#asset financing
accountsnextgen · 1 month
Quick Growth: A Dive into Accounts NextGen Asset Financing Solutions
Accounts NextGen stands as a prominent figure in the financial landscape, offering innovative solutions to businesses seeking to thrive and expand. With a strong focus on asset financing, Accounts NextGen provides a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the evolving needs of modern enterprises.
1. Comprehensive Asset Finance Services
Accounts NextGen offers a variety of financial instruments that enable customers to acquire assets through flexible financing options. From commercial vehicles to machinery and equipment, their services encompass a wide range of assets essential for business operations and expansion.
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2. Truck Financing: Mitigating Risk for Business Owners
One of the services provided is truck financing, where business owners can utilize their trucks as collateral for loans. This lowers the lender's risk and provides an avenue for businesses to acquire the necessary vehicles for commercial purposes.
3. Commercial Vehicle Loans: Fueling Business Operations
Accounts NextGen extends commercial vehicle loans tailored to finance the purchase of vehicles used predominantly for commercial or company reasons. This support enables businesses to enhance their operations and expand their capabilities.
4. Equipment Financing: Empowering Business Infrastructure
The acquisition of machinery and equipment vital for business operations is made feasible through Accounts NextGen's equipment financing. This includes a diverse range of assets, from office furniture to commercial ovens, catering to the diverse needs of small to medium-sized enterprises.
5. Debtor Finance: Overcoming Cash Flow Challenges
Accounts NextGen's debtor finance provides businesses with a strategic solution to overcome cash flow challenges hindering their growth. This is achieved through a cash advance or a commercial line of credit, secured against the value of unpaid invoices.
6. Working Capital Finance: Catalyzing Business Expansion
The provision of working capital finance by Accounts NextGen enables businesses to bolster their available working capital. This can be instrumental for specific expansion projects, such as taking on larger contracts or investing in new markets.
In conclusion, Accounts NextGen's Asset Financing solutions offer a gateway for businesses to acquire essential assets, overcome cash flow challenges, and bolster their growth potential. By providing a suite of services tailored to diverse business needs, Accounts NextGen stands as a strategic partner in fostering business growth and development.
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via Twitter https://twitter.com/lendinguk
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ximiusfootwear · 1 year
Join Robinhood with my link and we'll both get a free stock 🤝 https://join.robinhood.com/christd14695
Use this link to diversify your portfolio. NOTE: FOR PERSONS 21+. Find your financial freedom by investing in a variety of stocks.
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elaytv · 1 year
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Is YouTube beginning to become unstable? Should YouTubers begin to cut their losses and part ways?...🤔💭🤧
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asset-based-finance · 2 years
When compared to traditional forms of lending, asset based financing can offer a wide array of benefits. Contact us today to discover how well asset-based financing services can work for you.
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rhyperographer · 1 year
For anyone wondering what happened to make Silicon Valley Bank here's the TL:DR:
SVB had very few consumer loans. Their investment base was primarily government bonds. A government bond is basically a loan to the gov at a fixed rate for a set period.
Their liability base was primarily consumer and investor savings.
They made money on the difference between what they were paying people in interest for their savings, and what the gov was paying them for the bonds.
They were then investing their profits into startups and tech businesses.
Then the loan rate rose, the interest rate on savings went up in the market, and to stay competative they had to put their rates up. They can't reclaim their investments as startups don't have the money to give back. The rate rises, their profits shrink, and they go boom.
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Biden set to appoint mass foreclosure cheerleader to the Fed
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Personnel are policy, something that the Biden administration has proved again and again since the 2020 election. Biden himself is a kind of empty vessel into which different wings of the Democratic party pour their will, yielding a strange brew of appointments both great and terrible.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
On the one hand, you have progressive appointments like Jonathan Kanter at the DoJ and Lina Khan at the FTC, leaders who are determined to challenge and curb corporate power:
On the other hand, you have deferential leaders like Pete Buttigieg, who fill their own staff with status quo counsel, and then let those timid corporate apologists run the show, leaving the substantial enforcement powers of a powerful agency to gather dust:
While the Democrats’ anti-corporate wing got to drive the administration’s competition agencies, the corporate wing has enjoyed near-total dominance over finance regulations (with notable exceptions, e.g. Rohit Chopra), starting with Trump’s Jerome Powell, a bloodletting monster happy to shovel workers into their bosses’ crushers all day long:
Corporate Dems continue to flex their muscle. A seat has just opened up on the Federal Reserve Board, and the WSJ is pretty sure the seat is going to Janice Eberly, a corporate ghoul who helped Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner steal Americans’ houses on behalf of the bankers who destroyed the world economy in 2008:
A quick refresher: Obama inherited the Great Financial Crisis, a massive global asset crash that followed from a decade of real-estate and derivatives deregulation that saw the world’s largest banks issuing mortgages they knew would fail, and then placing massive bets on “collateralized debt obligations” that were supposed to offset the risk.
The banks gambled trillions, nearly destroyed the world’s economy, and then blamed it all on reckless borrowers — mortgage holders who had been mis-sold predatory mortgages that were designed to trigger defaults thanks to low “teaser rates” that later “ballooned” into monthly payments the banks knew the borrowers couldn’t afford.
Geithner was Obama’s go-to guy for the GFC. It was under his leadership that billions were handed out to the banks to bail them out and keep them solvent during the crisis — and it was also under his leadership that bank execs were able to pay themselves millions in bonuses using that public money.
When the banks were in trouble, Geithner leapt into action. When the banks’ customers faced crises, he was MIA — especially during the foreclosure epidemic that followed, as the banks stole our homes out from under us, often forging the paperwork. No bank was seriously punished for this policy.
Back to Janice Eberly, who served as Geithner’s assistant secretary of the Treasury for economic policy — his hatchet-woman, in other words. Now, sometimes people in senior government roles stick around because they disagree with their bosses and want to mitigate the harm of their bosses’ policies.
That’s not why Eberly took the job. In 2014, she and Arvind Krishnamurthy co-wrote a Brookings Institute paper called “Efficient Credit Policies in a Housing Debt Crisis,” that explained why Geithner had it right all along — bailing out the banks and leaving homeowners in foreclosure is “efficient”:
Writing in The American Prospect, Max Moran from the Revolving Door Project breaks down “Efficient Credit Policies,” explaining how Eberly’s stated views should disqualify her from sitting on the Fed board, especially as we teeter on the brink of a deep financial crisis:
The first thing you need to understand here is HAMP, the Home Affordable Modification Program, which received the $100b Congress allocated to help homeowners whose mortgages were “underwater” — that is, whose houses were worth less than they owed for them.
That money could have gone to “principal reduction” — that is, to paying off part of your loan. If you owned $350,000 on a house that was now worth $300,000, the Feds could give the bank $50k and you wouldn’t be underwater anymore. The FDIC proposed just this, in a plan that would have required homeowners to pay back the US government if the price of their homes rebounded.
If you want to keep Americans from losing their homes, principal reduction is a straightforward and reliable approach. But the banks hated this — and that meant Geithner wouldn’t do it. Banks don’t like principal reduction because it means that they’ll lose out on future payments: reducing your principal by $50k now means that the banks won’t get hundreds of thousands of dollars over the 30 years of your mortgage.
Using the money for principal reduction would have meant the banks’ balance sheets would have looked a little worse — which, as Moran points out, is a perfectly fair outcome for banks that had just come close to destroying the world economy, especially since many of these underwater borrowers were destined to lose their houses and would never make those payments.
But Geithner didn’t do principal reduction. Instead, he did HAMP, which was just a way to temporarily lower borrowers’ monthly payments so they could stay in their homes. Geithner sold Obama on this plan, convincing him to renege on his election promise to support a “cramdown” on the banks, which would have saved homeowners:
HAMP was full of the kinds of complex requirements and paperwork that the professional managerial class love, rules that made it almost impossible for homeowners to invoke HAMP and improve their payments. Meanwhile, the banks got “investor incentive payments” that let them take in public money even as they foreclosed on the public:
HAMP was a disaster. Almost no one managed to use it, and even among the lucky few who did manage to do so, many were tricked into foreclosure.
This is the policy that Eberly and Krishnamurthy defend in their paper: rather than reducing debt, just temporarily restructure mortgage payments. One reason they defend this: it’s cheaper, and Congress didn’t allocate enough money to help everyone who needed principal reduction. But, as Moran points out, Geithner’s anemic response to the crisis caused Congress to claw back $225b of the money allocated to deal with it — enough to do $50k principal reductions for 4.5m households. Under Geithner, HAMP only spent $10b.
But of course, the US government didn’t need to pay the banks off to do principal reduction. They could simply order the banks to take a loss. That’s how lending usually works: lenders who originate bad loans have to eat them — they don’t get made whole by Uncle Sucker.
But when Eberly was working for Geithner, “federal officials convinced themselves this was impossible.” Rather than hold banks to account for their reckless speculation, Geithner announced that he was going to “foam the runway” for the banks, pureeing Americans’ homes to make the foam.
But Eberly’s tenure coincided with the banks’ rebound — by the time she went to work for Geithner, they were rolling in dough, posting massive profits. As @[email protected] put it, “If you force them to eat a bunch of foreclosure losses, maybe a few hundred billion over several years, it probably wouldn’t have been that bad.”
Moran nails it here: “When a bad loan is made, it is both prudent and fair for the lender to bear the most responsibility. They are supposed to be wise stewards of their own capital. Instead, ordinary homeowners who did the least of any actor to cause the financial crisis ended up eating the losses.”
Eberly and Krishnamurthy claimed that Geithner’s policy would be efficient, and that it wouldn’t lead to mass foreclosures. As neoclassical economists love to do, they “proved” this using elaborate mathematical models. And, also in the grand neoclassical tradition, they didn’t bother to check whether their model was correct.
To quote Ely Devons: “If economists wished to study the horse, they wouldn’t go and look at horses. They’d sit in their studies and say to themselves, ‘What would I do if I were a horse?’”
Here’s what Eberly and Krishnamurthy missed: the choice to foreclose wasn’t being made by the lenders, they were being made by the mortgage servicer, a kind of consequence-free middleman who made more money by foreclosing on homeowners, even if the lenders lost more money over the long term:
Eberly and Krishnamurthy barely mention the existence of servicers, but another researcher was keenly aware of them: a law prof named Katie Porter, who delved into the servicers’ role in foreclosure in a report for the California AG:
Porter identified the servicers’ “dual track” approach to distressed mortgage borrowers: on the one hand, they slow-walked HARP-based changes to payments, and on the other hand, they raced to foreclose on those borrowers who were waiting for their payments to reset.
The servicers’ hunger to throw people out of their homes knew no bounds: they set up massive robo-signing boiler-rooms where low-waged employees forged deeds to plug the paperwork holes created by the high-speed, unregulated speculation on mortgages that precipitated the Great Financial Crisis:
Eberly knew about robo-signing, she knew about servicers, she knew about foreclosures. It was her job to know. But she still wrote her paper defending Geithner’s runway-foaming and all those ruined lives:
Principal reduction can be helpful, but it is a less efficient use of government resources, since it back-loads payments to households that cannot borrow against these future resources to support consumption today, and also because it is most helpful in reducing strategic default, rather than payment-distress-induced default,
This is just means-testing by another name, a fetish for separating the “deserving poor” from “moochers” (AKA “strategic defaulters”). The PMC loves means-testing, but only for poor people. As Moran points out, rich people like Trump use strategic defaults all the time:
Elite economists and finance ghouls convinced themselves that helping people stay in their homes would enable waves of crooked “strategic defaulting” but there’s no evidence this was ever widespread — rather, it was a fairy tale that justified mass foreclosure:
Eberly helped throw millions of Americans into the street in order to reward reckless banks, already wildly profitable banks, with even more profit. And far from regretting this, she went on to write elaborate justifications for the cruel policies she helped administer.
The historian Michael Hudson describes debt and debt cancellation as a key determinant of whether a given civilization survives. In every venture, producers have to borrow capital from lenders — farmers, for example, must borrow to pay for seed and fertilizer and labor. When the ventures are successful, the borrowers pay back the lenders.
But not every venture can succeed. There will always be blights, droughts, fires and other risks that can’t be fully mitigated. When failure occurs, borrowers can’t pay back creditors. If you farm long enough, you’ll eventually lose a crop, and have to roll over your debts next year. Eventually, you’ll owe so much that you can’t even make the interest payments.
In the absence of some structured, periodic debt cancellation — such as the Bronze Age tradition of Jubilee — creditors eventually end up controlling the work of the entire productive sector. When that happens, your society stops producing what everyone needs, and instead just makes the things that rich people want:
A civilization can’t survive if all of its farmers are growing ornamental flowers for rich creditors’ villas instead of staple crops. It can’t survive if every productive worker is stuck in a dead-end job or a dead-end place because of medical or student debt.
Personnel are policy. Eberly has explained, in excruciating detail, exactly what policy she favors — policy that rewards reckless speculation by incinerating the life chances of everyday Americans. Appointing her to the Federal Reserve board would be a giant Fuck You from the Biden admin to every person who got their home stolen by a bank.
Tomorrow (Mar 7), I’m doing a remote talk for TU Wien.
On Mar 9, you can catch me in person in Austin at the UT School of Design and Creative Technologies, and remotely at U Manitoba’s Ethics of Emerging Tech Lecture.
On Mar 10, Rebecca Giblin and I kick off the SXSW reading series.
Image: Medill DC (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Timothy_Geithner_in_2011.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A bombed out neighborhood. Over the crumbling houses is the 'HOPE' wordmark from Shepard Fairey's Obama campaign posters. On the right is the grinning face of Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, colorized to match the Fairey posters. On the left is an ogrish, top-hatted capitalist figure, chomping a cigar and disdainfully holding aloft a single-family home between a gloved forefinger and thumb. He stands before a podium bearing the Citibank logo. The podium has a lever in the shape of a golden dollar-sign, which he is yanking with his free hand. He, too, has been colorized in the mode of the Fairey poster.]
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nientedal · 9 days
stop booking your FUCKING VEHICLE LEASE PAYMENTS to your FUCKING EXPENSES, i swear i swear to cheese the next client that does this is getting set on fire i am SO angry.
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bitnestloop · 1 month
BitNest: The Leader of the Digital Finance Revolution
BitNest is a leading platform dedicated to driving digital financial innovation and ecological development. We provide comprehensive cryptocurrency services, including saving, lending, payment, investment and many other functions, creating a rich financial experience for users.
Our story began in 2022 with the birth of the BitNest team, which has since opened a whole new chapter in digital finance. Through relentless effort and innovation, the BitNest ecosystem has grown rapidly to become one of the leaders in digital finance.
The core functions of BitNest ecosystem include:
Savings Service: Users can deposit funds into BitNest's savings system through smart contracts to obtain stable returns. We are committed to providing users with a safe and efficient savings solution to help you achieve your financial goals. Lending Platform: BitNest lending platform provides users with convenient borrowing services, users can use cryptocurrencies as collateral to obtain loans for stablecoins or other digital assets. Our lending system is safe and reliable, providing users with flexible financial support. Payment Solution: BitNest payment platform supports users to make secure and fast payment transactions worldwide. We are committed to creating a borderless payment network that allows users to make cross-border payments and remittances anytime, anywhere. Investment Opportunities: BitNest provides diversified investment opportunities that allow users to participate in trading and investing in various digital assets and gain lucrative returns. Our investment platform is safe and transparent, providing users with high-quality investment channels. Through continuous innovation and efforts, BitNest has become a leader in digital finance and is widely recognised and trusted globally. We will continue to be committed to promoting the development of digital finance, providing users with more secure and efficient financial services, and jointly creating a better future for digital finance.
#BitNest: The Leader of the Digital Finance Revolution#BitNest is a leading platform dedicated to driving digital financial innovation and ecological development. We provide comprehensive crypto#including saving#lending#payment#investment and many other functions#creating a rich financial experience for users.#Our story began in 2022 with the birth of the BitNest team#which has since opened a whole new chapter in digital finance. Through relentless effort and innovation#the BitNest ecosystem has grown rapidly to become one of the leaders in digital finance.#The core functions of BitNest ecosystem include:#Savings Service: Users can deposit funds into BitNest's savings system through smart contracts to obtain stable returns. We are committed t#Lending Platform: BitNest lending platform provides users with convenient borrowing services#users can use cryptocurrencies as collateral to obtain loans for stablecoins or other digital assets. Our lending system is safe and reliab#providing users with flexible financial support.#Payment Solution: BitNest payment platform supports users to make secure and fast payment transactions worldwide. We are committed to creat#anywhere.#Investment Opportunities: BitNest provides diversified investment opportunities that allow users to participate in trading and investing in#providing users with high-quality investment channels.#Through continuous innovation and efforts#BitNest has become a leader in digital finance and is widely recognised and trusted globally. We will continue to be committed to promoting#providing users with more secure and efficient financial services#and jointly creating a better future for digital finance.#BitNest#BitNestCryptographically
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vbabundance · 2 months
VB ABUNDANCE - Financial Advisory Services
Life insurance is a contract between an individual (the policyholder) and an insurance company. In exchange for regular premium payments, the insurance company agrees to provide a lump sum payment, known as a death benefit, to the designated beneficiaries upon the death of the insured person.
Life insurance offers financial protection and peace of mind by helping to secure the financial future of loved ones in the event of the policyholder's death.
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life insurance
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mansorus · 11 months
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Use it wisely & strategically
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Your Mortgage Experts Australia | Mortgage Brokers Victoria
Your Mortgage Experts is a trusted mortgage broking company in Truganina Victoria Australia dedicated to helping our clients find the right mortgage solution for their needs. With our access to a wide range of lenders and loan products, our expert advice and personalized service, we make the mortgage process simple and stress-free. Our goal is to help our clients achieve their homeownership dreams while saving them time and money in the process.
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We offer a comprehensive range of mortgage solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our services include access to a wide range of lenders and loan products, expert advice and personalized service, as well as ongoing support throughout the mortgage process. We strive to provide a seamless and hassle-free experience for our clients, helping them achieve their homeownership goals while saving them time and money in the process.
Your Mortgage Experts Truganina Victoria Australia
Our mission is to simplify the mortgage process and empower our clients to make informed decisions by providing expert advice, access to a wide range of lenders and loan products, and personalized service that exceeds their expectations. We are dedicated to helping our clients achieve their financial goals and building long-term relationships based on trust, integrity, and transparency.
Get in touch with one of our experts who can answer all your home loan related questions.
Your Mortgage Experts Australia
205/2 Infinity Drive, Truganina VIC 3029, Australia
Call: 1300 208 963 | Email: [email protected] Website: www.yme.com.au
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my-financials · 6 months
The FIRE Movement: A Comprehensive Guide to Financial Independence and Early Retirement
Introduction In recent years, a revolutionary concept has emerged in the realm of personal finance, captivating the imagination of young adults worldwide. Known as the FIRE movement, which stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early, this philosophy offers more than just financial advice—it proposes a radical shift in lifestyle. This in-depth guide explores the intricacies of the FIRE…
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afrotumble · 5 months
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invoicefundinguk · 6 months
Invoice funding proves to be a vital financial lifeline for businesses contending with cash flow challenges. This innovative solution allows companies to unlock the value of their outstanding invoices by partnering with specialized institutions like Invoice Funding Limited. By leveraging invoice finance, businesses can expedite access to funds that would otherwise be tied up in unpaid invoices, providing a timely injection of capital to navigate immediate operational needs. Invoice Funding Limited, with its expertise in this domain, stands out as a reliable partner for businesses seeking tailored solutions to address their unique cash flow challenges. Through their comprehensive invoice finance services, Invoice Funding Limited assists businesses in bridging the gap between invoicing and payment, enabling them to maintain financial stability, meet obligations, and pursue growth opportunities with greater confidence.
Website: https://invoice-funding.co.uk
Address: Future House, South place, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S40 1SZ
Phone Number: 01246 233108
Contact Email ID: [email protected]
Business Hours: Monday - Friday : 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
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