#and whenever i get these bouts of inspiration i feel so grateful for everyone here whos helped me with that
micharie10 · 2 years
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HI Mahal ko 💙♎♐💚
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY 5th Monthsary to us Mahal ko 💙♎♐💚
I seriously always have many things to say to you, never get enough time to tell you everything. I hope you’re reading this with ease. Ahaha 🤣. Sorry, I couldn’t do much. I hope everything that I could do now make you happy to be with me mahal ko 😍
Actually I knew our friendship would grow right from the very first day we spoke 🤣 syempre na love at first sight na eh yieeee ganda naman gurl . But, neither one of us could begin to imagine the love we both feel 💙💚, not exploding or thundering into our hearts, but just slowly growing into a beautiful relationship that only you and I can understand. You are my soul mate, my best friend, my inspiration, and my love, Mariejo Queben 💙💚 Having your love has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don’t care what others say about you and me. All I know is that I love you, and that will never change. Whenever I’m not with you eh kahit simula palang malayo na tayo sa isat isa 🥺🥺
I feel restless and incomplete. I need you more than ever. You dominate my senses. You have captured my soul. I want you Mahal ko 💙💙💚💚 I need you in my life. I will always, always be there for you.😍😍 You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much that I can’t imagine. 😍😍🥰😘 you are the smile in my face, you are the thoughts in my mind and my dream every night, you will never be anyone but you will always be my only one baby Dragon 🤣🤣HaAhah. I will love you no matter what ’til the end of time.
I don’t usually feel the miles between us, but for some reason, tonight I do. I miss you, with every fiber of my being. It’s not often that we find ourselves with so much time in between conversations. And as we knew from the beginning, life was going to interfere sometimes. But that’s when I remember just how blessed we truly are for the time that we do spend together. It makes it all the more special, and I can only be grateful. Thank you for always be there by my side, thank you for everything Mahal ko 😍🥰😘
And one more thing, please take care of your health mahal ko , be careful when you’re walking lalo na sa school nyo and I still cant stop thinking bout what happen gusto ko talaga manapak that time eh and I don’t mind if you eat late lalo na sa lunch because everyone does, so do I. I like girl who eat well because I’m literally eat everything di ako maarte eh bleeeeeeh 😝😝hahah. If you have problem, worst day, good day, or need a shoulder to lean on, I’m here for you. Please know that I’ll always be there for you mahal ko 🥰🥰
Just know Mahal ko💙💙 that I love you💙. Yesterday💙, right this second💙, tomorrow💙, and all the days of my life💙. I will always be yours 💙💙 no matter what the world turns out to be. My heart will always yearning for your love💙 and care forever.💙 I love you always.
💙 I💙 LOVE💙 YOU💙 SO💙 MUCH💙 MAHAL💙 KO💙 Your soulmate, Mahal ko 💙♎♐💙
#Micharie <10
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tallmantall · 5 months
James Donaldson on Mental Health - 4 Smart, Effective Ways to Protect Yourself from Negativity
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Negativity affects your life on every level. It has the power to ruin relationships, decrease work performance, and increase stress levels. The good news is that you can fight it by changing your mindset. Not sure where to start? Check out these smart, effective ways to protect yourself from negativity: Don't Take It Personally Most people act in a certain way based on their previous experiences and current circumstances. Perhaps someone took credit for your colleague’s work in the past, so now he doesn’t trust his team anymore. That doesn’t mean he has something against you. He simply doesn't trust people in general. Stop taking things personally. If someone is misjudging you, prove to them that they are wrong. Be kind and authentic rather than stressing over it. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleFind out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundationwebsite www.yourgiftoflife.org Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy Link for 40 Habits Signupbit.ly/40HabitsofMentalHealth If you'd like to follow and receive my daily blog in to your inbox, just click on it with Follow It. Here's the link https://follow.it/james-donaldson-s-standing-above-the-crowd-s-blog-a-view-from-above-on-things-that-make-the-world-go-round?action=followPub www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com Set Boundaries No matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to please everyone. On the contrary - people will always come up with new demands and take advantage of your kindness. That can undermine your self-esteem and keep you from focusing on your priorities. Learn to say No and set clear boundaries. If someone reacts negatively or tries to hurt you, move on. That person isn’t worth your time or attention. A true friend will understand that you have other things to do and that you're not available around the clock. Adopt a Positive Mindset Be grateful for what you have and then seek ways to achieve more. Start a gratitude journal and write a few things every day. That will reinforce positive thinking patterns and reduce negativity. Your positive attitude will also inspire others and strengthen your relationships. The more you focus on the good in your life, the more opportunities will arise. Find Solutions, Not Problems Most people tend to focus on the problems they are facing instead of actively seeking solutions. That results in feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction. Whenever you have a problem, take the steps needed to solve it. The longer you wait, the more obstacles you'll face along the way. Stay away from people who make a drama out of everything. They're only wasting your time and energy. Their negativity will affect you sooner or later. Surround yourself with positivity. Build relationships with people who encourage and support you. Remember that people don’t care that much about what you say or do. Focus on whatever makes you happy and stop feeding the negativity around you. Once you take these steps, you'll be happier and see new opportunities that you'd otherwise have missed. Read the full article
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
Tell us about the original plan Liv!
before we begin some little tw for those who may need them: cancer mention; death mention; surgery mention nothing too bad or graphic! i wouldnt do that to u friends
okie dokie so
its 21 chapters right?
i had it set up in three ‘arcs’ and the arcs are stil staying
the first was the hahn arc (7 chaps)
up next was the jet arc (7 chaps)
followed by the finale arc (7 chaps)
the arcs are still staying and theyre still in that order
but the jet arc is the one that is drastically changing as is the finale arc
you see initially i was gonna have jet be somewhat of an antagonist mainly towards sokka. not in the same way as hahn but the whole point of this arc was for zuko to be like sokka ur my friend and so is jet so can u both like,,,, not try to put nair in eachothers shampoo?? like its petty they just dont get along they dont vibe
but then i wrote the jinjet date and all of that went out the window but i had NO CLUE what to replace it with.
but then i was hit with inspiration during a massage i had today (broskis it was so nice) and now im scrapping all of that and rewriting my entire outline
im gonna keep some things but other things are getting cut completely
heres whats getting cut:
-jet calling out sokka for having a fiance (because he didnt realize yue had passed)
-sokka calling jet out for being a scumbag who was using jin for fame (this initially was gonna be jets purpose)
-zuko siding w sokka after calling jet out and zuko trying to throw zuko under the bus by bringing up iroh again
-this doesnt rlly have amything to do with the whole jet just wanting to be famous plotline but the yue plotline. i havent revealed how yue passed away yet but thats gonna be a BIG thing so here are all of the rejected ideas:
-break in gone wrong
-randomly in her sleep
-surgery gone wrong
-i also had a few plans for toph that i am now scrapping in favor of new plans for her such as:
-bringing lin to work during the hahn and sokka brawl because she was home when that happened (i mentioned in the fic that she has a kid already and i wanted her to apoear here but now youll just have to find out if baby lin is gonna appear or not hehe ((jk she def will at some point)))
-when i was first planning this fic out way before i even started writing it i initially wanted toph and jin to be endgame but i decided against that once i first started writing and instead chose to go with aro toph because i thought that was more fitting (and yes there will be more aro toph content other tham the convo she had with jin in i think chapter 4 or 5!)
-i was also wanting to include kiyi in this fic and then i realized nah then id have to include ursa and ikem and i was like you already have too many characters liv you dont need kiyi here even tho zuko interacting with a child would be freaking ADORABLE as hell
so yeah thats everything that WONT be happening in the fic now lmao. i rlly liked these ideas tho! but i decided that what i changed my mind to and what i thought of this morning are much much much better and make more sense for the fic andnim super excited and ots gonna be rlly good and im gonna start on the next chapter on sunday once i get home from vacay because yeah this is gonna be great!!!
also i love jet and i loved jet when i planned this even tho i had him as somewhat of an antagonist (not rlly. he only rlly wouldve antagonized sokka) so even if i did wanna go with that i wouldnt have made jet a hige villain because i love him too much for that. jet 4eva
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starrybbarnes · 4 years
brewing romance | [b.b]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: bucky sucks at flirting, and Steve is trying to give pointers on how to hang out with you. and idea brews, quite literally, and bucky takes the chance
Word Count: 3.1k+ (it’s long as hell)
Author’s note: this has been in a draft for so long. but inspiration struck, and i was able to finish it. this one story is inspired by the song love potion no 9, so you’ll see some allusions to it. of course, i hope you guys enjoy the story, and please leave any feedback ! 
Warnings: lots of hollering, steve making a fool of himself, sam making a fool of himself. you’ll see. 
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“Man, you gotta stop staring, your drool is gonna ruin the table!”
“Your face is ruining the table.”
“Just ask the girl already, Buck, you aren’t helping anyone here.”
Steve had a point. Ever since you joined the team, Bucky was left in awe. By your looks, your generosity, your compassion. He was absolutely in love with you. 
But Bucky has made several attempts to capture your attention. And every time he does, he either freezes or there’s an externality that throws him off. 
Whether it be untied shoelaces, a criminal on the loose, or Peter begging you to be his karaoke buddy, something was always in Bucky’s way. 
And if he did get a chance to capture your attention, he would always freeze. Everyone thought T’Challa was bad when it came to freezing up, but Bucky easily beats him 3 times over. 
“I can’t, Steve,” Bucky sighed, setting his mug on the kitchen island, “I just don’t have that charm anymore.” 
“What are you talking about, you always find a way to charm those waitresses or receptionists whenever we go out,” Steve interjected. 
“Yeah, well, that’s because I don’t know them,” Bucky explained, “I don’t really put myself on the line with those dames.” 
Steve hummed in response. He wanted to help out his buddy, and he knows how much Bucky cares for you. 
“I know this might sound crazy man, but I think you should get a potion to make you suaver,” Steve suggested. 
“What are you even talking about,” Bucky responded.
“You know, those love potions like in the old days!” Steve explained, “we’ll just grab a recipe from online and brew something up.”
“This is probably one of the dumbest ideas you’ve ever concocted,” Bucky jokes, earning a snort from Steve, “but I’m open to the idea.”
“You guys really have no perception of potions, do you?” 
Suddenly, Wanda walked into the kitchen, eyebrows raised and with a slightly amused look. 
“And what would you know about love, Wanda?” Steve inquired.
“... you do realize who you’re talking to.” Wanda said with certainty, “I may not know about love, but I do know someone who can manifest charm.” 
Steve and Bucky looked at each other, and then back at Wanda. It is an offer that no one can give up, and if it happens to be true, then the Winter Soldier might be in luck. 
“Who is this ‘person of manifestation,’ and how can we trust them?” Bucky asked with concern.
“Lucky for you, this ‘person’ happens to be my great cousin, Phoebe!” Wanda exclaimed, “she’s an absolute whiz at this stuff.”
Bucky sighed, “I don’t know, Wanda, is it really the real deal?” 
“Trust me, Buck, she has the experience and is trusted by all her clients,” Wanda reassured.
“Where is it located anyway?” Steve chimed in, “do we have to go halfway around the world to book an appointment with her?
Wanda chuckled, “Nope, but we do have to go to Lower Manhattan.”
The trio stood in front of a brick building with grey columns as a facade, and it looked quaint. Bucky was at an unease at the building’s exterior, a sign with The Cauldron in bold black letters being the only things decorating the outside.
“I think this is a mistake,” Bucky spoke up as he turned on his heel to get back into the car.
“Oh no you don’t,” Wanda replied, grabbing Bucky by the forearm and dragging him to the entrance.
“You sure we’re at the right place, Wanda”  Steve asked, “‘cause this place is lookin’ real suspicious if you asked me.”
“Relax, boys,” Wanda announced, “we’re in good hands.”
The door opened to a little bell chiming against the handle. From ceiling to floor, the place was filled with plants, books, and bottles coming in every color imaginable. 
In the center, there was an island table, with a sink and a couple of books splayed open. A soft scent of rose and jasmine permeated the building. A cat and a dog were napping besides in the far right corner, without a care in the world.
Bucky began getting cold feet at the thought of the potion. Would this really help win over your heart? Would he change at all if he went on with it? And more importantly, would Sam keep giving him shit for having a crush on you?
As more thoughts began to flood Bucky’s mind, a bright and chipper voice greeted the trio. A young woman, no taller than 5’5”, came out from the back, wearing some plaid pants and a denim jacket. The simplest outfit a witch could wear. 
From the look of Bucky’s face, Phoebe could tell he seemed confused. “Not your typical witch, eh?” 
“Those storybooks tell me otherwise,” Bucky jokes, earning laughs from everyone. He then introduced himself to Phoebe, who only would reciprocate in charm.
The trio sat on the big table, with Phoebe center stage. She brought out a handful of beakers and flasks and placed them on the table.
“So, how can I be of service?” 
“Well... “ Steve started, “a good old friend can’t seem to charm the ladies...” 
“Oh brother...” Wanda sighed. 
Phoebe tried suppressing a smile, “ah, someone’s got cold feet, I see?”
Bucky could not be more embarrassed. It’s hard to adjust when you’re a centurion. A centurion with a crush, more specifically. He had a huge crush on you and, well, he sucks at flirting. 
He explained his plight with Phoebe, and she intently listened. After assessing what Bucky said, Phoebe asked him to extend his palms out.
“What you need is love potion number nine,” Phoebe answered as she made magic signs against Bucky’s palms, “don’t worry, it’s very effective and not that hard to make.” 
Phoebe turned to face her cupboard and brought out a dark liquid and some herbs. As she opened the dark liquid, the room began to smell very strongly of floor cleaner, and Bucky looked terrified.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Bucky huffed, as Steve was dramatically coughing at the smell.
Phoebe grabs the liquid and pours some into the mini cauldron on the table. She then puts the rose, the rosemary, and some lemon into the vile concoction. Little spurts of gas rose from the cauldron, and Bucky swore he heard some cackling coming from it.
Phoebe once again waved her arms and made some hand motions, and a flash blinded the team momentarily. The gas subsided, and Phoebe took out a ladle from her drawers.
She pours the dark liquid into a small clear glass, and by the looks of it, it’s as dark as the night sky. She hands Bucky the glass, and tells him to quickly drink it. 
Bucky stares down the glass for what seemed like an eternity. “This stuff can wear off, right?”
Phoebe reassured him that he’ll be alright, “should anything go awry, I’m just a phone call away.” 
The concoction was taunting him, some grime started floating to the top of the glass, and almost started making a face at him. For love, you’ll do anything, Bucky thought to himself… right?
Steve sensed his friend’s concern, and offered to take a sip with him. Phoebe served him up a glass as well, and the boys looked at each other.
“How ‘bout it, Buck?” Steve encouraged, “To romance!”
Bucky sighed as he brought his glass up to Steve’s, “one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and here we go…” 
The two boys drank the elixir, and Wanda looked on with nervousness. Phoebe seemed like she was having a good time, and congratulated the boys for tag-teaming it. She offered them water to get rid of the aftertaste, and Bucky could not be more grateful.
“Now, for some, it’ll start working in about twenty minutes,” Phoebe started as she started putting the leftovers, save for one small bottle for the guys to take home. “Don’t freak out if it doesn’t start working right away, you’ll know when it’ll start.”
“If you guys really want a speedier reaction time, I’m giving you two extra doses: one for each other. But take heed: it’ll really hit with just once. Wands, I suggest just takin’ ‘em home right now, just to avoid any trouble.”
Wanda nodded approvingly, “boys: let’s go. Who knows what's in store.”
As the trio gets up to leave, Bucky is frantically trying to pull out his wallet, dumping out any cash that he has on hand. He has about 32 dollars and a punch card for his favorite burger place.
“There’s no need for that Buck,” Phoebe argued, giving his money back, “A friend of my cousin is always welcomed here! If you insist, put it in that jar over there where I collect tips for charities.”
Bucky smiled as the trio walked away, “Thanks, Phoebe! We’ll update you if anything happens.”
Phoebe waved back, “if you happen to get married to this young lady, please invite me to the wedding! I’ll take any credit where it’s due.”
And with that, Bucky and Steve roared with laughter as Wanda closed the door behind them.
The trip back to the tower was uneventful, as the only thing Bucky did was to stop and admire a candy shop that was by the tower. Other than that, no effects so far. 
The elevator opened to reveal the next of the team lounging around. Some were eating, others were chatting. Bucky’s eyes trailed over to you, where you were seated on the living room floor, writing stuff down on a notebook on the coffee table.
Before Bucky could walk towards you, Steve called out for Natasha. Natasha responds, asking what’s up. 
“I don’t know, just wanted to say you look nice today,” Steve said nonchalantly, then added, “by the way, great job on today’s presentation. Very solid work.”
“Alright old man, cough it up,” Nat countered, “what are you scheming this time around?”
Steve puts his arms up in defense, “I just want to compliment my friends on all their hard work that they’ve been doing. In fact, I’m going to go around the room and personally compliment everyone.” 
Bucky watches the scene unfold: one by one, Steve walks up to every Avenger and gives them two compliments, whether it be on looks or anything Steve deems “honorable.” When Steve walks up to you he exclaims: “Oh, y/n! What a wonderful young woman. You are so smart and intelligent, you’re gonna far, that I know of.”
You couldn’t stop laughing at this newfound side of Steve. He must’ve gotten back from a date, because it has been a while since he’s been this giddy. Everyone’s confused at what’s happening, but are appreciative of Steve’s kind words.
Once again, you and Bucky lock eyes and you start smiling. Bucky gave himself a little pep talk before he cooly walked towards you. Bucky leaves the little bottle of the love potion on the kitchen island and then proceeds to walk. 
You scooted over to make room for Bucky on the floor, and he brushed his hand against yours while he got himself situated. Intentional or not, but it did make your cheeks flare-up. 
“So what brings you over here?” you asked, as you continued to work on your notebook.
“Nothing really,” Bucky replied with all honesty, “I just wanted to see you working, it’s soothing, if I’m being frank.”
Bucky flashed a small smile and you reciprocated. “It’s nothing too crazy, Buck. But I’m glad you enjoy my company. In fact, I too also enjoy your company. How about that?
Bucky was really happy at how things were going between the two of you, that he outwardly forgot about the potion he drank. He didn’t feel any change, except for the fact that he wanted to hang out with you.  He just feels… a little bit more confident. 
An hour had passed, and in that time you and Bucky had resorted to playing tic-tac-toe, hangman, and even teach Bucky some calligraphy. This couldn’t be classified as a date, but Bucky is enjoying the moment anyway. You and Bucky had decided to move to the kitchen island, where you had made him a cup of tea. 
Then, in comes Sam bursting into the large room, with Steve slowly tagging behind. They must’ve gone to play basketball outside, as they were heaving and glistening with sweat. Sam was creating a loud ruckus, talking about how Steve cheated, and there should be a rematch.
Bucky started to zone out Sam’s blabbering and gave his attention to you. Right now, you were trying to draw Bucky, to no avail. It looked like a chunky stick figure with outlandish hair. Bucky complimented you on how the sketch should go to the Met, earning a laugh from you.
Suddenly, Sam eyes the glass bottle on the island. “Oh sweet! Beet juice: a nice refresher after working out.”
Bucky hummed in response, eyes glued on the paper that you had. It wasn’t until Sam made a loud aahh sound, and then proceeded to say, “that juice must've expired, ‘cause it smelled like floor cleaner.”
Steve and Bucky whipped their heads to each other, eyes wide in surprise. Oh no, Sam drank the concoction. You saw the look of concern on both the super-soldiers’ faces, and you’re trying to think of any possible outcome. 
Steve scrambles to Wanda, and tells her what happens. She shoots up from her seat and goes over to where you and Bucky are seated. She orders Steve to keep an eye on Sam while dialing Phoebe. 
“Is everything okay, Buck?” you asked with such innocence. You really don’t know what’s going on, and a part of you doesn’t want to know.
Bucky reassures you that everything is going to be okay… probably. Truthfully, he didn’t know, but he didn’t want to frighten you.
Steve comes running back into the kitchen and pants out, “it’s bad… he’s talking to all the ladies… couldn’t catch up… but Thor is after him…” 
Wanda yelled at Steve for leaving behind Sam, and then her attention went to the phone. It was Phoebe, and she was on speakerphone:
Wanda, you didn’t tell me that I was dealing with super-soldiers! I gave them both regular-sized doses, and that’s why they didn’t feel anything…. And you’re telling me Sam chugged the bottle?! Jesus, what are we gonna do. I’m on my way! I’m gonna be using magic to get there, so don’t get alarmed. And whatever you do: don’t leave Sam out of sight.
As Wanda and Phoebe kept raising their voices at each other through the phone, your head was spinning as to why there was mention of doses and potions. You turned to Bucky, who still looked mortified at the situation at hand. 
“Mind telling me what’s all the hubbub, James?” you proposed. 
“It was Steve’s idea!” Bucky retorted. It was time to come clean, and start the healing process, stat. “Steve told me I should do something about my crush on you. But I was too scared to initiate anything because you’re so pretty and amazing… And then Wanda’s cousin Phoebe gave us a love potion but it didn’t work on us. It did make Steve super complimentary to everyone, and I just got super nervous,  but that’s it. But it did work on Sam.”
You blinked at what Bucky just said. It was… a lot. You didn’t know where to start when it came to this newfound news. Then you started to laugh.
“Oh, James,” you sighed, earning another blush from Bucky, “I’m glad you tried to take some type of initiative to talk to me, but I didn’t know you had a little pick-me-up. But since you said it didn’t work on you and hardly on Steve… then how did you muster up the courage to talk to me?”
You got Bucky there. He was stumped, and started pondering. “I guess by my own accord? If a potion wasn’t gonna work, then I guess it was time for me to make a move. Hopefully, it worked?”
Your smile towards Bucky says it all. You nodded and then went up to his cheek and planted a kiss. “Next time, just strike up a conversation, Buck. I mean, look at what we accomplished today.”
Bucky nodded in agreement, and as soon as he was going to go in for another kiss, Wanda burst in.
“You gotta come check this out, quick!” 
Sure enough, you and Bucky raced to the lobby, and basked in the sight in front of them. 
There was Sam, chatting up every girl he sees. He was kissing everything in sight and was endlessly flirting. Sam made eye contact with you and quickly ran up to you and planted the wettest kiss you’ve had in a very long time. “When you’re no longer busy with Tin Man tonight, give me a call, sugar.”
You couldn’t stop cracking up at Sam’s antics. The whole team was stunned at what Sam was doing, all while Phoebe was trying to cast a spell to stop the chaos. Phoebe was fast, but Sam drunk on a love potion was much, much faster.
“Guess I saved myself on that one, eh Doll,” Bucky offered, earning a snicker out of you.
“You may be right, but I would’ve given you a big wet kiss if you asked,” you responded while cackling. Bucky joined in the laughter, happy that he was still able to have that spark with his girl, potion or not. 
As you leaned closer to Bucky, you saw Sam run up to a cop outside the building and saw him give him a full kiss on the lips. The cop got enraged and called his other buddy and started handcuffing Sam. At that moment, Phoebe used a spell to wear off the potion, and sure enough, Sam slowly started to calm down.
At his new state, Sam’s eyes widen. “Steve! Barnes! What the hell did you do to me! What the fuck was in that beet juice!”
Bucky cackled, “oh you know, a love potion. Nothing too crazy.”
Sam started shouting obscenities at the boys, while he was being escorted back up the tower, presumably now under house arrest.
“When I get outta house arrest, I’m  gonna put that potion where your mouth is!” 
“Have fun with that, lover boy!” Bucky called out, as you couldn’t control your laughter. “Now, where were we?”
“Staring into each other’s eyes, I assume,” you answered, as Bucky grabbed a hold of your hand.
Bucky smiled at your response, “that sounds like a wonderful activity to resume, y/n. Ah, but don’t worry, there is no potion in my system anymore.”
“I hope so,” you warned, “otherwise you’re gonna get an earful again.”
You and Bucky shared a laugh, the first of many while observing Sam’s chaotic energy.
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bellesque · 4 years
One Kiss (Tom Hiddleston x Reader)
Also available on my AO3.
Rating: G Word Count: 2.5K Tags: Fluff, Best Friends to Lovers, you’re angey and tom calms you down Summary: Whenever one of you is upset, you and your best friend Tom head to your favorite ice cream parlor to vent and eat your feelings. Usually you feel better afterwards. For some reason, this time, a cone of your favorite flavor and a rant doesn't quite do the trick.
A/N:  Hey y'all. Life's been keeping me busy, but I'm back with another Tom oneshot! This was inspired by a conversation I had with a friend about being calmed down by someone she likes. I hope you enjoy!
You grind your teeth, feeling the muscle in your jaw twitch as you stalk away. You knew not to engage, not to start fights with people unless you knew you could finish them, but this time they had crossed a line. The safest and smartest course of action for you right now is to literally walk away from it before you do something you regret.
You’re not sure where you’re going exactly. All you know is that you need to get away from Point A and get to Point B, wherever the hell that is.
Rounding the corner to get to your car, you huff at the memory of the things that were said about you. Of the things that were said to you. It all sends a fresh bout of roiling anger to pulse through your veins.
The car door swings open way too wide and you get into the driver’s seat, slamming the door with more force than necessary. You exhale, your eyes scanning your reflection through the rearview mirror. Your cheeks are flushed, your eyes filled with cold rage, your mouth is pressed into a hard line. It’s only now you realize that you’re actually shaking—and then, without warning, you feel hot tears well up in your eyes.
Angrily you swat at your face, your eyebrows scrunching together in frustration. Damn it, why do you have to be an angry crier?
Taking a few shuddering breaths you manage to get your emotions under control, although the frustration still lingers like a gentle nudging.
You can’t stay like this forever. It’s in your nature to feel things and then let it pass, but it isn’t completely out of your system yet; you need to vent.
You try calling your closest friends (all 3 of them), only they’re all busy. It’s fine. You don’t hold it against them, knowing everyone has their own life to live. Only it bothers you a little to think that some of them simply brushed you off and changed the direction of the conversation.
Which leads you here, in the parking lot of your favorite ice cream place. You came here in the hopes of cooling off by buying yourself your go-to ice cream, except you’re short on cash. Which means no ice cream for you, and your irritation levels are still pretty high.
The interior of the car begins to feel suffocating as your mind stews in dark thoughts. You climb out and lean against your car, observing the vehicles passing by on the highway that stretches before you with your arms crossed and your expression sullen.
And then someone calls out your name tentatively.
“I didn’t order anything,” is somehow the answer that spills from your lips, and you don’t bother turning around to check if the person has left or not.
He comes into your peripheral vision, but you don’t look at him until he says, “I knew it was you!”
“Oh. Tom. Hi.” You hastily shuffle your features into a polite smile, an alien action considering you want to be doing anything but that. You’re still a little (considerably) mad.
Tom is an acquaintance to you, a friend of a friend who you met at a small social dinner. You haven’t communicated with him since you were introduced all those months ago. You’re surprised he even took the time out to say hello to you today, seeing as you’ve barely had any interaction with him. He could have easily just went about his day without sparing a second glance at you.
He shifts on his feet, hesitating, before he pulls you in for a half hug. As all awkward encounters go, you’re not sure what to do. You can sense him wondering if his hug of greeting is crossing any line so you make it a point to pat him on the shoulder, letting him know that it’s not a big deal. You’re even rather touched at the action; Tom has always been the portrait of a perfect gentleman, and though you barely know him, you know the kindness and concern he has for others is genuine. The man’s hugging you, all warm and amiable, for goodness sake.
“It’s nice to see you,” you say when you pull away.
Tom smiles, his chin dipping minutely in acknowledgment. “And you too. Did I hear you correctly earlier, did you really not get any ice cream?”
“Oh, uh…” You let out a sheepish laugh. “It’s… fine. It’s nothing. I just…” You look around the parking lot. “Like coming here for no reason…? Ha, no, actually I, uh, needed to let off some steam.” Your babble makes you cringe. Maybe it would have been better if Tom hadn’t stopped to be polite. It would have saved you from wanting the earth to swallow you whole right now.
There’s a subtle shift in the expression Tom wears as he studies you, so slight that you could miss it entirely—only he stands close enough for you to notice the concern in his eyes and the knitting of his brows.
“I’m so sorry, I had no idea,” he says, and the sincerity in his tone almost kills you. “I should have seen that you wanted to be left alone. I hope things turn out alright.” He lays a comforting squeeze on your shoulder. “It was nice meeting you again. Hopefully I can see you another time under better circumstances.”
And before he can take three steps away from you, you call out to him. “Wait.”
You catch up to him and take a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I was being rude. I actually wouldn’t mind the company?” Your statement comes out like a question: a silent invitation for him to stay with you.
It’s ridiculous, you think at the back of your mind. An overstep, considering you just brushed him off earlier and he likely has other plans. But the way Tom simply beams at you, offering to pay for your ice cream (“You wouldn’t come here to just sit in the parking lot. My treat”) abates your aggravation by the smallest degree. You need a friend. He may not be the one you anticipated, but you’re grateful all the same.
He asks about your day and you find yourself pouring out your frustrations, being vague at the beginning until you’re telling him every little thing that’s happened today that went wrong. And he listens with patient understanding, his attention solely focused on you as he sympathizes and empathizes in all the right moments. It’s cathartic, the way you’re able to release everything through words, and Tom doesn’t interrupt you whatsoever. By the end of it, with your stomach full and your heart light, you realize that the afternoon with him was spent fixated on your woe-is-me ranting.
“You don’t deserve that,” you tell him afterwards. “I’m sorry for dumping all that on you. But I’m also really grateful, so, thank you.”
“Don’t apologize. I know what it’s like to need to let things out.” He gives you a genuine smile as you rise to your feet. “I presume now we’ll be keeping in touch?”
“Not just about this situation, I promise,” you grin. “But really—thank you. You really calmed me down.”
“Always happy to help,” he replies, his kind eyes crinkling, and you hug briefly—this time not awkward at all—before parting ways.
Over the next few weeks, you keep in correspondence with Tom. You learn about his work and he talks about his day and vice versa. You talk about your favorite movies, your favorite books, analyzing and exchanging theories. What once was mere acquaintanceship has blossomed into friendship, and you know it isn’t one-sided when Tom calls you, his voice nettled, and you immediately suggest to meet up at the ice cream parlor.
“But I mean,” you add, in fear of… something, you’re not quite sure, “only if you want to.”
“I’ll see you in twenty minutes.”
And so it begins. The ice cream parlor becomes your unspoken sanctuary for when times get tough and one of you needs to get something off their chest. It’s a good friendship, you think, the fact that you’re there for each other in the hard times as well as in the best and goofy times.
You’re happy and content to have someone like Tom in your life. A constant, nonjudgmental, and low-maintenance friend. He isn’t there for just the times you need to vent, no, your friendship has turned out to be something wholesome. You find yourself seeking him out when you have something you want to share, be it something good or something bad, and almost always your mood lifts when you’re with him.
Which is exactly what you need right now.
It’s been a pretty bad day altogether: from the moment you woke up this morning it seemed as though everything was going downhill. You want to have a good cry, to scream and yell. So much has been building up inside you that you’re tired of fighting and you really just need your best friend.
Wow, he really has become your best friend.
It’s the middle of the night and you’re waiting in the ice cream parlor parking lot, a ball of angry energy. You’re pacing—something you don’t do very often—just to calm down a little.
It doesn’t help.
Tom arrives shortly, but he doesn’t acknowledge you. Good, because he knows you need this time to stew a little. Instead he makes a beeline for the ice cream shop’s interior, and he comes out with two cones in each hand. He hands one to you wordlessly.
“Go,” he says, and at the single encouragement you launch into a long-winded detailing of your day. You’re grateful that the shop’s not particularly busy today—your voice is taking on a pretty loud volume in the parking lot, rushed and strained and emotional. You expect to feel the calmness wash over you as soon as you’re finished with your story and your ice cream.
Only you’re still mad.
“Tom. Tom, I’m still mad,” you say, the urgency in your tone almost comical.
He’s thoughtful and quiet, sitting on the hood of your car. “Well, love, sometimes—”
“I don’t really need a speech right now,” you snap. Shit, this is bad. You’ve never once taken out your frustrations on Tom, but that’s also because usually some ice cream and yelling does the trick for you. You’re in foreign territory, and you don’t like it. “I’m sorry, I’m just super stressed.”
“I can see that,” he comments, his blue eyes fixed on you as you begin to pace again.
“It’s just—” You catch yourself before you can rehash everything you just told him. You round on him. “Tom, calm me down. Don’t talk me down, just…”
He rises to his feet, and you continue pacing. “Fuck, why am I so mad?” you hiss, mostly to yourself.
“What do you want me to do?”
“I don’t know!” You stop, raising your hands up in annoyance. “Distract me, anything to get my mind off it. You should be good at that, you’re supposed to be my best friend.” It’s not his fault you’re still nettled, of course it isn’t. You know that. But your emotions are getting the better of you, and everything is starting to spiral. You’re sure Tom is going to be upset with you after this. He doesn’t deserve this version of you. And so you begin to berate yourself, your anger now directed at you and your stupid tendency to—
Tom grabs you by the shoulders and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
All the fight from your body seems to dissipate at that very moment, and you stare up at him, dumbfounded. A warmth begins to spread across your body, and it’s not from the previous frustration you were feeling. Your best friend, Tom Hiddleston, he—
You blink. “Did you just—”
“Did it work?” he asks, his voice just barely above a whisper. His gaze is soft, tentative, scanning every inch of your face for any sign of emotion. You open your mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. Dumbstruck, that’s what you are. You didn’t think something as simple as a forehead kiss would render such an effect on you. “Did it take your mind off things?”
“Y-you caught me off-guard,” you answer, suddenly unable to meet his eyes.
“Then I guess it did.”
Your cheeks are warm. Damn it, you never expected to be quieted in such a way. But he’s right—you’re no longer upset, but now all you can think about and obsess over is the way his lips gentled the roaring tigress in you.
You look back on all the times you spent together: how he’s been there for you, and you for him. Silly moments and silly photos. The fuzzy feelings you tried to quell whenever they’d come up. But now they’re here, at the fore of your consciousness, and you fidget.
What are the odds…?
“I’m still a little upset, though,” you say, your voice a little shaky as you take one step closer towards him. You’ve never felt this bold, your heart slamming against your ribcage. Looking up at him, seeing the wonder and longing in his eyes, you think—shit, you hope you’re not wrong—that you both are feeling the exact same way.
His arms settle around your shoulders. Safe, tentative, unsure. “Oh?” He brushes a lock of hair away from your face. Platonic? Could be, to some outsiders. But it’s the way he’s looking at you that gives you the confirmation you need. Here, in this moment, you’re in your own little bubble, the air that was once thick with frustration now thick with tension.
“Yeah, just a little.”
“Do you need another distra—”
You plant your hands on his shoulders and tiptoe, bringing your face to his and kissing him full on the lips to silence him. His arms snake around your waist, delighting you, and your fingers find themselves entangled in his gorgeous curls. It’s not how you picture first kisses to go, but it’s somehow exactly how you pictured kissing Tom would be like. Soft. Sweet. Like coming home.
You pull away, slightly breathless, and Tom rests his forehead against yours. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he mutters, his eyes closed.
“Hey now, I kissed you,” you tease, giggling. His eyes open, and his grip around your waist tightens.
“Well, we’ll have to fix that, won’t we?” And he pulls you in for another kiss, just as sweet as the first. You think you will never get enough of this, if this is going to be your new life together. You didn’t realize how many romantic feelings you’ve suppressed, but now that they’re finally out in the open it only feels right. To be here, in his arms, in the parking lot of your favorite ice cream place.
You gently place your hands on his chest and your lips part. “I don’t think the staff would appreciate a makeout session out here,” you grin.
Tom’s hand finds yours, and he brushes his thumb over your knuckles before bringing them to his lips for a kiss. “You’re right. Another round of ice cream?”
“I’m in.”
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neocityfics · 4 years
2096: Zodiac
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Chapter: Intro < ❝  Prologue ❞  > Chapter One
➥ Chapter List
Genre: Cyberpunk inspired, mafia-esque, not-so dystopian, angst
Pairing: Doctor! Taeyong x Reader [Sprinkle of other pairings tbd]
Summary: 2094, the disaster happens. The richest become richer with their reddened backs turned, the people around you growing more and more tired, and a certain Dr. Lee plans to change it all. Lucas unknowingly pulls you into the frenzy, and you become part of this confusing and painful process. You catch yourself floating between the conflict of twelve gangs and a world where circuits begin replacing flesh.
Warnings: Moderate cursing, death, heavy events similar to real world situations
A/N: Throughout the writing, there’ll be links (indicated by ▶ Ambience) for a more immersive experience. These are YouTube links, so it may be difficult to switch between YouTube and Tumblr (especially for those unable to have video pop-outs on mobile), so please keep this in mind. I’m also working on a Spotify playlist. I really hope you enjoy my first published piece!
▶ Ambience
The sea of neon purples, pinks, and blues drowned out whatever background activity filled the hustling life of the city. Light harshly touches the exterior of small shops endlessly lining the streets. Though full of living people, it always seemed a bit lonely. Everyone for themselves as it had been before the disaster happened, before life became even harder and resources scarce. Half the world is gone, but for whatever reason, humans continue to persevere. This strength is a unique feat, but it comes with consequences. With the remaining 3 billion people left on Earth, only the Eurasian continent remains the only habitable land thus forcing people to squeeze in tightly. It’s like this everywhere-- tiny housing, famines, and the overgrowing hunger to hold power and wealth much as we did before. The rich stay rich, the poor stay poor.
Life’s tough in Neostone. With hundreds of thousands of people and little food, restaurants struggle to keep open with enough to sell. Fresh water sources and land were replaced with tall housing structures and corporate buildings. Most have to work two or more jobs. Education is non-existent and relies on parents teaching kids different skills through child labor. Further industrialization in the little space the planet has left led to bouts of acid rain from overworked factories. The world’s leaders morph into the same guise: ties stained with blood, suits the product of cheap labor showed off status, and their white-gloved hands tightly gripped heavy silver suitcases. Corruption still plagues the broken systems that hang over society, sustained from before the disaster happened. It seems like we’ll never learn.
Sure, it’s difficult to get by day to day without much, yet the communities outside the wealthy rich businesses were tight-knit. Everyone knows each other’s names. People often trade food scraps for little luxuries to feel any ounce of happiness. Friends hang out near street food vendors where most people are, begging for any kind of calorie. While life in Neostone is tough, the citizens depend on each other for care, not anyone from above. 
I don’t think of it much-- how different life would be if the disaster didn’t happen, if the world had never been touched by so much chaos. I knew it’d be the same, that I’d end up still struggling to get from morning to morning. Even with the big drop in population, we live as sardines squished together under a layer of plastic that suffocates us. Nothing has changed. I lost everything.
Though the neons felt like home and they were all I’ve known for the past couple of years, I do remember who I was before this all went downhill. Fresh in college with a mind set on (major(s)/minor(s)), and although uncertain of the future, I was ready to break free from family and understand what it means to live a good life. Debt would hit me hard on my head but I was certain to find ways to pay it off without burdening others. Between jobs and school, I felt like there was a purpose for my movement, for my existence, to be a small gear of a clockwork world. For three years, I managed to get stuff done and become my own separate identity. I never felt more myself for the longest time. One more year to go, I said to myself as my third year comes to a close. But fourth year never came. It happened. The start of summer into my last year in college was the best time I’ve had in my life. During an internship in Japan, I’d gotten a handle of how it was in the real world as part of the workforce. A month into the most enjoyable moments of my life came the disaster.
▶ Ambience, Ambience
I watched the television screens throughout the subway, making my way to my 9am train when the static and distortions of color accompanied the shaking ground beneath me. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing as the news shifted to an emergency alert. All of a sudden, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, building collapses, and tsunamis were destroying the western hemisphere. The disaster was inexplicable, the most spontaneous event in the history of Earth. I hid in the nearest shelter in Tokyo as realization hit how horrifying everything was. Buildings toppling left and right, people being crushed beneath the debris, splatters of fresh red on the broken bits of glass and metal heaps. That was a day of absolute terror. Within twenty-four hours, half the world was gone. My heart sank as the disasters settled throughout the world, and the news focused on the western hemisphere where I had lived most of my life. That part of the world was gone. My family and college friends were gone. 
And I was left alone in Japan.
But the world didn’t change. The same evil corporate heads enforced the same evil policies and practices. The same tired faces dragged their tired bodies until no end just to, at the bare minimum, survive. No matter what form the world took, this was our fate until we went extinct. The only thing that changed perhaps was how many of us were kept in that system, and that the system favoring the wealthy became stronger. So the cycle continues.
▶ Ambience
With the scraps of money I had left on my name and picking up little jobs, I was able to get into a micro apartment. The government was eager to take advantage of the situation and make just enough housing to keep people happy and off the streets, but also enough to ensure some people couldn’t get out of the vicious system so labor was cheap. My space is dingy at best and quite small, but it’s all the comfort I have. Not a day passes where I’m not grateful for a private place to sleep, do business, and let myself feel at ease. Others aren’t so lucky, sleeping behind their food and merchandise stalls or in the nooks and crannies of back alleys. Weeks passed into months where my body ached from overwork, the same for the people I’ve been surrounded with and worked alongside. It’s only been two years since everyone had to rebuild what’s been lost, but it looked only slightly different in Neostone where Tokyo had once been. Only the mega cities were somewhat unscathed by the disaster, and businesses collectively chipped in to remodel them. Rural and suburban areas were either flooded or full of toxic waste.
People from all races and backgrounds who survived into the aftermath of the disaster poured into the cities. I was kindly taken into the dangerous but welcoming community of downtown Neostone, where cooking and selling food in addition to helping at clinic became my new life. At the clinic, I met someone I familiarized myself with to be comfortable and close enough. Having someone around lifted up my motivation. Going by Lucas, a name he adopted to fit in with the rest of downtown Neostone, he worked assiduously the same shifts as me at Pearl Park Clinic. Besides weekends, Lucas and I leave for work together as he lives just a few rooms down in the complex. While working at the clinic down on East Row, he comes to visit for a bite at the street food stall that keeps me busy half the week. Throughout getting to know him within two years, he revealed he also lost family he was close with-- a younger brother and sister who by the sound of his stories were needy brats that he loved so much. It hurts to know they’re gone like my friends are. I was glad I could relate to him and also be someone to lean on. On a roller-coaster of life’s tests, Lucas and I know we have each other’s back.
▶ Ambience
Today was like most days, another Friday morning. The green flash of LED at 7:00am with a loud beeping, a quick splash of cold water against my face, clean clothes, and a quick bite of fruit. The same mindless routine guides me out of the door of the room and down the hall. From my room, 716, to Lucas’s room, 718, was only a few meters away thanks to the tiny size of rooms. I knock once, twice, then thrice, but no reply. Strange. I’m used to Lucas whipping the door wide open at the slightest sound of my footsteps to poke his head out and greet me loudly. Should I knock again? Call him? My hand gravitated towards the doorknob, uncertain if we’re on the kind of terms where I can barge in whenever. “Lucas,” I decide to start softly, “I’m here now, we can leave for the clinic.” No reply. Maybe I’ll text him. Unlocking my phone, a smile cracked on my face as a photo of Lucas and I hanging out with some other friends posed in front of our favorite ice cream shop flashed across the screen. No red numbered badge on the messaging app. Today feels a little bit unusual. Typically, he texts when he needs help or won’t be at work. Inhaling in, I choose to try the knob in which a turn and a push of the door unveils the dark, musky room. A room with no Lucas. Noticing the tension in my face and shoulders, I relax them and try not to think of anything bad that could happen to him. Maybe he needed to stop somewhere before going to work. Maybe he’s just out to get groceries and whatnot. Maybe he’s just busy doing something else. I trust he’ll get back to me soon, but the weird pit in my stomach bugged my thoughts.
Down the long winding halls, unlocking my phone seemed all I could do, the worry taking over. My pace quickened. It’s 8:00am, the clinic starts up at 9:00am. It’s a long walk through a rather sketchy part of downtown, but it's one I’ve mastered throughout the couple of years and certainly made friends in. Reaching the staircase, my breath was noticeably shallower. This was always the worst part. It took much time and energy just to get to the first floor. Upon stepping into the lobby, I swiftly pick up an umbrella from the community box set near the entrance and begin my path out. The clerk at the counter peaks over his rather raunchy motorcycle magazine, riddled with messy yellow text, and he subtly waves at me. I send the gesture back, taking my leave from the complex. Rain besets Neostone often, the overcast weather permitting low fog and grey clouds to lurk the bubble that is downtown. Chatter and noise blend together from all sides with the rushing waters eagerly greeting storm drains and early risers setting up their stores. In comparison to the staircase, the lengthy walk to the clinic is always a breeze, and it helps calm the nerves as I ready myself for a busier pace of day. Every five minutes, I unlocked my phone again to see if Lucas had contacted me. Still no sign of him.
▶ Ambience
After what seems like the longest walk of my life, some staff of the community medical clinic greet me and provide a list of my duties right away. 9:00am right on the dot. I take in what needs to get done, reading off the slightly crumpled paper between my fingers. Towel laundry… Disinfect beds in the North Wing… Prepare a warm epsom salt bath for patients in the East Wing… Always busy on Fridays when the work week is over and people live out their less-than-safe life decisions. Less work, more injuries, and more patients. A voice sharply interrupts, “Hey! Where’s Lucas? You two always arrive here together.” My heart sank. So he isn’t at work. Where could that man possibly be?
Tension grows but a sigh leaves my chest as I formulate some sort of response to the nurse, “He might be sick, I’m not sure where he went. Usually he tells me, but I’m sure he has his reasons.” The lady nodded and clicked her tongue as if irritated. A pause before I ask her, “Why, are we short-staffed today?” She gives a vexed nod again, taking her leave as another staff member urges her towards a patient. Stupid question. We always are understaffed. Located on the intersection of Bear Walk and Oak Lane as suspension railways weave between buildings, Pearl Park Medical Clinic threw itself into one of downtown’s busiest and most dangerous areas. Crimes being committed everyday that send people into the clinic, drunkards finding their way through the doors to spew anger uncalled for against the staff, and the homeless just asking for a pillow or blanket while they sleep outside as they’re reminded of the cold, hard pavement soaked with rain. Of course, we must treat everyone’s needs… and wants in some cases. Only a couple dozen of us work the two-floored piece of the tall establishment which also houses struggling law firms, compact grocery stores, beauty salons, and wireless carriers. This place is a mini mall, but not for the faint-of-heart mall goers. Murder, sabotage, and sickness run rampant. However, it’s the place Lucas and I call home. From Tuesday to Friday, from 9:00am to 8:00pm, my hands pruned from washing equipment and fabric constantly, legs moved to and from wing to wing to prepare stations, mind boggled by the surprising sights of Neostone’s everyday life. The dirty white walls, gowns, and noise make me feel rejuvenation each time I clock in for shifts. Home. A place of belonging. Everyone accepted me in, even as a seemingly insignificant part of the operation. For Lucas, he tells me so often as if I forget easily, it’s a dream come half true.
Lucas aspired to be a doctor. It was his lifelong desire to help others, fascinated by how many times the human body tested the limits and broke them, and how he could save someone’s life. That was his purpose. Unfortunately, he fell into the same boat as I did, not being able to finish college because of the disaster. As per hiring policy, Pearl Park requires employees to be degree holders in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, or any other related field. Lucas was studying biochemistry with a neuroscience minor. Beyond impressive were his grades by what Lucas boasts to me, though I can’t confirm since the disaster destroyed his documents. In his third year, he already started planning his senior capstone project with research on the nervous system of several types of animals. We bonded over doing labs, the silliest or most dreadful courses we sat through, and how the university dining food sucked and ripped us all off. But it was a waste. In this new society, formal higher education is not important. Some schooling still persists, but they’re limited to small, dusty, singular classrooms led by underpaid teachers. Families tend to force children into work as it’s deemed more beneficial in learning practical home economics rather than mathematical theories, ethics, physical sciences, and so much more. The mindset of the remaining world focused on survival versus getting jobs of higher pay and better conditions. No one could blame us when authority breaks and the top 1% fully turn their back on you. Despite being turned down for medical practice, Lucas still wholeheartedly accepted the situation and embraced helping out in the clinic. Here and there with a bit of discreteness, Lucas does patch up some patients with bandage, disinfect cuts, and give advice for those with physical pain. Might I add, he’s quite popular with the patients as well, handsome and charming as he is. I’ll admit to it, I’m jealous of how he lifts everyone up in the toughest hours. Shortly after he joined, my arrival a week later brought him joy knowing I was stuck in the same sticky situation he was in. His passion could be seen a mile away. On the other hand, I just needed this job to keep myself afloat like everyone else.
I snap back to reality when one of the doctors, Dr. Lee who made a beeline towards one of the stations, bumped my side. Asshole, I think to myself. He’s head of the Pearl Park operation, so I don’t feel the desire to cause trouble by reprimanding him. This job allows me to hang onto my existence and sanity with my apartment, I couldn’t afford to lose it. His voice booms suddenly, startling nearby staff, “Is Lucas not here? I need him to help.” His voice trails off and erupts again, “With surgery preparation on Monday,” he swivels his head to one of the lead nurses, “We’re doing a skin graft for a severely burned person.” Despite the cold aura, his face contorted with concern and urgency. The patients put complete faith into him as he’s been a well-known medical practitioner since before the disaster. My imagination briefly ponders the severity of the injury as if I haven’t seen my fair share of nasty burn wounds. Shoulders shudder for a moment, and then I begin towards the North Wing where my first duty awaits.
▶ Ambience
Phew. That might’ve been the longest shift of my life. All day, the image of Lucas constantly itched at the back of my mind. It was difficult to focus, but I managed to get through the hours until 8:00pm. With my feet aching from exhaustion and a slight headache from lack of food or water, I decide to pay a visit to my other favorite place: East Row’s finest Chinese street food, Electric Egg. In my innermost thoughts, I’d hope to see Lucas there, munching away on tea eggs. That was his go-to snack after shifts at the clinic. Being on your feet all day does quite a bit of damage and leaves the stomach to growl, to fight for a delicious energy replenishment. When I arrive, one of my coworkers greets me cheerfully, shouting and waving my name as I draw closer, much to my embarrassment. “Sicheng,” my voice laced with laughter, “how’s business!” Our most common exchange, with the most common reply. With a hardy laugh, he shoots back, “The everyday thing, you know. Slow.” Sicheng’s smile invites me towards the side of the stall as he prepares what he knows are my regular dishes of choice. “Xi’an pancake and sesame tang yuan, coming right up!” As if on cue, my stomach beams in excitement and I lay my hand on it to feel the grumble, making Sicheng to laugh. “How’s work by the way, and where’s Lucas? I have his tea eggs already here.” I glanced to the side of the cart Sicheng worked away at, and indeed Lucas’s tea eggs sat prettily in a mug, waiting to be eaten.
I sigh, turning Sicheng’s grin into a straight line. He’s observant and knows how to read the room well. After a pause to gather myself, I sit down on a stool facing Sicheng and begin to tell him my worries. “I’m not sure if maybe I’m overthinking this, but Lucas always tells me if he’s not feeling well enough to work or go out somewhere. But he was gone this morning, he wasn’t in his room when I left for the clinic. He didn’t show up to the shift, and so many bad things could’ve happened, especially in the area we’re in. I’ve been checking my phone the entire day, but I’ve gotten no resp--”
“My tea eggs! You’re the best Sicheng, I really needed this after a long day, oh my god. You guys have no idea, my belly’s been howling!”
I froze. I know that voice too damn well. Anger immediately boiled within me, and it burst like the hot oil that hits Sicheng’s arms as he cooked. “You. Piece. Of. Shit,” I whipped my entire self around to face the tall man who unsurprisingly turned out to be Lucas with his disheveled hair framing his stupid little face. “Did you not see your call log? It’s just me, me, me, me, me, and oh guess who… me!” The tone in my words frightened even me, even more so realizing both Lucas and Sicheng’s widened eyes. I earned some dirty looks from customers as well. Nevertheless, I was pissed.
Lucas’s heightened shoulders steadily fall. “Hey, I’m sorry… Something really urgent came up, and it’s very personal to me. I hope you understand. I should’ve told you as soon as it came up.” His jaw clenches, his fists tightening their grip against the counter as he sternly looks at me across the food stall. I shake my head and roll my eyes, gaining a scolding expression from Sicheng who’s confusion was written all over his face. Deep within me, I know Lucas is sincere.
I start back up, loosening my voice to become gentle, “Eat your tea eggs, please. They’re getting cold and Sicheng prepared them for you early.” Silence followed, then the chewing noises from Lucas hungrily devouring his food. Maybe today was a hard day by the looks of it. Lucas took care of his appearance, so it was a shock to see him in a seemingly vulnerable state. His eye bags seem bulging and darkened, a sign of a sleepless night. Unsure of what to think, I let go of my displeasure and chip away at my pancake and rice balls. After satisfying our hunger, Lucas and I bid Sicheng a goodbye and head back to our apartment complex. The walk is painfully awkward.
▶ Ambience
This feeling is nice. To have Lucas back as we go through our nightly routine of washing our faces and brushing our teeth in a tiny community bathroom. Our mannerisms seem slightly less stiff, and though minimal, it takes a huge weight off my shoulders. He’s back and I feel secure again. But he doesn’t bring up anything about earlier. I’m about to comment on his long-sleeved shirt as he’s the biggest heat anti in the world, refusing to wear anything that isn’t a muscle tee. But the rough emotions rattled us both, so I drop it from my list of questions to ask. We get ready for bed in silence, only starting to discuss things when we finish up and plop on the floor of my apartment. I tried to figure out if I was uncomfortable from the cold floor or for the conversation that might unfold. Since Lucas has been excruciatingly quiet, I take the initiative, “I sent so many messages and calls today. Do you know how worried I was?” Disappointment heavily coat my concerns. “This isn’t like you, I was seriously going to lose my mind. Please… can you tell me what’s going on?”
It pains me to see him looking like he’s kicked down again from having an already bad day, but I needed answers. He’s the person I trust the most in the life we have now. His chest inflated and quickly deflated. “I’m about to show you something. It might freak you out.” He tugs at the ribbed cuff of his left sleeve. A tattoo? Perhaps a little smiley face or some unconventional design placed oddly on his arm that he wanted to cover since we work at a clinic? Though tattoos are normalized on staff... Or an injury? Whatever it is, I just want to know whatever he’s hiding. “Promise me you won’t make a big commotion, I will explain.”
Without much thinking, I grow irritated at him for dragging this out, so I reach for the end of his shirt and pull it up quickly, unveiling the truth. My body and mind go rigid at the sight, unable to process whatever this… contraption was. “Lucas… what the hell is this,” I ask, alarmed, taking in the faintly glowing circuits and tiny sparks of blue electricity lighting up and down tubes that poke in and out of the machinery. From his shoulder down to his fingers, metals and screws and wires replace his flesh. After a long minute of examination and curiosity, I turn my attention back to Lucas’s face which expressed great worry, fear, and uncertainty. “Is this the reason you were gone today?” He gently shook my hand off and swiftly covered his arm with his shirt again. With a dejected look, he takes his eyes off mine and pins them on the dusty floorboards. His arm is no longer human.
“Dr. Lee from the clinic.”
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keepseaveyweird · 5 years
A Roadtrip ~ J.A
Word Count: 1421
A/N: Okay I was kind of inspired by when the boys came to Boise and this idea kind of popped into my head. Funny story, I actually met them when they were here, except I didn’t know who they were then but they performed at the place I worked cause it was at a trampoline park and I set up their game of laser tag and everything. It was a bit over a year ago when tfb first came out, but there was a bunch of girls there and I was confused, come to find out it was them! I’m really bitter about it now cause stuff like that will never happen again but you win some you lose some. And I met Daniel at a basketball game when I lived in Portland, didn’t know who he was then either but we’ll save that inspiration for another day! 
The trip was only supposed to last a day, a short seven hours. But with Jack, it’s always a mystery. At the beginning, you meant to leave at 7:00 that morning to beat Portland traffic, but Daniel’s mom convinced you and the rest of the boys to stay and eat breakfast. Then Jack insisted on buying you a coffee, as, “an uncaffeinated Y/N is not the most pleasant Y/N” he announced to everyone while eating pancakes. So 7:00 turned to 9:00, but traffic couldn’t of been slower and you didn’t leave the city almost 1:00 when the traffic died down. You sat in the passenger seat, the white snow making it hard to see out of the window. The highway between Portland and Boise was dead, a couple of semis every couple miles. Maybe it was because it was the middle of February and no one had any place to go, or maybe it was because there was over three feet of snow on the ground and regular people didn’t have a death wish.
It wasn’t that Jack was a bad driver, but the man loved to speed. And by the time you reached The Blue Mountains, going full speed through a mountain pass was not your cup of tea. But Jack insisted on spending time with you in the car rather than taking an hour flight with the rest of the boys, even if his beautiful Jeep would be left at your apartment in Boise while they finished the tour.
It was a quick stop in Boise. The town was big, but not big enough for radio interviews or special surprises, but big enough to gain a quick spit stop on the tour. It was an excuse for Jack to meet your parents, as that’s where you’ve grown up all your life.
“Jack, do you think you could slow down?” you asked as you reached for the ‘oh shit handle’ on the roof.
“Babe, I’m only going five over, we’re okay I promise.” He said, his eyes focused on the road leading off the mountain.
“It’s just that you’re going very fast and it’s icy out,” you explained as you secretly closed your eyes and prayed as Jack turned a corner. He took a hand from the wheel and placed it on your thigh, giving it a squeeze.
“Y/N open your eyes, it’s okay. Just a couple more miles until we’re back off the mountain and we’ll stop and take a break.” He said, glancing at you with a chuckle as you opened your eyes again.
“Okay, okay but please have both hands on the wheel and eyes on the road,” you peeled his hands off your thigh, because though his touch drove you mad, you wanted to live to see the next day. But the fast turns continued, and you could feel the Jeep drift just every now and then but Jack didn’t care, he had it under control. At least, that’s what you told yourself.
Thankfully, the car ride from hell ended. You climbed out of his Jeep and walked into the gas station. After using the restroom, you returned to find Jack browsing drinks, a suspicious hot dog in his hand.
“A gas station hot dog?” you asked as you brushed his noodles back away from his face.
“Yes, is there a problem?” He sassily said, getting in your face like he was trying to fight, but ending with a peck on the lips as he continued to look through the sodas.
“Yeah, they’re so sketchy. You’re gonna throw up all over the car.” You laughed, wrapping yourself around him.
“I’ll be fine,” he chuckled grabbing a Coke.
You watched astonished as Jack took a bite of the thing while he sat in the car, repulsed by the site. With each bite, you scolded him, telling him he’d regret that, but then the hot dog was gone and there was no more scolding to be had.
The rest of the road trip was fun and as the distance between the mountains and you increased, the sun was brighter and temperature was warmer. So warm, you even cracked open Jack’s sunroof. The speakers blasted your most recent Spotify playlist as you and your boyfriend screamed the words along to each song, eating a gummy worm you grabbed from the gas station now and again.
“See,” Jack smiled as he glanced between your eyes and the road, “I told you taking a road trip would be worth the time.”
“Okay fine, besides the time you almost killed us in The Blues, this has been fun and I’m glad we didn’t fly,” you admitted, “but-”
“No! No buts, there are no buts, today has been perfect.” He told you, a finger waving in your face.
“I was just gonna say if we flew we could be cuddled up at my house right now, or hiking, or dinner with my parents or…. Other stuff,” you suggested, a smirk on your face.
“Oh Y/N,” he laughed, “there will be plenty of time for “other stuff”, don’t you worry baby.”
The drive continued as well as the singing. The road was straight and boring, as the yellow and brown hills rolled and every now and then a group of cows would congregate next to the fenced-off highway. The sun was setting, creating and orange glow in the car. Jack’s highlights gleamed a golden color in contrast with his brown curls and his skin looked as it belonged to a god with his nose ring blinding you whenever he moved the slightest. Another hour went by and the two of you were about to cross the state line between Oregon and Idaho, an hour left before you were home.
“Babe,” Jack said, turning down the radio. You turned your attention from the window to him. His beautiful skin was now pale and he looked like he was on the verge of tears, “I’m not feeling to hot.”
Almost immediately as the words left his mouth, so did other stuff as it collected in his lap. You gasped, looking away for split second before turning back around to find him with one arm holding his stomach as he pulled off to the side of the interstate.
“Oh, baby,” you whispered as you rushed out of the car. He also crawled out and made his way to fence by another group of cows. As he continued to throw up, you rubbed his back with a water bottle in hand. Finished, he turned around to face you, and you couldn’t help but frown. It looked like someone had ripped the life from him. You handed him the water bottle as he rinsed his mouth out.
“Thanks, love” he said, grateful to have you have his side.
“Of course,” you played with his hair as the two of you leaned against the hood of the Jeep.
“Now,” you started, “I don’t want to say I told you so, but I did tell you that gas station hot dog was sketchy,” you laughed.
“Okay I get it Y/N,” he smiled as he leaned his head on your shoulder, his curls tickling your cheek, “I shouldn’t have ate the damn hot dog.” He jokingly punched your arm and pulled you in for a side hug, as he still had remnants on his shirt.
“Love you,” he said, kissing your shoulder
“Love you too. I’d kiss you,” you told him, “but you’re kind of gross right now.”
“Fair enough,” Jack shrugged. The two of you finished cleaning his Jeep the best you could, as being in the middle of nowhere was not helpful. You climbed into the driver's seat and finished the hour left of the road trip you guys had as Jack napped in the passenger seat.
Finally you made it into Boise and found the hotel downtown. The two of you knocked on the hotel door to the boys’ room, when Zach opened the door.
“Bout time you guys made it,” he started, “wait, what the- what happened to Jack? Y/N did you try and kill him?” He asked you, as Jack still looked kind of out of it.
“Let’s just say, as you guys are rehearsing for your show tomorrow, I’ll be getting Jack’s Jeep detailed out,” you said stepping inside, where you retold the story, smiling through the whole thing. But not without Jack defending his decision about the hot dog.
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alchemical-anya · 6 years
A Different Kind of LAMP
Hi, guys! So this is my first time posting any kind of fic writing for Sanders Sides! I was inspired by a post I’ve seen floating around about how polyamorous relationships can take many forms, not just the one most commonly represented in most LAMP material. So here we are! I plan to write at least a couple fics on this, but decided an AU post establishing the basics would be best to start this off.
Triggers: Mention of a sexual relationship (there are no specifics or anything graphic though); Anxiety and Panic Attack mention (again no descriptions); Brief Food Mention
No others that I can think of but let me know if there’s something else I should tag please! I want everyone to be safe reading this!
Logan is Aro-Ace, Patton Demi-Pan, Roman is hella gay, Virgil is bisexual, and possibly demiromantic.
Logan and Virgil are QPPs. Patton and Virgil are more romantically involved than anything. Roman has a sexual and romantic relationship with both Virgil and Patton.
Virgil and Roman were the first to get into a relationship.
Patton joined next.
Logan didn’t really join until a while after the other got together because he wasn’t aware of what a QPP was. He didn’t look into it until he realized that his relationship with Virgil was closer and, in a way, more intense than a regular friendship.
He proposed the idea to Virgil and, after a little bit of explanation as to what exactly that meant, Virgil excitedly agreed to it.
Patton and Roman were very happy for them when they announced it.
Because Virgil is very close to all three of them, whenever he’s feeling anxious or overwhelmed, he always has someone he can go to.
Virgil could sit for hours with Logan as he types or reads or gets work done, but the moments he lives for with the Logical side are when he gets to lay back, maybe even have his head in Logan’s lap, while he gushes about one of his interests. He loves seeing Logan let go of his stern facade and explain why space is so cool, or why Nikola Tesla deserved a better lot in life, or even something he never expected Logan to like, including surprising song choices. Getting lost in Logan’s interests helps him get his mind off what’s worrying him and relieves his anxiety.
Logan researches ways to help someone with anxiety feel better, how to prevent an oncoming panic attack, and how to comfort and care for someone after one has happened. With Virgil’s permission, Logan shares his findings with the other two so they can help him if Lo is unavailable. Virgil is eternally grateful, and finds his calm, smooth demeanor quite grounding in times of need.
The most physical they ever get is leaning on each other while sitting on the couch, or maybe holding hands during the occasional movie night. Every once in a blue moon one of the will kiss the other on the cheek good night.
Virgil is thankful for Logan’s directness. It allows them to very openly discuss their relationship and their boundaries, and if there is ever a problem, Virgil knows Logan won’t judge him for it, and vice versa.
Logan, of course, has a good relationship with the other two, but it’s more familial than anything else. They care for each other, but it’s nowhere near the relationship he has with Virgil.
Patton is quite lovey-dovey in general, but tones it down a little so he doesn’t overwhelm Virgil and make him uncomfortable. They do cuddle quite a bit, and go on dates once every one or two weeks, usually to see a movie, or go to a dog park to pet some dogs, or have dinner.
They rarely go to very romantic restaurants by themselves. Roman is almost always there when they do.
Patton and Virgil have been known to kiss, but it’s usually more tender, slower kisses, and single kisses don’t tend to be very long for them.
Patton always invites Virgil to help him bake, as he knows the step-by-step process of it can be a little calming to him. Plus, Virgil never says no to brownies.
Patton asks for Roman’s help with cake decorating a lot of the time. He always produces beautiful piped flowers.
Patton loves giving gifts to see the others smile, and of course he includes Logan in this too. It’s almost like he has some kind of psychic ability; he always knows exactly what to get people. He never expects anything in return and tears up with joy when someone gives him something, even if it’s the tiniest thing.
Patton is the only one of the three who can make Virgil giggle like crazy with his silliness and occasional bouts of lovable air-headedness… also DAD JOKES.
The only person both Patton and Virgil have a sexual relationship with is Roman. Roman absolutely adores both of his boyfriends and showers them in praise, kisses, and sickeningly sweet, sappy love songs and poems.
He loves to give them flowers, and will sometimes give yellow roses to Logan too, just to make sure he knows he’s important to him too, even if they have their disputes. (Yellow roses=friendship)
As a hopeless romantic, he loves pampering them and taking them on the most over-the-top romantic or thoughtful dates. Sometimes they all go together (and every once in a while convince Logan to go along), but many times Roman takes them individually. He plans the perfect date to fit the person he’s going with to make sure they have a great time.
Virgil and Roman share witty banter and sometimes light-hearted disputes, but at they end of the day they both love each other.
At night, Patton, Roman, and Virgil tend to sleep in the same bed. Logan only ever sleeps alone. He is very uncomfortable with sharing a bed, and Virgil respects that.
When Virgil is spending time with Logan, Roman and Patton are usually found cuddling and watching Disney movies together. Sometimes they are spending some *cough cough* quality time in one their rooms.
Though Patton and Virgil both have a sexual relationship with Roman, they do not with each other and keep sexy times separate.
Roman loves to impress, and though acts like a macho tough guy, absolutely melts and his heart swells when Patton praises him for anything, even just telling him he looks nice that day. Patton is more than happy to compliment Roman as much as he wants/needs to hear it.
Patton and Roman definitely kiss more often than Patt does with Virgil, but he still tends to prefer the softer, slower kisses.
Roman and Virgil are an entirely different story when it comes to kissing. They have some full blown make-out sessions. Logan is not pleased when he walks into the common spaces and finds them like that. He then calls a meeting to define what people can do where. The others happily oblige.
They love spending time as a group, either playing board/video games, or watching a movie, or eating a meal. It doesn’t matter.
When they do have movie nights, often Roman and Patton will cuddle each other, one of them holding Virgil’s hand or resting a hand on his thigh while his other hand is occupied with Logan’s.
Their relationships work because all completely trust one another and know they can rely on the others to communicate with them if there is a problem, or listen without if they need to address something. They all love each other, even if “love” is defined differently between each pair.
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myhelrav · 6 years
In Search of Wellbeing
Tales of Transition #3
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As I started assembling my words and pictures for this post, it was 6 months to the day since Rod and I left Wellington, one of us heading north to to start the hard work of turning this beautiful renovation into a home, the other detouring to the South Island. That felt like quite a milestone. It was wild and wet here in the Bay of Plenty. It felt wonderfully appropriate for an anniversary of leaving windy Welly. 
While I was contemplating this particular post, the words of the Navajo Prayer, In Beauty May I Walk, played through my mind over and over. Reminding me that I have indeed walked in beauty since I left my beloved city. Telling me how much the everyday beauty of our new home has helped ease transition.
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A while back I read a piece suggesting a difference between happiness and wellbeing. A lightbulb came on! It’s no secret that I struggled for happiness as Rod and I adapted to the many changes of the previous 6 months. Yet in the midst of bouts of unhappiness, I was experiencing moments of what I have come to identify as wellbeing. Almost always outdoors, it might be feeling the mild northern winter air, soft on my skin. Revelling in the novelty of rain falling vertically (!), often so gentle it could barely be heard. Feasting my eyes on treats such as sparkling blue waters, our garden glowing golden against a dark sky to the east as the sun dropped in the west, yet another treasure discovered in that garden as the seasons started to unfold... Breathing in the heavenly aroma of our own citrus fruit. For however long that moment lasted, I felt at ease. 
Those moments all felt like gifts, as did the notion that wellbeing and happiness could be separated. Letting go of happiness as a goal was liberating. It was a remarkably helpful strategy in helping me begin to deal better with the emotional conflict that, somehow, didn’t magically disappear after the excitement and turmoil of arriving in Eleventh Ave. And if you know me well, you know that I like my strategies! Here are some of my other strategies for this phase of Project Tauranga:
To create a sense of peace and order so as to counteract the many ways in which lack of peace was frustrating me
To attempt to forgive myself for the ways I was not coping and to concentrate instead on the ways I was contributing
To focus on gratitude
To seek out beauty
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Peace and Order
Box city is not a peaceful place in which to live. No surprise there, but what did surprise was how long it continued to be a struggle to adapt. 
Initially nothing had a place so nothing looked out of place. Locating phones, keys, or any other random thing put down “for now” was the first challenge. The pace at which we could create order out of chaos was limited. How fast could Rod could build shelves? How many chests of drawers - an item of furniture we’d had no need for in Karepa Street - did we need to find?
My heart was aching for the sons and friends I’d left behind, my resilience was undermined by week after week of very poor sleep, my body was wearied by prolonged hay fever - the legacy of dusty downsizing, cleaning product overload and far too many flowers in far too many rooms while Karepa Street was on the market... The energy and team work that brought us this far took a big hit. Rod, although faring better than me, was also exhausted. It took far longer than either of us anticipated to find our mojo as a team again.
We had also both anticipated that we would quickly adapt to the background traffic. “You’ll get used to it” everyone said. Except some don’t get used to it. Yup, it seems I’m one of those. The noise intruded on my thoughts, affected my moods and, even through earplugs, disturbed my sleep. 2 miserable months passed before I managed a decent night’s sleep. It was even longer before the noise stopped feeling like a malignant foe. In the wee hours I’d find myself staring down at the trucks that drive through the night, angry and hating them, wanting to scream back at the road, just shut up!
It probably sounds overly dramatic and I did feel as if I was becoming unhinged. Strategies were desperately needed! And so we set to work. To help turn my ears away from the traffic we put gently ticking clocks in the rooms I spend most time in to listen to instead. After months of investigating and pricing our options, I’m thrilled to report that work on double-glazing our windows will start in the next few days. Changes are also happening within. Rod and I started doing yoga and our lovely classes have helped calm my mind. I am learning to listen to my breath rather than the noise when it wakes me at night. My foe is shrinking...
Box city shrank too, but gradually, wearyingly, and not completely. In the garage, wardrobes and upstairs rooms, it still lurks in wait... As it retreated, we were able to create ever larger pools of calm beginning with my favourite corner chair, where I look out into the garden on two sides and back at the beauty that surrounds me indoors.
We may not have peace and quiet but we do have spaces that look peaceful and calm. I am working to keep them that way - in this new life of ours I am reinventing myself as a much tidier person! 
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Forgiving myself is such a hard one. Luckily I have an ally in making this strategy work. Rod is thriving on the freedom to beaver away at his enormous list of home handy work but sees our physical environment as just one piece of the home-making puzzle. For him, making connections with new people and places is of equal value and he is very generous in treating the time that I spend seeking these as important work. Who knew that my addiction to Facebook and love of cafés would be seen as useful?   
And so I ferret out new things for us to do. From watching live music in tiny venues to watching ride-on mower racing at a huge school gala - with a variety of weekend markets in between - Rod has cheered my efforts and said yes to most of my suggestions as we try to get used to life in this very different town.
We were incredibly lucky that I stumbled across an active women’s social networking group on Facebook early on. Thanks to this group we learned about the yoga class, joined a pub quiz team, hosted a book club, helped cater for a fundraiser, found friends to join me and my mother on a garden jaunt to the Waikato, found someone new for Rod to go biking with…  
I am, of course, getting to know Tauranga one café at a time. All with Rod’s blessing and support. Go Team Tauranga!
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I am grateful that Rod shares the need to go back to Wellington often. To drink in the comfort of familiar places and to wrap ourselves in the aroha of beloved family and friends. To lay aside the task of reinventing our lives and just be ourselves for a little while in the company of those who know us well. 
We both feel very fortunate that we had time and means to say yes to nearly every opportunity that came our way to catch up with old friends, not only back in Wellington but in other parts of the country too. We are especially grateful to those who took the trouble to come and add to the new chapter being written in Eleventh Ave. Each visit replenishes our kete and feels like a blessing on this house.
Oh, how much I miss my “posse” of friends, to quote one of my new friends. I am so grateful for the women I have met here who help ease that ache. Who don’t expect that we can possibly take the place of old friends overnight but who are here for each other in very meaningful ways in the meantime. Who might just feature in a blog post all their own one day… 
I feel very blessed by how much easier adapting to change has been for my partners in this venture. To be able to focus so much on putting myself first with Rod’s help is an enormous luxury that I have seized with both hands. Seeing how happily my mother potters around her “Little Nest” has given me and Rod profound joy every single day since she arrived.
And we are all grateful for our bountiful avocado tree. It has been delivering a big dollop of wellbeing every lunch time for weeks and weeks now. How lucky is that!
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The natural beauty of the Bay of Plenty is one of the things that drew me and Rod here in the first place. Has it ever delivered! Being so spoiled in the choice of beautiful things to see and do has helped immeasurably whenever I’ve tried to focus on the positive and give less energy to the negative.
We thought we’d miss our dramatic Wellington view but very soon discovered that our Tauranga view is equally mesmerising in a different way. Mauao, the iconic volcanic cone at Mt Maunganui, is a constant presence, drawing our eye and grounding us. We’re intrigued by unfamiliar patterns of clouds above us (we truly are living under a different sky.) We love to watch the ever shifting patterns of light and tide in the estuary that’s close enough to escape to for a very nice bike ride or walk. 
Walking on the beaches at the Mount is also an easily accessible treat. Closer to home, trees and flowers provide endless inspiration to reach for my camera. The photos with which I bombard my friends on Facebook are but a tiny fraction of the ones I have taken, feeding my soul even while my spirits sagged. The variety of species that thrive here means there is garden colour to be enjoyed everywhere we walk or drive, no matter the season. We are beginning to learn the pattern of the seasons and are looking forward to next year’s arrival of feijoas and mandarins, magnolias and cherry blossom.
And the tiny first steps we have taken in growing vegetables fill us with hope that our dreams of a garden to nourish body and soul will come true.
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To quote another of my new friends, “being out of your comfort zone is not comfortable!” For what seemed like the longest time, I felt lost and broken. Now that I find myself able to look back and write about those bleak times, I cherish the fact I am feeling more whole and more at peace. 
This new sense of peace feels fragile. Bad days still strike without warning. Knowing that they’re not guaranteed, I am all the more grateful for the good days. For the beauty that cushions us through good days and bad.
In beauty may we continue to walk as Project Tauranga moves into a new year.
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okyio-archive · 7 years
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                                                HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
Hey guys !!! I just wanted to do a little smt smt for y’all (I know it’s like just a doodle (of either u/icon/oc) but I wanted to do smt ?? I can’t make cc / have time to make a grand ol edit so aksdjhf) to show how thankful I am for everyone I’ve met + how I appreciate you guys sm for being super supportive + loving. I didn’t have much time cause I’m going on vacation ( still need to pack haha) + I won’t have access to my game/laptop during the holidays so today was the only free time I had asdjfh. If I had more time, I would have drawn all of you guys buT know that i love each and every one of you because you have made a positive impact in my life and I’m super grateful to have y’all. You matter so much to me and I wish I could give everyone a good ol hug!!! ily + please take care !!
But here’s some ol cheesy ass stuff below (drawings are from l -> r):
@grapfruit :: hONESTLY i dont even need to say anything cause you know how much i love you okay?!?! idk why you stuck w/ me for so long like i’m not even that good of a friend?? like ur super social butterfly + im like a slow fucker at replying but u still stuck w/ me umMM?? legit the v first time u msged me about being from HK i legit fangirled b/c i loved ur sims + style sm and you’re one of the v first frds on here that i really clicked?? like it’s rare for me (even IRL) for me to find ppl im fine w/ but ilysm and i love how we’re super chill tgt + have v similar interests (i mEAN food is #1 priority lets be honest) but I only wish you the best w/ everything in life + i legit care about u sm that i practically adopted u as my sister ok yeah hopefully i can find time to meet up w/ u buT for now ily than ks
@ridgeport :: !!!! margarITA IS2G you’re the best at everything: cc making, story telling, editing okAY you’re the perfect package + i want to thank you for taking the time in doing this + being such a huge part of the community??? i legit can’t imagine this community w/o u?? so thank you for being here + blessing us every day. i hOPE you have a great life cause you deserve everything ok ilysm please have a safe holiday !!!
@chocolat-souffle :: okAY I LOVE HOW WE CLICK SM + we can rant about shit + be open about it + we relate to each other sm?? like our opinions, fashion sense, life in general, food etc?? i’m so thankful that we met on here cause it feels like we would be vvvv good frds if we met irl :’+) ilysm and thNANK YOU again for being so patient w/ me + my slow replies i hope you’re having fun on vacay !!! ilysm okAY
@catplot :: !!!!!! yES U SEE THAT PIXEL THING ON THE CORNER, IT’S OUR FAVOURITE THING AHAHAH bUT I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT WE MAGICALLY FOUND EACH OTHER I S2G IT’S FAITH !!! yOURE 100X BETTER ARTIST THAN ME oKAY and I’m wishing the best okA i hope work isn’t too stressful + youre spending a gol ol jolly time w/ ur loved ones ilysm an d i hope we  can continue drawing di!Ck$ tgt for a v long time ily
@meisiu :: i hope you’re doing well w/ ur finals :’+) !! i can’t believe we have sm in common (animal crossing, bujo, sims, canto culture????) like i legit would lOVE to spend more time getting to know you but i just want to rave bout how sweet you are + your builds always amazes me?? i love them sm + once your finals are done, i hope you’ll spend a good time w/ ur loved ones :’+) !! tysm for posting your content everyday !! ily
@whiite-tea :: !!! you’ve been my legit #1 cheerleader since like the beginning. legit you msg me on the daily to make sure + check up if im okay + i’m really thankful for that??! you’re always here supporting me + others + put others first before yourself adsfj yoURE TOO KIND LOVE OKAY?1 remember youre loved + i hope school’s not too stressful :+( !! ilysm !!
@1tens :: yEAH OKAY JES LIKE ILY?? I WANT TO GET TO KNOW U BETTER BUT I KNOW WE’LL BE COOL FRIENDS CAUSE UR SO SWEET + I LOVE UR STYLE SM ??! LIKE U MAKE THE CUTESTS SIMS EVER + UR STYLE + EDITS ARE TO DIE FOR!!!! and you take the time out of your day to comment on like everyone’s post + you’re adorbs okay? im only wishing you the best + tysm for supporting love ilYSM :’+)))
@twikkii :: i drew nissi if you’re okay w/ that :’+) !! but i s2g you’re the cutest ever and my heart is always thinking about you okay?! you make the cutest edits + gameplay pics ever i legit get so excited whenever you post. you’re so sweet + kinda to others & i’m always wishing that you’re doing okay !! ilysm + i’m so thankful i met you- you really taught me things + i appreciate you sm kjadhf have a good holiday love :’+)
@dnasz :: okay honestly everything you post is so cute + aesthetically pleasing?! your builds are amazing (like wanna teach me lOL??! i legit jaw dropped when u post ur most recent ones) + you’re super sweet + kind to others. everyday i look forward in seeing you post cause i know it’ll be amazing :’+) i hope you’ll have a great holiday love !!! 
@simsao :: the fact that you match colours so well is inspiring. I’ve always struggled w/ colours + your posts are so unique that it has challenged me to step from my comfort zone + try to explore + play around w/ it more?! so thank you sm for posting + i love your aliens uGH!! your edits are super unique like idk how else to describe them but i love them sm. + your self sim ones atm are my fav omg we legit have sm in common akjsdhf bUT thank you sm for posting + i hope you have a great holiday :’+)
@smubuh :: ABBY!!! okAY i’ve raved about you before but you’re such a sweetheart and a person I really do aspire. You’re kind, hardworking and have a beautiful mind + soul. I rarely look up to anyone but I can safely say you’re one of them !! Thank you for bringing so much to the community - you’ve taught us so much (esp when you have a super busy schedule). I hope you have a great holiday w/ your loved ones + your family :”+) ily !!!
@4fig :: !! i hope you’re doing well w/ ur exams love !! i know i’ve told you so many times but you’re one of the few reasons why i joined this community - your edits are legit my aesthetic ?! every time you post i’m always in aw because you create the most beautiful sims + your editing style is one of my favs. i honestly would love to get to know you better once you’re done w/ everything but you’re really kind + sweet + i only wish you the very best :’+) have a great holiday love !!
@faeflowr :: yeah your edits are my fav okYA?! scratch that EVERYTHING you post is beautiful :’+) your sims, gameplay, edits - they’re all amazing + I love them sm. bUT most importantly you’re so pretty iRl omg?! if i had to choose who’s my fav simblr posts are itll be you cause i love everything you do + your aesthetic is legit exactly what i love aksjdhf ily !! i hope you have a great holiday :+)
@ughplumb :: yEAH ILL FOREVER CALL U UNFPLUMB CAUSE YOU’RE FKING BEAUTIUL I SWEAR U CAN BE A MODEL OK idk why you aren’t like ?? i love how you make ur sims cause i can never make good sims like yours - they’re all beautiful just like you ;’+) aND im excited for you to post but take your time okay ?!? tysm for being here + ily !!! i hope you have a great holiday !!
@mooon-sims :: yeah who do i go to when i need a lookbook?? your styles the best ? i love your new editing style + im so glad youre still here :’+) i know it gets tough esp w/ collage apps + school but im so proud of you okay?1 you’re a strong fighter + im glad you still pull through in posting !!! ily + remember to keep doing you okay?! have a great holiday love :’+)
@blarffy :: !!! okAY YEAH EVERYTHING YOU DO IS PERFECTION AND LIKE EVERY1 CAN BACK ME UP HECK U HAVE LIKE 128736 SPOUCES LINING UP OUTSIDE THE CHAPEL RN bUT thank you sm for posting ?! i know we dont talk that often but youre super sweet (maybe it’s a canadian thing?!? LOOL jokES) but i would love to get to know you better cause youre fking bomb?! thank you for blessing us w/ ur content + i hope you have a great holiday :’+)
@pink-tea :: okAY I MISS YOU AND YOUR POSTS !!! i swear youre so sweet + i love your aesthetic so much ajksdhf buT youre still here always supporting me despite having a super busy life so i thank you for that !! i’m always here supporting you + waiting till you post cause i miss them sm :’+((( i hope youre doing well regardless + remember i always love u !! have a great holiday love!!
@liltofu :: !!! i love lov elove your aesthetic + sims + style so much?! every time you post i get really excited cause you never disappoint? i’m always so jealous of your editing style cause it’s legit my fav thing ever alskdfj + i use like 99% of your recolours cause u pick out the best things to recolour?! bUT i hope youre doing well !! ily + have a great holiday love :’+)
@dust-bubbles :: awh man you’re always here spreading love + i swear youre my lil sunshine :’+) thank you for taking the time out of your day for sendin me love?! like i always smile when you do + i appreciate your unconditional support sm !! i’m wishing you the very best in life cause you deserve it ?! ily + i hope you have a wonderful holiday :’+) 
@nolan-sims :: i just want to say thank you so much for the ongoing love + support you give + show to the community. not only are you super sweet + caring but you take the time out of your day in making cc for us?! so thank you for being part of this community - i really appreciate you sm + i only wish good things happen to you + everyone around you :’+) ily + i hope you have a great holiday w/ ur loved ones !!
@ayoshi :: okAY you’re the sweetest little bean ever + your fashion sense is amazing okay ?! i have ALL your cc downloaded so thank you sm for being part of this community + blessing us w/ ur bomb ass cc + edits :’+) i appreciate sm the time + dedication you take out of your day to make stuff for us !! im only wishing you good things + i hope you’ll have a great holiday !!
@obi-uhie :: i WISH I COULD ROCK YOUR CONFIDENCE OKAY ?! you legit inspire me sm + i love how unique your sims are okAY?! keep doing you + i love everything you do :’+) i hope youre having a great holiday love !!
@suspiciouslypinklady :: !! youre so sweet + i love your confidence?! i’m super thankful for the love + support you always give whenever things get tough + i appreciate it sm. it makes things a lot easier + you’re seriously such an angel. i hope you have a great holiday w/ ur loved ones b/c u deserve the v best !!
@viiavi :: okay i just want to say thank you sm for the love + support you give whenever shit hits the fan LOL your kind words + msgs really help me a lot whenver things aren’t the best so I thank you for that. thank you for being so kind, thoughtful + caring to everyone in this community :’+) i really appreciate that sm + i hope you keep doing that !! i hope you have a great holiday !!
@dicoatl :: i swear youre always so kind to others ?! im so sorry you’ve been getting so much negativity these days but i know you’re a super strong person who’s doing their very best + im super proud of you okay!! ive been loving your new edits recently + it really shows youre experimenting a lot + it looks amazing :’+) so thank you for being here okay? have a great holiday !!!
@oakglow :: catherine !! your editing + story telling is amazing?! i mean i can’t write for shit LOL but i love it whenver your post esp knowing you’re busy w/ life. so thank you for that :’+) i hope you + your loved ones a great holiday !! 
@simmerjade :: jADE I MISS YOU !!! I HOPE YOU’RE DOING WELL !! you’re one of the v first friends i made here in this community + ik youre super busy rn w/ life but im so glad we’ve met ?! i hope life’s treating you v well + youre not too stressed out from school - i know you can do it :’+) im always here supporting you whatever you do + remember ilysm !!! have a great holiday love !!
@waffle-pxels :: i know we dont talk that often but the times we do youre so kind ?! tysm for being here + supporting me :’+) i really appreciate u sm + i hope youre doing well !! have a great holiday love !!
@simharaa :: i MISS YOU SM OKAY aND I S2G I HOPE YOURE OKAY !! again my heart goes out to you + your family but please take care okay?! you’ve been here since day 1 + i’m super glad we’ve met cause the times we’ve talked i truely treasured sm :’+) i’m loving your edits + im so glad youre back posting again !! i hope you + ur fam a speedy recovery + remember ily !! youre a strong bean !!
@simsluname :: lunA!!! your gifs are amazing + i love how we grew tgt in this community ?? i remember we both started off together + been supporting each other since the v beginning when we joined this community :’+) thank you for being here + blessing us w/ ur gameplay pics + teaching us how to gif ?? like w/o you i wouldn’t have learned ajksdfh so thank you for that & ilysm you’re so cute !!! have a great holiday love !!
@alternacorn-sims :: you’ve been a long time supporter and i’m super thankful for you?! you’re always here liking my stuff + sending positive vibes + love :’+) i hope youre doing well !! please keep doing you + remember that i appreciate you sm :’+) tysm for being here + i hope you have a great holiday w/ ur loved ones!!
@expressgo :: thank you for being so patient w/ me ?!! i’m a super slow replier but we manage to be able to talk + i’m so glad we do?! thank you for reaching out to me at the beginning + i really enjoy talking to you:’+) youre super sweet + we can talk about like everything ?? your cats are adobs + i wish you the best + happy holidays :’+) ily !!
@hazelios :: i seriously have all your cc downloaded in my folder + i appreciate it sm whenever you post content + cc for the community :’+) so thank you for that !! you’re always super kind + sweet whenever we talk and i only wish you the very best !! ily + i hope you have a great holiday !!
@simsthatsparkle :: !!! you’ve been like one of my og supporters for a v long time and i’m super thankful for you being here?! i can’t imagine the love + support i get + idk how else to express my appreciation asjkdfh i only hope you the best + ily !! i hope you have a wonderful holiday love :’+)
@femmesim :: okay you’re a hUGE inspiration to everyone in this community + i’m so thankful that youre here?! your edits + story telling is breath taking + it hits me all the time when you post ?! so thank you sm for creating bomb ass content + telling stories that aren’t often told. please keep doing you!!! i hope you have a great holiday :’+)
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aqua-harry · 7 years
She’s Just Not That Into You » Finale (A Harry Styles Miniseries)
Miss the previous parts? Part One » Part Two » Part Three » Part Four » Part Five » Part Six
Check out the inspiration behind Harry’s home here! The amazing @graceak​ made a phenomenal playlist to go along with Harry’s story, and I could not recommend it more. You can find that here!
Holy moly. Could it be? Could I, the queen of never posting when she says she will, have made it through seven weeks without missing an update?! I’m alarmed, yet proud. It’s a milestone in the life of a fic-writer, especially one like me, who in the past has abandoned countless stories. But then again, I never had the support I received with this one. It’s all because of the messages I’ve gotten over the past month and a half that this series became what it did. It’s not the best story ever written, nor is it the most popular story ever written, but the amount of love and support I’ve gotten from every single one of you who has liked, reblogged, or left me a message is incredible. I thank all of you with all of my heart and could not feel more loved than I do right now.
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Twenty minutes before the party started, Harry found himself wringing his hands in front of the oversized mirror you’d chosen for his bedroom.
Was his outfit appropriate?
A simple black button-down paired with a simple black pair of jeans and a simple black Chelsea boot was appropriate, wasn’t it?
Well, they were all Gucci, but they were still simple. And, in Harry’s eyes, Gucci was always appropriate.
He fiddles with his rings, straightening them so that their ornate details were facing out. He makes sure his necklaces are in check, moving the clasps back to the nape of his neck before running a hand through his hair, piecing out the strands like Lou had taught him to do in order to style his shortened locks properly.
That’s about as good as it’ll ever get, he thinks to himself before turning away from his reflection.
He walked through every room, ensuring that everything was in its place and ready to go. He wasn’t sure how it couldn’t be in its right place, though, considering Carly had put the finishing touches on everything last night.
He’d spent one night in his new home and knew that it wouldn’t feel complete until he had you in it. Everywhere he looked, he saw you. How could he not? You put bits and pieces of yourself into each design you did. That’s what was so special about you, Harry thought. You left your mark on everyone and everything.
Bounding down the stairs, he adjusts the platters of hors d’oeuvres he’d catered once he hits the kitchen, not wanting to worry about food all night, yet still wanting his guests to have plenty to snack on throughout the mixing and mingling. He straightens the rocks glasses next to the variety of liquor he’d accumulated throughout the years, making sure not too much of the ice had already melted in the bucket that was placed next to the shiny silver scoop.
He was nervous, he’ll admit.
He’d never really thrown a party like this before - his old house was thrown together and served as a place for him to land, not necessarily a place for him to show off. But, now, he wanted to show off his domain. He wanted his friends to be proud of him for living in such a place - for having the smarts to hire someone like you (and Carly) to decorate his home and turn it into something as spectacular as it was.
And, if he was being honest with himself, he wasn’t nervous only because he wanted to impress his friends.
He’d be seeing you again, and it wasn’t under the pretense of business. That would be two nights in a row he’d be around you as just a friend, as just someone he casually invited to his party the night before, almost as an afterthought.
Except it wasn’t an afterthought.
It was more of a party just so he could see you again.
The bell rings, and he’s glad to see it’s Gemma and her boyfriend when he opens the door. She always arrived early when she figured her little brother might be in need of some help - although, nowadays, he needed less and less of it.
“Hiya!” she cheerfully greets as she steps in the foyer, plopping a bottle of his favorite champagne in his hands, along with a boxed candle he knew the label of all too well.
“Thank you,” Harry grins, kissing his sister on the cheek.
“Know you’ve got about a million and a half of ‘em, but it never hurts to ‘ave another!” Gemma flicks the box in his hands with her index finger when he inspects it. “Figured you could take it on your trip.”
“It’s perfect,” he kisses her cheek again. “Coats can go in ‘ere,” he holds his gifts in one arm, opening the hallway cupboard with another.
“Mum’s gonna be late - had a bit of a fashion emergency, as it were. So ‘m here early and at your service! Need any help?” she asks as she hangs her coat, taking her boyfriend’s as well.
“Don’t think so…” he trails off. “How ‘bout I give you two a tour before everyone else gets ‘ere?”
“Well, that’d be lovely, Harry,” Gemma clasps her chest, faux-impressed with her brother’s manners.
He tries not to roll his eyes, knowing that his older sibling can sense his nervousness. Gemma was fully aware of how uneasy Harry got whenever something was expected of him - no matter how many gatherings he’d hosted or how many performances he gave, he’d always be a bit nervous before having to step in front of a crowd of people. His sister, as brash as she could be sometimes, was always the best at calming him down.
Harry walks his two guests through his house, letting them explore the bits and pieces you’d picked out for him, nodding and asking questions that made them seem more interested than they probably were. But, that wasn’t fair of him to assume.  His sister, even though she joked and prodded at him, was always interested in what Harry had to say. And, really, the look on her face as she walked through the rooms of her brother’s house said it all. She was proud of him, and that was enough for Harry.
Guests start to arrive almost immediately after he’s done giving Gemma and her date the spiel he’d played out in his head more than he’d ever like to admit, and by that time, Harry’s nerves had begun to subside. Once he saw his mother, he felt the most relaxed he’d felt all day, allowing her to fawn over him in the way she does when she hasn’t seen her only son in far too long for her liking.
The typical groups begin to form once a majority of his guest list shows up - his friends were all acquaintances with one another, yet they still seemed to break off in the way all people tended to, Harry noticed. It was always the same groups, too. His “fashion” friends, his “entertainment” friends, his “music” friends, his “beauty” friends, his “art” friends, his family - he never saw them as the labels they placed upon themselves, but he found it interesting, nonetheless.
He tried not to let his eyes wander to the door every five seconds, waiting for you to enter with a smile on your face. It was cold, being the beginning of February, and he’d pictured you with a rosy nose and cheeks while you waved to him from across the room. He didn’t want to miss your entry - he’d be damned if he didn’t catch the image of you walking through his door in the first place he considered to be his very own home.
He allowed himself to wonder, for a second, if you’d show up at all.
You were a woman of you word, were you not?
You’d show up.
You had promised, after all.
But, like he always does, Nick managed to distract Harry from his surroundings. They cackled with one another, Gemma rolling her eyes yet laughing too, Anne sheepishly grinning whenever Nick wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He fit into their family without even trying to - a third sibling that was more annoying to both Gemma and Harry than either of them could ever be to one another - and no matter how much time had passed between reunions, they always seemed to fall back into their regular patterns.
Harry was genuinely happy.
It wasn’t that he’d never been happy in his life, but he couldn’t recall a time when he was this happy.
He was embarking on the life he’d always imagined for himself.
His time with the band was something he’d never regret. His life was the way it was because of the band, and he would always be grateful for that. But, now, on the eve of the trip that could very well change the course of the rest of his life, he knew he stood on the precipice of who he was truly meant to be.
And, he thinks, it all started with the small bit of courage you sparked within him after leading by example.
If you could start over, surely, he could as well.
“Sorry I’m late,” a hand rests on his shoulder as he takes a sip from his drink. “Was movin’ all sorts of stuff from the old store to the new one all day and I didn’t want to show up gross and sweaty!”
Harry’s heart jumps at the sound of your voice; at the coldness of your hand through his shirt; at the way you giggle when you see his face light up, all of the pressure in his head he’d gathered throughout the day vanishing.
You’d made it, just like you’d said you would.
“Wouldn’t have minded,” he smiles, accepting the kiss you place on his cheek as he leans in for a hug. “Thanks for coming.”
“Of course,” you step back, laughing when Nick places his chin on your shoulder as he stands behind you. “Hello, Nicholas,” you pat his cheek, immediately refocusing your attention back to Harry. “The place looks great. Are you happy with it?”
“More than happy,” he grins. “‘m in love with it.”
The two of you stand in front of one another, no more than a foot apart, smiling. Staring.
“Well!” Nick clears his throat. “Not that it matters, but I’m in love with it too!”
“That’s great, love,” you step out of his backwards hug so you can face him. “Carly and I worked so hard just for you.”
“Ey!” Nick blurts, his teeth showing beneath his wide smile. “Don’t quite appreciate the sass, young lady! Especially considerin’ that you’re a full hour late.”
“‘s not your party,” you shrug, grabbing Nick’s vodka soda from him and taking a sip. “Harry’s fine with my tardiness. Don’t really care what you think.”
“Well, well, well,” he tuts, raising an eyebrow.
“Harry,” a voice says from behind the trio of you. “Aren’t y’ going to introduce us? Our mother taught you better than that!”
“Gem,” Harry warns, gripping his sister’s shoulder. “This is my sister, Gemma,” he introduces her like he’s on Wheel of Fortune, waving his hand up and down in an obnoxious way that makes you smile. “And my mum, Anne.”
“Lovely to meet you!” you give Nick his drink back, accepting Gemma’s hand in a firm shake that gets the approval from Harry’s older sister. “You’re both gorgeous!”
“Oh, and you as well, love!” Anne chooses a hug, kissing you on the cheek. “‘ve both heard so much about you. So glad to finally put a face to a name.”
You laugh when you hear Harry’s groan at his mother’s confession, wiggling a bit in a way that makes Harry’s stomach flip over when Gemma winks at you. Anne, always sentimental, thanks you for helping create her son’s dream home, insisting that you come by hers for a bit of sprucing up. You agree, a light hand on her bicep and a soft smile on your face while Gemma asks you about the color choices in the living room.
If you’re troubled by Anne’s insinuation, you don’t show it. Harry observes the way you talk with the two most important women in his life, answering every question they throw at you with ease, happy to do it, he observes. Which, to him, was absolutely mad, as his sister and mother could come off as quite the firing squad when faced with something they were excited about.
And, it seemed, they were endlessly excited about you.
It’s strange, really, how everything had fallen into place. You looked like a natural, standing there with his family, laughing at whatever remark Gemma made and intently hanging on Anne’s every word. He leaves the three of you to talk once the conversation turns from Harry’s interior design to what shade of liquid lipstick Gemma is wearing.
Every now and then, throughout the evening, Harry can feel your eyes on him. He’ll look up from a conversation or walk back into the living room and he’ll see you, locking eyes with him. It scares him. It scares him to think that he’ll be without your gaze the second you leave; how he’ll probably forget how it made his heart pound whenever he met your eyes from across the room.
But could he ever forget how you made him feel?
He doesn’t think so.
And if he could, he didn’t want to find out.
You field compliments throughout the evening when Harry points all praise towards you. Yet, of course, you skillfully dodge all credit, putting all of the responsibility onto Carly, who hasn’t left your side since she’d found you talking to Nick. You remind everyone how she was the one to execute the design and how lucky you were to have her be on your team, coaching your mentee through all of the interactions with ease.
Harry watches you work whatever conversation you’re having at the time, catching when you playfully elbow Nick after he makes fun of the Pink Room, stating that he was just jealous you hadn’t thought to be so bold when you were decorating his house. It makes Harry chuckle to himself, which in turn makes him apologize to one of his more serious friends as he explains that no, he wasn’t laughing at their concept of turning baby formula into a 3D art exhibit to highlight the importance of breastfeeding.
It was just you, distracting him, yet again.
After Harry excuses himself to his bedroom for a restroom break, he can’t find you in the common areas when he returns. Sighing, he hopes you didn’t leave without saying goodbye, but gives himself hope when he realizes that there were a handful of other places you could be.
He finds you in the kitchen, leaning up against the counter while you chew on half of a crab cake - the other half in your hand - as you scroll through your phone. His boots click on the dark hardwood floor, indicating his entry.
“Don’t mind me while I eat all of your hors d’oeuvres,” you giggle, covering your mouth politely. “I skipped dinner, so now ‘m compensating. And maybe taking a break from...” you gesture vaguely with your hands.
“By all means,” Harry nods, smiling as he props himself up against the newly-installed marble countertop opposite of you.
The open floor plan of his new home allows the two of you to survey the party as you continue to snack, the space between the rest of the guests and the two of you a welcome reprieve from the chatter. A silence that feels anything but awkward washes over you as you watch the other rooms. It’s comfortable, at worst, and it’s something Harry wants to find himself wearing more often, this safety-net of bliss that came with stepping away from a crowded room with a partner who understood the necessity of it.
“Do you have anyone to help you clean up?” you ask. “Or is it just you?”
“Just me,” he smiles, the ice clinking in his glass. “The food was catered, but I didn’t want waitstaff runnin’ around all night. Disingenuous, y’know?”
“I can stay,” you take a sip of your drink. “You shouldn’t be spending the night cleaning when you’ve got to go to Jamaica in the morning.”
“Don’t have to do that.”
“I know,” you nod, blotting your lips with a cocktail napkin. “But it worries me to think that you may leave my beautiful designs cluttered with dirty dishes while you’re off in some tropical paradise,” you raise an eyebrow up at him. “Wouldn’t trust m’self t’ not break in to make sure you cleaned it properly.”
“Ey!” he scoffs. “That wouldn’t ‘appen!” he chuckles along with you. “But I won’t refuse, ‘specially if the help is comin’ from you.”
You smile at him knowingly, nodding in agreement.
The party, Harry thinks, goes on far too long. He’s polite - always - and doesn’t force anyone to leave sooner than they’d like, but all he can think about his how desperate he is to be alone with you in the kitchen you designed for him, standing side-by-side as he’s elbow-deep in washing-up suds and handing you a platter to rinse clean.
Domesticity never suited him, but with you, he was willing to give it a go.
His closest friends are the last to leave, with his mother and sister bidding him adieu not long before them, giggling to themselves about a sleepover at Gemma’s place as they skipped, happily buzzed, behind Gemma’s very sober boyfriend.
Nick pats Harry on the back when he notices that he - unlike so many times before - isn’t the last one out the door.
“Go get ‘em, tiger,” he whispers in his ear as he hugs his friend goodbye.
“Shut up,” Harry rolls his eyes, playfully pushing him away. “You’re an idiot.”
“Love you too, Hazza!” Nick sing-songs as he steps out of the foyer and into the winter night. “‘ave a good time in Jamaica, yeah? Bring me back a souvenir! Puka shell necklace or summat. Very 90s, very in.”
“’ll be lucky t’ get a secondhand t-shirt, Grimshaw.”
“Sod off, Styles!”
The friends flip each other off as Harry closes the door, locking it behind him.
Noticing you’ve occupied the downstairs half-bath closest to the living room, he leaps up the stairs two or three at a time, needing to rid of his restless energy somehow. Reaching his bedroom, he flops on the bed, his breathing unsteady for a moment as he counts to ten in his head.
Sitting up, he decides it best to change out of his designer clothes and into something more appropriate for cleaning up. Settling on a plain t-shirt and his standard pair of ripped jeans, he ruffles his shorter hair in the mirror, taking a deep breath before walking back downstairs and into the living room.
He chooses a favorite vinyl of his from the custom shelves you’d recommended to him, relaxing a bit when the first chords of Fleetwood Mac’s Dreams begins to play. Collecting the empty glasses of his guests from the coffee table, he makes his way into the kitchen, stopping in the doorway when he’s met with a scene that makes his lungs seize-up.
You’d taken your shoes off and piled your hair on top of your head in a haphazard way that made you seem...human. Strands of the locks were left out by the sides, framing your features in a way that made Harry’s fingertips lose all feeling. You’re smiling as you softly sing along to the music, your bare feet keeping time with the beat.
“Say women, they will come and they will go,” you sing. “When the rain washes you clean, you’ll know. You’ll know,” your head sways along with your hips as you begin to run the water for the dishes, reaching for a large platter you’d placed by the sink.
When you hear him set the glasses down on the counter, you turn around and lean back against the sink, the light in the room dim enough to make you look heavenly, yet bright enough to make Harry want to stare at you until the end of time.
He could, he thinks...
...stare at you until his last breath.
He’d never get sick of it.
“You tryin’ to seduce me, Styles?” you smile over the rim of your glass as you take a sip, pointing at him with an elegant index finger, the nail of it painted an oxblood red.
“Why?” he asks, stepping closer to you. “Does doin’ a man’s dishes turn you on?”
“Can’t say that it does,” you laugh, setting your drink down. “But a little Fleetwood Mac goes a long way…”
Although you can’t hear it - at least, he doesn’t think you can - his heart is pounding out of his chest. It’s rattling his ribcage with the knowledge that you’re in his home after dark, your feet bare and your hair pinned up, just the two of you.
He stares at you then. Really stares. Getting one last look at you before he flies away for a month to a place where there is no you, there is no possibility of you. He thought it was a good idea to get away, to clear his head of the nonsense that had muddled his mind over the past year, but now, he’s not so sure.
“What?” you smile, maintaining eye contact with him, unwavering despite his fiery gaze.
He shakes his head, looking away as he pulls at his bottom lip. He laughs - he can’t help it - and although he’s not had much to drink over the course of the evening, he’s braver than he ever was with half a bottle of whiskey in his system.
Taking a large step forward, he doesn’t think twice before clasping your face between his hands and pulling your mouth to his. His stomach flips when you let out the smallest gasp, the beat of his heart skipping off rhythm when you place a hand on his chest to steady yourself. He stays there, motionless, his mouth atop yours while he tries to find some sort of regularity in his breathing.
He can’t do it.
He can’t breathe, but that’s okay.
He slowly moves his lips against yours, the slickness of his lower lip sliding across yours in a way that made backing out an option. An option he silently begged you not to take, but an option, nonetheless. Your lips are frozen beneath his, your fingers gripping at the worn material of his t-shirt, all other movement paralyzed until further notice.
He moves his again, this time capturing your upper lip between the two of his, terrified to make a movement that would cause you to snap out of whatever spell you were under - terrified that you would run out of his house and never return.
You take a sharp breath in, your lips no longer still against his, your breathing steady once more as you respond to his kiss. His brow furrows when your mouth moves against his, a pained, sorrowful look on his face, although he was feeling anything but.
You taste of the fresh lime that was squeezed into your drink; you taste of the vanilla bean lip balm you must’ve applied minutes before; you taste of weeks and weeks of confusion, suddenly released into a maddening burst of light that had Harry seeing stars; you taste of a memory that couldn’t quite be placed - possibly a memory he hadn’t lived yet, possibly a memory he wouldn’t live for years; you taste of the longing he’d felt as he wrote those lyrics in the leather-bound journal he’d kept by his side for years; you taste of the burn in his throat he felt after he thought he’d never see you again.
He pulls you closer to him, your hand trapped between your bodies as he gently encourages you with his palms at your cheeks, his fingertips lost in the hair at your neck. You’re the first to give - your mouth opens to his in a sickeningly sweet way that gives Harry hope - and his body relaxes when you accept the swipe of his tongue across your lower lip.
There’s an urgency in his actions. Some of it was making up for lost time, he imagines, but most of it was addiction. He’d already become dependent on the feel of your mouth against his own, the way your lips moved languidly across his with the promise of more to come. He’d never been hooked on anything as quickly as he was hooked on your kiss, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he wasn’t surprised. You’d never done anything that hadn’t had him reeling, so why would your lips be any different?
It was a juxtaposition, this kiss.
On one hand, Harry was relieved. On the other, he was terrified.
On one hand, Harry was excited about the doors this opened. On the other, he was terrified of them.
On one hand, Harry was planning a future with you based on this connection alone. On the other, he was terrified that his past would muck it all up, even if you had forgiven him.
Maybe it was less juxtaposition and more exposure therapy.
Either way, he’d never forget it.
He smiles against your mouth when you sigh as he pulls the tip of his tongue across your lower lip, granting him entry into your mouth. You move your hands to the back of him, one finding a home in the nape of his neck and the other running down the broadness of his shoulders and stopping at the waistline of his jeans. His stomach flips when you pull his hips closer to you, when you tug at the shorter hairs at the base of his head, when you pull away slightly, teasingly, adorably, and go back in for more.
He doesn’t want to break away from you, and he’s unsure if the lightheadedness he’s experiencing is due to lack of air or intoxication-via-kiss, but he has to breathe, otherwise he risks passing out. He wanted this to last forever - he wanted your lips to be a bright pink by the time he was done with you, your hair mussed and your eyes wild as you followed his mouth for more - and he couldn’t very well make it last if he was unconscious.
He pulls away begrudgingly, resting his forehead on yours while the two of you breathe heavily. Your eyes are closed, but when you open them slowly and look up at Harry, he swears he’s never wanted anything more in his entire life.
But he was used to that when it came to you, wasn’t he?
“Hi,” you smile, your tongue jutting out across your lip.
“Hi,” he whispers, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“Arguably,” you clear your throat, fiddling with the necklace chains resting on back of his neck. “‘ve never been to Jamaica,” your eyes are locked on his, and he realizes you’re the only person he struggles to maintain direct eye contact with. It was almost like staring straight into the sun, looking at you. “But I can tell you right now that I fuckin’ hate it. Hate the whole country.”
“Why’s that?” he questions, his brow knitting in the middle, an ever-present wrinkle deepening with his confusion.
“Well,” you sigh. “You’re about to leave and stay there for a month, which means we won’t get to do this again for a good 30 days.”
“February’s only 28 days this year,” he catches on, his pupils dilating at your confession. “And three of them ‘ave already gone. So it’s technically only 25.”
You smile, leaning your cheek into his palm and closing your eyes.
“Don’t go,” you whisper so softly, Harry doesn’t think he heard you properly.
“I ha-”
“We’re just getting started.”
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or6it · 7 years
what do you love most about every member in bts? 💗💞💕💓💘💖💝
💛 seokjin: um what is there to not love about this man? i love calling him ‘God’s masterpiece’ because he’s just? an insanely beautiful person inside and out? i think the thing i love most about him is his humbleness throughout his time in bts. we all know jin has been working his ass off for years trying to improve in every way possible, while constantly feeling like he’s not good enough, and that he can never be as good as the other members. even though he feels like that he still remains so humble and grateful for where he is and whats hes doing. he really pours his heart n soul into what he does without wanting anything in return. and he loves all the other members more than anyone else in the world and he rly acts like they’re his family 😌  he’s always trying to put a smile on everyone’s face n make them laugh n thats just so sweet i love him
💛 yoongi: honestly yoongi is one of the most inspiring people i have come across. his passion for music is so amazing.. hes so hardworking and he loves his work and i seriously admire that. similarly to jin, i love how grounded and humble yoongi has stayed despite the immense amount of fame they’ve received. you can really tell just how thankful yoongi is whenever they win an award or achieve anything of importance because… you know how much effort and time he has put into bts and their music… and it must be so heart warming for him to have all that pay off. i love how he continued to follow his dream of making and producing music even through all the hardships.. and wow.. look at him now. also he’s just the biggest softy in the whole world i can believe some people don’t see that
💛  hoseok: wow mr jung hoseok…this man is just SO talented. he literally excels in every field its crazy? he’s so dedicated to his work and he seems to love every second of it and i think thats to admirable!!!! he’s obviously the Mood Maker of the group so he’s always trying his best to make everyone laugh n to bring the energy up and i think that he does an amazing job at it. Honestly he has the best stage presence.. he brings performances together and makes them 10000x better its so amazing. also… despite being the mood maker he’s also very sensitive and he’s not afraid to express his emotions and cry.. i love how comfortable he is with fans and that hes actually willing to show himself in quite a vulnerable state… what a guy
💛 namjoon: there is an endless list of things to love and adore about namjoon. i think what i love most about him is his ability to learn and grow.. he’s open minded and understanding and seems very passionate about educating himself. obviously he has made his fair share of mistakes in the past and continues to be labelled as That Problematic Idol.. but honestly u can see that he’s trying his best to learn from mistakes and move forward. he’s so kind hearted n full of love its so endearing :( u can really tell he’s a bit overwhelmed by their success.. and he’s so thankful to armys for bringing them to where they are.. hes just such a genuine person and an amazing leader whom we love
💛 jimin: park jimin is literally the sweetest angel to walk this earth? he has the biggest heart and it’s so full of love for everyone.. for bts.. for armys.. for his friends and family… like i cant imagine this man actually hating something? he seems to be the supportive member that everyone goes to when they’re dealing with something hard and thats so sweet.. that he has the ability to help and support the people that he loves through hard times so well.. truly he’s an angel? uh also he’s actually just one of the cutest people i have ever seen.. everything bout him is cute? his wholesome laugh.. his smile.. his little baby hands…idk hes just the cutest when i think bout jimin i just want to squish his cheeks n give him a nice big hug and make him laugh :( also he loves attention and validation which is just…libra antics and i love it.. he deserves the attention he gets 
💛 taehyung: tae is such a sweetheart. he cares about all the people in his life so much. he seems to admire the other members so much.. and he cares soooo deeply for his family its so beautiful.. despite everything he always remains himself and he’s not at all afraid to just have fun and act a bit silly… but still knows the time and place for it? and when to be serious? he just doesn’t seem to take his fame too seriously and tries his best to remain 100% himself. also his love for children and animals.. wow how ideal is he… the way he acts around really young fans or the children of fans.. is so sweet it makes my heart so warm 😌  the relationship dynamics between him and jimin is rly cute like theyre constantly supporting and looking out for eachother n it makes me rly happy
💛 jungkook: honestly i don’t even know where to start on jungkook… u know recently seeing him crying at the wings tour final made me think so much about how much this guy has been through? the fact that he gave up his childhood to follow his dream… how bangtan basically raised him through his teen years.. and still he’s turned out to be such a beautiful loving person. it kinda seems like it’s all unreal to him.. like he hasn’t quite come to terms with the fact he made it yet? even so he’s so humble.. also despite the fact he left home so early he didnt try to grow up too quick you know? he still has his very chilidish silly side .. even though hes a little shit sometimes and we all pretend to hate it.. i think its rly nice that his personality wasn’t drained out of him over the years, and he doesn’t try to act super mature. also his relationships with all the other members is so cute he obviously thinks of them like family and looks up to them so much? its so sweet
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daisy-chain-gardens · 7 years
Exchange Romance - Chapter 9
A/N: Hey guys, I was struck with a sudden bout of inspiration which makes for a nice change so here’s the new chapter. I hope you like it! Please let me know what you think, your comments honestly make my day :)
Word Count: 4,832
Ch. 1 // Ch. 2 // Ch. 3 // Ch. 4 // Ch. 5 // Ch. 6 // Ch. 7 // Ch. 8 // AO3 link 
Betty woke up when she felt Jughead moving underneath her. Her eyes fluttered open slowly and instantly found his.
“Hey,” Betty mumbled, sleep thick in her voice and a small smile on her lips.
“Hey.” Jughead placed a soft kiss on her forehead and she snuggled further into his chest, wrapping the blankets tighter around them. “Do you need anything?” he asked, his words quiet but full of concern.
“Just you,” she whispered into his shirt, her eyes closing once more. He held her tightly, his fingers drawing mindless patterns on her back. They stayed like that until Betty’s voice broke through the noise of the city which somehow managed to fill the room.
“I haven’t had an attack in two years,” Betty whispered. Jughead’s fingers continued to move over her back, his head tilting slightly down towards her, her gaze stuck on the wall. “I used to get them quite frequently, once every couple of weeks. Nothing obvious set them off but I was just overwhelmed. My mum was always getting me to volunteer and join school clubs and stay fit and get excellences and it just all got too much. Digging my nails into my palms was my way of coping. It made me feel like I could hold onto something, to have control over it.
My mum took me to a doctor after I had my first attack at school, heaven forbid something tarnish the Cooper name.” Betty’s voice was full of disgust and sorrow, tears silently falling down her cheeks onto Jughead’s shirt. “The doctor was nice but couldn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know but my mum just kept pushing. I think that she was compensating for Polly, she’d left home about six months before an something in her kind of just … snapped. She became cold and goal oriented. Everything that we did had to be perfect to make people forget about Polly, the rogue daughter who had always been up to no good.
I had quite a bad attack one day at home and ended up having to go to the hospital. The doctors told mum that I needed to take a bit of a break, drop a few extracurriculars and maybe take a few days off school to rest. I didn’t get the days off school but mum seemed to finally realise what was going on and let me resign from a few clubs and things. Since then I’ve managed to deal with it a lot better and I even convinced my mum to let me come here, telling her it would look good on my university applications but really just needing to get away from home. Some of the kids at school weren’t the nicest about my anxiety and then some others still saw me as that perfect girl next door.
Everything’s been fine but I’ve just been really tired lately and my mum has been constantly badgering me about school and what happens when I come back home and then at the party with so many people I just snapped. I’m really sorry that you had to deal with that.” Betty’s voice was slightly stronger once she finished speaking, shifting her gaze from the wall to Jughead, her green eyes getting lost in the depths of the oceans which seemed to fill his.
“You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about Betts,” Jughead whispered as he brushed her hair out of her face. She sat up slightly, arms still wrapped around his torso as her lips fell against his. The kiss was soft but Betty got easily lost in it, pouring out her heart and soul as his mouth moved against hers. He pulled away slightly, resting his forehead against hers, his eyes still closed.
“You are still the bravest person I know.” Those were the words that destroyed the tough facade she had been trying to keep up. The soft tears that had fallen before now turned into floods, her sobs ringing out across the room. Betty fell back into him, his head resting on top of hers as he softly ran his fingers through her hair, his other arm securely wrapped around her shoulders. Betty didn’t understand it, how could Jughead still love her when he knew how screwed up she was? He now knew her darkest secrets and he was still there, holding her tightly as she fell apart in his arms.
Jughead’s whispered promises were barely heard over her tears but he said them anyway, never wanting Betty to think for even a second that he would love her any less because of her demons, lord knows he had his fair share. Her cries quieted down after a long while but Jughead never stopped whispering. She placed a soft kiss on his shoulder once she was calm enough to speak again, moving slightly so she could look up at him.
“Jug, how did you know what to do last night?” The question had been swimming around in her head since the night before but she wasn’t sure if he wanted to talk about it.
“Oh, um, well my sister used to get panic attacks. Whenever my parents fought I would try to distract her. Watch some cartoons, play with her dolls, read to her, anything really that would take her mind off what was happening on the other side of the walls. It … it didn’t always work. Sometimes she would get panic attacks and I was the only one around to calm her down,” Jughead said sadly. His gaze was set on Betty but he was too caught up in his thoughts to really see her. She pressed another soft kiss on the underside of his chin, breaking him out of his memories.
“I love you, Juggie.” She murmured before he once again pressed his lips on hers. She snuggled back into his arms, no more need for tears as they held each other.
“You should really be thanking Arch, he’s the one who got you into the bathroom in the first place,” Jughead said quietly, not wanting to ever let go of Betty but knowing that it had to be done.
“Just a few more minutes.”
The two of them emerged from their room a short while later, Jughead holding Betty’s hand tightly as they walked into the living room where Veronica and Archie were already sitting on the couch.
“Hey guys,” Betty said quietly, not wanting to startle her friends and not sure how much louder her voice could go. Her throat was still dry from all of the tears she’d shed. Jughead untangled his fingers from hers and placed it gently on the small of her back, rubbing slightly in small circles.
“Hey B, you feeling ok?” Ronnie asked, concern clear in her voice. Betty could tell that she wanted to come up and give her a hug but she was glad she didn’t. She didn’t want to feel like everyone was feeling sorry for her and she was pretty sure that Ronnie hugging her would bring on another round of tears.
“I’m ok V. Just a bit tired and my throat’s a bit sore but other than that I’m good as gold,” Betty said with a small chuckle. She felt like she was as far from gold as you could get. Betty felt the absence of Jughead’s hand on her back and turned to look at him. He gave her a reassuring smile and walked calmly into the kitchen.
“You feel like something to eat B? Smithers brought up more than enough, as per normal. If you want I can go and get you something,” Ronnie said, standing up from her spot on the couch and turning towards the door Jughead had just disappeared through.
“That sounds amazing V, thank you.” Veronica kissed her on the cheek as she walked past, leaving Archie and Betty alone in the large room. She slowly made her way over to the couch and sat down next to Archie, turning slightly to face him but keeping her eyes trained on a stray couch cushion.
“Thank you, Arch, for last night. I know I can be a bit scary when I have … when I’m like that but thank you for helping me.” Betty’s voice was still quiet but Archie could hear her loud and clear in the otherwise silent room. He reached a hand up and placed it cautiously on her shoulder, meeting her with a smile when she lifted her head to look at him.
“Your welcome Betty. I know you’d probably rather talk to Jughead or Ronnie but if you ever need to talk, I’m here for you,” Archie said softly. Betty smiled at him before leaning forward and hugging him tightly.
“Thanks Arch.” They both pulled apart as they heard footsteps coming out of the kitchen, Betty sending Archie one last grateful smile before she was bombarded by Ronnie and a giant tray of breakfast.
Their last day in New York passed in the blink of an eye. They spent the whole afternoon ice skating, or trying to in Betty’s case, before Jughead made it his mission to find the biggest pizza in New York, with great success. The four of them only just managed to finish it that night as they watched old movies, eventually leading to all four of them falling asleep in various positions around the living room. Somehow, they’d all managed to pack their bags the next morning and were now in the back of the car, New York flying past their windows.
“I’m gonna miss New York,” Betty said quietly, eyes glued to the window as she tried to memorise every detail about the busy city.
“I guess you’ll just have to come back then B. How does next christmas sound?” Ronnie asked, a playful smile on her face.
“Sounds like a plan,” Betty jokingly replied, a lazy smile on her face as she imagined a world where that was possible. They drove in silence for a while, all of them listening absentmindedly to a playlist Archie had put together whilst they got lost in their own thoughts.
“Jug,” Betty whispered in his ear from where her head rested on his shoulder. He placed a soft kiss on the top of her head before she continued. “Do you know what grows in those fields?” She asked, looking out into the snow covered paddocks. Jughead smiled at the unexpected question, admiring her curiosity.
“I don’t know about the rest of the year but in April they’re covered in orange and yellow flowers. They stretch all the way back to those hills over there.” Betty’s face lit up at the thought, her head lifting off his shoulder so she could get a better look out of the frosty windows.
“Maybe I’ll bring you back here when they’re blooming so you can see them for yourself,” Jughead suggested. Her expression was one of pure delight, causing a warm feeling to spread throughout Jughead and he couldn’t help but laugh as she pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
“I would love that Juggie,” she said quietly, eyes briefly meeting his before she leaned her head back on his shoulder. Ronnie, who was discreetly watching the couple from the other side of the car, couldn’t help the soft small that played on her lips at the sight of her two friends together. They seemed like they’d been together for a lifetime, lazy touches and whispered words always passed between the two whenever they were together, constant text messages when they were apart. Veronica couldn’t help but wonder if anyone had ever looked at her and Archie together and thought ‘yeah, they belong together. No doubt about it’. She looked down at her own boyfriend, leaning against the window with his mouth slightly open, his snores sounding faint over the music. She pressed a loving kiss to his cheek before pulling out a magazine and mindlessly flipping through the glossy pages.
“How strategic was it that you just happened to forget to mention this to me V?” Betty asked, eyebrows raised.
“Possibly very but it doesn’t matter, you’re coming. The New Year’s party at Thornhill is legendary and I will not let you get out of this. You wouldn’t want to miss out on any experiences now would you B?” Ronnie teased, a smug smile on her face when she knew she had Betty cornered.
“Fine, I’ll go. But only if I get to leave when I want. The idea of watching what sounds like our entire school getting drunk and hooking up with one another is not very appealing,” Betty tried to negotiate.
“You have to stay for at least an hour but I’ll let you bring Jughead.” Betty pretended to think about it for a second before replying.
“You just got played, girlfriend. Jughead was already coming.” Ronnie stuck out her tongue playfully as Betty faked a scowl.
“You suck.”
“Meh. I’ll live,” Ronnie replied, feigning disinterest as she looked at her nails, causing Betty to burst out laughing and Veronica to join in not much later. “Anyway, onto the important stuff, what are you going to wear? I have a skirt which will make your legs look incredible and then I’m sure we can find a cute top to go with.”
“Isn’t it a bit cold to be wearing a skirt V? It’s minus five and snowing,” Betty pointed out.
“I have no idea what minus five means but trust me B, it’ll be worth it. Jughead is going to swoon when he sees you in it.” Betty blushed at the thought, reluctantly agreeing to let Veronica pick her outfit.
“I have this red and blue top which you will look killer in. I can’t wait to see Jughead’s face,” Ronnie exclaimed, rushing into her room with a skip in her step, Betty laughing as she followed along. Ronnie ambushed her with the skirt and top as soon as she walked. “Put these on and then show me. We only have an hour until Archiekins is picking us up in an hour so we’ve gotta move quick.”
Betty went into her room and tried on the outfit. The top was a stripey crop top and Betty swore that she was missing part of the skirt. It was high waisted black leather and ended above her mid thigh. She shuffled back into Ronnie’s room, tugging on the skirt the whole time to try and prevent it from riding up.
“Oh my go B! Jughead’s gonna die when he sees you. Oh my god you look incredible! Wait there, let me take a photo.” Ronnie scurried around the room looking for her phone, looking slightly crazy with only half of her lipstick finished.
“You don’t think the skirt’s a bit short? I feel like I’m gonna flash someone accidentally.” Betty mumbled, hands still tightly gripping the hem.
“Relax B, you look incredible. Stop tugging at your skirt, your legs are honestly to die for,” Ronnie reassured her, somehow finishing off her lipstick at the same time. Betty sat on Veronica’s bed, watching her do her makeup in a practiced fashion. She’d never been very good at makeup and was always in awe of people who could be bothered with it everyday, especially with how much Ronnie wore. Betty swept her hair into a messy low ponytail and had just finished lacing up her sneakers when she heard a knock on the door.
“Can you get that B? I’ll be out in a minute,” Ronnie yelled from the bathroom. Betty stood up and walked to the door, finding Archie and Jughead waiting on the other side.
“Hey guys, come in. V’s just getting changed so I have no idea how long that’ll be.” Archie chuckled at her remark, obviously aware of how long it took his girlfriend to get ready. They all started walking into the living room but Betty was stopped by Jughead’s arms reaching around her waist, pulling her backwards into him.
“You look unbelievable Betts,” Jughead whispered in her ear, his voice thick with desire. He moved his arms from her waist and continued following Archie into the living room, acting so casual that Betty wondered if she’d imagined it. The wink he shot her way told her otherwise and her cheeks turned a dark red. Of course, Ronnie chose that moment to make her grand entrance. Archie stood up and kissed her cheek, whispering something in Veronica’s ear which Betty was thankful she couldn’t hear.
“You ok B, you look a bit flushed,” Ronnie asked. Betty glanced down at Jughead who was already looking up at her with a smug grin.
“Yeah I’m fine thanks V. Ju- , yeah I’m fine. You ready to go?” Betty asked quickly, hoping Ronnie wouldn’t ask any further questions. Veronica shot a quizzical look at Jughead who simply shrugged his shoulders in response, refusing to give anything away.
“If you say so B,” Ronnie replied, not sounding convinced.  “And yes, I’m ready to go.” Archie’s arm wrapped around her waist as they walked out the front door. Jughead stood up and walked over to Betty, throwing his arm around her shoulder and following their friends, all of them zipping up their coats before bracing the cold evening.
They could hear the noise of the party long before Thornhill came into view. The black Gothic mansion looked very juxtaposed with the teenagers and cheap kegs that were crowded inside. Archie packed the car in the makeshift parking lot, tossing his keys to Jughead before making his way inside with Ronnie.
“You gonna be ok Betts?” Jughead asked, practically yelling to be heard over the music. She nodded in response, kissing his cheek quickly before dragging him towards the front door. The music was even louder inside than it had been by the car and a wall of smoke hit them as soon as they crossed the threshold. Betty held Jughead’s hand tightly as they made their way through the crowd, making their way towards the kitchen. Once there, they each grabbed a coke before heading out onto a balcony where it seemed to be slightly less crowded.
“You doing ok babe?” Jughead asked as soon as they got outside. He had noticed that her breathing was slightly rushed and she hadn’t stopped squeezing his hand since they arrived.
“Can we stay out here for a bit? I’m doing ok now but I don’t know how long I’ll last if we go inside,” Betty admitted, finding it strange but freeing to be able to talk about this with him.
“Anything you want Betts.” She leant up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek, holding his gaze for a minute before turning to face out away from the house.
“It’s really pretty here,” Betty pointed out. A large forest stretched behind Thornhill, the bare branches trapping the snow and making it look like someone had painted all of the trees white. Jughead moved behind her and hung his arms over her shoulder, his chin resting on her head. Before he could reply, a few guys from the football team joined them on the balcony, several of them obviously drunk despite the fact that the party had only just begun.
“You wanna go for a walk?” Jughead moved his head so he could talk in her ear, not wanting the other guys to hear in case they started something stupid. She nodded and reached for his hand, holding it tightly once again as they retraced their, walking out the front door and strolling around the house.
“I know I said it before, Betts, but you look stunning tonight,” Jughead said as soon as they got far enough away from the music that they could have a proper conversation.
“You’re just trying to make me blush again aren’t you?” Betty asked, unable to hide her smile.
“You got me all figured out,” he said with a smile, dropping a quick kiss to her lips before continuing their stroll. They got about halfway around the house before either of them spoke again.
“What do you think’s in that building?” Betty wondered aloud, pointing to a large shed halfway between the house and the forest.
“Do you want to have a look?” He asked. She thought about it for a moment before nodding and following him towards it. The door was unlocked and opened easily. Warm air greeted them as they stepped into the building and Betty’s face lit up in delight.
“It’s a pool! Oh, that’s so awesome! I wish I had my own private pool.” Jughead chuckled at her behaviour, finding it completely endearing how childish she could be at times.
“You want to go for a swim?” Jughead turned to her with a boyish grin, happier than he ever thought he could be on Blossom territory.
“I didn’t bring my togs,” Betty replied, slightly confused as to what he was thinking. His grin disappeared and was replaced by a different look which Betty had only seen a handful of times; desire, want, need. Jughead walked towards her slowly, stopping when he was just millimetres away from touching her.
“I think we’ll make do.” Betty barely had time to register the meaning behind his words before his lips were crashing onto hers. His hands moved down to her things and pulled her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her skirt now riding up dangerously high but Betty didn’t care. Jughead walked over and placed her on one of the tables which lined the room, moving his hands from her thighs to the hem of her shirt, their lips never parting. He kept his fingers still, waiting for permission, before pulling it over her head in one swift motion as soon as she nodded her head.
Her hands ran through his hair, knocking his beanie to the floor and she deepened the kiss, needing to be closer to him but not sure if that was physically possible. Jughead started to remove his own shirt but Betty beat him to it, pulling away slightly to help him get it over his head and admiring the messy way that his hair was sticking up in all directions.
“I love you,” Betty breathed before his lips were on hers again. She started loosening his belt, pulling it through the loops as quick as she could before loosening the button on his jeans. They fell to the floor and he stepped out of them hastily, toeing off his shoes and socks at the same time. She somehow managed to do the same before wrapping her legs back around his waist once more.
“I love you,” he whispered back. She reached for the zipper on her skirt, pulling it down herself since Jughead was occupied with her hair tie. Once he’d pulled her hair free he lifted her up, allowing her to take off her skirt before placing her back on the table.
“Mhmm,” he mumbled in between kisses, his lips barely leaving his for a second. She placed her hands on her shoulders and pushed him away gently, keeping her forehead rested against his.
“I am loving this but I don’t think I’m quite ready for .. that,” Betty said, slightly breathless after what they’d just been doing. Jughead kissed her once, a short, soft, kiss which still managed to take her breath away, despite it being the complete opposite of what they’d just been doing.
“That’s more than ok Betts. The last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable. We’ll go at your speed, ok?” His voice was gentle and Betty practically melted, falling into further into him. “And on that note…” Jughead unwrapped her legs from his waist, placing one arm under her knees and one arm behind her back, carrying her so she was facing sideways. She giggle in anticipation, unsure what he was going to do next. All of a sudden, she couldn’t feel his arms holding her and milliseconds later she was soaked from head to toe.
“Juggie! You are the worst,” Betty squealed once she’d resurfaced from under the warm water. Jughead was doubled over with laughter, she splashed him a few times and eventually he calmed down, eyes still watering. “At least help me up,” she demanded, holding her hand out from where she was waiting at the edge of the pool. Jughead reached out to help pull her out and before he knew it she’d dragged him into the warm water.
“You’re gonna pay for that Betts,” Jughead threatened playfully as he picked her up and dropped her back in the water, her squeals of protest filling the room. Jughead shook his head as soon as she’d opened her eyes again, his hair causing water to go flying everywhere.
“You’re worse than a dog,” Betty groaned between laughs, once again wiping water from her eyes.
“Good thing you like dogs then,” he quipped back to her, a huge smile on his face at the sight of her laughing.
“Mmm, I don’t know. I think I’m more of a cat person,” Betty replied, slowly moving closer to Jughead. He leant down to kiss her but just before their lips touched, Betty ducked out of the way and splashed him instead. His eyes opened abruptly and his face morphed into a faux scowl. He looked around for Betty but she’d already swum to the other side of the pool, hardly able to contain her laughter as she treaded water. Jughead swam towards her slowly, holding her gaze the whole time. She tried to escape at the last second but underestimated the length of his arms and he managed to catch her, pulling her close to him and showering her face with kisses.
“Juggie! Stop!” Betty whined but her smile told Jughead a different story as he continued to press his lips to her soft skin. Suddenly, the door flew open.
“There you guys are! I’ve been looking all over for you. Fred called Arch about ten minutes ago wondering where the boys are because it’s already after curfew. We need to go,” Ronnie explained, completely unfased by the fact that Betty and Jughead were in a swimming pool in their underwear.
“Ok V, sorry about that. Do you mind waiting outside while we get changed?” Betty asked. She wasn’t really worried about Ronnie seeing her in her underwear but figured Jughead might not feel the same.
“Ugh, fine. I’ll go wait by the car. Hurry up though because we really need to leave.” She turned on her incredibly high heels and walked back out into the cold night. Betty swam to the edge of the pool and climbed out, noticing Jughead watching her walk over to their clothes but unable to do anything about it. Fortunately, they found a large cabinet filled with towels so they were able to dry themselves off before putting their clothes back on, hoping that the snow wouldn’t freeze them alive as soon as they stepped out the door. They got changed quickly, laughing and joking to pass the time. The tension that had dominated the room when Ronnie had found them long disappeared.
“I had fun tonight babe,” Jughead said once they left the pool, his arm wrapped around her shoulders in an effort to keep her warm. She smiled up at him softly as they fell into step beside each other, laughing again by the time they reached the car. Jughead drove them all home, dropping the girls off first.
“Good night Juggie,” Betty said softly before leaning over the clutch to kiss him on the cheek.
“Good night Betts,” Jughead replied, watching her lovingly as she followed Veronica into the apartment, waiting until they were inside before pulling away from the curb and driving back to the Andrews’ house.
Veronica stumbled into the apartment before going straight to her room, mumbling something incoherent about sleep helping to prevent a hangover. Betty tinkered around the kitchen briefly, making herself a host chocolate and grabbing some biscuits before retreating to her room with the intention of watching a movie or something on Netflix.
Betty wasn’t even remotely tired after the events of the evening and, if she was being completely honest, she wasn’t looking forward to falling asleep without Jughead beside her. She scrolled through her Netflix suggestions but couldn’t find anything she was in the mood for. Betty got up and walked over to her closet, looking for a book to read but coming across the DVD Jughead had given her for Christmas. She grabbed it off the shelf and popped the ‘Rear Window’ disk into her computer, clicking through the menu until the credits started, signalling the beginning of the movie. Not even halfway through the film, Betty can feel her eyes start to drift close and she finally gives in, closing her laptop and falling asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow.
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