#asoiaf heraldry
greenbloods · 1 year
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[vert with chief sable, a bear brunâtre sejant erect holding a lotus rose] (yes, i did have to look all those terms up)
asoiaf coat of arms challenge! here is my coat of arms :) it's a sitting bear holding a lotus. and website i used: link. right is the technically "proper" one if i followed the rule of tincture or whatever but i dont think grrm cares about that so im sticking with the one on the left
i nominate @ludcake @daenystheedreamer and @kingsmoot and anyone else who wants to join in. if youre interested!
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docpiplup · 2 years
Previous post: The sigil of House Tully
Here we have the sigil and motto of House Tyrell, by Tomislav Tomić.
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(In the Asoiaf Spanish editions, Growing Strong is "Crecer fuerte")
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Near all the chivalry of the south had come to Renly's call, it seemed. The golden rose of Highgarden was seen everywhere: sewn on the right breast of armsmen and servants, flapping and fluttering from the green silk banners that adorned lance and pike, painted upon the shields hung outside the pavilions of the sons and brothers and cousins and uncles of House Tyrell.
Catelyn II, A Clash of Kings
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seaworthit · 1 year
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The black brides
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My version of what I think the Coat of Arms for any Northern princes and princesses would look like, with Jon and Sansa as the royal couple.
Feel free to use it if you like it, I don't mind.
Done on coamaker.com
Since I had to commit to a monthly plan to get that wolf rampant, I'd like to make use of it and take commisions. If you want to have your own coat of arms done, or that of a house created by you, just let me know, I find it fun.
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kemihaydeestantonva · 3 months
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Don't mind me just appreciating the foreshadowing in this drawing
If you know who has a goose for a sigil, you know
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hrhprincesstricia · 4 months
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I've been on a heraldry kick for the last 36 hours or so. Decided to mock up a House Mires Shield from Winter of Widows by @laughingnell . And then I decided to make a joint shield for Bill and Ursula because thats what people did in the Midieval era. Three versions.
We have a quartered shield, where each insignia is represented in a checkered like pattern. We have a split shield, where you theoretically cut both shields in half and shove them together, but I shoved the Burley white knife over a little to be more readable (I'm sure historically there was a side for the husband and the wife, but google did not give me a quick answer, so I put House Mires on the Left as Ursula is the Lady of her house, and William is just a younger (3rd?) son, and left felt more dominant). Then we have a merged design of just throwing the white knife over the bridge (not as happy with that one.)
If I was going to do another design, I would either have a green shield with the blue triangle over it, and have the knife be red, or keep the blue and green waves and make the upside down triangle red to keep the knife white.
I don't think Ursula would change the design, because I think in the early chapters she mentions her little brother designed it, so I imagine either a split/quartered shield, or just adding in the Burley white knife would be the direction they went.
Please be kind. I'm doing this in MS Paint.
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House Martell, the Sun & Spear of Dorne
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"You may burn us, my lady ... but you will not bend us, break us, or make us bow. This is Dorne. You are not wanted here. Return at your peril."
Some banner bearers of House Martell. I like doing some rank and file every now and again, I can't quite make myself paint whole armies, but a bit of heraldry can't go amiss.
As you can see, my theme for the Dornish is orange, orange, and more... red and yellow, which make orange! With the darker skin tones and copper metallics, this can all get a bit samey, so I love that pop of turquoise on the fella on the right. As well as just being a nice colour contrast, it fits with Dorne's overall vibe of little oases in the desert.
I also feel like there are 3 levels of understanding Westeros: Westeros as Europe, in which case Dorne is Moorish Spain; Dorne as the UK, in which case the Dornish are, shockingly enough, the Cornish; finally, there's the most important thematic level, where George draws on what he knows - the USA. This is the level where the Vale is WASP-y New England, the Riverlands are Southern Gothic, and Dorne is the Southwest - deserts, racial tensions, and chili peppers and huevos rancheros. Which is all an elaborate way of saying - if you're in the Southwest, you gotsta have your turquoise.
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tyriongirl · 1 year
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Hightower source, Blackbar source
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ironmansbay · 2 years
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I guess my first post on here should be this Brienne from last year (yikes) bc I still really love it!
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hetagrammy · 2 years
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What better to put Miss Ireland in than The Green Dress™ from HoTD?
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greenbloods · 1 year
i dont want to repost their art but the heraldry here slaps incredibly hard
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docpiplup · 2 years
Previous post: The sigil of House Lannister
The fourth one (I'm following the order of the book) is the sigil and motto of House Arryn, by Tomislav Tomić
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(In the Asoiaf Spanish editions, As high as honor is "Tan alto como el honor")
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When the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen had demanded their heads, the Lord of the Eyrie had raised his moon-and-falcon banners in revolt rather than give up those he had pledged to protect.
Catelyn I, A Game of Thrones
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pyat-pree · 1 year
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Detail from an illustration i’m almost done with
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Since I decided to not let Jaime Lannister die such a stupid death, here are two versions of his personal blazon of arms, as the somewhat pauperised and sulking Lord of Casterly Rock.
The left one remembers his commitment to the Kingsguard, the right one only has his golden hand and a valyrian steel blade. I'd like to think he got Widow's Wail. Couldn't decide which one I liked better.
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7narwen · 1 year
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Some of my old designs of Targaryen's coat of arm.
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elegantwoes · 2 years
Imagine thinking that George RR Martin, who values the pen over the sword, doesn’t favor Sansa.
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