Harry @ Jesse: "Oooh! A Cacturne! Y'know, I'm part Cacturne myself. Pops was one. Lookie!" he leans forward and obnoxiously points at the holes on his cheeks. "But you should tell me! Bein' a sheriff n' all. You deal with a lotta mayhem? Ooh! I know! Ever dug out a band of cultists? That would be amazing!"
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“ Naw, aint none religious loons round here in my lifetime. Sure ya go back ‘bout hundred‘er so year summa my late kin coulda told ya somethin bout that though. “
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“One does not merely triumph over perfection carved from darkness.”
(( lookit dem sparkles who could ever top this? ))
@askgothitelle, @askremiandenvy, @usualhappascrafty
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“ ... I hope that answers that. Now what of you? What brings you out here? Are you trying to find shelter? Running an errand and merely caught in the storm, perhaps?”
[ @askgothitelle / @askfreelancers ]
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askbohemiancompany · 8 years
(askfreelancers) Asgeir @ Roldabonz: So yo say you're a crime-fighting sorta guy, is that it? I dunno if you've ever been asked this before, but is there is an exact reason you took this up? Were you inspired by anyone or do you have other motivations?
This guy looked like one of those knights from one of his fantasy animes. Roldabonz could not help but be mysticized by the knightly looking gothitelle. Where was this guy from and where did he get his armor?
“That’s right! I’m a crime fighter of the mob variety. I fight the mobsters of Arcadium! I fight to try and make Arcadium a better place, despite the difficulties of the city!” A twinkle could be seen in Roldabonz’s eye and he had some pep in his voice.
“I watched a lot of anime and sentai shows when I was a child. When I was with Ms. Xing she would always bring me tapes of old Gundam, Kamen Rider and whatever superhero series she could find for me. So I’ve always been influenced to being this exact line of heroing!”
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askthedeities-blog1 · 8 years
// :o idk if you've ever gotten this before but what made you decide to make a blog around the characters you did? and are gardevoirs your favorite pokemon and if so why is that? (i like them too dhsjd)
It’s been a very long time and I don’t even remember all of it. But I will try to explain what I can. xDGardevoirs are actually not one of my favorites. I like them, but I was more used to drawing people around when I started this blog and a Gardevoir was the most human I could get.Anyway, I’d wanted to explore a mortal pokemon being raised by a legendary, and how that would impact their lives. And along the way my plot became the clusterfuck that it is now haha. I was pretty bad at planning out a story when I started this blog, tbh… I never actually expected my blog to last as long as it has. I’m not much better in the almost four years I’ve had this blog but I can at least plan out what order my main plot points will come in.Kreilanna being bonded to Giratina was always one of my goals though. Giratina is one of my favorite legendaries, and I think on them a whole lot. xDGranted I didn’t delve into some topics that I was expecting to, though that’s my own fault for not trying to get more involved with everybody and generally being a hermit. lol
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nebulousmeadows · 8 years
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“Well, yeah, we have been on a few adventures together, so to speak.” She chuckled while fondly recalling some of the things she and the others had gotten into previously.
“Sometimes it was me and Madeleine going out to explore whenever she would take a break from her search, but the three of us have visited a couple towns we’ve never been to before while helping her look. We did a bit of sightseeing while we were out there, but I had to come home at least by midnight so my father wouldn’t get upset about me being out for too long.”
“I… wanted to go to that winter ball they were holding last month, but Perseus and Maddie have been busy this winter and I didn’t want them to miss out on the fun. Plus, my brother and sister came home for the holidays so I wanted to be with my family altogether while I could…”
She shrugged. “Overall, we made some pretty interesting discoveries. Now that we’ve consulted Nysa for help, Madeleine knows where her parents are and can reunite with them when she’s ready to head out. But, I heard she and Perseus were leaving to help her friend Micah first. I had to stay here, in case anything were to happen, but I hope everyone’s okay.”
In her subconscious, unbeknownst to Cesare, Elizabeth was actually fighting back tears. While Eudai was continuing his work to keep up appearances, she was still coming to terms with saying goodbye to the people she cared about. The Gothitelle had realized this was going to be one of the hardest goodbyes she’d have to make. She didn’t know why, but it proved itself to be as such when tears stung at her eyes.
Elizabeth buried her face into her arms, and as she wept in silence, she couldn’t help imagining how much it would hurt for him and everyone else to find out that, soon enough, she would be dead.
Cesare… I’m sorry.
[ @askgothitelle​ ]
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askshinybunnelby · 8 years
Harry @ Red: So, kiddo! I'm sure that white fur of yours is pretty useful for winter camouflage. It bet it's warm too, incidentally ... is that sweater of yours doing much good against the cold? Or maybe your fur gets thicker in the winter, which helps better? You uh, seem a tad uncomfortable, and I wasn't sure if it was cause you were cold or what!
The little bunnelby sighed and raised her arms up to her side shrugging a bit,“You have no idea how many times someone has almost stepped on me or otherwise said they didn’t notice me down here.” Standing on the tips of her toes and stretching her ears upwards only have her a bit of height before returning herself to the floor.“Being short and colored like snow is a pain sometimes but not enough to really work towards evolving yet.”
Red shifted on her feet around getting a better look up at him. “It’s really not all that thick! I’m originally from a warmer climate that almost never gets any snow so my fur does not get thick.” Red patted her own face feeling the fluff on her cheeks then patting and pulling on her sweater.“And neither is this sweater honestly. Even if I just barely pull on it you can see my fur under it, so no it’s not very helpful at all.” She shivered a bit bringing her paws up to her chest again and hugging tightly around herself. “If I could find another layer my size I would happily put it on right now...”
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gregnas-the-grouch · 7 years
[x] [ @askgothitelle ]
As soon as Cesare agreed, Yemir’s eyes twinkled with joy as she jumped up and down like an excited child. “Hell yeah! I knew I could count on the Cheese Man!” The Gallade cozied up to Cesare’s side, wrapping an arm around his shoulder in a buddy buddy manner, flashing those sharp teeth of her’s. Harry’s indignant response only seemed to make her all the more happier.
At her friend’s inquiry, the Gallade paused, having nearly forgotten about it. “Shit, that’s right. Fortunately, at least in this case, Granny Bao has been sticking to me like she was my shadow. Oi, Granny Bao, ya there?!” Yemir called out of nowhere with no direction in mind. At first, there seemed to be no response. That is, until Yemir felt a large presence loom over her.
“What is it, Yemir?” The empress responded coldly from behind the two, enough to make the Gallade let out a small yelp as she spun around.
“So that’s what it feels like...” Yemir grumbled before shaking her head a bit. “Ah, right, meant to say I found the person I’m willing to train with me!” Yemir stated with a smug look on her face. Before the Gallade could say anything else, Baozhai walked past Cesare and up to Harry, scratching her armored chin with intrigue.
“Ah yes, one of the individuals that fought Eudai when he was still possessing the girl. A bit on the lean side, even for a Gothitelle. However, he seems tall, has that predator instinct, good mental powers. A decent choice, though I doubt he’d be suited for your kind of training.” The empress huffed as Yemir remained at Cesare’s side, mouth agape, practically speechless that Baozhai just flat out ignored her and Cesare.
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askgothitelle · 7 years
Imminent Regret Pt 8
[ previous / next ]
Eudai narrowed his eyes. These Gothitelles simply refused to back down, their persistence was starting to grate on what little was left of his patience. The ghost prepared to make his next move when a sudden boom stopped him in his tracks. Swiftly turning around, a large explosion had erupted from the far reaches of White Forest off in the distance. Brilliant blue flames danced, reaching towards the sky with ambitious intent as smoke billowed around it. 
Yet, that wasn't the most disturbing part. One could hear the loud bellow of a roar in the distance. Fierce. Filled with such fury, the feeling was practically palpable as the roar reverberated through the forest with such power. Eudai stood there, stiff as a statue. Face frozen as it made it difficult to discern exactly what it was he was feeling, even as the flames flickered in the distance. 
"... So, you succeeded in keeping me from my objective." He stated bluntly, his voice as cold as ever, slowly turning around. His gaze fell upon the Goths with such terrifying intensity. Though one couldn't see it. Behind his stoic expression, one could feel a brief glimpse of emotion flicker, if barely for a moment. 
"Yes... I would very much like to murder you now." He whispered quietly through Elizabeth's lips as his own voice grew stronger. The air around them fell still as that terrifying power they felt coming from Eudai before... It was only the tip of the iceberg. And they were about to run into the full force of it.
While Eudai’s hatred may have been there for a fleeting second, it didn’t slip past Madeleine. 
Oh, she felt it. And it sent chills down her spine. 
With the threat of death looming over their heads, she had to think of something fast. There was no time to waste. And yet, while quick thinking was important, so was strategy; she couldn’t afford to be rash with her actions. 
Luckily, after hearing the explosion, Perseus finally started to come to his senses. Bright red eyes swept over his surroundings, and he became more alert as seconds went by. What had he been doing this entire time? Standing around instead of actually doing something? This confrontation was already falling to pieces. The intense, murderous glare in Elizabeth’s eyes was enough for him to discern that. 
“Shit, what now?” He called to the others in an urgent voice. “We held him back, but he still hasn’t let her go! What do we do?” 
Madeleine made a quick, hasty reply as she continued to wrack her brain for ideas. “I’m not sure yet! All I know is that we’re in deep trouble right now!”
"Well what do you think?" Harry called out to the other two, his voice loud and clear. "Keep improvising. Ain't got jack shit we can do otherwise." And with that, Harry stepped forward again, having shaken off most of the Thunder attack by now. 
"Now let's try this ..." he muttered to himself, fiddling with his fingers and looking down momentarily. His vision was still a bit blurry, and he squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his head. He knew things were messed up, and he had to focus. After a minute, he opened his eyes with a clearer view on what he was doing -- or at least as clear as Harry ever was. He then looked back up at Eudai (he hoped it was Eudai) and flashed the specter an especially toothy grin. 
Harry puffed out his chest in a rather showy manner, hands on his hips, one foot forward. "Hey darlin', there was just one other thing I wanted to ask." his voice took a huskier, almost raspy tone and he swayed his hips to the side. "Just wanted to get your little opinion on somethin'. What do ya think of ... THIS??!!" 
Harry spun in the blink of an eye, then winked his own to Eudai and blew him a kiss made of some kind of bizarre energy. Pink, glittery, and manifested in the shape of a heart ... as well as imbued with licentious overtones.
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(( writing by @gregnas-the-grouch , @ask-nebulousmeadows , and me ( @askgothitelle )
art by me ( @askgothitelle ) ))
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ask-alex-and-co · 7 years
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(( Fan art Friday! :D I hope I did a good job drawing your characters :) ))
( @iamyourdoubt  @flareon-duo @askgothitelle @askkakusanandshi ))
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niquixarts · 7 years
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@daily-tsareena / @askgothitelle / @thevaloroushearts / @askremiandenvy / @ask-the-forestguardian / @crumblingremnants / @daily-sneaselandarkrai / @askteamorcd 
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“A fun-loving trickster who mastered his passion, dazzling his audience with his illusions and fashion! Even as years and wear crept onto his back, his determination never allowed him to crack!
Such inspiration, such fire for his career, to see him follow it with such love made it clear! Thusly I decided to follow  his trail, to bring joy and mystery on a broad scale~! And while though I know what I’ve learned through his name, I don’t plan to outright copy his game! With his tricky lessons and remarkable zeal, I shall use them for a career with my own appeal~”
[ @askgothitelle / @askfreelancers ]
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(( I had to give her some pink markings in mega form too, it’d be too plain otherwise <:D; )) Still looks gorgeous regardless!
@askgothitelle @askiceboundlopunny ))
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theorangelopunny · 7 years
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((Uhmmm.. Exsqueeze me? Remember when Blayz was crowned the King of Thighs? Remember when we gave him his own kingdom full of queens and princesses and dukes and duchesses? I do @thevaloroushearts, @askremiandenvy, @askgothitelle))
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sopadeleon · 8 years
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@ask-meat i forgot your art blog and i cant find it on your ask ones so @askgothitelle
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nebulousmeadows · 8 years
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Christmas request from Rai of @guideofthetornworld! I had said ships were okay to request, thus he suggested Cesare and Elizabeth for @askgothitelle! It was really sweet that he requested for Russ, especially since he hasn’t been feeling well. //weeps I’m sorry it was finished late, I’ve been trying to rest my wrist and take care of a puppy. ;;
Thank you for requesting, Rai, and I hope you enjoy it Russ!!
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