#askbox: Helen
Lyna never thought to find herself now walking along the boat docks; head hanging low and hands in the pockets of her long trench coat. Just from hearing all of the commotion and conversations from various pirates and travelers - it only brought a stabbing feeling at the priestess' heart. Because of how the man she was once in love with was a pirate himself.
She brought a hand up to wipe away the oncoming tears, in an attempt to teach herself not to cry anymore. All while being mentally reminded of how she was always called a crybaby. Now finding herself sitting on a bench, Lyna leaned forward and folded her hands in front of her - clutching a familiar pair of golden earrings in her palms all the while.
(For Helen!)
Helen wasn't usually one for going outdoors any more than was required of her. Today, though, what was required of her was more than the usual. Rather than be left content in a ship's cabin to absorb herself in her books, she was asked to visit the fishmongers along the docks to arrange for a purchase for the ship's stores. Normally this would be handled by someone else, like her brothers, but they are both preoccupied with their own needs, and so it falls to her.
While trekking along the crowded markets along the docks, a stranger caught her attention as she sat along in a large coat, handling fine jewelry between her fingers.
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".... hey, you should put those away, you know. Pickpockets and thieves wouldn't give up a chance to snatch them away at first opportunity in a place like this."
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field-s-of-flowers · 2 years
🌌 for the Kuragins?
🌌: Astrology headcanon
Anatole: Gemini sun, Aries moon, Leo rising! That boy has ZERO earth or water in his chart just trust me on this one
Hélène: Leo sun, Capricorn moon, Gemini rising! All of these are negotiable other than rising, but in great comet at least she has very Leo energy
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 2 years
mama magnus: please tell me when you'll be home.
(Megaverse snippet!)
“Please tell me when you’ll be home.” It’s a quiet request: a concession, an admission of weakness that Helen Magnus rarely tolerates in herself. Ashley knows that, so she bites back a thousand responses she would have given before the Cabal, and a thousand more that she could give after her time with amnesia, forcing herself to reply. 
“Neal’s taking me to see a movie, and we’re going to grab dinner after. It’ll probably be a little after midnight when we get back.” 
Nevermind that she’s an adult, that she’s only recently back under her mother’s roof after several years away (not by choice, but away all the same, coming into her own for lack of an alternative). This time, she’ll do this.
“Thank you,” her mother says, and in those two soft syllables, Ashley knows that this was a one-time thing. It’s not a demand her mother will make regularly, but a moment of weakness she allowed for her own peace of mind. 
“Yeah, of course.” Now, far more than when she was young, she wants to give her mother the world. But also, deep down, she knows that she’s tasted freedom (under horrible circumstances, but freedom all the same), and someday soon, she’ll want it back. 
But not today.
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muppetebbtide · 1 month
trojan war tumblr simulator
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🌊 is-the-sea-wine-dark-today
#the wine dark sea!!!!!!!!!!!! #wine dark sea #wine dark sea posting
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✌🏻 ajax2electricboogaloo follow
why is achilles the only demigod who's Like That? like he's my boy but u don't see memnon or aeneas or sarpedon acting like him on the reg. why is he so maladjusted? like specifically? I saw his mother once and was so terrified by the sight of a goddess I flung myself to the ground and hid my face in the dirt til she left but I still don't think that accounts for it idk
🏘️ nobody1020
it's blonde man syndrome hope this helps
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⚔️ sonoftydeus
opening my askbox so that we can discuss strategies on taking troy!
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anonymous asked: we should all go home :)
⚔️ sonoftydeus answered:
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nobody1020 asked: do u like..... horses
⚔️ sonoftydeus answered:
odysseus do I even wanna know where this is going
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⌛ isthetrojanwaroveryet?
year 9, day 234: still no....
#all our admins keep DYING
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‼️ trojan-confessions follow
I think my wife might be sending me anon hate :/ keep getting asks like 'hope u die on the battlefield tomorrow silly slag' and 'menelaus should have curbstomped you' and in her big tapestry of warriors she made me look stupid
🐴 horsetaminghector follow
lmaooo is this paris??
🔮 cryinglikecassandra follow
kinda think helen should send MORE anon hate idk
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❓ myrmidons-confessions
I was the one who wrote the achilles/agamemnon 100k slowburn enemies to lovers rpf and put it on the group chat but now patroclus is calling me 'agachilles boy' and laughing about it and asking if I can proofread his mock bardic epic where all his dogs are heroes and killing people, so I fear I've made a mistake. I also can't look achilles in the eye anymore... but honestly I've never seen proof he can read so I might be safe
❓ myrmidons-confessions
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👑 kingofmycenae
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👍🏻 ajaxthegreat
achilles is DEAD and ur posting CRAB RAVE?????
🏘️ nobody1020
I think that's why he's posting it ngl
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😹 deiphobus42069
imagine being the achaeans and your best warrior gets killed by PARIS, after everyone else had awesome deaths at the hands of sarpedon or hector or memnon... like that's literally so embarassing I just know achilles is fucking fuming down in hades rn. I bet the achaeans are gonna put around that paris was guided by apollo, or that paris happened to hit his only weak spot..... anything 2 try and make it less cringe.... lol lol we're popping the biggest bottles tonight. hope helen's there
🐆 leopardskiniscool
#I mean. yeah. but also. #deiphobus wtf I thought we were chill
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#hope everyone can be normal about the outcome!!! :)
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🧑🏻 randotrojansoldier-deactivated-8578543
so excited to go back onto the field of battle tomorrow! sure hope I don't encounter any of the big-name heroes
🗣️ homer follow
I hope you don't too! I'm sure you'll do great!
🐎 antilochussss
not the direct address????
✌🏻 ajax2electricboogaloo
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direct address got him :(
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💂🏻 trojanguardtales follow
fuck my job so much I hope that this wooden horse tribute to the gods turns out to have some guys inside or something just so I can DO something rather than standing here like a twat with my spear
💂🏻 trojanguardtales follow
by ares this can't be happening
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⚔️ sonoftydeus reblogged menelauskingofsparta
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do NOT order achilles from shein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#oh yeah #I was stuck with temu achilles in the trojan horse for six hours #and by hour two agamemnon had suggested killing and eating him #and odysseus was threatening to 'send him to meet his father' #and it's not even like there's any kleos in killing priam!!! #anti neoptolemus #neoptolemus defenders dni #vent tags
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queer-dw-tourney · 7 days
hello !!!! i would like to welcome everyone to the queer dw characters tournament !!! i thought it would be a fun thing to do for pride month :)
ran by @victoriawaterfield !!!
you're able to submit characters through my askbox, i'm going to keep submissions open for probably about four to five days. any doctor who characters are welcome EXCEPT the doctor and the master, for a few reasons, but mainly because i think they'd sweep. if you are submitting a character please make sure to include the source in which they are said to be queer, this tournament is open to extended universe characters as well, they don't just have to be from doctor who.
liz shaw (sapphic, lesbian or bisexual depending on the source)
mike yates (achillean, gay or bisexual depending on the source)
jack harkness (pansexual / omnisexual / bisexual depending on the source)
river song (bisexual / pansexual depending on the source)
yasmin khan (sapphic, presumably a lesbian?)
jenny flint (lesbian)
madame vastra (lesbian)
clara oswald (bisexual)
toshiko sato (bisexual)
bill potts (lesbian)
ianto jones (bisexual)
rose noble (transgender)
carla sunday (lesbian)
rogue (gay)
gwen cooper (bisexual)
owen harper (bisexual)
oliver harper (gay)
ace mcshane (bisexual / lesbian depending on the source)
bernice summerfield (bisexual)
liv chenka (bisexual)
helen sinclair (lesbian)
tania bell (trans and sapphic)
sam jones (bisexual)
adric (bisexual)
leela (bisexual)
luke smith (gay)
valarie lockwood (bisexual)
cindy wu (bisexual)
fitz kreiner (bisexual)
christian purcell (gay)
chris cwej (bisexual)
calypso jonez (non binary, bisexual)
charlie smith (gay)
matteusz andrzejewski (gay)
nyssa of traken (sapphic)
tegan jovanka (sapphic)
izzy sinclair (lesbian)
trudy (transgender, lesbian)
jane austen (sapphic)
tanya adeola (bisexual / pansexual)
compassion (aromantic, asexual)
beep the meep (non binary)
bliss (bisexual)
heather (sapphic, presumably a lesbian)
roanna lockwood (sapphic, presumably a lesbian)
patricia haggard (sapphic, presumably a lesbian)
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wexhappyxfew · 2 months
Oooh, those prompts sure do look amazing… the touch one??? I’m so unsure on which one I might be in a crisis….
Soo… after muuuch deliberation, may ask about nr. 17 (holding the other’s chin up) with my girl Carrie? (I have to stay loyal to her, though I love all the other Silver Bullets girls equally)
Thank you 💖
- Carrie anon
carrie anon my apologies for how incredibly late this is (along with the other prompts sitting in the askbox lol) finals season will forever be a struggle lmao. BUT! i'm taking a mental break and here we are with a piece for my beans, carrie x dougie, carrie anon!! :D VERY excited to post this, we get a bit more with carrie's feelings as she's pretty good at hiding them (but not great with hiding them lol). so please enjoy!!
bergie doesn't strike out
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(a/n): for the carrie x dougie girlies because this prompt i enjoyed and i figured i'd add some more to carrie's background - a struggle to fit in, to feel wanted, in a time of war. yeah, she's going through it to say the least and in some way, we all can get why :'( please enjoy!
Carrie watched from behind her shot glass as James Douglass waltzed over to the congregating group of Clubmobile girls and talked his talk, pulling out his lighter and offering to light up cigarettes, only before making quite the show of winking and meandering away back towards where he had been previously stood with Hambone and Murphy. She watched him let out a barking laugh before pointing to their cups and nodding to the bar. And that's when he started waltzing over to the bar, where she was stood, rather enjoying her stare-down with her shot glass instead of having to focus on him.
"Carrie Achterbeg, haven't seen you in a minute." she heard him say as he approached - which albeit was the truth. She hadn't come out to one of these in a couple of weeks. After that awkward misunderstanding with one of the guys from the 418th - radio operator, kind eyes, but horrible ego - after he had tried to plant one on her, she didn't want anything to do with the flying club, drinks and pilots. Tonight though was different. And after those last few missions, she needed some sort of melancholy distraction, even if it were a shot or two stood alone at the bar.
"Aren't you a sight for sore ey-" Carrie glanced over at James Douglass and shoved him in the shoulder roughly before throwing back her shot and sighing.
"Don't finish that sentence." she managed out, coughing briefly and then looked at him.
"Dually noted." Dougie said, before leaning up on the bar next to her and watching the side of her face, "What's eating you?" Carrie let out a dry laugh and looked over at him.
"I should be asking you the same thing," she said, before lowering your voice, "struck out, huh?" Dougie raised a brow in her direction and she nodded over his shoulder.
"Tatty, Helen, Virginia…." Carrie said, "Christ, Dougie, you struck out and you struck out hard." Dougie rolled his eyes and leaned more against the bar and nodded to the tender.
"Struck out is a strong word to use in that sense-"
"Sure as hell is currently the right word-"
"There's other words-"
"Struck out is as good as it comes." Carrie said to him and he took the beer from the tender and sighed, before taking a long sip. She watched him for a moment, biting the inside of her lip and then glanced back at her empty shot glass.
She was just punchy, she wasn't in the best of moods, and James Douglass was beginning to grow on her in ways she hadn't expected nor entirely wanted. And her mind was trying to ignore it.
"Why haven't you been coming recently?" Dougie asked her as he casually sipped on his beer, eyes wandering out to the dance floor and then back to her, before grinning wide, "Hambone's been missing ya." Carrie sighed and then stood up straighter and pushed her hair behind her ears and glanced at him.
"Personal choice." she said and then shrugged as she looked out towards the dance floor again, "You missing me, too? You seemed real tangled up with those guys over there. Surprised you came over to say hello." She raised a brow at him and he shrugged her off. Watching him, she then turned, only to be stopped by his arm jutting out.
"Where you going?"
"Just taking a lap around," she said with a shrug, "talk to some people I haven't seen before, ya know, get eyes on everyone." He watched her, a mixture of adornment it seemed and surprise, as she straightened her jacket and then looked at him.
"Everything look good?" she asked him, holding out her arms like she was about to go off on her first day at school and wanted her uniform in check. Dougie held her gaze for a moment before he let his eyes wash down her form and then back up to her face again. Carrie watched him, her collar turning hot as he took a slow sip and let his eyes rest on hers again, that lazy smile growing on his face as he nodded.
"Good is a strong word-"
"Dougie, don't you dare." Carrie muttered, a small smile growing on her face as she shoved at his shoulder, and repositioned herself, hands on her hips and sighed, "Seriously." For a moment, they just watched each other and it should've felt awkward, but in all actuality - it wasn't. And knowing that he was looking at her that fondly almost made her want to stay and talk to him more. But she wasn't like that it seemed.
"You look great," Dougie said, his voice strained as he nodded, "don't let none of those fools do anything funny, alright?" Now, it was Carrie's turn to let out a laugh and raise her brow.
"Since when did you care?" she asked quickly, crossing her arms, "'Cause three weeks ago, I had that stupid radio operator from the 418th practically down my throat and you barely batted an eye." A few onlookers glanced towards the two and it took Carrie a few moments to recognize how loud she had gotten and suddenly emotional in her words. And why did she care if Dougie had barely batted an eye? He shouldn't have needed to. They weren't technically even friends, just a joke or two here and there, some teasing and good-natured tomfoolery, but nothing more. Why did she care that he should care? Carrie sighed. Dougie looked up at her with those big, slightly worried eyes and bit back his lip before nodding.
"Well, now that you've made me aware of that, maybe I will bat an eye next time." Dougie said, looking up at her as his fingers danced against the cool mug of beer, "Who the hell was it?" Carrie stared at him and then blinked slowly.
"It doesn't matter-"
"That's why you didn't come-"
"Because he had-"
"Dougie." Carrie said, stepping closer to him, and holding his gaze right in her own, her hand ghosting over his arm as if to latch onto him, but failing to do so, "Let it go. It's over now."
"You brought it up." Dougie said back quickly, but she stopped him with a shake of the head. But then she stood quiet for a moment and let her thoughts grow. She had brought it up. Almost as if she had wanted him to know. Because no one had known. Because she'd been embarrassed that she let herself think that maybe that was a good guy, someone she could live a life with and all he had wanted was a kiss. It was a stupid thought.
"Who was it, Carrie, seriously?" Dougie asked her as she balled up her fists and looked anywhere but his face, which she knew had a look on it that would make her lose it, "A guy from the 418th, huh? He ever heard about a thing called messing with the bull, you damn well be getting the horns-"
"Shh, keep your voice down!" Carrie muttered, bringing a finger in front of her mouth and looking at him with wide eyes, "He was just some jackass that thought I was there to have a good time and that was it." Dougie grew quiet as he watched her. Whatever it was between them seemed to simmer and they both seemed to understand in that minute what she meant. But she wouldn't dare actually say why she had even bothered kissing the guy, or why Dougie was looking at her like that.
"He didn't do anything to you, did he?" Dougie said, his voice softer than it normally was, that look in his eye deeper and darker, "I know a guy-"
"No." Carrie said, her cheeks scarlet, "It was just a stupid kiss, that's it. It's over. I just….I was trying to avoid the situation again and…." She trailed off. She was over talking about it to be completely honest. She looked up at him.
"I'm fine." she said with an honest nod, "Thank you for your…..concern." Dougie watched her, with a slow nod and licked his lips, like he was still digesting her words in their entirety. He didn't say much, he just watched her and she didn't entirely want to complain about that because for one, his eyes were some of the kindness she'd probably seen on this side of the world. And for once, they were eyes that looked at her in a way other guys didn't.
"Just…go have some fun," Dougie said quietly, "give me a look if a guy does something stupid, alright?" And she nodded and looked up at him, as he smiled softly at her, his eyes darting over her own endless blue ones, an abyss of dampened sea and darkened souls. Lost and harrowing. He leaned forward a bit and lowered his voice.
"Don't strike out." he said with a small chuckle and she looked up at him and brought her pointer finger underneath his chin and prodded him lightly to meet her gaze, before whispering back just as quietly.
"Bergie doesn't strike out."
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truedairship · 2 months
*makes my own camp in your askbox*
Helen/Nikola headcanons and since you said you went on a dive through Ranna, any Ranna headcanons as well, please. 😁 (If you have nothing for Ranna, pick any character you want!)
*scrambles to get some pillows and the biggest teacups I can find*
I talked a little bit about Nikola spending part of his 60 years in hiding with time!Helen here. That is a big, complicated one though, and putting my thoughts into words is difficult at the best of times😂 (as proven below). But ask and ye shall receive:
General Teslen ones though…
Okay so it is canon that Helen enjoys Nikola causing trouble (“well that’s what makes him so interesting”, Trail of Blood). I think that she (both in the past and post S4) sometimes is aware of what he’s doing/that he’s doing something stupid, but waits until it actually crosses her path before interfering because she enjoys disrupting his plans at the best (worst) moment.
They both know that they’re not meant to have a “normal” relationship. Especially with how restless Nikola is. And Helen isn’t exactly the most domestic person either. Therefore, they won’t even try (as of yet at least) because they don’t want to ruin the relationship they have, attempted murder among friends included.
They have slept with each other on several occasions in the past.
IF they were to marry post S4/if they talk about it, I like to think that Nikola would be more willing to take her last name, or they’d use double ones.
They have never been Will they, Won’t they? but rather when will they and when won’t they. Because⬇️
They enjoy racking up the tension between them as high as they can as a game, only see how far they can go before actually colliding. (and frankly, some friendships are simply more fun with tangible sexual tension)
Although they’ve never actually discussed them, they are fully aware of each other’s limits. Nikola knows how much he can flirt with/annoy Helen without crossing the line, and immediately backs off if he comes too close (as proven when they’re in her bedroom in Animus). Likewise, Helen knows how to and how harshly she can rebuff him without him actually being hurt. Even if it doesn’t make sense to anyone else, they know where the lines are drawn. (Muddy explanation, sorry!)
On that note, I don’t think Nikola actually considered Cabal stronghold = Ashley might have been there in Trail of Blood. The face he makes when Helen mentions her feels very much like oh shoot I screwed up big time.
Continuing, Nikola’s over the top innuendo and flirting is less him actually wanting to get into her pants (obviously he wants to, but he knows that’s not really how to get there, see point three), and more just to annoy her and make her squirm (similar to how I enjoy horrifying my city-raised friends with weird horse-/general animal facts). Consensual bothering I suppose? He often does it just to make her smile, even if it’s from exasperation.
On that note, the scene with Abby’s zipper or whatever in her first(?) episode makes me see red because whyyy. That is never fun. (I would’ve loved it if it had it been Helen because they know each other and it would’ve been such a them thing but here it’s just- ugh. No.)
This is getting long but since you did ask
*realises worriedly that I should probably rewatch some sanctuary because wait what is actually canon and what is just my mad rambles when it comes to Ranna*
Helen overpowering and grabbing the gun-thing from Fallon followed by her accurately deducting what’s actually going on was the moment Ranna went all 🤩 and joined the Worship Helen Magnus club
In order to keep her position and everything, Ranna is very much cool, collected, detached, yada yada. Seeing Helen all fiery and very much openly caring for her crew (because that’s how she acted in Pax Romana) inspired her a lot and was part of the reason as to why she sent the coded message in Metamorphosis. (Connected to your point about her being 40-ish because I think meeting Helen made her rethink a lot of stuff)
Gregory has told Ranna about Helen, but what I like is that aside from the small meeting in S1, he hasn’t met Helen since what? 1909? Victorian era single father, combined with the general parents thinking their children are innocent thing… I mean Helen has changed quite a bit since then. Back to point one. Ranna realises Gregory’s stories don’t even begin to cover just what a powerhouse Helen is.
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ctheathy · 1 year
Communities & the cast I shall be writing for~! Though I'm willing to make exceptions, just ask me about the character in my askbox first and I'll decide whenever or not I'll make a special case =}
These next dots shall indicate how I’ll write for particular characters. Despite it completely depending on the request itself and although ageing them up is also very much possible, some just cannot be written off as romantic and/or suggestive. I assure you understand that.
They’ll all remain •• unless if specified otherwise.
• = Platonic and/or Pet-like
• = Romantic
• = Suggestive
• = NSFW
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My organized list 🤌🏻 :
UTAU + Vocaloid [+AUs from any song. Example: The Court Jester!Fukase] :
Hatsune Miku ,, Kagamine Rin ,, Kagamine Len ,, Luka Megurine ,, Meiko ,, Kaito ,, Gumi ,, Fukase •••• ,, Utatane Piko •••• ,, Flower ,, Oliver
Matsudappoiyo ,, Kugutsushi Utau ,, Kazehiki Utau ,, Kuzuda Rou ,, Kuzuda Yone
The Evillious Chronicles [Daughter/Servant of Evil] AU:
Riliane ‘Rin’ Lucifen d'Autriche ,, Alexiel Lucifen d'Autriche // Allen ‘Len’ Avadonia ••• ,, Kyle ‘Kaito’ Marlon ,, Michaela ‘Miku’ ,, Germaine ‘Meiko’ Avadonia
Baldi's Basics :
Baldi ,, Arts and Crafters ,, Playtime • ,, 1st Prize ,, It's a Bully ,, Principal of the Thing ,, Gotta Sweep ,, Cloudy Copter ,, Beans ,, Chalkles ,, Dr. Reflex ,, Mrs. Pomp ,, The Test ,, Null // filename2 ,, 0th Prize ,, PlaceFace ,, Bladder ,, Johnny
The Powerpuff Girls :
Blossom ,, Bubbles ,, Buttercup ,, Professor Utonium ,, Bunny ,, Dynamo ,, Bullet • ,, The Mayor • ,, Miss Sara Bellum ,, Miss Keane ,, Robin Snyder ,, Blisstina ‘Bliss’ ,, Bell ,, Breannin ,, Barasia
Mojo Jojo ,, Brick ,, Boomer ,, Butch ,, Princess Morbucks ,, Fuzzy Lumpkins ,, The Amoeba Boys ,, The Gangreen Gang ,, Sedusa (+Ima GoodLady) ,, Rainbow the Clown//Mr. Mime ,, Abracadaver ,, The Sandman ,, The Gnome ,, Dick Hardly ,, Knock-off Powerpuff Girls ,, Him (+MIH) ,, Owlie Boop ,, Allegro ,, Chelsea ,, Sapna Nehru ,, Packrat ,, The Powerpunk Girls [Berserk, Brat and Brute] ,, The Rowdyright Boys [Blake, Bash and Breaker] ,, The RowdyRouge Girls [Bellicose, Bedlam and Bruiser]
Power of the Force Girls AU:
Babbles ,, Petal ,, Peanut ,, Profesor Yoddle ,, Major Grievance
Pokémon :
Ash Ketchum ,, Pikachu • ,, Misty ,, Brock ,, Ghost of Maiden's Peak [+Gastly] ,, Sabrina ,, Jessie ,, James ,, Meowth ,, Giovanni ,, Sakura ,, Satsuki ,, Sumomo ,, Koume ,, Tamao ,, evil Togepi • ,, Wally ,, Ingo & Emmet ,, Serena ,, Aria ,, Miette ,, Clemont ,, Bonnie • ,, Trevor ,, Shauna ,, Tierno ,, Penelope ,, Jessica ,, Elise ,, Korrina ,, Valerie ,, Lysandre ,, XY Malamar ,, Hau ,, Hala ,, Ilima ,, Olivia ,, Sophocles ,, Lana ,, Kiawe ,, Mallow ,, Acerola ,, Hapu ,, Lillie ,, Gladion ,, Lusamine ,, Team Skull Grunts ,, Plumeria ,, Guzma ,, Nebby • ,, Hop ,, Bede ,, Milo ,, Nessa ,, Kabu ,, Allister ,, Bea ,, Melony ,, Marnie ,, Piers ,, Opal • ,, Raihan ,, Leon ,, Sordward & Shielbert
Creepypasta :
Bloody Painter // Helen Otis ,, Hobo Heart ,, Candy Pop ,, Kagekao ,, Homicidal Liu // Liu Woods + Sully ,, Ticci Toby // Tobias Erin Rogers ,, Frankie ,, The Puppeteer // Jonathan Blake ,, Jason the Toymaker // Jason Meyer ,, Julius the Dressmaker // Julius Doherty ,, Suicide Sadie // Sadie Marie Benette ,, Pure Evil ••• ,, Lazari Natalie Swann • ,, Oliver Henderson •
Monster Hunter Stories :
Lute ,, Cheval ••• ,, Lilia ,, Mille ,, Hyoro ••• ,, Genie ••• ,, Itsy-Bits ••• ,, Dr. Manelger • ,, Debli ,, Avinia // Ayuria ,, Gale ,, Kayna ,, Ena ,, Alwin ,, Zellard ••• ,, Reverto ,, Kyle ,, Yoomlana
South Park + Hellpark :
Eric Cartman ,, Stan Marsh ,, Kyle Broflovski ,, Kenny McCormick ,, Leopold “Butters” Stotch + Professor Chaos + Marjorine ,, Craig Tucker [+Hellpark] ,, Clyde Donovan [+Hellpark •••] ,, Tweek Tweak [+Hellpark •••] ,, Thomas [+Hellpark •••] ,, Tolkien Black ,, James “Jimmy” Valmer ,, Timothy “Timmy” Burch ,, Scott Malkinson ,, Jacob Hallery ,, Brimmy ,, Nate ,, Dougie O'Connell • ,, Karen McCormick • ,, Scott Tenorman ,, Wendy Testaburger ,, Heidi Turner ,, Bebe Stevens ,, Red McArthur ,, Nichole Daniels ,, Leslie Meyers [+Hellpark] ,, Rebecca Cotswolds [+Hellpark] ,, Cosette
Goth Kids
Michael [Tall Goth] ,, Henrietta Biggle ,, Georgie “Firkle” Smith • ,, Pete
Foreign Kids
Gregory of Yardale [+Hellpark •••] ,, Philip “Pip” Pirrup [+Hellpark •••] ,, Herbert Pocket [+Hellpark •••] ,, Christophe The Mole ,, Damien Thorn [+Hellpark •••] ,, Estella Havisham [+Hellpark •••]
Corpse Party :
Satoshi Mochida ,, Yuka Mochida • ,, Seiko Shinohara ,, Naomi Nakashima ,, Ayumi Shinozaki ,, Yoshiki Kishinuma ,, Mayu Suzumoto ,, Sakutaro Morishige ••• ,, Yuuya Kizami ,, Naho Saenoki ,, Sachiko Shinozaki •
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun :
Hanako // Amane Yugi ,, Yashiro Nene ,, Kou Minamoto ,, Teru Minamoto ,, Mitsuba Sousuke ,, Aoi Akane ,, Akane Aoi ,, Sakura Nanamine ,, Natsuhiko Hyuga ,, Tsukasa Yugi ,, Tsuchigomori Ryūjirou
Super Mario Bros :
Mario ,, Princess Peach Toadstool ,, Luigi ,, Polterpup • ,, Poochy • ,, Dorrie • ,, Plessie • ,, Yoshi • ,, Toad ,, Captain Toad ,, Toadette ,, Princess Daisy ,, Rosalina ,, Luma • ,, Donkey Kong ,, Diddy Kong ,, Wario ,, Waluigi ,, Dreambert ,, Sprixie Princesses ,, King Bowser ••• + King Koopa ••• ,, Dry Bowser ,, Bowser Jr. • ,, Kamek ,, Boom Boom ,, Pom Pom ,, Motley Bossblob ,, Nabbit ,, Birdo ,, Petey Piranha ,, Piranha Plant [+fire Piranha's] • ,, Shy Guy ,, Blarrg • ,, Cheep chomp • ,, Chain Chomp • ,, Chargin' Chuck • ,, Dry Bone • ,, Buzzy Beetle • ,, Spiny • ,, Wiggler • ,, Hammer Bro ,, Lakitu ,, Wart ,, King Bob-Omb ,, King Boo ,, Draggadon • ,, Wingo • ,, Fawful ,, Dimentio ,, Best Fitness Friends [Dieter, Beef and Kaley]
The Koopalings + DiC cartoons
Larry Koopa ••• + Cheatsy Koopa •••
Ludwig Von Koopa •••• + Kooky Von Koopa •••
Morton Jr. Koopa ••• + Big Mouth Koopa •••
Wendy O Koopa ••• + Kootie Pie Koopa ••
Lemmy Koopa ••• + Hip Koopa •
Iggy Koopa •••• + Hop Koopa •
Roy Koopa •••• + Bully Koopa •••
The Broodals
Topper ,, Harriet ,, Rango ,, Spewart
Kirby :
Kirby ,, Bandana Waddle Dee ,, Meta Knight ,, Galacta Knight ,, King Dedede ,, Scarfy • ,, Marx + Marx Soul + Manga Marx ••• ,, Magolor ,, People of the Sky ,, Taranza ,, Sectonia [+Queen form] ,, Susie ,, President Haltmann ,, Star Dream • ,, Galactic Nova • ,, Prince Fluff ,, Shadow Kirby ,, Dark Meta Knight
Banami-luv gijinka AU:
Kirby ,, Meta Knight ,, Marx ,, Galactic Nova ,, Galacta Knight
Care Bears + Movies :
The Care Bears • ,, Care Bear Cousins • ,, Auntie Freeze • ,, Professor Coldheart • ,, Frostbite ,, No Heart ,, Beastly ,, Shriekeline “Shreeky” No Heart
The Care Bears: Adventure in Wonderland
Alice ,, White Rabbit ,, Caterpillar ,, Cheshire Cat ,, Mad Hatter ,, Stan the Jabberwocky ,, Princess of Wonderland ,, The Wizard of Wonderland ,, Dim & Dum
Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation
Dark Heart ,, Christy ,, Dawn ,, John
Happy Tree Friends :
Cuddles ,, Giggles ,, Toothy ,, Lumpy ,, Petunia ,, Handy ,, Nutty ,, Sniffles ,, Pop ,, Cub • ,, Flaky ,,The Mole ,, Disco Bear ,, Russell ,, Lifty & Shifty ,, Mime ,, Cro Marmot ,, Flippy + Fliqpy ,, Ka Boom ,, Splendid ,, Splendon’t ,, Lammy ,, Mr. Pickles,, Truffles ,, FatKat
Chikn Nuggit :
Chikn Nuggit ,, Cheezborger ,, Iscream ,, Slushi ,, Fwench Fwy ,, Sody Pop • ,, Sassparilla ,, Cofi ,, Hawt Saus ,, Bezel ,, Beta!Fwench Fwy ,, Beta!Slushi ,, Beta!Hawt Saus
Angry Birds :
Red ,, Chuck ,, Bomb ,, Matilda ,, The Blues ,, Jake, Jay, Jim • ,, Bubbles ,, Hal ,, Silver ,, Ice Bird ,, Terence ,, Corporal Pig ,, Foreman Pig ,, Chef Pig ,, King Pig ,, Prince Porky ••• ,, Stella ,, Poppy ,, Luca • ,, Willow ,, Dahlia ,, Gale ,, Handsome Pig ,, Artist Pig
Littlest Pet Shop :
Zoe Trent ,, Russell Ferguson [+Cyril McFlip] ,, Minka Mark ,, Penny Ling ,, Vinnie Terrio ,, Sunil Nevla ,, Pepper Clark ,, Buttercream Sundae ,, Sugar Sprinkles ,, Mitzi ,, Shahrukh ,, Madame Pom ,, Delilah Barnsley ,, Scout Kerry ,, Sweet Cheeks ,, Cashmere Biskit ,, Velvet Biskit ,, Blythe Baxter,, Brittany Biskit,, Whittany Biskit
My Little Pony :
Twilight Sparkle ,, Rarity ,, Pinkie Pie ,, Apple Jack ,, Fluttershy ,, Rainbow Dash ,, Spike ,, Sunset Shimmer ,, Starlight Glimmer ,, Trixie Lulamoon ,, Moondancer ,, Coco Pommel ,, Coloratura ‘Rara’ ,, Maud Pie ,, Limestone Pie ,, Marble Pie ,, Flutterbat ,, Chimera ,, The Diamond Dogs [Rover, Fido, and Spot] ,, Discord ••• ,, Lord Tirek ,, Flurry Heart • ,, Cozy Glow • ,, Snowdrop • ,, Nightmare Moon ,, Daybreaker ,, Queen Chrysalis ,, Unreformed Changelings ••• ,, Thorax ••• ,, Pharynx ••• ,, King Sombra ,, Tantabus ,, The Sphinx ,, Pony of Shadows // Stygian ,, Grogar
Grimdark AUs:
Fluttershy [Shed.MOV] ,, Pinkamena Diane Pie [Cupcakes] ,, Rainbow Dash [Rainbow Factory] ,, Lil Miss Rarity ,, Starlight Glimmer [The Friendship Test] ,, Fluttershy [My Little Amnesia] ,, Rainbow Dash [My Little Amnesia] ,, Pinkie Pie [My Little Amnesia]
G1 AU: >>>
Megan Williams ,, Spike • ,, Danny Williams ,, Molly Williams • ,, The Moochick ,, The Bushwoolies ,, The Furbobs ,, The Stonebacks ,, The Grundles ,, Sludge ,, G'nash ,, Dinah • ,, Squire Alonzo ,, The Crabnasties ,, Mayor Camembert ,, The Sheriff of Muensterville ,, Prince Edgar • ,, Sunny • ,, Puck ,, Pluma [+The Ghost of Paradise Estate] ,, Grandpa Ruff • ,, Woebegone ,, The Witch ,, Prince Phillip ,, Garth ,, Mayve • ,, His Elevated Eminence •
Applejack ,, Bow Tie ,, Bubbles ,, Cotton Candy ,, Ember • ,, Firefly ,, Glory ,, Medley ,, Moondancer ,, Twilight ,, Heart Throb ,, Lickety-Split ,, Posey ,, Powder ,, Sparkler ,, Skydancer ,, Starflower ,, Majesty ,, Sundance ,, Gusty ,, Buttons ,, Fizzy ,, Ribbon ,, Galaxy ,, Mimic ,, Gingerbread ,, Scoops ,, Magic Star ,, Shady ,, Cherries Jubilee ,, Cupcake ,, Truly ,, Sweet Stuff ,, Wind Whistler ,, North Star ,, Paradise ,, Surprise ,, Lofty ,, Locket ,, Whizzer ,, Twilight [Pegasus] ,, Masquerade ,, Princess Tiffany ,, Princess Primrose ,, Princess Royal Blue ,, Princess Serena ,, Princess Sparkle ,, Princess Starburst ,, Quarterback ,, Salty ,, Slugger ,, Tex ,, Steamer ,, Trucker ,, Baby Cotton Candy • ,, Baby Glory • ,, Baby Moondancer • ,, Baby Surprise • ,, Baby Lickety-Split • ,, Baby Gusty • ,, Baby Lofty • ,, Baby Ribbon • ,, Baby Shady • ,, Baby Sundance • ,, Baby Bouncy • ,, Baby Cuddles • ,, Baby Fifi • ,, Baby Half Note • ,, Baby Heart Throb • ,, Baby North Star • ,, Baby Quackers • ,, Baby Tic Tac Toe • ,, Baby Tiddley-Winks •
Seawinkle ,, Sealight ,, Wavedancerran ,, Baby Backstroke • ,, Sand Dollar ,, Sea Mist ,, Whitecap ,, Baby Sun Shower • ,, Baby Water Lily • ,, Ripple ,, Beachcomber ,, Sea Shimmer ,, Sun Shower ,, Surf Rider ,, Water Lily ,, Morning Glory ,, Rosedust ,, Forget-Me-Not ,, Honeysuckle ,, Lily ,, Peach Blossom
Scorpan ,, Tirac ,, Beezen ,, The Duchess ,, Knight Shade ,, Zeb ,, Erebus ,, King Charlatan ,, Niblick ,, Draggle ,, Reeka ,, Hydia • ,, Ahgg ,, The Smooze • ,, Squirk ,, Crank ,, Frazzits • ,, The Flores ,, Jewel Wizard ,, Lavan [+crystallized form] ,, Sting ,, Queen Bumble ,, Princess Porcina ,, The Raptorians ,, Crunch the Rockdog ,, The Sqree ,, Somnambula ,, Kyrie ,, Bray ,, Grogar
Popee The Performer + Chinchikurin :
Popee + Hanabishi Kuruwaya •••• ,, Kedamono + Keita Ookami ,, Marifa + Mariha Kuruwaya ,, Papi + Nichiteru Kuruwaya ,, Alien ,, Mirror Popee // Eepop •••• ,, Mirror Kedamono // Onomadek
Seito Kure ,, Boron Makuroshi ,, Toru Garakuta ,, Haruma Neko
The Amazing Digital Circus :
Pomni ••• ,, Caine ••• ,, Bubble • ,, Ragatha ••• ,, Jax ••• ,, Zooble ••• ,, Gangle ••• ,, Kinger ••• ,, Gloink Queen • ,, Dr. Football ,, Moon ,, Sun ,, Paine ,, The Bone Pastor
Abstracted characters [Digital+abstracted form] :
Kaufmo ••• ,, Queenie ,, Rett (yellow dog) ••• ,, Wriggle (worm on a string) ,, Doz (purple dinosaur) ,, Blonk (pink cyclops) ,, Moppsy (mouse sockpuppet) ,, Yucko (yellow rabbit-like creature) ,, Bizz (polka-dot covered clown)
Fan-made names by Sunnie_Daies on Reddit
Lego Monkie Kid :
MK ‘Monkie Kid’ •••• ,, Mei ,, Tang ,, Pigsy ,, Sandy ,, Mo • ,, Redson •••• ,, Demon Bull King ,, Princess Iron Fan ,, Bull clones • ,, Lady Bone Demon •••• (+disguise form) ,, Bai He • [Little girl] ,, Spider Queen •••• ,, Huntsman •••• ,, Goliath [Strong Spider] ,, Sun Wukong ‘Monkie king’ ,, Macaque ,, Syntax (+pre-corrupted/human form) •••• ,, Mayor (+chief of war) •••• ,, Yin & Jin •••• ,, Guardians of Knowledge ,, Lion Guardians • ,, Demon Accountant ,, Nezha/Third Lotus prince ,, Scorpion Queen ,, Azure Lion ,, Peng ,, Yellowtusk ,, Chang'e ,, Tang Sanzang ,, Zhu Bajie ,, Sha Wujing ,, Ao Lie •••• ,, Ao Guang/Dragon of the East ,, Master Subodhi ,, Attendant ,, Kui Mulang ,, MK [Party clone] •••• ,, MK [Artist clone] •••• ,, MK [Delivery clone] ••• (he won't be obese here...) ,, MK [Backup clone] •••• ,, Store Owner
Ferdinand :
Ferdinand [+young form] ,, Paco ,, Nina • ,, Juan ,, Valiente [+young form] ,, Guapo [+young form] ,, Bones [+young form] ,, Lupe ,, Angus ,, Maquina ,, Una ,, Dos ,, Cuatro ,, Hans ,, Greta ,, Klaus ,, El Primero
Disney :
Snow White ,, Cinderella ,, Tinkerbell ,, Alice • ,, Aurora ,, Ariel ,, Melody • ,, Belle ,, Jasmine ,, Pocahontas ,, Esmeralda ,, Mulan ,, Tiana ,, Jane ,, Anna ,, Elsa ,, Rapunzel ,, Merida ,, Megara ,, Moana ,, Elena ,, Raya ,, Sofia •
The Beast ,, Lumière ,, Cogsworth ,, Mrs. Potts ,, Chip • ,, Aladdin ,, Genie ,, Carpet • ,, The Prince [Snow White] ,, The Seven Dwarfs ,, Prince Charming ,, Fairy Godmother ,, Jaq & Gus ,, Grand Duke ,, The King [Cinderella] ,, Cheshire Cat ,, Mad Hatter ,, Caterpillar ,, White Rabbit ,, Prince Phillip ,, Flora, Fauna & Merryweather ,, King Triton ,, Prince Eric ,, Sebastian ,, Flounder • ,, Tarzan ,, Terk ,, Kala • ,, Flynn Rider ,, Hercules ,, Phil ,, Sisu ,, Tuk Tuk • ,, Princess Amber ,, Prince James ,, Baileywick ,, Princess Hildegard ,, Princess Clio ,, Oona ,, Charlotte ‘Lottie’ la Bouff ,, Prince Naveen [+frog form] ,, Li Shang ,, Mushu ,, Yao, Ling & Chien Po ,, Ting-Ting, Su & Mei ,, King Fergus ,, Queen Elinor ,, Hamish, Hubert & Harris ,, Lord Macintosh [+young] ,, Lord MacGuffin [+young] ,, Lord Dingwall [+wee] ,, Quasimodo ,, Clopin Trouillefou ,, Maoi ,, Chief Tui ,, Gramma Tala • ,, Te Fiti • ,, Hen Wen • ,, Gurgi ,, Miss Bianca ,, Bernard ,, Jake ,, Cody • ,, Wilbur ,, Marahute • ,, Kovu ,, Kiara ,, Vitani ,, Carl Fredericksen [+young] ,, Ellie Fredricksen [+young] ,, Russell • ,, Kevin • ,, Miguel Rivera ,, Abuelita Elena • ,, Mamá Coco • ,, Papá Julio • ,, Tía Victoria ,, Tía Rosita ,, Héctor •••• ,, Mamá Imelda ,, Óscar & Felipe ,, Chicharrón ,, Pepita • ,, Kristoff ,, Olaf • ,, Bruni • ,, Riley • ,, Joy ,, Sadness ,, Disgust ,, Fear ,, Anger ,, Bing Bong ,, Luca Paguro ,, Alberto Scorfano ,, Giulia Marcovaldo ,,
Captain Hook ,, Cruella de Vil ,, Jasper & Horace ,, Jafar ,, Maleficent ,, Diablo • ,, Gaston ,, Queen of Hearts ,, Ursula ,, Hades •••• ,, Pain & Panic ,, Lady Tremaine ,, Anastasia ,, Drizella ,, Mother Gothel ,, Scar ,, Zira ,, Nuka ,, Shenzi, Banzai & Ed ,, Si & Am • ,, Mor'du ,, The Evil Queen ,, Doctor Facilier ,, Yzma • ,, Kronk ,, Randall Boggs ,, Chef Skinner ,, Amos Slade ,, Percival C. McLeach ,, Joanna the Goanna ,, Claude Frollo [FUCK HIM UP!!] •••• ,, Clayton ,, Big Bad Wolf ,, Buddy Pine//Syndrome ••• ,, Mirage ,, Jangles the Clown ,, Namaari ,, Prince Hans ,, Tamatoa ,, Te Kā • ,, Ernesto de la Cruz
Misc. :
- Reisuke Houjou • [Mirai Nikki // Future Diary]
- Rococo [Omori]
- Lucian Abbot ••• [R.I.P aka Really Introverted Producer]
- Tobey McCallister [WordGirl]
- Dr. Sylvester Ashling [Epithet Erased]
- Postman // Victor Grantz (+ _____ skin) [Identity V]
- Ahmanet (+alive Ahmanet) ••• [The Mummy]
- The Lamb // Lambert [Cult of the Lamb]
- ENA (+ _____ form) [Joel G]
- The Collector [The Owl House]
- Blommy // Bloomy [Fluffffpillow's oc]
- Sun [Two Face ,, GH'S Animation]
- Scooby-Doo [Velma Meets the Original Velma]
- Patchy the Pirate // Flying Dutchman [SpongeBob SquarePants | The Time Travelling Ghost Pirate Theory] •••
- Senpai (+Spirit) [Friday Night Funkin]
° Rio Ranger (+Laizer)/Toto Noel •••• ,, Sei Satou ••• ,, Kai Satou •••• [Your Turn To Die]
° Monaca Towa ,, Nagisa Shingetsu ,, Jataro Kemuri ,, Masaru Daimon ,, Kotoko Utsugi [Danganronpa // Warriors of Hope]
° Isaac “Zack” Foster ,, Rachel Gardner ,, Edward “Eddie” Mason ,, Daniel “Danny” Dickens ,, Catherine “Cathy” Ward ,, Abraham Grey [Angels of Death // Satsuriku no Tenshi]
° Satou Matsuzaka ,, Shio Kōbe • ,, Asahi Kōbe ,, Taiyō Mitsuboshi ,, Sumire Miyazaki ,, Mitori Tajima ,, Shōko Hida ,, Satou’s aunt • [Happy Sugar Life]
° Eun Sian ,, Chae Yul •••• ,, Chae Yuri ,, Hyun Yujin ,, Min Hyunee [Secret Alliance]
° Aoi Mukou ,, Miyuki Sone ,, Haru [You and Me and He // Totono]
° The Angel •••• - The Demon •••• - The small Demon • [Avogado6]
° Say Carnes ,, Arc Carnes [The Chattering Lack Of Common Sense/The Chattering Of Teeth and Lack Of Common Sanity]
° Kennith Simmons ,, Stephanie Glass ,, Greg Hoffman [The Colorbars Broadcast of 1987] •••
° Andrew Graves •••• ,, Ashley Graves •••• ,, Julia [The Coffin of Andy & LeyLey]
° Justine Florbelle ,, Aloïs Racine (+pre-torture, +mid-torture) ,, Basile Giroux (+pre-torture, +mid-torture) ,, Malo de Vigny (+pre-torture +mid-torture) [Amnesia: Justine] ••••
° Radiant_Day ,, Unstable_Day ,, Scary_Day ,, Great_Day ,, Dreadful_Day ,, Benevolent_Day ,, Emotionless_Day [Days Union]
° Rush ,, Hide ,, Seek ,, Eyes ,, Halt ,, Ambush ,, Screech • ,, Figure ,, Jack ,, Glitch [Roblox Doors]
° Amethyst van der Troll ,, Ruby Trollman ,, Sapphire Trollzawa ,, Onyx von Trollenberg ,, Topaz Trollhopper ,, Simon (+Garnet Trollovski) ,, Snarf • [Trollz]
° Sharko ,, Marina ,, Zig ,, Bernie ,, The Ghastly Ghost ,, Manic Mermaid ,, King Neptune [Zig & Sharko]
° Oh ,, Gratuity ‘Tip’ Tucci ,, Pig • ,, Gorg ,, Kyle ,, Captain Smek ,, Boov [Home]
° Pound (+Monstar form) ,, Bang (+Monstar form) ,, Nawt (+Monstar form) ,, Bupkus (+Monstar form) ,, Blanko (+Monstar form) [Space Jam // The Nerdlucks]
° Charmander ,, Squirtle ,, Bulbasaur ,, Leader Caterpie ,, Whiskers ,, Gastly • ,, Haunter ,, Flareon [Starter Squad by Shippiddge]
° Freddy Fazbear ,, Foxy the Pirate ,, Chica ,, Bonnie ,, Mangle ,, Springtrap ,, Fredbear ,, Toy Freddy ,, Toy Chica ,, Toy Bonnie [FNaF Tony Crynight]
° Kitsunami the Fennec ••• ,, Dr. Starline ,, Infinite the Jackal ,, Rookie the Wolf [Sonic the Hedgehog]
- [Any Tails variant will do tbh] •••• ➴
OG Miles ‘‘Tails” Prower • movie Tails • boom Tails • Anti-Miles • SH/TSAA Tails • (There's something about Knuckles) Tails • Blacksmith • (Tails’ Dark Diary) Tails • WWMH Miles • Nine • Mangey • Sails • Tails.EXE • starved Tails • Inner Tails • Ali Baba • Tailsop • Tails-Zilla • Tails Doll • Metal Tails • Luther • (Tails Gets Trolled) Tails • AOSTH Tails • Zails the Zone Cop • pinball/brainwashed Tails • Requital (The Sonic Oddities) • (Sonic Prime) Tails • (The Ankh) Hologram Tails/Hollow • (Operation Crimson) Tails • (Operation Crimson) Flor • Tails emo AU (Kayla Green)
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May add more in the future ...
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sneakydraws · 7 months
Sorry for coming into your askbox with random wap ships but have you ever thought about Helene and Vera,,,, their respective deprivation of motherly love,,, their role of impeccable daughters,,, there's so much potential for toxic yuri 👁️👄👁️
Never considered it before but i admit there's something there!! With regard to being perfect daughters, they've both got this malicious compliance thing going on, like... Both their mothers are unhappy with them for seemingly no real reason, they both act their societal roles perfectly but seem aware that it's not enough... I feel like their personalities don't immediately strike me as jiving together but who knows...
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literally-just-there · 6 months
hai! 👋 I'm too curious to pass up this opportunity sooo ;
^ I love how big emojis get in the askbox for no reason so much lmao. 😂🤣
Hello fellow fan of emojis-that-get-frickin-big-by-default :)
Here is a snippet from the unfinished, untitled and unpolished chapter 2 of my fic The Seeker's Chronicles :
"May I use the phone ?"
The ticket seller jumps in his seat, in a way that would appear almost comical if it were not for the dire situation. His wide eyes lock onto the woman in front of him, before they close as he breathes out in relief, finding the beloved mayor's assistant a much more welcoming sight than the cloaked redhead with menacing glowing eyes.
“O- Of course, Mrs Darlington, go ahead…”
She quickly thanks him, and goes to dial a number, the movements of her fingers quick and efficient. After a short moment, a brief sigh of exhaustion can be heard, followed by the grave voice of a man.
"Hello ?"
She speaks urgently, "Mayor Smallcat, good evening."
"Good evening Helen, what is the matter ? I thought you were at the magic show with Mr Darlington ?"
"I am or, well… the show's been cut short."
"Cut short ? Whatever do you mean ?"
She sighs, "To put it simply, the magician was some kind of… dark sorcerer in disguise. He made several young women disappear, I think he stole their souls…"
"He— Their souls ?!" he cries out. "Dear god, are you alright ?!"
"I am, but Miss Anders was among the victims though…"
"I am sorry, Helen…"
"Mayor Smallcat, there is something else."
"What is it ?" he asks. His voice appeared to have aged several years in seconds.
"Right after those events, a young woman showed up. She doesn't seem to remember who she is."
"A young woman ? Do you know her ?"
"No. I don't remember ever seeing her in town either."
"Never ? Did you notice anything particularly unusual about her ?"
“Unusual is the right word sir. She is not dressed like a lady at all, and resembles some kind of adventurer. She also carries a roll of parchment with her, and refuses to let go of it.”
"A roll of parchment ? What does it say ?"
"I don't know, she keeps it closed in her hand, she is almost clinging onto it for dear life."
"I see… anything else?"
"Well, she helped me find some clues about what happened, she was very fast at finding them… Maybe she's some kind of investigator ?"
A pause.
"Good at finding things you say ?" he says with a pensive tone.
"Yes ?"
"Could you bring her to the city hall, please ? I would like to have a word with her."
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I've finished all the Round 1 polls.
I have noticed that there were a few more entries that don't have propaganda:
Andrew and Aaron Minyard
Richard and Helen Gansey
Clary Fairchild and Sebastian Morgenstern
So if you're an All For The Game, Raven Cycle, or Shadowhunter Chronicles fan, send in a quick blurb about these siblings through the askbox!
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The Last Challenger - Ajax x Fem Greek!Reader (requested)
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Requested by @lovely-cryptid​ 
“  I was wondering if I could request something with Ajax. Like maybe him winning reader (afab if possible) in a gladiator match and maybe she's a little afraid of him (because have you seen him??) But he just really wants her as his wife and is beyond ready to claim his prize 😌” 
First time writing for Ajax, I have to admit I feel better with the final result than what i expected at first. Hope you will enjoy it :) If you do and want to see more, i felt comfortable enough with this character to keep writing for him. My askbox will remain open for more requests. 
Word Count 3 K
Warnings: This includes mentions to reinterpretations of some events happening on the myths, headcanons that I develop through connecting those events with the views and characterizations of the film. 
Summary: The marriage tournament for your hand takes an unexpected turn when Ajax the Great,the famous salaminian hero, arrives at your doorstep demanding to join. Remembrances of the past in the legendary history of Greece combine with your own fears regarding the new challenger to make you hate his high chances of winning, but he is very interested in surprising you. 
Mythology glossary: Iole - Princess of Oechalia, daughter of Eurytus. Her hand was the prize in an archery competition that Hercules won. Her father refused him the right to her anyways and that angered the hero. Hercules ended up killing her father, her brothers, and abducting her to make her his concubine. Those actions indirectly led him to his death when his wife Deianira accidentally poisoned him thinking she was giving him a love potion. 
Notes: Regarding my warning, i want to elaborate a bit. Since one of the main topics of Troy as a film is the tension between power and love, I’m imagining the oath of the suitors happened but it was corrupted by Agamemnon in favor of his brother. The conflict in this oneshot is narratively constructed as a paralel to that situation. 
A competition was taking place in the island of Same and you were its prize. King Odysseus, the supreme ruler of the small insular domain centered in Ithaca, advised it when your father came to him seeking guidance. After the apparently brilliant solution he provided for the marriage arrangement of Helen in Sparta many other fathers began to consult him at the time of deciding the fate of their daughters. 
The oath of the suitors brought peace to the country, but it was very fragile. The Atreides corrupted it and the result was a political marriage that didn’t fully satisfy either of the parties. King Menelaus got nothing more than a beautiful wife and Helen didn’t seem much happy at his side. Odysseus felt somewhat responsible for that and his advice for you went in a completely different direction. Your father was an influential noble in an island of his own kingdom who he didn’t want to disappoint when the unexpected consequences of a similar flawless sounding plan would ruin your life. 
The men wanting you for a wife would have to face each other in combat, allowing the matches to be to the death if the context required it. An exaggerated solution on the surface, but it had a motive behind. The king wanted to make sure you would be given to a man who would love you for real, so only the ones willing to risk everything for you would remain in the competition. Unlike in the case of Helen, there was no political risk if your suitors would fight for you and he would be there to make sure that the possibility of death would remain only as a dissuading threat. 
The execution of the scheme ended up more troubled than its conception and once more an unexpected consequence altered the conceived situation. No famous heroes were expected to show up, since Same was part of a peripheral kingdom and you weren’t even a princess.It was a tournament for the hand of a modest insular beauty. Still, despite the limitations in that small world, news traveled fast and whispers began to caress the shores of its corners. In more relegated areas those became rumors speaking of the coming of age of a modern Iole and it was a matter of time until a modern Hercules would feel tempted. Ajax the Great, born and raised in the arid island of Salamis, wanted you from the very first moment he heard of you. 
Following the footsteps of the greatest hero in greek history was a big ambition of his. His own legend was constantly growing on comparisons that Ajax accepted pridefully, shaping his glory behind Hercules’. Succeeding in that tournament and making you his wife would bring one more parallel to his tales. Without a jealous Deianira on the way, he could even get a full triumph where his predecessor found death. He had nothing to lose, if gossips were right you were the perfect wife for him.  
His arrival was a scandal, the already established contestants weren’t happy about it. The tournament had already started and surviving that far to end up in the surprise inclusion of a new adversary was unfair for them. The complaints were, of course, a facade for a very sensate spread of fear.  No one, not even the ones more strongly infatuated with you, wanted to face him in combat. 
It was the oath of the suitors all over again, one man with an evident advantage twisting the initial setup in an unexpected turn of events. What Menelaus obtained through the political power of his brother, Ajax was going to get through brute force. Your father was terrified of refusing his request to join or denying him the win, since everyone knew that didn’t end up well for the King of Oechalia. A man as strong as that one, a true heir of Hercules, would have easily killed him to steal you as his concubine like it was remembered in the legends. 
One day of pause to the competition was given by the king to revisit the situation and he personally advised you would be sent to meet the new challenger. Odysseus knew him better than your father did, Ajax would perhaps reconsider it if you were against the idea because he wasn’t a cruel man. Not outside of the battlefield, at least, he was kind with his friends and way less bad tempered than Achilles. The recommendation specified that you should be alone, but your father was too afraid to pay any attention to that part. Under no circumstance he would leave you alone with that man, not even if Odysseus would command it. 
The meeting took place under his watch and you presented yourself covered by a veil, sign of modesty and decorum. Ajax could still see your face through the transparent cloth and he found you stunning beyond all expectatives. Delicate as a flower, beautiful like a divine dream. 
His intense staring was starting to make you uncomfortable, but he seemed entranced. 
“ Most of the contestants for the hand of daughter already know her. “ Your father was explaining to him, evidently disgusted by his lack of attention. “ They are the sons of the most excellent noblemen of the kingdom and they have seen her face uncovered. You,foreigner, will have to win the right to move the veil. “ 
Ajax knew what he meant, in no other context they would have left him to aspire having such a radiant bride. His island was poorer than Ithaca and Same, all he had to compete against the other suitors was the strength of his arms. 
“ That would not be a problem, sir.” He cheerfully replied. “ I have fought merciless combats for rewards that were infimal compared to the one your challenge offers.” 
He glanced at you and smiled, but you were petrified of fear. The man in front of you was the biggest you had ever seen. Astonishingly tall and of an enormous muscular complexion, rough looking from all the possible angles. You felt tiny and helpless just from being there with him, not precisely how you would prefer to feel for your husband. He looked less as the man asking for your hand and more as the invader who would drag you by the hair out of your home to make you his slave. It wasn’t his fault to be the living image of the kind of man you were taught to fear by common sense, but that was the exact first impression you got from him. 
“ May I speak?” You interrupted and he looked as if he was illusioned from hearing your voice for the first time. “ I’m afraid your epithets are too well assigned, son of Telamon. ‘ Ajax the Great’, ‘ the breaker of stones’, the man before my eyes has no fair challenger in this household. All my suitors are great warriors, but they are lesser to you in skill and size. There is no honor in winning a combat so despair, stealing the wife meant for someone else. “ 
Your words were meant to twist your father’s demeaning speech into something that sounded flattering, hoping he would desist after that exhortation. 
“ Are you calling me a cheater?” Ajax summarized, in a simpler speech delivered with an amused tone. “ I see things the other way around. Weaker men are unworthy of you, even if they are richer.” 
“ Strength is a quality of warriors and measuring yourself against men you already know you will defeat shows nothing but arrogance. “ You quickly replicated, desperate to make things work your way. “ Justice would demand you to fight against a hero of similar reputation and my king happens to know one. Achilles of Phthia is a great friend of his. Maybe we should hire him to fight against you on my father’s behalf.” 
That was a threat that would have scared any sensate man, specially because you had the means to accomplish it. Your king was the only one that the myrmidon warrior listened to, he would come to his aid like he wouldn’t do for anyone else. 
Ajax laughed, loudly and frankly, as if he didn’t care in the slightless for what you said. 
“ You look very cute making threats, little one.” He mocked you right away. “ I have heard of him, but I'm sure I would wreck him in half and  your king would not appreciate that. I have a more practical solution, with your permission I would present it.” 
He gave one step closer to you and you shivered. 
“ Look at me, beautiful. For how many of the others do you think I’m worth in battle?” 
Your father was murdering him with his eyes, but there was nothing he could do about it. 
“ I’m not sure, around four men?” Was your doubtful reply, ashamed of being contextually forced to observe his body on purpose. “ … Maybe five, if we count the shorter ones.” 
You made him laugh once more and one thing was for sure, he at least cared for your opinions. The fact that you were speaking more than the head of your house in a meeting where you were just meant to be seen showed that. 
“ Pick four of the biggest and there you have a fair match” 
Your disbelief to his said was still quite fun to see for him. 
“ Two rounds of two against one sounds good to me, but the final word is on my father.” 
The man was inflexible, he would gladly pick a way to kill the newcomer before allowing him to even think of having you. 
“ Four against one, she is yours if you survive.” 
That was practically a death sentence, even if the lonely challenger was the strongest of them all. The point was to dissuade him, force him to leave or get rid of him in the process. Whatever would take to get him away from you, he was willing to make it happen. 
The meeting was a complete failure, since Ajax wasn’t giving up. If anything, it made him feel a stronger determination in his purpose. It wasn’t about evocating the old legends anymore, he didn’t care for making you an accessory on his rising to glory. It got personal, he fancied you for real. He would have accepted to fight those opponents even if the prize would have been one look into your uncovered face and an innocent smile of congratulations. What had been promised to him was way greater, a reward worth for his maximum efforts. One combat afterwards you would be his wife, he couldn’t wait to have you in his arms. 
By that point you were dangerously aware of that, the way in which he kissed your hand goodbye before you would retire from the room wasn’t a definitive farewell. More like a ‘ see you soon’ full of longing coming from an hopeful man. He was going to kill everyone to get you or die trying, what wasn’t something nice to think about in your place. Heroes would usually come victorious from impossible tests, your father had as many chances of getting rid of Ajax as King Eurystheus had of killing Hercules. 
Twelve times the infamous mycenaean king tried and nothing worked, labor after labor of magnificent feats accomplished. In more noble circumstances, neither King Eurytus of Oechalia managed to protect his daughter from the desire of the hero and you seemed doomed to share her fate. Being handled to a savage that would treat you like a concubine, that if your family would manage to survive his wrath. Only resignation would keep them alive, your protective father who just wanted to assure you a good marriage would have to powerlessly let you go following that barbaric stranger. 
Odysseus tried to comfort you after he received the news, he said that it wasn’t in any way a bad marriage arrangement. Atypical, perhaps, but so was the one that got him his wife. He wasn’t approved by her family right away, they considered him a lesser prospect, and it was Penelope who chose him after falling in love in fast, chaotic circumstances. His biggest concern was trying to avoid actual deaths from happening, which he more or less handled good before the arrival of Ajax. No matter how much he would insist on claiming there was a nice man for you to discover behind the rough facade of the hero, aspect he was aware of because he knew him, that didn’t matter to you. 
He wasn’t going to be the one in his bed the night after the wedding party, he would return to Ithaca with his wife and son while you would be stuck there waiting for that giant to tear you apart and call that a marriage consummation. After that, you would have to leave your homeland and move to Salamis to stand it everyday without any familiar faces there to comfort you. If you would be lucky, you would get pregnant soon and that would grant you some rest from him. 
The combat took place the next morning and you witnessed it like a condemned waiting for execution. Before its start you closed your eyes in a silent prayer to Hera, goddess of marriage, begging not to be handled to a brutal man. Little to no hope was left for you moments afterwards, when you actually watched him fight. Pure horror that you couldn’t dissimulate, his war hammer was impossible to block even with the cohesive work of four opponents working towards survival. Ajax was not only trying to win that combat, he was giving a show in hopes of impressing you. In his mindset, that was his best way of winning your admiration. 
You were so scared that you wanted to cry, men were falling like wheat before a harvester’s sickle. Once his hard work was completely done he smiled at you with inexplicable sweetness, as if he was seeking your approval for it. He wanted you to like him, that fight was his odd attempt of actively courting you. Perhaps he wanted you as more than the prize won with an epic massacre, it was said that Ajax’s biggest ambition was surpassing Hercules. 
In that, at least, he was already greater than him. The son of Zeus didn’t show the slightest care for Iole when he killed her entire family to keep her as a kidnapped possession. Ajax cared for being wanted by you, he wanted to accomplish your consent on the marriage. His face was still splattered of blood, but he was looking at you with blatant adoration. It was a slightly comforting detail you noticed at the time your fate was completely sealed. 
As tradition recalled, you moved your veil for him and his lips parted to the sight of you as if he would be contemplating the face of a goddess freshly down from Olympus. The soft reaction got a shy smile from you, spontaneous reaction to such a sweet gesture. He looked blissful as if he would have won the hand of Helen, the most beautiful woman who ever existed. 
The wedding had to be postponed in respect to the funerals of those who fell trying to win you. Twelve days separated you from it, as it was stipulated by the customary rituals, and you took that chance to get to know him better. Approaching him by yourself wasn’t even necessary sometimes, since he was pretty much up to finding any excuse to see you. However, everytime you would seek for his company on your own he was particularly happy and he wouldn’t even dissimulate it. 
Ajax was, to your incredible surprise, the sweetest man you have ever met. Extremely careful in every touch, as if you were made of crystal and he was afraid of breaking you. Having to bend down to kiss your forehead didn’t seem a bother to him, but he would joke about how you would have to get ready to get picked up often. 
“ I’m a man of honor, I will not try it now, but I want you to be comfortable when I will be kissing you.” He explained to you once, expectantly of your reaction to that. “ To be honest, that’s all I think about. Twelve days feel like a year knowing I'm about to become your husband.” 
You couldn’t help smiling at such tender confession. 
“ Well, to be honest this is better for me.” You shyly admitted. “ It gives us time before the formalization, which is great because you were a stranger to me a few days ago.” 
Ajax chuckled to the reminder of your initial attitude. 
“ Not only a stranger; a despicable brute. “ He recalled with amusement. “ First impressions are hard for me when the goal is not about frightening the enemy. “ 
He took your hand while his glance searched for yours. 
“ Are you still afraid?” 
“ Way less than before.” Was your quite frank reply to that sensible question. “... but still a little bit.” 
It didn’t disencourage him, but he was curious about that. 
“ Mind to tell me why? “ He cheerfully insisted. “ Anything, even the simplest thing I can do to change that, I will try. I want to make you happy, as happy as you make me. “ 
One particular doubt you had, you were too ashamed to ask. His disposition to hear you made you want to share it with him, but it wasn’t an easy topic. 
“ It’s not about you, not directly at least. You have been very sweet lately and I feel this is unfair to mention…” 
Ajax was attentive to your words and did his best to hold a chuckle when you finally opened up to him. 
“... I’m scared about the wedding night.” 
It was adorable, just the worries of a frightened maiden, perhaps a bit concerned about the challenges of his body size. 
“ When the time comes, you will be ready.” He comforted you, wrapping his arms around you in the same action. “ … but in the meantime, I can help you get used to the feeling of my body against yours.” 
The hug lasted for your entire conversation and the sensation wasn’t bad at all. If he could keep that lovely patience, despite it was clear to you that it was a bit of a struggle for him, you could totally get used to it. 
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kyeterna · 8 months
OC-tober day 11 prompt: colour palette
Hot cocoa and Helen with Efial from Cards Swords and Cups
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"Aren't you tired of the establishment treating you like garbage just because you were not born in one of the 'cool' families? Aren't you tired of the constant -unjust- justification of literal eugenics? Don't you wish things could be better? Join the struggle with us, disregard the rules of a game set up to fail, change your fate in the process. Overthrow the C-T.A."
Helen is her name. You would know that because of how infamous she's become at the campus. A reputation of a brute, crude mannerless woman who picks up fights with everyone she disagrees with, a punk. She does look pretty intimidating. You don't exactly disagree with what she is saying- she does have a point, you just don't really like the whole set up. Isn't she always a little... too extreme?
Efial is his name. He is a total John Doe. There is nothing noteworthy about him. Yet he stands besides Helen. Maybe things are more nuanced than rumours have them be.
They (society) hate girlbosses like us (Helen) win. So they damage their reputation to deligitimise their causes. Sure, Helen might come off as unfriendly and kind of scary, but she is far from that. From a fantasy setting where magic, a talent reserved for few people is secret from the common populace. And with most mages being extremely conservative, there's even discrimination amongst mage classes both in economic terms and lineage terms. There are many flaws in the mage society and so she decided that if no one will fight for a better one, she will take the first step, and kind of started a student movement and became the face of said movement despite her wishes. The demands are simple "if non-mage populations can still be victimised by misuse of magic, they should at least know what happened. Use magic for the betterment of all humanity, not just mages. End the blatant discrimination of non-noble mages in all mage associated institutions" and more alike. Efial, while initially recruited as a normal member, has quickly become Helen's right hand man. On top of that they are great friends. I am sure nothing bad awaits them down the line-
From bweirdart's OC-tober prompt:
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While I am doing this challenge mostly to keep an archive of my characters on tumblr (and to incentivise myself to draw them), if you, person stumbling upon this post, are curious and wanna learn more, my askbox is open >:3c
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tuppencetrinkets · 11 months
Sorted caps, Killing Eve S 1-4, assorted cast.
Anjana Vasan - Pam
Camille Cottin - Helene
Darren Boyd - Frank Haleton
Eugenia Dodina - Tatiana
Fiona Shaw - Carolyn Martens
Gemma Whelan - Geraldine
Harriet Walker - Dasha
Henry Lloyd-Hughes - Aaron Peel
Kim Bodnia - Konstantin
Nina Sosanya - Jess
Owen McDonnell - Niko Polastri
Robert Gilbert - Yusuf
Sean Delaney - kenny Stowton
Suan Lynch - Anna
Turlough Convery - Bear
Yuli Ladoninsky - Irina
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)  
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ivystoryweaver · 7 months
I’m so late, my bad! I just saw your celebration post beautiful. Congrats on your 1k!!! You deserve that and more. Okay so let’s start off with asking you your top 3 questions suggestion:
Top 3 historical figures?
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Heyyy thanks for the ask! You are too sweet.
3 of my favorite historical people are from my home state!
Two Amazing ladies: Rosa Parks and Helen Keller
And I'm a musician, so I'm definitely influenced by artists and composers. My 3rd figure is Nat King Cole.
Still working on your Orestes story, don't worry!
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
1000 Follower/Holiday Celebration
Main Masterlist
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*brings a blanket and sets up camp in your askbox*
Helen/Ranna headcanons? And Ranna in general.
(A few weeks ago I nosedived into Ranna content and ended up back on LJ, mostly getting teased by dead links. If only I had known more people on here were obsessed…😂)
*gives you tea and/or hot chocolate* Oooh, thank you! *rubs hands together and tries to sort out the tangled ball of my brain*
Oh, might have to take a look over there, because Ranna content is so hard to find.
Okay, so far, I've mostly shipped Helen/Ranna in a very specific AU I'm writing, so just let me separate that specific AU world from the rest. 😂 Anyway. _
They let each other be vulnerable and 'weak' (not actually weak, but how they would both definitely view it), because they both have and understand the pressure of leading and maintaining a world the rest of the world wouldn't accept or leave alone. _
They don't manage to get the Senate to approve of relations between the Sanctuary Network and Hollow Earth, but they still manage to see each other every now and then. (Aided by a helpful, he's-glad-his-daughter-is-with-someone-who-isn't-a-serial-killer-or-vampire Gregory, who knows ways to get out of Hollow Earth, because he did get in and leave again and then get back in).
Time traveling Helen returns to Praxis (after MUCH agonizing) to warn Ranna and co of the impending destruction of the city and to get aid for the Underground Sanctuary. She and Ranna are together during this time, leaving past Helen a little confused by Ranna pulling away, but it all makes sense when Helen rejoins the timeline. _
Helen eventually (post moving underground) takes Ranna to the surface because she realizes that they've never actually been on a proper date and thinks that they should take the time to do so.
Everyone knows about their relationship, but kind of just pretends they don't because Helen's never mentioned it. Until Nikola just jumps in like 'you two are so cute together', is met with swift denial, and then proceeds to flirt with both Helen and Ranna until they come clean. Nikola leaves this very satisfied.
Ranna in general _
She's a normal age. Like...forty something, when the Sanctuary group comes to Hollow Earth. She made it far at a young age for Praxis, which is part of the reason for her attitude and being a hard-ass, because she had to prove herself due to it. The Senate like her youth because they think it's easier to control her. _
She likes the avatar chamber because she gets to see the sky, even though it's not the *real* sky. _
She trained Fallon personally and took her under her wing when Fallon was accepted by Kali, because Fallon was younger and abnormal (therefore maybe not as respected by some Praxians) and she was already well into her bond with Kanaan. _
She doesn't actually need the avatar chamber to talk to Kanaan, so there's a lot that goes on between them that the Senate doesn't know about. (Hence no one knowing she and Kanaan triggered the counter wave) _
She and Gregory were together. (This exists parallel to headcanons of Helen/Ranna, dad and daughter are not sharing a love interest). There were friends for a long time, got to together, etc. She took his betrayal way too personally for anything else.
She survived the destruction of Praxis. This ties back into the Helen/Ranna headcanon above, as well as a Ranna/Gregory Helen/Nikola story I'm planning. _
She (like many Hollow Earth residents or at least the human ones) is somewhat photosensitive when it comes to real sunlight, because she and eight thousand years worth of ancestors never experienced it. _
This isn't all of them, but I'm still sorting it out and trying to figure out if my long-ass Ranna-centric fic is tons of headcanons woven into one or headcanons sprinkled throughout a story.
Bonus, because I'd be lying if I included it in the Helen/Ranna as I'm actually going to do it with Ranna/Gregory: Because of the photosensitivity thing, any date on the surface is done at night and Ranna gets to see the stars for the first time.
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