#at least i already have bluetooth headphones??
getting a higher midrange phone after having a budget phone for 2 years is kinda crazy wdym i got a complete charger, a screen protector, a case, AND a fucking headphone jack with the 216 euro phone but not even a fucking charger with the (on sale) 480 euro phone
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derpinette · 7 months
i hated airpods & phones with those big fugly cameras in the back when they were announced as a concept & i hate them even more each time i see that hideousness in person
#i remember when i was 11 ( sorry for being a zoomer ) getting into an argument with an online acquaintance#over airpods because i thought they were retarded but she thought they were cool as if bluetooth ear pieces were a new invention#remember how the world used to make fun of them not even that many years prior. she was like nooobut you can hide them for cheating#& against thievery ( OK the only fair point I GUESS ) but they are just so ugly to me & stupid not practical too easily lost & damaged#especially with that pricetag like they could have made something COOL or Kawaii but of course sleek Nothing design is “in”#still after a decade now ♯MAKEITSTOP#honestly only like bluetooth for file sharing when necessary anything else is devilwork#as for the new giant multiple cameras design i mean use your eyes has there ever been an uglier decision#even if i had money i could never own a touch screen phone without a middle button & a normal camera lense in the back#like just looking at them makes me angry BUT mostly apple products i think android ones are less hives inducing#but TBH i have no headphone jack so... on my old broken phone i did but not this one -_- where are my principles......#well i will wear this one down until it dies i already have a cracked arse screen so until it breaks i will downgrade#also remember how cute silicone phone cases were in the early to mid 2010s ♯BringThatBack#honestly can you even i think phones today are just too damn big Not mine Doe 🦌 mine is almost perfectly sized for my hands (iphone7)#at least people have more charms than ever in my city at least i see people with cute lanyards & zoomer style JesusBeaters so great ^_^#sorry for complaining all the time but also if you are not here for my Kvetching then what else could you be here for...#*jumps into a well from shame*
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xcziel · 2 years
i need a new phone, they're making me get a new sim card and this one's like ... so full
i don't have anywhere to store things to back it up but still have them accessible bc i don't have a desktop and like - my sd card is so full i can't save stuff from the phone to it
but new phones don't have sd card slots anymore????????????????
along with not having headphone jacks
so like i literally cannot buy a new phone and transfer all the crap on this one bc none of them have enough memory????????????
even the really fancy pricey ones are utterly shit in this regard??????????
(for clarity: i am speaking solely of android phones, i know not of iphones, i've given up on apple)
like i want a phone i can do photo edits on AND download mvs AND store multiple instances of 51 fifty-minute long episodes of a single chinese tv show to watch whenever PLUS a bunch of movies and screen recordings?
128GB is NOT ENOUGH for that especially since at least 12GB will end up being OS right?
like i literally was just looking to buy a new phone of the exact same kind i have right now bc it's perfect - it's only flaw is that it's old and full and won't be getting new updates - but i can't bc they're literally only available refurbished and then STILL thin on the ground
most likely bc they're the last phone generation with sd cards and headphone jacks!!! i don't blame people for not giving them up!
i just want to put the new sim card in something else so i don't have to worry about transfering and i can leave most of my stuff where it is and use Old Phone as a music player i guess
but i WOULD get a NEW new phone!!!
if only! they! had! expandable! memory!
we do not speak of cloud storage - if you have to keep paying extra for it, it doesn't count as part of your phone!!!
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axelsagewrites · 9 months
Where Am I?*Introduction/Part One
Pairing: modern!f!reader x (to be determined...) Ubbe, Ivar, Sigurd, Hviserks, (future) Bjorn
Series Summary: After falling head first the reader wakes up face to face with a group of strangely dressed men who look eerily like the vikings she studies
Word Count: 2445
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Warnings: time travel being possible, bullying, getting chased by some very confused vikings, imprisonment
Masterlist Here
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"Cmon Jason. Give it a rest," you heard one of his friends tell him, but you were already crossing the bridge to get away from them.
You'd came to the park after school to relax after yet another hellish day of studying. You were a history student, obsessed with the Vikings, and sadly for some reason Jason's enemy number one. Apparently, the frat boy still held a grudge for the time you rejected him last year and decided to make your life a misery.
As you were halfway across the bridge you heard laughing then footsteps and just as you went to turn you felt him grab your bag off your shoulder. Well, he tried. You grabbed it back, yelling "help!" As his other friend tried to help him pull it away. 
You glanced behind you to see if anyone was near but no. You were alone of the bridge 6 feet at least above the deep lake. "Dude!" You heard the friend again as your head whipped back around.
"fine!" Jason yelled as he let go of the bag just as you had attempted to tug it from him. "Wait no!" You heard his voice before you felt the wood dig into your back and then heard a sickening snap.
You screamed as you felt the wind rush past your face, hair whipping around as your body hurtled headfirst towards the water. You felt your head sink in and the water ring in your ears like church bells as your eyes screwed up tight.
You waited for your head to crash against the rocks but instead felt your legs hit the soft ground, your butt and shoulders soon following. Your head hit the ground gently as a groan left your lips. As your eyes opened you realised not only did you feel no water or soggy clothing but that a scattered sunlight was washing over your face. 
"What the-" you muttered as you sat up. Your guitar bag was still clutched in one hand, your backpack hooked around your elbow, and now your earphones had been tossed behind you during the fall. That however did not concern you as much as the overwhelming greenery.
The Forrest around you had winding trees up to the sky with whispers of squirrels and rabbits in the background. You pulled yourself to your feet as your eyes scanned the woods. "Where am I?" You muttered as you grabbed your headphones and shoved them in your bag. 
You checked your phone however there was not only no signal but now the time had become dashes alongside the battery percentage. The Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals were now just colourful blobs and even when you tried opening the emergency number call it refused to let you punch in the digits. You sighed and turned it off, hoping that by the time you found your way out the Forrest it would have rebooted so you could call your parents or maybe even a hospital since you'd obviously hit your head very hard.
You put the phone in your bag and zipped it up, even using the number lock your mother insisted you put on it to keep your bag safe. You weren't sure which way to go. After all no matter where you walked you could either be going closer or further to whatever destination would be the safest.
Fuck it. You thought. There's only one way to find out. You walked through the forest, not even trying to not step on twigs or ruffle leaves since you were probably just far deeper into the campus woods than you'd ever been before. However, then you heard voices.
Well laughter really. At least three men. Your footsteps slowed encase Jason and his friends had somehow made you lose your mind and we're torturing you but no. Instead, you held back a gasp as you peaked through the leaves to see four men with their backs to you.
One was sat on a log playing with what looked like a dagger while another two practised throwing axes. Fuck. All three were dressed as if they were Vikings. Perhaps you'd been studying them too much and had officially lost your marbles.
Or perhaps the other Viking nerds in your school had formed a club. As you debated taking a step forward one of the men missed his throw causing another to yell out a jab. As the man span round to answer his eyes stopped when he saw you. His hand shot out to nudge the man next to him who turned around.
He was a brunette man with a long braid down how back "I'm Ubbe," the boy called as he stepped forward, "Who are you? Why are you here?" He called however your eyes wandered down then widened as you saw him gripping his axe.
"Tell us!" The boy who had missed called, stepping closer. Your eyes wandered to the third who was reaching for something in his belt when you finally made up your mind.
Run. You turned, sprinting as fast as your legs could carry you. Your feet hammered against the dirt as their shouts echoed through the forest. You didn't dare glance back or stop for the branches whipping against your face. There was finally a break in the trees. Freedom. Safety you thought.
As you ran you arrived at the top of a hill. You turned to look down, expecting to see your campus when dread filled your blood. No this wasn't real. A village of Vikings now looked up at where you stood on the hill.
You stood for a moment panting as you overlooked it all. That was until you heard them again. "Stop right there!" Ubbe all but screamed. 
You ran again. To your left was a high cliff facing a grey blue ocean and to your right was 3 very angry looking Vikings. You decided to take your chances with the clueless as you barrelled down the hill into what looked to be like a market.
Despite being the least terrifying person here they all jumped out your way, gasping and screaming as you ran all while Ubbe and the others chased you. 
You were running towards a bridge by a stream and decided for one last second to glance behind you. They were just running around the corner when you felt a hand grab your foot as the other got swept up in the air.
It was as if your body took flight as you fell to the ground with a large thump. You groaned as you tried to pick yourself up just for a large hand to grab your shoulder and flip you on your back. 
As you stared at his electric blue eyes your own eyes widened. "Ivar?" You whispered and his eyes widened so much you wondered if it hurt however just as he went to speak Ubbe pulled him off him.
Ubbe. Your brain clicked. There's no possible way. It couldn't be. Surely not. Ubbes hand pulling you to your feet. "I asked you a question," he growled as you gasped for air. As much as you wanted to be tough and brave and all the other things these Vikings were being faced to face to Ubbe was too much as the spots began to cloud your vision and you felt your body fall limp as the world faded to black.
As you began to stir you half expected to open your eyes and see your dorm room, but the hard stick pressed against your spine made you doubtful. Your eyes opened to find yourself in a wooden cage in the corner of what looked like a bedroom. It was dark and suddenly felt very small as your hands grabbed the bars as you began to shake them.
“Fuck,” you grunted as you hit your hand against the frame but instead of it budging now your hand just hurt. Before you could try for any longer you froze when you saw the door slowly push open.
“I see what you mean,” a woman’s voice muttered as she approached your cage. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at her or the men behind her, “What is she wearing?” she whispered.
“We don’t know,”
“We found her like this,”
“Do you think she’s a witch?” you felt your blood run cold at the man’s word.
The woman stood up and turned to what you soon realised were her sons. In fact, now you realised who they all were. It was Sigurd who’d claimed you may be a witch but how could he possibly be real? He was a tv character after all.
“Perhaps but we cannot know for sure yet,” Aslaug whispered to her son, “Can you speak child?” she called out to you as if she was shouting on a dog. Your head raised so you could get a better look, but you couldn’t bring yourself to speak.
“What are we going to do?” Ubbe asked. As the four spoke amongst themselves you realised one was missing. Ivar was nowhere to be seen.
“Your father should be home any day now. We will wait for him,” Aslaug finally determined, “I have never seen someone like this. I do not wish to find out what harm she can cause alone,” with that the four turned to leave, shutting the door and leaving you in the stale dark once more.
You sighed as you leaned back against the cage however as your eyes scanned the room you noticed your bags sitting in the corner making your head instantly perk up. You knew you didn’t have anything sharp in it but as your stomach rumbled you realised what you did need. Food.
As you began to wonder how you would get to your things you heard the door crack open. You looked up as Ivar dragged himself into the room, constantly checking over his shoulder before he shut the door and brought himself over to your cage. His eyes scanned your frame as you brought your knees to your chest and hugged them tightly.
“Who are you?” he murmured, his eyes landing on your face, “and how do you know my name?” the silence that followed was only broken by the loud rumble of your stomach once more as you winced. “You’re hungry?” he asked.
Finally, you nodded, and a smile quirked onto his lips, “So you do understand?” you nodded again, “If you tell me who you are I’ll bring you something to eat,”
You paused as you decided if it was worth breaking the façade, you’d created but as your stomach churned you realised starving to death before Ragnar returned was not worth it. you whispered your name, but your voice was hoarse from lack of use.
Ivars’s head tilted slightly as his eyebrows knitted, “What a usual name,” he mused.
You bit back a laugh. “Coming from Ivar the boneless,” you muttered.
His eyes widened, a look of what you couldn’t tell if shock or rage or both washed over his face. “What did you call me?” he half yelled, grabbing onto the bars of the cage you were suddenly thankful for.
“It’s what everyone calls you!” you rushed out, pushing yourself as far away as possible, “In the textbooks that’s what legend says you were called I’m sorry,”
He paused, his hands slipping from the bar as the confused look returned, “What is a textbook?”
“Like a history book,” you said but that did little to explain it to him, “It’s like- “you paused trying to think what the closest thing to a Viking textbook was, “It’s like how you pass down stories in songs! We write them down in textbooks, so nobody forgets,”
Ivar paused for a moment as he finally relaxed again, “Where did you come from?” he asked, “And how do they know who I am? What have you told them?”
“I haven’t told them anything, my teachers they taught it to me,” you said, finally allowing yourself to sit at ease again, “I’m from the future,” the words felt foreign in your mouth as Ivar’s blue eyes widened.
“Prove it,”
“You’re Ivar the boneless, son of Ragnar Lothbrok,” you spoke but your voice was shaky as you tried to remember all you could, “Brother of Bjorn Ironside who explored the Mediterranean sea. Son of Aslaug. You go on to command the great heathen army,” you said and as you spoke Ivar looked like a child being read a bedtime story about pirates and mermaids, “You Ivar are a legend where I am from,” perhaps bending the truth a little but what would he know.
“And who- “
You cut him off this time when you felt your stomach lurch, “You said you would feed me. I won’t tell you anything else till you live up to your word,” you tried to sound firm, but it clearly wasn’t your style.
Still though Ivar nodded as he slowly began to drag himself away, “I shall return,” he said as he opened the door, a small smile tugging at his lips, “Don’t go anywhere,” he teased before shutting the door behind him.
You rolled your eyes as you sunk back into the wood behind you. “Oh god he really is nuts,” you whispered. Then again perhaps it was you that was nuts. After all you had just been talking to a Viking who’d died thousands of years ago.
Part two
General Taglist: @strvngestark @headinfantasy @meg-ro @427120lxld @obx-josie18 @ravenmoore14 @tessakate
Vikings Taglist: @bellroclucky03 @ringpopdust @hypocritic-trash-baby @tessakate
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pleaktale · 2 months
Please please- write a modern reader (spiderperson or not) explaining things like email, memes, and the internet. It is such a fun concept to me that Hobie is clueless on things like ai.
Personally, I see that as an oppurtunity to mess with him.
Anything you want! Drabble, headcannons. Just have fun if this tickles your fancy 🫶
I cackled with this one so much because I thought about all his reactions and that would be PRICELESS. Didn't enter much on the AI thing because we don't fw AI 🙅 Thank you for the request, lovie! Did a bit of both <3
Warnigs: none I guess?
Tags: Hobie x modern!gn!reader, headcanons
Enjoy ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
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Hobie is a guy of techs, that is set in stone. But what does he know about memes? Spotify? What about watching videos in tiny screens?
He went to your world once. Guy was LOST in all the screened outdoors, cars moving by sustainable energy and without tires, the lack of humans in things such as supermarkets and pharmacies a little worrying to him;
Once you taught him how to open the door to your apartment, he asked you to dismantle that thing;
"What do ya mean this.. opens with your DNA!?" he asked with slumping shoulders, watching as you entered the apartment like it was just a normal occurrence. And it was.
Your laugh quieted down his mind a little. "It reads my irises through the capture, I already added yours also," you show him the screen of your phone, his name written in the 'allowed' list.
"When tha' happened!!?" Hobie scratched his head, watching over as you cackled your way to the couch.
Visiting each other's dimension was a regular thing, so seeing the old ass things in his world was kinda funny to you;
Sharing wired headphones with him was like living your great great grandparents lives, and watching his curious mind of a nerd in tech trying to figure out your bluetooth earbuds was perhaps the funniest thing in the world;
The first time he went in contact with the humor of your century, it was like explaining calculus to a toddler. But he got the hang of it;
Hobie is smart, that you can't deny. But watching him get used to touch screens was... curious, to say the least;
The first time you showed something AI-made to him, Hobie was taken aback just like you thought he would;
"Ya mean this hyper realistic video of the Eifell Tower burning until it's metals were curling 'n shit.. isn't real?" Hobie had squinted eyes at you.
"Basically, yeah," you replied with a sigh, "it's a little more in control now, we have tools to see if it's AI made or not, but I honestly wanted this gone."
"Bet a bunch of wankers had taken their shared advantage of that," Hobie sighed too, shaking his head in clear disagreement.
After that he always send you videos asking if they're real or not (you got him a phone so he could use TikTok, now it's like having your grandpa sending you skibidi toilet videos asking 'what the hell's this');
He absolutely loves the MP3 you gave him, it's such a tiny thing and still has all his songs plus your favorite ones, he likes to go patrolling with them;
You showed him spotify once, he called it a "damn trap of capitalism" for making you pay for songs that weren't even physical (he's not wrong though);
The concept of being formal over email didn't clicked to him;
"Write a letter, then!" Hobie pointed at the screen after reading your email you planned on sending over to Miguel.
"But that takes weeks to get somewhere, Hobie," you raised an eyebrow, looking at him while pressing the 'send' button. "See? Gone and in his email, if he's online he'll see it now."
"Online? Yeah, a'ight, whatever." His hands up in mock surrender got another set of laugh out of you.
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I could go on for longer but maybe for a pt. 2 😅 I hope you enjoyed! Until next time <3
© pleaktale
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reality-exodus · 1 year
Detective's rescue
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Summary: Eddie's relationship, the reader is a detective, they both on 24hour shift. Reader responds a 9-1-1 call and ends up needing first aids
Warning: blood, angst, OD symptoms described, mention of drugs
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Being a detective on patrol wasn't the best thing ever to be frank, but it was something when you knew your boyfriend would accompany you all night long with his own 24 hour shift, it was rare thing for our double shifts to be on the same time, but when it happened I both liked it and didn't like it, we were both out. I usually work on cases in the office and do my research and help the firefighters with cases and they help me occasionally.
"So where are you strolling now?" Eddie asked, I was driving while I had a Bluetooth headphone.
"In the area of the homicide, the father killed his daughter while the mother was away… there is still no handy information for a warrant so I am looking for something I've missed" I explained briefly as I was driving past the house.
"Baby…" Eddie started to say, I knew how he felt when I was getting so passionate about a case. He disliked it, I overworked myself and forgot many things such as sleeping, eating or going to my shift.
"How about you? Didn't hear anything from dispatch, quiet night?" I wondered, cutting him off elegantly, setting my line of defense. I wasn't like Athena, I do not leave my job behind once my shift is over, I admire her for that though. I actually have to spend more of my personal time researching and studying. I have to go undercover to gather information, but I am not complaining. Sometimes though I need my people to understand me.
"Yea we are just hanging around." He replied with a heavy sigh he didn't respond to the q-word, I knew he wouldn't be bothered. I knew the response was unwilling. He knew my drill "Buck fell asleep at the Gym, Bobby and Hen are playing chess and Chimney is cooking" he analysed their situation and I smiled.
"Tell him to make an extra plate for me, I'll be dropping by" I spoke hoping that would make up for my big-headed behaviour.
"Oh You i decided to have a proper meal other than burgers and donuts" he joked with small giggle.
"Happens sometimes" I chuckled when I heard the wireless "babe hang on"
"This is 221-L99 available tell me the issue dispatch" I asked, I could tell it was May.
"Alright, there's drug dealing on the "overroof" club, there's a rave going on, some ODs based on caller's information, 118 of LAFD shall be there to take care of those." She informed me as I heard the bell on Eddie's side.
"I'll be in touch Dispatch" I spoke as I was connected to the team I would cooperate.
"Diaz no phones on patrol" I spoke as I was driving and couldn't finish the call. "221-L99 moving on scene. I am nearby I see three overdosed in their twenties one male two female they are simply left on the ground I am engaging the victims now." I spoke and got out of the car.
"Copy detective" Captain Nash affirmed me.
I approached the victims and checked the pulses. "All alive you need to come in quick…" I couldn't leave the uncouncisous civilians alone.
"Already ahead of you detective you are clear to proceed" my boyfriend replied sweetly, or at least that's what I thought.
"Dispatch moving in the club incognito, there's no bouncer or doorman" I informed them and opened the door. This wasn't a good sign, the dance floor was empty and so was the kitchen, I would have to go down stairs. "Ground floor empty moving to basement staircase" I announced and moved i could hear voices. "Dispatch sent some back up, I hear people" I spoke and dispatch obeyed my request.
I was right behind the stairs and I heard enough keywords that included heroin, drugs, and that the police can't find. That was my queue. "LAPD hands in the air" I yelled, Eddie always said that my voice in that phrase was so cold, smooth and dictated he found it sexy. "Don't move" I ordered. My voice was strong. They were three but I had a gun.
"Nope ass" one said and charged to get my phone I kicked him to the ground he slid to the floor with no Injury but before i could get in control of the other two, they had two bags of drugs five kilos each if I calculated correct the moment one of them came and punched in my face causing the white dust to be spread all around me in the air I stumbled backwards fell hitting my head on staircase, I took a deep breath trying to orientate, my vision got blurry.
"Detective Y/L/N, report" I heard dispatch between the ringing of my ears but the only response I could find was groan, I felt my heart going erratically with the beats. I was shaking.
"Detective" It was Captain Nash this time, his voice tense. But there was a pause. "Dispatch three offenders running away with two white bags one leaking" he reported and that's when my sudden dysphoria was making sense.
"Help" I managed to pronounce "OD" as I started to shake. I couldn't make out what I was hearing or what was going on, suddenly I saw Eddie in a mask with Chimney. They moved me outside my eyes were wide open but I couldn't react I was shaking, my body started twitching, I was held down, I could recognize Eddie's arms pressing me down, and smaller but still powered hands in my legs, chimney my guess. I coughed I could feel the salty, warm liquid laking inside my mouth, I coughed again.
"Baby… I am here" Eddie's voice was fading as black spots invaded my vision as I started having trouble breathing.
"I get no pulse" Chimney announced, "Hen start compressions" he instructed as he pushed on the oxygen in my face
"Oh no no honey, please-" before Eddie could finish his sentence I heard Buck taking him away as another person took his position next to me.
"Captain bring the AED" Hen requested she kept the pounds on my chest.
"Still unresponsive" Chimney said, causing Eddie to make a movement closer to me, Captain and Buck held him back
"I'm unbuckling the shirt, we are shocking" Hen spoke I heard footsteps
"Eddie please leave" Captain requested with a heavy sigh, I am sure he thought of the time Athena was in my position.
"Just let me be by Y/N Captain" Eddie requested , next thing I feel his warm loving hands on my face removing my hair stroking my cheek his fingers on my neck in desperate hope he would get the slight pulsation in my veins.
"Eddie hands" Hen spoke and he removed them as I felt electricity, I couldn't define what kind of pain it was or if it was, more like a sting to my whole body that would either wake me up or be the last thing I feel…
"Give me more Chim" Hen encouraged him the third clear was heard, the screen kept beeping. There was silence other than that.
"No no no baby no" Eddie panicked he started compressions but Buck pulled him off of my body. He yelled at him Buck yelled back I wasn't sure, my ears started ringing, was I dying…? The first ponder that dominated my mind, made my stomach twitch. I coughed vomit out…
I was alive
"Hey girl, hey easy now" Hens' voice sounded and turned me to the side to let it all out. Chimney secure my position so it wouldn't cause any damage.
Eddie raced next to me, he leaned in and kissed my forehead "oh god love, you scared me so much." I smiled as I turned on my back looking at him upside down as he leaned above my head.
"I'm sorry" I smiled and reached his face, I was shaking rapidly, he simply took my hand and kissed the palm before bringing it to his cheek, his cheek so hot against my freezing skin.
"Hey no no, it's not your fault, we must get you to the hospital now alright?" He smiled down at me and my smile faded at the hearing of the location I had to be.
"I won't be admitted in, I'll sign out" I announced, the sweet moment long gone as I made a move to get of the stretcher.
"Wow,now detective, you have to be cleared out in order to return to your cases, we are transferring you to the ER. I have to do it by the book, you know the drill" Captain Nash intervened immediately, and I could see the relief on my fiancee's face.
"Ah now we are by the book, that's nice to hear" I barked, I knew I was wrong, but hospitals, hospitals gave me anxiety, Eddie would have to go to Christopher eventually and I don't like being alone in those white cold rooms. "Guys please" I pleaded
"you are facing an extended pcp od, and a small hit on the back of your head, your blood pressure is perilly high and you have extremely unstable arrhythmias" Hen essayed the reasons I should listen to them as my eyes turned teary I was panicking.
"Hey hey sweetie" Eddie sighed "I'll be with you the whole time" he promised and kissed my cheek gently as they all stood up carrying me to the ambulance. He stepped in sat next to me while Hen joined, just in case. He was holding my hand, just looking at me, his ember eyes, he was worried even if he wouldn't admit.
"What about Christopher?" I asked concerned.
"Buck is already on his way, but how are you feeling Y/N?" He asked me softly stroking my head.
"I have dysphoria" I explained and soon Hen gave me a mask my eyelids turned heavy as I slipped from counsiousness.
I don't know what time it was, or how long I've been out. I blinked my vision clear, the lighting was dim in the room Eddie fell asleep on the chair next to me, I couldn't help but smile. He did stay. I stood up holding on my IV, feeling lightheaded, I moved to the bathroom, I looked terrible red eyes pale skin, weakness though was the worse.
"Y/N;" I heard his voice call my name in alert.
"What is it?" I asked making abrupt movement to get to the door I leaned there feeling another hit of vertigo getting the best of me.
"I thought you left, hey let me help you baby" he sighed in relief and approached, he was still on patrol clothes. He scooped a hand over my waist and held my weight as he walked me to the bed, softly placing me to lay down.
"Can I kiss you now? Or I am still high?" I asked him placing my hands around his neck, the IV tube got tangled between us, he smiled getting it out of the way. He leaned in and kissed my nose. His lips formed a smile.
"You have been good tonight, not running away, so it is well deserved" he smiled and located his lips on mine, the sweet kiss forming, he was gentle and cautious as he was touching me.
"Mhm mostly because I have been unconscious all night long and I get dizzy after three steps, that played it's part too" I spoke and kissed his cheek softly
"Let a man be happy" he spoke faking frustration before he kissed me again. And again.
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jaiden-zhou · 11 months
(2) casual iso <3
contents: headcanons, reader is a uniqlo employee for plot purposes, self indulgent
part 2,, i couldnt help myself alright? its a little rushed but i just needed to get this out
this part is inspired, actually this whole casual iso thing is inspired by @angelltheninth 's pining! iso post
its actually really funny how i love pretty much all their posts and writing for at least six months and now just started following them thats how often i see their content in my feed i just never hit the follow button im sorry
part 1, part 3
iso who starts giving you a discount on your drinks, just as long as you give him your employee discounts in uniqlo and the exclusive early news on unreleased lines and collabs
iso who talks to you like everyday now haha
iso who then starts to pine for you, hard
iso who most to all of the time has his eyes on you not just when you speak, he actually almost tripped on a curb because he was so focused on you
iso who low-key craves your attention, after the first time you hugged him after he accompanied you home, he's started wishing he could hug you for long periods of time
iso who gets teased by yoru and phoenix for crushing on you, he's already embarrassed enough with the realization he likes you
iso who gets flustered with every physical interaction you two have, hugs? freezes up a bit before wrapping his arms lightly around you (poor baby's a little awkward), tugging his hand along? cheeks dusted pink, the occasional brush against his fingers? ears a little red <3
iso who started carrying bluetooth earbuds when he's out with you instead of headphones, it gets him to focus on you more, and maybe.. you two can listen to music together.. with his earbuds
iso who insists on giving you his jacket (the one that you found for him cough cough) when he sees you tense and shiver in the cold, he can handle it so just take the coat, man's not taking no for an answer
iso who out of habit, sub-consciously leans more towards you to hear your voice better, sometimes he stops himself and gets a little embarrassed with how close he is to you
iso who at any location, on the bus or train, at the movies, at any point if you're falling asleep, he's going to tilt your head towards his shoulder. it's fine you're too much into sleep to see his faint blush and endearing eyes on you
iso who sometimes pays for your food, you've had a rough day at work? snacks on him, some customer got on your nerves? he's got you a drink to cool you off <3
iso blushes a lot when you thank him, sometimes it's that same earnest smile you gave when you got him that jacket, sometimes it's a tired relieved smile with a small quiet thanks and your eyes are looking at him so sweetly and a little dazed from fatigue it makes his breath hitch and heart race a bit. "always.." he murmurs
iso who starts getting a little jealous when he's around you yet your attention is mainly on someone else, it gets a little much for him
iso who is a little noticeably annoyed when he sees you doubling over in laughter from gekko's stories, you two seem to be having a lot of fun
iso who doesn't know how to deal with how he's feeling, so whether he realizes it or not, he starts creating a bit of distance
iso takes his leave silently, going to the tea shop to work even on his day off to get his mind off of his envy
iso who left his phone on do-not-disturb full silence and in a locker so he doesn't look at it, meaning he doesn't see the worried texts and numerous calls to him from you asking if he's okay and where he went off to without telling you
iso who on his break in the back still without his phone and doesn't take mind of the bell that rings whenever the door opens and he just thinks it's another customer
iso who is surprised when it's you showing up through the door in a bit of disarray, heavy breaths, and chest heaving from exhaustion
"granny!" you barge through the door in labored pants. "granny, have you seen where zhao yu is? he hasn't picked up at all."
the elderly woman's mood is quite calm, maybe too much for your worry.
"oh yes, he's here, zhao yuuu! come out!" she beckons iso before he steps out curiously, eyes wide when they meet your own.
"what's goin' on-"
"where have you been?!" you cut him off in an approaching fury. "i've been texting and calling for hours, why didn't you tell me you left? why didn't you tell me where?"
he senses you're upset with him, pissed beyond what he's seen from you. and he panics.
"i.. granny called me in to ask me to work-"
"bullshit, yu." ah, you caught him. "if that was the case you would've at least told me, why?"
iso's hesitant, and his eyes show it the most when they lock contact with your hardened gaze before it softens into a vulnerable, pleading one.
"please.. don't lie to me." and his resolve breaks when he hears the pain and desperation in your voice. iso's head hangs low and his eyes are now everywhere else but your own. "you made me really worried."
"i know, i know." he admits quietly and he can't help but lean close to rest his forehead on your shoulder. "i'm sorry.."
he's so quiet about it, ashamed about how immaturely he handled it and causing you stress, akin to somewhat like a kicked puppy.
"i'm sorry i tried lying to you," he starts off again, your hand swinging over his shoulder and the other at the back of his head to bring him in an embrace. he spills, voice is a little muffled against your shoulder. "i'm sorry i left without telling you, worrying you and having you run to find me. i'm sorry for not picking up or responding at all, that was childish of me.."
"but why?" you begged for a reason, he's closer to you than ever, torso flushed to yours and your grip firm, it makes him feel like he's melting as he indulges himself more into your arms. still hesitant.
"i'm.. sorry, i was.." he pauses, his face heating up with having to admit this to you of all people. "i didn't like.. i.."
gosh he'll never hear the end of this from yoru and phoenix.
"i was jealous" he whispered so quietly, if he was any farther than now you wouldn't have been able to catch it and honestly, he was hoping you didn't.
"oh, yu.." his heart soars at your soft voice. you pull away with a light giggle, just enough to see him, his face flushed with a slight pout.
you lightly brush his fringe apart, caressing his face and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead in a silent confession. iso's eyes are squeezed shut, red in the cheeks as his stomach does flips before giving into his desires and burying his head into the juncture of your neck to hide away from embarrassment. <3
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red-n-ded · 11 months
Little Red Corvette (Ft. The Beatles) Part One
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Benjamin O’Brien lives in Brighton Falls, California, trying to escape the trauma from a protest that caused him to lose his voice.
When an old friend visits and signs him up for a street race for his 18th birthday, he buys a beautiful Chevrolet Corvette unaware that under all its pain lies a stubborn but gentle Autobot from outer space with no memory and shared love for 80’s music.
Reverse Roles of AU of Bee and Charlie meeting and giving each other their named through the magic of music and insect posters.
(And yes, Bee is a fan of the Beatles bc I said so)
Next (Coming Soon)
Ao3 Sneak Peek and Link Below
Benjamin O’Brien has a normal life, or at least tries to.
Every morning he wakes up, eats his breakfast, takes painkillers for his damaged vocal cords, goes to community college for his auto shop classes, and goes to work at the beach boardwalk. It gets boring after a few months doing the same thing over and over again but it’s not the worst. He’s finally getting a proper education and now lives near the beaches of California, something younger Ben could only dream of doing.
It’s not the racing life but better than dying on the frontlines.
Tomorrow is his birthday and Ben wanted to treat himself. Days and weeks of a domestic life, he deserved for a bit of an adventure. A while back, he saw posters for a movie marathon at the local drive-in and Ben is a sucker for 80’s movies (His copy of the Breakfast Club is worn out from his 50th rewatch). He would go but the poor guy doesn’t have a car except a yellow Volkswagen Beetle that doesn’t even work. Who in their right mind goes to drive in without a car? Only the insane in his opinion.
Not too far from his host home is the local junkyard. Ben sometimes works there for extra cash or when he just wants to get his hands dirty working on cars again. For the past few days, he has been getting parts to repair the Beetle, using half of his wages to buy the parts he needed but so far his work has been in vain. Maybe on the day before his birthday, he’ll get some luck.
His head buried under pillows and blankets, the tired 17-year-old slams his fist onto his alarm clock, silently cursing in annoyance at the dreaded box yet forces himself to sit up, blinking his blurry vision to adjust to the sunlight. Hoping to wake himself up, Ben leans over to his bedside table, puts on his black bluetooth headphones and presses play on his phone.
“Desmond has a barrow in the marketplace, Molly is the singer in a band. Desmond says to Molly, “Girl, I like your face” and Molly says this as she takes him by the hand Ob-la-di, ob-la-da! Life goes on, brah! La-la, how their life goes on. Ob-la-di, ob-la-da! Life goes on, brah! La-la, how their life goes on! Ob-la-di, ob-la-da! Life goes on, brah! La-la, how their life goes on!”
Ben mouths the upbeat lyrics as he changes out of his pajamas, slipping on a white tank top and slightly-used navy jeans from the carpet. He goes to brush his teeth and his head naturally begins to beat, the tiredness and annoyance from before already fading away. The teen cleans himself up and goes to the kitchen to eat breakfast, turning up the music on his headphones to dance on his way to the cabinets. Thank god no one is home. He opens the cabinet door to grab the last box of cereal but a knock in the door interrupts.
Ben slides his phones down to his neck. Who could possibly be up this early? The teen turns off his music and makes his way to the door, putting down the cereal box to turn the handle. The door swings open and his eyes immediately catch the hot pink color of hair.
“Hey, I-“
The house nearly shakes at how fast Bee slammed the door on his old friend. Ben doesn’t let her answer, grumbling angrily at his visitor and ignoring the desperate knocks from the other side.
It’s too fucking early for this.
“Bee, please.” She begs between her knocks, “I just want to talk!”
The blonde teen freezes. Bee? Geez, I haven't heard that nickname in years.
Arcee, the hot-pink-haired biker outside his door, keeps knocking, her requests to let her inside fading into white noise in Ben’s ears. Hearing her voice again, just as panicked as he last heard her, hurts more than he thought it would.
Ben stays silent, which is all he can ever do. His hand trails up to his neck where a faded scar across his Adam's apple, his fingertips tracing the indents of the jagged shape. He wanted to put his old life in New York behind him, a life of fighting and protesting against a corrupt system. It wasn't supposed to be violent. Optimus promised that they wouldn't try to resort to force but the Decepticon mafia attacked first and that protest became a riot, one that cost him his voice.
Don't do it Ben. Don’t do it. It’s been almost a year. You can’t get hurt anymore.
Arcee was there at the protest but wasn’t there when Sergent Blitzwing ripped out his vocal cords. She doesn’t know his pain and the trauma that riot caused. Yet, his heart longed for a friend. Living alone has taken a toll that Ben isn’t willing to accept.
Maybe for a moment, just a moment. Then she can leave and never come back.
Ben shaking hands goes to unlock the door. The wooden barrier swings open and he stares blue to brown eyes at Arcee, who’s relieved at the open door. She smiles awkwardly but tries to put up a comforting face.
“Hey Bee,” she mumbles. A beat passes and the two just stand there. Bee looks at the clock and sees the minute hand inching closer to the 9.
Gah! I’m late!
The teen quickly types into his phone, “Do. You. Know. Sign. Language. ”
The biker perks up, surprised by his form of communication but doesn’t make a show of it. “Yes, I do.”
Bee tucks his phone into his pocket and steps aside, giving Arcee the permission to enter his home before he rushes to the kitchen to eat his unmade breakfast. Arcee nodded in appreciation and walked in, shuffling her feet onto the black floor mat before taking off her boots. She looks around, in awe of where his old crewmate has been staying for the past year. It’s surprisingly big for a teenager living alone and not to mention so close to the beach.
“A nice place you got here,” Arcee compliments, earning a humble buzz as Bee pours out his breakfast, briskly walking back and forth from his bowl and the fridge, “How’d you get it?”
“Host family.” Ben signed after putting away his milk, “Currently on vacation.”
As far as Bee remembers, the raceway in New York has always been his family. He was homeschooled in the pits and learned to drive before he could hit puberty. His origins are a complete mystery and for a while, he didn’t mind until he left. It was at that moment that Bee realized that he had no one. No one on the team was biologically related to him and there are no records of his birth. Bee might as well be non-existent.
The O’Briens are nice. Their son Dylan warmed up to him very quickly and his parents treated him like any other decent person would, even indulging in his odd taste for 80’s pop culture and music. Staying with them was a great idea but Ben knows he’ll never be part of their family and that’s okay. He wasn’t even offended when the family didn’t bring him along to their pre-paid vacation. He’s only living with them and that’s a fact that Ben is willing to accept.
Seeing his true family again and standing under the same roof as someone he considered as an older sister is odd. Arcee looked different since he last saw her. Her hair is shaved and cut up to her chin, her outfit consists of way more leather and black, and her wedding ring is missing.
Did something happen to her and Cliffjumper? Hopefully they didn’t end on bad terms.
Arcee remains quiet, looking around the O’Brien’s house with curiosity. It has only been a year but Bee has changed a lot. Bee has definitely taken the time to relax and act like an actual teen. He looks a bit more round and chubby, especially around the face, but his muscles remained firm, emphasized by his tank top while not too obvious. The biker laughs to herself remembering how much a skinny stick Bee was. The headphones are a new addition and so is his attire. Arcee realized that he had never seen Bee in jeans before, always found running around without the restriction of the denim.
Bee grows annoyed at the silence and stops eating to knock on the table, grabbing Arcee’s attention. “What are you doing here?” He signs as milk and crumbs drip from the corners of his lips.
Arcee leans back on her seat and smiles warmly, “Is it bad for an old friend to visit?” She joked, walking towards the dinner table where Bee is sitting. Bee frowns, an annoyed buzz escaping his throat which annoyed him even further.
I hate it when it does that.
Her grin fades into concern, curious and worried about the lack of the upbeat voice she once remembered, “What happened to your voice?”
“None of your business.” Bee gulps down the last of his cereal and dumps his empty bowl into the sink. Bee walks in long strides, speeding his pace to get out of the house as quickly as possible but Arcee isn’t so keen to see her old friend leave so soon, not when she just got him back.
“Bee, can we just talk?” Arcee sighs, exasperated by her old friend’s stubbornness but there’s a hint of begging in her voice.
There’s no denying that the base hasn’t been the same since Bee disappeared. They all thought he died but Orion knew he wasn’t. The biker didn’t know how he knew or why her leader never pushed to find his surrogate son but Arcee isn’t the type to let go of someone close to her so quickly. Not after…
With a red and yellow plaid button-up in his hand, Bee pauses at the soft desperation. It hurts to hear but before he could open his mouth, any and all words that could comfort her, reassure his friend that he misses her just as much, die from his lips, even if he can talk. He doesn’t look at her and taps on the doorway in morse code, “I have to go to work.”
The pink-haired biker remained frozen in her seat as the door slammed shut.
The rest of the day went by like a blur filled with crowds on the boardwalk and bullies from his classes dumping lemonade or making his job not worth the $20 an hour. It’s almost pathetic. The blonde knows any and every way possible he could run star wrestler, Shelby “Shatter” Bassett, into the ground without breaking a sweat. Maybe a punch in the face or a scratch on her boyfriend’s (admittedly stunning) royal blue AMC Javelin could also get him to shut up.
But he’s not B-127 the Freedom Racer anymore.
He’s just Benjamin the Hot Dog on a Stick cashier.
After a thorough wash to get all the lemon pulp out of his hair, Bee made a pit stop at the junkyard. With his birthday coming up in a few hours, the young teen hoped that he could get the Beetle up and running. He grabs his red toolkit from the back of the motorized bike he rides on, voicelessly greets the owner and rushes into the piles of the cars in the lot, taking apart the pieces he wants. Grime and oil gets on his button-up and skin and the metallic stench of rust seeps into his nostrils but the blonde doesn’t mind, remembering the similar smell back in New York except missing the sound of race cars zooming in the background.
“Can’t catch me, Bee!”
“Fat chance!”
“Go faster, papa! Faster!”
“If you say so, little one!”
“Tell me where your friends are hiding!”
“I’ll never talk!”
“Is that right?”
Stop it!
“Then let’s make it official.”
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nearestend · 8 hours
muses + their music listening habits (greatest hits edition), inspired by birdie's post
alice: listening to music at every second of the day unless she is in a conversation with someone else or doing something that would interrupt it. headphones if she's on the go (possibly airpods, but i'm reluctant to say she's an apple user so it's undecided). at home, she's listening on a record player. typically prefers listening to a full album in consecutive order rather than playlists, but will occasionally go through hyperfixations and listen to something for hours on repeat until words and sounds don't make sense anymore and she can no longer grasp the concept of time passing. sticks with the classics that you already know she loves — jeff buckley (her bff), elliott smith, pj harvey, and portishead.
got lengthy with this one, as i often do with these posts. continued under the cut!
adam: similarly always listening to something as much as he possibly can. noise cancelling headphones user, likes to tune everything out. at home, he alternates between using a speaker or listening to records — it kind of just depends on what he's listening to. likes a full album, but there's a couple playlists of his, tailored to extremely specific situations or vibes or feelings (highlights include "adam's mixtape for posers", "entry level hardcore", "gay divorce", and "women screaming!!!"). listens to a lotta beastie boys, sonic youth, descendents, green day, gorilla biscuits, and t.aylor sw.ift (one of those things is not like the others).
jodie: now that i'm thinking about it, all these dudes might just be listening to music every second of their lives. anyways jodie is a wired headphones user because she loses airpods very easily. probably owns a lot of different gadgets though — bluetooth speaker, record player, cd player, cassette player, and whatever else they got out there nowadays. makes a playlist of monthly faves, but also puts her entire library on shuffle. never really sticks to one particular artist or genre, constantly changing up what she wants to vibe with. mostly sticks with punk and punk adjacent bands. will never be able to answer the question "who's your favourite artist?" (her most played artist is bad brains but she will never remember if you put her on the spot.)
philly: also never not listening to something, but will also be annoying about it and have her headphones in while you're trying to have a conversation. alternates between wired and noise cancelling, depending on the situation. will have one song she listens to on repeat for at least three weeks until it loses its lustre. similar taste to both parents, so she's got beastie boys AND jeff buckley, maybe also a bit of crawlers, blood orange, turnstile, and slothrust. she's not really genre affiliated.
anwar and jude are also greatest hits muses but i just don't care about them a whole lot right now. (sorry for saying that. i will care about them eventually, one day, but not presently.)
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Alright everyone listen up, I’m gonna talk about my participation in the Sexyman tournament and also reveal the first and probably last Heritagesona to ever see the light of the sun.
First up, I love to see you guys get creative with all this like you did with the other two Sexyman tournaments. Be it Propaganda-Posters, Art, posts, whatever. Those were already the highlight of the og True Sexyman contest, so I hope to see them make a return. Especially if they are propaganda for me.
But, and this should really be clear, please don’t get weird with it. You can make as many jokes on my account as you want but I really don’t want to wake up one day and see me drawn in a… let’s say unfortunate way. I don’t think any of you would actually go that far, but I still wanted to make it clear. The other rp blogs pose as fictional characters, but don’t forget you’re dealing with a real person this time.
Now, let’s talk about something more interesting. After seeing the drawing of me in the jojo pose walking towards the greggs (which is an amazing piece of art, definitely check out the artist @lordchairesq) I realized that none of you know what I look like, which is normally great in tearms of Internet anonymity, but might become a problem when it comes to propaganda posts.
Sooooo, may I introduce you to:
Sexymanified Me.
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Alright, let’s go through this.
First thing you probably noticed was the monitor strapped to my head. I had a bunch of ideas for how to hide my face, but none of them really worked out the way I wanted to, so I settled for this.
Fortunately for me, I have the natural twink body type. We’re talking rivaling Clive Dove levels of Twinkness. That’s a pretty good pre-condition for a Sexyman tourney.
Also yes, due to popular demand I did add cat ears. Kinda.
Moving further down, I also got headphones. ADHD sucks, but at least I have these things to send sound waves strong enough to break metal down my eardrum to drown anything around me out. The ones I always wear are wired ones, but because the cord I tried to draw looked incredible shitty I decided to just act like they are Bluetooth ones.
And now we come to the most important part of my character design. Admittedly, I have no idea what they are called in English, but it’s a pretty thin jacket that works kinda like a hoodie. I own 5 of these things, but only one has an ace flag sown onto the shoulder. That’s right, this Sexyman is unfuckable.
I don’t actually own the T-Shirt that I wear here. I don’t even have a shirt in this color. But I needed some more connections to this blog.
What you can’t see here is that I also have an ace ring. It’s nothing special, just a simple black ring.
Lastly I also have some boots that I love to wear. They are only meant for winter/fall, but I always wear them into spring as far as I can. If you think you recognize them no you don’t.
And that was everything! Obviously, if you want to, you guys are free to change some things about the design if you want (for example me in the news reporter outfit) or throw in a reference to something that happened on here or whatever.
I'll even throw in a png version so you can put me in situations.
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Also one with an empty screen.
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rapha-reads · 4 months
Me: *goes to the store to buy a new pair of earphones, chats with the vendor about the brand I use (JVC), shows her my antique headphones, gets told it's so old it's a miracle it still works, buys the earphones, leaves*
Guess what just fucking happened?
My fucking headphones broke. Only one ear works. I'm. Are you serious? Do you mean that I have to go back to the store like "hey, funny story, those old headphones that I was bragging about how they still work super well despite being so old this model doesn't exist anymore? Yeah, they uuuuh broke. Need the new model."
At the very least the lady at the store told me the new model is still wired even if it can be used as Bluetooth too, which thank fuck, I only use wired audio equipment.
I could also wait for June when I'll go home to Morocco to get it fixed like I already did once. Yeah, everything can be fixed in Morocco. But I need headphones now, I hate using earphones on the streets. Earphones are for home. Eeeeh. I'll sleep on it and decide tomorrow.
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jupiters-ringss · 1 year
hey, I know I don't post often here anymore, but I'm currently. looking for a pair of bluetooth headphones that are like, under $65. good quality, but it doesn't have to be fantastic amazeballs blow your dick off good, ik I'm not gonna get that in this price range. preferably, it would be able to connect to two things at once, but the most important thing for me is good enough sound quality, SOUND LEAKAGE BC I JUST HAD TO RETURN HEADPHONES THAT WERE SO BAD THAT THEY WERE UNDER 25% VOLUME AND EVERYONE AROUND ME COULD HEAR THEM. H. and preferably smth comfortable and with over 24hr battery life. to recap, this is a list of most important to least important:
little to no sound leakage
$65 or under
sound quality
24hr+ battery life
ability to connect to 2 devices
dw, I already know there's little to no chance that I'm gonna find EVERYTHING I want for that price, but if I could get some help, that would be amazing. thank you so much for reading this, if you do <33
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turtleduck-inc · 2 months
Would you mind disclosing the brand/model no of the mp3 player? I've been looking but haven't found much actual helpful info so far of what brands are worth looking at.
oh yeah absolutely.
the whole problem with this whole dropshipping thing amazon has going on (where companies are selling mass produced, low quality products to "sellers", who then sell over amazon, which is why when you look for anything you end up with 50 identical results) is that it's getting really difficult to figure out what's a known brand, and what's a dropshipping item, unless you're already very familiar with what you're looking for.
so what my bf and me ended up doing for my mp3 player is we went to our local tech store. my idea was, i wanted to go to a physical store, find a physical item, hold it in my hand, look at it, read the physical specs sheet, and ideally ask a tech store employee about it. you know, the way you used to do it in the good ol' days (of like 2008).
unfortunately our local tech store didn't have any mp3 players, so we did the next best thing and checked their website if they sold any at all, and it turns out they do! they sell... one. just one. so we took that brand, cause if a tech store runs it, it's at least not a dropshipping company, and found it on amazon. not the solution i was hoping for, but the one i got.
more to your actual question, the brand is called "Majority", i'm relatively confident it's this one in particular.
couple things i like about it: it advertises bluetooth but it does also have a headphone port, which i was concerned about. it takes expanded storage in the form of an SD card (i still have my old sd card with all my music on it back from when i kept it on my phone) it has an actual display (i like being able to check the thing for what it's doing) the battery life is really solid, though i've only had it for about a month so it might nosedive at some point. it's quite small; fits in the palm of my hand, and i have very small hands. also nice because it comes with a clip. the whole thing is small enough for it to not be terrible to clip to your clothes. it comes with its own usb cable (and headphones) and loading music on it via usb is very painless
some things i don't like as much: when the screen is off it won't take any inputs, so you need to click something once to light up the clock display, and a second time to actually wake it up before it'll accept any inputs. this includes volume controls. maybe there's a setting to change this tho, idk. it does not come with a dedicated charger. for me this wasn't much of an issue, it does charge through the usb it comes with (i assume any usb-c charger you may have lying around would work), but you might want to keep that in mind.
that's about all i can think of. good luck!
0 notes
sad-boy-mono · 1 year
Ima be whiny and rant about my morning getting ready for a roadtrip. Idc if I sound like a whiny bitch IM FEELING LIKE A WHINY BITCH SO
My mom said we'd start packing up the car around 10 (to quote her directly, she wanted to "haul ass at 10") but she didn't even get home from a doctor's appointment until 10:30.
I woke up at 9 anticipating we'd be hauling ass at 10 (I've been waking up at 1pm everyday for the past 2 weeks) and went to bed at 4 (not by choice) so I could've gotten at least a bit more sleep.
I'm already overstimulated cuz I'm tired and now more so cuz we're off the given schedule.
So much time just getting shit into the car.
A CD I got in May is stuck in my dad's car. My dad's car recently was taken into the shop for some repairs. My mom said she brought up my stuck CD. Is my CD unstuck? Nope!
(Also secondary rant but this CD being stuck has caused me so much more stress than it should. It was $12 so not a huge financial loss but it's also my favorite album and the CD is sold out. My family doesn't have a good way to listen to music from phones in our car cuz we don't have Bluetooth and auxcords always end up hella staticy so we use CDs and I was so excited to finally have some new music in the car but I got to listen to it once before it got stuck and won't even play music because my mom messed with it trying to get it out. And then there's the added feeling of when you're upset about something that isn't a big deal and you KNOW it isn't a big deal so you feel dumb about getting so worked up about it because it's just a fucking CD and you could probably figure out a way to download the album and burn a new one but you bought this one from an artist you love and want to support so now you just feel dumb and stupid and wanna cry everytime you think about it and WHY DIDNT THE REPAIR PEOPLE GET IT OUT DID MY MOM LIE ABOUT TELLING THEM? IM SO PISSED. SECONDARY RANT OVER)
I have much less space then I thought I would in the car.
I remembered I'd have to spend a lot of time around my cousins (not necessarily a bad thing. But my social battery is a constant 0%. Also I came out to my uncle as trans a while back and he reacted badly and I really don't wanna be around him :/)
We're on the road and I forgot how loud and bumpy highways are in this shit stain of a country (#americacore)
Also my mom smokes. The smell + open window being loud is not helping.
Did I mention the roads suck? Because the roads suck.
I'm crammed in the back and everytime we make a turn I'm crushed by my aunt's wheelchair.
I love my family so much like genuinely, but being around them is hard cuz they're always up here 📈 all the time and I'm always down here 📉 all the time so being around them is hard due to how our energies don't align for lack of a better term.
Did I mention the roads suck? Cause the roads really fucking suck-
I didn't eat this morning and am hunger. I cannot reach any of the food/snacks we packed
I spent like 30 minutes fighting back a meltdown low-key.
Having boobs is actually such an icky feeling? Like not binding was a good choice but when roads are as bumpy as there are here maybe I should've just worn a binder?
I don't have the money for Spotify premium (#brokecore)
Also I packed my laptop and every moment it isn't in my sight I fear it is being destroyed viciously (it is literally at the top of the bag pile and surrounded by clothing)
Did my hair this morning and it just like. Wasnt working with me :/
Anyways I'm excited for this weekend :]. I'm going to a powwow in my extended family's town and supposedly it's gonna be hella big. We're staying in an AirBnB and it has a lake n shit so we can go swimming n shit. I might have my own room? Idk tho if not I'll live. I got my headphones.
0 notes
p-antomime · 3 years
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What if...
— minors don’t interact. | wc: 4,5K.
content + warnings: 18+, including: sadist!fushiguro toji, manhandle, unprotected sex, rough sex, fingering, non-con, almost cervix fucking, breeding kink, gun play, heavy degradation, creampie, forced submission, size kink, dark content, public sex, spitting, dumbification, implied dacryphilia.
pairings: serial killer!toji fushiguro x reader.
— inspired by: somebody's watching me.
my kinktober list.
note: all the characters quoted in this work are over 21 years of age.
tw. this work may contain triggers about chase, violence, non consensual sex, forced submission and coercion, so please be careful reading.
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— Have you got everything? — Maki asked as she finished helping Itadori put the bags into the trunks of the two different cars that would take you to the campground about an hour or so away from the capital.
— I think so. — Y/N replied trying to mentally go over everything she would need during those three days they would spend away from civilization. — Ah, calm down! My cell phone charger, I'll be right back. — And then she ran to the house, went to Maki's room and looked for the charger in the girl's messy bedroom with her eyes, finding it lying beside the bed and, after picking it up, returning to where everyone was waiting. — Now, yes, I got everything.
— Alright, who's going to drive anyway? — Maki looked at Itadori.
— Don't look at me...
— Tsk. — Maki rolled her eyes and nodded to Yuuta who was already getting into the other car. — Who will drive the car that me, Nobara, Y/N and Toge are going?
— Mai I think, or Fushiguro?
— I'm the one who's going. — Megumi answered, unlocking the doors and in a matter of seconds you were sitting in the passenger seat next to Fushiguro while in the back seat were your three other colleagues, with Toge almost immediately putting on headphones and Nobara opening her cell phone to check Twitter.
— Will there be internet there? — Nobara asked, and you glanced her over your shoulder as Megumi drove off, following the path taken by Yuuta in front.
— We're going to the middle of nowhere, y'know...
— Yes, but even in the "middle of nowhere" you can have internet by 2021. — Nobara answered with a shrug.
— The idea was that we would disconnect a lil' from the internet for a few days. — Maki commented. — Then maybe we could just enjoy our camping trip.
— I wanted to go to a Halloween party, to be honest. — You commented, suddenly regretting a little that you had accepted Itadori and Yuuta's idea about the camp.
— I think everyone this month is a little afraid to go out on the streets, let alone have a party. — Maki replied. — Y'know... the serial killer... — Megumi looked at her through the mirror on top of the front window of the car.
— And you believe this?
— Don't you?
— Most of the news I read about is pretty biased... and apparently the modus operandi from one crime to another differs in some ways and... — Nobara interrupted him.
— For heaven's sake... we are going to this camp to relax, not to talk about every morbid case of Tokyo's crime. Can y'all change the subject?
— Wanna put on some music? — Y/N asked, not letting Megumi retort nor Maki open her mouth to rebut his comments.
— Yeah, put this playlist on, please. — Nobara handed you her cell phone for a few seconds to connect to the bluetooth system of the car rented by Fushiguro.
"Great, peace for at least an hour", Y/N thought sighing heavily and trying to relax as the car was driven through the streets of Tokyo.
There was one day left until Halloween, it was the 30th.
And, stopping to reflect now, something inside your core began to bother with Yuuta and Yuuji wanting so badly to go away from the capital just one day before Halloween.
How many movies even had the same plot as this day you were experiencing, of a group of people at a camp who end up dying? Several.
The Burning, Cheerleader Camp, Madman, Sleepway Camp... and of course Friday the 13th.
Suddenly, as you ran through these movies in your head a shiver ran down your spine and you were a little startled when you felt something on your leg and swallowed hard realizing it was only Megumi's fingertips trying to get your attention.
— Are you all right? — He asked, and you raised one eyebrow. — You look uncomfortable, if you wanna trade places with Inumaki in the car, I can park.
— Oh, no... no, thank you, Megumi. — You forced yourself to open the kindest, most affectionate smile you could. — Thank you for thinking of me, but you don't have to do that, I'm completely OK.
— Okay, but if you need anything during the trip... — His eyes went from your face to the road visible in front of him through the car window. — You can ask me.
You nodded positively and responded with a "mhm" before glancing over to the back corner to see that Maki, now asleep, had laid her head on Nobara's shoulder, who was now distracted by the view out the window, and Toge had fallen asleep with his headphones on and head resting against the other window.
Nobody seemed worried about anything. Except for you, who clenched your fingers nervously, still feeling uncomfortable.
It wasn't even Megumi's fault, he wasn't doing anything but driving and occasionally glancing at you and the back seat to make sure everyone was okay. In fact, he was not feeling watched as you were.
You felt that something, someone was watching you through the window glass next to you, even after closing it and sunk your back into the car seat.
And so about two hours passed and soon the two cars were parked at the entrance of Hikawa Campground and everybody was dragging their backpacks and small suitcases with their belongings to the spot in the middle of the trees where the multi-room facility was that you had all agreed to rent. But halfway there, you swore to God that you heard the sound of stones being thrown, or rather: stepped on, in a field not far from where you and your friends were, but the sound came from a more closed forest area and, well?
You would rather have curiosity eating away at you than have an unwelcome surprise, so, as you turned to see where your friends were and saw them moving further and further away from the point where you stopped walking, your feet ran to where Toge, Choso and Yuuta, who were furthest from the group formed by Maki, Mai and Nobara and, further ahead, Megumi, Miwa and Itadori, were.
— We're gonna have a bonfire today, right? — Nobara asked, watching the group slowly disintegrate as each went to their respective rooms.
— Yes, the idea is to make a fire tonight, sleep in the tents and in the morning come back here so we can hike and walk along the river. — Choso replied.
— And what time d'you want to have the bonfire? — Mai asked.
— Hmm... — Choso looked at where Itadori and Yuuta were.
— Seven o'clock at night, 'cause when we get hungry it will already be burning brightly! — Yuuta said.
And after that, definitely, everyone went to their bedown room and you took a deep breath, leaning over the slightly uncomfortable bed. At least you wouldn't have to share a room with anyone.
The cell phone in your pocket vibrated and you picked it up, reading the notification from its digital bar. It was a typical Google notification, the ones that usually expose breaking news push, and it was talking about the fact that they had managed to reconstruct a sketch of who apparently was the serial killer Maki had mentioned earlier.
Again, you felt a shiver run down your spine, the feeling of being watched increasing more than when you were in the car next to Megumi and instinctively your eyes fell on the wide-open bedroom window.
What if someone wanted to enter your room during the night? What if that camping facility wasn't as safe as it looked? What if...
But then, the only thing you did, besides clicking on the Google news push out of sheer curiosity, was to close that window.
Your fingers immediately scrolled down the Google tab screen until they stopped over the scanned serial killer drawing and you rolled eyes in frustration. The drawing was terrible, to say the least. It literally looked like any dark-haired guy you see on the street and you probably put your skirt down a little for fear of him swiping at you, but then the notes below the drawing caught your attention. "Scar on right corner of lip, green eyes".
To be honest, after mentally visualizing him, you thought he looked like Megumi and it was best to keep that realization to yourself, since no one in their right mind would enjoy having any resemblance to a wanted by the police. Then you went to take a shower thinking that it would help you forget your worries, but they were only reinforced when you locked the bathroom door real tight and were afraid that someone was waiting for you outside the shower stall; it took you long minutes to actually finish taking that shower, put on some more comfortable clothes with a pair of short tapestry that didn't totally stick to your body and a blue tank top.
As you left the room, you found Itadori, Megumi and Yuuta getting ready to go fishing while Mai and Maki were busy talking among themselves and looking at the cell phone of one of them.
It seemed that only you had nothing planned for that afternoon away from the city, and you snorted trying to think of something you could do to pass the time.
Walking was probably the best option, right?
With that in mind, you sent a message to both Megumi and Maki that you were going for a walk alone and that if you didn't come back half an hour before the bonfire time, they were to come after you because something bad had happened.
A bad feeling was eating away at you, but at the same time you didn't want to end up having to be on your friends' heels because of a perhaps passing bad feeling.
So you went for a walk. And, truth be told, it was great to breathe fresh air. Great until your memory reminded you that maybe you had gone too far, and even the sound of the river from the big campground seemed distant now.
The trees around you seemed to multiply more and more, the silence morbid around you.
Only the sound of your breathing, slowly quickening with nervousness, filled yours ears. The feeling of being watched increased almost to the point where you felt that someone was watching you from a few meters away.
You turned around, swallowing hard and longing to go back to where your friends were, and, without looking back, started walking again.
Four steps, heartbeat increasing.
Five steps, your ears picked up the sound of something breaking, probably a twig, at some point behind you.
"Fuck, fuck", your mind repeated over and over again as your feet started to run as far as you could.
You felt something try to grab the back of your blue top and then try to run even faster, but you barely managed to cross more 10 feet.
Something had been thrown against your heel and your body went to the ground, face hitting the grass and dirt, clothes getting dirty and eventually a weight greater than yours being placed on your smaller body.
You were flipped forward and as you looked up with vision blurred from the fall, your face was met by a man with dark hair, thin lips, emerald eyes and a smile of amusement decorating his lips that had a scar in the right corner.
Before you could scream, his hand pushed against your mouth and you didn't even have time to raise your arms to try to fight him off, his other palm had already grabbed your wrists and pulled them over your head; then your eyes watered and legs tried to kick him, which wasn't very effective.
— Oh, darling. What made you think you could ever get away? So naive and tiny. — His husky voice reverberated in yours ears. — Why are you crying already? I haven't even done anything yet, and your cute lil' face is too pretty to be stained by tears. — His tongue flicked across his lips as his eyes traveled down your body in rapt scrutiny. — I wondered how long it would be before you ran out and I had to do this to you.
And though he had said that your face was too beautiful to be stained by tears, they were already wetting your cheeks and your arms were still trying to free themselves from his firm grip.
— Let's make a deal, hm? — He raised his eyebrows suggestively and you tried to focus on what he was saying, tried to calm down. — I'm gonna take my hand out of your mouth and you're not going to scream 'cause you're a good girl and know how to behave, understand? And if you scream or try to do anything I don't like, I'll break your teeth and then make you swallow 'em and go after your friends and then, who knows, do worse things to you. You don't want that, d'you? — Your head shook in a desperate negative way and his amused smile reappeared on his lips. — Okay, lil’ girl.
And you kept your mouth shut, in fact.
Mouth closed and eyes still watering, watching the man above you reach into the waistband of the jeans he was wearing and pull out a pistol. Opening the barrel, he let you see that the gun was loaded with about three bullets and you swallowed hard, still with the mouth closed.
— So, little girl, what d'you think I should do with you? — He asked, raising one eyebrow and positioning the cold barrel of the gun against your lips. — Should I fuck you out here? Where anyone can see you struggling to take my cock? Or are you the type who prefers to do the dirty work in a more private place, hm?
— P-Please... — You began to speak, growing more and more frightened with every brush of your lips against the barrel of his gun. — I j-just wanna go back to where they are, please, I... — He pressed the pistol more firmly against yours lips and your voice fell silent.
— You're dumber than you look and on top of that, you're behaving very badly, you haven't answered my question. — Your eyes watered again. — Oh, stop crying, sweetheart, you'll almost make me feel guilty for what I'm about to do to you.
— Please, please, lemme go, and.. I-I won't say anything about you to anyone, I swear! — He stared at you for a few seconds.
— You really are dumb, aren't you? — He asked. — Maybe I should just fuck you here and leave your body full of my cum to be found by someone else, what d'you think about it? — You swallowed hard and took a deep breath, your eyes starting to sting from crying.
For survival reasons, you had to restrain yourself in order to have more docile reactions, you didn't want to have a gun bullet buried in your skull.
— Don't take me a-any further away from here, p-please? — You tried to speak without letting your voice get any deeper.
— Oh, so you'd rather I rail you out here? What a lewd little girl. — He whispered, releasing your hands from his grip on his palm and pulling you up by the base of your neck.
Your legs curled a little to support your body, but soon you found yourself standing in front of this man who was extremely stronger than you and broad-shouldered.
His eyes suggestively looked at the garments still covering your body and you understood that he wanted you naked, so soon those clothes were on the floor around your body.
Toji turned away from you momentarily and circled the area in the same way a predator would do if he was admiring his next victim.
— Look at this body... — He remarked with a satisfied smile. — All mine to break and destroy, all mine to use 'til I tire.
Toji stopped behind you, placing the barrel of his gun against the side of your neck and resting his chest against your back while his other hand slid down the sides of your body giving your hips a firm squeeze before slipping it between your legs only to rub his fingertips against your folds that were slowly starting to get wet.
— And you're still a dirty slut who gets wet being chased through the trees, I knew from the start when I first laid eyes on you that you were the type to only pretend to be innocent. — His fingers withdrew from between your legs to rise up to your eye level and you felt terrible looking them wet and feeling the arousal drip from your entrance to inner thighs. — Look at you already getting wet like this, now, why don't you get down on your knees like a good girl for me, hm?
— I-I might know your name at least... — You spoke in a whisper, inevitably shrugging shoulders at his watchful gaze and doing as he commanded, feeling your knees quickly begin to chafe from direct exposure to the uneven soil of the place.
— Call me Toji, and be sure to remember my name well when I'm deep inside you. — He answered, still crouching behind you and putting one leg between yours.
His right hand spread over your back and forced your body forward and back, soon the side of your face was pressed against the same floor your knees were on and you were fully on all fours with your back to Toji, who felt his cock getting harder and harder under his underpants and pants.
He loved forcibly subduing stupid little girls like you and you were not even the third girl in a week that he took advantage of without any remorse. It was precisely this feeling of being forced to submission by an aggressive and violent stranger that was managing to make your exposed pussy leak against the fabric of his jeans.
Toji leaned over your body, brushing his lips against your ear and whispering:
— I know you are thirsty for me to use you now, to fuck you raw. — Toji slid the pistol's free hand down your torso until it reached your pelvis and cunt, where it began to circle and press on your clit, occasioning more of your arousal fluid to escape. — Your pussy won't let you lie, it's almost begging me to bury my cock in it and fill it with my cum, I'm sure you can feel your own pussy clenching around nothing as I speak, can't you? I know you can. — He applied more pressure against your clit and smiled wickedly noticing your hips trying to force themselves upward in search of more of his fingers. — See, you stupid slut? You could scream that you don't want this, try to convince yourself that you don't, but your body says otherwise, love.
And then Toji began to work his hand against your pussy, sometimes concentrating on stimulating your clit and other times penetrating your wet insides with his long fingers, making your walls expand and squeeze them hard.
Every time the tip of them bent and hit that spongy spot that made you roll your eyes in pleasure and need to bite your mouth to not let any moans escape, your orgasm got closer and closer.
The knot in the pit of your tummy was driving you almost crazy, you wanted to cum so bad and you wanted more of Toji's rough touch, treating you like a ragdoll.
Your eyes closed tightly as your body was so close to cumming. Just a few more stimulations from his fingers. But Toji pulled his hand away from you with a mischievous laugh escaping his lips, you looked over one shoulder at him with your face completely contorted with frowns and mouth hanging open from the pleasure.
— Oh, sweetheart, did you really think I'd let you cum so easily like that? — Toji brought his fingers to his lips, licking them slowly before going to unbutton and unzip his pants and, after that, pulling his underwear down with them.
As soon as your eyes fell on his dick leaking pre-cum, you were absolutely certain that it would hurt more than you could bear without screaming when he entered you
Long, big, that's Toji Fushiguro.
His hand eventually left the pistol on the floor away from your body to put both hands on your waist, lifting you to stand with your cunt in front of the tip of his cock and start rubbing it against your wet folds. And you moaned because of the sensitivity, fully aware that you needed just the right stimulation to make you cum; your orgasm was still so close it hurt.
And the right stimulation came in the form of a strong thrust that Toji used to push himself into you.
Your whole body broke down and there was no time for the synapses in your brain to register the mind-blowing pain of having your walls stretched almost to the limit, with the tip of his cock kissing your cervix.
You had orgasmed. With a simple thrust of him into you.
You would have fallen forward if that man's firm hands hadn't been gripping your hips tightly and holding you still, legs trembling unable to support your weight, vision almost going white.
— Fuck, did you just cum for having me invading you? Such a needy whore. — Propelling your body upward and making your back count his firm chest, Toji ran one hand up your tits, squeezing them in the process, clamped it to your chin and pulled your face down so that you could see where his cock was entering you, the length of it wet now from both his own pre-cum and your newly released arousal. — Look how you try to take it all in your greedy pussy. — He pulled his entire cock out of you only to thrust fully into you again.
Your back arched as you felt him slam against your cervix again and the moans coming from your mouth were shamelessly too loud for someone who shouldn't be enjoying the situation. Your desperate mouth opened wide for air and Toji took the opportunity to turn your head to the side and let a trickle of his saliva fall into your mouth, and you swallowed like the good girl he wanted you to be.
His hips began to thrust against yours with force, in a rhythm that gradually turned to be a more bestial, more violent one.
Your body rising and falling along with his, ass and hips gradually becoming redder from the impact of flesh on flesh, walls squeezing his cock tighter and tighter, eyes beginning to water again, but this time because of the overstimulation, and your whole body trembling with hands desperately gripping the sides of Toji's larger-than-life body partly to get more balance as far as possible, partly to make sure he wouldn't pull away again without letting you reach orgasm.
Your mouth desperately drooling and letting little "Please" and "Toji" escape in the form of moans, he had totally corrupted you, turned you into a slut in need of his cock in a matter of a few minutes, just under an hour.
— You bouncing around on my cock like a good girl, what a sigh. — Toji whispered in your ear, his low voice sending several shivers down your back. — What d'you want, hm? Want me to shoot my cock deep inside you and let you carry my babies? Want me to breed you and make you carry my seed back to camp like a good obedient whore?
And contradicting everything your own common sense had been whispering in your ear all along, your head desperately nodded and a slurred "Y-Yes, ple... please" escaped yours lips.
So Toji kept sinking inside you. And again, the same knot as before in the bottom of your belly indicated that your second orgasm was coming and you wanted so badly to know what it felt like to have your womb filled to the brim with cum, even if it was from that obnoxious man.
In an erratic thrust, his dick ended up painting your walls white, those hot spurts inside your pussy making you moan even more and end up coming just a short time later as Toji continued to move his hips back and forth, this time slowing down little by little, just to make sure you got his cum as deep as possible, even though your cunt was too small to hold qll his load and it would eventually leak a little.
He pulled his cock out of you, spread your legs a little wider so that you could see your pussy spurting some of the liquid and grunted softly at the scene.
You were such a good and useful fucktoy for him, taking his dick without complaint.
— You're so cockdrunk now, doll, so pretty and all just for me. — Toji pulled your face up to take your lips in a kiss that meant nothing but willingness to keep using your body until he was done ruining you. — What d'you think about me keeping you as my favorite fucktoy, uh? — From the cocky smile on his lips decorated with that scar, you couldn't tell if he was serious or if you wanted him to be.
But then, without Toji's objection, you just stood back slightly and began to silently manage to gather your clothes with legs still wobbly and trembling, plus your hips could barely move properly and brain didn't know how to begin to formulate an excuse to give your friends when you got back to the camping place.
Before you could finish buttoning those shorts, feeling Toji's cum leak out through the slit in your pussy and wet the bottom of your panties, he grabbed your wrist and squeezed lightly.
— I'm coming for you in Tokyo, so I hope you're ready to be chased again, this time through the city streets. — Toji opened a cynical smile and you felt your cheeks heat violently, obviously that everything was a game to him.
And you wanted to ask him how he knew you, for what reason he "chose" you. He didn't seem like the kind of criminal who picked his victims randomly, but shame flooded through you violently as you realized that you really had fucked a guy who is wanted by the police, who kills people all over town like it was nothing. Not fear, just shame.
— Oh, why are you so gloomy now? — Toji began to button his pants after pulling up his underwear. — You must be wondering how I know ya and how I knew you would be here today, right? Well... you know my son.
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cinnajun · 2 years
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: rainy joyrides | csb
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summary | there’s a certain tension between yourself and the pretty boy who just so happens to take the same exact 5 pm bus as you every day. the thing is, you haven’t spoken to each other once.
genre | university au, fluff, second-hand embarrassment
wc | 1.1k
a/n: if huang renjun occupies one side of my heart choi soobin occupies the other
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EVERY SINGLE DAY, for weeks now, you’ve seen the exact same boy on your bus. He’s maybe one of the most gorgeous people you’ve ever laid eyes upon, from the ever-changing color of his hair to the way his lips seem to be formed into a permanent smile.
He’s tall, taller than most people, and he likes to wear collared shirts and striped sweaters. His hair has gone from purple to blue, to brown, to black, but he still manages to keep it looking healthy and happy. He’s always listening to music on the bus, but he never uses the same pair of earphones; it periodically cycles from wired to bluetooth, earbuds to headphones. When it’s rainy, there’s always an umbrella next to him, wet and dripping onto the seats. Even when the seat next to him is empty, he still puts his bag on his lap or in between his legs, leaving it open for anyone who might need it.
If you’ve read the patch on his backpack—seemingly a relic from his high school uniform—his name is Choi Soobin. 
You don’t know much about Choi Soobin, other than the persona he assumes when he’s on the bus. He gets on before you, and his stop is after yours, so you don’t know where he comes from or where he goes. You’ve never tried to sit next to him—you have your own seats on the vehicle where you sit every day—and you don’t think you ever will, because there’s something fun about not knowing him.
In your mind, he’s a person that’s not meant to be known in your lifetime. Maybe one day, the bus will be full, and the only spot available will be the spot next to him, and maybe you’ll have a small conversation. Maybe you’ll find out where he comes from and where he goes.
Or, maybe, you won’t. You wouldn’t be too affected either way.
Right now, you weren’t even thinking about Choi Soobin. It was the middle of August, and warm rain was pouring down onto your poor, raincoat-less self. You were hugging your backpack to your stomach, running towards the bus stop in hopes you wouldn’t miss it. Waiting in the rain seemed awful, especially since the stop didn’t offer any protection.
If you hadn’t hesitated to leave, you wouldn’t be running at all right now, and you’d probably already be on the bus. The stop was in sight, and the bus was there, but the driver could close the doors at any moment.
From what you could see, the bus was packed, likely as a result of the rain essentially coming out of nowhere and destroying everyone’s weekend plans. You hoped there would at least be a place for you to comfortably stand, if you even made it on.
As you ran, you noticed the bus driver staring at the door, motioning at you to hurry up. He must’ve been waiting for you, which you would have to tip him for later. As you reached the bus, you practically tripped on the stairs leading up.
Everyone on the bus seemed to stare at you, wondering why you were important enough to wait a whole minute for. The bus driver didn’t wait for you to sit, either, taking off onto the road and nearly knocking you over again.
Soaking wet and mildly embarrassed, you examined your surroundings. People were holding onto the bars above, taking up almost all the space on the bus. From the looks of it, all the seats were taken by people you’d never seen before, one girl holding a picnic basket and looking near tears.
Then, you looked at the back row. Choi Soobin, who had been staring straight at you, averted his eyes, slowly picking up his backpack—which was on the chair next to him—and holding it on his lap. You waited a moment before shoving your way through the bus, arriving right in front of the seat adjacent to him.
“Are you sure?” you asked, squeezing your backpack. “I’m…soaking wet.”
“I don’t mind.”
So, you sat. This might’ve been one of the most awkward moments of your life, sitting here, right next to a boy who you’ve created an entire persona for in your mind. He didn’t say anything, not about you and not about how your arm (wet and gross) was pressed up against his, making his sleeve wet too.
The bus was completely silent, save for the soft sobs of the picnic girl from before, which made you feel awfully uncomfortable. This seriously had to be the worst bus ride of your life, especially since you’d chosen this specific bus to take home because nobody usually took it. Now, everybody and their mothers were on it, and you were right next to Choi Soobin, who you preferred to keep separate from your life.
As if things couldn't get any worse, the bus driver suddenly slammed on breaks, causing everyone to lunge forward. You immediately reached out to find anything stable, letting your bag fall to the floor with a sad “thump.”
There were a few yelps, along with a couple pf people falling straight onto the floor. The bus driver rammed the horn, yelling several profanities accompanied by a “don’t drive in the rain if you don’t know how to!”
Once the bus leveled out, you let out a huge sigh, closing your eyes. Then, you realized that the thing your right hand was holding onto was warm, fleshy, and definitely belonging to a human person. In shock, you turned towards Soobin, who turned towards you, hand tightly gripping your own.
Oh, you thought, mentally screaming at yourself. That’s embarrassing.
Clearing your throat, you yanked your hand away, going to swipe up your backpack from the floor. Thunder shrieked in the distance, causing the person sitting in front of you to, quite literally, jump out of their seat.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, squeezing the bag to your chest again.
“No…no problem,” he stuttered. “You have soft hands.”
Yikes. You cringed at that, and he cringed too, and you wished your stop would come up now.
“That was bad. Sorry.”
“No, this is just bad in general,” you waved him off, trying to ignore the churning feeling in your stomach. This was awful. “Thanks for saving me the seat, though.”
“You’re welcome.”
And you didn’t speak another word for the rest of the ride.
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thank you for reading!
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