#as someone who's extremely small for their age. people think it's okay to just talk about it all the time
gdrflxboy-gayace · 11 months
by the way, most of yall probably get this but like, you being fat doesn't mean you can comment on other people's weight. no matter what. you don't know this person's relationship with themselves and you should not comment on it no matter what. you are not the exception. please understand this
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strangersynth · 1 year
bc you have things to say doesn't always mean you needa say them let alone it also doesn't always mean it's your place to say them kwim
#some ppl rlly think they have a little too many rights to decide what's okay for someone to do at what age#like shaming people for what they do with themselves n their bodies in movies in socials in works in their Lives bc age this age that#go touch some grass come back when ur ready to accept u dont have a say on anybody else. not a minor and much less an 18+ person#like that one cancelling attempt over noah liking a video about his own body. or that one scene in wyfstw that had people going like;#':o oh my gawd how can he do this. how is cinema not 24/7 tame and extremely family-friendly always?? he is like 10!' and it's a 20yo#or like millie getting engaged because they're in love and ppl being like but but but she is 19!!!! well. she is also Not You and Not Yours#she and her fiance made a choice to marry. bitch you made a choice to talk and i wasnt complaining when u did it was i#/ like people's choices with who they fall in love with. like people's relationships that very much do Not include you#/ also very important; like shaming sex workers for whatever the fuck ur reason is im about to grab you by the ear and rip it off#NONE of that above and More is there for u to be without anyone even asking u all like Okay here's my veredict- girl No#ur freedom of speech hand it over.jpeg#this other day i saw this thing abt this married couple that met cause he was a 21yo teacher#and she was 18 and she liked him and he knew and was like wanna go out or sum and now years after theyre literally married making a family#and ppl were like sorry but that mortified me i cant be the only one thats so disturbed and girl#i know you aint shaming a happy couple rn because of age difference#people turn their heads and gape like it's illegal when they hear age difference and i think yall getting a little too comfy with judging#people for who they love. for judging what u personally dont understand. if u aint been thru it u literally just dont get it#just using someone else's ongoing relationship to victimise urself get out pls and thanku#like i Know the risk that comes thru age differences no matter how big how small but risks come from many more places than one#grooming is a Very real thing and that doesnt mean you get to stamp it on everything. dont talk about throwin or not throwin words around i#ur gonna throw that one around all the while.#guilt-tripping an older person and victimising and infantilising a young person both in a relationship they want to be in#when said people aint even /you/ dont make you hero.#then again ppl tend to twist 'younger people need to feel safe' in so many ways but thats another story#like im not gonna get into guilttripping people that want to portray real feelings wants and acts onto fictional characters that make You s#mortified you start throwing Real srs allegations that you should Not be allowed to have in your vocabulary if thats how you gon use them#u Know what im talking about#sense the level of seriousness. try and be conscious of what people go through regarding said dangers#stop pointing fingers at people that have made it so far just because they could have Not made it#n stop pretending conversations/visions about fictional characters n storylines that you
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milesmolasses · 11 months
they’re just people (42miles x african!reader)
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— this was a request that I very stupidly deleted
— idek how I fricken did it bruh just read the fic 😭
— miles is nervy cause he’s meeting ur family.
— ⚠️: unedited, reader and miles are aged up to be 17-18 (because it makes sense. what african parent do you know who is letting their child date at 15??), miles having a cute moment with his mom <3
— “senator style” dressing is very common among men in nigeria. look it up and you’ll see what i’m talking about
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“you need to calm down.”
you could feel the anxiety radiating off of your boyfriend from a mile away as he was pacing up and down your room, while throwing around a bean bag he found in your drawer. he had quietly snuck in through a window while you were getting ready just to rant to you about how nervous he was.
a birthday party.
your mother had told you to bring him to a birthday party being held for your cousins at a venue. she thought it would be a nice idea to see how he would interact with the rest of your family (and to see if he was any good with children.) in miles' head, he was hoping for a small get-together like you had when you met his mom and uncle.
as he came over to you and and wrapped his arms around your waist he said, “mami, tell me to calm down one more time and I might explode.”
“eww don’t do that I don’t wanna have to clean up your guts,” you joked as you turned to kiss his cheek.
turning around in his arms, you pushed him away from you slightly to examine what was in front of you. miles was freshly dressed in a matching blue “senator style” shirt and pants. you reached for his newly braided braids as you brought them forward to lay on his shoulders. “you look extremely handsome. they’re going to like you, okay?”
he huffed as he rolled his shoulder back, a little tense from all the worrying he’s been doing. “okay.”
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when miles snuck out your window and went back to his own home, his mother caught a glimpse of what he was wearing.
“wow, te ves bien. where are you going?” his mother asked sounding impressed by how her son had cleaned up so nicely.
“i’m meeting the parents…” he mumbled looking at the floor. she could tell his nerves were getting the best of him by how his eyes were darting around the room and not maintaining eye contact.
“oh wow, that’s why you’re dressed like this huh?”
Rio sighed as she went up to her son, placing both her hands to rest upon his shoulders.
“miles, you listen to me. they are just people. they can’t hurt you, okay? and judging by the person they raised, they’re good people,” she reassured him the best she could as she slid her hands down his arms, rubbing small circles to sooth him.
“what if they don’t like me?”
Rio sighed as her eyes darted to the side, thinking of what to say. she suddenly stepped away from miles as she put her index and thumb on her chin. she began to circle around miles, examining everything about him.
miles could only stand there confused as to why his mom was inspecting every inch of his body. “uh.. ma?” she put a finger to her lips to shush him, still looking and studying him while deep in thought. until she finally came to a stop right in front of him.
“mmk now, ask me what I see when i look at you.”
“ma w-what are you-”
“shhh play along! now ask me what I see, ¡vamos!”
miles threw his arms up and let them fall down in defeat. “fine, what d’ you see mami?”
Rio smiled as she grabbed her sons hands into her own.
“I see the boy I raised,” she explained. “I see him in all his glory on his way to navigate the world he’s been given.”
"I see him trying his best understand what it means to have feelings — what it means to love someone. I see someone who cares enough to immerse himself in a different culture than the one he has all for the sake of a special someone."
she looked down as she continued, “I see a talented, intelligent, kind, respectful little boy who’s not so little anymore. I see someone I couldn't be more proud of, and y’know what—?” she lifted her head so her eyes could meet his, “if they can’t see what I see, están locos.”
miles couldn’t help the soft smile he had on his face as he looked into her sincere eyes. pulling his mom into him, he hugged her and gave her a small kiss on her head.
“te quiero, mami”
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“ay mami please I gotta go-!”
“in a minute!”
you stood outside smiling with your hands crossed over your chest watching the scene in front of you; miles mother trying to make him look more presentable by straightening out his shirt and tucking away any miss placed hairs on his head as best as she could.
when she finally kissed her son goodbye and started her way back to the bus stop, she quickly waved and smiled at you before speed-walking to catch the next bus. there were people from your family all outside the venue, chatting each other up and taking pictures, and suddenly this all felt very real to miles.
taking a deep breath, he crossed the street and made his way over to you.
“hi baby,” you swiftly linked your arm around his and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.
“damn, how many people you got in your family ma?” he took a quick look inside through the windows and saw a hefty amount of people, which didn’t make this any easier for him.
“don’t worry, most of these people aren’t actually family. they’re more like family friends who we call aunties, uncles, and cousins,” you explained.
“okay okay, yeah sure,” miles let out a breath that he didn’t even know he was holding in. he started to look around at all the people outside the venue: they all looked so extravagant in long fitted dresses, and in suits that matched or looked similar to what he was wearing. all of the adults mingled with each other, and children were beginning to group off and mess around.
miles felt a bit like a fraud; like he didn’t belong there. this was all new territory for him. of course he had a few african friends in middle school, but he never really had to face their culture head-on like he was now. when he tried listening to what people were saying, he heard a few english words incorporated into their sentences, but he hadn't a clue on what was being communicated.
he couldn't stop the doubts that began to cloud his mind as he looked around him. doubts that he wasn't the kind of guy your parents wanted you dating, that he couldn't live up to their expectations. doubts that told him in big bold letters, "you don't belong here."
miles' facial expressions and body language often gave away what he was thinking, so when you noticed him begin to shrink slightly, him rapidly tapping his thigh, and his lip twitching slightly, you saw right through him. grabbing his hand, you gave him a small squeeze of affection, and soon enough, you were leading him through the doors of the venue, dodging people and children as you made your way through.
you led him right to your table which your parents saved for you and your siblings, plus miles.
as he saw your parents seated at the table, the first person he noticed was your father's presence. he took notice of the stoic look on his face, and his hand on the table which was intertwined with your mother's.
"hey guysss," you greeted with a smile as you dragged miles over to the table. "this is milesss, the boy I was telling you about."
you could feel miles tense ever so slightly as his father held his gaze.
"good evening sir, my name is miles," he introduced himself with a small smile.
“thank god this boy even knows how to greet,” your father said while nodding in approval.
when he reached his hand out for miles to shake, miles thought to himself, “okay, making progress.”
taking his hand, he gave a firm handshake to your father to which he nodded in approval again. turning to your mother, he extended his hand and said hello and was met with a softer touch and welcoming smile.
“I like your hair,” she mentioned, her hand gesturing to the two braids rested on his shoulder.
miles smiled as he look down to his braids. “thank you, my mom actually does these for me.”
“tell her i said she did well,” she complimented.
“please, sit down i’m sure the food will soon be ready, and then we will see what we can take home with us,” your mother mumbled that last part directed to your father, but you still heard and laughed.
“so, miles, we have been told many good things about you. you want to study physics?” your father asked.
miles squeezed your hand under the table, eyebrows raised in shock. “you guys talk about me?” he felt his heart swell at the mental image of you even mentioning him to your parents — especially your mom.
“of course na, our daughter comes up to us and tells us she’s been seeing a boy — how can we not talk about you?” your mother asked rhetorically. you could see the small almost unnoticeable smirk etching onto miles face. he would never let you hear the end of this.
after almost half an hour of talking, laughing, (mainly between you, miles, and your mother), and getting to know one another, miles started to feel much more relaxed. words started flowing out of him much easier than before, and he even managed to make your dad crack a smile with one of his silly jokes. miles nerves and doubts slowly but surely began to dissipate as the night went on; relief washed over his entire body.
it wasn't until your mother covered him in a layer of fear 4x as heavy as the one he just washed off.
“ah! see your cousin!” you mother told you. you looked in the direction she was looking and saw a toddler running around and giggling.
“why don’t the both of you go and say hi!”
she knew exactly what she was doing.
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— bro idk what’s wrong but I really don’t like this (¬_¬)
— but I tried
— idek why but i think the other one was SOOO much better
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WIBTA for not helping my brother unlearn some hate?
I (16F) and my brother (9M, let's call him K) are both from a third world country with some less-than-friendly general views, most of which my parents agree with. I couldn't care less if my mom is vividly disgusted at Chinese/Korean products/music or if she wholeheartedly believes that having crushes on your female friends is "normal" and "not homosexuality", because she's a really kind and sweet person and I just love her, you know? She never voices these thoughts around people who are that way and even has Chinese friends herself, but once I ask her "what do you think your friends would feel if they knew you said things like that sometimes?" to which her response was basically "it's not like I'll ever say it to their face, that's rude, and I don't think they're any less humans than us, their country taking over the industrial world and music is just disgusting". Or she immediately demands the channel be changed if the tv is showing an LGBT couple (this is illegal in our country, we connect to foreign satellites which don't censor this).
Anyway. Sorry for the ramble. This leads me to two problems:
My brother is kinda short and skinny due to genetics. And when I say "kinda", I mean like, he's really, really small and tiny for his age and often gets mistaken for a preschooler or first grader. My mother worries over the fact that the boys at his school (since we're all being raised in the same toxic society, huzzah) bully him for being smaller than them. And K has a tendency to easily cry at insults, furthering this issue. I've talked to him several times on how he'll get a growth spurt and it's fine, but my mom's talks mainly consist of how he's a grown boy now and it's not nice for boys his age to cry in public like that. She also doesn't really like me getting "involved" in K's bullying issues. Please, PLEASE don't send any hate to my mom, okay guys? She's one of the best people I know.
The other issue here is that K technically IS growing up, but he's also learning some of the really uncomfortable aspects of this society by repeating things like "the referee for this soccer game probably let the other team win because he's Chinese" (to which I had to correct him and say the referee was actually Filipino, but never mind) or asking me with GENUINE curiosity if I, as a girl, play soccer at my school (he loves soccer so so much, I try to encourage this love for him).
I correct him on this stuff as much as I can, but honestly... sometimes I just don't. Sure, I think it's bad and all, but I (probably, I don't remember much) grew up being the same way considering the way our society is. And if I turned out nice enough, I'm sure he just needs to be the right age for some more technical guidance and all I can do here is randomly tell him he's wrong when he says this stuff. My mom just... she thinks it's a huge stretch to "call everything racism nowadays", which I think REALLY depends on the context! My brother says this stuff very, very rarely, but I don't think he really... gets /why/ it's bad, you know? Again, I'm mostly planning on giving him advice on occasion and letting him figure it out by himself, but I don't want him saying racist/antisemitic/sexist jokes by accident in public, less so because it might humiliate the family and more so because it might actually upset someone.
Again, WIBTA? Don't call my mom the asshole here, please. She's super extremely polite to everyone, calls for action against our dictatorship of a government, and gives medical care to her less financially stable patients for free (she's a doctor). She just has some little views here and there that are the result of her upbringing, same as ours are the result of what we experienced. I can wholeheartedly forgive her for that.
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jasonsmirrorball · 10 months
↳ headcanons about jason in the au that is currently taking up all my brain space. so incredibly self indulgent. extreme liberties taken with his characterisation i'm sorry this is fanfiction!!!!!
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first and most importantly - nothing (too) bad happens in this au. i imagine him getting adopted by bruce, but he gets to live and be happy and he is so so loved and that doesn't change
if he's got issues with his dad it's normal human issues like not seeing eye to eye on things but at the end of the day he is cherished and bruce supports him in everything
so he goes to university. in this au i imagine him to be studying literature (of course, duh) but also something else. i feel like he'd be interested in philosophy, but in my mind it's definitely something in the humanities faculty.
moves out but doesn't do the dorm thing because he wants his own space, and i think bruce just takes care of everything and he doesn't have to worry about rent or groceries or anything of that sort
i think he'd still get a job though...like maybe in a secondhand bookstore or music store that nobody really goes to so it's quiet and he can work on his assignments and read most of the time
makes friends with the regular people that breeze in and out - likes to people watch because he gets so many interesting looking people that come through
i think he'd have to have a little old lady neighbour that doesn't trust him at first because look at him he's so tall and big and he's got his fair share of scars on his hands from high school
but he's an angel...probably helps her take in her groceries quietly and leaves it at that because that's simply the thing to do
like i don't imagine he'd be extremely chatty, but he's polite and says hello to everyone or nods at them in the elevator
she warms up to him and they have conversations in the morning when she’s going down for her daily morning walk and he’s got classes to head to 
imagining him with still slightly messy curls in the morning as he walks onto campus
he's so.. boy. in this au. does that make sense??? just. happy and stress free, and he loves his courses and he calls home every few days and his younger brothers are ever suffering because he talks so much about the stuff he’s learning 
sobs he’s such a nerd i love him but they’re just wondering how this is the guy that gets side-eyed everywhere he goes 
but he’s not mild mannered…he just minds his business
like i said, has gotten into his fair share of fights at school and similarly isn’t afraid to tell someone when they’re being a dick 
the girls in his class love him because he actually likes to have discussions with them instead of talking over them and is happy to speak for the group or let them do it if they want when they get called on for class discussions
he’s just that guy who at first glance seems a little intimidating because a) he’s gorgeous and b) is huge but you get put into a group with him and he’s so intelligent and polite, listens to what everyone has to say and has wicked smart opinions of his own to share
has a bike. in every iteration of jason he must have a motorbike i just cannot imagine him without a bike. nearly gives bruce a heart attack in this au because he immediately runs through the worst case scenarios and it takes AGES before he accepts it even if he does think the bike looks cool and it takes even longer before he lets jason take him for a spin on the back of it
bruce in this au is just. doting and a little anxious about things. and that's okay. he's coming to terms with his kids growing up, and the changes that come with that. at least he's still got his girls, who will never not come around to bother him. but dick has already left the nest, and jason is on his way. he just misses when they were little
he likes to say jason was so small he could hold him in the palm of his hands (a big lie, as he was small but not that small, but jason secretly likes the affection)
he scribbles in all his class assigned novels, notes filling up the margins and the blank pages at the end - annotations on annotations
has gone down a rabbit hole of literature papers analysing different texts at 3 am. several times
paperbacks on his bedside table, bookmarked with receipts and scraps of paper, literally anything that can be used - he'll use it
notebooks for each class that are equally as full, coordinating notes on books and poems and papers
sigh english student jason todd my beloved angel 
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this isn't meant to be taken seriously at all, but we're here to have a good time. sigh i wanna make a moodboard so u guys can see the vision i have of him
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swiss-mrs · 4 months
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just me rambling on again about how Eddie loves a black woman from infinity to infinityyyy
there's a 'face claim' under the cut because i said so. you've been warned
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okay, listen here.
Ever since your family moved to Hawkins, life has been... different
You just turned 13 when your family uprooted to the small town in Indiana. Lucas was 10, and Erica was only 6.
It was a bit easier for your younger siblings to adjust, but you had to start fresh during your last year of middle school, going into high school. That sucked like a bitch.
Transitioning from a larger city with a decent mix of races to a predominantly white town was about as smooth as it sounded, not at all.
Though racism was not terrible, there were plenty of backhanded compliments, passive aggressiveness, and snarky comments.
You were always so "well-spoken", "well-mannered", "presentable".
You didn't "sound black".
You didn't "act black".
You were "pretty for a black girl."
Whatever the fuck that means.
You knew that begging your parents to move elsewhere was not an option, waste of time, so you always knew that the moment you had the chance, you weren't gonna stick around for too long.
Going into high school at the end of '82, just shy of a year after moving into Hawkins, was how yours and Eddie's paths crossed, just barely.
Since you could practically count on one hand how many black families were in Hawkins's population, not knowing one another by name was near impossible.
You know Jeff by proxy.
Your parents knew each other, and you were the same age, so of course you knew each other.
You wouldn't call him a friend per se, but you were friendly enough to exchange quick greetings in passing.
Jeff was with three older kids when you passed him in the hall.
A chubby, curly haired, white boy, a pale brunette girl, and a slim, lanky kid who looked like he was trying to grow out a bad haircut, all of which were decked out in jean and leather.
The polite smile and wave he gave made the lanky boy to turn and see who Jeff was waving at.
As soon as you caught each other's eyes, his curious expression turned into a lovestruck one.
You didn't pay much attention to it, though.
"Who is that?"
"Oh, no one. She's just the daughter of some friends of my parents."
Since you were in separate grades, you didn't regularly cross paths with any of the people you saw with Jeff often, but you did end up having an elective class with the brunette girl.
It was a couple of weeks in when you were partnered up with her for a project.
"Veronica is my government name. Call me Ronnie."
During lunch, Ronnie mentioned to Jeff how adorable you were.
"You got to meet her?!"
Ronnie would then go on about how you were so nice and polite, but you were also extremely smart and sassy.
She got to witness your wit first hand when you made a sneaky comeback at someone who gave one of those stupid 'for a black girl' comments.
"I think Eddie is going to blow a fuse."
"You got to meet HER?!"
The boy was starstruck every time you would unknowingly pass him in the hall or when he saw you from across the cafeteria.
"Would you just go up and talk to her, numbnuts?" Ronnie would say as she smacked the back of his head when she caught him staring a bit too hard.
"I can't just 'go up' to her!"
"The fuck not?"
He'd reply with silence, not really knowing what answer to give.
You were too good for him? He'd have no chance? You'd dismiss him? Reject him? What would he even say?
"I wouldn't know what to say..."
"Maybe try, 'Hello'."
He spent the next four years pining over you from a distance.
Now, in your senior year, you were more excited than anything to get out of this shit hole.
The cute super super senior with the loud mouth, long hair, and less than stellar reputation had always caught your eye, but you both still had yet to actually say anything to each other. Paths never crossing further than beyond the hallway.
You never bothered to make a move on him.
You were convinced that you weren't his type, or anyone's type for that matter, especially not here.
But you're both seniors now.
Much to Eddie's surprise and delight, you now had classes together.
He never once liked being in high school for longer than necessary, but here he was, oddly thankful for being held back.
Your schedules are almost completely aligned, save for the fact that you had a couple honors classes.
For the first few days of your senior year, Eddie was a ball of anxiety every time you were around.
He sat either behind or beside you in the back of all your shared classes.
It wasn't until one fateful Tuesday, in the second week of that school year, that your pen ran out of ink, and you finally said your first words to him.
"Hey, do you have a pen I can barrow?"
You were turned around in your seat to look at him behind you. He was stuck for a few beats before he blinked away his shock.
"Uh, y-yeah. Here." He handed you the very pen he was using to doodle in his notebook instead of actually taking notes.
The small smile and the gentle brush of your fingers against his nearly made his heart stop on the spot.
He was absolutely gone.
It was in that moment that he realized he'd never properly heard your voice before.
He wanted to hear it again.
You even remembered/bothered to give him his pen back at the end of that class.
He spent every single one of his classes for the remainder of that day coming up with a full ass tactical plan to approach you.
Every day that passed, he for some fucking reason just couldn't find the right moment to put his plan in action.
It wasn't until a few weeks later when you threw his plan through a loop.
You showed up to a Hellfire meet just as they were all leaving out the drama room.
He heard your voice coming from outside once some of the freshman members walked out the door.
"Hey, Baby Bro! How'd it go? Have fun?"
Eddie eyes widened, and he stilled for a second before he dropped what he was doing to rush out the door.
He tried to play off his stumbling by leaning against the wall right outside the door.
"Oh, Hey! You're in this club too?"
"This is Eddie. He leads the club." Your little brother's curly haired friend, Dustin, clarified immediately.
Before Eddie could give Dustin a look to 'shut the fuck up before he ruined his shot', you raised your brows with somewhat of an impressed look on your face.
"Oh, so you're Eddie."
The way his name rolls off your tongue makes him want to melt into the floor.
All the false confidence he once had completely depleted, and he was back at a loss for words. Thank God you didn't leave room for him to make a fool of himself.
"The boys talk so highly of you. Thank you for looking after them for a couple hours after school. See you tomorrow!"
He watched, awestruck, as you walked away with your brother and his friends.
"Y-Yeah, no problem!" He'd finally yell after you a you made it to the exit doors.
You turned to wave bye before fully exiting the building to the mostly vacant parking lot.
Eddie waved back weakly.
"See you tomorrow." He says to himself in the empty hallway, still waving even after you couldn't see him anymore.
A cheesy grin would grow on his face as he went back into the drama room to collect his DM stuff.
"Holy shit. You actually exchanged words!" Jeff would say.
"~See you tomorrow~" Gareth mocks, clasping his hands together, resting them on his cheek and batting his eyelashes.
Eddie glares at the younger drummer. "Shut up, asshole."
Early October is when he finally leaned forward to ask you a question.
"Hey, I don't really understand what's going on. Could you help me?"
There it was.
You accepted, falling right into his hands.
His plan was now officially in motion.
You were smart and nice. Of course, you would help tutor him.
Eddie knew that would work.
You were well aware of his academic status, or rather lack thereof.
You couldn't help but let that little 'I can fix him' part of your teenage brain take over.
You really wanted to help him pass and graduate, ESPECIALLY since he reached out to you for help.
You couldn't say no. wtf
You two had spent all of October studying together.
Even though he was distracted by you most of the time and always going off topic to get to know you, he actually was kind of learning something.
A win-win for him.
"Hey, so, uh, you know, Halloween is right around the corner, and, uh, there's a special rescreening of 'Alien' this weekend. Would you, uh, you know, if you're into it, would you like to go see- watch it, like, with me, I mean?"
The question came at the end of your recent study/tutoring session.
Over the last few weeks, you had shown nothing but kindness towards Eddie. You two even had conversations with one another out in the open, outside of the safe privacy of the library.
He finally had the courage to ask you out.
You hesitated.
"Oh, uh..."
Your apprehension was not for the reason he was thinking, but it was enough for his mind to start caving in on itself.
"I mean, I just want to show you my appreciation, you know, for all your help. There's no- no pressure at all. I get it if you don't wanna be seen with me too much. I won't blame you."
His response takes you aback.
"Hold on. That's not what I was trying to get across at all."
Your firm tone made his chest tighten with anxiety. If that wasn't it, what was it? Did you have plans already? Maybe with a boyfriend? Shit, why didn't Eddie make sure to get your current relationship status out of you before asking.
"It's just that, uh, I'm kind of a... wuss... with scary movies. The sci-fi part of it seems intriguing enough, but I heard that it was pretty scary... The Boys snuck the VHS during one of their movie nights a couple years ago. I just remember Lucas being on edge for weeks after watching it." You chuckled nervously.
Eddie chuckles, relieved by your answer.
"Don't worry about it. I'll be there to protect you from all the monsters." The use of his DM voice at the end goes straight to the pit of your stomach like hot coals.
You hold back a girlish giggle, not wanting to show how much that effected you.
"Okay, fine, but if I fail our test due to a lack of sleep, I'm blaming you."
After you agree to go on a date with him, he fully unleashes his inner flirt.
His surprising change in attitude towards you makes butterflies erupt within you.
His overt flirting brings out your sassy side as you two go back and forth.
That movie-dinner date was the first of many.
Eddie wasn't huge on physical PDA.
He was always super respectful and reserved in public, but he almost always made a show of you.
"There she is! The most beautiful woman to ever exist!"
"Look at her. A goddess among us mortals!"
"Here she comes! Make way for the queen!"
You eventually got used to his over the top antics, going from telling his to "shut up" with a shy grin to just embracing your new 'royalty status' with your head held high and a bright smile.
You'd been dating for months.
Your tutoring actually helped raise Eddie's grades, especially after you told him how much you wanted him to graduate with you this year.
Come spring, Lucas is now unsuccessfully splitting his time between Hellfire and basketball.
When Dustin and Mike bring in the third Sinclair into the drama room, Eddie can't help but cave quickly once she shows off her dnd knowledge.
Erica definitely gets her sass from you, though she's a lot more blunt with it.
Eddie can't help but form a huge soft spot for her, even after the game is over.
While Erica, Dustin, and Mike were waiting in your car to leave, Eddie stopped you.
"So, you know, we've been dating for quite a while now-"
"Five months and counting." You beamed.
Eddie grinned happily. So, you were keeping count.
"Yeah, soon enough it'll be six, then seven, then ten, then 12, then-"
"OK, OK" you giggled. Eddie's smile only got bigger.
"So, I was wondering..." That shy boy who could barely ask you on a first date returns, bringing a soft grin to your face. "Do you... Would do... I... Will you be my... my girlfriend?"
"Of course." You smiled without missing a beat.
As the news sunk deeper and deeper, it became harder and harder for him to physically contain his excitement.
He jumped up and down, grabbing you by the shoulders to pull you into a hug, bouncing up and down with you in his arms.
Your shared laughter filled the empty parking lot of Hawkins High.
From that moment on, the word 'girlfriend' was used in place of your own name for months.
"I'm convinced you've forgotten my name."
"I could never forget such a thing, girlfriend~"
He introduced you to metal music.
You introduced him to leave in conditioner.
You two were high school sweethearts, ones that would last forever.
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garbinge · 9 days
Library Daycare (2)
Angel Reyes x OC Isabeth ‘Izzy’ Flores 30 Day Fic Challenge (14/30)
Word Count: 3k A/N: I feel like I say this for a majority of my fics but this post-canon world I've thought up for Angel and Maverick is my favorite, I think about it everyday, I just, want him to be happy even tho most of my ideas for this are angsty HAHA.
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Light angst.
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @narcolini @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @kmc1989 Previous fic for reference.
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Angel stepped into the library, Maverick in his arms and was staring at the bulletin board. His eyes were scanning over each flyer and business card that was pinned to it. The list of jobs that Angel felt capable of was slim. There were a lot of options, prep cook, lab assistant, front desk organizer, medical assistants, nurses, but none of those were things that Angel had any experience with. That’s when his eyes landed on the business card that was pinned to the flyer that said Farm Hand needed, the business card on top reading Rancho de Valle - Este. His free hand reached up to grab the information from the pin so he could get a closer look. 
Farm hand, operating and maintaining machinery, harvesting and planting crops, repairs, occasional livestock caring. Full time, housing on premise provided if desired, hourly pay, overtime opportunities, and medical insurance. 
“El Ranchitos.” A voice sounded behind him. 
He turned around immediately, a little startled by the voice while Maverick on the other hand cooed in excitement as he saw who was behind them. 
“Sorry I did not mean to scare you.” Izzy smiled at Angel and turned her gaze onto Maverick. Her hand quickly reached out to grab his foot. “Hi, you. I missed you.” Her voice was soft now, she didn’t want to scary anyone again. 
“You caught me deep in thought, that’s all.” Angel laughed as he adjusted Maverick in his arms. 
“Yes, El Ranchitos.” She repeated again pointing to the papers again. 
Angel looked down not seeing El Ranchitos anywhere on the forms and looked back at the woman he had brief conversations with over the last few months. “You’re familiar with them?” 
“De Valle’s are very well known in this town. They own all of El Ranchitos, de Valle Este is the one closest to the city that is a harvesting ranch, they have others in the city but they’re more like resorts, they had to adapt with the change of the world.” Izzy explained. “They’re good people, kind, understanding. I think de Valle Este is like 10 minutes from here by car.” 
“Thanks, yea I think I’m going to apply. Everything else is a bit out of my range.” Angel laughed awkwardly. “Just gotta figure out what I’m gonna do with him while I’m working, maybe I could hire someone to watch him if I take them up on this on premise housing.” He was thinking outloud now, but it was just a symptom of having no one above the age of 2 to talk with here. 
Izzy was leaning over in front of him now, reaching for something on the bulletin board. Her hand began searching around until she found what she was looking for and pulled it from the pin. “It isn’t a nanny, but we watch the kids all day, feed them, read to them, use the playground outside on good weather days, it’s a small group too.” 
“We?” Angel questioned his eyes moving from the library daycare flier to Izzy’s face.
“Okay, I, it’s my initiative. We did a trial run this summer with a handful of kids and it went pretty well. We have about 8 kids right now signed up for the school year, all local, have room for 10, I think Maverick would be a great addition.” Izzy grinned again, now looking at Maverick who giggled and brought his hands out to her in hope to be held by her. 
“How was I around like all summer and didn’t notice this?” Angel laughed and happily gave the child over to Izzy. 
These last few months he had gotten extremely comfortable with the woman and honestly safe with her, Angel as well. These last few months have consisted of Angel coming to most of the library events because not only did Maverick enjoy them but because they offered him peace around people which he didn’t have much of since leaving Santo Padre. There was a constant fear, a persistence to always look over his shoulder, double guess everyone he met, everyone who walked too close to him on the street, but at the library it was like that fear was nonexistent. He had made a friend in Izzy, which was exactly what he needed right now. 
“I have two other people that help out, it allows one of us to take off, or be more flexible around the library.” She answered as she bounced Maverick up and down in her arms. “They’re actually running daycare now, if you want to check it out.” Her eyes moved back to Angel as Maverick’s little hands picked up her I.D. that was draped around her neck with a lanyard. “No pressure.” She let out an awkward laugh. 
“No, yea.” Angel spoke up which earned him a confused look from the woman holding his child across from him. He smiled realizing how confusing his statement was. “I just meant we’d love to check it out.” 
Izzy nodded and brought them both to the children’s area of the library and opened up the decent size circular room that currently had a group of kids of a variety of ages drawing on tables. 
“Sticker drawing. Helps them with open ended exploration, we let the older kids come up with a story based on their drawings and the younger ones like it too.” She was placing Maverick down on the ground and he was quick to find himself at the small table grabbing a sheet of his own. 
“How big is the age range?” Angel wasn’t sure why he was asking questions, he knew this was the best place for Maverick if he was to get this job. 
“Right now 1 through 5. This group is a bit older because it’s the summer.” She put her hands over her chest as she watched over the kids. 
 Before Angel could answer there was a little girl who was about 4 walking up to Izzy holding out her sheet of paper towards her. 
“Wow, that’s beautiful.” The little girl was being brought up into her arms and instantly throwing her own around Izzy’s neck. 
“Well the kids sure love you.” Angel smiled. 
“I hope this one does.” Izzy rocked from side to side similarly to how she was with Maverick just minutes earlier, but this time she looked at the girl in her arms and kissed the side of her head. “This one’s mine.” 
Angel found himself at a loss of words at that statement. He didn’t expect it. It automatically made him think about his friendship with Izzy, this was something huge that she so easily went without mentioning. Then again, it wasn’t like she knew everything about his life, but she knew a lot about his current life, and this felt very much like her current life. Between not knowing about the daycare and now her child, he felt like he needed to take a major step back. 
“Are you okay?” She interrupted Angel’s thoughts. 
“Yea, sorry. Just didn’t realize you had a kid.” Angel wanted to rewind the last 10 seconds so he never said those words. 
Izzy’s face dropped a little and she looked back down at her daughter and placed her back on the ground and stayed at her level for a moment. “Go back with your friends, Abrielle.” 
As she stood up she turned to Angel, and nodded towards the door. For a moment he hesitated and looked at Maverick. “You can take him, but Olivia doesn’t mind watching him.” She pointed to the woman with the lanyard similar to her own that was at the smaller kids table. With a nod, Angel was walking out of the room and standing awkwardly in front of Izzy. 
“I know you understand the need for privacy, Angel. The need to keep things to yourself. If I recall the first time I met you, I put my own address in for your library card because you were two nervous to give out information.” It felt scolding almost the way she was speaking. 
“I–” Angel went to speak but she cut him off by holding up her finger and speaking over him. 
“I don’t need a reason to make a choice regarding my child, Angel.” Her accent came out strong when she said his name. “You out of all people should get that.” 
“I do, I’m sorry. I just thought we were friends.” Again, Angel was wishing he would just keep his mouth shut. 
Izzy sighed, her guard immediately falling down and with a shake of her head she spoke. “We are friends, Angel. I just need to be cautious with her.” 
“I get that.” He nodded. “I didn’t mean to do whatever this is.” He waved his hand around and laughed awkwardly. “If anything, I’m glad you felt comfortable to tell me, it’s cool, having a parent friend. Haven’t had many of those really.” 
“Well if you do the daycare thing, you’ll make more during pickup and dropoff.” She matched his humorous tone. 
“Don’t know if I want that.” He chuckled nervously.
“Why do you think I don’t tell many people I have a child.” Her eyebrows raised and her mouth curled into a smile. 
Angel laughed. “Well then I’m honored to be accepted amongst the few.” He looked through the window of the daycare door and saw Maverick laughing at something and he turned back to Izzy. “I’d like to sign him up, even if I don’t get this job, this is the right place for him.” 
Izzy smiled at that comment, she went to say something but bit her tongue immediately. Her desire to say that this is the best place for Maverick and him was high but she held back and simply nodded. 
“Let’s get you two signed up then.” 
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Why I Love Tech and Phee
I keep thinking about these two today and it just leads to me smiling uncontrollably (I'm literally grinning while I write this XD) so I'm just gonna talk about why these two work for me!
I'm usually not one to be on board with romances in shows that I find unnecessary. If anything, they can actually put me off if they get in the way of good storytelling. When I first saw Phee flirting with Tech back in episode 1, I found it amusing, but I was a little hesitant as to what they were going to do with it. It was fun in the moment, but I wasn't sure that I wanted it to go anywhere. Saying that, I kept an open mind because I didn't want to spend every episode where they appeared together feeling slightly angry about this thing I didn't want being there. And, hey! Maybe I'd even enjoy it!
Turns out I would. And there's a few reasons for this.
It isn't getting in the way of the plot
If this romance was starting to mess with the core story, then yeah, I wouldn't be that okay with it. However, it still feels very much like a thing in the background. It's there, it's noticeable, but it isn't getting in the way of anything and I appreciate that. As long as it stays that way, I have a good chance of staying in support of this.
It doesn't feel rushed
I hate love at first sight. I think it might be one of my least favourite tropes and while some people love it, I really struggle to get on board with it (minus the odd exception). When it comes to romantic connections between characters, I want to see it form. I want to see the journey that they go on. I don't want something where they meet and 5 minutes later they claim to be the love of each other's lives (not to say you can't enjoy this btw. It's just really not for me). But this isn't that!
I've seen some people saying that they're moving too quickly with it, but I really don't think that's the case. Sure, there are definitely flirtatious moments, but they're pretty subdued. A few looks, a couple of small touches here and there, but nothing extreme. I know everyone has their own idea as to what qualifies as moving too quickly, but from some of the reactions I've seen, you'd think they'd be getting married in next episode. It's not like that! I actually like the pacing of this connection. It's a little tentative, just some indications that there's interest there and they're taking it at their own pace.
I really like Phee!
When we were first introduced to Phee, I liked her as a cool, sassy pirate, but I didn't really trust her (in the same way that I love but don't trust Hondo Ohnaka). The initial "brown eyes" comment was funny, but I didn't want her getting too close to Tech if she was someone to be worried about. We all love Tech, so of course we're all gonna be a little protective over him. We just don't want him getting hurt.
And then episode 5 happened and I still didn't trust her. I loved that she was acting like a role model for Omega and she was giving the kid a chance to spend some time with someone other than the Batch, but I still didn't trust her. It felt like she was still trying to use them for her own advantage and I didn't like that.
But then we come to episode 13 and that distrust has definitely faded. She wasn't trying to get artefacts for herself, she was trying to take them back to people who would appreciate and connect to them. She was also willing to take the squad to a safe place away from Cid, a place where Omega could spend time with kids her own age. It wasn't for her own benefit. She actually did it for them.
I love Phee for this. She's shown that she isn't who we thought she was. She's better and I think Tech is noticing that as well.
It isn't ruining Tech as a character
One of my worries with Tech having a love interest was that I wasn't sure if they would make it feel out of character for him. If Tech had been really flirtatious back, then it would've just felt wrong. Instead, they are willing to show that he's a little nervous about the whole thing. He doesn't really know what his feelings are or what they mean and so he's a bit tentative. When she calls him Brown Eyes early on in the ep, he looks thrown off for a second because he isn't used to the nickname. He also glances at her hand when she places it on his shoulder because he doesn't know how to feel about the whole thing. It's unexpected. Even when he listens to her and looks at the lights, he isn't quite sure how to process that situation but he's a little more open about it.
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To me it seems perfectly in keeping with his character; a little hesitant, a little unsure, confused about what he's feeling, shy, bashful. It makes sense for him and it's ADORABLE!
They work well together
What I absolutely love about this dynamic is that Phee is getting Tech to open up a bit and appreciate the world in a slightly less analytical way, but she isn't trying to change him. She does actually find his personality endearing and she just wants him to loosen up a bit, start feeling more comfortable with the world.
And what's even better is that it's working! Yes, Tech is still nervous and unsure, but he does actually start to acknowledge that there might be something there. That moment at the end of the episode where he says that he had thought about the Batch staying and Phee responds with "did you now?". It's a little bit of teasing from her but he doesn't get flustered or stunned, he just SMILES AT HER! And it's a cute, wholesome, genuinely comfortable smile and omg I actually love this moment so much, it's so cute aaaaaahhhhh!!!
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It's Tech that has the love interest
I don't just appreciate this relationship because of the way it's been handled, but also the fact that this is the character they've chosen to give this part of the story to. So many showrunners would give the love interest to the charming, dark, broody, "conventionally attractive" man (aka Hunter) but no! They actually let this play out with Tech, an autistically-coded nerd with a stupid-ass looking hairline (sorry) and we don't get enough of that! I know some people headcanon him as aroace and I don't want to discredit that, but I also love how we're showing that yes, awkward, nerdy charm is something that people appreciate!
Wrecker ships it
I don't have much to say here. Wrecker teasing his brother is just so cute and I love it!!!
Ending Thoughts
So yeah, that's how I feel about this. I was sceptical at first but this episode made me fall in love with this pairing. It's wholesome and cute and I love this for Tech. He deserves it! Having a relationship between a badass WOC and a neurodivergent character is something that I'm happy we're getting. That's not to say that the show doesn't have its issues, but this is just so great to see.
I know that not everyone is on board with this and I'm not going to discredit those opinions. Everyone's going to disagree on things and that's fine. I totally understand some of the qualms that people have about this ship and I support the existence of those criticisms!
(However, if anyone hates it so much that they are willing to turn to racist, ableist or sexist remarks about it then I kindly ask you to leave this page alone because I don't want that kind of bigotry.)
I'm excited to see where they go with the Tech/Phee pairing because it's really cute. I hope that they don't let it bleed into the main story too much though because I don't want it to start become detrimental to the plot.
Anyway, this is a pro-Tee account and I'm very happy to just gush about them because happy Tech makes me smile so much! 😁
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Edit: gonna tag @phis-writing because I know she's also been loving Tee. 🥰
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max-nico · 9 months
Sonic World Building Headcanons
For the soul
Any fic of mine that you read uses all or almost all of these Headcanons btw
Covering your hands and feet is the equivalent of covering yourself for decency. It's taboo to talk about what someone's hands look like if you've seen them before
Fingerless gloves give the same vibe as micro skirts and sheer tops with nothing underneath
All (or at least most) Mobians/anthropomorphic animals start off showing a lot more animalistic traits. For example, young children might sniff each other in greeting or get territorial over their bedroom or house
Children who go to school get taught to use their "grown up instincts" and essentially get trained to be "normal"
There are Mobians who are outliers of course, Knuckles for example grew up secluded on a floating island. Over the years he's learned how to fit in better with the general populace but he still comes off as very naive, or not mentally developed (I probably should just say what autistic look like to neurotypicals huh)
Shadow would be an even more extreme example since he's literally an alien
Because of this, kids aren't allowed to move up a grade if they're smart enough to test out, like Tails. If they did that, they would miss crucial developmental skills specifically targeted toward their instincts
Different types of Mobians need different types of diets. For example, spider Mobians can't have mint period. Whether artificial or real. Unless they had been fed little bits of mint at a young age to build up the immunity by the time they reach adulthood
In the comforts of their own home most Mobians fall back on their animalistic traits. Like cat types purring in the sunlight or bird types preening their feathers
It's rude to refer to people as their species. Not like, super offensive, just rude. (Ex. Shadow refers to Sonic as "hedgehog")
Most Mobians aren't one type of animal, most are mixed between two or more. For example, someone mixed with a jackal and a raccoon. Which one they get referred to depends first on appearance, so sometimes children don't get classified until three or four. If they truly look like a 50/50 split between the two species then they get DNA testing done and are referred to as whichever one is higher
The village Tails comes from is a small village completely comprised of Mobians from the canidae family, small villages being completely one animal family is regular, but cities being this way is unheard-of
Sonic is a famous hero and does have a heavily filled bank account. Not because he asked of course, but because of public outrage when he off handedly mentioned he doesn't get paid for saving the world
Off topic, but Tails manages the bank account because he uses the most of the money. Inventions aren't cheap. Any bills they have are on auto pay so they don't worry about them.
Most Mobians are left handed
Okay, I don't really like humans in the Sonic world. If I had my way the Robotniks would be robins, Maria would be a mixture of hedgehog and bird in a way that's off putting to Mobians but we would think looks cool, that being said she'd be classified as a hedgehog
Anyway, this is not the case and humans do exist. In my head there're three different planets, one with humans, one with Mobians, and one with humans + Mobians
That being said, I think space travel isn't a super regular thing for Mobians to do but it's not unheard of. It's probably just super expensive if anything
Aliens are still fucking crazy to them tho
Some companies/governments (like GUN) span across two or more planets
There's generally a lot of animosity between Mobians and humans but in like a modern day racism (specism??) way and it is not the Mobians fault
Money also works differently Mobians (don't ask me how it works tho I got no fucking clue man), and a lot of the time Mobians just exchange favors for favors
Character Headcanons pertaining to world building
Reiterating: Sonic is famous and gets money transferred to his(read Tails') bank account. Tails village is full of dingos, foxes, jackals, wolves, coyotes, even some dogs.
Most of Sonic's friends are pretty loaded tbh. Obviously team rose, team dark, and team Sonic make the most money, but you know.. details
Very few things tip people off to Shadow being an alien. Like yeah he has canines but he might just be mixed species? He's right handed but some people just are so that's normal. Yeah he might hiss in public but you don't know his life. Maybe he can't control it.
I headcanon Amy as a hedgehog/echidna mix, but she simply looks more like a hedgehog in the face and body, but her quills are what really give her mixed heritage away (I am projecting)
Depending on which continuity you're looking at, Sonic was taught to control his instincts either from an orphanage, his uncle, his mom, or some secret 4 thing I'm forgetting.
He doesn't teach Tails about the whole instincts thing, but Tails has always been in a rush to grow up. He's smart and observant, he's the king of repressing them instead of learning at a slow and more natural pace that won't hurt him in the long run
Cream and Amy are the most socially competent by a longshot. Rouge could be if she, first of all, didn't spend so much time with Shadow and Omega, and also didn't find it funny to act like she does.
Okay, that's it for now. If I think of more I'll reblog the post with another headcanon, otherwise please add your own. I love headcanons, please let me add them to my arsenal. You're welcome to message me or go to my asks box as well as long as your nicest to me <3
I'm eventually going to do a post detailing what I think social media is like in the Sonic world.
If you have any headcanons put them in the tags, reply, or my ask box ! Any character you want me to focus on ? Message me, or hit my ask box ! Suggestions are always welcome .
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Could you do the death row inmates hcs? Thanku
Of course I can! Except Spec because he’s 97. That’s a god damn grandpa. And I also already did Sikorsky.
Dorian is also a grandpa but he’s around sugar daddy age. But I see him more like a platonic father figure
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Death row Inmate edition
Hector Doyle and Kaiou Dorian
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Hector Doyle
I’m gonna be real honest with you, you caught his eye by being with Katsumi (after the two of them became friends of sorts after all the beat downs)
Doyle lived a solitary life behind an assassin so he’s not used to seeing such warmth and love between two people. He’s fascinated by the way you two interact. So much so that he begins to stalk the two of you as his fascination twisted into a sickening obsession
Doyle can’t get over how sweet you are and how you’re always caring for Katsumi’s well being. He’s flabbergasted when you hand him a home cooked meal one day while he’s over. He’s never tasted something so delicious before… he will start bringing you small trinkets he steals (such as cosmetics or perfumes he think will suit you)
Grows to care for you as you care for him. Little things mean a lot to him and he craves this small amount of normalcy and warmth in his life. Yet he’s a very self aware yandere. He knows he can’t truly have you
He doesn’t talk much so he just listens to you talk with Katsumi and him. He enjoys your laugh the most. Doyle almost feels normal when he’s with you two. It won’t take long for him to covet Katsumi’s position in your life but he won’t kill Katsumi for it. He’ll try to manipulate Katsumi into sharing you (it won’t work)
He begins working his way into your life and gaining your trust. He’s such an amazing friend and he’s such a good listener. Doyle will even let you put makeup on him. He’s very comfortable with you
Will be over the moon if you make a friendship bracelet for him. I feel like he’d treasure it forever
Will lay under your bed and listen to you and Katsumi go at it. He’ll place his hands on the mattress to try to imagine what it would be like being the one on top of you instead
Knows he can never have you but would be the only one okay with watching you from afar. His life is too dangerous for you and he doesn’t ever want anything bad happening to you. You’ll always be his in his dreams
You’re still on his mind when he’s locked up in prison again. It’s a shame he’ll no longer be able to see your beautiful face once he’s out
Kaiou Dorian (this one is just sad)
I see him being interested in someone who is super pastel and cute. He has a lot of unresolved childhood trauma due to growing up during WWII. He’s interested in you in a platonic way though. You’re like a child to him. You remind him a lot of a doll and he was quite fond of those when he was young
He’s a very smooth talker because he’s had a lot of experience in his youth. He knows all the right things to say to get you to agree to being his ‘sugar baby’ and he comes to find out you’re very sweet. You feel pity for this lonely old man
Your relationship with him is definitely a sugar relationship without the sugar. He just enjoys spending time with you. He is especially fond of amusement parks so the two of you frequent them a lot
He becomes extremely possessive of you over time and doesn’t want you spending time with anyone else. He’ll increase your pay too if you ditch your friends for him (with money he stole of course but you don’t need to know that)
He’s very much a father figure to you more than a romantic partner and it’s the same for him. He sees you as the child he never had. You two converse well and always have a good laugh
Treats you extremely well up until the very end. It was so hard seeing his mind shatter, but he still remembers you. He now clings to you even more like a lost child. You visit him in the mental hospital a lot and bring him candies. He has no one else and you can’t bear to see him rot. It breaks your heart even after learning of all the horrible things he did. Because you grew to care for him as a friend. You’ll visit him till the day he dies
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moistmailman · 1 year
Cyberpunk AU
Pyrrha, unlocking her car: Man, I just want to get home and sleep. I’m exhausted.
*suddenly Pyrrha feels a cold piece of metal poking the back of her head*
Pyrrha, sighing: Figures.
???, nervously: L-look. I-I don’t want to hurt you. I-I just need your money.
Pyrrha: Seriosly? You sure you want to do this? I’m exhausted, and I just want to sleep.
???: J-just give me your money, and I-I promise I won’t hurt you.
Pyrrha: Judging the shakiness of your voice, you more likely to hurt yourself with that gun rather than me.
???: L-look, I just need some of your money. Not all of it, okay?
Pyrrha: Most muggers don’t negotiate with their victims.
???: What d-do you want me to do then?! I-I just need money, okay? I’m desperate!
Pyrrha: *deeply sighs*
*suddenly the world around Pyrrha slows to almost a complete halt*
Pyrrha, turning around: Why me of all people?
*Pyrrha gets a look at her ‘menacing’ mugger and notices he’s young man around her age, with blond hair, blue eyes, and an extreme nervous expression on his face*
Pyrrha: *sighs again before turning back around to face her car*
*Time goes back to normal for Pyrrha*
Pyrrha: You never held a gun before, have you?
Jaune: Wha-
Pyrrha: Your safety. It’s still on.
Jaune, now inspecting the gun: T-the wha...how would you even know-
Pyrrha: The switch near the trigger. Right side on the pistol.
Jaune: O-oh, uhm Yeah. Of course. *switches safety off* T-thanks.
*an awkward silence falls on them*
Pyrrha:.......you know, most muggers I’ve met are usually more agressive. They also don't try to compromise with the people theyre robbing.
Jaune, awkwardly: I'm not like most muggers then.
Pyrrha:.....are you flirting?
Jaune, blushing: What!? N-no, I was just- look, I need your money, okay?! So please just hand some of it over! I don't want conflict.
Pyrrha: Says the man pointing a gun to the back of my head.
Jaune: *exasperated sigh*
Pyrrha: How are you planning on using that by the way without these?
*Pyrrha holds up a clip and a single bullet*
Jaune, finally realizing that his pistol was lighter: How the hell did you-
Pyrrha, turning around: So you might telling me why someone like you is trying to mug a young woman in a parking lot?
Jaune, slightly offended: W-what that's supposed to mean?
Pyrrha: Someone who obviously never held a gun before.
Jaune: You don't know that.
Pyrrha: *gives him a 'for real?' look*
Jaune, blushing: I-is it really that obvious?
Pyrrha: The shaky voice and hands were a dead giveaway. Mind answering my question now?
Jaune: I.....I need money, okay?
Pyrrha, raising an eyebrow: And robbing a poor young woman is your way to do that?
Jaune, shameful: I-it not like I have a choice, okay?! I'm just.... desperate. I borrowed money from the voodoo boys, and I can't pay them back.
Pyrrha: Not to sound insensitive, but why would you borrow money from any gangs in nightcity? Especially the voodoo boys of all people?
Jaune: My mother needed surgery.
Pyrrha: Oh.......
Jaune: When I told them I didn't have the money yet, they kidnapped my little sister and gave me a week deadline to get it. That was 6 days ago.
Pyrrha, sighing: I dont know why people think it's a good idea to borrow money from a gang. It's never turns out well.
Jaune: As I said. I was desperate.
Pyrrha:......so how much?
Jaune: Huh?
Pyrrha: How much do you owe them?
Jaune: 10 grand.
Pyrrha: And how much do you have?
Jaune:.....a grand.
Pyrrha, sighing: Of course.
Jaune: Look, I'm sorry. I was just desperate and needed money. Obviously I've never done this before.
Pyrrha, thinking things over:........are the voodoo boys you're talking about just small time gang members? Or are they up their high up in the ranks?
Jaune: I think they were new. Just a bunch of punks who like to run their mouths. Why would you want to know?
Pyrrha: Cause I want to know if anyone's going to notice if they randomly went missing tomorrow.
Jaune, wide eyed: W-what?
Pyrrha: So where are you meeting these guys tomorrow? And what time?
Jaune: W-what?! N-no! I won't let you get involved in this! You might get hurt?
Pyrrha: You moment you mentioned a kidnapped sister I was already involved. And don't worry about me. I can handle myself.
Jaune: Even if they aren't high up in the ranks, they are still a lot of them! How can you be so sure?
Pyrrha: *snorts*
*suddenly Pyrrha practically disappears from Jaune's view*
Jaune, wide eyed: What the?!
Pyrrha, now behind Jaune: *places hand on his shoulder* Just trust me, okay? I know my way around a fight.
Jaune, mind fizzling: *looking back and forth* H-how the hell....
Pyrrha: Name's Pyrrha by the way. Does my mugger have a name?
Jaune: J-jaune. B-but how did you-
Pyrrha: Lets just say I'm not your average night city woman. Now, where are you meeting these voodoo boys?
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lollytea · 1 year
Okay but consider the following: Hunter becoming fandom-famous takes place in the same timeline as Movie.
People don’t really notice who this is at first. His account takes a bit to really get off the ground, and the overlap of people who could recognize the actors in Movie and cosmic frontier cosplayers is not that big but eventually, someone points it out in the comments of his latest pics with Willow. They’re mostly ignored beyond a few comments like hahaha weird or a plain lmao by someone, but the thought is out there now. It’s started.
Someone else notices too. Someone puts a screencap from Movie next to one of their group cosplay pics. More people notice the resemblance. It’s a small group, granted but they sure as hell do exist. Someone even dm’s keikos_husband like “Hey, look at what i found! [Image attached]”. They never get a conclusive response.
The scar thing is the one everyone keeps debating about because spaghetti guy doesn’t have them to the same extent that keikos_husband does. Until hunter posts that pic of his first cosplay. Which, if he’s really that age, matches up perfectly with the timeline of Movie.
Hunter just watches this whole thing like, gus, get over here it’s your fucked up movie again. He’d clarify, but Luz keeps insisting that he not and she thinks it’s really funny, so he doesn’t say anything.
Gus's Fucked Up Movie haunting the narrative more more persistently than Caleb Wittebane is extremely funny to me. Especially considering that these are two different semi-niche Internet corners.
YouTube essayists are like "After years of dormant activity, we've gotten a new lead in the Gus13 case in the form of a micocelebrity in a 90s sci fi book series fandom. Many have theorized that popular cosplayer/writer/prominent voice in the Cosmic Frontier community, Hunter Noceda, also known by his URL Keikos_husband, is the infamous "Spaghetti Guy" in the even more infamous "Movie" But does this theory hold any water? Let's dive in. But first, let's talk about today's sponsor, Hellofresh,"
Gus definitely cosplays a lot too and him and Hunter have done a few O'Bailey and Avery shoots. So Gus has a good chunk of Internet fame of his own. However he probably uses an alias so suspicion is initially nonexistent. Until somebody digs up an old reel Willow posted of their behind-the-scenes process (cleverly editing out the whole part with illusion magic). There's this one bit where the camera focuses on Hunter and Gus in an immature squabble as Willow's voiceover speaks to the viewer. It's hard to decipher and nobody has really cared until now. But now, with the new Gus13 buzz, that little moment has been studied under a microscope and people are now theorizing that Hunter says something along the lines of "Shut up, Gus,"
The guy who does the insanely realistic special effects is named Gus???
The conspiracy boards go crazy. Craft stores all over America are running low on yarn.
Luz keeps reblogging Gus13/Spaghetti Guy is Keikos_husband memes on tumblr and its driving people insane. Like is it a joke or not girl, is it a joke or not??
Willow makes it a million times worse when she posts a selfie of to her story, with Hunter eating dinner in the background, which she captions as "Made my man some spaghetti 🍝 💀"
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AITA for breaking up with someone over fishkeeping and cat food? I know how the title sounds but hear me out. This happened a couple years ago and I'm still friends with the people this happened with but it still weighs on me. So I have always been kind of militant about husbandry when it comes to the animals I keep(autistic, it' a special interest) and I don't really like to deal with people who don't take caring for living creatures they willingly bring into their home seriously. I sold a fish tank to my, then, partner J who wanted to get into fish keeping. J and D, our other partner, lived together. After taking the tank home and cleaning it up we were throwing around ideas for what to put in it. It wasn't too big but also not small, but he kept throwing out species that would far outgrow the tank or species that would fight and kill each other. Every time I shot these species down J took it well, realizing the space was either too small or they would die and didn't want the fish in improper conditions but D kept telling me not to "squash his creativity" and he could "do whatever as long as it made him happy". At this I obviously hopped on my soapbox about how it's our duty as animal owners to give the animals we keep proper conditions and D went absolutely off on me and mentioned how I care "too much" about how other people keep their animals and had always made her feel bad about how she feeds her cats and now I was doing this. For context my cat eats a raw diet. I did a lot of research and talked to my vet and he's doing wonderfully while one of her cats is extremely overweight to the point he waddles instead of walking and the other two are getting there as well, both of which I've brought up concerns about but I have NEVER shamed the way she fed her animals. She had been interested in the interest I had taken and had ASKED for better quality food recommendations, so I gave them, but NEVER told her she had to feed them a certain way. A majority of our conversations were just me info-dumping and her being happy to listen and ask questions occasionally. Anyway J kind of backed out of the conversation at this and D and I went back and forth a bit before D finally said "I don't think this relationship is going to work out if you won't let this go"(This being I have pointed out one of her cats is grossly overweight a couple times and it's extremely unhealthy, especially since he's aging now) so I said "Yeah I think so too. This is something I clearly care a lot about and I'm not going to be with someone who puts their own or their partner's feelings over the well-being of the animals they are responsible for"(referencing when she said a few times when talking about the fish that it was okay if the fish killed each other or died from improper conditions as long as J was happy with how the tank looked and "it's not like we're putting kittens in with sharks, they're Just Fish") and we broke up there and then. Since then we've still stayed close friends after a short break from each other(I'm actually her Man of Honor in her upcoming wedding to J!) and she's actually made moves to better the quality of the food she buys her cats and is working on getting her obese cat's weight down and J's fish tank hobby is going very well(with proper keeping standards!!). But the situation at the time still weighs on me and even though we're genuinely too busy with work and life to make a relationship work anymore anyway and that was also a factor of the breakup.... AITA for beginning a breakup over animal husbandry?
What are these acronyms?
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oillydiya · 4 months
Things Between Us | Cillian Murphy x OC
Chapter 2 : Who is he?
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Summary: Sansa, a 26-year-old graduate student, who unexpectedly encounters a twist of fate when she comes across an actor she never knew before!
Warnings: This fic contains explicit content related to sexuality and various age relationships. The content is not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. *The entire story is a work of fiction. All characters, time periods, and places in the story are purely imaginary.
All of a sudden!! The book on Sansa face, someone lifted it from her face… followed by a small, soft voice.
“What are you doing, nerd?”
Sansa opened her eyes to look. She narrowed her eyes slightly, allowing them to adjust to the light.
"Rest!" she replied curtly.
"Rest? In the middle of this restaurant!" her best friend Gigi repeated.
"Yes," she replied, half-smiling.
Gigi walked over and sat in the chair across from her.
"You really are a strange person," her friend complained before asking, "So what’s the matter? Why doesn’t her face look good?"
Sigh….! Sansa sighed.
"I’m not sure if I feel bad because I still can’t find a gallery to display my finished work or because I’m hungry."
"I think you’re just hungry!"
The young woman shrugged. "It’s true…hunger brings irritability. And arguing!" she told her friend with a frown.
Suddenly! Gigi shrieked with excitement!
"Huh, the man next to you is Cillian Murphy!" Gigi quickly replied.
"Damn it, Sansa. Don’t you know? He’s the guy who played Thomas Shelby."
"Who is he?" She still didn’t know.
"She really is a nerd! How is it to be British? Don’t know Thomas Shelby," Gigi scolded her young friend.
"Well, I haven’t seen many movies. And I came back to England for two years. Don’t you forget it!"
After finishing that sentence, Sansa glanced at the person her best friend was talking about just now….
She looked around for a moment…. He is a middle-aged man. Probably around forty years old. His sparkling light blue eyes really stood out to her. The face is slender and well-shaped, the lips are thick, the hair is in a beautiful, wavy style. She thought he looked very good at his age!
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Ever since she sat here, Sansa didn’t care about anything or look at anyone. And she’s not much of a movie lover. Makes her unable to tell the difference between who should be an actor or an individual. And this person has a personality that looks like a normal person!
"He looks good," she told her friend after stopping to survey the actor.
"Hey! Gigi, what are you going to do?" Sansa shouted. Because right now, her friend is taking out her cell phone to secretly take pictures of the actor.
"Gigi, you have no right to take photos of other people in public without permission." Sansa quickly stopped her friend.
"Just one picture," Gigi replied in a hopeful whisper.
"I think it’s just the fact that he’s a celebrity. That made him tired enough as it was. You shouldn’t deprive him of his right to rest before he’s allowed, right?"
"Okay, I understand what you’re saying." The person who was scolded had a sad face. And put her cell phone down.
"I just want to have a picture of him to look at. I’m not lucky enough to see Cillian Murphy often."
Sansa looked at her friend’s face with understanding. She thought that Gigi was probably a fan of that actor because she looked clearly sad and disappointed.
"I’m fine. You can take a picture with me." A man at the next table spoke up.
Yes! The actor said Cillian Murphy!
"Really?" Gigi cried out happily. She quickly jumped out of her chair.
Her expression and eyes looked extremely happy.
"Please take a picture for me."
Gigi hands Sansa her cell phone. Please help be the cameraman for her and that actor.
"Smile," Sansa told them both before pressing the shutter to take three or four pictures.
Now her best friend walked back and sat down at the table like a winner. With a mouth that smiles and refuses to close!
"How am I?"
"Both are cute. Unbelievable," Sansa replied, half-sarcastic to her best friend before turning to the actor, "Thank you for taking the time to take a photo with her a moment ago."
"But what do you have today? Why did you invite me out?" Sansa’s best friend asked curiously.
"I want you to help critique the finals. I have to send them to the professor tomorrow."
"Um! I don’t think it will happen today."
Sansa’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. When her friend had such a negative expression, it was unusual because normally Gigi never rejected her. No matter what, Gigi is always ready by she side. But this time it’s not!
Sansa narrowed her eyes, a mischievous smile curling the corners of her mouth, before using the persuasive course that she usually uses to attack Gigi.
"Please, please Gigi…. If I don’t have you, I cannot criticize any work in my own life."
The young woman grabbed her best friend’s wrist and held her. Sansa began to press her lips sweetly…. Sniff…. Before pulling the back of Gigi’s hand and rubbing it on her own left cheek. With a soft kiss all over the back of that hand.
"Please, Gigi, na….Gigi."
And the coolest trick she likes to use is the purring sound of little kittens.
"Please, Gigi, nuh…ngh…na…meow…meow na na." Her cheek continued to rub the back of Gigi hand without stopping.
She increased the pressure with her eyes sparkling from tears. Pretending to squeeze to attack her dear friend, found something like this… Anyway, Gigi will definitely accept her!
"Okay, okay, stop…stop it! Stop making that little cat sound," Gigi said half-laughing. Ready to pull out her hand.
"Today I really couldn’t go help her criticize her work. I have an appointment with David’s parents."
She made a serious face, ready to explain the reasons. "I also had to stay at his house. Because tomorrow we’re going to have a picnic in Scotland."
The young woman listened to her best friend’s answer. She leaned over and crossed her arms over her chest in dissatisfaction.
"You’re the meanest witch of this century!" Sansa angrily cursed at Gigi.
"You’re also the naughtiest girl I’ve ever met," she replied to Sansa, amused.
"Brae!!" The girl stuck out her tongue at her best friend instead of answering.
Sansa is currently busy drinking a chocolate cheese milkshake, which the employee had just served to her a moment ago.
"I think you need a partner."
Her best friend turned and spoke in a serious tone while staring at the young woman with concern.
"What do you mean?" Sansa were confused by her friend’s words.
"I think you should find a boyfriend. Or go party, make friends, socialize, and you should have friends other than me," Gigi said.
"I party a lot."
"Drinking wine, listening to music and dancing alone in the apartment. That’s not called a party, Sansa!" Gigi roared!
"I already have you as a friend. There is no need for more."
She replied because she really thought this way.
"But you can’t have me as your only friend for the rest of your life, you know that? You should get to know other people."
Sigh!....Sansa sighed.
"Oh, Gigi! You know I'm not good at interacting with other people. It's too difficult for me."
"I just want you to stop being so introverted and have other friends. The fact that you're so wrapped up in being alone like this is not good at all. I'm worried about you, you know that?" Her friend complained lamentably.
"Are you annoyed with me now?"
"Crazy... I've never been annoyed by you. I just feel bad when you need help. But I can't help you."
Her best friend looked at the young woman with concern and continued, "I just want you to have someone to help you when you need it."
Sansa looked at her friend with fond eyes. She understood Gigi’s concern for her. But damn! Having to socialize or interact with other people is so... There was no one around her that she felt close to, except for this one person, Gigi. Gigi was like a friend, an older sister, and the two of them grew up together. Both of them are like members of the same family. And allowing herself to make friends with people she doesn’t know is very difficult. The girl was too embarrassed to talk to anyone!
"Hey... I’m okay. I’ll find a way out, okay? You don’t have to worry," Sansa replied, giving Gigi a reassuring smile.
"I’m telling the truth. You should have someone," her friend continued to say with a serious expression.
"I'm fine, and I like it. Just being happy with the things I care about is enough, right?" She replied to her dear friend.
Repeat what she think so that Gigi understands and is comfortable.
Before Mr. Louis, the owner of the shop, walked up to the table of the two young women.
"Hello, Ms. Gigi. How are you? Do you want to get anything?"
"No, today I just came out to look for this kid. I'll be gone in a moment."
"Okay." Mr. Louis turned to Sansa.
"Here! Sansa, your favorite juicy cheeseburger." He placed the plate of the cheeseburger in front of her.
A large cheeseburger was placed on a plate, complemented with crispy fried potatoes, and the meat was extremely juicy.
"Wow! It looks delicious. Thank you." She replied to him with the utmost happiness in her voice before lifting the cheeseburger plate and looking at it with delight.
"How is it going? The cheeseburger... Are you ready to be happy in my life?" Sansa said to the cheeseburger.
Kick... Kick... The sound of her best friend’s suppressed laughter rang out. "Did you know? I want others to see your cuteness. Just like what I’m seeing right now." The person’s voice was full of affection for the person in front of her.
Lol... Lol... Sansa laughed at her friend before joking, “You mean, you want to see a crazy person talk to a cheeseburger?”
"True, she’s a crazy girl who always does weird things." The two women laughed at each other.
Sansa picked up the cheeseburger and considered it before taking a bite.
"God," her eyes widened!
"Damn it! This cheeseburger is very delicious. It’s like going to heaven!" The young woman exclaimed, praising without stopping her mouth.
"Sansa…." A small voice interrupted.
"Cheeseburgers can’t get you to heaven. Sex can!"
"Stop it, Gigi!" She looked at her best friend’s face with a confused expression.
"Did you know? If I were beautiful like you, smart like you, I’d be going out every day and sweeping up men all over London."
Sansa’s eyes widened... Gigi’s words really made her unable to believe it. With this friend...
"Oh my gosh, Gigi, you’re a doctor, why are you giving me this kind of advice?" She blamed her dear friend before continuing to say, "Remember Sean O’Connell’s line from Mitty?"
"True beauty. Not looking for attention," the two girls said in unison, and Sansa reinforced her will…
"And I can tell you that. If I had to choose between a man and a cheeseburger. I’d prefer a cheeseburger." She replied to her best friend in an irritated mood.
"Of course… because you don’t know how to have sex yet!!!" Gigi shot back at the person in front of her with the expression of an extremely bored person.
"Stop talking about it! You’re making me nauseous. Can I be happy with this cheeseburger for just ten seconds?" Sansa was annoyed and embarrassed because this was in the middle of a restaurant.
Gigi tried to say something, but Sansa quickly raised her hand to cut her off. Ready to count on fingers according to seconds. One…two…three at her best friend. Before the girl could stop teasing, because right now, Gigi’s expression doesn’t look very happy with her actions.
"Okay, okay, I’m sorry," she apologized to make her best friend’s mood better.
"Uh!... But are you coming back yet?" Sansa realized. Just the other day, she had accidentally composed a song, and today she brought that song notebook with her. Sansa wanted her friends to critique her lyrics.
"Not yet. I’m going to stay with you for a while and then go to David’s house."
"Then would you please critique the song I composed? I just put in the melody. Not sure if it’s good or not. In any case, you can’t stay and help critique the finals for me."
"Sure, let me take a look."
Sansa quickly turned around and searched for the notebook in her bag, then handed it to her friend to see.
"Will you let me sing to you? So that you can understand the melody."
“Sure! Sing it.”
" ..Your Words Are Sweeter Than Honey You Nourish My Soul
Oh Just To Know You Is To Love Come And Make Me Whole
Take Me To The River I Will Swim I Will Swim
Take Me To The River I Will Swim I Will Swim. "
Sansa wasn’t sure if she sang well or not, but she tried to sing to Gigi. Will her understand the melody and content as completely as possible? She noticed that Gigi’s expression looked amazed. Her best friend sat still, listening intently with a bright smile on her face.
“There you are! Will you be good at everything? And damn! I never knew your voice was this beautiful.”
Sansa rolled her eyes and looked up at her friend.
“I sing 'Happy Birthday' to you every year. How can you not know what I sound like?” she reminded with a laugh.
“True, but it’s not the same,” Gigi laughed.
“So, how was it? Is the melody enough? Does it go well with the lyrics?”
“That’s great. But I wonder how you can write such a profound love song even though you’ve never been in love?” The listener’s eyebrows furrowed curiously.
“People don’t have to be in love to write love songs. Just add your imagination and feelings. I wrote this song because I read a book about it. Love is a river,” Sansa answered proudly.
“You really are incredible,” Gigi replied with a mysterious smile.
“I think I’ll try adding some piano notes. Not sure if it will turn out well or not?”
“Try it! I definitely think you did a great job. But now I have to go,” said the female friend.
“Are you leaving now?” The person being told goodbye sat with a sad face.
“Um, you can do it, right? It means criticizing the work. You have to help yourself. Please help yourself.”
“I think I can do it. It must have been rubbed away,” she replied.
Gigi packed up her things, got up, and prepared to leave. “I’m leaving.”
A close female friend walked half a step away from the table. Finally, she turned to look at the girl who was now sitting with a sad face.
"Stop giving me that face," she tells Sansa, laughing.
“What kind of face?” Sansa asked her best friend. Because she knows that this face will make Gigi’s heart soften and come back to her every time.
“You little puppy face with droopy ears and a droopy tail. Anyone who sees this must give up,” she said, returning to sit down in her original position.
“Hey, listen, I’ve known you since you were five years old. I love you so much. You're like my sister. We're like blood brothers.”
Gigi said, holding Sansa’s hand.
“Do you know that in my life I know a lot of people? But I’ve never met anyone as talented, smart, and gifted as you,” Gigi tells Sansa with heartfelt feelings.
“Don’t be kidding…she’s a doctor. That means you have to meet only talented people,” she replied as if she didn’t believe those words.
“That’s right! But you’re not like anyone, you know? You always manage to amaze me with your abilities. You’re good at almost everything. When I find out that you are good at this, you will have other things to surprise me. Can she do this too? Yes! That’s probably because you’re a nerd,” Gigi joked, laughing.
“Stop making fun of me!” Sansa who was praised folded her arms and scowled!
“Alright! I haven’t seen that finale yet. But I’m sure that piece must be excellent. Just like you always do. You’re very talented, you know? But you just lack confidence. You must have more confidence. And you have to believe that you can do it, okay?” Gigi encouraged her friend.
Before adding that, “Or if you really can’t criticize your own work. You can take a photo and send it to me. I’ll have David critique it as well."
Sigh…! Sansa sighed.
“It’s okay, art has to be seen with your own eyes. If you don’t see those images with your own eyes, you won’t understand what I’m about to say. Come on, I’m fine. I’ll find my own way. You go!” Sansa also said to her best friend. Sad tone. But she kept her feelings down because she didn’t want her to worry.
“Okay.” Gigi stood up and reached out to ruffle the girl’s hair.
“Go on, nerd. You can definitely do it.��� With a hand still rubbing his head like that,
“Stop treating me like a child. I’m twenty-six already, Gigi,” she replied, looking half-annoyed and half-embarrassed.
“You’ll always be my little five year old,” Gigi pinched Sansa’s chin. Ready to shake gently. To convey the love and affection that she has for this young girl.
They embraced and kissed each other goodbye.
“Bye, witch.”
“Bye, Nerd.”
Then best friend walked away.
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seakicker · 2 years
Did you ever hesitate and feel scared to show your naked body to your boyfriend for the first time? I’m chubby and I’m still not at the stage where I feel comfortable showing anyone 🥲
so i was mulling over this ask for a bit cuz i have so much to say about this topic and my thoughts on it are still pretty complicated even as someone who has navigated exposing myself to someone else for the first time. remember that it's totally okay to still be a virgin regardless of your age; there's no rush and there should never be any shame associated with being a virgin in your 20s or beyond; it makes me sad when people are like "i can't believe i'm still a virgin at 25" as if there's some kind of deadline on being intimate with someone else or that you somehow stop being desirable as you age-- neither of these things are true!
to answer your question, yes. i did feel really hesitant the first time i undressed in front of him and, to be honest with you, i still feel that way sometimes even though he's seen me naked more times than i can count since that initial first time about two months ago. i'm not going to pessimistically say that the feeling never goes away or anything like that because it certainly isn't as intense now as it was back then-- the feeling really only resurfaces when i'm already having a bad day or when i've been in a particularly insecure spell-- but it is something i continue to think about as our relationship progresses and as i learn to become more vulnerable with him emotionally and sexually.
he and i have already talked about this a little but one of the consistent struggles i have is that i sometimes treat sex more as an opportunity to look good rather than feel good so i prioritize 'performing' more than i prioritize just having a good time, relaxing, and being in touch with myself and my body and i think a lot of these feelings are really heightened by being a plus-size person (more specifically a plus-size woman because i think the specific intersectionality of being femme and being plus-sized is insanely important when discussing sex and self-image) because i have thoughts like "how does my stomach look from this angle?" "i don't like being viewed from behind because i'm embarrassed of how my rolls look" and things like that. i worry about looking less than my "sexiest" and i'm still unlearning the idea that "sexy = thin" or that i need to make myself look as small as possible to be sexy because that's not true whatsoever. i don't need to suck in my stomach or twist my waist to hide my rolls or anything, and neither does anyone else-- you don't have to shrink yourself out of fear you're taking up too much space bc you're wonderful as is.
there's a lot of little ways you find comfort when it comes to being nude in front of someone else. for instance, i have a lot of insecurity about being viewed from behind bc i've always been really insecure about my back rolls and my ass (more like the lack thereof) and so sometimes positions like doggy style (despite being my #2 fave position) can cause me some anxiety bc i worry about how i look from angles i know i don't like seeing myself in. despite that, my boyfriend will praise me and compliment me not because he's just trying to make me feel better or because he feels obligated to say those sorts of things, he says it because he genuinely feels that way and because, simply put, other people don't view you the way you view yourself. other people love you for you in ways that you don't love you for you and so i think little moments like that are insanely special. hearing those compliments when i'm worrying and worrying and worrying about how i look are extremely comforting and grounding; they bring me back to reality when i'm so caught up in my own head and they're just. very healing.
i have about a thosand and a half tips when it comes to the question of "how do i learn to love myself/my body more?" and i don't want anyone to think that the only solution is finding someone else who'll compliment you when you can't compliment yourself bc that's just not true. it is possible to learn to love yourself while you're single and, in fact, 95% of my own self-love journey has been accomplished solo rather than within the boundaries of a relationship. of course, the relationship helps with external reassurance, but i know that i'm beautiful because i think i'm beautiful, not because other people find me beautiful. non-sexual nudity has been infinitely more healing for my self image than sexual-nudity ever has been; just learning to love your body and exist with it rather than against it is the most important tip imo. eating cereal naked, sleeping naked, lying in bed naked, doing chores naked-- just allowing yourself to, well, be with yourself and see yourself in the nude is a really nice and non-intrusive (ie rather than going out in public in a swimsuit) way of learning to accept and love your body more.
don't force yourself to be vulnerable before you're ready to be vulnerable and remember that you'll always be perfect as you are-- and that sometimes the greatest comfort comes from knowing that other people don't see the flaws we see in ourselves bc we're all our own worst critics. you'll be okay!
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scoutpologist · 4 months
your thing about the age gap is real – people on other platforms would have my head if they found out i shipped like, a 55 year old and like a 65 year old
the thing is that it’s not even an age gap it’s a PERCEIVED age gap because sniper looks old i guess? ??
okay just. let me illustrate this to show how utterly insane this is
here is scout. he is 27. all pictures are from the official tf2 wiki.
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he looks young, sure, but honestly i don't see him being EXTREMELY young. i've seen some people be shocked he turned out to be 27, but 1) he's a mercenary who kills people for money, they're not gonna let some random kid do that, and 2) when you hit your 20s you don't suddenly become some old and wrinkly hag LMFAO you look young!!! hell, i've met plenty of people pushing thirty who look like him in terms of age.
and he obviously doesn't look like a kid like i've seen some people say he does. he looks like an adult with a bit of a baby face. some of the confusion might also stem from the fact that he's a lot skinnier than many of the other mercs, which, fair. he doesn't have a lot of muscle, like a lot of teens don't. but that's because he's a runner. he's fast. that's his whole schtick - he's small and doesn't have a lot of muscle, but he can run really fast. he doesn't HAVE to be strong. he's just quick enough that the enemy can't punish him.
and here's sniper. from what i can tell from canon he's 30-31.
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i might be crazy here but he doesn't look that old???????? especially compared to the other mercs?????
like, yeah, he looks older than scout by a bit. not only does he have stubble, but his face is just generally more defined, and the hat thing has him looking more Mysterious and thus more Adult. he also has a VERY deep voice.
but that's it? he just looks like someone who's age shows a bit more? i can see arguments that sniper looks like he's closer to 35, like sure yeah but once again he looks fairly young to me. let's compare him to medic, whose age varies a lot in terms of speculation but seems to be around his 40s to 50s.
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stark difference. he's clearly older for a lot of reasons (face generally modeled to appear older using sharp lines and a large lower half, slight wrinkles, in some models it appears like his hair is greying, and he generally exudes an air of confidence and authority that generally comes with age). that's what a lot of the tf2 mercs look like. here's a lineup to show you what i'm talking about.
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and all this is to say that i'm sick of people thinking characters are "gross" together because one of them happens to look a bit older than the other (even though they're like the same fucking age LOL) and i want people to be nice to sniper because it's really weird to look at some character that looks maybe 35 at MOST and say he looks so old that he's creepy??? and it's also a disservice to the modelers and artists who have portrayed sniper in various tf2 media.
okay this got really out of hand sorry and i'm prob gonna leave reblogs off because this post is a half-coherent bottle of nothing but my personal pet peeves interacting with the tiktok and pinterest areas of the tf2 fandom cause holy hell i hate it out there LMAOOO okay that's over sorry for ranting
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