mmmmalo · 2 months
The Sburb spirograph kinda looks like a dream-catcher...? which would be thematically consistent with Sburb's "manifestation systems" that turn player's dreams/nightmares into game content... In addition to lining up with how early game play invokes "totems" and "kernels" (ie corn) to riff on colonial dynamics.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
5x17 scared to death
Ok I also really really love this episode & the next one. I need a filler episode gosh! Stop it with the great episodes all in a row!
Just a few secs to midnight my girl has a guitar at least she's calling 911 Tell the operator girl what's "it" how is she talking while breathing? barefoot
*plays the audio* Perlmutter RC: No. Based on the fact she looks like an Edvard Munch painting. Really freaky. Castle smart *esposito shares a look with beckett* Do they call dreamcatchers indian woodchimes? I speak a little bit of cree which is similar to ojibwe (the culture which dreamcatchers are from, though they are also popular with cree & assiniboine). asabikeshiinh or bawaajige nagwaagan.
Like permutter! I heard that
That's what SHE thought Where is ryan? & esposito has a lot of stubble today. Hair is growing out a bit Who is this poor gal? Oh roommate who was just coming home from work
Ooh Ryan is looking great with that red sweater three days RC, saying my thoughts: Three days. That’s how long Val’s roommate said she had been acting strangely. She only bought them recently? Also three ish days? JE: Yeah, because if Val was a victim of anything it was her lousy taste in men
Loved her? really? Becks looks great, & I love those shoulder things I forget what they are called Esposito looks like he is wearing one of my I'm-at-home-today-but-have-scars-I-want-to-cover-up shirts
Yeah, did he leave before the murder RC: Well, I’ll just point out that Val asked him if he believed in the power of evil and then was talking about how it was real. I hate to say it – KB: Then don’t.
RC: A closet with more stilettos than yours. Didn’t think it was possible
Oh no he;s watching the "the ring" video I love it, the editing was nice I love castle XD XD XD (tho I heard "you saw midnight on the third day; you die" not "you saw; you will die midnight on the third day")
esposito unimpressed listening to castle Ryan sitting on the desk all cute
JE: How’s a DVD going to kill you? Is it going to come at you like a ninja star? Cut your head off? RC, dropping his head in annoyance: The actual DVD will not kill me, Esposito. It will be the spirit inside the DVD. Just like in The Ring. KR: Ooh, ooh, the one with the creepy, waterlogged little girl that crawls out of the TV. I didn’t sleep for days after that movie.
KR: Yeah. I mean, because that’s … all it is, right? A legend. KB:
Ryan "thanks bro" *nodding* *realizes she's (not) going to die* WAIT
Ok so the door is glass & you don't close the back blinds?? I wasn't asking for you! *watching her reaction*
Yes because the killer made it creepy but I mean they did well Looks like the thing my uncle had me engrave on wood for him. He's a germanic pagan. & the anch & the illuminati dollar bill eye Question: Would you get killed if you just see a pic of it?
SP: Ah, Detective Beckett. And defective Castle. (I love him so much) "appears" KB: Did she have heart problems? SP: Well, she certainly did once it stopped beating. *rolls his eyes at castle* Well heart failure killed her but what caused the heart failure? RC: (sighs) Checking my bucket list. See how many things I can get done in two days. (he looks up) Can either one of you introduce me to Bill Shatner? SP: does a double take
KR: Finding who sent this disc should make Castle feel a whole lot better. JE: Yeah. But what if the worst happens and Castle’s right? Do you think he put me in his will? KR: Dude. Uncool. JE: What? I’m just wondering. I mean, Castle’s death will be sad and all, but his Ferrari sure would lessen my grief. KR: You do realize that even putting that out in the universe is bad karma. JE: Please. Castle’s not going to die. We’re not dealing with an evil spirit. We’re dealing with a guy who has a return address. (I've seen a clip of this so I don't need to film it)
Only one other person asked? No u need a warrant technically the great beyond (keep thinking unus annus lol)
Ryckett same mug! KR: I’m just saying, maybe the reason we can’t trace the package’s origins is because it was sent from another realm.
INT – JASON BENNETT’S APARTMENT They kick open the door to the apartment and head in with guns drawn. KR: NYPD! RC follows behind JE JE: Hey bro, I just want you to know ­– (RC: stumbles on something) – just thought you should know that I really value our friendship. RC: Okay. Thanks. JE: It’s priceless to me. He touches Castle’s arm, out of character for Esposito. RC: Great. JE: But if we could put a price on it, what would it be? RC: What are you talking about? JE: I just want to know how much our friendship would be worth if you were, you know – RC pulls on a chain and a light turns on. He startles. RC: Dead! JASON BENNETT is in a chair and he’s the one dead. They rush over and KR checks his body.
Ryan knows how long he's been dead? If there was a power outage it would still be flashing but it would also keep tracking time wait nvm it's midnight, that's why castle says 48 hours & the clock says midnight
JE: That’s cold, bro. RC: Okay, does anyone have a better solution? Because we need one. If not for me, at least for Beckett. KB: (low, with admiration) Castle, that’s so sweet. You want me to outlive you? RC: Of course. Who else is going to tell my tale of sacrifice and selflessness? KB: *The admiration drops from her face*
Like what my mother said. She said that if she dies she wants us to use a photo recently taken of her, professionally taken. Castle legit thinks she wants to put a sexy (or cute sleepy) photo on the murderboard!? KB: *tried to seduce him* RC: (smirks) Well, I might be convinced – whoa, wait a minute. (her saucy look falls) In every horror movie I’ve ever seen - (he looks around) - having sex pretty much guarantees we will die. So for the safety of us both, I say we just … hold off. & she keeps walking into his space XD & he walks into a wall
Bro get some darn sleep! Who are you calling at this hour!? & Wes is just up? WC: Is Stephan King beating you at Texas Hold’em again? Pesky Suckers lol RC: Yes. WC: *rolls eyes* RC: I just thought I’d give you a little friendly competition. Just got a little writer’s block is all.
WC: Friendly competition my ass.
Bedazzlecats39 my beloved
Why is esposito standing over his desk? Yeah gross & creepy *facepalm* this is soo good & everyone is pretty. All of them. He's right! The cused ones should not go to the creepy motel KR: Whoa, you’re volunteering to watch that thing again? ACTUALLY WHAT IF HIS DEATH DATE IS POSTPONED? HE JUST NEEDS TO WATCH THE VIDEO EVERY TWO DAYS FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE unless it's like idk smile dog or smth where u feel suicidal. Maybe watching the dvd every day for the rest of your life will keep pushing back the "u will die in 3 days" death date but the constant watching of it would mess u up psychologically
clipping espt's startle
Yeah he can't remember from '08 not normal? 13? Or not normal as in court stuff Ooh murder mystery NIgel Malloy!
Dead. Castle would still say yes he could still be seeking revenge Love rystle This man is insane & not in the good way KR: Like the killer in those Chucky moves who transferred his spirit into that spooky doll. Second time he's brought those up in the series I'm a cop! Helper
Another person in the court?
Love the rain & castle-style asylum u already did that with the nypd lol Nurse Lockheart: Well let’s hope not! *cheery*
*immediately stand too close to the glass* Man just said he doesn't get visitors Mum: When did he learn her name? I mean, he seems pretty insane tbh, I don't think his appeal will go through. Or maybe he is not insane & he's just trying to be polite to visitors. But then again he might be going insane bc of the situation he is in... how DOES he know that?
RC: And we’re running out of time. So I’m going to scratch off number 27 on my bucket list. (he takes a breath) You remember that uh, blue porcelain vāse you had on your dining room table? KB: Yeah, the one the wind blew over. RC: Yeah, about that. I was playing Wii Tennis in the living room – KB: You broke my vase? RC: Vāse. Veyse is acceptable too. KB: You know what? You can stop worrying about the spirits getting to you because I just might kill you myself. RC: Seriously? You want to spend our last day on Earth fighting? She glares at him and dials her phone. KR: Ryan.
No internet, no email! Missing? He's dead... Oh. Missing from the cemetery... But wait where did att the dirt go? If you dig up a grave the dirt has to go somewhere
KB: Leopold Malloy is behind all of this. *leaves the break room* JE: Yo. Doesn’t look like Leopold has anything to do with this.
three days ago!? This is tonight! (it is 8pm rn) Ryan looked into heller's financials <3 WAIT WHY ARE THESE TWO GOING TO THE CABIN IN THE WOODS? (cottage in the forest, cabin in the woods; forgive me father for I have sinned, sorry daddy I've been naughty)
Stop where? Blessed? Just blessed? Or made it into holy water? Holy water required exorcised & blessed salt as well as exorcised & blessed water. But I wish castle brought all this stuff on the last ghost episode Oh no the phone sucks He doesn't pronounce the end of beckett's name exactly. Can you maybe put your phone by the antenna of your car?
Shia laboeuf The other one is cursed with being charming & funny!
Wow... Bear Man's been drinking Yep show ID With that taxidermy collection this guy Must have a gun RC: Look Mark, if the pattern holds, you’ve got two minutes before – (he pauses) – you know. So let’s talk about this in the car.
RC: Okay, hoo-ha we can be talking about in the –
three birds one stone circuit breakers outside? rly? ghastly? pale? pissed? Don't split up omg
Nice cloak She was chasing the fellow how did she lose them as soon as they went into the CLEARING?
It's a woman!? It is leopold!!? R u saying the truth? Maybe he was the one with the hypnotic hold on nigel & also the nurse YOU dug it up
Woah it's about collier not nigel
There was no sign of struggle so she had the key but what about the couch?
Big bro: going to be hiding in the bear Why is she chatting at him? the 911 operator didn't hear amanda chatting last time
Why would they stand up instead of staying hidden until she came closer? Flashbang? Taser? Over the head with holy water XD
Where were the burns from electrocution?
Only took a year to plan? She did not cozy up to val for the other witnesses, val had no contact with them. Then again a year is a long time
JE, walking in with an evidence bag & a beverage: And she used this to knock them out. *raises his mug to drink* RC: The mug? JE: No, the taser. (he holds out an evidence bag) It’s a modified taser. Emits a disorienting light and amplified voltage.
To suffer the same way he did
Emp? Or that thing where is ryan btw? Oh. That's where he is. KR: I can answer that. Turns out, he was never buried. His body disappeared from the morgue shortly after his death. The police didn’t want to make it known, so they buried an empty coffin. But here’s the odd thing. His body was never found. What is with those exchanges of looks?
It is WAY past midnight now, they had to drive all the way back from the cabin. Poor people there so late.
& now she is wearing different clothes so it is a new day (night) That is the cutest sweetest thing! He SHOULD be serious lmao She mentioned that trick during the magic trick episode (poof youre dead 3x12)
His face goes instantly from anticipation & anxiety to lenny face
that was fun. loved it. I spent the full hour & a half on this one too. The next one is ryan heavy it's the fenton o'connell episode. I need to LEAVE in an hour & a half for work. fricking ew. I don't have time for another full one.
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What is a dreamcatcher
Dreamcatchers became widely popular during the 1980s and have become a very common crafts item, jewelry piece, and image on home decor items. They are made from a wooden hoop, usually willow, onto which a net or web is woven with natural fibers. They typically have feathers and beads hanging from the hoop as well.
While modern dreamcatchers come in various forms, authentic ones are generally only a few inches in size and are handmade from all natural materials with a leather-wrapped frame.
What is a dreamcatcher
The meaning of dreamcatchers and the beliefs surrounding their construction originate from Native American cultures. The dreamcatcher is a protective talisman that is used to protect people from nightmares and bad dreams. The charm was usually used for young children and hung above their cradles or beds.
Native American cultures believe that both good and bad dreams fill the air at night. The dreamcatcher acts like a spider's web by trapping the bad dreams or visions while allowing the good ones to filter through. The bad dreams caught in the web get destroyed when the sunlight of morning hits the dreamcatcher, while the good dreams filter down through the feathers and gently reach the sleeping person below.
Dreamcatchers can also be considered as apotropaic charms that provide protection from any kind of evil influence, not just from bad dreams and nightmares. Some cultures, like the Lakota, believe that dreamcatchers work slightly differently as their legend states that the good dreams or ideas would become trapped in the web while the bad ones would pass right through the hole in the center and would be gone forever. 
The circular frame symbolizes Mother Earth and everything that sustains life. Its circular shape also represents the continuous flow of life as there is no beginning or end. In addition to representing the circle of life, it also symbolizes how the sun and moon move across the sky every day in a continuous loop.
The web or net of the dreamcatcher is intricately woven inside the frame to mimic the look of a spider's web. The circle in the center of the web is its heart and is where the good dreams and visions are filtered through.
There are some different meanings behind the beads on dreamcatchers. Some cultures believe the beads represent the spider, while others say the beads are the physical form of the good dreams that failed to pass through the web and become sacred charms.
The number of points on the woven web of the dreamcatcher is also significant and holds different meanings. A dreamcatcher with 13 points represents the 13 phases of the moon, 8 points symbolizes the spider woman in the Native American legends, 7 points refers to the seven prophesies, 6 points represents an eagle, and 5 points symbolize a star. 
Some authentic dreamcatchers have a cross in the center of the web which symbolizes the Four Sacred Directions. These are known as medicine wheel dreamcatchers that provide protection from misfortune and bring good medicine into one's life by drawing from the universe. 
Dreamcatchers originated from Native American cultures, more specifically the Ojibwe tribe. The Ojibwe called dreamcatchers 'asabikeshiinh', which means 'spider'. According to the Ojibwe dreamcatcher legend, a Spider Woman named Asibikaashi took care of all the people and children on their land but as the tribe spread further and further, it became harder for her to protect everyone.
Since she could not go to every single child at night and protect them from evil influences, she got help from the maternal figures of the tribe. Ojibwe mothers and grandmothers would make dreamcatchers by weaving webs over willow hoops and hanging them above every child's Traditionally, only one gemstone bead was used in the construction of a dreamcatcher as there is only one creator in life's web.
The Lakota tribe have a different legend about the origin of dreamcatchers, but it is believed that the charms were passed on from the Ojibwe tribe in various ways. In the Lakota Legend, a spiritual leader had a vision of Iktomi, a great trickster and a teacher spirit, who took the form of a spider.
Iktomi took the spiritual leader's willow hoop and began to weave a web over it as he spoke. He spoke about the circle of life and told the leader that there are both good and bad forces at play in a life cycle. If you should listen to the good ones, you will be steered in the right direction, but Once he had finished spinning his web, Iktomi showed the spiritual leader that it was a perfect circle with a hole in the middle. He stated that the good ideas would get caught in the web while the bad would go right through the hole. The spiritual leader brought this knowledge back to his people who began to use dreamcatchers to filter their dreams and capture all the good ones and let the bad ones go.
In the modern era, dreamcatchers were used by some Native American cultures as a symbol of unity throughout the Pan-Indian Movement of the 1960s-70s. Dreamcatchers then become known as 'Native crafts items' and become popular souvenirs.
People all around the world regard dreamcatchers as beautiful and interesting objects. New Age groups produce different types of dreamcatchers, made from various materials in different styles, which are very popular in the market today. Dreamcatcher imagery and jewelry is quite common and has become somewhat of a fashionable trend as they are beautiful to look at. However, these dreamcatchers are a far cry from the traditional dreamcatchers as they are often quite big, colourful, and are made with plastics and other artificial materials, whereas traditional dreamcatchers are usually quite small and made with wood, leather, string and real feathers. Many Native American cultures believe that they have become too commercialized, misused and their meaning has been lost.
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theunfairfolk · 2 years
are there any ojibwe out there that can offer me some perspective on an idea i had for… well bluntly, a “knockoff” of a dreamcatcher but made as sigils. so the item would be similar to a dreamcatcher’s basic construction (hoop with woven string) but the pattern would be specific to the sigil in use. i know dreamcatchers are one of those “just buy them from native sellers instead of shitty knockoffs” things with additional “maybe don’t tattoo one on your body as a non-native” sprinkled on top but i also know “hanging ornaments used for protection” are a sorta universal concept. not sure if this is a “use poppets instead of voodoo dolls” situation or if this is too close for comfort. wicked quick notesapp drawing of the sort of thing i was imagining. yeah it looks like the robin logo i just picked the first rune i thought of ok.
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nuketowncryptid · 5 years
so a quick foreword: at my work we sell all sorts of shit, and we have one section called the "festival" section because i think it used to be full of, like, shitty ~spiritual~ (aka racist) stuff, like feathered headbands n whatever. this section is now full of ~witchy~ stuff, like books on spells or crystals or something.
however, there are still some bastardised pieces of non-western-centric cultures and religions, such as worry dolls (muñeca quitapena from Guatemala), chakra stones (चक्र from Hinduism), and smudging "kits" in plastic packages (from pan-native cultures).
one thing in this section that really grinds my gears is the "dreamcatchers" that are made entirely from white string and fake white feathers; these are a bastardisation of asabikeshiinh from the Ojibwe tribe, which i am from.
now for the story: the other day at work, a guy flagged me down as i was making my rounds throughout the store, and i approached him to see what he wanted. he proceeded to point to the "dreamcatchers" and ask me what they were and if i could explain to him what they were for.
i told him i was the perfect person to ask!! as i explained to him as thoroughly as i could while still being brief so as to not keep him too long, he listened very intently and asked questions that told me he was actually paying attention to what i was telling him!
he even asked where to get a genuine one because he wanted something to actually protect him from the bad dreams, and i recommend he go to the Yakama res (which is the closest to where i live and also the asabikeshiinh i got was made by a Yakama elder, and while i would prefer one made by an Ojibwe elder, that isnt possible for me at this point in time).
i also mentioned that getting asabikeshiinh tattooed on your body is bad because it welcomes the bad spirits into your body and he and his friend seemed really shocked that people would even do that.
after he thanked me and told me he appreciated me explaining that to him, i suggested he get a smudging "kit" if he wanted to try to clear his room of bad spirits (i dont like that theyre packaged in plastic, but it's not as bad as a cheap "dreamcatcher" made of string without even a spider bead), and i explained briefly how smudging works.
while the guy and his friend didnt end up buying anything from my store that day, it made me really happy that he asked about the "dreamcatchers" and listened to what i was telling him. it's that kind of stuff that makes a difference in how you approach interest in learning about other cultures.
tl;dr it's better to ask about other cultures from people who are actually part of those cultures than to assume you know it all.
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capturedkreativity · 5 years
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"Asabikeshiinh (Dreamcatcher)"
Cory Koomoa
//// "Come, get entwined in the dream catcher of my heart." ~Melody Lee ////
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miladylayne-blog · 7 years
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Violet Tranquility
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rydennsmind · 7 years
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annetpeas · 7 years
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YCH for TakodaVega
Asabikeshiinh ©  TakodaVega
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mobiused · 3 years
Did Choerry have dreamcatchers behind her this vlive? That on top of the Harry Potter.. I wish she'd just learn >< somehow. At least about the dreamcatchers. I want to find it endearing because I do love her interest in magical stuff and the occult but .. It's sort of.. 😓 not cute in some ways. I feel like one of Those kpop fans making excuses. What do you think, if you want to have this conversation?
I don't really feel equipped to have this convo although I remember some orbits wanted to buy her authentic Ojibwe asabikeshiinh (lmk if that's right) but I have no idea how that panned out. I do know that the best way to communicate with any of the girls is by writing a handwritten letter though. Maybe itd be worthwhile comissioning a translator to write a korean message for her and sending it across, though I wouldn't even know where to start with the Harry Potter stuff. (Just to be clear, I totally disavow everything that JK Rowling has said and done and don't support the franchise at all). I know what you mean, I kinda wince every time she mentions it though...
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Dreamcatcher meaning
Dreamcatchers became widely popular during the 1980s and have become a very common crafts item, jewelry piece, and image on home decor items. They are made from a wooden hoop, usually willow, onto which a net or web is woven with natural fibers. They typically have feathers and beads hanging from the hoop as well.
While modern dreamcatchers come in various forms, authentic ones are generally only a few inches in size and are handmade from all natural materials with a leather-wrapped frame.
Dreamcatcher meaning
The meaning of dreamcatchers and the beliefs surrounding their construction originate from Native American cultures. The dreamcatcher is a protective talisman that is used to protect people from nightmares and bad dreams. The charm was usually used for young children and hung above their cradles or beds.
Native American cultures believe that both good and bad dreams fill the air at night. The dreamcatcher acts like a spider's web by trapping the bad dreams or visions while allowing the good ones to filter through. The bad dreams caught in the web get destroyed when the sunlight of morning hits the dreamcatcher, while the good dreams filter down through the feathers and gently reach the sleeping person below.
Dreamcatchers can also be considered as apotropaic charms that provide protection from any kind of evil influence, not just from bad dreams and nightmares. Some cultures, like the Lakota, believe that dreamcatchers work slightly differently as their legend states that the good dreams or ideas would become trapped in the web while the bad ones would pass right through the hole in the center and would be gone forever. 
The circular frame symbolizes Mother Earth and everything that sustains life. Its circular shape also represents the continuous flow of life as there is no beginning or end. In addition to representing the circle of life, it also symbolizes how the sun and moon move across the sky every day in a continuous loop.
The web or net of the dreamcatcher is intricately woven inside the frame to mimic the look of a spider's web. The circle in the center of the web is its heart and is where the good dreams and visions are filtered through.
There are some different meanings behind the beads on dreamcatchers. Some cultures believe the beads represent the spider, while others say the beads are the physical form of the good dreams that failed to pass through the web and become sacred charms.
The number of points on the woven web of the dreamcatcher is also significant and holds different meanings. A dreamcatcher with 13 points represents the 13 phases of the moon, 8 points symbolizes the spider woman in the Native American legends, 7 points refers to the seven prophesies, 6 points represents an eagle, and 5 points symbolize a star. 
Some authentic dreamcatchers have a cross in the center of the web which symbolizes the Four Sacred Directions. These are known as medicine wheel dreamcatchers that provide protection from misfortune and bring good medicine into one's life by drawing from the universe. 
Dreamcatchers originated from Native American cultures, more specifically the Ojibwe tribe. The Ojibwe called dreamcatchers 'asabikeshiinh', which means 'spider'. According to the Ojibwe dreamcatcher legend, a Spider Woman named Asibikaashi took care of all the people and children on their land but as the tribe spread further and further, it became harder for her to protect everyone.
Since she could not go to every single child at night and protect them from evil influences, she got help from the maternal figures of the tribe. Ojibwe mothers and grandmothers would make dreamcatchers by weaving webs over willow hoops and hanging them above every child's Traditionally, only one gemstone bead was used in the construction of a dreamcatcher as there is only one creator in life's web.
The Lakota tribe have a different legend about the origin of dreamcatchers, but it is believed that the charms were passed on from the Ojibwe tribe in various ways. In the Lakota Legend, a spiritual leader had a vision of Iktomi, a great trickster and a teacher spirit, who took the form of a spider.
Iktomi took the spiritual leader's willow hoop and began to weave a web over it as he spoke. He spoke about the circle of life and told the leader that there are both good and bad forces at play in a life cycle. If you should listen to the good ones, you will be steered in the right direction, but Once he had finished spinning his web, Iktomi showed the spiritual leader that it was a perfect circle with a hole in the middle. He stated that the good ideas would get caught in the web while the bad would go right through the hole. The spiritual leader brought this knowledge back to his people who began to use dreamcatchers to filter their dreams and capture all the good ones and let the bad ones go.
In the modern era, dreamcatchers were used by some Native American cultures as a symbol of unity throughout the Pan-Indian Movement of the 1960s-70s. Dreamcatchers then become known as 'Native crafts items' and become popular souvenirs.
People all around the world regard dreamcatchers as beautiful and interesting objects. New Age groups produce different types of dreamcatchers, made from various materials in different styles, which are very popular in the market today. Dreamcatcher imagery and jewelry is quite common and has become somewhat of a fashionable trend as they are beautiful to look at. However, these dreamcatchers are a far cry from the traditional dreamcatchers as they are often quite big, colourful, and are made with plastics and other artificial materials, whereas traditional dreamcatchers are usually quite small and made with wood, leather, string and real feathers. Many Native American cultures believe that they have become too commercialized, misused and their meaning has been lost.
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writingwithcolor · 5 years
I have a centaur character who is based on a hippy. Her people worship dreams and since she is a magic user the "head" of her staff is based on a dream catcher. How do I use this symbol in a fictional fantasy setting respectfully?
Dreamcatcher Use
In short: not like that.
Dreamcatchers are not actually meant to worship dreams. They relate to spider woman wanting to reach her children and protect them, so the patterns of the web remind us we’re all interconnected and under her protection. Their original word is asabikeshiinh, which relates more to spiders than dreams. (All of this is from wikipedia/memory, so please correct me if I’m wrong on exact specifics)
You’re literally using the culturally appropriated version of dream catchers, tying it to hippies, removing it from what it was actually intended for. Unless she’s Ojibwe-coded, or from a neighbouring region, she’s appropriating. And if she’s using it to worship dreams, she’s misusing it. 
Come up with something else for this dream worshiping magic. Build something based off this culture, this situation, this character. Don’t go taking what you think fits from an Indigenous culture without realizing the full story of what it means.
We are not just some hippy magical group. Don’t go using our sacred symbols for things you made up meaning for. Make up something yourself.
~ Mod Lesya
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kidiyaan · 4 years
Inwewin/Pronunciation Guide:
B: as in Boy
Ch: as is Chance
D: as in Dog
G: as in Guide
H: as in House
J: as in Joke
K: as in Kayak
M: as in mom
N: as in No
P: as in Pay
S: as in Sand
Sh: as in Shaman
T: as in Tuck
W: as in Wade
Y: as in Y’all
Z: as in Zebra
Zh: like French J, J’aime, or close to Shame in English
Note that there are no F, L, R, V sounds in ojibwe
A: like the o in Mother
AA: like the a in Father
E: like Spanish E within words (e in get or send), like ay in Lay at the end of words
I: as in Sit
II: like the “ee” sound, as in see or dream
O: as in go or boat
OO: as in goo or spool
Sample words
Imaa gomaa ayaanan kidiyaanan gigodanishinaabemod:
Here are some sample words to practice pronunciation:
Pane (pan-ay): Always
Kawe (kuh-way): First (in a sequence)
Makoons (muh-koons): Bear cub
Diindisii (deen-di-see): Blue Jay (a bird)
Asabikeshiinh (uh-suh-bi-keh-sheen): Spider
Bikwaakoninjiini (bik-wah-koh-nin-jee-neh): they make a fist
Aazhooningwa’on (ah-jhoon-ehng-wuh-ohn): bandolier bag
Zhakipon (jhuh-kih-pohn): wet snow falls
O’owe kidiyaan gigodanishinaabemom giishpin daa-nishnaabemom:
Y’all can try your hand at this word if y’all are up for a challenge:
One of the longest words nishnaabemong which means Blueberry Pie:
Miin: blueberry
Baashkiminaasigan: Jam, preserves
Biitoosijigan: something layered
Badangwiingweshigan: lie on the face of something
Bakwezhigan: Bread
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failbaby · 4 years
Does anyone know whether it’s ethical/acceptable for a white woman to use an asabikeshiinh if I buy it from an Ojibwe artist and follow proper procedures? I’ve been having trauma-related nightmares that have kept me up for the past few weeks, and I’ve been trying a variety of medical and spiritual preventative measures (those of my own background), but I don’t want to infringe on closed-culture practices
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chronicparagon · 4 years
Happy Valentine from Hal
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Halsten was nervous; this was his first time celebrating Valentine’s Day with someone he loved and he wanted to give her a great present that she’d never forget. Valentino told him to buy her something expensive, and although he was trying his best to give him advice, Hal knew Har wasn’t the kind of girl who cared about luxurious presents.
Her family were kind to him, especially the children. He felt welcomed even though his appearance was probably out of the ordinary for them, and there was the fact he was still a stranger to their traditions. To make something like a dreamcatcher for her… Even if he didn’t have ill intentions, he wanted it to be as accurate to the traditions as possible, and so, he started to investigate about its meaning, its origins, how it was made, and its history.
“Harmony. Please come here.” -He said as he held the small dreamcatcher in his hands-. “I have tried to make you something that can protect you even when I am not close, and during your sleep, as I know terrible dreams of your past might still haunt you at night. My fear is that making a dreamcatcher for you might be considered inappropriate, even after learning as much as possible about it. Any shapes other than a circle, oversized, the extensive use of plastics… I know all of that is not what this charm represents. I learned it also has a specific meaning for your people, but please let me know if I’m wrong.” -He took a small break to catch his breath, still nervous about his own audacity by trying to make such a present without being part of their tribe-.
“A spiritual leader of the Lakota once had a vision of the spirit Iktomi, in the form of a spider. The spirit took the wooden hoop the leader carried with him and weaved a web as he explained the good and bad forces that hold influence over the circle of life. When Iktomi was done weaving, he showed the beautiful web with a hole in the middle; the good ideas and thoughts would get caught in the web, while the bad ones would go through the hole. With that knowledge, the spiritual leader shared it with his people, so they could keep all the good dreams and thoughts, and let the bad ones go, to steer their lives in their right direction.”
-He put the dreamcatcher in her hands and gently held them, trembling slightly-. “I do know you do not need something to guide you in the right direction, because you are already on that path. I do, however, want you to travel that path as safely as possible, especially when I cannot be there to protect you. Just good intentions might not be enough, and the elders might think I am just another stranger thinking your traditions and culture are mere decorations. So, if you thing this is a poor attempt, please feel free to dispose of it. If you still want the asabikeshiinh I made for you, then may it keep you safe at all times, my dear Harmony.”
Halsten took a big risk. One that could become a problem if it was done carelessly. But, he is not careless. Wide eyes stare at the dream catcher, hearing the story behind it. She couldn’t believe it. 
He knows the story…
The tale of the trickster Iktomi. One story about him creating the dream catcher. True, it was often abused as a mere decoration sold under corporations instead of buying them from Indigenous craftspeople. But, she can clearly see what her lover’s true intentions are. Her gaze shifts when her hands hold the dreamcatcher with Halsten’s own over her’s. 
He…He even knows its original name.
Hands open slightly to see his creation. “Hal…” She finally speaks, her voice in a higher pitch. Tears brim her eyes but her lips hold a genuine smile. “You went out of your way for me. You did everything you can to be respectful. This is far from inappropriate because you put your heart into it.” She adds with a sniff and her hand wipes tears in her eyes. 
“Though I will admit, you are not a stranger. You’re part of my life. I love you and want a future with you. Be together, have a family of our own. You’re not a stranger, Hal. You’re part of my family.” Harmony knows he wants to respect her culture and show his love. He wants her safe. Warmth blooms from her heart and she pulls the doctor in a tight embrace with one arm, the dream catcher in her other hand. 
“I love it, Hal…” She beckons him to lean in a little closer. “And I love you. I love you so much.” Harmony leans in and gently kiss his lips. 
This gift is worth to her far more than the most expensive perfumes and finest jewelry. It’s a treasure that came from his heart. She will keep it with her always. The sight of it reminds her she is loved by a man who worked so hard to protect her, even from the nightmares. 
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everythangculture · 4 years
The Ojibwe called dreamcatchers 'asabikeshiinh', which means 'spider'. According to the Ojibwe dreamcatcher legend, a Spider Woman named Asibikaashi took care of all the people and children on their land but as the tribe spread further and further, it became harder for her to protect everyone. ⁣ ⁣ Since she could not go to every single child at night and protect them from evil influences, she got help from the maternal figures of the tribe. #Ojibwe mothers and grandmothers would make dreamcatchers by weaving webs over willow hoops and hanging them above every child's bed to trap bad dreams and nightmares. ⁣ ⁣ Traditionally, only one gemstone bead was used in the construction of a #dreamcatcher as there is only one creator in life's web. ⁣ ⁣ #OffensiveNotFashion #everythangculture #podcast #podfamily #Idigenious #Americans #culture #ifyouknewbetteryouwilldobetter #ThePodcastforAllCultures #tiktok #follow #chokeacolaa (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD2KVHOAkov/?igshid=1kgvz2l2786y3
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