#ask dreamstormdragon
dreamstormdragon · 5 months
Don and Raph are coffee drinkers Leo likes only tea Mikey can’t stand the stuff lol unless he puts cream and sugar in it XD
YES! I love this! To piggyback off this!
Leo got his love of tea from Master Splinter and is the one who makes it exactly how their father likes it.
Raph and Donnie are coffee drinkers and I could see Donnie, absolutely salvaging one of those fancy coffee grinders and making it like new. Raph does like a good cup of tea, since in Touch and Go, he and Mrs. Morrison had a nice evening drinking tea, but he's useless in the morning without coffee on a normal day. Mikey is a hot chocolate man, piled high with whipped cream.
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sweetcircuits · 2 years
Gibson for character bingo
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Gibson is my least favorite of the Hyperforce members for really no reason other than he's totally INSUFFERABLE. but for real I think he has such a great dynamic with the other characters esp Sparx and Otto! And his whole complex about NEEDING TO BE THE SMARTEST and his desire for a friend like him just. 🥺
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theblueskyphoenix · 11 months
Snowdrop - What is something your OC(s) loves, and what is something they hate?
Warren loves styling hair. He's always eager to try new things based on client requests. (He has to strive to contain his excitement when a clients asks for something different.)
Warren hates social events. In particular the big parties his parents host. He'll attend to be polite (and protect Wilson) but generally speaking he hates being there. He loathes most of the topics discussed and is not fond of the rich snobs his family associates with. There are a few people he likes but they're few and far between.
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clusimp · 7 months
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I stumbled upon a post asking for radiorose fics, so I left some suggestions
I’ve never been in a fandom where everyone was so friendly to me 😭
Thank you @crow-in-da-trash , @dreamstormdragon and @acuteobserv4tion, y’all are so sweet <33
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tophthedaydreamer · 3 months
So I got a comment from @dreamstormdragon asking for tips on how to get VRoid models to work in Blender.
I realized my answer is wayyyy too big for just a reply, so I'm making a whole post about it!
Without further ado, here's my VRoid-Blender workflow:
1 - Use a later version of VRoid Studio. Do not use the beta version! I think I'm currently using v1.28.0.
2 - Use an addon to make .vrm files compatible with Blender. The one I use is the “VRM Addon for Blender”, which you can find here: https://vrm-addon-for-blender.info/en/
Make sure your version of Blender is higher than 2.93. Installing addons is pretty easy, all you have to do after downloading the zip folder is open Blender > got to Edit > Edit Preferences > navigate to the Addons tab > Install > click your zip folder > hit the checkmark to activate it > done! After installing, you should be able to import .vrm files by going to File > Import > clicking the new .vrm option. If you encounter any problems while installing, I recommend watching a video on how to install Blender addons.
3 - So now your VRoid is in Blender. Epic! Most imported VRoids come with a default rig, but it's very basic and has no IK abilities. IKs let you move the hands and feet of the model, by extent automatically bending the arms and legs of said model. It makes posing a lot easier than manually changing each individual bone’s position.
So I use more addons to change that: “Auto Rig Pro” and “Auto Rig Pro: Quick Rig”.
Auto Rig Pro lets you easily make a new, more complex rig for your VRoid character. However, it does mess up the original facial rig, so that's why I use Quick Rig on VRoids. It lets me just add IKs to the default rig, without having to make a new skeleton! It's awesome!
BIG WARNING: You have to already have Auto Rig Pro in order for Quick Rig to work. You can't download Quick Rig by itself because it's connected to Auto Rig Pro. Which sucks because Auto Rig Pro is no longer free (I got it for free during a giveaway for Blender’s anniversary).
You can download Auto Rig Pro here: https://blendermarket.com/products/auto-rig-pro
Download Quick Rig here: https://blendermarket.com/products/auto-rig-pro-quick-rig
Auto Rig Pro has different pricings ranging from $40 USD to $182 USD depending on the features you want, but Quick Rig costs just $10 USD. The installation process is basically the same as the VRM addon earlier. Again, if you have any trouble installing it, watch a tutorial!
4 - But what if you don't want to spend money? Here's my previous rigging process:
Instead of using Auto Rig Pro and Quick Rig, I used the addons featured in this YouTube video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-k1eKcQz29o&pp=ygUUdnJvaWQgbWl4YW1vIGJsZW5kZXI%3D
Basically, the addons shown in this video let you convert the default VRoid rig into a Mixamo rig, which comes with IKs! The video has download links in the description for each addon that you will need, and it also shows how to use them. Best part, all the addons are free!
I animated my Bluey model using a converted Mixamo rig, so it works pretty well. I just like Auto Rig Pro/Quick Rig more because it's a simpler, cleaner process. But both options get the job done, so choose whichever works more for you!
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maximalttigers · 1 year
🍓: Does your OC have any particular scents they like? Or hate?
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"Flowers have interested me for a while and Skyper has 'convinced' me that chocolate smells nice. I've started to really like lavender and strawberries... Antauri's incense candles smell nice but I'm nor sure what exactly they are, I should ask..."
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"I don't like the smell of damp cells, burning skin or anything that hurts people... Reminds me of... Him..."
(Eki likes anything that resembles freedom while she doesn't like anything that reminds her of capture and/or torture)
Thanks for the question @dreamstormdragon!
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@theblueskyphoenix @dreamstormdragon
Okay, I might be early but yeah, pretty much an birthday art for the current Trauma Center Manga's main dorky protagonist Derek Stiles!
I just happened to look at Derek's Manga bio and saw that his birth date was October 4th 1992, and so yeah, it's what inspired this drawing, and also because it's actually an Easter egg to October 4th being the day Under the Knife 1 came out for North America 17 years ago!
As for the scenario behind the cheesecake... Well I have the headcanon idea that, James Lunagazer happened to visit Derek's office one day, usually to sort of chat in-between rounds sometimes, and he noticed there was a marked day of October 4th on the calendar and saw it was Derek's birthday.
With that, James decided to ask Angie what kind of cake Derek would like; as they had formed a friendship by that point.
Upon learning that Derek used to have cheesecakes while he was at Hope Hospital thanks to a certain nurse, James decided to try and make one as a surprise, and also a "Thank-You" for Derek treating his sister Kira Lunagazer one time, with Angie agreeing go help.
Though as you've probably guessed... it wasn't without problems, the first attempt ended up with the cake getting crushed by accident, due to Tyler being in a hurry as his alarm clock had broken down that morning and hurrying to organise the surprise party, and the second... oh dear...
Let's just say that while James went to attend to something else and left Angie to look after the cake, Kira decided to join in, which resulted in her being a major disaster chef and somehow managing to burn the cake or even mix up the ingredients!
(Angie didn't know how bad Kira was until that point, and now like James is utterly terrified of the little one whenever she's near the kitchen or mentions wanting to make food!)
They eventually got there in the end though! Just in time for the surprise party, and needless to say it was a great success, as they say third time's the charm!
So yeah, Happy Birthday Der-Bear!
(Also another headcanon I have is that Kira calls Derek the nickname of Der-Bear too, maybe as he told her a story of when he was at Hope Hospital at the time, just to cheer the girl up, and it just passed on from there!)
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This is the mod, Storm Arashi, the author of HyperForce: ReIgnition and resident witchy maniac!
This blog, will be a hub for all things Super Robot Monkey Team HyperForce Go, relating to my AU fanfiction, along with reblogging art and answering asks! This will be where I will be posting updates and trying to make myself a nice little home in this fandom. I’ll also be rambling on about my favorite episodes, or favorite moments here too. I’ll also be posting some random headcanons or thoughts as well. Stay tuned!
Wanna be added to the tag list for when the fict is updated? Send my main account ( @dreamstormdragon ) or an ask in this inbox, asking to be added and you’ll be tagged every time the fict updates here on tumblr! 
Art credit goes to @theblueskyphoenix 
That’s all for now! Thanks for reading!
HyperForce Go!!!
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
"Fortune telling?" Lucas tilts his head. "Well... Am I gonna be as cool as my mom or Uncle Eiji when I grow up? Like with ghosts and stuff." (If these are still open. Congrats on 1500! 8D)
Tybee takes your palm and traces the lines, pointing out various bumps and whorls common in those psychically gifted. “Hm... Looks promising. Gil, you want to take a crack at it?”
Gil frowns but comes to look at your palm. “Sorry,” he mutters, not meeting your eyes, “I’m kinda new to this.”
He traces similar lines to Tybee, looks to Tybee, then looks back to your palm.
“I think...” he says with hesitation, “that you have a gift, but it will take some diligence to develop. Uh, keep at it, and believe in yourself?”
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dreamstormdragon · 6 years
Lisbeth unintentionally started a family tradition, with working as mermaids in aquarium performances. Hiding in plain sight, paid well and she could swim around the animals as much as she wanted.
Later in life, after her sons were born she retired from that particular job, but her boys have both spent time doing it as well, Ethan being the latest since Derek worked his way up the ladder after college. 
Although, not to say it’s been easy. You only have so many close calls when your a real life mermaid among those with costume tails.
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sweetcircuits · 1 year
This is the Antauri's Masters chapter. That is all.
...okay, I'll give a bit more info than that XD. The I Chiro saga is upon us and I'm SO excited to share this story arc with you guys! I know you've been waiting for it for a really long time, and I hope that I do it justice! The I Chiro saga is so beloved by the fandom, for a multitude of reasons, and I just hope that I did it justice.
Amber can sense that there is something wrong with the Power Primate, and so can Chiro and Antauri. Antauri heads off to Koralladal (with Chiro in tow) to ask some advice from his friends and masters from the Veron Mystics... and that trip does not go as well as he had planned. How is Amber dealing with all this uncertainty? Can she find the strength within herself to fight back against the darkness closing in?
taglist under the cut:
@monkeyinaround @ladytauria @superrobotmonkeyteamramblingsgo @starkitters @halloweennut
@dreamstormdragon @hauntingclue @projectaffectivity @jackie-sugarskull Let me know if you're interested in being added or removed from the taglist!
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elliswriting · 6 years
Storyteller Saturday! What are some not so known fun facts about your characters? :)
I had such a hard time with this one because I have zero self control as a writer and every detail I think of about my characters/world goes into the novel 😅 And now it’s just….dark…..
Daisy never got the chance to come out to her mother. She was just starting to figure out her identity and as badly as she wanted to tell her, she was scared to, and her mother died before she got the chance.
On a related note, Erme blames themself for their mother’s suicide. If they had just worked harder, if they hadn’t stolen that cattle, if they hadn’t lead Zeus back to the place their family was hiding…
Kore is obsessed with Apollo. She considers him to be her rescuer, and that’s why there are so many flowers named after him.
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aretmaw · 6 years
What's your favorite thing to draw?
Oh goodness, let’s see…I love drawing alot of things, from things as basic as interesting poses or expressions, gosh I love drawing wild expressions. Some of my favorite things to draw are eyes, hair and hands (if you couldn’t tell from all the weird hair designs on my OC’s :’))I used to only draw creatures and dragons, but now I get far more enjoyment from drawing people. Especially tall people. I draw way too many tall people…Honestly, everything is fun to draw if it isn’t a background. Backgrounds can just go bye-bye thanks :)
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drist-n-dither · 6 years
Updated Master List of Writeblrs Participating in Storyteller Saturday!
Good evening Writeblrs, I’m so excited for today! Let’s get to know each other and each others wips! Trade questions with someone you didn’t reach out to last Saturday! Always remember you never have to participate every Saturday!  
@thescribesloft, @lonely-pages-of-ink, @urbanteeth ,@sundaynightnovels, @toboldlywrite, @bunnrat, @incognitxburritowrites, @sodaliteskull, @metaphors-and-melodrama, sottish-hellhound, @authorkimberlygrey, @belljarbeebles, @thewordsinthesky-andstars, @primrose-blush, @incandescent-creativity, @leskychuchu, @bookish-actor, @writer-on-time, @woodhouse-jay, @eternalwritingstudent, @katekyo-bitch-reborn, @blankpagesscareme, @inara-sensei, @dreamstormdragon, @dahlhousestudios, @shamelesslypoetic, theollinshist, @lacylu42, @adenhamcreations, @drist-n-dither, @ciarandc, @eloquenceandemphasis, @bookenders, pens-swords-stuff, leosealolympus, @dumdumdeedump, @kaigods, @spacebrick3, @wingedcatwblr, @aehmwrites, @fluffythewritingplant, @collegedreams
Storyteller Saturday: OPEN
Please do let me know if you’d like to be added to the list! I hope everyone has fun asking easy going questions :) 
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@theblueskyphoenix @dreamstormdragon
Yo, decided to make this a double fanart post, that being to introduce another OC to the G.U.I.L.T reserve team, and show a bit of why James low-key or high-key fears Angie, (despite actually being taller than her, he's actually the same height as Derek at 5'8!)
First I'll cover Wilson Jones, he works in the same department as Victor Niguel, helping the grumpy researcher find ways to come up with G.U.I.L.T treatments, though on the downside Dr. Jones would also try inventing new and improved surgical tools... only for them to nearly always malfunction when Julia tests them in simulations, or he ends up breaking a few of Victor's tools, much to the latter's irritation.
However, even though Dr. Jones can be rather... eccentric, he's also a surprisingly great father, and is actually related to Cody Jones, who I once drew to show an example of James' powers, so when it comes to matters around family life, Jones can be a great father-figure to lean on for the crew, especially James, who he feels indebted to for helping his son get better, and when it comes to serious situations, Jones can really do his job to ensure the patients leave healthy and with a smile.
But speaking of James and how he got into the situation he's currently in, he was outside doing some lightsaber style image training, mostly to get over his anxieties about surgery.
During one of these moments, Angie spotted him, and the boy cockily ended up deciding to challenge Angie to a spar... only to get horribly wrecked when the latter ended up unleashing a powerful aikido counter that sent him flying to the ground, and leaving him seeing stars for a while!
(James didn't know how strong Angie was until that point!)
Sooo yeah, pretty much even though Angie did apologise for accidentally going overboard, James does his absolute best to never, EVER get on Angie's bad side from now on, and should anyone even mention aikido, he'll freeze up and shudder, something that Kira and Tyler tease him to death about, (luckily James didn't sustain much damage from the hard landing, except for his pride!)
Though on a side-note: Kira would end up asking Angie to teach her aikido in future to better guard herself against any threats like Delphi, which also leads to Kira having much more respect for Angie from that point on.
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Stranded Siblings
(Rosie and Milo belong to @theblueskyphoenix and @dreamstormdragon. Wanted to draw something for this instead, but my hand has been hurting lately. I decided a small story depicting the idea would be easier on my hands. I hope I did well with these two cuties! I believe that other people’s characters should be treated with as much love as I treat mine!)
“Please stop fiddling around with that portal for a second!” Rosie looked up from the campfire she had crafted, “We need to get food and supplies like the adults taught us to in emergencies!”
“But I think I almost have it!” Her brother Milo protested, “If Dad and Uncle Wilson got this machine to work, I can too!”
“First we need food. I am already working on getting a camp set up, so I need you to go look for berry bushes or carrots.”
“Oh, well alright.” The boy stood up, clapping the dust off of his hands, “That’s easy enough, and I can explore while I do it!”
“Be careful! This isn’t our home, Milo!”
“I’ll be back soon!”
He didn’t have to walk too far to come across the ocean, which sent him back the way he came. There were a lot of bushes around, but they weren’t covered in fresh juicy berries. Instead, they were all rose bushes with thorns almost as large as the flowers. Milo knew that was a clear signal that he shouldn’t touch them. A strange footprint was on the dirt path, but he didn’t have any way to kill the animal, so he didn’t bother looking for more tracks.
Onward he went, coming across only seeds birds dropped on his path. He couldn’t help but wonder why this Constant was so...barren. He finally saw some sort of burrows in the ground, some sign of life. That meant food had to be close. His eyes spotted the freshest red berries on a bunch of bushes nearby, and he ran to grab as much as he could fill his pockets with. While he was searching the brush the squealing of frightened rabbits alerted him that something was wrong.
He turned around to see a varg charging towards him. Milo screamed, jumping to one side to let the beast through. It didn’t trample the berry bushes like he thought it would, but instead stopped right beside them. The fur around the hounds sides began to rustle, and to his surprise, a little face popped out of the black pelt. It was the face of a very young boy, his eyes squinted to the point they were nearly shut.
The smaller child fell from the varg’s fur, and reached his hands out, feeling for the hair of the creature.
“H-hello?” Milo called out, “Are you alright?”
The dark haired boy looked to the direction of the sound, but the varg beside him put her nose under one of his dirty hands. Her nostrils flared as she brought her snout to a cluster of berries. This led him to perk up, and grab a handful to put in his mouth. The giant hound seemed to be guiding him around, which the older of the two children found curious. He tried to approach the varg, seeing something shining in her fur.
Using his magical abilities, he was able to easily retrieve the item without having to touch the massive canine. Milo raised an eyebrow when a pair of broken glasses landed in his hands. They looked just like his fathers...round lenses, but one was missing. They must belong to this little boy. He took a step forward, placing them on the face of the feasting child. He blinked in realization, and looked up.
“My glasses!” He raised his juice covered hands to feel them, “I can see! Thank you!”
The older kid smiled somewhat proudly, “No problem. I’m Milo, what’s your name?”
“U-uh....” The suddenly flustered child struggled to answer, as if he were trying to remember how to say it the right way, “S-Simon... Hen-Henry... Carter!”
“Nice name!” Milo replied before realizing the coincidence, “My last name is Carter too, actually! You should come back to camp with me, Simon! My sister and I are lost here too. I think you’ll be better off with us than with this varg, at least until we find your parents-”
“B-but!” Simon nervously protested, “S-she is a mommy!”
“She’s ...your mommy?” The other boy tilted his head.
“N-no...Her babies are in her cave...” The smaller figure shyly frowned, petting the intimidatingly large beast, “B-but my mommy said she used to take care of all the doggies!”
“Uh-huh...” Milo frowned, unsure what to make of this boy, “Well, we should let her go back to her babies, then, shouldn’t we?”
The small child nodded, waving a timid goodbye to the varg, who nuzzled his face with her large snout before walking off.
“Milo!” Rosie ran over from the fire pit, “There you are! I was worried sick-“ She paused, “Who is this?”
Simon hid behind Milo, peeking out from behind him curiously.
“He’s Simon.” The older boy explained, “I found him while I was getting food!”
“Where are his parents?” The girl’s eyes lit up, “They can help us get home!”
“He doesn’t know...” Milo frowned, “He told me his mother used to look after some dogs-“
“A-all the doggies...” The small child corrected.
“Oh sorry, I meant... all of the doggies...”
“I’m Rosie! Nice to meet you!” Rosie raised an eyebrow, bending down to the youngest kid’s level, “What do your mommy and daddy look like?” She asked with a bright smile.
“M-mommy is pretty like a queen...and...” Simon shuffled and fidgeted in place as he thought, “D-daddy has glasses like me...”
Milo turned to look at the boy hiding by his legs, “Your father has glasses...?” He began to suspect the unthinkable, and asked one more question, “Do you know his name?”
“His name is ...uh... daddy?” The boy seemed confused, “Or papa...sometimes I call him papa...”
Rosie laughed and ruffled the boys hair, “Thank you for your insight Simon. Now who else is hungry? Milo can cook the best food, and I know a few magic tricks to pass the time!”
“Oh!” Simon beamed, “My mommy and daddy love magic!”
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