🎨一緒につくろう! プロジェクトセカイ衣装デザインキャンペーン!🎊
「星」女性用衣装佳作は 87*sakuさんの『廻るアストラル』 天音れもんさんの『シュガーリトルスター』です🎉
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[Google Translated Vers.]
🎨Let's make it together! Project Sekai Costume Design Campaign! 🎊
The honorable mentions for the "Star" female costume are 87*saku's "Mawaru Astral" Amane Lemon's "Sugar Little Star" 🎉
📺Live broadcast of the program: https://youtube.com/live/VbO1_FDz57w
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
More Z-ARC cards, at the same Z-ARC channel. This time, we are looking at Supreme King Gate Magician, and Soul of the Supreme King Heavenly Dragon.
Let’s start with Soul of the Supreme King Heavenly Dragon.
This card’s Kanji name is 覇王天龍の魂, Haoutenryuu no Tamashii, which is the same as 覇王龍の魂, Haouryuu no Tamashii, Soul of the Supreme King Dragon, localized as Soul of the Supreme King. The only difference is the Ten, 天, Heavenly Kanji, which is included in Z-ARC’s new title in his retrain.
One thing to note, both of these cards use the older 龍, ryu Kanji, which is used to refer to Dragon Kings, which are often Kami (Gods). But there is no specific linguistic difference otherwise.
The card’s effect is similar to Soul of the Supreme King (Dragon). The difference is, to Summon Z-ARC, it Tributes a Pendulum Spellcaster with 2500 ATK. This means, in this card’s effect, Supreme King Gate Magician is Tributed to Summon Z-ARC. But there is a little bit more depth going here. The current 2500 ATK Pendulum Spellcasters are:
**Xiangke Magician
**Performapal Laugh Maker
**Astrograph Sorcerer
**Magician of Hope
**Performapal Smile Sorcerer
Besides Astrograph Sorcerer, and Magician of Hope, these are all representations of Yuya. Smile Sorcerer is particularly ironic, because it is Yuya’s equivalent of Dark Magician (thus, comparable to Astrograph Sorcerer), and its artwork is literally Yuya’s Japanese VA, Kensho Ono, dressed as Yuya.
Magician of Hope is here, because Astrograph’s name: アストログラフ, Asutorogurafu, is similar to アストラル, Asutoraru, Astral.
The main difference between two cards is that Soul of the Supreme King (Dragon) summons Z-ARC temporarily, whereas Soul of the Supreme King Heavenly Dragon Fusion Summons Z-ARC for real, using all possible cards from every place except among banished cards. Unlike Soul of the Supreme King (Dragon), it also doesn’t Summon Supreme King Servant Dragons.
There are four little details going on this card’s artwork:
**There vague patterns looking like the glass patterns in En Cards, caused by the magical sigil’s reflections.
**The sigil itself is a stylized mandala. It features an inner circle with four cardinal directions, and an outer circle featuring balls between the cardinal directions, which have two smaller balls near them.
***This alludes to the pattern in Z-ARC’s purified form’s chest, which we discussed in the previous post.
***The balls here reference the Four of the Five Buddhas, and their consorts:
The female buddhas are generally less well known than their male counterparts. However, the masculine buddhas all have feminine consorts with their own characteristics and mantras. When taken together, the masculine and feminine forms are a balanced whole.
This article includes the five female buddhas associated with the Five Dhyani buddhas: Pandavarasini (counterpart of Amitabha), Locana (counterpart of Akshobhya), Mamaki (counterpart of Ratnasanbhava), Tara (counterpart of Amoghasiddhi) and Akasadhatesvari (counterpart of Vairocana).
Within a mandala:
The symbol of Buddha lives in the centre, surrounded by eight Buddhas for meditation - symbolic deities: four male and four female. These figures, facing the corners of the earth form together a lotus flower.
Fifth Buddha, the center, Vairocana, would be Z-ARC himself. Which would make Ray Akasadhatesvari, also known as Dhatvishvari, or Dharmadhatvishvari.
For more details:
What is relevant for us in this context is that it represents the collective wills of Yu-boys, and Bracelet Girls summoning Z-ARC.
**The outermost circle, and the innermost circle features patterns similar to pendulums. These are likely the representations of the individual pendulums of the Yu-boys in Pendulum Evolution.
***The magical sigil, and its cinematography is evocative of Dark Magician’s redesign in Dark Side of Dimensions.
Let’s go to Z-ARC’s Eternal Servant himself. Unlike regular Astrograph Sorcerer, this card is actually part of the Pendulum Magician archetype.
The Kanji for gate,  門, mon, is generally used in the context of Yu-Gi-Oh! to reference demonic underworlds. It is used in:
Begone, Knave!
Introduction to Gallantry
Il Blud
Steelswarm Gatekeeper
Gateway of the Six
The Gates of Dark World
Dark Contract with the Gate
Supreme King Gate Infinity
Supreme King Gate Zero
Opening of the Spirit Gates
Virtual World Gate - Chuche
Virtual World Gate - Qinglong
Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu
Soul-Binding Gate
Swordsoul Sacred Summit
Genta, Gateman of Dark World
Katakana spelling of the English word is ゲート, which is used in various different cards, it is far more common than the Kanji. Katakana word is more commonly used to refer to Summoning gates.
First Pendulum effect of this card disallows your opponent from banishing Z-ARC by card effects. Second effect allows it to destroy itself to place another Supreme King Gate monster besides itself.
Its first Monster effects allows it to send one of Z-ARC’s Dragons to GY from hand, or Extra Deck to Special Summon itself from your hand. Second effect allows it to add 1 card that mentions Z-ARC when it is Special Summoned, except Spellcasters. So it cannot call its corrupted form, or Chronograph.
First Pendulum effect is a cheeky reference to how Bracelet Girls’ bracelets work, but this does not help Z-ARC at all, since Kahyoreigetsu returns all Dragons to the hand (which would be Extra Deck in Z-ARC’s case). Not that this matters much I guess, since returning Z-ARC back to hand, or Extra Deck would mean returning him back to Ray, which is what he wants.
Second Pendulum effect continues on the self-sacrifice theme Astrograph is going through as seen in the previous card.
His first Monster effect is the opposite of his corrupted form’s effect. Astrograph Sorcerer Special Summons itself when a card is destroyed, but since a similar protection effect is in the case for Lightwurm, here, purified Astrograph sacrifices one of Z-ARC’s Servants to deal with you personally. This is likely a reference to how Dark Magician’s support generally works.
Second effect disallows him from calling his partner, but he can call Lightwurm.
His stats are no different from his corrupted form.
Astrograph’s new look is evocative of two non-playable Monster Cards from ZEXAL, Creator of Miracles, and Creator of Hope, as well as the unplayable Spell Card, Winning Formula. All three cards feature a different form of ZEXAL, the combination of Yuma, and Astral. We will discuss this in the future, but as seen in Miracle of the Supreme King, Z-ARC’s purification has a similar artwork to ZEXAL Creation.
His hair in both forms reference Dark Magician’s resign, but here, it is much more clearly visible.
His cape, unlike his previous form, showcases a bright galaxy, full of young stars (representing hope). While not clearly visible, his sigil now contains golden letters. His formerly light blue accessories are also golden now, making him a weird mixture of Utopia, and Palladium Oracle Mahad.
Other notable changes:
**He no longer has the Black Hole pattern below his chest, representing Z-ARC finding fulfillment (in love, obviously).
**His headgear is quite different and contains a giant golden accessory. I suppose this is to give it more “Gate-y” look. This sort of accessory is not visible in any other Magician, even Z-ARC’s own Magician form, but it is similar to Beyond the Pendulum’s golden finish in her hat. I guess like his boss, he likes imitating Ray now.
***It is reminiscent of Timestar Magician, apparently. Which the combined Xyz form of his weaker form, Stargazer Magician, with the weaker form of his partner Timegazer Magician.
**This is not clear in the artwork at all, unless you use Waifu2x like I did, but his hat has a little green gem. This seems to be the same gem as Number 39: Utopia’s chest, but is likely a reference to Number C39: Utopia Ray’s helmet.
***This likely ties into both his hidden Xyz capabilities, but may also be an allusion to his origin.
***This also references how Utopia’s Magician form, Magician of Hope, can also be used to Summon Z-ARC.
Edit: Corrected, it only looks green because of the lighting. Soul of the Surpeme King Heavenly Dragon shows it is still the same blue gem as his corrupted form as Astrograph Sorcerer.
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no1-shochu · 6 years
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【若潮酒造株式会社の焼酎が飲めるお店】 ( 鹿児島県 曽於市 大隅町 岩川 ASTRAL ( アストラル ) 様 ) ( 飲み屋 スナック バー ラウンジ snack bar Lounge 志布志プレミアムブルー ) 若潮酒造株式会社の焼酎が飲めるお店をご紹介致します\(^^)/ 今回ご紹介するお店は、ASTRAL アストラル 様です♪ 大隅町で大人気のLoungeです♪ 広くてオシャレな店内が人気のお店です♪ たまにはオシャレな店内でゆっくりと呑む焼酎も良いものです♪ 若潮酒造の美味しい焼酎が飲めるお店なので、皆さん是非 ASTRAL ( アストラル )様に遊びに来て下さいね♪ 皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしております♪ アストラル 様情報 ( ASTRAL ) ( SNACK スナック bar バー 飲み屋 Lounge ラウンジ ) TEL = 080-8370-6227 住所 = 〒899-8102 鹿児島県曽於市大隅町岩川 6557-9 若潮酒造株式会社公式サイト http://wakashio.shop-pro.jp/ ______________________ プレミア焼酎 志布志 情報 ( プレミアしょうちゅう しぶし ) 焼酎志布志は、 若者達が 焼酎 を飲んでヤバイ❗❗ 地元の方達も わっぜうまか焼酎 やね❗❗ 沢山の皆さんに、おほめの言葉を頂いた最高の 焼酎志布志 ♪ 凄く美味しい焼酎なので、皆さん是非ご賞味下さい\(^-^)/ プレミア焼酎 志布志 第二弾 情報 志布志プレミアムブルー ♪ (通称 シブシブルー) 美味しさ、飲みやすさを追求し、研究に研究を重ねてこのプレミアムブルーが完成いたしました♪ 20度焼酎を呑まれている方に、是非飲んで頂きたい焼酎です♪ 呑めばシブシブルーのトリコになる事間違いなしです♪ ____________________________ ✨若潮酒造受賞歴✨ 鹿児島県本格焼酎鑑評会 ✨20年連続受賞‼✨ 熊本国税局酒類鑑評会 ✨16年連続優等賞受賞‼✨ ※16年連続優等賞受賞の記録は、弊社(若潮酒造)のみです‼ ____________________________ ※若潮酒造の焼酎は、プリン体0・糖質0・甘味料0 、体に優しい芋焼酎です(^^♪ (焼酎飲み方案内) 冷やしてストレート、グラスにいっぱいに氷を入れてロック、グラスにいっぱいに氷を入れて炭酸水を入れてソーダ割り、グラスにお湯を入れてお湯割り、色々な飲み方をして楽しんで下さいね~♪ 日本全土 、 全都道府県 に若潮酒造の焼酎が広がるように頑張ります。 ( 北海道 青森県 岩手県 宮城県 秋田県 山形県 福島県 新潟県 茨城県 群馬県 栃木県 埼玉県 東京都 千葉県 神奈川県 山梨県 長野県 富山県 石川県 福井県 静岡県 愛知県 岐阜県 三重県 大阪府 京都府 滋賀県 兵庫県 奈良県 和歌山県 鳥取県 島根県 岡山県 広島県 山口県 徳島県 香川県 愛媛県 高知県 福岡県 佐賀県 長崎県 熊本県 大分県 宮崎県 鹿児島県 沖縄県 ) ★若潮酒造は見学、ツアーも出来ますので皆さん是非若潮酒造に遊びに来て下さいね\(^o^)/ ( 会社が休みの場合も有りますので、見学に来られる際は事前に御連絡して下さいね(#^.^#) 若潮酒造株式会社への 商品、見学、ツアー お問い合わせ 若潮酒造電話番号 = 099-472-1185 若潮酒造住所 = 鹿児島県志布志市志布志町安楽215 お気軽にお電話下さい (^^♪ ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ ✨限定焼酎販売中✨ ※若潮酒造株式会社公式オンラインショップ http://wakashio.shop-pro.jp/ #ASTRALアストラル #ASTRAL #アストラル #若潮酒造服部明 #ラウンジ #スナック #SNACK #Lounge #飲み屋 #バー #志布志プレミアムブルー #bar #鹿児島県 #曽於市 #大隅町 #岩川 #若潮酒造株式会社 #若潮酒造 #弥五郎どん #志布志市 #志布志町 #志布志 #焼酎 #happy #picoftheday #beautiful #instagood #love #followme #follow ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ ※若潮酒造服部明個人サイトです。 お気軽にフォローして下さい。 Instagram インスタグラム = https://www.instagram.com/wakashio_hattori/ Twitter ツイッタ― = https://twitter.com/wakashio11 youtube ユーチューブ = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9iyw41rfoD-_jOSQiDQx1g アメーバブログ = https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/wakasiho ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BreT5j8FIUy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5qh4b8qvtmup
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Story and art by: Kazuma Kamachi and Yasuhito Nogi MSRP: $12.99 Release date: February 19, 2019
A new spin-off manga for the hit series A Certain Scientific Railgun!
Hokaze Junko, one of the top “handmaidens” of Shokuhou Misaki, has always blended into the background of Tokiwadai–an easy feat when you go to an all-girls’ school full of powerful psychics. But when a ghostly figure starts stalking her, Junko is suddenly the center of attention! As Junko investigates her stalker, she starts to learn new things about her classmates…and herself!
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vewavethathiri · 2 years
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shifuto · 7 years
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riku-logeq · 7 years
【No.344】 ASTRAL(Japanese Ver) / Logeq 【GIF lyric Video】 . ●2018.1.12(fri) Release on iTunes、Apple Music、Spotify 、AWA、LINE MUSIC etc… . ●ジャケットを描いて頂いたイラストレーターの「おさだかずな(@babel0512)」さんに歌詞付きのアニメも作って頂きました。 色を塗る過程がわかって、果てししなく素敵です。 . ●Background Vocals Uqui(a.k.a Uki SHAKALABBITS) MAH(SHAKALABBITS) TOMOYA YAMAGATA(DE BESO) UTA KUDARA . ●Acoustic Guitar Tomoya Yamagata(DE BESO) . ●Bass JOTARO(Migimimi sleep tight) . #1日1アカペラ #onedayoneacappella  #ASTRAL #アストラル #幽体離脱 #singing #singer #japanesesinger #djsinger #instamusic  #shakalabbits #logeq #おさだかずな #色鉛筆 #spotify #applemusic #itunes #spotifyhouse #applemusicplaylist
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tales-of-asteria · 2 years
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[Special Gacha] Platinum Gacha ~Asch~ Duration: 5/9 (Mon) 16:00 ~ 5/23 (Mon) 15:59
Chance to get the new Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ Asch and the previously released 5☆ Luke [Christmas], Natalia [Flower Viewing], Jade [Snow Festa] and Anise [Pajama].
The already-running awakening partner Natalia can be used to awaken Asch.
✶ This gacha features a Step Up gacha, where you pay a discounted rate to draw 10 characters and continuously raise your chances of pulling a 5☆. Steps will not be resetted even if you get a featured 5☆.
✶ You will also get rewards after a certain number of steps, and with the 20th you will be able to choose one of the featured characters (you need a total of 800 Asteria Stones to reach the 20th step.)
In this gacha will also reappear other Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ characters. The rates of this gacha’s featured characters will be higher than other 5☆.
For the event, the single daily pull will cost 3 Asteria Stones instead of 5.
There’s also the paid option to get a 5☆ character with a multi roll.
Asch’s artes and skills details under the cut.
Light 5☆ Asch
Stats at LV80 HP: 20,600 | Power: 2,420 | Defense: 2,120
Mystic Arte: 絞牙鳴衝斬 Rending Saber Power: 450% (Target: All) | Hits: 25 | OL: 40
Arte1 - 紅蓮襲撃 Burning Havoc Power: 250% (Target: All) | Hits: 7 | Activation: 60%
Arte2 - 剛招来 Coil Light attack +60% | Activation: 20%
Arte3 - 閃光墜刃牙 Light Spear Cannon Power: 400% (Target: All) | Hits: 16 | Activation: 20%
Co-op skill: Shine Attack 8 + Chain Plus (attack type) Performs a light physical attack with 230% of power. Also, the chain counter number will increase by 8 (only if the chain is active).  (wait time 00:55)
Light 6☆ Asch
Stats at LV80 HP: 23,200 | Power: 2,870 | Defense: 2,410
EX Skill: When a light party member is on a frame with an Attack UP buff on it, the frame's boost effect will be increased by 80%, if it's on a OverLimit boost frame, the gauge will be powered with an addition of 4 (points)
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): 絞牙鳴衝斬 Rending Saber Power: 450% (Target: All) | Hits: 25 | OL: 40 Bond Awakening Bonus: Recovers (Self) from the “attack down” status
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): 絞牙鳴衝斬 Rending Saber Power: 820% (Target: All) | Hits: 45 | OL: 75 (40+35) (finish & high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Break gauge damage +60%
※ If a Natalia Bond Soul is equipped, the Mystic Arte will change into a Dual Mystic Arte:
Dual Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): アストラル・フォール Astral Fall Power: 710% (Target: Single) | Hits: 40 | OL: 48 (finish & high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Own attack +100% (2 turns)
Dual Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): アストラル・フォール Astral Fall Power: 1250% (Target: Single) | Hits: 70 | OL: 82 (48+34) (finish & high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Break gauge damage +75%
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - 紅蓮襲撃 Burning Havoc Critical rate +50%
Arte2 - 剛招来 Coil Light members' attack +40% (activated turn)
Arte3 - 閃光墜刃牙 Light Spear Cannon Own power +100% (activated turn)
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
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ninjawarrior100 · 3 years
Theory: Kaito Tenjo originates from the Astral World
First at all, it’s only my assumption and a short theory with some reasons for this title.
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Kaito Tenjo is probably one of the most interesting characters in the “Yu-Gi-Oh!” universe. Being a so called “lonely and absolute genius”, dueling is no problem for him. And so are his scientific and engineer skills and belief in the power of dragons.
If you’re thinking further, you can see some connections between Kaito and the Astral World. This is some way can explain his personality and design.
1) For me personally, Kaito has some resemblance with Astral in their appearence. E.g. their hair is upturned and they have the same face shape, the same mouth shape and even the same eye shape (though they have of course not the same eye colour). Also, the nearly same height (Kaito being 1.67 m and Astral being 1.65 m). Not a strong connection, no? Read on!
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2) Etymology of Astral World: “Astral means "of the stars" and is also used to described things relating to a nonphysical realm of existence. Astral World is referred to as the "アストラル世界せかい" (Asutoraru Sekai).“
Etymology of Kaito’s surname: “ His family name, "Tenjou", uses the Kanji for "Heaven Castle". The ''Heaven'' in his last name can refrences his Photon deck being LIGHT and the Astral World being heaven in the Zexal universe in where his dragon came from.“
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We also know that Kaito’s dragon, “Neo Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon” is an important part of the Numeron Dragon, who was the first being to exist and the creator of the whole universe. After that though, he became very weak and almost died. “Using the last of its power, it shed a single tear, which contained all of its emotions and knowledge. The tear traveled through the cosmos and eventually impacted Earth, burying the Numeron Code there. The impact also created the Moon, where the key to the Numeron Code ended up. The dragon then borrowed the power of the "Numbers" in order to hide its existence. Finally, it left a record inscribed tablet, detailing the location of the key to the Numeron Code.The dragon was later reborn as a "Number" when the terms on the tablet were fulfilled.”
Kaito was from the beginning the chosen one whose destiny was it to duel against Mizar with his “Neo Galaxy Eyes Tachyon Dragon” on the moon to fulfill his destiny to win the duel and revive Number 100, the Numeron Dragon.
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By saying that, we also always saw some galaxy, if not the Astral World itself, in the eyes of Kaito’s dragon which means that this card is really coming from that dimension. 
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It’s no conicidence that Kaito got that card (though it is never said how exactly he got his deck, only that it was created by Dr. Faker like the “Photon Transformation” and his D-Pad and D-Gazer, like for Dextra, Nistro, Chris, Thomas, Trey and Vetrix).
On the whole, with the “Photon Transformation” his entire appearence has always been like a light (because of the white colour) that appears and in some way angelic.
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And also the scary ability to steal the “souls” which seems magical and not from this world.
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“White” is lightest colour and is a symbol for innocence or as well for Mary, the mother of jesus or as well for the christian “Holy Spirit” being a white pigeon (symbol for peace) and lilium. It’s furthermore a symbol for immorality and eternity.
So, with the “religious and culture meanings” of the colour “White”, there are connections to Kaito:
- ”Photon Transformation” ( self-explanatory)
- “Light blue-grey eyes, pale skin and blonde hair”, all fair appearence
- “Orbital 7′s transformation into a flying machine on his back with wings”
Flying with Wings? Like an Angel? Hell yes!
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- “Kaito being in dangerous situations and he survived them all, like not falling from the mountain because Yuma held his hand in the last minute (ep. 105) or as a big rock crushed on him and Tori & Shark saved him (ep.68) or the fact that the “Photon Transformation” brought him into comatose state after he lost to Vetrix (ep. 64)”
So, the destiny wanted that he must survive at all costs, until: 
- “his heroic death on the moon because of suffication after the duel with Mizar and the revival with the help of the Numeron Code” 
That means, that he truly was surrounded by a magical aura (also provided by his brother Haruto) so he was protected as long as he finally could fulfill his destiny on the moon. But it was also a big miracle to see that he came back to life and continued his work as a engineer to search other dimensions with his father, Vetrix and Quinton, and Orbital and Lilyboot and their children.
Also, his spirit supported Yuma and Shark aka Nash with their duel against Don Thousand by calling Yuma “an idiot” and reminded him that they’re “the last hope”. Standing by this friends, it is shown that there is always a “unity” of the trio and giving a last smile to Yuma after the defeat of their main enemy.
Sounds like ... a holy ghost that supported his friends after his death like Harry Potter’s parents and Cedric against Voldemort in Part 4? Or more like a true “Guardian Angel”?
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3) Quotes & connection to a religious point of view:
- “ In the Japanese version, Kite whistles a heavenly song, which can relate to how Kite sees himself as "the light that illuminates the darkness stagnating in the hearts of humanity", descending upon the wicked and delivering judgment.”
Seems very ... somehow religious?
-  “Kite exhibits some level of religious affiliation in the Japanese version. When striking a finishing move against opponents, he asks them if they are "ready for [their] confession". When he showed a level of guilt over his "Number Hunting", Kite referred to his soul as being stained and having resigned himself to hell one day.”
So, yeah. It isn’t so strong in dub but in the sub it is relieved that Kaito possesses a belief in his maybe magical aura and especially dragons and the legends about them. But it was strongly seen in episode 22 where he discovers the “Emperors Key” of Yuma and he somehow knew the whole time that there are other dimensions, thanks to the Baria Crystal of Orbital 7. Plus, he was very convinced in episode 23 to enter the portal to meet Astral and like he said “ to know all the knowledge and secrets of the dimensions”.
He indeed could resemble an angel figure like “Cherub” (”... is one of the unearthly beings who directly attend to God, according to Abrahamic religions. The numerous depictions of cherubim assign to them many different roles, such as protecting the entrance of the Garden of Eden.”) being connected to the “Numeron Dragon” who is like god, the creator of the universe. 
“Cherub” is also described as “a young human being, sometimes with wings of a lion”. 
It’s even more paradoxial with that fact, that he has guilty feelings because of his actions as a “Number Hunter” and believes that he’ll end up in hell for that, though he helped Yuma and his friends many times and died and came back to earth again. 
So, after all, Kaito is somehow not “just” a human being.
4) High Intelligence:
At some point, we know that Kaito is not just smart but a “genius”. Being 18 and an engineer in science already is very rare and not always possible. At the age of 12 he created Orbital 7 (Orbital said that he built him for 6 years ago), and later 5 and 6 as well such as the orbit Orbital 4. He also refunctioned Orbital 7 from a nanny robotor to fighting machine, or a motorcycle or his astronaut suit .Plus, he has it’s own laboratory where he does various experiments and invents a lot of technical things. 
Orbital 7 is not just a robot but a robot with feelings which is very rarely and somehow also until nowdays not fully possible. 
Always remarking Orbital 7 and his brothers with a red speech bubble, which is Kaito’s own brand logo.
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My top moment for the proof of his genius was episode 36, where the airship was out of control and falling and a group of engineers couldn’t stop it in the tower, but an 18 year old boy who is certainly known to hunt down the Number card owners and their souls, also being the son of the architect of “Heartland City” was the only one who was able to stop it by jumping through the window of the cockpit and stopping the machine with an emergency breaking!!! 
Funny, isn’t that? Kaito was the only one who could save the lives of around 100 people in that airship!
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It is also remarkable how humble Kaito was and a quiet type of person, always analysing the situations and he didn’t acted fake because he didn’t need all the fame or wealth, like in epísode 63 where Mr. Heartland announced him as the duel rival of Vetrix in the semi final of the WDC, resulting that people cheered up though leaving Kaito unimpressed because he only cared saving Haruto. 
(So, everyone forgot that Kaito is the guy who hunted people with Number cards and took their “souls” mercilessly? And they weren’t scared anymore?)
Also they both used to live in a wooden house outside Heartland before the whole events happened.
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After all, it seems that Kaito was sometimes arrogant, which he wasn’t really. I think his cold personality was created in the process of the proction of Hart and the thing with “don’t trust anyone” like Mr. Heartland who blackmailed him. And also the fact his friends aren’t as intelligent like him like calling Yuma an “idiot” or arguing with Shark. Also being a long time alone with his problems and having plights about his duel career after he became good. 
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     On the whole, I think he’s very intelligent because he truly had the knowledge from his past life, like he was an Astral being who knew much more of the universe than human beings were able to. Without any explanation how it’s even possible, it is a fact then.
5) Death:
Kaito died on the moon which wasn’t the earth but the place where the tablets of the legendary dragon were placed. And also the cause was natural, from the lack of oxygen because Orbital 7′s astro suit broke and he accepted that though he could have invented a better one knewing he is going to the moon. Angels are from heaven, aren’t they? So Kaito’s destiny wanted his end not on earth but on the moon, in the universe. And he knew it would be his last duel of his life and quietly accepted his fate peacefully (until the revival).
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Edit: On the wikipedia page about “Dragons” in the “Asian:East” section, there’s a theory that dragons do a “metamorphosis”, means, that they can “transform into humans and humans can be revived as dragons”. Kaito has a strong connection to Neo Galaxy Eyes and his belief of the “Numeron Dragon” (like Mizar). Also, his hair spikes are the same as Neo Galaxy eyes has and his hair shape reminds me of a burning flame ...
 So, was he himself also a dragon once?
To sum up all 5 reasons, I think Kaito is not a simple boy but rather a legend and metaphor of a bloody honest friend with encouraging abilities of humanity.
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yoga-onion · 3 years
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Sumerian Mythology - The earliest deities of ancient Mesopotamia (15)
Nergal – The King of underworld
Nergal was associated with the Underworld and is usually the husband of Ereshkigal (Ref1). He was also associated with forest fires (and identified with the fire-god, Gibil), fevers, plagues, and war. In myths, he causes destruction and devastation.
His father was Enlil (Ref2), the god of air, storms and order, and his mother Ninlil, the goddess of grain. When Enlil raped Ninlil, Ninlil became pregnant with Nanna (Ref3), the god of the moon. Even though Enlil was the supreme god, he was banished to the underworld because he broke the rule that young virgins should not be raped. But Ninlil said: "In my womb dwells the god of the moon. If I don't do something, she will be taken away to the underworld". Enlil then tricked Ninlil twice to conceive three gods. One of them was Nergal.
Nergal’s consort is the queen of the underworld, Ereshkigal. At first, he had trouble with her, but after a great love affair, he took her as his wife and became king of the underworld.
While the gods were preparing for a feast, Ereshkigal sent his vizier Namutar to the heavens. Of all the gods who greeted Namutar, only Nergal showed him no respect. Ereshkigal was so enraged by this that she ordered Nergal to be brought to the underworld and tried to kill him, but on the contrary, they fell in love. On the morning after seven days of Nergal's visit to the underworld, he returned to earth. The grief-stricken Ereshkigal threatened the gods that if they did not return Nergal, he would send the dead up to the earth to eat the living and make the dead outnumber the living.
Nergal was, in part, a solar deity, sometimes identified with Utu (Ref4), but only representative of a certain phase of the sun, specifically the sun of noontime and of the summer solstice that brings destruction, high summer being the dead season in the Mesopotamian annual cycle. Nergal's sole astral domain is Mars, though among his entourage, there are "day-demons".
Nergal has nonetheless also been called "the king of sunset" in ancient texts, possibly due to the belief that at night the sun travelled through the underworld, his domain.
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A fun birthday surprise! Two high quality Zexal figurines were announced. One featuring Yuma, Astral and Rainbow Kuriboh. The other featuring Kotori.
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gamesung · 3 years
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遊☆戯☆王ZEXAL 遊馬&アストラル B2タペストリー デュエルへの闘志Ver. ("Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal" Yuma & Astral B2 Tapestry Heated Up Battle Ver.)
商品编号 : 000219595 遊☆戯☆王ZEXAL 神代凌牙 B2タペストリー デュエルへの闘志Ver. ("Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal" Kamishiro Ryoga B2 Tapestry Heated Up Battle Ver.)
商品编号 : 000216784
零售价 : 2,900日元 发售预定日 : 2021年10月内 预约截止日 : 2021年8月22日
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andersunmenschlich · 5 years
An Experiment
In which Xellos gives a lecture
「 『魔法』とは―いえ、『魔』とは一体何なんでしょう?」 "'Magic' is—no, 'ma' is what, do you suppose?"
「―本来、この世界には存在しない法則や力―」 迷うことなく答えたのはアメリアだった。 "Laws and power that don't naturally exist in this world," Amelia answered without hesitation.
ゼロスくん、満足そうにうなずくと、 Xellos gave a satisfied nod.
「その通りです。すなわち魔法とは、もともと何もないところから、呪文によって、この世界の因果を一部狂わせ、力や、別の法則を生み出すものです。 "Precisely. Magic is a thing which, by means of spells, deranges this world's laws of nature and produces power and another set of rules from a place where originally there was nothing.
この世界での魔法の発動は、世界と裏表―どころか紙一重の位置にある、精神世界面(アストラル・サイド)に呪文によって干渉し、なにがしかの力をひき出しています。 "The invocation of magic in this world intrudes into the world's other side—the astral side, a place so close to being 'here' that it's not even a hair's breadth away—and draws out power.
地水火風の精霊術は、それを物理的な力として具現させてから、目標となるものにたたきつけるわけですが、物理的な力として具現してしまった以上、物理的な防御力で防ぐこともまた可能です。 "Elemental spiritism embodies that power as physical force and strikes the target with it, but due to the fact that the power is physically embodied, it is also possible to avert using physical defensive force.
しかし精神系の魔術や黒魔術は、攻撃力の大半を具現させず、精神世界面(アストラル・サイド)から直接、相手の精神世界(アストラル)にたたきつけるわけです」 "However, astral (psychological, mental) magic and black magic strike the target's mind (psyche, mental world... soul?) directly from the astral side without giving physical form to most of their attack power."
「せんせぇ、しつもぉん」 あたしははたはたと手を上げる。 "Teach," I said, waving my hand urgently, "I got a question."
「はい。リナさん」 "Yes, Lina."
「魔竜烈火咆(ガーヴ・フレア)なんかはモノに火線が見えるし、龍破斬(ドラグ・スレイブ)を城や山なんかに直接かけることもできるわ。……まさか山や城に精神世界(アストラル)があるとは思えないし…」 "Spells like the Gaav Flare (Demon Dragon Roaring Inferno) have a visible line of fire, and the Dragon Slave (Dragon Destroyer) can be thrown straight against things like castles and mountains. ...I can't think mountains or castles could possibly have mental worlds...."
「うーん。いいところに気づきましたね。 "Ah. Well spotted.
龍破斬(ドラグ・スレイブ)にしても、術をかけると、うっすらとした赤い光が、目標物に向かって収束していくのが見えますよね。 "Even with the Dragon Slave, when you cast the magic, a faint red light can be seen heading toward and focusing on the target.
魔竜烈火咆(ガーヴ・フレア)の火炎、冥王降魔陣(ラグナ・ブラスト)の雷、龍破斬(ドラグ・スレイブ)の赤光、これはすべて、いわば導火線の役割を果たしているんです」 "The blazing flames of the Gaav Flare, the thunderbolt of the Ragna Blast (Hellmaster Summoned Demon Army), the red light of the Dragon Slave—these all play the part of a fuse, so to speak."
「導火線?」 オウム返しに問うあたし。 "A fuse?" I repeated like a parrot.
「そうです。それらが収束、もしくは何かに反応したその地点で、精神世界面(アストラル・サイド)にたまりまくっていた攻撃力がはじめて、この世界に具現します。目標物が生物でないならそのまま、生物なら、その精神部分をずたずたに引き裂いてから、残ったエネルギ��がこの世界に具現します。 "Correct. On the spot where these focus, or where they respond to something, the offensive power collected on the astral side takes form in this world for the first time. If the target is not a living thing, the power simply comes through as physical force: if the target is living, it shreds the non-physical part of it, and then the remaining energy is embodied in this world as physical force.
―むろん、烈���槍(エルメキア・ランス)のような、精神世界(アストラル)だけに効果がとどまる術もありますけど」 "—Of course, there are also magics whose effects are confined to the mental (spiritual) realm, such as the Elmekia Lance (Fervent Flashing Spear)."
「もうひとつ質問」 "Another question." と、これはアメリア。 This time it was Amelia.
「はい、お嬢さん」 "Yes, young lady."
「なんでそんなに詳しいんですか?魔道士協会でも、魔導についての本質は、すべて究明されているわけでもないのに」 "How are you so well-informed? Even the Mage Association hasn't investigated everything regarding the basic nature of sorcery."
「それは―」 "That is—"
「ひみつ?」 "Secret?"
「魔道士協会の通説だけが、魔導理論の最先端というわけではありません―とだけお答えしておきましょう」 "Let's just say that the commonly accepted ideas of the Mage Association alone aren't precisely magical theory's cutting edge, and leave it at that."
「おれからも聞いてかまわんか」 うんざりとした表情で尋ねるゼルガディス。 "I have another question, if I may," Zelgadis said, looking fed up.
「どうぞなんなりと」 "Anything you like."
「それで―いつ本題に入るんだ?」 "All right, then—when are you going to get to the main point?"
—Slayers 5, pg. 161-164
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commelafleurworld · 4 years
Astral Clear
Astral Clear from Petaltone Essences
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emikokabeyama · 5 years
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「Celebration of Life -星の海の祝祭-」フィンランド人アーティストのクラウス・ハーパニエミによるクリスマスアート。宇宙を舞台に描かれた作品「アストラル・シー(Astral Sea)」の世界をアレンジし、ギンザ シックス中央吹き抜け空間に展示されている「ライトニング・ホエール」。 この季節に合っている真っ赤なクジラ🐳 © 2019 KLAUS HAAPANIEMI All Rights Reserved.ライツマネージメント:株式会社ブルーフォリオ #klaushaapaniemi #astralsea #ginzasix #celebrationoflife (GINZA SIX) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6u--g6gP4d/?igshid=1u8ixwfxjaccv
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riku-logeq · 7 years
ASTRAL(English Ver) / Logeq GIF lyric Video. . 発売まであと5日 ●2018.1.12(fri) Release on iTunes、Apple Music、Spotify 、AWA、LINE MUSIC etc… . ●ジャケットを描いて頂いた「おさだかずな」さんに歌詞付きのアニメも作って頂きました。 色を塗る過程がわかってとても素敵です。 . #ASTRAL #アストラル #幽体離脱 #singing #singer #japanesesinger #djsinger #instamusic  #shakalabbits #logicprox #logeq #おさだかずな #色鉛筆
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