#ask me about any ships rlly i probs have a prompt idea for them in my ‘to write fanfics’ folder on my laptop lmao
hello-yue-here · 3 years
Tell us about the original plan Liv!
before we begin some little tw for those who may need them: cancer mention; death mention; surgery mention nothing too bad or graphic! i wouldnt do that to u friends
okie dokie so
its 21 chapters right?
i had it set up in three ‘arcs’ and the arcs are stil staying
the first was the hahn arc (7 chaps)
up next was the jet arc (7 chaps)
followed by the finale arc (7 chaps)
the arcs are still staying and theyre still in that order
but the jet arc is the one that is drastically changing as is the finale arc
you see initially i was gonna have jet be somewhat of an antagonist mainly towards sokka. not in the same way as hahn but the whole point of this arc was for zuko to be like sokka ur my friend and so is jet so can u both like,,,, not try to put nair in eachothers shampoo?? like its petty they just dont get along they dont vibe
but then i wrote the jinjet date and all of that went out the window but i had NO CLUE what to replace it with.
but then i was hit with inspiration during a massage i had today (broskis it was so nice) and now im scrapping all of that and rewriting my entire outline
im gonna keep some things but other things are getting cut completely
heres whats getting cut:
-jet calling out sokka for having a fiance (because he didnt realize yue had passed)
-sokka calling jet out for being a scumbag who was using jin for fame (this initially was gonna be jets purpose)
-zuko siding w sokka after calling jet out and zuko trying to throw zuko under the bus by bringing up iroh again
-this doesnt rlly have amything to do with the whole jet just wanting to be famous plotline but the yue plotline. i havent revealed how yue passed away yet but thats gonna be a BIG thing so here are all of the rejected ideas:
-break in gone wrong
-randomly in her sleep
-surgery gone wrong
-i also had a few plans for toph that i am now scrapping in favor of new plans for her such as:
-bringing lin to work during the hahn and sokka brawl because she was home when that happened (i mentioned in the fic that she has a kid already and i wanted her to apoear here but now youll just have to find out if baby lin is gonna appear or not hehe ((jk she def will at some point)))
-when i was first planning this fic out way before i even started writing it i initially wanted toph and jin to be endgame but i decided against that once i first started writing and instead chose to go with aro toph because i thought that was more fitting (and yes there will be more aro toph content other tham the convo she had with jin in i think chapter 4 or 5!)
-i was also wanting to include kiyi in this fic and then i realized nah then id have to include ursa and ikem and i was like you already have too many characters liv you dont need kiyi here even tho zuko interacting with a child would be freaking ADORABLE as hell
so yeah thats everything that WONT be happening in the fic now lmao. i rlly liked these ideas tho! but i decided that what i changed my mind to and what i thought of this morning are much much much better and make more sense for the fic andnim super excited and ots gonna be rlly good and im gonna start on the next chapter on sunday once i get home from vacay because yeah this is gonna be great!!!
also i love jet and i loved jet when i planned this even tho i had him as somewhat of an antagonist (not rlly. he only rlly wouldve antagonized sokka) so even if i did wanna go with that i wouldnt have made jet a hige villain because i love him too much for that. jet 4eva
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