#asking artists to show their own take on ralsei!
lumineary-arts · 8 months
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My own take on a Ralsei redesign !! Honestly, I adore his original designs so much I didn't know what else to add. But I always loved it when people fused his Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 looks. Like having him look goatlike, but keeping his fur black and extra fluffy. It was a toss up between having his ears be so fluffy they're slightly upturned, or having them be so long, they draped onto the floor. I chose the former this time and elongated his scarf instead !!
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sorry to pop in during an ask game but! ive been working on a carrd for my system where everyone has their own little profiles, i was wondering if you had ideas for information i should include about people? like a general about me list of questions that you think would be good for systems? always happy to hear from the community on this as well so i'll be peeking at the replies as well! take care!
Yeah!! So we’re making a system map and here’s the format we’re using:
Relationships (in-sys):
First discovered:
Member since:
Um, some of these won’t be applicable for all systems and others might not be useful or necessary to share online (like first discovered, member since, role, and others) but it can be a handy tool for just getting a better feel for your system!! And many of these would work for an “about me!”
You can also include stuff like:
Favorites/least favorites! color, movie, show, book, anime, video game, series, rpg, music genre, artist, fruit, breakfast food, dessert, meal, drink, ice cream flavor, animal, season, weather, texture, scent, flower, pastime/hobby, Minecraft biome, or literally anything else - this is just some to get you started! :3
Inspiring quotes! That the headmate chose or that reminds other members of that headmate!
Picrews/Drawings/Images that are inspired by the particular headmate! (ps - for free online images check out unsplash and pixabay!)
And for the system as a whole, how about:
Size/Headmate count:
Origin/System type:
Collective/System name:
Collective pronouns:
Collective labels or identifiers:
Shared/Collective interests:
((okay, so this was in the drafts and it looks like ralsei was almost done with this. we (kip and margo) would like to add that you’re not obligated to share any more information about yourself than you want to online. it’s good to use discretion when deciding what/how much to share. definitely use these ideas to make a nice carrd, but be careful with how much you choose to reveal about your system in online spaces. stay safe and have fun!))
💚 Ralsei (with an added note from 🐢 kip and 🌸 margo)
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smieska-draws · 2 years
Hello. How are you and your health? Well... in general... I wanted to ask a few questions. 1 - When did you learn to draw and why did you want to do it? 2 - What are your favorite hobbies? 3 - When did you get to know Undertale and Deltarune? 4 - What are your favorite characters of these two games? 5 - How do you feel about such ships as Asrisk and Krilsei?
oh butts I only just saw this ;0;' sorry for the delay!
I'm doing alright, 'cautiously optimistic' is more like it...!
1 - I've always been attracted to making things and seeing how things are made. I remember always looking in awe as a kid when my dad would open up the VHS player to clean it and he would show me how it worked.
So naturally, I kinda just always stuck with drawing because I loved reading comics, I would doodle in class, flipbooks, all that good stuff. I started "taking it seriously" (ex: became obsessed with digimon) at like.. 13 or something, as you do. I lived in the middle of nowhere in the 2000s with primitive internet so I had to teach myself how to draw. I remember constantly taking out the only book on artist anatomy in the library several times.. deviantart tutorials were starting to pop up so mid 2000s there were some of those... But it was pretty much just through observation and making my friends pose for me while I drew lol (I have a whole can of worms about that but oop i won't rant)
2- Bringing back the 'creating of things', I low key scold myself everytime I get invested in a new craft. I really wish crafts were more appreciated instead of it being seen as an old lady or kid thing.. So I enjoy a lot of crafts!!! Sewing, embroidery, painting, MAKING paint, making paper/bookbinding, beading, crocheting, stained glass, cooking/baking, so many damn things. My absolute favourite types of videos to watch are the 'making sculptures out of trash', or restorations (paintings, consoles or old things) just.. HNG. CREATING STUFF AND SEEING HOW THERE'S MADE. AAA 😔👌
3 - When it initially blew up lol it came out in September 2015, I was visiting back home and just enjoying autumn, but my tumblr dashboard was getting inundated with two cartoon skeletons and something about spaghetti? So in October I went back to my apartment and thought 'huh ok lets give it a shot i guess', BAM. heart full, tears wept. Gote boi hugged.
Deltarune was more of a surprise lol Since that day before halloween in 2018, the undertale twitter was being cryptic so I thought it was going to be a Gaster reveal or something. Nope, he just ... dropped a whole ass game on halloween. Amazing. I remember zooming home in the rain after work to play it. I thought it was a troll by Toby, like he saw all the endless AUs being made and decided as a joke he'd make his own AU. But... the game kept going and I thought, 'ok this is too elaborate to be a prank omg' ALSO, seeing Ralsei all cloaked up and mysterious, i sus'd him out IMMEDIATELY (mainly because my fav is Asriel and YOU KNOW the first thing i did was hug Ralsei because i cried like a baby in undertale) The one thing I wanted from undertale was for Asriel to be by your side and supporting you (instead of being a sneaky soulless flower) and HELL YEAH I GOT MY WISH. AAAA
5 - meh I've never been a shipper of any kind. Even when I have 2 characters do a thing together that people immediately go 'OMG HAVE THEM KISS' i'm just like '??? no ??? they're very close friends, are they not allowed' idk idk i feel like i'm on the outside of things like that. I personally despise labels and I just like to play with characters and their different personalities, stories and stuff. Its like playing in a sandbox.
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ambersky0319 · 4 years
I've been reading the very limited amount of Blind Deceit and I thought of something cute 💛 He used to read stories to Virgil and Remus when Thomas was young, with the two never knowing that it was braille. Years later, Remus finds their old story books and decides to ask Dee about them in front of everyone. It leads to them all finding out that he's blind, Patton finding out that he's a great Dad and Virgil (whom he hasn't made up with yet) asking him to read after a Nightmare that night 💜
I had a lot of fun with this one! I really love Blind Deceit, and really hope you enjoy this!!!
Pairings: None/All platonic
Warnings: None really? Just lmk if I need to add anything!
Deceit was relaxing on the couch in the mind palace, one earbud in as he listened to a podcast. He and Remus had been… Mostly accepted. Things were still sometimes really tense, and he knew it would take a while for everything to settle. But Deceit took advantage of the calm day they were having. Roman and Patton were baking, if their laughter and the strong scent of chocolate was anything to go by. Virgil was still napping, or maybe just quietly scrolling on his phone. Deceit hadn’t heard a peep from him in a while. And Logan was reading nearby on the couch, the only indication he was there to Deceit being the frequent sound of pages turning.
And Remus was nowhere to be found.
Deceit guessed he was in the Imagination, preparing a prank for Roman. Or perhaps in his room, conducting an experiment.
And so Deceit closed his eyes, seeing the darkness that he saw all the time anyway, and lost himself in the voices of those on the podcast. He might as well enjoy this rare day of peace.
He didn’t realize he had fallen asleep until Remus was shaking him awake.
Deceit blinked, rubbing his eyes and looking in Remus’s direction. Deceit instantly knew it was him and no one else by the scent of fresh blood lingering in the air around the side.
“Yes, Remus?”
“Good! You’re up!” Deceit felt some stuff being pushed into his hands as he sat up. “I was digging around some old stuff, from when Virgie and I were really really young, right? And I found these!”
“Why would you even want find those old books, Remus?” Virgil asked tiredly, and Deceit could feel his gaze on the pair. In fact, Deceit could practically feel everyone looking at them. “They aren’t worth much.”
Remus stuck his tongue out at Virgil, glaring half-heartedly. “I thought you of all sides would be excited, considering they were always your favorite whenever Dee read them to us!”
Virgil’s surprise was evident in his voice. “You don’t mean-”
“They’re the old Disney classics.” Deceit finished, running his fingers over the covers lightly and feeling the familiar bumps of the title.
“Yeah! And I thought it’d be fun to read them myself, but I literally couldn’t understand anything. Dee, why’re they all in braille?”
“Because I’m blind?” Deceit stated simply, opening one of the books and tracing his fingers over the words. His eyes widened slightly. “Wait- didn’t I ever tell you?”
Remus was gaping at him. In fact, everyone was. There was a beat of silence, before Remus tackled him into a hug.
Deceit yelped as he suddenly had a duke clinging to him, laughing almost hysterically. Deceit blinked in confusion, but still held Remus close, because why would Deceit not? Remus was his family, as good as Deceit’s own child.
He tilted his head in Patton’s direction as the moral side began to speak. “You mean… You read to them when they were younger?”
“Don’t sound so surprised, Patton.” Deceit stated, running a hand through Remus’s hair as the side slowly calmed down. “They were young, and afraid. They had nightmares constantly. What was I supposed to do, just tell them to suck it up and just go back to bed?”
Remus squeezed him tighter.
“I can’t believe you know braille and never taught us!” That was definitely Logan.
“I can’t believe I never noticed, I just thought you had good eyesight!” Virgil, and Deceit could imagine the look of shock on his face. He sounded closer though. Deceit nearly reached out, to beckon him into his arms as well, just as they used to. But he thought better of it. They still hadn’t made amends, and he doubted Virgil would want Deceit to hug him.
“I did not realize it wasn’t obvious, it wasn’t something I was trying to hide from either of you. The rest of you, yes, but not you or Remus.”
He heard Roman’s signature princey gasp. “Hide it from us!”
Deceit just shrugged, feeling Remus move to sit next to him instead of on top, which Deceit was definitely a bit grateful for. The suffocating smell of death was a bit more bearable when Remus wasn’t directly on him.
“Wait- how are you even blind? Thomas isn’t blind!” Roman added, glancing to the others.
“Logan and Patton need glasses, do they not?” Deceit pointed out. “Yet Thomas doesn’t need glasses all the time.”
“He should wear them more often though,” Logan mumbled.
“Well, I guess Deceit never saw this conversation coming, huh?”
The others groaned as Patton laughed, and Deceit felt the small bit of tension in his shoulders disappear, smiling gently.
“Oh! Roman and I made brownies for dinner if everyone’s hungry?” Patton asked, glancing around. Deceit could tell Logan was about to lecture them that it wasn’t healthy, and he was right. Deceit still got to his feet to join them all for brownies though.
Deceit was just about to fall asleep. He had stayed up listening to some show most of the night to unwind, and he could tell it was getting late. The others had all been asleep for a few hours now, if the silence of the house was anything to go by.
Just as he had pulled the blanket over himself, Deceit heard his door creek open and close softly. Deceit frowned, sitting up.
Deceit tilted his head. “Can I help you?”
Virgil hesitated, before taking a deep breath.
“I know… That we haven’t exactly made up, and we should probably talk things out soon and come to some sort of agreement, but I… I can’t sleep.”
Deceit raised a brow, confused. “Why are you coming to me then, and not Patton, or even Logan?”
“Because…” He could hear Virgil fidgeting. “I just, Remus bringing up those books reminded me of how nice things we’re. I had a nightmare and couldn’t sleep. And, and I don’t think Patton or Logan could stomach reading one of the classics. Certainly not Roman. And Remus is too loud. And you always had such a soothing voice, but I get if you would rather not and I can go and we could forget this ever happened-”
“Virgil, do you want me to read to you?”
Virgil swallowed, and his voice came out meek. “Yes…?”
Deceit bit his lip gently, before shifting on the bed. Virgil’s eyes brightened slightly as he climbed into bed beside Deceit, feeling some of Deceit’s arms wrap around him. He handed Deceit the book he wanted read to him- The Little Mermaid.
They both got a bit more comfortable, Virgil curled into Deceit’s side as Deceit began to read. His fingers traced the pages slowly as Virgil lost himself in Deceit’s voice, and soon Virgil drifted off back to sleep.
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