loominggaia · 24 days
Does Zareen TV have something like Supernanny? Maybe she could fix Emli.
Damn...that's actually a really funny idea lol
I feel like if any child could defeat Supernanny, it would be Emli. She's a diabolical little menace. She'll drive even the most strong-willed adults insane.
These types of reality shows are popular in Zareen Empire, so it wouldn't surprise me if there was some equivalent to this. It would be called something like "Brat Wranglers".
Marghan probably appeared on this show as a child...too bad Uzoma didn't realize it's all scripted, so they didn't actually help him.
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loominggaia · 24 days
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-An intelligent comment by Marghan Matuzu
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loominggaia · 2 years
Do any of the High Rulers use the Royal "We" when talking about themselves? I imagine Chua does, because of the conjoined siblings.
Chua definitely does (as do all medusas), but probably not the others.
Marghan might say "we" because he is referring to his pet gryphon, Pidi, who never leaves his side. They are not conjoined but they may as well be!
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loominggaia · 2 years
How does this sound? Marghan gets his own case of the emperors new groove? After a failed attempt at an assassination by a witch Marghan gets transformed into a talking camel. To which he then gets lost and ends up on the farm of a farmer who he screwed over due to his antics. How would the story unfold from their?
It's probably been 20+ years since I saw that movie, and to be honest with you I don't really remember what happened. But I love the idea of Marghan being turned into a camel, I think it's a fitting punishment for...you know, being himself.
I think realistically, he'd make about a thousand "hump" jokes before the existential terror of the situation really sunk in. He's not very bright, it would take a while...
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loominggaia · 2 years
I'm concerned to see how many of the great leaders are on drugs! Do they ever suffer consequences for this or are they just so rich it doesn't matter?
Pretty much "so rich it doesn't matter", but it also kind of does sometimes. Their drug habits may not affect them financially, but it can affect their personal lives and their decision-making quite a bit.
Titania, for example, is a functional addict. She's been abusing crazy beans for so long that they barely affect her anymore. She can still do her job because the beans don't even get her high, they just bump her up from "crippling depression" to "slightly bummed".
Then you have Oberon Mogdir, who can't even get a boner anymore without snorting a fat line of pink sugar because his body has become so accustomed to it. Most people who take pink sugar end up so high that they can't do anything but lie on the floor and hallucinate. But Oberon has built such a tolerance to it that he remains lucid when he's under its effects. It just relaxes him and gets his blood flowing like normal.
Marghan Matuzu often goes on wack-fueled rampages around his palace, where he picks fights with his own bodyguards and breaks priceless royal heirlooms. He's not the least bit functional on drugs because he just does them willy-nilly. He'll snort or inject anything you put in front of him without a thought. He's not exactly an "addict", just an irresponsible opportunist.
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loominggaia · 2 years
what do uzoma and marghan think of each other? does she actually care about her son, or vice versa?
That's a really good question. I think it's possible to love someone without liking them, and that's probably how Uzoma feels about her son. She loves him and she would do anything to protect him...but at the same time, she's aware that he's a little shitbag and doesn't particularly like interacting with him.
As for Marghan, he has a surprisingly down-to-earth relationship with his mother. What I mean by that is, he talks to her like his equal, for better or worse. He doesn't disrespect her, he doesn't talk down to her, he's not mean to her, but at the same time he doesn't see her as an authority over him. Marghan doesn't respect anyone's authority though; as far as he's concerned, he's the highest authority in the kingdom. And he's basically right.
Marghan is never mean or malicious towards his mother, he's just...really dumb, and it annoys the piss out of her. I think that's a sign that he loves her, because he can definitely be a mean, snotty little smartass towards people when he wants to be. He doesn't want to speak that way to his mom. His bodyguards? Sure. Foreign diplomats? Yes. Other Great Rulers? Oh yeah. But not his mom. There's just no desire in him to treat her like that.
And that goes both ways, because as often as Uzoma might raise her voice at him, as utterly flabbergasted as she might get at his behavior, she has never directly insulted him to his face. She's just not that kind of person and she loves him too much to treat him that way. She will criticize his behavior all day long, but she'll never insult him as a person, hit him, or otherwise be mean to him.
That must have made an impression on Marghan, because he offers the same respect back to her.
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loominggaia · 2 years
Okay I’m loving the concept art for the matuzu royal family! The king just looking every shade of done with this shit! The queen has got me act like. Marghan really do be having those Kuzco vibes! Now all he needs is some witch to turn him into a llama (or camel since it’s Matuzu) to set him straight.
I'm glad you like it, thank you so much!
Uzoma's ass got the whole conference wildin out. Yazid dissociating in the corner. Marghan scribbling dicks on his priceless ancestral portraits.
Ah, the perfect family.
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loominggaia · 2 years
What would happed if Marghan Matuzu meant one of his illegitimate children?
Sounds like a child is about to mysteriously disappear...
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loominggaia · 3 years
Do any of the other arseholes who rule the kingdoms (Chua, Gultopp, Qara, and Hethor,) have any other juicy secrets about them, like Oberon and Indiga have?
Definitely. I haven't developed them as much yet, but I think no royal family should be without some serious drama.
Qara Zareen is literally in bed with King Oberon Mogdir, who is supposed to be her enemy. She's also secretly funding eco-friendly tech development while she pushes a pro-industrial rhetoric. She actually wants to see her empire move into a "greener" direction in the long run...mostly because she bought a lot of stocks in solar and wind companies, but still. If her people knew she was spending their tax dollars that way, they would riot.
Here's a juicy one: Hethor Etios once got drunk and hooked up with her husband's brother, and now has one son who is the product of that. She told her people (and her own husband) that he died, then quietly sent him off to Folkvar Kingdom with a caretaker because she felt ashamed every time she looked at him. This kid lives a humble Folkvaran life and has no idea he descends from Etiosi royalty. However, his biological father knows the truth and he could expose everything if he felt so inclined...
Morgause of the Unseelie is a husband-beater. She was once married to the divine Reaper and he genuinely loved her, but she kinda just used him as a tool to gain false immortality. As a drau, Morgause herself is not capable of loving anyone. Reaper probably knew that, but he couldn't stop loving her anyway. There is more about this situation in Lost Scriptures of Love and Light, but in short, Morgause abused him terribly while they were together. She even murdered him once or twice in her uncontrollable rage, but there was little consequence since he was a divine. He just resurrected and continued to take her abuse. Eventually, Reaper realized his relationship was dysfunctional and escaped with Karenza's help...but he still misses his ex-wife, nasty as she is. She's gone through several marriages since he left, and all of them end in the death of her lover--usually at her hands. It's kind of an open secret that she's "vicious", but her people don't know the extent of how bad it really is.
Gultopp Folkvar has a nasty attitude towards the disabled. This isn't a secret, but what is a secret is that he actually has three children, not two like his people believe. His middle child has mental disabilities that are so profound, she functions on the same level as an infant despite physically being an adult. Now here's the extra fucked up part: Gultopp's public stance on the disabled is that they're a drain on society, a waste of resources, and anyone who cannot live independently just shouldn't live at all because it's not only cruel to society, but cruel to that individual as well. This is why there is no welfare in Folkvar Kingdom. If you're too disabled to work, good luck to you because the govt ain't gonna lend a hand.
Gultopp believes the most merciful thing to do to these individuals is to put them out of their misery. But is that what he did to his daughter? Nope...he locked her away in a secluded room of his castle, where only a few trusted caretakers are allowed in. He feels pity for this girl and buys her everything she needs, sparing no expense for her medical care. Who pays for all this expensive care? That's right...the taxpayers. The taxpayers who will never see a cent of welfare from him. And the cherry on top of this giant shit-cake? Gultopp himself is profoundly crippled. The man is missing an eye and has two prosthetic legs as well as a prosthetic hand. But because he can still move and talk and feed himself, he denies that he's a disabled person and considers himself totally able-bodied. Yet if he saw someone else in his condition, he would suggest that they do "what's best for the kingdom" and eat an axe. Homie's performing mental gymnastics every day of his life to reason his way around his own bullshit.
Marghan Matuzu is...god, where do I even start? He's got countless bastard kids all over the world because he can't keep his dick in his pants and he's not smart enough to use protection, he embezzles taxpayer money and spends it on the stupidest crap you can imagine, he's caused hundreds of thousands of GP worth of damage to his own city during his drunken escapades with his dumb friends, which...you guessed it: taxpayers paid for. The list goes on forever with this guy. There's a reason everyone wants him dead.
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