#ask the OCs
bittersweet-adagio · 1 month
( for Vera ) so....where do you go now? What do you do?..what is there to do
To be honest, I don’t know.
I think it’s hard now, knowing what I did. I try to stay low and to hide, mostly. I’m surprised I wasn’t caught. I don’t think I would’ve put up much of a fight. I would say that so far, I’m surviving. I found an old diary, and I’ve been writing in that. I try to log everything I can.
I want to find somewhere to live, where I know I’m safe. But then again, I want someone to talk to. I need to let out what I’m feeling. Then again, I can’t explain it either. It’s really difficult.
I miss my family, but I can’t see them. I want to take care of someone, though I can’t even take care of myself now. It’s a struggle. I’m trying to find the ocean. Not many people are there, right?
In short, I’m living. Barely. What I do is wake up and hope for the best. That’s all. I try not to think about everything. It feels like Ellie is watching over me with disappointment.
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auxiliarydetective · 4 months
Ask the OCs? Don't mind if I do!
Aurelia, what is the best date Mihawk has ever taken you on?
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Aurelia: Well... We don’t get to go on too many dates but... I'll never forget our first sunrise on Kuraigana Island...
Congratulations, you just got a rare vulnerable moment from Donna Aurelia
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Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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t34-mt · 1 year
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4K FAQ is open!
please read the bit of text first! a bit late but i still think im allowed to do it at the moment, Reminder some basic asks were answered in the FAQ Google doc that is linked to the altuyur guide post, stuff like "what program do i use" is answered there already!
Where to submit ask?
for the 4K FAQ youll have to submit questions via a google form (its anonymous). Do not send it via my inbox please. my inbox is for spec bio/worldbuilding asks, id like FAQ ones to not get mixed with them
Ask the artist
you can send ask to me (no way) about whatever you want, The answers will all be compiled in one long post
Ask the oc's?
if that's a more fun thing that interests you, you can send ask addressing directly to the characters of altuyur!
They will be answered with little drawings so they will take longer to publish. They will also be compiled in one post, if i reach the image limit per post then it might be split into several compiling posts.
Have fun! the time limit is on September 10th! thank you all again for 4K i am very grateful of it :] tell me if you encounter any issues
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annashadowstar · 3 months
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Ask the OCs! I’m having a QnA about my OC’s. You can also ask me something. I will draw the answer but most of them will be a sketch, so don’t expect me to do a digit arts… You can ask them anything. I won’t answer if your question is too inappropriate… Have fun!
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slasher-jax · 19 days
For all your OC
Who are you and Why you think you exist?
Sorry this took so long, I have over 30 ocs
Cole Jane Rhue
"Uh, I'm Cole Rhue, AKA C-4. I don't know why I exist, but I think it might be because my parents didn't know how to use protection."
Cindy Clare Collins
"Uhm- I'm Cindy, and I don't exist, I'm dead."
Genie Uzu Xyno
"Ooh! I'm Genie, but you can call me Gene, or Z. I exist to help people of course, being a herb witch and all."
Vincent Zeno Clark
"Uh- I'm Vincent Clark. I don't know why I exist, probably because my mom's a whore."
Jordy Clark Stevens
"Uhm- Hi, I-I'm Jordy, and I exist solely for Zara."
Zara Trudy Freeman
"Get- GET AWAY FROM ME-" *several minutes later* "I'm Zara, please save me- AGHH-" *fifteen minutes later* "I'm Zara and I exist for Jordy."
"I'm Jaxon, please call me Jax. And I exist to write and draw!"
Jared Ford Thompson
"Fuck off." *one ass beat later* "I'm Jared and I exist to fuck your mom."
Bones the Skeleton Clown
"I'm Bones, and I exist to make you laugh!"
Winifred Iris Afton
"I'm Winnie, and I exist because my sister needed someone to be better than."
Rosabelle Krista Stuarts
"Oh- HI!! I'm Rosabelle, and I exist because Jax tends to get baby fever despite only being 15 I'm adorable!"
Test Subject 1593
"*cries* I don't have a name."
Gina Clark Lewis
"I'm Gina, I exist for population control."
Francine James Graham
"Just a question, you do realize that I'm about to kill you, yeah?"
Vesper Hugo Daniels
"I'm Vesper, and I exist to fight for this country."
Vivian Hill Daniels
"What kinda quesion is that? I'm Vivian, and I exist because Vesper chose not to eat me in the womb."
Caecilius Alastar Mori
"I'm Caecilius, I know it's a mouthful, just call me Cae, and I exist to protect the royal family."
Bowie Daniel Remington
Celyn Hira Pekkanen
"Celyn, I exist to fuck with Christina."
Christina Babirye Nolan
"I'm Christina, I guess I exist to clean Celyn's messes for them."
Courtney Imani Paige
"Hi, Courtney -CARAMEL APPLE MOCHA FOR JOSH- and I exist to fill the gap that was made for people's coffee in the mornings."
Porphyrios Hadriana Hepburn
"Are-Are you joking right now? My name is Porphyrios, child of Hades and Persephone, the god of death. I exist to ensure Percy Jackson makes it to and from missions mostly unharmed, which is pretty funny considering I'm the god of death."
Chrissy Carolina Mollown
"Oh! Hi! I'm Chrissy. I'm exist to make everyone's day a little brighter!"
Valeria Nikhila Janda
"The fuck d'you want? Yah, yah, whatever. I'm Valeria Nikhila Janda, I exist because my mom decided to fuck Satan."
Caroline Zitkala Merkel
"Oh! Hi! Hehe. I'm Caroline, and I exist because Jax decided he didn't have enough assassin ocs, hehe."
Isabelle Erna Nicholson
"Hmm? You can call me Ms.Nicholson, I exist because Jax was going through a I wanna be a teacher phase."
Florian Herminia Cano
"Huh? O-oh, I'm F-Florian. I-I don't know why I exist."
Jace Verian Taylor
"... *stabs you*"
Tags: @zeroisreallygood @puppet200 @purpleeggyboi @im-a-simp898 @th3-r4t-48 @evry1h8s-me @aflairforthemelodramaticc
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Don't think he forgot about Unicorn Man!!!
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So many gifts! ☺️
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Okay I got a question for the trio! (and Ash and Athena if they're down to answer): What's your favorite movie?
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It took em a bit of time to figure it out, but the trio finally have their choices ready!!!
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clockwindcreations · 8 months
are you guys like the heart, the mind, and the soul from chonny jash???
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ambored · 6 months
Ask my OCs
Go to my introduction (or ask if there are any OCs not on there), and then ask any OC whatever you want (this will from now on be a limited monthly event)
They will be answering any and all questions until March 20th!
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iliumheightnights · 2 years
Which oc is this with their boyfriend or husband 🤔
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I mean there are a few for sure, but the two that come to mind immediately are Daniel and Gideon. Those two I know are like two of the “cuddlier” ones. Gideon will do that to Bruce to distract him from work and to make him focus on him. Daniel on the other hand does it to Peter because he just wants Peter’s attention and can’t keep his hands off him.
They’re both a bit touch starved I guess. Both wanting some sort of physical attention and this is a great way for it.
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cotton-candy-haze · 2 years
fiona harrington when robin and steve are high off their asses in the bathroom? -bibaybe
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Fiona was visiting her brother at work when he got roped into translating a secret Russian code, which somehow led to her getting trapped under the mall and almost kidnapped by Russians. It’s times like these that really make her wish she was an only child... or maybe not.
Fiona stared at the bathroom door as it slammed shut behind Robin and Steve’s retreating forms. For a moment, she contemplated just leaving them there to fend for themselves—she hadn’t signed up to babysit two idiots while they were high on some sort of damn Russian truth serum and she really, really didn’t want to deal with this—but then she realized that she would probably have to explain how her older brother ended up dead in a public bathroom drugged out of his mind if she left them alone in there. Staring up at the ceiling, she weighed out her options and ultimately decided against making an escape. Heaving a long-suffering sigh, she walked up to the bathroom and nudged the door open.
“Hey Stevie, you guys alive in here?” Fiona called out as she finally stepped into the bathroom. Her eyes darted between the two stalls where Robin and Steve were currently barfing their guts up. She scrunched her nose up in disgust and shuffled slightly closer to the stall her brother was curled up in when it seemed like the wave of nausea had passed. “Steve?”
“Fionaaa, my favorite sister,” Steve slurred and whipped his head around to look at her. Glassy eyes struggled to track her, but eventually landed somewhere to the right of her head. “What’re you doing here?”
“I’m your only sister, numbnuts. And I’m here because I don’t feel like leaving you two to die on this grody bathroom floor.” Fiona stopped in the opening of the stall and crossed her arms against her chest. Her eyes darted around the stall before eventually landing on her brother’s beaten face. Her expression softened a fraction and she sighed. “You’re lucky I love you, Stevie.”
“Aww, I love you too Fee.” Steve grinned and reached out for her with one hand, although he overshot it and ended up swiping at the open air. He pouted, squinted his eyes, and tried reaching for her again. “Sit with meee. Please?”
Fiona rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help the tiny smile that tugged at her lips. She grabbed Steve’s extended arm by the wrist and nudged him gently. “Alright, fine. Scoot over then.”
Steve’s smile somehow grew even wider as he scooted across the tiled floor to make room for Fiona. She gave a huff of laughter and sat down next to him, only letting herself think about how disgusting this was for a second before she pushed the thought away. As soon as she was settled with her back pressed against the wall, Steve threw an arm around her shoulders in an awkward sideways hug. She shook her head, let out another tiny laugh, and gave his hand a gentle pat.
“You’re a good little sister,” Steve mumbled before he dropped his head heavily against her shoulder. His bruised eye protested the movement and he let out a hiss of pain, but he didn’t lift his head. “Doesn’t even matter that you’re adopted. Never mattered. Always been my little sister. Doesn’t matter...”
“Thanks Steve,” Fiona replied quietly. She was still smiling at him, but her eyes had gone a little bit misty. She sniffed and rubbed at her face with the corner of her sleeve.
“Shit, I’m not s’posed to say that.” Steve suddenly looked very concerned as he jerked his head up. He stared at Fiona, his brows furrowed as he struggled to string words together in an order that made sense. “Not s’posed to tell anyone how they got you. They’ll be mad. Not allowed to talk about it. Don’t tell ‘em Fee, don’t tell ‘em what I said.”
“It’s alright, I won’t tell anyone,” she reassured in a gentle tone. She scrubbed at her face again, wiping away the growing dampness under her eyes.
Fiona gave him a watery smile and held out her extended pinky, just like she always did when they were kids. Steve immediately lifted his own hand and wrapped his pinky around hers. They sat like that for a moment longer before Steve grinned and dropped his head against Fiona’s shoulder again.
“You’re my favorite sister.”
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bittersweet-adagio · 30 days
For Khoi, at the current round in Season 39: How are you feeling after what Vera did to Ellie? And how do you feel about the prospect of a round up against Sai?
Honestly? I wasn’t expecting it. But I know it’s not something she did on impulse. I’m just confused, you know? I thought she loved Ellie. I didn’t like seeing Vera with a gun, and… It’s so strange that she’d let this happen. I know this was Guardian Kora’s fault. But I can’t assume.
I feel a bit sick. Everyone I know is dying one by one, and my round was no better.
I don’t… want to go against Sai. I know we don’t talk anymore, but… it’ll hurt me so much to see him go, even if he did do that to someone I thought of as a sister. I think in a round against them, I’d rather let him live than me. What do I have left now? I don’t know my sister, I can’t go back to her. Though, I can see her at the garden now. But I don’t think she’d want to see me. My friends are all either dead or dying, inside and out, but at least some of his are still around. And they care about him. I’m assuming youhe thinks I hate him now. Even if that isn’t true.
I completely regret my last few years at ANAKT. I wish I spent it all with Sai, no matter what.
You know what? I hope my sister does well in ANAKT when she goes after me. I know she’s sick and all, but… I hope she lives a long and healthy life. I want her to be more happy than I am.
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auxiliarydetective · 4 months
Cora, if you could have any other devil fruit, what would it be? or would you rather chose to be able to swim?
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Cora: Hm... That's a good question... I've had my devil fruit my whole life, so... It's hard to imagine myself without it...
Cora: But if I had the choice, I think I'd rather swim. I've always wondered what it feels like.
Cora got fed her devil fruit as one of the first solid foods she ate when she was still a baby. As such, she doesn't know what it's like without her fruit. But if I, as the author, had to give her an existing, canon fruit, it would be the Nui Nui no Mi or Stitch Stitch Fruit, for its similarity to her usual fruit.
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Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
Also tagging: @supermarine-silvally
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Finn Jackson - Son of Rex Jackson
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Junior Rose - Brother of Harv
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Sadie Greenfoot - Daughter of Robby Greenfoot
Idea from @pricescigar 🧡
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annashadowstar · 3 months
(I just noticed this post and I'm willing to make a ask!)
To Lay: How exactly did you felt when your parents announcement they were going to have another baby soon? (If you know what I mean of course, Hint: I'm talking about my Copperright fanchild Baojin)
To Chris: How's your relationship with Binta (my mexican government oc, if you don't remember how she looks like or who she is then lemme know)?
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kottkrig · 5 months
People liking your personal OCs is still such a crazy feeling, I've been doing this for years and ppl asking about them still fills my entire heart with warmth and idk how to handle it
You enjoy this fictional guy I made up for fun?? Whose only content is random artwork or writing made by me and a handful of other artists at most? They have no show/book/game with a large fandom, it's just one person with an art blog?? I love u
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