#ask a morg
bagelsbasement · 8 months
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A nice waterbed.
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isfjmel-phleg · 3 months
should I read Wives And Daughters? do you recommend it?
Hello! Thanks for asking!
If you like nineteenth-century British literature of the slice-of-life drama/romance with an emphasis on character development sort, and if you aren't daunted by very long books, you will probably like Wives and Daughters.
It's about Molly Gibson, a teenage girl approaching adulthood, and everything that ensues from A) her widowed father's remarrying a woman with a daughter around Molly's age and B) Molly's connection with the Hamleys, a family of the gentry with two young adult sons. Molly ends up caught in the middle of other people's drama, while privately dealing with her own struggles, and the novel as a whole is about her coming of age. Unfortunately, the book is unfinished, since author Elizabeth Gaskell died before she could complete the last installment, but it's finished enough that it's pretty clear how it will wrap up even though we don't have the details.
Gaskell has a distinct style and focus that has some commonalities with Austen or the Brontes but is very much its own thing. She is beautifully sympathetic to her characters, who are complex and believable, and if you read Wives and Daughters, you will get to know and appreciate the cast quite well.
It's been a while since I've read the book, but I have a lot of affection for it, and for the BBC miniseries which was my introduction to the story, and can definitely say that I recommend it.
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jaybybyby · 8 months
its not even fujoshi behaviour it's just legitimately concerning LMAO. fujoshis as a group are Fine. gay men have the right to be uncomfy with them but im not one of em. Vivzie doesn't even Do the fujoshi stereotypes - she uses a much more insidious reduction of character so that audience members can latch onto the "softboi" character and be pleased when the bigger, stronger, more masc boyfriend shows up to save them. Gay men aren't ur wish fulfillment fantasies Viv. that, or she fetishizes them being tied up/kidnapped/raped All the fucking time and I go. hm. that never happens to the women. is it because the women are supposed to be stronger (unlikely) or is it because it's easier to fetishize a man (someone she can be attracted to) in those situations. And I say that as a gay guy that does a little hehe flush emoji when a guy gets tied up in a show lmao
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either way for a bisexual woman she very clearly doesn't know what she's doing. all she knows is that hot man x twink guy = hot. and also that women can only want sex if they're already violent and/or a whore
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diveyne · 5 months
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you guys should ♥ this for an ask.
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shipcestuous · 3 months
The Road to Avalon is a retelling of the King Arthur story, with Arthur and Morgana as the main romantic pairing. Instead of them being half siblings, she's his half aunt in this one.
I'm confused how I didn't already know about this amazing book. I must read this.
The Road to Avalon
Thank you so much for the info!
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morgan-n-cheese-91 · 3 months
Duuude I need to rewatch Turn it's baaaad I miss them 😭 Unfortunately I won't be able to for the next week because I'm in Wyoming 💥💥💥 But I will once I get home. In the meantime I shall be reading the Townhull fics I have downloaded because that autistic innkeeper is fixing that motherfucker
omg you are cracking me up lol i dont even know where to watch it anymore
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thatscarletflycatcher · 4 months
Hi! How are you today?
Not having a very good day, tbh, but managing the crisis as best as I can (barely functioning). I have had worse?
We'll have a little sigh and a little Rick Astley, and keep going!
Thank you!
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ashmp3 · 1 month
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griseldabanks · 7 months
"I trust you with my life." for John and Sherlock
Let Me Count the Ways ask game
It had been a lousy day. Back-to-back patients that left him only fifteen minutes for lunch, someone had bumped into him on the way to work and he'd dropped his phone on the sidewalk and cracked the screen, and on top of everything else, it was pouring rain. As he hurried down Baker Street, all he could think about was sitting in his chair with a nice cup of tea. At the moment, he didn't even care if Sherlock was still stuck in the same cloud of gloom he'd been in all week. At least this latest bit of doldrums in their caseload had left Sherlock quiet, rather than bouncing off the walls and shrieking away on his violin.
Yes. Some quiet and warmth, that was all he needed.
As soon as John stepped through the front door and hung up his dripping raincoat, he realized it wasn't going to be as quiet as he'd hoped. The sound of the violin echoed down the stairwell to him, but at least it was an actual song this time, instead of erratic notes that belonged in the soundtrack of a horror movie.
Sherlock stood in front of the window in his dressing gown, playing what seemed like a complicated piece as he watched the rain fall. John thought he was beginning to get a sense of Sherlock's moods from what he chose to play. When he was really thinking hard, he would often play something from Bach or Vivaldi, as if its steady rhythm kept his mind focused. John didn't know much about music, but whatever Sherlock was playing right now sounded complex enough that it probably required more of his attention. Something to keep his mind occupied when there was nothing else at hand.
John made a beeline for the kettle. While he waited for the water to boil, he crossed over to the fridge to grab the milk.
Only to discover they were out of milk.
And bread.
And eggs.
“Sherlock.” He ran his hand down his face, wiping off the last bits of rainwater. “You didn't go to the store, did you?”
Sherlock kept playing, fingers flying over his instrument with flawless precision.
“What?” Sherlock snapped, stopping abruptly and whirling around to face him.
“I told you we were out of milk,” John said, trying and failing to keep his voice down. “I asked you to go to the store, and you said you would.”
“What? No, I didn't.”
“Yes, you did.”
“No, I didn't.”
“Yes, you did!” In the back of his mind, John was aware that they were starting to sound like children, but he couldn't stop. “I left you a list and everything!” He picked up the slip of paper on the kitchen table. It didn't seem to have moved since he'd left it there that morning.
“I doubt it,” Sherlock snapped, tucking his bow under his arm and stalking across the room. “I would have remembered something as simple as that.”
“Yeah, unless you 'deleted' it from your 'hard drive,'” John said, rolling his eyes as he passed the shopping list over. He'd even gone to the trouble of spelling out exactly which brands to get, to make it as simple and straightforward as possible so Sherlock wouldn't somehow end up getting shampoo instead of milk again.
The kettle switched off, and John turned to the cupboard where they kept the tea. With a sigh, he shuffled through the various options of herbal tea that wouldn't require milk. “I trust you with my life, but I can't even trust you to do the shopping....”
Sherlock didn't reply as John put the teabag in his mug and poured water over it. When he turned around to head for his chair, he found Sherlock standing stock-still in the doorway, staring blankly at him.
“Sherlock? You okay?”
He just continued to stare, one hand holding his violin in a precarious grip, one clutching the shopping list.
John waved his hand in front of Sherlock's eyes to get his attention. “Hello? Earth to Sherlock!”
Finally, Sherlock blinked and seemed to snap out of his reverie. “You...trust me with your life?”
John frowned. “Yes?” He waited for the punchline, the moment Sherlock would somehow turn it all around and end up mocking him.
Instead, Sherlock just blinked rapidly, as if the thought baffled him. “Really?”
“Yes. I think you've saved it enough times by now to have earned that, at least.”
Sherlock still looked flummoxed. “No, but you...truly? You really, honestly trust me with your life?”
“Yes. Now can I sit down, or are you going to make me stand here to drink my tea?”
With a start, Sherlock stepped aside and let John pass. John sat down in his comfortable chair with a sigh of relief and took his first sip. Chamomile hadn't been what he'd been craving all day, but it wasn't unpleasant. Maybe if the rain let up a little, he'd pop down to the corner store once he'd finished his tea and....
John followed Sherlock with his eyes as he slowly walked over to his chair and sat down, moving as gingerly as a bird-watcher trying not to frighten away a rare bird. He watched John as if he were the most fascinating specimen he'd ever seen.
Continuing to sip his tea, John determined not to let the staring faze him. He'd endured much worse from Sherlock, after all. He hadn't intended his words to have such an impact on Sherlock, but he supposed it wasn't a normal sort of thing for people to say in this day and age.
But then, nothing around Sherlock was ever 'normal.'
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mortuarywriting · 6 months
I just realized your name is Mortuary instead of Morguary. I've been referring to you as Morg in my head 😅
On a completely unrelated note I think I should get myself tested for dyslexia
djsjs no anon you're fine!!!!
It is Morg! Morgue-related writing blog handles were all taken so I went mortuary instead. So Morg is absolutely dandy! Mort is also alright I won't be picky if that's what you wanna go with!
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bagelsbasement · 1 year
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I couldn't decide which line i liked more.
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p1harmonie · 5 days
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taketwoinink · 5 months
void burgundy sepia and cider
okay absolute same to the void. I haven't the slightest clue how we met but you're one of my tumblr besties <3
and AWWWW skgjskgjsg *happy stimming noises* I love you too! /platonic
AND YOU THINK I'M FUNNY TOO?? two people have said that so far guys I'm funny that makes me so happy ahhhh and I appreciate your presence too you wonderful person you :D
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diveyne · 8 months
also like this for a band verse starter.
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novelmonger · 3 months
Thunderhead by Mary O'Hara
added to TBR | on my TBR | couldn’t finish it | did not enjoy | it was OK | liked it | loved it | favorite | not interested
A quick Google didn't turn up any description beyond "it's the sequel to Flicka, 'nuff said," and I haven't read Flicka, and I don't really care for horse books generally. So nah, not for me.
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