#at 8 I was like 'nami. i like nami' and at 12 when i started watching khr I was like tsuna!
macbethsymphony · 2 days
The Swordsman and the Blacksmith | Chapter 16
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Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Chapter wc: 2.5k
Chapter rating: SFW
Content/Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Fem!Reader, Enemies to lovers, SLOW slow burn, Eventual smut
Summary: Your skills as a blacksmith have made you desirable to both the government and pirates. You know you have to leave this island if you want to escape your fate, but that doesn't make the choice of leaving any easier. Roronoa Zoro is intrigued by your skills as a blacksmith. Your work is like nothing he's ever seen before. Unfortunately, you're hot-headed and he's rude and you both definitely hate each other.
Chapters [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
Slowly crossposting from AO3 Feel like binging the rest of it? it's all there!
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Chapter 16: The Government’s Research, Part 1
The atmosphere in the galley grew tense as the argument between the captain and the navigator reached its peak, just as Brook, Zoro, and you entered the room.
Nami's voice cut through the air like a blade, her tone unwavering. "Absolutely not! We are not going there."
Luffy's frustration bubbled to the surface. "But why not? I really want to go!"
You settled into a seat, captivated by the unfolding dispute. Nami and Luffy stood face to face, their gazes locked on the log pose before them.
The navigator's resolve solidified as she jabbed a finger toward the erratic needle. "Because that island is dangerous, Luffy. We shouldn’t risk it."
Luffy's expression soured, his lips forming a pout. "But it looks so interesting, Nami! I'm sure there's an adventure waiting for us!"
The tension hung heavy in the air as neither of them showed signs of backing down.
"We've been at sea for weeks, restocking should take priority over adventure," Nami tried to reason, her voice unwavering.
Usopp chimed in, adding his support to Nami's argument. "That's right, Luffy! We're running low on supplies."
But the rubber man remained adamant. "I refuse. As the captain, I say we're going to this island." He pointed decisively at the flicking needle on the log pose.
Nami's stare narrowed in frustration, but with a resigned sigh, she relented. "Fine."
As the heat of the argument began to dissipate, you couldn't help but ask. "What's going on?" you questioned, eager to understand the cause of the commotion.
All eyes turned towards you, breaking the tension that had gripped the room moments ago. Nami let out a heavy breath, her shoulders slumping slightly as she glanced at you.
"We were just discussing our next destination," she explained, her voice calmer now that the discussion had been settled. "Luffy wants to head to a particularly dangerous island, but I'm not convinced it's worth the risk."
You nodded, understanding the situation. "Is it really that perilous?" you asked, curiosity piqued.
Nami shrugged. "Who knows. Usually, when the needle goes back and forth like that, it means something is happening. We’ll just have to be careful and hope for the best.”
Luffy, however, remained undeterred. "But think of the adventure!" he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
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“Why the fuck am I stuck with you again?” You growled at the swordsman as you descended into the suspicious trap door hidden in the dense jungle you’d been exploring. Each of your steps on the rungs of the ladder echoed loudly in the tight confined space.
“That’s my line, witch” Zoro retorted, his voice booming below you. He hopped down the ladder as it reached its end slightly above the ground, the sound of his feet meeting cold tiles reverberating against the metal walls of the dark corridor.
“Do you want my fist in your mouth” you hissed your irritation palpable as he easily picked you up by the waist and carefully deposited you on the floor.
“As if you could,” he looked down at you with a sneer.
“Can you guys stop fighting for a second?” Nami snapped as Zoro did the same for her. The navigator’s patience was starting to thin dangerously.
You stubbornly ignored her exasperated plea. The bickering had been unending ever since early that morning, the both of you somehow even more on edge than usual.
“I really don’t like this,” Usopp’s voice quivered as he hopped down.
You disregarded the sniper’s remark, he’d already said so over a hundred times since you’d left the ship.
"Why did you bring Uragiri along?" you demanded of the swordsman as you strode together down the path, your steps matching in rhythm.
"It's none of your business," Zoro shot back, his tone clipped and defensive.
"Are you daft or something? Bringing it here will only complicate things further," you exclaimed, frustration seeping into your voice.
"What did you just say?" Zoro retorted, his pace faltering slightly as he turned to face you, his eyes flashing with irritation.
"I said Uragiri isn't something to be trifled with. You'll only stir up trouble trying to master it here," you reiterated, your tone firm as you met his gaze head-on.
A sharp impact jolted your head forward, followed by the soft thud of fabric hitting the ground. Stooping down, you retrieved the fallen object. An unfamiliar uniform lay in your grasp.
Nami's voice sliced through the tension like a blade. "You two," she began, her eyes flashing with fury. "If you don't stop this incessant bickering, I swear I'll lose it. Get changed. Now!" Her words reverberated down the hallway, echoing in your ears.
Casting a disgruntled glance at the swordsman, you begrudgingly acquiesced to the navigator's command. Despite your annoyance, you decided it was wise to comply.
"What even is this place?" you muttered under your breath as you began to shed your current attire.
She let out an exasperated sigh, irritation evident in every line of her body.
"If you'd bothered to pay attention," she started, her voice laced with frustration, "you would have fucking noticed that this is a marine base."
With a swift motion, you removed your boots, leaving you clad only in stretchy shorts and a sports bra. Usopp turned away as you changed, shocked by your lack of modesty. Zoro's gaze flickered towards you, his eyes lingering shamelessly on your figure. Nami shot him a warning glare, but he merely shrugged, unfazed as he slipped into the jumpsuit she had thrown at him.
"A marine base? This?" you echoed incredulously, disbelief coloring your tone.
You frowned, the realization sinking in as you glanced around the dimly lit corridor. You zipped the jumpsuit and pulled your boots back on. The sterile scent of antiseptic lingered in the air, a sharp contrast to the humid earthy smell of the jungle you’d been travelling through moments ago.
"Are we even certain this is the place Robin mentioned?" you queried, turning back towards the swordsman as you fastened Yokubari to your hip.
He suddenly averted his gaze from you. You quizzically gave him an up and down, curious at the out-of-place reaction. The jumpsuit uniform he wore was only partially zipped. Your eyes lingered a moment longer than intended on the snugness of the sleeves against his arms, tracing the scar that marred his chest.
"You're wearing it wrong," you scoffed, striding over to the swordsman, your fingers curling around the zipper pull. A faint blush tinged the tips of your ears as you pulled the tab upward, securing the jumpsuit's front up to his neck.
His hand intercepted yours before you could retreat, guiding it downward a few inches. "Did I say I cared?" he retorted, deftly undoing it to its original position. Your cheeks flushed under his intense gaze, a flicker of uncertainty dancing in your eyes.
“You bastard,” you started, wrenching your hand out of his grip.
Nami let out an audible groan. "Can you two focus for once?" she snapped, her patience wearing thin as she watched your interaction with exasperation.
The chime of the mini den den mushi in Nami's pocket halted the protest that lingered on the tip of your tongue.
"Oh! Robin!" the navigator greeted, her voice a mix of relief and curiosity. "How's everything on your end?" she inquired, already starting to move down the corridor.
"Luffy charged ahead, Sanji went after him to keep him in check," the archeologist's gentle tone filtered through the device, crackling softly. "Brook and I are trailing not too far behind."
"Have you managed to figure out what this place is?" Usopp interjected, leaning over Nami's shoulder to address Robin.
You followed the duo before you, the swordsman's footsteps reverberating distantly behind you as you made your way down the corridor.
“From what I observed,” Robin replied thoughtfully. “It appears to be a research facility. We’ve encountered laboratories and test chambers.”
Your brows furrowed in concern at the revelation. “A marine research facility?” You echoed, exchanging a worried glance with Nami.
You turned back, the passageway behind you suddenly feeling too quiet. The conversation carried on in the background as your eyes tried to find the swordsman unsuccessfully.
“Fuck,” you shouted as you spotted green hair disappearing at an intersection. “Swordsman! Where do you think you’re going?” You ran after him.
Ignoring your protests, Zoro continued to stride forward, his pace rapid despite your calls. You quickened your steps, determined to catch up with him before he vanished completely.
“You fucking moron, wait up!" you called out, the urgency evident in your voice.
As you reached the intersection, you skidded to a stop, scanning the area for any sign of Zoro. The corridor stretched out before you, devoid of any trace of the swordsman.
"Where did he go?" you muttered to yourself, frustration bubbling up inside you.
Just then, a faint rustling sound made its way to your ears from a nearby side passage. Without hesitation, you darted in that direction, your senses on high alert.
As you rounded the corner, you came face to face with Zoro, who was standing with his arms crossed, a contemplative look on his features.
"What do you think you’re doing?" you demanded, your voice tense as you tried to catch your breath. "I fucking swear I should put a leash on you."
Zoro glanced at you, his expression tinged with annoyance. "I thought I heard something," he replied cryptically, gesturing towards a door at the end of the corridor.
Your senses sharpened, straining to discern the source of the faint sounds. Like a beacon in the darkness, the cheerful voices reached your ears, their brightness cutting through the ominous silence of the steel walls. They were drawing closer. Panic surged within you, your eyes darting around frantically. You watched as the swordsman's fingers inched towards his swords, your teeth clenched in frustration. This was supposed to be a covert mission, and Nami would chew you out if you made a commotion.
Without hesitation, your hand grasped Zoro’s collar, dragging him along with you through the nearest door. Your heart pounded in your chest as the door softly clicked shut behind you. The darkness enveloped your form, your eyes struggling to register the contents of the storage closet you'd just entered. Its cramped confines offered little respite from the suffocating anxiety that gripped you as the voices you’d heard grew louder.
“I could have just taken care of them, you know,” Zoro whispered in your ear, his breath warm against your skin, far too close for your liking.
"Don’t whisper behind me like that," you snapped, your voice low but sharp with irritation.
He chuckled softly, the rumbling of his chest against your back sending a thrill down your spine as he leaned nearer. His hand rested against the doorframe, effectively pinning you in place. “It’s not like I have a choice,” he said, his breath tickling your neck.
You stiffened, heat rising to your cheeks as you felt the proximity of his body.
Suppressing a shiver, you made the mistake of turning around, his breath now touching your lips tantalizingly. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” You hissed.
Zoro’s eye gleamed with amusement, his grin widening as he leaned back slightly, giving you a teasing once-over. His other hand went to play with the hair at your nape. “What’s wrong with me?” He asked, voice dripping with playful arrogance.
You swallowed hard, trying to ignore the way your heart raced at the proximity of his body. “I don’t understand the game you’re playing at, swordsman.” You gritted through your teeth.
“Who said anything about games?” He countered, grip tightening slightly.
You couldn’t help but melt into his touch faintly. “You’re impossible,” you muttered under your breath, gaze avoiding his.
Zoro's grin only widened at your remark, his amusement evident in the twinkle of his eye. "Is that a complaint or a compliment?" he teased, his tone light despite the tension that crackled between you.
You rolled your eyes, refusing to let his playful banter distract you from the seriousness of the situation. "Take it however you want," you retorted, your voice laced with frustration.
His hand trailed from your nape to your shoulder, pushing aside the collar of the jumpsuit so his hand touched your skin. He exerted a gentle pressure that pushed you softly against the door. Despite your efforts to resist, the warmth of his touch seeped into your skin, sending a tingling sensation flowing to your core. "And yet you seem to put up with me just fine," he murmured, his breath brushing over your ear as he leaned closer.
A shiver ran down your spine at his words, a jolt of electricity coursing through you at the intimate proximity. "I really shouldn’t be," you muttered, your resolve faltering ever so slowly.
Drifting back slightly, he studied your face, his eye searching for something you couldn't quite discern. “They’ve been gone for a while,” he observed, breaking the tense silence that had settled over the two of you.
It took your mind an embarrassingly long moment to process his words, eliciting a satisfied chuckle from the swordsman. "We should head back to Nami and Usopp," you suggested, a sudden sense of unease gnawing at your gut.
With a small smile, he released his hold on you and opened the door, allowing you to stumble back into the cold neons of the corridor.
Zoro stepped out of the storage closet, his step lighter than usual as you struggled to find your balance, hitting the metal wall almost painfully. “You bastard,” you started annoyance coloring your voice.
He ignored your outrage. “Lead the way,” he demanded, arms crossed.
It was then that you realized you had no idea which way you’d arrived by.
“Fuck” you said loudly, the situation eerily familiar.
He quirked an amused eyebrow at that.
“Great, just great. This is all your fault, just so you know,” you snapped at him before he could say anything.
But before he could respond, a high-pitched voice shattered the stillness, causing you to stiffen in surprise. Turning, you came face to face with a young marine, his demeanor peculiarly jovial as he approached.
"Are you guys new? You arrived this morning, right?" he chirped, his tone friendly as he passed by, a crate of alcohol in his hands. "You should join us!"
Your heart rate quickened at the unexpected invitation, anxiety clawing at the edges of your mind. You’d been careless, distracted. You shot Zoro a pointed glare, silently pleading for him to follow your lead.
"Maybe later," you stated, the quiver in your voice betraying a hint of apprehension, even as Zoro's response came in stark contrast. "Sure, why not," he chimed in casually, his tone lacking concern as he eyed the bottles in the crate longingly.
With silent daggers shooting from your eyes, you trailed behind the two men, the tension thick enough to slice through the air like a blade. If looks could kill, the swordsman would be rotting in hell.
← Previous chapter | Next chapter → (coming soon)
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myblacknightworld · 2 years
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A little tuna for y'all~ also here's Gokudera :D
I'm honestly not convinced at all by this, so I'll probably redraw it later
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
I like when fanartists draw Nami's scar under her tatoo, but it got me thinking about other characters's scars too with fanarts and now I think not many people realise just how many fucking scars Luffy should have in canon, like:
1) You have his trademark scar under his eye because Shanks is irrensponsable (not entirely on him but you know what I mean)
2) The slice marks on the side of his head and chest from Kuro he got at Syrup Village.
3) His back must be covered in holes from Don Krieg's spear thingys.
4) At least a few bite marks all over his body from Arlong.
5) Probably a few scars by Zoro from Whiskey Peak as well.
6) Obliterated hands and feet as well as frostbites from climbing 5000 meteres in the cold at Drumm Island. (Side note, I love this scene because it shows just how much Luffy loves his crewmates)
7) Crocodile literally piercing through his body gave him scars both front and back.
8) A few scars from getting thrown at a glass window and bleeding out at Jaya by Bellamy.
9) I know it's technically impossible but Enel's lighting may or may have not scarred him. (Scars from lighting look pretty insane, look it up)
10) Bite marks from Lucci of course, can't escape those.
11) I could see him having scars similar to strech marks because of the 1000 shadows in his weakened body as well as well other instances in the battle against Oars and Moria.
12) Magellan's poison defenetely damaged his skin as well.
13) Then frostbite again. (Thanks again to Bon Clay for saving him, I luv you Bon Clay)
14)And Ivankov pokeing him to give him healing hormones.
15) The mark from Akainu's boiling donut frosting. (I will punish myself for this joke, don't worry)
16) Probably hurt himself during the 2 year training with Rayleigh.
17) More fishmen bitemarks, this time from Hody Jones.
18) Cuts from Doflamingo's strings and other instances.
19) Cracker and Oven attacking him.
20) Marks on his arms from when he tried to cut off his own hands to save Sanji.
21) Scars from Katakuri's mochi and his other attacks or something.
22) Queen's virus/poison looked like it was burning his skin and was probably acidic.
23) I haven't finished Wano yet, but Kaidou must have given his share of scars to him as well.
The poor guy's body is just a war battlefield. His skin is barely attached to him at this point.
I ADORE when artists draw Luffy with a lot of the scars. It makes his character design way better and gorgeous in my opinion. And tbh, all Strawhats should have way more scars. If I started explaining every little scar they would have here I wouldn't be able to finish but.... I trust fanartists to draw the characters with soooo many of them 🙏🏻
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noxitsnox · 7 months
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YES YES yes listen
Nami, Luffy and Usopp getting together to make Zoro and Sanji date. I don't think it would be strange for Zoro not to realize his feelings for Sanji and that's why they play it off as a bet.
Sanji doesn't want to date, he's just not interested, he doesn't like men (not in a "i'm not attracted to men" way, more in a "i hate that i'm attracted to men because of how they behave" way), he doesn't like Zoro (he does). So when Zoro starts flirting with him he acts all angry and uninterested, leading Zoro to actually take the bet seriously.
And that's the only way I think the movie context could apply to them.
So now let's get to the fun part, the things in 10 things i hate about you that reminded me of zosan (in no logical order):
The line "There's some green in your eyes" from Kat before throwing up after the party! Think about pre-relationship zosan drinking together for whatever reason. Zoro handles alcohol a lot better than Sanji. So Sanji is drunk as hell and Zoro, being the one there with him, has to take care of him. While they're walking back to the ship or whatever Sanji stumbles, Zoro manages to catch him before he falls. This is the first time Sanji actually looks at Zoro's eyes and he tells him "there's some green in your eyes" before they start walking again.
"You're not as violent as I thought you were" THIS IS PEAK ZOSAN LET ME EXPLAIN: Sanji and Zoro are close but it took time for them to become (boy)friends. Sanji has this very specific view on men, he doesn't like them regardless of all. So for a lot of time Sanji saw Zoro as rude, violent, ignorant ect.. But with time passing and them spending more and more time together Sanji realized just how much of a kind person Zoro actually is.
Last but not least, THE POEM! Kat's poem is more zosan than zosan itself. And yk what i'm going to tell you even what the lines are about
1- I hate the way you talk to me
2- And the way you cut your hair
3- I hate the way you drive my car
4- I hate it when you stare
5- I hate your big dumb combat boots
6- And the way you read my mind
7- I hate you so much, that it makes me sick
8- And even makes me rhyme
9- I hate the way you're always right
10- I hate it when you lie
11- I hate it when you make me laugh
12- Even worse when you make me cry
13- I hate it when you not around
14- And the fact that you didn't call
15- But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
16- Not even close
17- Not even a little bit
18- Not even at all
1: about all the insults and names Zoro calls him.
2: "Mosshead".
3: once they had to go to a party. Zoro was driving and they got lost. Still, that's one of the best nights Sanji has ever had.
6: Sanji is scared to let people *really* see him, because he's afraid that they might leave him, so he hates the way Zoro seems to always know what's going on with him. Zoro knows exactly who he is but doesn't seem like he wants to leave him. Sanji just can't wrap his head around that.
15-18: accepting the fact that he actually *likes* Zoro and that he doesn't want him to disappear from his life is not easy. He realized to love Zoro after a fight that ended up with them not talking for days. He didn't like it at all.
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zoromuse · 1 year
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status: CLOSED
slots: 20/20
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hii! i wanted to do a little something to celebrate valentines day and to thank you all for the support on my blog and my fics. i’m still relatively new here and everyone has been so nice, i just wanted to show my appreciation for that. hope you all anjoy this little even i made with lots of love, and i can’t wait to see all your requests <3
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⭑ Choose a prompt to go with a character
⭑ The event starts today, February 1st, 2023, and ends when all the slots are taken
⭑ Requests will be posted on February 14th, 2023
⭑ Only writing for f!reader and gn!reader (preferably specify which one you’d like)
⭑ I will only accept requests sent in my inbox (asks) since it’s easier to organize them that way, so please don’t message me or reply your request ln any post
⭑ All of the prompted fics will probably be between 300-500 words long (short)
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Fandoms and characters
⭑ One piece: Moneky D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Nami, God Usopp, Nico Robin, Portgas D. Ace, Crocodile, Trafalgar Law, Shanks, Buggy (personal fav <3), Smoker, Eustass Kid, Yamato, etc.
⭑ Chainsaw man: Aki Hayakawa, Beam, Angel Devil, Kobeni, Kishibe (personal fav <3), Galgali, Quanxi, Future Devil
⭑ Jujutsu Kaisen: Satoru Gojo, Ryomen Sukuna, Sugurou Geto, Nanami Kento, Choso
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1.) “Don’t be such a brat”
2.) “Quiet, the others will hear”
3.) “I haven’t even touched you and you’re already this wet?”
4.) “We have to make this quick”
5.) “Keep going, I want to see how you do it”
6.) “You know I’m holding back from fucking you over this kitchen counter, don’t push your luck”
7.) “You taste so sweet”
8.) “I said I’d take care of you, did you think I wouldn’t follow through on that?”
9.) “It’s not going to fit!”
10.) “Spread your legs for me, I want to see you”
11.) “I want you to watch me when I fuck you”
12.) “I won’t apologize for marking you up, everyone should know you’re mine”
13.) “I thought maybe we could do more than kissing tonight”
14.) “You can take it, you’re done it before”
15.) “You’e bigger than I thought”
16.) “Don’t go shy on me now, where’s that attitude you had five minutes ago?”
17.) “Let me return the favor”
18.) “I’ve never done anything like this before”
19.) “Be a good girl for mommy/daddy”
20.) “You know it’s fine if you’re a little rough with me”
21.) “I can’t hear you, c’mon use your words like a good girl”
22.) “I love it when you act all controlling around me, knowing damn well I can leave you shaking under me”
23.) “Want me to fuck a baby into you?”
24.) “But what if someone sees?”
25.) “Did you just fake it?”
26.) “This is wrong”
28.) “Beg for it”
29.) “You’re such a crybaby”
30.) “You look so good with my hands around your neck”
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Thank you for participating, if you do!
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Merry Kinkmas 2022 (200+ Followers Event)
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Special 200+ Event: Requests Open for the 12 Days of Kinkmas!
About me & Masterlist
The Basics:
So, I reached 200+ followers recently. To celebrate, I decided to have my first writing event! And since December is coming up fast, I figure I might as well make the theme "Merry Kinkmas," since that seems like something us degenerates would like.
I won't be doing the whole month, however, just the 12 days leading up to Christmas, Dec. 14th - Dec. 25th. (Hence, "12 Days of Kinkmas") Each of these 12 days is going to focus on a specific kink/fetish. However, you get to request which One Piece characters/pairing goes with each day.
That being said, requests will be open starting now and end on December 13th.
(Also: Minors are not allowed to make any requests, let alone interact with anything in this event. Please have an age in your bio when you send your request.)
The Prompts:
Day 1: Anonymous Sex - ✨ Mystery✨ x afab!reader x Nami (a teeny bit)
Day 2: Monsterfucking - Jinbei x afab!reader
Day 3: Corruption - dom!Doflamingo x afab!reader
Day 4: Mutual Masturbation - Sanji x afab!reader
Day 5: Somnophilia - Ace x afab!reader
Day 6: Threesome/Orgy - dom/sadist!Zoro x dom/sadist!Luffy x domme!Robin x dom!Sanji x afab!reader
Day 7: Breeding Kink - Zoro x afab!reader
Day 8: Free Use - sadist/domme!Robin x domme!Nami x afab!Reader
Day 9: Biting - sadist!Law x afab!reader
Day 10: Against A Wall - Corazon x afab!reader
Day 11: Non-Sexual Kink - dom!Sanji x reader
Day 12: Overstimulation - Luffy x afab!reader
What is Allowed to be Requested for this Event:
character x afab!reader
character x gn!reader
character x character (i like almost any pairing in One Piece; if there's a pairing i feel weird writing about, i'll let you know)
group sex/multiple partners
different au's, such as modern/college au
What Isn't Allowed:
minor x minor
minor x adult
Race play
Master/Slave play
If there's anything else, I'll let you know if you request it.
That's essentially it. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me. If not, feel free to send your request!
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abysscronica · 1 year
What do you think of the one piece movies?
Oh boi, that's a loaded question. 😭 I will reply honestly but please remember this is my personal opinion, whatever you like it's all legit!
In general, I don't particularly care for the OP movies too much. I did see them, almost all, even enjoy some or part of them, but I'm grateful that they're non-canon. I don't hate them and I'm always happy when a new one is announced (more OP content!), but that's about it. Same goes for the special/OVAs, although they kinda stopped with those. I will only go through the movies in this post.
Movie 1 (One Piece: the Movie) and 2 (Clockwork Island Adventure) are basically like filler arcs in the early days of the anime. They are not bad, nor good. I haven't seen them in a long while but I remember being pretty neutral towards them.
Movie 3 (Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals) and 5 (The Cursed Holy Sword) actually SUCK. They suck so much I could hardly get to the end. The Chopper one is just a total bore with a super predictable plot, while the Zoro one is actually painful. Zoro and the crew are totally OOC, and the poorly-thought magic lore introduced in the movie just doesn't fit with the OP universe.
You'll noticed I skipped movie 4 (Dead End Adventure). And that's because this one I like. It's also like a filler arc, but it fits perfectly in the plot (love the quick reference to Navarone), it flows well, it's dynamic and engaging, and the original characters are actually good. Shout out to Shuraiya Bascùd, whose design is basically Ace in a different color palette, but has a complex personality.
Movie 6 (Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island) is a unique One Piece product, quite distant from what we're used to, and therefore I consider it a must-see. Not really for the plot, which doesn't make much sense, but for the art and the direction. In fact, it was directed by Hosoda, a very notable anime movie director (Wolf Children, The Girl who Leapt through Time, Summer Wars, Digimon...).
Movie 7 (The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle)... I remember absolutely nothing of this movie except Nami's bouncing boobs.
Movie 8 (Episode of Alabasta) and 9 (Episode of Chopper plus) are revised re-tellings of the Alabasta and Drum saga. They aren't bad, especially Chopper's, some dramatic sequences are very touching. They made a great use of the soundtrack, or lacking thereof.
I will place Movie 11 (One Piece 3D: Straw Hat Chase) here because it doesn't fit with the remaining ones. This may as well be a special: it's only 30 minutes long, most of the Strawhats barely appear, it doesn't feature a villain-based adventure, and it's in a graphic format never used again. Take it as a slice-of-life episode, and it's enjoyable.
Movie 10 (Strong World) is a turning point, because this is when OP movies became "films", Oda started to get involved, some original canon elements were dropped in, and there were theatrical releases. The difference in quality (at least plot-wise) is immediately clear. Strong World is the last movie set before the timeskip (excluding movie 11), and it may well be my favorite.
Movie 12 (Z) is probably close second. The villain is a great character, and I LOVED the inclusion of Aokiji and Kizaru, how different they were, the implications they brought to the plot.
Movie 13 (Gold) is okay. Enjoyable. Once again, good villain, nice setting, good animation.
Movie 14 (Stampede) has a special place in my heart because it included the Kid Pirates, and Kid & Killer have a few scenes. Buuuut if I have to be honest, the plot is quite weak and, if you take off the (scarce) screen time of my beloved, it's a little boring.
And finally! The most recent, movie 15, Red. I haven't had the chance to watch it yet because it didn't get a theatrical release where I live, so I'm waiting for the DVD to be out. What I can say is that I've watched reviews from my two favorite OP youtubers (Tekking101 and Sawyer7mage), and they were not particularly impressed with it. My best friend also watched it and found it incredibly boring, so my hopes aren't really too high. I think they went waaaay too hard on the marketing for this one, they pushed Shanks and Uta SO MUCH. (Also it doesn't help that I'm one of the very few people that don't really care about Shanks, huh). I heard the songs and they were amazing, Ado is a masterclass singer. I read about the plot and I do think some details are quite interesting, like Uta's whole psychology and possibly the ending (?). I guess I'll have to update my opinion when I actually watch the movie.
That's all for now. Feel free to ask for more details if you want.
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whatreality · 1 year
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I posted 3,827 times in 2022
That's 3,820 more posts than 2021!
46 posts created (1%)
3,781 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 63 of my posts in 2022
#one piece - 53 posts
#monkey d. luffy - 27 posts
#nika - 12 posts
#wano arc - 12 posts
#wano - 11 posts
#nika one piece - 11 posts
#one piece 1044 - 10 posts
#one piece theory - 8 posts
#portgas d. ace - 7 posts
#joy boy - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#makino wiping 13 year old ace’s face off after he face planted into his lunch: oh i’m sure this won’t inconvenience anyone in the future
My Top Posts in 2022:
One Piece AU
Through the power of *Cough Grand line bullshit Cough*  the Whitebeard pirates travel back in time twenty years. With Teach gone, it’s time to get the rest of the family starting with the one that needs them the most, Ace. As much as they want to get baby Ace and raise him so that he never has to question his worth, they can’t because Ace would never get to meet his brothers. While Ace told enough stories about his childhood to know how important they are to him they don’t have enough information to ensure they meet again if they take him. So they have to wait for the right moment. Lucky for them, Ace told them enough to know exactly when to come, the day Sabo got taken away.
(The reason Ace doesn’t remember was that he was a baby and forgot them but he still instinctively trust them with just freaks him out more)
Anyone may use this prompt just credit me and let me know because I want to read it.
edit: someone made it and it beautiful (♥ω♥*)
81 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
I saw a drawing of Yamato with top surgery today and realized Law is still on the island. Trafalgar D. 'I make centaurs for fun' Law is on the same island as two trans people who are opposite genders. They can literally swap in five seconds. For some reason, I kinda feel like they don't want to do top/bottom surgery (they really don't seem bothered by their bodies but what do I know I'm cis) but I really like the idea Kiku donating her junk and swapping with Yamato for his.
98 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
To everyone that depicted Luffy with sun imagery
116 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
The real reason Shanks wouldn't let Luffy come with him is because he realized he is a terrible babysitter and should not be in charge of a kid.
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He sees a seven-year-old with a knife and literally says go for it. He simply knows he does not count as Adult Super Vision.
144 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Do you want to know what I find hilarious: no one knows about Luffy's fruit except for five old dudes, not Luffy, not Kaido, not his crew, not anyone. How will they find out, what are they going to think about his god mode in the mean time. Can you imagine Nami's reaction; Usopp's. I mean, they have absolute faith in Luffy but they all know he is an idiot so I want to see them silently question 'I trust this idiot with my life but do I trust him to be GOD'.
Robin will absolutely have a field day though
227 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cranberryspringart · 2 months
A pre timeskip One Piece tarot deck needs to exist, Luffy follows the fools journey so well. My idea for how it could go:
0 The Fool: The barrel at sea luffy was floating in.
Perfect for the inexperienced fool
1 The Magician: Zoro
What more can I say to that one , zoro has luffy's back, starting the crew and conquering hardships.
2 The High Priestess: Nami
Directions, man , what's better than the navigator herself.
3 The Empress: Sanji ( bear with me on this one)
This man's whole thing is admiring beauty, being in love, and being compsionate to people. Even if the card is feminine, he embodies it pretty well.
4 The Emperor: Usopp (again, bear with me on this)
His whole thing is that he wants to be a brave warrior of the sea, he may be a coward but he's strong when it counts to the people around him.
5 The Heirophant: either Smoker or Arlong
I feel like either of them could work to show the crew their first glimpse at the bigger scope of things.
6 The Lovers: the Going Merry
It's the best choice when it comes to signifying the relationship the crew has and the love they have for one another.
7 The Chariot: Crocodile
The idea of the chariot is success won't come if thinking is limited, Crocodile embodies that incredibly well when they're first introduced.
8 Strength: Vivi
She's had to be a very resilient person throughout her life and act courageously in some of the toughest times.
9 The Hermit: Robin
Early Robin is very much the Hermit prefering solitude and figuring out things on her own.
10 Wheel of Fortune: Zoro and Luffy Facing Bellamy that first time with Blackbeard there
This feels like the Wheel of Fortune. I don't quite know how to describe it like the feeling that anything can happen in the future.
11 Justice: Cp-9, franky, and Robin
That whole arc was past actions coming back around.
12 The Hanged Man: Robin wanting to live
That small action paved the way for so much in the story it was also Robin letting go of the solitude and moving forward.
13 Death: The Going Merry sinking
Need I say more on this one.
14 Temperance: Franky
The man needed to accept that he was gonna be part of the crew.
15 The Devil: " nothing happened"
That scene and zoro's choice to keep his captain from being caught feels right for this card
16 The Tower: Ace's Death
Luffy's lowest point , where everything collapsed because he wasn't strong enough in that fight, and where he realized he needed to train if he was going to get any further.
17 The Star: Law
Healing and hope, man, Law came in at the right time for this one.
18 The Moon: Luffy mourning Ace's death
This was a really uncertain time for him and quite possibly the only time I've seen him even think for a moment about giving up.
19 The Sun: Jinbe
He helped Luffy through that uncertainty by reminding him of the people that care about him.
20 Judgment : telling his crew to train for 2 years
This was a big moment of Luffy thinking of their past and future and what his crew needs.
21 The World: everyone meeting back up
They're ready to take on the world and all its challenges.
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asphodelical · 2 years
The Great Anime Rewatch of 2022 - Part V
First watched: May 2011 Rewatched: June 2022
Original rating: 9 New rating: 5
Watched the English dub for this one. The first act, and a lot of the second act, were too repetitive. Each episode had the exact same story structure, and there weren't enough hints about Vash’s history dropped to generate any interest. (Not until episodes 7 and 8, and Wolfwood’s introduction in episode 9.) The story proper didn’t kick in until the final third. 
The world building also felt super lacking. All of the towns/cities looked identical, and each one had a single defining problem. I.E. A rich guy is monopolizing the water supply, the plant isn’t functioning, the sheriff is corrupt, etc. 
The characters really fell out of favor for me. Vash’s antics, particularly his ogling of women, felt super forced. Meryl and Milly never go anywhere. Neither of them had an arc, or nuance. Milly’s childish behavior was really dissonant with her (out of fucking nowhere) relationship with Wolfwood, who was absolutely my favorite character when I first watched Trigun. Now? I feel nothing. But Vash and Wolfwood were absolutely better when they were together. 
English dubs tend to lend themselves pretty well to Trigun’s genre, but the only performance I remotely liked was Johnny Young Bosch as Vash. Steve Blum as a nameless background character in episode 15 was a welcome surprise. Regardless of the acting, Trigun was a really disappointing experience. 
Trigun: Badlands Rumble
First watched: August 2011 Rewatched: June 2022
Original rating: 8 New rating: 5
English dub again. The main characters, except Vash, were all recast for the film. If I didn’t know that, I wouldn’t be able to tell. Badlands Rumble is one of those films that’s little more than an extended/glorified episode. The animation absolutely holds up, and the CG isn’t too terrible either. 
First watched: 2011, original airdate Rewatched: June 2022
Original rating: 8 New rating: 6
Oh boy. Where to start? 
Narita is someone who loves creating all sorts of characters, throwing them all together and let their relationships and goals drive the story. A large portion of those in Durarara!! feel like he protagonists of their own story. But not all protagonists are created equal, and neither are their relationships. 
Let’s go with the characters and dynamics I liked and/or cared about first: Izaya, Celty, Kyohei, Shizuo, and Kida. Sometimes I like Mikado, but he’s much better when he’s around certain characters (Celty and Izaya) and acting as the leader of the Dollars. I’m tepid or apathetic towards mostly everyone else, and actively dislike a few.
I like the first half of the show way more. The climax of the Dollars plot in episodes 11-12 is still great. Although, the characters I hate the most are central in the first half: Seiji, Namie and Mika. They’re all toxic yanderes and terrible people who need incredible amounts of therapy. The series also doesn’t exactly excel at romance. 
The second half of Durarara!! didn’t work for me because I don’t give a shit about the relationships between Mikado, Kida, and Anri. They don’t feel like inseparable friends, and we don’t really ever see them spend time together. (This is directly lampshaded by Celty to Anri in episode 22, when she asks Anri how much she knows about Mikado.) Throwing the whole Saika thing in the gang war felt like it was doing too much. I’d rather have Celty remain as the central supernatural point. 
Nearly all of Durarara!!’s ideas are things I should like in theory. But in the end I only care or a fraction of the cast, and it doesn’t come together or me. Great music and bookend themes, though. And Isaac and Miria’s cameo was very welcome.  
Tokyo Godfathers
First watched: August 2011| Rewatched: June 2022
Original rating: 9 New rating: 8
Liked it just a little bit less upon rewatch—mostly due to the frequent tonal shifts. But Kon doesn’t have a bad work under his belt. 
First watched: 2013, original airdate Rewatched: June 2022
Original rating: 8 New rating: 5
Kyousosgiga’s strength remains its wildly creative visuals, courtesy of director Matsumoto Rie. Beneath that, it’s a story of family. With that being said, I couldn’t get into it this time around. I think it was the pacing that killed it for me. The scenes either felt like they were five years long or five seconds long. And I don’t think this story warranted a TV series. It might’ve been better as a movie. 
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mimi-ya · 2 years
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Status: Closed!
Hello everyone!! I’m super excited to start this little event. Soulmate AUs have always had my heart, and I can’t wait to write for some One Piece characters!
This event is open for reader inserts and character x character. *There will be a cap of 2 fics per character or ship. Some characters and ships may be allowed more depending on how much I love them - please see bottom of post for request count.
What I need from y’all is…
OP Character(s)
Reader pronouns (they/them default, if applicable)
SFW(default) or NSFW (will need reader body if applicable- example: female, male, intersex, non descriptive, etc.)
Prompt number, or an original soulmate prompt!
Platonic or romantic
Any other details you would like incorporated.
Request in the asks please!
Click here for more general requesting information
Soulmate Masterlist of requested and completed fics
All the prompts under the cut!
Each other’s names on their body
Each other’s nicknames on their body (ex. Fire Fist, Surgeon of Death, etc.)
Two names on either wrist, one being their soulmate and the other their enemy
Each other’s first words to one another on body
Each other’s last words to one another on body
Each other’s first opinion of the other on body
Timer counting down until you met
Timer counting down until your soulmate dies
Timer that starts when you meet with the time you have remaining together
A counter that shows the distance between each other
A compass that points to each other
A meter that shows how dangerous your soulmate is
Their touch leaves color on each other’s body
Different people’s touches leave different colors (blue-friends, red-soulmate, etc).
Tattoos show up on each other’s body
Bruises and marks show up on each other’s body
Writing shows up on each other’s body
Mark that indicates where each other will touch for the first time
Mark appears after meeting
Mark appears when near each other
Seeing color when you meet, and fades when one dies
Seeing color when they’re near you
See every color except your soulmates eye color
Seeing flashes of your soulmate’s perspective randomly
You stop aging at a certain point until you meet to grow old together
When you meet, time stops for a month for everyone besides you two
You swap bodies at a certain age
Reincarnation of lives where you remember everything when you touch
Reincarnation where one of you remembers but the other doesn’t
You see each other in your dreams
Telepathic link with each other
It’s impossible to lie to your soulmate
Your consciousness is your soulmate’s voice/personality
Feeling each other’s emotions (pain, joy, sadness, etc.)
Feeling each other’s orgasms
Tasting what each other eats
ANGST - any of these where they’re NOT each other’s soulmate
Request Count (prompt number)
Luffy - #31, #36 - luffy requests closed
Zoro - #2, #7, #11, #14, #18, #28, #32, #33, #35
Sanji - #14, #19, #22, #30, #35, #36
Usopp - #17
Nami - #14
Robin - #20, #24
Law - #2, #27, #30, #31, #33, #34, #35
Ace - #8, #12, #13, #15, #18, #28, #35
Sabo - #16, #26, #28, #32, #35
Marco - #15, #35 - marco requests closed
Shanks - #11, #24, #33, #35
Benn - #35
Mihawk - #34, #35 - mihawk requests closed
Doffy - #25, #27 - doffy requests closed
Crocodile - original prompt
Rosinante - #8, #21 - rosinante requests closed
X Drake - #13
Lucci - #24
Iceburg - #34
Koby - #30
Kid - #16, #32 - kid requests closed
Rayleigh - #13, #18, #31, #35
King - #24
Katakuri- #12, #36 - katakuri requests closed
Zosan - #29, #30
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My Anime Opinions (Mostly One Piece)
People Really Underestimate Zoro's Loyalty and His Caring Side
Man, I had enough with the “If just Zoro was in WCI” nonsense. People really underestimate Zoro’s loyalty to Luffy and his caring side. Let me give some examples:
Loyalty: 1-Let’s start with the beginning. Zoro knows that he would be dead if it weren’t for Luffy because the marines weren’t prideful like Zoro was and they would kill Zoro anyway even after he survived from starving for three weeks. Zoro is a prideful person who sticks to his promises till death like Kuina's. Zoro promised Luffy to be his swordsman.
2-Zoro declared his loyalty to Luffy at Baratie.
3-Zoro saved Smoker.
4-While Jaya arc Zoro got beaten up by very weak people with Luffy, just because Luffy ordered him. Again people remember Zoro is a prideful person he wouldn’t allow anyone to humiliate him like this if it weren’t for Luffy.
5-Water 7. Zoro didn’t interrupt the duel between Usopp and Luffy. He understands how duels work and also wouldn’t want him to interrupt.
6--Zoro also showed here, he respected Luffy so much and expect from everyone in the crew too. If Usopp didn’t apologize and Luffy got him back anyway Zoro would go because everything till here would be meaningless in his eyes. But Luffy isn’t that kind of person so Zoro remained loyal at the top.
7--Thriller Bark. Do I have to say anything? He was ready to die for Luffy. It was meaningless if he couldn’t protect his captain. He never told Luffy what he did for him. Respect that man.
There is probably much more but these are the most outstanding and coming into my mind right now.
Caring: Gosh, there is so much in here coming into my mind. It would be trouble the get all of them together.
1-People would argue with me with this one but Zoro’s argument with Kuina about how it didn’t matter to be a girl or boy wasn’t just about how Zoro would be humiliated that he won against her just because he is a boy but also he cared so much about her and could see she was struggling. Also, the whole Tashigi thing just because he cares so much about Kuina(Also his trauma about her, possible PTSD)
2-He cared for the little girl and eat her food.
3-We already know both Nami(gosh I want to talk about Nami too) and Luffy are caring people. So it wasn’t a surprise when they wanted to fight for Usopp but Zoro also wanted it. It wasn’t just about pride, it was his caring side.
4-Zoro got scared about Yosaku when he saw him sick.
5-Sometimes Zoro surprise me with his understanding of people. Zoro trusted Nami wouldn’t throw her humanity away and would let him die even in front of Arlong. He cared Nami listened to her about why she hated pirates back in there. Usopp didn’t understand it there.
6-But Zoro wanted to fight with her when he thought she killed Usopp.
7-Zoro is scared for Sanji when he dived in.
8-Zoro let his crewmates sleep when he fights with Baroque works and said: “Let them sleep more they got tired a lot while getting here.” (wasn’t an exact quote)
9-When he learned first about Merry’s condition he said: “Is it true? Are you really this damaged? (again not an exact quote)
10-Zoro tells Sanji not the fight on the train because there were some really dangerous guys.
11-Whole Enies Lobby showed how all of them were caring.
12-Thriller Bark. I talked about Luffy here but what about Sanji. When he first saw him you could see his eyes were painted with pure fear and finally when Sanji talked about death and replace him with another cook Zoro just couldn’t take it anymore and knocked him out with the reverse of his sword.
13-In Zou, there is one scene Luffy asks Zoro “were you worried about Sanji?” Zoro avoid answering that but it was obvious.
There are more and more but I think it is enough. So let’s get into other thing. If Zoro was in WCI he wouldn’t do anything to stop Sanji from his fight with Luffy. He wouldn’t stay quiet thoughç he would be angry but he wouldn’t do anything.
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drrrsankai-blog · 3 years
Reality TV Show Writing Meme!
- Choose 6 OC's canon characters.
- Put your OC's names in list of numbers and answer the questions with your OC's names instead of the number, write at least 100 words to answer.
- Once an OC is evicted, you must choose the next consecutive number to fill in the question. E.g. If [1] is evicted, choose [2]. If [6] is evicted, go back round to [1]. (I fucked this part up but idc)
1. Aoba
2. Shizuo
3. Namie
4. Ran
5. Shingen
6. Erika
OOC (gets worse as it goes along honestly), c r a c k, dark humor, insanity, and Namie being Namie (and Erika being Erika...).
1. Welcome to the House! Introduce the OC's and what their luxury item would be.
[1] Aoba: Luxury item? A pool.
[2] Shizuo: Another pack of cigarettes. *doesn't know what it is*
[3] Namie: Well, there's not much of anything that comes to mind... except a fine night out with my darling Seiji~
[4] Ran: Fucking ew.
[5] Shingen: Hmm...hm, hm, hm. I need to think about this one...
[6] Erika: All the doujinshis on my wishlist!
2. There are 3 bedrooms, 1 with 2 double beds, 1 with 2 single beds and 1 with only 2 matresses on the floor. Who pairs up with whom, is there an argument over who should get the better room, and how is this resolved?
No one's happy, except Erika who comments that it feels like a sleepover (and Ran who yells out that 'we're literally living together for this'). However, Namie has already grabbed Erika's arm to lead her into the room with two single beds, because 'the only man she'll sleep in a room with is Seiji'. Erika doesn't get time to object before the door slams behind them. Leaving only the other four...
Shingen rubs his chin, trying to decide which remaining options were better. If he chose the room with the double bed, he surmised he might get lonely since there'd be no other weight in it, so the mattresses on the floor sounded like a better option.
Shizuo heads into the room with the double beds. No one follows him in.
Aoba and Ran look at each other, mutually scowling the thought of having to share a room with the blonde, then scowl at each other. Ultimately, they decide on taking the room with the mattresses on the floor.
By the time Shingen makes his decision, he finds everyone gone and the room he had decided on occupied. With a droop of his shoulder and a small, disappointed sigh, he heads into the double-bedded room with Heiwajima.
"Wait a minute, this is my house! Why the hell don't I get to call the shots?!"
Namie, laying in bed and staring up at the ceiling, hearing Shingen's voice: What an idiot.
3. Now they've decided where they're sleeping, they make their way to the living room but find that it is empty expect for a few large and heavy boxes which hold the furniture which [1] and [4] have been told to put together within a time limit, how well do they do?
Aoba: Do I look like someone with a body who can handle all this hard labor?
Ran: Thanks a fucking lot, pipsqueak.
Aoba: Seriously. Why can't we make Heiwajima do it?
Ran: Because he'll crush our fucking skulls?
Aoba: Oh.
Aoba: Well, if I told him you asked, then I'll both live and not have to do it.
Ran: *throws an empty box at him*
4. The furniture's together, now for dinner and a rest! [2] and [5] are designated for cooking first. What do they cook? Do they work well together? Does their cooking go down well?
Shingen: *wearing an apron, flattening dough with a rolling pin* I'm baking a cake~! Teehee~
Sheenwuh: *walks through the door, notices Shingen, and then walks back out it*
Shizuo: Um.
Shizuo just sits on the couch eating potato chips instead.
5. A few days pass and a relationship is growing between [3] and [6], is it a good one or is it a bad one? What measures are made to make their relationship blossom, or stop them from attacking each other on sight?
Erika: *talking nonstop about BL, cosplay, and anime*
Namie's internal dialogue: [shut up shut up SHUT THE FUCK UP]
Namie ends up leaving, throwing Shingen out and angrily informing Heiwajima he has a new roommate.
Shizuo is actually taken aback and does not argue.
6. A week has passed and it's time for an eviction! Someone hasn't put in their penny's worth and needs to be gotten rid of. Choose one OC, and have them say their weepy, or exuberant, goodbyes.
Ran: Good fucking riddance.
Namie: *bored voice, dull tone* I'm so sad.
Erika: Aw, maybe next time. :(
Shizuo: Do I know you?
Shingen: Do I know you either?
Aoba: I'm a student. I don't have a job. I can't pay rent. What do you expect?
7. There's a siren in the middle of the night! [1] has tried to escape with [3] as accomplice, however they are both caught, who blames whom, and what is their punishment? Do the other house-mates suffer for it?
Aoba: I'm still here?
Ran: You're still here? Great.
Namie: Why did I agree to this...?
Shingen: For money?
Everyone looked at the floor where there were several pieces of glass from the window having been broken.
Shingen: Well, if you win, you can use it to pay me back~!
Namie: Can't wait...
8. The next task appointed for them arrives in the form of a letter and a pack of bendy wires. They pick up the letter and read that housemates [2] and [4] must make a cube using the fewest number of wires possible within 30 minutes of time. Do they manage it?
Ran: What the fuck? Why?
Shizuo: Uh, nah.
9. That evening, they find alcohol in the refridgerator and a karaoke machine in the living room. However, it is incredibly hard to set up and it's instructions are in Japanese. [5] and [6] are bullied into geting it sorted. How do they get on?
Erika: *staring hard at the instructions* Well, I recognize the characters... It's just...
Shingen: Those bastards! This isn't the version I ordered!
Erika: ...this is in Chinese, not Japanese.
10. Eviction time! Eviction this time is based upon house-mates behaviour and performance in the last week, and sadly, [1] and [3]'s escape attempt has not impressed the higher hand. [1] or [3] must go, choose, and have them say goodbye.
Aoba: I thought I left 6 questions ago...?
Namie: *leaves without a second thought*
Shingen: What about my window???
Shingen looked at Aoba who merely shrugged his shoulders. Then it occrured to him...
"You two were really going to climb down from a 30 story building...?"
"The danger makes it exciting."
Namie, thinking to herself: I was thinking of just going down the fire escape, but okay.
11. Confessions Time! Having been together for two weeks, how do the house-mates feel about the others? How do they feel about the evictions? Let's listen to them now.
Erika: Kishitani-san is okay for a roommate. He's kind of odd, though...
Ran: You want to talk about being weird?
Shingen: You're okay yourself, Karisawa. A bit hard to follow, but okay.
Ran: My little rat-think of a brother is finally gone. Couldn't be better.
*phone rings*
Shingen: Hold on a moment.
Shingen: Hello?
Sheenwuh: Dad, when can I come home?
Shingen: Anytime, son.
Sheenwuh: No, I mean, when is whatever's going on over?
Shingen: Can't hear you either, son, roger. *hangs up*
Shizuo: ...
Shizuo: Do I have to be here or can I leave too?
12. [1] and [4] have become very close, and [6] is jealous and decides to confront [4] about it, what happens?
Erika: Wow, so you miss your brother after all~!
Ran: What??
Aoba: *peeks through hole in the wall* Peekaboo!
Ran: *screams*
Erika: Ah, brotherly love... I think that'll be the next BL manga theme I read about...!
Shizuo: I've decided that I'm killing myself instead.
13. Their next task is to simply tidy the house, however, they have to do it blindfold, [5] cheats and [2] does nothing, such disobedience so late in the game earns them a time-out and their luxury item is taken away, how do they cope?
Shingen: Ooh~! Kinky.
Shizuo: I'm going to be next to jump out this fucking window I swear to god--
Erika: (But nobody actually jumped out the window...);
14. Due to the cheating in the previous task, the electricity in the building is cut, and the living room is locked off from them. [4] suggests a game of hide-and-seek, does anyone get injured in the dark? Does anyone take this moment to be naughty with another housemate?
Ran: Anyone wanna play Hide-and-Get-Hammered?
Shingen: Is that a drinking game, I see?
Ran: Heh.
Erika: I'm pretty that's not how it's played... or what Izumii-kun means... *she inclines her head, trying to see if Ran's holding something behind him*
15. The living room is open to them again and inside is a television, an XBOX and four Guitar Hero guitars, a not stuck on the television let's them know that it is a play-off between [3] and [6].
Who wins, and did they realise the loser would be evicted?!
Neither of the two are particularly interested in video games, but it gets pretty heated between them (Ran and Erika). Ran calls her a "fujo bitch" throughout, and Erika wins by sticking her bare foot in his lap and freaking him out, causing him to fall onto the floor (and into the loser's seat).
Ran: Yeah, whatever. Fuck this.
Erika: Well, Kishitani-san, it looks like it's just you and me.
Shingen: That it seems.
Shizuo: Uh, guys... I'm still here...
16. With only three house-mates left, tension starts to rise, [1] becomes super-competitive and starts taking over any tasks given to them. [1] accepts a task before even hearing it, and it's challenging them to sit in a bath of maggots for half an hour.
How does [1] react and do they complete the task?
Shizuo: That's fucking disgusting.
Erika: But you said you'd do anything...
Shizuo: *stares at her, eyebrow twitching*
Erika: ...OK.
17. Another Confession. Poor [2] is starting to suffer from cabin fever and is sure the others are out to get them. Let's listen to their ranting.
Shizuo: You know what? Fuck these nutjobs. *leaves*
18. The house-mates realise they are quite quickly running out of food, and find three unlabelled tins in a cupboard, with blindfolds next to them and a letter explaining that two tins are sliced peaches, one is dog-food, they must each choose a tin with their blindfolds on.
Who gets the dog-food, and evicted?
Erika: *walking in the direction of Kadota's place, smiling* Aw, I hope Dotachin's dog will like this brand...
19. The final task denotes the winner of the entire game, the final two house-mates are given an envelope, inside is the instrutions of their last task, they simply are.
Does this shock them? Do they choose themselves as the winner or the other? Do they give their own victory up, or are they selfish?
"Dad, I fucking live here."
"Hmm. I guess that makes both of us the victors, then?"
"Dad, why is there no food in the house?" the brunette asks, looking through the fridge. Then he looks towards the balcony and nearly screams.
20. Now it's (quite abruptly) over, tag someone!
I will not but you can steal it. xD
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 13
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 4261 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Monkey D. Luffy, Robin, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Usopp, Nami, Franky, Smoker, Tashigi, Sengoku, Sengoku’s goat ;) Notes: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he's 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law finds a strange connection to Monkey D. Luffy, which offers a glimpse of something he's repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
Law slowly came awake, having slept the dreamless sleep he only ever had after draining himself to the point of unconsciousness. He grimaced before slitting his eyes open; his body ached, his mouth was cottony, and his head throbbed. As the fuzzy world came into focus around him, he realized he was on the couch. He frowned. When had that happened? The last thing he remembered was sitting with Luffy on the floor…
He threw a hand over his face and groaned as he remembered that Luffy was the one who’d found him during his panic attack. Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin were the only ones he allowed to see him like that; they’d seen him at his worst when Cora-san’s death was still a gaping wound, and his body was still marred with Amber Lead. They’d been there for the screaming nightmares and suffocating panic attacks. For anyone else to see him that way…
Well, Law hadn’t been able to afford such shows of weakness around the Family.
But Luffy had simply smiled and offered that he had his own demons as well.
Law swallowed, unsure of what to do with that bit of kindness. It settled uncomfortably somewhere behind his breastbone.
Taking a breath, he pushed himself upright and glanced around. Luffy was nowhere to be seen. Vergo’s body was also gone. That meant someone—likely Marines—had come in while Law was sleeping to remove it. The idea of being defenseless while Marines were in the room made his stomach turn. Yet they’d left him alone, undoubtedly on Smoker’s orders.
Shaking his head, Law grabbed Kikoku from where she’d been placed on the table and pocketed his Den Den Mushi. He had no idea what time it was—and there were no windows in this metal monstrosity of a lab to give him any hints—but if the Marines had removed Vergo’s body, there was a good chance the back-up ship had arrived, meaning it was morning.
Rather than aimlessly wander around the lab, Law reached out with his haki to look for the Straw Hats… and was immediately struck by the overwhelming presence of Luffy. After a moment, he was able to discern the chaotic energies of the other Straw Hats as well; they were gathered a few halls over. The Marines, including Smoker and his second, were on the other side of the lab, near the entrance. He could sense more Marines than he thought had been there previously, which seemed to confirm his suspicion.
Law left the control room and followed his haki. The closer he got to the gathered group, the stronger the smell of cooking food became—which made perfect sense when he found the crew in the dining hall.
“Torao, good morning!” Luffy called, waving his hand as though Law wouldn’t be able to pick him out from the small group. They were all seated at one long table that they seemed to have pieced together from several smaller tables.
“Straw Hat-ya,” Law greeted with a sigh, head already aching from the enthusiasm. Whatever time it was, it was too early for this.
“Sanji’s cooking breakfast. I hope there’s lots of meat!” Luffy said, eyes glazing over.
“Of course, you do,” the cat burglar said, rolling her eyes. She then turned and looked Law up and down without any hint of subtlety. “There’s coffee in the kitchen,” she said, lips twitching.
Law considered flipping her off, but coffee sounded amazing, so he simply nodded and headed back to the kitchen, where Black Leg was working. He raised an eyebrow at Law’s presence.
“Coffee?” Law grunted.
Black Leg nodded and broke off from the task he was doing—scrambling eggs, from the looks of it—and poured a cup of coffee.
“Take anything with it?”
Law shook his head, accepting the undoctored mug of precious caffeine.
Black Leg snorted. “Why am I not surprised?”
Law shrugged and took a sip. The bitter liquid burned at his scratchy throat, and it was heavenly.
“Any dietary restrictions?” Black Leg asked as he went back to the meal.
“No bread.”
Black Leg hummed. “Gluten allergy or just not a fan?”
“Gluten,” Law acknowledged around sips.
Black Leg nodded. “I can work with that.” He turned to another task but looked over his shoulder at Law. “Tell those idiots it’s almost ready, will you?”
Law took that as being kicked out of the kitchen, so he jerked his head in a nod and grudgingly returned to the rowdy collection of remaining Straw Hats.
“It’s almost ready,” Law relayed as he sat down at the end of the table, as far from Luffy as he could place himself. He could still feel a crawling sensation under his skin as he thought about the night before, and sitting as far away from its source while he worked through his thoughts seemed like his best bet.
“Was there meat?” Luffy asked, mouth practically watering.
“There’s always meat, you shitty piece of rubber,” Black Leg said as he brought several platters of food out from the kitchen.
After dropping off the platters, Black Leg went back to the kitchen several more times and returned with an impressive array of breakfast foods for the crew to share. The remaining Straw Hats, particularly those seated close to Luffy, seemed to have a well-practiced system in place to eat their meals while avoiding Luffy stealing from their plates, including knocking their captain upside the head when he got too close. Luffy merely grinned and laughed before returning to his own heaping plate.
Law managed to grab some eggs and fruit amidst the melee, and, as he ate, he considered how different the dynamic was from his own crew’s. Though, Law supposed with no little regret, he hadn’t eaten with them with any regularity in the last few years. Ever since Shachi’s injury, Law’s guilt had pushed him away from his nakama, and, when he did eat, he usually ended up eating alone or with the Family—Sunday dinners, for instance, were required for every executive who was not away on a mission. Though the Family was hectic in its own way, manners were still expected—and not just because their captain was also a king. Table manners had been preached even when Law had been with the Family at Spider Miles; just because they were pirates did not mean they were savages, Doffy had said, and they were expected to act like it.
That had made a lot more sense when Law had learned that Doffy was a former Celestial Dragon—many of his quirks had come into focus with that information, in fact.
It had also been revealing about Cora-san, though Law hadn’t been entirely ready to open that Pandora’s Box, despite knowing about it for six years.
“How did you sleep last night, Torao-kun?”
Law started, pulled from his thoughts by Nico Robin’s smiling face across the table from him.
“Luffy went looking for you last night after dinner, but then he didn’t come back until this morning,” she elaborated, still smiling.
The expression set Law’s teeth on edge. He narrowed his eyes, certain that she was screwing with him. “Fine,” he said curtly then deliberately took a sip of coffee, hoping to discourage the conversation. Still. Did that mean Luffy had stayed? He was obviously the one who had moved Law to the couch, and that was humiliating enough, but the thought that the other captain had stayed with him…
Law’s eye twitched.
But Nico Robin just kept smiling. “That’s good to hear. After all, we’re heading to Dressrosa today.”
Law put his cup down slowly. “Yes,” he agreed, not sure what she was getting at.
“We’ll need everyone to be at their best to face Doflamingo,” she said, expression never changing. “I’ve heard the rumors about him.”
“Until tomorrow, little bird.”
“He’s worse than any rumor,” Law ground out before pushing himself up and away from the table. He grabbed Kikoku, knuckles going white from his grip. He needed air.
“Torao?” Luffy called after him, but he ignored the other captain, practically fleeing the room.
Recalling the blueprints of the lab, he navigated the hallways to the front entrance and practically exploded out the door, stumbling onto the front stoop as he shoved the door open with more force than needed. He put a hand against the wall and sagged, sucking in lungfuls of icy air, the cold tamping down on the heat that had risen in his face and helping him to collect himself.
After a few more deep breaths, he felt his head clear, and he looked out over the island. He’d been so caught up in his own mind that he hadn’t noticed the Marine vessel being loaded in the port a few hundred yards away. He shook his head; he needed to get his shit together if he was going to deal with Doflamingo today.
Law leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms against his chest, watching various Marines scurry about like little insects whose nest had been disturbed while others barked orders.
After a few minutes of Law watching his men, Smoker climbed the steps and took a seat on the top step, leaving distance between himself and Law.
As the two watched in silence, several soldiers marched the chained Caesar and Monet toward the ship. Caesar continued making high-pitched protests—“Do you know who I am?”, “Do you know who you’re messing with?” and the like—while Monet remained silent. As if drawn to Law, she turned and their eyes met briefly, that look of betrayal still in her gaze. Then she was pushed along toward the ship and the connection broke.
Law exhaled, only then realizing he’d been holding his breath.
Once Doflamingo learned of their arrests as well as of Vergo’s death—he had more spies in the Marines than just Vergo, though even Law didn’t know all their identities—he would undoubtedly retrieve his subordinates and Vergo’s body. He would leverage his connections, and even the Fleet Commander couldn’t refuse the Gorosei.
Law could only hope he’d receive that news once Law and his nakama had escaped Dressrosa.
“What will you do now?” Smoker asked as they watched a string of Caesar’s men, buoyed by strange balloon devices, escorted to the ship by another group of soldiers. “Doflamingo will kill you if you return to Dressrosa.”
That… was not actually true; Law might wish he were dead if Doffy got wind of his betrayal before he and his crew could flee, but he would live until he performed the Perennial Youth Operation. Only then would he be allowed to die—for the sake of Doffy’s immortality. No, it would be his nakama (and Luffy’s crew, now that the crazy captain had decided to involve himself in Law’s affairs) who would pay the ultimate price. But Smoker didn’t need to know that.
Law raised an eyebrow at Smoker’s back. “Why do you care, White Chase-ya? I’m just a no-good pirate.”
“Maybe I don’t like being in debt to pirates,” Smoker retorted. “And if you die, I can’t pay it back.”
Law snorted. “Apologies if my impending death is inconvenient for your conscience.”
Smoker grumbled in response.
They sat in silence for several more minutes, and, surprisingly, it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. Smoker seemed to have come to some kind of conclusion about Law, and Law simply had too much on his mind to bother with antagonizing the vice admiral. And, if Law were being honest with himself, while he hated the Marines on principle for their part in Flevance’s fall, Smoker was one of the few who had ever shown even an inkling of honor; it was a very grudging sense of respect he found budding toward the vice admiral.
They watched the ship’s continued loading until the lab’s door opened once more, and the Straw Hats spilled out onto the stoop. Law noticed two more figures had joined the group: Kin’emon the samurai and a boy dressed in similar garb. A son? They had shied off to the side of the group on the other side of the doorway from Law.
“Oh, there you are, Torao!” Luffy said, spying Law off to the side. “And Smokey!”
“Straw Hat,” Smoker grumbled, pushing himself to his feet.
“Where are the children?” the cat burglar asked, putting her hands on her hips.
“Tashigi is with them,” Smoker said.
“Well, we’re not leaving until we see them off,” Chopper added, coming up next to his crewmate at the front of the group, doing his best to sound authoritative.
Smoker lip curled in annoyance, but he was saved from having to reply by the emergence of the captain and the children from a side entrance of the lab. The swordswoman, with a bright voice and wide smile, directed the children toward the ship. The children laughed and jumped around as they boarded the ship.
“Tashigi!” Smoker called.
The swordswoman looked up from her charges and took in the group standing next to the vice admiral. After murmuring something to the remaining children waiting to board, she headed over to the lab steps.
“Smoker-san,” she greeted.
“These idiots won’t leave until they know the children are taken care of. Tell them where we’re taking them.”
Long Nose and the cyborg protested at being called idiots, but the cat burglar and Chopper ignored them. Their eyes were focused on the swordswoman.
“We’re taking them to be treated by Vegapunk himself,” the captain replied, adjusting her glasses. “He’s agreed to look at the long-term effects of the drugs and work on a treatment. Once they’ve received the care they need, we’ll take them all home. We’re also in the process of contacting their families.”
“That’s a relief,” Chopper said, smiling.
The swordswoman looked at the cat burglar. “I meant what I said earlier; I will protect the children with my life!”
The cat burglar nodded, her expression softening. “I know. Thank you.”
The two women shook hands, and the captain glanced at her superior before heading back to the ship. The children were making their way onto the deck of the ship, calling at the Straw Hats with their thanks. Law was startled to hear even a few thanks hollered in his direction. Considering he hadn’t wanted to get caught up with the children in the first place, he didn’t think he deserved any.
Smoker shook his head and glanced back at the gathered group, eyes meeting Law’s one final time, before he headed back to the ship, corralling the remaining soldiers who had yet to board. The Straw Hats waved as the ship eventually pushed off from the dock and set sail.
“All right!” Luffy called out, grabbing the attention of his crew. “Let’s go! On to Dressroba!”
“Dressrosa,” Law grumbled.
“Shishishi,” Luffy chuckled. “Whatever. Let’s go take down that Mingo!”
He headed off in the direction of the Thousand Sunny, and the rest of the group followed—including Kin’emon and the boy, Law noted. He’d have to account for their presence in his plan. Luffy continued chattering on, mostly to Zoro and Long Nose, though he’d turn back every now and then to meet Law’s eye with a grin.
As they walked, the cat burglar came up next to Law. “I can navigate using the maps we found in the lab, but if you have a better way…”
Law reached into a pocket on the inside of his coat and pulled out an Eternal Pose for Dressrosa. It was the same one Doffy had given Law nearly a decade earlier in the North Blue. He carried it on every mission away from the island. For a moment, Law’s grip tightened on the wooden frame as he considered that there was a good chance neither he nor his nakama would ever leave that island again. Swallowing, he forcibly loosened his fingers and offered it to her. Her eyes lit up.
“That will make things easier!” She looked at the pose for a moment then glanced back at Law. “You said it should take half a day?”
The cat burglar—Nami—peered up at the sky and narrowed her eyes consideringly before shaking her head. “We’ll have to get further away from the conditions on this weird island before I can get a sense of the weather.”
“Dressrosa is a summer island,” Law supplied. “The weather is rarely poor around it.”
Nami hummed thoughtfully. “That’s promising.”
Law hesitated before adding, “Avoid skies with clouds as much as possible.”
“Why?” Black Leg asked from Law’s other side. He took a drag on his cigarette and raised a curious eyebrow.
Law glanced at him before turning back to Nami. “Doflamingo can use his Devil Fruit to travel in the skies. He uses clouds to do it. If he has any suspicion that I’ve betrayed him, he’ll be out looking for me.”
“Will he have any suspicion?” Black Leg asked as Nami’s eyes widened.
“I… don’t know.” Law had played the call over in his mind repeatedly and still did not know if Doffy had been bluffing. Even if he hadn’t been, there was no telling how quickly he’d hear from his Marine spies about what had happened on Punk Hazard. “Best to assume he does.”
Black Leg pursed his lips but didn’t say anything.
Once they boarded the Thousand Sunny, the Straw Hats spread out to complete their respective jobs for setting sail. Law leaned back against the wall and was joined by Kin’emon and the boy as they stayed out their hosts’ way. Law and the samurai eyed one another. Law didn’t know anything about Kin’emon, other than, as a samurai, he was likely from Wano and that Doffy wanted him kept alive. If Kin’emon was from Wano, Law idly wondered if Doffy’s orders about the man came from Kaido but put the thought out of his mind; it didn’t matter to the task at hand.
Once the Thousand Sunny had pulled away from Punk Hazard and started toward Dressrosa, Law’s Eternal Pose pointing the way, the Straw Hats reconvened on the lawn in the center of the ship. They turned to Law.
“Tell us, Torao-kun,” Nico Robin said, speaking for her crew. “What awaits us in Dressrosa?”
Law took a steadying breath and started to speak.
Two Days Later
Smoker found the Inspector General in his favorite spot, a perch overlooking New Marineford, absently sharing snacks with his beloved goat. He hadn’t been entirely surprised to receive a summons from Marine HQ after the prisoners he’d brought in and the damning report he’d filed about another vice admiral, but he thought this might be a bit more personal, considering the source.
“Inspector General,” Smoker greeted as he came to a stop next to the seated man.
“Smoker,” Sengoku replied, nodding at him.
“You wanted to see me?”
“Ah, yes,” Sengoku said, adjusting his glasses briefly. “I read your report about the events on Punk Hazard.”
Smoker’s original report had been heavily edited so that the official report had, much like the Alabasta report, given him far more credit than he deserved for what had transpired. It also whitewashed some of the uglier truths Smoker had learned about the base commander of G-5 and the experiments being conducted on the island. But Smoker had a feeling Sengoku was referring to the unedited version. Semi-retired or not, a man like Sengoku would have his ways of getting his hands on that document.
“Sir,” Smoker said neutrally.
Sengoku offered his goat a cracker before glancing at Smoker. “You don’t seem pleased at the accolades being thrown your way for uncovering a traitor so high in the ranks.”
Smoker snorted. “If you read my report, you know I didn’t uncover shit. Sir.”
Sengoku nodded, absently scratching behind the goat’s ears. “Corazon revealed Vergo’s true nature.”
So, he had read the unedited version. “Yes.”
“Tell me, Smoker,” Sengoku said, something careful about his tone that Smoker couldn’t quite place. “What were your impressions of Vice Admiral Vergo? Before this? You worked alongside him at G-5.”
“I thought he was a good leader and a good soldier,” Smoker admitted. “I respected him.” He’d had no reason to suspect the man; his reputation was spotless, and the men of G-5 admired him. It grated on him that he hadn’t noticed the rat. Surely there had been something amiss that Smoker had missed…
But, no. Vergo’s act had been flawless.
Sengoku nodded thoughtfully. “And Corazon killed him.”
“And what did you make of that, Vice Admiral?”
Smoker frowned. “What do you mean?”
“The second in command of the Donquixote Pirates killing a particularly important spy for his own crew among Marine ranks. Surely that was surprising to you.”
Smoker, even in his unedited report, had skirted around what he’d heard about Corazon’s history. He wasn’t sure why he was keeping the man’s secrets other than the debt he owed him, but something hadn’t sat right in his chest when he’d attempted to make note of all he’d heard. He’d learned to trust his instincts over the years, and they’d told him he’d be better served holding onto that information. Even—maybe especially—the Marines were prone to politics, and Smoker knew that information could be leveraged. He found the fact distasteful, but it was true nonetheless.
But those same instincts were also telling him now that Sengoku was the right person to tell, considering his personal connection to the Donquixote Pirates. It was known amongst the longest-serving Marines that Sengoku’s adopted son had been killed by the Donquixote Pirates while on an undercover mission infiltrating them. Smoker had never met Rosinante, but he’d seen the plaque on the wall of fallen soldiers.
“There seemed to be bad blood between them,” Smoker said after coming to his decision. He didn’t have a full sense of what he’d witnessed between the two men, but he knew enough about long-standing grudges to recognize one when he saw it. “Going back a long way.”
Corazon couldn’t be older than his mid-twenties but had held the title of Corazon for half a decade. Only someone who’d been with the Family for a long time could have risen to second in command—Doflamingo only surrounded himself with the best, which was part of what made his crew so dangerous—so for Corazon to have risen so high so at such a young age likely meant he’d been with them as a child. It was common knowledge that the Family recruited children and raised them to be loyal soldiers, so that would not have been surprising.
The slightest twitch in Sengoku’s eyebrow told Smoker that he was on the right track. Considering the timeline, then, there was a good chance Corazon knew Sengoku’s son and might have answers about the circumstances surrounding his death, which had remained under high level security clearance in the years since. Most Marine lifers felt Sengoku had never truly moved past Rosinante’s death (though they’d never say it in the man’s earshot), but now perhaps he could get some answers—especially if Corazon was attempting to leave the Family and had no reason to keep their secrets any longer.
“I see,” Sengoku finally said, offering the goat another cracker. He offered the bag to Smoker wordlessly, but Smoker shook his head.
Smoker hesitated only a moment before adding, “Corazon let something slip during the fight.”
Sengoku simply nodded at him to continue, obviously recognizing Smoker had left whatever it was out of his report.
“I think he’s a survivor of the White City.”
Sengoku paled, though Smoker had a feeling it wasn’t for the reason most did when Flevance was mentioned. He’d been Fleet Admiral when commands had come from above even him to wipe out the country and everyone in it due to the highly contagious Amber Lead Disease that was killing entire generations.
It was genocide and a shame on any Marine with a sense of honor.
“There were no survivors,” Sengoku said finally, voice curiously choked off.
And even if anyone had managed to escape the slaughter, they should have died years earlier due to Amber Lead Disease. But somehow, Corazon hadn’t.
The more he thought about it, the more Smoker had a feeling it had to do with that Devil Fruit of his. The Ope-Ope no Mi was a miracle surgery fruit, after all.
“There seems to be at least one,” Smoker replied, remembering the fury in Corazon’s voice as he’d railed against what had happened to his family and his home, sheer rage taking over the normally composed man. It was clearly a slip he regretted making, considering the way his expression had soured once he’d realized what he’d said. “It sounded like his parents were doctors, but they were killed with everyone else when Flevance fell. Including a sister.”
Sengoku ran a hand over his face, suddenly looking his age. “I see,” he said after a long moment. He turned to Smoker and gave him a wan smile. “Thank you for telling me.”
The dismissal was clear, but Smoker had one more thing to add. “The traitor, Vergo, didn’t call Corazon by his title. He used a name.”
Sengoku raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“He didn’t use a surname. But he called Corazon Law.”
“Law,” Sengoku murmured, as though trying out the name.
Smoker left Sengoku with the name on his tongue, wondering what the former Fleet Admiral would do with the information but deciding it was above his paygrade.
Next chapter
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applepi-1 · 3 years
The photographer- Iwaizumi Hajime (Part 14)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 15 - Part 16 -
Day 8
"I HAD FUN, THANK YOU, IWA." He smiled grabbing my hand before I can go inside. 
"I'm glad we did this." I smiled and stepped closer, about to kiss him but I pulled away a little. 
"Happy birthday." With that I closed the gap between us, kissing him goodnight. Well, morning, it is 12. 
"Thanks love. See you at 8?"
"Of course. Goodnight, Iwa." I kissed him again before walking into my house, I pressed my back to the door as I closed it. The memories of tonight flood through me. I kissed Iwaizumi! My first kiss. 
"You seem happy." I jumped at the voice and looked at the kitchen, sighing when I see F/n. 
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh, you know.. making sure you got home okay." I shook my head putting my bag down and the kitty. "He got you a cat?"
"Yep, I named her Senshi." She smiled at me and pet her head. 
"She's beautiful."
"So details." I smiled thinking about tonight and told her the story. Every single detail. "Aw, that's beautiful. Your first kiss!" I nodded my head biting my lip. 
"And I chose Monday to tell him... it'll ruin him."
"Y/n, I get you're dying, but, love leaves a memory no one can steal. We only get one life, one chance to live it the best we can. Now don't tell me when you finally start to live, you're gonna let one little thing get in the way? He's not going anywhere." She's right.. 
"So what enjoy the rest of today, and deal with it on Monday?"
"Exactly, it's okay to want something for yourself sometimes, your still human." I smiled and hugged her.
"Thanks F/n."
"Of course baby girl. Now, let's pick out our outfits for today. Yeah?" I nodded getting up, walking to my room.
"You know Akaashi will be there."
"I'll be okay." Once we were done with that, I laid back on the bed. "We should get some sleep." I nodded turning on my side closing my eyes. 
'time skip' 
"So, how was the date?" I looked at Oikawa as we stood on Iwaizumi's steps. 
"Good." Oikawa knocked on the door grabbing F/n’s hand after. 
"Hey, guys, love." I smiled as he leaned down and kissed me gently. 
"I see the date was more than 'good'." Me and Iwa shared a look before Iwa hit him in the back of the head. "Ow, Iwa-Chan!" Iwaizumi grabbed my hand leading me inside, and to a beautiful woman. 
"Ma!" She turned around and said bye to the people she was talking to, her smile widen when she saw me. 
"You must be Y/n. Hi, I'm Iwaizumi's mom, but you can call me Ms. Iwaizumi or Mom." I smiled and shook her head.
"It is really nice to meet you, your son speaks very highly of you." She smiled at me sweetly. 
"I like her." Iwaizumi smiled and looked back at the door. 
"Dad's here." His mom nodded walking away as Iwaizumi dragged me to the door. "Dad."
"Son, happy birthday." I watched as Iwaizumi uncomfortably hug his dad.
"Y/n?" I looked at Akaashi and smiled, I walked over and hugged the boy.
"Akaashi, been a while huh?"
"Yeah, I didn't know you knew Iwaizumi."
"Yeah, well, it's.. complicated."
"Does he know?" I sighed and looked at my feet.
"I'm telling him tomorrow."
"Good, when he said your name I didn't imagine you." I punched his arm laughing. "Is F/n here?"
"Yeah, she's with Oikawa. How are you by the way? Since you came out?"
"Good, my boyfriend is at the car getting the presents." I smiled and hugged him again. 
"Good, you deserve to be happy, Akaashi." I backed away and immediately felt arms wrap around my waist. Iwa. "Hey, you." He kissed my cheek, I smiled at the little affection. 
"Hey, love. Hey, Akaashi." He backed away from me and hugged his brother, I looked at the door with wide eyes. 
"You're with Bokuto?!" I whisper yelled at him punching his arm.
"Ow, and yeah." I laughed as he scratched the back of his neck. 
“Y/n-Chan!" Before I could blink I was being spun in the arms of Bokuto.
"Kou, put me down." He did as told and smiled. 
"How are you?" 
"I'm good, Kou. I'm happy for you by the way. Congrats."
"Is.. F/n here?"
"Yeah she's with Oikawa," I said pointing to the other side of the room where F/n was laughing with Oikawa. 
"I'm glad she's happy. Come on, Akaashi lets go say hi." He grabbed his boyfriend's hand dragging him over to the other couple. 
"I didn't know you three were close." I turned around and looked at my.. what are we?
"He dated F/n. Akaashi, until he figured out girls weren't his thing."
"Ouch, how'd she take that?"
"Surprisingly, good." We looked as F/n was hugging the two boys. "I'm glad Akaashi found someone." I leaned into Iwa and smiled, I got out my camera. "Picture time." He laughed and dragged me to a room. 
"Our photo room." I smiled and told him to pose how ever he'd like. I smiled and took the photo. 
"Perfect." He walked over and kissed me, I stood on my tippy toes deepening the kiss. He grabbed my waist keeping me steady as I pulled back smiling at him. "As always."
"Oh, excuse me." We pulled away to see a girl, she has beautiful blonde hair, black eyes. 
"Nami?" Who? "What are you doing here?"
"Your dad invited me.." I felt Iwaizumi's grip tighten. "Who's this?"
"This is Y/n." I waved awkwardly. 
"Over me already?" I figured.
"Nothing to get over really." Why am I here?
"I should probably."
"Don't leave... please." When he whispered that in my ear, I couldn't say no. 
"Fine. You owe me an extra shot."
"Fine. Let me go change." He walked out the room quickly, he told me not to leave and there he goes. 
"Another shot? Didn't know you drink."
"I don't." I held up my camera. "I meant another shot. As in another picture."
"Oh, so your Y/n? The one Akaashi talks about. Have to say, never thought you'd be Iwaizumi's girlfriend." 
"Oh.. um, we're not-"
"Y/n! You seen F/n?" Oh great.. "Nami?" 
"Hey, Oikawa, how are you?"
"Good, have you seen F/n?"
"Still chasing girls I see, whose the slut this time?"
"F/n is my best friend and his girlfriend, call her a slut again and I'll punch you," I said stepping closer to her. 
"Seems I pushed a button. Come on Oikawa you're going to let this nobody talk to me like this?"
"Nami, she's right. F/n’s my girlfriend and I don't like you calling her a slut. She's not one. She's a beautiful girl who I love." Love?
"Love?" F/n, Oik turned around and smiled grabbing her hand dragging her away. 
"Have fun!" I held after them laughing. 
"Nowhere near as pretty as me."
"You. You're too fat for Iwaizumi." I looked down at myself, then at her. "He doesn't like you, sweetie. Just face i-"
"Enough." We both turned to the door to see Iwaizumi, he walked over and behind me. "Y/n is perfect. She means more to me than you did when we were together. I do like her. More than you think. Come on love. Let's take the photo somewhere else." I nodded as he grabbed my hand leading me to their backyard. "You okay?"
"I'm fine." I took out my camera pointing it at him, he shook his head and posed.
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privateeye-cj · 3 years
First Lines Tag Game
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag 10 of your favorite authors! 
Tagged by @circumference-pie in this post.
(Order: last updated, descending, year is the year I started writing the fic)
1. Hitomi and Nami sat at the Sunday breakfast table drinking their last tea. (Phantom Thief for Ran, 2020, #wip # dcmk #cat‘s eye)
2. The half-naked girl on the screen stirred. When she opened her eyes, they were unfocused; after a moment, they focused, flickered around the semi-dark room and widened at the camera for a moment. (Bait, 2021, #dcmk)
3. It’s the beginning of lunch break. Sonoko lets Ran’s mobile glide into the pocket of her school uniform. (Christmas Gift, prompt fic, 2020 #dcmk)
4. Sonoko sees Ran fall and crumble. Her opponent stops in mid-kick and looks at the referee in confusion. He hadn’t touched her? (You‘ll always have my back, #dcmk, #wip, #noir involvement planned, 2019)
5. She notices the blood on the snow first. Impact, blood, … She has been shot. (On the roof, 2020, #dcmk)
6. Hitomi was annoyed with her sisters. They kept bringing up the crush sub-inspector Asaya had on the male persona she had used to scout out their last heist. (Waking up, #cat‘s eye, #noir, #wip, 2020)
7. Takizawa Yui had agreed to add one more native speaker to the group of older foreign students on the Halloween rally for politeness’ sake. After two hours of it, she started to wonder if that had been a good idea. (Halloween in Tokyo, Halloween prompt exchange fic, 2020)
8. The heart monitor was beeping regularly, slow, Sera could hear it even through the closed door while a female officer frisked her. (Baited, #dcmk, 2020)
9. “I’m home” Kirika announces as she comes home from school. She throws her Karate Gi into the dirty linen. (Second Showdown, #dcmk, #noir, #wip, 2018)
10. Sera Masumi bangs the door behind her, starts down the steps, and stops. Hastily she turns and locks the door. Key in hand, taking two steps at a time to get away, she nearly runs into a dark shadow suddenly appearing at the foot of the stairs. (These are the days, #dcmk, #noir, #wip (really, I plan to finish that!)
11. (I‘ll skip that one, NSFW from the first sentence)
12. Vorsichtig bewegt sich Anke den steilen Weg zum Rosenfelser Hafen entlang. Heute, bei Vollmond, ist das eigentlich ein Kinderspiel - sie kennt die Strecke auch in tiefster Dunkelheit - aber die helle Nacht macht es auch wahrscheinlicher, entdeckt zu werden. (Entscheidung vor Ferienbeginn, a fix-it fic to Schreckenssteiner Vol 27, written sometimes in the 1990ties)
13. Jill scans the dance floor idly. The room is packed with dancing women. No one stands out. She holds her glass up to the bartender, who creates another nearly virgin Mai Tai for her. (In the Locket, #dcmk, #charlie‘s angels original series, 2018)
14. Sabrina looks up from her coffee as two people pass her table, bickering loudly. They sit down in the next niche. The women looked like Ran? (The gift of friendship, #dcmk, #charlie‘s angels original series, 2018)
Huh, 13 fics started since 2018, that’s quite a lot. A few one shots. Mostly series that tend to run on repeat in my head. Seems like I tend to jump straight into an action scene most of the time? I like writing present tense. And I tend to throw all my favorite characters together, never mind the timelines.
Favorite line? No. 5
I think I‘ll nominate @beedok, @faenova, @wie-kawaii-blog. Please tag me in the post if you decide to do this. I‘d like to read them.
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