kaijutegu · 5 years
Hey! Long time no hear! I have a question. If, say, a water bottle is blessed, does the water become holy as well?
Holy Water- at least in the Catholic tradition- has some specific rules about it! Blessing the bottle wouldn’t work because the point of blessing the water is that sanctifying the water turns the water itself into a ritual component. The water can then be used to bless people, places, things, etc. It can also be used in rituals like baptism or to drive away evil, demons, and/or housecats when placed in a spray bottle and used appropriately.
However, there are limitations to what you can and can’t do with holy water. You can’t bless the rains down in Africa, you can’t sanctify the ocean, and you can’t just randomly bless water without intent. You also can only bless pure water- the ocean is too dirty to bless. Holy water also must be fresh and still- it has to be in a container, not in the ground. The priest or whoever’s doing the blessing will sometimes add a pinch of blessed salt, and the blesser has to be physically present with the water- you can’t bless what you can’t touch/see. 
So: if you bless a water bottle, does the water in it become holy automatically? No. The jugs my mom keeps Pope Water in aren’t holy jugs- they’re just mundane vessels. But let’s say you were a devout Catholic and you wanted to drink holy water for spiritual reasons. You could bring your water bottle to church and ask the priest to bless it, and he would do so once you told him your intentions were sincere. From there, you could do the rule of halvsies and keep your holy water bottle perpetually full. This isn’t actually all that uncommon among really pious Catholics, especially older ones- at the Catholic nursing homes in my hometown, for instance, residents have the option to take their medications with holy water. Many of them choose to do so.
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ask-the-becile-boys · 5 years
(I know this blog is probably dead, but I'm curious.) How tall are all of you?
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[ID: Sketches of The Jack, The Skull, and Hare, listing their heights (text written below) End ID]
The Jack: 5′ 9″
The Skull: 6′ 3″
Hare: 5′ 10″ (when not slouching, which is rare)
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[ID: Sketches of Dee, Locksmith, and Mr. Weed, listing their heights (text written below) End ID]
Dee: 5′ 6″ (technically she can adjust this, but doesn’t often)
Locksmith: 5′ 10″
Mr. Weed: 5′ 7″
Pops was 6′ even.
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mandareeboo · 5 years
I need more stories of Blackstar being a dumbass with twoleg stuff please ❤️❤️ (if you don’t mind writing more)
“Sir, please stop.”
Runningnose jabbed Russetfur’s side. The medicine cat was just barely containing his laughter. “No, no, let him go.”
“Sir,” Russetfur repeated, with a baleful glare to Runningnose. “It’s just a toy. You’re making a bad impression.”
“But it doesn’t make sense!” Blackstar rolled onto his side to give it a good kicking. The tiny, battered cloth mouse didn’t so much as split under the barrage. “What good does this do Twolegs? Why does it smell of catmint? WHY DOES ITS CHIME OF SURRENDER ONLY PROVOKE ME MORE??”
“It’s a bell, sir.”
Blackstar stopped and stood, grabbing the toy with the same amount of solemn intensity he gave a new warrior at their ceremony. “I need to run more tests. I’m taking it back with me.”
Runningnose collapsed into a fit of cackling as the leader confidentially padded by, tail high. Russetfur let out a long, loud sigh. “I can’t believe I joined up for this.”
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fuck-customers · 6 years
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orochihigh · 7 years
I hope you feel better soon!!!!
Thank you! I’m feeling much better now!
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I also need to see how you would write this out if you found him floating horizontally above the radiator, rotating like a rotisserie chicken getting all warm and toasty for snuggles please!! ❤️❤️❤️
Here we go again hopemercury! It's a little shorter, since the prompt is basically the whole thing.
You just got back home and are settling in. You walk into the living room and
He is hovering above the radiator, slowly spinning, indeed, like a big rotisserie chicken.
"Ah! Babe! Welcome home!"
He floats over and gives you a big hug. He's so warm. You had forgotten how cold you were.
He lets go and watches you go to the couch. You get a blanket laid out across you and he goes under it, laying ontop of you.
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tser · 7 years
No, the tum is not a trap (mostly)
10/10 would risk
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kaijutegu · 7 years
I have to warn you about this!! Male crested geckos will get horny about ANYTHING (Sprocket will get horny over water and dubia roaches)
I HAVE HEARD honestly i’m prepared. My bearded dragon ruined the family’s leather sofa... I was watching TV with him once and he... he defiled the sofa and of course I didn’t have any protein soap so there is, to this day, a stain that gets coverd by pillows.
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ask-the-becile-boys · 5 years
Have you boys every been to Wisconsin?
Hare: Ha! What the hell would I do in Wisconsin? Milk some cows? Tch'yeah, right. Not like anybody’s givin’ me a lift, either. Ain’t got the dough, ain’t got the time. Which is why I’ve never. Never uh. Been outside the city. /cough
The Skull: I went to Santa Ana once, with Master Becile.
Hare: Yeah? How was it?
The Skull: … It was a city.
Hare: … That seriously all yer gonna tell me.
The Skull: Not like he was interested in sight-seeing.
Locksmith: What dreadfully deprived lives you lead! Never to witness the cultural wellsprings that dot our continent, let alone our globe. Taking in the sights and redolence of mountains and deserts– beholding the immutable art of master craftsmen– savoring a live performance, knowing it can never be replicated. How dearly I desire that freedom to peregrinate; Cairo is splendiferous this time of year.
The Skull: And how the hell would YOU know?
Locksmith: National Geographic.
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mandareeboo · 5 years
Hear me out- Blackstar drug a tire from the twoleg dump to his den and sleeps in it (because what’s more badass than sleeping in the paw of a monster?), routinely eats McDonald’s, sometimes gets cans stuck over his head, and is perplexed by mirrors. I love the big dumb polydactyl boi ❤️❤️❤️❤️
That is the EXACT kind of chaotic vibe I get from Blackstar. He routinely takes disobedient apprentices into his den so he can drape across his tire all intimidatingly. He originally made Russetfur his deputy because he knew she was scary and that was Cool but over time they gained a sort of camaraderie where she calls him a moron around friends and backs up his bullshit around enemies. (And, on a more somber note, half the reason he lost his last life was because he refused to allow his oldest friends’ grave maker float away during the floods)
He took ShadowClan from Evil Rouges to Wannabe Punks.
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tikibats · 7 years
That prom outfit and look was just 👌👌👌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌💋💋💋⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ STELLAR, ON POINT, AMAZING!!!!!
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anadhdnightmare · 7 years
Just curious, would you ever like to meet Sprocket someday?
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mrwiggles · 8 years
You look very lovely in yellow, Mr. Wiggles! I especially love your beautiful peach tail! You're such a strong man! Don't skip leg day! Love you!
Thank you!
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orochihigh · 7 years
Hey, I have a snOC coming soon, and I would love it if you would take a look when I post her! (I'll tag you in it)
Of course I will! I look forward to seeing her. :)
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Could I have a headcannon where it’s the hottest day of summer and you’re looking everywhere for Beetlejuice but he’s in the freezer, cooling himself for you and you just grab him and wear him like a blanket? You’re the best ❤️❤️
Ah, yes, hopemercury. I very much appreciate your contributions to the Beej retaining temperature headcannon. Here you are, friend.
Maybe you had already been home or had just come home. Either way, Beetlejuice is nowhere to be seen. Hydration is important, especially on a day like this. You go to get some ice from the freezer and there he is, shrunk down, sleeping on an ice pack.
Once the confusion as to what he's doing is cleared up, Beetlejuice returns to normal size and gives you a nice big hug.
Considering he's been in the freezer, he is very cold. You yelp as soon as he touches your bare skin.
He takes a moment to defrost and you get properly hydrated. Whether you're still thirsty is up to you.
You go to your ideal cuddling place and take up the cuddling position. It's nice, though a little weird at first. The skin-to-skin contact isn't exactly the most pleasant, but it's better than another sweaty, warm person at the moment.
In future chilly cuddle sessions you get a thin sheet between the two of you to avoid the weird, cold skin-to-skin.
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kaijutegu · 8 years
Hey, so a friend of mine is dead set on getting a garter snake and I'm trying to help them. Are there any breeders that breed captive bred garters in/near Wisconsin? I'm serious. They don't want any other kind of snake. Only garter.
Hoo boy, I don’t know any garter snake breeders! They might have some luck on kingsnake.com or Fauna Classifieds. Maybe somebody might be able to help you out in the reblogs? 
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