#assassins creed daily facts
Once, Edward kenway took down an entire man o’ war just to get a new cook. Events described in the first chapter of the AC Blackflag book explain how Edward accidentally killed the cook of his ship, and instead of letting his crew fend for themselves (no one knew how to boil water) he decided to forcibly get a new cook. During the fight on the man o’ war, he cut a man’s nose off. Later on in the chapter it is revealed that that person..was the cook. So now the Jackdaw has a nose-less cook
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i dont really care about assassins creed anymore you know Ubisoft sucks ass and while the games were fun they were also pretty mediocre and *several pictures of haytham kenway fall out of my pockets* those arent mine what
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satoshi-mochida · 16 days
ASTRO BOT free DLC coming in 2024, adds speedruns and new VIP bots - Gematsu
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Publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer Team ASOBI will release free downloadable content for ASTRO BOT in 2024, which will add speedruns and new VIP bots, game director Nicolas Doucet told Quest Daily in a video interview.
“Yes, so we have free [downloadable content]—so it’s going to be free,” Doucet said. “It’s going to come this year. It will be smaller. You know it’s not going to be like, you know, a huge, huge amount, but it will be focusing on one of the features that people enjoyed in ASTRO’s PLAYROOM—that was the speedruns. You know, there were some speedruns, and the levels were quite short, but it was the fact that you could replay and keep shaving time off… with some new VIP bots to rescue, so some characters we didn’t include yet will appear. But yeah, that’s going to come, and that’s going to focus really on kind-of challenging levels. But if we can, we’d like to also insert something a bit toy-feeling, something that could be really like for any player. But we’re not too sure about that one. But the challenging stuff is definitely coming.”
Asked if the speedrun downloadable content will include leaderboards, Doucet confirmed with a simple, “Yes.”
Speaking of VIP bots, the credits for ASTRO BOT mention trademarks for several properties that did not appear as VIP bots in the game, including:
Spoilers: Trademarks in ASTRO BOT Credits
Assassin’s Creed (Ubisoft)
Beyond Good & Evil (Ubisoft)
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (Argonaut Games)
Rayman (Ubisoft)
Rise of the Ronin (Koei Tecmo)
Stellar Blade (SHIFT UP)
Worms (Team17)
ASTRO BOT is available now for PlayStation 5.
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azar-rosethorn · 2 years
Rottmnt Incorrect Quotes 4
Feat. Leosagi
Draxum: Do you ever get pre-annoyed? Like you already know someone is going to piss you off?
Leo: What? No, I—
Splinter: *enters room*
Draxum: *jaw clenches*
Donnie: Maybe the real monster was the friends we both literally and figuratively murdered along the way.
Leo: They don’t make them like me no more. I’m the last of my kind.
April: Thank god.
Usagi: I didn't drink that much last night.
Casey: You were flirting with Leo.
Usagi: So what? He's my boyfriend.
Casey: You asked if he was single.
Casey: And then you cried when he said he wasn't.
Casey: Junior! I thought you were dead!
Junior: No, just in deep cover.
Casey: ...But it was an open casket.
Junior: It was very deep.
Mikey: Remember, when burying a body, make sure to cover it with endangered plants so it’s illegal to dig up!
Donnie: Make sure to follow us for more gardening tips!
Splinter: What do you want then?
Draxum: Er… something work related.
Splinter: What department is this?
Draxum: Sorry?
Splinter: Well, if it’s work related you’d obviously know what department this is. What department is this?
Draxum: *looks at Casey and April* Some sort of homosexual department?
Leo: I'm not a morning person. I'm barely even a person.
Usagi: God, I love Leo.
Draxum: Yeah, you fucking better.
Leo: *shatters a window and climbs through it*
Leo: *turns around and helps Mikey through it* Breaking and entering is wrong Mikey.
Mikey: Okay.
Junior: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Casey: You and me!
Junior: *tearing up* Ok.
(Nick, I cannot stress this enough, we need these two to be stupid togethet)
Leo: Well, remember when Usagi made a romantic dinner for me?
Splinter: Blue, he microwaved you a pizza.
Raph: The salary of a clown is 51,000 dollars.
Raph, gesturing to Mikey and Leo fighting: And yet these idiots do it daily, and for free!
Donnie: What are you guys doing?
Mikey: Like in life in general or-
Leo: Not much. Why, what's up?
Donnie: I dunno, I’m bored playing AC.
Leo: Assassins Creed?
Donnie: Animals Creed.
Mikey: Assassins Crossing.
April: No, I don't want to talk about physics! I don't know anything about the laws of physics because they are hard and boring. I simply would like them to behave in a way that is most convenient to ME and MY LIFE! Is that really asking too much?
Donnie: Yes, as a matter of fact, it is!
April: Well, guess what? Science is stupid bullshit!!
Donnie: You take that back!!!
April: No. Magic is awesome. Science blows. The end.
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lilacponds · 2 years
92 for the 100 questions game!
I almost forgot to answer this hi hello!! Thank you!!
92. Do you have any ghost stories? Or general encounters with the supernatural? Do you believe in ghosts?
OKAY YES OMG. So I do believe in ghosts, yes. I try not to think too much about them on the daily but I am MUCH more leaning towards yes than no. AND YES I HAVE A GHOST STORY !! No one in my life believes me but I will die on this hill.
So, this happened years ago. I do not know roughly how long exactly. This was my (and my brother's) room at the time.
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You'll notice some unlabeled circles. Those were my brother's ball collection. He had a few soccer balls and smaller balls and shit. Not a lot, but not just a couple either. Those are relevant.
So, at the time we had the tv in our room mounted on the wall, above the dresser. It was mounted way too high up, which meant that if I sat down to play on the PS3 my neck would hurt very very quickly. So, alone in the room (because my mom was sleeping, and my dad, brother and the cousin visiting us were in the living room) waiting to play (Assassin's Creed, I believe Brotherhood, online, which took literally forever to find a match), I was standing... here, roughly.
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And I'm just chilling. The door and windows closed, because it was cold and because I didn't want to wake my mom up with videogame sounds. Just looking up at the TV, and waiting.
And then I hear a sound. That I can only describe as something falling and hitting metal softly? And I look around.
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One of the small balls was now in the corner of the fan stand.
Now, I've been told many things. But I know for a fact that the ball was in the ball corner. (I remembered, and no one moves those unless it's to actually use them, and they weren't used that day, and I even asked my brother to double check and he confirmed all the balls being in their assigned corner.) No, the ground is not slanted. No, the window was not open (and even if it was, the wind would've pushed the ball further in the corner, not pulled it across the room?).
That damn ball sounded like it fell from the table into the fan corner - because it was nestled in the corner, so what, the ball not only rolled across the room but also swerved perfectly to get to the inner corner? BUT THE BALL WAS NOT ON THE TABLE BEFORE.
This happened like 12 years ago minimum. It has not left my head SINCE. I will die on the hill that it was a ghost that did that. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 😌
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maddestdog · 2 years
Tag 9 people you’d like to know better!
Favorite Color(s): I gravitate towards blacks, grays, whites; splashes of red, silver, and gold here ‘n there, too ~ Dark colors are my thing, but, I also like pinks.
Favorite Flavor(s): I like bitter flavors. I’m a slut for black coffee and drink it on the daily. Oof. I also love spicy foods! Spicier the better. Oh, oh. And sour flavors, too.
Favorite Genre(s): As for movies and shows? Horror for sure. As for books, I like nonfiction stuff... ^_^’’ Mostly topics surrounding history, medicine, science, death, etc. What can I say? I love having useless facts to tell people.
Favorite Music: I listen to a whole lotta shit, heh... I guess I’ve been on a J-Rock binge as of late, though. I’m a big fan of old school Visual Kei and the like.
Favorite Movie(s): Honestly?? Probably the OG Spongebob Squarepants movie, lol. It never fails to make me laugh. I also love Satoshi Kon’s films.
Favorite Series: Ohno. There’s so many. For anime and manga, it’d have to be JJBA, Demon Slayer, Hellsing... I used to really be into Higurashi and Naruto, too. Games? Ace Attorney, Assassin’s Creed, Devil May Cry, Sengoku Basara, Samurai Warriors, a few Shin Megami Tensei titles, Yakuza (obvs), and... yeah!
Last Song: Billy Idol’s “Eyes Without a Face.”
Last Series: Chainsaw Man. Just the anime, tho. Manga will be next.
Last Movie: I’m not much of a movie watcher anymore... owo’’ Recently, though, I’ve been revisiting the Saw franchise. Gotta love all the over-the-top gore. Heh.
Currently Reading: “The Butchering Art” by Lindsey Fitzharris.
Currently Watching: Finally checking out Cyperpunk: Edgerunners ~
Currently Working On: Catching up on a whole list of games when I have the time. I’ve been cycling through FFIX, DRV3, Yakuza 5, as well as replaying a bit of Skyrim and Devil May Cry 5 (I luv my boy, V) here and there just for the hell of it.
tagged by: @namelessxflowers ~ thank you, dear ♥ tagging: YOU! steal it from me if you’re so inclined >:^)
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thegreatwicked · 2 months
Letting Stories Go
I wanna talk about something that I've been wrestling with for a long while that I'm a little at odds about. So, back in 2012, I started writing a story in the Assassins Creed fandom, I've been a fan of the games for a very long time, and while I love the world within the Animus, the game itself has really become a shadow of itself after the third game. That's where this story took place in AC3 the game with Connor Kenway and taking place during the American Revolution.
By this point, I hadn't written fanfiction, probably since high school, and with the game's release I was compelled to write a character because, despite the disappointing ending, I really loved the characters in the game. I wrote an OC called Chenoa. She was the love interest of Connor, and I wrote her in about halfway through the game following the events of the game. She was the daughter of an Irish doctor (dad) and an Egyptian Assassin (mom.) She was orphaned at eight after her parent's death and raised by an associate of her mothers an Abenaki elder and thusly raised within the Abenkai community. It's a bit of a cliche but at the time I really loved what I was writing however, here in 2024, looking back at the story I never finished I'm really questioning whether or not I should.
My reasons mostly stem from the fact that I'm not sure it's the 'correct' thing to do. As a writer now, I pour in lots of research into my characters and the worlds they inhabit but back in 2012, that wasn't the case, I made it up to 30-odd chapters and I was pumping the story out as fast as I could type because it was just FLOWING.
Chenoa, is problematic because I did not pour much research into her, I was a different writer back then and the world was a different place with people not yet understanding just how murky the waters could be when it came to writing a character from a culture that wasn't your own. I'm a white woman with no indigenous background, and I was writing about Chenoa who was for all intents and purposes, an Abenaki woman but looking back now, I can see I wasn't being respectful or even devoting the care to writing her the way she should have been given that she was part of a community that I know nothing about. I had every intention of finishing the story now that I've changed as a writer but as I said, looking back at it, it doesn't feel right to do it now and I'm thinking it might be time to let the story go.
I'm sad at this realization because I think as writers we develop connections to our stories, like deep emotional connections and I definitely had one to this story. It was the most popular story I'd ever written with over 30 chapters, 74k words 100 comments, 89 favorites, and 103 follows. At the time it was some of my best writing and people really loved it. I'd wake up to new comments almost daily and people constantly telling me they loved the story and were excited for the next chapter. No story has ever reached this level of interaction/adoration/love, whatever you want to call it and it was one of the times in my life that made me the happiest (at the time.)
I had so much love for this story and the character I'd created but the more I thought about it the more I realized that continuing it didn't feel right. I've grown up and while I still love the story, I don't feel the need to continue it. I've decided to remove it and move on to other things. I've saved a copy of it so that I always have it for whatever reasons but I've also screenshotted the wonderful comments left to me. These comments are what make the fanfiction community so wonderful, guys, you're all amazing, seriously. That we form such great friendships with people we may never meet all because of people who never existed is something that will never cease to astound me.
I just wanted to get this off my chest and tell you guys about a story I began a long time ago and how you don't always have to finish things. Chenoa means 'Dove' and she was a healer like her father, she entered into the world of the Brotherhood and met Connor over chance and misdirection and the two became a team. There was meant to always be push and pull as to whether or not she would stay the path of the healer or take up her mother's crusade and take life instead of sparing it. In the end, her role was to remain a healer and stay by Connor's side, rebuilding the Brotherhood but not taking a direct role.
This feels like a eulogy almost, lol. I just wanted to share something that meant a lot to me. I'm onto working on my other projects including Shadows and Unbreakable Bonds and my army of one-shots. Thanks for listening.
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fayeraa · 7 months
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the cat picrew
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𓍯𓂃 just a girl who loves to write despite her meagre knowledge of english 😞. i love angst (i love suffering), it's what I live for, especially gojo’d ones lol but don’t ask me why i don’t know myself. i really want to be better at writing, ‘ts one of my main goals in life >:), big introvert.
𓍯𓂃i like cats, especially black ones, tacos omg tacos 🌮, Algeria my lovely country 🥹, WINTER !!!, this « memoji » : ‘>:)’ , strikes that cause me to miss days of school, palestine, omg SADE she’s my girl i love her damn, my room, the perfume « intimacy » it just smells so good, the license plate that sits on my desk (a real rare gem a swear), late nights out, summer morning, monoï and coconut, socks with weird patterns (have a collection of ‘em), rain.
𓍯𓂃but i also loathes having a lot of homework, procrastinating (on a daily basis 😍), the six graders of my school (those disrespectful brats), when there’s a way too much dust in my room , people who are allot into drama, when ppl are being noisier than they need to be, insects especially sowbugs and worms, MOSQUITOES, the seabed.
𓍯𓂃 i listen to sade ofc, the weeknd !! i’m a メ𝟶 since 2019, a TV channel broadcasted music in the morning and I came across the weeknd totally by chance 🤧, SWV, Muni long, Xscape and John B. I’m also a Keyshia Cole enjoyer, omg love her so much, but Trina, Aaliyah and Kali Uchis as well!
fun fact (no one cares):went through a alan walker and justin bieber phase, since it’s kinda tReNdY on tiktok, it made me nostalgic lol.
𓍯𓂃my favorites games are Resident evil, detroit become human, the last of us (cried so hard but was worth it), life is strange (one of my fav omggggg), FNAF, Danganrompa (the anime as well so), had a Yandere simulator phase, Doki Doki literature club (memories), Until dawn, Heavy rain but really wants to try : Red dead Redemption, Little nightmares, Assassin creed, The last guardian and Outlast.
𓍯𓂃my favorites characters are Ace (the first and the last), Luffy, Robin, Usopp (underrated), Nanami (my husbanddddddddddd), Yuuji my protégé, Akane Owari, Celestia Lundenberg, Ibuki Mioda, Maki Harukawa, Peko Pekoyama, Kazuichi, Mondo, Shinso, Mina Ashido, Tamaki Amakiji, Bokuto kōtarō <3333, kuroo, atsumu >:) , hinata shōyō 🫶🏼 Baji keisuke, and i think i have more but can’t list ´em all 😞.
𓍯𓂃my favorites animes are Danganrompa, One piece, Haikyuu (back on my phase 🤞🏼🤞🏼), and that’s it 😀- i don’t have allot because those are just my reaaaaaaly fav of all times.
𓍯𓂃 notes : i recently started vampire diaries, that’s very cool and i think that my fav char is Bonnie for now :b, i like doing pilates (this old’s people sport🤧), i love loserboys and i’m an early bird :D.
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44gamez · 7 months
Skull and Bones Review - Captain, We Expected More…
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Skull and Bones on PC
After I heard that Skull and Bones was lastly being launched, I used to be over the Moon. The possibility to be a pirate once more and relive the time once I performed Murderer’s Creed Black Flag appeared like a dream come true. Sadly, the fact is totally different. Let’s get one thing straight straight away, perhaps my hopes have been too excessive, and that’s most likely due to my earlier expertise with comparable Ubisoft titles. I'm a die-hard fan of the Murderer’s Creed franchise. I do suppose it’s honest to have nice expectations from Skull and Bones and make sure comparisons. In spite of everything, Edward Kenway continues to be one in every of my favourite AC protagonists, simply behind Ezio and Arno. That’s why I used to be so ready to begin a model new pirate life. After I began Skull and Bones, the start appeared promising. You set sail on an vital mission along with your crew, however your plans quickly come to a tough finish. British sailors ambush you and sink your ship, leaving you in the course of the ocean.
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Picture Supply: Ubisoft through Twinfinite After you handle to get to shore, the true story begins. You're taking the function of the pirate captain and your process is to get a brand new ship in your crew and begin incomes some treasure. That’s if you realise one thing is lacking – there isn’t a lot you are able to do whereas on foot. It comes down to only strolling round pirate dens and islands seeking retailers and the job board. For all the things else, you should get again to your ship. Oh, and for some purpose, your character can’t swim. And I’m not joking once I say ‘all the things else’ is in your ship. The one preventing you ever encounter takes place completely offshore. To my shock, that even contains each looting and boarding. To loot enemy treasure, all you should do is navigate your ship near theirs, press a button and the spoils are routinely yours. And for those who hoped you’d board their ship and struggle them head to head, that isn’t the case. As an alternative, if you weaken the enemy ship to a sure level, the job is completed. To be honest, naval battles are satisfying. They're partaking and when you end one, you instantly need extra and proceed to sail round to seek out one other ship to sink.
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Picture Supply: Ubisoft through Twinfinite The principle story does lack depth, although. Regardless of how onerous I attempted, I simply couldn’t relate to most characters in Skull and Bones. NPC dialogue is much too generic and after a brief dialog, they often simply inform you what your mission is, and that’s about it. You'll a minimum of anticipate there to be a backstory or a well-known journey linked to some NPCs. As an alternative, they largely function merchants or as somebody who offers you quests, with none deeper conversations or attention-grabbing features about them. When you examine this with Murderer’s Creed IV: Black Flag‘s characters and narrative, which served as inspiration for Skull and Bones, it’s actually disappointing. From the wonderful story of the Kenway household, the place we adopted Edward evolving from a daily pirate thug to an elite member of the Order of Assassins, we’ve progressed to this. One thing that maybe compensates for the dearth of a extra concrete story is a large open-world map in Skull and Bones. You possibly can roam across the open sea for hours and hours and nonetheless have numerous locations left unexplored. Perhaps the easiest way to try this is to accumulate as many treasure maps as you'll be able to and start looking for the fabled areas. There’s rather a lot to see and do in that open world. That’s why you need to comply with my steps and focus your efforts on getting the strongest ship attainable. That approach you'll be able to sail the open waters with out fearing the hazard of shipwreck or that your enemies will sink you. The stronger your vessel is, the tougher it's for anybody to even get close to you. After the British sink your ship in the beginning of the sport, you and the remainder of the crew handle to succeed in the island of Sainte Anne and save yourselves. This island later turns into the principle Pirate Den within the sport, with quite a few retailers and fellow pirates. Additionally they offer you facet missions that can assist you progress and strengthen each your crew and ship.
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Picture Supply: Ubisoft through Twinfinite For some missions, you'll have to sail round complete continents to get to the specified location. Within the meantime, you'll be able to benefit from the stunning open sea. Your crew may make the journey attention-grabbing with the ocean shanties they sing, except they’re in the course of a naval battle, after all. One thing additionally worthy of reward is the PvP actions. As a multiplayer sport, Skull and Bones gives you with the expertise of discovering your home underneath the pirate solar whereas encountering gamers from everywhere in the world. What I discovered most entertaining relating to PvP is actually the Hostile Takeover occasions. In them, you don’t struggle different gamers however as a substitute compete towards them to see who can take down extra NPC ships.
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Picture Supply: Ubisoft For many who need to take a look at their skills towards different gamers, there are Legendary Heists. Their idea is greater than attention-grabbing since you be part of forces with others to take down the convoy with treasure. However when you try this, you activate one another and the final surviving pirate crew will get to take all of the treasure. When all is alleged and completed, although, I can’t shake the impression that Skull and Bones may have been a way more full pirate sport. After AC Black Flag and Rogue, each of which embody plenty of crusing and naval battles, you’d anticipate a brand new sport to be a minimum of as full. As an alternative, we acquired form of a simplified model of a pirate sport, with restricted choices on what to do outdoors your ship. Perhaps a few of these issues will likely be fastened and improved in future updates, however for now, all that continues to be is to discover the huge map and strengthen your ship as a lot as attainable. 3 Skull and Bones After I heard that Skull and Bones was launched, I used to be over the Moon. The possibility to be a pirate once more and relive the time once I performed AC Black Flag appeared like a dream come true. However the actuality is totally different. Professionals - Visuals are stunning - Giant map to discover - Naval battle are enjoyable - PvP is nicely designed Cons - Uncompelling story - No relatable characters - No on-land fight - No swimming A replica of this sport was offered by the writer for evaluation. Reviewed on Microsoft Home windows, PlayStation 5, Xbox Collection X/S. Read the full article
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kursed-curtain · 2 years
Oh hey! Tagged by @thewatercolours and I love a good ramble about my favs
comfort show: I don't watch a lot of TV lmao, but I love falling asleep to stuff on HGTV, watching those people improve old antiques and seeing their reactions. Alternatively, Phineas and Ferb, because thinking about the show makes me happy lmaoo
comfort movie: Again I don't watch a lot of TV lmaooo but I love love love animated anything way too much. There's nothing that I watch when I need comfort but thinking about recent didneys is the funs
comfort book: wow I don't read a lot, buut (and sorry for the book recc in the middle of a ramble lmao) Pendant of Hyacinth is some good shit, I love dipping into a different kind of fantasy worldbuilding! one of the main characters uses they/them pronouns, another has ADHD hehe, there's a one off side character who is a kiddo with a cane, and there's also cool fantasy companions made of pure light called dreams ✨ it also discusses a lot on relationships, what can be healthy or not, and it's got that sorta happy jokey sorta vibe
Also I have a few Minecraft books I reread sometimes cuz they're sweet :3
comfort article of clothing: on the contrary, I have too many. This one pair of fuzzy sport pants (the type of fuzz that's thin but movable enough that you can draw with your finger on it). I have many, many comfort shirts (I remember being very proud when I chose them cuz I liked the designs on the front lol). And! There's the red coat I talked about that flares behind me when I walk like a cape hehe. I feel like a closet cosplay Graham at this point
comfort song: what isn't my comfort song? I love songs... Oh to choose one... The West Was One by The Stupendium, a Red Dead Redemption song despite the fact I've never played. It doesn't really matter that I haven't played though because it's so perfect when a song can be used out of context. Yeehaw!
comfort game: I don't play many games like on the daily? The Sims 4 and Minecraft are ones I often jump to when I'm bored, I love replaying Ch1 of King's Quest 2015, and Assassin's Creed Syndicate is good if only I knew how to reset the game (because I have excellent memories of learning how to play and being great at strategizing and being a coward lmao)
comfort food: pasta... (人*´∀`)。*゚+ I love so many kinds! Lasagna is amazing, the spaghetti my lola (grandma) makes is sweet and nice, I love olive garden with the cheese and the good and the chicken hehe lmaoo
Tagging @phoenixistrans @devinchee @book-birb @deanthegay and @goodbi-bitches (sorry for the tag) (don't feel obligated to do this game lolol)
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tsaritsa · 4 years
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by Violet Whittaker for PRIMA Magazine (photographs supplied by Riza Mustang)
“I don’t like to hear that I was poised, or maintained a good appearance for the cameras. I am not a movie actress.” On the fifth anniversary of Führer Mustang’s assassination, Violet Whittaker sits down with his widow, Riza Mustang, and listens to her open up about her husband, the horrifying moments leading up to his death, and what the country meant to him.
CENTRAL EVENING TIMES MUSTANG SHOT DEAD Gunned Down During Campaigning In Eastern District
FÜHRER PRESIDENT MUSTANG was assassinated today. The President was shot as he gave a speech at the recently completed Amestris-Xing Railroad Hub. The Governor of East District was also badly wounded, as well as a number of diplomats representing the Empire of Xing. The President died at 3.07pm. After a burst of gunfire that cut down the President, he was rushed to Eastern General Hospital, where emergency blood transfusions were given. He was 47, and was in the final stages of an incredibly popular re-election campaign that likely would have seen him take on a third fifth-year term. He is survived by his wife, Riza Mustang, who was also in attendance today. Preliminary reports suggest she was also injured, but these are unconfirmed as of printing.
On December 3rd, 1932, four days after becoming the country’s most famous widow, Riza Mustang slipped on a mourning veil. The delicate shroud reached beyond her waist, and it moved lightly in the cool winter wind as she followed her husband’s coffin in the cortege that travelled from the official residency of the Führer President to the Philip Andersen Military Cemetery. The veil was sheer enough to reveal her pale, drawn face – though not completely. The widow of Roy Mustang, just as much as she was during his tenure, ensured she was both visible and protected from the public eye.
“I don’t like to hear that I was poised, or maintained a good appearance for the cameras,” she says now, five years later, on a similar, windy December 3rd.  “I am not a movie actress. I never have been.”
Although largely withdrawn from the public eye since his assassination, Riza Mustang has not been resting on her laurels. She is heavily invested in projects that focus on economic development in deprived areas of Amestris, as well as increasing the capacity and reach of educational programs for young women. Those who she works with on a daily basis agree with the assessment that Riza Mustang is a hard worker; albeit one who shies away from taking credit, preferring to uplift others over herself.  
“People always tell me that he would be proud of me, for the work that I do.” A strained kind of smile graces her face. “There’s no doubt that he would be. It’s just quite funny how people assume to have known my husband better than myself.”
Whether she intended to or not, Riza Mustang’s actions and presentation of herself to the public in the minutes, hours, and days after her husband’s assassination is embedded in the cultural zeitgeist of Amestris, arguably just as much as her husband’s impact on the country. Her quick thinking, reflexes, and experience as the Führer’s primary bodyguard, ensured that the assassin had only moments at best to flee the scene – something they were unable to achieve. Lucas Alexander, a 23-year-old university student with ties to Aerugean intelligence, was apprehended only 11 minutes after the first shot rang out. As Riza was performing CPR on her husband, she was also instructing his service team about the trajectory of the bullets, spray pattern, and likely points of origin. While there have been many enduring images of the two during Mustang’s tenure as leader of the nation, none will ever surpass the visceral impact of her covered in blood, attempting to revive her husband and simultaneously protect him from further harm. The country was torn in two at the violent exhibition in the evening newspapers, but sources close to Riza claimed the embargo on those photos was dropped deliberately at her command. She was quoted as saying “I want them to see what they did.”
I don’t ask Riza who ‘they’ are – widely understood to be the loudest of Mustang’s political detractors, whose divisive rhetoric was thought to directly embolden the attack in the first place. I don’t ask her whether the quote is true or not, or whether she regrets not being officially assigned as her husband’s primary bodyguard for that day.
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Instead, Riza explains her frustration that such a large proportion of the attention surrounding her husband’s assassination was rooted in her actions and image, rather than what she believes to be more important. “It was like people wanted to forget the fact that these attitudes – particularly around the projects being implemented in the East – were not coming out of a vacuum. My husband was famously vocal in his defence of all Amestrian’s, regardless of race or creed. To see his name and legacy become entwined with a political circus that serves to undermine his achievements rather than honour them is disgraceful. It should not have mattered that I tried to save his life on that stage. It should not have mattered that I looked ‘the part’ as I watched them bury him in the earth. Roy was the sum of his parts; not mine.”
Although she had come to expect – and anticipate – attempts on her husband’s life, not only for what he personally represented, but for what his station represented as well, Riza agrees that Amestris has a fraught relationship with its leaders. “I don’t think it’s lost on many people that we’ve lost two of the last four leaders by successful assassinations. Roy wanted to address the crevasses in this country that we collectively have gotten very good at ignoring. Establishing the railroad formally with Xing was a decade’s worth of bilateral work, proving not only to our neighbours – but to ourselves as well – that we could forge bonds with one another, rather than break them.”
Her disaffected outlook is perhaps why she has pulled back from the public eye – not that, she admits, she ever enjoyed being there in the first place.
“I don’t have the patience for politics – for people,” she hedges, over a cup of earl grey. “I remember some of our critics complaining about how closed off we were here –” she gestures around us, in the small homestead on the outskirts of Central that the Mustang’s called their home for the entirety of his presidency, the home that she still resides in, five years on, “– saying we needed to be more accessible to the people – namely, my husband needed to be accessible, needed to be available for everyone at any given moment.” Riza laughs bitterly at that, fiddling with her rings, clearly deciding whether or she wants to continue down this train of thought. “He joined the military when he was eighteen. His move into politics immediately followed his retirement as a General. My husband has always belonged to this country, and to her people.”
“On the whole,” she begins after a lengthy pause, “We were happy to play that role. The power and prestige that comes with this kind of position – you have to acknowledge it, make some sacrifices. You have to give to receive in turn.”
“I don’t want his legacy to be reduced to a few, violent moments,” she continues. “But unfortunately, it will remain that way until this country comes to grips with its history in its entirety. We need to see what we’ve sacrificed willingly, and what we’ve taken in return.”
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arcticdementor · 3 years
By now, the spectacle that is South Africa’s insurrection has been dominating the attentions of just about every political junkie on twitter, drawing the best minds from every corner of the world to bear witness to the fall of the rainbow nation into a predictable quagmire of irresolvable chaos. At home, the pessimism comes in many flavours, and the denialism in many, many more.
The brute facts are now well-known. After dodging prosecution for extreme corruption for over a decade, the former president Jacob Zuma was finally arrested for the relatively minor charge of contempt of court, for not appearing when summoned. While he held out for several days as his supporters (who comprise about half the ruling party including several senior cabinet ministers) picketed outside his palatial compound (bought with the UK foreign aid budget of 2017) and blocked police from entering, he eventually handed himself in. So concluded a long factional battle between Ramaphosa and Zuma that claimed hundreds of lives in burned freight trucks, assassinated councillors, and billions of Rands in legal fees, patronage and PR. Or so it appeared.
On the 8th of July, the president disbanded the Umkhonto weSizwe Veterans Association, essentially the continuation of the old military wing of the ANC, and fiercely loyal to Jacob Zuma. The next day, together with assistance from elements within state intel and security, they deployed to major transport routes, food depots, retail outlets, police stations, power stations, water treatment plants, and ports, to shut down and burn what they could, crippling the Johannesburg-Durban trade artery that carries 65% of our trade volume and half our economic capacity.
After encouraging looting targeting white-owned businesses or “white monopoly capital”, the MK vets could watch as riots burst out to take advantage of the chaos and everything was stripped to the bone by opportunistic looters. In the shadows, organised and disorganised elements blurred together, as even the wealthiest elements of black society got in on the fun of looting, packing luxury sportscars with groceries and appliances before watching the flames tear down the shops and factories.
The police and the military did nothing, and the president was silent, paralysed. Soon the violence spread to the suburbs, and residents cobbled together militia to guard their homes. Proof of address was required to buy groceries. This received wails of agony from the press class and black social media. Slogans calling for the slaughter of Indians (who form a large minority in Durban) and whites became common, and soon the newspapers were joining in on the scapegoating, accusing the citizens’ militia of racism.
Everyone here saw this coming, but for decades now, it has been an unacceptable thing to do, to remark upon the inevitable future we find ourselves in. Why it came to all this, and why it matters to Americans and Europeans, is the point of this essay. It will be uneasy to stomach, but it must be swallowed. We live on the brink of barbarism, and the West is following us every step of the way.
A nation may have a lot of ruin in it, but a poor nation has less ruin in it than a wealthy one. When a state collapses or undergoes revolution in the distant reaches of Africa or Asia, there is a certain social distance which prevents Westerners directly apprehending the significance of the social dynamics, the closeness of the dangers, the universality of the lessons, the pain and the tragedy of the loss.
But South Africa is different. South Africa is at once Western and alien to Westerners. Our constitution is Western. Our revolutionaries and our reactionaries and our racial cosmology is Western. Our highest aspiration is that of the West at large – a universal state which recognises no difference of class, race, or creed. And that is why when we observe South Africa, we stare into the abyss of Western civilisation and its global future. Each Westerner sees himself reflected in that void, from the national-socialist, to the anarcho-communist, to the black-nationalist and the bleeding-heart liberal.
And they are right to.
Watching any graph of any indicator in South Africa sees every resource drying up, every indicator of health taking a nosedive, and the population booming beyond control, kept in check only by the enormous and perennial pandemic of AIDS and tuberculosis that take many times the number of victims supposedly taken by the SARS-CoV2 virus, every year. We are the rape capital of the world, have seen over half a million homicides since 1994, and the state has not replaced any of the infrastructure built by the Afrikaner nationalist government. The graphs just spell doom in their trend lines, and have for years now, as the Centre for Risk Analysis’s I-told-you-so’s often repeat.
When they came to power, the ruling party was a coalition of communists, black nationalists, organised criminals and common thugs. However, their patrons in the Soviet Union were disbanded, and the Western state apparatus was still composed of law-abiding institutions and competent civil servants. So they purged the minorities, and placed party members at all key posts throughout, to ensure ideological and partisan loyalty – this was called cadre deployment. This crippled the institutions. When the last of the old guard experts were ushered into the wilderness in 1998, they made several systematic departmental reports, which declared the need for replacing infrastructure immediately, to cope with the increased dependent population. This was ignored, largely because the experts were white.
While many see the doom as setting in after 1994, it in fact began much sooner. The means by which the ANC gained power was not through civil disobedience, but through a long and sustained campaign of totalitarian violence called the Peoples War, which raged from 1979 until 1993. Black wage increases increased faster than white until this period (51.3% vs 3.8% since 1970), economic growth was over 5%, inequality was falling and blacks enjoyed the highest standard of living of any black population on the continent.
The addiction to cheap black labour meant that industry was irritated with state policies, and in the end, it was the local plutocrats like Harry Oppenheimer and the old secret societies like the Afrikaner Broederbond who opened secret negotiation to end apartheid. And while SA may have had a robust economy once, nothing survived the People’s War. It aimed to “make the country ungovernable”, and largely succeeded. Controlling migration from the black homelands became impossible, and maintaining law and order as the bodies piled up became harder and harder.
But the liberal establishment could not bring themselves to believe there were systemic reasons for this state of affairs beyond “corruption” or “inequality”, and the struggle to blame the status quo on the previous regime became ever harder. So they blamed Zuma. The lost decade, they called it. So when Cyril Ramaphosa, a man largely blamed for the Marikana massacre, finally took the party leadership in 2017, after a long, expensive battle of assassination, bribery and skulduggery, he billed himself as a liberal reformer and anti-corruption campaigner, and the international community fell for it hook line and sinker, and local liberals worshipped him like the coming of a new Mandela. He promised the 4th Industrial Revolution. He promised the reigning in of BEE. The Economist endorsed him over the liberal DA.
But he was lying.
There are only three sources for non-socialist print media coverage of politics in South Africa. Politicsweb, where all the old senior analysts go when they become persona non grata, the Institute of Race Relations (a venerable old classic-liberal institute with a daily paper, the Daily Friend, and a consulting business, Centre for Risk Analysis), and Maroela Media, an Afrikaans-language publication run by Afriforum, the civil rights activist organisation which sprung from the Afrikaner-national Solidariteit movement.
Aside from this, every other publication leans further to the left than a man with his left leg blown off, and due to a hangover of apartheid-era Cold War politics, “left and right”, terms only applicable among the educated classes, roughly align with a black-vs-white friend-enemy distinction. The Mail & Guardian, for instance (indirectly owned by the Open Society Foundation), has refused to cover any rural homicide committed against a white victim in nearly a decade, despite a global magnifying glass being placed on the barbaric torture and murder spree that has slowly been smouldering across our rural hinterlands. When a white person commits a crime, it is milked dry every day until the journalists get carpal tunnel. But against the ocean of violent depravity committed by the racial majority, which has taken half a million lives since the fall of apartheid, we receive virtual silence. Swaziland, seeing the same kind of violent uprising as KwaZulu Natal is, is treated as a democratic revolution against a tyrannical absolute monarch, despite the opposition being mainly violent communists receiving support from South African parties like the EFF.
I was a communist when I was at university. I was delivered a faithful belief in progressivism, nonracialism, revolution and universal democracy, through the national curriculum in South Africa.  I was introduced to Marx and Mill as an A Level student in the UK, and when I returned to my native country, I was exposed once more to the poverty and desperation and racial tensions. I assumed all the positions one would expect. More democracy, more repudiation of Christianity and white people, more redistribution, more socialism. But the political waters were calm in those days, and this was mere posturing. Then in 2015 my friends began a campaign to topple the statue of Cecil Rhodes overlooking Cape Town from the university his will founded.
#RhodesMustFall mushroomed rapidly, and became the romantic darling of not only us horny little revolutionaries, but leftists worldwide, who exported the new iconoclasm to Oxford and South Carolina. It is now remembered as #FeesMustFall, a campaign to make tertiary education free (for blacks). But I watched it grow from the inside, and partook in the occupation of admin buildings, touring other college protests in the Cape out of solidarity. But it became clear that it was first and foremost about racial hatred and the purging of Western influence, under their holy trinity of Steve Biko, Franz Fanon and Kimberlé Crenshaw – segregation, national-socialism and a metaphysical racial hierarchy, in new nation called Azania, synonymous with the basketcase fictional nation of Evelyn Waugh’s novel Black Mischief.
This movement, while it began as nonracialist, soon became openly genocidal. Student leaders who called for genocide went unpunished, even praised by the VC of the University of Cape Town. This movement spread to every single university in the country, and despite prominent student leaders praising Adolf Hitler and calling for whites to be swept into the sea, singing genocidal songs at every protest, white students still offered themselves as human shields before police. Dining halls were segregated, classes were violently shut down, nonparticipants in some universities were beaten in their dormitories, staff were chased with buckwhips, buses were burned, paintings were burned, even security guards were burned, and more recently, so was the continent’s largest library. But no big newspaper offered moral criticism, just worries about whether the tactics were effective.
These young people defined a new era, and a new consensus – all struggles are one, and all are about black vs white, and whites must hand over everything and beg for their lives. The only lecturer in the entire country who stood up in public against this cultural revolution was the antinatalist philosopher David Benatar. All others kept their heads down, dithered, or joined the fray, calling for the heads of their less enthusiastic colleagues. Now the Fallists’ ideology is the official pedagogy of the entire university system. But this agitation had been the nature of political life at the poorer “bush colleges” for years now, just without the presence of minority students to trigger resentment or the ideas to build ideology: shut down every exam season to extract more lenient standards and increases in student grants.
And much like the explosion of violence seen at the national level today, South Africa’s poorer areas have been an unremitting hell for all those living in it below a certain class divide. 15% of all women are prostitutes, and the homicide rate is among the highest in the world, and some areas experience permanent civil war level violence. The old apartheid era town planning meant that black areas and minority areas were clearly separated, and this has meant a geographical buffer, where violent protest, which is again among the highest in the world, has largely left the middle classes out of it, even while it occasionally diverts traffic. Protests flare up constantly, as rival factions of the ANC, hamstrung by a corrupt internal promotions process and forbidden from dragging out dirty laundry in public, instead mobilise violent protests to contest wards and civil service posts, often burning down public infrastructure while the mob on the ground chants for “service delivery”.
Whatever else Nick Land writes, the lasting impact he had on me was in the very first essay at the opening of Fanged Noumena. He wrote it in 1989, when nobody beneath the highest reaches and darkest recesses of the Atlantic power structure had any awareness that South Africa was about to change forever.
Apartheid still seemed undefeatable to outsiders. The NP had recently smashed the heart of the ANC’s military campaign, creating a bloody hurting stalemate that observers at the time had no expectation would result in any pleasant outcome. Tens of thousands had already been massacred in the Peoples War to give the ANC a monopoly over the black liberation movements, but they seemed to be running out of steam. And so did Pretoria – influx from the Bantustans was unstaunchable, dependence on black labour was firm, and confidence in local cultural hegemony collapsed in 1976.
Nick Land, watching this, noticed something peculiar.
For the purposes of understanding the complex network of race, gender, and class oppressions that constitute our global modernity it is very rewarding to attend to the evolution of the apartheid policies of the South African regime, since apartheid is directed towards the construction of a microcosm of the neo-colonial order; a recapitulation of the world in miniature. The most basic aspiration of the Boer state is the dissociation of politics from economic relations, so that by means of 'Bantustans' or 'homelands' the black African population can be suspended in a condition of simultaneous political distance and economic proximity vis-a-vis the white metropolis. […] My contention in this paper is that the Third World as a whole is the product of a successful - although piecemeal and largely unconscious - 'Bantustan' policy on the part of the global Kapital metropolis.
When the British seized the Boer republics in 1900, they drew up the limits of control of the native African tribes where they already lived, and displaced a few thousand of them to tidy up the borders. These eventually became the Bantustans. Immediately, a long slow trickle of immigration was encouraged, not just from the Bantustans, but from British possessions in Asia. The migrant labour created a dense network of diffident ethnicities who demanded fences between them and their neighbours, while attempting to pursue economic exchange.
Black men, who could achieve far greater material wealth from working in the white economy than raising cattle and sorghum in the homelands, flowed steadily into white farmland areas and mining towns. In 1922, the South African Communist Party launched a general strike to demand the enforcement of a colour bar – “CPSA for a white South Africa!”. They were put down in a hail of gunfire by Jan Smuts, the architect of the unitary constitution, which allowed no devolved powers for regional self-governance.
Smuts was a member of Cecil Rhodes’s Round Table club, and shared Rhodes’s ambition to create a grand state where all literate English-speaking men and women south of the Zambezi would have the vote regardless of colour, and all the resources would belong to one grand cartel controlled by a British-American elite of enlightened natural aristocrats. Rhodes used money from his diamond empire and loans from Nathan Rothschild to fund the Jameson Raid and other means to instigate war with the Boer republics, which eventually resulted in the second Boer War and the creation of the Union of South Africa.
Smuts, architect of the Union of South Africa, also had a grand philosophy not unlike Nick Land’s – Land treats all matter and life as being ontologically the same, driven by “machinic desires” – all tendencies to motion and behaviour, whether in living or non-living material being fundamentally the same. All matter seeks more complex and integrated forms over time as a result of the force of entropy. Smuts’s grand philosophy, of which he wrote at length in Holism and Evolution, envisaged a means of looking at the world in which all of nature and society could be apprehended and governed as a single holistic system – all organisms, all cultures, all individuals, were destined to evolve into a greater whole, in which each part had its natural place, and that the common teleology of all matter and spirit was the global state, embodied in the League of Nations, the constitution of which he penned himself.  Together with his extensive biological knowledge, Smuts and his London interlocutor Arthur Tansley gave birth to the modern systems theory of ecology, and hoped to see a central global technocracy overseeing a holistic ecological management system.
The aims of the United States since the Second World War have some remarkable similarities in approach. The post-war order saw the US employing a philosophy of “defence in depth,” controlling a defensive frontier from the China Sea in the East to the very edge of the Warsaw Pact countries, to ensure freedom of trade throughout this entire region. But this extended beyond military control. The use of embedded CIA operatives meant that those democratic representatives who resisted the grand plans of Atlanticism were swiftly dealt with under insidious operations like Gladio.
As these ideas bled into the old left, who were increasingly disillusioned from the failures of the Soviet Union. They turned, as Laclou and Mouffe did, to the notion of using sectional grievances to deconstruct the nation state, leading to the birth of intersectionalism under Kimberlé Crenshaw. The very foundations of nationhood and capitalist Christian civilisation could be toppled if only we united our struggles by leveraging our historical grievances, creating acrimonious divisions in the body politic on the basis of sex, sexuality, race and religion. Thus, the universal loyalties of the nation state that supposedly upheld capitalism would fall, and revolution would arise. This fell right into the plans of the American ruling class.
However, when the social morality of the postwar American colonial project in Europe met the plans of the military and the Malthusian tendencies of the RAND corporation, everything took on a far more ambitious character, with the help of a concept called “environmental security”. The first reference to ES in the sense of protecting the natural environment comes from the US EPA Technical Committee in 1971, as part of an ambitious attempt to quantitatively measure total social wellbeing. This EPA committee was the first to make environmental regulation part of a comprehensive plan for social wellbeing, driven by Holism and cybernetic ecology. They were exceeded in scope by the UN’s 1972 Stockholm Conference, where the idea of “comprehensive” (today, “human”) security emerged, and further, the Palme, Brundtland and Brandt Reports.
Under these new umbrella concepts came “human security” and environmental security, the Social Sciences Department of UNESCO and the SSRC found the unifying principles and programs they had sought since the 1950s, and pushed a proselytising program grounded in cross-discipline application of avant-garde ideas to seek “new ways of knowing”, promoting not scientific objectivity, but a synthesis of diverse perspectives. A wholesale transformation of the rules and discipline of social sciences followed, in service of global governance (see the works of Perrin Selcer).
UNESCO even deliberately set about creating a new world religion, in the words of its founder Julian Huxley, and formed the United Religions Initiative, to mould the world’s spiritual beliefs in line with international Anglo progressivism. Feminism and sexual libertinism formed a crowbar against the community cohesion that couldn’t be attacked by means of anti-nationalism, and into this soup of value inversions (erosion of disciplinary distinction, inter-subjectivity [i.e., truth-by-consensus over objectivity], and utopian welfare ideals like “freedom from fear”; “freedom from want”), dropped three wonder pills: Poststructuralism, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and Global Warming. Now the great power-narratives of the Atlantic empire were consolidated – Malthus-by-proxy, anti-traditionalism, international diversity-and-inclusion, and the free-trade, open-borders paradigm of the 90’s.
In the same moment as de Klerk gave up on apartheid, the West gave up on the nation state, and handed control to the internationalists, under hegemony of the Atlantic community. A new empire was being consolidated from the territories captured by the Allies in WWII. Thirty years later it is becoming transparent –  the new centralised global tax regime has cemented it. Just as the ANC funds the influx of black voters into urban minority areas to build shacks on squatted land, the West welcomes mass migration from the third world, total open-borders, to transform the electoral system against the interests of the native population who might have their own desires, against the grain of global empire. Every corporation and state in the Western world discriminated against whites in hiring. The CIA peddles Critical Race Theory and actively recruits sexual minorities. Colour revolutions can be spotted whenever the rainbow flag or black fist makes an appearance.
Today, the Democratic Party in the US openly looks to South Africa for inspiration in dealing with what Yarvin called the “outer party” – all conservatives are being purged from every institution, in a vast cadre deployment program to ensure the core of the establishment becomes forever untouchable. On the streets they have even begun to use the same tactics for control – deploying huge mobs to destabilise cities when election season is approaching.
Minimum wage rises funnel employment into companies in public-private partnerships with the state, like Amazon, who is part of the Enduring Security Framework partnership of the CIA (which includes Facebook and Google). The analogies between their experimental management strategies and collectivised central-planning are no accident – any company that aims for a total retail monopoly through state-subsidised negative-profit growth is merely another route to total control.
And as the nation and the state are decoupled, the liberal-democratic institutions are being geared toward the concentration of power and wealth, and a strategy of divide-and-rule, to create a cannibal economy. Only a few, like Denmark, have realised what they have gotten themselves into.
Much as Aristotle said, a democracy can only function beneficially when steered by the middle class, as it was in Rhodesia and the old Cape, which restricted the vote to property-owners of all races. The middle class’s needs are the core of the productive community, and as Marx observed, they are loyal to the requirements of productive industry and local trade. With the combination of the proliferation of the welfare state and globalisation, the middle class has been whittled away in the West, just as it has here in southern Africa.
Reliance on the state for services means they can’t be sacrificed – in the UK, the NHS has become essentially a religious cult, feeding the civil service, medical contractors, immigrants and the poor alike, in a financially unsustainable way, for decreasing returns. As Philip Bagus observed, the democratic pressures to maintain institutional support via this sort of patronage forces modern western states to take on ever more debt and expand taxation to the limits. This then must be offset by QE, which must be guaranteed by the central state at a rate that benefits the most fragile provinces of any empire so that the whole system does not collapse.
What Robert Mugabe did was pursue the universal extension of a first-world welfare state to every peasant in the hinterland, praised by the global left. This required taking on an enormous amount of national debt. Once the IMF tried to impose austerity, Mugabe found this politically unsustainable – his support depended on the handouts, corrupt and legitimate, that he was delivering. So he had to switch to printing money to pay the debts. When inflation became too much to handle, they replaced the core of the economy with dollars, and only elites could survive, much like Venezuela today. As the national treasury ran dry, the military and the civil service became restless. To placate them, they were fed the farms and businesses of the remaining white minority, as well as many areas formerly occupied by black peasants. The state had to cannibalise itself to sustain the predatory ruling class.
During this time, Mugabe attempted to control every aspect of the environment and economy through price and capital controls, suffocating every aspect of social life with red tape. It only accelerated the process. While the vast global network of UN subsidiaries extract compliance from the US client states
In South Africa today, the state coffers are empty. Even the ruling party is feeling it, as their headquarters Luthuli House was attached by the court to pay for a crooked PR contract they refused to deliver on. We have since taken out an IMF bailout, which is being poured into infrastructure, mostly Durban’s port, which is now choked by smoke and looting. Our president’s advisors are pushing for land reform, and remarkably, one of them, Ruth Hall, was advising Robert Mugabe how to liquidate his pale kulaks back in 2002. Other advisors, like Thembeka Ngcukaitobi, call for the fulfilment of the genocidal prophecy of Makhanda, and have whites deprived of all land and all moveable and liquid assets. This is deliberate Zimbabwefication.
The same economic dynamics are present in the world at large – the share of GDP spent on welfare keep increasing, as does the debt-GDP ratio. Capital formation has been falling for decades, and chronic inflation is treated as a static phenomenon, which nobody dares reign in, because the entire system is dependent on low interest rates to keep the constant corrosive consolidation of the global market going full steam ahead. This arrangement results in the inflation of property prices as along term hedge against inflation which, when the plebs followed suit resulted in the 2008 bubble, when they tried to play the elites’ asset accumulation game with borrowed money.
What has America been doing these past 18 months? It has been printing money so fast that it has kept pace with the plummenting Rand, and allowed Cyril Ramaphosa to tell investors that his economy is relatively strong – the Rand has “stabilised”. Error of parallax. Nor is it even just America printing money. While they certainly can afford to, as the holders of the world’s reserve currency, China is attempting to do the same, only they are directly funnelling the cash into commodities, rather than spreading it around a financial elite over which they have minimal control.
And yet their leverage is far worse than America’s – Kyle Bass, who has been shorting the Chinese market for years now, insists that the historically unprecedented levels of leverage in the Chinese economy are unsustainable, and that they cannot, even under miracle conditions, correct their shrinking population trends sufficiently to turn this ship around. But what many forsee in dreams of revolution and revolt, the breakups of massive crumbling empires, is not going to happen as they hope.
Instead, the state will protect the stability of the ruling class and its control over the levers of power at the core, bleeding everyone dry and terrorising them into submission. What happened to Zimbabwe is a warning, but it only happened the way it did because half the population could leave and send home remittances. The iron fist of a “democratic” government capable of rigging its elections and gagging the press and the courts is only as tyrannical as the cost of a bus ticket to the next country. After 900-member Zoom calls and election “fortification”, I shouldn’t need to gild the lily any more.
As many observers of China remark, an economic collapse of a country of its nature will not result in a breakup or a massive reform, but in the shrink-wrap tyranny of North Korea, an eternal sclerotic stagnation, fed by government dependency, held in place by state security. The West is losing control of its ability to provide the kind of total state security required for this however, and has been reaching for a far more sinister method of control – the financial system.
And this is where all analogies break down, because what is about to happen here is unprecedented. The international Bank of Settlements has recently announced that they intend to use Central Bank Digital Currency to control the spending of all global citizens, and have the tech and the power to control each and every expenditure, and to shut anybody out of the ability to feed themselves if they so choose. But this movement to kick away the ladder and consolidate total control follows the same logic as Zimbabwe’s – the poor can only be fed for so long, but the ruling elite must be fed forever, or else the whole house comes down.
The twin systems of China and Atlantis are both attempting to consolidate total control over their economic and social environment. And in order to achieve the kind of reforms that he wishes to, Ramaphosa has reached for the help of both power blocs. China has colonised our northernmost province, and receives special treatment from law enforcement that must learn Mandarin. Chinese are registered as black, to benefit from the racial privileges blacks enjoy under Black Economic Empowerment. While the government’s reports usually look like a dog’s breakfast, their reports on the UN sustainable development goals are always crisp, professional, and detailed. SDG 10 justifies the expropriation of property, according to their logic.
The erosion of the middle class, the working class, the institutions of law and order and even the substance of the informal economy was dry tinder to the Zuma-faction’s firebrands. To fulfil his mandate to end corruption, Ramaphosa had begun prosecutions proceedings into the Zuma faction – tentatively of course, since any too-wide-ranging investigation would unearth the corruption of all. But lawfare isn’t enough. They were cut out of party patronage systems as big figures like Ace Magashule were expelled from the party. Judges ruled that the state would not cover their defence costs anymore.
When the Umkhonto we Sizwe veterans association was disbanded and cut off from “pension” money, they finally put into action something that they would have had up their sleeve for months. Police armaments caches had been going missing for months. Firearms training for youths had been going on at the local branches for years. Every storage depot and major highway was targeted, petrol stations, power stations, water treatment plants were hit. They needed to make the country ungovernable, and they did. But this time they didn’t have the support of the Swedish, the Russians or anybody else.
Complicit elements are even inside the SSA, our central intelligence agency. What it will take for Ramaphosa to clear the state and party of seditious elements will give him the power of a modern dictator, cheered on my the press and everybody else, who despises Zuma and his people for what they’ve wreaked upon us. But with three months left of military deployment, all of the military capacity in one province, and the president fearing wielding lethal force on black mobs for fear of his Marikana ghosts coming back to haunt him, the rebels have three months to decide whether to act.
That leaves three months to see whether we become a black-nationalist disctatorship, or a new Yugoslavia. The Zulu, who form the backbone of the rebellion, have cheered for Zulu independence before, though their forces are split – the Zulu nationalist/traditionalist party the IFP have stood firmly against this chaos. Zuma’s people are still pushing black identity over tribal. Zuma may have been a traditionalist, a defender of the Swazi royal house when in crisis, an expander of chieftains’ rights, but his time in head of the ANC death squads in Zululand in the 1990s makes Zulu solidarity impossible.
So chaos it is.
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veliseraptor · 4 years
told myself I wasn’t going to make one of these today but...look this is how I cope, apparently. we all have our plague coping mechanisms and I guess mine is “nearly daily to do lists”
replace comforter on bed with warmer comforter
therapy, the thing I’m struggling with the urge to cancel despite the fact that depression’s been bad lately which is a good reason to go to therapy
grocery shopping!!!
finish defanged (a draft of it, anyway!)
write another 300 words in tell you my sins, I’m basically trying to make a little bit of progress on it every day in an effort to ensure I actually finish the damn thing
set up the document for the next Yunmeng Shuangjie Reconciliation Fic you’re angling to write, whether or not you actually start writing
answer a couple headcanon asks (two, from drafts?)
answer the question about underread fics (of mine, self recs, yay)
getting back into Assassin’s Creed again so that, probably
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chamiryokuroi · 4 years
Just wanted to tell you that your Version of Elijah looks positivly adorable. An adorable teenage cinnamon bun - if a bit murderous. I have a WIP on Assassins Creed and wanted to know if I could use your art in there. Also what did Kent do - beside looking quite cute? Kyo and Kei look good too. And I'm envoius of your art skills and the fact that all three rock long hair.
I am glad you like my baby boi Elijah so much! I had lots of fun thinking on how to draw him since we dont really have much from the comic. About using it as long as credit is given that’s fine with me, please also link me when you post it so I can read the story :D
Now about my OCs
Ok if I am to talk about their stories I need you all to get cool about a lot of stuff real fast.
First of all I need you all to understand I created this characters when I was 15 back in the early 2000s when the whole Emo movement was going strong, this is important, context is important, I was an angsty teenager like everyone else and I had the luck of being able to express myself through art so yeah.
Anyways what did Kent do?... welp... short answer... serial killer cannibal... I know... I know... listen I KNOW
I’m not going to go into detail of his backstory because there are a lot of messed up stuff on it that could potentially be triggering for some people but let it be know that he has a “reason” as to why he is the way he is, not an excuse, I never, not once, not even back then, considered his past as an excuse, what he does as a character is morally wrong but like I said he was the character where I could go crazy and just shove on him all the messed up thinks that I wanted to explore in a safe way, that’s mostly why I am not embarrassed about him and why even to this day I keep on drawing him, because messed up or not he is my baby and he helped me a lot when I was young.
But that’s his past and I didnt really touch much into it, the main story would be on his friendship with Kyo, Kei and Kaoz.
While Kent was the, let’s call him weird, character, these two, Kyo and Kei, were the normal ones, they’re just orphan twins, adopted by a sweet old couple, who inherited their coffee shop once they passed away and decided to keep the business going.
Kei is the pastry chef, even tho he has the “cool” look he is totally a sweetheart that loves spending his time in front of an oven, he was actually my first aromantic character even before I knew that was a thing, as in I did think about love interests for all my other characters, but I could never pin down one for him, fast forward a few years and after I have been more active on the lgbt community I realized “Ah, he’s aro”
Kyo is the barista, the more mature and responsible of the two of them, he manages the finances of the store and is constantly worried about providing a good living place for his younger brother (and eventually for his friends Kent and Kaoz when they move in).
Kaoz was the second son to an important family and he was also kind of a hitman (again, early 2000’s, teenage drama, I just did what I wanted with this story let me be) anyways he leaves home when he discovers his older brother had killed their parents to take over the business and he wasn't cool with that but also didn't have it in him to get rid of his brother.
Kyo and Kei know nothing of Kent past, Kaoz knows but he hasn’t told anybody.
Now story wise? There wasn’t really much, it was just me doing like daily stories about them, small scenes of their lives and the problems that would arise because of their backstories, I was more interested on them as characters than in actually giving them a story plot. Mind you the one thing I knew is that this story couldn’t have a happy ending. If you were to go to my DA account you will find more about them there, but again, young me, teenage, be mindful there is a lot of stuff that is most definitely not safe for everyone to read/see.
Even so, after everything, they are my babies, and I still love them, maybe in the future I will revisit their stories and make changes, but I do love their designs and they fill me with happy nostalgia emotions so I do not think I will stop drawing them any time soon.
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charmsgaming487 · 4 years
How much pc do i need for gaming
Considering Moving To Computer Gaming?
On the net Gambling Web-sites covers the whole sector of gaming more than the Net. Scump is skilled American Get in touch with of Duty player. He is a two time MLG X Games gold medalist and is sponsored by many gaming hardware corporations, including Turtle Beach and Scuf Gaming. He is also sponsored by Loot Crate, Gymshark, and Brisk Mate. As of September 2016, Scump has won $262,293, of which nearly $100,000 was won in Contact of Duty: Sophisticated Warfare.
As you can see, gaming studios need to find their personal way to operate buyer service into the gaming practical experience. It suggests fully understanding their players, and that means knowing how to communicate player support in the most best style. Rovio, Nexon, and Riot are all great examples, but even when supplying optimal player support isn't so clear, studios can do proper by their audience by staying rapidly with their buyer service. The sooner the player gets the aid they want, the more quickly they can get back into the game.
As technology continues to enhance, with chipsets becoming smaller sized but additional highly effective, we should really start off seeing far more and additional video games make their way onto the mobile platform. Does this mean that video gaming as we know it is dead, though? Far from it. With 4K capability for smartphones nonetheless a though off, as well as a huge eSports following for Computer games in particular, it is difficult (but not not possible) to see a future without traditional Pc and console gaming.
Currently is the day! I will be gradually releasing the names of the prime ten gaming blogs of 2014. Searching more than this list, I am positively blown away. So numerous awesome posts this year! If you were disappointed by the Ennies… if you assume that the genuine deep thinkers in gaming commentary never get the attention they deserve… well, people, we are going to repair that.
With Giving Assistant, you can now get cash back just about every time you purchase a new game. Go to the internet site to uncover coupon codes valid on Green Man Gaming. You can then adhere to the link offered to pay a visit to that internet site and commence purchasing. As lengthy as you use Providing Assistant and remain logged in to your account, you'll get a double cash back with each purchase that you make. Giving Assistant pays out earnings each and every week on Monday, which helps you get your income back faster than you thought attainable. You also get peace of mind because Giving Assistant will respond to any challenges quickly and assistance you get the money that https://dethmaker.site/ you earned automatically deposited in your account. Video game lovers can now earn revenue and save funds at the similar time.
Operating as the overview editor for Destructoid and working as a gaming writer for Destructoid, Jim Sterling also runs a weekly video game series on Youtube. Sterling discusses lots of of the unethical business enterprise practices in gaming like gender inequality and early access games. The primary gameplay series that you will obtain from Sterling is titled, Jimpressions,” and he covers subjects like new-release video games and covers the gameplay with his pre-recorded sessions.
And finally, in order to retain your audience closer to you, do not neglect to add a speak to form and subscription kind to your gaming website. Operating a gaming blog let your readers comment on your publications. Never ever miss a possibility to reply to the comments of your readers. This will show that you care about the time that persons spent to appear by means of your information.
A gaming web page solely dedicated to Pc Gaming for more than 20 years. The platform brings expert critiques on most recent gaming gears, introduce you to strange new mods & ground-breaking news around-the-clock. They also organize yearly events such as Computer Gaming Show & Pc Gamer Weekender which is really popular all more than the globe. Apart from posting daily updates on video game news & previews, user can also obtain remarkable hardware buying guides and very best gaming deals right here.
Like gaming? With the assistance of a screen capture device (or a video camera) you can pass on your expertise on a unique game (or level) and entertain persons at the exact same time. Video games as a spectator sport is a somewhat new phenomenon, but immensely popular. Take Twitch, exactly where millions of gamers gather each month. Some gamers have even grow to be celebrities as a result.
If you want to create an E-commerce gaming web-site, Crystal Skull is a wonderful alternative for you. This Visual composer powered WordPress gaming theme lets you amazing internet websites with higher definition elements with its parallax and video blocks. Place that further charm on your website with all the animated icons and pictures the theme offers you with.
Do The GAMINGA Reality
A bustling neighborhood of good-minded people today, the game internet site is best known for creating original & fresh content associated to newly & common gaming gears such as headsets, keyboards, laptops, mice, controllers, computers and far more. The game web-site is loaded with diverse sections that consist of professional testimonials, previews, game trailers, cheat codes, discussion forums & video game news. One of the most preferred game web-sites ever, VideoGamer has an intuitive interface & they also run their personal podcast as well.
These historical cloud gaming solutions, even though innovative, have been usually somewhat niche. But will cloud gaming go mainstream any time quickly? Both Microsoft and Google have recently announced forays into the sector, with trials of Project xCloud” and Project Stream” respectively. Even Nintendo, a far additional regular gaming brand, has established some key cloud inroads on its platforms. Streamed versions of demanding games like Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Resident Evil 7 - initially developed for Xbox, PlayStation and Computer - are becoming offered on the comparatively weak Nintendo Switch hardware. If the actions of the important players are anything to go by, gaming on demand could obtain critical traction over the subsequent decade.
So you want to begin a gaming weblog? Excellent for you! Gaming is a terrific topic to create a weblog about, with plenty of folks out there interested in this niche. Whether or not you want to start out a weblog as a hobby or you happen to be searching to make a bit of money from blogging, the following tips can enable you get started.
And this is where cloud gaming has fallen down historically. In the past, bandwidth just wasn't higher adequate to deliver responsive gameplay - but now, we're starting to see internet speeds that make cloud gaming a viable selection. 5G broadband is observed as a crucial enabler, with a somewhat high quantity of customers now in a position to take complete benefit of remotely hosted gaming services. That said, it really is essential to note that high-speed web is far from widespread even in created markets like the US, where poor connectivity and bandwidth caps are nevertheless difficulties for numerous users.
Video games have been about considering the fact that the 1950s when the earliest pc scientists started producing uncomplicated games as component of their analysis. Video games remained a hobby of scientists until the 1970s when the 1st video game arcades opened. But video games did not go mainstream until the 1980s when technologies was developed to move arcade games into the household. This ushered in a new era of home console gaming led by firms like Nintendo, Sega and Atari.
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genocasino829 · 4 years
How to make a 500 gaming pc
Contemplating Moving To Pc Gaming?
It really is time to recognize the best gaming blogs of the year. Thankfully, as extra games are getting published, much more gaming blogs are being developed. Considering the fact that it's no longer probable for gamers to attempt out every game that releases, blogs have turn into an critical tool in the gamer's toolbox. They deliver up-to-date details about new and future releases to assistance gamers answer their undying query, "Must I spend $60 on this?".
It really is complicated to examine 15mm rulesets since they're often so distinct, so rather than try I'll just say this Patrol Angis stands on its own laurels as an exemplar of modern wargaming. It is rapid to play, it has elegant systems, and it is not overburdened by rules. It has a working points system. It added benefits greatly from the amazing fluff of the Ion Age and the miniatures that go with it but could conveniently be used for any 15mm games you want to play. In spite of its billing as a one particular-platoon skirmish game I can not see any purpose why it would not hold up properly with 10+ units on the board.
You have played thousands of distinctive board games, yes that is proper not hundreds, but thousands. You are a member of multiple gaming groups, and you have come to realise that various groups have various personalities and unique dynamics. You comprehend what style of games you enjoy and precise mechanics that you do and never like in a game. You never actively preach or inform folks about board games, but when asked you are an ambassador for the genre and with your vast knowledge you can always add thoughtful discussion and predictions with regards to games you are but to play. Your collection is the best range of games that you like. It is not simple for a new game to make it into your collection, and you have a defined a rigorous trial of fire that any game ought to meet to make it effectively into your collection.
Why we like it: The video gaming podcast generally focuses on indie titles, due to the fact that is what the hosts are personally interested in, but at times they also bring a wider selection of games to the table for discussion. Idle Thumbs is a thoughtful podcast that puts a bit a lot more emphasis on design and style and criticism when analyzing the games. If Idle Thumbs” clicks with you, you can also verify out the podcast Three Moves Ahead” about war and approach games, it was produced by the identical guys.
Regardless of whether you have to have a thing to cool you down on a hot summer day or you simply want to enable your gaming console cool down and preventing overheating your equipment, the SIMBR Portable USB Mini Desk Fan can be a really handy present. Initial, its 6-inch fan blades are considerably bigger than other sorts of USB mini fans. Second, its strong motor is surprisingly quiet, producing significantly less than 30 decibels of noise. Its exclusive design and style makes it possible for the SIMBR to be rotated a complete 360 degrees, making sure you get optimum airflows wherever you point the desk fan to. The triangular base and metal frame are welcome functions.
We're going to the International Festival for Organization this month and will be hosting a distinctive occasion Inspiring Entrepreneurs '˜Going Global' where leading organization people today will inform us the secrets of their success. 1 of these entrepreneurs is Paul Sulyok, CEO and Founder of Green Man Gaming Green Man Gaming is a pioneering, international eCommerce technologies company that has gone from strength to strength since its launch in 2010. We asked him how he did it.
And lastly, in order to hold your audience closer to you, do not neglect to add a contact form and subscription form to your gaming web site. Operating a gaming weblog let your readers comment on your publications. Never miss a likelihood to reply to the comments of your readers. This will show that you care about the time that persons spent to look by means of your data.
A gaming web-site solely dedicated to Computer Gaming for over 20 years. The platform brings specialist critiques on newest gaming gears, introduce you to strange new mods & ground-breaking news around-the-clock. They also organize yearly events such https://www.abzero.site/ as Pc Gaming Show & Computer Gamer Weekender which is rather well-known all more than the world. Apart from posting each day updates on video game news & previews, user can also come across incredible hardware shopping for guides and greatest gaming bargains right here.
It is really vital to have your personal information and facts hub no matter whether you are an indie developer who makes the games or beginning a new eSports gaming league. It aids your fans and prospects to find out more about your team or firm perfectly. These days gaming is developing day by day which has become the most lucrative industries in the world today. A straightforward YouTube channel is sufficient for you to earn millions of dollars by just streaming gaming videos. But having a website will enable you to market and sell your official merchandise as well as be far more discoverable on line.
Gaming consists of diverse genres and systems, and it is essential to know what kind of gaming web site you would want to be. Gaming web-sites consist of on-line magazines that concentrate on gaming-related articles, gaming portals, online retail and distribution, and gaming blogs. Gamers are specific with what content they want to access, which indicates that defining what your internet site is would ensure you get the proper audience.
At Last, The Confidence To ACTIVITY Is Told
The tactile satisfaction of the mechanical keyboards is frequently missing in membrane keyboards. It mimics the feel of writing on an old college typewriter, like in the past. Now, this doesn't imply that the modern mechanical keyboards are missing options. They are packed with the things that the client desires for daily use and even in most cases for gaming as well.
These historical cloud gaming services, when revolutionary, had been always somewhat niche. But will cloud gaming go mainstream any time quickly? Each Microsoft and Google have lately announced forays into the sector, with trials of Project xCloud” and Project Stream” respectively. Even Nintendo, a far more regular gaming brand, has established some big cloud inroads on its platforms. Streamed versions of demanding games like Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Resident Evil 7 - initially designed for Xbox, PlayStation and Pc - are becoming readily available on the comparatively weak Nintendo Switch hardware. If the actions of the main players are something to go by, gaming on demand could acquire severe traction over the next decade.
SHIELD wireless controller has a huge constructed-in rechargeable Li-ion battery for hours for immersive gaming. With up to 40 hours of gameplay on a single charge, you can use the SHIELD wireless controller for lots of play sessions with no getting to charge it back up. A single hour of charge gives up to eight hours of gameplay. The controller charges from empty to complete in much less than 5 hours.
Clearly, gaming” as a topic has a pretty broad meaning and there are several solutions right now, both for the casual and hardcore PRO gamer. Though consoles can present access to exclusive titles, which are rarely offered for PCs, this goes hand-in-hand with a higher price of games. Consoles also function some gaming nuances inside joystick controls, as properly as specific techniques such as progress saving, which is optimized for consoles.
Alia Lia” Shelesh, improved identified as Sssniperwolf is the very first female gaming influencer on our list. She began her YouTube profession by playing very first-individual shooter games like Contact of Duty, Halo, and Far Cry. Her account right now consists of vlogs and diverse video games that she plays and has extra than 7 million subscriptions.
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