loominggaia · 1 month
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Qara is like some unholy fusion of Kim Kardashian, Donald Trump, and a clown. I imagine her voice sounds like a coked-up Fran Drescher. Everything about her is infuriatingly stupid lmao
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loominggaia · 27 days
How do Emli, Kast, and Hethor's kids get along with the other royal kids at galas?
I feel like Emli and Trista would get along really well. They're both spoiled, melodramatic little shits. Emli is a lot smarter though. Marine gets bossed around by Trista and Trista gets bossed around by Emli. Together they are a whirlwind of deliquency.
Kast, OJ, and Cyana form a moody teenager clique and talk about how awful their parents are.
Azura respects Kobi a lot. She isn't sure if she agrees with her cause, but she respects her passion and bravery nonetheless. They would have a lot to talk about. Jaq and Winnue could get on in this group too. They're the rebel clique.
Cerulea's girls are freaking out over all the minotaur tiddies just floppin' around in the open. Cyana pretends to be offended, but is secretly peeping the hell out of Naduna. 👀
Emli bullies all the younger kids relentlessly (Cobalt, Nate, and Azura's triplets). Kast eventually gets tired of her crap, so he spills punch on her pants and accuses her of peeing herself. All the other kids laugh at her and she runs away in tears.
Thetos wouldn't be at the gala, but if he was, I feel like he and Kast would hang out. They do canonically go to the same boarding school in Sodergen, so I intend for them to be friends in a future story. Kast is a moody little punk and Thetos is a happy cinnamon roll, so they have a fun dynamic together.
Hestal and Keatto are comparing muscles, arm-wrestling, and trying to out-macho eachother like idiots. Their wives are all equally embarrassed and bonding over how dumb their husbands are.
Blomi and Naduna get drunk together and exchange beauty tips. Marghan asks to have a threesome with them, gets iced out by Blomi and headbutted by Naduna. He wanders off with severe head trauma, but no one notices because he's already a dumbass.
That's all I can think of at the moment!
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loominggaia · 1 month
ZAREEN FAMILY REVIEW TIME, since Qara has one now (As dysfunctional as it is): Dunno if that was the vibe you wanted, but Qara gives off MASSIVE Onceler Vibes (From The Lorax). Emli seems like a Veruca Salt kinda kid. Bertzo is just a big dumb idiot, and Chubbins IX is so dumb lookin she's adorable. And I bet at least 1 Chubbins has died from Indiga's bigass crinoline, another from Trista and Marine's shenanigans, and one got intentionally killed by Morgause (She's that kinda ho)
I didn't consider the Onceler, but oh god you're right. I've never even seen that movie and I still know you're so right lol.
All those poffle deaths sound plausible to me. Morgause would totally kick one for the crime of being slightly in her way...then it explodes and gets dust all over her, and she absolutely flips her lid.
One probably fell into a punch bowl at a gala and drowned. Like...they just seem to die in the dumbest ways imaginable.
Except Chubbins IX! I imagine she is hilariously indestructible for no reason.
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loominggaia · 1 month
kid-az How many completed cycles have there been? Is there sizable chance that Qara and the Industrialists will be the ones to break this cycle by killing all of their people from their pollution & exploitation of the poor? Or is there hope that the next elected party (Perhaps the Technologists?) can fix stuff, causing the cycle to continue or even stop?
Great questions! As for how many cycles have passed, well, that's hard to say. Zareen Empire has been considered a Great Kingdom since 3200, but I don't know how long it's been using this particular political system.
Time for some shitty napkin math: A party usually rules for an average of 40 years. 40 years x 3 parties = 120 years to complete a full political cycle. Assuming the empire's been using this system for roughly 3000 years: 3000 / 120 = 25 full cycles.
I don't think Qara's leadership will kill everyone. Believe it or not, Zareen has survived leaders way worse than her (that mf who enslaved the Boanningwad elves is a hot contender...)
Sure, the Industrialists' pollution has made everyone sick, but past Technologist leaders have ensured that the empire's medical technology can keep sick citizens limping along through a standard lifespan. They're unhealthy, heavily medicated, and probably augmented with cybernetics and shit, but at least they're not dead, and that's all that matters to the Industrialists. (That whole "quality of life" thing is Naturalist business)
The Naturalists were in power before Qara. The Technologists actually won the popular vote as intended, but Qara's mafia goons interfered with the election and she won as a result, disrupting the Forward Cycle. She literally dragged the whole empire backwards so she could get more attention from the media...Narcissism off the charts lol.
This means instead of inheriting Technocratic robot-dystopia, she inherited a stagnant, economically-depressed ghetto that still hasn't recovered from the Industrialist rule before it. Technologist's are the ones who clean up the Naturalist's shit. Industrialists don't know how, they just sweep the mess with the wrong end of the broom and make it worse.
Yes, Qara's reign is going to be a clusterfuck. Yes, it will affect Zareenites negatively for generations to come. Will it destroy the whole empire? Probably not. But yeah, it's going to suck--not just for the Zareenites, but for foreign powers too, because Industrialists are war-mongers who can't keep their hands to themselves. Two Industrialists reigns close together is really bad news for global relations. I predict a big, terrible war--or several--in Qara's time.
Depending on how bad Qara screws everything up, the Zareenites might just boot her in a decade, skip the Naturalist term, and jump straight to Technologist, which will cause even more dysfunction for at least a few generations.
TL;DR: Qara's cheating caused her people tons of unnecessary strife and hardship for the next 120 years. Oof.
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loominggaia · 17 days
Dato: qara es una palabra aimara que significa "pelado"
(Translated with Google Translator)
Fact: qara is an Aymara word that means "peeled"
Interesting! Well, I'd say that's appropriate, considering she's shaped like a potato and yellow like a banana lol
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loominggaia · 1 month
darkwingphoenix Someone needs to force Qara to set up a fucking USDA equivalent or something, I may be an American and most of our shit is processed, but GOOD GODS
But you see, food regulation agencies would require taxes to fund them, and Qara is busy embezzling those taxes because it is VERY IMPORTANT that her pet poffle has a yacht.
The cancer epidemic can wait, but Chubbins NEEDS her own dedicated luxury cruise liner.
Qara build her whole campaign on anti-regulation policies in the name of "freedom", but really it's in the name of "stuffing her fucking pockets".
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loominggaia · 1 month
With all this talk about the rulers' relatives, I'm thinking about Qara's daughter, all we really know is that she's very spoiled. If you haven't thought much about her that's fine, but for starters, how old is she and how's her relationship with her parents?
Timely you should ask, because the artwork for Qara and her family is currently in progress! I will be posting their lore along with it very soon, and all these questions will be answered!
In the meantime, here's the latest design for Qara:
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loominggaia · 1 year
Jut curious, do you pronounce Qara 'Kwara' or 'Kara'?
I personally pronounce it "Bitch" "Kara", but it's a fantasy name so there is no correct pronunciation. You can pronounce it whichever way seems right to you!
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loominggaia · 2 years
How does this tag team duo sound? Qura and Sanctouria vs Oberon?
I like it!
Qara puts Oberon in a chokehold while Sanctoria just repeatedly kicks him in the balls. They'll just...keep doing this forever, if you let them.
Oberon wouldn't stand a chance against either one of these ladies alone, much less both of them together. He's a scrawny little pissbaby, he's never fought anyone in his life because he's always been able to talk his way out of a fight.
Get Titania in on this brawl and it'll be a real shitshow...
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loominggaia · 3 years
(sequel to the previous Qara and Oberon ask that I forgot to add) How the hell did they even end up in bed? Some diplomatic meeting that ended up becoming less professional?
Yeah pretty much. Their kingdoms have had tense relations for a long time, so these two ended up having really frequent in-person meetings. I imagine Oberon tried being seductive and sweet-talking Qara to get her to agree to some treaty or another, but it worked a little too well and she jumped his bones right there in the conference room. He just has that effect on people, for better or worse...
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loominggaia · 3 years
Does Qara know about Oberon's extreme sleaziness? If she does, does she care? If she doesn't, would she ever side with Sanctoria and participate in her assassination plots? Or would she stay on Oberon's?
Qara knows he's a little shady, but she's shady too so it doesn't bother her. However, she doesn't know the full massive scale of the dude's shadiness at all. Qara knows he has a wife obviously, and she's not bothered by that. Oberon has convinced Qara that his wife is crazy and mean, that she abuses him, and he's just so ~*~lonely and neglected~*~ and all he wants is a little affection. He has Qara fooled, just like he fools everyone. I think she's also sensitive to his (fake) plight because she's in a similar situation with her husband--she hates him but she's stuck with him for the sake of her public image. Her husband isn't malicious, he's just a lazy, slobby idiot and she's not attracted to him. Qara thinks Mogdir's charming and hot and they both want the same thing, so why not bone down on the low? They figure it's not hurting anyone...
But if Qara found out Oberon was cheating on her with Titania or anyone else, she would absolutely blow her stack. She'd go to war over that shit. One, because she's a huge hypocrite. "Rules for thee, not for me." Two, it's not the sex with other women that upsets her, it's the disrespect of lying right to her face and deceiving her. If he was boning Titania and told her about it beforehand, she wouldn't be mad. It's the lying that makes her mad. Qara can't stand being clowned, especially by the ruler of her enemy kingdom.
So yeah, she would lose it and happily join Sanctoria in her assassination quest. Except unlike Sanctoria, Qara wouldn't fail. Oberon's ass would be dead immediately and she'd do the deed with her bare hands.
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loominggaia · 3 years
Do any of the other arseholes who rule the kingdoms (Chua, Gultopp, Qara, and Hethor,) have any other juicy secrets about them, like Oberon and Indiga have?
Definitely. I haven't developed them as much yet, but I think no royal family should be without some serious drama.
Qara Zareen is literally in bed with King Oberon Mogdir, who is supposed to be her enemy. She's also secretly funding eco-friendly tech development while she pushes a pro-industrial rhetoric. She actually wants to see her empire move into a "greener" direction in the long run...mostly because she bought a lot of stocks in solar and wind companies, but still. If her people knew she was spending their tax dollars that way, they would riot.
Here's a juicy one: Hethor Etios once got drunk and hooked up with her husband's brother, and now has one son who is the product of that. She told her people (and her own husband) that he died, then quietly sent him off to Folkvar Kingdom with a caretaker because she felt ashamed every time she looked at him. This kid lives a humble Folkvaran life and has no idea he descends from Etiosi royalty. However, his biological father knows the truth and he could expose everything if he felt so inclined...
Morgause of the Unseelie is a husband-beater. She was once married to the divine Reaper and he genuinely loved her, but she kinda just used him as a tool to gain false immortality. As a drau, Morgause herself is not capable of loving anyone. Reaper probably knew that, but he couldn't stop loving her anyway. There is more about this situation in Lost Scriptures of Love and Light, but in short, Morgause abused him terribly while they were together. She even murdered him once or twice in her uncontrollable rage, but there was little consequence since he was a divine. He just resurrected and continued to take her abuse. Eventually, Reaper realized his relationship was dysfunctional and escaped with Karenza's help...but he still misses his ex-wife, nasty as she is. She's gone through several marriages since he left, and all of them end in the death of her lover--usually at her hands. It's kind of an open secret that she's "vicious", but her people don't know the extent of how bad it really is.
Gultopp Folkvar has a nasty attitude towards the disabled. This isn't a secret, but what is a secret is that he actually has three children, not two like his people believe. His middle child has mental disabilities that are so profound, she functions on the same level as an infant despite physically being an adult. Now here's the extra fucked up part: Gultopp's public stance on the disabled is that they're a drain on society, a waste of resources, and anyone who cannot live independently just shouldn't live at all because it's not only cruel to society, but cruel to that individual as well. This is why there is no welfare in Folkvar Kingdom. If you're too disabled to work, good luck to you because the govt ain't gonna lend a hand.
Gultopp believes the most merciful thing to do to these individuals is to put them out of their misery. But is that what he did to his daughter? Nope...he locked her away in a secluded room of his castle, where only a few trusted caretakers are allowed in. He feels pity for this girl and buys her everything she needs, sparing no expense for her medical care. Who pays for all this expensive care? That's right...the taxpayers. The taxpayers who will never see a cent of welfare from him. And the cherry on top of this giant shit-cake? Gultopp himself is profoundly crippled. The man is missing an eye and has two prosthetic legs as well as a prosthetic hand. But because he can still move and talk and feed himself, he denies that he's a disabled person and considers himself totally able-bodied. Yet if he saw someone else in his condition, he would suggest that they do "what's best for the kingdom" and eat an axe. Homie's performing mental gymnastics every day of his life to reason his way around his own bullshit.
Marghan Matuzu is...god, where do I even start? He's got countless bastard kids all over the world because he can't keep his dick in his pants and he's not smart enough to use protection, he embezzles taxpayer money and spends it on the stupidest crap you can imagine, he's caused hundreds of thousands of GP worth of damage to his own city during his drunken escapades with his dumb friends, which...you guessed it: taxpayers paid for. The list goes on forever with this guy. There's a reason everyone wants him dead.
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