dalamusrex · 11 years
Dalamus and Kade
Dalamus has heard the name 'Kade' from Thavrin, and he has met Kade. But he does not know that the Altmer werebeast he met was named Kade. So I shall answer this ooc.
Dalamus does not particularly like Kade, but he does not hate Kade, either. More of along the line that Dalamus enjoys teasing the mer. Both of them are rather stubborn, and with Dalamus being a vampire and Kade being a werebeast (creatures who, in my eyes, usually just do not naturally get along), them being friends would take a lot of work and effort on their part. That is, if they even wanted to be friends. But I think Dalamus is content to have someone he can affect with his words and wit by arguing and teasing.
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xandertheundead · 11 years
“Oh Nikki, you know I could never forget you! I might be with Kade now, but I want you to have my ugly half-Bosmer abominations... =3="
What the fuck did you just say?
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ancientimmortal · 11 years
askthavrin replied to your post: (( Hello to all of my followers- sorry for the...
((Seconding what Xjleeta said! Also, maybe some of your favorite guard quotes?))
aquilainthewoods replied to your post: (( Hello to all of my followers- sorry for the...
((I think the name thing would be very cool!))
((Prepare thine ears! ÔUÔ)
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boarchasers · 11 years
Oh gods, he'd done it again--he'd "accidentally" killed another guard! They were all kind of heavy and cumbersome to hide, but this one was especially so. Thavrin dragged him off of the walkway and attempted to stuff the corpse behind the Talos statue. He was only somewhat successful, and had to dash when another guard made his rounds. He hid in the Gray-Mane's cow pen, waited, and fled through the gates, unsure of whether anyone had seen... Oh, why did he keep coming to that wretched city?
It took five minutes for one of the Gray-Mane clan to raise the alarm. and another five for the guards to decide that they might as well initiate some sort of chase. After a burst of enthusiasm and a lot of charging around the city, it gradually became clear that, without any definite culprit, they were only wasting valuable energy better spent apprehending suspicious sweet rolls. A small pension was given to the guard’s widow and, occasionally, on long winter nights, they wondered whether he had made it to Sovngarde.
Being dead, none of this was any consolation whatsoever to Trond.
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vaelwynde · 11 years
askthavrin replied to your post: You could always try using your natural charm to humbly barter for lower prices.
"You could always be rude and boorish to make prices go up!"
"Ah... So that is where I have been going wrong all this time. Of course." Vaelwynde sarcastically retorted, rolling his eyes exasperatedly.
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dakog · 11 years
Wet dream: Dakog is covered in all the fine ass hoes. Sontaire, Shey, Sebastian, Thavrin, Brielle, Evangeline.
Dakog awoke in a profuse sweat. Sontaire and Shey he could understand, hell even the redheaded Breton. He wasn’t fond of her, but she was a pretty little thing. But why the hell was the damned Breton in his dreams? And the fucking Bosmer he’d never even met?
And why were his trousers suddenly wet?
This was going to be the start of one helluva hangover.
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tamrieltrinity · 11 years
askthavrin replied to your video: ((so fucking relevent))
((Did you ever know that you’re my hero?))
Tumblr media
hero is stretching the term but I am just a fine purveyor of appropriate British comedy clips and gifs.))
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the-old-crossroads · 11 years
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dalamusrex · 11 years
Thavrin, Ianthe, Anders.
"Only for the sake of answering the question, yes? Then I would kiss this.. Thavrin. Marry Ianthe, and fuck Anders. Seems like the path of least resistance to me."
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xandertheundead · 11 years
Trust and Burgers
I have sent Life-Partner out into the world with my money clip so that she can gather burgers for us. Let's all pray that she is triumphant. 
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tamrieltrinity · 11 years
((so fucking relevent))
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narrator-rucks · 11 years
askthavrin replied to your post: “Fellas goin’ on with crude language ‘bout their...
“Oh come on, that’s no fun! Dirty language is great and you should try it sometime. Or have sex with a stranger!
"...I try to welcome everyone but if I e'er see you in my Distillery, I won't hesitate to bring out my Calamity Cannon."
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dalamusrex · 11 years
askthavrin replied to your post: Thavrin sat up and yawned, and rubbed his eyes. He thought he was sleeping next to Abaddon at first, but it turned out that this was a different cold body, a Dunmer. He poked his shoulder repeatedly, hoping to rouse him from his slumber. “Hey! Hey! Wake up! Wake up, who are you? Did we get drunk last night? I hope you’re not a corpse! Wake up! C’mon!"
"Oh good, you’re not dead! Well, not completely. Hi! What’s your name? Were we drunk? I didn’t know vampires could get drunk! My name’s Thavrin!"
Dalamus continued his glare, and was somewhat confused as to why this stranger seemed completely unfazed by his vampirism and obvious hostility. When it seemed like the other mer had no intention of leaving, Dalamus rose to his full height and crossed his arms, still clearly unhappy with the situation. "I can become intoxicated when I ingest the blood of one who has been drinking. It is not something I attempt to do often, and will endeavor to do even less so, considering the odd.. situations I seem to end up in." The vampire, for the most part, ignored the mer's attempts to be friendly. One could never be too careful.
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tova-firestrong-blog · 11 years
A Thief in Windhelm (askthavrin)
Tova was perched on a box in the Windhelm marketplace, watching the hustle and bustle of the city. Really, she was just watching for a quick pocket to sneak into and pull out enough for some more supplies. People never seemed to miss the extra coin she knicked, and it didn't bother her any, not really. She never took from people who looked down on their luck, or sad. Today her target was a Bosmer, with black hair. She'd been watching him carefully through the marketplace, and was ready to make her move. Dropping down from the box, she walked idly by the Bosmer, sneaking her hand into his pocket quickly, grabbing the coin purse and shoving it into her own. She started away, a gleeful flip of her stomach. "Another success!" she thought to herself, chuckling lightly.
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lordlastborn · 11 years
askthavrin replied to your post: On Thanedom
“Leeches? IS IT LEECHES?”
Very close, little idiot.
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"Hi! Is this where I get the kisses? Are you gonna take off your mask first?" ((THAVRIN NO DON'T D8))
“FINE, but no touchy on the goodies, I’m not some slut that you can kiss and f$%k, and don’t look at me that I’ll not look at you!”
Close his eyes and imagine Thavrin as Catherina Zeta-Jones.
“OOOh Catie!”
(Why? OH GOD WHY?!)
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