the-passenger-if · 4 months
hi Pime! Is it too early to ask questions about your new project yet? ROs and characters and setting and stuff? Sorry if this sounds pushy, that’s not intended!
Not at all! I enjoy talking about my IFs <3
Since I'm working on two projects I'll give you a quick rundown of both of them. First,
This game is set in the southernmost tip of South America in a distant future after a cataclysm wipes out most of humanity and the Earth turns into a big snow globe.
The main character travels in a caravan along with their family/clan which are also the only people they have ever interacted with, 1. because there aren't a lot of human beings around, just small settlements, and 2. because their family doesn't want other people to know about the main character. The lack of contact with other human beings and their constant dependency on their family has made the main character very sheltered.
The game starts after the death of the matriarch of the clan just as the main character's big brother becomes the new leader and everyone is feeling very uncertain about the future. The family consists of the main character's father (a huge mother-hen to everyone but mostly to MC and MC's niblings); the main character's brother (who has a strained relationship with MC); the mechanic of the caravan (the best mechanic in the world, or at least that's what they proclaim); the "shaman" of the caravan (a woman the caravan adopted when she was nine, she's in her late twenties at the start of the game); the main character's nephews, two teens who are also the clan's hunters, and the preteen nibling who has yet to find what role in the clan they will fulfill (these three were given to the clan when they were six, five, and one year old and they are presumably children of another big brother MC has never met); the main character's five-year-old niece and four-year-old nibling (they are the children of MC's brother and the mechanic). The clan also adopts a guy they find passed out in the snow at the start of the game (something neither the clan nor this guy really wanted but is forced onto all of them after he finds out about the main character).
The romantic options are:
Heco (they/them) — the clan's mechanic. They are thirty years old and they prefer to be maintaining the caravan than interacting with others but they don't mind people sitting in a corner and watching them work if they aren't too distracting and promise not to touch their tools. They're also the parent of MC's youngest's niblings, but they aren't in a relationship with MC's brother and never have been. It's a bit complicated.
Mo (she/her) — the curandera or shaman of the clan. If Heco is the hands of the caravan, Mo is its soul. It's impossible not to know where she is at any given time because she's a talking machine and also the type who loves to make people laugh. Of course, her jokes are hit or miss now that everyone is mourning the clan's matriarch but Mo's sense of humor can be like a runaway freight train if she isn't paying attention. (Mo is also my attempt at the friends-to-lovers trope)
Gil (he/his) — the guy the clan saves from certain death. He's in his early twenties and speaks a language that's more common in the north of the continent, so what was he doing completely alone so down south? Even though not much is known about him, he is friendly and quick to adapt to his new life in the caravan.
This game is a trilogy and I will add a few more ROs in the next books.
Project 2 is called,
˚.༄˚.༄A Song of Sirens and Soulmates (ASOSAS)˚.༄˚.༄
ASOSAS is set in modern times (2024∼) in an alternate timeline where Sirens appeared in the fifties changing the world forever. The game starts in New York but the main character and their buddy are thrown into the Siren realm around the first or second chapter so don't expect a lot NY lore.
In this alternate timeline Sirens are considered THE beauty standard with tall and toned bodies if they are male and petite and graceful figures if they are female. Also pointy ears, cavernous black eyes, and wide mouths full of sharp teeth.
Although they prefer to live in their own dimension it isn't rare to see Sirens as movie stars, runway models, and musicians. Most humans won't ever interact with this larger-than-life creatures but a few lucky ones will get claimed by the Song of the Siren, a red dot that shows up just above a person's belly button and marks them as a Siren's soulmate. Sure, leaving the human realm means never coming back but most people will take the opportunity if it means marrying and forming a family with these impossibly beautiful (and rich) beings.
Unfortunately, the main character of this game isn't interested in any of that and has been on the run since they were twenty and they were claimed. Seven years later, their betrothed finds them in a prison cell after they and their road buddy are detained at a punk show. MC is able to convince the Siren to bring said road buddy along and off they go into the Siren realm. Now MC and their ally must come up with a plan to escape before MC's wedding day befalls them.
The romantic options are:
Spook (ze/hir) — MC's ally in this mess. They met a month before the start of the game and decided to travel together for the time being. Spook is a thirty-three year old crust punk that can't stand Sirens and the power they wield over humans. Ze's also half-human and half-Siren, something ze carefully hides behind masks and dark shades. (Non-binary RO)
Verna/Vernon "Vern" Harley (she/her or he/his) — Twenty-four year old Vern is on the same boat as MC; they are a Siren's soulmate who has just arrived to this realm. Unlike MC, however, they've completely bought into the Siren fantasy and can't wait to marry and form a big family with their betrothed. Vern might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but they are a sweetheart and painfully candid. They are a breath of fresh air among the sneers of the Sirens. (Gender choosable RO)
Camille Abadi (she/her or he/his) — In their mid to late thirties, Camille has been married to their Siren for a longer time than they've been single. They speak with the tiniest trace of a french accent, which is hard to notice when they so seldom speak. They are very polite and attentive but a hard person to get to know on a deeper level. (Gender choosable RO)
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I'm so excited to help reveal the cover for A SONG OF SHADOW AND STARLIGHT by @/authormorgangauthier (insta)! Pre-order ASOSAS on Amazon or B&N!
Ilaria Shaye Kitarni is the sole heir to the Midorian Throne, but she will never be permitted to rule.
On the eve of her wedding to her childhood best friend, she unwittingly thwarts an assassination attempt, and is kidnapped by the Tronovians, the sworn enemy of the Midorians.
Determined to escape her captors, she burns their boat and swims to the shores of the Jungle Kingdom of Bava. But instead of getting away, she thrusts herself, and the three magic-wielding brothers who captured her, into perils she’s only ever read about in books.
During the long trek through Bava, she discovers hidden truths not only about the people she loves most, but about herself as well.
Never trust a Tronovian. That has been beaten into Shaye’s head for as long as she can remember, but could it be, the only people she can trust, are her enemies?
A Song of Shadow and Starlight is the first book in a NA Fantasy Romance and Adventure series, perfect for fans of Avatar the Last Airbender, ACOTAR (Steamy vibes without Explicit Spice), and Dungeons and Dragons!
If you like...
* Slow burn enemies to reluctant allies to lovers
* Kidnapped Princess
* 3 Magic Wielding Brothers
* Magic, Magic, and more Magic!
* Rival Kingdoms
* Hidden Identity
* Found Family
* Witty Banter
* Classic Action and Adventure
* Books with Humans, Elves, Trolls, and Dwarves
* Epic Worldbuilding
Expected Publishing Date: August 2, 2023!
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murcielagatito · 6 months
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cringest woman to ever exist god i love her so much
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pixiecactus · 5 months
because i just saw a post related in the tag and some discourse in other site (how did you guess it was quora)... did you know that this arya quote:
A thousand years ago, she had known a girl who loved lemon cakes. No, that was not me, that was only Arya
is about our lord and saviour sansa stark? if you don't believe it, or if you do, because how dares someone like arya like a dessert full of patriarchal femininity like lemon cakes too, you can found more about this in the new edition of the asoiaf books: asosas "a song of sansa and sansa" because what do you mean grrm has done interviews naming his favourites characters and sansa is not even mentioned once, i don't see it, i don't hear it. everything grrm writes is about sansa, did you know young grrm looked like kit harington when he was young, what do you mean kit harington's jon snow portrayal is not at all like the books description, of course it is, and grrm and kh both married a red headed woman, that is foreshadowing, let me show you all of my metas that's all based on jonsa fics and not in the books. all hail the red wolf of winterfell... what do you mean that this sobriquet is not even in the books? what do you mean that the animal comparison sansa get in the books is a bird? no no no she's all direwolf, the most "stark" of them all, the rest of her siblings will die and get stuck inside their wolves to finally give queen sansa the wolf pack she always deserved and was born to command. ps: talking about the fact that sansa is a lannister by marriage, and robb disinherited her in his will for this same fact, and also currently wanted by the crown for regicide is plain old misogyny... do you truly hate girls winning that much?
(this is h e a v y sarcarsm ofc, salt if you will. i do think i need it to clarify because sansa stans are definitely not known for their media analysis abilities)
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reijnders · 1 year
we uhhhh we translatin! im gonna post this on reddit too but y'all get it first :)
I got permission from the lovely squids_in_space to translate some of their Bajoran folktalk in their fanfic Something's Wrong With Mommy
I'll show first the original excerpt, then the Bajoran romanization, then the back-translation to English, and finally, of course, the full thing typed in the Bajoran script.
This took a little over an hour to translate, so no, I cannot provide gloss or IPA like I do for short texts or i'll go mad. making thi also added ~86 new terms to the dictionary, so be sure to check that out HERE in the ever-updating spreadsheet!
All under the readmore for your convenience!
The Story of Madja and the Pah-Wraith Child
Oh dear listener! The blessings of the Prophets be upon you; hear this tale of Madja and the Pah-Wraith Child. It begins long ago, so long ago that the village where this story takes place has been long ground to dust by time. In this village, in this time, lived a woman named Katin Madja. She was a pious woman, a vedek's widow, and a weaver of great renown. She had lived a full and rich life with her husband but, alas! they had never had children of their own. So when she retired, when her hands were too crooked to knit or loom, she turned to gardening. She served in the vineyards of her deceased spouse's monastery, tending the sprika vines, making sure that the sprigs that fruited later were of the finest quality. The springwine produced from the fruit of Madja's vines were among the valley's most celebrated vintages. And for a time, she was content.
Māja Palame Taporanā Odist
Ōklemos kimropalanā! Sta kost nosadist emla ilatōmis dō idenja ehā sedā, meropant idenjalōs emā nteri dol 'Māja Palame Taporanā Odist'. Sta ojadol pak katisa dol. Lahisemis havespnes havesap vō. Sisapalev ridahedas nteri dō kiro ehā. Pajeralish panjora emā ridahe katise ehā sedā hav ipastip Katin Māja. Sta kost kokōli ehop dol posa ehā vedekha sisal rlosikanā ehā. Pajeralish ehop mopi nihalet pajera dol noni odist ehop dō. Kihetil! Epel istejalish ehop māsvi taporanā dol. Mimemirek ehop johā rlosisalhev ehop sedihevame hav dolirel kiro hakot vesitimis dol. Sta mirhir ehop pirlanipe eporsak noni dō mirehā ehā sedā. Sta rejadest ehop kāva dol hetil lidotir pakpak dato kāvordomis dol. Sisalhev emā ranesevte kāvordo dō delosi dol ridahe ehā sedā, ehop rejadestip pak. Dahohil sta kost asosa Māja.
Māja with a Pah-Wraith Child
Dear listener! I hope the Prophet's blessings are on you, then you will listen to the story of 'Māja and the Pah-Wraith Child'. It starts long ago. Hundreds beyond a hundred days. I was told that the village of the story has been ground down into dust by time. In the village and in the time, a woman named Katin Māja had lived. She was pious, a vedek's widower, and a celebrated weaver. She had lived a good, exciting life with her husband. And! They had never had children. She retired because she weaved no clothing or tapestries after time made bent hands. She gardens, in the garden of the dead husband's monastery. She grows kāva, they bloom fruits. The springwine of the fruit were celebrated bottles in the village; she grew it. And briefly, Maja was calm.
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starlightandsouls · 1 year
Hey everyone. It's been a minute, so the last couple of months were really really bad for me in terms of stress and like mental health in general. Exams, university applications and just a bunch of other stuff that literally made me feel like i was drowning in my mind. Now I don't know how many people are still interested in my blog considering I've been MIA for the last few months, but I'm finally finally done with college. I have been for a while now and I'm slowly trying to ease back into writing and posting regularly on here. For anyone still interested in ASOSAS, I'm officially starting working on it again. However this time I'm going to finish the story first and then post regular chapters. If no one else I want to finish that fic for myself cuz it means a lot to me.
Now for more closer updates. I am currently working on yet another Azriel fic: Haunted. This piece for me is almost a catharsis for the past few months of my life. Whether anyone reads it or not it's my way of putting my mental state of the past few months to paper and walking away from it.
The one thing I've derived from this experience is that whenever I feel like absolutely everything is falling apart for me, it triggers a writing spell. I hope you guys like this piece, it's really personal to me, simply because it reflects really well the doubt and anxiety that has been crushing me recently. And at the end of the day, writing is what makes me feel better about myself. This fic might be a little too dark for some which I understand. But sometimes I need to write messed up shit just so I don't end up actually doing messed up shit.
This got longer than intended, but I'm back and hopefully will update a new fic soon!
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drytechengi · 1 month
Exporter of Flash Dryer in Ethiopia
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Drytech Engineering Systems is an Exporter of Flash Dryer in Ethiopia. Drytech Engineering Systems is a Flash Dryer Manufacturer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. We Specialized in Flash Dryers, Spray Dryers, Spin Flash Dryers, Fluid Bed Dryers, and Evaporator Dryers, Rotary Valves, Rotary Atomizers, Hot Air Generators, Centrifugal Blowers, and Dust Collector Systems. A flash dryer is an industrial machine designed to quickly dry granular or powdered materials by suspending them in a stream of hot air. Their capacity to provide rapid drying within a compact and controlled environment makes them an essential tool in contemporary manufacturing and processing operations. Designed to take up minimal floor space, our Flash Dryers integrate effortlessly into existing production lines, conserving valuable space and enhancing workflow. With an intuitive control panel and digital monitoring, operators can effortlessly manage and adjust drying parameters to achieve consistent results. Features: Rapid Drying: It rapidly dries materials in seconds or minutes by suspending them in a high-velocity hot air stream. Compact Design: Its compact and efficient design makes it ideal for seamless integration into a variety of production lines. Versatility: Suitable for drying powders, granules, and slurries with precise control over temperature and air velocity to meet specific material requirements. Energy Efficiency: Built to reduce energy consumption through optimized airflow and heat transfer. Applications: Food Industry Pharmaceuticals Chemicals Agriculture Drytech Engineering Systems is an Exporter of Flash Dryer in Ethiopia including locations Gondar, Bahir Dar, Addis Ababa, Adama, Dire Dawa, Mekele, Aksum, Jijiga, Yirga Alem, Goba, Bishoftu, Harar, Hawassa, Arba Minch, Dese, Shashemene, Asosa, Ziway, Jimma, Debre Markos, Debre Birhan, Gode, Kombolcha, Asela, Ambo, Hosaina, Shire, Alaba Kulito, Debre Tabor, Bonga, Adigrat, Agaro, Butajira. For detailed information and inquiries, please feel free to contact us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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laxmipharma · 1 month
Automatic Multi Head Screw Sealing Machine in Ethiopia
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Laxmi Pharma Equipment is an Exporter of Automatic Multi Head Screw Sealing Machine in Ethiopia. We are a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Washing Machine, Filling Machine, Stoppering Machine, Capping Machine, Labelling Machine, Packaging Machine etc. Laxmi Pharma Equipment is an Automatic Multi Head Screw Sealing Machine Manufacturer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Advanced technology ensures accurate placement and torque control, providing consistent and secure seals every time. Equipped with multiple heads, this machine delivers rapid sealing, significantly increasing production throughput and reducing cycle times. Integrated with an automated feeding system, the machine ensures smooth bottle handling and uninterrupted production. How It Works Bottle Loading: Bottles are automatically fed into the machine through a conveyor system or an infeed tray. Cap Placement: The machine's cap placement mechanism positions the caps accurately on the bottles. Sealing Process: Multiple sealing heads engage, applying the necessary torque to secure the caps tightly onto the bottles. Inspection and Ejection: After sealing, bottles are inspected for quality assurance, and any defective ones are automatically ejected. Output: The sealed bottles are then discharged from the machine, ready for labeling and further processing. Applications: Pharmaceuticals Food and Beverages Cosmetics Chemicals Household Products Laxmi Pharma Equipment is an Exporter of Automatic Multi Head Screw Sealing Machine in Ethiopia Including locations like Gondar, Bahir Dar, Addis Ababa, Adama, Dire Dawa, Mekele, Aksum, Jijiga, Yirga Alem, Goba, Bishoftu, Harar, Hawassa, Arba Minch, Dese, Shashemene, Asosa, Ziway, Jimma, Debre Markos, Debre Birhan, Gode, Kombolcha, Asela, Ambo, Hosaina, Shire, Alaba Kulito, Debre Tabor, Bonga, Adigrat, Agaro, Butajira. For more information, please feel free to contact us. View Product: Click here Read the full article
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Ο χρυσός της βασίλισσας του Σαβά
Στα δυτικά της Αιθιοπίας κοντά στα σύνορα του Σουδάν βρίσκεται ένα μέρος που ονομάζεται ζώνη Asosa. Αυτή μπορεί να είναι η θέση του παλαιότερου ορυχείου χρυσού στον κόσμο. Χρονολογώντας το περίπου 6.000 χρόνια πριν, παρείχε μια βασική πηγή χρυσού στην αρχαία αιγυπτιακή αυτοκρατορία, της οποίας ο μεγάλος πλούτος ήταν διάσημος σε όλο τον γνωστό κόσμο. […] Ο χρυσός της βασίλισσας του Σαβά –…
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thoughtfullyblogger · 5 months
Ο χρυσός της βασίλισσας του Σαβά
Στα δυτικά της Αιθιοπίας κοντά στα σύνορα του Σουδάν βρίσκεται ένα μέρος που ονομάζεται ζώνη Asosa. Αυτή μπορεί να είναι η θέση του παλαιότερου ορυχείου χρυσού στον κόσμο. Χρονολογώντας το περίπου 6.000 χρόνια πριν, παρείχε μια βασική πηγή χρυσού στην αρχαία αιγυπτιακή αυτοκρατορία, της οποίας ο μεγάλος πλούτος ήταν διάσημος σε όλο τον γνωστό κόσμο. […] Ο χρυσός της βασίλισσας του Σαβά –…
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greekblogs · 5 months
Ο χρυσός της βασίλισσας του Σαβά
Στα δυτικά της Αιθιοπίας κοντά στα σύνορα του Σουδάν βρίσκεται ένα μέρος που ονομάζεται ζώνη Asosa. Αυτή μπορεί να είναι η θέση του παλαιότερου ορυχείου χρυσού στον κόσμο. Χρονολογώντας το περίπου 6.000 χρόνια πριν, παρείχε μια βασική πηγή χρυσού στην αρχαία αιγυπτιακή αυτοκρατορία, της οποίας ο μεγάλος πλούτος ήταν διάσημος σε όλο τον γνωστό κόσμο. […] Ο χρυσός της βασίλισσας του Σαβά –…
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Ο χρυσός της βασίλισσας του Σαβά
Στα δυτικά της Αιθιοπίας κοντά στα σύνορα του Σουδάν βρίσκεται ένα μέρος που ονομάζεται ζώνη Asosa. Αυτή μπορεί να είναι η θέση του παλαιότερου ορυχείου χρυσού στον κόσμο. Χρονολογώντας το περίπου 6.000 χρόνια πριν, παρείχε μια βασική πηγή χρυσού στην αρχαία αιγυπτιακή αυτοκρατορία, της οποίας ο μεγάλος πλούτος ήταν διάσημος σε όλο τον γνωστό κόσμο. […] Ο χρυσός της βασίλισσας του Σαβά –…
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starlightandsouls · 2 years
Guyysss!!! So the upcoming agenda:
New ASOSAS chapter tomorrow!
Now after that is posted, which one would yall like me to post first:
Eleanor Rigby- Azrielxreader fic
Yours To Keep And Cherish Alternate AU
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drytechengi · 3 months
Exporter of Multi Effect Evaporator in Ethiopia
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Drytech Engineering Systems is an Exporter of Multi Effect Evaporator in Ethiopia. Drytech Engineering Systems is Based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. We are a Manufacturer, Supplier, Stockiest, and Exporter of Flash Dryers, Spray Dryers, Spin Flash Dryers, Fluid Bed Dryers, and Evaporator Dryers, Rotary Valves, Rotary Atomizers, Hot Air Generators, Centrifugal Blowers, and Dust Collector Systems. Drytech Engineering Systems consistently provides a comprehensive range of Multi-Effect Evaporators (MEE) designed to meet the specific quality standards of various applications. Our expertise in advanced technology ensures that our MEEs are tailored to concentrate solutions, typically liquids, by evaporating a portion of their water or solvent content. The process begins by using steam’s heat energy to evaporate water from a solution in the initial stage. The vapor produced in this first effect then heats the next stage, where it evaporates more water from another solution. This sequential process maximizes heat energy use, with vapor from one stage heating the next, significantly enhancing overall efficiency. Our system leverages the latent heat released during evaporation to power subsequent stages, optimizing energy consumption and reducing fuel costs and operational expenses. Our Multi-Effect Evaporators, with customizable configurations and advanced controls, integrate seamlessly into industrial processes, enabling efficient goal achievement. The Multi-Effect Evaporator maximizes energy efficiency by utilizing latent heat across multiple stages. It is ideal for concentrating liquids, recovering solvents, and treating industrial effluents, providing versatile and sustainable solutions. Drytech Engineering Systems is an Exporter of Multi Effect Evaporator in Ethiopia including locations like Gondar, Bahir Dar, Addis Ababa, Adama, Dire Dawa, Mekele, Aksum, Jijiga, Yirga Alem, Goba, Bishoftu, Harar, Hawassa, Arba Minch, Dese, Shashemene, Asosa, Ziway, Jimma, Debre Markos, Debre Birhan, Gode, Kombolcha, Asela, Ambo, Hosaina, Shire, Alaba Kulito, Debre Tabor, Bonga, Adigrat, Agaro, Butajira. For detailed information and inquiries, please feel free to contact us. Read the full article
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hardynwa · 9 months
Man who speaks to honey bees, talks about his 'gift'
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People have shown many strange gifts, but being able to tame honey bees is what Tamirat Getachew is known for in his hometown of Asosa, in Ethiopia. Tamirat Getachew told BBC it is a gift and everyone is still wondering how he does. The 18-year-old allows the insects to swarm his bare chest and head without wearing any kind of protection. Sometimes he'll even let the bees enter his mouth. "I have a special ability to put bees on myself without covering my lips and ears," he explains. It was only five years ago that Mr Tamirat was first introduced to bees. "They came and settled on my body as I passed by and they started paying attention to what I was saying," he says. According to him, he did nothing to draw them in. ''They just understand who I am. Bees are like humans to those who approach them." However, his relatives and neighbours were initially concerned. ''They were frightened. They warned me not to go near bees as they can be dangerous. However, I was aware of my gift at the time," Mr Tamirat says. They eventually discovered he has a special bond with the honey bee. His actions are highly unusual in the neighbourhood. Bee farmers typically harvest honey at night in order to prevent bee stings, particularly in rural parts of Ethiopia. Studies have shown that bee stings can be lethal. Read the full article
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survivingpierce · 10 months
i worked out a first draft for my asosas / hg au. i'm positive i'll finish it this week
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