anewtechguardian · 6 months
If you’re still taking Kirby oc game asks, 🪄🍅💥🔮🌙 for any ocs? I’d also love to know more about their backstories!
To be honest I completely forgot about this, but thank you for asking! I love answering stuff about my creations :3c 🪄- Cecelia learned magic due to being a ghost on Shiverstar inclining her to ice magic and stuff. Astran and Shinku can do it naturally due to being Astrals [The species that Kirby is] but can't use copy abilities.
🍅- As per the above Cecelia would give Ice, Astran would give Jet, and Shinku would give the Magic copy ability.
💥- Cecelia would prefer to not fight at all, but if she had to she would be a mostly ranged fighter taking things out from a distance. Astran is more melee with quick attacks. Shinku is more ranged as well, but will get close-ranged for more point-blank attacks. Cecelia doesn't really follow and official system other than "don't hurt them too badly." Astran and Shinku are apart of the GSA so they have the fighting code and honor stuff they have.
🔮- Cecelia likes cool rocks, so I feel she'd like the Crystal Ball. Astran is definitely taking the Model Ship he loves model ships and stuff. Shinku would like the Amber Rose, she actually already has a flower crown of roses I feel the amber would fit nice with the gold roses in her flower crown.
🌙- Cecelia is a heavy sleeper I don't think she'd like naps though. Astran is a very light sleeper, if any sound reaches his ears while he's asleep he is bolting out of bed. No naps. I feel like Shinku is in the middle you could sneak past her sleeping, but if there was a particularly loud sound she'd wake up, whenever she's not busy I feel like she'd like naps.
Once again thanks for asking! :D
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chibifox2002 · 1 year
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HEhehEheHEHehEHEHeh This is Astran he's an inventor! :3c [for the event thingy]
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funeralrep · 2 years
Greetings. I hope I find you all well.
I am the representative of the Funeral People, a group of individuals with wide imaginations.
We have created a wonderful land, thriving with life, empires, gods, and lore. After all the effort we put into our empires, we deemed it unfit for it to only stay between ourselves and our close friends, so we have decided to share it with all of you.
Here, I'll be including the character profiles of the main characters of our story: the gods of our individual empires. It will help you follow along with our lore and it may also help you learn to appreciate the unique characteristics — and lore — of our characters.
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character and drawing of @tanchyjuj
name: Acarden
Alias: Man of the Moonlit Stars
empire: Empire Acardia
age: Centuries upon Centuries years old, older than most planets (But if we’re talking about mortal years, other gods described him as 26)
power: As the last survivor of the designers of the world, Acarden has the ability to terraform the natural ground around him, he is able to summon any plant, anything nature. Though, terraforming bigger things (like let’s say he wanted to make a big mountain right now) he’d have to have a lot of concentration, since his powers now aren’t as strong as before
Physical Appearance
Height: 5’6
unique physical features: The most noticeable thing about Acarden is his hair. The hair that is said to reflect the universe, stars shined, the same shades of color as the sky beyond them. On his face, he has gold cracks that go along through out his chest and his right arm, which are covered by bandages
kind of clothes they wear: Since this was legit for a damn history project, his clothing was based inspired by ancient Rome clothing, the cloak part. I needed some influence of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece culture for the project LMAO
personality: A quiet spirited person, very soft spoken. Bro is legit one with nature, literally, he’s always in the damn trees and sleeps on grass. He speaks with wisdom, and sometimes speaks in a very poetic way, but when he’s not in the mood he’s very straight forward. He tends to be very gullible with a lot but small things. Loves his people very much.
fav things: His people <3 he enjoys spicey food, he liked trying spices from around the world. Fruits and vegetables, yet again he likes tasting and exploring fruits and vegetables from around the world, though most was slightly modified, he still knew that a god he knew designed his food he is holding in his hands and made the taste of it. He really loves all forms of art, even when there are some that he doesn’t really understand, he still enjoys them.
least fav things: Astran, Acarden tries his best to avoid him as much as possible. He doesn’t really enjoy sweet food (bro can’t handle chocolate milk). People destroying big chunks of land and not making any good use out of it, like damn what’s the point bro. People who don’t appreciate nature.
pet peeve: Being called short (as if he didn’t know). People who don’t close ink bottles or don’t cover their paint bottles, IT’S GOING TO DRY. Wasting food (like bro, if it’s not dirty or anything or your saliva isn’t everywhere, let someone have it, throwing out perfectly good food is so sad)
habit of theirs (body movement, etc): He’s a heavy sleeper, he can sleep through a concert and not be bothered. He liked to hide in bushes, sit in tree’s branches, lie down under its shade. Whenever he’s at a social event, he’d stay there for exactly 30 minutes, then look for an exit and just walk out quietly
The stardust form and create another item for the millions of galaxies in their canvas, but, it is rare for the stardust to form and create life, a being that was sentient.
And so, Acarden was formed, born with pure stardust in his blood and skin, eyes made of the remnants of the billions of dead stars before him. Acarden had a duty to complete.
For the first few years of his life, Acarden explored the millions of planets of all types, and observed how life thrived in those planets. Some filled with water, some made out of diamonds and gold, some were on fire, and only a few with a very rare material called wood.
When he was ready, he was called to design a planet, along with other gods, about 20 or so. Some were as old as him, some were far more older. Then, they all started designing.
Acarden had met a god, though this god’s task was to help form civilization on this planet, the two became friends. His name was Jocular. Jocular was a god, a few years younger than him, that was called by the universe to help a handful of living beings to form their own empire. Acarden also had his own people that called him their Lord.
When Jocular asked Acarden if he wanted their empires to join, Acarden asked how, then the other god explained. After rambling and rambling, Acarden realized what the other god wanted.
He wanted his people to be in full control under Jocular, Acarden wouldn’t allow that. So Acarden stormed off, and the two didn’t speak to each other after that.
When the world was finished in design, all of the gods in it started a war for power. Acarden and Jocular fought with each other.
Days turn into months, and into years. Until the battle between Acarden and Jocular was stopped with a blade upon Jocular’s throat. Jocular was saved by grace of the other god, for he let him go with mercy. Then after that, Acarden fought with the other gods for his empire.
But he never spoke to Jocular again, even when the war was finished.
Centuries later, he had learnt that he was the only god that’s alive who had the powers to redesign the earth if he wanted to. All of the other creators were gone, he was the last god standing.
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character of @fantom-writer and drawing of @tanchyjuj
name: Astran
empire: Lumen Empire
alias: the god of light, patron god of Lumen Empire
age: three thousand years old (at the least)
power: Astran has the power to emit and manipulate light, along with the power to use light energy to regenerate both himself and others. However, the regenerative ability is only safe to use on other gods, since humans may not be able to handle the true power of Astran.
Physical Appearance
height: 6'10
unique physical features: has two scars on his chin, golden eyes that glow fully white when he's at his full power, a small scar on his abdomen.
kind of clothes they wear: old english style clothing (mostly dark blue and black combinations), but he wears a lot of different styles of clothing depending on the occasion.
personality: stoic, short attention span, and creative, especially when it comes to clothing. He tends to be blunt accidentally, not meaning to hurt anyone's feelings but just wanting to say what's on his mind.
fav things: fashion, good dreams, dressing people up (especially acarden), flowers, anything that catches his attention
least fav things: nightmares, not being able to help, people taller than him (it hurts his pride), people with bad fashion sense
pet peeve: being interrupted, people taking away his flowers (he likes his flowers, don't blame him - fantom-writer)
habit of theirs (body movement, etc): he tends to get easily distracted, especially when it comes to flowers. He likes picking flowers and making a whole bouquet just for the one he loved.
The whole planet Terra was at war. All the empires fought against each other, hungry for power. This long period of violence is now known to the present people of Lumen as the Great War.
Although Astran was in charge of the safety of Lumen, being its patron saint and all, he was confident that his empire would last on its own.
He was more busy helping his lover Orion, the god of flowers, and his empire survive, but they were losing.
Even after all they sacrificed, Orion's empire wasn't known to have a strong military. And so, it fell, along with Orion himself, whose body disappeared into golden dust and scattered on the ground, flowers growing where the dust landed.
Astran, heartbroken over the loss of his lover, never forgave himself for losing Orion to the hands of death.
Soon after, the darkness that once loomed over Terra like a terrifying shadow passed, giving the people time to recover and enter the Great Sorrow, a long period where the people of Terra struggled to recover from their losses and buried the millions of lives lost due to the greed of their emperors.
Lumen was in need of their god to guide them out of their suffering, but Astran disappeared off the face of the world. Ever since then, no one has caught sight of the god of light.
However, rumor has it that there is a man who visits a simple bed of flowers in the area where the empire of flowers once resided, laying down bouquets of flowers on the ground and talking merrily to plants about things in a language present people no longer understood.
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character of @teyvatussy and drawing of @tanchyjuj
name: Elysia
alias: Harbinger of Serenitas, The Blooming Light, Ellie (This is the human name they use when they change their form to their kid body. This was actually the nickname Zephyr gave them)
empire: Elysium Empire
age: Elysia doesn't really like talking their age. However Elysia was born in the earlier stages of the world, when everything was dark and miserable.
power: They can control the earth itself but that takes a lot of energy. So for now, Elysia practices on flowers, vines and plants.
Elysia's main power is changing objects or even their own form. They can do things like camoflauge, make things grow, and change objects and humans forms. Hence how they are able to have a kid form
They also have the power of Bilocation or the power of being in many places at once. I mean how'd you think they attended all their meetings?
Physical Appearance
height: In their adult form, they are about 5'10. In their kid form however, they are around 4'11.
unique Physical Features: Elysia is just cotton candy man. Pink hair and pink skin. Both the bottom part of their hands are covered in tatoos? Or like symbols of vines. The left hand is a bit more green. The right hand is completely black cause Miss gurl tried testinh out Zephyr's dark magic once but it backfired.
kind of clothes they wear: As the Elysium's ruler, Elysia has to wear outfits meant for a monarch. Usually they have to wear items consisting of long dresses, robes, sheer capes and veils. (Think Princess Allura from Voltron like the one with Klance)
For their kid form, this mf is a little crusty German boy JK. But seriously they usually like wearin vests, bowties and baggy pants. (Think Varian from Tangled: the series)
In Adult Form, Elysia puts on a front of being refined, gentle and sweet. Really calm when handling situations. However a bit slow and gullible due to her being trapped or barricaded in Castle Rieka for years
As Ellie or their kid form, THIS CHEEKY MF. Naturally since they're adjusting to the new world, they're a bit naive but they're getting there. With this newfound freedom, Elysia or Ellie finally gets to let out their emotions
This mf has a newfound sass and tends to be impulsive a lot. Ellie gets frustraded easily, especially when they don't get what they need
Both forms have one thing in common
Trust Issues against anyone who helps them because of Zephyr and his gaslighting
favorite things: alchemy and making shit blow up, d e s s e r t s, reading and listening to stories (by Junjit Ito), braiding flowers they grew themselves into the other gods' hair, playing the xylophone, reminding Raia and Kleio about Fathers Day, being taken care of (but Zephyr kinda fucked that experience up), Astran.
least fav things: being gaslighted, use of black magic, the dark, whistling (Zephyr used to whistle to make them sleep, the thought of whistling makes them think that someone will manipulate them all over again), being forced to go back into their adult form
pet peeves: when no one comes to their tea parties, someone suddenly touching their right hand (the corrupted hand), interrupted nap time, someone trampling on their flowers or desecrating the Royal Gardens
habit of theirs (body movement, etc.): rocking back and fourth when they're nervous, flapping their arms when they're happy, biting their nails when they're in a bad space, stomping their feet when they're frustrated, letting out random noises randomly within a conversation
To see a world of colors, a kaleidascope of feelings and emotions, that was Elysia's dream.
When one was birthed out of the Eternal Root that now protected their home.
They opened their eyes to a white void of emptiness.
The blank canvas of nothingness must have been terrifying for a newly born god, but Mother Earth was kind and took the poor child in. Ever so curious, the small child observed and followed the example of the one who nurtured them. Slowly learning and surrounding themselves in flowing verdure.
One spent their early years in the evergreen springs of Gaea.
After a couple more years, the young sprout has now grown. The little sapling was now ready to experience the new world. And with a heavy heart , Elysia bid goodbye to the forests and set out for the human world.
For the first time, Elysia fully saw the world in all its glory. Oh how wonderful the world was! Full of vibrant hues of brilliant blues, pinks and yellows. Those were the good old days, when everything was harmonious and peaceful. For once, Elysia truly felt like they belonged.
But one should have known, that there is always a chance that the balance of peace should be disturbed.
The war is someting Elysia doesn't like talking about. It was a horrible period of chaos. Deities and gods that were once good friends now quarelled and waged war against each other. The rifts between humans and the supernatural got worse. Blood was shed on both sides and no one was spared. Thankfully, Elysia had made a friend in a strange man named Zephyr. The two of them worked together to try and subdue the destruction.
However slashes of red and fury had now overtaken the once colorful home that Elysia loved.
With all the responsibilities and duties to fulfill, the young god constantly felt like the world was on their shoulders. Sometimes the little one needed to get away from the big bad world and just be themselves.
So one would take solace in being a child again and having Zephyr take care of them.
And for a moment, Elysia would feel like the colors were coming back again.
Betrayal had never hurt more. When Elysia had learned that Zephyr took advantage of their trust and used it to harm others. To learn that when they were in their most vulnerable, the person they trusted the most had taken advantage of them. Something broke within the young god. Full of rage and sorrow, Elysia had used all their powers to seal Zephyr and save their empire. But as the coronation happened, and Elysia was crowned...
They couldn't help but feel the world's sorrowful strokes of blue.
Decades and centuries had passed and Elysia had just stayed. Stayed in their cold and boring castle while Humanity had evolved. The guard had insisted it was for their safety but Elysia was tired and reckless. Tired of always being used and having their fate decided. So they made a decision, a decision that they knew would surely get them in trouble.
But as they neared the gates and feasted their eyes on new world...
Elysia felt that their kaleidascope dream had finally come true.
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character of @zacheristtt and drawing of @tanchyjuj
name: Raia
empire: Hydranovan Empire
alias: Twin of the Seas, Acting King of Hydranova, Capitaine des Hydras
age: 900
power: control the seas, manipulate any type of water form, turn into a hydra
Physical Appearance
Height: 6'3
unique physical features: his arms have translucent scales that are only seen when he enters the water
kind of clothes they wear: to represent the connection between him and water, raia wears a robe that covers half of his upper body, a shell necklace overlapping his chest, knee high boots covered by his chiton-like dress
personality: cocky, stupid, very loud. He can be a jerk but he knows his values. When it comes to serious situations, he shows another side of him that is the complete opposite of the rowdy him
fav things: the ocean, his trident, pissing off kleio, playing instruments, sleeping under the sea, styling his long ass hair
least fav things: waking up early, having to read thick books about the laws in Hydranova, he's also scared of losing kleio
pet peeve: being interrupted, quiet dinner time, losing to someone obviously weaker than him
habit of theirs (body movement, etc): sleeping under the ocean, collecting pretty seashells
With Lord Polaris and Lady Astra's love for each other flourishing, their love bore fruit.
The Twins of the Seas and Stars were born.
Raia, the inheritor of the Great Hydras, grew up to learn of the way of the water.
He saw how land meets the sea, the wonders of the underworld. His father had guided him through the depths and taught him that you are the greatest power you can obtain.
By the time King Polaris submitted his humanity to the demonic hydras corrupting his mind, Raia was already qualified to take over.
Soon, Raia became the Acting King.
He did whatever was within his reach to protect this land.
Even if it meant that he'd go against himself.
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character of @zacheristtt and drawing of @tanchyjuj
name: Kleio
empire: Hydranovan Empire
alias: Twin of the Stars, Commander of the Hydranovan Military Forces
age: 900
power: manipulate the stars, create new constellations, use spells which involve the galaxy
Physical Appearance
height: 6'0
unique physical features: Kleio has a crescent moon tattoo with rays on his chest. This is in born to those who inherit the power of the stars
kind of clothes they wear: just think of kenshin uesugi from ikemen sengoku but the color palette is purple, dark blue and white - zacherist
personality: smartass, the mature one, pretty quiet. The literal opposite of Raia. He's serious most of the time but he knows how happiness works.
fav things: the dagger Astra gave, stargazing, cooking, witnessing Raia getting an earful
least fav things: raia shouting, raia being a jerk, raia being embarrassing, being reminded of his mom's death
pet peeve: raia
habit of theirs (body movement, etc): he has a diary where he writes about his everyday life
Just where the horizons meet the stars, a new light has risen.
The chosen one to continue the Scintillan bloodline, arrives.
Kleio, the inheritor of the Cosmic Stars, made his way into life by living the way of the sky.
Everything he knows of came from his mother, who then introduced him to the powers he has yet to discover. How the stars illuminate, the spells to control them...
Astra's explosion then came. The day of his worst nightmares. His mother, his northern star, has vanished.
Kleio takes on the mission to fulfill his mother's dreams, and follow the path she took.
Kleio now became the Commander, specializing in spells and being the head of the whole military.
He wanted to make sure his name will be written down in history.
Not only for his great works..
But also his betrayal.
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drawing of @tanchyjuj and character of the Funeral People
name: Tempest
empire: none
alias: Shards of Trepidation, The Automaton of God
age: Unknown
power: In a world filled with magic that can be seen by mortals, Tempest is seen using advanced technology using metal scraps from all parts of the world. Robots, bombs, robots with gods magic, all piercing into one’s skin. No wonder they’re called the Automaton of God, the Shards of Trepidation.
Physical Appearance
Height: 5’11, with all of the robotic parts on their legs and hills, 6’1
unique physical features: They have a crows mask, covering the half of their face. Despite all these types of clothing, they still choose to wear a nice, fancy purple hat on their head. A poor quality cape that they willingly wear, a glove that has all these mechanical features on it. No one knows what it does except for them. Under their clothes, metal digs under their skin, wires tend to poke out, a heart that runs on oil, they are hidden under the cape they wear and the corset, perhaps they tell a story.
kind of clothes they wear: As one of the designers, it’s all steampunk LMAO - tanchyjuj
personality: They have no chill, literally. Born with a made heart, a copy of gods eyes, Tempest was basically coded as a war machine. Destined to destroy, destined to take over the whole world and destroy it. They speak in a very fancy yet terrifying way, they aren’t that straight forward. They speak in riddles and rhymes, just imagine the Joker, Harley Quinn, and Jinx combined. Though they are insane, they are fair, and if you’d make a deal with them (a miracle), they’d genuinely promise and be honest.
fav things: Other than committing every crime in humanity that has arson under its label, Tempest like knitting. They need a break from working with solid and hard things like the metal, they need to touch something soft from time to time.
least fav things: People breaking off deals and they’re already in the middle of doing it, or just not promising and being honest in a deal.
pet peeve: Boring people, like, BRING in a fight, give them a challenge like damn.
“Oh, now you’re just going to run off with your little legs and hide behind the tree? There is a building right there with weapons to fight me, how boring of you! I expect more from you, you know?”
habit of theirs (body movement, etc): Adjusting their glove after every little thing they do. Sneaking up on people (They somehow walk very quietly, even with their heels).
Born with the unkind hands of man, a robotic man that is yet filled with the human blood of mankind awoke, with the help of man and the power of the gods.
A half robot, half man, yet a god, their existence of the world was seen as inconceivable, yet they had a purpose. To destroy, to test the world and its gods if they are capable of war. It was time to put them all to a test.
It was unfortunate for the creators themselves to die by their very own creation.
The Shards of Trepidation, the Automaton of God, a design of the end to the world of creators.
Because why not?
Other Things
Most robotic scraps and the magic behind them come from other gods Tempest has defeated. In the upcoming lore, they capture these gods and place their magic in these gems that symbolizes them, upon activating their magic, they release some sort of version where their minds are stuck and are under the command of Tempest.
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worldseekerdragon · 11 months
Codex Entry: Astran
Spectrum: Flourish/Fade
Ruler: The Dragonslayer
Demonym: Astrani, various settlement-dependent
Unique Resource: Soul Amber
Hallmarks: Great iron cages with villages within, swords and sorceries, foreboding ruins, wailing faces in fog, narrative arcs, twisting dungeons deep within the earth, the ring of dark and endless sea
Astran is a lone island on an empty world, with frequently gloomy weather. It is a fantastical place, where different varieties of intelligent life seek wealth and adventure alongside dangerous monsters and mysterious magics. Also, there are ghosts.
The dead linger on Astran. For many, this is fine. Because it is expected, the change from a corporeal existence to a phantom one is not exceedingly troublesome, though it comes with its own loss and inconveniences. No one carries into death all that they had in life. Also, you can't pick stuff up anymore, and that can be frustrating!
Still, most people adjust. Most, but not all. A ghost can go feral if it loses too much of itself in the transition. The knowledge of its own fundamental lack can override everything else and cause it to trouble the living. These wraiths know only that those who still possess the spark of life have something they do not, and will seek to take it. The touch of a ghost is subtly corrosive in a metaphysical way. It fades the life from things. This effect is slight and slow with one ghost. But a roiling, billowing fog of phantoms joined in mournful purpose? This is why we have the cages.
The Cages
Any sufficiently-sized settlement is a beacon to intermittent wraith-fogs. Astrani build up the iron cages around their villages, which range from simple to luxuriant to viciously barbed. They needn't cage anything where humans and humanoids do not actively dwell, so most farmland lays outside. The cages are maintained with some regularity, though the resources and expertise required is harder to come by the farther one ventures from Astran's center and the Castle.
The Dragonslayer's Castle
At the island's heart, the Dragonslayer keeps watch over her domain. Its qualities as a fortress extend beyond the physical, and it needs no additional safeguards against fading, whether to ghost or simply time. It is older than memory, created with secrets known only to the ancients who carved the labyrinthine dungeons that wind deep beneath the island's surface.
The Dungeons
The deep ways beneath Astran seem to burrow down endlessly. Filled with devious puzzles and odd beasts, there seems to be no limit to their variety. The frequency with which new entrances are unearthed has led some fringe scholars to theorize that they are almost as living things, growing and replicating themselves. Most scoff at this belief. The dungeons are deadly, but the promise of wealth, fame, and knowledge are strong. Moreover, they are the only place in Astran where relics made from the Amber can be found.
Soul Amber
A strange material important to the ancients. It channels magic and reacts to the presence of ghosts. But its most important function by far is its ability to allow a ghost to move on at last. By consuming a portion of amber, a spirit may finally pass on from the physical plane. This is motivation enough for some to risk becoming ghosts themselves to obtain it.
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brosif40 · 9 months
Are u accepting OCs,,,, bc if so,,, could u please draw my silly guy 🙏
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saw this guy in my hallway at 3am what do i do /j
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izzyy-stuff · 4 days
hello izzy's fanbase
she is a dork
says you
don't let him fool you guys, he tries to act like he is normal but is actually a simp for buff men
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arkhammaid · 2 years
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riallasheng · 2 years
Since I posted the comic link, I just wanted to share what is one of my all time favorite moments in ANY comic
Every time I read / see this, it makes me laugh out loud
So I just wanted to share
In quick set-up explination:
The Astrans (the best telekinetic tutued jellybean aliens in the verse) had a very short war with Earth at the very start of the Century 21 run. They showed up a few more times, always having fantastic stories when they did, and this was no exception
Two rebel Astran scientists managed to create a shrink ray which was used first on an Astran craft that Steve was one, and then managed to shrink basically several Astran warships.
The now shrunk Astran ships, which I always call the minifleet decides to head to the planet the scientists are on. NORMALLY this would work perfectly and the story would be about the itty bitty heroes trying to battle the scientists and work with the gear while TINY
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the final panel just cracks me up every time
And THAT stops THAT invasion!!
and the way that you just have 'whatthefuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu' vibes POURING off the now trapped minifleet despite there being no dialogue
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cupcraft · 3 months
I came out to my parents astrans just now over text and like am ignoring my phone. AHHHH. All I saw preview wise was dont worry we love you always but im still scared LMAO
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yutopia-eleftheria · 10 months
Criminal Case Inkember 2023
Day 19/30 : Rita Estevez (Weapon) / (Arme)
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Crazy AU I just got thanks to today's theme :
An AU where the peeps that died because of the serum (Ad Astrans, Neohumans and in here, Rita) are "recreated" of some sorts and are therefore part humans, part cyborgs.
In here, Rita literally has a weapon for a right arm, being a flamethrower.
Anyways I love this idea so much that I will work on it for the others ♥
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anewtechguardian · 1 year
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Astran!!!! :DDDDDD
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alexlesuagz · 2 years
Random Criminal Case What-Ifs I Came Up With Because Why Not
(I guess these count as fanfic ideas, but I won’t bother updating my last fanfic idea list because…eh, just don’t feel like it.)
(BTW, some ideas from my previous fanfic idea list are on here)
What if Emilio was murdered instead of Tony in “Up in Flames”?
What if, for some contrived reason, Rupert randomly comes back to life during his funeral? (Inspired by comments on Rupert’s CC wiki page)
What if Mortimer spied on Dreamlife instead of Rupert?
What if, for another contrived reason, Arthur survives the events of “To Hell and Back” and the team was forced to fake his death to prevent the demons from hunting him down?
What if Marcus found out that Rita was lying to him and had, in fact, not gone to join the army?
What if Jones killed Tony?
What if Duncan was one of the suspects of “The Final Countdown”?
What if Anbu succeeded in kidnapping Elliot in “A Stab in The Dark”?
What if Lars was the mole, not Angela?
What if Tsukada Hiroshi killed Obaasan in “The Murder Games”?
What if Rozetta was the last Ad Astran standing, not Joe?
What if Lawson found out that “Eddie LeBold” was Diego?
What if Chief King merely turned himself in?
What if Amy was the traitor instead of Frank?
What if Amy killed Nebet?
What if Julian was the victim of “In the Dead of Night” and Freddy was the killer?
What if the player was the victim of “To Kingdom Come”?
What if Jones was your partner in “No Mercy For Old Men”?
What if Ramirez arrived too late to save the day?
What if Jones found out about Tess hypnotizing him?
What if the victim of the case survived the attempt on their life?
(I know this list is was shorter than the fanfic ideas one, but hush-)
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eucharist-eulogy · 1 year
Rate your friends.
I hope you don’t mind me going insane, anon :3
Yami @pastel-rights
You. YOUUUU!!!!! I grab your stories your Theatre of Darkness your ocs your lore your art EVERYTHING. I ADORE YOUR PRESENCE AND HONESTLY??? thank you for dealing w my bs HAAHAHA and thank you for introducing to my first true kin as an oc, Harlequinn Astran. That man is vile just like me /lh ANYWAYS HUGS YOU TIGHT. Also my favourite person to torment with timmy and insanity <3 /j
Sam @paperbcy
MY EX HUBBYYYYYY~ I swear i do love you /p i definitely wasn’t only wanting the access to the walls :333 I love your lore and your writing and your amazing mysteries and orphy musings!!!!!!
Tae(gan dragon detective morningstar dazai osamu akechi monika deross dathy mariah hernandez john light yagami cro jason dean collins) @nice-chiaki
YOUUU, the archetype of the wet blanket. the hypocrite of the glass house /j. YOUUUUUU you’re insane I know it you lil delulu lemon but i still grab you and squeeze you because you are a cute delulu lemon!! Thanks for also dealing w my bs HAHAHHA
Navi @navxry
YOU. NAVINA. GRRRHRGRHRGRR BARK WOOF, first witness to the insanity I have wrought from a tender young age <3 my longest online friend and honestly!! I miss you so much im gonna grab and rattle you and infect you with my blorbos /j so happy to be still talking to you after so so sosososososoo long!
Mitzu @yaboimitzu
MITZU. MITZUUUUUUUUUUUU our friendship was so out of nowhere LMAO then look where we are, with IDV, BSD, HSR, Genshin A N D MTP BRAINROT??? we r truly madmen /j THANKS FOR ALL YOUR AMAZING ADVICE AND HELP MAN YOURE TOO KIND
Klai @idv-ask-the-showman
My soon to be partner of crime 😈😈😈 YOU’RE SO FUN TO BE WITH AND YOUR ENERGY IS SO. WAAA. I LOVE BEING AROUND SO MUCH AS A FRIEND! If Phineas wants to express any feelings for liam (iykyk). Don’t be shyyy :)
Pins @one0p1nk
PINSSS!!! YOU!!! I GRAB YOU!!!! purest little pins and your amazing ocs!! also thanks so much for all your amazing essence events and for indulging our crackhead moments >:)
Four @sleepyfour
YOUUUUUU! life has been busy but i miss talking to you smmm! Hope life’s been good on you :D
Toko @blackturtlefangirl
A fellow equator sufferer <3 Thanks for being so nice to me and discussing the most random stuff when it comes to our country HAHAAHA snd tokosop? Love the bastard. Love your interpretation of the bastard. Mwah. I LOVE YOUR ART TOO ITS SO YUMMY and you’re so nice awwnwijisjikjaknw
Joe @picnicbask3t
evil vampires? If evil why sexy? Your art???? mwah. Your Bloodline Communion? MWAH. Best yaoi lover on this site. be not afraid. give me the vampy vampy lore
Lupi @imaginearson/@askgardenerwoods
Carrie @micyclemorton
3 years down the line i think i’m gonna be a sam 2, this is a threat /j BUT THANKS FOR INDULGING IN MY SLEEP DEPRIVED BS!!! and your characters and lore is so deep and interesting!!!! mwah
Beth @beth-bethar00
BETHHH! you’re such an understanding and nice person and you’re really so nice to be around!! I hold you and your ocs and aus gentle
rest of the Mun’s kitchen Hut and the Mun’s collab server
YALLS!! HRGRRHRGR!! Yall are so nice and friendly towards my insanity <3333 thanks for helping me and welcoming me fr yall are amazing (fellow crazy buddies)
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h138143 · 8 months
F!Shep/Garrus, set some time in ME3 but no spoilers (unless you count the fact that you can romance Garrus and he will join your squad), Shep being curious about the turian language
Astrane is just my F!Shep’s name
Sorry again about incorrect tagging, if that happens
“Just for the sake of curiosity.” Astrane said as she reached behind her ear. “Indulge me, Garrus.”
She pressed on the tiny, tiny button. Nothing happened at first; but then she heard a sort of scratching sound, with some windy chirp mixed in. There was a subtle tone to it, but she couldn’t discern any meaningful word.
It was as if she’s eavesdropping on some council of birds, held on a cliff near a desert; only weird thing is that the bird sounds very deep compared to more familiar birds—well, she can’t really tell. She’s rarely seen any bird, living in space since 5 and all.
Of course she understood none of it, but strangely, she did recognize the voice. Garrus’ voice. It got preserved quite well by the translator, to the extent that even though she couldn’t possibly tell what he was talking about, she’d still know that it’s him talking.
Garrus cleared his throat, before looking to her again. She pressed on the button to turn the translator back on.
“How was it?”
“Unexpected, but fun.” She crossed her arms, leaning on one of the rails nearby. “What did you say?”
“Nothing. Just, ahem, some improvised sentence.” Garrus looked nervous.
“As long as it’s not ‘I’m in the middle of some calibrations.’” Astrane rolled her eyes.
There was a long, borderline awkward silence.
“…you didn’t really say that in the turian language just now, did you?”
“No, but I ruined a perfectly good chance to do so.”
But she was already reaching up to her translator. “How do you say that?”
He probably said something nice to her. Probably.
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scattered-irises · 7 months
The Stage was the Castle Hope in Astral
Chapter 3 of OOParts Iron Maiden and the Dreamy Prince is the last wholesome wholesome chapter. Please read it after chapter two for the full fairytale wedding experience.
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Rating: Teen
Word Count: 4242
Characters: Michael Arclight, Yuma Tsukumo
Pairing: Michael Arclight/Yuma Tsukumo
Warnings: Mentions of past Arclight weirdness, arranged marriage
Summary: Michael has the fairytale wedding of his dreams. Afterwards, he and Yuma talk about their dreams for the future.
  Another rain of flower petals greeted him as he entered the cathedral. A looming figure of the Astral god, the Emperor Hope, watched over the altar. Compared to the joyous salutations of the throne room, the cathedral was silent. Courtiers continued to greet him with smiles, but they were more restrained. Flower girls dressed in flowing silks threw even more flower petals at his feet. Michael began to walk down the long walkway, a boyish figure awaiting him at the end. 
  His heart filled with joy upon seeing Yuma’s merry red eyes and grin. He wore a suit of red, bright against the white backdrop of the cathedral. A crown of white Astran lilies perched on his head, matching Michael’s own flower crown. He could fly down the flower-strewn path if the flower girls hadn’t dictated the pace of the ceremony. Run into Yuma’s arms and tell him what a dream-come-true Astral was. And yet, with the very little etiquette lessons he was steeped in, he forces himself to match the even gait of the flower girls. 
  “You all look so beautiful,” he whispered. 
  One of the younger girls turned back and stuck out her tongue. 
  Such cheek. Children of Barian were never this joyous. Even the village children seemed dour. His own upbringing alongside his brothers were guided by their father’s stern hand. When he had lost himself to his arcane studies, their imposing tutor had taken Tron’s place. Even Thomas, with all of his eccentricities, appeared doused in the presence of their tutor.
  “Doctor Starfruit,” as he and Thomas secretly called him, had gnarled fingers and a beak-like nose. His hair had never appeared brushed and stuck out like the angles of a starfruit. His clothes were alway black and ill-fit his hunched figure. A sharp rap on the head was his signature move for sleepy students, quickly shaking Christopher out of the habit. 
  Even though Thomas answered Doctor Starfruit’s questions through his puppets and Christopher mumbled his responses over pieces of flesh, the fear the man instilled into them long remained. 
  Scanning the crowd of courtiers, there were no Doctor Starfruit-like figures in the audience. Everyone was fresh-faced and wearing their most colorful clothes. 
  The priest at the head of the altar outstretched his arms in welcome, his silvery sleeves stretching to the floor. His wizened expression and curiously braided eyebrows were filled with kindness. He gave Michael a brief nod and Michael nodded back. 
  As the flower girls emptied their baskets at the foot of the altar, Michael turned to face Yuma. Immediately, his betrothed beamed. Michael stilled for a few moments, taken by Yuma’s charm. His skin appeared to be kissed by the sun and his hair touched by flame. Despite that, he possessed the same gentle expression as his mother. Although the miniature he had been gifted of Yuma was skilled, it was nothing compared to real life. No amount of talent could capture such effervescent brightness.
  “We are here today to celebrate the union between enemy lines!” declared the priest. “One from the Kingdom of Barian and one from the Kingdom of Astral. Both are of noble lineage, House Arclight of Barian’s great mages and House Tsukumo of Astral’s greatest generals. Rejoice!” 
  Polite applause rose from the audience. Michael caught Queen Mirai’s eye in the front row. The queen beamed, a prideful expression on her face. 
  “May their unity upon many others bring peace to our kingdoms,” said the priest to greater applause. “The war has taken far too many noble souls.” 
  Yuma offered Michael his hands. Quickly, Michael grabbed them. They were reassuringly warm. 
  “You look amazing,” whispered Yuma. 
  Heat filled Michael’s cheeks and he stopped himself from looking away. Yuma’s eyes burned with tender passion as Michael’s heart soared. How could he have been so lucky? His father could have betrothed him to a cold widow or a cruel tyrant. Instead, he had been presented with a lovely youth close to his age. 
  “You do as well,” said Michael. 
  Yuma grinned and it felt as if all of the candles in the room had dimmed. Never had he seen such a bright smile before. The boy must have been blessed by the Emperor Hope himself. Gazing up at the deity, Michael felt a wave of reassurance fill his chest. There was nothing heathen-like about this foreign god. In his strong arms he held twin blades. According to the books he had read, Emperor Hope could also furnish an impenetrable shield if needed. 
  Looking back at Yuma, Michael straightened his posture. He would protect that smile. He would become his prince’s sword and shield if needed. 
  “...Under orders from the Great Dragon, Emperor Hope sought to protect Man, for Man was small and weak. The Great Hope shielded Man from wicked influences like the pariah Don Thousand and the Black Mist,” recited the priest.
  At the mention of the Barian gods, Michael stiffened. Ever since Emperor Durbe ascended the Barian throne, Astral’s forces had seemed to grow even more fervent. Their emperor was a devout worshiper of the Barian gods, his palace rumored to be filled with religious artifacts. 
  The first time he had seen the emperor, he had been in the midst of a pilgrimage. Tron had offered him shelter from the rain. Clutching his father’s hand, Michael gazed up at the bespectacled man in awe. Could such a plainly dressed man truly be the great ruler of Barian? All Durbe had worn was a roughspun pair of trousers and a shirt dyed black. His boots were worn and covered in mud. Around his neck, a pendant featuring Don Thousand’s lotus hung, the only item of true value on his body. The emperor had knelt down before him and touched his forehead. His breath had smelled of coriander. 
  “ May Black Mist guide you, little one, ” he had intoned in a voice like whispering reeds. 
  His gray eyes had radiated kindness and his hand was warm. He ate very little and never commented on the behaviors of Michael’s brothers. How could such a man and his gods be considered evil? 
  Don Thousand stood for the creativity and soul of man, protecting them from oppression. Black Mist, his son, protected wayward youths and encouraged cleverness. Anything they had done to the old gods had been necessitated by self defense. Man could not be protected by Emperor Hope forever. 
  And what about Astral’s own emperor, Eliphas? Everyone knew that he was an extravagant man who commanded absolute respect. Never seen without a retinue or his golden helm, the emperor of Astral always seemed to flaunt his country’s wealth. 
  Noticing Michael’s discomfort, Yuma squeezed his hands and gave him an awkward smile. 
  “Traditions are traditions,” he breathed. 
  Michael gave him a brief nod and waited for the sermon to end. 
  As the priest droned on about the virtues of hope and obedience, he felt himself rebelling at the words. Exploring the unknown moved humanity ahead. Change brought forth progress. A refusal to accept the gods’ rules allowed Man to think on his own. He thought back to his father’s resurrected rat. 
  One could not bring back the dead. 
  And yet he did. 
  At the cost of his sanity and body, hissed a voice in Michael’s head. 
  Michael swallowed. Right. These new gods of order and hope were his gods now. This was his new home and kingdom. He would be obedient. He would be meek. He would allow Emperor Hope to shield him with his iron wings. 
  “And now, beneath the Great Hope’s watchful eyes, I pronounce you as one. Your souls have ranked up, ever closer to Utopia,” declared the priest. 
  A triumphant roar washed over the audience as Yuma pulled Michael into a chaste kiss. More flower petals fell from the sky. 
  They were quickly led to the banquet hall, where a sumptuous feast awaited them. Greenery of all shapes and sizes. Meat roasted to perfection. So many plates and names he didn’t know the names of. There was even a peacock edged with gold leaf. 
  “It’s just like you said…!” gasped Michael. “There’s no —”
  Yuma gave him a conspiratorial wink and dragged him towards the head of the table. They were quickly surrounded by a bevy of excited courtiers. 
  “Is Barian truly as miserable as they say?”
  “Did you truly feast on the blood of angels and eat from the skulls of traitors?”
  Yuma laughed at the courtiers’ questions, quickly waving them off. 
  “As you can see, Michael has normal human teeth just like us! And his hands are even more lily-white than some of yours!” boasted Yuma. 
  Shrinking at the attention, a wave of relief filled Michael’s chest as Yuma expertly parried the courtiers’ questions. He had to set a good example for his people, especially if there was so much ignorance about his culture. Yes, Barian at times could be miserable, but it had its wonderful moments too! 
  “Did I ever tell you about the harvest festivals we have?” asked Michael over the din of the courtiers. 
  Yuma quickly shook his head and proceeded to yank a turkey leg from a large platter.
  “No! Tell me!” he said, taking a large bite out of the leg afterwards. 
  “It’s quite the occasion! My people paint all kinds of things on their harvest crops. Faces, animals, scenes from legends…anything! It’s a way for them to pray for a good harvest. Once, there was this beautiful rendition of the moon floating over a river. Pine trees surrounded the lake and there was a howling wolf at the shore. It was painted on a beautiful white pumpkin—the largest I had ever seen…”
  It’s then that Michael realizes that all of the courtiers had silenced. They gazed at him with curious expressions, the food on their plates ignored. Heat filled Michael’s cheeks. 
  “U-uhm…w-we—the villagers—they also put candles in their hollowed squashes and display them as a way to entice Black Mist to guide their children.”
  “Isn’t that god of yours evil?” asked a young woman. 
  Michael met her eyes and straightened his shoulders. 
  “Black Mist is the guide of lost souls. He protects lost children and returns them home, wherever that may be,” replied Michael. “As a child himself, he likes sweets and plays pranks on his elders.”
  “Didn’t Black Mist steal Emperor Hope’s sword once?” asked another noble. 
  The nobles stirred, beginning to glance at Michael with suspicion. 
  “I believe all children are mischievous at heart,” said Michael as he was served soup. “Weren’t you also mischievous at that age?”
  The man blushed and then gave Michael a small grin. 
  “Why, yes. I stole the head priest’s hat and hid it in the stables,” he recalled with a chuckle. 
  “I do hope he found it!” said Michael. 
  “He did! And I had to muck out the stables for half a year!” 
  Laughter filled the banquet hall, soon giving way to easy conversation. 
  “They love you, see?” whispered Yuma. 
  Michael took a sip of his soup and smiled. The soft flesh of the fish melding with the herbs was nothing like the soups at home. He reached for a piece of turkey, only to find that his arms were too short. Quickly, Yuma leaned over the table, cut off a piece and placed it on Michael’s plate. 
  “Thank you,” said Michael. 
  “Don’t worry about it! This is really good!” said Yuma through a mouthful of food. 
  “It is!” agrees Michael after his first bite. 
  He had always adhered to a simple diet. He never wanted to bother the frightened chefs back at home. He had settled for lightly seasoned meats and tasteless vegetables for who knew how long. Now, faced with an array of expertly seasoned foods and plates as far as the eye could see, it was almost too much. 
  “Do you eat like this every night…?” breathed Michael after he finished his soup. 
  He reached for a strange purple fruit as Yuma quirked a grin. 
  “It’s only slightly less grand on normal nights,” he drawled. 
  Lights filled Michael’s eyes. He bit into the fruit and was met with a tart sweetness. The pale flesh of the fruit compared to its purple skin piqued his interest. Quickly finishing it, he waved over a server for some salad. He tried a little bit of everything, from meats he had never tried before to more unusually colored fruits. They all tasted fresh and new to him, refreshing compared to the earthy tastes of his usual fare. 
  “If I died right now, I would be happy,” he said, leaning back in his seat after he had eaten his fill. 
  Yuma furrowed his brows in mock worry. 
  “But then you wouldn’t be able to try our cake!” he said. 
  “Cake…?” echoed Michael, following Yuma’s gaze. 
  A beautiful creation decorated with fruits and flowers entered the room. Small sparklers burned at the top of the towering confection. The cake was split in half, one side dark and decorated with Barian roses while the other half was white and bedecked with Astral lilies. Michael’s mouth watered at the sight, his heart fluttering at the thought of eating it. 
  When he was served a slice, he slowly sunk his fork into the dark cake. 
  “What? You’ve never had a cake before?” asked Yuma through a mouthful. 
  “Not this nice I haven’t!” said Michael. 
  Barian’s cakes were small, barely-sweet affairs. If the chefs were feeling particularly generous, he got one for breakfast. 
  “I’ll have a cake ordered for your birthday as delicious as this one every year!” resolved Yuma. 
  With his husband’s promise buoying him, Michael bit into the cake. Immediately, he was hit by the rich chocolate. The cake melted in his mouth, leaving sugar dancing on his tongue. He quickly finished it, gazing at Yuma with bright eyes. If he could only have one meal for the rest of his life, it would be this. 
  “You got a little bit on you!” said Yuma as he playfully swiped a piece away from Michael’s mouth. 
  Michael blushed and smiled. 
  “Do you promise I can have a cake like this every birthday?” he whispered.
  Yuma eagerly nodded. 
  “I can teach you to make one too!” he added. 
  “Oh, I would love that!” 
  Looking around at the reveling courtiers, Yuma gave Michael a sly grin. 
  “How about we sneak out and go to my room for the night?” he said.
  Michael grabbed Yuma’s hand. 
  “That would be lovely,” he said, growing suddenly weary of the bright lights and overlapping voices. 
  “Then let’s go!” said Yuma as he pulled Michael out of his seat and toward the doors.
  As they walked through the halls, he found himself falling in step with Yuma. His husband began whistling a tune, his eyes gazing out at the night sky. 
  “With the treaty in process…do you think your father will be home soon?” asked Michael.
  Joy sparked Yuma’s eyes.
  “I hope so! I’m sure he’d love you!” he said. “And I’m sure my mother does as well!”
  “Your mother is very beautiful,” said Michael. “And very kind.”
  Yuma beamed. 
  “I’m so glad you like her!”
  They walked in peaceful silence for a few moments, their footsteps echoing across the halls. A beautiful tapestry soon caught Michael’s eyes. He paused, gazing at the battle depicted. Emperor Hope was brandishing his silvery swords, pointing them at Don Thousand in his secondary form. Flames surrounded the gods. Meteors fell from the sky. With his masked visage and towering figure, Michael had to agree that his god appeared quite demonic. 
  Seldom did Don Thousand appear in this frightful form. Only when he needed to defend his people did he don his obsidian armor and ride off into battle. At home, he was usually depicted as a deity who slept on lotus blossoms. His benevolent smile and gentle eyes made him seem good-natured and kind. 
  Often, Michael had prayed to him for inspiration. 
  “Akari?” called Queen Mirai’s distant voice. 
  Michael turned toward the sound. A door was slightly parted, Mirai’s silhouette stretched across the floor. 
  “Yes, mother?” replied Akari.
  He saw Mirai’s silhouette remove her gloves and toss them to the floor. 
  “Tell Eri to burn these gloves as soon as possible,” she ordered. 
  A chill ran up Michael’s spine. She must have stained them during the banquet. He slowly walked toward Yuma, trying to push the disgust in Mirai’s voice out of his mind. 
  Did women regularly burn their gloves after staining them? 
  Or was it only because she had touched him?
  Burn them. Such cruelty. Such venom in that voice. It was almost like how the villagers spoke about his family. 
  It couldn’t be the same woman who had embraced him and treated him like her own. It couldn’t be. There had to be an explanation. 
  “Yuma…?” asked Michael as they approached his room. 
  “Yeah?” asked Yuma as he unlocked the doors.
  “Does your mother regularly burn her gloves?”
  “Eh…? I…don’t know. Is that a thing Barian women do?” asked Yuma as he threw open the doors. 
  Michael’s worries were immediately dissipated by the sight of Yuma’s room. Artifacts upon artifacts filled the prince’s room. A homey smell emanated from the walls, starlight filtering in through the ceiling. Yuma opened his closet and tossed Michael some pajamas. He grabbed his own pair and began to change. He hung his flower crown haphazardly on the corner of his closet. 
  Walking behind a screen, Michael followed suit. Yuma’s clothes smelled like him, a mixture of incense and freshly cut wood. He held the pajamas up to his nose, breathing them in. If he could keep a bottle of this with him forever…
  He heard Yuma jumping into bed, the wooden frame creaking in protest. Quickly tossing his borrowed clothes on and hanging his flower crown on the corner of the screen, Michael ran out to meet him. 
  “Not bad!” said Yuma with a grin.
  Heat filled Michael’s cheeks. 
  “Thank you,” he said. 
  Hesitantly, he sat on the bed. It was as soft as his own, his body sinking into its soft folds. He wondered what the mattress was filled with. Looking up at the walls, he noticed that a few traditional Barian masks hung from them. There was Phecda, guardian of merchants. Alioth of the sunset. Merak of the warriors. Megrez, the maiden of marriage. He couldn’t help but think of the countless protagonists who had prayed to her in the face of an unwanted marriage. 
  “I always read that arranged marriages were loveless,” sighed Michael. 
  Yuma shrugged. 
  “I like you alot,” he said.
  Michael laid down next to Yuma and held his outstretched hand. 
  “Me too,” said Michael. 
  A moment of silence filled the room. Yuma let out a sigh. 
  “I can’t wait for my father to return,” he said. 
  Michael closed his eyes. He wished he could feel the same for his own father. 
  “I haven’t seen him in more than five years,” added Yuma. 
  “The way you wrote about him in the letters made you seem very close,” noted Michael. 
  “Yeah, you could put it that way,” murmured Yuma, a distant look in his eyes. 
  More silence. Michael used to despise such moments. It used to be overwhelming, a void he was surrounded by. His home was always silent. The emptiness that followed after an unanswered question always clung to his skin in sticky bits. The silence of the night felt as if the world had stopped and he would be trapped in the darkness forever. Now, it felt reassuring. 
  “After the war is over, will you take me to see the mountains as you promised me in your first letter?” asked Michael after a few breaths. 
  Yuma turned to Michael, tenderness filling his expression.
  “You still remember that?” he asked.
  “I’ve never forgotten,” replied Michael. 
  Yuma curls in on himself, heat filling his cheeks. 
  “I was nine at the time!” he protested.
  “And I loved you then,” said Michael. 
  “I thought you were too old,” said Yuma. 
  “Eleven isn’t old!” laughed Michael. 
  “To a nine year old, you seemed like an adult!”
  “I was not!”
  When he was told that he was to be married off to some child in a distant kingdom, he had run away and sobbed. No matter how much he had begged his father to reconsider, he remained adamant. 
  “Politics are an ugly game we all must play,” said his father as Michael hugged his legs. 
  Reluctantly, he had slunk off to read Yuma’s letters. They had seemed so silly at first, describing blue skies and the pranks he had played on his sister. Despite that, he felt a twinge of jealousy for Yuma’s easygoing letters. When did he ever get to play pranks on his brothers?
  The letters continued, one after another. Boating trips. Hunting trips. All of the treasures his father found throughout his battles. And then, slowly, he fell in love with Yuma’s earnestness. He dreamed of Astral’s blue skies and sunny shorelines. He imagined climbing mountains alongside the adventurous boy. 
  They could be happy together, couldn’t they?
  “You were my first friend,” murmured Michael. 
  Yuma glanced at Michael, surprise filling his expression. 
  Unlike the imaginary friends he made from his novels, Yuma was real. He was out there somewhere and one day, Michael would be able to hold his hand and talk to him. 
  “You didn’t even see my face until last year though,” said Yuma. 
  “I have a good imagination,” replied Michael.
  Messy black and red hair. Too-large red eyes. A perky button nose. Some chipped teeth. Freckles. An outfit that was always torn somewhere. In Michael’s imagination, Yuma had been a royal ragamuffin. 
  “Well…do I look like what you imagined?” Yuma ventured. 
  Michael quirked a smile.
  “Even better. Your teeth aren’t chipped for one.”
  Yuma let out a small laugh, warming Michael’s heart. In fact, he was just perfect. Michael could cup Yuma’s face in his hands and gently kiss his perfections forever.  
  “Hey, why don’t you tell me another of your stories?” asked Yuma, excitement filling his face. 
  “What stories?” asked Michael, raising a brow. 
  “You know. Of your life in Barian.”
  Michael pursed his lips. What was there to tell that he hadn’t told through his letters? He will never tell of the true nature of Thomas’ puppets. He will never talk about Christopher’s specialized diet and habit of collecting corpses. Most importantly, he will never talk about his father’s wretched body and cursed experiments. No mentions of loneliness. No mentions of the rats. No mentions of the jeering villagers when they had found out he had snuck out to join their harvest festival. 
  They had tossed tomatoes at him and cursed his bloodline. With fiery torches and stakes, they had chased him through the woods…
  No, he will never dredge up such sad memories again. 
  “Ah, well…”
  Oh. He knew one. 
  “Once Thomas attempted to make a puppet from a fish that lived in the Barian sea,” recounted Michael. 
  It was an ugly, blind creature with slippery scales and a multitude of thin long teeth. Thomas had dispatched it with a rock while he sang a sea shanty. Then, he had strung it up with sticks and twine. When it was complete, he had talked through it while flicking his lips back and forth with a finger. Michael had to admit, it did sound like a fish. 
  “It didn’t last for too long. Christopher sat on it and screamed like I had never heard him scream before,” he continued.  
  Yuma let out a laugh. 
  Christopher proceeded to savagely rip apart the fish with his bare teeth while Thomas wailed. 
  “My brother always checks his seat before sitting down now.”
  “Tell me another,” prompted Yuma. 
  Michael leaned back and tapped his chin. 
  “Ah…Christopher once fell in love with the court librarian’s daughter. He left her all sorts of awkward gifts.”
  Locks of his own hair, gathered from his baths. Ashes from cremated prisoners. Dead beetles arranged to spell out her name, FLORA. 
  “Eventually, he gathered up the courage to speak to her. She was quite frightened by his appearance and ran away the first few times.” 
  With Michael’s help, he had arranged the two to meet in the library. He remembered bribing the girl with chocolates he had received for his birthday. 
  “When he finally succeeded, he found that they liked reading the same books.”
  Books on the stars. Books on the celestial spheres. Things far, far away from the gloom of Barian. 
  Yes, his brother hadn’t always been such a taciturn cannibal. 
  “He wanted to marry her only after a week of meeting her. My father forbade it. Eventually, she married an alchemist from the neighboring village.” 
  Christopher had refused to come out of his dungeons for days afterwards. To this day, Michael suspected that his father had married Flora off. Regardless, his brother had never been the same. He spoke less, grunted more and distanced himself from his brothers. Before, Christopher had occasionally read books to Michael. He could even be convinced to speak to him if the topic was interesting enough. 
  Once Flora was sent away, the semblance of warmth in his brother had vanished. 
  A twinge filled Michael’s heart. He wondered if his brother would ever love again. 
  “Has anything like that happened to you?” he asked softly.
  A soft snore answered Michael. Turning to Yuma, Michael let out a small laugh at his husband’s sleeping face. The resolve to protect him strengthened. He would fight to the death if it meant Yuma could continue sleeping like this. Carefree, brilliant and curious…he had to preserve such innocence. Giving Yuma one last look, Michael closed his eyes and allowed Yuma’s snores to send him to sleep. 
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doctornolonger · 2 years
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The latest installment of Liberation of the Daleks in Doctor Who Magazine features a cameo of the Astrans. This is the first time Doctor Who has ever referenced the TV 21 crossover universe!
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