#ask: leire
swansong-if · 8 months
torture for leir?
Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
They've never been tortured nor have they tortured anyone, and I don't think they would. If pushed to their limits they might have a moment of extreme desperation and grief like, "I want to see this person suffer for what they've done" but I don't see Leir having the emotional capacity to actually follow through. They're just not built like that. Might kill someone if pushed to it but that's about it. And as for torture to gather information or anything like that, it would definitely go against their morals.
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foxfireink · 1 year
Happy STS!
It's always character playlist that— which lyrics best describe your oc this— What I want to know is which one of your ocs is most likely to randomly burst out into song for no reason? Can they actually sing or are they happily shouting off key? What song would they be singing during such a show tunes moment? How would the rest of the ocs react?
Thank you for the ask! Outcasts is the most relevant wip for this at the moment.
Hmm, we have a fair bir of musically inclined OCs, bur Leir is literally a bard so he's probably the most likely to sing, but only for his job! (Which also includes being a distraction for other things at times lol) He's prone to humming under his breath while doing daily tasks, so he wouldn't even realize it. Singing he does for crowds but he has learned the hard way not to gallavant and sing unless he is trying to make a point or garner attention. Which sometimes he is, haha.
Toby is probably the one most likely to bust into song off or semi on key at any moment. He is the brother in law to Finley, and loves his wife (Jackie) and their kids dearly. He is very much a farm boy and built to match, but he loves to entertain and can lead a jovial folk song at the drop of a hat, whether or not anyone else is inclined lol.
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NSFW: What are the ROs preferences in bed?
Albert/Lavina - Sub/Vers
Their preferences match their personality, they like it gentle, sweet and romantic. Sex without love means nothing. Being in bed with someone has to come from the heart and from a deep trust in their partner. They don't like being in charge and mostly prefer vanilla sex, but not opposed to experiment a little.
Ada/Omar - Switch/Vers
They are wild, and I mean wild. Almost anything you can think of, they'd probably already done, and if not they're not far from trying it. They enjoy sex in every way and they're not ashamed to say so, it's their favorite subject to talk about and their favorite game to play. Plus, apart from all the toys they have, they are very creative with their magic, but they need a partner who can keep up with their high sex drive.
Rayco/Gara - Dom/Top
In contrast to being very gentle and compliant outside the bedroom, they are very passionate intimately and don't hold back. They're into light bondage and can be a bit rough sometimes, but that doesn't make them hide their affection not unable them to be sweet, for in the end they see it as an act of love, not only pleasure. Not opposed to a playful 'fight' to be on top, but they always end up winning.
Leire/Luca - Not smashable. Sorry about that
They are asexual, and while they're not repulsed by it and wouldn't say no to do it very few times with the one they love, they are not interested and it's something that's not going to happen in the game. Their preference in bed? A blanket, a notebook to draw and their partner cuddled up at their side.
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butchhamlet · 1 year
what are your favourite things about king lear? also do you know any really good productions that i can watch online for free? asking because i didn’t really like king lear when i read it (except for edmund. i love edmund) and knowing why other people like it might let me look at it from a different angle. because i know it’s objectively a good play, and there’s a 50% chance of me having to study it next year so i want to like it
so i started writing a response to this ask and then paused to plot out my points (as if writing a goddamn essay) and then i looked at my points and i had written
fucked-up families
apocalypse vibes
women are hot
which. yeah, that's it, isn't it
anyway, to elaborate on that: i will admit that some of this is just personal preference, because i love stories about complicated nuclear-waste-toxic family dynamics, and lear is, like, one of the original Nuclear Waste Family Dynamic plays. (so is the oreisteia, incidentally.) what gets me specifically is that this is a play about power, yeah, but also about love: everybody in lear wants love, and nobody is getting enough of it. and the dynamics of the two families here get immediately more interesting if this isn't JUST a who-inherits-the-throne thing. edmund wants political sway, yeah, but maybe he also wants to be seen as more than a bastard. goneril kills her sister out of jealousy, yeah, but also, has she ever had a person care about her like edmund? (does he care about her? how much of the love triangle is about love vs lust vs calculation? these are questions that could be answered a thousand ways.)
i also read this play counter to old white guy traditional scholarship because i think lear (the guy) sucks. sorry. i think he sucks. i think he's terrifying and tyrannical and his daughters can do whatever they want (imo, his main problem is trying to apply his political power to his personal relationships, and that's not something caused by his senility. goneril and regan state at the end of 1.1 that, while he's going off the deep end a little more these days, "the best and soundest of his time hath been but rash." this guy has always sucked). speaking of goneril and regan, they're not evil hags--they're women trying to live with an unpredictable father, as well as trying to retain the little power they have in a male-dominated world. (notably, regan's husband is on her team, while goneril's isn't, and lear seems to have a lot of hatred for goneril specifically. which colors how both of them interact with power, edmund, and each other.)
i could actually talk about lear family dynamics forever (do cordelia's sisters love her, resent her, or both? how does edgar feel about edmund? how does edmund feel about edgar, for that matter? does he feel guilty at all for doing what he does? does edgar feel guilty about killing him? is the relationship between lear and gloucester entirely professional, or are they friends? can lear even have friends when he sees everything as some sort of zero-sum power love game? is kent gay for lear? <- yes) but i won't. because i have another point to make!
which is that it's somewhat comforting to me, in an era of [gestures at the news and broad state of the world], to read a play where people are like "holy fuck the world's going to shit and all the rules of society are inverted!" i read lear for the first time during pandemic quarantine, so. it felt fitting. your mileage may vary here (maybe you prefer escapism), but i think one could draw a lot of parallels between lear and [gestures out the window again]. this play is bleak in a way that few other shakespeare plays are bleak. (maybe timon of athens.) it's set in pre-christian britain, and the gods are invoked, but they're not really present. no one who appeals to higher powers ever seems to get any help or even comfort. and the original story of king leir didn't end Like That. shakespeare decided his play was going to end with the emotional equivalent of getting bricked in the face. cordelia's death doesn't mean anything at all! it didn't have to happen! edmund tried to stop it! she doesn't die in the original myth! and yet we're left with this horrifying apocalyptic last scene, where all the struggles for love and power come to almost nothing. maybe, if one is concerned about current events, this would make one feel worse. but i fucking love tragic catharsis and i feel bleak about the modern world so this horrible upsetting play is quite close to my heart <3
finally: i've already touched on Hot Women, but . i am a simple butch. i think goneril and regan are soooooo sexy. i love when women are mean and ruthless. i love when women kill with swords. i think conflating the two of them/treating them like two halves of the same Evil Daughter Character is a cardinal sin of shakespeare studies; you have to be reading with your eyes shut not to note stuff like regan's desire to outdo goneril, goneril's comparative lack of fulfilling relationships (re: lear fucking hates her and her husband sucks), or the differences in their dynamic with edmund (regan is still mourning cornwall at this point--does she love edmund at all, or is she just playing the political long game?). and cordelia, too, is more than just the Angelic Good Daughter; she's on stage much less frequently, but she shows a stubborn virtue that honestly borders on naivete and maybe an inclination toward martyrdom. how does she feel about her father? does she really forgive him? how does she feel about her sisters, for that matter? i'm not saying this play is, like, the most feminist shakespeare play ever written; i just really love the lear sisters.
other misc stuff: the themes are tasty! look at the authoritarianism! (is it right for one man to have this much power? see that line about the king being a wheel rolling down a hill destroying everything in his path as he destroys himself, or whatever). look at the gender dynamics! (goneril's dominance over albany and edmund in turn; the question of her womb; the mutual violence of regan and cornwall; cordelia leading an army.) look at the debate about fate and predestination! (#redditatheist edmund i love you). ++ the fact that it's set in some kind of nebulous unclear time period and the fool sings about merlin who wasn't even alive yet. i just think it's neat <3
as far as productions, i have a friend who swears by the bob jones university prod, though i haven't seen it in full (hi @lizardrosen :D). i also hav NTLive and RSC lears somewhere, i think, but shhhhh don't tell
i'd apologize for this ask being this long, but when my parents asked me to explain the plot of lear to them in 2020 i talked for 25 minutes so i guess we're all getting off lucky here
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princesssarisa · 6 months
My Cinderella Tales From Around the World recap has gone out of order, because I forgot to make this post earlier today. I typed it out this morning, but I was so eager to move on to the English tales and read Geoffrey of Monmouth's King Leir that I forgot to change "Save draft" to "Post now."
The next Love Like Salt tales in Cinderella Tales from Around the World are from Belgium, France, Spain, and Portugal.
*The Belgian versions are very Cinderella-like for the most part. After being banished, the princess becomes a scullery maid in another castle, and she's often given a demeaning nickname, like "Slut-Sweeps-the-Oven" (Vuiltji-Vaegt-den-Oven – the English translation uses "slut" in the old-fashioned sense of "a dirty woman"), "Little Dirty-Skin" (Vuilvelleken), or "Ash-Blower" (Asschepoester), which is a Flemish version of the typical Dutch name for Cinderella.
**She also typically loses a shoe, or in the case of Slut-Sweeps-the-Oven, a shoe, a glove, and a ring, one item at each ball. Although oddly, in that particular tale, when each of those objects fit her, the prince and his mother still don't realize that she was the beautiful lady – just that she has remarkably pretty feet and hands for a dirty servant girl. But one day, some time after the third ball, she hears the queen give her son permission to marry the lady if he should find her, then offers to "fetch her," goes out, and comes back in her finery. Most other versions just follow Cinderella and have her marry the prince as soon as the shoe fits her.
**The older sisters' typical responses to the king's "How much do you love me?" are "as the pupils of my eyes," "as the sun," or "as my life." One version uses "bread" and "wine" like the Italian variants, though.
**One version combines the love tests with the archetypal "father goes on a journey and asks for gift requests" scenario. The king asks each daughter to chose a gift for him to bring back based on how much she loves him. The eldest asks for a golden spinning wheel, because her father is as precious as gold, the second asks for a silver gown because her father is as precious as silver, and the youngest asks for a lump of salt because her father is as precious as salt.
**One version even uses the recurring theme of the disguised princess being beaten and later alluding to it at the ball – a common feature of Cinderellas and Donkeyskins not seen in any other Love Like Salt so far – but the perpetrator is the prince's mother, not the prince himself.
**As implied above, the princess in these versions tends to be merely banished by her father, not ordered killed, and allowed to take her elegant dresses and jewels with her, which she hides in a hollow tree or other secret place until the balls.
**Two versions have her finery provided by a magical old woman, however: one who gives her a magic box to hide in a hollow tree, which will give her finery when she requests it (although the magic only lasts until midnight), and one more in the vein of Cinderella's fairy godmother, who turns a mousetrap into a coach, mice into horses, and matchsticks into footmen, then breathes on the princess's rags to turn them into finery.
*In two Belgian versions, however, the heroine doesn't go through a Cinderella story or get married. Instead, in one version, another king simply takes her in out of kindness, then invites her father to a feast with no salt some time later, while in another, she comes back to her own father's court disguised as a page boy and teaches the king his lesson by instructing the cook not to salt the food at a feast.
*The French versions strongly resemble either Cinderella or Donkeyskin too, as well as more strongly resembling King Lear in some cases than any other versions so far.
**In The Turkey Girl, the king doesn't just ask "How much do you love me?" but like Lear, divides his kingdom among his daughters based on their love. The older two both claim to love him "more than anything in the world," and when the youngest says "like salt," he orders her killed. But a devoted servant – a figure who's a bit like a cross between Shakespeare's Kent and the Fool – secretly disguises her as a peasant girl and finds work for her at another castle. Soon afterward, the elder daughters turn their father out, and the faithful servant finds a small farm where the two of them live. Meanwhile, the princess goes through a Cinderella story, attending three balls, fleeing at midnight, losing a shoe, etc. After she forgives her father, the prince's family overthrows the wicked sisters and restores the old king to his throne, and the servant is rewarded.
**In Marie the King's Daughter, the heroine doesn't claim to love her father like salt, but instead, more like Cordelia, claims to love him just as much as she "ought to love such a father." After being banished, she dresses in a donkey skin and becomes a goatherd. One day out in the fields she secretly puts on an elegant gown she's kept hidden, and a prince happens by, sees her, and falls in love. When she notices him she runs off, losing a shoe, and he finds her Cinderella-style. She then learns that her brother and sister (a rare difference from the usual two sisters) have dethroned their father and locked him in a dungeon, where he's gone mad. Marie insists that her prince wage war to overthrow her siblings, which he does, and Marie nurses the king back to health and sanity. Only then does she marry the prince.
**The third French version is The Dirty Shepherdess (La Pouilleuse), found in Andrew Lang's The Green Fairy Book. Here there are only two daughters, one who loves their father "as the apple of my eye" and one who loves him "as salt." After being banished, she dirties herself because no housewife would employ a servant girl who was too pretty (their husbands might have roving eyes, after all), and then finds work as a shepherdess. From there it plays out like Perrault's Donkeyskin: the prince sees her in her beautiful gown in the woods, falls ill, and asks for bread baked by the shepherdess, and she drops a ring into the dough, which fits only her. In the end her father comes to the wedding already knowing her identity and regretting having banished her, so they joyfully reunite before she uses the saltless meal to teach him what she meant.
*The book includes one variant from Spain, Xuanón del Cortezón, or "Johnny of the Bark." The princess claims to love her father "as bread loves salt," so a servant is ordered to kill her but lets her go. She disguises herself as boy and becomes a turkey herd, but when she's alone in the fields she changes into her own gowns, and one day the prince sees her. He claims to be sick and asks for "Xuanón the turkey boy" to bring him broth, and when "Xuanón" obeys, the prince admits he knows her true gender and proposes marriage. When her father comes to the wedding, he's served a loaf of bread made without any salt, and when he realizes his mistake and his daughter reveals her identity, he instantly dies of joy.
*In the one variant from Portugal, the two older sisters claim to love their father "better than the light of the sun" and "better than myself," while the youngest loves him "as food loves salt." After her banishment, she goes to work as a cook at another palace, but only cooks alone, wearing her own elegant clothes as she does so. One day she drops ring into a pie, the prince tries it on every lady of the court, and finds that it fits only her. She doesn't reveal her identity right away, but from then on the prince spies on her, and finally sees her in her princess gown. For their wedding, she insists on cooking the feast herself, and of course she invites her father and puts no salt in his food, leading to their reunion.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @adarkrainbow, @themousefromfantasyland
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thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avenger #41: When Ghosts Can Die, Even Gods Must Fear!
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February, 1989
Mockingird: "Go away! Haven't you tortured me enough, PHANTOM RIDER?"
Why did West Coast Avengers suddenly decide to have awesome covers?
Ghostly heads? Pentagram? Cover dialogue? This has it all!
This issue is to tie off some loose ends before John Byrne takes over so lets get to it!
Last times on West Coast Avengers: Mockingbird committed some cowboy manslaughter in the past times. Fully justified because it was a sex crime cowboy but when her cowboy manslaughter was revealed by the ghost of the cowboy, it kinda torpedo'd her marriage. Mockingbird and Hawkeye got into a massive argument masquerading as a debate on whether its okay for superheroes to do a manslaughter. And when the dust settled, the two were pre-divorced and Mockingbird took half the team with her, Tigra and Moon Knight.
Hawkeye's side of the team doesn't matter for this issue. But its Hawkeye, Wonder Man, Vision, and Scarlet Witch. Last time they fought a quirky miniboss squad.
This time, the narration is right. It really does seem like someone slapped some Thor inside a West Coast Avengers cover.
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There's an invasion of Asgard by Seth, Egyptian god of being a dick, and his army of snakey boys. Leir of the Tuatha de Danaan/the Celtic gods is here helping the Asgardians because the line must be drawn heeeyah. This far, no further.
This stuff isn't really relevant but its not not relevant.
What is relevant is that Mockingbird's Notvengers have gone to the University of Nevada.
Remember that time Mockingbird assaulted and nearly killed Dr. Hamilton Slade, believing him to have something to do with his ancestor's ghost jackassery?
Well, the Notvengers are trying the novel idea of just asking him for help without kicking the shit out of him. And also, they've brought Daimon Hellstrom as a supernatural consultant. But no Patsy Walker though.
Suddenly, this is a bad issue.
Also, plotter and editor-in-chief Tom DeFalco has a cameo of himself in this book.
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I like to point out creative team cameos.
Look at that DeFalco, playing some frisbee and being mocked by a friend. Interesting choice for a cameo, I tell ya what.
Anyway, Dr. Hamilton Slade says he has no idea what all this Phantom Rider stuff is about. Sure, his ancestor Lincoln Slade was a Wild West vigilante but what does that have to do with him?
Mockingbird decides to recap her entire experience with Phantom Rider in the past times. How he kidnapped her and drugged her into being his girlfriend. How she came to her senses and fought him at the edge of a cliff and didn't save him when he wound up hanging from the cliff.
Cowboy manslaughter!
Mockingbird: "I watched him fall -- and I was glad. You'd have to be a woman to understand how such violation can traumatize you -- drive you to extreme. And, of course, I was once a secret agent. We're taught to live with death."
But Phantom Rider has no appreciation for what should have been the cathartic end of the story. He came back as a ghost to torment Mockingbird and leaked a biased version of the story to Hawkeye to ruin Mockingbird's marriage.
Granted, Hawkeye and Mockingbird being too stubborn not to yell at each other about it sealed the deal.
Hamilton Slade says he kinda understands why she beat the shit out of him now. He'll do what he can, although he still doesn't know what he can do.
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Hellstrom draws a big ol' pentagram on the floor and tridents the ghost out of Hamilton.
Oh, ghost(s) actually.
Handily distinguished. Cape Phantom Rider is ye original Phantom Rider, Carter Slade. Lincoln's older brother. No cape Phantom Rider is Lincoln, the Phantom Rider that's been tormenting Mockingbird.
-slaps Hamilton-
This bad boy can hold so many ghosts.
Cape Phantom yells that Lincoln was always a bad egg. He abandoned his own wife and child to go off and be Phantom Rider when Carter died.
And dammit, Carter told him not to go and be Phantom Rider! It's not a legacy title, shitheel!
After watching some cowboy ghosts lasso each other for a while, Daimon Hellstrom decides that what this situation really needs is to be complicated.
He tridents Moon Knight and Khonshu points out.
Turns out that the occult expert recognizes a possession when he sees it. Even if its divine possession.
But with a god on the board, surely we'll get this ghost cowboy situation cleared up in no time.
Except... remember that thing with Seth and his demonic invasion of Asgard?
Yeah. That didn't open the issue for nothing. We're complicating the resolution of the haunted Mockingbird subplot by adding in a completely different plot.
Seth is an Egyptian god and whoops so is Khonshu. When Khonshu pings the ethereal scanners that Seth's demons are using, Seth's general orders a strikeforce to attack Khonshu before he can join the fight against Seth.
Despite the fact that Khonshu has shown zero knowledge or interest in Seth's plans.
Womp womp.
So back at the pentagram, Khonshu orders the ghost cowboys to stop fucking fighting each other and settle down.
Then because of Hellstrom's prompting, he decides to explain to Moon Knight why he's been possessing him.
Khonshu: "Marc Spector, I have left your body which I have inhabited for several months. As the giver of vengeance, I desired to experience this team called Avengers, and in what more fitting fashion -- than as you. I made you believe it was your destiny to become an Avenger. And so as to arouse no suspicion -- I took control of you by degrees. Slowly, like the waxing moon, I imposed myself upon your essense... and the god became man. But my need for this experience is over and so I withdraw my imprint from you completely. Now arise, Fist of Khonshu. Once again you are but flesh and blood in my service."
So, basically, Khonshu wanted to hang out with the Avengers and took over Marc's body to do it.
Also rude: Seth's demons teleport in and start fighting everything.
Tigra: "Does anybody get a break around here?"
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Moon Knight gets the worst in the ambush.
He was already dealing with suddenly being back in the drivers seat when suddenly a bunch of demons show up and start punching him and knocking him down the stairs. And the strength of these silly snake demons and maybe tumbling down the stairs breaks Moon Knight's weapons and his bracelets.
Moon Knight: "My weapons being lost -- and shattered! What type of enemies are we facing?"
Hellstrom handles the ambush better. These are demons, he fights demons. He blasts the group accosting him away with BALEFUL SOULFIRE!
Khonshu does not do as well.
Seth's demons were expecting to fight a Khonshu and they were ready to fight a Khonshu.
They incapacitate him with a surprise blast of the "etheromic phase-out cannon."
And the demons definitely didn't reckon on Tigra who goes catserker on them.
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They really weren't ready for The Tigra.
Meanwhile, ghost fight.
Phantom Rider punches Phantom Rider through the wall of the building and outside where some college students are chilling.
They, of course, get a frighten and run off.
Other students seeing the ghost fight just assume its holograms from those darn computer graphics majors again.
Bad Phantom Rider clarifies for the audience that ghost guns can hurt ghosts. And then he shoots his brother, the Phantom Rider with the cape.
Good Phantom Rider also clarifies that Lincoln Slade was never supposed to be Phantom Rider.
Carter was chosen based on fate and destiny and spirits and whatever. Lincoln wasn't.
Good Phantom Rider: "My life was saved for a reason -- a purpose! I was destined to be a creature of the night... bringer of swift justice to the lawless! I knew I had been saved for a reason and Flaming Star claimed I was to be the champion his sky-spirits had promised him! But the Phantom Rider identity is not meant to be passed to one who isn't worthy! It's a special gift -- and you never measured up inside, Lincoln! Never!"
Lincoln, the bad Phantom Rider, insists that not only did he deserve to be Phantom Rider, he was better at it than Carter ever was! So, nyeh!
Good Phantom Rider claims that because the fates/spirits didn't intend Lincoln to become Phantom Rider, they probably maybe drove him mad! Yup, possibly, the spirits are responsible for Lincoln obsessing over Mockingbird and kidnapping her. You're maybe dicks, the spirits.
Back at the Seth subplot, Tigra is still going ham on Seth's demons. Just really tearing into them.
Mockingbird realizes that her cat friend is in a real berserk state and that anything that moves might be in for a mauling.
Nevertheless, Mockingbird jumps Tigra from behind and restrains her, saying that Avengers don't murder!
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Okay, but what about manslaughter?
Because this feels like its supposed to be the conclusion to Mockingbird's arc? She sees a bunch of superhero murder going on and decides 'wow I don't like that, maybe I was in the wrong'?
Except: different situations. Apples and oranges.
Back at ghost fight, Bad Capeless Lincoln Phantom Rider says he doesn't care about Caped Carter claiming that the spirits drove him mad. He just wants to endlessly torment Mockingbird in revenge for her letting him fall off a cliff.
Nothing saner than that!
Anyway, ghost fight ends with Carter giving Lincoln a real walloping. Because he's fighting to protect Hamilton, who both the ghosts were living in rent free.
Back at the demon fight, Moon Knight has decided it doesn't matter whether he's going mad or not. Doesn't matter who these chumps are or what they want. Because he's very pissed off now and he's going to do violence until he stops being so pissed off.
And Moon Knight jumps into a pile of demons, bringing one of his last weapons over someone's head.
Elsewhere in the demon fight, Hamilton Slade is hiding under a desk wondering if he's going mad.
This day has been nuts for him. Superheroes claiming he was harboring a murder ghost. An Egyptian god popping out of another dude. Extradimensional invasion of demons. Ghost fights!
So when Carter shows back up with an unconscious?? Lincoln and tells Hamilton that he's the chose one of this generation, Hamilton just goes you know what fine.
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And he becomes the new Phantom Rider. Possessed by a dead Phantom Rider. But the good one.
Does the present need a cowboy with ghost powers to fight crime? Either way, its got one now!
All-New, All-Different Phantom Rider shoots his ghost guns at the Etheric Stasis Generator, freeing Khonshu. Who takes the good measure of destroying the generator so they can't get him again.
Moon Knight gets grappled by the pile of demons he jumped into but he's able to kick himself loose. But loses his fancy belt in the process.
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They're really destroying this man's collection of ancient egyptian artifacts.
Also, Hellstrom has been kicking demon ass off-panel this whole time. So between Tigra slashing her way through a small pile of demons, Moon Knight kicking his way out of another pile, Khonshu breaking free, and Hellstrom blasting demons with hellfire this whole time... the general decides 'actually? fuck this' and orders a retreat.
Moon Knight gets to throw a straggler through the portal himself and tells him to tell Seth that "one of those who defeated you was Moon Knight -- the Fist of Khonshu!"
Khonshu appears before Moon Knight and tells him that it's been fun possessing him but he's got to get back to his god responsibilities.
Moon Knight tells his god that he has no idea who his real self is anymore or what he should be doing.
Khonshu tells him to continue to avenge in his name but Khonshu won't be possessing him anymore.
He possessed Moon Knight because he was curious to experience mortal sensations but now he's gotta go punch Seth a lot. He feels somewhat responsible since they're from the same pantheon.
Khonshu: "Perhaps I will not survive the coming conflict. But though I perish -- let the mortal fist outlive the immortal deity. Strike in my name, disciple. Now and forever... strike in my name. Farewell."
And Khonshu fucks off.
Tigra flirts with Moon Knight but he rebuffs her.
Implying, I suppose, their relationship was because Khonshu wanted a catgirl girlfriend.
Later on, like this year, Tigra and Moon Knight do have a good relationship. I think they're dating again. Both have grown up a lot since West Coast Avengers.
Hellstrom decides that he should ghostbust both of the Phantom Rider ghosts, just in case. Mockingbird echoes the sentiment because she dislikes all ghost cowboys now.
Cape Carter Phantom Rider agrees to be banished if it banishes his evil, bad fuckup brother Lincoln too. Carter will guard Lincoln for eternity to make sure he never threatens the world with his madness.
Hamilton disagrees though. And he commands Carter to possess him at the last second.
Bad Lincoln gets banished, Carter is safely hidden inside Hamilton.
Hellstrom asks Hamilton if he's going to be okay with hosting a ghost.
Hamilton Slade: "In my mind I can see -- I can feel the glorious future to come! It shall be as it was over one hundred years ago... A caped champion in white astride the great stallion Banshee -- a champion whose blazing guns will see that decent folk rest safe and secure! Rider and horse united in the never-ending pursuit of law and order and the frontier justice that is the legacy of -- THE PHANTOM RIDER!"
So, yeah, like I said. A new, new modern Phantom Rider.
Hellstrom says, well, fine, but he's still going to keep Hamilton on notice for ghost crimes.
Which Phantom Hamilton Rider is fine with.
As the Notvengers leave the university, Tigra asks Moon Knight what's wrong. The two of them have a rapport, he can confide in her.
But what he has to say, he says to the whole group.
He's quitting.
Joining the Avengers was Khonshu's idea and since Khonshu fucked off, Moon Knight is fucking quitting.
Technically, he already quit when he sided with Mockingbird. But semantics.
Also, Moon Knight is implicitly dumping Tigra in doing this.
Tigra suggests that she and Mockingbird go back and rejoin the West Coast Avengers.
Given what note things ended on, I don't know why she thinks it'd be so easy. It definitely feels like there were hurt feelings and bruised pride that has to be navigated.
But either way, Mockingbird rejects the suggestion. She has too much shit to sort out and she can't face Hawkeye.
She's probably definitely not begging him to take her back.
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So Mockingbird and Moon Knight sadly walk off in different directions. NOTVENGERS NO MORE!
Tigra cries because this is super-poignant, we swear.
But also because she hitched her wagon to Mockingbird's cause and like the East Coast Avengers team pre-Inferno, the team just dusted away due to indifference.
The Notvengers won the day, fought off some demons, were around when someone else stopped the evil ghost haunting Mockingbird.
But it doesn't feel like a win.
Hellstrom tells her life goes on and Avengers endure. Maybe go rejoin the Avengers, he seems to be suggesting.
Because she seemingly does in the next issue.
And I'm finally at the Byrne run. Lamentations.
Follow @essential-avengers because I'm not an evil ghost possessing an archaeologist. I'm very material. Like, reblog, and comment maybe?
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cutiedwaekki · 1 year
part 1 ; part 2 ; part 3&4
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Everything seemed more logical until now, but I had the distinct impression that I was missing a part of the story to fully understand it.
So I grabbed my phone and, using the Dictaphone app, began to summarize my progress on this investigation.
2 months after the death of General Councilor Jung, I'm not giving up. I've discovered that several people were responsible for his murder. So the field of culprits has been widened, but I think I've got an idea of where to look.
Digging into the past of the three stores on the Miroh street , I discovered some amazing things:
• Felix and Changbin's bakery has been around for at least three years. The two are a married couple who make no secret of their love for each other and their fantasies about the oldest putting on weight. A little funfact is that they've been dating since high school and graduated from the same university as Jisung and me.
Felix is rather jovial and smiles like a ray of human sunshine, he's the one who manages the kitchen part of their bakery while Changbin although I haven't had the chance to talk to him for long is described by Jisung as a noisy but funny guy. My question every time I see him is if this guy can still walk with his weight, i mean ... he's huge ! I've always seen him sitting on a seat, a chair (or two lately) but never standing.I have the impression that if one of the two hides something these definitely Changbin but that Felix covers it, I do not see another explanation
Let's move on to Minho's cat's cafe, he and his brother are both chaebols of the great CEO Yang, who seems to have a preference for his little brother since he's his illegitimate son born out of wedlock- my god, it's such a cliché.
Anyway, I tried to contact my brother so that he could tell me more about Jeongin But, but I didn't find anything very interesting: just a random college student, he had good grades and seemed rather popular in his class. Minho, on the other hand, is like a ghost who never existed. I looked up "Lee Minho" and even "Yang Minho" on the Internet, but nothing ... no leads and there was no way I ask my father any information, I'd rather die then talk to that piece of sh-
I'm sorry ... Well, to get back to them, I haven't found anything suspicious about them, but their father is. PDG Yang, is also known as the rich corrupt entrepreneur who puts his own interests before those of others and who thinks that money is the solution to everything.
In short: a jerk.Their father is justly interesting with his various projects, including Project 143, which consists of building more factories to increase supply and export internationally. Except that the factory is supposed to be built not far from Stayville, so it would be a death sentence for the town's inhabitants, or else relocate them elsewhere than where many of them were born and raised.
How do I know? Jisung was given a file and was talking about bribing the town councillor and the mayor to get the project accepted. Of course Jisung refused, and he assured me that Mayor Bahng would too.
So if the Lee/Yang brothers have anything to do with this story, it's probably to do with leir perr and project 143. Also, on the day councilman Jung was killed, Jelngin launched his last lesson of the day... pretty strange, isn't it?
Anyway, I didn't want to talk about him, although there are things to say: Hwang Hyunjin. A former world-famous model who quit everything overnight to move to Stayville to open a bed'n breakfast.
His case is also a mystery, because from what I could find he had an impeccable career without the slightest scandal, and the only one he had was linked to the fact that he was attached to a mafia branch and that his modeling agency was precisely a means of laundering money.
Honestly, I'm not surprised, he's a real jerk who thinks he can do whatever he wants, so if he's a former mafioso, it's the height of cliché here! Maybe his goal is to launder money here away from the mafioso and far from the prying eyes . Which explains his relationship with Mayor Bahng!
Speaking of him, I find this mayor rather suspicious, and I'm not just saying that because I voted for their Daengmo mascot! Kind of a long story bjt as joke in Stayville the mascots always present themselves at the ekections if the candidate ever sucks, this year it was Daengmo, a plush dog
In fact, although he's a fair mayor and allows stayville a good economic situation, I find him far too easily manipulated, just look at how Hyunjin wrapped him around his finger with sex and food! He was no longer the athletic, fair-minded mayor everyone knew him to be, he was now just a walking pile of corruptible fat and out of shape , manipulated by a potentate ex-mafioso with a bastard's back.
Then I say that but i do get a little out of shape ... well little, better say's a lot. I had to ask Jisung to lend me one of his jeans because mine don't zip anymore. Oh and now i just can't stop eating ! it seems that as you get older you gain weight more easily but I'm only 23 , I'm not that old, am I?
But it's not my fault, Jisung always brings back food when he comes home from work and always feeds him when I'm concentrating on the investigation. Maybe I've put on weight because of Jisung's case, but at least he's become much more cuddly with me! It was a sort of routine where after each day we'd sit on the sofa and hug each other for a long time without saying a word, as if this simple embrace was enough to make us forget our daily lives.
Poor Jisung, he was so closely involved in all this that he couldn't do anything about it. I feel sorry for him, who didn't ask for anything, but found himself sitting on the desk of someone who'd been murdered.I miss him, if only he didn't have a charity gala in the next village.
Yet someone knocked and rang the doorbell again and again. Curious, I pulled on a sweater and opened the door.Oh no, not him again.
- "I'm sorry sir, I have nothing to do with you" I said as I closed the door on my "father".
- "Seungmin please, it's important"
- "It's always important with you "
- "It's about Jisung!"
My heart caught a beat, I took fright and reluctantly decided to open the door.
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-"Is everyone here? Chan asked shyly.
-"Idiot, you can see that someone is still missing.
- "Hey, we didn't talk to you fatso!" defended Hyunjin.
- "Fatso?! How dare you call me like that you little-".
- "Eurk you're spitting on me, I'm sure I'll get fat because of you're saliva" Changbin would have stood up to teach Hyunjin a lesson, but he'd eaten too much and couldn't get up from his chair without being humiliated again by the tall blond.
-"Stop your immature bickering, you look like damn kids !" exclaimed Minho, sighing heavily.
-"I remind you that we're not here out of friendship" confided Hyunjin, who then turned on Minho.
-"Oh no, I've been dreaming of becoming friends with you" cried Changbin falsely as the three of them began to bicker, leaving Chan confuse on how to deal with the situation.
-"Wow, calm down, I remind you that the situation is critical, that's why we're all here! So if we can put our differences aside, that would be great!" said Felix supportively, arriving with a feast of salted muffins which he placed on the table before taking a seat.
-"You're right Lixie sorry" said shyly Changbin, placing a tender kiss on his husband's cheek.
- "Ew ... love " said Hyunjin, earning himself a confused look from Chan, who ended up covering it with a kiss a few minutes
-"Well, he's going to be late, isn't he? As usual, I suppose" accused Linho, who was impatiently tapping his foot while looking at the door.
-"I remind you that you're the one who's close to him, so you should know better than anyone whether he's on time or not", Felix commented almost dryly.
But just as Minho was about to retort, the door suddenly opened, letting the breathless latecomer in.
-"Ah, here he is!"
- "Come on Jisung, you're exaggerating, we said 6.30pm not 7pm! Chan said in exasperation, which made Hyunjin laugh.
- "Sorry, I had to sort something out, I remind you that I live with the enemy"
- "Oh Lixie that's sweet, he calls his boyfriend an enemy~"
- "He's not my boyfriend, you don't know how hard it is to put him on the wrong track, he's too smart for that shit!" Declare Jisung before taking his place on the last remaining seat.
-"I find it amazing that he still hasn't suspected you, I mean, you're the ideal suspect but the idiot still hasn't noticed!"
- "stop it Minho, I'm not happy about treating him like that either, but he can't harm our project like that!"
- "It's true that M.Han is our leader" teased Hyunjin, earning a glare from the concerned.
-"Enough chatter, let's recap the facts"
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- "So you're sure that even if he has several leads Seungmin won't be able to trace them back to all of us?"
-"I promise you Felix, I've known him since we were kids, he thinks I'm innocent of everything! He didn't even consider me as a potential suspect!"
Everyone looked at each other in astonishment before laughing loudly.
-"And then, thanks to Changbin's plan, he spends more time digesting all that food than thinking!"
-"See ? I bet you must be excited by that" then added Felix who hastened to put his hand on the belly of his lover
Changbin then smiled proudly as Felix congratulated him by offering him a cookie.
- "So we just have to lay low until it calms down?"
- "Channie, you don't understand... this pseudo detective won't give up until he finds someone to blame"
- "But he can't know it's us!-.... but who will it be?"
Everyone reflected before Minho had a sudden idea
- "Isn't it rumored that while he was dating Choi Yena, he was also sleeping with his brother Choi San?"
Everyone nodded, seeming to already know the outcome of this plan.
Poor detective puppy m, things weren't turning out the way he'd expected
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-"No i don't want to hear you !"
-"Seugmin i beg you to hear what i have to say , i have proof that Jisung is involved in the death of the municipal councilor!"
but Seungmin didn't want to hear anything, he felt like that night, where his father lectured him for long hours on the dangers of homosexuality after he had sex with Jisung.
Because of that and although he had only half listened to it, he had trouble pairing up with the quokka despite their shared common feelings.
So at that moment he felt this mixed feeling, he did not know which camos this ranger ... that of his father who abandoned him or his best friend / crush?
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sosolenoo · 2 years
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I posted 923 times in 2022
150 posts created (16%)
773 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 833 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#fashion - 57 posts
#inspo - 50 posts
#faith of gods - 49 posts
#ask game - 44 posts
#golden - 33 posts
#😍😍😍 - 32 posts
#the wayhaven chronicles - 32 posts
#the exile - 30 posts
#art commissions - 27 posts
#the exile commander - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#picking them up and giving them forehead kisses holy hell they're so good!!! i wanna draw themmmmmm. augh they're adorable
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Leir 💛
Hi @swansong-if 💕
166 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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“It’s Vel rot.”
Guess who’s re-reading The Northern Passage? 🤭💕
@northern-passage ❤️
167 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
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I don’t really know how to start the interactive summer but I couldn’t think about something else for “Waves” 🙈
So here is my half-melusine Oc from Wayfarer in the waves 🌊
237 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
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Yes, he’d be a wonderful merman 💙
(@gb-patch 💕)
See the full post
291 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Book 1 VS Book 3 🤭
466 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bloodiedrogue · 1 year
For the Tav asks: 10 - general, 13 - story specific, 7 - romance? Also loving hearing about Zayis so far she’s so funny
10. are there any unique npcs associated with your tav that can show up during the course of the game?
yes! a few actually! although, most of them aren't seen until act three, both zayis's brother dharmir and adoptive father leire make appearances. as well as her friend's kezel and seamus who can be found working at the carnival!
13. how do they react to the pc either allowing astarion to ascend or convincing him to spare the 7000 spawn?
considering the nature of their relationship zayis reacts pretty strongly to astarion's overall quest line. if you decide to ascend him she'll leave the party. in regards to sparing or killing, she firmly believes in the mercy of others and favours if you put the spawn out of their misery.
7. what questions can zethino ask the pc about tav in the love test?
q: what does she find comfort in?
a: a warm cup of tea at sunset.
q: what is her deepest desire?
a: to not have to hide away certain parts of herself.
q: what is her greatest failure?
a: abandoning her brother.
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sysba · 2 years
do what makes you feel comfortable lovely. as i said before i love learning about your ocs, and im really curious as to what your process of creation and developing them is only if you feel comfortable of course answering this of course, if not then feel completely free to ignore this ask, its no problem. 🥰
you’re too kind ahh 💖🥺 i do wanna start sharing more about them because it’s supposed to something fun instead of stressful sdjksdjsdksdj plus i love my ocs so they don’t deserve to have me cringing about them yk 😅
very long answer under the cut, it got away from me LOL
i’m not sure if i even have a process when creating them? or well, i guess i have habits, but i don’t always build up a character in the same ‘order’... for example, when it comes to ocs i make for shipping purposes i almost always start from the general concept. like, when i already know who their love interest is going to be, i pick the dynamic i like the most with said love interest and i get a general idea of what my oc’s outer personality is going to be; same thing about their look (because i love the idea of contrasting character designs). then i start from there and build a full character with their own story, motives, and so on to the point where they can exist outside of the ship (they won’t, but they could dsjksdjk)! some examples would be my ted lasso oc Jules, blooming panic mc’s or any of my anime oc (though the only ones actually well developed atm are Jun and Atsuko).
in other cases, as it often happens with interactive fiction, i go in blind and play with an ‘empty’ character, and as i check out the vibes of the story and see whether i like the bold or shy personality choices i get an idea of the general vibe of the oc. starting from the vibe i then pick a faceclaim (i have several saved lol) and a design/name/backstory/etc... until i can play again with a formed character! it’s a bit annoying to do it this way but once the first part is over it’s already so much easier to play because i just have to let the character be themself. it also helps in the case of ifs with a lot of romantic options, since i simply let the oc vibe and pick a ro they work with sdjkdskj best example is definitely my kim from body count, they got away from me and i love that for them. same with reyna from the when twilight strikes. it’s time (and energy)-consuming but most of the time this method leads to some most beloved characters of mine so i’m not mad about it.
the most challenging scenario is probably when i have to create a character from scratch/almost from scratch, so like, for original universes OR (rarely) for ifs without demos 🤔 the easiest route in these cases is usually picking whatever blorbo(s) are filling my brain at the time, mixing them up, adding some tropes i want, and then start from this sort of patchwork character and add details until it’s a proper original one lol this is how i got Freddie and his sister Ryuwon, respectively for the ifs ear candy and straight red. Freddie was originally a copypaste of an anime character, but they ended up having very different personalities in the end; i developed Freddie more when having fun with a friend and shipping our characters together, and because we made them as childhood friends i ended up developing Freddie’s whole family, including Ryu! It’s a bit different when it’s like, RO ocs for my own story ideas because in that case I don’t wanna be influenced by other characters so I just start with a patchwork of tropes i want to see (that’s what happened with Leir, while Odile was mostly born from a mix of gender feelings + BTS’ black swan obsession at the time 😂)
so yeah, this is usually how it goes for me! there are very few exceptions, such as Edith; she’s my most developed character of all time and yet she is Nothing like she was in the beginning. when i first started twc and had to make a character for it, the ‘edith blake’ i made was very um,,, girlboss? i don’t know how to say it in a nice way but she felt like a woman written by marvel/the mcu lmao i cringe just thinking back about it!! ever since, she went through so many changes that instead of evolving she’s simply a different character altogether. she now exists in a bunch of different aus (twc revised, the exile, original music shop au, cyberpunk dystopia au, cat cafe au, hallmark movie au, etc...) and she maintains consistent characterization in all of them so i feel like i have achieved full mastery of mx edith lol
or another exception would be, “characters that came to me in a dream”, like my demon oc Spice. obsessed with him, love his energy, but boy do i not know where tf he came out from 🤣
as you can see, my oc creation process is just. Chaos! xx
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swansong-if · 2 years
Does Leir like... to hunt birds? 😏
🧍‍♂️💀 evil anon /j
Leir is a skilled hunter. They do not enjoy hunting anything, they've never treated it like a sport. Make of this what you will...
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What are the ROs love languages?
I think everyone shows love in a lot of ways and the ROs use different love languages to show they care about MC, but if I had to pick one for every character
their main ones would be…
How they show love: Quality time They would set everything aside to be with MC and focus on them and on them only. Expect them to have something already planned, like a trip, a romantic date night or spending an evening sharing MC's favorite hobby.
How they prefer to recieve love: Words of affirmation If MC truly wants them to know how much they mean to them, Albert/Lavina needs to hear it. A little praise, a little compliment on their appareance, just saying 'I'm glad you're here' or 'You did great' is enough to make them feel valued and much happier. And saying 'I love you' will never fail to make them blush furiously.
How they show love: Words of affirmation MC better be prepared to get a proper pep talk and be appreciated in every way, beacuse this doctor will not hesitate to give a whole speech to try and make MC feel better about themselves with a shower of compliments. If MC feels down and needs some encouragement, Ada/Omar is the right person to go to.
How they prefer to recieve love: Receiving gifts It doesn't have to be a huge gift. MC doesn't need to spend lots of money, just give Ada/Omar something that shows MC was thinking of them. A small treat, their favorite dessert, sending flowers, surprising them with breakfast in bed, or even a handmade gift will get them to smile. Buy tickets to the aquarium and they will love you forever.
How they show love: Acts of service It's in their bones, they can't help it. If they notice MC doing something they don't enjoy or don't want to do? No worries, they will do it for them. If MC has things to do, but they're too tired? Leire/Luca will be there to help, even if they're exhausted as well. MC's feeling too lazy to get off the couch and grab their favorite book from the shelf? Yep, this guard will get it for them. It doesn't matter what it is, if they can do something for the people they care about, they'll gladly do it.
How they prefer to recieve love: Acts of service Just how they show love, they also like to receive it. By trying to ease the stress of their loved ones they unconsciously put preassure on themselves very often. More often than not, MC will have to force them to just sit down and let them do things for them while they relax doing nothing. They will argue and try to fight with MC, but deep down they love and deeply appreciate the gesture.
How they show love: Physical touch As a god/goddess, Rayco/Gara isn't very good with words. Even though they are the guardian of the human realm, they ironically struggle a lot with human interactions, romantically speaking, since it's quite different among celestials, so they show love best without words. A hug, a handhold, a shoulder squeeze, a simple massage, delicately placing a strand of hair behind MC's ear to then cup their cheek and caress it with their thumb, sitting next to MC to show they're there. All of this and more is what Rayco/Gara does to show their love and affection.
How they prefer to recieve love: ????? This one is quite difficult to tell, even for me. Romance aside, and except for Enid, Rayco/Gara has never received any kind of affection while growing up. It's not their job, it's not their duty to feel loved, so why would they? The truth is they don't know. Maybe physical touch, maybe words of affirmation, maybe quality time. Perhaps a mix of the three. What they do know is this, their partner's happiness and pleasure is their own.
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bardicbeetle · 1 year
tree ask for the plant wizard!
Pawpaw: How do you name your characters?
A frankly alarming number of my characters are either: Names I once considered (Moira, Leir), or characters from other media whose name I stole because I loved it (Mellori, Endora).
Some of them come from family (Jesse after my cousin, who he takes some mannerisms from, Antonella after someone far far up the ladder of my lineage)
Some of them just Happened (Hello Daniel just being David shifted two degrees to the left, and Alex slowly melting from Full Name Alexandra into Just Alex Only Thank you.)
Some are references (Isaac's father and uncle being named Al and Eddy respectively, most after the Frog bros, and a tiny tiny bit an FMA reference)
It depends entirely on what I'm feeling like at the moment.
Some characters have been easier to name than others. Daniel took forever to get to Daniel. Alex has always been some flavor of Alex. Tom's name changed like eight times.
I throw spaghetti at the wall.
Sometimes it sticks immediately.
Sometimes it's still raw.
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browniefox · 1 year
Meet Me on the Horizon
While traveling in a caravan with her family, Rama Marlowe is injured and forced to stay behind while the rest of the caravan returns home, and she promises to follow when she has healed. Now healed and working in a bar, Rana has bought the supplies and just needs the courage to make the journey alone.
Enter Meride No Last Name Given. While Rana is a small woman, Meri is big and loud. She’s a lonesome traveler, but very skilled, and offers to be Rama’s guide on her way home. Rana accepts, and off the two go, making many detours as they journey. After all, why not?
Along the way they run into Leir Stalker, and strange man who asks to journey with them as well, strength in numbers and all that. Rana doesn’t trust him, but Meri does, and surely she has better instincts than Rana, right?
Leir leads them to the Horizon, a sacred place where the Sun - an ancient and reincarnating evil - is said to be reborn. Meri is that demon, the full power waiting to be awoken. Before that can happen, however, Meri tries to save Rana from and attack - and dies.
And Rana wakes up on a day shortly after Leir joined the group.
And this ensues a story of time loops, self preservation, destiny, a question of what one’s nature is, old flames, and the strength of will.
(I only just realized they all only have four letter names. Should I change them?)
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mando-of-esverr · 2 years
Prompt: Mando!Darius finding himself in Videre!Darius verse
"Do NOT put that on my face!"
Darius gave an aggravated growl and glared at what he could only describe as a "force ghost". "It's my face," he argued back, putting on the full face mask. "I will cover it as I deem fit!"
"It's NOT your face," his ghostly doppleganger argued, "it's MINE! And both my father AND my brother will know you're here and that you're NOT me!"
THe mando tilted his head back and growled again. Of all the outlandishly bizarre circumstances he thought he'd find himself in, psychically mind-swapped with another him was NOT one he expected. Or thought was possible come to think of it.
"I am Darius Leir Jaing, Mandalorian of Clan Jiang and I will not be told what to do by some force ghost look alike!"
The young man's eyes flared as his ghost charged him, standing defiantly almost chest to chest with the mando. "And I'm Darius Thatch, Scourman of the Heraldy Household and you WILL give me back my body!"
The ghost reached to grab him, sending the young man's head spinnin as he jerked back and fell against the bed. It felt like he'd been hit with a stun baton, or possibly a low-level charge. "Kriff, what was that!?" he asked, shaking his head.
"I-I don't know," the ghost said, equally shaken, "but I don't think I want to find out."
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tragedysys · 6 months
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“How much poison do you think they can handle?!”
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Vampy / Subspace’s intro!!
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“Time to get back to the lab!!”
Banner made by me!!
Graphics made by @xyrthemost
Art found off pintrest; please tell me who it belongs to!!/srs
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“The enemies aren't prepared for my new invention!!”
Host’s carrd 💖 System carrd
Ask who’s fronting if you don’t know!!
Flags in banner [in order, left to right] are:
-Vampire cinthean
-Vampire aroace
[Can you tell I’m a vampire?? o((*^ڡ^*))o]
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