#asahi tsunematsu
raes-trash-art · 3 years
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i finally finished my second art remake, this one being specifically pride themed! happy birth month to all gay people ever <3
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justforbooks · 4 years
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Natsume Sōseki (Natsume Kin'nosuke) was born on February 9, 1867. He was a Japanese novelist. He is best known around the world for his novels Kokoro, Botchan, I Am a Cat and his unfinished work Light and Darkness. He was also a scholar of British literature and composer of haiku, kanshi, and fairy tales. From 1984 until 2004, his portrait appeared on the front of the Japanese 1000 yen note.
In the 21st century, there has been a global emergence of interest in Sōseki. Sōseki's Kokoro has been newly published in 10 languages, such as Arabic, Slovenian and Dutch, since 2001. In South Korea, the complete collection of Sōseki's long works began to be published in 2013. In English-speaking countries there has been a succession of English translations since 2008. About 60 of his works have been translated into more than 30 languages. Reasons for this emergence of global interest have been attributed in part to Haruki Murakami who said Sōseki was his favorite writer. Political scientist Kang Sang-jung, who is the principal of Seigakuin University, said, "Soseki predicted the problems we are facing today. He had a long-term view of civilization." He also said, "His popularity will become more global in the future".
In 2016, the centennial of Sōseki's death, Nishogakusha University in Tokyo collaborated with Hiroshi Ishiguro, robotics researcher at Osaka University, to create a robotic android version of Sōseki. Sōseki's grandson, Fusanosuke Natsume, voiced the 130 cm figure which depicted Sōseki at age 45. The robot gave lectures and recitations of Sōseki's works at the university, as a way to engage students' interest in literature.
In 2017, as part of the 150 year commemoration of Sōseki's birth, the Asahi beer Oyamazaki Villa Museum of Art displayed the letter Sōseki had written suggesting names for the villa itself. Sōseki had been on good terms with the owner, Shotaro Kaga, who asked him to name the house. Sōseki died before its completion in 1917. Sōseki's diary was also on display during the exhibition. In June 2019, retired professor Ikuo Tsunematsu reopened the Sōseki Museum, in Surrey, dedicated to the writer's life in the United Kingdom. The museum originally opened in 1982 in London, but closed in 2016 due to high maintenance costs and a decreased rate of attendance. The collection includes over 10,000 items including works in translation, collected books and magazines from Sōseki's stay in London, and census records.
Sōseki appears as a character in Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Bōken, where he is charged with stabbing a woman in the back during his stay in London, and defended by the protagonist. In the game, he has a pet cat called Wagahai, a reference to I Am a Cat. He also appears in the sequel, Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Kakugo, where he is further charged with a man's poisoning in London, as well as appearing as a witness to a murder that occurs in Japan. In the manga and anime Bungou Stray Dogs, a character is named and based around Sōseki. In homage to his novel of the same name, Sōseki's character uses the ability 'I Am a Cat' which allows him to transform into a calico cat.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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animefagos · 5 years
El manga Joshi Kōsei no Mudazukai tendrá también serie de imagen real
New Post has been published on https://www.animefagos.com/2019/11/28/el-manga-joshi-kosei-no-mudazukai-tendra-tambien-serie-de-imagen-real/
El manga Joshi Kōsei no Mudazukai tendrá también serie de imagen real
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TV Asahi ha anunciado que está produciendo una serie de imagen real basada en el manga Joshi Kōsei no Mudazukai, de Bino. La serie se estrenará en enero. Yui Okada (segunda desde la izquierda) interpreta a Nozumu “Baka” Tanaka. Yuri Tsunematsu (tercera desde la izquierda) interpreta a Akane “Ota” Kikuchi. Yurika Nakamura (a la izquierda)…
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furederiko · 7 years
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"I won't let you... suffer the pain alone!" Kyuranger's 28th episode, conveys the tale of broken bond, and lost friendship...
- Let's get this right off the bat: POOR Balance!!! T_T... He wasn't around when Naga first succumbed into the darkness, so imagine his utter shock upon witnessing how his partner-in-crime (we'll get to this later) has become an evil, ruthless, brutal, and plain messed up person. Dark-Naga is completely different from his regular self, and this is the first time we get to see Balance gets deeply depressed. Even more so than that stolen-Birthday story... - Sure, the episode starts in a carefree and casual way. We see Balance utilizing the #43 Camelopardalis Kyu Globe to become a 'mechanical giraffe' and scout the area, while Dark-Naga is having fun with his newly found emotions through a practice fight with the Indavers (again, the actor is definitely having a blast). I also personally enjoy seeing Akyanba and Kukulga get along with one another, mirroring the bond between Ikagen and Madako nicely. But everything turns sour just 4 minutes in, and the cheerful mood has completely dissolves into a somber and melancholic tome. - Balance clearly arrives on scene with a belief that he could easily persuade Naga to the good side. That's how they've always been, right? But nope. If this is another show, the whole 'turning into evil' trope would be done and over with in just two episodes. This is Kyuranger we're talking about, and that's NOT how the show works. After declaring that the BN Thieves has now been disbanded, Dark-Naga doesn't pull any punches on his (former?) friends. He shoots Balance on the spot, intentionally injures his left thigh, and then tortures him with sheer glee. Balance refuses to react, resulting in an abusive scene that... well, rather disturbing to watch. I wonder how TV Asahi even allows this on a morning show? - It's a neatly choreograph, but devastatingly desperate fight scene. Once again, Dark-Naga is soooo close on killing the other Kyurangers with his 'Dark Galaxy' attack. This time around, a mysterious woman steps in to save the day. And it's a... female Naga! Hold on, I mean, a Naga-esque female individual from the Ophiucus system. She introduces herself as Echidna (obviously portrayed by Taiki Yamazaki, voiced by Ayumi Tsunematsu), and reveals more details about the same-faced inhabitants of her system. Trivia: In Greek mythology (nope, not the ant-eater one, nor... Sonic the Hedghehog's rival) Echidna is a half-woman half-snake 'She-Viper'. She's the mother of many mythical monsters such as Orthrus (that gave birth to Sphinx and Nemean Lion), Cerberus, Hydra, and possibly Chimaera. There's a 'mother angle' in her story. So can we assume this is just pure coincidence? Or is she actually Naga's mother? Hmmm... - Echidna's appearance is... well, a bit awkward to watch. Not because of the female voice coming out of Naga's lips, but mainly because it looks a bit out of sync. This is a common occurence in Tokusatsu, but I wonder why they don't just alter his actual voice with a sound editor? Also, design-wise, I think the production team made a minor miscalculation. IMO, they should've enclothed a 'female Naga' with a high-neck dress that fully covers the neck area. At least, give him a choker or something. The actor is what many generally calls 'pretty boy', so he CAN look and showcase Echidna's feminity just right. Yet it's also clear his adam's apple is still immediately noticeable in this dress style, and that would likely attract questions from audience. Especially observant nitpickers like yours truly LOL. With that said, her inclusion is still a much appreciated decision. It gives a good excuse to keep Naga's actor among the non-suit ones, without the need to hire a new artist. And similar to Dark-Naga's messed-up sassy gestures (that is always a delight to see), he's able to make us believe that Echidna's an entirely different character. - Echidna's exposition, leads to a deeper backstory for both Balance and Naga. And that's good. We FINALLY get to see how Balance met Naga for the first time! True to his trickster reputation, not only Balance ran into Naga when he was stealing a treasure from his planet, he also made use of Naga's pure desire for emotions to get away. On a whim! Yep, turns out things didn't actually start out in 'real' good terms for them. Back then, Balance was merely using Naga, turning him into a partner for his own selfish benefit. Not unlike Akyanba, huh? Nevertheless, it's a fated meeting that managed to change him for the better. Balance now actually cares for him and others in general! That's why Dark-Naga's berserking frenzy isn't just hurting Balance physically, but also scars him emotionally (if not all of us in general, of course). Balance is going to do anything to bring his BFF back, even if it forces him to engage in an intense heartbreaking duel with him. We've seen it teased in the preview, right? - I was initially pretty disappointed when Akyanba revealed that the key to bring Dark-Naga back to his senses, is to hurt him so badly. I admit, it IS a common thing for a Tokusatsu antagonist to foolishly state their Achilles heel. Even Kyuranger have done it before with a lesser MotW. I guess, I kind of expected more from this cunning villainess. Turns out, more is certainly what I'm getting. Televi's scans have already spoiled about this 'solution' before, along with the Gold-Silver fight, and Echidna's arrival. But what a pleasant surprise when those report (probably... intentionally?) left out the powerful twists that come as part of the actual package. - Contrary to popular assumption, Echidna isn't here to help Naga. She is sent to... eliminate him. Apparently, obtaining emotions is considered a massive threat in the law of Ophiucus system. OUCH!!! Echidna also blames Balance for 'swaying' him out of his planet. This is what I meant earlier by 'turning him as partner-in-crime'. Second, the Gold-Silver fight? Intense, but heartbreaking. I expected a Mexican Standoff-esque battle, but nope... Libra Gold doesn't want his BFF to suffer alone. So when he launches that rain of arrows using the #35 Sagittarius Kyu Globe, he's taking the fall WITH HIM. Aaaaawwww, the chills!!! But the episode saves the biggest twist of all. Hurting Naga badly to save him? LIES. That was nothing but lies. It's all Akyanba's trick to pit the Kyurangers against each other. She's merely toying with her enemy, trying to make them hurt one another. So disappointment is gone, because Akyanba IS a dangerous antagonist INDEED. - Worse thing is... according to her, Dark-Naga is beyond help. There's NO way he can be cleansed from darkness once he gains back his emotions. That means...? Aaaaaw!!!! T_T. I can already hear those devastated outcries reverberating throughout the Naga fanbase. Not to mention, Naga have always wanted emotions to make Balance happy! Putting the burden and guild on the Golden robot even more. If I didn't know any better, it seems the only ways to save Naga now are: defeat Akyanba to remove her curse/spells that unlocked Naga's emotions, and seal back the emotions he's been longing to have all these time. Those are NOT easy feats! Things aren't looking good in the present time. Fun fact: Can't believe it took me this long to realize one thing. Naga Ray's name is clearly a pun for either the Japanese word 'Nagare' which means 'to flow/washed away', explaining why he's easily persuaded; and also 'Nagareboshi' which means 'Shooting Star'. And we know how a meteor is called a shooting star, right? When it FALLS down on Earth. Suffice to say, Naga's fall to darkness has been written on his name. This character was already doomed from the get-go. And that rain of arrows is another really good metaphor to this too... - What's happening in the past doesn't fare better! 'Time Travel' team exits the time hole (healing Commander's Xiao's back in the process), and goes directly to witness Tsurugi's final fight against Don Armage. And it plays out exactly like Tsurugi's story, confirming several things: One, Tsurugi has been telling an honest truth all these time. As in, he's not dreaming or seeing illusions or alternate reality like some fans have theorized. Two, Kuervo sacrifices himself to protect Tsurugi from Don Armage's blow. So yeah, I think he's genuinely really dead, as we can only see Orion (who now has a face, more on this later) carrying Tsurugi to safety afterwards. Three, Don Armage is defeated... for REAL. Phoenix Soldier strikes him down (here's hoping we get to see that cool flaming winged attack again soon), blowing up his planet along the way. So HOW is Don Armage still alive till the present time? That side of truth is still shrouded in mystery. As if that's not enough, all of a sudden the ORION is under mysterious heavy attacks! Forcing Raptor to quickly warp off towards Earth. With Don Armage gone, WHO is attacking them then? - Before you dismiss that this time travel side is removed or unrelated, do remember one thing. Kyuranger had always run several plots in parallel, but they generally still share the same theme (examples: Stinger's route of vengeance crosses path with Champ, and the brotherhood parallel between Scorpio and Kotarou). Considering the current theme is about heroes/good person turning to the dark side, could it be foreshadowing the true identity of the new Don Armage? If we observe how Naga is Balance's best friend, we can see there's a parallel running in the past: Orion or Kuervo are Tsurugi's closest comrades too! Who do you want to bet as the real Don Armage, then? - Anyway, we're back in the present time. Akyanba walks away with a severely wounded Dark-Naga, leaving the fight to the giant Indavers. Since Ursa Minor SkyBlue has to tend for Balance, Leo Red uses Gemini Kyu Globe to duplicate Lupus Blue and Chamaelleon Green, so they can form a three-colored RGB Kyuren-Oh. What a NEAT trick! Even SkyBlue is surprised to see that this is possible. I don't think we actually need a mecha battle, but at least it's unpredictable. - Despite Echidna's firm statement that the only option to the Ophiucus Metal situation is to eliminate Naga, obviously 'Save Naga' team isn't going to give up just like that. Balance personally refuses to obey, and will do anything to rescue Naga. Even if he has to face Echidna for that. But that's when something unexpected comes up. Well, duh? This IS Kyuranger, so obviously it's one thing after another. Our present team senses an odd surge of time-paradox, and notices a distress beacon from the ORION. Has the spaceship really returned? - This is where the two time-crossed storylines come together in a shivering and shocking way. Because what Lucky and friends see, is NOT the ORION they've known all these time. It's a broken and aged ruins of the spaceship! Dang it, the goosebumps. Don't forget, there's a price for trying to break the rule of nature. A small alteration in the past will affect the flow of time and reality in its future... and this must be one! Does this mean, the real one is destroyed in the past?! Oh good heave, I hope not! But the scene that slowly shifted back in time... only confirms that concern. ORION has indeed crashed down on Earth, and its passengers are on the ground, wounded and unconscious. And standing in front of them, is none other than... Sir Orion!!! Fun fact: Orion is played by actor Kai Shishido, who is the son of legendary actor Joe Shishido. He's not new to Tokusatsu, having played DASH Captain Shigeru Hijikata in the 2005's "Ultraman Max". Looks like Shishido was added to the cast later on, because I don't think he was the actor we saw in Eris's story. That one was younger, smaller in figure, and has much lighter skin! Something that obviously a nitpicker like me would've noticed... LOL. It's a tad disappointing, because having felt familiar with his face, I've been really curious about that mysterious 'temporary' actor. Guess I won't be getting my answer anytime soon. But at the same time, I'm not complaining about Shishido. He DOES has a powerful presence worthy of an important character. Beside, if my theory of Orion being Lucky's biological father pans out, his surname would make for a perfect pun! The kanji means another, but 'Shishi' is 'Lion' in Japanese, right?
Overall: Oh wow, one surprise after another huh? Thank goodness we got a lighter episode last week, otherwise I don't think my heart is ready for such intensity to come every week. This episode left me with a bitter taste, which was both sad but good. Realizing that Naga can't actually be saved, felt like swallowing a bitter pill that refuses to go down the throat. It made me feel... hopeless. But such uneasiness could only land if audience deeply cares about him and Balance as characters, which is a really good thing. So call me hypocrite, but I'm glad the Dark-Naga arc isn't resolved too quickly. Otherwise I'd be quite disappointed. Thumbs up to the writers this time for a strong focus episode for Balance. Much needed praises also goes to the sound department, because once again, GREAT use of fitting BGM to amplify the scenes. The melancholic ones during Naga and Balance's heartbreaking moments worked gorgeously by adding shade and tint of sadness. I might have some minor nitpicks about this episode that affects my score, but overall, a truly excellent episode... Next week: Orion, oh ORION... PS: We're back to "Kyutama Dancing" as the ending theme, but this time Tsurugi has been added to the equation. Also, alongside teaser for the first Bluray Box set, the official trailer for V-Cinema "Episode of Stinger" has been aired. It's available online if you're curious about it.
Episode 28 Score: 8,3 out of 10
Visit THIS LINK to view a continuously updated listing of the Kyutama / Kyu Globes. Last Updated: September 5th, 2017 - Version 2.13. (WARNING: It might contain spoilers for future episodes)
All images are screencaptured from the series, provided by the FanSubber Over-Time. "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" is produced by TOEI, and airs every Sunday on TV-Asahi. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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corporativoarcanos · 5 years
Revelan nueva miembro del elenco para la serie Joshikousei no Mudazukai #Series #LiveAction #JoshikouseiNoMudazukai #CorporativoArcanos #SutaArcanos #Masukomi #Noticias
Revelan nueva miembro del elenco para la serie Joshikousei no Mudazukai #Series #LiveAction #JoshikouseiNoMudazukai #CorporativoArcanos #SutaArcanos #Masukomi #Noticias
El canal TV Asahi reveló a Momoko Fukuchi, quien interpretará a Minami “Yamai” Yamamoto, una niña con un mal caso de chūnibyō (delirios adolescentes), y que siempre pretende tener una herida en la mejilla, además de colocarse vendajes en el brazo derecho para la adaptación a serie live-action del manga Joshikousei no Mudazukai de Beano.
La serie se estrenará en enero y se transmitirá los…
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Wasteful Days of High School Girls Gets TV Drama Adaptation in January 2020
Manga artist BINO announced on her official Twitter today that a live-action TV drama adaptation of her representative work Jyoshi Kousei no Mudazukai / Wasteful Days of High School Girls slice-of-life comedy manga will be aired in January 2020. It was previously adapted into a 12-episode TV anime by Passione in the summer of 2019.
  The manga's original edition was serialized in Nico Nico Seiga. Then its remake edition started posting commercially on KADOKAWA's web comic site Comic Walker from December 2015. It is now running on KADOKAWA's Comic Newtype site and its latest seventh tankobon volume is set to be released January 10, 2020.
  【情報解禁】 なんと、信じられないことにこの度『女子高生の無駄づかい』がTVドラマ化されることになりました。 え…?????ええええええええええええええええええ!?? ど、どーーーーーなるんだこれlえぇええぇ!???? 2020年1月スタートです㊗️㊗️㊗️#女子高生の無駄づかい#女子無駄 pic.twitter.com/Dlyj0PlzCa
— ビーノ (@bambi_no_3) November 27, 2019
   The drama's key station TV Asahi has posted a teaser visual introducing its four main cast:
  Nozomu "Baka" Tanaka: Yui Okada (19/Watshi no Ojisan -WATAOJI-) 
Akane "Wota" Kikuchi: Yuri Tsunematsu (21/Saki, 3D Kanojo Real Girl) 
Shiori "Robo" Saginomiya: Yurika Nakamura (22/Kakegurui) 
Masataka "Waseda" Sawatari: Keita Machida (29/Gekidan EXILE)
  / ????情報解禁❗️ \ 主演 #岡田結実✨大人気漫画が初ドラマ化???? 2020年1月スタート???? 金曜ナイトドラマ「#女子高生の無駄づかい」 キラキラしていない????…甘酸っぱい恋もない???? 女子高生=#JK たちのハナクソ????みたいな日常を描く 超挑戦的コメディー❗️#岡田結実 #恒松祐里 #中村ゆりか #町田啓太 pic.twitter.com/hkjeOSU3bV
— テレビ朝日宣伝部 (@tv_asahi_PR) November 27, 2019
    Message from the manga author:
  "All of the characters in this manga have some unfortunate side or inferiority complex, but they don't try to overcome them basically. Only low-level everyday life continues in a classroom where low-level girls gather to have low-level conversations. But I think that's why there are points that the readers can be empathized with them, cheered up, and laugh. A live-action drama can convey such an atmosphere more realistically than manga and anime, so I'm so excited to watch it already now." 
  Manga tankobon 1st and 6th volume covers: 
     Source: BINo Twitter, TV Asahi PR Twitter, Cinema Today
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raes-trash-art · 5 years
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welcome to disaster halloween party, enjoy your stay
(characters are all ocs)
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raes-trash-art · 5 years
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iiiiiit’s an oc rainbow! gay rights!!
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raes-trash-art · 5 years
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happy pride month from me to you guys! :D
i didn’t really know what to do this year, so i decided to draw my ocs again. i am jealous of their pride gear.
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raes-trash-art · 5 years
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where do we go from here?
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raes-trash-art · 4 years
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raes-trash-art · 5 years
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aaaaaaaa jesus christ it’s FINALLY DONE this thing took 72 years
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raes-trash-art · 5 years
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why do i, an only child, like writing sibling relationships so much? i dunno!
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corporativoarcanos · 5 years
El manga Joshikousei no Mudazukai tendrá adaptación a serie live-action #Manga #LiveAction #JoshikouseiNoMudazukai #CorporativoArcanos #SutaArcanos #Masukomi #Noticias
El manga Joshikousei no Mudazukai tendrá adaptación a serie live-action #Manga #LiveAction #JoshikouseiNoMudazukai #CorporativoArcanos #SutaArcanos #Masukomi #Noticias
El canal TV Asahi anunció que está produciendo una adaptación a serie live-action del manga Joshikousei no Mudazukai de Beano que se estrenará en enero y se transmitirá los viernes a las 11:15 p.m.
Yui Okada (segunda desde la izquierda en la imagen de arriba) interpretará a la protagonista y chica problemática Nozumu “Baka” Tanaka. Yuri Tsunematsu (tercero desde la izquierda) interpretará a…
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