loominggaia · 3 days
What's the most powerful recorded usage of magic ever cast on Gaia?
This is a difficult question to answer because , even small spells can have immensely devastating effects, depending on how they're used.
I would say overall, the most powerful spells are collaborative ones. That means multiple mages combine their powers to cast one mega-spell. Divines can also cast enormous spells on their own, but when multiple divines collaborate, it leads to some epic stuff.
Chieftess Serafeen is trying to open a portal to the moon. To do this, she's harvesting magical energy from thousands of fae prisoners and routing it through her body, which will allow her to cast the world's biggest teleportation spell if she succeeds.
Reaper, Divine of Death, once implanted another divine's soul into a monster. That doesn't sound like a big deal, but such a thing is insanely difficult to do. As far as anyone knows, this is the one instance it's been done successfully.
During her conquesting years, Titania casted a necromancy spell that spread over 1/3 of Umory-Ond, raising hundreds of thousands of zombie thralls all over the region. This legendary spell marked her official takeover of the continent, and its horrific consequences were what finally snapped her out of her greedy mindset.
Sovereign has been known to cast some monstrously epic hydromancy spells, flooding entire cities with giant waves or disabling thousands of enemies at once by pulsing the water in their bodies. His body is not in great shape though, and these spells seem to take a lot out of him every time.
Green Witch used a botanical spell to Build a Wall(tm) around Spriggan's Sanctum. The wall is fifty men tall, made of thorny vines as thick as an ogre's arm. This wall is so grand that it's considered one of Gaia's world wonders.
That's all I can think of at the moment!
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juliorichter · 4 years
I do have a general idea from Reddit’s r/AskHistory booklist, that including Pierre Souyri’s “The World Turned Upside Down: Medieval Japanese Society” for my introduction to Japanese history, and Bernard Bailyn’s “The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution”, but frankly there wasn’t a great many titles in their American Revolution section that caught my fancy
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lungfuls · 3 years
Imagine working really hard on a good, informative comment on r/askhistory and it gets removed bc it's not "in-depth" enough 😭 I haven't necessarily seen this happen but I'm sure it does. Their standard is so high
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oddlysatisfyingbot · 4 years
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AskHistory giving some satisfaction via /r/oddlysatisfying https://ift.tt/2rFXNkH
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mawaruunmei · 5 years
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How do we know what day of the week it is? via /r/AskHistory http://bit.ly/2vnhT21
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solitaryfossil · 7 years
Some good history books here.
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topofreddit · 7 years
/u/sunagainstgold has a fantastic moderation response when users complain that AskHistory is part of a conspiracy
Original post | Reddit thread
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nadirelsabio · 4 years
En esta nota quiero dejarles por escrito enlaces a varios portales y sitios web donde encontraran recomendaciones de libros o en algunos casos enlaces directos a los mismos para que puedan leerlos o descargarlos en su ordenador. Algunos son de dominio publico y otros no, algunos estan en español y otros no, cada uno que explore y que escoja la opcion que mejor le convenga. Me faltan unos cuantos; por ejemplo en Reddit el subforo de ‘books’ suele contener enlaces a muchos otros subreddits donde se realizan recomendaciones mas concretas segun el genero literario que este buscando el lector para entretenerse, y en la gran mayoria de tablones de imagenes (al estilo de 4chan y sucedaneos varios) hay subforos literarios (/lit) que suelen ofrecer recomendaciones bastante buenas alejadas de la idiotez adolescente que suele predominar por esos lares. En fin, sin mas dilacion aqui les dejo la lista de enlaces, espero que resulte de su agrado:
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loominggaia · 3 months
What are the biggest conflicts right now?
I'm assuming you mean conflicts within Looming Gaia at large?
There are actually a lot of major conflicts going on at this point in the main story. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible:
Nymph Pact: As civilizations grow, their impact on the natural environment increases, and this causes harm to Gaia. Some kingdoms realized that endless growth is not sustainable and signed a document to restrict technological advancement, called the Nymph Pact. But other kingdoms refused to sign this document and continue their growth unchecked, damaging the planet and enraging nymphs. This has led to countless battles, large and small, between nymphs and peoples all across the world.
Evangeline-Folkvar war: Evangeline decided to enslave fae and gaians. Refugees sought freedom in the northeast and founded Folkvar Kingdom. The two kingdoms now struggle for dominance over the land of Noalen.
Sovereign's Terrian genocides: Sovereign asked some of the Great Kingdoms to stop polluting the oceans because it was causing harm to Aquarian peoples. The kingdoms politely told him to go fuck himself. Sovereign retaliated by slaughtering and enslaving millions of kingdom Terrians, and refuses to stop until the pollution stops. Rather than addressing the pollution, the kingdom decided to wage war on Sovereign and the Aquarian Alliance.
Yerim-Mor vs. Cult of the Crescent: The Cult of the Crescent currently has Yerim-Mor's government bent over a barrel. The Morite people are not happy about this, to say the least, and demand that their government fight back. The Morite government is in no position to fight back and none of the other kingdoms have the balls to step in and help, so the poor Morites are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Zareen Empire's resource shortages: Zareen Empire has ravaged the land for thousands of years, greedily sucking up resources and leaving garbage in its place with no consideration for the future. Now there is too much garbage, the soil is unfit for farming, and crucial resources like iron, food, and oil are running out on the homefront. Now, Zareen Empire is left with two choices: they can change their hyper-consumerist, pollutive way of life, or they can start reaching into other lands for more resources. They have chosen the latter, meaning things are getting tense between them and other kingdoms. No one wants Zareen drilling, logging, and manufacturing on their land, because they've seen how everything this empire touches literally turns to garbage...so, Zareen might have to start some wars to get what they want, or else the Zareenite people might have to *gasp!* use paper bags instead of plastic! The Zareenites will not stand for such barbarism!
Matuzu-Etios war: This isn't so much a "war" as it is a "stalemate". Etios took over 1/3 of Matuzu's land and then allied with Folkvar, making them too powerful for Matuzu to mess with currently. The time for Matuzu to take back their land was ages ago, and they missed the window because they were too busy being dicks and harassing Yerim-Mor. Now it looks like they have permanently lost 1/3 of their territory to Etios, and they're stuck hemorrhaging resources defending the 2/3 they have left. This situation can only escalate as Matuzu keeps sticking its hands in everyone else's pies.
Rogue killer robots: A long time ago, Zareen Empire manufactured powerful robot soldiers to fight their wars. Long story short, this backfired horribly, and the robots were all recalled. However, many of the robots are still out there, wreaking havoc in various corners of Gaia, for their AI has gone rogue and all they care about is obtaining more petrol for their fuel tanks. They will destroy anything or kill anyone to keep themselves "alive". They are an especially bad problem in northern Wokina, where peoples depend on the scant supply of petrol to survive in the Bormek Ruins. These peoples must fight the rogue robots over petrol on the daily.
I know there are many more conflicts, but these are the ones I can think of at the moment!
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askhistory-blog · 8 years
Dear AskHistory, I know of a disturbing individual named Paul. I cannot fathom his existence even. He does not bathe and has died his hair several dull colors. His demeanor is atrocious. Manners are unknown to him and at times his rudeness seems superhuman. What advice does history offer on dealing with a man such as this?
Dear Anon, 
    History has sadly seen many men like Paul. I’m sorry that you have come across one of time’s trolls. Luckily for you, history has answers! Emperor Hadrian dealt with a similar problem with the Picts. The Romans also found their customs to be unruly and unfathomable! Hadrian dealt with the problem by building a great wall and naming it after himself. Consider constructing a wall between yourself and this Paul. It may require expensive building materials. Local law enforcement may halt your progress as well, but it will be worth to protect yourself from the menace of Paul!
 Sincerely, AskHistory
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luckylovelemune · 2 years
PREMIER SUZUKI'S SPEECH BEFORE THE JAPANESE IMPERIAL DIET, suitable as source for analysing the fighting mindset of Japan? via /r/AskHistory
PREMIER SUZUKI'S SPEECH BEFORE THE JAPANESE IMPERIAL DIET, suitable as source for analysing the fighting mindset of Japan?
Hello AskHistory
I am doing a project where I am to analyze why the US dropped the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I have written about other theories/reasons, but now I need to address the "fight till' the end" mindset of the Japanesse military. I have to do an analysis of a source, and I am considering the aforementioned. Would it be an appropriate source? link: https://www.ibiblio.org/pha/policy/1945/1945-06-09c.html
Thank you
Submitted March 21, 2022 at 08:53AM by thorpedo122 via reddit https://ift.tt/Q9ruTzf
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mawaruunmei · 5 years
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Which army acquitted themselves best in terms of behaviour/discipline towards local populations and treatment of captured enemy combatants, during WW2? via /r/AskHistory http://bit.ly/2GAQm41
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