#as much as they could be for hollywood ig BUT THE POINT IS the story is told in another way
arckhaic · 1 year
idk what im saying but i just think hating on a piece of media bc it's been made into a different form ( specifically book into a movie / show / play / etc ) is so limiting ... like ur not any better bc you hold the opinion that the book is better than show and picking it apart to show the differences only the proves the point that they're Two Different Pieces of Media ... interpretations aren't inherently bad they're just different
you can enjoy them both
#this is specifically about the wheel of time#i love the series dont get it twisted now i LOVE the books#i've read it twice i have like 4 copies of the first book#it's a hoot#it's also an INCREDIBLE SLOG to get thru#and that's one of the NOTABLE things about this series is that it is hard to get thru#i skipped book 10 my first go round#just the entire fucking book i skipped it#do u want an ENTIRE season of perrin going: ): it's so cold where's my girl ):#and then not dO ANYTHING for an ENTIRE sEASON ?#no u have expectations of a movie/show to entertain u and there are parts#of the novels that aren't exactly riveting and wouldn't make good tv#on top of that ... there is queer rep in the show and the issues concerning rigid gender roles is sorta flipped about iirc#as much as they could be for hollywood ig BUT THE POINT IS the story is told in another way#not the story is completely done away with or trashed#does that make it perfect?? no ... but it makes it fun#having a tv show or movie is GREAT for me to introduce someone to a series i love so then i could go#“if you liked that wait until u read the book bc it goes deeper”#bc u CAN DO THAT IN A NOVEL! NOT A SHOW!#IT'S A HIGHLIGHT REEL! AT THE MOST!#this also goes for foundation and dune .... both books i LOVE and movie/shows that i ENJOY very much#a side by side scene by scene copy from book to page would take more money it would take 400 years to produce and it would be boring#plus i personally love to see how characters are remade and how they do the cool things in the book but differently
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
I have always thought that Meghan's pre- arriage "everyone loves classy" PR was as much aimed towards Harry as it was the public.
She presented herself as the ultimate fun loving, carefree, intelligent, smart, enterpreneur, business woman world traveler career woman millionaire who was also a domestic goddess, spiritual, go getter. These are words that Harry has used to describe her, at some point or other.
I believe a lot of what Harry initially got told about her, through her, was based off of her IG page, Tig blogs, small scale media presence. It must have been pretty easy for her to leave a story and present a certain personality based on pictures, cutsie videos and glam photoshoots. It's basically what she did on a more public scale with her PR as well.
But also, since Harry was pretty dumb, desperate for a partner he could show off to the world and his family, and they were pretty much in a long distance, he would have bought whatever she sold to him. His cosseted up bringing ensured he lacked the street smarts to call someone, especially such a confident outgoing woman out on her bullshit. What she presented to him was his version of "normal" everyday life, but it was also the right amount of adventurous, fun, glam, celebrity lifestyle which he could finally embrace.
Back in the UK, noone treated him a special of a celebrity. His family, his cousins, his friends were all low-key. But he had started believing his own PR and thought of himself as somewhat of a hunk, sought after bachelor celebrity. His friends would have laughed in his face if he started acting like he enjoyed the red carpet and Hollywood parties. But here, with her, he could enjoy that because it was her thing. She was seemingly accommodating him in her super celeb highflyer lifestyle.
He was being conned and he didn't know it.
Which is why it was such a shock to him Everytime she started collapsing on the floor in hysterics because he thought he broke her. So he had to play the hero and fix it for her. So this whole time, and till date maybe, he's been thinking he made all these decisions as a last resort, because he had no choice, but he was being backed into a corner so expertly that he saw no other option that to do what he did in the way did.
He thought that sudden, cataclysmic changes in her personality- from the art loving accomplished fun loving millionaire a complished actress supermodel best effortless classy royal to bitter, resentful hyper scared underconfident depressed person - was his doing. But actually, it was just Meghan finally being what she always was, and peeling back her own layers slowly and methodically so as not to scare him away.
What's hilarious is that while she was conning him, he was also being insidious and hiding his true self from her. She was too blinded by her hubris to see that. And she got hoodwinked too.
She never factored in Harry's special kind of sociopathy and darkness. Which is the biggest reason she (they are) is now failing.
But that's for another Ted talk, I guess, so I'll stop now and save that for later.
So I am going to break this down by paragraph.
I have always thought that Meghan's pre- arriage "everyone loves classy" PR was as much aimed towards Harry as it was the public.
She presented herself as the ultimate fun loving, carefree, intelligent, smart, entrepreneur, business woman world traveler career woman millionaire who was also a domestic goddess, spiritual, go getter. These are words that Harry has used to describe her, at some point or other.
Her “everyone loves classy” PR was 100% aimed at Harry. She had to market herself to him as a future Duchess/Princess but also a loving and caring wife. I also believe she was aiming this directly at the UK public and his family, but mostly the UK public. Her PR knew that if she didn’t have the backing of the UK public there is no way that the family would get behind their relationship. Also, she was marketing herself as the opposite of Catherine. Right around this time there were a ton of anti-Kate articles being published. About how she was too shy, not a hard worker, had a nanny, she didn’t know how to dress or photograph well, she wasn’t a kind and loving DIL to Charles, she was TOO involved with her family, she didn’t like horses, she had nothing in common with William – though Meghan had LOTS in common with William, she wasn’t well-educated, she wasn’t posh enough, she only had a degree in Art History, she never had a real job, she waited around for William to propose,…you get the idea. From November 2016 onwards we were saturated with articles about how Meghan was much better Duchess/Princess of Wales material.
I believe a lot of what Harry initially got told about her, through her, was based off of her IG page, Tig blogs, small scale media presence. It must have been pretty easy for her to leave a story and present a certain personality based on pictures, cutsie videos and glam photoshoots. It's basically what she did on a more public scale with her PR as well.
I will never forget the “cutsie” video of her eating the raspberries off her fingers. Also, it was in Bower’s book I believe that Meghan selected certain photos off of her IG for her friend to use to show Harry. She definitely was trying to get him hooked on her “sexiness” and then reel him in with her “carefree, loving, humanitarian” persona. We also know that they communicated thru IG often so from June 2016 onwards we can say for sure that her IG account and Tig blog were totally geared towards Harry and getting his attention and keeping it.
But also, since Harry was pretty dumb, desperate for a partner he could show off to the world and his family, and they were pretty much in a long distance, he would have bought whatever she sold to him. His cosseted up bringing ensured he lacked the street smarts to call someone, especially such a confident outgoing woman out on her bullshit. What she presented to him was his version of "normal" everyday life, but it was also the right amount of adventurous, fun, glam, celebrity lifestyle which he could finally embrace.
Exactly. Even though Harry now claims he hated the attention we all know he secretly loved being in the spotlight. His bitterness of George being born and then William taking on more of a Crown Prince role leaving Harry obsolete has been made clear through all of his interviews and his book. Harry wanted to be the center of attention so when he saw the “red carpet appearances” and fashion shoots of Meghan he thought he was finally getting someone who could make him more popular and more celebrity-like. Also, think of how easy it is to reinvent yourself when you aren’t faced with people from your past interfering in your relationship or you having to actually be around the person day to day. Meghan was totally able to tell Harry whatever she wanted because by this point, anyone who could truly tell him exactly who she was had been kicked out of her life long before.
Back in the UK, no one treated him a special of a celebrity. His family, his cousins, his friends were all low-key. But he had started believing his own PR and thought of himself as somewhat of a hunk, sought after bachelor celebrity. His friends would have laughed in his face if he started acting like he enjoyed the red carpet and Hollywood parties. But here, with her, he could enjoy that because it was her thing. She was seemingly accommodating him in her super celeb highflyer lifestyle.
He was being conned and he didn't know it.
Harry 100% believed his own hype. He totally bought into the “Hero Harry” PR campaign that ELF put out there…I mean we see it even now that Harry thinks he deserves special treatment because he served in the military. Well so did my brother who actually put his life on the line more than once and he doesn’t even use his military discount. What is hysterical is that his impression she was some sort of Hollywood superstar makes it clear he has no real knowledge of the workings of the world. He kept saying how impressed his family was by the amazing woman who was so accomplished and famous but 99.95% of the world had zero idea of who she was. What I find extremely telling is that he grew up with a certain set of people, women who had been raised in noble families and none of them wanted anything to do with him…it took a very long distance relationship with a hustler to tie him down.
Which is why it was such a shock to him every time she started collapsing on the floor in hysterics because he thought he broke her. So he had to play the hero and fix it for her. So this whole time, and till date maybe, he's been thinking he made all these decisions as a last resort, because he had no choice, but he was being backed into a corner so expertly that he saw no other option that to do what he did in the way did.
Meghan totally fed into Harry’s white knight complex. We know that Harry felt he could have done something to save his mother and Meghan feasted on that like a vulture. I do think that a lot of what he has done has been of his own violation though. Meghan might have nurtured the idea but I for a while have felt that Harry has always wanted to really bash his family and the press and he now has his opening.
He thought that sudden, cataclysmic changes in her personality- from the art loving accomplished fun loving millionaire accomplished actress supermodel best effortless classy royal to bitter, resentful hyper scared underconfident depressed person - was his doing. But actually, it was just Meghan finally being what she always was, and peeling back her own layers slowly and methodically so as not to scare him away.
You know when you get into a relationship and you always try to portray the best version of yourself and then slowly reveal your flaws? Like, maybe you aren’t the best housekeeper or you can’t cook to save your life…well Meghan portrayed herself as a victim and Diana 2.0. The thing is though, Diana was VERY prone to emotional outbursts and crying tirades so this is something familiar to Harry. It probably triggered him even more than her being completely in control of her emotions because Harry had witnessed his mother more than once sobbing on the floor during his childhood so Meghan sobbing on the floor triggered his white knight complex. What I think caught Harry by surprise, at first, was Meghan’s bullying tactics. That is one aspect of her personality she had a hard time suppressing. She was rude to anyone she saw as beneath her and at first he probably had issues with that but then she convinced him it was because she was bi-racial or that people were jealous of her.
What's hilarious is that while she was conning him, he was also being insidious and hiding his true self from her. She was too blinded by her hubris to see that. And she got hoodwinked too.
So I don’t know if you watched the Netflix series but it is SO clear that Meghan has him completely hoodwinked. By her saying in the series that she had no idea she had to curtsy to The Queen (Yeah okay sure) that she knew nothing of the Royals. Or when she was full on caught out lying during her lawsuit she blamed HER LYING and getting CAUGHT on William! And Harry bought it!
She never factored in Harry's special kind of sociopathy and darkness. Which is the biggest reason she (they are) is now failing.
She also never factored in him crashing and burning in popularity. Meghan truly thought that the heir to the throne should be determined by popularity and not birthright. So when they couldn’t convince the BRF to hand the keys to the castle over to Meghan and Harry she was pissed. I think she also counted on his popularity making her more important that Catherine in the hierarchy. The based all of their goals and ambitions on Harry’s popularity and not once did they take into account that the BRF would stick to the script. Once Harry started being told “No” for once in his life they started imploding and I think that is when Harry started to turn…up till that point he had been busy covering for her but now that he was going to be left out in the cold is when I think she truly got an idea of just what type of NARC he is.
But that's for another Ted talk, I guess, so I'll stop now and save that for later.
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vasito-de-leche · 5 months
Hi, I just wanted to tell you that your r1999 ocs are pretty and I love their designs too! Especially people in the fandom are pretty creative for making their r1999 ocs and I was wondering if do you have a tips for making an r1999 oc? I'm quite hard time making an oc from r1999.
Do you need them to make an oc based them irl people, history, myth or perhaps a fiction characters from another story? (For example, baby blue is based from Alice in the wonderland in the book, ig?)
Some characters are pretty unknown who their based of, for example like X, Pavia, Click and the other characters.
As far as I've seen, not EVERY character is based on a single actual figure, whether fictional or historical.
Yes, we have John Titor who is. John Titor. But some characters have PLENTY of different people that they reference in relation to their themes, others represent broad groups, movements or genres like horror, the hippie movement. You have Dikke who has many, many different references to figures of justice. Mondlicht, who seems to represent all three characters from Little Red Riding Hood--the girl, the wolf and the hunter. You have Blonney and Horropedia who reference a shitload of different things and actors and works within the horror genre.
With the examples you've given, X does not seem to reference a person but the concept of Rube Goldberg Machines. Pavia seems to reference the Werewolf of Pavia. Click? No clue actually, I haven't looked into him much, so I don't know what else he could reference beyond WWII.
Baby Blue is indeed a reference to Alice in Wonderland, but her 01 Story "Fantasy is in Vogue" clearly state that Baby Blue is NOT the Alice that discovered Wonderland. The rest of her lore and i2 Garment also imply that Baby Blue is more akin to the figure of the Red Queen as opposed to Alice.
My point is: if you'd like to make a character then you shouldn't feel like you have to pick a single historical figure. You can pick ANYTHING that interests you and to have your OC embody and represent--mythology, folklore, fantasy, artistic movements, music, architecture, history... LITERALLY ANYTHING. OR LITERALLY NOTHING!
The whole point of the characters in R1999 is that they're a small piece that represents the era they come from. That's why they're considered art pieces to be preserved by UTTU Magazine. This is why we have Sweetheart, who is based on Marylin Monroe but is also a biting critique on Hollywood.
And you can even take this a step further and toy with this idea, like I did with my own OCs!
Spina Venatores is meant to represent the people that are truly left behind and displaced, people that you once knew but weren't lucky enough to meet Vertin nor the Foundation, to drive home the idea that Vertin cannot save everyone no matter how hard she tries.
The vulnerable that were taken advantage of by Manus Vindictae, a group that represents extreme isolation and supremacy, who lack any meaningful connections other than their own elitist groups. So I wanted my OCs to feel extremely disconnected--that's why all of them don't look like they belong in any single era but straight out of a different game, why they lack details that could connect them to their original times, and why the themes and concepts they reference are vague and timeless. I'm also big on bones and dark topics, so I shoved a SHIT ton of those into them, easy!
I always suggest that people grab their favorite character from the game and connect their OC to them, makes it easier to establish a connection within the universe and find themes to start with. You like Druvis III? Easy, your OC could be a childhood friend she had in her homeland before she and her family moved to America. Or a noble from a family that had business with the Weyerhaeuser company. You like Madame Z? How about an OC who is an assistant for her?
If people are too shy to make direct connections like this with a canon character, then you have plenty of organizations and groups--Zeno, Laplace, the Foundation, the School of Discipline, Manus Vindictae, Apeiron, and who knows what else is out there.
You can even study the lore and find places to fill in with your OCs. That one tidbit from a few days ago that revealed theres a few other terrorist organizations aside from Manus Vindictae? Make your own terrorist organization! Have you seen the white and red enemies from the Mintage stages? The Rock City enemies and Little Finger Peter? Make an OC that belongs there!
It always helps to have a solid starting point if you can't pick an era or anything to use as a base for your OC! And don't be discouraged if you come up with something and R1999 suddenly drops a character with similar or near identical themes--take advantage of that! Your OC has the same arcanum skills as another character? Make them fight about it, make them study buddies, find ways to engrave your OC and make them relevant to the world in their own ways.
It happened to me with Pavia! So I just made my OC and Pavia be insufferable and hate each other! Easy!
If you're looking for resources, I have a post here--it's a little outdated since I know there's a lot more new things to add, but it's a good place to start! It also helps to study the characters you like and pick them apart to understand how to better make an OC!
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petrichoraline · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
i did this some time ago but most answers are gonna be different so let's go!! thank youu, @fangirlmedstudentblog and @markpakin 💞
Three Ships
TinnGun - no surprises here, these two have become everyone's comfort couple so quickly
HiraKiyoi - again, not a shocker in the slightest, they are my insane comfort bfs
DaisyIntouch - in honour of opp's viral moment with The7's Get Loose i can't not mention the most gentle, sweetest couple in SCOY; i wish their arc was handled a bit better, it felt rushed by the end; they're amazing nonetheless
First Ever Ship
let's go with first bl ship (live action) which i beliiieeve is kenji and shiro from kinou nani tabeta? and if it's not them it might be junjae and takuya from the lover
Last Song
Last Movie
i procrastinated on this just so the answer would be worth it (cause i watched a mediocre french movie but mostly didn't pay attention and that didn't sound like a good answer); the movies i saw today instead of the indian movie im procrastinating on seeing:
She's Dating the Gangster (2014) - this philippino movie made me realise that netflix's "true love" category should've been called "heartbreak" but they renamed it so well
the intros and summaries truly suck because i thought i was going into a light "fake dating" romcom with a pair of cute silly teens as the leads! what i got instead was so sad and a tad bit melodramatic that at the end i didn't know how to feel.. i did cry though! i was hanging in there and yet it got me; it's a sweet movie, although it could be overwhelming, and i would recommend it! it's kind of my fave out of the three, i wasn't too sure how it was gonna end too; one really strong point is the sweet twist on the makeover trope that the movie doesn't even use to promote itself, it's kinda naturally in there and it made me so happy
Jumping From High Places (2022) - this italian romantic-but-more-about-self-growth movie about a young woman with anxiety was not technically confusing but it had me bored halfway through (again, the sample video thingy netflix shows had an energy that imo was not there throughout the film, i found it misleading); i'm just happy i picked up on smth that is probably supposed to be a surprising reveal hehe; i wouldn't not recommend it, i feel like it could be relatable and a sweet experience for some
Your Place or Mine (2023) - a typical hollywood movie, what can i say, it's been pushed onto me and i was kinda interested, gonna lie if i say the cast wasn't a part of the reason i caved in (i'm curious bout what kutcher and witherspoon are doing now, yeah);
i think it's kinda bland, it had some good sentiments but at the end i found the female lead too unlikeable and the story kind of stretched out and a bit rushed at the same time (maybe it was actually well paced and a proper length, just not my thing, that's possible. the gray overlay (?) was so depressing though, even her bright and green home felt awfully unwelcoming)
Currently Watching
literally only My School President lol everything else is in either "on-hold", "plan to watch" or "have to catch up on!!"
Currently Reading
oh how i want to say svsss vol.2 but i'm stuck once again, i mostly read long posts and student books, not even manga
Currently Consuming
"too much media at once in theory and not nearly as much in practice" is a valid answer, isn't it lol
Currently Craving
more convos w moots ig
i might be tagging people who have done it or don't like tag games, it's very hard to track these sometimes so sorry 🫶 @hello-n-goodbye @himbodelamain @soundgun @sillsif @jingyanwang @catwalkninja @catboyjosten @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @chinzhillababy
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Rob McElhenney & Ryan Reynolds: 1 - Meghan Markle: 0 by u/Chasmosaur
Rob McElhenney & Ryan Reynolds: 1 - Meghan Markle: 0 As part of QEII's Platinum Jubilee Civic Honors in 2022, Wrexham, Wales was granted city status by QEII. [wales.com] In honor of that, KCIII and QC visited Wrexham in early December, 2022, which included a visit with football (soccer) club Wrexham AFC.If you aren't aware, actors Rob McElhenney - one of the creators and stars of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" - and Ryan Reynolds - aka, Deadpool; owner of Aviation Gin, Mint Mobile, two marketing companies; and a million viral clips - jointly bought Wrexham AFC in 2020. You can follow their story - including how the team is wound into the identity and economy of the town - on the FX/Disney+ TV show, "Welcome to Wrexham." KCIII and QC toured several parts of Wrexham, but the most publicized part of their visit was when they visited the Wrexham Racecourse, the stadium where Wrexham AFC plays and where the business offices are located. They toured the stadium and also met with McElhenney and Reynolds, the team players, management staff, as well as the many volunteers that help support the club in day-to-day operations.So, did McElhenney and Reynolds sit back on their Hollywood charm and assume they could have a meeting with the King of the United Kingdom and his Queen Consort (as she was still called at that point) without any preparation? Nope - they hired an Etiquette Coach to make sure they greeted and interacted KCIII and QC without embarrassment. They briefly covered those etiquette coach meetings on the Season 2 premiere, which aired yesterday - here's a preview clip from the show's IG account:https://ift.tt/2oYUgiE [Instagram, Official "Welcome to Wrexham"]Now compare this to many self-documented efforts of Meghan Markle - whether they are true or apocryphal is really known to those who experienced them - meeting various members of the BRF. The standout encounters being the OTT bow to QEII she demonstrated in Harry & Meghan, and supposedly meeting the Cambridges for the first time while barefoot, wearing ripped jeans, and giving many "jarring" hugs. 🙄 (And speaking of those ripped jeans - both McElhenney and Reynolds wore well-fitted, camera-ready suits for their meeting! https://twitter.com/Wrexham_AFC/status/1601210048939687937 [Twitter, Wrexham AFC] )Also, it should be noted that while neither McElhenney or Reynolds graduated from college (they both enrolled and dropped out to act), Meghan Markle famously graduated with a double major in Theater and International Studies from Northwestern University. She also attended that brief internship at the American Embassy in Buenos Aires and attempted the FSO exam. (It has a very high failure rate, so I actually don't read much into the fact she didn't pass it, other than it's obvious she doesn't really understand how to behave like a diplomat, so it's unsurprising.)So two smart and successful actors with no specialized academic or job training knew that they needed to prepare for the particular rituals of meeting British royalty on a royal visit. But the actress who married into the BRF and has supposedly taken classes in how to deal with international cultures with aspirations to joining the diplomatic corps doesn't appear to have done any research at all for meeting her future family members. So that tracks... post link: https://ift.tt/4pTAEqb author: Chasmosaur submitted: September 14, 2023 at 08:21PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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missmortox · 1 year
I think bill saw alexander's early career as a book of what not to do, every week the tabloids pointed out a gay rumor or possible girlfriends (who most often were his co-stars) and he showed them to the paparazzi as a trophy which is not wrong and I even understand why this is part of the hollywood booklet. he gained a lot of popularity mainly from that and the media started to be invasive always making horrible comments about alex and many times in interviews and he always politely deviated from the subject with some joke i think bill avoided all this exposure and media harassment by coming in in a "relationship" with alida and being totally discreet in his private life.
The problem was that he wasn't totally discreet not to any fault of his own but Alida's fault. When he came in with a girlfriend initially one really knew much about her.
Then the pap walks started, and the premieres, and the moment he became Pennywise and she could cash in on that she did. It was only a short while later she was pregnant, he was trying to keep it very quiet (I remember at least two interviews where he was asked and said it was private and pretty much ended it there). Which would have been fine had Alida not been:
• On IG all the time posting how pregnant she was
• Doing press and media stuff while pregnant to tell everyone how pregnant she was
• Showing up at all the parties to make sure her baby bump was seen
• Posting 700 IG stories of her "surprise babv shower"
She once had a private account and it was under a different name. When she went public, changed it to her legal name, and made sure to tag everyone under the sun his privacy was invaded way more than any tabloid could have. Especially when she took secret videos of him the paparazzi could never have gotten their hands on. She's worse than any of them, plus she definitely called them on her and Bill to alert them and make sure she got in photos with him. His plan was solid, in theory, he just chose the most demonic fame-hungry gold digger on the planet who absolutely gives no shits to how much privacy he wants.
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mafaldaknows · 4 years
How is Liz the coordinator of this mess when Effie herself has posted dms in which Liz has slut shamed her and called her awful names? That really doesn’t make sense now does it? I guess it’s easier for you guys to pin the blame on everyone but Armie
Hello, Anon:
Only one person could possibly benefit from this nightmare happening at precisely the time that it did, just as their divorce would be final, and only days before a crucial custody hearing. Up until that moment, HUSBAND was an absolute angel babe.
Timing, motive, and motivation, in tandem with the fact that evidence “proving” many of HOE’s allegations have been found to be fake, plus the obviously shopped-around, straight-from-the-same-press-release-ex-wife says she’s ever-so-shocked-SHOCKED-I-TELL-YOU stories in the gossip rags, that appear whenever HOE’s stories run of out steam, are the primary reasons for me to suspect that Liz might have coordinated this character assassination against Armie. Given what we know right now, logically speaking, Liz is also the only person with a vested interest in keeping this story in the news cycle, at least until their next custody hearing, which is why that tired old story keeps coming back from the grave.
If HOE’s most recent bombshell allegations are true, and it’s been an ongoing event, why choose to reveal them at this specific time, which was most unfavorable for Armie and most advantageous for Liz? And why had Liz not responded instantly, as soon as HOE made inappropriate contact with Armie, years ago, as she had done when a fan sent Armie a nude photo in his DMs? It’s a fact that she’d been heavily involved in every aspect of his entire adult life, at least for the last decade. Why would that time be any different?
As for the name-calling and slut-shaming, that’s very simple to explain:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
HOE is a “red herring villain”, merely a distraction to what’s really going on, as she herself said, in one of her IG tirades.
The fact that Armie is now embroiled in this messy divorce and now must also respond to the serious offline consequences of online allegations made in the midst of a critical point in their divorce timeline is yet another complication in this Byzantine nightmare that still leads to only one source, in my mind. TIMING IS EVERYTHING.
If factually credible evidence is found that definitively implicates Armie in any crime, then I will believe it. Until then, I can only go by the actual facts we’ve been given. And so far, much of the evidence against Armie has been proven to be fake or circumstantial.
FWIW: I’m not here defending Armie as a fan, but as a human being who hates injustice, just as we all do, or should. I became interested in the circumstances surrounding Armie Hammer last summer, after seeing the lengths that his PR team will go to in order to sell a very specific image of him to the public. I see that aspect of his current situation as a human rights issue.
While I admire his work and appreciate his talent, I’m not a moony teenager blinded by fangirl devotion. I see Armie Hammer’s case as one that could potentially force Hollywood to reconsider their PR practices to implement meaningful positive change in the lives of all performers who are currently being forced into planned romantic arrangements in order to maintain the most palatable public image for maximum “bankability” at the box office, as well as a means to advocate for new laws regarding the responsible use of social media. Which is why I’m interested in getting to the truth about Armie Hammer. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less.
BTW, It’s just as easy for “you guys” to pin the blame on no one else but Armie, if that’s the case, Anon.
The truth is that none of us know with any great certainty exactly what happened or what’s happening. That’s the bottom line.
Thanks for your comment 🙂
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 3 years
Rating the Films I've Seen This Term in University In a Completely Arbitrary and Subjective Fashion
Because I'm getting a degree in Film Studies. This is also a recommendations list go watch all the 8/10 or above ones. Also I'm separating these by which module of my uni course I watched them for, with recreational viewings at the end.
Film History:
The Immigrant (Chaplin) 8/10 the funniest and most down to earth Chaplin film I saw this term
Easy Street (Chaplin) 7/10 again very funny but didn't have as much to say imo
City Lights (Chaplin) 6/10 too long I'm sorry I got bored. Also not as funny to me
Strike (Eisenstein) 7/10 communism :)
Battleship Potemkin (Eisenstein) 8/10 communism plus the staircase scene very iconic
M (Lang) 4/10 you could literally skip the middle and you wouldn't miss anything
The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (Wiene) 6/10 not my thing but if you like weirdo German horror shit then it'll be your thing. Nice stylisation
Grand Hotel (Goulding) 7/10 if you like old Hollywood glamour you'll like this. Lots of good supporting cast. Entertaining
Bicycle Thieves (De Sica) 8/10 fun and sad but not too sad, a lot of class commentary
Rome Open City (Rossellini) 7/10 based on true stories much much sadder still good tho
Contempt (Godard) 6/10 kinda boring, there's like four characters and barely two storylines, but interesting contextually
Day for Night (Truffaut) 7/10 more entertaining, tragic, big supporting cast, lots of storylines, interesting!
Young Mr Lincoln (Ford) 7/10 honestly better than I thought it'd be ngl
Game Change (Roach) 4/10 I don't care about Sarah Palin
Lagaan (Gowariker) 10/10 the 70 minute cricket match was so fucking worth it and ily if you have seen this. I have all of the songs stuck in my head
The Official Story (Puenzo) 5/10 I get it but also eh
Rojo (Naishtat) 6/10 history
Visual Cultures:
Persepolis (Satrapi) 8/10 brilliant animated work and beautifully adapted from the original graphic novel
American Splendor (Berman and Pulcini) 10/10 made me cry, is very hard to watch in some places, definitely doesn't shy away from difficult topics, again brilliantly adapted from the comics
Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse (Persichetti) 10/10 do I even need to tell you this
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World (Wright) 9/10 Edgar Wright can't write women but he can write a damn good film, go watch it if you haven't but you're on Tumblr so...
Theories for Film Studies:
Rear Window (Hitchcock) 8/10 love a story set in one room
American Psycho (Harron) 7/10 hey did you know that rich people can do crime and get away with it. Or maybe they can't.
Falling Down (Schumacher) 8/10 Joker before Joker. Unfortunately one of those films like Joker and Fight Club where certain men watch it and miss the point completely
King Kong (Cooper and Schoedsack) 1/10 it gets one point for the dinosaurs being cool
Bad Boy Bubby (de Heer) 2/10 I get it and yes it's a decent film but no you didn't have to do any of this actually
Bhaji on the Beach (Chadha) 8/10 girlboss
Paris is Burning (Livingston) 8/10 a good introduction to ballroom culture, there is however a lot of discourse surrounding the director and what her intentions were with making the film so keep that context in mind ig
Bamako (Sissako) 6/10 you need to know a bit of contextual stuff before watching and it's pretty boring but I guess it's kinda moving too
As Good As It Gets (Brooks) 9/10 every kind of prejudice is in this film, still slaps pretty hard tho
The Piano (Campion) 6/10 woman has piano and plays it. yeah
Film Analysis:
Rebel Without a Cause (Ray) 6/10 I had to write an essay on this so it's kinda dead to me but it was alright. Amazing cinematography.
Touch of Evil (Welles) 5/10 sorry Welles this kinda sucked ngl
The Shop Around The Corner (Lubitsch) 9/10 very fun very cute again it's the ensemble cast which did it for me I love them yes yes
Blow Out (de Palma) 9/10 absolute banger film tbh very interesting and made me feel emotions
La Mala Education (Almodóvar) 6/10 kinda cool kinda confusing I get what they were going for. Also the guy from Y Tu Mama Tambien is in this which is cool I love that film...
Recreational Viewings:
The French Dispatch (Anderson) 10/10 fuck yeah I even wrote an editorial piece about it. Beautiful and amazing
Passing (Hall) 5/10 it didn't make me feel the emotions I think it wanted me to feel. It felt quite empty but not in an existential way? I understand the importance of it and the Point of the film but it just didn't resonate
Seven Samurai (Kurosawa) 10/10 I understand why people call this the best foreign language film ever. It was insanely long (3 and a half hours) but I loved every second. A masterpiece.
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Tearing down the Tomdaya timeline, created by Spidermaninlove - Part 4 (2019)
January 14, 2019
Tom arrived in LA. -> IRRELEVANT.
January 15, 2019
Tom debuted the Spider-man Far From Home trailer during an Instagram live in what appears to be Z’s house. -> ASSUMPTION. If he did - co-workers/friends hanging out together.
January 20, 2019
Tom departed LAX. -> IRRELEVANT.
January 23, 2019
Tom at Battersea Dog House in the London area. -> IRRELEVANT.
February 11, 2019
Uber driver picks up Tom at a house in Northridge and drops him off at a members only club in Hollywood. 
Z was in Oakland for her grandmother’s birthday. 
Analysis:  Tom had access to Z’s house while she was away. -> ASSUMPTION. He could have stayed in Zendaya‘s house or he has his own place that he rented there. If he did stay in Zendaya‘s house - co-workers/friends supporting one another.
Tom was photographed shopping at Piaget Boutique (jewelry/watches) in Beverly Hills. -> IRRELEVANT.
February 13, 2019
Tom spotted at a restaurant in Culver City, CA.  Sony Studios is located in Culver City. -> IRRELEVANT.
February 18, 2019
Tom departs LAX and arrives in Birmingham. -> IRRELEVANT.
March 2, 2019
Z is photographed wearing a Piaget rose pendant during her Galleries Lafayette Tommy Hilfiger event.  Tom was spotted by a fan at Piaget on February 11, 2019.  Was this Tom’s Valentine’s Day gift to Z? -> ASSUMPTION/INTERPRETATION.
Women’s Wear Daily (WWD) reported Tom as one of the guests at the Paris TommyXZendaya fashion show. -> Co-workers/friends supporting one another.
March 3, 2019
Women’s Wear Daily removed Tom’s name from the article.  According to Joelle Diderich, Tom was on the preliminary guest list but did not attend the show.  Note:  Tom was in London for his grandfather’s memorial service. -> My condolences. It‘s sad how shippers only mention this because it explains why Tom wasn‘t at the event, but not caring about Tom‘s loss.
Z in London for Tommy x Zendaya event. -> IRRELEVANT.
Tom departed London en route to Atlanta. -> IRRELEVANT.
March 4, 2019
Z departed London. -> IRRELEVANT.
March 10, 2019
@papadocspage, Instagram, posted a photo with Tom at Goya Studios in California. -> IRRELEVANT.
Tom and Zendaya were spotted having sushi in the San Fernando Valley(SFV).  -> Co-workers/Friends hanging out together.
March 12, 2019
Tom and Z spotted out together in Northridge. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
March 30 - 31, 2019
Tom posted videos of himself with Jacob at a hotel in LA.  The hotel is located 5 minutes from Z’s Lancome set location for 3/31. -> IRRELEVANT.
April 6, 2019
Tom spotted in the San Fernando Valley/Northridge area. -> IRRELEVANT.
April 7, 2019
Tom photographed with fans at the westdrift hotel in Manhattan Beach, CA.  Photographed on April 7, @yossifraser posted then deleted, and reposted on April 8.  Note:  Marvel uses the MBS Media campus in Manhattan Beach. -> IRRELEVANT.
April 13, 2019
It appears Z is filming FFH reshoots. Tom spotted by a fan in Manhattan Beach, CA.  -> IRRELEVANT.
April 14, 2019
Darnell was shopping at Target in Manhattan Beach. -> Pointing out the times, where Tom and Zendaya appear to be out „unchaperoned“. IRRELEVANT.
Tom was with Z tonight while she recorded music for what appears to be Euphoria. -> Co-workers/friends supporting one another.
April 15, 2019
Tom departs LAX and arrives in Atlanta for Chaos Walking reshoots. -> IRRELEVANT.
The Spider-man Far From Home Press Tour Begins
-> Every single interaction: Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
May 4, 2019
Z departs LA for NY. -> IRRELEVANT.
May 5, 2019
Tom arrives in LA. -> IRRELEVANT
May 6, 2019
Z attends the Met Gala.  Tom follows the Met Gala Instagram page and then unfollows the next day. -> IRRELEVANT.
Tom calls Z while she’s in the middle of preparing for the Met Gala for help with posting the new Spider-man Far From Home trailer instead of turning to his tech-savvy brother, Harry, or his assistant, Samual. -> Co-workers/friends helping out together. Mentioning Harry or Sam is irrelevant.
May 8, 2019
Tom and Zendaya at Disney Adventure Park along with Jacob Batalon and Jake Gyllenhaal promoting Spider-man Far From Home.  -> Co-workers working together.
May 9, 2019
Tom posted a photo of himself with Z and Jacob at Disney and tagged Z on his nether regions.  Z commented: “I’m assuming because you don’t know how to work ig, that’s the reasoning behind my name placement 😂😂😂😂😂” to which Tom replied:  “very much so”, then he re-positioned the tag and thanked Z for making him aware of his “obvious blunder”. -> Either a mistake or PR move.
Z and Tom with Jake Gyllenhaal, Cobie Smulders, and Jacob Batalon on Jimmy Kimmel Live.  Tom and Z played air hockey on the show. -> Co-workers promoting a movie together.
May 12, 2019
Tom with Z on the Euphoria set during night shoots at Union Station in LA. -> Co-workers/friends supporting one another.
After spending the day filming an advertisement for Warrior of Darkness, Tom spent the night with Z on the Euphoria set, and then departed LA for London wearing the same hoodie he wore on both sets.  Tom stated in his story that he is taking a two-week break from Instagram. -> Co-workers/friends supporting one another.
May 13, 2019
Supportive Couple
Z posted an Instagram story regarding the Brothers Trust current campaign.  Tom liked Z’s Euphoria Instagram post.  He may be on a social media hiatus, but he’s not on break when it comes to Z! -> IRRELEVANT. Co-workers/friends supporting one another.
May 20, 2019
Tom attends the Rocketman premiere and after parties with his plus one, Sam Holland. -> IRRELEVANT.
May 27, 2019
Tom in Bali for the Pan Asian Press Junket.  During a junket, regarding Spider-man Far from Home he said, “There’s a love romance in this one with Zendaya… MJ and Peter Parker”.  He later posted a story and was photographed with fans wearing a Tomdaya shirt. -> IRRELEVANT. Him saying that, does not imply they are a couple.
During a junket, Tom stated that he and Peter Parker are similar when it comes to romance. -> IRRELEVANT. Peter is a fictional character, who has a crush on MJ. Tom is a real person, who has repeatedly stated, that he is NOT dating Zendaya. Learn the difference.
June 1, 2019
Z created an Instagram birthday post for Tom and reposted a story about him, and tweeted twice for his birthday.  Then she edited her post – changed “lucky” to “very lucky”.  She also liked several birthday wishes to Tom that were posted by others. -> Co-workers/friends supporting one another.
June 13, 2019
Tom departed Beijing and returned to London. -> IRRELEVANT.
June 16, 2019
Z arrived in London.  -> IRRELEVANT.
Lots of cute moments, laughter, heart eyes, telltale interaction, and denial (kinda sorta).  During several interviews Tom and Z were lost in their own little world.  I’m convinced Jacob was our Tomdaya wingman! -> INTERPRETATION OF EVENTS. Co-workers/friends promoting a movie together.
June 17, 2019
Tom and Z, along with Jacob, Jon, and Jake, were at the Tower Bridge in London for a photocall. -> Work related.
Tom wore a necklace from Z. -> ASSUMPTION. It was a necklace made by someone who Zendaya had bought jewelry from before. There is no evidence, that the necklace is from Zendaya.
Both Z and Tom posted Z’s story about Tom vs her heels (shoes). -> Co-workers/friends teasing one another.
Z, sporting Mary Jane vibes (red hair) posted a photo of herself and captioned it, Face it, Tiger… -> IRRELEVANT.
June 18, 2019
Un Nuevo Dia Interview:  Tom, the gentleman, poured his lady’s tea. Note:  Z once said she was looking for a gentleman.  -> Calling Zendaya „his lady“ is an assumption. Zendaya meaning Tom with that statement is an INTERPRETATION.
Z said the closer you are to someone, the weirder it is to kiss onscreen.  Tom said it’s a little awkward because they’re mates (he’s not lying, they are very very good friends) and then agrees with Z it’s weird. -> Nope, definitely did not lie. They are JUST friends, who happen to work together.
Tom, Z, Whitney, Harry, Jacob, and Jake attended the David Blaine Show.  Tom and Z sat next to one another. -> Co-workers/friends promoting a movie together.
Z posted a story tonight from a suite other than the one she and Whitney have been posting from.  It appears to be similar to the suite they were using to conduct interviews (Tom’s suite?) -> ASSUMPTION.
June 19, 2019
ET Interview
Conclusion:  They never said they’re not in a relationship.  They said it’s strange/annoying that people want their onscreen relationship to exist irl. -> INTERPRETATION/INSINUATION, that is false.
Yong Chavez Interview clip (Yong informs Tom and Z that fans have noticed they mirror one another)
Z posted a story of just the two of them making faces during an interview with Jacob.  -> IRRELEVANT.
Nikki Holland, Tom’s mum, liked a post stating, Tom basically described Zendaya as his ideal girl. -> INSINUATION/INTERPRETATION. We don’t know, why Nikki liked the post.
June 20, 2019
Tom and Z and cast attended a Spider-man:  Far From Home dinner with the producer and director at Cartier in London. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
June 21, 2019
PopBuzz Interview:  
MTV Interview:  
New York
June 22, 2019
Z departed London for NY. -> IRRELEVANT.
June 23, 2019
Tom departed London for NY. -> IRRELEVANT.
June 24, 2019
Tom, Z, and Jacob light the Empire State Building for Spider-man:  Far From Home and The Brothers Trust. -> Co-workers/friends working together.
June 25, 2019
MTVNews Interview with Z and Jacob (Z’s concern for Tom is girlfriend worthy) -> INTERPRETATION.
Tom and Z departed NY for LA together. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
Los Angeles
June 26, 2019
Tom and Z attend the Spider-man:  Far From Home red carpet premiere and after-party. Tom’s mum admires Z’s dress. -> Co-workers/friends working together. Nikki „admiring“ the dress is an interpretation.
Tom was photographed touching Z’s bare back. -> He could either grab her naked back or her clothed bottom. 🤡
June 27, 2019
Tom and Z, along with Jake, visited the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.  Z and Tom adorably helped a patient chase Mysterio. -> Co-workers/friends working together.
June 28, 2019
Tom departed LA for Seoul. -> IRRELEVANT.
June 30, 2019
Z departed LA for Paris. -> IRRELEVANT.
July 2, 2019
Tom announced the press tour is over and departed Seoul for London.
July 10, 2019
Tom followed and then immediately unfollowed a Euphoria fan account. -> IRRELEVANT.
July 14, 2019
The End
Interesting. As soon as the press tour is over, so are the random outings of Tom and Zendaya, that many mistake as “dates”, and which are losely based on the sightings of fans. Suddenly they no longer hang out together, post about the other, etc.
Could it be because two Spiderman movies are out and promoted at this point, the third one was not yet confirmed at the time and there was no reason for promotion any longer? 👀
Screams like a friendship to me, highly exaggerated for PR reasons. As soon as no more PR was needed, they went their separate ways.
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0tivez · 2 years
im a sucker for dad!everyone and I have no idea why
okay so tokyo revengers spoilers below
when akkun jumped off the roof in like episode 4?? (I found a way to not say the word LMFAO) the sound the put when he makes contact with the ground is the sound a box filled with books makes when thrown off a window and it reminded me of the bread video bc its such a dry sound why would they do that
Literally just for the hot guys someone send help-
I wanna say thats kinda a meet cute and lowkey adorable that he mentioned meeting up but 'remind me and we'll arrange it' sounds like a business transaction im so sorry ✋ if you feel comfortable sharing the long story im all ears!! I love long stories 👀 feel free to go off topic more often I well I always do that anyway 😭
OKAY oh boy, where do I start. Its literally so simple to explain but im dramatic as fuck so let me indulge myself ANYWAY so basically we were talking through chat, we spent almost everyday talking and it was sweet and funny and stuff, ya know?? or maybe I was convincing myself he was lol so it was just a normal day after school and we were talking and I think at some point he got boring of just texting so he said "give me a sec im gonna go play with a flamethrower" mid convo and I think something inside of me died. kinda glad he gave me the ick tho, I don't think I liked him that much :/
much hatred for the "I watch real shows lol" >:( specially bc all of the people saying that watched dragon ball or pokemon 😭 when I was younger I usually responded like "haha yeah...ig :,)" but now im ready to smack a bitch; you know what they say, violence isn't the question its the answer 😌
You're gonna make me have a soft spot for eremika TT it sounds very bittersweet when you explain it, but it does make sense why romance wasn't a main plot (I dunno if this is the correct way to say it). AND JEAN! he grew on me so yes, he definitely deserves to be first choice>>>
I think im gonna watch the anime after it finished airing or something. I always say im gonna do so many things but then I get distracted by fanfics lol watch me scream
Aki and Megumi found family trope??? 👀 this is making me think of hurt/comfort followed by pure angst, hurt/no-comfort huh :)
KANEKI??? HE VOICES KANEKI???? I loved watching Tokyo ghoul (I watched two seasons!) :( I had the softest spot for Kaneki but I refused to accept it bc I was scared were gonna make fun of me LMFAO I did have a massive crush on Hide tho, and was very vocal about that lol
I remember watching a gif set of baby tanjiro and my heart melted; same thing with Yuuji I think
Hollywood only thinks of making money over hiring good vas and like random celebrities voicing characters isn't bad ig?? like quality wise, the movie is watchable and entertaining, but still I'd like to see vas recognised for their talent a lot more.
Chris pratt *massive sigh* I heard the only reason why he was taking so many va gigs was bc he didn't get the vaccine so he couldn't go to work or smth; I could be wrong tho.
wait, which dub were you talking about?? the jjk dub??
NOT GOJOGUMI OR WHATEVER IS CALLED 😭 why?? why with the kids?? 😭
ive seen monstrosities on ao3, I could name them but huh...
Gege I a sadist and I refuse to think to think otherwise LMFAO I little part of me thinks that he might see himself in gojo a bit too much and thats why he doesn't like him lmfao
I think my brain blocked the opinion bc I cant remember?? I think they talked about how the hidden inventory arc made no sense bc apparently gojo is constantly jumping dimensions or something?? and like fair ig bc I know shit about this series but?? I was so confused, I think it just short circuited. Its that a take on his character?? I think I worded it wrong now that I think about it, I love her so much she's the best of the best but I felt attacked, and thats on me 😔 she also hasn't read the manga so we're Ig in even common ground lol
YOU WILL GET IN!!! It sounds so fun :D im sending you as much positive vibes as I can <3 disabilities law sounds interesting! do you have any idea what you'd like to specialise in the future??
I'll be on the lookout for the honorary dilf 😌
right?? wtf 😭 ive only seen college aus in which the pairing is like teacher/student with nanami and like I don't mind but I want my student/student college aus LET ME INDULGE 😤 thanks for hyping me up :,) its gonna be more fluffy+suggestive id say?? def not angst bc I cant write angst for nanami; Shibuya already did that for me lmfao
tho if im honest, I think im stuck bc I keep comparing every sentence to the gojo fic I uploaded lmfao
<making you blush3
sending wet slurpy kisses right back 😌💕
I hope you have a good week! and sorry for the late reply, I was stuck using Tumblr mobile for a while 😅
OH AND IM WATCHING THE JJK MOVIE ON THURSDAY 🥳 think Im gonna put mascara solely on my lower lashes just bc 🤷‍♀️ I hope the song at the end doesn't hurt me too much tho lmfao it will
-🥳 anon
ps: I probably should've put this at the beginning but I feel like this wasn't the best response?? like I feel like the energy in my ask is a little down, and I think it might've been a bit venty as well?? I don't now if you can feel it TT I felt a bit like a poser after I finished writing this and I'm sorry if anything I wrote came off wrong :,)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
anyways lol there is a long ass story about a guy i liked in hs under the cut 👀 it's really long tina i'm so sorry 😭
LMAOO YEAH that's what i thought too 😭 my friends got the ick when he said that
okay so!!
i met this dude in 10th grade and he was a senior (12th grade here). we had this jukebox kinda thing in the backyard of our school and we got the keys for it that year, which meant that we could play songs for everyone to hear during lunch breaks. so, that week, i went to watch bohemian rhapsody and OBVIOUSLY had queen brainrot and i was OBSESSED with killer queen. my phone had died so i had left it in my classroom. my friends weren't very fun, they all were doing their homeworks etc etc and i was just sooo bored. anyways, at the last 10 minutes or something, there were only like 4 of us left. my friends were begging to go upstairs and we almost did lol this group of older students came, which meant that they would annoy us and beg us to let them play something shitty (not in genre, they would purposefully open popular shitty songs- it's hard to explain lol it's kind of a turkish thing) so we were like okay :/
i was talking to my friend, this dude started playing killer queen LMAOO i looked at him and smiled, i was like "i love this song!" idk man i used to be so shy but something in my brain flipped off wlsakmdasmwed he looked straight into my eyes and was like "you know queen?" i said "yeah! i love them! i've been dying to play this song but my phone is dead" and he just looked at my eyes like 🧿👄🧿 his eyes were really pretty 😭 i went back to talking with my friends anyways the class was about to start, so we got up and packed. i was soooo nervous lmaoo i didn't even look at him LKMWALKDSMASWED IT GETS WORSE LATER HOLD ON he called behind me and asked which class i was in, NOT MY NAME anyways i told him and waved. my friend was teaaasinggggg me but i shook it off
i started gathering info about the dude. i found his class and stuff, nothing more. idk who sent follow request on instagram first, it was probably me lmaoo but turns out, he's pretty popular! everyone knows him too. i would sometimes share songs on my story and he would always respond. he asked me if i liked david bowie and i said never really listened to him so he shared his bowie playlist! anyways this went on. i would see him in the school garden lol i wouldn't say hi, because we never really met you know? this is a huge problem of mine lkwmsads people think i hate them or something to this day, i'm just too shy what if they don't recognize me NAYWAYS
i thought about the pros and cons. turns out, this dude was living in the dorms (our high school was the best in our city so people from other towns would live in dorms) which meant that he wasn't even from my city? he was also a senior so he probably wouldn't like to be involved with those kind of stuff so i didn't really bother. it was fun tho! so, the day before his uni entrance exam was our last day of school, so the teachers arranged this party stuff with cakes and shit (also! i found out that he was a pretty successful student and would score high on his tests klmsewdlmef this is kinda important cause i like academically successful people 😭my sapiosexuality only works that way) i built up the courage to go wish him well on his test. i could never get him alone, and since my friends didn't know we used to talk occasionally, i left. i waited to make eye contact with him, but i guess it was his time to avoid me. so, i sent my wishes that night, thinking he wouldn't respond. he did, like 2 minutes after i sent the message. he said "we never really got time to get to know each other" GOD I REMEMBER THIS NOW EKSAMDCDLSW i don't remember what i said, i remember i felt kinda embarrassed cause it felt too, out there obvious. it hit me then, that i would never see him again. NOT. we'll get to that >:) i felt sad, i liked having a lil crush. that lil heart skip. i'm not really sure if it WAS a crush, but it definitely was something. oh, he also added me to his close friends like the moment we started following each other and i did the same. WAIT FUCK kKLMWSADLKASEWF HE LOVED DONNIE DARKO??? WHICH IS MY FAVORITE FILM??? I HAVE AN ORIGINAL POSTER IN MY ROOM???????? WHAT THE FUCK???? anwyays i watched pulp fiction for him 😌 it was a win win. oh right, i was sad so i chugged down a whole beer, which was a lot for 16 year old me who went out with her parents lmaooo i was like "pour another one, we're drinking tonight" and they only let me drink 1 💀
what's crazy is
i used to be a scout right? we went to this camp. i got bored, and decided to check if he had a facebook 💀 he didn't, so i was like damn.
2 DAYS LATER HE POSTS A NEW FACEBOOK ACCOUNT ON HIS IG STORIES???? WHAT THE FUCK??? i ran laps i screamed i cried anyways i went to send him a friend request, he already sent me one. cool! i was 14 on my profile picture 💀 thankfully i had deleted everything ages ago
all summer, nothing. NO! results come in, HE'S 1ST IN OUR SCHOOL?? LIKE HE SCORED AN UNGODLY SCORE?? i was like holy shit he went to one of the best, if not the best, uni in our country
so, fast forward 11 grade, first day of school. we were talking in our class (our classes got mixed that year) dude walks in to greet our teacher with his friend and starts talking about the exam and shit. no eye contact? alright whatever lol. 2 or so months later, we go on a trip to visit the unis in that city and his uni is a famous student attraction. he has close friends from his dorm too, so he jumps in on our bus. it was raining so much so we had to stay inside the bus. anyways, we go down, no eye contact still. klsmwadslakwme whatever i say it really is time to stop thinking about him. he vanished off the surface of earth not too long after too lmaoo anyways he probably had a girlfriend back then. so, early pandemic, he deleted his twitter and stopped posting on ig and i hadn't even thought about him at all
he posted a pic on his story... uh,,, october this year? idk at least i knew he was still alive 💀
we went to ikea with my friends one day and got in the wrong bus, ended up in the most ridiculous place so i posted a selfie of us and added it in my close friends (mind that i post from new years to new years) and he responded! he said "you're in this city and didn't invite me?" and i jokingly responded with something. this was late at night, i didn't see him respond and went to bed. i woke up at 9 am and saw that he said "oh btw congrats on your uni! turns out we are really close (our unis are super super close), so we can sit down sometime if you'd like to" and i thought i should respond when im fully awake and went back to sleep. i woke up at 12 pm with my brain mushy and responded with some cringy fucking joke and just liked the message he talked about sitting down. he liked my respond. we were gonna go to a concert that night. i started getting ready, didn't think much of the message. as i was plucking my eyebrows, it occured to me, how DUMB i was. how much of an IDIOT i was. i texted my friends "i did something horrible". i got ready and hopped on the bus, thought about it the whole ride. i got out, met with my friends and told them, HOPING they would at least support me a lil. the first thing they say? "zee, you're such a fucking idiot" i was like "I KNOW" anyways it went on a little more. i said "if i drink enough tonight, i will text him"
2 beers in, mid concert, i sent him a message. "you know, i double tapped it or smth like that but i would really love to meet" sent it, pushed my phone in my pocket. 5 minutes in, i see a notification saying "we only talked on ig" CHILLS MAN I THOUGHT HOLY SHIT THIS DUDE IS SAYING wtf we only talked here KMDSLWKMSDWLKFR FUCKING IPHONE i opened it and he said "same! we only talked on here right? never met face to face" "yeah, guess it was meant to be in this city" "haha yeah. remind me of it and we'll plan something" "sure :)"
this was it omg this shit is so long for no reason, sorry for this lmaooo he's really pretty too lkwsmdaxlsamdwecf i can't i will probably never remind him lol
oh shit wait
my hs friend who goes to the same uni as me, when i told her about my past with the dude, she said she hated the guy bc he ghosted one of her friends. like, he wouldn't wave at her, respond to her texts and stuff. he didn't do any of that with me, so i'm wondering if he liked how i wouldn't really acknowledge him irl lol
yeah that was it lol
flamethrower?? yeah bestie you dodged a bullet there
that dude was also a huge naruto fan. like, he would sometimes wear that bandana and i was like "hmmm okay" i became a weeb literally one year after that 😭 karma is a bitch, death note is bitchier
kaneki was HOT. i liked it when he got violent >:) i could never warm up to tokyo ghoul and keep forgetting that i watched it lol. kaneki was hot tho. i want to read the manga so much, sui ishida is a legend
dubs in general i guess? jjk dub is pretty meh imo. i liked the part where yuji calls nobara a bitch tho
i don't like the so clearly american accent in anime dubs, you know? the way they overdramatise the voices gives me the icks. thats why i loved the death note dub! it was so on point, no unnecessary dramatic moments, following the steps of the original vas. also light's monologue was sick, l's voice was sicker
wait, how does your friend find it bad if they haven't read the manga yet?
aah i didn't get in lol i didn't really expect to be picked anyways so it's cool. thanks for the vibes tho <3
i haven't picked anything yet, i still have very little law knowledge. i've always wanted to be a criminal lawyer (like higuruma hehe) but it looks like i would be more successful (money wise) in private law branches. i also don't know if i want to be connected to the government in any way. fuck the government. i probably wouldn't be picked too lol i'm super marginal for their conservative views. i would LOVE to be a da or prosecutor in usa, like new york lol i watched too much law and order. but yeah, for now, i'm focusing on exploring and seeking out anything involving foreign countries. i would love to study abroad for a master's degree too
ooh hell yeah! go for it!
i was writing the vibrator fic with nanami and realized how LITTLE fics with nanami eating reader out exists lmaoo sorry for the sudden nsfw topic but it was so weird! i don't think i've read it outside of fics specifically for eating out???
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Hi could you talk more about why youd recommend not watching ww84?
warnings for under the cut: spoilers for WW84 and a bit of the first wonder woman; i only saw WW84 once a few days ago + it’s been a hot sec since i saw the original so if i get a few details wrong i apologize
tl;dr with no spoilers: WW84 is a poorly executed movie that insults its viewer with its messy and self-proud plot, bad character/relationship portrayals, and offers a personal slap in the face to a majority of its audience in their various discriminations, generalizations, and plot points.
the first point is the racism, made well by the post i reblogged here, (edit: found a second post that goes more in depth here) so i’d just suggest looking at that for that matter
next is just How they portray wonder woman in this one
i really appreciated the way the first movie portrayed diana because they did very well in keeping true to her Amazonian raising and life while still clearly showing she was a woman
when i say this i mean that a lot of media has a tendency to either make women who are very fem and keep to traditional gender roles or women who more or less shun femininity and attempt to largely fulfill only male gender roles
diana in the original is a warrior, strong and fierce, but still a woman, not trying to shun that or anything. she wears styles that suit her while still being woman’s styles (she doesn’t force her way into a suit), she talks of and addresses her womanhood proudly and without issue, etc
i want to note here i have no issue with female characters who act extremely masc and reject femininity- i love them tbh- but it’s important to remember that it’s not inherently against womanhood or anything to be a strong fighter who doesn’t stick to every stereotypical social gender norm
and the first wonder woman movie shows this very well
WW84... oh boy
first of all, wonder woman’s changing outfits every other scene. even between scenes where it makes no sense! i’m not saying she can only wear one set of clothes but Geez this was too much
not to mention an entire scene dedicated to her helping steve pick a fashion look? i understand this was to highlight the ‘80-ness of the movie, and it would’ve been fine if it seemed diana was helping him pick a period appropriate look, but it was clear she was trying to help him pick a ‘fashionable’ look which. wonder woman? from the island without a sense of popular outfits or fashion? what?
and the amount of focus on her wearing high heels.... ugh
i’m not saying you can’t have a badass woman who also likes social gender norm fem things but it felt clear that wasn’t what they were going for
wonder woman in the first movie liked practical fashion and not only were many of her outfits not that, her high heels? one hundred percent not practical
it didn’t fit her character and felt horribly out of place, clearly just the producers / directors / whoever going ‘oh, wonder woman is a woman how can we show this? fashion! high heels!’ and i hated it
(warning: imma be jumping from thought to thought as they bump into each so uh... enjoy the train-of-thought style of flaw informing)
and starting at the beginning like.... wow that scene had no purpose
wonder woman cheats in a competition and is punished for this by losing it in the end. except. this is stupid for two reasons
as the audience is shown she didn’t cheat on purpose. she made a mistake, lost her horse, and made a strategy to get back into the race despite this. honestly? i thought the story was going to be a lesson in ingenuity in the worst looking situations. but it wasn’t, which is bad storytelling, because the lesson is then based on a point that isn’t even that true
it is literally Never important again later. unless you count what was going on with the wishstone as ‘cheating to victory’ which i dont. that’s not even what the villain did. he wanted to take over the world. there’s no victory there you get without cheating. wtf. why did that message even happen
going into the actual story we meet the cheetah pretty quick, when she’s still whatever-her-civilian-name-is
and the cheetah... she’s such a bad villain
she doesn’t have the same backstory as she does in the comics
in this one, she uses the wishstone- which is a whole ‘nother thing in and of itself- to wish to be like diana, because ig being smart as hell but social awkward as hell too is so bad you need to desperately wish to be someone else? i hate that trope, but onwards-
she gets that, but in exchange for not only diana’s likable personality she also gets her wonder woman powers (and she loses her glasses, because pretty and cool means no glasses, right? /s), she loses her kindness bc of the rules of the wishstone- in exchange for your wish, it takes smth u care about a lot from you; for her, it was her kindness
this makes her villain! just because she lost her kindness. yep. honestly not a good look regarding all those people out there who are low/no empathy and can still be wonderful nice people but i digress
at one point she complains about why she needs to keep her power rather than go back to being just Her and i fucking wanted to scream
she has like. half a dozen degrees, clearly a couple of friends even if she’s awkward, and she’s got a life that was perfectly okay before she made the wish. as someone who is also socially awkward as hell, it infuriated me to here her acting like it was the fucking end of the world she couldn’t be more extroverted or whatever. there are ways to work on that!!! the movie trying to convince the audience she had a legit reason to not un-wish her wish (for the good of the entire world) was stupid and insulting
also her transformation between ‘looks human, wearing cheetah-pattern clothing‘ to ‘humanoid with cheetah fur/skin/appearance’ literally just. happened. for no reason. that was stupid
y’know what else is stupid? the wishstone. it was clearly just a plot device, and a poorly executed one at that. it isn’t even consistent in how it works
and they did a whole side thing with like. how it had the language of the gods written on part of it and it appeared in random locations across history around the time of great tragedies and,,, that was it???
they never explored the divine connection??? who planted it or why??? how it location traveled or anything????
like i said. poor plot device
i move on now to steve
oh boy steve
he’s brought back to life by diana’s wish on the wishstone, but... it causes him to come back in someone else’s body, quantum leap style. this is. weird. and is never ever addressed by him or wonder woman except once in a throw away comment. like. diana and steve kiss and are implied to have sex while steve is in someone else’s body and neither of them seem to care. this is not good!!
and then his relationship with diana? HORRIBLE
in the first movie they were barely starting to fall in love, only barely a couple even if that. more importantly they were friends, and that night he died diana didn’t lose a potential lover so much as she lost her first non-Amazonian friend
but WW84 portrays their relationship as if they were not only already a couple, but one close enough that even after forty years since steve’s death diana is still completely and hopelessly in love with him to the point that she’s literally hanging off his arm as soon as he’s back and making love that very night
it plays again once more into the misrepresentation of wonder woman’s character (how stereotypically hollywood female to fall over herself at the sight of her love interest) and it wrecks their relationship, which had been a lovely friends-who-could-be-more
what they should’ve done was focus on that friendship, build it back up after the long gap for wonder woman, and then started to rebuild that possible romance (and tear it down at the perfect moment... right when steve had to go again... ah that would’ve been lovely)
but they wanted to go in full-haul on the romance and it just felt. wrong and weak to me. diana’s refusal to consider giving up her wish (to get her powers back and save the world) is bc she doesn’t want to let steve go again, which makes more sense in the context of a first and true friend rather than a hastily slapped together love interest
steve’s character was generally good tbh but the way he played into the story? bad
moving on... the main villain of the movie? sucks. he’s just. fucking awful
despite a motivation being given that he wants to have money, he launches into wanting to take over the world for no real reason. he takes advantage of people for this and almost destroys the world he wants to rule for it. the main reason he stops this is for his son, who up until now he largely ignored and didn’t seem to care that much for outside of basic obligations. and the movie dares try to make him sympathetic by throwing in the fact he grew up poor and was bullied and not liked which i HATE
lots of people are/have been poor. lots of people are/have been bullied (myself included). that does NOT justify them DESTROYING THE WORLD TRYING TO TAKE IT OVER. can it be used to show the audience why he does what he does? yes. but to use it and clearly try to make it a reason to hand-wave-away what he did? NO. FUCK NO
also fucking. y’know how wonder woman took down this villain? she talked to him and the world. she gave a stirring speech while she laid slumped against a wall, not injured, just too weak to beat a bit of wind. she talked and she looped her lasso around his leg so she could talk to the world to to convince them to give up their wishes
once again... the mischaracterization
in the first movie, wonder woman gives a stirring speech while fighting Areas. it’s done in her battle, beating the god of war up while reminding him of what she stood for, who she was, why she would keep fighting for a broken world
this was weak. and it clearly wanted to be more than it was
the whole movie wants to be more than it is- it wants to have an important meaningful message like the first movie, about wishes for the self and war and the world and whatever. and it wants it so badly it does it horribly
the message is ham-handed yet messy and unclear and not right. it doesn’t make sense, and it feels poorly plotted. the movie thinks it’s more than it is and that makes it very hard to watch
and to finish my rant off... WW84 lied to its audience
did you see any ads for WW84? i did. they were bright, vibrant, funky music, stunning moments, action and intrigue. i was thrilled for a movie like it
the actual movie isn’t that
it’s not nearly as action filled, it’s not as ‘80s-focused as it leads you to believe, some of the most prominently featured moments barely matter
the lightning swing? pointless, as at that point in the movie wonder woman’s learned how to fly and does it for no reason but the trailers
and that cool suit? introduced in a random myth for no reason halfway through the movie, brought in at random with no explanation, only there for show and the trailers
WW84 is not the movie is lead people to believe it was, and the movie it is is poorly executed and insulting to a variety of peopler/minorities
if you’re gonna watch it, pirate it. i can give you a link. just don’t give dc your money or your legit views for it
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mcfiddlestan · 3 years
I’m relatively new to marvel and I was wondering why you don’t like Hemsworth? I absolutely understand and agree with not liking Waititi (in terms of how he progressed the plot in Ragnarok and how he treated Loki and other characters)... but if there’s something either or both Hemsworth or Waititi did that made you/the fandom not like them, what is it?
Hi, Nonnie.
Ok, so strap in. Cuz this will probably get long.
First off, it’s not so much that I don’t like Hemsworth. It’s more I’m disappointed in his progression as an actor and celebrity in Hollywood. Frankly, when I first saw Thor no one in the cast really stuck with me except Kat Dennings bc I knew her already and loved her work. (Yeah I knew who Natalie Portman was but I’ve had issues with her since Star Wars — long story). It wasn’t until Avengers that I really caught on to the Hiddlesmania. In those days, 2012 and up through The Dark World, there was a very sweet, very genuine bromance going on between Hemzy and Hiddles. They really were “brothers from another mother.” They were adorable together. I remember in one press event with the entire cast Hemzy and Hiddles were making faces at each other across the table and when a reporter asked Hiddles who his fave Avenger was, before he could answer, Hemzy shouted, “Your brother!” There was a very beautiful connection between them. What happened to that? It’s anyone’s guess, but here’s what happened for me.
Leading up to the release of TDW, I might have found it weird that the, like, fourth-billed actor, and the previous film’s “villain,” was chosen to basically lead the global promotion. It was Hiddles, by his lonesome, in Mexico, Australia, China, etc. And he killed it. And it started pretty much with his appearance at Comic-Con that July. We ALL remember that. Why wasn’t Hemzy participating in any of this promo? Idk. I’m pretty sure he was filming Snow White & the Huntsman, or something. Still, it was interesting and telling that Marvel chose to utilize Hiddles’ very apparent popularity. Hell, they chose not to kill Loki because of his popularity.
So it would be about three years before Hemzy and Hiddles came back together again to film Ragnarok. And between that time, Hemzy filmed six movies and Hiddles filmed eight. During that time, also, Hiddles pulled a 180° on everybody and participated in what was the most ridiculous, career-destroying antic he could ever participate in. If you don’t know what I mean, just Google Tom and the Summer of 2016. It’s my opinion that that whole event had a damaging affect on not only Tom’s image in the industry, but I think it made his colleagues and friends question how well they really knew him. And I think it hindered his bankability for filmmakers. Basically it wasn’t a good move for him. The moment I first noticed a change in Hemzy’s behavior with Hiddles was at a Wizard World convention in the middle of the PR nightmare and the beginning of filming Ragnarok in 2016.
During their panel onstage, Hemzy seemed oddly quiet and tense even. He didn’t seem all that interested in being there or answering questions. And Hiddles was like an anxious puppy, overcompensating for Hemzy’s lackluster demeanor. I’m not the only one who’s noticed it, but no one can really pinpoint why. Was Hemzy upset that Tom was “dating” that chick? Was he upset at how obviously out of character it was? I’m guessing there was more to it because the filming of Ragnarok, and it’s result, speak volumes about what Hemzy was apparently feeling.
There are clips and interviews from the set of Raganarok and during promo with Waitidiot and Hemzy where they are very vocal about making sure Hemzy was the star of the movie “because it’s called Thor.” Waitidiot even referred to Loki as a goth orphan or something. Overall they were very critical of and condescending toward Tom and Loki. In the few interviews Hemzy and Hiddles did together, that old spark between them wasn’t there. There’s a lot about Ragnarok I don’t like. Hela was underused, Valkyrie was underused, Skurge deserved better. But, of course, what I hate most about it is the awful way they treat Loki through the whole thing. The way Thor became a bigger bully than he already was. The way he just wanted to wash his hands of Loki — which continued with the fucking Russo brothers who couldn’t put their stupid heads together long enough to realize Loki deserved to have his revenge on Thanos just like Nebula and even Wanda did. Loki deserved to be on that field fighting next to his brother, dammit.
Anyway….since Ragnarok promo i was kind of side-eyeing Hemzy. He literally behaved like a spoiled brat who found a friend who believed his bullshit (feeling overshadowed by Loki; which I think extended to feeling inferior in some way to Tom, a very gifted, educated actor compared to Hemzy who kind of fell into acting. There’s nothing wrong with where Hemzy started; but his choices in the last few years speak for themselves. 🤷🏽‍♀️) and they teamed up to bully the brainy guy. So then Infinity War promo came around and Hiddles was paired with Sebastian Stan and Letitia Wright and Paul Bettany, I think. I loved him with Sebastian (I ship WinterFrost), but it was weird that he wouldn’t be paired up at some point with Hemzy. But then Hemzy wasn’t doing any promo — wait what?? Yeah. Hemzy skipped out on Shanghai I believe. Then he said he couldn’t be at another place bc he got in an accident and injured his elbow ??? Then the next day he posted an IG live where he’s driving?? And his elbow is loosely wrapped in an ACE bandage??? That actually falls off during the video?? And then he was supposed to be somewhere for another promo, said he couldn’t make it, and was spotted camping off the coast of Australia with Matt Damon’s family??? It was all very suspish.
Speaking of Damon, don’t get me started on the bullshit scene in the last Jay & Silent Bob movie where he literally trashed Tom and his portrayal of Loki. Fuck off, Damon. Go suck Ben Affleck’s dick already.
Anyway. All the Ragnarok stuff and his behavior during IW promo and his seeming dismissal of Hiddles completely has just rubbed me the wrong way. Added to that, it just feels like Hemzy isn’t really in the business to hone his craft. It feels like he’s in it for the money. And yeah that’s a great benefit of acting in Hollywood. But he doesn’t seem to choose quality roles anymore. I liked him in Blackhat. I liked Rush. He was really good in Bad Times at the Royale, but it feels like all he wants to do now are formula action movies with no depth, no growth, where he just has to flex his muscles and give a charming smile. Which is fine but that gets tired after awhile (just ask Dolph Lundgren and Jean-Claude VanDamme). So right now, I want nothing to do with Love and Thunder — which is one of the stupidest movie names I’ve heard in awhile. And frankly I just don’t want to watch Hemzy not try to be his best. If I want mindless action with no real plot, I’ve got the Fast and Furious franchise. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Hope this answers your question, Nonnie. Thanks for asking. Let me know, if I can clarify anything for you.
xoxo, La
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badfauxmance · 3 years
Several blogs (SohoHarlem, Imtherealsebastiansatan, Galaxies - putting them all here because SohoHarlem are on the PR side, and Kevin is somewhere in between, so you can see it wasn't just Galaxies' fantasy) were sent pictures of the LA house that matched pics/videos Sebastian and Alejandra posted. And no, I'm not talking about that address that was once posted on tumblr and then dismissed as a wrong one. Blogs were sent the pics/the link to the real estate site later. It was in Hollywood Hills and not around Venice Beach. Since it was mostly Alejandra who showed the house, it suggests that at least she was living there. Even in her last LA stories from January, when Sebastian was probably in Vancouver already, you could still see the same house. Lucia lives in Venice area, so several stories from there can be explained easily. However, there are older posts and stories on her fan acc, showing Lucia's house, and it's definitely not the same as in Alejandra's posts.
My main point is, we can't be sure where Sebastian was living, because there isn't enough content, but Alejandra was staying at a house in Hollywood Hills.
@savvysun Here’s another follow up to your question from yesterday!
Ok. Thanks for the clarification. To be frank, during that time the topic of where they were living barely came up at all on our blog. So we actually never dug that hard into this topic, especially when we acknowledged all 3 of us don’t live on the West coast much less L.A. area. So we wouldn’t know how to figure out where they were each staying based on their IG content. Also the questions we got asked were more about the content and their behavior rather than location. On top of that there was still some debate as to where they were with no one really presenting us with any details as to where they believe they were. At the time it was assumed she was living with Lucia in Venice because so much stuff she posted was located there. His content indicated he was around Hollywood area. Hence people thought they were living far apart from each other.
Incidentally I had a talk with some other speculators we talk to and interestingly enough they said actually a large house was rented and they WERE living together. However some of their staff also lived there and the two of them probably weren’t literally living together. Like they had different parts of the house/property they occupied. I think it’s hilarious they needed other people living there. Probably to make sure Sebastian doesn’t throttle her based on how they looked in the last LA pap walk pictures.
I just hope this time they aren’t going to be living together because he should be filming soon and there should be some kind of quarantine protocol going on I hope!
Anyways, unless people have more info to clear up this issue, let’s consider this a closed topic. It’s from more than 4 months ago and old info that’s not really relevant any more.
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dyns33 · 5 years
Y/N decides to help his boyfriend Xavier for his audition by playing the female lead character who betrayed him and he will discovered that his girl is much better at acting than him. She didn't used method acting or had a preview preparation, she just read the script and get into character. TSM!! love you girl!!
 Thank you Anon for this sweet ask =) ! (I didn't know what TSM means, Google helped me. I don't know what abbreviations which are used here mean most of the time, I feel old. I discovered what 'IG' was two months ago. And "Ily' four months ago. I thought it was a name). Xavier is a jealous guy, who wants to be the best, but at the same time... a very proud boyfriend.
Tumblr media
           She didn't really wanted to do that, because she was not an actress and she was sure that she would be ridiculous, but (Y/N) also knew that this audition was important for Xavier, her dear boyfriend, who was super stress by it, and she wanted to help him with the rehearsal. Really, she was just going to read the lines, so he could imagine that he was doing the scene, to know when he had to talk, how, with what tone. He was the actor, not her. So why was he making this face now, not saying anything, after she finished the long monologue of the female lead who was revealing to the hero that she betrayed him, mocking him and saying she never loved him. Yes, she tried to do it right, so Xavier would not make fun of her and be concentrate, but (Y/N) knew it was far from perfect.
           "Xav." she whispered. "It's your turn. I read my part."
           "Uh. Yeah... you did."
           "It was so bad that you are chocked and can't speak ?" she laughed, but she was a bit hurt inside. She really tried.
           "Bad ? Bad ?! (Y/N)... It was not bad."
           "I see. Atrocious. Horrible. Lamentable, pitiful, lousy ? You can find the right word, but we are not here to talk about my performance anyway."
           "(Y/N), you were perfect."
Oh. (Y/N) looked directly in her boyfriend's eyes, to know if he was serious, to be sure he was not just blind by love, hoping to play with her, when she was really not that good, but he seemed really convinced by her. He even seemed a bit sad. Understandable, he was working hard for this role, for all his roles, during hours, every day, to know every lines, to find the right tone, the right face, the right posture. He was method, and method took time. A lot of time and a lot of energy. (Y/N) just came in, she read the script once, and it was done. She was the character. She was not like her, she was her. Feeling like her, feeling her rage, her resentment, her pride. (Y/N) felt it for some people before, and even if the woman was not on the right side in this story, she was not doing anything wrong in her opinion. From her point of view, Xavier's character deserved her hatred and to treated like that, and so she acted like she agreed with that, understanding why she was acting like that. Xavier was not sure to understand his character's motivations, his why of being, his story. He didn't get (Y/N)'s character either. So he just pretended to get it, and it showed.
           "You are mad at me ?" she asked softly.
           "Mad ? No ! You should come to do the audition with me ! Maybe we will play together. Or maybe I will date a super star soon."
           "Stop being silly. I'm not an actress."
           "You are the silly one babe." said Xavier, taking her hand. "You are a natural. What I felt when I was listening to you. Seeing you. If they don't take you, they are insane. You are made for it."
           "But it's your dream ! Your audition ! Xav, we have to focus on you."
           "I will do my best and pray." he purred. "I'm good. I have my chances. But you, honey, you are great, more than great."
He was a bit jealous of her natural ability to go into her character, (Y/N) saw it in his smile, but in his eyes, she saw all his love and admiration. He was really proud of her. He wanted her to succeed, even if he did not. If it was not for this time, it would be for another one. But Xavier was excited, they would be the power couple of Hollywood if she decided to be an actress.
           "I hate talking in front of people, you know that. It was easy cause I was with you ! But with someone else, in front of a whole crowd ! If you don't get the role, what will happen ? I will have to play with a stranger, I will have to... kiss him. Xav, I don't..."
           "Okay, no."
           "Huh ?"
           "No, you don't come to the audition. It will be a waste for humanity, but their lips are mine. I will have my little actress at home, who help me with my rehearsal."
           "Jealous dork." she sneered.
Sometimes, (Y/N) was curious, she wondered if Xavier was right, if she would have get the role. She could always go to do the audition and refuse if they wanted her. But she did not. She was not an actress, it was not her dream. And she had her own little private public, composed of one silly fan, who loved her a lot, so it was enough.
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lizacstuff · 4 years
Bunch of anons about Carina and Roswell NM drama
Under the cut because it’s long and gossipy...
Anonymous said: Whatever nonsense Carina may have been up to with Jeanine and Nathan, both the leads have seemed to keep their private issues to themselves by not telling other cast or friends. That's why it angers me that the person who leaked the information disregarded Jeanine as a person and victim.
I’m of two minds on this.  On one hand I totally agree and I hate that Jeanine’s name was drug into this and her involvement was shared by the multiple inside sources, but on the other hand I do not like Carina, I think she was awful to work for, and I think it’s a good thing if it’s know in the industry that she created friction on set and was investigated by HR.  
She was so unprofessional, just from what we could see as fans, that she should NOT be put in charge of another show any time soon. So I think for the sake of people she will work with in the future, it’s a good thing it’s out there.  She has a whole lot of growing to do before she should ever work in television again. 
You make a good point about Jeanine and Nathan keeping their business to themselves.  Carina is out there over-sharing constantly, putting every neurosis on full display, and forcing half the cast to be out drinking and entertaining her on a regular basis. While those two, kept quiet and out of the spotlight. In interviews/panels they’ve both been completely professional, doing their jobs while also being charming, funny and eloquent.  
It was obvious to those of us watching closely that all was not well between J/N and Carina when the season started shooting. Carina was bitchier when she talked about them and those characters than she had been before, and J/N were nowhere to be seen in her braggy out-partyin’-with-my-cast IG stories and posts.  
As you say, it doesn’t look like J/N tried to drag any other cast or crew into whatever the issue was. I’m not sure the same can be said for Carina, that speaks volumes about the character of all involved. 
Anonymous said: I saw that abnormallyadam is doing a live social media thing with Jeanine and Vlamis soon. I guess we might get more information then and if Jeanine decides to say anything.
How hilarious would it be if Adam gets the scoop of a lifetime!?
I’m guessing this chat or whatever it is was set up before Jeanine and Vlamis knew the studio was going to swoop in and make their lives a whole lot better by firing Carina. So it will be interesting to see if it still happens on schedule or if it’s postponed for awhile.  
If it does go on, I think they will probably cover it really quickly and superficially like Vlamis did when he was schilling his merch the other night and then move on.  They won’t deep dive into it, that’s for sure. 
Anonymous said: Carina has been tweeting incessantly today! Like tweeting about other meaningless things won't make people forget lol. Also about that anon message you received about unfollowing nathan - wowwww she used to be up his butt.
Yes, remember the days when Carina used him as her social media crutch (every post she makes like that with a hot actor or country singer is basically her rampant insecurities saying: “hey look at the hot guy(s) who hang out with me and take pictures with me, it means I have value ya’ll!”) before she moved onto Trevino and then Vlamis.  So sad.   
They were clearly friends after The Originals and she invited him to audition.  I’m glad she did, he’s great in the role. Although it sounds like he was lucky that the President of the CW saw him and told her he was a leading man, since she didn’t see him as a lead. Sometime a friend’s preconceived notions might actually hold a person back... 
Who knows what happened, but just knowing human nature and Carina’s energy, I’ve always wondered if she thought she was going to have her friend on set and he was gonna be her social crutch, her go-to to entertain her and party with her, but right off the bat he and Jeanine got together so during the first season filming he wasn’t so much interested in the single, going-out partying lifestyle that she’s clearly addicted to and that rankled her a bit. Perhaps she lost her party buddy to her leading lady, and the loss of that attention “displeased” her. (to quote Kamran who said Carina told the writers to punish actors who displeased her by reducing their screen time. Interesting thought, no?)
Anonymous said: Well the interesting thing is some of the other people she follows don't post much either and she continues to follow them. Interesting interesting.
I know. She didn’t unfollow him because of that. That was definitely a show of cutting ties with him. It was probably in a fit of rage because she can’t unfollow Jeanine (because that would look terrible).  Also she has been so humiliated between being unceremoniously fired and losing her development deal with WB, the Hollywood Reporter article making her look terrible, and that writer spilling tea, that my guess is she’s hoping to shift focus to someone else and she knows unfollowing him will make us all wonder why. 
Anonymous said: Well shoot, maybe it was Nathan and not Jeanine who went to hr? And Carina found out? Or Nathan took the fall? Sorry I'm just going down a rabbit hole of conspiracy.
In my opinion there’s no reason to think those sources got it wrong. I would guess that Jeanine was involved, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t also involve Nathan.  Those two are a self-professed team, so no reason to think they wouldn't be in this instance as well. 
Anonymous said: Does this mean she'll unfollow Jeanine too??
I’m sure she wants to, but she can’t unless she wants to confirm that, yes, there was friction on the set and, yes, there was a specific problem with her leading lady.
Carina went out of her way to try and combat the “rumors” about her and Jeanine not getting along, addressing the situation in her goodbye post-- drawing more attention to it in the process-- so unfollowing her now would just make her look foolish and like everything she said was a lie and everything from the inside sources is true.  
Anonymous said: Carina will definitely do something stupid. She can't help herself. But even though there's no reason to follow Nathan, he's been inactive on Twitter for over a year and for her to unfriend now during this drama and mess...how is that a coincidence?
As I said above, I know it’s not a coincidence.  She’s dumb because by doing that she pretty much confirmed that there was friction on the set.  If there wasn’t, she wouldn’t be unfollowing the person in the main cast who she was closest too prior to the show. 
Part of me wonders if, as an old friend, she asked him for something (to defend her or a show of support) and he wouldn't do it.  Perhaps she’s most hurt by him not supporting her since they were friends before and she did give him a lead role on a network show (and also accidentally introduced him to his girlfriend.)  Maybe she thought he owed her and he didn't step up to defend her or even just give a tacit show of support by responding to her social media posts on leaving??
I’m guessing if he had come out of social media hibernation to give her one of those paltry “Thanks for everything” responses to her IG post like the other actors she wouldn't have unfollowed him. 
Anonymous said: Someone said the writer deleted all his tweets about Carina.
Not surprising, it was a crazy spree he was on, who wants to bet that he got contacted by a lawyer late Friday night?
I’m sure Carina was doing everything in her power to threatened him and to get him to stop. 
Anonymous said: I remember the writer also referring to Nathan as Carina's "friend." Is it in quotations because they are not actually friends? Frenemy? Carina was recently saying nice things about Nathan so based on her perspective, she thinks they were still on good terms?
Well they were apparently friends before he was cast, what happened after that is hard to say. They seemed fine during the promotion of season 1, but as soon as season 2 started filming, Carina’s tone when talking about him and Max got ugly and Nathan and Jeanine were staying far away from her socially. I mean Jeanine hosted a ladies Friendsgiving at their house, where 40 women from the cast and crew came over for a Thanksgiving feast, but the female showrunner wasn’t there. Hmmmm...
However, this spring things seemed to have thawed a bit.  Jeanine and Carina would occasionally like each other’s IG post (someone pointed out to me that had stopped during summer of 2019 and they didn’t engage with each other’s posts much if at all during S2 filming) Jeanine and Carina did that IG live and Carina was talking positively about Nathan and Max and seemed to be setting him up for a big season 3 with the dual roles and talking excitedly about that, so honestly, to me, it seemed like they had made their peace.  Perhaps Carina getting fired (and the straw that broke the camel’s back on that was clearly her idiotic tirade against the UK distributor) brought back up all the issues??? Or maybe Carina blamed them because of the prior issues? Or maybe they didn’t support her with the studio when she was trying to salvage her job? All I know is that Carina’s public behavior on social media is enough grounds to fire her, so she has no business blaming anyone but herself. 
Anonymous said: Someone said to the writer that jeanine, amber and nathan are staying silent on the matter and kamran replied that "Silence speaks louder than words." just above that they also were wondering who Carina harassed and bullied into silence? was it nathan?
Who knows... ask the writer. 
Anonymous said: Carina going from Zapit straight to writing for TVD is peak white privilege. After that THR article you could tell she believed a little too much how far that privilege would get her. Good riddance. Good luck getting another job for being such a big liability. I don't see any corporation hiring her again.
I think the only way she’s getting another job in TV anytime soon is if Julie gives it to her. She’s talented, once she grows up maybe she’ll be capable of running a show, but it was clear from the peanut gallery she should never have been given that amount of responsibility that she had on RNM. 
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
awesome-fanfictionada * tumblr * com / post / 615676095589728256 so anon ask how it's possible that no one's ever let the cat out of the bag this entire time (not to mention no one's ever captured a surreptitious pic of C/D together) and the answer is a rambling response filled with fake rumors and inane talk about smiling at each other. basically, there is no answer for how darren's "incompetent" team has kept a lid on this secret for nearly a decade. cuz they haven't. cuz it's all bullshit.
The first thing to keep in mind is that awesome is a newbie- she popped up in January 2020. Everything she knows is from "researching” the ccers favorite gifs and answers Abby and co gave to their nonnies in the last few years. She was trolling through the cc masterposts but most of them are long gone so she basically learned through their favorite gif playlist-if you put all the gifs together and took away the slow-mo feature it was probably a total of 4 minutes or less of Chris and Darren’s lives and all of it was from the Glee set or during promo for the show.  
I wrote my comments after her post: 
Anonymous asked:
So, we're 8-9 years? into this whole situation. I want to know how no one has ever let something slip about the truth. There's a lot of pieces in motion...PR houses, SM, appearances with beards, them being together (physically in the same place, like living together) without public knowledge. There's also a lot of people that would have knowledge of the situation. And some of them are not that bright or discreet. It's an incredible amount of time to maintain all of this.
Dear Anon, I’m not sure about the tone of your ask and if you want me to convert you or reassure you? However, I’ll just comment on the things you say. It’s not correct that no one has ever let anything slip about them, there have been in the past people who (2) tweeted about them as a couple just to dleete the tweet shortly after. Not always, some tweets are there still. (3)There have been IG posts and radio interviews with the voice of one of them in the background when there was supposed to be no official interaction. There have been other let’s call them (4)“clues” - even if they weren’t meant to be such. (5) It’s been many years, yes, and with the years comes the ease and the routine, everybody is aware of the situation, teams know what they have to do to keep it going (though sometimes they also slip up, some more than others). With the years the startling suspicion that they might be indeed a couple subsides and nobody cares about it anymore (but us), no one goes out to investigate because why should they? (6)Who cares about D marrying to hide the fact that he’s gay? He’s not the first nor the last to do it. (7) And he’s not that famous that people will want to know at all costs or have tabloids to pay for the scoop. (8) No, it is still his team that needs to pay to get articles out (talking about M mostly). And based on the comments they get on such articles, D’s secret seems to be an open one. Why would anyone tell about them? In HW everyone knows everything about everybody but they seldom tell cause they are all in it together - so who should tell and whom to? (9) Besides - there are plenty of couples in HW and around HW who are pretty secretive about their relationships and have been for years without anyone finding out anything they did not want exposed. Some couples are never seen together anywhere but are known to be married because they have at some point or another confirmed their relationship. (11) It is a long time to maintain this but if the parties involved are fine with the outcome (I doubt D and C are now, but for argument’s sake) nothing will get in the way to disturb the situation.
Do you want me to confirm to you that they actually live together? I cannot. That they have been together all the time? I cannot. (12) But look at them interact at the G/lee reunion and tell me honestly that there isn’t anything going on between them - they have been looking at each other that way for almost 10 years now. Have they at any time looked at their official SO in the same way? They make each other smile and laugh, that counts for very much in a relationship.  
Yes, I started on 2...ignore there is no 1. 
2. She mentions the Tweets that were soon deleted- this is one of my favorite arguments because it’s the most pathetic proof and proves just how easy it is to con a tinhat. Faking a Tweet has been easy for many years and anyone with photoshop skills could do it from day one. Tweets that showed up, then quickly disappeared but luckily ONE person managed to get a screencap? Riiigggghhhhttttttt. We also know that a couple of those famous disappearing Tweets were never real but were written about as part of the “news” post that GleekinthePink mistook for real but was later proven to be fanfiction. 
3. The videos where they hear the voice of the other -usually in a laugh- aren’t “proof” of a relationship. First of all, the obvious, we don’t know who it is since they are off-camera and the person on camera never makes a face of surprise like I would expect if the other outed them. It also makes no sense to imagine that Darren married Mia to protect the secrets but they took a risk by having the other in the room during a live or while shooting a video they posted to social media. I can’t imagine taking a chance like that on something as stupid as a promo Livestream or a haircut-maybe to attend a small family event like Chris’s mom’s funeral or his dad’s wedding, but not a haircut. 
4. What clues did they give away exactly? The not-actually-matching shirts? The not-at-all matching duvet covers? The song lyrics? None of these “clues” are evidence of a relationship. They are simply evidence of a fandom obsessed with making everything into confirmation bias and Abby’s talent at bringing everything back to Crisscolfer.   
5. Now she starts to layout her argument that “everyone knows and they are willing to keep it a secret because who cares”? This argument is so weak I would hope that her community should see right through it, but I’m sure they don’t. I’ve learned through my interactions with Trump supporters and ccers that people who are in a group because they want to win and to be special, people who are bonded together through anger, misogyny, and hate require very little fact-based information. They thrive on short sentences-repeated often- and in anger and having a scapegoat to hurl all their shit at. Having someone to hate is like meth- it’s highly addictive, it rots their brains and it keeps them coming back even after it is killing them. I am sure that any ccer who reads awesome’s post will accept it all at face value.  Hollywood isn’t a close community full of people who either love and respect each other enough to protect Darren or are indifferent as long as it doesn’t affect them. The fact is, Hollywood is a small community, yes. If cc were a couple, everyone would know but being a small community and one willing to hide another’s deep dark secrets aren’t the same thing. Nobody has a reason to protect Chris and Darren by lying or actively working to protect their secrets.. People like and respect Darren because he’s genuine, honest, kind, and interesting but ccDarren is none of those things. He’s a liar who is hiding in the closet because he’s can’t give up his fame, he “treats Mia like shit”, he continues to work with the man who put him in the closet using THE Contract. THE Contract alone would be HUGE and go well beyond tabloid fodder. The NYT and WaPo would be all over the story of Ryan Muphy and Fox TV forcing Darren into the closet, forcing a beard and forbidding them to interact for a decade. 
The biggest reason her theory is nothing but a naive fantasy is that Hollywood isn’t a static community.  Over the last decade, many people came and went and there is no way you will ever convince me that in 10 years, not one person let it slip or was willing to sell them out for their own 15 minutes of fame or blackmailed one of the players get something they wanted. Darren is a vary social man and lots of people consider him their friend. He attends a lot of functions where people see him with Mia. Either ccDarren and ccChris never go out in public- for 10 years they have kept their relationship inside at one of their homes and only a couple of friends know the truth or it’s statistically inconceivable that someone hasn’t slipped or outed them. Glee had a huge cast and crew- add the plus ones and we have a crap ton of people who know, but not one person told a friend who let it slip? Nobody told a friend who works at TMZ or knows someone who does or who is on TMZ payroll? Puh-leaze . 
The tabloids would LOVE to get ahold of CrissColfer- not simply because they are gay, but because Darren has presented as straight for over 10 years and he just married a woman! He also said as a straight man he won’t play another gay character. A gay Darren would be tabloid fodder at any level but as Abby loved to point out, he just won every award; he’s one of the Ryan Murphy Players and his career is on fire right now. CDAN has posted multiple blinds about Darren being gay over the years which proves that tabloids would be interested in such a story.  
6. In 2020 it would be big news if a celeb married to hide a gay relationship.  Especially if that man was famous for playing gay characters and who has been in a relationship with the woman he married for 10+ years. Awesome is dreaming if she imagines nobody would care about such a story.  It’s a story about deception and lies but if you add in the shit they believe, THE Contracts and being forced in the closet, a paid beard who abuses Darren and hidden relationship with another man who has presented another man as his long-term boyfriend? Yeah, that would be huge news. 
7. I have no clue why she thinks he isn’t famous enough to have a tabloid pay for information. Has she read TMZ in the last 5 years? It’s full of stories about Farah Abrahman and other reality stars and their shenanigans. You don’t have to be a huge blockbuster movie star to get a tabloid interested. You only need a sordid story about love mixed with deception, sex, money murder or abuse of power. The tabloids feed off stories like the tinhats have written CrissColfer. 
8. I always love the comments about his team forcing articles out -especially Mia. WTF? His team doesn’t force out articles- they get him publicity when he has a project. Darren hasn’t done all that much press I would call fake, certainly, not many that are written by his team or read as if they just pieced together PR pieces written by his team. Maybe ccers are finding nonsense articles that are clearly written for clicks (they were debating about one last month that was clearly written by someone who Googled Darren and cobbled together his story from what they found online without trying very hard. It wasn’t even written well.  It’s super easy to avoid those articles- if they say “sponsored” that’s a good clue. If you have to click through paragraph by paragraph or photo by photo, or you can barely see the article among the flashing ads, you’re probably reading something of poor quality and not worthy of your time. Stick with articles that are more reputable-actual entertainment publications that cover the industry and including interviews or stories written by journalists. BTW, when was Mia in an article last? I mean more than a mention or two? She was quoted in some for TSG’s opening but other than that she isn’t in the pieces.  
9. There are plenty of couples who keep their relationships quiet but Darren Criss is NOT one of them. Neither is Chris Colfer... but especially not Darren Criss. He doesn’t talk about his relationship per se but is mentioned in places where one would normally talk about one’s spouse. Mia is always by his side and clearly enmeshed in his life- they share old friends and live and work together. The people awesome is referring t-those who keep their private lives private- aren’t running around with a fake wife or fake husband to protect their actual relationships- they are just keeping everything quiet-think Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes or early Angelina and Brad. Arguing that because some celeb’s keep their private life private, it is rational to believe that Darren and Chris are simply one of those couples is a fallacy-but it’s almost 3 am and I’m too tired to think about which one it is. 
11. Now she’s arguing that in over a decade in Hollywood, the people in Darren’s and Chris’s lives have been static and therefore there isn’t anyone to rock the boat and out them. An interesting argument in light of Darren’s resume over the last 9 years- Broadway (4 different shows (2 Hedwigs)), TV (Royalties, Hollywood, Glee, AHS, ACS), music (including a few tours, 2 albums, multiple one-off shows, and several music videos), Elsie Fest, two feature movies and all the award shows, charity events, fundraisers, and other random things that Darren does. He also owns two businesses that we know of- TSG and The Motley.  That’s a shitload of people that he’s interacted with just at work in the last decade. Oh and add all the people who worked on the wedding-the vendors and their staffs- it’s unrealistic to believe that not one of them realized something was ccUp. Chris entirely changed careers adding all the people in the publishing world that an author works with. He also has done a couple of shows for TV. I’m not even considering the charities they both work with. Not only is this a LOT of people who are keeping their mouths shut, but it isn’t a static group-Darren filmed Hollywood and Royalties this year and rehearsed Amerian Buffalo bringing in an entirely new set of people to work with. If Chris gets his TLOS movie off the ground that will be hundreds and hundreds of new people with him  The fact is, Hollywood isn’t static- it’s the most unstable business I can think of with new people coming to seek their dreams and others giving up or going off to do something else like music or Broadway. There are alwasy new people coming and others going. If Darren and Chris were in fact in a relationship then lots of people near htier homes would know- grocery store workers, restaurant staff, dry cleaners, etc. Yet nobody with this type of evidence has ever even suggested they are a couple. The legit media has never sniffed around trying to find out if Darren is actually gay or with Chris. That says a lot about the validity of the story. Darren would have been hounded by the media when he started playing Blaine but was telling everyone he was staright and showing up at events with Mia. 
Hollywood isn’t known for being altruistic and kind. It’s a ruthless industry full of people with huge egos and big power and people who are broke and just want to get hired for a part, they want their dreams to come true. Hollywood is a town of desperation for so many with big dreams and a quick buck selling a story to a tabloid or the 10 minutes of fan that it would bring- hell even someone making a deal with TMZ to cover them for a period of time in exchange for info about Chris and Colfer is wayyy more credible rational than believing Hollywood is static and nobody has a reason to out Darren.  
12. Laughter and joy are important in a relationship but smiling at someone during a charity online reunion isn’t proof of anything- it’s just common courtesy to be polite in that scenario. Notice they once again are relying on a photo- a stillshot from a video- 1 single frame is “PROOF they are in love” because Chris is giving heart eyes to Darren.   
If your entire argument is they have overwhelming chemistry then you must know that nobody will take you seriously and you should really get listen to an objective opinion by someone who isn’t desperately searching for confirmation bias that they are a couple. Good chemistry doesn’t make a relationship-lots of people have good chemistry and they aren’t in a relationship and lots of people in relationships have poor chemistry. It isn’t proof of anything except that ccers have no evidence.   
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