loominggaia 27 days
How do Emli, Kast, and Hethor's kids get along with the other royal kids at galas?
I feel like Emli and Trista would get along really well. They're both spoiled, melodramatic little shits. Emli is a lot smarter though. Marine gets bossed around by Trista and Trista gets bossed around by Emli. Together they are a whirlwind of deliquency.
Kast, OJ, and Cyana form a moody teenager clique and talk about how awful their parents are.
Azura respects Kobi a lot. She isn't sure if she agrees with her cause, but she respects her passion and bravery nonetheless. They would have a lot to talk about. Jaq and Winnue could get on in this group too. They're the rebel clique.
Cerulea's girls are freaking out over all the minotaur tiddies just floppin' around in the open. Cyana pretends to be offended, but is secretly peeping the hell out of Naduna. 馃憖
Emli bullies all the younger kids relentlessly (Cobalt, Nate, and Azura's triplets). Kast eventually gets tired of her crap, so he spills punch on her pants and accuses her of peeing herself. All the other kids laugh at her and she runs away in tears.
Thetos wouldn't be at the gala, but if he was, I feel like he and Kast would hang out. They do canonically go to the same boarding school in Sodergen, so I intend for them to be friends in a future story. Kast is a moody little punk and Thetos is a happy cinnamon roll, so they have a fun dynamic together.
Hestal and Keatto are comparing muscles, arm-wrestling, and trying to out-macho eachother like idiots. Their wives are all equally embarrassed and bonding over how dumb their husbands are.
Blomi and Naduna get drunk together and exchange beauty tips. Marghan asks to have a threesome with them, gets iced out by Blomi and headbutted by Naduna. He wanders off with severe head trauma, but no one notices because he's already a dumbass.
That's all I can think of at the moment!
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loominggaia 25 days
A word about the Etios Royals: Hilariously, they're the only ones who don't really have with trauma or are potential villains! Sure, Thetos is a secret who doesn't even KNOW he's anything beyond a Folkvaran mage, but Kobi's just goin' her own way, Naduna's just a hippy, and Keatto's just a dumb jock. Elsewhere we have: An autistic girl locked in a tower, a closeted lesbian, Kuzco and Veruca Salt, a psychopath, a narcissist, and like 3 with crippling anxiety issues. Guess who I'm talking about.
That's true, Hethor's kids seem a lot less screwed up than most of the other royals! Of course we haven't been introduced to all of them, and maybe she has some other kids who are more menacing, but the ones we know of so far seem benign.
They are still pretty young though, and they may become different people as they age. Hethor, Denu, and Boga are all rotten sacks of crap, but I doubt they started that way. It seems their behavior got worse as their power and authority grew.
The same may happen to their kids when they inherit thrones. Keatto is already getting shittier with the more wives, money, and influence he collects. The throne might just finish the job and fully corrupt him.
But the most concerning one is Kobi, in my opinion. She seems really determined to reunify Etios and Matuzu, and she might pull increasingly desperate and violent moves to do so. I have a feeling she's going to become a conflict-cyclone as she gets older. Reunification is not necessarily a good thing that everyone wants; in fact, most people don't want that. Kobi is a rebel who is aggressively swimming against the tide here.
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loominggaia 26 days
what kind of person was abuka jr?
Not much is known about Abuka or his son, as their story has already passed before we get to meet them.
But if I were to guess, I'd say Abuka Jr. was similar to the rest of Hethor's family: Bold, nationalistic, and family-oriented. He accepted Boga's offer to join the military, so he must have been willing to die defending his kingdom. (Granted, Boga sold the position as more of a symbolic one and told him he wouldn't see much actual fighting. This turned out to be a lie...)
Abuka Jr. trusted his clan-father and uncle, and they both betrayed him. He probably had a trusting and naive nature.
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loominggaia 27 days
I know Denu spoils Ketto but how does he treat Naduna? And what is her relationship with Kobi?
Denu embraces old-fashioned gender roles quite a bit, so I imagine he's more restrictive towards Naduna. Keatto is allowed to do whatever the hell he wants, but Naduna would be shamed for behaving the way he does, simply because Etiosi women are expected to act differently.
She's still Denu's child, however, and he loves her dearly in his own way. He wants her to be a proper Etiosi lady, to stay away from those degenerate satyrs, and have a good life (or what he deems "a good life") by settling down with a minotaur husband and having a million kids. He probably throws suitors at her all the time, but gets frustrated because she always rejects them.
As for Naduna's relationship with Kobi, it's rather strained. Kobi's relationship with the entire family is strained due to her political beliefs. Naduna might be a little more sympathetic to Kobi, because she knows what it's like to love an "outsider", but she isn't bold enough to express that out loud.
They're cordial enough to eachother, but I imagine Naduna tries not to discuss politics with her, and her parents probably discourage her from talking to Kobi at all.
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loominggaia 27 days
Who are Hethor's other children?
Hethor currently has 10 children. We know about 4 of them (Keatto, Naduna, Kobi, and Thetos) but for now the other 6 are not relevant to the story, so I haven't developed any details yet.
Maybe they will come into play in the future! There are a lot of different possibilities for them.
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loominggaia 28 days
Are you telling me Kob literally f***ed himself to death...wtf
I mean, there are much worse ways to die...
Balls-deep in the High Chieftess ain't a bad way to go if you ask me!
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loominggaia 1 month
I imagine Hethor's older husbands sabotaging the newer ones just to mess with them.
Like, "Yeah bro, she loves it when you slap her ass and call her a fat old heifer. Totally turns her on. Really! Try it!"
Then they just sit back and watch the shitshow unfold...
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loominggaia 1 year
Etios Commoner Citizens be like: Hey could we get equal rights and stuff?
Hethor Etios:
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Bro this freaking killed me lmao
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loominggaia 3 years
Okay Serafeen is the very last type of person I would imagine sleeping around, especially with members her top circle! I thought given her complete utter lack of empathy for her people that she be incapable of feeling love or anything like it. Couldn鈥檛 she have just used magic to hide the pregnancy and discreetly get rid of the baby in an orphanage similar to what Hethor did or is that too much work?
Serafeen may not have much empathy, but she's still capable of love and lustful feelings towards others. That said, I'm not sure her feelings for this man were very deep...Maybe she just thought he was sexy and wanted a piece of that ass. Maybe they were genuinely good friends and just wanted to have a good time together. If they were both brainiacs and into tech, then I imagine they had a lot to talk about. It's not often that Serafeen finds someone on her level of intelligence, so it's quite special when she does.
Hethor's situation was quite a bit different from Serafeen's. Hethor was never forbidden from having relationships or bearing offspring, so being pregnant was never a big spectacle in her case. Her people would have never known that kid belonged to her husband's brother unless the dude decided to blab. But Hethor herself knew, and it was pure guilt that made her send the child away because she couldn't bear to look at his face and see her infidelity staring back at her.
In Serafeen's case, she's not even allowed to kiss anyone, much less get married, have sex, and pop out some kids. For her to do so would be considered "obscene". It would heavily tarnish the almost god-like status her regime has elevated her to in the eyes of her people. If they saw that she was a normal person just like them, they might not fear her so much. They might start having independent thoughts...and the Damijani government can't have that now, can they?
Serafeen was not only hiding her pregnancy from her people, but from most of her staff as well. The last thing she needed was some elite asshole in her own regime blackmailing her. The safest possible solution was to abort the baby early on, assassinate everyone who knew about the incident, and move on like nothing happened.
Damijana culture just be like that.
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loominggaia 3 years
Do any of the other arseholes who rule the kingdoms (Chua, Gultopp, Qara, and Hethor,) have any other juicy secrets about them, like Oberon and Indiga have?
Definitely. I haven't developed them as much yet, but I think no royal family should be without some serious drama.
Qara Zareen is literally in bed with King Oberon Mogdir, who is supposed to be her enemy. She's also secretly funding eco-friendly tech development while she pushes a pro-industrial rhetoric. She actually wants to see her empire move into a "greener" direction in the long run...mostly because she bought a lot of stocks in solar and wind companies, but still. If her people knew she was spending their tax dollars that way, they would riot.
Here's a juicy one: Hethor Etios once got drunk and hooked up with her husband's brother, and now has one son who is the product of that. She told her people (and her own husband) that he died, then quietly sent him off to Folkvar Kingdom with a caretaker because she felt ashamed every time she looked at him. This kid lives a humble Folkvaran life and has no idea he descends from Etiosi royalty. However, his biological father knows the truth and he could expose everything if he felt so inclined...
Morgause of the Unseelie is a husband-beater. She was once married to the divine Reaper and he genuinely loved her, but she kinda just used him as a tool to gain false immortality. As a drau, Morgause herself is not capable of loving anyone. Reaper probably knew that, but he couldn't stop loving her anyway. There is more about this situation in Lost Scriptures of Love and Light, but in short, Morgause abused him terribly while they were together. She even murdered him once or twice in her uncontrollable rage, but there was little consequence since he was a divine. He just resurrected and continued to take her abuse. Eventually, Reaper realized his relationship was dysfunctional and escaped with Karenza's help...but he still misses his ex-wife, nasty as she is. She's gone through several marriages since he left, and all of them end in the death of her lover--usually at her hands. It's kind of an open secret that she's "vicious", but her people don't know the extent of how bad it really is.
Gultopp Folkvar has a nasty attitude towards the disabled. This isn't a secret, but what is a secret is that he actually has three children, not two like his people believe. His middle child has mental disabilities that are so profound, she functions on the same level as an infant despite physically being an adult. Now here's the extra fucked up part: Gultopp's public stance on the disabled is that they're a drain on society, a waste of resources, and anyone who cannot live independently just shouldn't live at all because it's not only cruel to society, but cruel to that individual as well. This is why there is no welfare in Folkvar Kingdom. If you're too disabled to work, good luck to you because the govt ain't gonna lend a hand.
Gultopp believes the most merciful thing to do to these individuals is to put them out of their misery. But is that what he did to his daughter? Nope...he locked her away in a secluded room of his castle, where only a few trusted caretakers are allowed in. He feels pity for this girl and buys her everything she needs, sparing no expense for her medical care. Who pays for all this expensive care? That's right...the taxpayers. The taxpayers who will never see a cent of welfare from him. And the cherry on top of this giant shit-cake? Gultopp himself is profoundly crippled. The man is missing an eye and has two prosthetic legs as well as a prosthetic hand. But because he can still move and talk and feed himself, he denies that he's a disabled person and considers himself totally able-bodied. Yet if he saw someone else in his condition, he would suggest that they do "what's best for the kingdom" and eat an axe. Homie's performing mental gymnastics every day of his life to reason his way around his own bullshit.
Marghan Matuzu is...god, where do I even start? He's got countless bastard kids all over the world because he can't keep his dick in his pants and he's not smart enough to use protection, he embezzles taxpayer money and spends it on the stupidest crap you can imagine, he's caused hundreds of thousands of GP worth of damage to his own city during his drunken escapades with his dumb friends, which...you guessed it: taxpayers paid for. The list goes on forever with this guy. There's a reason everyone wants him dead.
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