#at least I have this! I'm planning on making more stickers too!(^O^)
grungekitty-77 · 11 months
SRMTHFG! Trick or Treat Fic exchange!
@creepyclue @sweetcircuits
I'm not overly proud of this, but I was shaking off a lot of rust in writing for these characters again and my October was a cesspool of personal problems and drama
Without further self deprecation, here's your spooky Spova. (Fair warning: It turned into fluff. I don't know how it happened, but I guess I defaulted to my old style.)
Nova sighed and rubbed her arms. The only thing she hated more than fall, was the winter that came after. Every year she glared at the changing leaves.
She really didn’t understand why it appealed to so many people. She wanted to curl up and hibernate instead of going shopping.
It was cold. It was windy. It was wet.
And Sprx was jumping out from behind the corner with a jack-o-lantern on his head.
“BOO!” he shouted.
Nova just sighed.
“Sprx. Get the pumpkin off your head!” Nova scolded.
Sprx struggled for a moment before his head popped out. Then struggled to rub the pumpkin guts off his face and spit out seeds. Nova almost laughed at him, but decided she was too cold for humor,
“Come on, Nova! It’s Halloween! Where’s your holiday spirit!?” Sprx asked, once he got himself sorted.
Nova rolled her eyes.
“It’s frozen.” She said, exaggerating her shivering.
Sprx pouted. Then a smirk crossed his face.
“I know the cure to that!” he said.
“Soup?” Nova asked hopefully.
It was something she didn’t hate about the colder seasons.
Sprx shook his head.
“You just need a good scare!” Sprx said, waving his hands for emphasis.
Nova rolled her eyes.
“What!? It’s the whole point of Halloween!” Sprx.
At least he started walking again so they could finish their chore.
“Good luck.” Nova said “I don’t scare easy.”
Sprx just smirked wider.
“Was that a challenge?” he asked.
Nova didn’t dignify him with a response.
“How about a bet?” he asked “If I manage to scare you before Halloween then you have to do all my patrols for November!”
“And when you don’t, you have to drop everything to make soup whenever I ask until March.” Nova responded.
Why not? It wasn’t like Sprx was going to pull it off.
“You’re on!”
Nova will admit that her heart skipped a beat or two when she saw a roach in her cereal, but she didn’t react. It only took a second of thought to realize the thing wasn’t moving. It was probably fake, and probably Sprx’s. No one else had noticed the thing yet. So, Nova had an opportunity.
Feeling mischievous herself, Nova carefully picked the thing up without anyone seeing. (It was in fact, rubber) Then she carefully snuck it into Gibson’s bowl and went back to her breakfast.
Sprx was eyeing her with suspicion, but she just waited. He was clearly wondering if she had found the fake roach.
Gibson’s scream was glorious. He shrieked like a wild monkey and flung his bowl into the air. It sailed over the table and landed on Sprx’s head, drenching him in milk.
Sprx pushed the bowl off his eyes and glared at Nova. She just laughed.
Sprx’s plan to prime her with a horror movie was smart, albeit transparent.
Too bad it backfired.
Nova hadn’t been the only one to see the movie. When Otto used the bathroom before her, he turned on the light and saw the life sized sticker Sprx had put on the mirror.
He ran out screaming and crying. Nova gave Sprx a smug look when Otto clung to her and begged for her to deal with the ghost. Sprx had to apologize and assure Otto that the ghost girl hadn’t escaped the movie.
Luckily for Sprx, Chiro found it hilarious. Otherwise Antauri would’ve launched into a lecture.
Nova didn’t have any time to react to the formless that appeared in the hallway. Chiro was already launching into an attack by the time she noticed it.
Scraps of cardboard went flying and Nova could hear Sprx sighing.
“Keep trying! This is pretty funny.” Nova said.
Chiro finished dismantling the false alarm. Sprx started to stutter out an apology, but Chiro cut him off.
“It’s good to keep me on my toes. Now we know I’m ready if a formless ever does sneak in to the robot.” Chiro said, flashing a cheeky grin and a peace sign.
Sprx sighed in relief.
“But you’re going to get yourself in trouble eventually.” Chiro added “Just admit it! Nova is unscarable!”
The closer it got to Halloween, the more desperate Sprx’s attempts got. He didn’t even care about the bet anymore. It was a pride issue at this point.
He resorted to climbing into the air ducts, waiting for a quiet moment, then dropping down like a spider onto the table.
Antauri let out one very undignified scream.
Sprx didn’t end up saying anything in his defense, and no one asked him to. They were all too busy staring at Antauri and wondering if the high pitched shriek they had heard really did come from the deep voiced monkey.
Antauri didn’t even acknowledge the event. No one wanted to ask him about it. He’d probably deny it anyways.
Nova had taken to making sly comments about how much soup she was going to enjoy this winter. Sprx gave her an angry glare every time, but Nova just smiled. He had dug his own grave in this.
“You know, this has actually been fun. Watching you make an idiot of yourself trying to scare me. Congrats on making me actually excited for Halloween!” Nova said.
“I still have one more day.” Sprx said.
“And there’s nothing you can do that I won’t be ready for!” Nova assured him.
“Whatever. I’ll think of something.” Sprx said, walking towards his transport tube.
“Where are you going?” Nova asked.
“Patrol.” Sprx said.
“Oh, I bet you wish you had a whole month without that, don’t you?” she teased.
It was hard to tell through the red fur, but Nova knew Sprx was blushing.
An hour later and Sprx opened his comms link.
“Hey, Otto. I said I was sorry about the whole bathroom mirror thing.” Sprx said nervously.
“Um…. I know?” Otto responded.
“Right…. So…. you didn’t do anything to my fist rocket in revenge, right?” Sprx grunted.
Now everyone was paying closer attention.
“Sprx, what’s going on?” Chiro asked.
“Brainstrain? I know you know better than to mess with a pilot’s ship, but did you-“
“You are correct. I do know better.” Gibson snapped.
Gibson may not have been as passionate as Sprx, but he was still a pilot. He knew which lines to never cross.
“Right. That’s fine. I may be having some issues with my steering right now, but I’ll figure it out.” Sprx said, some words coming out in forced huffs.
Nova’s heart started to beat faster. Surely this was another prank, right? Sprx was just making it up.
“Sprx. Exactly what problem are you having?” Antauri asked.
To any stranger he sounded calm, but Nova had known him long enough to recognize his distinctive worry.
“A problem I’m trying to focus on fixing instead of explaining!” Sprx said, starting to sound a little panicked himself.
Alarms started to sound from his side. Nova abandoned the idea that it was a prank and started to twist her own tail in fear.
“Where are you!? We’re on our way.” Gibson said.
“I’m about to be in the bay.” Sprx said, sounding downright terrified.
Nova’s stopped breathing. Sprx was about as good with water as she was with cold. There was a horrible, sickening, splash, and then Sprx’s comm link cut.
A panicked twenty minutes is all it took before Sprx was back in the robot medbay, shivering but alive. He only sustained minor injuries from the crash. They were quick to treat. Gibson was more worried about hypothermia than anything else.
Sprx threw a fit when Otto insisted on checking the ship without him.
“Sprx, you are still recovering. You’re in no condition to climb around a fist rocket engine!” Gibson argued, pushing Sprx down.
“It’s my ship! No one touches it without me watching!” Sprx said.
He continued to fight against Gibson until Nova looped her arms around him and yanked.
“Sit down you moron!” Nova snapped.
“I’ll be gentle, Sprx. I promise.” Otto said.
Gibson was rolling his eyes.
“If Chiro and I supervised him, would that help?” he asked.
“I don’t want more people touching my ship!” Sprx snapped.
Nova squeezed, and Sprx seemed to settle under the hug.
“Look, I get that it’s scary for your ship to malfunction like that, but you know Otto isn’t going to hurt it. We need to know what went wrong, and you need to rest!” she said.
Sprx finally slackened.
“Fine.” He said. “but be careful. She’s been through enough!”
“Of course.” Gibson said, escorting Otto out of Medbay.
He turned back in the doorway and glared.
“I expect you not to vacate that bed! Nova, please ensure that he remains under that heat lamp.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice.” Nova said with a smile.
She liked the idea of being assigned to stay under a heater herself.
Gibson nodded and left.
Nova felt Sprx continue to shiver and pulled him close. He was still a little wet, so it wasn’t the most comfortable position. She didn’t say anything about it though. Sprx wasn’t in the mood to be teased.
She thought back to the terror she felt the moment he crashed. It wasn’t even a full hour ago, but it felt like a lifetime. She focused on every breath he took and resisted the urge to feel for a pulse.
“You scared me, you know.” She said.
“I what?” Sprx asked, craning his head around to look at her curiously.
“You scared me! I didn’t know if you were ok or not! I was worried I was going to lose you for a second there.” Nova said.
He tensed in her grip the second she said the word. She didn’t have to remind him of the significance.
“I’m sorry.” Sprx muttered.
Nova hugged him tighter.
“I’m just glad you’re ok.”
The stench of smug started to waft. Nova glanced suspiciously at Sprx.
“What?” she asked suspiciously.
Sprx broke into a large grin.
“I scared you.” He said.
Nova rolled her eyes.
“Yeah. I guess I love you or something. Do you want a parade?”
He shook his head.
“Not a parade.” Sprx said.
Nova didn’t know if she wanted to keep playing this game. He was either flirting or leading up to a joke at her expense.
“Then what do you want?”
“I scared you!” Sprx repeated.
“Halloween is tomorrow.” Sprx said.
Nova waited for more information.
“That means I scared you before Halloween!”
It clicked.
“What- NO! No! That doesn’t count!” Nova yelled.
“I can’t hear you over the sound of my victory!” Sprx said.
Nova was gearing up to punch him across the room when he sneezed. After a moment of clear misery, Nova decided on a different comeback.
“Was it worth it?” she asked.
Sprx sniffled.
“No. I’m just taking the wins I have.”
“That so?” Nova said “I love you.”
Sprx hummed in content.
“But this did not convince me to like Halloween at all.” Nova added, remembering the original reason for the bet.
Sprx laughed.
“I said I was taking the wins I had!”
Nova held him tight. Feeling his warmth and beating heart.
“So am I.”
I hope you liked it! Happy late Halloween!
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stitcheswashere13 · 2 years
can i get hcs for Ghostface(danny if possible), Billy Lenz, and Brahms with an s/o who has really bad memory problems like they'll forget something in five seconds, or won't remember something they should no matter how hard they try
Of course! I relate to this a bit too much lol.
Slashers in this: Ghostface (Danny, Stu and Billy Loomis), Brahms, Billy lenz, Tiffany valentine.
Gn reader
Warnings ⚠️: Billy lenz being well- himself. pure fluff!
He would be your reminder, everything you mention to him he writes down on a peice of paper. "What did I come in here for-???" "You where getting yourself a bowl of serial."
Danny doesn't really mind, it only takes him about 5 seconds to remind you about things, although he does think it's funny how he can tell you the same thing 5 times and you still forget.
If you need sticky notes or a planner this man will grab them from the store for you.
If I'm being honest stu forgets everything too. You both will walk into the kitchen, open up the fridge and wonder why the hell your in the fridge.
Because of both of yall being forgetful, you two use the sticky note method, whenever yall have a thought about doing something you write it on a sticky note and stick it to the other person. It's a fun little game, and Stu loves it.
Billy hates finding sticky notes, so you and stu may have an extra reminder strictly because of sticky notes lol.
Billy Loomis-
Billy doesn't get how you can be so forgetful, but he still sometimes tries to remind you to write down things on your arm. If you run out of room on your arm or have sensitive skin, he will let you write things on his arm. Billy doesn't like sticky notes, no one knows why the man finds them utterly repulsive but he just does.
Other times Billy just likes to confuse you more, you come into the living room forgetting what you are going to do and you ask Billy. "You were going to tell me why the grass was purple yesterday." Billy just likes to bother you he finds it funny.
Billy lenz-
Do not leave your pack of sticky notes un-watched. He will stick them all over himself or he will draw a penis in the corner of all of them.
Billy is normally around you most of the time, so he knows what you were looking for/going to due. When Billy plans to climb up in the attic he will write down everything he told you and you told he and slaps it on the fridge.
Billy will dig up in the attic to see if he can find you an old year long planner/calendar. When he finds it he will wrap it up, (probably in an old porn magazine) and give it to you as soon as you wake up.
Brahms understands this due to a few people in his family having alzheimer's, so he knows what to do to help you out.
Brahms has the best memory surprisingly, this man remembers every single detail. So he has no trouble reminding you, and if he cant remind you (maybe because he wants to just chill in the wall or maybe he is in the walls because he's mad at you, etc.) He will remind Malcolm to, Malcolm has a decent memory so that works out.
He got you a planner with a schedule in it, (yes it has stickers) he already wrote in the schedule, and he makes you carry it around as a just in case you need to write down a important date.
This man loves sticky notes, mainly dark green sticky notes. If you give this man a pack of dark green sticky notes and ask him to write you a to-do / reminder list for everyday of the week, he will spend an hour making them perfect.
Tiffany Valentine-
she has glen around and glen loves to make people proud of him, so he loves to remind you about things for Tiffany when she's out.
Tiffany is just so sweet, she is has a very good memory so its no problem for her to remember things for you, she has a lot of patience, out of all of the slashers she's the one you least have to worry about getting madat you for forgetting something.
You guys have a calender on your fridge that is stuck on the fridge with bat stickers. She likes sticky notes, she does keep them up high so chucky doesn't write something rude on them.
End note-
hello my lovely people first well- real post since I was gone, if you're wondering where I went check out my last post! Request are closed for now, but if you want to send yours in you can, I just wont get to them everyday. Thank you all for the support, I hope you enjoyed, have a lovely day!
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stargazer-sims · 2 years
Alphabet Stickers + Infants Update
Okay… done work! I just tested the alphabet stickers, and I won’t be releasing them till Thursday or Friday because my dumb ass thought 128 swatches per package would be totally fiiiine…
Spoiler alert: it’s not fine. The way things are laid out in build/buy makes about 1/4 of the swatch selections disappear off the edge o the screen. So, now I have to go back and separate each colour into its own set (which was my original plan, and which I should’ve stuck to).
On the plus side, they look freakin' awesome in-game (at least in my opinion). These have been a lot of work over the past couple of weeks, and I'm very proud of them. Also, stay tuned because there are more colours yet to come.
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In other news, I dug through my library to find the original vanilla versions of my babies, Victor & Yuri. I changed their clothes, because for some reason Yuri was wearing a shirt and tie as his first everyday outfit, and Victor had one of my first CC shirts. Anyway, here they are, circa mid-2018:
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I also found these two lurking in my library near Yuri and Victor. Their names are Edison Kim and Millie Yee. I really want to change Millie's first name now, because I'm sure it was something I just randomized at the time. I already have an established character called Millie, anyway, so this Millie deserves her own name. Any suggestions are welcome!
They don't look too bad for 100% vanilla, I think. I changed their outfits and Millie's hair from what I originally had given her, but otherwise, I didn't change anything.
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Millie (but only until I think of a new name):
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I'm now about to do THE UPDATE!!!
*crosses fingers*
I can hardly wait to see those cute babies. Edison & Millie(?) are obviously my first victims test subjects, because I wouldn't put my boys through that. 😂
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shinigamiringo · 1 year
Oh shit here we go again..?
what, did you think I forgot about this lol bet you did. it's ok, I did fail a bit! Which is why I only put 3 goals for Q1. Buuuut! I didn't fail fully so I still consider this a mostly win lol Here's what I learned!
Q1 supposed to be goals (a refresher lol)
1. Learn and understand all 2000 jouyou kanji.
Doing just kanji is hella boring so I get distracted. I need something to keep my interest. I, like a smart bean, tried just using "The guide to remembering kanji" book, and was like lol nope.
2. Work out at least 2x a week
I actually accomplished this near the end! WOOHOO GO ME \o/ However, the last week I had to take a break because my feet were killing me. So I didn't work out but I was still doing really well with it so yaaay.
3. Floss, brush, and mouthwash everyday
This is kinda a half accomplishment, I think. I did manage to brush most days, but there were some days where flossing and mouthwash wasn't done because lazy/tired or I didn't have time.
SO! 3 goals, 2 done 1 partial; I'd say that's a great win! The best part, ofc, is when I was being consistent, I started doing other things. I was meditating for at least 3 minutes, doing my morning and night face routine, and keeping my room cleaner (no, not completely clean. I have cats and those furry gremlins like to cause chaos ok) IDK if adding those things unintentionally was what caused me to slip or if it was the taking a break, but either way I would say I'm doing pretty well. What is next with Q2? Let's talk about it!
Continue to work out, but go to at least 3x a week
Since I did kiiiinda do the workout thing, I'm going to keep this in the list of goals. I got to a good area with running but the problem came when my feet started dying. I had to stop and recover, plus get some actual running shoes. Right now, I'm doing the zombies, run! 5k to increase my running speed, then I plan to work through the zombies, run! seasons. I did pretty good with working out everyday, so I will try to keep that in my goals.
Ofc, I can't just run so I plan to add some exercise routines from Darebee. I was doing the yoga one, but I might switch that to an anaerobic type. Ah wait.... ok! I will keep the yoga one, since it's only 30 days and once that's finished, move on toooooo
Ringfit! I have a few other games I could use, but ringfit has a lot of different types of exercise that seems like it could help. Plus, that "guy who did ringfit for 300 days became super fit!" news article is stuck in my head. I was debating on adding more in the gym, but tbh I don't like staying there too long since I always get a bit creeped out. I'm paranoid ok don't judge me.
2. Brush and mouthwash everyday
since this one was a half, I'm going to pull it from 3 things to just brush and mouthwash. I would prefer to keep floss, but I think keeping a bit of the stress away might help. We'll see.
3. Japanese, everyday
ok, I won't lie- not reaching the Japanese goal hurt a bit. It was kinda upsetting considering I broke it down but! hope springs eternal! New goal is Japanese at least 5 minutes a day. I'm sure I'll want to do more but if I put a low bar I should be able to jump over it not dig under it lol I do have some plans on how to tackle it and test myself but I'm going to just put on this master list that I'll give myself a sticker everytime I reach this goal. I like stickers, sue me.
4. Meditate 1 minute everday
I wasn't going to add a 4th, but since I reached the gym goal (even though I'm adding to it) I figured I needed to add something new. Meditation is good for attention spans, anxiety, etc, etc, so this is a nice little goal to facilitate the others, I think.
And that's it! I might add my mini Japanese plan, but tbh it's kinda more a fun thing at this point. I'm really excited about this next quarter! If I was able to make it this time, I know I'll definitely do better this next time. I also might be taking the JLPT, depending on my speed. Wish me luck in this second quarter.
onwards, to greatness~!
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shiny-airplane · 2 years
Posting a Yui sticker I made because I lost the one from my ft4 album (。>ᯅ<。)
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fabulaee · 3 years
// A 🐺 fic based on my Stay journey’s aesthetics which was a coffee shop au bc they remind me of those times when I used to go to the café to draw and would see fellow regulars but unlike y/n and Chan, I never interact with them. We all just share a table 😂😂😂
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Monday. Wednesday. Friday
That was the set schedule for your coffee run. MWF from 9 am to 10, then coming back with your study supplies from 1 to 4 in the afternoon. It was routine; the small college café a safe haven from the slight messy floor of your dorm and the formal vibe of the library. Here you were focused and at peace of mind. The aroma of the coffee beans and soft sounds of the coffeeshop’s playlist serving as background noise.
There wasn’t much students at this time of the day compared to the much later prime of the evenings. The café then filled with college youths grabbing a drink after a long day’s worth of lectures and test reminders or staying to cram a night’s worth of information. There was something about cafés that seemed inviting and less suffocating yet at the same time a place where you can find the nursing students with their big thick books opened with streaks of neon yellow running across them.
“Vanilla Bean Cold Brew for y/n!”
Standing up, you went to grab your drink leaving behind the pastel rainbow set of highlighters and gel pens on top of your notes. You quickly thanked the barista as he handed you a straw before plopping back down on your seat continuing where you last went off. Something about the history of impressionistic art. You sighed as you lifted your eyes across the room, it was currently 2:30 pm on a Wednesday afternoon. A good time to take a break before your mind starts to commit brain fart.
Chris Bang. Affectionally called Bang Chan by his friends. Music major with golden hands, a good candidate for the honor roll, member of the varsity swim team, and resident social butterfly. An all rounder any college is proud to have.
You heard about him once or twice from your common friend, Yang Hongseok. They met at the gym apparently and became quick friends through the Japanese exchange student, Adachi Yuto, and their shared love for fitness.
You see him sit at the same spot everyday since the middle of sophomore year. His laptop with the cute decal of Deadpool open and his AirPods snugly tucked in his ears. He's always has his blonde head bopping to a song he's playing on either his phone or his laptop. Always seemed so engrossed in this little world he made for himself across the room, ignorant to the bustling crowd of students that come and go.
He looks up catching you off guard. His lips curled slightly upwards, chuckling to himself as he watches your cheeks turn pink in embarrassment. Great, he must think I'm a weirdo!
With a quick exchange of nods you both went back to doing your own thing. Just a regular day at the coffee shop.
“Do you mind if I sit here?”
It's the Friday following Monday's slightly embarrassing incident. You looked up to find the same Chris Bang, laptop in hand, smiling at you like a friendly yet lost puppy. Warm brown orbs looking back at yours.
“My laptop's about to die and this is the only table with an outlet.” He explains himself, a tiny awkward giggle making up as the period.
“O-oh, of course!” You stuttered, hastily making room for him despite the large space as you swiped for the stray pastel highlighters and napkins closer. “No one's sitting here so go ahead.”
He whispered a small thanks before setting down his laptop to grab his bag from his usual spot while you went back to your notes. It was silent for awhile, only the sounds of pen against paper and the soft tick tack of the keys. At some point you hit a mind block, eyes glazing in boredom as you stared at the blank space of your notebook. You felt your table mate leave his stationary position too. he stretched in his seat before turning his attention to you.
Sensing his sudden gaze on you, you flashed him a small smile. You were never one to start a conversation, often keeping to yourself and minding your own business. A bit of a complete opposite towards the friendly Australian who somehow knows at least three students from each program.
He smiles back at you showing off his cute dimples and an outstretched hand. “Hey, I'm Chan. I never caught your name.”
Again with the cute giggle. It seems to be like a signature to him but it's cute still the same. You grasped his hand giving it a soft shake. “Y/n,” you answered curtly.
The following days you find yourself hanging around Chan more. Afternoon study sessions were no longer a date between you and the textbook or the small watercolor set you laid out on the table. Chan was there to fill the space making the long table that was a party of one to a party of two and maybe some on certain busy hours but mostly it was the both of you in your own tiny world.
You got to know him, his likes and dislikes. His major and passion for music, sometimes slipping in a few complaints about certain homework here and there; What else he likes to do. Apparently mr. Chris Bang was gifted in so many areas you often wondered what good he must've done in his previous life to be this gifted. Not only was he a jack of all trades, he's also the master of all.
You even had a small debate between Deadpool and Spider-Man. God, he's such a nerd it's adorable!
In return he knew these things about you. How you're taking up art as your major hoping to make it out as an illustrator one day—
“it would be so cool if you drew a variant cover for Deadpool!”
“Ha! We'll see about that, Chris Reynolds.”
He knows how you like to collect stickers and are quite passionate about making sure your notes are beautiful. He knows how you loved your drinks iced despite it being the middle of winter.
“Isn’t the weather too cold for that?” He’d ask with a quirk of his brow, amused brown eyes glancing at the iced hazelnut latte you have in your hands.
“Nope!” you replied, taking a sip as you did so. “It’s always the perfect weather for an iced coffee, Bang.”
He only chuckled at that.
It hit you like a freight train. You didn’t mean to fall for him. It wasn’t supposed to happen. You and Chan? No way, it was just supposed to be just friends. The kind where you hang out and have fun, no feelings attached. He was just supposed to be that regular from the café, right?
That was the plan, right?
But you can’t deny the small flutters from your heart much like those newly emerged butterflies. How you can feel that giddy feeling of excitement when you spot his mop of chocolate curly locks outside the café’s window. How you mirror his smile when you get together to talk about anything and everything under the sun. Bang Chan in all his cute dimpled glory, soft curls and hearty giggles was just too much to adore.
Yet it wasn’t that what pulled you in to the Music major. You felt love blossom when you both stayed up late, when the café was quiet after a busy day. The only people around being a couple medical students, some late night goers, and the employees. You felt the tiny flower buds start to bloom when he stayed with you then; keeping you company under the dimly warm fluorescent lights, laptop tucked away and a hand playing with yours.
You felt it bloom when you cuddled on the booth’s sofa one rainy November day. He scoots over next to you when he saw you shiver from the corner of his eyes. He’s naturally warm —you’d often tease him how he made the room hot. Why? well it’s because he’s from Australia! which earned the loud chorus of laughter from his friends and Chan’s ears turning into the color of the fire hydrant.
“Babygirl, you’re shivering.” He mutters as he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you gently towards him. You accepted the subtle invitation, sides sticking together as you both went through forgotten notes and half finished coffees.
You felt it when you caught yourself staring at him a little longer than intended. Eyes drifting from Jisung’s expressive face to glance at the older one. You watched him look at the former with such adoration in his eyes; how he looked like a proud dad. You watched him nod along and laugh to Jisung’s animated story about how he and Hyunjin would fight back in the day, a fact that still seemed to shock you seeing how they are the best of friends.
Your eyes would linger on him while he worked on his music; focused and determined, hiding the exhaustion and sleepless nights prominent on the dark circles under his eyes. He was handsome even if he looked like shit. Hell, he was handsome even when he sported the infamous broccoli colored hair. You’d find yourself in a trance, like it was a dream. The world didn’t matter as much anymore when it was only you and Chan in the small dimly table, surrounded by the aroma of coffee beans at the small quaint cafe at the corner of the street.
You loved him. You loved him in the most beautiful of ways; you loved him in the most perfect highs and in all those crevices full of flaws.
You loved him in those bright moments, when the lights were shining on him during a 3RACHA gig. How they made him more beautiful, how they made him stand out from the 2 younger members. You loved watching him do what he loves; how he immersed himself in a world that was different from yours. How his version of colors and dried paint were beats and melodies, rhythm and tempos.
You loved him in the lowest moments; when the tide was high enough to cover you. You loved how you fit perfectly in his arms, how he became a shoulder to lean on when you felt the world was against you and you to him. When he would open up to you about his worst fears and his grandiose ambitions; when he spilled his heart out at the underlaying insecurity that’s been biting him due to his perfectionist attitude. You became his confidante; the one he can trust his heart to.
You loved him in the times he was vulnerable. You loved him when he would bask in glory and shining lights. You loved him like those cheesy lines in love songs. You loved him like how the tides would look at the moon in awe and yearning; gravitating with every push and pull.
You loved him in ways words can never describe. How the seeds he planted in your heart bloomed to the most beautiful bouquet of flowers.
You love him simply because he’s Chan.
You promised yourself you’d be just friends. It was safer that way but then again, what is love when she’s not one without twists and turns?
What is love when she comes to you, sneaky and sly like a weed disguised as a flower, whispering into your ear that it’s him.
It’s him, it’s him, it’s him.
It was always him, it just took you some time to figure that out.
When you first met Chan, he was simply a friend of a friend. Someone you knew because your brothers are his friends. He was the guy you’d hear about in passing, the popular cool guy with a heart bigger than a massive sized teddy bear and a smile that could cure the most depressing of days. Someone who, in probability, would just be an acquaintance to you.
He was that guy you regularly saw at the coffee shop you visited every week. He was just some guy from the music department who would flash you a friendly smile because you were a familiar face.
Funny how fate made him more than what you originally expected him to be.
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lee-donghun · 5 years
Friends Don't
Fandom: hotel stars
Pairing: Neungkay
"They don't cancel other plans
Have conversations with nothing but their eyes
They don't hear each other's names and forget to concentrate
Hits a nerve and lights you up like dynamite
Friends don't call you in the middle of the night
Couldn't even tell you why
They just felt like saying "hi"
Friends don't stand around, playing with their keys
Finding reasons not to leave
Trying to hide the chemistry
Drive a little too slow, take the long way home
Get a little too close
We do, but friends don't
They don't almost say "I love you"
When they're downtown somewhere, just a little drunk
They don't talk about the future and put each other in it
And get chills with every accidental touch
Friends don't call you in the middle of the night
Couldn't even tell you why
They just felt like saying "hi"
Friends don't stand around, playing with their keys
Finding reasons not to leave
Trying to hide the chemistry
Drive a little too slow, take the long way home
Get a little too close
We do, but friends don't
I keep telling myself this might be nothing
But one look in your eyes and, God, there's something
You can lie to me and say you don't
But I know you do, and I love you too
Friends don't call you in the middle of the night
Couldn't even tell you why
They just felt like saying "hi"
Friends don't stand around, playing with their keys
Finding reasons not to leave
Trying to hide the chemistry
Drive a little too slow, take the long way home
Get a little too close
We do, but friends don't
Uh uh uh
Friends don't"
("Friend's Don't"- Maddie and Tae)
Kay supposed the timing of the song to come up on his playlist was the universe trying to tell him something. He couldn't even count how many times he listened to the song, wishing, hoping that the words would ring true; that Neung could actually like him back. He liked Neung for years, but the possibility of it being mutual has always just been a fantasy. Then suddenly, Neung leans in to kiss him. He should have been bursting with joy for he has always dreamed of that moment. Yet, he panicked and pushed him away. For this, he felt terrible. Neung wouldn't even look at him afterwards and his out in the bathroom.
He couldn't tell you why he panicked, truly. Realistically he knew that Neung would never do anything to hurt him. He wouldn't play a trick that cruel on him. Neung knew what he was doing, and it had no malicious intent. Yet, Kay still pushed him away.  He wished he could take it back because even if he was fooling himself- at least he would finally get a real kiss from him. Not an accidental one, not one from a game of "spin the bottle", not one from being under a mistletoe either, but a real kiss. He knew though, that he couldn't go back. He had to live with the fact that he lost his chance- and maybe even his best friend.
He didn't even why he was scared. As previously said, he knew that Neung wasn't cruel- not to him anymore. He also knew that their friendship had always been different. No else hand fed their friends, always had an arm around the other, smile at touches, nor do they get lost in their own little world together. Yet, the part of Kay that never let Kay make a real move was winning by telling him that 'all best friends are like that. Kay must have just never noticed it. Neung could never like him- or any guy for that matter. He's just confused"
Kay sighed as he tried to shake away his thoughts. He wanted to believe Neung liked him, he wanted it more than anything, but he couldn't.
Kay checked the time, and noted that it was past midnight already. How long had he been laying there? How long has it been since Neung left not only the bathroom, but the room as well?
Worriedly, Kay texted Neung.
Where are you??
It's late.
Kay got no reply, which only worried him further. They have had arguments before that drove the other away for a night, but both have always made sure the other knew where to find them. Immediately, he knew that time wouldn't solve the problem. The boys needed to talk this out and fast. He couldn't risk losing Neung. Not now, and not ever.
Please answer me.
We need to talk.
nce again, Neung did not reply. He texted several more times, but it was no avail. In fact, Neung stopped reading the messages all together after the second one. Still, Kay wouldn't let this be the last of it. All of Neung's things were here- including the uniform he needed for his shift tomorrow. So he knew that even if Neung avoided the break room, that the two would have to meet up at some point. Until then, Kay would just have to wait. Soon, they'd be laughing together again- they had to be.
Although, Kay did have an idea until then so he would at least know Neung was safe. He texted the others, asking if Neung was with any of them. Fortunately for Kay, Kin swiftly replied that Neung was in his and Pong's room. Kay did wonder how that would work with 2 beds and 3 people, but he rationalized that the beds were probably pushed together to allow for more space.
Kay pulled his covers over his eyes, as he tried to ignore the empty bee beside him. To the sound of his music though, he was eventually able to drift off to sleep- even if it was a fitful one.
For most of the day, Neung had successfully avoided Kay as excepted. However, at the end of the night, Kay had trapped Neung in the room. He had made sure none of the others allowed Neung to stay with them by explaining that it was crucial that him and Neung had a talk. Though no one knew what had expired between them, they understood what he was getting at. With nowhere to go, Neung was left to sleep in their shared room.
"Neung- you can't keep avoiding me!" Kay started as soon as Neung had settled on his bed.
"It's what's best Kay."
"No it isn't! What's best is us talking about what happened."
"It's too late for that. Besides, I'm doing you a favor by staying away."
"What do you mean? We're friends- friend's dont-"
"FRIEND'S DON'T HURT EACHOTHER!" Neung yelled, before continuing in a broken voice, "Friend's don't kiss their friends"
"Friend's don't fall in love with the other."
Kay didn't bother replying. Instead, he went up to Neung before he could be stopped and he kissed him. Before he knew it, Neung was responded and both of their hands had started to move on their own accord. Kay didn't know how Neung was feeling, but he was in pure bliss.
'Neung was right about one thing' thought Kay, 'Friend's didn't kiss eachother, but mutual crushes did.'
Soon, both pulled away, panting slightly to retain their breaths.
"I'm sorry I pushed you away. I just- I panicked. I wanted to kiss you for real for song but I didn't think you felt the same."
"Of course I felt the same. I admit that I didn't realize my feelings until the program started, but I do feel the same. When you pushed me away though I thought-"
"I know Neung. I'm sorry for giving you the wrong idea."
"No- I'm the one that should be sorry. I should have talked about my feelings first- or at least asked before kissing you."
"Let's call it a draw, alright?"
"If you agree to be my boyfriend?"
"I thought you would never ask."
---------- END OF ONE-SHOT ------------
-to heal our hearts until Neung and Kay talk things through
-So I was going to not even have Kay push Neung away- but then I remembered that fluff is not my strong suit
-I wrote this all at once so expect errors
-Kin and Pong absolutely subconsciously clung to eachother in their sleep while Neung was there
-i can't dialogue so uh- pretend they not only sound like themselves but also like actual human beings
@stickers-on-a-laptop @petra-dragneel (I mentioned what happened in the episode I believe to you Pet)
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