#as you can see I'm having a great time watching Wels
1-marigold-1 · 3 months
Wels whatcha got there?
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Hypno decided to turn around just for few minutes... and his knight-from-middle-ages neighbour built another castle already
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accidentally 🤨?
Wels at the start of the season said that he'll take things slow,,,, but instead in a span of 11 episodes he built two bridges, whole bunch of walls, storage room, secret tunnel to his neighbour's storage room and an entire castle.
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ricciardoswife · 1 year
Warnings: none
Summary: y/n talks life and all things motherhood in her best friends podcast
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Hello and welcome back to the simple life podcast my name is y/f/n and today we have y/n ricciardo with us. Firstly for those of you who don't know y/n has been my closest friend since highschool but also when i first started this podcast in 2020 if you have been listening since then the one person I've always been asked to have on is y/n and I finally managed to get her to come on y/f/n says laughing "you make it sound like I was avoiding coming on" y/n replied laughing. "Okay okay in all seriousness she's been itching to get on but she's never been in Perth long enough since covid the get the time but now she has plenty of time" y/ns friend replied back seriously
"So how have you been y/n" "I'm doing amazing lifes great at the moment it's slowed right down and we're just enjoying each moment as it comes I honestly feel like in the last couple of months we've been able to stop and take in the moment more. Also being back in perth has had its perks no doubt I love this place with everything I got"
"People will get mad if I don't ask this early on so how's daniel and baby Olivia doing" "Their both doing amazing olivias six months old and she's just loving life since we've been back in perth we take morning walks down to the beach as a family and her and daniel just love playing in the sand together. I love watching it because she's at the age where she's more in tune with what's going on and just seeing her and daniel interact is amazing"
"She's six months already it feels like just yesterday I was flying out to Monaco because you had gone into labour. Did she enjoy Christmas whats every day life like with a six month old " "Christmas in general was great we got to spend it with the whole family which we haven't been able to do since covid, Olivia was in her element opening her presents and I think she enjoyed it alot because her cousins were there so she had someone to play with. Yeh six months can you believe it myself and daniel are trying to soak everything in because she's growing to fast but I also like this stage because she's more aware of her surroundings too. Also she's got the biggest smile for everyone and this huge belly laugh that only daniel can seem to get her to do she's definitely her father's daughter" y/n says laughing
"On the topic of labor how was that" "it was tough don't get me wrong but I had daniel by my side every second which I was so grateful for and he's someone who can make me laugh even when I don't want to so looking back on it I was laughing through all of labor and delivery thanks to him I definitely couldn't have done it without him."
"How's your business going" "yeh it's going amazing we do hold little pop up shops every now and then and people love that too. There's a new collection coming out soon which I haven't told people about so I'm sure they will be excited by that"
"Any plans on giving Olivia a little brother or sister" "look we've both said it we would love more than one child but at the moment we so happy with life and she's only six months so maybe further down the line we'll try for another"
"I'll be hated if I don't ask this how did you and daniel meet its been what 18 years this year" " yeh 18 years, you know this story all to well because me and you talked to much in class I got moved next to the class clown who was also incredibly good looking. After weeks of him annoying me I finally gave in and went to get lunch with him. I never looked back since that day"
"When you were that young did you expect the two of you to still be together so many years later" y/n starts to laugh "definitely not I was a huge overthinker and I fell in love eith him quite early on but I knew Daniels plans to be an f1 driver and I had plans to go to college but we both knew wel over each other so we gave it a go and don't get me wrong long distance was really hard but it was so worthwhile. I don't regret any of it. I'm so thankful for everything I have in life especially daniel and olivia their both the light of my life and Daniels always been there for me and has helped me through so much"
"What's your take on life" "I like to just live in the moment cherish everything I have. I try not to worry because I know there's a solution to everything once I look for it"
"Quick fire round"
"Favourite flavour of ice cream"
"Mint chocolate chip"
"Farm life or city life"
"Farm life it's so much quieter"
"Mornings or nights"
"Morning person"
"Dogs or cats"
"Favourite travel destination"
Iceland or Austin. Austin brings alot of fun but Iceland was where daniel proposed so its always gonna hold a special place in my heart"
"Thank you so much for coming on today y/n it's been a pleasure having you" " thank you for listening to me babble I hope everyone enjoys"
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Liked by danielricciardo, yourfriendsinstagram, michaelitaliano and 45,333 more
Y/nricciardo I had the pleasure of speaking on @yourfriendsinstagram podcast about life and motherhood so please go check it out I promise its a good one
Dannyricfan Olivia sounds like the cutest child ever
Yourfriendsinstagram thanks so much for coming on
Y/nfann I love y/n so much
Dr3fann Daniels life with olivia and y/n sounds amazing
Dannyfann3 Only daniel can make olivia belly laugh 🥺🥺
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Sorry I've been away for so long but I hope oyu guys enjoy and again as always send in your asks if you have any 🥰
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rilakeila · 24 days
formula of love: pt. 1, kyoya ootori, where he might just found the missing part of his formula
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pairing kyoya ootori x fem!she!reader w.c. 2,563 t.w. none (class disparity perhaps) a/n she's multiple parts, slow burn rahhhh request yes (Hiii!! So I can’t believe that people still watch osch could I request a kyoya x reader where the reader is a commoner like Haruhi and Kyoya feels in love with reader after spending time working as his assistant ( I mean helping Haruhi pay her debt) . Once again, thank you !)
"class, please treat our newest student well. kyoya, i'll assume that you can show her around as well," the teacher introduced (y/n) who bowed to the class.
(y/n) was an honors student, transferring into ouran academy during her 2nd year. she was let onto the scholarship program after her father rose through the ranks of suoh enterprises in the financial department after finding out a revelation that allowed the company's revenues to shoot up. however, the raise in salary wouldn't have been enough to pay for tuition, but the president just had to feel so generous in helping the commoners.
her eyes followed to a student with onyx hair and glasses standing up and bowing. then, it trailed to the blonde haired boy next to him, a smile across his face, just like the one when he first met her. tamaki suoh. she noticed the teacher motion to the free seat to the right in the next column over near the student. she smiled and made her way over, settling her bag down to balance onto the leg of the table.
the teacher dismissed the class to allow themselves for free time during their homeroom, students airing out of the classroom, some lingering.
a throat clearing grabbed her attention, as well as the shadow casted over her desk. she looked up to see kyoya with a soft smile.
"wel-" he started until he was interrupted.
"(y/n)-chann!!" to both of the students, the cheer in the voiced was rather familiar. the blonde haired student made his way to the pair, arms in the air.
"tamaki, nice to see you again," she stood up, bowing her head as her greeting. (y/n) first encountered the french student during her tour of the campus where her parents also needed to sign documents in finalizing her transfer. president suoh had his son come along with him to show her around, hearing that she was the same year as tamaki.
"it's very nice to see you. this is my dear friend, kyoya, the class representative. i'm not sure where the vice class representative went off to, but she's sure a joy," he said, introducing kyoya for him.
"yes, i was getting to that. i'm ootori kyoya, it's a pleasure to meet you, (y/n)," his head bowed.
"do you know what classes you have today?" tamaki interrupted once more. she felt her head throb at the constant interruptions but couldn't hold it against him. cheery seemed to be apart of his personality. one of the only things that seemed to throw her off is the heavy interest in commoners, asking if she has had "commoner's coffee" and all sorts of commoners question.
she looked at kyoya then to tamaki, "oh, i have finance, math, and modern literature."
"we don't have any classes today together but kyoya has finance today, isn't that right?" tamaki slung his arm around kyoya's shoulders.
"yes, that is correct. after free time, i can walk you to where that class is," kyoya said. in truth, he had already seen her entire schedule as part of his extensive research. they shared the entire day together, as well as some classes the next.
"before i forget, bring her to our club later today! i'm sure haruhi would love to meet her, commoners like to stick together." tamaki seemed to twirl away before conversing with other people.
(y/n) noticed the drop in kyoya's shoulders before he pushed his glasses up, "i apologize about him. he has been enthusiastic for everyone to meet you."
"i see, he's been a delight to have around. he has been great at making sure the atmosphere isn't awkward," it was the nicest way for her to say without being straightforward that tamaki can sometimes be a pain in the ass.
"it's alright to say that he can be of an annoyance, sometimes." he said.
'damn, it's like he read my mind.'
before any other words were spoken, the bell rang to alert the students to attend their next class. they both dispersed to grab their bags, which she nodded that she was ready to go. the rest of the day went smoothly, well. kyoya explained the necessary information that she needed to, answering her occassional questions, but (y/n) couldn't help notice the disparity between their social classes with the way he phrased things. it only pissed her off through the day.
"this is where the cafeteria is, assuming that you would be able to pay for such luxury."
'who does he think he is? president suoh allotted me a budget for the cafeteria. and i am more than educated in the managerial aspect in our finance class.' a hot aura surrounded her, as she reflected her day with kyoya on the way to the destination with directions that he written for her on a piece of cardstock that his family emblem. if tamaki wasn't less than a pain of an ass than kyoya, she wouldn't be walking towards this location.
music room 3. 'these damn rich people, why are there so many music rooms'
opening the door to the music room, there was a sudden breeze and rose petals seemed to coming her way. she blew out a petal off her lips, 'what kind of music room.'
"welcome!" a chorus of voices said. her eyes couldn't focus on what to notice in front of her. the out of ordinary knight outfits, the decorated medieval styled room, or the people. she opted for the familiar faces as she scanned each one: tamaki, haruhi, kyoya.. haruhi?
next thing she knows, she was being spun around in a hug, face on cold metal, "(y/n)-chan! you made it!"
once tamaki placed her down, the room seemed to be spinning. she placed her hand on the nearest still object except for it to be sort of wobbly. she seemed to be concious enough to see that there was a fragile object moving it, only to use her other hand to stabilize the stand. once the fragile object came to still, she sighed out of relief.
"see, haruhi, that's how you should save a vase." a harmony of voices also came to be, seeing it was a pair of twins.
"well, sorry, but (y/n)-senpai always had great reflexes, and the only person she has to worry about was tamaki-senpai," the annoyance in her voice was something that she was used to when haruhi's dad would come bother them.
"ohh, she's the honor student tama-chan has been talking about all week last week," the child-looking one said.
"wait, i thought you said she was a commoner. she has the uniform on," one of the twins commented.
"she has you beat haruhi. she has the uniform and can catch a vase," the other twin said.
(y/n) felt her eyebrow twitch, 'so rude, are all rich people like this'
"everyone, this is (y/n), as you all know from tamaki and haruhi, she's the new honors student," kyoya introduced her to the group, even if they already knew her. "well, places again, everyone, our guests should be arriving any second now."
"please enjoy yourself while you're here! please watch me save all of these maidens," tamaki dramatically said, pointing the knight sword, causing (y/n) to crouch as he swings side to side. there was no time for that line to send a shiver down her back as his corny lines typically would.
not even a second rolls by after they taken their places, there are girls flooding into the room. the volume and speed of girls coming in, just felt the need for (y/n) to clutch her pearls if she had any. she was never more confused on what activities rich people do in their free time.
"i'm sorry about that, (y/n)-senpai, but it's really nice to see you again," the familiar voice of haruhi seemed to calm her down.
"haruhi, it's great to see you especially in all of this unfamiliarity. are rich people always like this?"
"yeah, unfortunately. their comments about commoners get pretty ignorant, but i heard your dad got a huge promotion. good for him, he's way too overqualified to be doing simple sales work," haruhi congratulated. their families used to be neighbors within their apartment complex up until (y/n)'s dad received his first promotion allowing them to buy a larger space for their home.
"we moved twice since we lived in the apartment, i should invite you to our house! plus, luna misses you," (y/n) said. her pet cat has always found solace around haruhi when she was over.
"do you have a phone? i can put my number in if you do, and we can stay in touch this way," haruhi asked.
"i do, one of the great things that came to be when my dad got promoted," she pulled her phone out of the side pocket of her bag. the phone charm dangled as she opened it, pulling up the contact book for haruhi to create one.
"woah, your phone is pretty cute, never thought of decorating it," haruhi inspected the little stickers and played with the phone charm as she typed her number in.
her little brother decorated the phone with stickers that he found in her room. she chuckled as she took her phone once haruhi finished, "izumi couldn't help it and i couldn't get mad about it."
"haruhi, you have guests waiting to be served," kyoya called out from his seat, who was writing in his little black book.
"but, (y/n)-senpai is a guest," haruhi said.
"yes but not a paying one, those who pay have a higher priority. even then, she's only here per tamaki's request," there he goes again.
haruhi sighed, "i'll be back, please feel free to stay. even if he says that, we always end up leaving our guests time to time. i'll pour you a tea or coffee if you prefer."
"coffee would be nice." she motioned for you to follow her, the only vacant seat was the one where kyoya was sitting. haruhi gave her an apologetic expression as she pulled the chair out for her, which (y/n) responded with a hand that it would be fine.
she watched haruhi spoon out the coffee powder from the instant coffee jar, "is this what tamaki means by commoner's coffee?"
haruhi chuckled, "yeah, senpai made a big deal out of it. it's been a big hit with the hosts and guests."
"it also has reduced our beverage expenses, seeing how low cost it is," kyoya said. it seems that his nose is so far into that black book of his, he hasn't looked up once since club hours started.
"if you were to bulk buy the instant coffee at a wholesaler, you might be able to save trips to the supermarket and maximize the budget you have for it," (y/n) chimed in, pouring in two spoons of sugar. ever since her father has more than enough cushion in their family budget, he indulged in purchasing a membership with a wholesale store (costco), which lessened their trips to the market with the bulk quantity.
and that was the first time that she caught kyoya look up from his writing even if it was for a quick second.
(y/n) wrapped her hands around the cup, fiddling the side with her index finger as she waited for it to cool down. after her previous interactions with kyoya, she wasn't sure if she would be comfortable enough to talk to him. maybe, he only needed to talk to her out of the need of being class rep, but as it was after school hours, his role went away.
"is there something on your mind about me?" kyoya questioned.
her face filled with nervousness and shock of how he seems to detect what she was thinking.
"you've glanced at me four times in the past minute, if that's what you were wondering," he shut his black book down onto the table, neatly placing the pen on top of it.
she cleared her throat, trying to pull herself together, "nothing. besides, what kind of club is this anyways? you guys seem to not do anything but just talk to girls."
it was what she noticed when haruhi was typing her number in. she thought a school club was supposed to bring community in and do activities together, not just entertain girls and fuel their egos.
"it's a host club. tamaki founded this club with the intention of making every girl happy, and it seems we have been able to do so," he said while she looked around, watching every interaction. peculiar options indeed: brotherly love, boy lolita and mysterious man, princely, and whatever haruhi is supposed to offer.
"and how come you don't have guests? this club also doesn't seem to be something haruhi would hang around for," (y/n) questioned. it really wasn't haruhi's scene, she would opt for academic clubs or just something that wasn't even this.
"haruhi has her reason to be here, it is up to her if she would like to share that," he answered, "and for me, i'm occupied maintaining the club with its operations and financials but do talk to the guests for promotional purposes."
(y/n) hummed, now watching him calculate the expense reports on his computer. she deduced that each member of host club must have their reason then, seeing that the variety of who were here just seemed to be too different from each other. 'oh well, it's not worth thinking about.'
"why waste time in using that formula to calculate that, there's a faster way to accomplish it," she thought out loud before sipping her coffee.
"there would be an error if i used it due to this variable," kyoya circled around the cause with his mouse on the computer before continuing with his calculations.
she choked on her coffee, she didn't mean to say it. she can't go back on her word anyways, might as well teach him. "then you aren't using it right. if you were to apply that forumla entirety by hand, it would work. the error might be a missing value within the range or you missed a comma when you entered it into the formula bar."
a smirk landed on her lips when the box's output came out to the same but minimal effort. he missed a comma. she noticed the minor raise in his shoulders before he cleared his throat, applying to the rest of the total boxes, changing the second variable based on each column goal.
"a good tip, i suppose. your coffee will be complementary today. however, next time, you will need to pay 1,000 yen for every cup," kyoya stated, slight irritation seeped into his voice. he never was able to figure out the use of the formula when he attempts to utilize it into his spreadsheet, and this commoner just seems to get it.
she almost spat her coffee out, "even going to an expensive cafe, that's a serious upcharge for 6 ounces. this specific jar is only around 800 yen."
"non-paying guests don't have the same benefits as those who pay," kyoya looked up to her who appeared to be grumbling about the upcharge.
"for someone who can't even use a formula properly, it makes me question if you're correctly charging the price for everything here," she laughed as she taken a sip of her coffee.
a small smile made its way onto kyoya's face. commoners are an interesting class, they surprise him everyday. and he would eventually be surprised for what this specific commoner would have for him.
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pt. 1 completed, should i open a taglist ?
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pashminalamb · 1 year
Oh ew the OF accounts and sex bots are completely getting out of hand. I haven’t been notified of any new followers but I don’t trust tumblr to do so. I’m have to gonna check on that soon 🙄🙄.
And seriously for what reason are people flagging down your works for like 😭😭?? It literally makes no sense??? Some people are so rude and mean and spiteful for no reason like. Do better or screw off unintentionally quoting Ego here I’m sorry that this happened to you, it really sucks.
Ever since break started I’ve been in a kind of limbo. It feels so surreal not having any work to do. I mean I do have basic chores to do today like the laundry and vacuuming and stuff but besides that it’s a free day. I am. Very very very. Temped to start reading the blue lock manga. I know I said I’d wait for the anime to finish but like I need something to do 😭😭. I was starting my first TR reread since the last chapter but I only got in 3 chapters before I started sobbing and I haven’t even gotten to Akkuns first death or met Mikey and Draken for the first time again yet. I’m gonna have to chunk my way through it while sobbing and taking so many breaks because I will seriously never recover from this manga. OH AND I LOVE CHIFUYUS BIRTHDAY ART. Wakui continuing to attest that yes takefuyu are still canon in the reset timeline. It’s such a relief for me because those two are my comfort duo 😭😭😭. I also want to finish Chainsaw Man soon. I stopped at around volume 9 because I’m broke and was reading it at the bookstore and all I can say is that this series is definitely getting a reread cause I love analyzing strange works and concepts. THE MAITAKE COVER ASJKGFJKHFFGGG. The way I screeched when I first saw it like. I love how you worded it, they literally look like royalty together UGH. Suffice to say that yes maitake fans has a field day with the cover of volume 31 😌😌. I cant wait for the inside cover to be revealed. My prediction/demand is that it’s gonna be then as children childhood-friends-to-lovers. But I guess we’ll see.
Anyways. How are you Belle? Doing better I hope? How’s uni? Oh and when does your winter break start? How’s life? Im so happy tumblr is being cooperative now and letting you see my tagged posts 😭😭. Sorry for the constant tagging tho, there’s just so much I wanna share and I see something and I’m like “oh I wanna show this to Belle” you know? Oh and im so glad you liked that Oliver drabble 🥹🥹. I’ve got another one in mind for him but this time it might be a little more ✨spicy✨ so stay tuned 👀👀😌. I hope you have a great day and that the caramel frappuccino tasted great!!! *sending many virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
Istg- i got followed by accounts from Czechia and Carolina this morning. Alright, I made my pinned post of Gojo's OF account but this is a writing blog; not even an OF promotion blog (╥﹏╥) unless... i draw some stuff
Tumblr decided to not let me post my rant- so here’s what I had to say
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I revisited my childhood with watching DBZ... (i knew i said i would start one piece but the gym bro-ness got the better of me and i started watching it) someone please explain why does Goku's voice sound... i don't know how to describe it. i was so shocked about his voice, i was planning on watching the dub instead cause of it *crying* Honestly, Wakui did a really good job with the cover. Even when I was reading mangas online - I was so awed by the covers of the manga and when TR was on its peak here, i saw a lot of spoilers for bonten mikey. I never liked mikey... but this made me change my mind. And they (like every cover character i saw up until the Brahman arc looked like royalty. Even hanma-) I'm doing well! Contemplating to change the blog theme for some reason. It's not gonna be aiku ofc- he gets 0 screen time cause he hasn't come back from italy and i am mad at him with part 1 to ocean hues I'm on my winter break actually and omw back home. Fifa knocked the wind out of me. I feel sad cause Mbappé played really well (and he was sad too when they lost), i literally went to go keep my plate and he scored in 97 seconds of the first goal T.T . But i'm also really happy for Argentina cause its the first time in 36 years since Maradona that they have won the Wc and i cried cause they were crying on the field not to mention the fact that Messi played in their team as well - so it was bittersweet ending but also very well deserved! And yes i am a football head I can't see you in my activity still (maybe your visibility switch is off? i'm not sure) but i do get the number on my activity and that's how ik that you're there (⑅ •͈ᴗ•͈ ) I actually don't mind being tagged! and I enjoy the things you have to show me as well ૮⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ა (i saw some stuff where you tagged me- i'll be answering those soon, promise i'm not ignoring you ૮(˶˃ᆺ˂˶)ა ) I. absolutely. loved. the Oliver drabble ˃̵ᴗ˂̵. I still read it btw, cause it is absolutely precious. the deer headrest and the fact he wants to be a good boy made me go (๑✪ᆺ✪๑) did you say spicy 💀 *here lies Isabelle Aiku; beloved wife of Oliver Aiku who is unaware that he is married to her- * Starry you're gonna make me combust from the heat *sending back bear hugs*
*my man is so handsome (>﹏<) and yours is too*
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babyurthendofjune · 1 year
I’m glad you get to stay with your sister!! That’s nice you get some quality time together. My brother came and stayed with me for thanksgiving for a couple days and it was so nice!!! We haven’t spent that much time together in who knows how long! We played lots of mariokart and board games and it was great!!
And I’m doing alright!! Lots of ups and downs lately. The time change for daylight savings messed with my head a bit and then I just got sick a couple days ago I’m sure thanks to my kiddos at work. And it’s been raining all day but I took that as an excuse to wear my cute chelsea rain boots! But I’m hanging in there!! Just trying my best as always!!
Oh and I found out I’m getting a $2/hour raise in the new year so that’s exciting!!!
Also I finally watched my policeman!!! I thought it was really good! Although it didn’t make me cry like everyone said it would hahah and I usually cry at everything (for example when I went to see black panther 2 the other weekend and I started crying as soon as it said “in memory of Chadwick boseman” and then I cried several more times throughout the movie lollll). But I really enjoyed it and thought it was a beautiful film. I really liked DWD as wel although I don’t think I could pick one over the other because they were sooo different ya know!
liz omg I'm so sorry I'm late answering this!! I feel like a lifetime has passed since we've talked because of what's happened. I got kicked by one of my dad's horses at the beginning of this month and ended up with a compression fracture on T11 of my spine and a contusion on my right hip. recovery's been a little rough but I'm incredibly lucky it could've been much, much worse!
I LOVE staying with my sister it's become one of my safe spaces to be there with her! her roommate is her bestie that she's known since kindergarten so I feel really comfortable there around her too. I had planned to go stay with her some this week for Christmas too, but idk if I can now with my injury. I'm so glad you got to see your brother and spend time with him! I haven't seen my little brother since last year but he will be coming home for Christmas so I'm excited to see him 😊
I'm so glad to hear you've mostly been doing okay!! and omg YES whenever I worked at the daycare before I got sick SO often because of my babies, so I completely get it! I hope you're feeling better now 💕 the time change always throws me off too I hate it. I bet your boots are adorable on you!! and yay for your raise that's exciting!!
I was supposed to start my new job soon (I can't remember if I've told you about it already? so ignore me if I have!). I've been offered a lead teacher position at a new daycare that's opening soon! but now I'll have to wait until I'm all healed before I can start 😔 I'm a bit bummed by that but my bosses have been very sweet and understanding about what happened to me and are holding my position for me until I can start! which will hopefully be sometime in january
ah I didn't cry at MP either and I'm the same way about crying at a lot of things! maybe because I read the book and was already familiar with the story. and I agree I love both movies I think he did an amazing job as I knew he would!!
if I don't get to speak to you again before, I hope you and your family have the happiest of holidays together! stay warm and take care of yourself 💗 sending you all my love!!
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Write everyday
1. I was a lot inside of my head in the morning, a lot of Doom thinking.
2. I had a little bit of panic when I heard my mocca princes was getting sick, I felt really powerless and wanted to do something about it to help her feel better.
1. Made a hour and a half long ride along the lake, made some pictures even tho I was not feeling so great, I still did the bike ride.
2. Worked out 2 times, doing the biceps, chest, leg routine that I have been doing.
3. Had a amazing getting together with a friend, watching the movie bullet train with Brad Pitt, we had nice drinks, ginger beers, 0.0% alcohol and some Pepsi, we talked about my previous "manager", letting out some shared frustration about him, it felt kinda satisfying that the guy is having issues with his temperament and it was a nice conformation that I'm not the only one that was bothered by his unprofessional behaviour. We talked about music, made some music, beatboxing to be exact he wanted me to record some samples which he is gonna mix. We ate very nice sausage's, farted and burped together, I appreciate him a lot since he is a down to earth guy and we can talk and make laughs about almost anything. Getting to know what he liked to do in his past was also a nice treat. We ended the evening with talking about our addictive pasts, that I'm still recovering and I noticed a lot of understanding for it, the shame is universal in behaviour that you dont control and it feels good being acknowledged in this.
4. Speaking with my beautiful mocca princes, she was not feeling to well, I love her dearly and we packed the maleto together. She sent me a very nice picture of herself which made me a bit blush.
5. Speaking with my mother, asking her about her ceramics, they are getting together wel and she seems to be content with it.
6. Feeling more in contact withy body, tiredness, emotions are surfacing again.
7. Taking on the aditude to just chill and have fun and seeing it actually work, sometimes thoughts/feelings would be slightly present but I just acknowledged them and moved for worth with the conversation, with in mind that a conversation is a two way street, it does not only have to come from my side.
8. A feeling of confidence, that I am going to be back in balance and sorting out my personal issues, I can't change what has already happened, I can only change what I want for my future.
Have a wonderful night of sleep, may it energize you and clear your mind of your troubles you don't need to work about.
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 1 year
So I'm trying to threaten me and I replaced my characters with monsters they can't figure it out John remillard drives by I'm too close with a motorcycle so I'm going to go after him I'm going to take him down on the motorcycle he says he wants them to be incorporated into it and we're going to do that takes years to heal from it normally and a lot of people who are his race are walking around with wounds broken arms and things like that from being assholes people just grab them in their arms break or the ribs just like Dave AKA Dan although his were hard a little bit harder than normal and my husband broke them by accident it's just that his whole body didn't move and his ribs with what he's trying to push with so weak he can't do that to him and we are going after you trying to remember Lord You have to hear it again it doesn't matter how many times we say it you still lose cuz we're going after you going to make mincemeat out of you and yeah Biden is the one who does it to you and Matt himself shoot you and blows your brain up and Brad dies because of the RoboCop guy and it looks like his own sister and that's what it is trying to pretend she's Sherry. So you guys are really lijedm. Yeah and Sarah said she's manipulating your death trump we can't stand you. You get into a fight with him he's going to kill you you'll be gone early maybe bja who's the lizard guy matter of fact he thinks that's who it is he thinks you die on Madagascar cuz you insulted Garth. A lot of people are starting to think that too.
When is he can't say anything to you without you saying you're winning and tonight you're going to lose all the big bases of yours and the computers there's a few of them over nine are located and they found them running can you believe that they don't do what you think
Shut up retard trump.
I'll be a great send off prove that you're mentally incompetent for trial because you're retarded
Zues Hera
You might do that cuz you're doing that to someone tip showing the half brain she's been trying to get in public eye all we have to do is help her out a little and you'll blame her she's a massive c*** wicked b**** to him you ladies are so stupid it says it's a bike lane and says you ride on the sidewalk you just have to walk with the bike and who the hell cares if you walk with no one's there I'd hate to see a cop try and do that cuz he gets off and walks whenever someone comes by not you guys so we're going to go after you again for that stupid s*** never going after Trump right now I'm going to take his bike and jam it up his ass so second time he's threatened him with that thing and it's attempted vehicular homicide and we're going to charge you with it
Mac daddy
Those are the charges are starting to stick is staying in prison longer and longer we're finding more and more of your computers using it and we have to continue doing it now
I want it for this harassment he's harassing us too by harassing him and he's right we just sit here watching it taking a beating I want to go out there now and get him and I'm waiting for orders
I too want to get him and I'll team up with whoever's doing it big teams are going to erase him here so I can get rid of most of his facilities tonight he's got to go first this guy is a big menace to everyone he's more like became useless because of him we should be blaming all of them for what he's done
Mike too
It's finally time the b******* is stopping the guys are complete lunatic I'm going to take him out of the knees
Mac daddy
I don't have any room for error and this guy keeps making errors everywhere employees he's stupid and f***** up what he says to him is so upsetting you would not believe it he's actually the programmer and the guy is sitting there telling him all this s*** that's wrong it says it's all wrong shut up you f****** loser you can't even listen to any of it and no one else could either but he has a computer program and he runs it and he has the keys might as well take those
Beb Arnold tell me I've already took your program you piece of s*** you're just sitting there doing loser s*** all the time some sort of idiotic pantomime we're going after you get rid of you
We are too I can't stand him anymore doing that stuff to our son I can't stand it I don't know why someone couldn't have notified here comes the f****** bozo you don't let him do that come on it says we're eliminating a threat by having a threaten you I don't want to do in that turns into b**** I don't get any sleep all night long. Showing people what he's doing the ranting for other people of his are doing it we had one to control and he knows it what really you know it's aggravating him a lot I have to have a meeting cuz I'm not getting it either what he's saying is cut that s*** he had s*** off they're coming here and take my place everybody's so damn f****** manly I can't stand these people at all in any way you can't either you're so manly but you're not here this is an incredibly difficult place to be I don't need that a****** doing that s*** I'm defenseless and also you don't tell me you're defending me of her anymore you just sit there and f*** around with me all day everyone else does too now he's saying that he means it and he wants us to stop this s*** I have to have a meeting it's not happening and now I'm doing it I knew what I was doing but really he's like what the f*** are you doing. What do I have to do like the apartment on fire oh you better blame someone and then have them run by me with the fire engine too close. Starting to see his point he doesn't have any points left doesn't want this s*** cuz he can't afford it no going after that guy and we did that on purpose but really he's saying that it's already out there he just show people it's out there it's better than showing it's happening to me unless you're doing it correctly and I say this he's issuing orders and he forced it and that makes more sense then had him do it so you can issue orders now you're telling them yourself to get investigated to slow us down further it doesn't make any sense to you it does you just drove by again so I have to get in here and we're not in here so get in here haven't do it and have him tell him to do it
Thank you anyways but it's very very very very very very very very very irritating in here it's extremely irritating I'm very powerful people are cutting me off on that what do you want anyways I don't have any money at all these people all need to die every single f****** one of them
Is back again but he's right the spent to burnt out the stupid the retarded in the front I've had enough in my feel of this stupid show this is ridiculous you didn't do anything all day but ride around in circles his assholes keep saying is the cheese and I was dumb s*** we're going after them and get rid of them I'm sick of these people I'm running up the orders and I'm sending them in you two trying to stop that s*** and not start it swear I should put him in a room with you this idiot you'll get it right away why don't you do that by the way each of you at a different time not just follow him around trying to deal with him on a car purchase or both purchase or house inspection of his house all sorts of stuff you can do he is the most annoying crap you've ever seen by the time you haven't done anything he has made a deal with you he's ruined a couple things
You want to get Adam this is terrible this is horrible horrible you're not getting points at all he does not want to see you doing that s*** it's everywhere
Thor Freya
Like I said he was forcing to happen he says don't let him force you to say it so I believe it it's kind of illegal and I realize it is so I'm going to the Thor Freya to drop my reporting and falling procedure.
Frank Castle hardcastle
Inside and we see it now and we're helping you can't let it get to that point but where are the high pressure point we need a lot of troops I want people to get in here and start hiring I'm trying to those two putting it on the line saying what they have to although they're effective and they're like military it says he needs them to say it and if it works they'll feel better it's actually true even if it works a little goes up 3%, it smile and said you're actually right what do we need to tell him. Need to tell them a few things to go through our minds we have to be involved in this daily or really not part of it even me that's one and then we have to make sure they don't get these weapons intended our people to have but being involved by being not involved that's another these people are dangerous even if this stuff wasn't here they can make things to go real fast and the diamond spheres are in question and we're still here and it's a problem because of ships and lasers and thorium and authority balls are huge and a detonation might affect them and they might be terminated because the universe might go up that's another reason all those reasons plus should be listed at the same time are they ready if massive amounts of space to breathe from like Saturn and from ships and other things that blew up while racing towards them at 3 million miles an hour to stop all of that degree all at once and more.
I've got some additional he's our friend and he's telling us off because we're sitting here not doing the job by hiring and we can't do the job cuz we don't have enough people and that's one that should be said each and every time all of these points should be mentioned he's also mentioning that these people have a lot of hardware and foreigners aren't here yet and they should have been here right now and there's only a few and it's a problem and it takes a while for them to get here. Now we're asking people what to do and we should not we should know and he knows what to do you have to reduce them take people out of the plan get their plan take weaponry take stuff to make weapons with and all the time and stop their phony and we have to do it constantly because we're not raising the Army to full capacity and that should be included too I agree we should make a statement that we issue each and every one of us should issue it to ours in a different way usually using different verbiage but we should say the same thing and we should make it that way not uniform but the same points you know number one we are insufficiently manned for our universe to be in a safe state. Language it's military style English and there's more number two we're contracting and it war with a very vast number of dangerous people who are mostly considered to be terrorists and they have access to devices that are natural and not and ones that are man-made that can destroy the Earth the solar system and just a result the universe in a short amount of time due to chain reaction at this moment so I'm going to write it up I'm going to send it in and we're going to make a plaque and I'm going to put it in public places this is what you should sign up for in your required to and Olympus wants you and then at the bottom whose area it is as empress and emperor and king and queen and etc down to the mayor and his Goddess wife and we are going forward
Frank Castle hardcastle
The above was me Duke Nukem Blockbuster and yeah I have to do something equally as important as putting national guard posts out with recruiters and what you're saying is find the local damn recruiters for each area no matter how small in town is and assign them to build it with blocks on his own time if he has to it's all our time but I'm going to go ahead and do that I don't care if you get a permit we'll make it right just call it the office I'm going to do that right now thank you for the assignment you're welcome he says and let's get Thor Freya Frank Castle hardcastle and they'll go to Olympus with you and we'll get it all approved and I say it's approved but I see what you're saying and get our special block at our home Depot where We are this is incredible he says we should do it here within our areas I'm going to start doing that now
0 notes
animesllut666 · 3 years
"In my Dreams... I know, it seems odd."
Characters: Sesshomaru x GN Reader ft. Kagome and Inuyasha, others.
Anime: Inuyasha
Warnings: none... Inuyasha and Sesshomaru being themselves.
Request: Hi! Could you write an Sesshomaru x reader Story. Something like the Reader is Kagomes best Friend and Comes with her,because she dreams all the time from Sesshomaru. Like a Vision and she wants to find him. Sry my english is Bad I now.
An: Hope ya like it! I took a little bit of a different approach towards the end. And please, don't apologize for your English! You are doing great an still learning. Your English, is perfect. Have a great day and enjoy!
Feed back is always encouraged and REBLOGS are appreciated!
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"Sesshomaru? How do you know that name?" Kagome questioned, she was left dumbfounded when her best friend was waiting at the well for her. Then left struck, when they started to ask questions, and describe a man that looked (and acted) like Sesshomaru.
But what really threw her, was when you said his name, "And his name is.. sess..no...Sessomaro.. no that's wrong. Sesshomaru! It's Sesshomaru!! Kagome, please, I beg you let me come with you." You pleaded, hands clapping together as you jumped down from the edge of the well.
She took a step back, the another till the last step of the stairs stabbed her ankle. Causing her to fall flat on her bum, "Ow, I.. I don't even know if you'd be able to cross over with me though. And how, how do you know his name? Wait how do you know any of this? I haven't told you anything, sure I've spoken about Inuyasha an-"
"In my dreams, I know it seems odd. But, I've been having dreams of this man, his long white hair and fire orange eyes. It.. it almost seems like I've known him from a past life. Please Kagome, let me go with you!"
"Still doesn't answer my questions, how you know to even come to the wel-"
"I've watched you a few times drop in and come out... Plus your brother told me everything, and your grandpa."
"THEY TOLD YOU?" Kagome shouted in disbelief, shocked but also not surprised by her family telling you everything. Though shocked by how well you seemed to be taking this, even if you were having these dreams with Sesshomaru in them.
"I don't even know if you'd be able to cross over, I only can because of these jewell shards," She told you taking the necklace out from underneath her shirt. "It would be nice, to finally bring someone else over that I knew, and I'm sure your parents already know you are here."
A squeal left your mouth, as Kagome stood up, and grabbed your hand gentle. Guiding you both towards the well, that would maybe or maybe not let you go to sengoku period of Japan.
"Okay, lets see if this works or not!" She shouted with glee, as you both jumped down the well, a scream emerging from your lips falling into the dark hole. Squeezing your eyes shut but still feeling a cold blast of wind, and a feel of tingles and goosebumps.
"Kagome!" You heard someone shout, but the voice sounded familiar. "I can't believe it worked, you're here!" Peaking an eye open at the excitement and disbelief in her voice. You were met with the wall of the well, but sunlight was shining in.
"Am I.. here? Like here, here?"
"Yeah! Now come on, I want you too meet everyone! They've already heard so much about you!"
You both climbed up the vines, mentally wondering why there wasnt an ladder just yet in here. "Hey Kagome, what took..Yua?" A guy with white hair and dog ears, stood at the base of the tree line. A confused and shocked expression.
"Dog ears?" Was the only thing on your mind, not that he just called you a name that was certainly not your own.
"What? No, this is (_). There my best friend back home, and well.. I'll explain it later. I'm hungry, and I'm gue-"
"Did you bring chips?"
"Sit boy."
Even though Inuyasha was faced down in the dirt right now, he was still shocked to see the spitting image of his brother ex-lover.
Even though she had been killed by a gang of demons, which resulted in Sesshomaru going on a killing spree for three moons.
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i-writes-things · 3 years
The Secret.
Part 7 Finale pt.1
Avengers x Fem!reader
(+ \) Platonic, Angst
summary- The newest Avenger keeps a big secret from the rest if the team....
Warnings- swearing, mentions of death, Gunshots and torture 
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I made this gif*
"Who are you?"
"Who am I? ha! I am Zemo, Baron Zemo. I hear you are a Avenger now?" he asks "no?" he asks again
"Well if your not going to talk to me then you just might respond when we put your son, Jake on. hmm, how does sound."
"I'm not telling you anything!" You shout at Zemo
Natasha speed walks down the halls of the Compound into the kitchen, stopping to talk with them about you.
"Nat, glad you could make an appearan-"
"Y/n is missing, and I think I know where." she says worriedly
There are many responses to this, but mainly concerned faces
"No that won't work it's Hydra-" Natasha responds
"Knew it!" says Steve pointing to Tony
The team comes up with a plan and heads to your last known location, which funny enough is where you are.
"Aggh!" You scream as the electricity runs through your nervous system, leaving you extremely exhausted.
"You feeling ready to talk yet?" Zemo asks politely, but his demeanor only makes you more angry with him
You hesitate, but shake your head "no" you snap at him
"Well we have tortured you enough physically." He chuckles and walks out of the room, leaving you to be confused.
Two men enter and slap duck tape over your mouth and tie your hands together as tight as possible, they lead you out of the room.
Hearing only the silent footsteps of the two men and your breathing
You know now isn't the best time, but probably the only time you will have the chance.
One of the two men would be luckier than the other in this situation.
Knocking one to the ground and kicking the other in the groin, both going to the ground but that wasn't enough, they would get back on there feet any second, you had to think fast...
It felt like hell, but you kept pulling your hands through the rope, giving you a burning sensation in your hands as you kept going, one of them was getting to there feet.
"Com- Come on" you groaned to yourself
The guy pulled you away from the hook on the wall that you had the rope on trying to pull it off of your hands.
But in his doing so, your hands slipped through the rope and you got straight to work, elbowing the man and pinning him against the opposite wall punching the shit out of him, he fell to the floor unconscious.
The other man still on the ground holding his groin in pain. You hit his groin again over his hands and punching him in the face, knocking the lights out of him. You finally put the two in a closet together and left..
"So, Hydra really has her?" Thor asks in disgust
"I think so." Natasha says giving him a sad look.
"And her 'son' what about him, is he here?" Tony asks.
Steve is looking at Natasha for an answer.
"That, I don't know." She looks down, mad at herself for not trying to find him first for you.
The east wing is quiet. Should it be this quiet Romanoff?" Steve asks through comms
"For Hydra, they sure as hell know how to hide." she responds
"It seems the western side of this 'base' is also quite soundless." Thor says quietly
"Hey, Natasha there are a few life forms coming up ahead, they look pretty immobile, though." Bruce says obstervantly looking at his screen from the Quinjet
"Ahead, where?" she asks Bruce "The closest closet, up to your left."
She opens the door, gun in hand.
"They're unconscious, Banner. Could Y/n have done this?"Natasha asks the team
"Maybe." Tony sounds sure
"That silly misguardian, what has she done now." Thor says lovingly
"A total possibility." Steve responses with everyone else
"She sure as hell tried." Clint says finally speaking up "I was going through Hydra's camera footage, and there is some alarming stuff going on, in the North wing, I-" He grunts, taking a few steps back "I'd love some team spirt, and some help..." He says almost yelling with heavy breaths over comms
"On our way Clint." Steve reassures Clint, as everyone heads to the North wing in the HYDRA base
"Clint watch out!" You yell going to tackle him out of the way, but instead he gets sucker punched in the face by non other than Revenger Steve. You end up tackling him instead. You both on the ground, you go at him punching the shit out of his "pea brained asshole!" type of face, but before you are able to do enough damage, another Revenger pulls you off Steve. Throwing you against the opposite wall.
"Th- thor is that you?" You say head swirling.
"No. I am ThunderMan." Revenger Thor says steadily, picking you up in the air by your throat.
"Wel- your-" You gasp for air trying to break his grasp around your neck
Finally. The rest of your team was making there way into the room, slightly confused.
Natasha didn't waste time she charged Revenger Thor and got him off you in seconds.
Gasping for breath you thank her.
"Nat. They have- Robot versions of all of us.." You breath out "There clothes are different colors though."
"Is your son here?" she asks, kneeling over you
More Revengers come crashing through the ceiling as she shields you from the ruckus.
"If they do, I know where. I'll be fast." You say fast
"No. Your not going alone." Natasha says stopping you, giving you the look knowing it was her or you weren't going at all.
"Me and Y/n are headed to find her son, we'll be back Rogers." She smirks, running with you out of the room and down the hall.
The chaos that was now behind you and Natasha, knowing the guys would be fine without you, you relax, not fully though your son was probably in danger.
"Y/n/n?" Natasha asks you innocently
"Hmm?" You look over at Natasha walking with her down a long hallway
"Why didn't you tell us?" she was looking at you now
"I didn't want the world to know about him, the danger this job brings to me, is so great already. I couldn't pull him into that danger, the thought that he might be kidnapped at any moment, that's too much stress for me.." You chuckle looking at the tiled flooring ahead of you
"So I'm guessing, all the late meeting arrivals and being so stressed on missions. They all pertain to him, Jake?" She asks and you look up to her at his name.
"Yeah." You chuckle it off again, but there is only silence from her "Sorry. For everything. I should told you guys so much earlier about Jake and I just didn't, it was a shitty mistake, I'm sorry Nat." you say flatly turning a corner, finally realizing where the room is, before Nat could say anything else to you, you were going at a run to the sadly familiar door.
"Y/n?!" Natasha shouts at you as you stumble to open the door
"They- kept him her-" The door swings open with a loud slam against the wall.
You couldn't believe the site. Jake was sitting a chair, in a large glass tube, looking extremely scared til he noticed his mommy was in front of him.
Natasha is shocked walking up next to you.
"Is that-?" She asks shaken
"Yes-" You breath out
"Momma!" Jake shouts in joy
"Momma look!" He pointed to his head
"Hat!" He had a hat on, one you knew too well.
"No!" You shout and run up to the glass, breaking it after a few good punches to a weak spot.
Zemo runs in yelling, shots are fired, but from who and at who you don't know yet, all that matters is that Jake is alright..
He is crying by the time you pick him, holding him close, telling him "It's ok... It's ok, baby. Mommy's here." You hold him and seeing that Natasha had shot Zemo a few different times and took out 5 or so Hydra minions, She looked at the site of you with your son, she was happy for you, but all of you had to leave. Now.
"Tony? Are you Tony or are you Tony?!" "It's me Sir Captain O captain!!" Yelled one of the Tony's waving there arms in the air, Steve immediately obliterating that Tony.
"How'd you know that wasn't me, Cap?" Tony asking now fighting robot Thor.
"You don't talk like that, Stark." He says breaking off Revenger Nat's full left arm and hitting her with it to the ground.
"You know Rogers, I didn't think you would betray me this fast." Robot Natasha says flirtatiously to him as Steve finally pulls the cords out of her head.
Her voice breaks up and finally goes off line, as Revenger Steve picks up Steve and pushes him up against a wall.
"You touch my girlfriend again, I'll kill you." Revenger Steve exclaims
"She already is big guy." Steve says upsetting Revenger Steve further, and punches Steve full force leaving him stunned and trying to regain his strength, but the kicking, punches and shield body slams are not helping at all.
"Clint you seem to be quite out breath?" Thor asks him trying to hold Revenger Hulk away from everyone
"Yeh, I am one of the only Avengers that doesn't have a super power, so yeah I'm getting tired Thor." He says flatly, shooting a few arrows at Revenger Hulk.
"We could use Banner, right about now!" Tony yells "Where is he anyway?"
"He's out in the Quinjet. Tony you literally were the one to make him stay there." You say over comms rushing down the long hallway back towards everyone, Natasha stops you in the middle of the hall.
"Go. Get Bruce for us will you?" She looks down at Jake and back up to you. "Get Jake..." Jake looks up at Natasha at his name "..and yourself safe in the Quinjet, we can handle this." she says pointing her thumb to the chaos that was right ahead.
She smiled sincerely at you, something she hadn't done in a long time. You returned it quickly. Yelling over your shoulder to not die at Natasha as you and Jake leave to get Bruce.
On your way out you hear someone groaning in pain.
You walk into the room, the same room you had just taken Jake from.
Seeing Zemo lying on the ground with a shot in his leg and two in his stomach, blood flooded the ground
"Y/n. Help me." He groans out
You look down at him, hand over Jake eyes so he doesn't have to see the gruesome site that is a dying Zemo.
"No." You say steadily "Hydra will die, as with you." you says flatly and leave
"Bruce! Bruce! They need the Hulk. Now." You say running into the Quinjet
"You have a so-??" You set Jake down to push Bruce out of the huge jet, watching him run off, turning into The Hulk and jumping over the building to go fight.
You quickly make sure Jake is inside the jet before putting it on lock down.
After a few minutes
"Mommy?" Jake whines
"What's up?" You ask him looking over the controls of the jet.
"You were all gone." he says upset that you weren't there for him.
You stop what you were doing and pull him in for a kiss on the cheek "I know I was, and they won't ever get to us again, ok?" he nods in response and you hug him close hearing the faint crash of Hulk breaking into the base
"AAAGGGGGGG!!" Hulk swings in crashing a new hole in the ceiling towering over the other smaller Revenger Hulk, Smashing him to bits in seconds.
He didn't know the difference of who was who, so Barton and Stark almost got smashed, but Thor was the one to throw the Revengers at Hulk so he could just smash them, this worked for maybe 10 minutes before he smashed Thor into the ground.
Leaving everyone horrified, Hulk yelled and jumped out of the large room, hearing him stomp on the floor above them, dust falling from the ceiling as he went by.
So far only Natasha, Hulk, Thor, and Tony was down on the Revengers, and only Clint and Steve to go which was a very unfair fight, but there robots why would they care.
So they fought. It was a quick fight, Natasha fighting Revenger Clint to the ground, and Steve punching the fuck out of em. Thor threw his hammer at Revenger Steve, which turned out he caught it. Throwing it back at Thor, knocking him out. Clint shot the last strike to his Robot. Revenger Steve was going to be a bit more trouble, once he got sight of Natasha he melted thinking that was his girlfriend. Steve got jealous of himself. Steve finished Revenger Steve off in a matter of minutes.
Finally done battling, they all rushed to the Quinjet.
Everyone walks onto the Quinjet wrapping you and Jake into a group hug.
They all went there separate ways to clean wounds or get the Quinjet out of here, you go and sit the launch bay, It was quiet there. Jake needed to sleep, after being up for almost 2 days straight.
Natasha had finally found you.
"You know, I have missed you." She says and you look up at her
"Well, I haven't been very far." You look back down at your sleeping son
Nat comes sits next to you
"I'm just glad your safe, Y/n/n"
"I'm just glad we are on good terms again Nat."
She gives you a side hug
"I'll leave you two alone, and Tony said he was having a party later tonight, I don't know why in gods name he would have a party right now, but it's Tony so." She slightly smiles at you, doing the same you watch her leave
Finally looking down at your sleeping son, Jake, you smile
"Were finally safe." You say quietly to him and kiss his forehead
Your secret was safe, with the Avengers, you knew they would protect you forever.
Ahhhhh!! ‼️ This story was very fun to write and if anyone has any requests I would love to hear them I mainly do platonic stories!! ❤️❤️ I can try to write for any marvel character but the ones on my master list are the characters I am most familiar with!
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imerdwarf · 3 years
Love At First Crash
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Summary: your car gets taken to the repair shop where you meet the man who will repair it for you.
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Pairing: Mechanic!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: flirting, mild angst, idiots in love, happy ending 🥰
Word Count: 2,128 (I AM SO SORRY)
Author's Notes: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club's Drunk Drabbles 💜 my first time writing for mechanic!Bucky, thank you so much @jobean12-blog for checking it and giving me your thoughts 💜
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It's been just a few days since you've visited the repair shop and met the owner Bucky Barnes. His charming smile made your tummy feel like you had a swarm of butterflies fluttering around inside.
His tight white tank top was pulled so tightly across his chest that his pecs could be seen. His black jeans that sculptured around his thick thighs to show off those thigh muscles, his mechanical outfit was matched perfectly with his black boots.
Your footsteps echoed off the bare concrete walls and floors as you entered the repair shop back from the back entrance. The metal shutters with a dangling chain link was rolled halfway up and a dozen of motorcycles parked next to the doors.
The distant quiet music from the digital radio did very little to quieten your footsteps. Bucky had heard you and rolled himself out from underneath your car. He smirked up when he saw you approach him.
"Hey there doll." Bucky showed off his perfect pearly whites and that was the same smile that gave you the butterfly feeling.
"Hey Bucky," you smiled back and sheepishly shoved your hands in the front of your pockets. You had originally opted to call him James, but he beefy man insisted on Bucky since his close friends and family called him by that name and James had sounded so foreign to his ears.
Bucky stood up, his biceps flexing under his movements and you couldn't stop the creeping flush. You cleared your throat and looked at your car.
"She's looking good!" Bucky's smile grew wider by how excited and happy you were.
"Yes you are," he muttered under his breath but you heard him say something. Your head snaps towards him and grin.
"What did you just say?" Bucky blushed and now it was his turn to clear his throat and rub the back of his neck, unknowingly with his greasy padded fingertips which left a black streak.
"I said she is, she won't be too long in here actually, a few more days." He wanted to exhale his sigh of relief when you nodded your head and looked back at your car.
"Great, you're the best Bucky!"
Bucky was absolutely beaming from the praise but it wasn't a lie, Bucky really was the best. He was so the best in fact that you found yourself daydreaming about the beefy mechanic days after you visited him at the shop.
You were laying on your couch listening to the birds singing outside and staring up at the white ceiling with your hands resting on your stomach thinking about that gorgeous smile of his. You loved the way his hair was always slicked back into a bun and how his shirt was always grease stained, a sign of a hard working man. You knew he was working hard to get your car back on the road as soon as possible, he kept in touch to let you know how everything was going.
You were falling for him, fast and hard. He was all you could ever think about, he was all you dreamed about and he lived rent free in your head.
Your gut clenches from the thought that realistically, he is probably in a serious long-term relationship with a much more beautiful woman, one that must make him happy because he was always in a good mood and always smiling.
Your chances of ever being with him were really slim, and it was such a bitter pill to swallow. He was just a crush and that is all he would ever be. But it didn't stop you from creating scenarios in your head with him. What your evenings would look like cuddled on the couch watching movies, listening to music or just talking to each other. What kind of food you'd cook him, would he kiss you as a compliment? In your head he does.
You wonder what it would be like to have him underne—
"Y/N!" Wanda's voice suddenly breaks through your thoughts and you blink back to reality. You mumble a response and Wanda finds you laying on the couch staring up to nothing, again, "still daydreaming about your hot boyfriend?" She teases and you scoff, sitting up to glare at her.
"He is not my boyfriend. Never was, never will be." Your face drops when you said it out loud, as though it suddenly dawned on you.
"But you have a crush on him right?" Wanda pushes and you regret ever spilling the beans to her in the first place, of course she is never going to let this go.
"No." You lied.
"Then why does he make you look so sad?" Damn it Wanda, "look, I'm not here to pressure you but my brother is back in town and we are meeting at the bar tonight! He misses you and wants to see you!"
"Bucky misses me?!" You may have zoned out again thinking about Bucky. Wanda rolls her eyes and laughs lightly.
"No! Pietro! But I'm sure Bucky does kiss you... I mean miss you!"
You smiled, great now another thing to add to your scenarios.
"What time?"
"8pm sharp! Don't be late!" She kisses your cheek in a friendly manner before skipping out of your door and leaving you alone with your thoughts. You had a few more hours to lay here and do nothing but think about him.
The bar was crowded when you arrived and you headed towards the bar to order a drink when Pietro came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You screeched out when you turned around and saw it was him, pulling him into a tight hug and keeping your hands on his forearms as he kissed your cheeks.
It might have been innocent, but from where Bucky was stood, it seemed like the two of you were an item and his heart dropped into his stomach and his mood turned sour.
He had no idea you were with Pietro, he knew him because he's a well known lawyer with a lot of successful cases under his belt so he couldn't blame you for being with someone with a clean job while he went to work everyday in a greasy repair shop.
He's only met you a dozen times but he doesn't remember you ever smiling that brightly at him when you were in his repair shop.
"You're brooding." Natasha, one of Bucky's oldest friends told him as she sipped her dry red wine. Bucky rolled his eyes and swished his beer around in his hand.
"I'm fine." Bucky scoffed and turned his angle away from Natasha.
"You're in love." Bucky again rolls his eyes and tries to ignore her. He tries to ignore you both, he tries to contain the jealousy that desperately wants to come out and say something about the way you're not even pulling away from Pietro.
"I'm leaving," Bucky tells Natasha, chugging the rest of his beer before slamming the bottle down on a nearby table, he turns to Nat and points a finger in her face, "and don't follow me."
The catch-up with Pietro was nice, it's been a few years since you've seen each other and he was telling you about his new wife when you saw Bucky storm out of the bar over his shoulder. Your eyes widened, never even noticing he was here and oh god, how this must have looked. Your heart sunk when you saw a redhead follow in his direction, that must have been his girlfriend.
Your mood to stay in the bar any longer was diminished and now all you wanted to do was go home and be by yourself.
You excused yourself from Pietro's grip and bid Wanda a quick goodnight before making a quick exit out of the bar and heading straight home.
Your thoughts kept you up the whole night. You couldn't sleep and tossed and turned throughout the cold night. You kept thinking back to the way he stormed out of the bar, if only you had seen him sooner.
Wanda entered your home early the next morning to find you already sitting up at the kitchen table nursing a hot cup of coffee. You looked exhausted and she could tell you haven't slept.
"Hey." She whispers, putting her hand on your shoulder, "are you okay?" You nod your head and sigh, not being in the mood to talk about things right now.
"I'm fine, just tired from last night." It's a lie that Wanda seems to accept for now.
"Barnes called." Wanda sighs and your head snaps up, "your car is ready to be picked up. I'll go and get it for you so you can rest." You feel upset that he couldn't or didn't want to call you but called your emergency contact instead.
"I'll be back in a bit!" Wanda leaves quickly, jumping into Pietro's car and rehearsing the conversation in her head before she confronted Bucky.
Bucky was wiping his dirty greased up fingertips on the rag he had stuffed in his back pocket when Wanda arrived with Pietro. He saw him drive off shortly after she got out and Bucky refrained from rolling his eyes.
He was probably going home to you. He thought selfishly to himself. He mustered the biggest smile he could but it didn't fool Wanda.
"Barnes, you called?"
"Yeah, Y/N's car is ready."
"And you couldn't inform her why?" Wanda queried, noting the disappointing look that swam in his eyes.
"I didn't think Pietro would like that."
Wanda bent over and held her stomach as she laughed. Bucky's eyebrows pinched together in confusion, "What's so funny?" He snapped, angry at how this whole thing was completely unfair.
"I'm sorry- it's just- it's just- oh god- Pietro is my brother and he's married." Wanda said between breaths.
This only infuriated Bucky even further, "good for him but I don't need to know how happy they are together!" He needed to chill and calm down. Jealousy was not a good look.
"He isn't married to Y/N. She's single, has a crush on you, maybe even hopelessly in love with you but that's fine if you want to-"
"She's what?" Bucky asks shocked, there's no way a pretty dame like yourself could love him. He's too basic, too plain.
"Why don't you drop me home in Y/N's car and take her car back to her yourself and you'll see what I mean." It was an offer he couldn't refuse. If Wanda wasn't pulling his leg, and you really were single, he needed to get to you before someone else did.
It's been well over an hour since Wanda left to pick up your car. In that time, you managed to take a shower to release your tense muscles, take something for the pounding headache and change into an outfit.
You were really excited to get your car back, making a promise with yourself that you'll be a lot more careful this time and try not to get into more car crashes.
You heard the engine in your driveway and you leapt towards the front door with a smile on your face, your smile growing even wider when you saw it wasn't Wanda behind the wheel, but Bucky. You couldn't put your finger on why you were so happy to see him, maybe it was a little hope he didn't hate you after all.
He got out of the car and strolled up towards you with a matching smile on his own face. His hands were in his front pockets and he looked amazing dressed in all black with a black leather jacket.
"Hi!" Your dam almost breaks, you were awake the whole night worrying about what would happen and then he didn't call you himself this morning about your car, it was easy to jump to conclusions, "I'm so happy to see you."
"Doll, I'm sorry I didn't call- my thoughts- well, I mean my feelings got in the way and I let my jealousy shine brighter than the sun." He chuckled shyly.
"Please you don't need to explain, it's me who owes you an explanation. You see, Pietro and I are—"
"No need doll. Wanda told me everything. It's a pretty warm day, Steve is covering for me back at the shop and I wondered if you'd like to head down to the beach with me?"
You grinned and looked down to your feet before looking into his eyes again, "I can make a picnic?"
"Sounds like a date!"
"A date it is."
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Taglist: @smokeybluebrooke-lyn @pinkdiamond1016 @whatrambles @bestofbucky
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anne-white-star · 3 years
Band queen x ghost!reader a night at the opera
Notes : Reader is a ghost from the late 1890s she was found dead in her dressing room after a show where she sung a opera and played the piano, in the early 70s during the begining days of queen the band is practicing in the opera hall where there will be a show (they play songs from the album night at the opera) later that night and the reader is curious what that beautyfull sound is thats coming from the stage. Takes place at the royal opera house in london.
This might suck sorry guys but enjoy reading anyway
This isnt recorded its just for a story i hope you guys enjoy reading
Warnings : non
Words : 1347
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(Gif isnt mine)
"So Freddie tell me why are we here?" Asked Brian as he caried his guitar
"Well you see our concert will be given here"
"But why at the royal opera house?" asked roger a little bit anoyed
"Because of our album a night at the opera, don't tell me you don't find it the right setting for it rog"
"I find it a good idea" John said while walking up to the door and opening it
"Tonight there will be an concert given here i always wanted to do something like this" (this is not recorded its just a story)
"Hello you guys must be queen" im Eric the owner of the building (I made that up)
"Hello Eric, yes you got that corect"
"So you will be preforming here tonight, thats something Difrent usaly we only have clasical music playing here" he said while walking them to the opera grandeur (hope i got that corect)
"Changes have to be made somethimes" said Freddie as he walked up on the stage "how many people can fit in here?"
"About 2.256"
"Alright Good to know that"
"You guys can park your van in the back and acses your instruments from there, any other Question?"
"No but if we do we let you know thank you"
"You're welcome and good luck"
"Alright let us get our stuff set up" Brian said as he walked trough the back door "
Once everything was set up And all the instruments were tuned they started to practice"
Roger picked up his drum sticks "Alright wich song first fred?"
"How about sweet lady?"
"Sure why not"
"Alright lets start"
🎶Ooh, I like it
You call me up and treat me like a dog
You call me up and tear me up inside
You've got me on a lead
You bring me down, you shout around
You don't believe that I'm alone
Ooh, you don't believe me
Sweet lady
Sweet lady
Sweet lady (sweet lady)
Ooh, stay sweet🎶
As the music played trough the opera hall unknown to them somone had heared them play,
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at the top of the third row of seats sat a woman dressed in a late Victorian yellow dress with white gloves, she had long hair
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The woman wore it losely with soft pink roses tucked in it, she also had a diamond necklace around her nek.
This woman had never heared anything like this, she also hasnt seen Anything like the instruments they are using.
Out of the cornor of Brian his eye he saw somone sit at the row of the balcony
"Hey excuse me you up there, the opera house isnt open for visitors yet"
The woman gasped out of shock that somone saw her, then all the lights started to flicker and And she vanished
"What the hell" Freddie said out of shock
"Did you see that?" John backed away
"Oh yeah i did"
"Wait i have the feeling i have seen her before" Brian placed his guitar on the guitar stand and walked behind the curtans, the others decided to follow, they all walked to the wall and there hung a plate
"the lady in the yellow dress also known as the opera singer y/n y/l/n, y/n was murdered at the royal opera house after one of her performance back in 1890, an unknown man had made his way backstage and killed her in her dressing room, the man was never found"
"Thats her.... wait does that mean?"
"I guese it does Fred"
"A ghost?!"
"Wel its logical this place hasnt been altered at all So all the energy is still stored here"
The boys turned around to the sound of Brian his guitar sounding, they went back to the stage and saw the ghostly figure of a woman toutching the strings of the guitar
"Excuse me" freddie took a step forward
The woman gasps
"Don't worry we arn't going to Harm you we just want to talk"
"Who are you? "
"Im Freddie Mercury and these are my friends john deacon , Brian may and roger taylor
The girl let her guard down "hello my name is y/n" she gave a small bow
"So its true you still haunt this place after all these years"
"Yes unfortanetly i can't leave, my murder hasnt been solved so i cant go on but its not as boring here as you think"
"Have you ever seen instruments like this y/n?" Asked Brian as he picked up his guitar
"No never but it sounds very magical"
"You might have heared of an guitar, this is an electric guitar it uses electrisety to be played"
"Oh i would love to hear some more of your electric guitar"
"Of course" Brian started to play a sweet melody
Y/n claped " that sounded wonderfull, what about the other instruments?"
"John playes the bass it also needs electrisety, and roger playes the drums"
"What about mr Mercury?"
"Oh darling im the most important one of all im the front man of the band i sing the songs"
"You have a wonderfull voice mr Mercury"
"Why thank you dear, tell me when you were alive you played the piano right? "
"Oh yes i did it was my life i started at a young age"
"Could you play something?"
"Of course what do you have in mind?" She sat down at the piano
"What about beethoven moonlight sonata?"
"Oh yes of course i can do that one" y/n started to play the soft tunes of the piano rang out trough the theater, once the was done the boys clapped
"That was absolutly beautyfull"
"Thank you mr may, i was wondering if i can here some more of your wonderfull music" y/n stood up And walked to a chair that stood in the cornor
"Sure why not what you say boys?"
"Lets do it, wich one?" Asked roger
John put the strap of bass around his shoulder "What about bohemian rhapsody?"
"Lets do it" said Freddie as he dat down at the piano
🎶Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landside,
No escape from reality🎶
*qeu piano music*
🎶Open your eyes,
Look up to the skies and see,
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
Little high, little low,
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to
Me, to me🎶
When the song was over y/n stood up And claped "apsolutly phenominal Its so beautyfull"
"Why thank you darling"
"I will be watching the show tonight from up there" she pointed to a place up on the third balcony"
"Oh thanks dear see you tonight"
"Thill tonight" she smiled and waved while waking trough the wall
That same night a lot of people came to the concert the theater was filled to the brim all seats were filled,, y/n sat down in her Seat and some people din't see her, Freddie stood on the stage and waved at her so she waved back
"Good evening lovelys how are you all doing!!!" People screamed and cheered "good good, lets get straight to the music my dears, first up death on two legs" people once again cheered, Freddie sat down at the piano and started to play
The evening was filled with lots of cheers beautyfull music and happy people. At the end of the evening people their spirits had been lifted
"Thank you all for comming my darlings thill next time" he bowed and so did the others, they went back stage where y/n was waiting
"You guys did absolutly amazing"
"Thank you y/n"
"Im a bit sad that i will never see you guys again"
"We can come by once a year to visit let you hear our new songs"
"That would be absolutly wonderfull"
"Really? Oh that would be great" she smiled softly
"We have to start packing now"
"Alright im going to roam again, take good care of you're self guys"
"We will"
Y/n waved them goodbye and everyone went on their way
The end
I hope you all enjoyed reading sorry if it doesn't make any sense i tried my best have a Nice day everyone.
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Hey lovelies,
I wrote a Dewey Finn/reader fanfic again.
Bare with me... its LONG. Also angst ahead, followed by our fluffy rock-god, who is too sweet for this world 😍.
The reader has a panic-attack and dewey is there to save the day.
Hope you enjoy. 💕 Lots of love.
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High anxiety.
You sat on the floor of your living room. Shaking. Breathing heavily, said breath squeeking with each breath as you inhaled. Dread and panic settling in your chest as you wrapped your arms around yourself in an attempt to get your shit together. You felt your breaths getting shorter. Havier. And you felt the panic in your chest rising.
It had been a while since your last panic attack. A part of you was glad that your boyfriend wasnt home right now. It would be pathetic if Dewey saw you like this. Another part of you however, was getting even more fear since he wasnt home with you.
You knew Dewey for years, and since the years of friendship you two had shared, before tumbling into a relationship, he knew just what to do to help you calm down during said panic attacks.
You felt your heart clenching at the thought of him helping you each time you suffered like this, feeling even more helpless since he wasnt home with you.
Between shallow squeeking breaths and your racing heartbeat you sobbed. Tears streaming down your face in sheer panic. Feeling incredibly alone and scared you hyperventilated even more. Knowing it would be a while untill Dewey would come home, since it was only 12am. And he had to teach the kids untill 3.
"Wel... fuck fuck fuckerdy fuck..."
You felt so stupid, worthless, scared, sad and really REALLY anxious. You closed your eyes and pulled your knees towards your chest, as a pile of panic on the floor. Still crying and hyperventilating you managed to grab your phone as you texted Dewey, with shaking hands typing the message: 'panic' as you struggled to send the message through your blurred vision if tears and shaking nerves.
"Please read my text. Please read my text. I need you Dew-drop."
Dewey drove so fast he just knew he was gonna get in trouble for it. However, he didn't have a single fuck to give right now. When he saw your text he practically ran out the classroom, shouting to the kids he had to go home and tell summer to get miss Mullens in the meantime.
Dewey's mind was clouded with worry as he raced home to you.
He was glad that you thought about texting him before your attack got worse... if you waited too long doing he knew you wouldnt be capable of doing so. He anxiously watched the time... still 3 more minutes. He hoped you were doing okay...
It felt like you were sitting on the floor for hours. Sobbing violently, now full on hyperventilating. Your face wet from the tears. Your vision blurry from the tears and the hyperventilating was starting to make you see black spots everywhere you looked.
At this the heaviness of your chest only grew, and you felt your panic starting to rise even more.
You closed your eyes, pulling your head between your knees in a last attempt to make yourself calmer. The only thought repeating in your brain was: "deweydeweydeweydewey..."
As you sat at the floor, in full on panic mode you didnt realise Dewey rushing through the front door, his eyes growing wild in terror as he saw your helpless form sitting on the floor. He had to remind himself to breath calmly himself... deciding that he needed to be calm and assuring in this situation. Instead of stressing his ass off. He ran a hand trough his hair, collecting himself for your sake, as he walked calmly towards you.
Your had eyes still closed tightly, clinging your own knees so hard it turned your knuckels white, with your head still pressed firmly between them. Blocking the outside world. Your breathing was a mess, squeeking and uneven and all over the place.
Dewey was slowly coming closer to you, his worry grew each time you took in a high pitched fast breath. He was calculating every step he made towards you, the last thing he wanted was to scare you even more.
He figured sneaking up at you like this wouldnt do you any good, but you haven't seen or heard him approach you yet. So he decided that the first thing to do was to make you notice that he was there with you, that you didnt had to face this alone.
He started crouching down so he was leveling with you as he slowly started to hum a song.
Through your ragged short breaths you distantly heard someting, something other than your own sobs. Your ears perked up slightly, trying to focus on the sound instead of the feeling of panic that was heavy in your chest. You slowly started to recognise the song that you heard. It was the first song that Dewey ever played for you on his guitar.
You opened your eyes, your head hesitantly moving up. Anxiety and panic still as heavy as your breathing.
You looked upward and saw the concerned face of Dewey. Your Dewey. Your breath still squeaking, it took you a lot of efford to focus on him. But just seeing Dewey grounded you a bit.
He spoke with the softest calmest voice he could manage: "Hey sweetheart, you back with me? Keep your eyes on me, okay love? Can you do that for me? Just look at me and focus on my voice. Your doing great. Your gonna be fine sweetheart. Im here with you, your not alone."
You conintued to look at him. Relieved that Dewey was with you now.
"Thats it love. Keep those pretty eyes on me. I am gonna move closer to you, is that okay?" It took you all your willpower to nod once. He smiled at that, glad you showed him you heard him.
He scooted closer to you, as he kept lulling in his soft voice: "thats it sweetheart. Your doing great y/n, just focus on my voice. Keep looking at me sweetheart.
As he reached the point across you he carefully touched your knees, making sure you were okay with him doing so. Holding intense eye contact to notice the slightest bit of worry on your face as he touched you.The said worry on your face never came.
Still hyperventilating you noticed his hand laying sofly on your knee. He was still staring intently at you, his eyes were calm and assuring. He asked: "is this okay love? Is it okay if i touch you?" Again it took you all the willpower you had to nod at him. He smiled a bit at that. He knew from previous attacks that telling you what he was doing helped you with your anxiety.
Dewey very gently moved his other hand on your knee too. And started to move them up and down in a soothing way. All the while speaking: "Your doing great sweetheart. Im here with you. Just focus on the sound of my voice, keep your pretty eyes on me and feel my hands on your knees. Your gonna be okay. Breath with me love. Breath in. Breath out. Thats it, your rocking it. In with me. Out with me..."
You breathed in and out with dewey together. You felt the fog in your mind clearing at his voice and the pressure on your chest was becoming less heavy with each stroke on your knee. Your breathing gently slowing down bit by bit.
Dewey noticed this and beamed at you, moving closer untill he could properly hold you.
The sight alone made your heart flutter, and you managed to smile a tiny smile back at him, as you welcomed his embrace. Still unable to move you two sat on the floor for a while. Dewey proceeded to guide your breathing and his voice and presence literally banned your anxiety slowly. "Thats it love. In.... Out.... in.... out...."
As minutes had passed and your breathing was back to normal you managed to scoot even closer to him, cuddling in his safe embrace.
He hold you tight in his arms, humming as he did so. You sighed, as he rocked your body back and forward... his voice humming your thoughts away. You were surrounded by the comfort and love Dewey provided. You inhaled deeply trough your nose, the scent of dewey making you feel safe. He smelled like cinnamon, coffee, and a little bit of sweat combined with... tea tree oil...? He must have used your shampoo this morning. You couldnt supress a smile creeping up your face. Gosh, you loved that man.
Dewey noticed your slight smile appearing, followed by some tears rolling down your cheeck. Your emotions crashing in with full force, you just realized Dewey had come home early... just because you had a stupid panic attack. You mumbled in the crook of his neck: "im sorry Dew... im so sorry..."
Deweys mind worked fast at this. The chance of you panicking again closing in, and he knew he had to stop it. Fast.
You were in the middle of mumbling apologies as you felt a hand stroking your hair, and calloused fingers wiping your tears away as Dewey pecked every inch of your tear-stained face. He tried to speak while kissing you: "sweetheart *kiss* not *kiss* your *kiss* fault *kiss*...."
You chuckled at his attempt to kiss and talk at the same time. His scruff tickeling your face with each kiss.
He pulled away from pecking your face slighty to look you in the eyes and stroke your cheeck as he spoke:
"Y/n... love... dont say that. Its okay. Im here. I always will be here. Its not your fault, you did a good job texting me before it got worse. Your doing great. Your gonna be okay now. I love you SO much..." To prove his piont he kissed your nose.
You nodded. Smiling and knowing you had the BEST boyfriend ever.
He pulled you even closer to him, you were almost sitting on his lap now. His strong arms holding onto your waist, as he lulled in your ear:
"Should i draw you a bath, love? It might be good for your tense muscles... I'll even put your favorite oil in it for you..." he sing-songed the last scentence and you snorted at that.
He chuckled as well, glad he'd made you laugh.
You felt him moving to get up, but you tensed at this whispering: "Dew...."
His hand now slowly moving his way across your belly as he replied: "hmmm?"
You whispered with a shaky voice: "would you... do you mind... uhm..."
Deweys thumb moved tiny circles around your belly button as he kissed your neck softly: "I'm coming with you if you like that... you don't have to be alone now... no worries, okay?"
You nodded again. Dewey helped you on your feet and held your hand as you two walked the stairs.
You stripped down your clothes as Dewey prepared the perfect bath for you both. He slipped in first, and you rested against his torso in the tub. His chin resting on your head, and his armes wrapped around your waist. You felt the falling and rising of his chest behind you calming you even more. You closed your eyes, reveling in the moment before you broke the silence: "Thankyou Dewey.... i love you"
After pressing a kiss on the top of your hair he replied: "Anytime sweetheart, i love you too."
You shifted lightly is his grasp, turning so you were with your head on his chest now, his grip around you never leaving. He started to comb his hands trough your hair while humming softly into your ear.
And at that moment, you felt calm and safe in Dewey's embrace.
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I lay on the side of the sidewalk bleeding to death. DIO used The World and his time stop and took a huge punch at me. I went flying across the street hitting a building and landing on the hard concrete sidewalk. I wanted to help Jotaro and Polnareff kill DIO, but I and my stand wasnt strong enough to do so.
"This is it" I thought "Im gonna die. At least I'll be with my mom and dad eventually..."
Im in the car with my parents on the way to to an event my aunt made. It was 9 pm that night and I was around 4 years old. The windows were down I can feel the cool crisp spring air hit my face as my hair blows from the raging wind, my hand peeking out the car window.
"Are you excited to see your Auntie Janet, and your cousins? They cant wait to see you theres gonna be a huge party, and after you'll have a sleep over with them" said my mom looking back at me.
"Yes mommy, I cant wait!! I havent seen them In awhile. I know my cousins will be excited too" I let out a excited chuckle as I hold my trex plushie tight in my arms. Seeing cousins were great I always had fun with them. My mom smiles and turns her head back giving my father a kiss on the cheek. He turns to her and gives her a smile. They embrace for a good moment just admiring each other. While he was not looking on the road bright lights start to show to the car. My mom looks and yells for my father to watch out. But when he tried to move out the way A mini-van crashed our car. Shards of glass went flying everywhere making a chunk slash my eye. The car went rolling over. My plushie goes flying out of the car as im screaming and crying. The car finally lands and I pass out, waking up with my aunt and cousins around me......
~End of flashback~
Tears begin to form from my eyes. I knew that I wasnt able to defeat DIO, but at least I tried without giving up. I thought about my short life with my parents, and thier deaths, to meeting the boys and joining to fight DIO. I thought about Kakyion and seeing his death in frount of me, how I thought a brother like figure I could grow up with is gone, and also being in love with Polnareff. Polnareff made me finally see what love was like even though he was kind of a playboy at frist, but he was the sweetest and most Caring person you will ever meet. Soo my eyes begin to close. That was it I'm losing too much blood, I will never see Polnareff again and tell him how I feel. My eyes offically close and I black out.
A week after the DIO situation....
My eyes slowly open and a bright light hits them. They soon adjust to the light and I see im in a hospital room.
"I'M ALIVE THATS IMPOSSIBLE I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE FOR SURE!?!?" I thought to myself. I look over and see Polnareff across the room sleeping. My eyes water up as I see him alive right in frount of me. He was all banaged up. I lean up and a sharp pain hits my chest/stomach. I let out a loud moan. God damn!!! The pain was unbearable. Polnareff starts waking up and sees me sitting up from the hospital bed. He lunges out of the chair, happy to see me awake from that whole week coma.
"E-ELAINE YOURE FINALLY AWAKE!!" He comes at me and gives me a hug.
"I thought you were gonna die right there when DIO hit you, but you somehow survied, but that doesn't matter anymore youre awake now!!" I wrap my arms around him.
"P-Polnareff, Im happy youre alive too I though you died as well." He looks at me, and sees my scar, he moves my hair out of the way to see it better. I hesitantly move his hand away.
"Whats wrong Elaine??, there's nothing to be ashamed of that??"
"Wel it's not that I dont like my scar, I just dont like when people look at it, that scar is from a bad car accident I cant really see in this eye. I just dont like the looks I get whenever I how my scar"
"Dont hide it I think it makes you look very beautiful" I blush and look away from him.
"You really think so??? Polnareff" I question him.
"Of course Mon Cheri, I find it beautiful when women have those type of flaws it tells a story in my opinion" His thumb caresses my scar. I tear up and look into his eyes. We look for a good secound, then I finally kiss his lips. His lips were so soft. His hands grasp my face and starts passionately kissing me.I return the favor. FINALLY at last I can finally tell him how I feel. We look back at each other I let out a smile.
"I love you Polnareff!!" His head leans into mine.
"I love you too Elaine" he gently kisses my forehead.
"Did Jotaro survive the fight??" Polnareff grins.
"Of course he did he literally took tore that bastard DIO to shreds, and he brought Mr.Joestar back to life" I smile from excitement, he did it. That son of bitch actually did it!!! And somehow saved Mr.Joestar too.
"Well where are they now?? Why arent they here??"
"They were just here awhile ago they had to go do some things but they'll be back" he then grabs my hand. I grasp his hand back holding it tight. Never wanting to let go.
"Well they better come back fast!! I have so much to ask from them" I begin to giggle. I lean towards Polnareffs shoulder, and look outside of the window. So many thoughts go through my head. From the start of the adventure, losing a few good friends, and meeting memorable people on the way. I cant wait to ask so many questions when the Joestars walk through that door.....
But I know that my journey is far from over...
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fangrrlsing · 5 years
Now I just finished watching Another Life on Netflix, so-be warned- there are spoilers ahead.
I'm gonna be honest, I started watching for Tyler Hoechlin. Who then got killed off at the end of the first episode. Which was kind of a bummer because I was ready for like several of episodes but well, the Pilot wasn't bad so I kept watching.
And honestly, I found the first episodes really enjoyable. But then they doubled up on the dumb decisions. And introduced love drama. And it got worse with every new episodes. And don't get me started on the countless sex scenes that were totally unnecessary. (Did I already mention the relationship drama on every corner? It was ridiculous.)
And then it didn't even answer all question that felt like they should have been answered already, like those stupid Artifacts. Why are the Archai (?) even sending them out? What are they supposed to do?? Amd they're bad of course. The aliens contacting Earth got to be evil, right? Can't stray from the script, huh?
Never mind the AI that falls in love with the Commander and then acts like a big man-child when she rejects him (also she's married?!). And everyone being so understanding about it even when that puts everyone in serious danger. ("I wished he would kill you." - "That's understandable." What the fuck?) Seriously, can we stop encouraging people to feel entitled to other people's emotions? Because we're not. Seriously. I'm getting all worked up again, just thinking about it.
Well, the great finish was a young woman ending up pregnant, after it was earlier established they were all sterile. But, huh, well the AI misjudged *shrug*
And it's so frustrating because it could have been all so amazing! You don't need every crew member to get into each others pants. Let them be a team, let them become a team. Is that too much to ask?
The one good thing that came from this shitshow (again, so sad because it wasn't bad at first! It kept me watching! And not because I invested to much time already.), wel the one good thing that came from watching Another Life was that I remembered The long way to a small, angry planet by Becky Chambers because this book is amazing and everyone who likes Sci-Fi and traveling through space and watching a crew follow their mission should watch it because it gives you all this but in this lovely laid back way and not really cliche and you actually see the crew growing together and it's all very lovely and I want everyone to read it.
tl;dr Skip Another Life and use the time to read The long way to a small, angry planet by Becky Chambers instead.
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werewolfmagic · 4 years
Hey love! It makes me happy we shared playlists yesterday, I really appreciate that! You were right too, I love NF thank you for introducing me to his music!
Anyways, so today I thought I might give you some really funny videos/series to watch! I know last night we talked about just watching a show, so maybe some of these will help you like they helped me!
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4E8CE9E89554302E Drunk Minecraft is a trip. Some of these episodes are a lil dull, but if you have a more naughty or dark sense of humor, you'll love this.
https://youtu.be/9TjfkXmwbTs I was in tears during parts of this choose your own adventure style video! It has some really amazing scenes
https://youtu.be/5EXC_rjs7tg I laughed so hard at this video my cat got concerned for me.
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRQGRBgN_EnpSqUheSWgweSMOcLdtI9w7 The 10 Minute Power Hour got me through so much. I used to watch the game grumps, like, religiously. They really helped me with my depression.
https://www.youtube.com/c/VivaLaDirtLeague This channel does 2 things and they do it really well: videogame humor, and retail humor.
https://www.youtube.com/c/tastybrandon Brandon Rogers does a lot of really inappropriate jokes. They're really hilarious to me though. My favourite thing he ever did was called Magic Funhouse. It's a series and the first episode is on his youtube channel! The rest is on an app called VRV, which is free.
https://www.youtube.com/c/yogscast This channel is more or less a group of people, all with their own channels and content. Theres definitely a yog for everyone, some do a lot of livestreams, some do VODs, and the group as a whole really helped me out when I needed a distraction from everyday life.
https://www.youtube.com/c/UnusAnnus This channel is really funny, but you'll need to watch it soon! It is going to be deleted on its one year anniversary. It's a lot of challenges and just generally two guys having fun together.
https://www.youtube.com/user/LastWeekTonight This one is kinda a weird one for me to include. This channel does a lot of news stories, but they deliver the news in a more lighthearted way. It's for if you want to be informed, but not necessarily be horribly depressed by the news.
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7atuZxmT954bCkC062rKwXTvJtcqFB8i This is a dnd stream! It's made up of voice actors, and if you really wanna see what dnd is at it's core, watch this. It has some really funny moments, some that made me cry, overall just a great show.
https://www.kiss-anime.ws/Anime/ladies-versus-butlers This is the funniest anime I have ever seen. It has an amazing story and great character development too! It does have some sexualization, so fair warning, but it's clean as far as most anime go
https://youtu.be/YhOadP3i3a8 This band makes really funny, really amazing music and music videos.
Now, love, you may wonder why do I wanna post a lot of random funny stuff you could watch if you wanted to. Well, sometimes people get really depressed. And that's okay. These channels and videos helped me get through one of the worst times in my life, and I really hope they can help you too! I'm definitely gonna update this list as I remember and find more stuff for it as well. If you wanted to, maybe you could make a sort of playlist or short list of things that always make you smile, from youtube to random shows, to anything really! If you decide to make it, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it! Making this list made me smile and relive some happy times, so maybe if you make one it might make you smile too.
Love always,
Eden ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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