tim84 · 2 years
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Farewell Assat ! Until next time !
Salutations to the happy villagers. The « open doors » party was fun !
End of my long holidays ! I am in Paris, back to work - dedication, prayer, art, craft, and literature !
Yours truly,
Tim !
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
okay this is a long and specific request (sry just a random thought)
Dazai X Reader (with teleportation ability)
background story
Y/N (16 at the time) was a half time worker at the ada but was very often at the PM (btw she didnt tell that they worked in the ada) because she was Chuuyas younger sibling (only by one year) and looked at Koyo like a older sister. she was the one that trained Gins assation skills. She was also kinda close to Dazai, and was bestfriends with Yosano. But since she was 16 she had to go somewhere to study, so she decided to study somewhere in Europe to study coding or something and got in. But while she was there she needed a job so she went around and looked for a job and she found a good paying job but ofc it was a trap that was setup by Nikolai cuz he just wanted to. But somehow she was able to become Nikolai`s student and Sigmas bestfriend in the sky casino. She did finish studying and all that before becoming a DOA member. Years later (21 years old now) went back to Yokoami because Fyvodor was able to get arested. She finally got to catch up with everyone both from the pm and ada (but left out that she joined the DOA) Even though she was with everyone she was alot with Dazai, so Yosano and some other ADA memebers gets curios over this and the do some thing random you decide.
the plot and the request
the reader wants to quit the DOA but feels bad about it beacause she has been with them for a long time so its hard for her (but ends up leaving before the end)
Dazai x reader
pls no NSFW or smut
chuuya and Koyo finds out about dazai and reader (not happy chuuya)
looks : 155 cm, Ginger with a white streak of hair, no specific e/c, loves baggy clothes but dosent wear all the time
personality : kinda like Oda but a bit more expressive and lower chanse to get angry than Chuuya but close, loves Cheese, chocolate and cats. Dislikes killing for fun, horror movies, rats (fyvodor PTSD) and creepy people (cough* cough* Mori cough* cough*)
the rest is up to you or if you want to switch something do it
its ok if you dont want to do this :) hope you have a wonderful day/night
Hiii!! Lemme give you a medal first for the longest request ever that I've received xD 🎖And I will try my best to write this! 
Btw, I changed a few parts! Reader is 19 when she meets Nikolai because it is canon that Sigma appeared from the book 3 years ago and reader wants to leave the DOA. She also catches up with the PM and the ADA, but it isn’t mentioned in this fic.
TW: Mentions of suicide, Dazai, killing, slight mentions of Fyodor’s philosophy
BSD Manga spoilers below!
Dazai x fem!reader 
Should I stay, or should I go?
If you were asked to describe what you were feeling now, it would be a mess.
This whole ‘mess’ started when you left Japan at the age of 16 to study coding. A brilliant student and a prodigy at the subject, it was no surprise when the most prestigious school in Europe accepted you into their coding course. It was a bit hard to fit in at first, but later on you had made friends with everyone in your class, and you also were the top student in the year level for coding.
But you had to leave behind your friends and family. You were honestly a bit sad when you had to leave your older brother behind, but he had urged you to go for the scholarship, even when you could tell that Chuuya also didn’t want you to leave. You also had a hard time leaving your friends in the Port Mafia and the ADA, especially Yosano since you two were best friends, but they all encouraged you to follow your dreams and accept the offer.
The person you had the hardest time saying goodbye to was Dazai.
Dazai, the suicidal maniac of the Port Mafia. He normally put on a goofy and annoying personality, but his eyes were blank, as dead as the bodies that he had killed. Since you were Chuuya’s younger sister, he naturally took an interest in you and teased you for your height, however, your personality made him intrigued. Dazai then befriended you and often hung out with you when you two had time.
It wasn’t long before you caught feelings for him. His wit, his charm, his cunningly smart mind roped you in, and not to mention he himself was quite the handsomer. You were on the verge of confessing to him, but you had moved to Europe afterwards. Your feelings then evaporated, but the residue was still left in your heart. 
The last time you saw Dazai was when you went out for drinks with him. He knew; of course he knew about your scholarship. Dazai had smiled at you and wished you luck, but his eyes didn’t quite match his smile. You were too preoccupied with the thoughts of a new life that you didn’t realise how painfully Dazai looked at you.
Moving to Europe meant expensive living standards, and expensive living standards meant that you had to find a job to get enough money. For three whole years, you were working at a lot of part-time jobs since you were a full-time student. The money you earned was enough, but it didn’t stop you from being stingy.
One day, you were scrolling around on the internet when you found an advertisement for a part-time coder at a programming agency. The pay was quite well for a part-timer, and you could definitely use some extra money. Without hesitation, you called the number and arranged for an interview to take place.
However, you had walked into a trap. Your ‘employer’ was a clown who went by the name of Nikolai Gogol. He tried to kidnap you to use for one of his missions, however, when he saw your teleportation ability, all thoughts of using you for his mission were gone. He then offered you then and there to be your mentor, or else he would kill you then and there and make it seem like nothing happened.
Even if you were suspicious of him, you were in no place to refuse. And so you started your life as a Decay of Angels member.
Hacking, travelling, killing enemy groups, exchanging information, these had grown to be the norm for you. You were trained well, and you could handle yourself in the missions you were given, but it was mostly thanks to your teleportation ability. Without it, you would either have been burnt alive or sliced into pieces or decapacitated.
Over the course of 5 years, you had grown quite close with Sigma, and Nikolai proved to be quite a good teacher and older brother figure. You were glad to have made new friends, but you hated your new life. Every single detail of it, and especially the Russian man who was the mastermind.
You wanted to leave.
But you knew it was no use. Even if you could escape with your teleportation ability, Fyodor could merely track you down and send someone to assassinate you. The demon always saw through everything behind those cold, amethyst eyes of his, and you were no exception.
Until 3 years later.
“Fyodor was arrested?”
You and Sigma were currently enjoying a break in his office. It was evening, and the sky was a beautiful pinkish hue. When he had casually stated the statement, you had jolted a little. Someone as careful and as cunning as the Devil himself getting caught?
Sigma nodded. “It’s all part of the plan, remember? When Fyodor is in prison, we’ll have to wait one month. After the Armed Detective Agency receives an award, then the plan will truly begin.”
The Armed Detective Agency.
Those three words, uttered with the utmost casualness, conjured up a storm of emotions within you. Memories from 7 years ago came swirling back, of you solving cases with Ranpo and going out shopping with Yosano. How sometimes, you would feed stray cats with Fukuzawa, or just hanging out with some of your friends. Your hand unconsciously curled up into a fist at the thought of what Dostoevsky had in plan for them. You leaned forward.
“What about the Port Mafia?”
“The Port Mafia?” Sigma looked at you curiously. “I’m pretty sure Dostoevsky has laid plans for them as well. He isn’t the type to forgo any possible threat.” He took a sip from a glass of water.
“Why do you ask?”
“I was just wondering,” you replied. Sigma waited for you to speak more, but when it was evident that was all you were going to say, he didn’t press. You stood up, stretching, your face betraying no emotion.
“I’m pretty tired, so I’ll go to bed early. Good night, Sigma.” You said, yawning. Sigma only looked at you with more curiousity, but he didn’t judge. He nodded back and bid you goodnight, and you teleported into your room.
The Armed Detective Agency, the Port Mafia, Yokohama... they’ll all be doomed. Now is my chance to escape and help them!
But out of nowhere, a second voice came into your mind.
Are you sure? You know how close you have gotten with Sigma. And Nikolai; he was the best mentor that you’ve ever had, no? It would be a shame to suddenly leave them after everything you had been through together. And what about all the people you’ve killed? Do you think there’s still a place for a sinner such as you in the world?
Dostoevsky’s mocking laughter echoed in your head. The memory of his cold, violet eyes resurfaced, as well as his smirk that was only befitting for a demon like him. You pinched yourself, the pain keeping you awake and alert.
Shut up. Your philosophy means nothing to me. Yes, even though I am a sinner, it doesn’t mean that I can’t find a way to become a better person. I’m going to leave this place, and returning to my friends and family.
Fyodor’s smirk widened.
Go ahead. Try to.
Deep down, you knew that he was correct. You were always one to get too attached to people, and when the time came, it was too hard for you to let go. Only someone with enough intelligence was able to persuade you to bid farewell, to accept the change and to move on in life.
Such as Dazai.
“Ne, Dazai-kun. Say that there’s this person who is in a crime syndicate. They know that what they’re doing is wrong, however, they also find it so hard to leave because of the friendships they made in the organisation. What would you do if that person were you?”
15-year old you and Dazai were sitting in Bar Lupin together. It was a quiet night, with no people, no cars, no noises. Just peace and tranquillity.
“Hmmmmm...” Dazai pondered, tilting his head like a curious child.
“I would probably commit suicide! This situation sounds so tough to be in, and it definitely would torture me mentally, so why not end everything before it gets much worse?” He grinned, yet despite his excited tone of voice, his left eye was as dull and lifeless as before.
You blinked. “I’m serious, Dazai. What would be the best way?”
“Mmmm.... it’s a case of ‘logic vs emotion’.” You tilted your head, surprised to see that Dazai was kind of serious.
“Logically, it would be the best decision to stay. Criminal organisations are ruthless to the ones who try to leave, and the relationships made in the syndicate would’ve all been for nothing. After all, nobody dares to disobey the big Boss.” Dazai flicked his glass with a finger. A ping! sound filled the air.
“Buuuut, in my opinion, I would leave. Afterall, things do get boring quite quickly when you’ve gotten used to it, and not to mention that those ‘friends’ could become backstabbers in a second. So my advice would be to leave the organisation and find something to give you a will to live. Or, as the old saying goes, ‘follow your heart’.”
You pondered for a moment.
“But you know what’s cooler? Leaving without a trace and suddenly reappearing on the enemy organisation! That would be something to laugh about! Imagine the looks on their faces!” Dazai said excitedly, spinning around in his chair.
“I should probably do that! Ne, Y/N-chan, you would be my accomplice, would you not? And even if we fail, at least we would be able to die alongside each other!” He leaned forward, lips curled up into an eager and childish smile. Your cheeks felt hot for a moment, but you made yourself look passive.
“Unlike you, I’m not a suicidal maniac. So, thank you but no thank you.” Dazai drew back, a pout on his lips.
“So mean, Y/N-chan.”
He was right.
You hated every single second spent in this organisation, and it had slowly drained away your will to live. Even when you had made friendships, you knew it was a matter of time before the own organisation would betray you. And the hurt you would feel then wouldn’t be twice as bad as the hurt you would feel if you leave.
You recalled Dazai’s eyes; dull and lifeless with no spark of life in them. That apathetic-ness had only increased as time passed by, each day growing duller and duller by the moment.
Just remembering Dazai’s name awakened a blazing fire of emotions in you.
You had thought your feelings for him had died down, but they were just buried, not completely put out. The love you had for him burned strong, stronger than it had ever been before. Even if you knew that he probably didn’t love you back, even if he had just regarded you as a friend, it still didn’t stop you from feeling this way for him.
You straightened up. Quiet apologies spewed out from your lips, each thanking and apologising to Sigma and Nikolai for being your friends, and how sorry you were that you were leaving them. But you were following your heart.
With one last exhale, you shut your eyes and disappeared. 
Omg I’m so so so sorry that this was so late!!! 😭😭😭 School was giving me a lot of hw ;-; but I’m glad that I was able to finish this. Tbh I’m not that proud on how I wrote this either, and I’m very sorry if I didn’t write it well!
@catzlivedforbsd @ashthemadwriter @i-just-like-goats  @pixyys 
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thesoleilla · 11 months
okay this is a long and specific request (sry just a random thought)
Dazai X Reader (with teleportation ability)
background story
Y/N (16 at the time) was a half time worker at the ada but was very often at the PM (btw she didnt tell that they worked in the ada) because she was Chuuyas younger sibling (only by one year) and looked at Koyo like a older sister. she was the one that trained Gins assation skills. She was also kinda close to Dazai, and was bestfriends with Yosano. But since she was 16 she had to go somewhere to study, so she decided to study somewhere in Europe to study coding or something and got in. But while she was there she needed a job so she went around and looked for a job and she found a good paying job but ofc it was a trap that was setup by Nikolai cuz he just wanted to. But somehow she was able to become Nikolai`s student and Sigmas bestfriend. She did finish studying and all that before becoming a DOA member. Years later (21 years old now) went back to Yokoami because Fyvodor was able to get arested. She finally got to catch up with everyone both from the pm and ada (but left out that she joined the DOA) Even though she was with everyone she was alot with Dazai, so Yosano and some other ADA memebers gets curios over this and the do some thing random you decide.
the plot and the request
the reader wants to quit the DOA but feels bad about it beacause she has been with them for a long time so its hard for her (but ends up leavinf before the end)
Dazai x reader
pls no NSFW or smut
chuuya finds out about dazai and reader
looks : 155 cm, Ginger with a white streak of hair, no specific e/c, loves baggy clothes but dosent wear all the time
personality : kinda like Oda but a bit more expressive and lower chanse to get angry than Chuuya but close, loves Cheese chocolate and cats. Dislikes killing for fun, rats (fyvodor PTSD) and creepy people (cough* cough* Mori cough* cough*)
the rest is up to you
its ok if you dont want to do this :) hope you have a wonderful day/night
Dazai x F!reader: falling between stools
A/N:Thanks for the request lovely anon! Sorry for how long it has been sitting in my askbox lol- but now that my break is ended I finally wrote it! I hope you'll like it anyways!
You felt like you were constantly falling between two stools - No, three stools now. You knew this couldn't last. You had to make a choice. But your friends were as scattered around the board of enemy organizations as could be! You couldn't bare leaving even one of them... yet you had to make the choice. The weight of that burning pile of lies wasn't bareable anymore.
You had to leave at least one. Of course, you were going to keep some kind of connection with the PM due to being Chuuya's little sister; but you could manage having connections from the PM all while being in another organization; so the only question would be which?
Which friends were more precious? Those from the ADA or from the DOA? You couldn't just rank them like that! It was ...inhumane! Yet... it was the logical solution. And it's not like being inhumane was a new thing for you, sadly. You had been in the Agency for the longest time. It was time to send your farewells to the DOA.
And there you were, thinking about all of that in the ADA's office. Thankfully, everyone had gone home long ago so no one could witness the mess your face was making as you kept debating with yourself on who to betray. Yet, it was better not to take that risk so you headed home-
"Boo!" There he was. Of course Dazai had to be standing just next to the door, in front of a window from where you were pretty sure he could've seen everything.
"Uhm... good evening?" You awkwardly laughed, hoping he wouldn't question what he, let's be honest, probably witnessed.
"Why are you still here? I thought such a lovely lady would be home by now, bella!" Dazai playfully said, but you knew he had noticed everything. He knew what was up. Yet, he acted like he genuinely had no idea. What was he doing?
"Let me return the question. Why are you standing in front of the agency this late?" You tried to play it cool. I'm not gonna say it worked, I'm trying to do my job as a reliable narrator here, I don't wanna get fired...
"Avoiding the question I see..."
"NO! I just fell asleep working! Not that you'd be able to relate to that." You were trying sooo hard to make his mind wander off somewhere else. Not that it worked though Will I get fired if I'm too mean or too dishonest? This job is so hard I'm quitting goodbye I don't wanna be a narrator anymore I'm traumatized the author is torturing me I'm stuck in their attic please help
"How dare you try and mock me! I thought we were close! How could you!" He dramatically gasped and acted, but you knew it was nothing serious, and this banter made you cheer up a bit.
"But seriously, what were you up to? Let me guess, did you find yourself in yet another enemy organization while you were away?"
Right on point. As always. But afterall, he was the only one who already knew about both your ties to the PM and to the ADA, due to his own ties, so...he'd understand your situation more than anyone.
"Your guesses are too close to reality sometimes. Scary. I like it." You laughed as you said this, trying to keep a straight face. God this was supposed to be a serious moment! Author don't bring out the chainsaw please I swear it's not my fault!I'm a good narrator! Yet... you couldn't help but feel good in his presence, changing your normal behaviours... you weren't supposed to laugh at times like this! And this is going to get me killed ahhhhh
"Anyways, I wouldn't let a lady go home alone this late!" He said, as he confidently took your hand in order to lead you out of the Agency's building. And lead you out he did as he was running through that building.
You felt warmth spread all around your cheeks as he did that, your brain soon overwhelmed from the heat rushing so close to it. "Don't pass out Y/N, Do NOT pass out", you kept on repeating to yourself.
"Would you mind letting me accept your proposition before making me run through the halls?" You managed to let out between your needed gasps for air. Fresh air... how nice it must be to have that...can't relate this basement doesn't really have fresh air
"And would you mind being honest with us? Or at least with me?
Uh oh. Honesty certainly wasnt your forte, especially considering you were a port mafia executive's little sister, yet most of your coworkers were unaware of it. But...Dazai knew almost all of these secrets already. Would it hurt if he knew just one more?
And so... you told him. Everything , from all the organizations, to the atrocities they made you witness. As you were both walking towards who knew were, you shared everything, something which you had never been able to do.
You knew that realistically, this wasn't safe, not in the slightest. Yet... yet it felt safe, talking about it with him, right here, right now.
And...he wasn't even answering. But the strangest thing was that it didn't bother you in the slightest. It felt as if you were just writing in your diary... except it wouldn't leave any trace. Which you were quite scared of, considering your past in ennemy organization.
Except of course...Dazai's memory. You thought this would scar him forever, but considering who he was... he had probably seen way worse. Which only made you feel even more comfortable in his presence.
Progressively, the buildings you were passing by got more and more familiar. But you were so focused on your talking, that you let him lead the way to wherever you were going.
Until...you finally noticed it...he was leading you... to yours and Chuuya's meeting point! At which you were supposed to see him 20 minutes ago. Oh your brother was going to be pissed by how late you were... especially when he'll see who brought you here. Maybe you'll start to understand what my life's like as a poor narrator;;
"Y/N! You're twenty whole fucking minutes late! What the fuck were you doing?"Chuuya yelled at you from across the street right when he heard your voice. That was until he saw you... And the man you were with.
"And...What the heck is this mackerel doing here with you?!" Dazai was grinning ear to ear when you finally noticed what his plans were. Which really wasn't a pleasant realization.
"Well Chibi, I'll have you know that if it weren't for me, your poor defenseless little sister would have went home alone, in this dark of a night! She could have gotten kidnapped!" He put his hand on his heart, taking a dramatic tone, which your brother certainly didn't like.
"You know she could have just...teleported away, right?" Chuuya laughed, pointing at Dazai jokingly.
"But if she did that, could I have done this?" Dazai grinned as he suddenly kissed you, making Chuuya run across the street to throw his fist at him.
Well this was going to be one hell of an explaination to make, and you weren't looking forward to it
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A/N: Thank you for reading! I'm so sorry this is almost a whole year late, but I'm finally doing my damn requests now! Sorry for the wait!
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skubri30 · 5 months
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ASSAT - Pyrénées Atlantiques
Côté charcuterie, il vendait des Jésus ?
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444names · 1 year
lingua ignota glossary + theological demons and angels
Abehempueat Abenn Abiel Abrimalin Addon Adkiliz Adkirits Adolus Adower Adras Aevath Agalka Agallock Agory Ahriz Aiellabnos Alloca Alloch Alphant Amannin Amayon Amdum Ameelas Ameir Amerins Anciris Andareph Andre Andres Angeni Aninfalabis Anniz Anshereeliz Anzune Aphee Apher Aphieles Aphkir Apolocer Archiel Aritriel Arius Arusoil Asabraguan Asalili Asiel Asmor Assat Assya Asuaym Asyas Ather Athiel Ators Aziel Baddon Badres Badyalach Baharrel Bahiel Bahil Bakaboyequn Bales Ballock Ballus Balthinio Banuel Banzois Baphimo Baritiel Bartat Barus Bassadon Batepson Batriarah Batriel Behegiel Behout Behouta Behumalthya Beiel Berel Beriniol Bifessio Bimebus Bimies Bolus Boraje Boran Bothenis Bukavus Bunzur Caaphemoil Calemichas Caman Chael Chalian Champocel Chantish Chius Chomiel Cifriel Cipons Crizapower Cusim Daeles Daleos Dalephiela Dangeli Daniasmoth Daran Daviou Dechax Decher Demolus Deuel Deuer Deusheel Devac Devinka Devirgent Devith Dower Drota Duaniz Dumalasiel Dumaler Dzoavy Dzoin Elucifrit Erubub Falic Falilit Farrel Fathasber Femin Fereel Ferin Filias Filistosit Flarta Flavus Forch Forge Foron Forphinove Forziuio Furielu Furmartyr Gaalphegus Gabrisch Gademetes Gadres Gadya Gales Galilister Galpher Gambrimepat Gamta Ganziel Garbat Ghoel Ghomiel Ghonsch Ghorcasal Goderiel Gonfant Goragrel Gramdua Grekas Gualiath Guendremy Guens Hadeueriel Hanamejehus Harchemebas Harel Harinschael Haronzias Hasalas Hasan Hassya Haumah Hazepfath Hazunz Hazurar Hedignus Hemhar Hielits Hillomarbas Hinka Humathiel Ifrocelial Inamsiel Iniel Ipaiel Ipenniz Ipeusois Ipolus Iposiel Iueris Jeginins Jeguel Jehemarub Jehon Jehus Jequnemoti Jequnz Jeriel Jerit Jikiliono Jinae Jintarial Jophion Jugizaigon Kalvathies Keres Kirgaas Kobae Kobar Kokabor Korus Krandros Krazuuel Krophas Kulch Kulchushym Kulschilzel Kulzpes Legarta Leyalik Liabezbehos Liatepmo Ligor Likies Limanz Litir Liuraphiel Lucim Lusoy Mainthini Malecar Maliginctu Maliueriel Maliur Malphulocas Mamantic Mamasartuel Mamassyak Mamel Manctu Marchon Marman Martus Massitieles Matepat Matris Mayothusher Melitron Mepah Miuerapher Molaac Molechim Morchomamta Morit Mothius Motir Mualthinemo Muandanggin Muremod Mures Murgent Murgin Muritricub Murivigo Murmuer Naagon Nabatta Naboyou Naelzsciri Nakkul Namaimel Namdus Nampharrel Nampus Nangel Nemoth Nethym Nitias Nuraham Ornex Orymosio Orzinove Orziusa Painiel Parchiel Parmur Patepaim Pather Pathet Pathim Pazaph Pazuzur Pelephemiel Peshmaimon Peuear Peuel Phamaii Phasakabi Phemor Phemy Pheth Pirampon Piriel Polemiel Poshantu Posiaruflas Postemigin Powenniel Poyou Prichini Priel Prigiel Printhiel Prons Pront Prontuerunz Prubukas Prune Prutat Pulchushmal Pulocenniz Pulschost Pulzpenz Puriz Qaphish Rabael Ragoron Ragos Ramdumah Ranin Rapha Rasual Ratar Ravas Ravidus Razang Sabhax Sacheruta Sadrekavas Sadrel Sagalphim Sagel Sainur Salephimiel Saler Salilzphim Salimali Salka Sanctu Sange Sangrameje Sathaasur Savir Savirgin Savrithu Scher Sciman Sediel Serbel Serius Shaurtir Siariel Sitheminex Soniel Sonion Spiri Stanth Stere Stles Stolocennio Stolus Suantichan Surchon Temorai Terus Thenn Thros Torson Tzachilil Tzadeus Tzapulch Ukalphon Ukobalphas Uriegingdag Uzuuel Vacheel Vachoma Valas Valocers Vandim Vaphas Vaphegiz Vaphiel Vatathiman Vepater Vepfalath Vialbennins Vialis Vidumbricus Vigon Vigorzim Viliuer Viriz Vithies Vroserus Wenzour Werbarubi Widolap Womolaap Yequn Yequnka Yonzophon Zachant Zachomiel Zacron Zaddomethet Zadres Zaniellu Zapos Zapoyequn Zazapha Zazrajjalik Zeblin Zebuel Zebukariel Zepazim Zepfantu Zethili Zopherun Zunzoph Zurgos Ördaiel Ördavachael
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jeralynpaligatpaus · 1 year
I'm Jeralyn P. Paus and this is the story of my life. I was 5 years old when I started to get separated from my parents. My uncle took me to live with them. When I was in pre school I had a hard time. Waking up early and coming home in the afternoon immediately work on household chores. At my tender age I learned all the household chores. And I hope that's why you're just forcing it.
I was in Grade 1 and I studied at Ferdinand Primary School. But unfortunately I repeated Grade 1 because I was under age then. And because of that in the following school year I transferred to Assat Elementary School. Where there are other people take me. Grade 2 my auntie took me to live with them until grade 3. And we took NAT then and by the grace of God I am the highest.
I was in grade 4 and ma'am Luwela Tubban took me. And in our nutrition then, I searched for miss nutrition and I was the queen. Sir Mark Aurel Cabulagan took me in grade 5 until I was in grade 6. And when we graduated, I was very happy as well as my parents because I graduated as valedictorian by God's mercy.
I went to high school, auntie olive and uncle oscar took me. And I studied at APAYAO NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURAL HIGH SACHOOL (ANIAHS). I lived with auntie grade 7 to grade 9 1st grading. And when I was in 2nd grading, I transferred here to BIDDUANG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL (BNHS). And I lived with my auntie. Unfortunately, they treated me badly, so I chose to leave and board. The saying is true that whoever is in your family will pull you down. And when I found boarding there with aunt Vilma Tabangin and they treated their boarders very well. That's all. NO MATTER HOW HARD LIFE IS, I WILL STILL TRY TO FINISH IT FOR MY FUTURE AND MY PARENTS.. THANK YOU!
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cqthqrtic · 2 years
okay this is a long and specific request (sry just a random thought)
Dazai X Reader (with teleportation ability)
background story
Y/N (16 at the time) was a half time worker at the ada but was very often at the PM (btw she didnt tell that they worked in the ada) because she was Chuuyas younger sibling (only by one year) and looked at Koyo like a older sister. she was the one that trained Gins assation skills. She was also kinda close to Dazai, and was bestfriends with Yosano. But since she was 16 she had to go somewhere to study, so she decided to study somewhere in Europe to study coding or something and got in. But while she was there she needed a job so she went around and looked for a job and she found a good paying job but ofc it was a trap that was setup by Nikolai cuz he just wanted to. But somehow she was able to become Nikolai`s student and Sigmas bestfriend. She did finish studying and all that before becoming a DOA member. Years later (21 years old now) went back to Yokoami because Fyvodor was able to get arested. She finally got to catch up with everyone both from the pm and ada (but left out that she joined the DOA) Even though she was with everyone she was alot with Dazai, so Yosano and some other ADA memebers gets curios over this and the do some thing random you decide.
the plot and the request
the reader wants to quit the DOA but feels bad about it beacause she has been with them for a long time so its hard for her (but ends up leavinf before the end)
Dazai x reader
pls no NSFW or smut
chuuya finds out about dazai and reader
looks : 155 cm, Ginger with a white streak of hair, no specific e/c, loves baggy clothes but dosent wear all the time
personality : kinda like Oda but a bit more expressive and lower chanse to get angry than Chuuya but close, loves Cheese chocolate and cats. Dislikes killing for fun, rats (fyvodor PTSD) and creepy people (cough* cough* Mori cough* cough*)
the rest is up to you
its ok if you dont want to do this :) hope you have a wonderful day/night
i’m afraid i can’t fulfill this request :(( it seems like ur requesting a one shot and i don’t do those on request! i only do drabbles (pieces under 1k words) or headcanons. i also don’t like doing super specific requests bc i want to have as much creative control as possible. thank u for understanding !! sorry i couldn’t do ur request :((
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luxuryandsports1 · 6 months
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Personalized Liiga Porin Assat 23-24 Home Jersey Hoodie Price From: 52.95 | | [Buy it now at] : https://luxuryandsports.com/product/personalized-liiga-porin-assat-23-24-home-jersey-hoodie/ ✅http://Luxuryandsports.com https://Facebook.com/luxuryandsports/ https://Pinterest.com/luxuryandsports2022/ ✅https://twitter.com/luxuryandsport2 https://www.instagram.com/luxuryandsports.official/ #Trend #halloween #chirstmas #gift #funny #cool #Sum New About Personalized Liiga Porin Assat 23-24 Home Jersey Hoodie Introduction Welcome to our collection of Personalized Liiga Porin Assat 23-24 Home Jersey Hoodies! This hoodie is a must-have for all hockey fans who want to stay warm and stylish during the season. Made with the utmost care and attention to detail, this hoodie is designed to provide you with the ultimate comfort and durability y...
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tim84 · 2 years
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Field reports : ten takes from our castle and park in Assat SW France Béarn !
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hipposfashion · 1 year
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Porin Ässät Hockey Hawaiian Shirt Price From: 43.99$ | | [Buy it now at] : https://hipposfashion.com/product/porin-assat-hockey-hawaiian-shirt/ https://www.facebook.com/HipposFashion/✅ https://twitter.com/hipposfashion✅ https://www.instagram.com/hipposfashionstore/✅ https://www.tumblr.com/hipposfashion✅ The Porin Ässät Hockey Hawaiian Shirt is a true masterpiece in the world of sports fashion. It combines the tropical vibes of Hawaii with the ruggedness of ice hockey to create a unique and eye-catching design. The shirt features bold red and black stripes, accented by palm trees, hula dancers, and hockey sticks. The logo of Porin Ässät proudly stands out on the front, reminding everyone that th...
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philoursmars · 4 years
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Béarn. Nay : en alternance une usine désaffectée et le Pont d’Assat, sur le Gave de Pau avec un je-ne-sais-quoi de japonais !
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444names · 9 months
Names generated from Elder Scrolls' Dunmer names, excluding the letter "R"
Aalvyn Abaelsiane Addulen Adelen Adevassi Adleshisi Adohin Ahandassi Almsil Aloyak Alsea Alvishis Alvisilthe Alvyn Alynam Amanva Amilin Andami Andohi Andyn Annis Anolu Anusethekik Asansathel Ashah Ashalynu Ashaniams Aspal Assat Astifos Astla Athaali Athel Athon Athovi Atolis Avalun Avayne Avele Avosi Avynikila Aynevulfe Azabah Azamanvis Azandyn...
Baddamantel Badova Balmi Bamsils Bathil Bedisielth Belani Belbanuddus Beldayn Belds Belil Belvel Belvon Benas Benephi Benudyn Betha Bethallan Bethashis Bethelvast Bethisi Bevis Beynsule Bidenibal Bisea Bodais Bolmsa Bulothi Bulthys Daliani Dalii Dalilen Dallen Dalna Dalovayn Dalveli Damil Damman Danamis Dasam Dasan Dashis Dashlexadai Dassa Dathan Daven Davine Dedasenvyn Deldan Delia Delyne Deman Demus Denil Dethan Devin Dilen Dilonah Dilves Dilvi Dilvilis Dohnisu Dosah Dothisous Dovyl Dudduselyn Dulastadend Edynaso Eledvana Elselmyn Enilie Ethan Ethil Evissu Evoni Evulven Evyla Fadalab Fashelen Fathiselen Fathisi Fedas Fedut Feldenna Feleni Felivil Felmav Feltie Felvis Fenakal Fenfen Fomonos Fonik Gadas Gadel Galaami Galathos Galii Galni Galvicas Gatham Gelen Geles Gelvis Genas Gidyn Giilothi Gilend Gilia Gilon Gilvenen Gliennus Gobaeyla Golise Golmavu Golmin Golnolmi Golvils Golvis Gomlynel Hadus Halulla Hassu Hathelvels Hekilo Helayn Helman Hessu Hladdas Hlamiddu Hlamoabi Hlath Hlayni Hlola Hloth Ibaeldenlie Idilu Ienah Ilivassi Ilynalms Imanelvalos Inaalsi Inano Inassi Indusen Isevele Ithyn Ivynalashle Kathalamain Kelsiin Kelveni Kenis Kulvion Kusen Kutenthen Laina Lasai Lassenat Ledyn Lenah Lenakst Lendyne Leneani Levos Lildyn Lilenth Llammu Llassu Llatasa Llathas Llbaesi Lledayn Llena Llenin Llenis Llenthis Llipi Lloldas Llosala Llosie Lomon Lothis Madal Maelsedynt Maelu Malandeneth Malayn Malen Malit Maloya Malveli Mamal Manilphelu Manit Manothipun Mapli Matha Mattuulvam Maven Mealos Medas Medesalon Medgulie Medvyn Melam Melethas Melle Melova Menatidu Menys Mevani Mevyn Mibamylan Mibanos Mimandalas Minela Mithelothis Moaba Moabin Mobdanu Monas Movayn Nabival Nadedynd Nadovyn Nakandyla Nakivandis Nalevel Nalothi Nalsal Namal Namen Nanansa Nassa Nedas Nelbas Nevosulivyn Nevus Nilildynos Nivah Nothell Nothynevi Novynni Nuledenus Odemu Olmulen Olson Omadolmyn Omaeveleth Onephilenth Othanumawas Paloth Pathisut Quendel Sadothi Saelemus Sainatlenne Salaal Salik Samea Sammula Sanduf Sanne Saplik Savelvos Savis Seddam Sehanil Sehla Seltu Senis Sethis Sevasethah Sevevon Sevis Shanien Shanmavena Shelat Shelol Shelvu Shibalyna Shinah Shine Shipalse Shiseno Shisi Shuldos Skaummulvos Sodis Sonas Sonethil Sulnia Sunkamobal Tabib Tabthil Tadasa Tailnin Taldia Tallaadu Tallammulo Talven Tamalil Tamitabi Tavel Tavenah Tedwiah Tedynnaso Teladni Telel Tesal Tevayne Thadalan Thalmu Thals Thami Thana Thasale Thashilden Theldu Thelythia Thilevyne Thili Thipu Thulis Timau Tisis Tives Tolmyn Tolno Tomon Tonal Tonolas Tulth Tunsi Tusath Uldas Uldavo Uldeni Uldoniath Ulexanit Ullovos Ulmiahah Ulmyonen Ulsen Ulvessanu Utala Uvelen Uvenapo Uvusa Vadasie Valkina Valothil Valso Valviddu Vaminathah Vamistidsi Vamtalsinah Vanmel Vanselah Vansu Vanthone Vasala Vasenak Vassu Vassuupsea Vayanes Vaynephth Velanim Velds Velesa Velie Velila Velkal Vella Velonalis Velth Velvelvayn Venadal Vesailaynik Viladus Vilan Vilnithith Vinsikil Vulno Vunbith Vuvalane Vvalvuls Xanmaesa Yenmmu Zabamis Zallainden Zamele Zanas Zandis Zanothallis Zanusbail Zebia Zenaba Zenathyla
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trentfrederic · 6 years
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2018 draft (7/?)— Jesperi Kotkaniemi
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eternityisendless · 4 years
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This guy just got his first Liiga shutout and im super proud of him
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fzrticv · 2 years
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tim84 · 2 years
Hello ! I saw an Angel, this early morning, above my castle courtyard in France, Aquitaine, Assat !
You can make a wish !
Your faithful,
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