royall-ass · 14 days
Can you draw Nicole from class of 09?
As payment, silly hc!!
Ruth really likes Maine Coon cats :3
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this is so silly i love them
anyway i know nothing abt class of 09 but she was fun to draw
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carnivorouswillgraham · 5 months
this new video was FOR you. puppygirl dan. canonical url
the scream i scrumpt when that vid opened to him in a collar....
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yes-thecandymancan · 3 months
WHEREEE OH MY GOD!!!! :3333333
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htf-flip-side-au · 8 months
YAAAAAAAS you're the best!! Sorry if it's a lot, I love these three so much. They share court custody over a single braincell
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OH MY VBhnjk,mjnbvghjuki yes these are all so real.
Especially Ratatouille Mouse Kaboom.
Therefore I had to make Gordon Ramsay Mouse a thing.
It's so lazy but SHHHHHHHHHHH
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sodaa-enby · 3 months
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never have i ever written pretend relationship
you know what, I have not!
it would be very fun to write if i can find the right pairing, and there's a few variants as well!
"pretend-to-real", the base romantic version, is delicious for pining and close proximity reasons, and has so so many subvariants. i personally am a sucker for "pretend to be my partner to prevent danger, wait actually you're kinda cute" and "rival you have to pretend to be my date to this snooty event wait why do you look hot in formalwear and why are you treating me nice and why am i being nice back shiiiiiit"
in platonic varaints, "pretend-throughout" is good for building platonic relationships and finding out traumatic backstory, "exes-have-to-pretend-and-they-hate-it" is good for both establishing why the relationship fell apart and in what ways the couple did work, and "beard buddies" which gets bonus gay and can be deployed at the drop of a hat for whatever reason i choose!
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habshihalwa · 7 months
how's revision?
non existent
okay well I have been doing SOME but it's nowhere near enough
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red0-3 · 7 months
Mmm, another buffet of wonderful art 😋
Hihi! :D
HELLO ,’)))
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i-got-hit-by-a-planet · 11 months
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awww what a nice bunny!
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here, możesz wziąć garść za cudowny kostium [:
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milolovesbmc · 10 months
Chloe for the ask meme!!
Sexuality Headcanon:
Mega closeted Lesbian, she doesn't find out until she's waaay older and it's a cannon event for her /hj
Also, Lithoromantic Chloe because I decided so one day and it's been on my mind since
Gender Headcanon:
Cis girl!!! But Transfem if I get silly /j
A ship I have with said character:
OKAY so I like a few of the ships for Chloe, like Royal Pains, I need to study them in a lab. Pinkberry is great too!!! But also I'm a big sucker for Chlostine (This is @mountain-dew-tickledpink 's fault /j)
A BROTP I have with said character:
Christine, but I need Chloe to actually be nice to her :(
(Either that or let them fight to death/j)
A NOTP I have with said character:
Jeremy, Not so related but I feel like she and Michael would have so much beef lol
A random headcanon:
Genuinely believes what she took in The Play wasn't a SQUIP and it was just drugs, she is in denial about it most probably
General Opinion over said character:
She's such an asshole but hey, let girls be assholes if they like, I can fix her /j
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royall-ass · 1 month
Not a request, just a headcanon dump cuz i need someone to rant to about them! ^_^
Alex's Hatchetfield Headcanons
Paul Matthews used to sing and dance all the time as a child, but stopped when someone in his class in freshman year started bullying him for it to the point he also ended up hating musicals (especially after watching Hatchetfield High's production of Brigadoon). NOW HEAR ME OUT- IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY BUT SO SAD FOR PAUL TO HAVE A BACKGROUND IN MUSICAL ARTS BECAUSE FIRST OF ALL DID YOU HEAR HOW EASILY HE HIT THEM HIGH NOTES IN LET IT OUT?!!! WHEN HE WASNT EVEN FULLY INFECTED?!?!?!?!!!
Literally every single John Matteson character is autistic in some way. Including Wiggog Y'Rath. Bro has the eldritch equivalent or smthn.
Linda Monroe is half british. I really don't know how to explain this one but i just feels right to me.
Richie Lipschitz forgets he's 18 a lot because he thinks he's mentally still 13/14 due to COVID + his obsession with anime. Someone will call him a perv/pedo for liking one of the girls in MHA or smthn and he'll defend himself by saying "but i'm a minor too?!" and then he just pauses for a sec to think about what he just said. And then would cry about it into his body pillows at home after school.
Ruth Fleming is hypersexual. There, I said it.
Max Jägerman is an older brother, and his younger sibling gets all the attention from their dad, leaving Max to be kinda neglected and 'shunned' (abused) by his dad, all because he was the "bad child".
To add onto the previous headcanon, Max has a raging inferiority complex to which he uses his bullying and faux confidence to hide behind. Kinda like a Katsuki Bakugo typa beat but ... not? If that makes sense??
Due to intense religious beliefs , Grace Chastity's parents never taught her the quote unquote 'birds and the bees' because they thought it would be sinful to speak of such a thing to their daughter. This caused Grace to think she was being possessed or smthn when she first got her period because according to her logic/knowledge why else would she be bleeding from the 'mommy spot'? She also figured out the "self pleasure" on her own, but would do it in secret because she knew it was sinful and her parents would be disappointed in her. She never understood why it felt good though, all she knew was that it helped to stop the butterflies in her stomach whenever she thought of Max.
Stephanie Lauter is DEFINITELY chronically online, like that girl says W Rizz for SUREEE. To the point where she taught her dad what mewing was and he wouldn't stop doing it all day.
Yet another Paul Matthews headcanon because he's my special little sunflower, ummm... Paul doesn't just like black coffee, he also loves dark chocolate, and i mean like 85% cocoa dark. Although the rest of his family think he's a weirdo for it, they still get him a bar or two for his birthday + christmas every year. FOREVER AND ALWAYS SPECIFIC HC -> Emma made their wedding cake a dark chocolate/black coffee version of tiramisu as a little surprise for Paul <3
Charlotte Sweetly is a purple person in theory but not in execution, as in she ADORES purple, but cannot be bothered to buy lots of purple furniture,decor etc
Ted Spankoffski knows how to crochet!! Charlotte taught him how to in highschool (i see them as being childhood friends) and he just kinda kept it as a hobby.
Both Ted and Peter Spankoffski's favourite animal is (ironically) goats. Their parents used to live near a farm so the two grew up around farm culture and got to meet the goats and cows etc at this farm. Peter's baby toy was a crochet goat stuffie that his older brother made for him <3
Ruth's room is COVERED in stuffed animals and posters and random things she's collected over the years. She also has a notebook full of all her stuffed animals' names written in blue glitter gel pen that Richie lent her for an art project in freshman year that she never gave back.
Finally, Hatchetfield itself is a small island town on Lake Michigan, hence how the only way to get to it is across a body of water (Clivesdale has to put bridges up/down to gain access). Also that the Lords In Black utilise Tinky's abilities to create new Earths to destroy them over and over. Except the one detail they keep the same/ongoing is Hatchetfield and its residents. Because they're obsessed with them for some reason. Tinky and Nibbly more so than others .
I do apologise for how long this is but i needed to get it out of my notes app 😭😭 ~ Alex, @wiggogwiggogyrath
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r4zzberry · 2 years
your layout gave me a fucking aneurysm
mogai trash
sounds like a skill issue tbh!!1!!!
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yes-thecandymancan · 3 months
willy wonka is a slut real?
yeah pretty much :3
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kitschyclown · 2 months
hihiii hru
hii im good wbu
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lexxieannie · 2 years
sorry, I didn't see bio :)
not an issue at all!!! i love receiving asks!! if you’re orthodox, i’d love to learn more about the beautiful faith!!
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sodaa-enby · 3 months
YES I AM!! ITS CAUSE IVE BEEN TRAVELING IN JAPAN :DD (there is like no wifi anywhere lmao)
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