#ask modern verse
ask-modern-verse · 1 year
i can imagine dream during the tournament just walking to the arenas and asking for pictures
like, he'd just walk in on shattered and monarch having this massive fight and he'd just "hey, can i- oh god-"
or osd!dream talking to leviathan in the cutest way possible and they all take a selfie together. that would be so cute!
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I love this so much. Yeah he wouldn't dare to approach as they're too intimidating for him.
And here's a bonus picture for the second idea:
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Now I must sleep, I've been drawing for the past.... 6 hours? Maybe- but it was worth it.
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therentyoupay · 1 month
im completely feral over all your jelsa stories!!!!!! do you ever write established relationship jelsa or have any headcanons about what they would be like together in a serious relationship or marriage????
THANK YOU SO MUCH. 😭😭😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕🙏 thank you thank you nonny for this super sweet ask and this really lovely question and all of your love and support!! 💕💕💕💕💕
i have... never actually written established!relationship (in any fandom), now that i'm thinking about it? that said, i guess i can come up with a quick list of some headcanons, maybe? 😂 i will have to think about this more, but for now, here's a quick drop:
elsa is an early riser; elsa helps jack create more sustainable sleeping patterns and habit formations 😂
when jack gets Impetuous Urges to Do Something Rash and Impractically Spontaneous, elsa will ground jack, reminding him to think before acting. (he occasionally Still Does It, anyway.) elsa knows what she signed up for, lol.
jack loves to play Harmless(!) Pranks, just to watch elsa’s reaction. (he is no longer allowed to sneak up on her after The Incident).
they also quibble over the definition of "harmless" and the specific logistical implications of that; for a while, jack was banned from further pranking, but then he got more creative at showing elsa that pranks could be wholesome and genuine, in which they could both be in on the joke. however, due to elsa's deeply-rooted Need to Excel and her (Not-so)Secret Competitive AF Streak, her retaliation in escalating the Cleverness Prank War quickly resulted in jack's prompt implementation of the Prank-Free Zones and Time Periods. (no, he was not scared.)
elsa, usually reserved, has learned to let her playful side show more often with jack. she might still pretend to be exasperated by his antics, but sometimes it's part of the game (or habit).
elsa sill struggles with opening up emotionally sometimes, but she progressively feels safe enough to share her innermost thoughts and fears. with time, she confides in him more about her worries. she still never likes the idea that jack sees her Imperfect Parts, but at least she can tolerate the discomfort (and, yes, take comfort in it) now
(jack loves elsa's Imperfect Parts, and jack admits that he is Weirdly Proud and Competitively Honored to be one of the only people, even including anna, who gets to see them. he also is strangely Comforted and Validated that elsa is, in fact, not perfect because for a while there, he was pretty freaked out and intimidated by how fancy she is.)
until he realized that no one ever let her actually be a Weirdo before, and once he realizes the Truth of Elsa Also Being a Secret (albeit perhaps more Subdued) Weirdo, the Universe Aligns.
jack listens to elsa's Big Conversations intently, activating varying levels of Serious Mode.
jack is getting better at recognizing the moments when elsa needs him to play and needs him to listen or Give His Opinion or any combination of those things.
jack learns that it's not always about Saying the Right Thing (which he is not very good at, anyway, or so our Serially Unreliable Narrator thinks), but rather being able to read elsa's mood and anticipate what she might need (even if she is not aware of it herself yet).
elsa is meticulous about planning and preparing for special occasions.
elsa likes traditions! jack likes tradition only because elsa likes them, lol, and hey, okay, these are more fun than he thought?? (who knew fun could be organized??!!?)
so he really wants to show (off to) her by pulling off Incredible Planning Feats in her honor, too (they do not go as smoothly, lol).
jack will often go out of his way to spontaneously create something meaningful, a moment or a gift or a gesture, that reminds elsa that he cares. he is big on words of affirmation, gift giving (but like, souvenirs that he collects on adventures like, "i saw this rock and it reminded me of your cousin olaf, we should put it on the window after we paint his face on it"), and acts of service, as well as physical touch and quality time. HE WANTS LOVE. he wants TO BE LOVED. he wants to prove that he is worthy of being loved.
(and elsa has to get him to Chill Out sometimes, remind him that he doesn't have to Do Things For Her/Anyone in order to be deserving of care; he is more than what he provides for other people.)
(jack gets its, and appreciates it, but also, the Urge to Provide and Protect is still strong, even after so much time, and sometimes Old Habits Die Hard.)
i get the sense that he'd be the type to he wake elsa up in the middle of the night to take her on a surprise adventure, or convince her to Do a Fun Thing without any preparation (/warning).
and she would Be Alarmed at the Lack of Plan (especially if/when jack Did Not Think This Through), but he also took precautions to ward off Concerns by pacifying her with tea, or reassurances that yes, he did call ahead to make sure the restaurant was open before they left the house, of course he did, he would never just leave home without double-checking beforehand (and frantically googles it two minutes later when he thinks she's not looking; she is, naturally, and even occasionally pretends not to be).
elsa approaches conflict with a desire to resolve things Calmly and Logically. she tries to understand jack’s perspective, even when she disagrees, and she’s careful with her words, not wanting to escalate the situation.
however, she can sometimes withdraw emotionally, fearing that she might say something hurtful if she’s too overwhelmed.
jack was initially (and, honestly, still is, even though he understands more now) hurt by her tendency to shut down when she Feels Too Much, and understands (although it's still hard) that elsa needs time to process her feelings and organize her thoughts.
jack also helps elsa actually Feel her Feelings, instead of just trying to intellectualize and analyze them. (she hates it, BUT sees the value. jack lives for these moments in which he realizes that he's actually contributing positively to her life and helping her in some way, rather than just being a burden or a nuisance, as was/is his fear.)
his initial reaction might be to push for a resolution quickly, but he’s also deeply afraid of Creating Distance between them, so after the first few fights, he really makes an effort to find the right balance between Pushing Hard Enough and Not Pushing Too hard, so that he doesn't drive a wedge between them as they work things out.
jack FEELS intensely, and can be so stubborn. he does not always have the most precise vocabulary or tools to describe his thoughts and feelings, or identify the root causes of what is actually going on inside him; sometimes elsa asks a lot of insightful and guiding questions that help jack come to the conclusions himself, and other times, she Puts Into Words the very thing that he had been thinking or feeling, but could not name, and it is very reassuring to have someone who understands him well enough to be able to do that.
after conflicts or arguments, they take time to Decompress and reassure one another (especially if at least one of them, if not both, was Overthinking again).
when they argue (and healthy couples do, remember!), it’s a dance of patience and understanding: elsa might need a moment to Collect Herself, and jack learns to give her that Space while also making it clear that he’s ready to talk whenever she is, and that he is going to try very hard to be Rational and Patient About It.
in the end, they both prioritize their relationship over any disagreement, always finding a way back to each other.
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estarion · 3 months
what's a sane amount of ex-wives to have by age 39
auditions are closed, @wellfell said he's not allowed to have any, also tied the red string of fate around his dick, no sex 'til marriage, losing it to each other on their wedding night for sure 😌💦💦
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quietlyblooms · 17 days
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self care is making all the little verses you want for your character bc it'll make you happy <3 even if your character might be miserable themself asdf
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plotbunnybreeder · 3 months
All the World's a Stage
aka a silly RomCom fake-ABO-relationship plot bunny because my brain does things
Jaskier wondered if he was secretly cursed at birth to have outrageously bad luck for the string of events that led to his current circumstances: abducted, labeled an Omega, apparently sold at the highest bid for an Omega ever, and sold to the infamous White Wolf Alpha warlord of Kaer Morhen.
Except it turns out the White Wolf isn't an Alpha.
Somehow they have to convince everyone around them (enemies and allies alike) that they're a successfully mated Alpha-Omega pair or the consequences will be greater than just shipping Jaskier back to the family that never wanted him in the first place.
Inspired by the linked post below:
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corcnaiism · 4 months
───※ ·❆· ※───⁣  @c4garuda  : ⁣ dance with noctis and deidara in a modern au?
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naturally,  noctis  was  there  to  do  some  analysis  of  the  club.
not  for  his  own  tastes,  no.  
he  was  actually  doing  proper  “business”  for  the  band  by  going  around  &  figuring  out  whether  to  take  up  an  offer  given  to  them  by  this  exact  establishment.  him  &  the  boys  have  begun  to  thoroughly  research  their  potential,  temporary  employers  due  to  an  incident  way  back  when  that  left  a  major  sour  taste  in  their  mouths.  they  can’t  be  too  trustful  to  those  they  know  nothing  about,  &  it  was  always  better  to  have  one  or  all  four  of  them  look  into  the  place  before  taking  up  a  gig.
better  to  be  safe  than  sorry.
in  the  midst  of  his  look-around  at  one  of  the  many  booths  available,  his  thoughts  have  been  interrupted  by  a  hand  that  had  seemingly  come  out  of  nowhere.  that  snapped  him  back  to  his  senses,  dark  blues  eyeing  the  hand  &  the  face  that  matched  the  extended  limb.  with  how  dim  the  lights  were  &  how  loud  the  music  was,  noctis  couldn’t  really  tell  if  this  stranger  was  high  or  drunk  or  both,  or  maybe  just  some  person  who  found  him  to  be  lonely  &  wanted  to  invite  him  for  a  dance.  
he  was  more  of  a  mosh  pit  kind  of  guy.
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  ❛  i  don’t  dance,  thank  you.  ❜
polite  and  straight  to  the  point. 
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folkorae · 2 months
Quick question: if I move my Evangeline Fox to a solo blog, would someone have interest in interacting and developing some sort of bond with her?
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
For the ask game: Can I get 7, 24, 33, and 66? Thanks!
But of course!!
7. What Time Cannot Take (Long As We Are Loved)
Sabine closed her eyes, too, and leaned against his side. In the stillness of the evening, it felt like she could almost feel the Force as it ebbed and flowed around them. Kanan was gone. But, in a way, he would always be with them.
24. Hotel staff modern AU
“What kind of things do you read?” Cassian asked, sitting forward in his chair, looking actually interested. “Like, what’s your favorite book?” “Favorite?” Jyn thought for a minute. “Wuthering Heights.” “So you like Gothic romance?” “I like books where the main characters are worse at coping with their issues than I am. It makes me feel better about myself,” she deadpanned. “Do I stress-eat? Yes, but I’ve never dug up a corpse, so I have that going for me.”
33. Rebelvengers AU!
“So. SHIELD is using kids, now.” The girl chuckled. “Y’know, I said that same thing when I met Ezra?” Kanan didn’t think it was very funny. “Kids shouldn’t be fighting extraterrestrial threats.”
66. The Surprisingly Angsty No Order 66 AU
“I missed you,” Sabine blurted out. His face twitched in some kind of reaction that she couldn’t decipher. This time, when she stepped closer to him, Ezra didn’t back away. “Did you?” he asked. Maybe he meant it to be sarcastic, but to Sabine, it just sounded listless and sad. After an empty silence, he looked up at her, without a single feeling in his expression. “Your hair is longer now.” A neutral observation. A change in topic. Another reminder that they weren’t part of each other’s lives anymore—weren’t there to notice how they changed from twenty and twenty-two, to twenty-five and twenty-seven. How much of his life had she missed?
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ask-modern-verse · 1 year
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Modernverse Ink!
Sorry, its been a while and it'll probably still be a while before I start working more on Modernverse. Life has been quite busy but I do hope you enjoy this art piece of Ink! Best Ink I've drawn in a while. Also happy Inktober 7w7
Also special thanks to @toxicfucksaround for helping me design Modern Ink!
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sunhated-a · 9 months
It’s me. 🦈 Shark anon again.
So this time I’m just gonna ask
What would muzans hobbies (asides from work) be.
(Yes, my brain can’t come up with a entire essay for a question this time, I came up with one but forgot it)
(Also youre real cool 😎)
(Also if you know about evil politician muzan, could you make hc’s based off of that au or is your blog solely only dedicated to demon kingy muzzy?)
Good afternoon, Shark Anon! I hope you had a merry christmas if you celebrate, and I'm sorry it took me a bit to get to this ask. The power was out all day.
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I'm afraid that fully uncoupling Muzan's hobbies from his work is very difficult, because he merges the two a lot. And many of his interests have stemmed from his work. One such hobby he enjoys is gardening and flower pressing.
The former began as a necessary preparation for when he found the Blue Spider Lily, but it quickly developed a life of its own, and the garden became his own little quiet space. He often finds himself tending to his plants when he wants to think. Or, if a particular upper moon wants a quiet space (particularly Kokushibo), they can make use of his garden. Most gracious indeed.
Flower pressing came later on. It wasn't uncommon for Muzan to gift books full of pressed flowers to the Moons. The habit started with Kokushibo. Later on, Douma and Akaza would receive their own too, and then he ended up relenting and giving away his older books to the rest of the moons. They'd be perfectly preserved and meticulously archived. Unfortunately, he doesn't do this quite as much anymore.
During the Heian era, he used to practice calligraphy to make particularly difficult times more bearable, this too evolved into writing of poetry and prose. Rumors are that Muzan has published a popular romantic novel under an anonymous pen name. Though these are unsubstantiated rumors and nothing more.
Another hobby he's taken up somewhat recently is kintsugi. For most of his long life, Muzan would simply cast aside what is broken or flawed, it had no use to him anymore so he didn't think much of throwing it away. Maybe his old age has made him sentimental, or perhaps wiser. And he's has begun to see the merit of repairing things by his own hand. Making something beautiful out of the broken and worthless.
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estarion · 7 months
[  ALMOST KISS  ]  *  your muse leans closer to my muse almost like they’re trying to initiate a kiss, only to pull away in the last second. (modern)
They’re only friends. It’s been made abundantly clear on both sides. That doesn't stop Orihime’s babypink Converse from smudging the lines (if sliding into his trousered lap in a tennis skirt to pout about her misfortune could be called merely ‘smudging’). Doesn’t keep him from redrawing them a bit thinner, a bit more reluctantly, than before.
A friend can hold his friend’s waist for support. A friend can thread fingers through the hair of his friend, brush a rebellious ginger strand from her cheek, tuck it smoothly behind her ear. He can lean in and smirk and hold her gaze and remember the fading marks in between them at just the right time. As a friend.
“Sorry. That loose bit was driving me mad.” He presses back into leather recliner and sighs, false relief over the renewed state of her hair. Yet actual contentment that he did it, that she let him, that her warm fingers curl against his nape in reply. But he cannot be so easy. Refuses to be, in fact. Lips twist into a not-quite-pleased shape; he owes her an eyeroll, a bent brow, a grumble of unhappiness. “Continue, please.” He rocks the chair a little, cap-toe of his left burgundy oxford gently riding the coffee table’s edge. His empty hand grasps the armrest; the palm at her waist remains in place—for now. What he owes comes entwined next, eyes flicking softly ceilingward: “Your story about the most recent ‘worst date ever’…”
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quccninchains · 1 month
| @kingmaketh sent: you look more beautiful with each day you carry my child. 💚
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{☾} She stood in the mirror, her shirt lifted up to just over her belly as she watches her reflection. She's never felt so...comfortable in her body than she does right now. Her life, since being paraded around as an actress from the age of four, had been all diets and weigh-ins. Maintaining a certain weight and body physique, punishing herself in the gym if she ever overindulged--even a little.
In the past, she would've BALKED at the reflection looking back at her. But now, she just feels...joy. Contentment. Happiness.
Alicent glances up, her hands resting on the swell of her belly, to look at her partner and beam. Her cheeks warm, as they're oft to do when Criston was around. "You're sweet," she hums, leaning back against his chest, one hand leaving her belly to rest against his hip. Though she was only six months along, she was ready to meet their daughter.
"Mmm...she's kicking again. I have a feeling it's because you're plying me with sweet compliments," she teases, leaning her head back to look at his face.
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recitedemise · 7 months
Interesting. As great as his love is for all things Weave, Gale can't say he's leant toward spells more clerical. He's dabbled in all sorts, of course, even sampling in flavors tremendously necrotic, but thatching up wounds and mending back flesh? Well, that, admittedly, was more Jenevelle's thing. It's why he's here today, a slight flutter in his chest as the apothecary nears. He's been hurting, aching, his chest still pink with the freshness of his scar, and gritting his teeth has done wondrously little. No. It's time for magic. A healing touch.
"A lovely little place, this. Oh, but you came enthusiastically recommended--well, in a manner of speaking, of course, though should any dour-faced clerics come sauntering in at all, I would appreciate forgetting I ever said that." Jenevelle, he means. Gale walks in, feeling the rippling Weave off every sun-lit corner. He smells all manners of herbs, the air thick with the smell of earth and green, but the latent magics calling to his orb... The potency seems a bit comparable to her. "Ahem. I hear you're quite the aspiring practitioner of magic. Always pleasant to see. Your wares feel considerably better than the usual fare I would find scattered about--though I may require something a bit more...'tailored.' And I hear you're quite the seamstress." / @miidnighters ♡'d.
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hellahell · 5 months
"Why are you drinking so much tonight anyway?" To Jaskier
The musician gave her a smirk before taking another sip from the beer mug.
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"I always drink a lot at night. It's already a habit. But as it's the end of my shift, I think I can overdo it a little, no?" Julian taps his fingers lightly on the guitar behind his backs. He had just played his last show at the local bar.
"And who would you be my dear lady? Usually the beautiful ladies of this region avoid talking to me. Sooo I'm actually somewhat intrigued." He gave a charming smile to the curious stranger.
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ferromagnetiic · 2 months
     [ modern ]
  luffy is sitting right next to him, just on the opposite side of the couch, not saying a word before a notification of something sent pops up on Kid's phone. it's very important he open it. absolutely vital. 
                    【 𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐒𝐊. 】       « Modern-roommate verse. »            @gumpistol
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          Prompted by the ping of a new message, Kid glances down at his phone screen. Sees who the most recent text is from. Gives Luffy a nasty side-eye without turning his head directly towards him. ….Begrudgingly looks at the message. ….Another nasty side-eye glance. ….Hesitantly opens the link.      'What you doin'? What you doin'? Wh—'
     Immediately closes the link and shoves his phone inside his pocket like he just got send a dubious scam link and he is not in the mood for it.
Without elaborating, he reaches his hand towards his roommate.      Yanks his phone directly out of his grasp.           Yeets it right across the room so it harshly hits the floor and skids across the floorboards. Then he sinks back down into the couch cushions, now in a considerably more foul mood than just moments prior.
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     ❝ I'm gettin' real done with yer shit. ❞
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agonizedembrace · 3 months
Han wahh!!! I remember when you followed me and I was like \(๑•́o•̀๑)/ whaaa? Because I saw how professional your blog was and I was like AAAAAAA this is something I know I'll like ( esp after reading your rules about not sexualizing Eve ) and once we started talking on Discord I knew that I had found someone genuine and someone who I was eager to have a friendship with. And look! It's been over a year, feels crazy how quick it passed huh? Oh March - Anyways, I stuck around because your writing is superb ( its so inspirational for me to read tbh ), your personality and kindness are unmatched, and overall you're just a wonderful person all around. Talented with a wonderful heart; I'm glad to be able to call you friend, Han, and I am ready for the many more wonderful years ahead to do so °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
sgfdsjfdskfdsl;fkj wait what is professional about my blog i am a walking meme wymmm
but 🥺waaa egg i love you so much !! everyday i am so grateful to be able to call you my friend and be able to meme with you on the daily ( and i promise .. we will play more aram soon, xiv will surely loosen its grip on me )
wah wait i dont know if i can handle all these compliments at once you're being too sweet im 😭😭😭😭im gripping you and then giving you the biggest hug... we will meet for a con one day i promise
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