#at least the message stuck
front-facing-pokemon · 10 months
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#registeel#and now this guy is maybe a bit less interesting. from this standpoint‚ i mean. the eyes being just dots make it a little hard to like#feel *connected* to them when they're ffp'd‚ y'know? i feel like it's kind of a reductive angle. which is why i zoomed this one and the last#one out a bit. so you can see a bit of the rest of their body. it's maybe less funny but would it really have been funny to just see 7 red#dots on a gray background and have to read the tag to know it's registeel? i dunno. maybe. maybe it would've been. but i like this more#maybe the explanation is that i'm taking these pictures myself. i personally know all these pokémon and have to ask them if i have permissio#n to take these pictures of them. but registeel said i couldn't get too close. so we settled with this. hehe yeah that's why :) hehe :)#anyway. you now have the aegis cave theme stuck in your head#hi it's me from the present. saturday morning. in yesterday's queued post i came up with the idea of maybe doing a monotype run of a pokémon#game. i don't know which one yet but i wanted to do water-type. but i was like. maybe i'll liveblog it on my main blog. yesterday#and today i came back and saw those tags as i was queuing up today's 'mons and i was like… hell maybe i could stream it if enough folks are#interested. but if anyone is then i didn't want to wait that long for the queue to get to that post bc that's gonna post on like. august 18#and class for my last semester of college Ever starts back up on august 21st and i don't. know if i want to start another pokémon playthroug#h that close to classes starting. especially not one where at least one (1) individual out there might be waiting for it So i put 'em here#they'll still be on that post but. they're here. just in case someone out there is chronically bored enough that that's something they'd be#interested in. y'never know there's a lot of folks here#anyway i will now queue up kricketot. see you then… or i guess see you whenever if you like send in an ask or a message or smth…
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chaotikanvas · 2 months
Tumblr pls let me know if my asks send or not I'm on my knees here
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iobartach · 8 months
my day's full of meetings ahead... oh joy 🥴
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toastsnaffler · 4 days
ykw actually I am angry + disappointed w them. I've been pushing how I feel aside and trying to make it my own fault so it's all contained but I think theyve just been mean. and they really should know me better ik I try to pretend I don't expect more from them so I feel less hurt when they do things that upset me but we've been friends for years by this point. like come on.
#just got home and went to put my shit away but my flatmate was in the kitchen and i got suddenly so mad i had to walk back out#not going to do or say anything while im this upset. i need to be a lot calmer before i can even be in the same room as her#like okay. so originally it was just the two of them getting drinks and theyd rather it was just them bc i dont drink. thats cool#it wouldve been difficult for me to join them after work bc travel. and ik theyd done this before just the 2 of them and had fun#i can fully respect that its why i said no and stuck by that decision when she asked again#but to not mention she was taking the day off work and btw i just found out that BOTH of our other old flatmates joined in too#to not mention that they were travelling that entire distance and that it wasnt just drinks it was a whole day out together#thats just mean. why wouldnt you tell me that why did none of them say anything.#and the fact they did the exact same fucking thing last weekend too i didnt know about that at all#like i need to stop trying to justify it. im allowed to feel unwanted and excluded bc thats exactly what theyre doing.#im tired of feeling like other people dont want me around. i know i can be difficult and annoying sometimes. but im really not that bad#and we're meant to be friends!!!!!! like youre supposed to like your friends. and want to spend time with them. or at least i do#and yeah everyones annoying sometimes thats just part of being alive ur supposed to tolerate it if ur friends#im allowed to want to feel like im wanted. im allowed to want ppl to care abt me. that shouldnt be too much to ask for#but the overwhelming message im getting at the moment is they dont want me around. and when i am around them i feel like they dont listen#to me and that they dont really care how i feel unless it directly involves them or theyre responsible for it#i feel like they dont see me as a real person that exists. only a version they have in their heads and they base all their assumptions and#decisions off that version instead of directly communicating with me. and constantly avoid me under the guise of 'giving me space'#when im upset or having a difficult time and most need support from other people. i just feel really unseen#and ik that part of how i feel IS exacerbated by insecurity and depression. like they do care to some degree#but also a lot of it is evidenced in the way they act towards me. mainly my roommate bc shes the person i interact with most#and personally i find the most direct ways of showing u care abt someone are showing up for them. and making them feel seen#and maybe not everyone feels the same way. but thats how it works for me anyway#so to repeatedly exclude me and avoid acknowledging that ive been having a difficult time is the opposite of that to me#which is the point im trying to arrive at... sorry ik ive probably said similar things repeatedly the last few weeks but i feel like its#crystallising a bit like this is the core reason why im so sensitive and reactive atm and why i got so upset by it#idk. not tonight bc im still very emotionally raw but maybe tomorrow if im calmer i should explain that i was upset + why to her#i avoid doing that so often when im upset bc i dont think theres much point in having a conversation abt it unless u expect some kind of#resolution from it. or if you want an apology but idrc abt being apologised to the crucial thing is what theyre going to do different#and i love her but shes very resistant to changing her behaviour bc of other ppl being upset by it. and like i said before she has
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armenelols · 14 days
Yeah I've just realised it's been months since I posted or reblogged or replied to anything on here, so. Yeah. Obligatory announcement that I am still alive and well. My mind got wiped midway through exam season at the end of january and since they then I've been vibing in a stress free world where I am not worried about anything or doing anything
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ereborne · 3 months
Song of the Day: February 24
“Dead Now” by Frightened Rabbit
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green-day-dad · 3 months
i miss my friend but how do i tell them i miss them without bothering/messaging them :’((
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teamahwol · 7 months
I’d like to go back to bed and perhaps start today over
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daz4i · 1 year
did i tell y'all i started learning how to play chess so i have some basic knowledge of it in order to write a fyozai fic. and then i never actually wrote it
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angrybatgaming · 1 year
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My wi-fi went kaput, and I wound up having to redo two daily quests. Ugh... Anyway, onto screenshots.
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Orange. :D
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Shared spaces are nice, but the beds and some other props are hard to look at. Also look at the cute crab plushie! 💙
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Fun at granny's, including me somehow squeezing myself under the table.
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Am baby bat. :3 (It was a spell, so it didn't last long.)
Annnd that's about it. I know I said I have older stuff to post. I'm getting to it.
Bonus pic below the read more, but beware. I was apparently shaking (from coffee) while snapping shots and it's a little blurry.
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They REALLY wanted people to socialize that day, didn't they?
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s9e6 heaven can't wait (w. robert barens)
first episode with this writer. not sure i'm in the best mindset to do this but let's try. suicide hotline straight out of the gate not helping
i'm glad misha played this bit with the machine straight, i was more worried that he was going to be touching his phone with wet sticky fingers
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sam looking especially giant next to kevin like this
so i can't imagine they'd recycle the exact same plot of cas getting wooed by pretty lady who's actually trying to kill him, but if she's above board she.... needs to raise her standards and stick to the no dating your employees rule.
DEAN Were they all basket cases? SHERIFF If you asked me to make a list of this county's saddest sacks, these four would've been right on top.
right, again, nothing new. but i'm tired of how they talk about mental illness. also. it's me, hi, i'm the saddest sack, it's me. literally have sad sack in my twitter profile. anyway i know this is before the always keep fighting campaign and jared talking about his experiences with mental illness
unclear how bodily tissues and clothes all turn into bright pink residue for everyone
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the mushy music swells
dean's being kind of an asshole here to cas about him having to work at the gas station. like it's so funny, he's dealing with being human for the first time (and the writers have made him very clueless) and you kicked him out your home and he had nothing and nowhere to stay so he was supposed to .... do what exactly
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CROWLEY You think you can threaten me with that hack?! She's all fury, no finesse. SAM I'm not so sure. Our last encounter with Abaddon, she was, uh – she was pretty terrifying. Scarier than you've been in years.
laughed out loud at sam's not remotely subtle attempts to make crowley jealous
CASTIEL You are a hunter. DEAN And you're a hunter in training, remember? CASTIEL Yeah, I remember. You said I sucked. DEAN I didn't say that. I said that there was, uh, uh, you know, "room for improvement." Come on. CASTIEL All right, my shift's over in five minutes, and my date's not until later, so... DEAN Attaboy! I'll go get the car.
kinda treating cas like a doormat. feel like he should be more pissed at dean than he is. then again i thought dean should have been more pissed at him a whole bunch of times so. even steven
DEAN What, you're saying an angel did this? CASTIEL It's no ordinary angel. Dean, this is bad. This is very bad.
you've heard of arch angels but what if i told you there were super mega bad arch angels
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getting dean's quick guide to dating
okay boss lady, next time you're trying to ask if someone can babysit, mention the baby. and the sitting. and the babysitting
LOL like drawing blood works like this. this show and needles is so goofy :p most shows are. but like you can just jab a needle straight down into your arm and draw blood is especially goofy.
know that i know the song cas is singing (believe it or not by joey scarbury) because george had an answering machine message spoof of it in an episode of seinfeld...
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this baby is a DOLL! my god. precious 🥹
CASTIEL Nobody told you. Nobody explained. You're just … shoved out kicking and screaming into this human life, without any idea why any of it feels the way it feels, or why this confusion, which feels like it's … a hair's breadth (The baby stops crying.) from terror or pain. You know, just when you think you do understand, it'll turn out you're wrong. You didn't understand anything at all. Guess that's just how it is when you're new at this. You know, it wasn't that long ago when all I'd need to do to ease your pain was touch you.
i am glad they're addressing this aspect of how hard it would actually be to suddenly have to deal with being human for cas
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reminiscing about the time dean was sweet with the shifter baby
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s6e2 two and a half men because i'm soft for baby cuddles
curious where they're going with this and crowley. giving him a little mini redemption arc?
DEAN Listen, Cas … Back at the bunker, I, uh... Sorry I told you to go. I know it's been hard on you, you know, on your own. Well, you're adapting. I'm proud of you. CASTIEL Thank you, Dean. (Sighs) But there's something Ephraim said. The angels – they need help. Can I really sit this out? Shouldn't I be searching for a way to get them home? DEAN Me and Sam will take care of the angels. You're human now. It's not your problem anymore.
glad he apologized. i think he should have offered to help with money or something. should have given him a bundle when he booted him in the first place. if we're on the cas-is-family train, dean is good at taking care of people and knows what it's like to be food insecure and unhoused. he's falling down on that job with cas right now. if they want me to take their relationship as seriously as they talk it up to be, gotta follow through with more actions
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tickle-bugs · 1 year
This is probably going to be long lol so sorry You outdid yourself with the beetlejuice story! I am the anon who requested it and I am absolutely blown away. Everything about it was just pure perfection (including the way you described the musical compared to the movie and your disclaimer for beetlejuice and Lydia shippers) and I laughed out loud so many times. The vibe was exactly like the musical and it was just perfect. The characters were written so perfectly and so much like how they are in the musical. I loved the little Easter eggs like the spin your own yarn kit and the kombucha. Also, a coin collection is such an Adam thing to have. I love how you wrote Adam and Barbara’s relationship and how you wrote them as characters. The way you wrote Barbara was so flustering and wonderful and I am here for it. It was so cute and so accurate. Also beetlejuice eating the game pieces made cry from laughter it’s such a BJ thing to do. The back and forth between BJ and Lydia was just perfection especially how lydia described the maitlands 😭 and her saying she will bring bj back to life just to kill him. This is my new favorite fanfic I have ever read. Thank you so much for agreeing to write for beetlejuice! It was amazing
*cradles this in my hands* this ask can fit so much serotonin in it
First of all, thank you for swinging by to share this with me!! It always warms my heart when the original prompter comes back ;w; I'm so so so glad you enjoyed the fic. Thank you for requesting it!
This is like BEYOND sweet I'm blown away. This musical has a special little place in my heart and brain so it was a blast actually getting to bring parts of it to life!! I really love the way everyone's personalities shine through in the show ahhh!!
Listen. I wanted them to list more attic things in 'Barbara 2.0'. I know Adam and Barbara have the most USELESS stuff in their attic that they constantly just shuffled around until they died. If you made the kombucha and it tasted like armpit why did you keep it, please--
Also I just really love Barbara and Adam as characters?? They're really endearing to me. My favorite pottery barn and dry white wine duo. Had they lived any longer they would've hung a 'bless this mess' or 'live laugh love' sign above the door. Just a wifeguy and his beautiful wife. They both think mustard is too spicy but they'd go full poltergeist if a teenager called them dude. they're so!! yeah <3
AND YES BEETLEJUICE!! I'm so grateful to have seen the show live a few times because like. alex brightman (who played beetlejuice) always did and improvised the smallest but most random things and his mannerisms really stuck with me. There was a night where both he and Adam's actor (i believe he was a swing? or the adam after the original) kept messing with each other and they both broke character during 'fright of their lives' giggling like children and i was like yes. this is the vibe i need. BJ's the living embodiment of 'never let em know your next move'. He's super super fun to write. my beloved wretched little goblin <3
BJ and Lydia's friendship is truly so special to me they're just both so weird. It's one of the main reasons that I love the musical so much--you know where the show is going if you've seen the movie but you really feel like BJ and Lydia could be friends. It's sweet. She's got ghosts in her attic and they care about her, what more could she need?
Also LMAO I'm glad you thought the disclaimer was funny. I made myself laugh writing it. I've unfortunately always gotta put disclaimers on certain things I write but I figured lets at least have some fun with it hehe
ALSO ANON LOOK AT ME. LOOK. NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR LONG ASKS IT MAKES MY DAY!! seriously like!! the fact that you were moved enough to write this much about my silly little fic means the actual world for me. never ever apologize, there's nothing to apologize for <3
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mister-eames · 9 months
you don't understand how much I ADORE your arthur/eames headcanons!! this fandom is so so small so to see someone regularly post new ideas/headcanons/thots about these guys makes my heart just grow 980545958 times bigger. i will say though, i did have to google "zerberting". i never knew that had a name! always thought people described it as blowing a raspberry against someone's stomach etc lmao so thank you for educating me as well as making extremely happy with your dreamy headcanons <3
Ahhh thank you so much, this ask made MY heart expand 980545958 bigger!!! We are a small-- but mighty---fandom -- I'm so so grateful for everyone here, the events, and to the quieter part of the fandom that goes feral when called to arms! I'm happy that my contributions bring you as much joy as they do me <3
Aha yes!! It's a marvellous word I only learned within the last few years - though it makes me wonder, why the words 'blow a raspberry' ?? - where did that come from? Who is blowing raspberries?? Aaaaand I just googled it and learned something too 😂
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morethanonepage · 10 months
not to be a booktok youth but fairest by gail carson levine is one of the best fiction books i've read all year
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corvidcall · 10 months
my manager wants to train me for the job above mine (Operations Specialist 4. right now im Ops 3) which is very fun and exciting. a few months ago during one of our one on one meetings she told me that she was briefly doing Ops 4 and hated it because she thought it was unbearably boring. but after the incredibly shit day I've had doing my Ops 3 work, i cant wait for some absolutely crushing monotony 😭
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batrachised · 1 year
i'm just going to be honest, classic veggie tales had more moral grit than literally any fancy new show i've seen
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