#asha: not allowed to talk? BORING
masschase · 2 years
I'm sure every single one has been overdone but I'm still tempted to write a series of all the SRIV romance scenes xD
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py-dreamer · 7 months
MY version of a Wish rewrite
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I know this is outside my usual lmk comfort zone but I saw the concept art for Wish, fell in love, saw the movie, got bored solid 5/10 but compared to what it could've been, the hype for it as Disney's big 100 shabang? Leaves much to be desired let's just say...
And most if not all wish content online is rewrites and redesigns anyway so Ima throw another one into the pile
I know we all love the idea of the big bad villain evil for the sake of evil. And I too miss the classic villains *chefs kiss* never forget
HOWEVER I decided to look at a slightly less evil(?) Magnifico and Amaya with a more tragic reason when they commit crimes and portray them as 'reasonable' and 'not that evil' as disney tried
But without further ado, lets get down to it:
first Asha will the daughter of Magnifico, Amaya and more importantly, the princess of Rosas (now she has a bigger connection to the people other than being just a tour guide)
We keep starboi (or as tumblr has dubbed them: Aster) as a humanoid creature, not a plushie
Amaya is totally in on the shenanigans with Magnifico they are ride or die couple
FIRSTLY, lets talk about ASHA:
I saw many people complain about the 'dorky' not like other girls trope
And I saw a counter where someone said people don't like a female awkward protagonist of color
My issue is this trope has been used multiple times already and if you don't have a good reason or make her charming, then sorry the trope is just cringy
So with Asha let's keep the awkwardness that's fine; public speaking ain't her strong suit, social anxiety baby
Asha here is more reserved and shy
having been the child of two powerful rulers, she has very big shoes to fill and her parents don't make it any easier
they dismiss her when she tries to learn magic saying 'she's not ready' and almost infantilize her
she learns magic in secret by sneaking into her father's study but doesn't practice it to not expose herself and she doubts her abilities
Her parents also don't let her handle any royal duties, they want her to play and not worry but don't allow her with them during ceremonies and such saying she's not ready
the people know they have a princess just don't know what she looks like but sing of her in poems and songs even without knowing her
she is allowed outside the palace as the island is as safe as it can be
despite this, Asha is incredibly compassionate and empathetic
she'd have very high emotional intelligence (cause I miss princesses like that)
she will help out wherever she can in town as a peacemaker and the people love her but don't know she's their princess
Asha is always desperate to make her parents proud and is so selfless to the point she forgets her own wants at times
she is still 17 nearing 18 but she doesn't know her own wish
she can keep her hobby of animation, just perhaps embarrassed to show anyone since her parents mentioned it's rather 'childish'
Please can someone give her some new duds. Her current fit is cute but between the long hair without a fringe and slim purple dress, I can't help but compare her to Rapunzel
ok this will be touchy
I want to delve into the fact that Magnifico is traumatized and crank it to 11
Amaya is a sourceress who was a refugee from an old war
the two met when Magnifico was building his kingdom and fell deeply in love
Amaya taught him magic and they advanced their kingdom into a utopia
The two always dreamed of a family and to build a land where their people would never suffer again
They view the people of Rosas as their children and are known as such. Treated as benevolent and the 'the loving founding parents of Rosas'
As time passed, the two gained more and more power and were able to treat their people even more even gaining the grand ability to grant wishes
the more they did, the more love they received and the granting wishes was the cherry on top
the couple grew greedy for the praise, they were practically gods in the kingdom's eyes
More time passed, as the kind rulers they are, they used their magic to do all the manual labor so the people wouldn't have to lift a finger
Now an isolated island full of a new generation with no work to do, the people spend their days praising the royal family
The issue? Well, now especially the young people of Rosas, don't know how to work. They rely soley on Magnifico and Amaya for survival and the couple knows it. That is how they like it
Over time, they viewed the people as helpless children without them. They're doing this for the people's own good in their own twisted beliefs. The wish granting in particular keeps the praise on them almost like a cult.
Their love for the kingdom grew twisted into obsession and they'd do ANYTHING to keep their innocent citizens like this.
Basically imagine a 'there is no war in Ba Sing Se' situation but the Dai Li are running it and the people they're kissing up to is the people of Rosas
The two love Asha dearly but perhaps a little too much
They infantilize her like I said and always views her as beneath them and work so hard to 'protect' her and their people that they actually rarely spend time to bond with the very girl they protect
ASTER (AKA STARBOI) (he/them btw):
first off, he will stay in that humanoid form as usual
They will be a shapeshifter in homage to the genie but how is he different from the genie you ask?
Well firstly he's mute. Or well, just like Tinkerbell, talks in jingles, his true voice unintelligable to the human ear
"But how is he going to sing 'at all co-" shshshshshhshs hush. I have a plan for that just wait
Secondly he will be made of pixie dust which functions like sandman, basically if he is punctured, then he will regenerate like sand
They can float via pixie dust and can spread it to other things
They can see they wishes of people, as in he can see those sparks in someone and can see/sense the hole left when they're taken away
To make someone else fly, all they need is pixie dust and happy thoughts
He's meant to be the personification of joy and hope
Now I've seen many people make him precious sunshine boi who is curious and kind and must protec-
And I like that concept but upon thinking bout it, Aster resembled more like a fae than anything
As a living being of joy and other-worldly, it really reminded me of Joy from inside out
So I want their charisma to be 17/10. Just the happiest, cheerful most flamboyant dude you've ever met to the point he's kinda a showoff like a class clown
Make them sassy! I want this star to be protected (at all costs lol) and simaltaneously a menace to society
He and Asha are like that meme with Ken and Barbie's mugshots but Aster absolutely knows what they're doing
But since he's only ever watched humans from afar, he has trouble empathizing with them and understanding them so sometimes they come off as insensitive
they kinda look down on humans as requiring the help of magic beings like them
Another downside is since he's comprised of joy and hope, whenever someone close loses hope or get's sad, he starts to lose his magic and eventually fade away.
His existence on earth basically depends on the emotions of those around him
"Are they the second star to the right? Cause isn't Ray married to the-" Hushshshshshshssh I saw in a comic (I forgot the creator if you know pls tell so I can credit) the idea of Evangeline and Raymond being Aster's parents and I love that so we keep it
So what are wishing stars exactly?
Like the blue fairy, they are magic (usually) benevolant beings who help grant human's wishes when they deserve it or have worked on it.
They are more guiding beings using magic to give a push like Gepetto wished for a son, Pinnochio came alive but needed to work to be a real boy
Now I know this is a rewrite and I said I'd elaborate on some issues but its late rn and I'm going to get yelled at so I'm going to have to carry on later
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coeluvr · 1 year
all right, then! what do the buns look like? are they hybrids, or full-on animals?? what is Asha to bunny!Fadiya???
My bunny au is literally full on animal bunnies because if they're hybrids I think it would be weird with the whole adoption thing. So pets!
They would look pretty similar to how they look now because regular colors are boring.
She would have soft, fluffy fur that's a vibrant shade of ruby red and amber eyes. Her ears would be long and perky, twitching with curiosity as she explores her surroundings.
She would be a lively and talkative bunny, hopping around with energy and exuding a sense of joy. I think she'd be quite protective of MC, I imagined MC and Vincent adopting a bunny!Fadiya only for her to hate him and had a laugh.
I think in this AU our Asha would be a toy frog that Fadiya had even before getting adopted.
He would have snowy white fur and pale blue eyes that sparkle with warmth.
At the beginning, Helios might maintain a slight distance, however, as time goes on and trust is built, he would gradually warm up to MC, allowing his friendly and affectionate side to shine through. He would always want to be close to MC as well.
They would have sleek black fur, deep blue eyes, and their bunny ears would stand tall and curious.
They would eagerly participate in games, eagerly seeking out toys and treats, and engaging in playful interactions. Their energy runs out pretty fast so they need lots of naps during the day.
They wouldn't really be clingy, instead they'd want to spend some time alone doing whatever bunnies do.
Soarine would have soft and fluffy fur in a beautiful shade of light green with mint eyes that exude mystery and intrigue.
She would hop and bound with agile grace, her movements exuding a sense of energy and liveliness. She would be curious, poking her nose into everything and keeping you entertained with her antics.
If MC thinks they picked her then they're wrong, she definitely picked them the moment they stepped into the adoption center.
He would have a soft and velvety fur coat in a rich shade of brown, mimicking the wavy texture of his hair. With deep green eyes that hold a hint of wariness, Vincent would exhibit a cautious yet observant gaze.
He would maintain a certain distance initially, keeping to himself and carefully assessing his surroundings and wondering why MC adopted him out of all the other more friendly bunnies. Once he warms up to MC, he would become glued to them. His presence would provide a sense of comfort, knowing that he is always there by their side.
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a-libra-writes · 3 years
GoT Imagines - When You're Engaged to Someone Else
Woooo this is a doozy and I'm including new characters, mostly book ones! because i both love my followers and have lost my marbles.
In this preference, you'll be pining with: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, Jory Cassel, Mance Rayder, Eddison Tollett, Pre-Reek!Theon, Yara Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Bronn, Jaquen H’Ghar, Petyr Baelish, Robert Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Margaery Tyrell, Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Brienne of Tarth, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell, Arianne Martell, Tyene Sand
Ned Stark
He’s already an expert in suffering in silence, so this should be no different. Although he’s very surprised at the sudden arrangement, and while he isn’t a man to throw his rank around… He wonders if he can’t convince your family to reconsider. If it’s simply impossible, Ned would resign himself to having to stop the relationship. He’s too honorable to ever consider an affair and he’s not a man to start a duel or cause trouble, especially since it would negatively affect your reputation. The heavy combination of missing you, pining after you all over again and feeling like he didn’t do enough is hard. Some days he entertains the idea of still having a friendship, but it doesn’t seem like a good idea. He doesn’t trust himself.
Robb Stark
The young wolf tries to accept it, even if his feelings become more and more angry each day. Robb never threw his name around, but… he was going to be Lord Stark. Wasn't that good enough for your family? For you? He tries to be the bigger man, but if you're miserable with your spouse and they don't treat you well, he can't keep his temper in check. Expect him to have a sudden outburst at a feast and cause a scene. The only thinking keeping him from an outright duel are his parents and his worry about your reputation. But if he was pushed to it….
Sansa Stark
She should've known this would happen. It's the fate of all ladies, yet there's a bitterness that tugs at her when she hears the news. Sansa tries to bury her feelings around others, but she's never done that with you. She expresses her disappointment and sorrow, and swears she'll help if your spouse turns out to be awful. She doesn't want them to be, but she doesn't want you beginning to prefer their company, either. She wonders if her affection for you would wane if she just pined from afar and tried to keep her feelings to herself.
Jon Snow
Ah yes, once again his bastardry is hitting him straight in the gut. Jon knew it was going to happen eventually, he already felt like the relationship was on a timer, and now it’s finally ended. He’s convinced there’s no getting out of it, because even if you did - you’d never be able to be with him in the open. It makes Jon glad he’s going to the Wall; hopefully the distance and cold will dull his feelings. In spite of that, sometimes he’ll tell Sam about you, and he speaks so mournfully it makes Sam think that distance hasn’t done all that much to help Jon’s pining.
Benjen Stark
He should be the bigger person and accept that this is for the best. He’s sworn to the Wall, and you two shouldn’t have been sneaking around. He should be relieved neither of you were caught. None of these thoughts are comforting. Ben tries to cope by making not-so-joking jokes about you running off to the Wall too, or perhaps he should take Yoren’s job and find his way to your court once in a blue moon. Then there’s no joking, and it’s just bitterness. He removes himself from your life after that, not wanting to hurt you with his own negative thoughts. He’d rather you keep the happy memories.
Jory Cassel
He accepts it, not that it brings him any pleasure. Jory's always been proud of his service to the Starks, but he's long understood that his landed seat is not a valuable one. Whenever he married, if he did, it wouldn't be someone as lovely as you. The announcement still hits him in the gut and he dejectedly tries to break it off (though it's easier on him if you do it). If he was in charge of guarding you, he'd switch shifts immediately and begin avoiding you, thinking it'll make things easier.
Eddison Tollett
This relationship already seemed too good to be true, so it’s abrupt end is not surprising. He’s sworn to the Wall and you both were sneaking around to begin with, so this should have been expected, but… it just makes him feel even more tired and dumb. Sam and Jon notice how little he sleeps and that he’s begun to skip meals, and he doesn’t have to explain why. They can do the math. Edd at least doesn’t try to bury any sad feelings or memories. It’s too exhausting to actively try, and it’s something to keep him company while he works. Maybe the feelings will fade… eventually.
Mance Rayder
It's one more reason for him to leave the "South" and go past the Wall. He knew a proper relationship with you wasn't possible because of his vows, but watching you go through this sham of an arranged marriage is just depressing. He'll comfort you best he can until he has to go back to the Wall, though he won't make promises he can't keep. Having to separate from you weighs heavy on him for a long time, and is one of many reasons he abandons the Watch.
Theon Greyjoy
What the hell is this? Hearing the news ruins his whole day, worse if he wasn’t able to hear it directly from you. He’s the heir to the Iron Islands, and his interest in you was clear as day! No, he hadn’t proposed yet… but he was getting to it! Now some mainlander beat him to it? Theon is absolutely seething. He’d prefer to duel your spouse to teach them a lesson in front of everyone, but he’s open to more boring methods like reasoning with your family. If he wasn’t able to change the engagement, he’d be bitter, and more than willing to carry on an affair behind your spouse’s back. He ought to just go the Ironborn route and kidnap you for himself.
Asha (Yara) Greyjoy
When you give her the news and you’re clearly distraught about it, Yara considers carrying you off to her ship right there. If you’re non-Ironborn, you’ll be her saltwife -- and if you’re Ironborn, she wants to have a discussion with whoever the hell planned this when everyone KNOWS you belong with her. You hadn’t expected this possessive behavior, but now you know Yara’s willing to fight for you as soon as someone takes you. No surprise, she’s more than willing to sneak around with you behind your husband’s back - maybe she can goad him into a duel. That would certainly solve a problem, wouldn’t it?
Victarion Greyjoy
He doesn’t understand at first. Victarion had made it clear that you were his, hadn’t everyone known that? No, he never made any sort of formal marriage, but not because he didn’t care. He felt like there was no need, hadn’t everyone known? If your family and spouse are Ironborn, he’ll immediately sail to their keep and raise all seven hells, and marry you right there in front of them. If you were sent away to the green lands, it would take the combined power of Balon, Yara and Aeron to keep him from sailing off immediately and just kidnapping you - preferably after killing your spouse. Victarion is pissed. Someone is going to pay for this.
Daenerys Targaryen
She’s just as mad at you as she is with whoever arranged this ridiculous match. Daenerys doesn’t often entertain arrogant thoughts, but… How could anyone think to match you with someone else, knowing your relationship with her? She feels she ought to be offended, though Daenerys knows this is hard on you as well, and you didn’t ask for it. She’ll think of some clever way to get you out of the arrangement, no way is this person getting away from stealing from her. And yes, that might as well be what it is! While she’s working out what to do, if she so much as hears murmurs of the possibility of your spouse hurting you… all bets are off. She’s taking you back with her, alliance be damned.
Jorah Mormont
The announcement of your engagement is a punch to his gut and a shock to his system. Jorah knew he wasn’t the best husband material, but he was planning to ask for your hand himself - then this happened. What’s worse, he knows as far as practical marriage goes, he has little to offer. He goes into a bit of a panic as he tries to think of what to do. There’s sensible choices, like trying to talk to your family with you. Then there’s not so sensible ones… Maybe running off, maybe just continuing the relationship behind your new spouse’s back, maybe dueling them… While Jorah is in emotional turmoil, he’d do anything for you. Even if you wanted to break off the relationship… or had a plan for him to follow. He’s nothing if not hopelessly devoted.
… Oh. Maybe she shouldn’t have expected you to stick around for so long. As close as she is to Daenerys, she really has no fancy titles or things to offer. She understood why your family chose the match, it was a good one, politically speaking… but that does little to soothe her. Quite the opposite, a strong, desolate feeling overcomes her, one she hasn’t felt in a long time. She isn’t sure what to do, if it’s her place to stop the process. Perhaps if you asked her, she could try to make plans. Daenerys would help as well, considering how fond she is of you two, and how much she despises women being forced into arrangements.
Grey Worm
The sudden news takes him off guard, and sends him into a bit of an existential crisis. He was starting to see himself as a person, with his own name and a path he chose to follow… then this arrangement happens, and he’s forced to face what the rest of the world sees him as. It’s not that Grey Worm has a sense of ownership over you, but for once he was allowing himself all these happy feelings and memories with you, and now it’s gone. Of course he wants you back, but he feels paralyzed. What if he makes it worse? Does this have to happen? He starts to become even more withdrawn and distant, worrying Missandei until she decides to help. Grey Worm finally returns to his old self when he has you in his arms again.
Tywin Lannister
His steady composure is hit with such a rage at the news, the servant delivering it goes into a panic. His interest in you was obvious, so anyone doing this was trying to spite him. He doesn’t take the insult well. Perhaps before you’re even able to tell him the news yourself, threats will be delivered to both the spouse’s family and your own - Tywin is especially furious towards them, and won’t forget this - and incidents will be arranged. He refuses to be a man who pines after someone or covets another one’s wife, nor will he allow some lesser lord to take what he perceives as ‘his’.
Tyrion Lannister
The angst hits him like a ton of bricks, and it’s even worse if this came out of left field. It hurts less if he hears it from you, but only just. He should have known your family wouldn’t have accept any proposal he made - and gods know he was ready to do it - it’s just one more log to fuel his self-loathing and bitterness toward this world. But if you knock some sense into him, he’ll snap out of that spiral and begin to plan with you. There’s plenty of choices before the two of you - scandal? Running off? - but rest assured, Tyrion is going to investigate the hell out of this person. He’d never forgive himself if you got stuck with a brute.
Jaime Lannister
The fact he knew this was inevitable doesn't help Jaime's irritation. He can't believe your family arranged for that person to marry you. Seriously? You'd better keep Jaime at a distance from your spouse, because he can't help himself from making snide remarks and sarcastic comments. If he riles up the guy into a duel, all the better. He'll do all sorts of reckless things to begin with, and it's only worse when he's upset. He's also very willing to have an affair behind your spouse's back - you were with him first. You’ll probably have to scold Jaime about you two almost getting caught, but he’s above reproach. His stubbornness and jealousy gets worse the closer you two are.
Cersei Lannister
She’s absolutely infuriated with your family. You were her handmaiden, someone whose been with her for years - and they have the nerve to go behind her back like this?! It smells like a scheme of Tyrion’s, or perhaps Varys, but she’ll deal with them in time. For now, she’ll work out what to do about your spouse. She’ll try to keep you around as much as possible, and her possessiveness comes out in full. You can’t possibly be interested in such a worthless man.
Sandor Clegane
When you tell Sandor, he’s quiet for a discerningly long time before the anger and arguments come out. And then the quiet bitterness. The thing is, he knew this was coming for a while. He knew your time together was limited, he shouldn’t have things like hopes and happiness because it’ll just get taken away. And it is. Even if you explain you’ll try to break off the arrangement, that there’s still a way to get out, he has trouble believing it. He’s seen enough ladies get chained to useless fucking lords, he’d rather not see it happen to someone he cares about, thanks. Sandor will push you away as much as he can, but you could still attempt to convince him to have an affair… or perhaps leave King’s Landing entirely.
Ser Bronn of the Blackwater
He’s only mildly annoyed at the inconvenience. It’ll be a lot harder for you both to sneak around now, and forget about it if you’re having to move somewhere far away. Guess that’s the end of that ‘relationship’ - he should’ve expected it. Bronn is way more willing to stay close if you remain in King’s Landing, and he expects you both to keep fooling around. Now, if he’s actually started to develop feelings about you… he’ll start to act differently. You don’t actually like your spouse, do you? Wasn’t that just some arranged bullshit? He’ll throw smirks and subtle insults your spouse’s way, as if trying to goad them into a fight. More then once you two will almost get caught because he decides waltzing up to your window is totally acceptable, or trying to have a quickie in the middle of the day. A surprisingly jealous side will come out and he’s in total denial about any feelings he might have.
Jacquen H’ghar
This isn’t alarming to Jacquen at first. He knew he could never have such a union with you, and since this Westerosi society is so insistent on marriage, it would happen eventually. Still, your pain hurts him as well. Jacquen would have a variety of plans … anywhere from easily disguising as a guard or servant so he’s always beside you, or perhaps whisking you away somewhere. This isn’t the end of your relationship for him - it’s just a challenge to overcome. He assumes you won’t send him away or break it off.
Petyr Baelish
You being someone else’s wife makes no difference to Petyr, though he’s surprised in himself. Usually he stays out of such affairs, it only causes trouble… But he’s been intrigued by you, and quite frankly, he’s offended that this Lord Whoever from Wherever didn’t take his interest into account. No matter. Petyr has plenty of plans to deal with this pest, though he’s annoyed at his own jealousy whenever he sees you together with your spouse, even if you’re miserable. While he doesn’t want you unhappy, it certainly makes starting an affair and/or disposing of your spouse much easier.
Robert Baratheon
He’s furious and everyone is going to know about it. Robert will complain endlessly to Ned and Lord Arryn about how he found you first, how that useless shit of a husband won’t know what to do with you. Since he does little to hide his disgust, rumors will spread all over court. Hell, he’ll probably say even stupider things when he’s drunk, or he’ll do something stupider, like actually try to aggravate the guy into a fight or a duel. If you’re actually able to get him under control, he has no qualms about having an affair with you… but he may not be subtle about it. So that’s another thing to keep in mind.
Stannis Baratheon
It’s depressingly impressive how willing Stannis is to bury and deny his feelings once he hears you’re promised to someone else. He’ll try to extinguish all the happiness he had with you, bottle up all the memories and feelings that went along with it. This will be fine. He’ll be fine. This iron resolve is easy to maintain if Stannis rarely sees you. If you both are forced to interact even semi-often, it chips away at him, and he can’t help himself from making biting remarks about your spouse when you both visit. He hates feeling this way, he’s never felt it before, and he carries a deep grudge against your spouse and family for making it happen. It’s easier if you write to him, but then Stannis starts keeping those letters and punishing himself by reading them over and over. Eventually he stops entirely, deeming it inappropriate, even if that feels like cutting off one of his limbs.
Davos Seaworth
The old knight is understandably saddened by news of your betrothal and marriage, but it makes sense. Politics-wise, Davos believes he isn’t much of a prize, even when he’s risen to Lord. He should’ve expected this would happen. He’d wish you genuine happiness… But if you were miserable, Davos would feel awful and powerless. If you truly wanted to continue the relationship behind your spouse’s back, his biggest worry would be the secret getting out and your reputation being ruined. He wouldn’t be able to resist forever, but he’d still try to talk you out of it and try to convince you to forget about him.
Margaery Tyrell
She seeks you out the moment she finds out - and that was quickly, because she often keeps tabs on you. Her grandmother warned her about getting so close to her favorite, but it still comes as a terrible shock. Margaery holds you close and promises she’ll make it better, somehow. Maybe she and her grandmother can reason with her family, perhaps you can marry into the Tyrell family, so you both can be together. She’ll fix it, she swears. The thought of someone else being with you is terrible enough, she’ll be even more worried if the person is abusive. Margaery won’t stand for it, and might take a few rare risks for your sake.
Brynden Tully
This stirs up a lot of complicated feelings in the old knight. He knew his relationship with you wouldn’t last forever, that you’d have to marry eventually, and he never wanted to marry…. But he feels like this is his fault, especially if you’re miserable. He could’ve prevented this. Brynden knows he ought to break off the relationship, and he won’t blame you if you do… but he’ll also consider the idea of continuing the relationship. And if you have to go somewhere far away, he’ll still appreciate you sending letters and having a correspondence. The relationship may not be the same long-distance, but he cares a lot about you, and it hurts having you cut from his life.
Edmure Tully
Woe and misery. How much wine is in Riverrun’s stores? He may end up drinking a dent in it by the time the month is out. He almost didn’t believe the news until he heard it from several people, or just you directly. How could this happen? Wasn’t he courting you properly, taking all the steps just the right way? Wasn’t his interest obvious to anyone with eyes? Edmure approaches your family with a bit of a hot head, almost demanding an answer for why they chose whoever over … whoever your spouse is. Edmure doesn’t even care who it is, he hates their guts immediately. More likely than not, he’ll do something foolish, like start a duel. If all else fails, he’ll make sad eyes at you at all the feasts and galas and go into a bit of a depression.
Brienne of Tarth
Brienne is immediately distraught, but also believes she deserves it somehow. This happy relationship just had to come to an end, didn’t it? Well, you two had to be discreet about it to begin with, which didn’t please her … but this alternative feels worse. Brienne switches between trying to stay frosty to make it easier for you two to part, and being unable to hold back her affection and sadness. The best solution she can think of is to stay as your sworn sword, independent of your new husband’s house guards. And gods know, she will come at him with a vengeance if he even dares upset you or lay an unwanted hand on you. That means the relationship could continue, but she dislikes the secrecy even more when you’re married. While she doesn’t like the idea of running away from problems, maybe in certain circumstances, she’d be open to the idea…
Ramsay Bolton
Ramsay is irate, to say the least. Even if you don’t actually know him, you’ve just caught his eye, he’ll become possessive. If you both were romantic before the engagement news, his anger and possessiveness would be even more dangerous. Woe to your spouse if he lives close to the Dreadfort - leave it to Ramsay to think up some “accident” for them to be involved in. And if he finds out they’re involved in some sort of treason or crime, that’s all the better, no matter how flimsy the “crime” is. If he’s feeling especially reckless, he’ll just arrange their murder and take you back right away. Ramsay is a terrible loser, doubly so if it involves one of the few things he actually cares about.
Roose Bolton
On the outside he doesn’t react to the news beyond a silent glare. On the inside, Roose is furious. He had plans for you, plans that may have taken quite a while to get to this point, and now it’s been ruined by someone whose actively working against him… or too stupid to realize what a massive mistake they just made. Roose thinks up various ways to circumvent this and have you to himself. In the meantime, he’ll gladly continue an affair behind your spouse’s back, but that won’t necessarily save them from death. You’ll notice him become increasingly possessive and jealous, even if you have zero interest in your spouse, and you can sense he’ll be holding a deep grudge against whoever arranged this in the first place.
Oberyn Martell
As soon as he hears about the news, Doran has to talk him down from dueling the man…Half his daughters support it, the other half suggest something more subtle. Overyn feels insulted, for one - your affection for each other was obvious, yet your family still made this arrangement. And if he doesn’t get his duel, he will spread all sorts of unsavory, salacious rumors about your spouse, in hopes of creating a scandal that makes your family break the union. Or better, lead to the man dueling Oberyn directly! Oberyn doesn’t even consider continuing your relationship with him an “affair”. You both were together first, and a farce of a marriage you didn’t agree to won’t change that. You just have to make sure he can be discreet.
Doran Martell
While the news of your engagement is depressing, it isn't surprising. He's quite aware of the politics of Westeros, even if his own family doesn't believe it, and he had wind of this engagement. He just thought he could stop it in time. He hides his disappointment, but his family can tell he's withdrawing. Oberyn argues with his brother to go get you and fight, but Doran is a man of silent plans. He'll still love to correspond with you, and you can tell by his letters that he seems hopeful. Maybe he's thought of a way to break it off …
Arianne Martell
Well, isn’t this irksome? Arianne loved having you in her palace and keeping you all to herself, but then this foolish arranged marriage happened… She doesn’t hide her disdain, and she’s annoyed at herself for not doing more to stop it. The princess will spend no small amount of time being angry at the unfairness of it. Once she’s calmed, she doesn’t see why you both can’t continue the relationship behind closed doors. You’re both used to sneaking around, anyway. And Arianne can’t resist ferreting around for some salacious rumors about your spouse… Wouldn’t it be a shame if she found out something that led you to your family cutting the betrothal off?
Tyene Sand
She’s beyond annoyed at this outcome. You were her favorite, in more ways than one, and while she didn’t delude herself into thinking you’d be together forever… well, couldn’t you both have spent your days in court in service to the Martells, or perhaps left forever on a boat to Essos? Why did this have to happen so soon? She’s despondent, much as she tries to hide it, even with her sisters trying to comfort her. She begins to think of plans, just little things … a rumor here, a scheme there. She’ll feel much better if you remain in the Sunspear court, so she can stay close and your relationship can continue.
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jude and cardan headcanons that make my heart warm
Cardan often waits to fall asleep after Jude does because he likes to look at her and see her relaxed, an expression on her face that he rarely sees
every now and then, at revels, a member of the court would say something that is slightly offensive about Jude, not enough for them to be punished but enough to annoy her. Cardan puts a hand on her thigh under the table and gives it a squeeze to calm her down. Surprisingly, it works.
the land loves Jude, and adapts to her very easily despite her mortality. The smells she always liked about Faerie are suddenly more noticeable in the air and sometimes when she walks, flower grow in the shape of her feet.
Cardan is extremely proud and refuses to get rid of the flowers, even if they sometimes grow in their room
at night, when neither can sleep, they go to the gardens and bloom flowers of all kinds. Jude glows with happiness that she finally masters some magic and her expression is enough to lit Cardan on fire. When they return to their room, if they even make it back, they can't keep their hands to themselves.
on lazy nights, they lie in bed, closely embraced and trace each other's scars. Cardan kisses the scar in Jude's palm and Jude pulls Cardan closer to her.
when she's really tired, or overworked(because Jude does not know how to relax) she has nightmares. She dreams of her time in the Undersea, of Nicasia's cruelty and Balekin's lips on hers and when she opens her eyes, in the darkness of the room, Cardan looks too much like him. She whispers softly 'Cardan?' and he wraps his tail around her to pull her closer, as if he could push her into his body, into his soul and keep her safe there. He replies 'I'm here, my love' and starts playing with her hair. She immediately exhales in relief. She is the Queen of Elfhame and she loves Cardan.
Whenever Jude touches Cardan's cheek, or kisses his forehead or hugs him, it's as if Cardan melts into the touch. Before Jude he rarely had the chance to experience comforting, soft touches and now he can't get enough of them. He feels all her love seep into his skin through those touches and once she notices, she finds every opportunity to touch him.
Cardan also has nightmares- sometimes they're about Balekin and the punishment he endured at his brother's hands. These fill Jude with such an anger that she wants to murder Balekin all over again. She vows to Cardan that she'll get revenge on everyone who ever hurt him and since his entire family is dead and therefore not accesible for her to torment them, she finds little ways to make Asha's life a nightmare. Other times, Cardan dreams about losing Jude to the Undersea, and when that happens he screams her name. She touches his cheek and kisses him softly and swears she'll never leave his side.
In public, they always play a game of who can annoy the other more. Their banter is a mystery to the courtiers but they always laugh and although they swear they are annoyed at each other, everyone can see the love in their eyes.
In private, they're all soft touches and I love you's whispered in the dark.
When they're bored, they sneak out of the palace and walk through the rest of the isle. They are in disguise which allows Cardan to practice what he learned from the Roach and Jude to spy and listen to what the people say when they think no one hears.
Cardan loves to visit Vivi and Oak and Orianna, even Madoc, in the mortal world. With time, Madoc learned to accept his defeat. He understands now that while he always said that family comes first, it never did for him, not truly. Now, with the possibility of war and bloodshed forever taken from him, he finally understands that he is grateful to have Orianna at his side, and to watch Oak grow. Orianna left her pretentious manners behind in Faerie and learns to treat Cardan not as the High King, but as a child that needs love and protection and comfort. She cooks his favourite foods when they go to visit, and Madoc starts treating him with respect once he realizes that Cardan can and does make a good king. They sometimes talk strategy, and when Cardan suggets something that surprises Madoc, he proudly clasps a hand on the King's shoulder and gives him half a satisfied smirk. To Cardan, it almost feels as having a father.
Vivi adores when Cardan visits and so does Heather. He's funny and charming and it's so clear that he adores Jude that Vivi can't help being proud and delirious with happiness.
Oak loves when Cardan and Jude visit because Cardan always brings gifts, and chases him around. Jude looks at them with a look that Oak rarely saw while growing up, relaxed and unguarded. Oak loves Cardan for making his sister so happy.
Taryn treats Cardan exactly as she would a brother. Her child is a big crier and it takes ages to calm them down when they start crying. Cardan can calm the baby within seconds, making funny faces and spinning the baby around in his arms. Whenever they visit, Jude and Cardan shower the child with all the love they didn't feel when they were younger.
Taryn and Jude sometimes try to pose as each other to see if they can trick Cardan. They can't. Cardan can guess which one is Jude with barely a glance at them. Jude loves him even more for it. She loves that her husband can tell the difference between them
The Ghost, The Roach and The Bomb visit often too. The Bomb makes toys for Oak and Taryn's baby, The Roach performs tricks with coins and the Ghost plays hide and seek with Oak. Oak can never seem to find him, but he soon picks up a few tricks and it becomes harder and harder for the Ghost to find the kid.
Cardan is happy because he finally has a family that loves him.
Jude's heart swells with joy when she see Cardan becoming more and more comfortable with himself and with the people around him. He once said that he didn't knew if they could take off their armours after wearing them for so long, but he seems like he found a way. His heart is less guarded, and his smiles are brighter. Her heart becomes becomes lighter too.
They never have children of their own, but they love watching the children of their people run around and play at revels. They don't allow any kind of cruelty when it comes to children and if they ever see a parent treating their child wrong, they make sure it won't happen again.
They are feared by their people, Jude with her fierceness and Cardan with his quick wit and sassy mouth. But they are also loved. People fear betraying them because they fear losing the love the King and Queen have for their subjects.
Cardan turns out to be a greater king than Eldred ever was.
Jude becomes quickly admired by their subjects, for her bravery and resilience and everything that she did and does. Young girls are fascinated by her and often come up to their Queen to tell her how they wish to be like her when they grow up.
Jude and Cardan are happy and in love for a long time.
One day, Jude remembers how Balekin asked her if she wanted to become one of them, a long, long time ago.
She asks Cardan if it's possible to turn a mortal into a Faerie and they start researching.
Turns out, it is possible.
Cardan and Jude are happy and in love not only for a long time, but forever.
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mickeyhenrysgf · 4 years
Summary: You want attention from your boyfriend while he’s working.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: heavy use of daddy kink, brat!reader, dom/sub dynamics, degrading language, spankings
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Bucky Barnes was a busy man. If he wasn’t on a mission for a week or two, then he was at a briefing. If he wasn’t at a briefing, he was busy watching surveillance footage or scrubbing through case files.
You missed your boyfriend.
He tried his best to take care of you. Show his love to you and you were thankful for that. Whenever he had free time, he would be on you in seconds. However, at times he couldn’t give you that special undivided attention like right now. It bothered you especially since your time of the month was coming soon. You were extra horny.
Everything Bucky did throughout the week turned you on. The way he would unbutton his shirt to the way his arms bulged had you in a whimpering mess. Your thighs occasionally clenching to get some friction whenever he wasn’t looking.
Honestly, you couldn’t take it anymore.
“I miss you” you drawled out the last words as you followed Bucky around your shared apartment. Your arms wrapped around his waist as you buried your head into his chest.
“S‘ miss you more sweetheart, but I have to take an important call—“ he informed, kissing the top of your head.
He strides over to his work area, taking a seat on the chair. You pouted heavily, but Bucky didn’t want any of that. He gave you one look where you knew better to just stop.
His face expressed exactly what he was thinking.
Don’t act like a brat.
“But— you were at the headquarters all day. What else do you guys need to discuss?” you huffed heavily, wanting to roll your eyes but you quickly chose not to.
Bucky sucked in his bottom lip, his eyes trailing up and down your body, as you walked over to him.
His lap looked extremely comfortable.
Especially when he would spread his legs. It’s like he was teasing you.
You tried to place your hands on his chest but he caught your wrist.
“Daddy—“ Bucky chuckled softly at your whines, your bedroom name for him trying to awaken something. But, he stayed calm for now...
Before Bucky could respond, his phone started to ring which signaled his anticipated phone call meeting.
“Princess, just give me a few minutes alright?”
Bucky kissed your wrists and then let them go as he picked up the phone. You groaned lightly, watching as your boyfriend laid back in his chair and took the call. It definitely would be more than a few minutes. You shamefully walked away swaying your hips, hoping Bucky would notice.
Oh, and he did.
There were only two options left. Wait for Bucky to finish his stupid meeting on the phone or tease him through it. Obviously, the latter sounded more fun but it would definitely come with consequences.
You giggled heavily as you ran into the bedroom, quickly getting to work. You rummaged through your belongings until you found exactly what you were looking for.
It was the lingerie set Bucky had brought for your birthday. You remembered the countless orgasms you received on your birthday, already making you shiver. Hopefully, Bucky would be reminded and take you right in his office.
You looked into the mirror and fixed your hair. Your fingertips ran against your figure as you quickly posed in front of the mirror.
Good luck.
Bucky was concentrated in his work space. His voice was low as he talked on the phone. You couldn’t make out all the words but the premise of call was about a new accord. Some of the avengers were in and some were out.
Boring. Something Bucky could definitely miss.
However, one thing you always failed to consider was the fact that your boyfriend had super hearing. This meant he could hear you whenever you tried to keep quiet.
He heard you giggling, the way you ran into the room, and the fact that you were hiding behind the corner. Bucky knew something was up. He tried to concentrate on the call but he couldn’t help but to think what his girl was up to.
As you rounded the corner to his office, Bucky’s eyes were already met with yours. His pupils blown into something much deeper as he saw the lingerie you decided to change into.
You walked closer to him with a smirk as Bucky had to quickly fix himself in his pants. A quiet groan escaping his lips.
“What was that?” Sam asked into the phone, a curious tone present.
“Nothing—“ Bucky cleared his throat, as he watched you round his desk. He took the phone away from his ear for a moment before raising a finger to his lips.
You pretended to zip you mouth as you plopped down on his lap. Your legs falling onto either side of his thigh. The friction and thickness of him already had you in putty. His hands still straying away from you. He wasn’t going to give in that easily.
“What are you doing?” He mouthed curiously, looking at you. “Playtime—“ you started to dangerously grind against his thigh.
Bucky was not happy. You could tell by the way his eyes pierced on you as his jaw twitched.
The voices from his phone call started to drown out. The only thing on his mind was putting you over his knee. You were acting like a brat.
Instead, His lips found their way to your earlobe. He tugged it lightly, ready to speak but was interrupted.
“Mr. Barnes? I said, What do you think?” A voice came through the phone. A sudden rush of guilt flushed your cheeks. You were interrupting Bucky and his work. And he doesn’t take his work lightly... god what were you thinking?
“Sorry, I think I lost connection—“ Bucky lied as he clenched his jaw towards you. The look he gave you was deadly. Goosebumps arising against your skin.
His metal hand found its way to your ass and gripped it heavily. The pain making you want to scream but in a good way. Before a yelp could make its way to the person on the other line, Bucky’s hand flew to your mouth.
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare—“ he mouthed again as you desperately tried to stay silent as his hand pinned against your mouth. A pool of wetness embarrassingly forming in your underwear.
You loved when Bucky showed his dominance.
“He said that we are going to need you to come in on Saturday and sign the settlement. I’ll be there and so we will Sam” Steve restated on the line, as your mouth was still pressed against Bucky’s hand.
“Sounds good.” Bucky replied, his eyes still on you. His hand left your mouth to wrap around your throat.
Another way to show his dominance.
You slowly started to grind against his thigh again but he then squeezed your throat. It was too good to be true. You tested his patience.
“You’re in for it, baby” You whimpered lightly at his mumbled words, your eyes falling down to his lap, his bulge evident.
There was only one way to get him on his good side.
Your hand fell onto his bulge as you looked up to see him glaring at you. Maybe, this was a bad idea...
But Bucky still wasn’t making any indication of for you to stop. You decided to continue with your plan. Your fingertips ran against his length, his cock twitching lightly and then you stopped. You looked up at him again.
He nodded lightly and you grinned. You quickly found yourself palming him through his sweats. His cock getting harder and twitching underneath the fabric.
“Daddy...” you mumbled lowly, your other hand going underneath his shirt to trace his chiseled abs. You even began to press soft kisses on the special spot of his neck that he loved so much.
“Hmmm?” Bucky was slowly falling into a sudden daze from your touches. You loved how easily he could crumble within seconds. It gave you an overwhelming amount of confidence and power. You relished it in because it wasn’t going to last long. Bucky always took back his dominance.
You leaned in and whispered as best as you could in his ear. “Daddy... want your cock in my pussy... play time — please” you asked sweetly again, your arousal leaving a stain on his thigh.
You spat onto your hand before you dug under his sweats. Your slicked hands stroking him fast and edging him to finally get what you wanted.
Bucky’s hips awkwardly bucked into your hand from an angle, a light moan escaping his lips which he clearly covered up by dropping some pens on the ground. He quickly went to pull your hands off.
He was still on a conference call after all.
Bucky tapped your ass, motioning you to take off your lingerie piece. You instantly got to work, scrambling to stand in front of him naked. Your pieces of clothing flown across his home office.
Bucky finally spoke up. “Hey — you said Saturday right? Well, I’ll see you guys then. I’m in the middle of something...” he announced, as he motioned you to do a twirl.
God, He loved that piece on you. But now he wanted it off. His lips aching to leave marks on every inch of your skin.
You gladly gave him a view as you twirled and showed off your bare ass. He slapped your ass as he watched the skin ripple. This time the sound of the slap and your yell reached the phone.
“Excuse me, Buck... We’re not done—” Steve chided. Steve was anything but gulliable. He knew his best friend couldn’t control himself.
Not with you.
“Shit, did I hear a smack?” Sam smirked, exposing the two of you. He was eager to hear more. A sudden burn fell onto your cheeks.
Everyone knew.
“Just update me, I gotta go—“ Bucky instructed, his voice huskier as he hung up and threw the phone on his desk.
It was one of the most unprofessional things he had ever done so far. He allowed everyone to piece together what had been going on behind the phone.
Once the phone was discarded, you slowly positioned yourself on his desk. Your hands on the desk and ass faced upwards towards him. Your punishment was coming. Bucky smirked at how prepared you were.
He pulled your hair back as he pressed his bulge against your ass.
Bucky Barnes was going to ruin you and you deserved it.
“You think my job is a fucking joke?” His bare hand smacked your ass, your chest falling onto the desk. “Hmmm—! Answer me—!” Another smack sounded the room, making your body jump.
“No—! Daddy, I’m sorry...” suddenly you felt ashamed from the way you acted. It was fun in the beginning but tears started to run down your cheeks from the sudden pain & pleasure. He wasn’t holding back.
“I tell you to give me a few minutes, and you can’t even do that. Gotta act like a fuckin needy slut!” He spat, his metal hand taking over and giving the next round of smacks.
“You just wanted everyone to know how much of a slut you are!” his fingers slid to your folds, your sleek covering them instantly.
He laughed at how wet and pathetic you were for him. Bucky pushed your fingers into your mouth, your tongue lapping around them. The taste of your arousal infiltrating your buds.
“I bet you wanted them to hear me fuck this tight pussy on the phone, isn’t that so?” He questioned, gripping your hair harder and pulling you back.
He grabbed your body harshly as he maneuvered you to his desk chair. Bucky took a seat and put you over his knee.
“You wanted Sam and Stevie to get all horny for you because you’re a fuckin’ slut who can’t appreciate her own daddy—!”
His words hit you one after the other. At this point, you were sobbing for a bunch of reasons. Your face was a mess and ass ruined, but Bucky loved every second.
“No.... I only love you daddy... only want you.” You mumbled meekly, afraid if you were even allowed to speak.
“Oh, don’t be shy now, little girl. You were begging to play with daddy’s cock. Of course, you wanted them to hear—“ his thumb swiped over your tears as he kissed your ass cheek. The mark of his hand proudly displayed on it.
However, his innocent act only lasted up to 20 seconds before his hand was back to smacking your ass. You lost count of how many slaps you were given.
By the time it was over, your thighs were dripping with arousal, ass red and bruised, and begging for it to be over.
“Daddy, it hurts!”
“It’s supposed to—“ he groaned finally letting go. In the back of his head, he didn't want to go this far with you, but you left him with no choice.
Embarrassing him in front of his friends and authorities.
Bucky sighed heavily looking over at your now exhausted body leaning over his knee. He pulled you up and pushed wet strands soaked from your tears away from your face.
“Come on, I’m not done with you... but I’ll go easy... daddy didn’t mean to push that far” He kissed your lips softly as you tried to him kiss back. Your limbs exhausted and legs shaking. Bucky noticed. He wasn’t a monster. He did take pity on you.
“You want daddy to carry you? Is that what my baby wants?” He cooed, tracing your lips with his thumb. You whimpered at his words, only being able to nod in agreement.
He picked you up swiftly taking the both of you upstairs to finish what you started.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
In Name Only - Part 14
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A/N: Hello friends, I’m so excited to share another chapter of INO with you! I hope you still love it as much as I do! Please note, I did do some research for this chapter, so what you’re reading is pretty much historically accurate! As always, feedback and comments are welcome, and if you’d like to be tagged, let me know. xx
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 7.1k
Warnings: mentions of violence and injury
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The journey back to Sunspear took just shy of a week and was...surprisingly tranquil compared to your brief stay in Starfall. It was such a shame really, because it was a beautiful place and the people were kind, except for the lady of the house herself. She hadn’t been inherently mean, no, you’d be lying if you said she was, but she just rubbed you the wrong way. The very wrong way with her accusations and contrite words against your beloved.
When you had left, your eyes had scanned the wood for any signs of the mysterious woman you had met. You were still questioning your own mental state and really did wonder if you had imagined the whole thing. But surely...you hadn’t made it all up....
That morning at breakfast before your departure, you politely declined the tea that was placed in front of you without so much as a word. Oberyn had glanced in your direction for just a moment but if his suspicions were raised, he didn’t show it. When you had departed, he had briefly asked what happened and you were upfront with him as you had vowed to be. You had nothing to hide from him, and no reason to ever feel the need, so why would you now?
“Moon tea,” you had told him calmly with a shrug of your shoulders as his left eyebrow arch raised in surprise as it was prone to doing. He opened his mouth to say something but you stopped him by gently putting your hand on his chest and giving him a small kiss, “don’t worry...there’s no need. Even if I thought….I could, I would not take it, dear husband.”
“Is that what the hurry to leave is about?” he asked quietly, an arm protectively finding its way around your waist. Stiffening for a moment, you gave him a small nod as he cast a furtive glance back at the castle, “did she do anything to you?”
“No,” you insisted, deciding to leave out the little detail that you had in fact drank the tea yesterday in a moment of confusion and worry, “she just...she drinks it in order to keep from falling pregnant by other men. Apparently she and her husband do not have great relations and she knows she can only have a child when there is no doubt that it is his heir.”
“Oh,” he said softly as you nodded, making sure that no one overheard your private conversations. If something was going to be spilling their secrets, you were going to make sure it was not you, “I see...why would she encourage you to drink it? We are married.”
A small pit formed in your stomach as you looked at him, offering him a soft smile before touching his cheek gently. He keened as into your warmth as he always did, and your heart felt like it broke a little. All the nasty accusations thrown out about him were disgusting and you would never allow anyone to do such a thing again. Next time you would have a more rigid backbone.
“She…” you trailed for a moment as you looked at him, finding his honeyed eyes watching you intently, “I love you, Oberyn. You know that, right?”
“Of course, my sunshine,” he promised, pressing a feather light kiss to the palm of your hand, “and I love you. More and more every passing day.”
“Lady Dayne is not immune to gossip and appears to love stirring up trouble when there is no need,” you decided to leave it at that as you walked over to your horses, pulling Oberyn along behind you. Part of you hoped he would leave it, let it go and be done with it, but you knew your husband better than that. He was silent as he helped you on your mare before mounting his steed. You could practically feel his eyes boring into you, so you turned to him, “Oberyn. People talk and spread rumors of things they know nothing about…”
“About me,” he said meekly, causing you to nod, “about-”
“It does not matter to me,” you cut him short, “I know the truth, you know the truth, and the people that matter do as well. That’s all that matters.”
“What aren’t you telling me?” just as you were growing proficient at reading him, he was the same with you.
“She said you would grow bored of me soon and then toss me to the side,” you finally admitted, “that you would tire of me once I am no longer shiny and new and find another plaything.”
Oberyn’s mouth hung open ever so slightly as his heart seemed to break slightly at your words - the shake to your voice. He reached for your hand and took it in his much larger one, giving it a tight squeeze, “that is not true. None of it. I-I -”
“I know, Oberyn,” you promised gently, almost wishing you hadn’t said anything at all at the upset look on his face, “that is what I meant - she likes to worry about things that do not concern and stir the pot when there is no need. I don’t like the lies or the negativity, which is largely the reason for my request for a sudden departure.”
“You know I would never do that to you,” he said softly, “that is not who I am, and I would not-”
“You have never given me a reason to doubt you, my love,” you insisted. He hadn’t; in fact he proved to you that you were his and he was yours, countless times, starting with when you had worried about a possible reconciliation with Ellaria, “and I do not. I have told you, as you have me, that if there comes a time when you wish to...take another lover you can do so.”
“That won’t happen,” he promised with an air of finality, “no one could take away the shine from my sunshine, not even on the most dreary of days, You have me, heart and soul forever, sweet girl.”
“You are a poet as much as a warrior and diplomat, my Prince,” you could practically feel yourself glowing under his praise as a gentle warmth flushed all over you, “I would be a fool to ever doubt your devotion.”
“Indeed you would,” he agreed with a small smirk, a bit of playfulness returning to his features. He spurred the steed on as he broke away from you, causing you to laugh before you chased after him. You would never have to worry about his love - that much you knew in your heart and soul. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Oh," the words crashed around your ears like a ton of bricks as you tried your best to keep a neutral expression on your face. The look on his was nothing but apologetic but the words still stung. You had just returned to Sunspear the evening before and here he was, ready to depart again. Although you had spent countless hours together recently, it didn't take this any easier. You'd spend all the hours of all your days with him if you could, “oh.”
"I am terribly sorry, my love," he said as you nodded, "Doran just informed me - apparently this is one of those times when I get no say in anything. But he's too poorly to travel right now, so I must take his place instead as it my duty as both his brother and as the Prince.”
"What about Arianne?" you pouted at him slightly, a last bit of a desperate plea to get him to stay as you tried to keep your lip from trembling too much. 
"She is coming with me," he said gently, "she's learning, but she still needs guidance sometimes..."
"And what about me?" you asked as he sighed lightly, not at you, but the situation rather, "its safe, right? Now that the young Stark is King? There's no need to worry-"
"Sunshine," he said gently but with a firm as he reached up and put his hand on the back of your neck, "please, please just listen to me. I know it seems safe, but there are always dangers out there. People will try anything to tear each other down, and in other parts of the kingdom they will not hesitate to do so, with or without the Stark King and Queen in the North. I just want you here...where I know I will come back to you safe and sound."
"What about you?" you were misty eyed by now as you tried to retain whatever little bit of composure you had to begin with, "what if something happens to you? I would never forgive myself-"
"Nothing will happen to me," he promised as he rested his forehead against yours, gently wiping away the few tears that had rolled down your cheeks,  "no one would dare tread on the Red Viper. I will always, always, come back to you in one piece."
"Promise?" you asked meekly as you let your lips graze against his ever so slightly. You could feel his tug into a minute smile as he nodded; you never wanted to let him go.
"And you'll be careful?"
"Of course."
"And you'll take Jeron and the best of your men with you?"
"Who will that leave you with here?" 
"I have Asha," you reminded him of your young handmaiden that you adored beyond measure. You had been glad to reunite with her after almost a month apart, "and besides. I have all of Dorne at my side."
"I'm sorry about leaving so soon," he whispered as his hand started to slowly roam your body, pulling a small gasp from your lips, "I will make my stay as short as possible."
"Please do," you said softly, trying to stifle the moan from spilling last your lips, as he started to place light kisses along your jaw and neck, "I want you back here, in one piece as quickly as possible. I love you..."
"I love you too, sweet girl," he promised, "before I leave, let me show you how much..."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“What’s wrong?” Alistair asked, tugging lightly on your skirts as you turned to look at him. The small boy was watching you with wide, gentle eyes as he held a half eaten cookie in his hand. Your heart melted at the sight, and you quickly bent down to kiss the top of his dark, curly hair. You thought you had been masking your sadness and worry well enough, but apparently your efforts were not enough. It was hard enough to hide anything from a child anyway. 
“Nothing, sweet boy,” you promised him, although the lie felt weak on your tongue and out loud, lingering slightly too long in the warm Dornish air, “I suppose I’m just a bit tired.”
“Are you sure?” he asked as you nodded, but before either of you could say anything else, he stretched out his hand to you, the cookie still in it, “do you want this? Cookies always make me feel better.”
“You…” you didn’t have it in your heart to say no, so you took the cookie and bit off a piece before offering him the remainder, which he eagerly accepted. The two of you ate it in silence, and you felt a wave of emotion wash over you, and there was only a moment of hesitation before you scooped him up in your arms and held him tightly to your chest. He quickly snuggled up to you, “you are an absolute sweetheart. Thank you so much.”
“You just looked sad,” he said softly, “my sister always gives me cookies when I’m sad.”
“Well that’s very wise of you,” you said softly, putting him back down, “now, why don’t you go outside and play with the other kids? It’s a beautiful day.”
“Okay,” he agreed, going to the door to start heading out but quickly turned back to you, “if you’re still sad, you can come out and play with us!”
“Thank you,” you shot him a wink as he laughed, giving you a wave before he ran out into the warm, golden sunlight. 
“The stress weighs heavy on you,” Asha commented as she came back, causing you to give  her a tightlipped smile, “it is best not to worry.”
"How am I not to worry, Asha?" you mused as you started to cut up fresh fruit for a snack for the children, making it a point to avoid the berries that reminded you so much of your husband. Your hands were trembling slightly as you tried to focus on keeping your knife cuts neat and clean, "it has been over a fortnight since I have heard from Oberyn. This isn't like him..."
"Perhaps he's just very preoccupied," she offered, coming over to your side and motioning for you to hand her the knife. Sighing lightly, you gave it to her as doubts swirled your mind, "business can take longer than usual sometimes."
You huffed slightly as you leaned against the counter, "Arianne is home and safe...while couldn't the fool come back with her?"
"It will be okay," she insisted although she too was getting mildly worried. It wasn't like Oberyn to just seemingly drop off the face of the planet like this.
"What if it's not?" you tried not to cry and have a complete breakdown, "what if he's hurt o-or worse? What if he's..."
"Stop," she stated firmly, such an edge to her voice that your head snapped into her direction. The young woman seemed surprised by her own sharpness and she set down the knife and gave you an apologetic look, but you just shook your head, "Oberyn is not...he couldn't be. He's the Red Viper...he wouldn't just die."
Your lower lip started to tremble as you tried not to completely lose it. The idea that Oberyn could possibly be harmed, or even worse...dead was a possibility that you refused to fully accept. Something was causing a delay, you were sure of it. Oberyn wouldn't just...leave. Or unnecessarily delay his return. Right? Right. So then why were you questioning it?
"You're right," you agreed quietly, trying to hide the worry and concern in your voice. She didn't need to worry unnecessarily, and if she saw you worrying, she likely would also. You had to remain strong, for her, for everyone else, and most importantly for yourself. That was your job now, as his wife and one of the heads of the Martell family. You swallowed the lump in your throat before hastily pulling off your apron and tossing it onto the counter, "you're right, Asha. Its Oberyn - he would never let anything happen to him. If his return is delayed, its for a reason. A good one."
"Are you-"
"Stay here," you gave her shoulder a gentle touch, "please finish up my duties for the day. I have to return to the palace...I just remembered that I was to see Doran this afternoon."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Practically sprinting back to the palace, you pulled up your skirts and ignored the curious looks of the people you passed by. You didn’t care, nothing in that moment mattered besides getting back to Doran giving him a little surprise inquisition. He had been calm, terribly calm, the whole Oberyn time had been gone. If he thought something had happened to his young brother, he would have been worried, surely. Doran, you had come to realize, was a lot of things. He was a good man - smart, kind, funny at times, but above all else he was a man that was deeply devoted to his family. Just like all the Martells were; it was a trait that was strong through with all of them. Doran had to know something.
You waved off all the inquisitive shouts of your name and made a beeline for Doran’s study, opening the door without hesitation. You must have startled him greatly because the book that was in his hands fell and tumbled to the desk, and he made a small sound of surprise. Taking a moment to gather himself, he earmarked the page he was on, something that would greatly wound Oberyn if he was there to witness it, before setting it down and softly saying your name before turning to you. You could see that there was just a glint of nerves in his eyes.
“Where is Oberyn?” you asked him before slamming the door shut and striding over to his desk, a look of rage and anger on your face as your chest heaved up and down. Doran’s face paled as he opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to figure out how to answer you. Putting your hands on his desk, you stared the older man down, “where is my husband?!”
“My dear, there is no reason to worry,” he insisted softly, trying to calm you down before you flew into an even bigger fit of rage. It was in that moment that he saw a little of Oberyn in you and he wondered if it was him rubbing off on you or your true self coming out. In reality, you were a calm, composed person, not prone to sudden mood swings, but now, in between your worry and fear, you were beyond yourself, “Oberyn is fine.”
“How can you be so sure?” you asked softly, a dangerous edge to your words, “unless you’ve been speaking with him or you know something I don’t. Now tell me, why wouldn’t my husband tell me where he was or what he was doing?”
“Sometimes the nature of these things is confidential and they can take time and-”
“I’m his wife,” you reminded him firmly, “he has nothing to hide from me - he wouldn’t. If you won’t tell me what is going I’ll just go to King’s Landing myself and find him.”
“You wouldn’t-”
“Try me,” you straightened up and crossed your arms over your chest as you stared him down, “who would dare to stop me? As much as I would hate to resort to this, I will use whatever pull I have, and I don’t think people would argue with Oberyn Martell’s wife.”
“You mustn’t resort to that,” he insisted quietly and you felt relieved and yet...you could see that he was still struggling with something. You signed lightly before softening your expression and coming to the conclusion that you might have gone on too fast and too hard, “I know where he is.”
“Oh,” you said in a surprised tone as you tried to figure out if that was a positive or negative thing, “oh. You knew this whole time? And y-you didn’t think to tell me?”
“It is was nothing to concern yourself over-”
“My husband is gone for weeks longer than he should be, I have been worried day and night and you didn’t think i should be concerned? If you’d at least have told me what was going on I wouldn’t be so upset!” you threw your hands up in exasperation, “I just...I don’t care about anything, but I just want to make sure he’s okay. That’s all that matters.”
“After he and Arianne finished their business in King’s Landing, Oberyn turned his attention to Old Town,” he explained as you almost jumped back in surprise. 
“Old Town,” you repeated slowly, almost not able to believe the words he was saying. Your mouth opened and closed a few times as you tried to process the news, “Old Town...that’s the Reach...right by Honeyholt. Why on earth would he go there….without me? That’s my home...he didn’t mention…”
“He did not disclose his business to me either,” Doran admitted with a feeble sound from the back of his throat, “I pressed him to tell me and he refused. I encouraged the fool to tell you and he refused. Oberyn is a stubborn man when he wants to be and will not be forced into doing anything he does not fancy. I am sorry for I too have been a fool. I should have told you sooner - when he first informed me of his extended stay.”
“I just don’t...understand,” you admitted quietly, “what is there for him in Old Town? There’s nothing or there’s....”
Brothels. Plenty of them. Old Town was famous for many things but the most predominant things were by far the Citadel and the brothels that littered the land amply. You couldn’t even bring yourself to say the word out loud.
“Yes,” Doran acknowledged as you held out a hand out to steady yourself. You weren’t mad, you weren’t angry…you were just surprised. Surprised that he hadn’t told you of his whereabouts, of his intentions, of anything really. You were sure that you could tell him anything and vice versa. But apparently you had been mistaken, “I am sorry, young one. But I would not worry about his safety or well-being. He should return soon, and I am sure in one piece. The rumors about him...his tendencies...I would not worry about them. They’re just rumors - folly.”
“Of course, Your Highness,” you pulled your trembling lips into a tight smile in order to keep yourself from crying. You felt like a fool - not because you had trusted or loved Oberyn, you still did to both, but for worrying for nothing. It was not your position to be angry for taking solace in the comfort of other beds if that was indeed what he had done. You’d made that clear many, many times. But you wished he would have told you something, anything instead of keeping you waiting around. 
“Do not worry-”
“I am not worried,” you insisted meekly, “not anymore. As long as I know he’s safe, that’s all that matters to me.”
“You do not have to worry about his devotion to you-”
“Lady Martell?” the door to Doran’s slowly opened and a young man who recognized from around the palace grounds stuck his head in. You quieted any sniffles that had welled up and quickly dabbed at your wet eyes before turning to him. You offered him the warmest smile you could muster up as he looked between you and the older prince, clearly sensing that something heavy had just been discussed, “I-I’m sorry to interrupt. The Maester asked me to summon you.”
The Maester. Of course. In your haste and worry over your husband, you’d completely forgotten that you’d agreed to go and see the Maester that very afternoon. Sighing lightly, you nodded at him, “let him know I will be there in just a few moments.”
“The Maester?” Doran asked as you refused to meet his eyes, “is everything alright, my dear?”
“Quite,” you answered softly, “I suppose I will see you at dinner then. I-I’m sorry for coming and causing a scene for no reason.”
“There is no need for apologies,” he insisted as you offered a curt nod in response before seeing yourself out of his study. You did want to pity yourself and your foolish heart, but you didn’t have time for that now. That would wait until later, when you were in your chambers by yourself. 
Straightening your shoulders, you tried to hold yourself as tall as possible as you crossed the palace grounds in search of the Maester. You’d never met him before, but you were sure that he would be as kind as everyone else in Dorne. You just weren’t so thrilled that you’d have to meet him in this state. It was no matter though, he was the Maester after all, he’d likely seen much worse.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You knocked on the door to the Maester’s chambers and were quickly called in but not by a voice you had been expecting - it was a soft woman’s voice. Stepping inside, you looked around the beautiful sunlight quarters, already feeling at ease. Scanning the rooms you saw all sorts of vials and bottles containing liquids and concoctions of all different colors and consistencies. The soft, delicate scent of warm spices lingered in the air. At the other end of the large room you saw a woman, modestly dressed with a kind face that appeared to be around Oberyn’s age motioning for you to close the door.
“Lady Martell,” she said gently as she came over to you and held out her hand. Still confused, you reached out and shook it, “it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“Y-you’re the Maester?” you asked as she slowly nodded. You shouldn’t have been surprised you realized - this was Dorne after all. Women could be anything they wanted here and were not subject to the harsh realities that most other parts subjected them to. In some ways you were relieved that you were here with another instead of a man. 
“Selsa,” she introduced herself as you told her your name, although you were unsure if it was really necessary. She had a warm, comforting presence and some of the tension who had been holding in your shoulders seemed to ease up, “and don’t worry, I was trained by a man-”
You laughed lightly at her little quip as she tried to get you to calm down, “it matters not. I trust you more than any man outside of Dorne. I have no reason to doubt your prowess simply because you are a woman, do I? That would be foolish of me.”
“A forward thinking woman from the North,” she said as she offered you a seat in the soft, plush velvet sofa she had near the window. You sat down it and the cushion deflated slightly, almost as if it was sighing along with you, “that must be why the Prince and all of Dorne adores you so.”
“I am but one mere woman,” you played it off, but you would not lie and say you didn’t appreciate the sentiment, “I just happened to get lucky.”
“Either way,” she said as she stood near you, “we are glad to have you here in Dorne. I hear you have fit in very well. Now tell me, what can I possibly assist with?”
You played with a loose thread of fabric for a moment, twisting it in your fingers as you wondered where to begin. You opened and closed your mouth a few times, and waited patiently for you to speak, “umm...children, I-I suppose. It’s just that for the moment. I want to...would like to...know if there was any way to know if I can have children. If there’s any chance of my husband and I...having one of our own.”
“Oh,” she seemed mildly surprised by your request, but her expression didn’t change or do anything to suggest her shock or that she was appalled. You just gave her a light shrug as she came over and sat down next to you, “well, there are some ways we can try and see. However, right now, there’s no definite way to know...I guess unless you are actively trying and it never happens. The things we can do are strong indicators but they're not exact. Does that make sense?”
“Yes,” you agreed quietly, “sure, whatever it is, we can try it. I figure either way I’ve got nothing to lose.”
“I just have a few questions to get my bearings, “ she said as you motioned for her to ask, “do you menstruate regularly and for how long?”
“Yes...if I remember correctly since around my thirteenth year.”
“Have you ever had excessive bleeding or anything to concern you about it?”
“Were you with anyone before your husband?” she asked, “sometimes when a couple is newly trying it can take a while for things to pan out…”
“We-we’re not trying,” you admitted almost sheepishly, “I-I just want to know...probably for my own peace of mind. But I was with someone before...he and I…”
“No need to expand,” she took your hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze, “it’s okay. Let me guess - you were not careful to try and prevent a pregnancy?”
“No,” you scoffed at yourself lightly before the two of you laughed, “we were young fools in love and it was never something I worried about. But I’m sure if it was a possibility it should have happened…”
“Hmm,” she mused quietly before standing up and walking over to the other end of the room. She rummaged around for a moment, leaving you to wonder what she was up to, before coming back with a large clay pot. She stopped by one of the large cabinets and pulled something out before chucking it into the pot. When she was satisfied with her handiwork, she stood in front of you and held out the pot to you, “I hope you have to urinate.”
“It’s an old test,” she explained as you curiously took the pot, “it’s been around for generations, used by Maesters and healers to check for fertility. Like I said. It’s old and far from exact, but it’s the best thing we’ve got to work with for now. “
“Oh...so you want me to pee? In that pot...”
“Yes!” she said as you just raised your eyebrows at her, “I put some bran into the bottom and you just pee on it. Then we leave it alone for about a week and come back and check it. If there’s nothing there and its clear, it means you are fertile, otherwise if things like bugs or worms get into it, it is supposed to suggest infertility.”
“That’s…odd,” you almost laughed at the little test, finding it hard to believe that people still used it. It sounded absolutely loony, but if people had been using it for this long...maybe it was accurate. Either way, you decided, you had nothing to lose and your bladder was pretty full. “I guess it can’t hurt anything.”
“It’s up to you, My Lady,” she promised and you stood up nodding affirmatively. 
“I’ll do it,” you decided, “besides if nothing else it will be an interesting experiment, no?”
“Indeed,” she agreed, showing you to the room she used as a bathroom, “take your time and when you’re done you can just leave it in there. I’ll keep it safe for the week and we can take a look once the time has passed.”
“Sure,” you were nervous suddenly, and wondered just how accurate this would all be. Part of you was also scared that it would confirm the long buried doubt and fear you’d always had, “thank you…”
“It is no problem,” she promised, “and nothing to worry or fear over. We know here that some things are what they are and we cannot change them. The ability to conceive and carry a child does not define you, or anyone else. It does not define your heart or your character - remember that.”
“Thank you,” you answered quietly, relieved and comforted by her kind words. She knew what it would have been had you been married to another man in another part of the kingdom. 
“Of course, and don’t worry. This will stay strictly between the two of us,” you gave her a thankful look, “and once you’re back, if you don’t mind, I’d like to take a look at everything in more depth. Just to make sure everything appears as it should.”
“Whatever you need to do,” you agreed, “I guess I just want some answers…”
“And we shall get them for you,” she insisted, “as best as we can.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Pushing the sheer curtains to the side, you immediately felt a wave of calm wash over you at the sunlight streaming into your chambers. There was a gentle, warm breeze, and everything was illuminated. You decided to change your linens, making it a point to keep things fresh and tidy for whenever Oberyn came back. It had been several more days since your conversation with Doran and there was still no word. You weren't worrying but -
"My lady," the door to your chambers practically burst open and Asha tumbled inside in her haste, almost falling to the floor. Rushing over to her, you held out your hand in order to straighten her up.
"What's with the rush?" you asked, taking her face in your hands and looking her over to make sure she was okay. Besides her erratic breathing and wild look in her eyes she appeared to be okay, "Asha?"
"It's the Prince," she managed to get out, "he's returned."
You could tell that something was wrong almost immediately. Dropping your hands from her face you ran past her, the linens already forgotten and discarded on the floor. You almost tripped over your skirts in your haste to run down the stairs, bounding them down two at a time as you rushed to get outside. 
Your heart was bouncing around in your chest wildly as  you tried to calm the horrible thoughts already racing in your mind. Every awful little thing that you could have happened was screaming as you burst out of the palace and through the throng that had gathered near the returned retinue.
“Oberyn!” you shouted at the top of your lungs as you spied his carriage and the crowd that was closely surrounding him. Jeron spotted you and his face, which was already in a grim expression seemed to fall even more. He tried to come over and grab you, in order to keep you from rushing straight to Oberyn’s side. His long strides made it easy and you were quickly held back in his strong grip. A small sound of frustration left you lips as you tried to pull away from him, clambering for any glimpse at your husband, “Jeron! Let me go! Oberyn-”
“You need to stop,” he said as calmly as he could, his heart breaking at the sight of the tears that were welling up in your eyes, “please, listen to me.”
“No,” you insisted firmly, “you listen to me! He is my husband and I want to see him!”
“Please, please,” he was practically begging you, a shake to his own voice as you gave up on trying to keep the tears that had pearled up from running over. You were a mess of emotion and all you cared about was seeing Oberyn. You stilled lightly and he dropped his voice, “listen for just a moment. H-he’s hurt. Badly.”
“No,” it was a choked out sob as your worst fears came true. This was what you had been worried from the start, from the moment that he first told you he was leaving again. The fact that he had been gone longer, that he had made a stop unbeknownst to you didn’t matter. Nothing mattered, absolutely nothing except making sure he was okay, “y-you’re lying! He’s...he can’t be hurt...”
“He’s in bad shape right now,” he said softly, an incredulous tone in his voice at the thought that the famed warrior ended up hurt, “I don’t know if you want to see him right now.”
“Oberyn,” his name well forth from your lips as you took advantage of his moment of indiscretion and pulled out of his grip and to the carriage. You shoved anyone who was in your way out of it and pushed to see Oberyn. You heard shouts of your name from Jeron, but you didn’t care - you needed to be by his side.
When the crowd seemed to part, already offering you pitying looks of sorrow you found yourself in front of Oberyn. He was sprawled out on a makeshift stretcher, and even if Jeron hadn’t told you that he was in bad shape, it was immediately apparent. His normally bright, bronze skin was paled and his chest was rising slowly, too slowly. No longer dressed in his normal regalia, but a simple pair of trousers and tunic, light in color, just enough so you could see the blood that had gotten on them from his abdomen. His face was covered in a sheen and his hair mused, a few lacerations on his face. He was not in bad shape - he was in horrible shape. 
Your knees felt like they were going to buckle at any moment and you couldn’t help the almost hysterical cry that left your lips as lunged towards him. Several of his retinue tried to keep you back, but you were too quick for them. You dropped to your knees as you reached for his face to gently grab it and try to pull him towards, tears flowing freely as  you blabbered incomprehensibly at him. He didn’t even open his eyes as you touched his face and leaned down so your forehead was pressed against his. The tears spilled from your eyes to on his cheeks, mixing in with the sweat that was covering his whole body, “O-Oberyn. No, no, no, please, please-”
“You have to get back,” someone insisted as you turned around and glared at him, not even caring that you were making a scene. A small ground had gathered around to see what all the excitement was about, and they were shamelessly staring. How dare someone tell you that you couldn’t be by your husband’s side, “he’s poorly-”
You quickly stood back up to your full height, wiping away the tears and summoning up as much of a commanding presence that you could manage. You are a Martell now, you reminded yourself, you have to be strong. And you would be damned if you allowed someone to tell you what to do when it came to Oberyn. Jeron rushed back over to you and stood by your side as you walked up to the man that had tried to stop you, “exactly. He’s hurt and he needs help! Get him inside and into bed now. Jeron - fetch the Maester immediately and tell her he needs help. We have to help him and quickly! The crowd needs to go and we need to tend him right now. Move!”
Without another word Oberyn’s men listened to your instructions and quickly sprung into action. It was almost like they had been shell shocked at the Prince’s state that they had somehow forgotten what to do. But in your state of panic, your wild thoughts somehow worked themselves out and you experienced a moment of clarity. Gods knew you wanted to fall apart then and there, but you could do that right now. Making sure Oberyn was safe and well was the first priority. 
You watched silently as the men carefully brought Oberyn inside and brought him to your bedroom. You trailed after them, wondering what could possibly have happened to cause such injuries to him. You knew he had enemies, hells, everyone in the Seven Kingdoms had at least one enemy, but you never thought someone would be so bold as to openly harm him. If anything happened to Oberyn, it would be enough to incite a war - if not by your hand, then by the people of Dorne. 
Time seemed to still in that moment as you tried your best to keep calm and not completely panic. You needed to be strong for yourself, for him, and for the rest of the family. Once he was settled in bed, and you waited for the Maester to come, you kneeled at his side, taking his hand ever so gently in yours, lacing your fingers together. You weren’t alone, several people were still milling about and monitoring him, but you didn’t care. 
“Oberyn,” you whispered softly as you pressed a kiss to his palm, “my love, my moon and stars. Please just...just hang on. You will be okay. I promise. I won’t let anything happen to you. And when I find out who did this to you, I will make them pay. They will rue the day they dared to cross the Martells.”
He remained still as ever, and you wondered if he could even hear you. You hoped he could, in your heart of hearts you believed he could. Someone came in and brought some clean rags and water and you quickly set to wiping the sweat from his brow and cleaning the cuts on his face. They didn’t seem very deep and mostly superficial, which gave you the slightest sense of relief. When you were satisfied with that, you moved to pull off his tunic, deciding in your haste to just rip it off instead of trying to slip it over his head and disturbing him more. Your heart felt like it was seized up at the sight of the bandages, bloodied bandages, on his side. It was enough to make your stomach churn in horror as you wondered what was underneath. 
But before you could reach for them to inspect the damage, Sesla entered the room and quickly came to your side. You were grateful for her comforting presence and easily let her take over, pulling you to her help before quickly hugging you, “it will be okay, I promise. Nothing will strike down the Red Viper. I will make sure of it.”
“Please,” was all you managed to choke out as she turned to tend to Oberyn. You made a small, almost helpless sound as you watched her get to work. Jeron was standing in the doorway and his presence seemed to calm you down immensely. You strode over to him and he let out a long sigh. 
“I have failed you,” he said quietly as you shook your head, otherwise remaining silent. You gave his shoulder a squeeze as you realized that he must have been beating himself up over his. He was one of, if not the most, trust man Oberyn had, and yet...he was the one injured, “I promise you he’d come safe and I promised him that I’d return him safely to you. I have failed you both and now he lies in this state because of me.”
“No one could have known -”
“I am sworn to protect him,” he scoffed at himself, “and I have failed. I should be excused from his service and sent into exile.”
“Jeron,” you insisted firmly, “it was not your fault. I know you would do anything to keep him safe if you could. Right now we both need to be strong for him.”
“Can you...do you know who did this?” you asked quietly as he seemed to tense up, swallowing the lump in his throat. 
“Who?” you asked quietly and he made a small sound in the back of his throat. You could sense his reluctance to tell you the truth, “Jeron...who did this? Who hurt Oberyn?”
“Your family,” he answered so quietly you almost didn’t hear him. But once you realized what he said you felt like you had been hit in the face with a stone. Your hand went to your chest as you tried to wrap your mind around it, “it was your brother. He attacked him under the cover of night.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Your husband was lying in front of you, on death’s doorstep because of your brother. 
Your world felt like it was slowly crashing down around you. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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queenofnohr · 2 years
i don't think I've seen you talk yet about aias' bond with any of the scions, how does he feel about each of them?
ok so this might be a little boring bc Aias’ strongest bonds are def not with most of the scions so a lot of these are going to start with “they’re not that close, but...”
spoilers for all expansions under the cut
Minfilia - Never had the chance to really get close to her. His relationship with the Scions pre-StB was very...... work only. It’s not that he didn’t want to get close to anyone, but that he didn’t know how to be a person, really. His role in ARR...... He thought of himself simply as a god-slaying machine. He didn’t resent that role - actually, he was happy to have some sort of purpose even if it wasn’t his “ideal worth dying for” - but he still wasn’t in a place where he could really form bonds with people. For Minfilia’s part, she probably wanted to reach out to him, wanted to make the Scions feel like somewhere to belong, but how do you reach out to a man who treats himself like a machine, yaknow? One very distinct thing, however, is in seeing Minfilia as Hydaelyn’s Voice, when everyone else acted as though she was dead...... seeing her still alive but giving her body unto Hydaelyn, he surmised that even if he wasn’t allowed to die as a “hero,” still, he could martyr himself in life if he gave himself body and soul to his ideals (in this case, his dead friends)
Y’shtola - They’re not really that close, but she was the first Scion he met in Limsa. He’s always happy to help her do the heavy lifting for her research, but doesn’t really know how to approach her otherwise, so she has to initiate any conversation or whatever if they are to chat
Papalymo - Wasn’t all that close with him, but after his sacrifice at Baelsar’s Wall & considering Lyse’s past and how he watched over her, he has a great respect for him.
Lyse - Again, not all that close, but he has a lot of respect for her. The reason he doesn’t try to carry on Papalymo’s memory is because he knows he’s safe with and watching over Lyse. I honestly feel like I should play StB again cuz maybe I could fit more into the Aias Lore, cuz now that I think about it, perhaps seeing her flounder when losing Papalymo, but slowly start to find her place in the world did impact him somewhat, even if it wasn’t an immediate thing, but rather after he’d reflected on it a bit
Thancred - Perhaps one of the few people who calls Aias “Ice.” He, Thancred, and Urianger make up the sad grieving men of the Scions, so they vibe on that level. Aias usually doesn’t have much to say to Thancred, but Thancred is sociable enough to him, so I presume they talk more than Aias talks to most of the others.
Urianger - I don’t necessarily think they have full-blown conversations very often, but I think they can sit and enjoy each others’ company very well. I don’t think Aias has ever doubted Urianger during any of the times he’s had to be secretive. Since Aias likes books, but doesn’t really have the attention span to sit and read, I like to imagine him sometimes asking Urianger to tell him stories before he and Asha are a Thing, or during the rare times he has Scion business and Asha isn’t with him.
Krile - Again, not too close, but he finds her very reliable especially after watching over everyone so diligently in ShB. Probably the person he turns to immediately if/when there’s trouble.
Tataru - Easy to get along with, and always happy to help her out. He usually simply sits and listens to her unless she asks him questions, but perhaps they bond more after ShB/EW when he gets together with Asha? I don’t really think Aias is one to go to people expressly for relationship advice, but I can imagine Tataru asking him about things that’ve happened on the first, what he’s been up to whenever he pokes his head around between returning from the First and the meat towers popping up, and Aias damn well near-glowing talking about Asha and she’s just like.... “Oh, he’s got it bad-bad.” She’s probably the one that asks him about the wife after they shack up for real
G’raha - Ahahahaaaaaaaa. They didn’t have such a hot start at the beginning of ShB to be quite honest (this is something I might get into later, but it revolves around the fact that pulling Aias to the First means his bond to Ysayle and Haurchefant was severed for the time he was there and he was. not happy. about that.) He eventually came to warm up to G’raha over his stay in the First. While many interpret G’raha’s fanboying as romantic love, in this case, in the timeline G’raha lived through, tales of Aias’ tragic love for Haurchefant (+ people consoling themselves with the idea that at least Aias would see his love again in death after he died) & tales of his “strong bond”/romance with Estinien were so prevalent that as fat as Aias’ titties are and as much as he heart eyes at him, it’s absolutely platonic because Aias is spoken for already. Post-ShB, it’s always a good time when they meet up, always exchanging stories - perhaps the Scion he talks most to because of that.
Estinien - Well. Well. The first person Aias felt like he truly saved. A man he has wept over. His brother-in-arms. To Estinien, Aias is where he can lay his lance to rest, his hope for a better future. To Aias, Estinien is the one he can pass his lance to should he fall, an extension of his own body, a continuation of a hero who can defend humanity. Up until 5.5, while they weren’t formally in a relationship, they’d end up fucking every time they’d meet up so long as one of them wasn’t in a hospital bed. They understand each other and vibe together on a different level. One of the few people Aias actually feels close to. As a side note - he would’ve been Aias’ endgame if Asha didn’t exist. As it stands now, though, Estinien isn’t so dense he can’t see how Aias looks at Asha, and so while he’d still respond to affection if Aias wanted it, he’s content to back off. Lizard pussy so good though it ruined him forever and how he’s being “taken care of” in Radz-at-Han thooooo
Alphinaud - Alphinaud is the only person in the Scions that saw and understood the extend of his affection for Haurchefant, and the only other person aside from Estinien to have experienced the entirety of Heavensward with him. Thus, they’re pretty close. Also because HW was where Aias started to become a person and Alphinaud being there means that Alphinaud was one of the first people he opened up to and could call a friend.
Alisaie - Sortaaaaaaa reserving judgment here because I haven’t finished the Unending Coil of Bahamut yet and her whole deal with Gramps may or may not mirror Aias’ whole Thing very well. In general though he gets along with her. Her clinginess/abandonment issues (?) but desperate want not to cling to anybody sorta reminds him of himself. Aside from that though, while they do get on, Alisaie is... how should I put this. She’s too well-adjusted. She gets frustrated with herself and says “no, I shouldn’t let this rule over me” and busies herself with tasks not to dwell on it. Aias sees that and is like wow. That’s crazy. Couldn’t be me.
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clockworkgraystairs · 5 years
O.M.G!!! I loved your recent jurdan fic sooo much!! Can you write when she tells Cardan she’s pregnant?? Can Cardan get emotionally excited??I love their softness and excitement... love you 😍
Hello dear!!! Thank you so much for your words! 
I’m sorry it took me long but my job is a pain in the ass and I don’t have as much time as I would like to write. Buuut here it is!
It also came out longer than I expected bc apparently I can’t keep things easy.
Jude had spent half of her life learning how to face danger.
Years and years of training, creating strategies, fighting and even killing when she needed to.
 Gods above, she was the Queen.
 The High Queen of Elfhame, and she was shrinking on one corner of her sister Vivi’s bathroom; staring at the little pharmaceutic device, the third one, showing the result.
Jude carved her face with shaking hands.
 “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She muttered, her breathing harsh.
 This was supposed to be an ordinary weekend.
 One year had passed since her official coronation and occasionally she liked to spend a day or two at the human world with Vivi, Heather and little Oak. Sometimes Cardan came with her, partially she suspected, since he’d caught some fascination for Sephora stores and some human customs, he claimed, he wanted to experience.
This time though, he’d stayed back in Elfhame, to attend some meetings Jude didn’t want to be part of.
Everything was going fine, they went to the park, to the movie theater and at last to the pizza place near her sister’s house, where Oak asked for Jude’s favorite to honor her visit. What she didn’t expect, was the sudden nausea that crept up her stomach as soon as the pizza arrived, making her ran to the toilet in a couple of seconds.
 It didn’t take much time for Vivi to suspect what was going on, even with Jude’s insistence on it probably being a stomach bug.
On their way back to her apartment, she bought Jude three different pregnancy tests under the argument that “one could never know”. Then filled her with orange juice and waited. And waited.
 So here she was. With three positive results. Pregnant.
 A loud knock on the door made her jump. “JUDE? Is everything alright?? You’ve been there ages! Are you done??”
 “Let her be Viv, don’t make her more nervous than she already is…” That was Heather.
 “What? I’m not. I just want to know if-”
 Jude stood and opened the door stopping her mid-sentence.
Two pairs of eyes stared at her expectantly. She pursed her lips and took in a deep breath.
 “So, apparently I’m pregnant.” She said to no one in particular. The words sounded strange in her mouth, as if she wasn’t the one saying them.  
 “Are… are you sure?” Viv’s face had lost all track of emotion. Jude quirked an eyebrow and handed her sister the pregnancy tests.
 What came next was a bunch of screaming and “oh my gods” and Heather swearing she’d dreamed about it a few nights ago. Maybe something else about a bet between her sister and Madoc.
 Jude was only hearing half of it. Instead her mind was worrying about one thing only. Cardan. How in hell was she going to tell him? How was he going to react?
 She didn’t even know how she felt.
They didn’t talk much about the subject. Some comments from the Court members about them providing heirs had quickly turned into inside jokes she and Cardan occasionally teased each other with. But joking about it was very different to this. To actually being pregnant. To carry life inside her that someday would become a baby, a child. For her to become a mother. For them to become parents.
 How was a parent supposed to be to begin with? She’d grown up with her kidnapper, a cold-blood murderer as the only parental figure. Her husband didn’t have a better role model.
And now they’ll have to raise a new creature into this world. It was too much to digest in one day.
 The next morning, she returned to Elfhame. Still with no clue of how to tell Cardan the news.
 She found their chambers empty, and took the chance to take a bath and put on her queenly clothes before going to search for her husband. She needed to tell him immediately, before her sense of fake bravery vanished.
 “Last time I saw him, Your Highness, he was on his way to his mother chambers.” Fand told her. Jude rolled her eyes and groaned, that was the last place where she wanted to go but her hands had already started to tremble, if she waited more time she wouldn’t be able to do it.
 One step away from Asha’s door she hesitated. Jude had meant to knock, but the door was already half-opened and she could hear voices coming out.
 “Seriously Cardan, how long are you going to keep this up?” Asha sounded annoyed. “You had your fun with the mortal girl, why keeping her at all?”
 “She is my wife.” Was all he answered.
 Jude leaned just a bit so she could peer inside the room. Cardan stood before his mother, who rested on a pile of cushions. His back faced the door so she couldn’t see his expression.
Asha sighed.
 “That didn’t stop you from vanishing her once. And we are not at war anymore so I doubt her fighting skills are needed much.” she shrugged. “Aren’t you just bored already?”
 Jude could see Cardan’s fist tightly closed. “I don’t see why my personal decisions affect you mother, nor why should I explain them to you.” His voice sounded strained. “As for Jude, she is no weapon just designed for war, and her staying is not for you to decide or even mention.”
 Asha’s lips quirked just a little. “Ah, I see now. My dear son, are you not capable to see all of the pleasures you are denying yourself just for a whim?” She raised to her feet and rested one of her perfect hands on Cardan’s shoulder. “It is not rare for Kings to take mistresses, and let me tell you, I know several beauties who would do anything for the opportunity.”
 Jude’s ears were ringing with rage. How dare she suggested such thing? To even consider the possibility of Cardan taking some vulgar… she shook her head, not even finishing the thought of it. She was so focused in her desire to take Asha’s head and slam her into the floor she couldn’t hear his answer.
 Asha laughed in a cruel way that make Jude’s stomach turn as she came back to reality. Oh gods, was she going to be sick again?
 “You ought to think of the future of your people too, you know. Elfhame will need an heir someday. And do you think the folk will not prefer a precious pure fae, instead of some half breed…” Asha’s eyes darted to the side and locked with Jude’s, making her heart skip a beat. “With filthy human blood?”
 Jude took a step back, feeling tears stinging behind her eyes. She knew what Asha was doing, that bitch, knowing she was listening behind the door. But it didn’t matter, not as her heart hammered with such intensity it was starting to hurt. Not as her throat closed in anger and impotence, making her hard to breath.  
So she just turned and rushed far from there.
 Somehow she reached one of the back balconies and stood there, staring at the sea under her. Jude knew she would be a filthy human for some of the folk for the rest of her days. She’d grown with that knowledge and she didn’t care anymore. But now, it was not only her. It would never be only her ever again. Was she really that stupid for allowing this to happen to someone else? Not only someone else, but her own child? Would Cardan even agree to the idea?
 Minutes passed. Even hours maybe, but she didn’t move. She felt as if she’d forgotten how to.
 Light steps sounded behind her.
 “Jude?” Cardan’s voice somehow filled her with something between peace and anxiousness, remembering why she was searching for him in the first place.
 She didn’t answer, so he continued. “I ran into Sir Fand a while ago, she told me you were looking for me. I should have been there when you arrived, I am sorry my love.”
 Jude shook her head, “It’s okay.” Her voice was faint, almost a whisper. She still didn’t dare looking at him.
 “Jude, is there something wrong?” He came closer to her, now standing by her side. Cardan searched her gaze but she looked down. “Have… Have I done something to upset you?”
 Jude’s heart hurt at his tone.
 “No, no you didn’t.” She wanted to tell him everything was okay, that he didn’t do anything wrong, that she was perfectly fine. Except she was not. She just didn’t know what to say first or how. “And yes, I was… looking for you.”
 She felt Cardan’s hand take hers, soft as a feather. “And you were looking for me on the sea? Unlikely, but I appreciate the effort.” He chuckled for a second, and then went back to his worried voice. “I am here now. Will you tell me what is that troubles you? You look as if you just had a nightmare.”
 That wasn’t unusual. More than once Cardan had woken her up from some bad dreams, usually ones in which he didn’t return after Jude cut off the snake’s head.  It always left her pale and shaky. Sometimes it happened the other way around, but they always found comfort in each other’s arms.
 She bit her lip and took a deep breath.  “I don’t think your mother would appreciate being called a nightmare, even if she usually is.”
 He gave her a wide grin before furrowing his brow in confusion. “Funny, I was just with her right…ah.” Realization crossed his eyes, Jude watched him clench his jaw. “You went to my mother’s chambers. You heard us.”
 Jude nodded and held his hand tighter. “I heard some of it. Many of the folk will always find me to be inadequate, that’s nothing new. But I hadn’t heard any mention of it in so long that, for a moment I, I let myself believe that-“  
 “Jude, stop, you cannot possibly think you are not good enough. Look at what you have done for Elfhame; anyone could see that!”
 “That’s not it. I know I have done things for them, saving some of their asses and stuff.” She shrugged.
 “Then I am not understanding, Jude-“ With his free hand he reached for her cheek and cupped it, tugging her into a hug.
 “I’m pregnant.” Her voice was almost a whisper, but she felt him froze.
 Without letting go of her, he leaned back, wide eyed and openmouthed. “What did you just say?”
 “Cardan I’m,” She closed her eyes and said louder, “I’m pregnant.”
 She didn’t open her eyes, afraid to see his reaction. But instead of saying anything he just gasped and pulled her back into his arms. Jude felt his heart beating fast against her hands.
“When did you find out?”
Now it was Jude’s time to chuckle. “Yesterday, even though I was feeling odd for the past days. Oak invited me a pizza but it made me sick, Vivi guessed the rest and I took some tests.”
Cardan didn’t say anything letting her continue. “When I came back I looked for you to tell you, mostly because if I didn’t right away I would be too scared to do it after. But…”
 “But you found me with my mother,” He sighed. “And what she said…gods, Jude I am so sorry. I ought to throw her back to the Tower of Forgetting.”
 She couldn’t say the thought was not appealing.
 “Every day of my life since I got here I was reminded of how I was different. Sometimes in the cruelest ways.” Cardan started to say something but she continued. “I am over it now, I know who I am, and I am happy with it. With you. But the thought of my own blood going through the same thing is… I am afraid of it being as hard as it was for me. I am afraid of not knowing how to make it different. Of not knowing how to be a mother. And most of all, I am afraid of not knowing how you feel about this.”
 There. She’d said it. She felt herself shake, but it wasn’t until a few seconds had passed, that she realized it wasn’t her. “Cardan?”
 He let go of the embrace but raised his hands to cup her face. His eyes were shimmering… and wet. He was smiling in a way she’d rarely seen, leaving her breathless for a moment.
A tear escaped his right eye and Jude quickly caught it with her thumb, still puzzled about what she was seeing.
 “My love, I feel nothing but happiness at this moment.” He kissed her forehead. “I know we usually joke about this but, one part of me always wished for it to became true one day. To love and raise as we weren’t. Giving us the chance to become better than the ones who should have taken care of us.”
 Jude didn’t realize she had started to cry too until he kissed her cheeks and felt them cold. Cardan looked down at her belly hesitantly, “Can I?” He asked.
 She nodded and pulled his hand to where someday she was going to be the size of a watermelon. He touched her with such delicacy and devotion she almost couldn’t believe this was happening.
 “We are going to have a baby.” It seemed as if he said it in order to really believe it.
 “We are going to have a baby” She repeated. Beaming with emotion. “I don’t know about you but, I think the first one who should hear the good news is Asha, hopefully she’ll have a heart attack and let us be.”
 Cardan laughed and shook his head. “You are insufferable, my sweet villain. But this time, I am afraid I agree with you.” At that, he took her hand and guided her back inside.
Maybe, just maybe, she shouldn’t be afraid at all.
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the-l-spacer · 4 years
Summary: “Just try it! Smile for me.” His mother demonstrated, lips pulling into a grin, her grin, the one with dimples and squinty eyes that made the overcast day seem brighter.
He answered with an upward twitch of his mouth, shaky at first, but like magic, his tears had slowed, and the pain lessened just a bit.
And Lloyd smiled.
Hmmm…ever wonder why/how baby Lloyd stays so darn chipper all the time?
Baby Lloyd angst? Baby Lloyd angst and hurt/comfort anyone?
“Can you smile for me?” His mother asked, crouched so she could meet his eyes.
It’s all a foggy memory now, and he can no longer remember what had happened all those years ago to make toddler-him fall flat on the gravel, scrapes running up and down his legs.
But he does remember the tears, hot and wet down his cheeks, his face scrunched up because it had all hurt so much.
And most of all, he remembers his mother, soft and warm with her dark, curly hair and strong hands wrapped securely around his shoulders. A lifeline. An oasis.
He hadn’t stopped crying, then, even letting out a sob of disbelief upon hearing her request. He stung all over, and she was asking him to smile.
“I- I can’t!”
“Oh mijo, you’re such a brave boy for bearing with the pain.” She wiped his tears with a handkerchief. “Stay strong just a little more, and we’ll get you all fixed up at home, right as rain.”
He had thought, but that’s later.
As if she could read his mind, his mother said, “I know it hurts now, and it’s okay to cry it out when it gets too much, but sometimes a smile helps the pain to go away.”
A dubious look.
“Just try it! Smile for me.” She demonstrated, lips pulling into a grin, her grin, the one with dimples and squinty eyes that made the overcast day seem brighter.
He answered with an upward twitch of his mouth, shaky at first, but like magic, his tears had slowed, and the pain lessened just a bit.
And Lloyd smiled.
His mother left a few years later.
She stood in the doorway of his room the day of her departure, Lloyd glancing up from where he was annotating a book on the Blitzkrieg strategy, to see her clad in her travelling coat, packed bags at her side. She had gone to him, hugged him and cried, apologies spilling from her mouth, wishes that she could take him along with her.
He hadn’t known, not back then, that she was leaving for good. He only hugged her back, breathing in her perfume and relishing the feeling of her arms around him once more. His lifeline. Then, he reached up to wipe the tears from her cheeks.
“Don’t cry, Mothe- mamá,” he had said in a wavering voice, close to tears himself at the sight of her weeping face. “Smile for me?”
Through wet eyes, his mother complied, lighting up the room one last time. Finally, she kissed her son’s forehead, and left, closing the door behind her with a click.
When Lloyd’s tears began anew over breakfast, his father furrowed his brow, pinching the bridge of his nose. It was a little thing that had brought it on; the sight of their dining table with just two lonely places set at opposite ends, yet another reminder of the absence that loomed over both their heads.
His tears weren’t the heaving sobs of the days prior, the blank, uncomfortable looks he would get from his father every time he had to witness that unpleasantness just made Lloyd all the more determined to control them, clamp them down. Instead, he had forced his breathing to even, had attempted to school his trembling face into a neutral expression, tears pooling silently down his cheeks.
“I’m- I’m sorry, Father. Please excuse me.”
A grunt of acknowledgement, a stiff nod, and he was off, running to the bathroom to clean himself up. He mopped at his eyes, his nose, all the while trying to keep his breathing under control. In, out. In, out.
He had stared at himself in the mirror, even his reflection being enough to remind him of her. His high cheekbones and regal nose all belonged to his father, yes, but his shared dark, lidded eyes, brown skin and thick eyebrows; those were all her.
And so he tried to smile like how he remembered her smiling. Broad and joyful, just like she did right before she…
No. Best not dwell on that.
The smile wasn’t perfect, all things considered. It showed off his crooked teeth, and betrayed how he only had one dimple, not two, not to mention his eyes that were still red-rimmed.
Yet, it was something, and as he grinned at himself in the mirror, it almost felt as if Mamá had never left.
He returned from the bathroom to an impatient father, already halfway through his meal. No matter. Lloyd had simply beamed, and asked brightly about how dinner was coming along.
In the Academy, he’s known as the ‘upbeat one’, the bright-eyed, bushy-tailed ex-chess prodigy, behind whose guileless grin is a sharp and ruthless intellect he uses to destroy his opponents. 
Even in the most boring of chess matches, him having long ago decided he’s just no longer interested in the game, he would sit patiently across his opponent, chin in hand, bouncing a leg up and down, beaming idly at a random point over his adversary's shoulder as he proceeds to utterly decimate them on the tournament floor.
What his peers don’t know (and don’t need to know) is that his father had stopped writing letters to him a long time ago, that the last time he had even seen the professor was when he had permanently moved out of the family home and into an apartment close to school, his own departure marked by a perfunctory smile and stiff handshake by the man who had ‘raised’ him all those long, lonely years.
But none of that matters, not anymore. Now, he has the theatre, he has Matt, and sure, there are bumpy days, when the troupe would be relentlessly off their game, when setbacks and venue cancellations and budget cuts would pile up and up and up.
During these rainy days, Lloyd would simply take a moment to himself. Breathe in, out, arm himself with a smile and an encouraging pep talk, and re-emerge, ready to face the challenges ahead.
After all, one was never fully dressed without a smile.
At least, that’s what he tells himself. Even when the death cult comes. 
Breathe. In. Out. Smile. Smile. You’re never fully dressed without a smile— 
— is the mantra he repeats in his head, over and over, through his pounding heart and his shaking hands.
He faces waves of attackers with his trademark grin and his sabres at the ready. He doesn’t exactly remember when a smile stopped becoming his way of honouring his mother, instead turning into a reflex, a defence mechanism against panic and despair. 
No matter, no matter. A smile takes the pain away, after all, and God does he need something to take away the pain. 
He dispatches his assailants, washes blood from his hands, cleans and wraps his cuts, his bruises and gashes, humming to himself all the while.
And when he finds out about what they did to Matt, a strange sense of calm settles over him. No time to cry now, he could save that nonsense for once he had done what he needed to do.
He stares at himself in the mirror, like his younger self had all those years ago. He looks at the bags under his dull eyes, his sallow complexion and hollow cheeks. He can barely remember his mother’s face, now.
He pushes down the tears.
He grins a rictus grin, and laughs.
Allow me to retort.
And then, he does.
“You don’t need to fake it, you know.”
He startles out of his stupor. “I’m sorry?”
Him and Asha are up late again, poring over old journals and grimoires, when the nomad-turned-Posthuman speaks up first. 
“You don’t need to fake it. I know you’re as tired as I am.” She rubs at her eyes and makes to close her notebook. “We can go sleep and continue this tomorrow.”
“Absolutely not!” He protests in a panic, reaching out a hand to stop Asha from getting up. “The night’s still young, and sure, we’ve had some setbacks and frustrations, but we’re close to a breakthrough. I can feel it!”
He shoots a grin at her, but falters at the serious expression on her face. 
“Lloyd, it’s 2 in the morning. You can barely keep your eyes open and I’m barely making headway with these books. We both need a break. You don’t need to grin and bear it.”
“I…But… “ He stammers, mind whirling, "But I have to! My mother always said that a smile makes everything better.”
He didn’t mean to mention her, but in his fatigued state, it had slipped out. His breath hitches for just a moment, before he has it under control again.
Seeing the look on his face, Asha sighs and puts a hand on his shoulder.
“Your mother’s got a point, but.” She pretends not to notice how he almost flinches away. “But sometimes it’s okay to just be tired. Be frustrated and disappointed and sad. You can’t expect yourself to be happy all the time, it’s not fair to yourself.”
Lloyd sags.
“I suppose you’re right, Asha. You’re always right. I am tired. Sometimes I think that if I stopped smiling, stopped being,” he gestures vaguely at himself, “happy, I would just-”
His voice catches, but at his friend’s concerned gaze, he forces himself to continue, sotto voce.
“- I would just fall apart.”
“Oh, Lloyd.”
She wraps her arms around him, and something about the way he fits against her brings back memories he thought he had forgotten. Memories of sunlight and joy, true joy, memories of her.
Tears spill down his cheeks, and his chest is aching and his arms are trembling, but he supposes that’s okay.
He clings to Asha. A lifeline. An oasis.
Neither of them let go for a long time.
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redisriding · 4 years
Tell us about yourself!
Yikes! So I didn't really know where to begin with this one, Well I was born on the banks of the river... Nah! So I googled “fun get to know me questions” and the resulting questionnaire had 371 questions. I decided to answer the first 100!
Strap yourself in, because HERE WE GO! 
1. What is your full name?
Red is Riding ;)
2. What does your name mean?
Funny story, so I actually created this alias to partake in some underground hedonistic activities. When I went to start my Tumblr I just decided to use the same one because I’m not very creative and didn’t want to make up a new one. I never thought that this blog would become as popular as it has, and now I couldn’t be bothered changing the name. It does make me laugh though, if only you people knew what I used to get up to under this alias. 
3. Are you named after anyone?
Little Red Riding Hood?
4. Does your name make any interesting anagrams?
I don’t think so, but maybe someone smarter than me could figure it out. 
5. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
I would probably change my real first name if I could as unfortunately I share it with a reasonably well known facist.
6. Where are you from?
A small European country. 
7. Where were you born?
In the capital city of that small European country. 
8. Where did you grow up?
In the suburbs of the capital of that small European country. 
9. Who did you look like growing up?
A member of the band Hanson, if they had red hair and wore those terrible 2000’s wire rimmed glasses. 
10.What are your best characteristics?
Oh gosh, isn’t it embarrassing to talk about your good traits? Especially when the way you see yourself is often so different from the way others see you. 
11.What are your favorite things about yourself?
Honestly, I’ve great boobs.
12.Which of your parents are you closest to?
Depends on my mood.
13.Which of your parents are you more like?
I think physically I’m more like my mother, but my character is closer to my father. 
14.Are your grandparents still married?
Yep, on one side. On the other side my grandad is dead and has been for a very long time. 
15.What relative was important to you growing up & why?
I guess my grandparents, they are the only members of the extended family I ever really saw growing up. I was never close to my uncles, and my aunts and cousins all live in different countries. 
16.What is one thing that you’ve never revealed to your parents?
Anything about my love life, we just don’t talk about it. Ever!
17.What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
I’m actually not sure. I know they had lots of other traditionally female names picked out, but I don’t know any male names they had for me. I’m not sure if they knew early on if I was going to be a girl, would make sense though.
18.What do you call your grandparents?
I call one of my grandmother’s by her first name, and my grandad, grandad. 
19.What is your best physical feature?
My boobs!…I have pretty eyes too.
20.What is your biggest accomplishment?
Probably getting into University and graduating top of my class.
21.What is your biggest fear?
Having all my joints simultaneously dislocate. 
22.What is your biggest regret?
The way I’ve treated certain people over the years.
23.What is your eye colour?
24.What inspires you?
Hope that tomorrow can be better.
25.What is the most important thing in your life?
My family, and my future. 
26.What has required the most courage of you in your life so far?
Hummm, I’m really not sure about this one. 
27.Who is your favourite actor?
I truly could not name a single actor.
28.Who is your favourite actress?
As above. 
29.Who is your favourite celebrity?
I genuinely have no idea.
30.Who is your favourite musician?
Lorde has been getting me through this quarantine, but my favourite singer/band is/are Florence + the Machine. Maybe that dates me. 
31.Who’s your favourite person in the world?
I can’t choose just one! 
32.What is your favourite childhood memory?
I’m very lucky, I had a really marvellous childhood. I guess I have some great memories of playing with my brother as a child, but I’m not sure I have a favourite memory. 
33.What is your favourite colour?
34.What is your favourite cultural activity?
I love going to the theatre.
35.What is your favourite drink?
Water is the thing I drink most often. I don’t like tea or coffee, and I only drink alcohol in social settings not alone of an evening.
36.What is your favourite fairytale?
I’m actually not sure. I know it’s not quite the same but I was never allowed to watch the Disney princess films growing up (a lot of which are based on fairytales) so I can’t say I am particularly attached on any. Although, in answering this question I have remembered by blog name so I probably should say Little Red Riding Hood. 
37.What is your favourite food?
Potatoes, they are so wonderfully versatile, I will never get bored eating them.
38.What is your favourite holiday destination?
There is so much of the world I have not yet seen and I cannot wait until we’re allowed to travel again. The last big trip I was on was to Canada, Vancouver, and it was amazing. 
39.What is your favourite ice-cream flavour?
Ice cream does not agree with me at all, I always thought I was lactose intolerant because of it (I’m not), but I did love a pistachio ice cream as a kid. 
40.What is your favourite music genre?
According to Spotify my most listened to genre is “alternative” whatever that means.
41.What is your favourite physical activity?
42.What is your favourite quote?
I don’t believe I have one. I do know someone who has “live laugh love” tattooed on their foot. Take from that what you will.
43.What is your favourite snack?
Tbh I don't really snack (am I coming across as awfully boring in these questions?) I love three big meals a day. I will eat an apple or something if I need something pre dinner. 
44.What is your favourite song?
Either Fascination by Alphabeat, Prayer in C by Lily Wood and the Prick, and Robin Schulz, or Brimful of Asha by Cornershop, the Fat Boy Slim Remix. Those songs never fail to put me in a good mood when I need it. 
45.What is your favourite sport?
To watch? Rugby. But I am OBSESSED with the Olympics, especially the winter olympics.
46.What is your favourite time of the day?
Early evening. 
47.What is your favourite type of clothing?
Dresses…with pockets! Or jumpers, I love a big wooly jumper. 
48.What is your favourite way to pass time?
49.What is the name of your favourite restaurant?
My favourite restaurant is called Dishoom, but unfortunately it has yet to make it to my little European country, so it’s a real treat if I get to eat there. 
50.What is your all-time favourite town or city? Why?
I don’t have one.
51.What is your favourite candle scent?
Probably a classic vanilla, but not an overpowering one. The vanilla candle from IKEA is the NICEST. 
52.What is your favourite social media channel?
Probably Twitter, although Tumblr is my place for escape. 
53.Where’s your favourite place to take an out-of-town guest?
Ugh I hate being the one to choose where we go. I think it’s because I’m a Libra. 
54.What was your favourite subject in High School?
Okay now this is a fun fact, I didn’t actually go to school. I was “Home Educated” which is ideologically different form being Home Schooled. There was no curriculum for me to follow so I could basically dick about doing whatever I wanted during the day. I did study Law which I really enjoyed, and I went onto study it at University. 
55.What was your least favourite subject in High School?
Again see above. Although I do remember crying every time my father tried to teach me maths. To this day, I’m still not sure how to work out a percentage, let alone anything more advanced than that. 
56.What was your favourite TV show when you were a child?
Sabrina the Teenage Witch (the Melissa Joan Heart version) or anything with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen in it (have I dated myself again?)
57.What do you love about your favourite TV Show?
They were fun. I wanted to be them!
58.Are you scared of heights?
Nope, but I’m scared of falling and shattering all the bones in my legs.
59.Are you high maintenance?
Definitely not.
60.Are you more inclined to “build your own empire” or unleash the potential of others?
I don’t know what this means, but fuck imperialism. 
61.Are you more likely to avoid conflict or engage it head-on?
Ugh, I hate conflict, like I go all trembly, but if there is something amiss I can’t not confront it.
62.Are you a dog person or cat person?
I really adore animals, I had hoped to get a cat during this long and lonely lockdown but my landlord wasn’t keen. If I had more time and space I would love to get a dog, it’s just not feasible in my life at the moment. 
63.Are you a fan of any sports team?
Just my national team no matter what the sport.
64.Are you a good cook?
I like to think so.
65.Are you an early adopter or late-adopter?
Depends. I don’t always love change.
66.If you had more courage what would you do differently in your life now?
I don’t think having more courage would change anything in my life right now. 
67.What is good about how you are living your life right now?
Oh gosh, I’m so incredibly lucky to have the like that I am living right now. Truly blessed, but at the same time, I have got here because of all my hard work and determination. 
68.If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be?
I’m not sure if this strictly answers the question, but I wish I could be kinder and more sympathetic to people. I can be harsh on people I care about because I want to see them do well in life and get frustrated when they are doing things that so obviously curtails their ability. I’ve lost friends because of it. 
69.Who has left the most impact on your life?
I don’t think I can name just one person.
70.What aspect of your life needs tremendous improvement?
My love life. It’s not existent. Truly. I don’t even have a far away crush on anyone at the moment. I desperately want to experience romantic love, but it’s scary and you have to allow yourself to be soft and vulnerable which is not something that I am very good at. I also have a lot of negative thoughts/self doubts about whether I am good enough to be in a relationship, or worthy enough for love. It’s stupid, obviously, everyone, flaws and all is worthy of love, but because of things that have happened/been said to me I do kind of have this negative chatter of “who could ever love me” or fear people thinking “god love the poor guy who ends up with her.” All that said, I have never actually met anyone who I’ve really liked, let alone anyone who has liked me back. The closest I’ve got, is I’ve been in lust twice in my life with guys, who objectively speaking, I would never think I would be attracted to.
71.What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen in your life?
I’ve see a lot of weird things tbh, but the first one that springs to mind is that every year we used to go to these big gatherings of families who home educate their children. Now, there are two groups of people that tend to home educate their children 1) EXTREMELY religious families who don’t want their children going to secular schools, and 2) new age hippies who don’t want their children to have to conform to the rigours of school. When these two groups meet…it is interesting. The religious families usually have a lot of children (10+ in many cases), while the hippy families wander around semi-nude and breast feed their children until their grown (7+ years in many cases). So at these home education conferences, the hippy parents would be wandering around, leaky boobs out, and the religious babies would be wandering around because their parents have too many children to keep track of. Whenever one of these babies wandered within range of the hippy parents, they’d take them, and latch them onto their breasts. Absolutely bizarre stuff.
72.Who is the best teacher you’ve ever had?
73.Who is the biggest pack rat you know?
I don’t know what this means. 
74.Who is the first person you call when something exciting happens?
If it’s a big enough deal to call someone, I’ll call my parents, but usually if something exciting happens I’ll just message my friend group.
75.Who is the first person you call when something horrible happens?
Same as above. 
76.Who is the worst boss you’ve ever had?
I had to sue her to get her and her husband to pay me for the work I did. 
77.Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows?
Yep? Can you not?
78.Can you do a split?
No, but I want to learn! I have really tight hamstrings so that would be good to stretch them.
79.Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
No. Can you?
80.Can you whistle?
81.Can you dance?
Everyone can dance, the question is whether you can dance well or not! I have no rhythm or style, but get me on a dance floor and I’ll bop my socks off.
82.Do you remember your dreams?
83.Do you save old greeting cards and letters? Throw them away?
I save them for a while, but I’m not overly sentimental. 
84.Do you sing in the shower?
85.Do you sleep with the lights on or off?
86.Do you spell the colour as grey or gray?
Grey you weirdo! 
87.Do you take any pills or medication daily?
88.Do you prefer kissing or cuddling?
I like kissing because it’s hot and fiery and I think I’m reasonably good at it. Cuddling is the best but it’s something I struggle with as I find it far too intimate. See my answer to Q70.
89.Do you prefer that people shoot straight with you or temper their words? Why?
Hit me between the eyeballs with the truth, please! I just like people who are clear and direct about their intentions, it means everyone knows where they stand. 
90.Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
I saw a black and white documentary about the Titanic when I was a very small child (maybe about 5 or 6) and for a long time I thought that was the movie Titanic! I have seen neither the real film Titanic nor the Notebook, although from what I know of the latter I don’t think it would be my thing.
91.Do you have a catchphrase?
I don’t think so, but maybe people in my life would be better at answering this question. What is it that I say a lot?
92.Do you have a garden?
I wish!
93.Do you have a hidden dream that you’ve never shared with anyone?
I’m taking this to mean a goal or aspiration, and not something that I have subconsciously dreamed and been too embarrassed to share? I would love to write a book one day. I’m work on something periodically but I’m not sure if anything will ever come from it, a gal can dream though!
94.Do you have a tattoo?
None! I’m kind of a commitment-phobe, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed?
95.Do you have a whole lot of acquaintances or just a few very close friends? Why?
Both! I know lots of people in passing, but the people I consider actual friends, who know what is going on in my life at any given time, I could count on my fingers.
96.Do you have any allergies?
Not that I’m aware of…
97.Do you have any birthmarks? If so, where?
I used to have one on my back, but it’s faded as I’ve aged.
98.Do you have pets?
Not at the moment.
99.Do you hold any convictions that you would be willing to die for?
That is a big question. I think however, if there was a guarantee, that sacrificing my life would make the lives of others immeasurably better, I would be scarified. I have plenty of convictions that I’m willing to protest/riot/go to prison for.
100.Do you carry a donor card?
Bit ominous after Q99 but yes I do, and my driver’s licence states that I’m a donor.
I’m not sure if this is at all what you were hoping for in asking this, but I honestly had the best fun answering these questions! :)
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daenerysvelaryon · 7 years
TASK 001: Connections
Dear brother, the Gentle One. Rhaegar and Daenerys’ relationship goes deeper than her relationship with Viserys. Rhaegar is her pseudo-father. But they can also bicker like children as well. Daenerys’ exile causes her so much pain that she almost hates her brother for it. But he is blood and the man already has so much on his shoulders already. Daenerys’ heart cries for her brother and only wants to put everything behind them. However, the two of them have proven that this is not going to be an easy journey for them both.
That cunning old woman. Lady Olenna is such a fresh change of air for the Dragon Princess. The woman is certainly not like any woman Daenerys has ever known. There is an absence in formality between the two women. Despite their large age gap, Daenerys often finds herself looking forward to their afternoon tea. Daenerys is more than aware of Lady Olenna’s plan for her Margaery and even more aware of how she is one of the ways in which the Tyrells are going to use to get to the King and his children. But it seems like there is an understanding that is more profound than what she expects between the Thorn Queen and the Dragon Princess. 
Rhaegar’s wife. Cersei has always been nothing more to Daenerys than her brother’s wife. Of course, she is the Queen of the Seven Kings and Mother to the royal children. However, Cersei and Daenerys have never been able to have a close sisterly relationship that Daenerys has always thought she would have with her brothers’ wives. Daenerys thinks of Cersei as cold and stern, yet beautiful and intelligent. She knows fully well of the lack of affection between Cersei and her brother; that is why there is no hatred or resentment coming from Daenerys toward her sister-in-law. The only problem they have for each other is because of their differences and that Daenerys is not so bothered by. The Princess makes up by loving the all the children she bore for Rhaegar and shows them nothing but love and affection. And maybe, just maybe, one day, Cersei will actually warm up to her.
The Thorn Queen’s protege. Daenerys has to admit: Olenna’s plan to make Margaery one of Daenerys’ preferred company is working. Like the beautiful green vines of the roses, Margaery is growing on Daenerys. The lady is kind, intelligent, and has a heart that cries for the people. Daenerys knows fully well that the Thorn Queen and her granddaughter want to make them their people through a marriage with Jon, but again, there is hardly any lady in court who is not marveling on the idea of being the wife of the heir to the Iron Throne. The Tyrells just happen to be one of the best players in court. And if there is anything Daenerys wants for the future Queen of Westeros, it would be that she does justice to her people. Margaery will, no doubt, be one loved by her people. Daenerys has seen it and she allows herself the benefit of the doubt with Margaery. Even though she knows her motive, Daenerys does believe she will do good by her people if she becomes Queen one day.
An ally. Clegance played a major part in Daenerys’ survival before her marriage to Monford. Without the guard, she would have been taken under by Viserys under the many places of the Keep. Her body was always relieved of the unnecessary bruises when Clegance was around to pull her older brother away from her. Daenerys remembers vividly the night a drunken Viserys tried to get into her bed. If Clegance hadn’t been there, Daenerys would have suffered the same fate as her mother. Not only did he pulled the silver-haired prince away, but he held the clawing, punching, slapping prince long enough for Daenerys to run off. For that, Daenerys is eternally grateful for Sir Clegance. And the foul-mouthed knight does not cease to surprise and amuse the Princess. His lack of manner toward royalty is a change of air from all the kiss-assing lords and ladies at court. The silver princess never has to mind her manner around Clegance. Whatever goes in her mind, also comes out of her mouth when Sandor Clegance is around. Daenerys has never cursed so much with someone than she does with Clegance. Sometimes, she just needs that: a good laugh and some good cursing of the Gods.
Her princess. Her best friend. Her sweet cherry. Rhaena is never just her niece. She is her companion. Her sister. The two share everything together. There was a time Daenerys was convinced Rhaena could read Daenerys’ thoughts by just looking into her eyes. There was not a thing that was left out of the conversation when Rhaena and Daenerys started talking. When they were young, the two girls used to talk about knights and princesses, hoping their father/brother would marry them off to a kind lord, which is ironic because they spend most of their adulthood convincing Rhaegar not to marry them off. Daenerys’ exile causes a long period of time when the two cannot confide in each other. Thus Daenerys is making up for lost time with her niece the moment she gets back. 
Her shy little nephew. Jon grew up with Daenerys. He has often been treated like a brother to her. Funny how she can’t say the same for Viserys! Jon is someone Daenerys can trust entirely with her deepest, darkest secrets. They whisper to each other the most scandalous and outrages dreams because they know the other person would never let anyone else know. Jon is like her chest of secrets and vows have been made between the silver princess and her dark-haired nephew - they will shoulder everything together. 
The Princess of the Sea. If the Dragon Princess had known the woman when she was running away from King’s Landing, she would have employed her help. There is a sense of outrageousness and adventure to the Salt Princess. They way she dresses. The alluring looks she gives Daenerys. The way her hands linger a little too long on her hand and arm. Daenerys is a sucker for adventures and excitement and not once has she met with a woman quite like Asha. Daenerys often finds herself actively looking for the other woman. Either just for a conversation or for a juice secret which shall dies the moment they depart. 
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nyutheatrepractices · 6 years
Day 2: Deepening the Context and Bearing Witness
We’re continuing to settle into San Juan! Day 2 continued to deepen our understanding of the context in which we’re working, artistically, historically, culturally, and politically.
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(A representative photo here, in which we’re all having fun in the sun while TA Quenna works tirelessly to make this trip run smoothly <3)
The day began at the studio, where (after a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday to Asha!) we broke off to work in our studio groups for the first time. Six of us are working in masks and puppetry with maskmaker, puppeteer, and performance artist Deborah Hunt, and the other eight (including myself) are focusing on physical theatre with choreographer, improviser, and dancer Alejandra Martorell. Alejandra began our session with a quote from Nietzsche: “There is more reason in your body, than in your best wisdom.”  While pointing out the irony in this phrasing (in using the word “reason” Nietzsche still operates within the logic he seeks to critique), Alejandra set the tone for our work in physical theatre: we will be working with our bodies, changing our awareness of our bodies, seeking and storing knowledge in our bodies… For a bunch of NYU students (even theatre people) who are used to sitting in a classroom and using only our brains, this is exactly the push we need!
Alejandra started by cluing us in to a quick anatomy fact: your spine actually ends closer to where your eyes are, not where we normally think of as the base of the neck. Way up there, your skull rests on the top vertebra of your spine, nestled in sort of like if you fit the knuckles of each of your hands together. The way that most of us carry ourselves belies our own anatomy: our necks are usually tense, perhaps hunched over our phones. And it turns out that is a hard habit to break! The number of times Alejandra instructed us to release our necks, or physically lifted and shifted our skulls into their proper position indicated just how challenging.
Thinking about this part of our body was part of an aspect of Alejandra’s practice called Alexander technique. Frederick Alexander was a theatre actor who realized that the way he was using his body as an actor was hurting him, not from one instance of injury but rather repeated patterns that contradicted the body’s normal functioning (imagine the late 19th century version of hunching over an iPhone). Even though it’s hard to break those conditioned habits, returning to the body’s natural anatomy and way of being actually lets us try less hard, strain ourselves less, and work more sustainably.  Throughout the studio, various simple physical exercises allowed us to gain an awareness of this part of our body, and it became clear what a difference it makes. In a game in which one person guides another around the space, the follower became noticeably more willing to yield to the leader. Even just lying down becomes more restful when your head is properly aligned. Don’t let the photo fool you: supported rest is hard work when you’re trying to do it right!
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While those of us in physical theatre were changing our awareness of our bodies, our mates doing mask work were having a similarly impactful experience. During a brief midday check in, they shared experiences of working to get out of their minds and into their bodies, disengaging from themselves and letting the mask tell the story, and embracing being completely out of their element. For both groups, today’s work set the stage for the creative endeavors to come during our studio time. You’ll get a more detailed report from a friend in the mask and puppetry studio soon. For now, a taste of their work for your viewing pleasure.
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To continue our context-building around the history of Puerto Rico, we visited el Museo de las Américas, housed in a series of rooms connected by a terrace encircling an enormous courtyard. As children kicked a ball around the courtyard, we explored the African Heritage and Conquest and Colonization exhibits, which emphasized that Puerto Rican society has evolved from the melding of the cultures of the indigenous Taíno, enslaved Africans forced to the island against their will, and the colonizing Spanish. Throughout nearly 400 years of slavery on the island, both the indigenous Taíno and Africans and their descendants resisted their unjust treatment, rebelling against the colonization of their lands and revolting against their enslavement from the start.
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Our final activity today was a lecture by another of the incredible artists we’re blessed to call a teacher on this trip: Rosa Luisa Márquez, a prolific theatre artist and pedagogue. Rosa’s lecture (though I hesitate to call it that lest I evoke a tweed-elbowed professor dryly talking at an amphitheater of yawning students) beautifully connected the seemingly disparate work of the morning and the museum in the afternoon. Armed with a table full of masks and other props, Rosa weaved together the arrival of the Europeans on the island and the disastrous consequences for the indigenous people and the Africans eventually brought here and enslaved, with a broad overview of the spectrum of street theatre in Puerto Rico and throughout the Americas. Much of this street theatre is explicitly political, such as that of Marisa Barsy, among whose works include tattooing “colony” on her back, the Clown Police in San Juan, who both satirize the violence of the state and act as mediators between the people and the police who aren’t wearing red noses, and Tito Kayak, an engineer and activist who doesn’t consider himself an artist, but who stages dramatic public acts to protest illegal development in San Juan and Puerto Rico’s colonial status (I recommend a quick Google search to find video of his aerial and aquatic feats).
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The work of these artist-activists is situated in a long history of theatricality in the streets in the Americas, one that Rosa emphasizes predates the arrival of the Europeans. History as we learn it, she says, is written history. Everything else is considered “prehistory,” and is denied. Similarly, theatre that doesn’t stem from the written word is devalued, considered minor, a craft rather than an art. Speaking profoundly to this dual social studies ed and ed theatre student, Rosa used the history of street theatre to challenge these colonialist notions. She reminded us of the wisdom that exists in the body and not the mind, gave voice to history of marginalized communities that are often denied it, returned political agency to activists and everyday people whose actions are often ignored in favor of individual government leaders, and labeled the street as a stage, positioning those who perform there as artists. 
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After presenting the work of Marisa Barsy, Rosa shared that that was where she had intended for the lecture to end. But, as she put it, life is stronger than art. We were invited to place our shoes on the stage, at which point Rosa told us about an action/installation created by two Puerto Rican poets when it was revealed that 4,645 people were estimated to have died as a result of Hurricane Maria, a number that far exceeded what the government was willing to admit. What began as these poets’ spontaneous work of art grew into a cemetery, as more and more people contributed shoes, including those of the dead, family members of those who died spoke, and the community honored those they lost. Through the placement of the shoes, Rosa said, “the absent bodies were conjured.” This was Rosa’s final example of street theatre, in which the community bore witness to lives lost, to the ineptitude and intransigence of the government in the face of this loss, and to their own capacity for closure and healing. It was a powerful reminder of the context in which we are here as students, educators, and artists from the United States at this significant moment in Puerto Rico, in the wake of a tragedy that is a result of a history of colonialism and government neglect. In this context, Rosa told us our responsibility as visitors: to bear witness.
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christinamirabilis · 7 years
gay ask game for gays only (stolen from @fakeking)
doing this myself cos i’m bored and i don’t care
1. describe your idea of a perfect date?  okay like, perfect date that is (currently) unrealistic would be an extended overseas vacation with my love - somewhere warm but with lots of exciting things to do - culture, shopping, nightlife - i’m thinking like mediterranean europe, south america, thailand.  skinny dipping, lazy days lying in bed all day in a room with open French doors leading out onto a balcony with a nice view over cobbled streets and a warm breeze stirring the sheet white curtains, sitting outside a café eating delicious food, buying cool shit at the markets... just, yeah, travel.  perfect.
but otherwise, i guess like honestly my favourite thing to do is to go to a bar somewhere with outdoor seating where it’s warm, and we get antipasto platters and sangria or pizza and margaritas, or just whatever, food and drink, and we sit for hours and chat.  there’s a bar on the waterfront that has a bunch of beanbags out on the lawn and you can order food and drink and i went there once with soph and it was really nice even though we ended up having a fight later that night and it was awful, but i wanna go back there next summer i think, with a cute girl who loves me and isn’t planning on leaving lmao.  but anyway.
2. whats your “type”?  honestly i don’t really know like i just really love girls?  all girls?  i mean i guess i like girls who are curvy or a little on the chubby side, with an “alternative” look in some way - crazy hair or tattoos and piercings or just in the way they dress.  girls with loud laughs and big appetites and dirty minds.  i mean, i’m pretty much describing myself here, i’m aware of that.  there’s probably something ominously freudian or whatever in the fact that i’m attracted to girls who are similar to, but better versions of, me, but it’s whatever.  
3. do you want kids?  yeah i think i do.  it’s something i go back and forth on.  it’s not something that i absolutely need to be happy - i have dated people in the past who have not wanted children and honestly it’s more important to me to be with someone who i feel is my soulmate but who won’t have kids with me, rather than someone who i don’t love as much but who will?  but yeah i do want kids, i think, but i’m not sure, and i’m not set on it?
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth? well i’m definitely not getting pregnant myself.  if my partner wants to get pregnant, that would be fine, although i’m gonna have to get over my phobia of pregnant people lmao.  but i think my first choice would be adoption, purely because there are so many kids in the system who need a loving home, so i feel like it would be better for the world if i could make a tiny difference by adopting some of those kids?
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on? ah man i don’t even know.  i’m just thinking about all the things i did with sophie and it’s making me sad so i’m not going to answer this one haha.
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)?  i mean, yeah, i was nervous, but more than anything i was kind of like, “oh wow, this is really happening,” because it was a girl who i’d been on one date with and then we met up in town a few days later and i went home with her.  i was mostly worried that i tasted bad?  but i personally didn’t struggle with it like it just felt natural, and i was pretty stoked that i made her cum several times on my first time, like, i was worried i would be “bad” at it or whatever.
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?  night time gay.
8. opinion on nap dates?  good.
9. opinion on brown eyes?  good.
10. dog gay or cat gay?  i like both.  i am bipetual, if you will.  but if i had to choose, cats - but only marginally.
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?  of course, except probably not snakes, but there are no snakes in new zealand.  but i love rats, and i don’t mind lizards and stuff.
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone?  if they’re polyamorous, non-monogamy is my only absolute dealbreaker - and in my experience, the consequences of trying non-monogamy have, for me anyway, been disastrous.
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?  well, to be honest, i’d never ~met~ a gay person, to my knowledge, like, no one that was openly out (although in hindsight i had probably met a few) - and certainly no one that i had more than a passing interaction with, until my friend nic came to the therapeutic community i was living in.  and it was such a shock to me to meet someone who was so openly gay and so confident and unashamed?  because, to me, i had nothing against gay people, but i just felt like i myself couldn’t be one, there was shame to it somehow (a lot of this is tied into my ptsd, it’s hard to explain without going into all of that which i don’t feel like doing) - and i expected that other gay people would similarly be ashamed, like it was some kind of illness that they couldn’t help and they didn’t choose and that they’d rather be straight if they could.  and yeah, so it was a shock meeting nic.  but it was life changing, because it gave me room to consider what i had been in denial about for so long - that maybe i was gay too.  so i’ll always be so very grateful to nic for being in my life in general, because we went through recovery together, but particularly because she allowed me the opportunity to become my true self, and that has been more liberating than anything.
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self?  i guess to not worry, and that things will become clear to her when she’s ready - and to not worry about why she doesn’t find boys attractive and what might be wrong with her, and especially not to do the dangerous and self-destructive things she did (sending nudes to and sexting a boy she had never met, which could have gone horribly fucking wrong - and for all i know he might have shown all of his mates, but this was prior to social media and smart phones so it wouldn’t have been that bad, getting herself into a situation where she was date-raped at a party, trying to organise anonymous sexual meetings with strangers on the internet) to try and FORCE herself to feel attraction to men.  and that there’s no shame in being gay.
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?  i’m gay af.
16. who is an ex you regret?  ugh i don’t know, like, i have been through some awful shit with some of my exes, but i don’t regret any of them, because they all taught me lessons about life that i took into my next relationship, and into other situations, and i have become a better person as a result - and i have very fond memories with all of them, even if things did go really sour at the end?  particularly my last relationship - it was by far the most painful and chaotic relationship i’ve ever been in, towards the end, and i have so many regrets about how things went and how i should have done this, and shouldn’t have done that, but i don’t for a moment regret being with that person, because i loved her so much (and still do) and i have had some of the best experiences of my life with her and wouldn’t trade it for the world.  so yeah, i don’t regret any of them.
17. night club gay or cafe gay?  both, depends.
18. who is one person you would “go straight” for?  ugh you know i feel like i always have an answer prepared for this, until someone actually asks me?  i used to say kit harington but now i’m not sure?  fuck damn i was literally talking about this with my boss last week, but i can’t remember who it was.
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?  book or movie.
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)?  ah i’m not really into the whole ship thing but i guess clarke and lexa because that’s the first one i can think of.  OH and i definitely ship daenerys targaryen and asha/yara greyjoy - i know it’s never going to happen but it’s nice to imagine.  emilia clarke is my number one celebrity crush - she doesn’t know it yet but she’s gonna marry me.
21. favourite gay youtuber?  literally could not give a single fuck about youtubers.
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?  not to my knowledge, like, i have only ever asked out people who i have been talking to on dating apps tbh.
23. have you ever been in love?  yeah.
24. have you ever been heartbroken?  oh god yes.
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone?  honestly i don’t!  the only way i can know is if i date them for a little bit?  sometimes it’s both and that’s okay too.
26. favourite lgb musician/band?  ok so i had to google a list of them to make sure i didn’t miss them.  my very favourite is jónsi, cos he’s the lead singer of my favourite band sigur rós.  also i love david bowie, and i like sia and beth ditto.  also apparently jackie cruz, who plays flaca on oitnb, is also a singer - and bisexual!  so that’s exciting.  there’s a whole bunch of people on that list who i didn’t know were queer.
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays?  take no shit from straight people - live your truth and stand up for yourself.  but also, keep yourself safe - this is more important than anything else.  lastly, don’t let terfs and racists in the community get into your head - we are a minority, we MUST stand up for other minorities as well.  some of us are also trans or people of colour, and we must protect and uplift them.  we have to be better.
28. are you out? if so how did you come out?  i am completely out now, but it was a process over a couple of years, because it was really fucking hard.  i am now openly gay, to the point that i’ll mention it in passing to strangers if it’s relevant, assuming i feel safe to do so.  but anyway this is a long story, so settle in.
i never voiced the thought that i might be gay until i was 20, during group at the therapeutic community.  i thought i was possibly bisexual for a long time, but in retrospect i think i was trying to compromise with myself, that being bisexual was somehow more acceptable to me than being gay.  but yeah, so after that i didn’t tell anyone again until i was nearly 21, when i was having dinner with my best friend sarah and another good friend from high school, heather.  i remember it vividly, because heather said about how she’d been in a relationship with a girl while she was on study exchange in scotland.  i got up abruptly from the table, went to the bathroom, nearly threw up, and then came back, and they both asked me if i was okay, and i said that i might be gay.  it was really scary because at the time sarah was studying to be an officer in the salvation army and i was scared that she would no longer want to be friends with me, but of course she is a perfect angel and it was no problem at all.  after that i went on a date with a girl while i was living by myself in napier, and then i freaked out and ghosted her, which i feel bad about.  i was also out to my friend mixx, who i met on tumblr that year.  and after that, i didn’t come out to anyone else until i was nearly 23.  i had moved down to wellington to start university, and i had to do summer school for six weeks to do a refresher music theory course, so i was sleeping on my sister’s couch for six weeks.  i hung out with her friends a lot, including her flatmate (her ex boyfriend who was now her best friend, who had come out as gay), and one night i was sitting out having a cigarette with his boyfriend, and i just told him i was gay, and that i was scared to come out, and asked him not to tell my sister.  and then a few days later i was in the car with my sister and i just kind of blurted it out, and she was like, “mate, i’ve known that for years,” and i was kind of offended because i thought i had been really good at hiding it and that she assumed i was gay because i hadn’t had a boyfriend like maybe i just didn’t want one?  haha but it was fine.  and then a week or so later we went up to hawkes bay to visit my parents, cos jen had to take her car up there so dad could sell it for her, and i told my parents while we were eating chinese food, again spur of the moment, and my dad was unfazed but my mum kind of freaked out a bit, i remember her dropping her fork and there was fried rice all over the floor.  and she rang her best friend crying, and the friend was like, “oh man, i thought you saw this coming, i sure did.”  like, she wasn’t upset that i was gay, just that she hadn’t known, and apparently everyone else she knew had.  and i think she did struggle with my being gay to begin with, it took her a long time to adjust, but she seems to be okay now.  and then i didn’t bother coming out to anyone else, i just let the grapevine do the trick/liked lgbt pages on facebook and posted photos of myself with girls.  but apparently my extended family didn’t figure it out and it all came out when we were all at my cousin’s 21st about six months later, but everyone was chill and unsurprised about it.  and since then i have been very open about it, because, like, i had been in recovery for years, but i had been really stagnant, and coming out was the catalyst i needed to truly become well.  i mean, i nearly died later that year cos i had a really bad psychotic episode and tried to kill myself.  and i had another bad episode two years later, but that was related to ptsd.  so neither of those was related to my sexuality, and i do honestly think that being out for me is a protective factor - i don’t have the added complication of trying to hard part of myself while also grappling with illness, so i have been able to recover faster?  i don’t know.  anyway that’s such a long wall of text i’m so sorry kudos to anyone who read it.
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have?  ugh honestly most of the experiences i have had have been positive or at least neutral.  i know one of my aunts doesn’t approve - she’s a hardcore salvation army person, threw a massive tantrum when my parents let me read harry potter as a kid - which is hypocritical as fuck because when my (male) cousin came out she sent him a text saying that she still loved him and was proud of him, but she has never said a word to me about my being gay.  although she still treats me the same as she always has so i guess it could be worse, i just have very little patience for her in general.
but probably the worst experience i have had was when i was 23, newly out to my family, had just moved into a hall of residence, and was scared about making friends because i had been pretty much out of society for five years - three years in hospital/residential and then two years of living first by myself and then with my parents, working at a supermarket and with only one friend.  so i was scared, i was still forming my identity as a lesbian.  anyway, a group of girls who lived on my floor decided to adopt me, and i hung out with them for a few days and it was really nice.  i went to an o-week party with them, and on the way back to the hall they decided it would be hilarious to go to a strip club (they were all 18 or 19 so y’know).  i went in but i wasn’t really feeling it - i’m not really a fan of strip clubs and i didn’t have any money to give the dancers but i didn’t want to be in there NOT giving them money.  one of the other girls looked visibly uncomfortable so i asked her if she wanted to go and wait outside until the others were ready to leave.  we were chatting, and she was like, “yeah, i just feel uncomfortable being in the presence of naked women,” and i was like, “fair enough, i don’t mind cos i’m gay, but i don’t really like strip clubs.”  after that she turned really frosty but i didn’t think anything of it until they all snobbed me at breakfast the next morning - turns out this girl goes to one of those evangelical megachurches who think that being gay can be “cured”, and she told the others that she didn’t want me hanging out with them anymore.  think she might have made some shit up about me to make them not like me either, lovely thing to do.  it didn’t matter because i made other friends in the hall, including probably the only two other lesbians living there, but it still hurt.  but the funny thing about it is this homophobic girl was my next door neighbour, and i knew it made her uncomfortable whenever she ran into me in the hallway - and i made a point to occasionally take girls home and have very loud sex with them, knowing she’d be able to hear hahahahahaha.
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality?  just do what you gotta do to survive - you’re no less queer if you can’t be out.  find someone you trust that you can talk to, so that you’re not alone.  it won’t always be like this - one day you’ll be able to live your truth.  just keep holding on.
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twilightraen · 6 years
( profile )
✿ BASICS ––––
NAME: Aina Uzuki  Usaki pronounced: IE-nah AGE: 24 GENDER: Female RACE & CLAN: Au’Ra / Raen SEXUALITY: Demisexual MARITAL STATUS: Single SERVER: Hyperion
PROFESSION: Healer, Weaver LANGUAGE:  SMOKES: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
HEIGHT: 5′2″ BUILD: petite / long thick tail SKIN TONE: pale POSTURE: The difference in who is in control of Aina’s body can be noticed by posture alone. Onthos carries himself with pride HAIR: Long, it grew out during her coma, and she was offered the choice of cutting it or keeping it. Fascinated by the sudden  length in her hair, she kept it, typically keeping it tied in twin tails. Grown-out bangs frame the sides of her face. Onthy finds this to be a bleak and boring hairstyle, opting instead to tie her hair up high with a braid wrapped around the crown of her head when he’s in control.  EYES: Amethyst with azure limbal rings ↳this thin line of color glows bright, standing out even in the dark. Sometimes the ring appears around both eyes, or just one. The constant shift is a result of how much control Onthos has over his vessel. 
TATTOOS: None. COMMON ACCESSORIES: various bracelets, an allagan ring ( prev. owned by brother ) SCARS/BIRTHMARKS:  the injury she received from her brother, though the claw marking down her back suggest vicious animal attack.  IDENTIFYING MARKS: Ivory scales decorate her body & specks of white splotches across her face, stomach, and legs. at a distance, they can be mistaken for freckles. The reality is: these splotches are merely areas of skin that have lost their pigment. Oh, and of course, the ivory scales that decorate her body.
Family: Mother & Father  ✿ Deceased           ↳ Ryuuto ✿ Brother ✿ Deceased? Best Friends: Asha  ✿ pet sheep Relationship Status: single Significant Other: [ nada ] Other Relationships: Onthos  ✿  rude-ass parasite Sevens Crew: With the exception of mister boss-man, who gives her the willies and makes Onthos a little <too> happy, Aina doesn’t have a relationship with many of her coworkers. She’s too much of a chicken and keeps to herself.  Pets: ✿  Bataar  ✿ bull-pup
At a glance: she’s naive, demure, and overly reserved. A wallflower. There’s nothing special about Aina, nor does she do anything to make herself stand out. If she could keep her head down and get by without making a single peep, that life would be perfect. Alas, perfect is not the world she lives in. When it happened during their decade long relationship, Aina’s not sure when but somewhere down the line her parasite friend decided enough was enough. He grew bored, but most of all, he became irritated unable to participate in the word, stuck watching the world continue forward from the eyes of a wallflower!  Thus declared if he were to get any joy out of his current life jammed the gears of her frontal lobe. 
That instinct telling you to be quiet, continue forward, always reminding you: you’re no hero don’t jump in-- he damaged. 
As a result: Aina can act very immature. She’ll stomp her feet, cross her arms if something doesn’t go her way and huff all the way to Timbuktu. 
But Aina’s nervous to be around people because she fears what she might say or what the asshole might do. She wants to be by them, she wants to interact but she allows her fears to control her. 
She believes in ~feelings~ and ~talking problems out~, thinking fighting to be far too barbaric. Under all that, there is still a scared girl who gets scared by loud noises that send her cowering to a corner. 
A thing to note: Aina hates when people startle her and usually jumps, or might simply just freezes in place. Her reactions are never the same and there’s visable pattern. Sometimes, she’ll shout but most of all: the tiny raen is prone to violence; ie: hitting the person.
Motivations: brother, brother, brother, brother oh and can’t forget: her brother.  Current Goal: Finding her brother: he’s out there somewhere and he risked his life for her without even asking if she wanted this. She’s under the naive impression he feels horrendously guilty for his crimes and as a result, lives a life of solitude. 
Though people continuously tell her he’s dead, Aina’s retort is that: without a corpse, no one can prove he’s dead. Therefore, it’s entirely possible he’s alive because she knows her brother wouldn’t accept death even after all the fucked up shit he’s done.  Life Goal: Expelling the parasite. (as the writer: I also want Aina to learn who she is instead of being the image of what her brother wants her to be but as it stands, Aina sees nothing wrong with herself)
Motto: << not applicable at the moment >> Best Quality: Fiercely Loyal; still proudly supports and loves her brother despite him murdering friends of his friend. what a lovely man.  Worst Quality: Impressionable. / Eavesdropper. Aina may not participate in a conversation but if she’s within earshot, she’s quick to listen in.  Fears: Losing the ability to walk again, losing her body to the parasite, losing those close to her-- a general fear of loss. She fears to be alone, never finding her brother or a place to properly call home. 
Hobbies: Astrology: she’s far from a pro at this topic but that doesn’t stop her from being interested in the stars and what secrets they hold. On nights she couldn’t sleep, stars comforted her. 
Sewing: When one is stuck in bed for an undisclosed amount of time with not much else to do, they are forced to find ways to keep themselves occupied. Aina chose sewing, although needlepoint and embroidery fascinate her far more than designing outfits. Swimming: What started out as a means of physical therapy turned into a daily activity
Talents: Dancing: It’s like swimming but on land! Being able to walk revitalized Aina’s spirit, 
Secret: Keeps knowledge of the parasite to herself, something it loves to mock her about.  Influential Memory: Fragmented memories; snippets from various events that shape her outlook. The brief encounter with a black smog, emitting a soft violet glow every time a bolt of lightening flashes through. Flash forward.  A man’s loud, booming voice writhing in agony  Role Model: Big Bro Crush: None     ↳ extra: she doesn’t quite understand the whole butterfly feeling and typically ignores it.                Aina may even work at a casino but whatever questions she has, she’s kept them to    herself. Generally, Aina believes sex to just be what two people do when they want a baby. Why people at the casino do it? --Again, some questions might be better left unanswered.  Source of Pride: [  n/a ] Source of Embarrassment: her job & talking about it, somethings she’ll avoid doing. Even months after becoming a waitress in a casino, Aina’s still uncomfortable with the uniform, showing so much scale and its lewd nature. She only works there hoping to get some kind of clue on her brother’s where abouts. 
RP Hooks:   
Adventures: talk of it, going on any exploration and Aina is interested in tagging along.
Voidsent: be it exterminating monsters or simply discussing. If it involves Voidsent, Aina is sure to squeeze herself in or simply be a fly on the wall to listen in. 
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bcdgirlsclub-a-blog · 8 years
✩ - Styles and Bliss
Who is more likely to raise their voice?: Lexi. Girl gets mad if you look at her funny.Who threatens to leave but never actually does?: Allen. He does it to get Lexi to snap back to reality.Who actually keeps their word and leaves?: Lexi. She’s not going to stick around in a relationship that’s clearly failing.Who trashes the house?: Neither of them.Do either of them get physical?: Oh hell no. After what Lexi went through with Matt, if Allen even thought about it she’d lose her mind.How often do they argue/disagree?: Not very often, surprisingly.Who is the first to apologise?: Allen because Lexi is stubborn as fuck.
Who is on top?: Lexi likes to ride her man.Who is on the bottom?: ^^ unless Allen feels like being on top for a change.Who has the strangest desires?: Neither of them really.Any kinks?: Lexi kinda likes having her pigtails pulled during sex.Who’s dominant in bed?: Allen.Is head ever in the equation?: Pretty much all the time.If so, who is better at performing it?: Lexi will willingly let Allen have that one.Ever had sex in public?: I mean, she gave him a handjob in the back of the u/ber.Who moans the most?: Allen.Who leaves the most marks?: Lexi tries not to, but she can’t help herself sometimes.Who screams the loudest?: Lexi. For damn sure.Who is the more experienced of the two?: Allen has been doing it for longer but Lexi has had more partners.Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?: It started out as fucking but they make love now.Rough or soft?: Lexi likes it rough. My little kinky fairy.How long do they usually last?: A decent amount of time. Like a few hours.Is protection used?: Seeing as Lexi is the woman’s champion and Allen has like fifty kids (lol) it’s a necessity.Does it ever get boring?: With these two? Nah.Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?: Storage closet at J/oe L/ouis A/rena.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children?: Allen already has a few, and Lexi would be open to having some in the future.If so, how many children do your muses want/have?: Allen has three boys and a girl, and Lexi’s always wanted a daughter.Who is the favorite parent?: Allen.Who is the authoritative parent?: Allen. Lexi tries but Allen’s oldest boy is like the same size as her, how can you yell at a child that’s taller than you?Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school?: Lexi, probably.Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around?: Lexi. Her cheat day probably coincides with when she sees the kids so she’s like “you know what ice cream sounds like a good idea”Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children?: They both do. Lexi takes awhile to tho cause she’s not sure if it’s her place.Who goes to parent teacher interviews?: Allen.Who changes the diapers?: They take turns but that god A/nney’s on her way out of them.Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby?: If any of the kids wake up and are hungry Lexi’s the one who’ll get them some food.Who spends the most time with the children?: Allen.Who packs their lunch boxes?: Lexi likes to.Who gives their children ‘the talk’?: Allen will with the boys, and when it comes time Wendy and Lexi will talk to little Anney.Who cleans up after the kids?: The grown kids clean up after themselves, and everyone helps clean up after the little one.Who worries the most?: Allen.Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?: Lexi.
Who likes to cuddle?: They both do.Who is the little spoon?: Lexi, homegirl is the personification of little spoon.Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?: Lexi.Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?: Lexi again.How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?: Pretty much all night.Who gives the most kisses?: Allen, because Lexi gets tired of having to jump up to give her man a kiss.What is their favourite non-sexual activity?: Working out, probably.Where is their favourite place to cuddle?: The couch or bed.Who is more likely to playfully grope the other?: Allen, probably, when Lexi isn’t paying attention.How often do they get time to themselves?: They get a decent amount of alone time.
Who snores?: Allen.If both do, who snores the loudest?: N/ADo they share a bed or sleep separately?: They share a bed.If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?: They cuddle up close together.Who talks in their sleep?: Neither.What do they wear to bed?: Allen will wear his sweats and Lexi sticks with a t-shirt and panties.Are either of your muses insomniacs?: Lexi can be sometimes.Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?: No.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?: Limbs wrapped around each other.Who wakes up with bed hair?: Lexi, especially if it falls out of the bun.Who wakes up first?: They wake up around the same time cause Allen sets an alarm at early af o clock.Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?: Lexi will go pick up coffee or something.What is their favourite sleeping position?: Allen on his back, with Lexi on her side in the crook of his arm with her arm slung around his waist.Who hogs the sheets?: Lexi.Do they set an alarm each night?: Yes.Can a television be found in their bedroom?: Yeah but Allen shuts it off after Lexi falls asleep.Who has nightmares?: Lexi has them now and again about her ex.Who has ridiculous dreams?: Lexi, see above.Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?: Lexi, girl is tiny af but she can take up a bed.Who makes the bed?: Lexi. She can’t leave a messy bed.What time is bed time?: Any time between midnight and two AM.Any routines/rituals before bed?: Showers, maybe fool around a bit and then bed.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?: Lexi. By far.
Who is the busiest?: They’re both pretty busy, but Lexi’s champ right now.Who rakes in the highest income?: Allen.Are any of your muses unemployed?: No.Who takes the most sick days?: Neither of them. Not their style.Who is more likely to turn up late to work?: Lexi, probably.Who sucks up to their boss?: Neither of them.What are their jobs?: W/W/E/ SuperstarsWho stresses the most?: Allen.Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?: They adore them.Are your muses financially stable?: Very much so.
Who does the washing?: They both do.Who takes out the trash?: Whoever’s near it when it’s full.Who does the ironing?: The people at the dry cleaners.Who does the cooking?: Both of them do.Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?: Lexi, if she’s not paying attention.Who is messier? : Lexi. But she’s trying lol.Who leaves the toilet roll empty?: Neither of them,Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?: Allen and it drives Lexi UP THE FUCKING WALL.Who forgets to flush the toilet?: Neither of them.Who is the prankster around the house?: They both get each other.Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?: Allen.Who mows the lawn?: Allen.Who answers the telephone?: Whoever is near it when it rings, unless Lexi reads the caller ID and it’s his ex wife.Who does the vacuuming?: Lexi.Who does the groceries?: Lexi.Who takes the longest to shower?: Allen, gdi.Who spends the most time in the bathroom?: Allen god dammit.
Is money a problem?: The farthest thing from.How many cars do they own?: Like three.Do they own their home or do they rent?:Own.
Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside?: Neither.Do they live in the city or in the country?: Kinda in the middle of  both.Do they enjoy their surroundings?: Yes.What’s their song?: Sugar by Maroon 5.What do they do when they’re away from each other?: Probably text each other and Lexi spams him with pouting selfies.Where did they first meet?: Backstage at S/mackdown.How did they first meet?: Introduced by like B/ecky or someoneWho spends the most money when out shopping?: Lexi.Who’s more likely to flash their assets?: Allen.Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?: They both find it amusing cause they’re kidsAny mental issues?: Lexi still has lingering issues from her eating disorder.Who’s terrified of bugs?: LEXI JESUS CHRIST. She sees a centipede it’s game over.Who kills the spiders around the house?: Allen.Their favourite place?: Their house or anywhere the other is.Who pays the bills?: They pay their own bills unless it’s something they got together, then they split it.Do they have any fears for their future?: Lexi’s afraid Allen won’t want to have another child with her. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?: Allen.Who uses up all of the hot water?: Lexi.Who’s the tallest?: Allen lol.Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?: Lexi, and she likes to scare the hell out of him.Who wanders around in their underwear?: Lexi.Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?: Lexi, especially if it’s a song Allen hates.What do they tease each other about?: Music tastes, height, etc.Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?: Lexi at Allen hardcore.Do they have mutual friends?: Yeah! B/ecky, S/asha, N/attie, etc.Who crushed first?: Lexi on Allen for sure.Any alcohol or substance related problems?: No.Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?: Lexi.Who swears the most?: Lexi.
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