deliasamed · 5 months
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Adverbial Clauses
(Forms and Functions of Subordinate Clauses)
Subordinate clauses can be classified into three main forms based on their functions within a sentence: nominal clauses, relative clauses, and adverbial clauses.   Nominal Clauses (Substantive Clauses): These clauses function as nouns within a sentence. They can serve as the subject, object, or complement of a sentence. Example: What he said surprised everyone. (Nominal clause as the subject)   Relative Clauses (Adjective Clauses): These clauses provide additional information about a noun in the main clause. They are introduced by relative pronouns (e.g., who, which, that). Example: The book that I borrowed from the library is fascinating. (Relative clause providing information about the book)   Adverbial Clauses: These clauses function as adverbs, modifying the main clause by providing information about time, place, manner, condition, etc. They are introduced by subordinating conjunctions (e.g., because, although, when, while). Example: Although it was raining, they decided to go for a walk. (Adverbial clause indicating a contrasting condition)          
Adverb Clauses:
Adverbial clauses are groups of words that function as adverbs in a sentence. They provide additional information about the action in the main clause, answering questions such as when, where, why, how, to what extent, or under what conditions. Adverbial clauses are introduced by subordinating conjunctions, and they cannot stand alone as complete sentences. Adverbial clauses modify the main clause in a sentence by providing information about time, place, manner, condition, purpose, contrast, or reason.       Types of Adverbial Clauses:   Time Clauses: After she finished her homework, she went to bed.     Place Clauses: Wherever you go, I will follow.     Manner Clauses: She completed the project as if she were an expert.     Condition Clauses: If it rains, we will stay indoors.     Purpose Clauses: She studied hard so that she could pass the exam.     Contrast Clauses: Although it was sunny, she decided to stay inside.     Reason Clauses: Since he was feeling unwell, he didn't attend the meeting.         Subordinating Conjunctions: The introduction of adverbial clauses is typically done through subordinating conjunctions. Some common subordinating conjunctions include:   After, before, when, while (Time) Where, wherever (Place) As, as if, as though (Manner) If, unless, provided that (Condition) So that, in order that (Purpose) Although, though, even though (Contrast) Because, since, as (Reason)   Adverbial clauses are introduced by subordinating conjunctions. They cannot stand alone as complete sentences. When an adverbial clause begins a sentence, a comma usually follows it. Main Clause: She went to the store.   Adverbial Clause: After she finished her work, she went to the store.           Adverb Clauses Placement: Adverb clauses can be placed at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence. The placement depends on the emphasis you want to give to the adverbial information.   Beginning: If you want to emphasize the adverbial clause. Example: When the sun sets, we will start the bonfire.   Middle: If the adverbial clause is less important, it can be placed in the middle. Example: We will start the bonfire when the sun sets in the evening.   End: This is a common placement when the adverbial clause provides additional information. Example: We will start the bonfire in the evening, when the sun sets.           Participle Clauses: Participle clauses use a present participle (-ing form) or a past participle (-ed or irregular form) and function similarly to adverbial clauses.   Present Participle ( -ing): Example: (While)Running late, she hurried to the meeting.   Past Participle ( -ed or irregular):  Example: Exhausted from the long journey, they finally reached their destination.         Conjunctions used with Participle Clauses: No specific conjunctions introduce participle clauses; they often modify the main clause without a conjunction. However, you can use a subordinating conjunction like while, after, or before when it is necessary to indicate the time relationship between the actions in the main clause and the participle clause.   For example: While waiting for the bus, she read a book. He left the room after finishing his presentation.   In these cases, the conjunctions (while, after) are introducing the adverbial participle clause by indicating the temporal relationship between the two actions. But it's important to note that many participle clauses simply attach to the main clause without a conjunction.           Infinitive Clauses as Adverbials for Purpose: Infinitive clauses are used to express the purpose of an action.  Example: She worked hard, to pass the exam.   Conjunctions used with Infinitive Clauses for Purpose: To, in order to, so as to.  Example: He studied diligently in order to gain knowledge.               Adverbial (Adverb) Clauses Noun-Modifying (Adjective) Clauses Nominal (Noun) Clauses Subordinate Clauses Complex Sentences Negative Declarative Sentences: Structure, Usage, and Style The Interjection Read the full article
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trainingdummyrabbit · 2 months
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team The Narrative's Favorites (Derogatory)
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the-offside-rule · 4 months
Pablo Gavi (FCBarcelona) - Fangirl
Requested: on wattpad
Prompt: Y/n meets Gavi as a fan but he takes a liking to her
Warnings: none
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Pablo sighed as he spotted the crowd forming. "Coño." He mumbled. All he wanted was a day with his family without fans. He warned his sister that Las Ramblas is possibly the worst idea, especially on a Friday. "Oh look at that. Your fans are coming. Looks like we do have time to go have a look in some shops. You however, don't have a chance." His sister joked. "You're hilarious." He replied. By the time his family had gone into the store, Pablo was swarmed. He smiled uncomfortably as their hands reached around him, their phones all focused on him. His eyes darted around, grabbing sharpies and signing aimlessly.
Y/n was one fan in the crowd. She smiled as she spotted him, before it soon took a turn. She felt just as swarmed as Gavi had and could feel her chest rise and fall rapidly. She was being squished and squeezed from every direction. She opened her mouth to tell the people to move, but nothing came out, just a strained noise. "Hey! Stop! You're going to kill her!" Y/n felt her gaze go dizzy. Before things could go further, she felt everyone move away and it was asthough everything went somewhat quieter. "Hey, let's give her some room!" He said moving one cameraman somewhat roughly. Y/n, slightly flustered, looked up and met his gaze. Gavi put his arm around her to steady her as he looked down at her, a friendly smile sat on his face. "What's your name?" He asked, breaking the ice. Y/n was in awe. "Y/n. You're Gavi." Pablo chuckled. "Yes, nice to meet you." He said. "Nice to meet you Gavi. Can I call you Gavi?" Pablo chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Call me Pablo. It feels more personal." Y/n nodded, feeling a rush of warmth at the informal invitation. "Okay, Gavi." Pablo shook his head again. "No really. Call me Pablo." She swallowed the lump in her throat as she nodded. "Okay, Pablo."
Pablo noticed Y/n's phone case; clear with a Polaroid of the Camp Nou in it. "Want me to sign it?" Y/n looked down at the phone case. She eagerly agreed, handing over her phone case. Pablo signed it, he paused for a moment, almost as if he was thinking, before continuing to write. He smiled to Y/n and handed her the phone back. Y/n looked down. Of course, she saw his signature but below it, it seemed as if he had added his phone number. She looked it confused. Y/n blinked in astonishment. "Is this?" Pablo nodded. "Just in case you ever need anything." He winked. She was at a loss for words. "It was nice meeting you, Y/n." He said, turning his attention back to his fans.As the crowd dispersed, Y/n clutched her signed phone case, feeling dumbfounded as she watched the Spaniard simply walk away.
Later that evening, Y/n found herself sitting on her bed, contemplating whether to call the number Pablo had shared. Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and nerves. After a moment of hesitation, she decided to take the leap and dialed the digits. The phone rang a few times before a familiar voice answered. "Hello?"
Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she replied, "Hi, Gavi. It's Y/n." She said. "About time! I thought you were going to ignore the number. And how many times; call me Pablo." Their warm laughter echoed through the phone. "How are you?" He asked. "I'm good. Well actually, school stuff but I'm sure you don't want to hear about that." She replied. "No, no. Talk all you want. I just want to listen to you." Her cheeks heated up. "If you insist." She smiles to herself, hearing his gentle laugh from the other side of the phone. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, spanning from soccer to shared interests and personal anecdotes. Before they knew it, hours had passed like fleeting moments and their families had gone to bed.
"You should get going. You have a game tomorrow." Y/n said. "And you have work. I hope it goes good." Pablo said. "Likewise. Goodnight Pablo." Pablo loved hearing her say his name. "Goodnight, Y/n." He retorted. They hung up and whilst the story should end here, it ends with Y/n covering her face with a pillow and giggling and then to Pablo holding his phone close to his chest with a soft smile on his face as he simply imagined her face and the pair drifting off to sleep, dreaming of their next encounter.
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Part one
Pairings: pre cult kai anderson x female reader x cult kai anderson
Summary: youre a new professor, fresh out of university. A coworker of yours leaves work on injury resulting in a senior class unattended to. That is when you accept the responsibility to cover the senior class and ready them for their final exams, what happens when a certain senior takes a liking to you.
What happens when he likes you more than a student should.
Warnings: pre cult kai turns into cult kai, age gap, teacher x student, sub kai anderson, dom kai anderson, smut, yandere tendencies, manipulation, crying, slapping, male masterbation, grinding, forcing kissing, threatening, blackmail.
Trying something out here just work with me for a little bit plz😅😖
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"Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, my name is professor l/n and I will be taking this class over for the remainder of the year"
You spoke to the room with forced confidence, all of their eyes on you watching as you spoke to everyone in the room you stood infornt of your desk clasping your hands together facing your crowd of new students, "your previous professor has unfortunately injured themselves and can't come to work"
You paused, the room was silent.
"I will allow questions to be asked now if anyone has any"
You waited patiently, your eyes darting around the room for any risen hands.
You walked back behind your desk and sat down on the seat that wasn't yours, although you wouldn't mind pinching it as the pillowy fabric softened your landing. "If there are none I shall move onto today's class-" you grabbed ahold of the 3 textbooks piled up on the large dark wood desk infront of you, your fingers flipped through the hundreds of pages eyes focused on the chapter number.
"I have a question"
The silence was broken, you looked up from the textbook, your eyes wandering across the lecture room, which wasn't hard thankfully as it was a rather small room, you made eye contact with a man.
"Ah, excuse me for not seeing you earlier, what is your question sir?"
You sat up straight awaiting your students reply.
"Are you single"
The strength you have to stop the obvious eye roll from happening was impressive.
"What is your name sir?"
"Well Connor, I dont think that is an appropriate question to ask your professor"
After Connor had broken the ice a handful of other students asked questions which you ofcourse answered truthfully, I am a new teacher,I'm not sure what happened happened your professor, I am 26 years old, yes I will be carrying off from where your old professor left off.
"Now of there are no other questiones I would like to get on with the lesson"
Out of all of the eyes on you there was one different from the rest, a pair that were staring harder than everyone else, you could feel a sense of weariness creep up on you.
What was going on?
Why were you feeling like this?
You choked down the gulp that was caught in your throat and resulted back to the large books infront of you instructing your students to read the text and answer questiones.
As they done so, that feeling if nervousness itched it's way back back you, your eyes shot up from your notebooks to your class, everyone's eyes were drawn to their laps reading the books placed in their hands or infront of them.
Everyone but one.
Your eyes locked, you had never felt so startled by anything in your life other than the strong eyecontact one of your students gave you.
It was quick, you caught him staring and he jumped and buried his nose into the book, the contact mightve only lasted a secind but it felt longer, you felt asthough you were being put under a microscope being analysed.
The rest of the class somewhat flew by, by the end of the class you had instructed the class to prepare a sideshow presentation on a topic of their choice asking as it referred back to the main topic they were learning.
You also gave them the choice of either working alone or in pairs, most of your students instantly paired with one another, infant all of the students in your class were paired with someone.
All but one.
As everyone left you reminded the students to have the presentation done by next week or else it would result in an automatic fail.
One by one the class decreased in size and before you knew it the lecture room was empty, you had completely forgotten you now had free periods as you were only teaching a senior class. To relax you took out a book and a cereal bar from your coat pocket and lay back in your seat.
"Professor l/n"
You almost choked on your cereal bar, you instantly sat forward in your seat and flipped the magazine shut.
"H-How many I help you Mr...."
"My name is kai, kai anderson"
He loomed over your desk, his body awkwardly shifting his weight. Although his body language seemed rigid and tense his eyes bore into yours, He was younger than you yet you felt intimidated under his gaze.
"Nice to meet you Mr Anderson is there anything I can do for you"
You sat for a while waiting for kai to speak but all he done was stare at you and the floor.
"Well if there isn't anythi-"
"You shouldn't eat that" kai interrupted
"Excuse me Mr Anderson?"
"You never know what's been put in those bars, you could be eating something entirely different to what you think you are"
Your head was empty of responses.
"Here", kai dipped his hand into his backpack reaching out another cereal bar, this one youbhad never seen before, its packaging being completely unrecognisable,"this is safe"
He holds the cereal bar out to you wanting and waiting for you to take it with your own hand instead of placing it on the desk.
"My amderson I don't feel comfortable taking this from you it's yours" you hide the fact that you don't trust anything a stranger gives you with a simple excuse.
"Take it, I have more in my bag"
He holds the breakfast bar out closer to you after brushing your words from his head, you have no other choice than to take the bar unless you would rather sit and awkwardly refuse his gift for the rest of the day.
"What? Don't trust me?"
Kais eyes remained glued ti your face, his facial expression never changing from the blank look on his face.
"I didn't do anything to it"
You gulp and slowly your hand raises to meet kais taking ahold of the breakfast bar and attempting to pull it away from him. When the cereal bar refuses to move you let go of it but keep your hand close to it, kai smiles and holds the cereal bar with his whole hand before placing it in yours.
Your hands touched, his rough fingers brushing off of your palm as he finally let go of the cereal bar. You felt unsettled about how long he kept his hand on yours.
"Thankyou very much Mr Anderson you may leave now, I'm sure you need to get to your next class"
Kai stares at you for a few more minutes before smiling and breathing out a awkward laugh, he begins to walk away from your desk.
"You don't have to call me Mr Anderson, just kai"
You didn't bother give him another response and sat silently looking down at your lap where the new cereal bar was until you heard the sound of the doors to the lecture room open and close.
Not a second went by before you threw the breakfast bar into the small trash can beside the desk.
Two weeks had gone by and the rate if weird interaction with kai had increased. you would often catch him staring at you at times where he should have been occupied with something else like reading or researching.
You would leave the lecture room, locking the doors, and would catch a glimpse of kai darting around corners or walking away from you.
One thing that seemed to happen far too often than that should was that everyday after you taught kais class he would awkwardly walk to your desk and hold out another cereal bar, he would stand there until you took it and waited for you to thank him before her left the room, and everytime he left you would throw the cereal bar away not even bothering to give it a chance.
Yet you never seemed to catch him taking sneaking photos of you during and after class.
Two months had since then passed and kai had seemed to grow alot more attached to you than you jad hoped, he would spend as much time as he could with you, his lunch, his free periods and would often ask to walk you to your car.
He came physically closer to you, whenever he was sat down he would chose the seat closest to you when in class but if the two of you were alone he would drag a seat right next to yours and plonk himself Down by your side.
What worried you the most was he was becoming a lot more dominant.
Kai would try to touch you, rub your shoulders, pat your back, brush hair from your face, and when you denied him access he would throw a small fit and get mad at you, you would then remind him that he didn't have to stay with you at lunch and he could leave at any time.
It was lunch time now, and ofcourse kai was with you in your room, he always followed the same routine, he would sit infront of you, pull out a large textbook and read, well, pretend to. This day was no different, kai sat in his normal seat, the one right infront of the teachers desk, he pulled out a large book placed it on the small table infront of him and a bottle of water.
You had made a routine for yourself whenever kai was around you, even in class. You would simply ignore him, pick other students to answer questiones, look down at your phone or the books infront of you and eat when every he asked you a question
And that's exactly what you done as soon as he entered the lecture room.
Everything was going as usual until the constant sound of thumping reached your ears, you had hought at first it was one of kais futile attempts to gain your attention as it wasn't the first time he had plucked one or two of your feathers just to get you to look at him.
The noises didn't stop, what the hell was happening?
You brought your head up eyes connecting with kais and holding each other in locked eye contact.
You always felt intimidated by kai, even though he was younger than you and you were his professor he always made you feel naked.
You wanted nothing more than to break the eye contact between you and your questionable student , your eyes tracked down back to your book but stopped in horror.
Kai was touching himself as he watched you read, and he didn't stop now that you had caught him.
Infact at the sight of your horrified face kai let out a whine and continued to touch himself. You froze, what could you do, if he was bold enough to madterbate infront of you he wouldn't feel threatened by you telling the Dean.
When kai noticed you didn't move he spread his legs wider, his cock on full display as he pumped his fist up his length, your eyes were glued to his hand watching as he would slightly twist his hand as he got nearer to the head of his cock.
Kai threw his head back at the feeling of knowing you were staring at him, he relished in the feeling of your eyes never moving from his dick. He never knew you would react this way, he decided to do it on a whim to see what your initial reaction to him would be.
A guttural moan left his lips as his left hand shot up to grab onto the books on the table beside him, the pages crumpled underneath his grasp yet he spared them no mercy, oh how he wished it was you who he was touching.
He often would imagine you instead of his hand, a perverted smile plastering his face at night as he imagined fucking you against you desk infront of his class, infront of Connor.
He couldn't even imagine how tight and wet you'd be but he wanted to find out so badly, it was a need for him.
His eyes peeled open just to stare at you through foggy eyes, he wanted you to witness him cum to you, for you, and he knew you'd enjoy it that's why you hadn't looked away yet.
Your heart was thumping in your chest, your legs were useless as you sat nailed to the chair, your bottom half wriggled uncomfortable against the plush cushion under you as you watched kai.
The noises coming from his mouth were loud and lewd, you were sure if anyone was outside your room they would be able to hear kais outbursts of pleasure.
But did you care?
The sight of kais strained cock was engraved into your mind, his body was telling you in its own way it was ready to come undone, his pink tip glistened with the precum that oozed out of his cock with every pump of his fist.
Your cheeks burned as your ears rung at the sound of kai almost whimpering out your name. You couldn't help but cross your leg over the other to settle the subtle thump between your legs.
What was wrong with you
This is disgusting why am I watching
Why won't I look away
When kai came his body froze for seconds before becoming extremely limp, only his eyes moved to stare back at yours not bothering about his now softening cock that was yet to be tucked back into his pants.
Your mind was short of anything to say
the only words coming to mind were
"What, the, fuck".
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legacyshenanigans · 6 days
At an avent 💚🐍
MC: *stood with a group of woman*
Lady: I think its rather fitting that Marvolo ended up with a slytherin lady such as yourself.
MC: *puts down her glass of wine after taking a sip, with a confused face* Slytherin?
Lady2: You're were a slytherin, were you not?
MC: No? I was in Hufflepuff.
Lady: Really?
MC: Yes? Why?
Lady2: You give slytherin vibes, dear *chuckles*
Lady3: I actually think It makes perfect sense that she was a Hufflepuff.
Lady: How so?
Lady3: You know what they say, all slytherins need an emotional support hufflepuff *giggles* Perhaps Marvolo found his, in you, sweetie.
MC: *chuckles* Perhaps..Do I really give off Slytherin vibes though? Truly?!
Lady: You ask asthough it's a bad thing..*narrows her eyes*
MC: No no, its not, atall. I just wonder if its because I've spent so much time around Marvolo now *giggles*
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locky987 · 1 year
tickle fight -pope
it was sunny outside,too sunny as you stuggled to protect your skin & eyes from the blazing sun.Everyone in the van was wearing sunglasses , everyone but pope who had forget his at home. you sat mocking popes attempt to sheild his eyes from the sun when he stole your sunglasses from off of your face.You didnt take this lightly as you jumped from your spot attacking pope,trying to slap your glasses from his hand, he quickly got the upper hand though as his hands made their way to your armpits.your whole body shook as you laughed at the feeling of popes wondering hands tickling you in your weakest spot,it wasn't an unknown fact you were a very ticklish person and your friends ofter took advantage of this.You laughed until you could no longer breath and just when you thought pope may stop his attack on your armpits you slipped out of his reach,straddling his waist as you began to try tickle him.He looked at you and laughed at your attempt to tickle him as he clasped his arms tightly to his body,you scoffed thinking of a way you could get him back when you an idea.Your hands slipped up the seam of his shirt-taking him by surprise.As your fingers found their way to his armpits they first felt his toned belly and your checks flushed,being flirty wasn't unknown for you and pope but with you both being so inexperienced you had never been this close before. you finally found the spot you were looking for,tickling him with no remorse, moving around in his waist as he squirmed under your touch. you continued to tickle him untill you felt something hard poke you (typical writer line) you looked at pope shocked knowing exactly what it was, he looked at you wide eyed in embarras-sment and you didn't know what to do.
do you move? do you act on it?do you have the same effect on him as he did to you?
you were distracted by your thoughts when pope quite literally pushed you off of him,the feeling of you sat on his lap made him painfully hard. it was asthough all of the air in the van had had become thick&warm as you suddenly became aware of the beads of sweat gathering on your forehead and when you looked at pope he too was glowing with his own sweart.you couldn't help but gawk as he sat blushing -embarrassed by the whole situation-you were sure he had never looked better.
you hated the fact you couldn't help him out with
his problem...
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pollyollie · 1 year
Qualms of the old men, speaking their wise-tells.
What it once was, it shall be once more. It never fully changes, history repeats. Learning of the past will not learn of it's lessons. Revolutionary stems first from revolution, the root can exist without the suffix as the sky cannot truly exist without it's ground; otherwise it's merely empty space. Peace is antithetical from what must occur for peace to be achieved. Is peacefulness still peaceful when only achievable by such means? Perhaps this is the way of human nature. Perhaps this is the way it must go. For the lack of tyranny in the clouds results in ruin and bloodshed on land, for why is it man can only be human carried by command or promise of punishment? For why is it we persecute the damned asthough we ourselves are not damned? There is no healing. There is no light. It is as it was before; the peace we know of today was calamity for those who aimed for it. History shall recede and it shall be at once what it once before.
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Throwing myself into work, I have started deconstructing a decorative boat I found in scrapantics that to me just fits so perfectly with this project. the oval panel pops out so I’m going to paint a dead siren and have her lay as though she has been abandoned in the boat to be left as food for the seagulls. Seagulls can be rather vicious birds, the typical herring gull is not ‘carnivorous’ per se, but there have been known cases of gulls hunting pigeons and rats. I have seen a seagull eat away at the bottom half of a pigeon outside of Pout on the way to Seagate. I feel asthough there is some artistic irony in that.
I am almost certain that this old boat used to hang in someone's bathroom, isn't it weird how we choose to have nautical-themed bathrooms? when back in the day there weren’t even toilets on boats? It's strange to see things being so far removed from their original context in the contemporary world.
I am also in the process of curating my lighthouse. I'm currently giving it a baselayer of papier-mache overtop of the traffic cone and Pringles can. isn’t it fun to use found objects? It's also strange that they are called found objects as if they were lost, or maybe they were hiding. hiding in plain sight, waiting to be something so much better. I am thinking of giving it a coat of plaster after the papier-mache and using pinned newspaper and cardboard to create a structure for the plaster to go on.
While considering my lighthouse, I have looked at these artists;
Max Hooper Schneider (2022)
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i love how other earthly these are, such an innate sense of world building and amazing use of light.
Matias Bechtold’s City Scapes
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lovingggg the use of ‘found objects’, the amount of detail is insane, too regimented for me though.
and also Frank Kunert’s ‘Climbing Holidays’
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again the sense of transportation is making me envious, its so here on earth but so not in this moment, in our time, but it could be.
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flowermist7432 · 1 year
lately I've been struggling with myself in a way that's been haunting me for many years! and that is my insecurities about myself and my creations! I often feel asthough I'll never succeed, that my art, passions and stories I want to tell are not as good as others are. That I'm not enough!
so I continously put off projects of mine because my brain tells me "I'm not good enough, so I won't do it. I'll wait until I am enough." which, dare I say. unhealthy!
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melodyclover · 1 year
is the madness consuming us all..? I feel asthough there;s been an up-tick in despairposting as of late
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dommi-griffi · 1 year
Yall I found a real one.
They started courting me October 31st, our anniversary is 11.11, and I'm over the fucking moon.
It's like I'm literally dating my favourite fictional people because they make life feel like we're straight out of a fanfiction.
I couldn't be happier and I cannot begin to describe how much they mean to me.
They made a Spotify playlist about me and I made one for them, they wrote me sonnets to tell me about their feelings, they're such a thembo sometimes it's downright endearing.
They bake me chocolate chip cookies cause they know they're my favourite, and they made me a fresh batch to keep in my dorm over Thanksgiving while they visited family, so I'd have something homemade to eat while 600 miles away from home.
They treat me like a fucking prince and I feel asthough I've waited entire lifetimes to meet them.
Their name is the sunrise and I can't help but find it so fitting as they stay up late just to watch me sleep and keep my safe,
And wake up with Apollo to talk to me over our 17 hour time difference for the Holidays.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 3 months
oh hangon ocposting again but im gonna talk asthough yall already know what im talking abt. its so fucked up bc ive been trying to write rose with a central theming of plants and gardens, and she like. Clearly has something going on there. but on a whim messing w ego/abno concepts it hard shifted to Bird imagery, a little nightingale. which originally was a ':/ man i like this in theory but idk if she fits the Visual of a nightingale really.' realizes i dont actually know what a nightingale looks like. looks it up. it is Exactly the same color as her hair. :l
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moodywannabe · 5 days
I will never drop a pineappleogical napkin again.
I will take care of myself asthough I am a new Christian.
I am not going to allow myself to sin at all.
I will serve God in every thought I have.
And I will end this hopenote with an Amen..
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calista-media220 · 12 days
I have decided to make some changes when playing around with my footage and therefore created a new storyboard for my footage.
Rather than taking a step by step 'day in the life' approach for a video that is supposed to be a reasonably short ad campaign, I decided to focus in on one point. I took one of the clips that I really liked from the filming and created a concept around that clip.
I feel asthough this will be the most effective for my call to action and grab the viewers attention much better than a long drawn out video.
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becoming-not-became · 23 days
BingBong (to Rhett)
You are a different kinda peaceI’ve known peace before but this new you peace ringsdifferently asthough atlong last they’ve added another bellto the tower and now thechime ismore harmonious when pealing bing bong
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z005-77s · 1 month
.felt asthough. Worries are _//[taken]//(=false). Eithout true /. full , concern.
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