fantodsdhrit · 2 months
for you thousand apologies
no who don't wail night or day, no, some visitor thwarts whom or what remains of who tugs at ebon vitriol kite stows away that full moon cobra on the crisply refurbished sidewalk the basketmaker, pursues craft not freedom no one tends to first jewish revolt monogram maybe i covet his hands, i unlatch mine nadir fingers weave selenite time absolute beatrice stoutness he resumes handless, there's ashwamedh ritual for 'we' in doleful cursive and the village girls named kamala feel in chaste sanskrit, i know lone pali no truths, i, your absence, you create my name with your palanquin mouth, it's the only morsel of liberation, of a vernacular life
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aurkitnarulaoge · 27 days
Chapter 1
[The son who didn't relate]
Arjun (Arjuna) had entered Draupadi's Chambers when another Pandav [namely Yudhishthira] was with her in the room.
He knew he would be exiled as per their mutual agreement—that being: if any brother was with Draupadi spending time in privacy, another Pandav couldn't intrude them.
Arjun did so reluctantly as he had to fetch his bow from the chamber to help a brahmin.
Arjun was, therefore, exiled for 12 years.
He spent this time of exile in an adventurous manner; honing his skills, sharpening his senses— in general, getting stronger.
He also decided to establish political relations through marriage during this period of exile.
He first met the nag princess Ulupi (Uloopi), who became his first wife [idk the story, but Arjun was supposed to be celibate and Ulupi smitten by him somehow convinces him otherwise].
Then he arrives at Manipur and sees a lady that immediately smittens him.
Upon inquiry, he found out that it was Chitrangada (Chitrāngadā), the princess of Manipur herself.
He went to Chitravahan (Chitravāhana) to ask for her hand in marriage.
There are two versions to Chitavahan's explanation:
Chitravahan agreed to their marriage but explained that she was his only daughter and a putrika— meaning that she was raised to handle the duties of a prince until her son would be adopted by Chitravahan and declared the heir to Manipur.
Chitravahan agreed to their marriage with a precondition stating that as per their family tradition, the son born to his daughter would live in his maternal home and later be declared the heir to Manipur.
This arrangement meant that despite marrying Chitrangada, Arjun's child and hence the child's mother would have to stay back in Manipur.
Arjun agreed and stayed in Manipur until his son named Babruvahan (Babruvāhana) was born.
Arjun continued his journey and married Subhadra (Subhadrā).
Chapter 11
[The one to defeat the undefeated]
Years later, all the Pandavs' sons were killed in the massacre of a war, except Babruvahan and that too because he hadn't participated in the war.
When Yudhishthir was finally the king of Kuru, he was unsettled and down because of the loss of many. [All of the landmass excluding a few participated in the war and only 11 warriors including the Pandavs survived.]
Krishna and Ved Vyas suggested to conduct and Ashwamedh yagna.
Yudhisthir appointed Arjun with the Ashwamedhi horse and reminded him to avoid a full-fledged war as long as possible.
After the Saindhava battle was stopped by Dushala (Dushālā), Arjun headed towards Manipur.
Babruvahan was elated to hear of his father's arrival and went forward to welcome him.
Arjun retorted him and said that he should fight him and not welcome him.
Ulupi, who was accompanying Arjun at the time, explained to the confused Babruvahan that the warrior in his father wanted to see his son's valour and that it would make him happy.
Babruvahan armoured up and got on his chariot without hesitation. He ordered his men to capture the Ashwamedhi horse and fought with Arjun.
Babruvahan was cutting down all of Arjun's arrows and shot his best arrows that wounded Arjun.
Seeing his son's excellent manoeuvre, he praised him and immediately killed Babruvahan's horses and crushed his chariot.
The wounded and angry Babruvahan shot extremely poison tipped arrows at Arjun that pierced through his armour.
Arjun fell to the ground defeated, and Babruvahan fell unconscious.
This was the first time Arjun was defeated by anyone [it was also the first time he died].
Chitrangada was aghast seeing her husband and son both unconscious and accused Ulupi since she was the one who encouraged the battle. She threatened to kill herself if she didn't bring Arjun back to life.
Babruvahan soon gained consciousness and was filled with guilt and sorrow of killing his own father. He declared he couldn't live with such a sin and pledged to fast till death.
Ulupi consoled Babruvahan, saying that Arjun was a great warrior and that not even Indra could defeat him. She said that she had a Sanjeevani gem that the Naags (Nāgas) used to resurrect their wounded warriors and handed it to Babruvahan, telling him to press it against his father's chest.
Arjun woke up rubbing his eyes as if he was woken from a deep sleep and wondered why everyone was gathered around him. Babruvahan asked Ulupi to narrate what had happened.
Arjun spent a few happy days in Manipur before leaving with the Ashwamedhi horse and inviting Chitrangada and Babruvahan to Hastinapur.
Arjun was only defeated twice in his life, and this was the first time.
For what reason did Babruvahan not participate? It is still a speculation, so I didn't mention much about it.
Also, I did say 'Manipur', but it isn't the present-day state of Manipur at all. In fact, Manipur or, as @theramblergal mentioned, Manalura is situated in the southern region.
This was requested by @betterloverthanrosee earlier after seeing a discussion with other desiblrians about the Babruvahan non-participation.
You can go ahead and add if I missed something or just reblog to spread the story of our Babruvahan idk lol.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
When Shri Krishna rejected Mahadev's request......
Lord Shiva and Shri Krishna are adorable to each other and reside in each other's heart. Just as Mahadev meditates every moment by remembering the image of Shri Krishna, in the same way Shri Krishna also gets engrossed in the meditation of Mahadev.
It is also mentioned in religious and mythological stories that how both have always helped each other for the benefit of the world and created unique and wonderful pastimes.
There was little time left at the end of Dwaparak Yuga when the war of Mahabharata took place. It is known in the Mahabharata book that how fierce and destructive this war was. After this war, that land of Kurukshetra had become completely red. Even that part of the battlefield is still red after all these ages. The war ended and there was victory of righteousness over unrighteousness, but this war had such an effect on the whole world that the circulation of negative energy increased from Earth to Amber and people started fighting to get their share of land or anything.
Lord Shiva was extremely sad to see such a scene on earth. All the gods and goddesses also reached Mahadev to talk to Shri Krishna about this. Then Mahadev left for Indraprastha situated on the earth. Mahadev reached before Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna also became very emotional after seeing his adorable.
Lord Shiva knew that Ashwamedha Yagya is the only way to destroy the negativity of the world. But he also knew that Shri Krishna would never agree to Ashwamedh Yagya. The reason behind this was that during the Ashwamedha Yajna the sacrificial horse is released to roam the earth. The place through which the horse passes becomes under the control of the king performing the Ashwamedha Yajna and when the horse returns If tax comes, then that horse is sacrificed.
The Ram avatar of Lord Vishnu had sacrificed a horse but this was never acceptable to Shri Krishna.
When Mahadev saw Shri Krishna emotional, he started trying but Shri Krishna understood his intention. After this, on the clear asking of Shri Krishna, Mahadev urged him to perform Ashwamedha Yagya, which Shri Krishna refused.
After tireless efforts, Baldau and Mahadev reached the final decision that Shri Krishna himself should not perform the Ashwamedh Yagya and get it done by someone else, but he should participate in that Yagya. Since Shri Krishna is the divine incarnation, his presence also makes this yagya as effective as his performance of this yagya.
Mahadev spoke the same thing to Shri Krishna and Shri Krishna agreed. Shri Krishna selected the Pandavas for this Yagya and ordered Yudhishthira to sit as the chief in this Yagya. After this Yudhishthira sat in the yagya and the yagya was completed. After the completion of the Yajna, peace was re-established in the world.
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buzz-london · 1 year
Ganga Avatarn - descendend of the Ganges
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What is the source of the sacred Ganges? Is it the Gangorti glacier in the Himalayas, or the Mansarovar near mount Kailash? or the kamandal of God Brahma or the matted locks of the Mahadeva?
The truth is more complex that that!
Happy Ganga Deshra - the day Ganges came to Earth.
The sacred Ganges flows beyond the universe we reside in and surrounds the egg-shaped brahmand we live in. When Vishnu took the form of Vaman to deprive Emperor Bali of his universal empire, his first step covered the terrestrial empire of Bali. His second step covered the universe and his toe punctured a hole in the brahmand, letting the sacred Ganges flow into this universe. 
Brahma, the creator of this universe, captured the stream of the Ganges that came through the hole and washed the toe of Vaman-Virat in his Kamandal. 
Eons later, King Sagar of the Surya vansha (Solar dynasty), performed an Ashwamedha yagna. Indra hid his horse in the Ashram of sage Kapil to obstruct the yagna. Sagars 60,000 sons looked everywhere for the horse, digging up the earth in the process. They eventually found the horse in sage Kapila’s ashram and accused him of stealing the horse. To quell their violent attack, sage Kapil reduced them to ashes. Having been killed by rishi’s wrath, their souls wondered as ghosts and could not progress to their next life or ascend to the regions of the ancestors. 
Sagar’s grandson Anshuman found the ashes of his uncles and pleaded with sage Kapil to liberate their souls.  Sage Kapil, one of the 24 avatars of God Vishnu, advised Anshuman to bring the Ganges to liberate the souls of his uncles. 
Anshuman brought back the sacrificial horse and king Sagar completed his Ashwamedh yagna. Anshuman, in his later years, performed taapasya to bring the Ganges to earth, but the divine river refused to grant his wish. His son king Dilip performed taapasya too, but he too failed to convince the river to come. His son Bhagirath decided to try a different tact and did tapasya of God Brahma to bring the sacred river to the earth.  
Brahma, pleased with the accumulated punya of 3 generations who did tapasya for the liberation of their ancestors, granted Bhagirath’s wish and instructed Ganges to go to Earth and liberate the souls of 60,000 princes. Ganges explained to God Brahma that the reason she didn’t want to come down is that if she descended from the heavens to the Earth, her force would shatter this small planet and kill all who live on it. How could she wreck such destruction for sake of 60,000?
King Bhagirath did taapasya of God Shiva and requested his advise and assistance in solving this matter. Knowing the innermost thoughts of ALL, Shiva knew that the real reason Ganges didn’t want to come is because she didn’t want to sully herself with the sins of the 60,000 princes who had angered sage Kapil.
Forever benevolent, Shiva saw the benefit of bringing Ganges to earth and liberating COUNTLESS souls with her sacred touch. He agreed to break the fall of Ganges as she descended to Earth and save the planet from destruction. 
Ganges, flowed through Shishumar chakra, Dhruva mandal, Svarga and came to Bhumandal (earth). The force of her meteoric descent would have indeed shattered the earth, but Shiva captured her immense flow in his matted locks. Bound in his jata, now Ganga pleaded to be let out! Shiva the generous, let her flow his jata and descend gracefully to the Earth. He instructed her to follow King Bhagirath to Kapil Ashram where his ancestors awaited their liberation. 
The Ganges meandered though the mountains of the Himalaya, on to the plains of Arya-Varta, across the Jambu Dvipa (Indian subcontinent) and came to Kapil Ashram. Her very touch liberated the souls of 60,000 princes who had suffered for centuries as ghost. The Ganges flowed in to the holes dug by the princes and filled them, creating the ‘Sagar’ - Bay of Bengal. 
Though she initially came to liberate the sons of King Sagar, Ganges continues to liberate the souls of ALL who touch her waters. Those who drink and bathe in it are purified by her touch. Those whose ashes are immersed in its sacred waters are liberated from the cycle of birth and death. 
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Milky way on top of Mount Kailash - as if the lila of the descent of the Ganges is playing eternally on mount Kailash and the goddess is descending on the matted locks of Shiva! 
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iismmumbai · 8 months
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Ms. Khushi Manik Solanki of FYBSM batch was a part of the Mumbai University's Basketball team that won a Gold Medal 🏀🏅in Maharashtra State's Inter-University Games at Ashwamedh Sports Festival hosted by Nagpur University.
22 universities participated in the festival.
It is a spectacular feat that Mumbai University triumphed amongst them.
A big cheer to our student and her hard work fueled with passion, which has delivered her one of the most to-be-treasured moments of her life.
We are proud of you, Khushi! 👏 💐
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psonali2302 · 1 year
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Ashwamedh Engineers and Fabricators is an Indian company that specializes in the manufacturing and supply of industrial process equipment and systems. The company offers a range of products and services, including ERW pipes manufacturers, MS ERW Pipe supplier , dismantling joint, spiral pipe, saw pipe,and custom fabrication.
Ashwamedh Engineers serves a variety of industries, including oil and gas, petrochemicals, power, pharmaceuticals, and food processing. The company is committed to providing high-quality products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations, and they have a strong focus on safety, quality, and reliability.
In addition to manufacturing and fabrication, Ashwamedh Engineers also provides installation, commissioning, and maintenance services to ensure that their products are properly installed and functioning optimally. The company is located in Mumbai, India, and has a team of experienced engineers and technicians who work closely with customers to provide tailored solutions that meet their specific needs.
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thebizsolution · 2 years
Food Testing For Export Business Ashwamedh Engineers And Consultant | Wh...
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shyambariwa · 2 years
If one soul is put on the path of true devotion and gets his self-welfare done, then crore Ashwamedh Yagya. One gets the fruit of that and there is no other religion equal to that.
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djavco · 6 years
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Once upon a long-haired time.. . . #djav #latindj #musician #guitarist #onceuponatime #longhair #missthis #memories #radiomirchi #studio #ashwamedh #hindirock #rockband (at Radio Mirchi Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btuxy5OB9EL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18qkuemeymyfj
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apruv10 · 3 years
All you know to about Ashwamedh Abhilasha, Kothrud, Pune
Ashwamedh Abhilasha, Kothrud, Pune is Newly Launched Project with 3/4 BHK ultra-luxury homes.
Find Ashwamedh Abhilasha, Kothrud, Pune Projects’ Best Price, Floor Plans, Amenities, Possession Date & Virtual Tour
A dream home urge is a mix of spacious rooms, lavish lifestyle amenities, lush green vicinity, open play areas, a secure foundation, and more. When such is a desirous, Prominent real estate developer DEVELOPER1 astonishing residential destination project named Ashwamedh Abhilasha in prospering location Kothrud in Pune. Ashwamedh Abhilasha is luxurious, indulgent, and desired. The project brings you elegantly designed 3BHK Apartments/ Township and prices ranging from Rs.– Crores.
Enriched with 10+ amenities, Ashwamedh Abhilasha is your everyday lifestyle like no other. Residential complex/ Township has swimming pool along with play zone for kids & Separate court for outdoor games. Elegant clubhouse with gym, indoor games & reading zone. Besides, the security level is of premium quality with CCTV surveillance and firefighting equipment at Ashwamedh Abhilasha. Amongst its other features, Ashwamedh Abhilasha rainwater harvesting, multi-leveled reserved parking.
Being located right at the center of Kothrud Pune, Ashwamedh Abhilasha offers you unmatched leisure of staying connected with all that you need and all that you crave. May it be your office or transportation hubs, may it be shopping malls or the hippest new restaurants in town. Following is the list of nearby landmarks that are just a few steps away from Ashwamedh Abhilasha- Kothrud, Pune
– Healthcare & Hospitals near Ashwamedh Abhilasha, Kothrud, Pune
  – IT Parks & Business Hubs near Ashwamedh Abhilasha, Kothrud, Pune        
– Educational School/Institutes near Ashwamedh Abhilasha, Kothrud, Pune
– Daily Conveniences/ City Connection ·        
– Hotels near Ashwamedh Abhilasha, Kothrud, Pune
  – Entertainment Centers & Malls near Ashwamedh Abhilasha, Kothrud, Pune
  Registration Information: “Ashwamedh Abhilasha, Kothrud, Pune” is RERA registered project with registration No. — . The project is Vastu complaint.
Bank loan Basic Details Project Ashwamedh Abhilasha, Kothrud, Pune is approved by SBI Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI BANK. The project is under construction/ Ready-To-Move with a possession date offered in December 2028.  
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By the way, Rakshabandhan is celebrated on the full moon date of the month of Sawan, but this year, there is a lot of confusion among the people regarding Raksha Bandhan. According to astrology, no auspicious work in Hindu religion is celebrated in Bhadrapad period. Because of this reason, this holy festival of brother and sister will be celebrated on August 12. It is said that the Rakshabandhan festival was started by Mother Lakshmi. Do you know how the holy festival like Rakshabandhan started. If not then let us tell you the mythology related to Raksha Bandhan today Story According to mythology, Raja Bali in ancient times, when Ashwamedh was performing yagna, Lord Shri Vishnu had taken the form of Vaman avatar to deceive Raja Bali and asked Raja Bali to donate three feet of earth. At that time, Raja Bali promised to give three feet to Lord Vishnu without thinking. Lord Vishnu measured the sky and underworld in two pegs with his small feet. King Bali had no room for third pug. So he put his head under the feet of Lord Vishnu. Seeing this, Lord Vishnu Raja was very pleased with Bali. Then Raja Bali sought promise from Lord Vishnu that when he sees, he should also see Lord VishnU. Hearing this, Lord Vishnu promised Raja Bali and went to the underworld by saying Amen. When Goddess Lakshmi started to worry a lot after Lord Vishnu Patal went to Lok. Seeing the concern of Mata Lakshmi, Devarshi Narad suggested Mata one, to make Raja Bali her brother. By doing so their owner will return to them. Listening to Narad Muni, Mother Lakshmi dressed as a woman and reached Raja Bali in the underworld crying. When King Bali saw him crying, he asked him the reason to cry. Then Mata Lakshmi said that I don't have any brother. This is why I am very sad. After hearing this, Raja Bali asked mother Lakshmi to become my sister. After this, Mata Lakshmi tied rakhi to Raja Bali and asked for her Swami Lord Vishnu back. According to mythological beliefs it is said that the festival of Raksha Bandhan became popular in the world from the same time. #rakshabandhan #hindi #india #festival https://www.instagram.com/p/ChHEAkhtMt3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Manikarnika Ghat
Oldest Ghats of Varanasi
The Varanasi Ghats seem to be harmful due to the shape of the bow of the Ganga River. Starting from Raj-Ghat in the north, there are more than 100 Ghats to Assi Ghat in the south. Many Hindus believe that those who die in Varanasi receive liberation. The sacred Ghats of Varanasi are the stairs that go down to the sacred river Ganges through which the Hindus descend to perform their pujas and their morning ablutions. There is a total of 88 Ghats in Varanasi. Among them, some are Ahilyabai Ghat, Assi Ghat, Darbhanga Ghat, Digpathia Ghat and Ganga Mahal Ghat, Manikarnika Ghat and Dasaswamedh Ghat. Five Ghats are considered very sacred in these 84 Ghats. They are collectively called 'Panchatirth'. These are Assi Ghat, Dasaswamedh Ghat, Adikeshv Ghat, Panchaganga Ghat and Manikarnika Ghat.
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Witnesses of cremations in Manikarnika Ghat
Get up long before the sun and watch the slow awakening of the city from a boat in the waters of the Ganges to witness the ablutions of the morning and the cremations. In Varanasi, you have to go to one of the two main Ghats crematories. One of them is Manikarnika Ghat, to witness the cremations or at least try it for a few minutes. It is part of the energy of the place, it is part of the reality of India and you have to see it to try to understand it. In Varanasi, death is also lived with daily life, an ancestral practice where the public is welcome, although respect is demanded Oldest Ghats of Varanasi
Attend the bidding ceremony in Dasaswamedh Ghat
The puja in honor of Mother Ganga is celebrated every day at sunset in several older Varanasi Ghats along the Ganges. Dasaswamedh Ghat is one of them. Oldest Ghats of Varanasi This is a ritual of just over an hour, perfectly choreographed and absolutely unforgettable. If you stay more days, you can also admire the most intimate in Assi Ghat or Lalita Ghat. According to ancient texts, Dasaswamedh Ghat was named because King Asoka offered ten sacrifices of Ashwamedh here. According to another opinion, the king of Nagvanshiya Veerasen had done Ashwamedh ten times in this place in his aspiration to become Chakravarti.
Also visit: - Kumbh Mela: the largest peaceful gathering in history
Hindu sacred rituals in Assi Ghat.
Assi Ghat is located in the ancient city of Varanasi, on the banks of the Ganges River. There is the Jagannath Temple in the north of Assi Ghat, where the fair is organized every year. This Ghat was built by Maharaja, Banaras. This Ghat is the center of Varanasi in the form of social, cultural and religious fun. The crowd has the highest number of daily Varanasi, India baths. After sunset, the Ganga Aarti looks wonderful with the echo of mantras and claws of trained pawns. Birth, Mundan, Upanayan, Marriage, Ganga Puja, Manglik's work and festivals are performed in the form of a witness in this Ghat.
The sacred history of Adikeshv Ghat
Not only the identity of Kashi is famous, but in the order of identification of Ganga Ghats and tradition, the glory of Adikeshv Ghat is no less. In the 11th century, the kings of the Garhwali dynasty built the Adikeshava and Ghat Temple. This place is also known as Vishnu Padodak due to the foot of Vishnu. After bathing here, Vishnu installed a black stone statue and called it Kesava. In the 18th century, the Queen of Bengal built a permanent construction of the Ghat by Maharani Bhavani. It is also called Ganga-Varuna Sangam Ghat after being located at the confluence point of Ganga and Varuna.
The Holly Ghat of Varanasi: Panchaganga Ghat
It is said that Panchaganga Ghat is Panchaganga, so it is based on the confluence of five rivers: Ganges, Saraswati, Dhupapapa, Yamuna and Kirana. Of these five rivers, you can only see the Ganges. The other four rivers fall on earth. This Ghat is considered one of the most sacred Ghats of Varanasi. Because of this Ghats, the devotees of the country and abroad come to the long queue to obtain the experience of the divine touch of the Ganga river. This Ghat has its own special place in five Ghats of the famous Kashi, named for Panchatirth.
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In general information about sacred Ghats.
You can also visit other Kashi Ghats if you wish, after visiting these famous Ghats with the names of Panchatirth. Raj Ghat with Harish Chandra Ghat, Kadar Ghat, Tulsighat, Rajendra Ghat and Cheat Singh Ghat can become the main part of his religious travel journal. Like these Panchatirth Ghats, these Ghats also have their own religious and cultural significance. If you wish, you can take a 1-week break and enjoy the panoramic views of these Ganga Ghats in Varanasi. There can be no better places than these Ghats for mental and spiritual peace.
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psonali2302 · 2 years
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ERW pipe manufacturer
Ashwamedh Engineers, an ERW pipe manufacturer in India, offers ERW pipes (MS Black and Galvanized) in a variety of sizes, grades, and standards in conformity with several national and international specifications (IS, BS API, ASTM, DIN). MSL has regularly completed need-based demanding orders for ERW Pipes to meet the demands of sectors such as agricultural, oil and gas, public health, housing, irrigation, engineering, and so on.
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thebizsolution · 2 years
Ashwamedh Best Food Testing Laboratories For Export Food Products India ...
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chikucab · 2 years
Discovering Spirituality & Hinduism In Varanasi With A City Cab Service Tour
Table of Content
Top Places to Visit in Varanasi
Situated on the banks of the river Ganga in Uttar Pradesh, Varanasi is considered to be the oldest city to be inhabited on earth. Being the most holy pilgrimage city for the Hinduism followers, the city of Varanasi is also known as Kashi and Benares. Sarnath, the town where Gautam Buddha delivered his first sermon after he got enlightenment is situated at a mere distance of 10 kilometers from Varanasi. Also, the 23rd Tirthankar of the Jains – Parshavnath was born on the holy land of Varanasi. This makes Varanasi a place of holy importance not only for Hindus but also for Buddhists and Jains. Being a place of religious importance there are various places of pilgrimage which are famous and are visited by devotees round the year. For easier commuting process, the best way to travel within Varanasi is by booking a cab service in Varanasi with Chiku Cab. In this article, let’s have a look at the various sites you should visit in and around Varanasi while you are on your pilgrimage tour here.
Top Places to Visit in Varanasi
·         Kashi Vishwanath Temple
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Out of 12, one of the most famed Jyotirlingas in honor of Lord Shiva, the Kashi Vishwanath Temple at Varanasi is located at the western banks of the river Ganga. Just for information's sake, it is calculated that approximately 800 kgs of pure gold is used to plate the upper part of this temple. The head deity of this temple is Vishwanatha which is an avatar taken by Lord Shiva meaning the ruler of Universe. Kashi Vishwanath Temple also holds the idols of other Gods like Kaalbhairav, Ganpati, Vishnu, and Gauri. This temple is of prime importance to the Hindus and its mention has been seen in many of the holy scriptures of Hinduism. Situated right in the heart of the city, one can reach this temple with a ride of 20 minutes with taxi service in Varanasi by Chiku Cab.
·         Tibetan Temple
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One can book an outstation taxi in Varanasi with Chiku Cab and reach the beautiful Tibetan Temple at Sarnath which is just a 10-kilometer ride from the main city of Varanasi. It is believed that after attaining enlightenment, Lord Buddha taught his disciples the four noble truth of life in the first sermon. There are various Buddhist paintings and prayer wheels inside the temple which beautify the temple even more. There is also a statue dedicated to Shakyamuni inside the temple. The Tibetan Temple is a place where there are calm yet positive strong vibes which can be felt by anyone visiting here.
·         Manikarnika Ghat
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Manikarnika Ghat, often called as the gateway to Salvation and Nirvana, is one of those places mentioned in the Hindu Scriptures, where a Hindu should spend the last few days of his life. It is also believed, that if the cremation rituals of a Hindu are performed at this front of the river Ganga, the soul of the human cremated is sure to transcend to heaven by breaking the infinite loop of the cycle of birth and rebirth.
·         Assi Ghat
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The exact location of the Assi Ghat is where the two major rivers of Varanasi, namely river Assi and river Ganga blend with each other. On this riverfront, there is a huge lingam of Lord Shiva installed under a peepal tree which is of high religious importance. This lingam is so old that it has mentions even in the scriptures and other texts of Hinduism. Assi Ghat is also a spot of paradise for photographers, where the sunrise and sunset are believed to be seen at their best. The morning ritual Aarti at Assi Ghat is the essence of this place and can make you feel all the vibes and positive auras of Varanasi at a single place. Being closely located to the Banaras Hindu University, the Assi Ghat is a place flocked by students in the evening to spend some moments. As tourist you can even enjoy a boat ride from Assi Ghat to Dashaswamedh Ghat and back.
·         Dashashwanmedh Ghat
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True to its name, it is believed that the Dasha Ashwamedh sacrifice was performed at this riverfront by Lord Bramha. As of today, it is a place where a lot of religious rituals are performed thus giving it prime importance in terms of Hinduism. This Ghat is the most beautiful place to visit during the Indian festival of Dev Diwali. Another exciting moment at this Ghat is the evening Ganga Aarti. To describe this ritual in words is simply not possible because of its vibrance which can only be experienced but not written about. When in Varanasi, one should take part in this ritual at least once.
·         Ganga Aarti
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Ganga Aarti is a twice a day performed religious rituals to honor Goddess Ganga. It is performed at a fixed time in the morning as well as in the evening. Performed at the Dashashwamedh Ghat, during the whole time of this ritual the whole ghat is illuminated with oil wick lamps which just adds charm to the scenic beauty. Huge and heavy brass lamps are used by the priests to perform this aarti while reciting a number of Hindu shlokas and other mantras which bring in positive effects and vibes that are strobly felt in the entire Ghat
·         Kedar Ghat
Kedar Ghat is considered to be the cleanest riverfront in Varanasi to take a holy dip or bath in the river Ganga. Devotees offer their prayers and seek blessings from Lord Shiva by visiting the Kedarnath Temple in Kedar Ghat. It is said to be one of the oldest Ghats prevailing in Varanasi. To experience the spiritual and religious vibes at Kedar Ghat is a real heavenly experience.
·         Batuk Bhairav Temple
Renowned as temple of worship for the sage sect of Aghoris and Tantriks, the Batuk Bhairav Temple is believed to rank high in the list of religious importance places for the Hindus. The main deity in this temple is of Lord Batuk Bhairav, one of the avatars of Lord Shiva. Right in the middle of the temple lies the Akhand Deep which is said to be in the state of burning for ages together. The oil from the Akhanda Deep is said to have magical healing powers.
·         Bharat Mata Mandir
One of its kind, the Bharat Mata Mandir is a temple dedicated to our motherland – India. It was constructed by the freedom fighter Babu Shiv Prasad Gupta and inaugurated in the year 1936 by the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi himself. There is not a single God / Goddess deity present in this temple, but just a map of India carved in white marble. The Bharat Mata Mandir is the only temple in the entire world to be dedicated to a country.
·         Vishwanath Galli
The most famed street shopping lane of Varanasi is the Vishwanath Galli. In this lane one can shop for almost everything, right from apparels, shoes, home décor items, household items, idols of Gods and Goddesses in brass and a lot more. When at Vishwanath Galli, do give the street food and snacks a try. They are delicious and you will crave for more and more. There are also a lot of sweet shops which sell the Varanasi prasad here.
Along with the above-mentioned places, there is a lot more to see in Varanasi like the ISCKON Temple, Banaras Hindu University, Nepali Temple, Alamgur Mosque, Ramnagar Fort, Chinese Temple, St. Mary’s Church, and a lot more to list. Varanasi is the perfect place where India resides showing the motive of Unity in Diversity. The best way to commute is by booking a cab service in Varanasi with Chiku Cab. The rides with Chiku Cab are extremely comfortable as well as affordable. Enjoy touring Varanasi and go back to your city with a cleaner and pure heart.
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apruv10 · 3 years
All you know to about Ashwamedh Abhilasha,Kothrud, Pune
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