#asks : shiemi
rinseveryday · 1 year
The Girls™ putting cat ears on him? + kuro
(Something something he already has a tail)
Best Ask Award Goes to @satansvoluptuousthighs (tho rexil's blue cheese still gets me everytime I think about it)
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He was probably happy to play with them in the beginning but things started getting weird after a while.
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frobby · 6 months
the fact that yukio reads shounen jump is lowkey funny to me cuz like outwardly he seems like the kinda guy who is above shounen like when u ask him what hes fave manga is he would tell you to get back to studying or something but no he diligently reads jump every month
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everyryuujisuguro · 11 months
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m34gs · 4 months
Please tell us about your favourite Blue Exorcist ships and why!
Hi friend, thank you so much for this ask! I really find a lot of Blue Exorcist ships very fun, and I am a multishipper at heart, so this may end up being a bit of a longer post...ahahaha, but I promise to stick to my faves. (I have a lot of faves, mwahahahaha). There will be spoilers, but I'm not talking about anything that goes beyond Season 3 of the anime, so if you're caught up to that, then you should be ok.
Have to start off with the big one, my main ship in the series. It's just so fun. They have such a good chemistry, whether you read them as a ship or not, these two are so interesting. I love the way they are at once opposites and the same. Bon and Rin have the same kind of stubbornness, the same desire to do good, and similar hotheaded vibes; and I love that for them. At the same time, Bon has more patience with studying, learning, and waiting for orders, where Rin tends to leap without looking, but shows patience and understanding toward demons (partially because he is one but I also like to believe that it is part of his character to try and understand others because he wants so desperately to be understood by someone).
I know it wasn't all that popular with a lot of fans, but I actually did love the original ending to Season 1, the one that did not follow the manga. Seeing Bon grab Rin into a hug and tell him off for trying to do things on his own just made my little heart warm so much! So, yeah. I've been shipping them for so many years at this point, it feels so natural to me. And really, I just love the dynamic of idiots in love. I mean, Rin can be so oblivious, and Bon tries to act like he's better but we all know he can be just as dumb at times haha.
My girls! Agh!!!! I love them so much. My sweet, sweet girls. What I love about them is their entire dynamic. Shiemi is such a sweet, kindhearted, open girl. She tries so hard not only to make friends, but to see the good in everyone. Izumo, on the other hand, is more guarded, with a stormy attitude hiding her tender heart. One of my favourite ship dynamics ever is the Grumpy One loves the Sunshine Beam, and honestly that is so them. Izumo does care; it's there in the way she's scared when Shiemi tries to save her from the Impure King, it's in her grumpy attitude when she begrudgingly goes along with anything the other students suggest; because let's face it: if she really didn't want to be around them, she would not see them outside the classroom. (Tsundere Izumo = canon)
I just think there's so much between these two, and they have a definite impact on each other. Something I love about relationships is when characters grow together and change. Izumo has the potential to bring out Shiemi's bravery and push her to be more decisive. Shiemi has the potential to soften Izumo's snarl and get her to lighten up a little bit. They would be so so so good for each other and that's part of why I ship them.
Now, some of you may be thinking: but Meags??? You just said you ship Shiemi and Izumo???? And you are correct. I am a multishipper. I have multiple ships and sometimes several different ones for the same character. I happen to like Shima and Izumo. Why? Because I find them interesting. Also, Izumo has two hands...though I have yet to write her as polyamorous.
Where I like Izumo's grumpy nature as a contrast for Shiemi's kindness, and I think Shiemi's brightness softens Izumo a bit; I like Shima's goofiness making Izumo irritated. Because what is as good as Grumpy One and Sunshine Beam? Grumpy One and The Silly One. Makes me so happy. Also, I absolutely love Shima's secrets and how he's not as much of an idiot as he allows people to think. Don't get me wrong, he's still an idiot, but with the side of him that feels this pressure and legacy from his family, and the way he decides to join the Illuminati and act as a spy to them...I just love that there's more to his character than just being a girl-crazy silly guy. I think, too, that he and Izumo would be able to understand each other a little bit. He knows she acts grumpy to hide her more sensitive heart. He does it too; acting silly to deflect situations and hide things from people he cares about. I think they could be a really interesting pairing. That's why when I don't write Shiemi with Izumo, I like to write Shima with Izumo. (also Izumo would 10/10 be able to kill bugs for him; and I 100% believe she also threatens him with beetles if he is annoying her too much. Lovingly, of course.)
Because Yes. Ok, ok, mainly this one stems from how Amaimon basically fights with Rin over Shiemi and all that. There is other stuff, too, that fuels this ship in my brain, but I won't get into that because it would be spoilers for some stuff.
But know this: I am a *sucker* for Unhinged Killer has a Soft Spot for Sunshine Beam. That's my main theme with Amaimon and Shiemi when I ship them, mostly because of how he tried to kidnap her when they were doing the training camp on the mountain (I think that was season 1 still; it's been a while and sometimes the first 2 seasons blur together for me). Was he canonically soft with her? Not exactly...but let me have this. I haven't really written them as a ship (I tend to give them more of a sibling-like-childhood-friends dynamic usually when I write them) but I do love seeing art and reading them as a pairing. Honestly, I love most ships with either of these two in it.
Had to bring this one in. For those of you unfamiliar with Sei Godaiin, he is the normal human Rin befriends in season 3 (and in the manga) who becomes able to see demons. Rin goes through tasks for Mephisto in order to procure eye drops to allow Sei to stop seeing the demons. I absolutely adore Sei, and I love the way Rin befriends him in the manga. I do think they have a very interesting relationship, and it's that glimpse for Rin of what life could be if he was a normal boy. When Sei sees Rin's world, he's absolutely terrified, and it serves as a cruel reminder of how Rin will never be fully normal, and will never actually have a normal life.
Personally, I love them both so very much. I feel the anime did not quite do justice to the relationship they had in the manga and stuff, but I get that they can't keep everything. So, I just hold it in a special place in my heart. Some of you might be saying "But Meags? didn't Sei end up hurting Rin's feelings in the manga? Because he couldn't deal with the demon side of him?" Yes. Yes he did, and that part was sort of but not really touched on in the anime. Isn't that some delicious angst to throw into a relationship? Mwahahahaha. But, also, I think that if he had more time to process it, and more time to get to know Rin beforehand, he would have become an inseparable friend for Rin. It's that aspect of not so much enemies to lovers, but instead the slowburn build of trust that overcomes a great obstacle...I love that sort of thing. Anyway; I don't really write Sei/Rin at this point, though I have a fic with past-Sei/Rin in it. I do have a couple ideas for them that are on the backburner, as always, but unfortunately I am incapable of writing everything I want to immediately and at once (the curse of writing).
There you go, my favourite Blue Exorcist ships. Of course, I have many more ships in this series that I do enjoy; but if I talked about every single one, we would be here all night and I actually do have to work tomorrow (day shift...) lol. So, instead, I picked a few of my faves to talk about :D. Hope you enjoyed! I would love to hear about your favourite Blue Exorcist ships as well, if you have an opinion on them that you would like to share!
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trans-mephisto · 9 months
Quick , characters of your choosing are thrown back in time into their bodies at the beginning of the series ! They keep all their memories, but can't tell anyone the truth about what happened to them ! What do they do now ?
Man this is chaotic, lemme try to think up some answers to this
Rin would be so much more mature, I feel like he wouldn't face nearly as many issues as originally because in the series he's grown to be more patient and methodical. He probably wouldn't fight with Suguro and everything would go more smoothly because he'd know how being reckless has gotten him and his friends hurt in the past. Might cause him some worry, though
Yukio would probably feel more at peace and know how to handle things in stride instead of spiraling, would probably just care more about his friends in general from the beginning, be more grateful for what he has and be a bit more laid back (not completely, he's still Yukio after all)
Shiemi would be much stronger, she'd know how to stand up for herself but I worry she might distance herself a bit more from her friends knowing her role in the grand scheme of things
And Mephisto wouldn't change at all because he's already like that. He has constant view of different timelines and the past and sometimes the future so he's literally unbothered
This ask is neat, it also sort of made me think and realize how much a lot of the characters have gone through development while not changing entirely :]
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thebeingofeverything · 8 months
Ok I’ll bite, I’m curious:
Mephisto/Amaimon - why ship it? (All 3 q’s)
Rin/Shiemi — why don’t you ship it? (I hope I’m asking this right)
I think we will probably have similar reasons but it never hurts to ask!
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Mefiama, why ship it:
1. Ok! So for the first, really my og aoex ship was amairin bc I'm a battle couple shipper first and foremost but mefiama was a close second and it's bc I'm a demon lover after everything lololol
Specifically, I've loved characters like mephisto and amaimon as long as I can remember, starting from my og fav yyh Yoko Kurama and Hiei (which in my head is a different ship than Hiei/Kurama). But, like that ship, I actually never really liked/like the ways fandom portrays them. Characters like Hiei and Amaimon both end up woobified and turned into stereotypical uke characters with the big sexy dom/seme mephisto/Kurama to seduce/play with them.
And to me that always pissed me off bc of how ooc it made them all out to be. I love Hiei and Amaimon bc they're little feral shitheads who have a massive independent streak to them and act/are totally inhuman. They both poke at each other and cause each other headaches and I live for it lololol
They're spicy as hell too and I love that in a ship. The second I saw Mephisto keeping Amaimon strung up on spears in the cuckoo prison that was it for me 😩👌🔥
2. The draw for these characters and the ship is that they're both inhuman creatures that only pretend at humanity, or in amaimons case, is forced to play nice by mephisto if he wants to be stomping around his territory.
What I really love about them, though, is that while Mephisto has the upper hand in the dynamic, Amaimon also knows his character and can see past his clown mask bullshit. He knows the demon Mephisto really is under all the sparkles and show boating. He's an observer and even when Mephisto is focusing on his goals and plots and shows, Amaimon is there on the sidelines keeping tabs and picking everything apart. I think Amaimon thinks Mephisto is interesting or has potentially interesting ideas. The thing about demons is they're constantly looking for something to keep them interested through their eternal existences and with Mephisto, Amaimon has a source of enrichment lol
I also like the fucked up premise of how Amaimon has an inherent trust in Mephisto that gets abused in canon. We saw him getting incredibly hurt by the shiemi reveal, as if Mephisto keeping that info from him meant Mephisto was treating him like one of his human pawns and not with respect as another demon king.
3. I'm not sure if there's an unpopular opinion I have for them, except that I tend to find most fandom treats them incredibly ooc and it makes it difficult for me to enjoy content of them from others. Mephisto as the over simplified seductive seme, doing typical melodramatic evil villain stuff and Amaimon being reduced to a uwu baby idiot who has never had sex despite being a who knows how old demon king. I've got a ton of bitching I've done over the years about it (and it's the same treatment Hiei always got back in the day so I'm used to the frustration) 😂
Rinshi, Don't Ship:
1. Man I feel really bad to say this but this is one of the most vanilla/boring ships in the fandom outside of bonrin. It's just so typical hot headed anime boy protag/girl next door love interest, even as much as they're both incredibly well developed characters, and as much as I love Rin.
It really just comes down to Rin being a, like, base ingredient for me as a ship. Like him being involved in a ship isn't on its own enough to make me enjoy/ship something. (Amaimon, on the other hand, immediately spices any ship up and I've even got a few rinamaishi fic aus out there lol). But I've never been interested in the sweet, hard-working character archetype. I can't help it, I'm into edgy bastard gremlin characters, the antagonists and anti heroes lololol (The exception to this in aoex is Yuri and that's bc she's got that little mischievous bad girl zing to her I love lololol). Shiemi just doesn't have that spice I need to really invest in a character.
2. What would have made me like it is just if Shiemi was a different character lololol like, she's just too sweet for me, like a marshmallow. Her in her string Independent woman era isn't really doing it for me either bc it feels like all her character development got cut out in that training arc she was just in. We missed a good opportunity to see her reconcile things with her grandma and her growth just to watch her toss an Amaimon copy and it feels like we got cheated out of her character arc.
If she just had that little spark that Yuri had it might work for me but I haven't seen it and until then it feels like every other typical anime main character/love interest ship, and it's just never been a dynamic I've never been into.
3. Positive things I have to say are that I think Kato has always done a phenomenal job making her characters feel realistic and not the usual anime shallow stereotypes. So when ppl tell me they enjoy the ship I'm like yeah, if ur into those kinds of characters and that ship dynamic, you've come to the right series to get a really well developed couple who feel fleshed out and who have had a developing relationship throughout the series. Totally understandable, just not for me.
I hope I actually answered these right 😂 thanks for the ask @philosophicalparadox 🩷
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folkorae · 2 months
😍😍😍😍 for Shiemi!!!
Send '😍' if your muse thinks mine is pretty. / ACCEPTING !
“ Wait— r-really ?! ” Shiemi couldn’t hide her surprise ; and couldn’t hide her face that certainly has turned red with the revelation. “ Do you really think that ? ”
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Um hello, do you write for any other Blue Exorcist characters? Sorry to bother you.
oh, you're fine! at the moment, i only write for the ones i have listed. in the future, it's a possibility for me to write for more characters, just let me know which characters you would like to see and i can consider writing for them :) that also goes for the other fandoms i write for as well!
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
If you could change one character in Blue Exorcist who would it be and why? Could be their personality, looks, story, anything!
I have been trying to think of this since you sent it, ranging from serious to stupid answers, and all I can think is demon features. I would give all the exwires more demon features. I really like the world Kato has built and I can't imagine them with different personalities since it feels like each of them are all core to the story and with different personalities it wouldn't be the same story, so I'm going with looks.
Izumo would look rad with cat eye pupils. We got a glimpse of it in the Illuminati arc and that shit should be permanent.
Give me Shiemi with permanent flowers and mosses and plants. Daisy-head-Maisy her or something. And Antlers. She would rock some antlers.
Renzou needs to grow the Tanuki tail. Let him have it and work it into his wardrobe. I want him to dye it to match his hair. Make it clash with the Illuminati uniform, lol.
Konekomaru should get claws. He needs a weapon and let him embrace the catness he loves. Also he could claw Shima's stuff when he's being a bad roommate and I love the pettiness that invites.
Yukio -- let the boy have his season one anime transformation. It was adorable.
Ryuuji needs fangs so badly. All arias should get fangs. He should also get the ears because more earrings, lol. (Though I'll happily give him any/all demon features. Let the punk rock it.)
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aonokumura · 3 months
You should wear the Girls Uniform more often. Of all the guys, you rocked it the best.
🌀 "Awww, thank you!"
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"I thought I looked cute!" 🐈‍⬛
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rizumo-month · 2 years
This is for the Yukishi Anons asks my account is currently glitching out and sending everything I write to the mature tumblr prison so I’m forced to post screenshots of the fic because i refused to be censored. In regards to their respective selves i have aged up Yukio and Shiemi. I honestly hated the format and writing style I chose but here it’s finished.
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rinseveryday · 2 years
How would Rin react if he finds out that Shiemi is in love with him?
Your drawings are beautiful! I hope you continue like this, it's nice to see ao no exorcist fanarts. Much success and love to you! ♡
Hello, thank you for the kind words, anon! I'm so sorry it took so long to reply. I really wanted to draw something more in response but I didn't expect to get so busy.
I did share your question with the RinShi discord server, and the general consensus is that he would definitely cry! XD
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If we are talking about Rin and Shiemi in the latest chapters, Rin might say, "Oh, you mean just as friends right?" at first, but once Shiemi convinces him that it's real, I feel like all his emotions would pour out like a broken dam haha
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frobby · 1 year
Yukio: do you want to hang out tomorrow?
Shima: like on a date? That's gay
Yukio: we're dating
Shima: yeah sorry, I would like to hang out tomorrow
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kaelily · 1 year
I have exposed myself but me and kaveh... 😅 I love diluc, I swear. My number 1 loser <33 but just waghh kavehhh
tropes :
eclipse x star, short gf x tall bf, girlboss x sopping wet cat / absolute nerd loser
the last one made me ccrinhe a little but I'm a girlboss trust 💪
( I cry whenever someone sounds like they're the slightest bit mean to me )
anyways, not much on about me and kaveh but he's just soo eepy I love him so much grgehisyahaiaush
we love kaveh in this household too :))
a girlboss like you def deserves a malewife like him 💪
he's the type to back hug you and prop his chin on your shoulder if you're shorter than him yk <33
kaveh kissers unite !!
tell me about your self-ships
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bixiaoshi · 1 year
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they mean everything to me btw
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trans-mephisto · 9 months
In the spirits of christmas eve, What do you think would your fav aoex characters want for christmas (and what would they realistically get as a gift from their friends &/ family ?)
This is a fun one!!
Let's see
Mephisto - He'd want merch for anime and games. However, the stuff he'd want would be hard to obtain (hence not having it) so nobody would get him it. Nobody would probably get him gifts either, if I'm being realistic (rip mephisto). Rin might feel a little bad and give him dinner leftovers though. Amaimon would throw a rock at his head. He'd just end up buying his own gifts
Shura - I feel like she'd be practical and just want clothes. Bras, underwear, socks. Arthur would get her cute socks and Lightning would get her the tackiest clothes he can find. Mephisto would probably give her a gift but not label it from him, but she'd figure out pretty quickly it's from him with the pink and polka dots everywhere. He'd probably give her flowers and jewelry she'd never wear and just collects dusts on her dresser
Arthur - I don't see him as super materialistic. I think he'd just want to spend time with his friends and would spend time with Shura and Lightning drinking and chatting for the holiday :] (Shura gets him some new ties anyways, she says the one he normally wears is ugly. He's drunk and nearly cries at the sentiment)
Lightning - He would probably want money. And a Lego set. Arthur gives him cash but gripes about how he never paid him back last month when he lent him money. He doesn't get the Lego set because nobody knows if he was serious or joking (he was half serious)
Amaimon - He doesn't understand the concept and asks for abstract things, like being powerful and feared or respected. Of course, not being able to buy this, Mephisto just gets him some video games (the more violent, the better. Probably shooters and hack n slash type games). He also tells him his ideas are stupid and he should be more practical, hence the rock being thrown at his head
Shiemi - she says she just wants to spend time with her friends. But everyone gets her stuff. Suguro gets her garden supplies, Renzo gives her some CDs of his brother's music, Koneko gets her socks and hair clips, Izumo gets her shoujo manga, Yukio gets her a potted plant. Rin can't afford much so he makes dinner, but he gives her an origami crane made from a gum wrapper last minute and she loves it
That's all I have energy for right now, I'd speculate on all the characters but my brain is goop. Thank you so much for the ask, I love getting em!!!
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