#as opposed to rocky road...an ice cream flavor...
micedcoffee · 2 months
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Please excuse me while I GEEK
I just got this tattoo like just now!! And this is my Son he is a wyvern and he’s got a big cheerful smile and a proud/goofy step. His name is Durendal and his favorite ice cream flavor is rocky road. He cannot draw on account of Not having opposable thumbs BUT he loves colored pencils
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loveofmyknife · 6 months
And now, something that absolutely nobody asked for: a review of Kroger Brand ice cream flavors.
The base ice cream is okay. I prefer something creamier, like Dreyer’s, but comparing the generic to a brand that’s ~100 years old would not be fair. This stuff is literally half the price, so a difference in quality is to be expected. That being said, I’m going through about a carton a week, so sacrifices must be made in the name of saving money. This is my attempt at finding the best flavors.
Neopolitan- lackluster. The chocolate had very little flavor and the strawberry tasted very artificial. 5/10 I’d rather get the good stuff for twice the cost.
Mint chip- actually really good! One of the only flavors on this list I wouldn’t think twice about buying again 8.5/10
Triple Brownie- given that there’s no flavor description on the container, I was under the impression that the base ice cream was chocolate. I was wrong! It was a vanilla base with fudge swirl, chocolate chips, and “brownie” pieces that tasted like absolutely nothing. The fudge was the only saving grace in this flavor, given that the titular element left much to be desired. 3/10
Cookies and cream- just like mint chip, I have no complaints. For a store brand ice cream, I don’t think I could ask for anything better. 9/10
Cookie dough- weird but not bad flavor combo. The actual cookie dough was pretty bland but the maple flavor in the base ice cream was pleasant, though confusing. My friend thinks they were going for a “browned butter” flavor. 6.5/10
Rocky Road- has a marshmallow swirl as opposed to solid marshmallows, which is boring, but the chocolate flavor comes through a lot better than whatever they’re putting in the neopolitan. 8/10
I may add to this list as I try more flavors. I doubt anybody has recommendations for this specific brand of grocery store ice cream, but I’ll take them if you’ve got them. I’m only trying flavors that I think I will like, and I only buy another flavor when I’ve finished the last one
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zandraart · 2 years
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rocky coast
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raggellion · 2 years
Morals: Chapter 5
Riff Lorton
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Notes: This isn’t fully edited sooo I hope it’s not too bad. Enjoy!
Warnings: swearing
Words: 1.2k
My eyes fluttered open as the sun shone directly into them. The birds happily chirped outside. There was no trace of Riff ever being in my room.
I sat up as my eyes scanned the area. Nothing at all signified that Riff was ever in my bedroom. For all I know, it was a dream.
I got out of bed and began getting ready in the small bathroom in the attic.
I started to scrub away at my teeth, when suddenly I heard a familiar voice. Oh gosh he’s here now? My hands worked the toothbrush faster. “Lily! Ya got a visitor!”
No no no no…
I shamefully walked down the stairs with my hair in a messy bun, and a toothbrush in my mouth.
Riff stood at the front of the store, grinning at me. I groaned “Why now?”
“I’m here to carry out my end of the deal. It’s ice cream time.” He said with a smile on his face.”
My eyes flicker between him and Tony.
“What.. now?”
He nods. He’s acting completely normal right now. Maybe it was a dream. He doesn’t even look hungover.
“Give me a sec.” I say and run back upstairs.
I threw on a denim skirt and a cute white top that fits like a glove on my torso.
After a few moments of battling with myself, I decided on some light makeup. I carefully applied the concealer and mascara. I lightly swiped a rose pink gloss to my lips.
It didn’t take long to fully straighten my hair since it was already done yesterday.
I look at myself in the mirror and finish up before grabbing my bag and hurrying downstairs.
As I arrive downstairs, I can see Riff and Tony leaning over the counter. Riff has a Milky Way in hand and is happily munching on it.
They both turn to look at me. Riff’s eyes twinkle a bit and his lips curl into a grin. “C’mon Lils.” He says walking around the corner and extending his arm to me.
I take it and roll my eyes. “Didn‘t I tell you not to call me that?”
He chuckled as a response.
The feeling of my arm entangled with his reminds me of his warm hands cupping my face last night. The way his thumb caressed my cheekbone. The chill I felt as soon as his touch left me. Even if it wasn’t real, it just felt so… euphoric. Maybe I should just ask him. “Last n-“
“So how’s things goin’ wit’ ya and Diesel?” He asked, interrupting me. “Oh um… they’re fine. He’s a really sweet guy.”
He nods in agreement. “So what? Y’two are togetha’ now?”
“Uhh something like that, I guess.” Not really.
His face holds a foreign expression but quickly returns neutral.
“What?” I ask defensively.
“I don’t know whatcha talking about girly g-“
“What was that face for?” I interrupt.
“I ain’t make a face.” He says with a sly grin.
“Last night, you came to my room didn’t you?” I finally ask, free of interruption.
His breath hitches for a second but he remains stoic. “Again, I don’t know w-“ “Cut the bullshit, Riff.”
He sighs and I continue to question him.“You know, for someone who introduced me to your friend, you sure seem very opposed to us actually working out.”
“I don’t have friends. Jets are family.”
We arrived at the ice cream stand. I examine the board, looking at all the flavors I could possibly choose from.
“Welcome to Twisters. What can I get ya.” The lady in front said, her voice and face were free of any emotions.
“What’s ya favorite?” Riff asks.
“Berry blast.” I say proudly
Riff snorts at my answer and I scowl at him.
Riff playfully puts his hands up in defense at my reaction. “I ain’t saying it’s bad, I’m just saying why eat somethin’ that makes ya look like ya just drank a gallon of blue paint.”
My jaw playfully drops, as I feign offense taken by his words. “Well what’s your favorite?”
“Rocky road motha’ fucka’!” He exclaims a little too loudly, attracting the attention of a mom and her child. The woman scowls at us and moves her child away.
“Riff there are children here.” I scold but he ignores me, giving out orders to the woman in the front counter. “1 berry blast and 1 rocky road, por favor.” He said, mocking the Puerto Rican woman. I slap him in the shoulder and she shoots me a look of gratitude.
The woman doesn’t take long to bring out our ice cream cones. I thank her as Riff just nods.
We slowly start walking back while eating the ice cream. “I have a question,” I start, darting my tongue out to lick the ice cream around my mouth. Riff hums as a response.
“Why did you ask me to meet Diesel if you hate the idea of us being together?”
“Who said I hated ya together?” He asked, not daring to look at me.
“You have this…. look, every single time that we interact. I mean, he said you wouldn’t even tell him where I live.” I say, but he remains silent.
I continue,”Diesel is the reason you’re taking me for ice cream anyway.”
“Nah, I take ya for ice cream because I want to take ya for ice cream.” He says, nonchalantly and I raise an eyebrow at him.
“What, I can’t take my friend for ice cream?” He asked with a sly smirk.
“Friend? I thought you didn’t have friends.” I remark and he breaks out in a full smile, showing his straight and, surprisingly healthy, teeth. “I have my exceptions.”
Riff darts his tongue out to lick his lips, and I can't help but stare at them. God, he’s cute. No.. no no no. I’m not supposed to be thinking like that. I can’t. But I wonder what it would be like to be Graziella. To kiss him tenderly. Hell, I don’t even know what it feels like to kiss in general.
By now, we’re in front of Docs. I peer in through the glass door and see Tony sitting with Valentina. He’s scribbling something in a notebook and smiling giddily.
“He’s got it bad for that girl.” I say, smiling at the boy, oblivious to the fact that we were watching him.
Through the reflection of the glass, I can make out Riff’s eyes on me. “I know the feeling.”
The feeling of being watched combined with those words make the heat creep up to my cheeks… even if it wasn’t for me, necessarily. I turn around to face Riff.
“Oh yeah… you should get back to Graziella.” I say.
His expression falters a bit at mention of the pretty blonde. “I’ll see ya, Lils.” he says saluting in the process.
“Thank you, Riff. I didn’t actually think you would hold up on your end.” I say with gratitude
He holds his hands up. “I’m a man of my word!” as he fades away into the city.
The soft chime of the bell alerts Val and Tony of my arrival as I walk into Docs with a smile plastered on my face. “That smile is for Riff?” Valentina asks and my face unintentionally reddens.
“No, this smile is for my ice cream.” I say, holding the cone up in my hand.
“I’ve warned you about him, Lily,” She starts but I cut her off. “It was just a deal, Val, this isn’t going off and making out with him.” No matter how badly I wanted to.
‘Just promise me you won't kiss him.’ Riff’s words rang through my ears as Val and Tony began speaking. I pictured his face, stained with dried tears and dirt, his expression was broken. Eyes were red and filled with tears.
‘I promise.’
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demon-blood-youths · 3 years
"If you guys were ice cream flavors, what would they be and why?"
Good question! Let's look at the members of the DBT. I look up articles about what ice creams say about a person.
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Ink - Vanilla
While it is a basic flavor, think of how many toppings you can put on a vanilla ice cream and you can use vanilla ice cream with just anything. Just like Ink, she can be adaptive and is willing to try everything, seeing everything as an adventure. Vanilla symbolizes impulsive, easily suggestible, and appreciates the good quality in things. 
This best describes Ink as she is impulsive as she always makes the first move which isn't always surprising. And believe it or not, Ink can be an idealist. She always strives for freedom and enjoys living in the moment. Plus, she listens to her teammates' suggestions and goes with it based on what she wants to do.
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Navarro - Mint Chocolate Chip
This ice cream represents argumentative, frugal, and cautious while at the same time, Navarro is the kind of person who is you're loved by everyone and just wants to have a good time. Given his past, he is cautious of strangers around his friends and is always argumentative when it comes to situations as he is trying to find the best solution for the team. As for being frugal, he goes off to find parts for his bombs as he is careful with his money.
Also he is blunt and have zero tolerance for nonsense. Like miss him with that nonsense BS. He doesn’t take that at all! He can smell the bullshit on you! 
Because of that, Navarro is loved by everyone including Shdwkyz ( but don't tell him ) because his friends can see how much he cares about the team despite his nature. Note: He likes mint chocolate chip because it helps him calm himself down.
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Shdwkyz - Coffee/Jamoca ( same thing )
Shdwkyz fits this ice cream because this ice cream symbolizes scrupulous, conscientious, and a moral perfectionist. 
This actually fits his profile because he hunts down the worst criminals that the law can’t catch and fights corruption based on his morals. Even if his actions sound terrifying deep down if you see how he deals with them but these actions are mostly reserved for the worst type of criminal you can think of, and honestly...in his mind, how can anyone argue this? 
Not only that, the Jamoca ice cream also means he loves being by himself. His ideal night is taking a long walk which also includes hunting down would-be gangsters and corrupt cops if that counts...
Shdwkyz learns from his mistake when it comes to crime-fighting and tries to do what is right the best as he can. Plus coffee ice cream is his favorite. He likes ordering a Java-chip frappucino.
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Oblivion - Cookies ’n’ Cream
Believe it or not, Oblivion fits this ice cream. She’s cool with everyone. She doesn’t follow any trends, only video games. She’s like an adult but a child in heart. She is forced to grow up dealing with serious issues. She doesn’t experience a happy childhood especially at school so being in the DBT gives her a redo of that. She has friends that she can share her hobbies with and have fun doing it despite her blank expression. Oblivion refuses to give up her true self in order to confirm to society. In the DBT, the fraction opposes society and doesn’t give a crap about what it thinks! And that’s why DBT is home to her. 
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Ophelia - Pistachio
Ophelia is the type of person who is mostly reserved given her nature. Plus she is boundless and attracts like-minded people which got her into the DBT fraction. 
Her use of herbs and making new potions makes her reliable and boundless. Not only that, her personality is got people trusting her since she is a healer. Plus Pistachio is from a plant and you can make recipes with Pistachio which includes ice cream, this makes it perfect for her.
I mean she is a witch doctor! 
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Rust - Rocky Road Rocky Road symbolizes a bumpy engaging journey. Rust has his ups and downs in life. Nevertheless, he thinks positively. He likes being outside and adventurous just like Ink. Rocky Road symbolizes aggressive, engaging, and a good listener. This fits Rust's profile since he likes to engage and listen to others while he is aggressive towards those who hurt his friends, taking down any obstacle in his way with brute force as well as being a go-getter.
I mean having lost your right arm in the accident, dealing with crap companies, medical bills, shitty businesspeople and all that?! Oh! And not to mention, how many fights he gets into whenever his team have to deal with another demon fraction. That’s Rust right there in a nutshell. Regardless...his journey is not yet over like the rest of his team. 
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Hellmare - Rainbow Sherbet 
This ice cream symbolizes you're more likely to be analytic, decisive, and pessimistic. Let's be honest here. This actually fits Hellmare giving her instructions and advice to Ink and her friends who takes her advice into consideration. She is known as the party planner or strategist of the team.  Plus she doesn't like don't like clutter, Hellmare likes to keep things organized. Also remember she is the daughter of a solider? A military guy? Yeah, she learns this war and strategies from him and applies that thinking into battles and yes...parties. Don’t ask me how. Only Hellmare knows! ______________
There’s going to be part two for this ask! So this ask is going to be reblogged because the limit of pictures I can put into this. 
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five-miles-over · 4 years
‘Gladiator’ Characters as Ice Cream Flavors
(Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters or images. This is just a fun listicle, not designed to offend anyone. As always, please feel free to leave comments and/or constructive criticism below. Thank you, and without any further ado, please enjoy!)
Maximus: Butter Pecan
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I apologize to any fans of this flavor, but butter pecan ice cream is one of the least liked ice cream flavors in the world (just like I’ve said before - Maximus is my least favorite character in Gladiator.) Plus, the buttery flavor just doesn’t go with ice cream - just like how I think Maximus is not the type of character I like to watch (too transparent, too goody-two-shoes, etc.).
Also, I still think he’s a little nuts for not taking Commodus’s hand, or being able to take a decision (other than revenge) for himself.
Serving Suggestion: Two plain scoops - Maximus is not one for decorations or embellishments. I just don’t think he can appreciate them (Sorry for all the bashing - let me know if you’d like me to tone it down a little)
Lucilla: Red Velvet
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Red velvet is certainly luxurious enough to match the standards of the Princess of Rome. I like to think she would certainly enjoy the rich taste and texture of the cake with its chocolate undertones and gorgeous color. 
Serving Suggestion: Three scoops in a tall glass, drizzled with a white chocolate champagne sauce.
Marcus Aurelius: Strawberry
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Aside from being not the world’s best father, I think Marcus Aurelius would be quite jovial in nature, with a soft spot for ice cream. Abiding by his virtue of temperance, he would consider it an occasional indulgence. But if he had to choose a flavor, I think it would be strawberry because the fruit might remind him of nature and its bounty.
Serving suggestion: Three scoops, with extra berries, a little whipped cream, and a sprig of mint leaves for garnish.
Lucius: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
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Honestly, the only reason I picked this out is because Lucius is such a sweet kid who deserves milk and cookies every night. He does not deserve to have his childhood caught up in political lies (certain people need to know that.)
Serving Suggestion: Two scoops (or a single one, depends), with extra chocolate chip cookies on the side.
Senator Gracchus: Sea Salt Caramel Espresso
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I used an image from an existing ice cream chain, but I would definitely add an extra sprinkle of sea salt for this Senator who seems to have nothing but salty remarks for the other members of the Senate (as well as the Emperor himself) And the coffee is perfect for getting Senator Gracchus through incredibly tedious- but necessary-meetings.
Serving Suggestion: a Single Scoop with extra sea salt and chocolate-covered espresso beans. (And maybe some milk after you get burned by Emperor Commodus’s sass.)
General Quintus: Cookies and Cream
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This flavor with two opposing flavors - cookies and cream - is just right for the general with two faces. 
Serving Suggestion: Just two scoops, with some extra cookie crumble. 
Hagen: Rocky Road
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“Rocky Road” is not only a great synonym for the journey this character has been throughout the film, but it is such a wholesome flavor. The chocolate ice cream is blended with almonds, marshmallows, and sometimes caramel. It’s awesome for the character who may look like a stereotypical Ancient Roman jock, but has a devoted, sweet side for his friends. 
Serving Suggestion: Two scoops, with extra marshmallows and fudge chunks...maybe a few pretzels added in.
Juba: White Chocolate Macadamia Nut
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White chocolate macadamia nut ice cream has a very niche fanbase, just like few Gladiator fans would call Juba their favorite character. However, the ones who do adore them are extremely loyal to their favorites. (Just like Juba is loyal to his friend Maximus from their first fight to the end of the film)
Serving Suggestion: Three scoops with some whipped cream and mini white chocolate chips.
Commodus: Too Cool For Ice Cream
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Just kidding, everyone! I actually had a special thing with Commodus in mind - gelato. An Italian dessert, it is much more creamier and flavorful than ice cream.
For our Emperor, I would recommend Chocolate Hazelnut Gelato.
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It’s not just because Russell Crowe called his character the “Chocolate Prince”, but also because I think this gelato flavor is an elevation of one of the everyday delicacies, Nutella. The decadence of the chocolate and the smoothness of the hazel nut would be just perfect!
Serving Suggestion: 5-6 scoops of gelato, topped with raspberries, edible gold leaf, and a special chocolate sauce made with melted Swiss truffles, chocolate liquor and brandy
Comment below if you have a name for this sundae I came up with, or if you have any other listicle ideas you’d like for me to do. Thank you so much!!!
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scharoux · 4 years
10 Questions
Tagged by the lovely @galadrieljones 💛 Thank you!
1. Do you like to bake? If so, what is your favorite thing to bake?
I love to bake (former professional cake decorator here)! As for my favorite things to bake, I love baking cakes and cookies because they're fun to decorate, but I also really enjoy making cinnamon buns (because they're my favorite).
2. Have you ever had your fortune told?
Nope, but I wouldn't be opposed to it.
3. What video game are you most looking forward to playing?
Dragon Age 4 (if it ever comes out 😭)
4. Do you like scented candles? What’s your favorite?
I love them! My absolute favorite candle scent was called 'Fresh Baked Bread'. It literally smelled like someone was baking sweet bread. I loved it, so of course it was discontinued 💔 Now I usually buy the pumpkin latte or vanilla bean noel scented candles from Bath & Body Works.
5. Favorite documentary or docuseries right now?
Not currently watching any, and I don't have a favorite.
6. Which video game feels most like “home” to you?
I don't know if any feel like "home", but the two series that always pulls me back to it is without a doubt Dragon Age or Mass Effect.
7. If you had to be transported to any setting from any video game, where would you hope to end up?
Oooh.....tough question. I mean, I love all fantasy based games. Elves, dragons, etc? I'm so there! However, I also don't want to be run through by an orc, goblic, or eaten by a dragon either. Soooo....if I had to pick one setting regardless of danger, I'd say Skyrim.
8. What is the best part of your day?
Probably in the evening before my kids go to bed. We all sit down and read stories together. I love sharing my childhood favorites with them 💛
9. Do you use any other social media aside from tumblr?
I have an Instagram and Pillowfort account. That's it! No Facebook or Twitter for this girl.
10. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Ok, tough choice. I 'technically' would say I have three. Vanilla (cuz it's safe and goes with everything), coffee and rocky road.
Tagging; @bearly-tolerable @lyrium-lovesong @ellstersmash @solverne-02 @buttsonthebeach @schoute @pikapeppa @beckiboos (optional of course!)
Here's your 10 Questions;
1. What TV series are you binging right now?
2. Where is your favorite place you've ever travelled to? Would you go back again?
3. What is your favorite season?
4. Do you have a book series that you've read more than once?
5. What are your favorite hobbies?
6. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
7. Who is your favorite actor and actress?
8. Is there something you want to learn to do? Art, writing, knitting, etc?
9. Cookies or Cake?
10. Favorite color to wear?
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stevie-baby · 5 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, 30, 34, 38 ☺️❤️ (Sorry it’s so many!)
omg thank you for sending so many💖
1: Top 3 ice cream flavors
Rocky road, cheesecake, and praline.
2: Top 3 Disney Movies
FUUUUUCK THIS IS DIFFICULT!!! Lilo & Stitch, Princess and the Frog, and Hocus Pocus.
3: Top 3 vacation destinations
I haven’t taken many vacations in my life. I really want to take another trip to Costa Rica someday (honestly just anywhere in Costa Rica), but one day I also want to visit Santorini and Barcelona
4: Top 3 places to shop
I fucking love craft stores, antique shops, and music stores! 
7: Top 3 music artists
Noooo this is the worst question to give me because I am a sentimental music-loving whore and I am super indecisive. I could never pick a top 3 of all time, but as of lately my favorites have been Greta Van Fleet, Ignant Benches, and The Doors.
9: Top 3 drinks
Hibiscus tea, Moscato d’asti, and water (maybe throw in a wedge of lime or ginger if I’m feeling fancy)
12: Top 3 clothing items
My bell sleeve tops, any of my shawls, and my GVF shirt because it’s soft as fuck and makes me happy.
14: Top 3 romantic dates
Ok, so here’s the thing: I don’t date. Part of it is because I don’t have the time or energy, but it’s not like I’m opposed to dating (ya know?). So really, the sky’s the limit for this answer. I guess a comfy movie date, a scenic hike, or grabbing food somewhere would be my ideal romantic dates.
15: Top 3 kinds of flower
Poppies, sunflowers, alstroemerias 
30: Top 3 summer activities
Road trips, going to the river (I’m much more of a river or lake person than a beach person), bonfires.
34: Top 3 ways to treat yourself
Popping open a bottle of wine, making a really nice meal, and painting my nails
38: Top 3 scents
Petrichor, oranges, or any natural minty scents
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lucky-number-606 · 6 years
RFA + Minor Trio as ice cream flavors
Jumin: Triple chocolate. Very savory, very powerful... Very good. Once in a while, you might run into a hint of sweet... The same can be said about his personality as a whole.
Zen: Rocky road. On the outside, it looks pretty normal. On the inside, however, there’s a lot more than what meets the eye. Gotta love marshmallows.
Jaehee: Butter pecan. Smooth, yet somewhat crunchy. Good with coffee, but also great alone.
Yoosung: Superman. A swirl of playful colors, accompanied with an odd taste... perfectly suitable for our one and only Shooting Star.
707: Bacon ice cream. A bowl of this might look somewhat deceiving-- you might mistake the bacon for strawberries at first. Either way, one bite will lead you to an entranced state.
V: Mint chocolate chip. One of my personal favorites by default. Sweet, with undertones of savory... Occasionally contains alcohol. Enough said.
Ray/Unknown: Classic strawberry and charcoal-- With the strawberry, sweet and creamy, no one can go wrong. Although many might be opposed to a completely black shade of ice cream, on the other hand, it is actually quite tasty. It tastes like horchata and coconuts. The charcoal also stains your teeth.
Rika: Raspberry ripple. No once can say no to a classic vanilla with a twist. Some may not even expect the raspberry portion of the desert at all.
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creamishrecipes · 6 years
The Easiest Homemade Ice Cream Recipes
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One day it occurred to us that ice cream makers exist, yet we keep spending tons of money on ever shrinking cartons at the grocery store. Frankly, that’s some absurd behavior. We decided to end it, or at least drastically cut back. From now on, you can consider us official dabblers in the homemade ice cream hobby. These are the best easy ice cream recipes you can follow at home.
Also, if you don’t feel like shelling out for an ice cream maker, you can . It’s a good project to occupy an afternoon, and you’re rewarded with ice cream. Who loses there?
Making a good vanilla ice cream is the first step in making good ice cream at all. The flavor’s an old standby, it’s generally popular, and you should really get a good handle on it before moving on to more complicated flavors. You’ll also find that a lot of ice cream recipes require a vanilla base, or your most successful flavor experiments started when you decided to make a few personal changes to your vanilla recipe. Get good at this one and you’ll be good at everything you put into your ice cream churner.
Huckleberry Ice Cream
If you told us a huckleberry was a completely made up fruit to fool people who liked Mark Twain too much, we’d believe you. It doesn’t particularly matter to us and that’s the kind of long term prank Twain himself would approve of. We learned all we needed to about it from this ice cream anyway. The color is the kind of appetizing you find in an artisanal ice cream shops where they get weird with obscure flavors. Which is kind of what you’re doing here. Huckleberries are really common in certain areas, but other people might only encounter them in highly specific settings. Like a hipster shop or their own kitchen.
Rocky Road
Sloth and Chunk from The Goonies. Rocky Road is a great flavor and having the ability to provide it for yourself is a dangerous prospect. This is also one of the more time intensive recipes on the list. It doesn’t take a whole lot of effort, but it’s not something you can throw together for a party in two hours. You’ll need a morning’s worth of waiting time if you’re planning on serving it in the same day.
Brown-Sugar Bourbon
Obviously there’s going to be bourbon on this list. We wouldn’t be able to put it together without our . You even get to pick your expression. We’d recommend something on the corn heavy/sweeter side. It’s not super strong on the bourbon, though you can change that pretty easily. Just put more in. You might mess with how well the ice cream freezes, but we’re not too worried about it, so why should you be?
Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream
Peanut butter cups by themselves are delicious, which makes it amazing how much better they get once you put them in ice cream. It’s a classic flavor and being able to make it at home is almost a dessert themed magic trick. From now on, our houses will be constantly stocked with peanut butter cups and no one will go hungry after they already didn’t go hungry at dinner. We’ll buy so many peanut butter cups, they’ll have to induct us as shareholders in Reese’s.
Espresso Chocolate Chip
Coffee ice cream is a weird dessert to us. You’re making the very last thing you eat in a day the same thing as the very first thing you drank. There aren’t many things like that, unless you make a habit out of chocolate chip pancakes. Yet coffee ice cream, and its many variants, is one of the most delicious kinds of ice cream. An espresso ice cream makes the flavors here pretty strong, but we’re not opposed to that. And you can add or subtract as much of it as you want.
5 Minute Ice Cream
Every other recipe here requires an ice cream maker, whether that’s the handmade one we linked to in the intro or a machine you forgot you got as a gift a few years ago. You’ll usually get the best results from one of those, so stick with them. But if you ever find yourself short on time, willpower, or patience, or simply want to try something different, the only equipment required by this recipe is two Ziploc bags. When you have those, toss the ingredients together and get shaking. You’ll have ice cream only a few minutes later.
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thefacelcss · 6 years
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NAME: rose solano NICKNAME: ---no. AGE: 38 SPECIES: human
MORALITY: lawful | chaotic | good | neutral | evil | true RELIGION: spiritual | neutral | no faith | questioning SINS: greed | gluttony | sloth | lust | pride | envy | wrath VIRTUES: chastity | charity | diligence | humility | kindness | patience | justice KNOWN LANGUAGES: german, english, italian, french, romanian spanish SECRETS: way too many to be listed here.  rose collects secrets and uses them against people; it is inevitable that she has a multitude of her own on top of that.
BUILD: scrawny | bony | slender | fit | athletic | curvy | herculean | pudgy | average**      **bridget regan is by no means average build, but rose by nature must be, otherwise         her body shape would make her blatantly recognizable, regardless of whomever’s         face she is wearing. HEIGHT: 5′9″ SCARS / BIRTHMARKS: none of the above.  emilio would have asked about any scars under the guise of being a somewhat caring husband, and both scars and birthmarks would make her more easy to catch.  anyone she slept with would know her body by her marks.  so, no, she has none. ABILITIES / POWERS: she can out drink luisa.  refer to the secrets part: her ability to gain and maintain a hold over people has its roots in her ability to find out other people’s secrets and to convincingly threaten them.  also being able to slip into and out of personas as needed for her job, for lengthy periods of time.  also her access to masks and voalizers to maintain the appearance of an entire other person separate from herself. RESTRICTIONS: the aforementioned uncomfortable facial masks after she is outed as sin rostro.
FOOD: noodles.  not spaghetti as we might conceive of it with red sauce and meatballs,; although she does like that kind of noodle, rose tends more towards cream sauces, whether a pure butter/milk/flour base or mixed with other flavors (basil pesto sauce, for instance, or almonds).  throw in some spinach and not beef but small bits of chicken or shrimp (the latter is far preferred here) and perhaps some tomatoes (as long as they do not stain the sauce) or peas (not in the pesto sauce) and top it with the proper sprinkling of cheese (not too much or you risk overwhelming it), and you will have a very content rose.  she also especially likes almonds, and where ice cream is concerned - gelato, first of all, is far superior to ice cream - rocky road is her preference.  she could eat most of a tub in one sitting and, in fact, has done so on more than one occasion.  (don’t tell luisa.  she’ll want a rom-com night.)  also when she was younger, she loved sloppy joes, but they’re so messy now she rarely, if ever, eats them.  it seems like it would appear childish.  (but she still loves them.) DRINK: wine, although she is fairly particular with its taste and make.  outside of that, clear sodas.  lemon-lime, ginger ale (which isn’t clear, but close to it).  fruity drinks - smoothies are a definite favorite, particularly with berry bases (stawberry, blueberry, raspberry, although strawberry is the favorite). PIZZA TOPPING: pineapple and canadian bacon.  rose is a heathen. COLOR: black, although she won’t admit it and rarely wears it. MUSIC GENRE: much to my dismay, rose is attached to german folk yodeling. note that she loathes american yodeling as it is far too country and twangy for her tastes.  rose vastly prefers artists over particular genres - dresden dolls or sixpence none the richer are neither particularly iconic of a genre, but she enjoys both. BOOK GENRE: rose actually prefers poetry and retold fairy tales.  also lesbian pulp novels that she steals from libraries and forgets to return them.  (she hides all of these from emilio.  tends to put them in luisa’s old bedroom, where she doubts they are out of place.) MOVIE GENRE: horror.  there’s something about intimidating or terrifying situations that are unreal as opposed to ones that are very real. CURSE WORD:  rose prefers to use german, even if she is using words that aren’t necessarily foul language because so few people in america would know they weren’t bad.  with emilio, she often uses spansh language that she picked up from him (or luisa), but as far as favorites, she vastly prefers german. SCENTS: the open sea.  strawberries (they remind her of her mother, although her scent was very faint and mixed with lavender).  vanilla.
BOTTOM OR TOP:  yes.  canonically we have implication that she both topped and bottomed for luisa. SINGS IN THE SHOWER:  whistles.  she hums when she is in a good mood, otherwise she is deathly silent. if she hums, it is more often than not a german folk song she remembers from her youth, minus the potential yodeling parts. LIKES PUNS:  rose loves a good word play.
tagged by: @deincs tagging: at this point, i’m unsure who has done this and who has not, especially since i took so long to do mine, so if you see this and would like to do it, feel free to take it from me, just tag me in it?  or not.  you do not have to tag me, but i do vastly enjoy reading them for the insight they can give into other characters.
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wanderingsofal · 8 years
Cream, lemon, baby pink
cream: favorite blog - I really love everyone I follow, so I can’t decide!!! Sorry....
lemon: vanilla or chocolate - Chocolate. I like vanilla well enough as ice cream, but Chocolate is my go-to flavor. Especially dark chocolate. Or rocky road (but NOT the kind with raisins. Raisins ruin perfectly good deserts.)
baby pink: batman or superman - Batman. I just... really like that he’s basically a normal guy that just decided to be a superhero. No real powers or anything, just a Tragic BackstoryTM and smarts. (Well, also a fuckton of money.) As opposed to the Jesus metaphor that is Superman. I mean, I like Superman well enough, but the Batman story is more interesting to me. (And my brother can fight me. He’s a huge Superman fan.)
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