azihana-blog · 9 years
iantheleeds started following you
“This one bids you greetings Orc.”
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halforcsmash · 9 years
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Ω = Has the character ever sleep walked before?
No, Brielle has never sleep walked (and isn’t likelyto, I believe). This has actually been asked before, and while I don’t go indepth into sleep walking (since it doesn’t happen) I do talk about someother things.
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ramiallerva-blog · 9 years
Ω = Has the character ever sleep walked before?
When she was a child, Ramia used to sleepwalk a fair bit, often doing nonsensical things that made sense only in dreams, like eating raw flour or rearranging books into a stack. Nothing major, but definitely peculiar enough that her parents were a little concerned.
It’s actually not an uncommon thing in children, some sleepwalking. She doesn’t do it anymore.
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celriaelahriel · 9 years
↢ iantheleeds ↣
Snow crunched beneath Celria’s feet as she walked, an ice cold wind lashing at her face and her hair tossed out behind her by the force of the storm that blew around her. One arm was held up in front of her face in a futile and feeble attempt to block out the worst of the blizzard, and her head was ducked as she struggled along. 
A dragon attack had dispersed her unit, and Celria had been forced to run in order to find some cover. Unfortunately, she had happened across a group of bandits, and they apparently possessed a chip on their shoulders against Thalmor. And most especially lost and alone Thalmor. 
Celria had been forced to summon an invisibility spell before fleeing, and she had run into she collapsed, out of breath, somewhere in the middle of nowhere, with a several small wounds and completely unaware of where exactly she was. Once she had recovered her breath, she had climbed unsteadily to her feet and begun to walk, her omnipresent elven bow clasped in one hand. 
She had no idea where her path would lead her, but she needed to return to her comrades. 
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sister-khajiit · 10 years
((♀ Did you have any hopes for what D'Masha would grow up to be?))
(Do know they have not seen each other for a long time…) 
A khajiit the size of a panther looked up at the orc woman. She had a fading cinnamon and colored fur with complex patterns covering the sleek shape.
"D’Masha is how she is called to now?" The cat huffed, shaking her head. "One hoped she stayed home. One may not know what became of her but hopes she found a honest future." 
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lionofmara · 10 years
((♀ Has Sinbadaen ever disappointed you?))
I... cant say he has. He was a good kid... Honest, quiet, obedient. Sure, he could get loud and did so with good reason, but I have to say; after he grew up a bit, he really stood out from his brothers.
I think he disappointed me in that way. He was different. I couldnt hate him as much. I ...didnt.
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halforcsmash · 10 years
((♀ Was it difficult raising a mixed race child? Did you get trouble or were people relaxed about it?))
"I think most of the difficulty came from Draznir's mother. She hounded Draznir about Korgul, his weakness, the fact that he was going to be a mutt. She would go on and on about how they were descendants of great Orsimer and how she wasn't going to let this creature be a note on that legacy. And I guess that answers your second question as well, doesn't it? My parents weren't so much against the child I think, but they were very against the husband." Sinia sighed, plucking her bow string like it was an instrument, 
"Korgul was a very sickly babe. I know you wouldn't think that now, but he was. Strongholds in the Dragontails usually... well, they usually throw them down a ravine somewhere. I wasn't going to allow that. Most of our difficulties came through the clash of our two cultures, and my own problems as a mother." 
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flameandfeather · 10 years
2 and 8
2: is more practical
Syldra > Tor > MunSyldra has no time for nonsense, and always gets to business asap. Tor is almost the same way, except he has more time to mess around and have fun. And there I am, at the bottom of the list haha.
8: is more friendly
Tor > Mun > SyldraTor is way more friendly and happy to meet people than I am...and the comparison to Syldra is...exponential haha.
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nextsummersseeds · 10 years
3 and 13
3: has the shorter temper
[[Me. I'm bad at interpreting things and that leads to a lot of confusion and being pissed off easily. The joys of weird brains xD]]
13: is more rebellious
[[Pretty sure Mya'Dar wins this one hands down seeing as her teenage rebellion was "fuck you dad I'm joining a band of assassins" which beats my skinny jeans and dyed hair by quite a bit...]]
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vampyrxs-blog · 10 years
4 and 13
4: Probaly the Muse
13: Still the muse
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vvardenfellcat · 10 years
((♀ What was your greatest fear for J'hasi's future?))
The Argonian’s crest rose a little, yellow eyes opening for a few long moments before they closed once more.
“” Sees sighed, eyes opening once more to linger on their claws as they curled their fingers to inspect them.
“” They plucked an amber bead from the string around their neck, examining it.
“” Sees’ gaze lowered.
“” They released the bead, letting it drop back into the folds of the shawl around their neck.
“” they said quietly.
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faolanredeagle · 10 years
They have to hide. Quickly.
The warband crouched behind a tall ridge, watching as the file of southerners moved past. The Reachmen were used to moving quickly and quietly. Hestra’s soldiers were everywhere now, and the kings and queens whose lands they walked were not exactly kind to the idea of a group of “freedom fighters” using their kingdoms to stage ambushes and raids against their new allies. Until the Sundered Hills took back his banishment, however, this was the best Faolan could do.
He met the eyes of one of the other chieftains, across the way from the ridge. She signaled to him, first up, then down to the marching column. Grinning, Faolan moved from his position, sneaking back past the small row of archers and mages who were now lining the ridge. He climbed up the ridge, then drew his sword—which immediately burst into flames. That was the signal. Fire, lightning, ice, metal, and stone hailed down on the enemy column, who barely had time to raise their shields.
Laughing, Faolan stood up, leaping from the high ridge. “CADOUARN!” he shouted, knowing his friend was back on the ridge—likely shaking his head and sighing over his actions, but when you had a mage… use him. “Let me fall and it’s your head!”
And then he was caught in mid-air, the air around him crystallizing and warming to stop his fall. Telekenesis wasn’t really meant to work on humans, let alone humans in armor, but it controlled his fall long enough for him to crash into the chariot at the back. The commander in it barely had time to raise a shield before fire and metal cleaved him in two. Faolan turned his sword on the soldiers rallying around the dead one, and between his sword and the packs of Reachmen now swarming the road, they made short work of the Imperial troop. As the battle died down, he heard his name called angrily, and turned to see the source. A strong, blonde man, looking absolutely furious, headed straight towards him.
"Are you mad?” Cadouarn said, jabbing his sword into a wailing soldier as he passed, quieting him. “You’re not supposed to die before we even get started.”
"Worked though, didn’t it?"
"Gods below, it’s like you’re a child again…" The battlemage frowned, then gestured towards the bodies around them. "What do you want us to do with these?"
Faolan sighed, looking at the skies. “What we do with all of them. Take the heads, rig the bodies up for the crows and anyone walking by.”
"And if they think it’s Queen Muirean’s work? Decide to send their armies to her doorstep?"
"Oh, they won’t think that…" Faolan answered, grinning as he dipped his fingers in the dead commander’s wounds. Setting the man’s helmet on a spear, he painted in blood on the metal—a splay-winged bird of prey, wobbly but distinguishable. "Satisfied?"
"You’re an artist now, eh?" Cadouarn bent in close, examined it. "We ought to get you a real banner if you keep this up…"
Faolan laughed, but it faded as his ears caught the sound of hooves in the distance. The warbands froze, hearing it as well. Without a word, the Reach warriors scattered, disappearing into the hills and river valley once more. Striking a victory by ambush was one thing; taking on a group of cavalry on the ground was another, and they didn’t have the numbers. Not yet.
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lionofmara · 10 years
4 and 13
4: has the wittier tongue
{ *looks at Sin* )
[ Looks at Eyan. ]
...I think we are matched.
{ I concur. We cant wit to save our skins. )
13: is more rebellious
{ Me;; )
{ I'm stubborn to change, and if you want to change shit on me, I will fight you tooth and nail. Also against rules I dont like... So... )
Whereas the most rebellious thing I have done is trying to hide from the Thalmor...
{ ... y'know that is pretty rebellious. )
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halforcsmash · 10 years
∞:Celebrity crush?
I honest to god cannot think of anyone that I would call a celebrity crush. 
♡:Your favourite film, book and television series.
Film: Valhalla Rising
Book: Hidden Cove Series 
TV Series: I really liked Static Shock growing up. 
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whatoddities · 10 years
(Thoughst) Roan was so sweet. I bet he could have understood what I did, what I am doing. Or maybe not, maybe he wouldn't but he seemed the sort of guy who would at least listen to your reasons. I hope he's somewhere good. Somewhere warmer than Winterhold anyway.
The vampire looked at the mage with wide eyes, more surprised that someone had actually thought of him than at the words they had said. He would have listened, aye, to whatever they were going through, but he couldn't. Not when he didn't know where they were.
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