “Yeah. Be proud.”
Tango beams. Grian goes back out of the waiting room. Something about it feels private, like he hadn’t been meant to intrude. He’ll dissect all that later. He’d just wanted to check in, since he’s here to add his decorations to the many cubbies everyone has decorated. Everyone really does love it. Tango’s going to be busy; between maintenance and everyone wanting to talk to him about what they’re doing, he’s never going to get a moment of peace alone. Might as well give him a little bit while he still can.
It feels important, somehow, for Tango to lie there and bask in it, in the moments he can.
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furrysmp · 10 months
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decided to go sunbringer designs for once. I have so many words oh my god
so. uh,
I am so normal about sunbringer joel smallishbeans so normal I swear. he's planning to throw the o from his name at scott btw.
... he and scar are related but I'm not explaining further until the actual fic about it comes out because there's so much plot significance in the smallishbeans.
... grian. has a book. that he borrowed from the Library. it's very relevant I swear the concept of the library is a plot point.
Also grians eyes are technically green! With a bit of purple and just. a layer of Dark over them to make them less neon green. its not in his genetics to have neon eyes. unlike scar and I swear their eye colors are relevant but like in a weird queerplatonic scarian dl based bit in the grian chapter of the fic
Mumbo is a long cat and being held by me specifically those hands are how I draw my mc skin. I wanted to draw him as this meme since 2021 but he's very hard for me to draw so I took the one time I'll ever draw him and did this.
Jimmy is. a creature. that has bird features but also cod features bc again half of the plot of sunbringer is based on empires 1. Also the bird he's holding is singing. And joel is stealing the song bc he has music type magic.
Scott! Is the one guy I can talk about! Because he already appeared in the fic. He's part ender dragon and like. a child of stars? I have a lot of times I drew him before I think but idk how much of it I uploaded before so yeah. Please ask me about sunbringer scott smajor he's one of the only ones I can talk about and he has so much lore going for him he's so dear to me
impulse is. technically part ender dragon too? the specifics will be explained in his chapter of yhiwu (alongside. a lot of magic lore. like a lot. I have half that speech written already it's basically looking the empires fic in the eyes and going "fight me uwu")
And because impulse is aligned to shadows skizz gets to be some form of light dragon descendant? Like light isn't directly an element in the magic of this universe but it does have an equivalent in the element of Life, which connects to truth and love, whereas shadows and theatrics (and storytelling in general) is always aligned to whatever element is considered dark; in this magic system, being Void.
Tango is looking up at mumbo. thats all. I don't have a lot of notes because my tango is just a little guy.
(Etho is checking smth on his smartwatch and also doing his best to ignore bdubs rn bc bdubs is in his villain arc/hj)
... ngl the only note I have on the bdubs design is that it's accidentally inspired by my human design for the main character in the show I'm writing. Bracelets and sparkly eyes and a t-shirt and. Crimes.
also not much on the cleo design she was just fun to draw but the implications of her existence are spoilers and also not really visually indicative bc idk what a "zombie hybrid" would look like so she just looks. funky. her background is all stitched together btw I finally had a use for the dashed lines brush :D
martyn and ren are. BIG spoilers. But only to like chapter 5 of the current fic. I will say I highly enjoy their existence tho. Also my ren designs always have hawaiian patterned shirts its a personality trait he seems to possess. Also his glasses are like. a hologram? bc his ears are Dog so he cant have normal glasses w like. the things that go behind ur ears.
lizzie is. also very important. she gets the two animals thing like jimmy bc axolotl and cat were her empires animals. also her buns are heart shaped I saw some fanart of that and its really cute so I also have that. and she's also looking at the long mumbo! very confused.
bigb. scares me. like yeah secret life really be mans villain arc. I tried to reflect that by actually straight up mirroring his eyes and having him be. the only guy looking straight at u. he can see u. u can run but u cant hide. also he gets cookies. also also drawing facial hair is hard he's the only time I ever managed to make facial hair look. normal. ever. wont happen again.
gem is being adorable and also definitely a deer hybrid dont mind the magic or stuff its fine (her chapter is. third in the roster. I literally just need to finish the impulse chapter to convince myself that its ok to upload her immediately after ch2).
and pearl! who we know bc she gets first chapter of the fic and thats already out. her eyes are a bit like moons btw. also she's doing magic back at gem which is cute I think. idk.
also half of them have fancy hair shines. like joel having beans that get progressively smaller. or pearl having moons. :D
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eliyips · 8 months
I found out how to use anonymous asks so now I'm here complimenting all of my favorite artists
I LOVE THE WAY YOU DRAW X, he looks so much like a cool dad /pos
Also the one with X & Evil X as nice and naughty cats is amazing. And the art with Tango as cheese is so funny
THE D&D X ART IS SO COOL TOO, I LOVE IT. There's so much detail in your art. I'm in awe
There's just so much art I could compliment but I feel like I would be writing a whole essay if I did because all of your art is amazing
(Also I love the Etho art when he wins phase 3 of Decked Out but that's probably because Etho is my favorite lol)
Anyways, I hope you have a great and amazing day/night! \o/
Seriously just blown away right now, thank you so much, I'm so glad you like my art!!! Always love hearing people notice the little details I put in <3
I haven't actually posted the Evil X and Xisuma image to Tumblr yet, but since you mentioned it, I will take this opportunity to share 🙏 they are so cat coded to me
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anon u are a kind and wonderful soul... Thank u again for this ask, i will treasure it forever...
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locusfandomtime · 1 year
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Fake logo designs of various districts/companies in Hermitcraft S8! Something about Hermitcraft brings out the graphic designer in me (*cough* it’s because I love worldbuilding and making tiny details in a world) anyway!
Design notes under cut! (Alongside some headcanons - it is quite long)
Horse Head Farms: this is the logo that started this idea basically. I got such a cool image of an eclipse with a repeated b+w horse head pattern and I really wanted to make it happen. M.C. Esher has done designs like these but as tiles, which I used as inspiration. I think I could have made it look a bit clearer but for my first time drawing something like this I’m pretty happy. The text is from one of the default Procreate fonts and kinda makes HHF look like a law firm (which is the vibe I was going for, soul-stealers and lawyers are often sorta linked in fiction, and supposedly xB and Hypno are their own legal team). xB and Hypno are the only employees other than the people they blackmail into doing stuff for them.
Big Eyes: I wanted a red eyeball as a reference to Tango’s amazing prank on Boatem and I imagine it’s a goofy little mascot for the company. Some big goofy text felt fitting alongside this. I wanted to make a Pass n Gas specific logo too but I wanted to focus on the main “districts” rather than specific shops. I feel like this is kind of obvious but in-universe Big Eyes are VERY unsuccessful and actively losing money.
Hohenzollern Castle: not really a company but Joe and Cleo are cool so I wanted to include them and I had a tiny bit of blank space left on the page so here we are. I actually really love how the sign looks, the wood texture came out nice. They don’t have a logo as much as they do a sign outside their area, created by Joe, with the text written by Joe’s dyes. The “Hohenzollern” is kinda squished because he began to run out of room but was too stubborn to split the word in half. Cleo argues that it isn’t a logo and is just a sign with the castle’s name on it. Joe argues back with a deconstruction of “what is a logo, really?” and something about companies and capitalism and Cleo doesn’t care enough to respond.
Octagon: I am a fool who initially thought it was spelt “Octogon” and had to fix it well after I finished. Oh well. I wanted this to have a very evil look about it. You can instantly tell they’re the evil tech company running experiments on the quantum realm or whatever in a Hollywood movie. Between the unsafe work conditions and the tax fraud, it is a miracle they haven’t been shut down (reason: the government is scared of Doc)
The Evil Empire: the “the” wouldn’t fit so I had to make some sacrifices. Evil Xisuma is dramatic and edgy so he wanted the logo to be in fancy black calligraphic medieval looking text. It fits the evil castle aesthetic the whole area has pretty well too. The Evil Empire is kinda like a Hot Topic store and a Renaissance Fair combined, but it is also involved with Crypto. Despite being so weird it has a perfect niche of marketing to edgy teenagers so it is quite successful. The employees hate it there because their work mandated uniform is to “dress like an evil minion”. Jevin is a slime monster, Wels cosplays a knight and Beef turned into an alien so they thankfully didn’t have to change.
Boatem (BTM): heavily inspired by Grian’s simplified logo he made in Minecraft, where he shortened it to BTM. Despite already having a reference to work off, this was the hardest design. I knew I wanted it to be simple, all-white and leaning back dramatically but I spent ages fiddling with it. Boatem is the most successful company, being perfect for the general public and their shopping district a tourist destination in of itself. It nearly went into bankruptcy when Mumbo was CEO but has been very successful since his Robot took over.
Zedaph Laboratories: my favourite design. Hand writing the text was a nightmare but it came together nicely other than that. Sheep symbol because sheep are his brand. I used the same colour palette as his laboratory. “Laboratory” is misspelled for two reasons: 1) I realised my mistake too late to change it, 2) I think it is completely in character for Zedaph to not know how to spell laboratory and only realise after Tango points it out and be forever haunted by his mistake. Don’t let the sleek corporate design fool you, Zedaph is still wild and is the only person in the “Zedaph Labratories”.
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Hiii can I ask what ur Hermitcraft headcannons areee
This ended up wayyyy longer than anticipated so here we go
This is a pretty open request so I’m just gonna list random headcanons. I’m also assuming you meant agere so thats what I’m going to do here.
Who I headcanon as a regressor kinda changes depending on what I’m writing, for example in my short fic Hanging Stars, Zed doesn’t know Tango regresses until s9, but I typically imagine they both regress and have known for a while.
I think Tango regresses from 3-5 normally, and at that age is quite active and excitable, he can’t sit still and prefers to run around rather than sit. The one exception is watching cartoons, he will be glued to the screen and can easily watch for hours, so he needs someone around to keep him from wasting the whole day staring at a screen. Occasionally though he will regress younger, more like 1-2, typically when he is tired. in that case he is more nervous and would rather sleep cuddled up with his caregivers than go on adventures.
As I covered in a different post (Here) Zed is a baby regressor, I already talked about it in that post.
In the context where most of the server is open about their regression I think Grian always builds a huge room in his base as a play room for the littles! It has tons of toys, a cozy blanket nest for naps, and a little kitchen always stocked with easy snacks!
In s7 Joe’s dog catcher business actually involved him putting a bunch of dog stuffies around the shopping district, after all of that he gave one to every hermit, little or not.
Grian has the biggest collection of stuffed animals ever seen. Most are birds, but he has many others including a toy sheriff from empires, a cod, several cats including a Jellie from Scar, a stuffed corgi from Joe, and a llama (Scar has a matching one) 
Keralis is a flip I haven’t really thought about how he’d be when little, he is the best babysitter when hes big
He would always use cute nicknames with whoever hes caring for eg: baby, little one, some cute play on their name
Always making sure that his little is safe, constantly telling them to be careful so they don’t get hurt
Loves making his littles laugh, he makes lots of silly jokes, his favorite being to pretend he doesn’t know something suuuper obvious, so the little can tell him the answer while giggling at how silly he is
Grian loves trains when hes little, he has a play mat with super detailed roads and houses on it that he likes to play trains on.
Pearl’s favorite thing to do when little is play pretend, she isn’t super used to having a cg I think so she probably prefers to go on adventures and get into trouble with her stuffed animals! 
I think Impulse is a cg for both Team ZITS and the Soup Group, Zed and Tango care for each other if they aren’t little themselves, as do Gem and Pearl
When Tango and Zed are both little Tango loves to be Zed’s big brother, but he’s frequently too loud for Zed and accidentally scares him, so Impulse always has to keep a close eye on him.
I think Joe and Etho both regress but its not super obvious when they do, as they are both older regressors (Joe 8-9, Etho 12-13). The main signs that Joe is little is that he doesn’t use as complex of vocabulary, and he is more energetic. Etho spends most of his time alone when he’s regressed, typically either drawing or watching anime and reading manga or comics.
also thank you so much for asking! I love talking about my agere hcs sooo much!
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cloudtastrophie · 5 months
A little headcannon tidbit based off of chapter 2 of @canarydarity 's ranchers baseball au <3
St. Louis felt infinitely like home. Or, as close to home as Jimmy could get. Coming into the city from the Illinois side of the river made him sick to smell the air of his childhood backyard. To taste the dirt in his mouth as he, once again, lost against Grian at the diamonds. St. Louis was 10 times smaller than grand old New York, New York, but it was 10 times more welcoming. The drivers were calmer, the streets less full, the culture more laid back. It was a lazy city, sticky and slow like molasses in the early summer midwestern heat. 
As the team bus rattled its way across the Eads Bridge, Jimmy felt Joel smack his arm, breaking his gaze away from the lazy flow of the Mississippi. “What in the bloody hell are they building?” Joel muttered, half standing to see over Tango’s shoulders across the isle. Tango looked as if he was about to burst out of the window, he was pressed so hard to the glass. He swiveled his head to look at Jimmy and Joel. 
“You two haven’t heard? It’s been in every paper for weeks!” He was practically vibrating with excitement. 
Jimmy shook his head and stood up taller to see what the fuss was about. By then, the whole team was ‘ooh and ahhing’ at the absolutely massive structure being built, right on the banks of the river. 
“It’s going to be called the Gateway Arch. It’s probably going to be the biggest feat of engineering since the Empire State. Probably better than the Needle out in Seattle is going to be.” Jimmy raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smile on his lips. Since when did Tango have a special interest in engineering?
“I did a few months in an engineering class. Got me hooked, but numbers are easier to understand.” Tango explained, as if he had read Jimmy’s mind. Then he turned back around and continued to peer at the stories-tall cranes slowly moving into place, and the two wide, square beginnings of what would apparently become a feat of engineering. Jimmy didn’t really see the draw, but he leaned across Joel and the isle to Tango anyways.
“We should come back to see it once it’s finished.” Jimmy said, watching the construction site fade behind them. The Cardnial’s stadium appeared behind the looming Old Courthouse. 
“I agree!” Tango replied, beaming. Jimmy didn’t care if he was 100 by the time the Arch was finished. He’d come back and see it with Tango when it was done.
hi worm i know you're reading this,,,ok I haven't had the energy (or time) to do any art for the baseball au but the brainrot has been stuck with me for DAYS. so I decided to write a little tidbit of how I imagined the ride into St. Louis for that game against the Cardnials. I have a lot of love for the city I grew up around so I really wanted to do something for it for you :) And if you're interested, here's some of the history I incorparated to make it feel more historically accurate! (i'm a cloested history buff, can you tell)
the st louis gateway arch began construction in 1963 technically, but I'm like 90% sure that there was soo much prep work done on the site before the actual construction, as there is a basement underneath it, and a huge walkway/viewing platform area, as well as the whole thing with the levee right on the Mississippi. I wanted to sort of figure out what that would look like in 1961 when the plans were being laid out. Also, the Arch is a certified national park, it's professional name being "St. Louis Gateway Arch National Park"
The Old Courthouse. UGH its one of my favorite buildings I've ever seen actually. Its so beautiful, and you can, from the road I'm writing them on, see Busch staduim looming behind it. The Courthouse also actually held the first two trials of the Dred Scott case, if you're into that kind of stuff.
The Eads Bridge. Also one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. It is the oldest bridge on the Mississippi and was constructed under the care of Andrew Carnagie. That bad boy is made out of actual authentic Carnagie steel. Sooo history rich. Pretty sure they actually held a parade with elephants once it was done. so that's cool
Oh, and Busch stadium. It wasn't called that way back when! And it looked much, much different than it does now. I'm honestly not sure what it was called in the 60's, but I'm sure most people called it Cardnial's stadium. It was a beautiful and massive stadium back then, and it still is now.
the seattle neetle was being constructed around the same time as the arch as well, which is why i had Tango say something about it LOL
And for funsies, here's a scorecard that I'm sure Tango would've recieved in 1961 from the stadium.
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hope you enjoyed my little rant!! And if you made it to the bottom of this and you're not worm, I hope you enjoyed learning a little about st. louis today. :)
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spectator-moon · 9 months
My thoughts on Martyn Secret life lore stream (Eyes and Ears AU)
first, Martyn why would you hurt me with that imagery? Poor scar ;-;
-I really like the idea of the logo being the pincer on the Watchers. Grian is a force of nature and should be represented as such
-I am of the personal belief that Jimmy did not break free from the canary curse, since he died right before Wither/Warden boss fight and the entire point of Canarys is to warn of danger
-slightly irralevently but I need to draw the Scar
-BOY do I love the idea of Gem being used as the Watchers new tool because of the Zombie outbreak (send Gem all the love for that skill!!!)
-love Gem being taken by Watchers in general, especially adding in her lore that in Empires she thought everybody was just roleplaying, so she came in thinking it was roleplay and got stuck.
-i also like the idea of Jimmy getting struck down because of the Watchers being confused by his "funeral" and once Lizzy dies, then going "wait no he's supposed to be dead hold on-" and striking him down immediately
-i need more ideas for art. Also references. Please more references proportions are awful
-"if given the right tools, how many seeds of chaos can {Gem} sow, and it turns out, she's a bloody good farmer." Good quote. Make art for quote
-negative emotions being ~spicy~
-martyn being the seperate party in the gang of winners
-the watchers pushed Jimmy off a ledge
-players still having that sense of connections and support (i.e. swapping out) despite being in murder games (also I love the idea that when the Listeners swap out players, the players get a choice, so it's all the much more heartbreaking)
-(personal headcanon that Ren was desperately hoping Martyn would recognize him in Tango's body)
-(personal headcanon that all players start new life series incredibly sore from being tensed as they fall, even though they're unconscious)
-(other personal headcanon that fragmented players i.e. life series players are the only ones who can see the fragments on other servers)
-Speakers maybe being part of a group which works as mercenarys (being paid in whatever currency they use to give players the task of helping each other) (speakers being true neutral)
-y'all imagine the cinematic beauty of the climax I want full animaticssss
-Grian couldn't cash in on success because he either isn't fully in, or because the Watchers are being petty
-the two watchers being the actually evil equivalent of Jesse and James from pokemon
-Grian has emotions about previous series absolutely stunning idea
-like the idea that Winners get to keep their emotions (hence Pearl and Tilly, Grian w/ Scar, etc)
-Fragement lore fragment lore fragment lore
-Martyn is furry (fragment dog collar) (very not serious)
-fragments appear as important moments from lore? (Can Scar just have a big ol' one where he got punched in the face by Grian from third life?) (I know they don't appear because final death but it was a generator of so much angst)
-autocorrect my beloathed. (Grian ≠ Groan)
-sometimes fragments become scars, and everybody gets confused because "this moment wasn't important I have no emotional attachment to this moment why is there a scar?"
-headcanon that the Watchers do a real shoddy job at emotion gobbling and often leave the memory, which can prompt an emotional reaction. Also, Watchers actively ignore certain negative moments in favour of those spawning more negative emotions (like a cobblestone generator but for negative emotions)
-datastream Martyn??? Please explain I have not the time to watch all the vods
-eeeee winner theory!!!!!
-we love Villain scar
-so wait if they get to watch how it ends does that mean they had to sit and watch Scar go insane???? That makes that sadder
-so without any knowledge of Datastream Martyn, can I suggest that mayhaps datastream means that literally Martyn leaps between worlds by moving through the literal data stream? I have seen references to a Doc, so maybe he and Martyn were experimenting and Martyn got stuck? I know something happened to Doc, probably bad given that the reference was 'yes the red stuff was definitely ketchup', so was it because of the knowledge he has gained? Again, never seen any data stream so take all of this with a grain of salt. I just like analysing stories and have read enough to be able to pick out plotlines fairly well.
-oooh lore comic i want to read that
-Secret Keeper is Watchers putting on a trench coat and going "yes yes no watchers here yes yes"
-imagine how invasive it would be to spawn in and just KNOW the rules, with no background for why or how you have that information. Boy that could be a cesspit for angst. Imagine the panic of that inserted information. (Grian has to calm somebody down fic???)
-new lore enjoyer, but I love this already.
-making a proper movie with this concept would be AMAZING
-players were kidnapped lmao
-Scott having that forewarning for Jimmy and Scar is a funny thought
-Listeners are oldest children fighting their middle siblings (Watchers) because Mom and Dad will blame them for the poor player hurt
Making a part two because this is so long already
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soemthingsparkly · 7 months
hello! I just finished reading the most recent chapter of your Hermitcraft Coffee Co. fic, and I would LOVE to see the deleted scenes you mentioned in the notes at the beginning of the chapter! I'm loving this AU btw, it's so good! :))
Hi Hi Hi!!!! Just to let you know, I am vibrating with exitement because of this. LET ME FETCH ONE.
The Hermit Coffee Co. Chapter 10 Deleted Scene: Short King Squad
“Oh, sorry, my bad, my bad,” he says, and then leans into Mumbo and stage-whispers, “Jeez, these nerdy frat boys are so sensitive.”  
Mumbo slides his gaze towards Grian, to find the man staring back with mischief. 
“I’m not going to bite, G,” he says, causing Grian to break out in a delighted grin.
“Oh, but you want to,” Grian teases. “And that’s almost just as good.”
Mumbo rolls his eyes, which makes Grian laugh again and both are too distracted by each other to notice the look that Tango and Impulse exchange.
Tango reaches over and takes his phone back. “I sketched them up last night after work. It was actually Grian here that inspired me with his little…” Tango wiggled his fingers in the direction of Grian’s wrist. “Friendship bracelet.”
Grian’s expression sours and he tucks both hands under the table. “It’s not a friendship bracelet.”
“But you do match with Jimmy and Joel, don’t you?” Mumbo asks, pressing a finger to his chin. Grian’s eyes glint and the corner of his lips twitch in amusement.
It makes things easier again and the discomfort in Mumbo subsides a little.
Tango is wearing a joyous smile at this interaction. “Aka, bracelets that signify your friendship, also known as… friendship bracelets.”
Grian huffs and rolls his eyes, which makes Mumbo chuckle in delight. Without much prior thought, Mumbo snakes his arm around Grian’s shoulders and pulls him into his side for a brief squeeze.
“It's okay, G, the friendship bracelet isn't embarrassing,” Mumbo says, ruffling his hand through Grian’s mop of styled chestnut locks. “It’s the fact that it says Bad Boy that really makes people cringe.”
Grian cackles at that and Mumbo feels a warm surge of pride, even when Grian pushes him off.
Tango clicks his tongue.
“Actually, Mumbo, Grian, I think you’ll find that cringe culture is dead and the concept of “coolness” is a social construction that exists within the insecure to alienate others."
Impulse takes a sip of his beer and shrugs one shoulder.
“I don’t know, T, that sounds a little like an argument someone uncool might make.”
Grian snickers and Tango points an orange painted fingernail in Impulse’s direction. He grins and says, “Be quiet, or no hoodie for you.”
Impulse mimes locking his lips.
“Careful, mate,” Mumbo says with a wink and returns his arm to resting comfortably on the back of Grian’s chair. “You don't want your custom nerd hoodie on the line.”
“It’s cool to be a nerd now, actually,” Tango mutters, folding his napkin into a neatly tucked triangle.
Zedaph pats his shoulder. “Don’t worry, T, you're almost 30. You don't have to worry about being cool anymore.”
Tango grimaces. “I’m 27! That's not almost 30.”
Grian mock-gasps. “Woah, I didn't realise you were so old, Tango. You don’t look a day over 15.”
Having just taken a sip of his drink, Mumbo quickly brings a hand to his mouth to stop himself from spitting it out or choking.
“When’s your growth spurt due, by the way?” Grian asks and Zedaph barks a laugh at that.
Tango, clearly enjoying himself, jabs an accusing finger in Grian’s direction. “Hey now, don't you start. Where’s your step-stool, shorty?”
“Oh, I leant it to Bdubs.”
“I HEARD THAT,” comes a shout from the other end of the table and that draws a pure cackle of delight from Tango.
“Nice one, G,” he says, swiping a finger across his lower lid, before holding his fist out to Grian.
After the briefest hesitation, Grian leans forward across Mumbo and brushes his knuckles against Tango’s.
He doesn't sit quite so far back on his return and ends up neatly tucked up against Mumbo’s side.
It's not super polished, but I did enjoy writing Grian and Tango joining forces to bully Bdubs, so I'm very glad you asked to see it :D I hope you enjoyed it!
Thank you for stopping by, it means a lot to me! <3
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the-lesbian-orpheus · 7 months
(kinda sorta)
Life SMP Hadestown AU
//Life SMP Hadestown AU//
Master post for something no one may see.
Idk if this is anything but enjoy
I dunno- this and into the woods is my favorite musicals and I’ve had traffic brain rot for AGESSS and I was finally re-listening to Hadestown and this absolute fever dream of an idea dawned on me during hey little song bird
So yeah. Enjoy?
Here’s the original post when I got this idea
And obvious disclaimer this are all the character versions of these people not the actual people thank you very much for you patience.
//Life series Hadestown AU//
Eurydice- Jimmy Solidarity ✨the canary✨ you see the vision. This (joke?) is what started this whole thing so.
Orpheus- Still deciding between Scott and Tango
Tango pros:
- They are soulmates
- the goat horns are kinda vaguely like music/an instrument 👀
- ranchers duo is SO SWEET always
- their lives are tethered which in a way fits the story of the show and the myth.
- idk i just like this idea
- why are you still here? It’s over. Go home.
- c!jimmy seems to be on better terms with c!tango than c!scott soooo
Scott pros:
- they were husbands, Jimmy died first tragically (very accurate to original myth)
- THE FLOWER MOTIF- specifically a red flower. It’s just so perfect
- they saw each other in the afterlife
- Scott is always attached to flower husbands which seems fitting
- he likes to sing? Empires musical? I don’t know but it seems like it works
-flower husbands and desert duo have connections (you will see why this is important)
So yeah leaning towards tango for the vibes but leaning towards Scott for actual similarities in plot and such.
(If someone wants to say Joel or someone I will happily hear you out lol)
Hades and Persephone- c!Grian and c!Scar/desert duo. The characters were once in love and then it grew into a a more bitter relationship. There are lots of potential parallels with Hadestown older lovers and desert duo. Grian and scar also have flower/plant motifs.
Grian as hades- He is a watcher, which seems fitting. Creator of the games seems fitting for god of death and also the industrial foreman Hadestown has. Original winner.
Scar as Persephone- Now that he is a winner, I personally love the idea of him being the earth, which is perfect for the god(dess) of spring. I also think his secret life skins going from green to black is an accidental parallel.
The only real issue with this is I want to incorporate Grian being the sun but that’s contradictory;-;
Hermes- My main idea atm is Martyn. This is mostly because storytelling and lore is very connected to him and his character. Who doesn’t love some eyes and ears AU/lore
I am also considering pearl just because I like that idea, her being the moon and being connected to g and s, etc
And Ren because he is such a storyteller/theater kid
The Fates- I have several ideas for this
-the watchers(and secret keeper.) Obvious reasons
- the other winners
-clethubs because they are a fun/good trio lol
- ren, pearl, Scott (in case I don’t have them as Hermes/orpheus)
- the remaining Evo members: bigb (also he was so creechur in third life ), pearl, and if he’s not Hermes, Martyn (also good since pearl and martyn have won)
Based on a lot of the plant motifs imagine if instead of a carnation it was a poppy.
I’m very slow with drawing and have never written any kind of fic before but if people like this idea I’d love suggestions for the AU and I’ll definitely make some character designs :)
Character designs/descriptions:
Jimmy coming soon to a theater near you
Other posts for the AU:
Full circle lol
Potential name
How to include both Scott and Tango
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hybbart · 1 year
Besides the ranchers who would you say are some of your favs to draw? Also are there any other pairings/ships your particularly invested in?
I love drawing Pearl and Scott, even though Scott can be hard to draw sometimes, and I really liked drawing Stress the one time I have but I don't watch her enough to end up drawing her casually. I also love drawing Zed cause I allowed him to be my one self indulgent design and made him into a cutesy faun boy with bright colours!
As for ships (and assuming you mean mcyt)... well if you mean romantic, honestly there's ones I tolerate but I wouldn't say I ship them. Like I tolerate desert duo, joel/lizzie, xbralis, dogwood(? Is that what its called?), and homwreckers if they show up, but I rarely if ever seek them out. Its more of a 'I don't dislike it enough to filter it out' situation.
Also obviously I'm not really a multishipper, I barely can like even one ship. I'm very much the sort of person that where there's a love triangle my answer to it is usually 'neither' rather than 'both' or even 'pick', if you get what I mean.
I joke that my crack ship is doc/zed but I dunno if I'd say I actually ship it.
If we're talking familial and platonic ships I got plenty, like grian, pearl, and jimmy, seablings, soup group, or cleo and scott. Boat boys and ZIT especially. I also really love Grian and Impulse, they deserve more love their dynamic is so adorable and silly. Tango and Pearl, too. Tango has a very specific godfather type dynamic with the younger hermits (pearl, gem, mumbo, and grian in particular) that always makes me happy.
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sheasshovel · 7 months
gotta ask, tbh can't believe someone hasn't done this, BUT-
lifers as genshin characters, who's who
omg WAITTTT this is so hard cuz so few genshin characters have actual writing and like each life series has wildly different vibes for each character BUT ILL DO MY BEST (fanon save me) ((and im doing majority sl since I remember it the most)) ((((ill do it based on vibes i think))))
Etho -> weirdly… im thinking Cyno. “Did you jump?” And him trying to mimic the aha jokes and being “pathetic and quirky” in sl matches cynos nerdy energy OH WAIR I SHOULDVE SAID KAZUHA CUZ OF CANADA UM
Cleo-> beidou.. “I WILL FRONT STAB MY FRIENDS THANK YOU VERY MUCH.” Pirate slay lady and has a big cool ship in s6 hc
Grian -> erm like. traveller💀 IM SORRY HES AETHER TO ME AND GRIAN ISNT EVEN THE MAIN CHARACTER but yeah he FR just goes with everything happening around him
Lizzie -> pink haired lady with underwater empire u say…….. kokomi (I haven’t watched empires) but like kokomi if she was written well and emphasizing the war general girl failure parts of her
Scar -> itto cuz I love him next question. also ITTO is an immortal and scar never died in sl imagine the angst potential “the last one standing”
Martyn -> he’s so self aware so this is super hard but like. Maybe uh um HEIZOU cuz he’s always like thinking ahead but sometimes silly but he’s also like smart and a detective too! or maybe HEIZOU is Grian u choose
Jimmy -> BENNETS luck and Mika’s everything else I JUST THINK ITS SO FUNNY
Skizz -> whos a funny father figure in genshin. Ill get back to u on tha oh my god he’s dionas npc father HELP IDK I CANT ANIME GAME HIM HES TOO STRONG
Tango -> THOMA IS HE THOMA? blond nice team player kind of dense AND THOMAS PET DOG IS LIKE TORCHY TO ME or is he childe cuz of the rage. I dont know!
BigB -> AYATO he’s secretive but also :3 and ayato would probably gaslight people for fun. and ayato is related to ayaka the most :3 girl ever. they are insane and wildly charismatic and also silly. Like imagine of ayato presented himself as more wholesome on the outside. Or if bigb became royalty do u see the vision
Scott -> Self sacrificial… trustworthy…. “I still might kill myself but now its less likely”…. team player… blue hair? idk I think it has to be like IDK IM DRAWING A BLANK IM GETTING KAEYA FROM HIM IF KAEYA WAS MORE LOYAL? IDK
Impulse -> Erm uh uh uh uh let’s say uh let’s say uh uh uh uh uh bro who’s a smart dad in the genshin lineup someone help me NUEVILETTE??? WTF IS HE NUEVI WHAT NO NUEVI ISNT SILLY idk what to do here
Gem -> Navia SHES A BUBBLY GIRLBOSS with so many emotions and omg when gem killed Scott and was like shocked. I thought of how navia would react to silver and Meluse dissolving in front of her eyes and having to ignore it. In both of their cases, having to ignore it to focus on the task (haha) at hand. Also both should join the mafia anyways
Pearl -> ERM Hu Tao. insane. SUPER STRONG and heavily misunderstood “sorry i think I gotta little bit crazy” from dl is so perfect but honestly I CANT see hu tao as the self sacrificial type, or forgiving type like in sl so idk
Bdubs -> tiny. Easy to enrage. segond in command….let’s make him UGH HOW DO I MAKE BDUBS A ONE NOTE GENSHIN CHARACTER WITHOUT TAKING ANOTHER MONTH okay errmmmmmmm let’s put him as xiao but if xiao was less traumatized and sillier
Joel tiny heinz-> Childe… blood lust and trauma but he also kind of gives ALHAITHAM cuz of his sarcasm
Mumbolio -> thoma he’s so sweettttt but also kind of cray cray like is thoma not insane for protecting the TRAVELLER in front of RAIDEN hello?¿ 0 self preservation skills
RENDIGGITY DAWG -> theatre kid furry. he’s Lyney next question
if I missed any lifers pls lmk I am stupid and this is driving me crazy
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enderwalking · 2 years
right, here's who i think SHOULD win in each match-up, based again on Categorical Integrity(TM).
scar. schlatt does very much fit the bill as well, don't get me wrong, but he's too much of an actual villain to get the woobification/whump treatment in wider fandom that scar gets in droves.
difficult to say since idk much about the sparklez fanbase but i'm leaning towards techno on account of the anime designs + voices by derivakat.
i did not spend a month calling e!false "c!ranboo but a girlboss" to anyone who would listen for her to NOT be categorized as a sexyman
ren. oli's charms come from him being utterly swagless, and there is at least SOME element of Rule Of Cool to sexymanification.
etho. no question.
tricky bc i know less about e1, but i'm gonna tentatively say scott on account of the twinkification factor.
impulse is far too often given the genial-best-friend treatment for him to qualify. also have you SEEN people's mumbo art? mumbo takes this one, without a doubt.
pixlriffs himself was in terror over how sexy people were drawing him, he deserves this.
eret. sorry cleo. you could say that it was never m--
i struggle here because neither of them QUITE fit, but i'm tentatively leaning towards phil because he DOES have the colorzas going for him. phil gang start shipping the colorzas together for extra points.
NEITHER OF THESE TWO REALLY FIT EITHER. i think that bdubs fits a LITTLE bit more. people did do some really crazy shit with the kingmaker stuff.
unfortunately, it is in fact ranboo.
honestly? xisuma. yes he's regarded pretty universally as bitchless but he DOES also get thirst-trapped in ways joe does not.
i love you tango and you do fit in some ways with the dungeon master vibes and also that one artist who draws you like a total whore, but it's definitely wilbur far and away.
quackity 100% deserves this
this all being said. i WOULD be okay with jimmy winning because it's funny. and i am fully anticipating the cleo and joe sweeps. but for the love of god if scar, false, pix, grian, and quackity do not prevail, i WILL start throwing things.
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omgitsbeewave · 10 months
hi i saw the post you rb about taking to someone so hi!
if you’d like could you rank your favorite jimmy ships?
i’d also like to add that i love your art its so cute aaaaa
omg, hi, hiii!!! i just really like to talk to people but i'm little tired of capturing other blogs like i used to bc rn my little goal is to make cool designs for royal au and theres no interesting stuff i could just say without someone asking me about it
ooooh, ranking is cool! for me, as you can tell, solidaritimes is the most important one. i have them in many aus even if its just "they was learning how to kiss on each other in the middle school under the staircase bc jimmy was too awkward to tell scott that he doesn't know how to kiss" or a literal au where scar is stuck on empires smp season two bc grian felt betrayed
also my favorite one is zedlidarity c: they are so cool, i have three aus with them (i still like team blossom + jimmy, they are adorable). zed is more bold i may say in what he talk and do and butt jokes are funny from him, okay
the next one... ranchers. im not talking about them a lot (but im doing them in royal au) but they are cute, especially compared to other jimmy ships and how people treat jimmy... tango is a good guy
skizzledarity. yes, im calling them by this name. they are something between zedlidarity and ranchers, i like them but mostly neutral, tho i drew them so yeah
solidarian. i have some guys that ship them. i mostly see them as brothers, but i could see them as lovers too (not brothers then), i drew them as well
neutral for me - impulse/jimmy bc im mostly scarpulse person, sorry. mirror birds, romeo ships them, i think they could be cute but im not doing anything with martyn at all. jimmy/mumbo, jimmy/etho, jimmy/bigb are all the same, im not so interested in this all, but i can see them being cute (tho mumbo is not really my guy at all)
flower husbands are controversial, i like them being bad, to show scott as guy thats not good example for a relationships. i know this is not very smart to say, but i really cant see arts of them being happy and stuff, i think about how scott treated jim and :( tho i can see other ships with scott as something cool (majorwood, copper husband that are not allowed but no one can go into my brain and just kill all the thoughts about them)
smallidarity (is thats the name)? i can see bad boys all together but bc of how i started to watch empires... i was really afraid and mad at joel and im on my way to like this guy a lot, but empires god joel is still in my nightmares (not really, but thinking of him is terrifying me a lot)
fwimmy (i think thats the name) is 100% not for me, kinda the same reason as the previous one, but without fear + fwip is not my guy at all
+ something i think could be interesting, pixl/jimmy, i think this one is actually a cool guy, i haven't watched him enough, but he was really nice from what i remember
and oh why thank you! i really appreciate the words ♡ i have some problems that i see my arts like those kid fandom drawings, that i could be proud so much bc i made something but others sees it like ew cringe... im working on it, changing some stuff, learning so i could be more confident about my arts (i always wanted to be like the cool artist with realistic style that can be kinda stylized, but im not sure if i want this for myself rn, i like my style, it just need some changes, like eyes and maybe colors)
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babygirlbdubs · 2 years
Hi hello hey can you give me as many detail as you want about your Star Trek au concept so I can draw it pretty please, go nuts 👍
(tbh creature staring) oh boy you have... opened the floodgates my friend... oh boy.. oh man oh man i'll do the basics to start
the ship is called the USS Orpheus. NCC-2719. Excelsior Class. she's a beauty, and she's brand new. the mission: exploration.
her captain? none other than Ren K'ing, a Romulan officer who climbed the ranks and is a stickler for Starfleet regulation. like. painfully so.
Commander B-00-100 ("Bdoubleo" or "Bdubs) serves as his second officer. Bdubs is a human clone. while he was one of the first to actually function, he also defected from what was intended of him pretty quickly. luckily, though, his individual sentience was encouraged, and he joined Starfleet! (Zedaph loves having Bdubs on board to learn about)
we then have, for the bridge crew... Second Officer/Communications Officer: Lieutenant Cleo, a Kobali Chief Engineer: Lieutenant Mumbo K. Jumbo, species yet undecided Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant Zedaph, a Grazerite Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant (Jr.) Joe Hills, a Human from Nashville, TN Helmsman: Ensign Pearlescent "Pearl" Moon, an Aenar Andorian Navigator: Ensign Gemini Tay, species tbd Chief Tactical Officer: Ensign Etho, a Vulcan (though i've jumped through some hoops to make his design fit with Vulcans) Security Chief: Commander Scar Goodtimes, a Vexian (my own alien race based on Vexes i'm already very deep in design and culture god help me) Operations Officer: Commander Xisuma, a Kelpien and then the rest of her crew... Engineering: Ensign Eight of Five "Iskall", a defected Borg Lieutenant Seven of Seven "Doc", a defected Borg Ensign Jevin, a Changeling Ensign Keralis, species tbd Ensign Tango Tek, a Xahean Science: Lieutenant Cubfan, a Vexian Ensign Hypno, species tbd Commander "Vintage" Beef, a Human (might change) Medical: Ensign Stress Monstah, alien species tbd Lieutenant XB Crafted, species tbd Security: Lieutenant False Symmetry, species tbd Ensign Impulse, a Taxor Lieutenant Wels Knight, species tbd
where is grian, you might ask? well you see. Grian is part of the alien race called The Watchers. they are entirely unknown to the Federation until the USS Orpheus falls into a rift in a subspace bubble. within that rift-- within that bubble-- they find a lone planet circling a star. on that planet are the Watchers. a species who never interact or interfere with anything that falls through the rift. it's their way! they only ever observe. watch.
of course, Grian is a pesky little bird. and he does not follow that tradition at all.
the USS Orpheus has to send down a landing party to retrieve something from the planet's surface in order to repair their ship from passing through the rift. Scar, being chief of security and also able to talk himself out of pretty much any situation is sent down. because it's first contact and there's no warp signature from the planet, they only send Scar down bc... they can't really risk breaking the Prime Directive.
but uh. yeah. scar runs into grian pretty quickly.
i have. so much brainrot over the watchers and the vexians already too. and also etho's backstory. and ethubs history. and just. so much. so much brainrot. i'm. very excited to share stuff hehehe... esp considering i'm working on some design sheets for some of these guys, esp the vexians/watchers and some of my other alien blorbos <3
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thesnailkiwi · 1 year
1, 2, 8, 12, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, and 25 for traffic life?
1. Guys people be getting Tango wrong. What you people be doing? Like, he's a goofy, protective guy and you're out here being like, "oOoH hEs OvErLy EmOtIoNaL!!!" NO HES NOT
2. Ah gosh I feel awkward because the traffic series feels like a weird mix of role-playing and irl. So, guys, I have two favorites. Smajor and Solidarity. Scott is clearly top, because bro just *is*. You know? He's flirty and kinda sly and just seems like it. Jimmy Solidarity, who's character is taller and probably a little more muscular than Scott, seems like the perfect bottom. He's just, well... a pushover. Except when it comes to burning banners.
8. GRIAN AND JIMMY ARE NOT SIBLINGS!!! While, yeah, I feel like it's an interesting dynamic to have, and useful for fanfic, NEWS FLASH! NO!
12. I don't really think there's an "unpopular character" in this series. I've seen so much about all of them. I don't know... Impulse? He's got a super nice voice, and he's super goofy, and it's wonderful. And he has a podcast with Skizz, so that's a plus.
17. Hey guysssssss even though Grian became secret soulmates with BigB, there's not much ship art or fic for ittt
18. People be sleepin'. People be takin' a lil snooze on some things. For instance, the TNT cannons that, if I remember correctly, Team BEST made(???) You people could *actually* do so much with that. And GUYS, Grian and Mumbo's characters probably had trauma from the ghast farm incident. You could do *so fricking much with that*.
19. Uhhhh either I don't know the answer to this one or my brain is physically blocking the thought when I try to think of an answer here.
22. Well, people don't really ignore it, but I love all the intense parts like the ghast farm or the finale of 3rd life. Oh! I also love Scar's reputation points.
23. Majorwood. I hated it and I still do yet I still read fanfics.
So yeah here's this I apologize for my constant lack of comprehension
I once had a cashier laugh at me in the middle of a pizza place.
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