#hikaru hamano
rickydirigo · 13 days
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HAPPY SHINDOU DAY, I love my boy so muchh
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otame · 1 year
this pic explains my headcanon :)
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skylardoesthings · 9 months
Hello ina11 + ina11 go timblr fandom,,,,, may i get some moots pls,,, i have so mucb thoughts,,,
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remy-roll-writes · 2 years
Go raimon please 🙏
sexuality/gender/pronoun headcanons
oh boy, here we go <3
Sangoku Taichi
cis male he/him
almost all his friends came out to him first
Kurumada Gouichi
gay, but he doesn't know yet
demiromantic as well
cis male he/him
Kirino Ranmaru
amab genderfluid he/she/they
Amagi Daichi
doesn't use a label for his gender preference
polyamorous though
cis male he/him
Nishizono Shinsuke
bicurious, probably straight though but an ally
cis male he/him
Hamano Kaiji
boyflux he/him
Hayami Tsurumasa
panromantic asexual
nonbinary they/them
Matsukaze Tenma
sakka is his only love
asexual aromantic
cis male he/him
Shindou Takuto
used to be homophobic
cis male he/him
Tsurugi Kyousuke
he has a rival, he's gay
homosexual 100%
never questioned it
Yuuichi is gay too, kyousuke thought being gay is the norm and straight isn't as a child
cis male he/they
Kurama Norihito
i mean, have you seen him after Minamisawa left
also has two moms
cis male he/him
Aoyama Shunsuke
transboy he/him
Ichino Nanasuke
cis male he/him
Nishiki Ryouma
straight but the biggest ally
still, if a guy told him "this is my boyfriend" he'd think it's just a friend who happens to be a boy
cis male he/him
Kariya Masaki
genderqueer any pronouns
Kageyama Hikaru
very confused about gender
what even is gender
is fine with any pronouns
at least that's what he assumes
adding Minamisawa Atsushi because I can and I love him
nonbinary he/they
also intersex
biromantic asexual
would cry if you assume he's cis or straight
prefers boys
probaly had a crush on everyone at Raimon (and later on Gassan Kunimitsu and Resistance) at least for a short time
someone stop him
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yarameijer · 24 days
Things The Raimon Team Is Not Allowed To Do
1. No one is allowed to call Sangoku ‘’Sangomom’’.
2. Sangoku does not have the power to disown any of you and Hamano is not allowed to convince him to do so.
3. None of you are blood related and therefore none of you can be disowned.
4. Hamano is not allowed to grab Hayami and break into hysterics about their lives being a lie when told they are not blood related.
5. It is forbidden to eat any lunches that are not yours.
6. Raimon does not believe in the right of conquest and therefore stealing a lunch and claiming it is now yours is not allowed either.
7. Tenma does not have the power to kick someone from the team and Hamano should not try to convince him to do so.
8. Kariya is not allowed to suggest that the captain position should be put to a vote.
9. Tenma is not allowed to suggest that the captain position should be put to a vote either.
10. No one is allowed to volunteer for the captain position.
11. Tenma is not allowed to hand over the captain band to someone else for any reason other than being benched during a match, and then it goes to Shindou.
12. No one is allowed to try and dismantle a microwave again. Twice was enough.
13. Hamano is not allowed to start food fights in the cafeteria.
14. It is not allowed to dye the uniform pink.
15. It is not allowed to dye the uniform any different color, especially not to help Tsurugi ‘’embrace his inner emo’’.
16. It is not allowed to come in through the window. The clubroom has a perfectly well-functioning door.
17. It is not allowed to stitch, embroider and/or in any other way modify the uniform.
18. Hamano is not allowed to start food fights during training.
19. Hamano is not allowed to start food fights, period.
20. It is not allowed to deflate all the training soccer balls in storage.
21. It is not allowed to suggest that Shinsuke is ‘’the right size to serve as a replacement soccer ball’’.
22. Hamano is not allowed to convince someone else to start food fights.
23. No one is allowed to get their teachers fired, no matter how rude they are.
24. Claiming that the team cannot be held responsible for their issues with authority, because all the adults in their immediate surroundings have encouraged them to actively fight authority, is not a valid excuse to get your teachers fired.
25. Hissatsu are only to be used during soccer matches.
26. Hissatsu are only to be used during soccer matches and dangerous situations.
27. It is not allowed to put yourself in danger to convince coach Endou to change or revoke any of these rules.
28. Kurumada is not allowed to recreate any of his hissatsu with real fire.
29. It is not allowed to say that Hikaru did not pass the ‘’egg vibe check’’ because he is allergic.
30. Under no circumstances is Kariya allowed to cook.
31. Neither is Tenma.
32. Tenma is, however, allowed to bake. Kariya is not.
33. From now on, Sangoku is in charge of any and all cooking events and must always be obeyed in the kitchen. Sangoku is only to be obeyed without question in the kitchen when food is actually being prepared, and he is not allowed to claim that his teammates should blindly follow his orders when they are in a kitchen otherwise.
34. It is forbidden to have sparring matches with Keshin outside of soccer.
35. Nishiki isn’t allowed to offer Midori a Snickers bar when she’s scolding someone because she’s ‘’not herself when she’s hungry’’.
36. The team is not allowed to start a new revolution to ‘’make sure they aren’t getting rusty’’.
37. The team is not allowed to start a revolution without first having both Endou and Kidou’s permission.
38. It is not allowed to pretend Shinsuke is not in the room because ‘’you didn’t see him there’’.
39. It is not allowed to look for Shinsuke in ridiculously small spaces that he cannot physically fit into.
40. It is considered mean to make fun of Shinsuke’s height.
41. It is forbidden to ask the Soul users on the team to turn into their Soul animal to support animal rights.
42. Shindou is not allowed to suggest they travel to the future to gain insight in next year's stock market.
43. The team doesn’t need a mascot, no matter how much Akane begs for one.
44. Amagi is not allowed to pick up any of his teammates and put them in ‘’air prison’’ if they annoy him too much.
45. No one is allowed to use Tsurugi to threaten others.
46. It is not allowed to bribe your teammates with donuts.
47. It is not allowed to bribe your coaches with donuts.
48. Bribery is not allowed, period.
49. Tsurugi is not allowed to turn into his Soul to threaten others. This includes his own teammates.
50. It is not allowed to bribe anyone from Raimon senior with donuts to get you out of practice, no matter how willing they are.
51. You guys seriously need to stop coming in through the window.
52. No one is allowed to use Midori to threaten others, either.
53. Tenma is not allowed to ‘’lose’’ the captain band.
54. ‘’Yes, but I’ve been to space’’ or any variation of it is not a valid argument.
55. Shindou is not allowed to advertise himself as a strategist for hire and sell personalized strategies.
56. No one is allowed to sell any of their teammates on the black market.
57. It is considered rude to ask someone with a Soul if you can take them to a pet spa. This includes your own teammates.
58. It is forbidden to imply that the Soul users on the team are ‘’technically classroom pets’’ and/or ‘’our furry team mascots’’.
59. It is forbidden to imply that the Soul users on the team have fleas.
60. You guys have to stop ordering ramen during training breaks, and claiming it is ‘’to help coach Endou relax and catch up with his friend from Rairaiken’’ is not a valid excuse.
61. Tenma is not allowed to fake amnesia to pretend he does not know he is the captain.
62. Aoyama and Ichino are not allowed to talk about their teammates in morse code.
63. We have a DOOR for a REASON.
64. Gardening tools may not be used as sparring weapons when inside.
65. It is not allowed to have a funeral for coach Endou’s taste buds, and his wife’s cooking skills shall not be discussed ever.
66. Haruna is not allowed to tell Raimon junior any embarrassing stories about Raimon senior.
67. If you see Tsurugi napping in Soul form, he is not to be disturbed.
68. Nishiki is not allowed to talk in Bee Movie quotes.
69. It is not allowed to create new hissatsu based on the Bee Movie.
70. Kirino is not allowed to suggest that sacrificing Kariya to the soccer gods will improve the chances at winning any matches, tournaments, or other competitions.
71. Kurama is not allowed to edit any Wikipedia pages to win an argument.
72. Demanding that Gouenji pays for you in any circumstance due to ‘’the childhood trauma he caused you’’ is considered rude and forbidden.
73. It is forbidden to discuss which teammate the people from the future might be descended from.
74. It is no longer allowed to say “don't worry, I have an alibi” when questioned why you're late to practice.
75. Tenma must stop bringing up that time Tsurugi got kidnapped and nearly married an alien.
This list shall be updated as necessary, and only by coach Endou.
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juustozzi · 6 days
Your winged people AU is so cool, and the concept of anyone having certain bird's wings sounds kinda cute; and tbh I just love whenever Tenma is associated with birds or wings in general, it fits him a lot n.n
I saw you made Kirino and Shindou as winged people too, and was wondering what birds you think would fit the other members of Raimon, out of curiosity
hello, thank you so much!! shoutout to the person who dropped the first ask about Tenma with wings that caused this to snowball, haha!
this au has separated into two in my head; the one where the plot-ish drawings are set in, where only people with bird association have wings, and then there's the side where picking and designing wings is fun and anyone could have a pair! but the line is blurry because this is all just for the funsies c:
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here's my personal favourite picks - oriental stork and malabar parakeet! some characters were harder to find a match for, and please share if you have opinions about these or your own ideas! full team list under cut 👇 (also let me know if you want me to draw someone else from the list!)
Sangoku: oriental stork
Kurumada: greater roadrunner
Amagi: shoebill
Shinsuke: tree swallow
Hamano: black-headed gull
Hayami: manx shearwater
Kurama: jackdaw
Aoyama: eurasian coot
Ichino: piping plover
Nishiki: great blue heron
Kariya: malabar parakeet
Hikaru: little blue penguin
Tsurugi: taiwan blue magpie
and the ones I've done before:
Tenma: bar-tailed godwit
Shindou: peacock
Kirino: anna's hummingbird
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eky11 · 1 year
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@misfitmiska - Shinsuke
@remy-roll - Minamisawa
@jellyavi - Matoro
@diet-ass - Shuu
@corviies - Kinako
@ubizoide - Genda
@nanairomelette - Beta
@soccerpunching - Sangoku
@honeycrashed - Kariya
@randomnumber20 - Taiyou
@marmolao - Hikaru
@lazitoelgato - Fei
@petuniapolar - Kazemaru
@choberr - Matsuno
@churro-on-a-unicycle - Hamano
@feisaru - Confused (??)
@eky11 - Aki
@pollymolly12 - Shinobu Takanashi
@hsohangout - Yukimura
You can start changing the PFP today or tomorrow (depending the time zone), thank you so much everyone for showing interest in my silly idea, and I already wish everyone a happy Ina11 day <3
This is also the last call if someone else wants to participate!!
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monochrome-dreamer · 11 months
I feel like some of the Raimon players from OG and GO would play DND. Like Kidou. Kidou would be a DM I think. And he'd then persuade his mates to play (Endou, Gouenji, etcetera.), and then that was passed down in the generation when Tenma or something overhears their coaches talking about some crazy adventure they'd had that weekend, and how they killed some dragon.
Then a lot of them got somewhat interested. Tenma definitely would play, I think. Tsurugi also has the energy of a DND nerd. Kirino feels like he'd do it too, and then he'd persuade Shindou to join in.
Nishiki would make a paladin, not sure what race but he'd be a paladin heavily inspired by Sakamoto Ryouma. Shinsuke would play a dragonborne or Lizardfolk because he really likes Dinosaurs.
Hamano or maybe Tetsukado, or both, would play a triton. A funny fish man because they're fishermen. Alternatively, they'd play Water Genasi.
Tenma, Shinsuke, Tsurugi, Kariya and Hikaru would have a DND campaign at Aki's, and I think Aoi would be an amazing DM. She'd definitely ask Kidou for tips.
Also Tenma would have a side campaign with Taiyou and a few others because I love that for them <3
Anyways IE DND Au or something love of my life can you tell I'm a nerd
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inairebun · 9 months
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Team groceries: Amagai, Sangoku, Nishiki, Tsurugi, Shindou
Team cooking: Kirino, Hayami, Ichino, Taiyou
Team seasoning: Fei, Tenma, Hikaru, Kurumada, Hamano
Team eating: Kariya, Aoyama, Torb, Shinsuke, Kurama
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sceptile11 · 2 years
Here is some off the top of my head thoughts of IE GO characters as YouTubers and what they may upload. (Yes I really do have the most random thoughts)
Tenma: do I need to explain what he would talk about football of course and probably accidentally leak the teams plans to his opponents.
Shindou: would record himself playing piano with his cats sometimes jumping onto his piano.
Kirino: would do makeup tutorials with Tsurugi (whether he feels like joining it or not)
Kariya: would record himself pranking people just for fun (mostly Hikaru)
Hamano: would record himself fishing and not edit anything out unless necessary.
That is all I could think about for now for some characters of what they would record.
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starline148 · 2 years
11th November is Pocky Day so I’m going to accept some requests to draw ships sharing Pockys! I’ll draw them all with the same pose because time, but feel free to ask for any of the following ships (you can ask for Ina11 OG characters as OG or GO, if you don’t say anything I’ll guess they’re from OG). I may be slow but I’ll do them! At least I’ll finish for next Pocky Day hahaha
Inazuma Eleven: -Kidou&Fudou -Someoka&Fubuki Shirou -Sakiyama&Henmi -Endou&Kazemaru -Kogure&Haruna -Shinobu&Haruna -Gouenji&Toramaru -Tatsuya&Midorikawa -Tsunami&Tachimukai -Narukami&Otomura -Genda&Sakuma -Sein&Desuta -Meza&Iyatani -Tobitaka&Fuyuka -Haizaki&Mizukamiya -Mark&Dylan -Hidetoshi&Luca -Gianluca&Marco -Handa&Matsuno -Touko&Rika -TeresxEdgar -Fidio&Demonio -Rococo&Natsumi Inazuma Eleven GO: -Ichino&Aoyama -Kirino&Shindou -Hikaru&Kariya -Tsurugi&Hakuryuu -Minaho&Manabe -Hamano&Hayami -Nishiki&Midori Minamisawa&Kurama Some ships I love from other fandoms in case you want to see other things beside Inazuma Eleven, most of them are from when I was a kid hahaha -Daisuke&Ken (Digimon) -Takeru&Hikari (Digimon) -Ash&Misty (Pokemon) -May&Drew (Pokemon) -Diluc&Kaeya (Genshin Impact) -Razor&Bennett (Genshin Impact) -Xingqiu&Chongyun (Genshin Impact) -Al Haitam&Cyno (Genshin Impact) -Kyo&Tohru (Fruits Basket) -HoroHoro&Ren (Shaman King) -Zelgadiss&Ameria (Slayers) -Bokuto&Akaashi (Haikyuu!) -Kuroo&Kenma (Haikyuu!) -Kageyama&Hinata (Haikyuu!) -Doremi&Kotake (Ojamajo Doremi) -HazukixYada (Ojamajo Doremi) -Maka&Soul (Soul Eater) -Beth&Cocoru (Puchi Puri Yucie)
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frauenfootball · 1 year
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Japan's squad for the 2023 World Cup
Translation from Dan Orlowitz on Twitter
Ayaka YAMASHITA (INAC Kobe Leonessa)
Chika HIRAO (Albirex Niigata)
Momoko TANAKA (Tokyo Verdy Beleza)
Outfield Players
Saki KUMAGAI (AS Roma)
Hikaru NAOMOTO (Urawa Reds)
Mina TANAKA (INAC Kobe Leonessa)
Shiori MIYAKE (INAC Kobe Leonessa)
Risa SHIMIZU (West Ham United FC)
Kiko SEIKE (Urawa Reds)
Miyabi MORIYA (INAC Kobe Leonessa)
Yui HASEGAWA (Manchester City FC)
Hina SUGITA (Portland Thorns)
Honoka HAYASHI (West Ham United FC)
Moeka MINAMI (AS Roma)
Fuka NAGANO (Liverpool FC)
Remina CHIBA (JEF United Chiba)
Riko UEKI (Tokyo Verdy Beleza)
Hinata MIYAZAWA (MyNavi Sendai)
Hana TAKAHASHI (Urawa Reds)
Jun ENDO (Angel City FC)
Rion ISHIKAWA (Urawa Reds)
Aoba FUJINO (Tokyo Verdy Beleza)
Maika HAMANO (Hammarby IF)
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otame · 2 years
Ina11Go Headcanons(trauma edition)
(Trigger Warning, proceed with caution)
(For my Ina11Go Eldritch Raimon Chronicles AU)
•Everyone in Raimon(Go) suffers from PTSD, due to their traumas.
>Tenma walked home to see his mother's dead body, a shot gun in her chest, and his father holding a pistol. Later, he was fortunately arrested, and Tenma ended up in an orphanage that he escaped from.
>Shindou's parents always force him to be this perfect boy, you know what I mean. And they always tell him to stop being a crybaby, it does him no good.
>Tsurugi was raped three times by his aunt, while his parents were abroad for Yuuichi's surgery. After his aunt was arrested, two years later, his parents manipulated and gaslighted him to join Fifth Sector, because of his selflessness to help his brother.
>Shinsuke's parents died in a car accident on his 4th birthday, and he barely managed to make it out alive. His extended family couldn't accept that he lived and his parents didn't, so they always ridiculed him, called him a demon, and always pester him with "I wish you died instead!" or "I wish you're not born!" And it exhausts him.
>Kirino's mother forces her to be a boy, because her mother wanted one, but Kirino was born female. The 2nd year didn't want to, but was threathened by being sold off to some old man if she didn't comply. Kirino secretly wears dresses to comfort herself.
>Aoi was handed over and over to different families, causing her to lose hope in finding a family who'll keep her out of sheer love. So whenever she finds a new friend, she'll be possessive over them, and this typically ends in her friend leaving her because they think she's creepy, when actually she's just scared that they'll get tired of her, so she tries to force this good girl look as much as possible so that her friends won't leave her.
>Hikaru has a lot of issues about himself, mainly because of his last name, or people making him his uncle in their eyes. Even his parents were mad, and they almost killed Hikaru, when they saw him play with a soccer ball. Fortunately, they were arrested, and he ends up in Sun Garden. This was before he moved into Raimon College(my AU's replacement for Raimon Junior High).
>We all know how Kariya ended up being the doubtful, sly prankster he is, but like Aoi, he has his own possessive edge as well. He won't let anybody ruin his family, or take them away from him, by pulling major pranks. Its one of the few times where they can't suspect it's him, because they 'knew' he can't bring his pranks that far.
>Kurama's parents divorced in his first year, mainly because of financial issues, and his father being a drunkard and a womanizer. He stayed in his mother's custody, who wasn't any better; she neglects him, and he often ends up having to cook and feed for himself. He didn't take the whole thing well, and he's actually scared that his friends will leave him if they learn that about him. So, like Aoi and Kariya, he has a possessive edge on his team. He's actually the only one who knows about Kariya's possessive edge, which is why they help each other in shooing or scaring away anyone they deem as a threat to their family.
>Hamano, despite being cheerful and optimistic, is actually nearing suicidal, because of his parents constant fighting and arguing, ending in him being neglected, not cared for, and like Kurama, couln't admit it to his friends, because he didn't want them to treat him any different from how they treat him. He almost suceeded, if it wasn't for another voice nagging him to stay because of Hayami, the one person he's in love with.
>Who, by the way, has anxiety issues, and self esteem issues. Mainly because of his grandparents treating him like a mistake, eversince his parents died due to cancer, and no one would work for money anymore. He was also raped by his cousin, but no one would belive him.
>Midori has anger issues, but that's because of her going into fight or flight mode back then, due to her mother using almost all of the money their father sent from abroad, who died two years ago due to a plane crash, on his way back home. Her mother uses the money on gambling, drinking, and the likes. This causes her to constantly try to knock some sense into her mother, which end up in fist fights, and Midori always wins. Eversince then, her mother ignores her, but does stop the addiction. But Midori knows otherwise;her mother didn't stop.
>Akane's parents always gaslight and ridicule her, saying that she's nothing, she's a mistake, and that she'll never be anything. Well, it's the mother's fault, since she cheated on her husband, and gained unconsented custody of Akane, and moved in with her new boyfriend, who didn't treat her any better. Eversince then, she'd hide her troubles under the gist of her staring, or air-headedness, when it's her actually trying to think of ways to run away, or ask for help.
>Ichino and Aoyama are both staying at Sun Garden, mainly because both of them have abusive parents who use them as punching bags. Aoyama, to be exact, almost commited suicide too, but Ichino caught him in time, and begged him to not go. He didn't let go of Aoyama the whole night, because he had enough of people he loved in his life dying, after his older sister died in a kidnapping, and his younger brother dying of stillbirth.
>Sangoku would always defend his mother from his abusive father, and this ends up in him getting bruises and cuts all over him from being thrown by beer bottles. His father fortunately got arrested, and his mother got a fair salary job, but he sometimes still gets nightmares abour his father's abuse.
>Kurumada's father was widowed, due to his wife dying of tuberculosis. It was Kurumada's breaking point, because he lost his little sister Chichi just two weeks ago before his mother's death. Eversince then, he too, has developed a possessive edge to the team, though not as worse as Aoi's or Kurama's.
>Amagi has been abandoned by his birth parents, so he ends up in his uncle's care, who treated him like a slave, but was saved by his secretly wealthy aunt, who was like his actual mother to him. His birth parents try to convince him to come home or steal money from his aunt, but he declined and shut them off from his life. However, there was a time where he was almost kidnapped by human traffickers, but fortunately, he was saved by his aunt and the police. Turns out, his parents sold him to some shady guy, and was now getting killed for not meeting their end of the deal. He could care less now about then though. However, when Mahoro stopped being his friend, he was still getting over his aunt's death, due to saving him from getting kidnapped again. Right now, he's still planning on trying to get into Sun Garden.
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flovey-dovey · 1 year
Hey! If you get this, answer with your top 5 music artists and send it to the last 7 people in your notifications! If you want to.
Okay 👌✨ (would a list format count? ... Imma do a list format) - Wintergatan (inventors of the Marble Machine) - Kenji Yamamoto, Minako Hamano and Masaru Tajima (composers for the Metroid Prime trilogy; this counts as one) - Utada Hikaru (and Yoko Shimomura gets big bonus points as well) - Stewart Copeland (composer for the Spyro trilogy) - Steam Powered Giraffe (cool, funny and catchy; the holy trinity) Yea, tags be upon ye 🫴 @undeaddisappointment, @achillesangst, @ixupi94, @unicringe, @chocolateparfaitbouquet
(but just if y'all want to, absolutely no pressure ✨)
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Mod i gotta be honest here, when Hamano chased after Syobai i was 100% sure he was gonna die right there and then because from what we've seen of him so far he seems to fit the trope of "Cool goody two shoes family members/mentor character that dies tragically" to a T
I'm glad he's alive though, it would be a shame if he died before we ever got to see him interact with the sister he talks so much about
-Critic anon
//Ah yeah, it would be a shame if he died early and even then Shobai mostly stabbed him to make him stop and escape.
//Well don't worry, will be able to meet with Hamato's little sister and Hikaru's second daughter a bit soon, right now things are going on at the moment. ^^
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yarameijer · 8 months
What do you think is Tenma's and others' favourite food and drink?
Ooh, favorite foods! Okay so please bear with me, I’m not familiar with Japanese cuisine but I’ll give it a shot!
First, the first-years! Tsurugi has a sweet tooth, but he wouldn’t admit it even on pain of death and only Yuuichi knows because Tsurugi believes it’d take away from his reputation otherwise. He loves rice cakes, especially with fillings. He’s also a fan of dried beans covered with sugar.
Hikaru is also a major fan of sweets and is willing to try whatever's offered to him, but his absolute favorite is coffee jelly. He can sometimes be bribed with sweets if necessary. To finish up the sweet tooth trio, Aoi loves any type of cake, although she prefers milder tastes instead of super sweet. She and Hikaru go out to cafes to try out their menu and manage to drag Tsurugi along eventually, although he’ll pretend to come along just to humor them. These three are also the biggest fans of going to Tenma’s place, because Aki usually has some homemade baking ready.
Shinsuke really likes onigiri, it’s simple yet tasty, and easy to share with friends. No need for any fancy dishes for him! He’s also a fan of sweets, although not as bad as the three mentioned above, and he likes fruit-flavored soy milk.
Kariya likes takoyaki the most! It’s pretty easy to get, so he likes treating himself to it if he’s done well on a test or something, or if he’s just in the mood. Since he lives in an orphanage, food options are dependent on whatever gets prepared there, so while the food is good he doesn’t really have any input in dinner. Makes it extra nice to get takoyaki as a snack for himself!
If asked, Tenma’s favorite food is whatever Aki prepares because her cooking is amazing, but his favorite dish would be gōyā chanpurū, Okinawan stir fry. He’s loved it since he was young, and now that he lives in Tokyo, it reminds him of home. He also enjoys sweet snacks, particularly mitarashi dango and sata andagi (which is also from Okinawa, and he loves it for similar reasons).
Onto the second-years! Hamano loves sashimi (raw fish), but he doesn’t really have a preference for a specific type. He also likes taiyaki, fish-shaped cakes, not only because of the taste but also because they’re, well, in the shape of a fish. He and Hayami often get some if they're hanging out after school, most often with red bean paste or custard filling. Although Hayami likes taiyaki too, he prefers gyõza (Japanese dumplings). He’s also a pretty big tea fan, especially green tea, which he has in common with Shindou.
Speaking of - everyone knows Shindou is a rich kid. Influential, loaded family that goes to operas and pays for private tutoring outside of school and eats at a five star restaurant every other month. And yet, ironically, his absolute favorite food turns out to be homemade ramen from Rairaiken (after his friends have introduced him to it, of course). He likes to experiment with toppings and is delighted whenever he finds a new combination he enjoys.
Kirino’s favorite food is sushi, also because there’s such a wide variety of it, and he can pick whatever he feels like at that moment. Luckily for him, he’s best friends with rich kid Shindou, and whenever they hang out at his manor, the staff knows to prepare sushi. Kirino takes full advantage of this and claims it’s payment for dealing with Shindou’s soccer strategy ramblings. Just like Shindou and Hayami, he likes green tea, but he prefers royal milk tea.
Nishiki picked up a love for Italian cuisine during his time abroad. He loves ravioli (stuffed pasta) and he’s got a preference for ciabatta bread. He’s lucky enough not to be lactose intolerant like many other Japanese people, and he absolutely LOVED spending time in a country with countless cheese options, in which Japan is, unsurprisingly, lacking. He’s cooked for his friends a few times and it was a pretty big success.
Midori and Kurama, surprisingly enough, share their favorite food: kushiyaki, skewered and grilled foods. Midori loves grilled pork skewers, whereas Kurama’s favorite are grilled vegetable skewers. Midori likes other types as well, but Kurama’s a picky eater so he'll stick to his vegetables, thank you very much.
Akane can usually be found with various types of bread in her bento, the specific kind switching every day. It’s her favorite snack and she usually brings some to eat during afternoon practice. Her favorites are melonpan and anpan (filled with red bean paste). She brings enough for the entire team as a treat if they’ve won a particularly hard match. She also really loves bubble tea (her favorite is honeydew milk tea), and often drags Aoi and Midori along. Aoi’s favorite is matcha milk tea, and Midori’s is black milk tea.
Aoyama, as mentioned in the AR one-shot collection, is obsessed with noodles. His favorite is kitsune udon, but he likes switching it up so he also orders other dishes quite regularly. Ichino also appreciates udon and other noodle foods (he doesn’t really have a choice, being best friends with Aoyama), and he’s also a big fan of shaved ice.
Finally the third-years! They’ve actually got a pretty big thing in common there: they all prefer the company over the food, really. Sangoku, for example, doesn’t really have a favorite food. He loves cooking, and cooking for others, and he’s a fan of trying out new recipes, although he favors traditional Japanese meals. He originally taught himself how to cook because his mother is usually busy with work, but discovered a love for it and he likes seeing his friends enjoy his food. He does really enjoy a good cup of green tea, though, like Shindou and Hayami.
Next, Kurumada! If asked, he claims he likes going to yakiniku (grilled meat) restaurants with his friends most. He thinks it’s tasty, and he likes having multiple options for food and being able to just get whatever he’s in the mood for at the time. It’s only made better by the company, although inviting his team along has been known to end in chaos.
Amagi’s favorite food is katsudon, which he has in common with Mahoro. When they were kids, he, Mahoro and their childhood friend Kousaka Yukie would eat it as often as their parents would allow - that’s where his love for shared meals began, because it’s much more fun to eat together than alone.
…I may have gone a bit overboard with this. Whoops?
Hope you enjoyed!
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