#aston martin watch
en-wheelz-me · 7 months
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fernando-jpg · 2 months
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Fernando today (basically right now) at Santiago Bernabéu watching Real Madrid vs Bayern Munich with his dad
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rt3nenbaum · 1 year
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fernando.jpg but it is only pictures of his boyfriend lance🫶
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scrollonso · 30 days
any time i remember lance slipping on the stairs in front of a whole bunch of people i have to do breathing exercises
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melly-watches-racing · 4 months
Drive to Survive episode 1 thoughts…
Lance Stroll clearly drinking a Redbull with Scotty and enjoying it while also hiding the fact that he’s enjoying drinking a Redbull.
It’s all happy and fun loving until Lawrence Stroll arrives to villain music and for what reason… he doesn’t need no villain music.
Love how the episode so far is focused around Lawrence but they use Fernando’s car for the opening titles and not Lances.
Fernando already sounding like a Brit and complaining about the weather.
Fernando being Lawrence’s number 1 hype man.
Lawrence openly loving his son
And as usual Will Buxton being dramatic… god he annoys me.
I never really realised the height difference between Carmen and George.
Of course Horner is casually buying a horse.
All the love for Bottas’ mullet
“I think Yuki’s got smaller”
Danica Patrick… I dislike her MORE than Will Buxton
“Don’t eat too much pasta”
Car inspectors are back
Lance coming back in STYLE!
Lando with *THAT* comment
Once again go away Danica
The lack of faith the pundits have in Lance sucks
“I’m gonna get naked now…”
Claire Williams… please come and replace Danica… please
Lawrence showing he is a dad first… CEO second
Mick Schumacher you sir should be a model
Almost feel like Fernando going ahead of the Mercedes was karma for the comments about Aston
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schumigrace · 1 year
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just seb being a nerd [x]
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 2 months
Enjoy resigning Fernando announcement, I hope it makes you very happy. Dear Lord, what a sad little life, Aston Martin. You ruined my silly season completely, so you could confirm Fernando would keep his seat. But I hope now you spend it on some lessons in grace and decorum, because you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on.
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gracehwells · 5 months
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(Source astonmartinf1 on Instagram)
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2023 Miami Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso(ft. Max Verstappen & Sergio Perez)
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princelancey · 5 months
Lance snowboarding in dts trailer 👀 that's the combo he was wearing right
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fernando-jpg · 3 months
the one race I wanted to miss out on, is the most mfking entertaining
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rt3nenbaum · 10 months
fernando saying that alpine lacks professionalism and that they agreed on everything but the contract never really came until months later when it was already too late and aston martin put a contract on his table just a couple of days after seb announced his retirement... and people are still surprised they lost both fernando and oscar💀
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leham-n-daavocado · 7 months
F1 Teams as the Districts of Panem in The Hunger Games
On the first Las Vegas Grand Prix, I couldn't resist after the driver ceremony thing.
District 1: Luxery- Ferrari
What is more luxurious than an automaker that creates uber exclusive cars that very few could afford or be part of the elite who could purchase it? They're full of wealthy people who have a long established history with the FIA/the Capitol.
District 2: Masonry/Weapons- Red Bull
District 2 is also full of wealthy citizens who are chummy with the FIA. However, they are responsible for masonry, weapons manufacture and providing the Capitol with its Peacekeepers. They're known for the career tributes who train their lives for The Hunger Games a la Max.
District 3: Technology- Mercedes
They were one of the most innovative and technological teams. They brought you DAS and seven years of domination. But they don't have the favour of the Capitol/FIA despite the reliance on their team for clout and marketing.
District 4: Fishing-McLaren
They have their own thing going on and have been able to become self-sufficient. Their Tributes are strong contenders.
District 6: Transportation- Alpine
A car manufacturer that keeps on going nowhere like a train that circles and connects districts to the Capitol.
District 7: Lumber-Aston Martin
Johanna Mason can be as out there as Fernando Alonso and Canada, Lance's home country has a ton of lumber/forests lol. Created a lot of drama, hype and early buzz.
District 8: Textiles- Alpha Tauri
Duh lol. District 8 makes textiles and supplies the Peacekeepers of District 2. Alpha Tauri makes clothes for Red Bull.
District 9: Grain-Alfa Romeo
They tend to get forgotten. They're not the best, but Valtteri and Guanyu always put in an honest effort.
District 10: Livestock-Williams
I can't think of anything more apocalyptic and terrible than Albon Pets becoming a livestock farm to send meat to the Capitol.
District 12: Coal- Haas
The smallest and poorest team. This is also where the whole NASCAR thing is around.
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scrollonso · 2 months
a little sneak peak...
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melly-watches-racing · 2 months
As an F1 fan that Aston Martin line in imgonnagetyouback made me chuckle after all the Fernando rumours last year 🤣
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penaltyboxboxbox · 9 months
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